ItlKM'H JIASDKAKE IMI.I.S, FOR LIVER COMPLAINT.' A SUBSTITUTE FOU CALOMEL. our bowel aie coetlve, TKY Til EM. you have worms, TRY THEM. If rout breath is bod, TRY Til KM. If you oW.V'y, TBY THF.M. If you are low piiiird, THY TI1K.U. 1 f vuu have a tick headache, TRY Til KM. I f yoo have taken a drop loo much, TAKE A Fl'LL DOFIi. Tlioy only cost S3 centi box, TRY TllP.M. Blue Mnn, nml other preparations of Mnciiry, nctunll nrotluce more sullcriiiff mid death ttmu tin. ilim.i.a ui,ir.i lliey profess to cuio. And yet this corrosive mineral so iieiiounectl liy tlit allopathic doctors, is prescnlied hy llirin alinost uiiivermilly in Liver Cniiiiilniiil. Consumption of Lungs, c, THE MANDRAKE PILLS aio composed entirely of roots nml herbs, obtained from llieereut tloirhousuof Nature. und their s.ilm.irv , il,., i. will ilppenr ns soon ns Iho medicine is htought to the test (d afir i-xprnnieiil. WIIKNCK'S MAN lilt AKKI'll.1.8 no not produce any n.iust-n or sickness of the ston-nich i hut when given lor D)Sciii, it mny he proper to use them in connection with SCUHNLK'S BI'aWF.KU TONIU. Ily this judicious treatment the dim lies nre speedily restored to their full vigor, und Ihewoist nmigcio 1011 may oe CUTCU. Vhen we ii lleel that Iho liver Is the lotccst interns! orijHn of Hie body, thai to it is nssnrned the important Inty of filtering the blood and preparing the bile, thiil it is subject to inuiiy disorders, und that when it Is diseased or inactive the whole IjihIv sutlers siinpaihrtirnUy, it is not surprising thai n medicine which can reloie the healthy operations of the Liver should prudnre wondeiful changes in the Retiernl health, nud ftlect cures which inny appeal to be almost miraculous. Ilindni lie of Ions cm tiiiuaiice, severe piitiis in the side, hreust and sh.iuldcrs, iiehiiifrof the limbs, n feeling of geiienil weakness and wietcheitness, nnd other aliimnnfr and distreFsiug symp toms, indicative of iinmirfcct or ili,ir,li re l , :,,. ,,f n,. liver, are speedily irniuved by the use of SCilKNCK'S MAM1KAKE I'll.l.S. Costiveni ss, piles, bitter or nm eructions, nnd that liKlescritmlile recline, of oppression, mental anxiety, Ian puor, lethargy, and depression of spirits which unlit a man (or the maniac, nelil of business and the enj lyment I'ltAKh PILLS. Da fcHiNcK. Dear Sit : I tuke pleasure In sending you a certificate in nddition to many you have already re ceived fruniaull'ering humanity. 1 can scarcely tind Inn ciince siiuVientlv stromr to exnress mv hetoii'.-li vmiilien. lion of the wondeiful clues your MAXDKaKK PILLS and SEAWEED TONIC have eflected in the entile euro oi one of the most stubborn cases of the nftVction of the liver. Tor three years I sulleied beyond description,' nil my friends, ns well hi myself, came to the conclusion thill my time in this life was short. Much was the terrible condition to whr;h I was reduced that life to me had be come n Imi then ; my whole system was in astute of in ll iinirialion ; I could iitent,I could not sleep ; my whole liody wus filled with pain; swelling would arise in my wiisls and ankles, rendeiiug them totally useleps On scve lal occasions 1 was allacked with a lush of blot d to the head, which would fell nie to the (round, ami I would be carried away for dead. 1 applied to several eminent physicians of our city, who administered all the medicines that they thought would reach my case, but of no nvull. One of them said he could do no more for me, nnd ad vised mo, ns a last resort, to drink c"d liver oil. Not rcliKhii'g the horrid trash 1 declined to take it. Accident put your lidvcitisement ill Iny hands. 1 called on you; ou examined mcnud told me the nature of my di.iease. You liietl ordered Hie the I'llls and Tonic with an obsei v uuee ol diet, pledging vollr word that in one week I would find myxeli another man. I followed yonrndvice, i.nd, as you piedirted, an astonishing cure was eflected. I continued your Pills and Tonic foi some time, nnd now lliauk tjod for his goodness, and your valuable medicine, 1 inn once more restored to perfect health. I most earnestly recommend those who nre sulTerine from ailec-li- n of ihc liver to sive your Pills and Tonic a fair trial, und n cure will be ellecterl. I have sent ninny peisons to you, ami they have all been cured. Any information my fellow citizens may rruire will be Ireelv given by the subscriber, ut his lctideuee, No. fli Fcdirnl street, be tween bill street and Pufcsyimk road CHARLES JOIINSO.V. Ph., Formerly Printers' Ink Manufacturer Dr. SCI1ENCK will be professionally at his principal nnVe, No. I", Norlh Sixth street, comer of Commerce, PHILADELPHIA, every faturdav, from 9a. m. until 4 p. m.; No. 34 Uond street; New York, eveiv Tucsduv, ""li 7to 3 ; No. .) Summer slrcet, DoyMn, Mass , every Wednesday, from U to 3, and evet7 other Friday at IPS Hilliniorc slrcet, I'allimore, Mil. All udviee free, but lor a tl null examination of tho lungs with Ins lit spi rometer the chnrge is three dollars Price of tho Pulmonic Syrup and Pcawccd Tonic, eneh l,.r0 per Imiile, or 57,50 per liaif dozen. Alinuliuke Pills, !Jo cents per box. For sale by all Druggist and Dealers. March Ml, lstti. fy. i s: . e 57 i.i.' i?s i . ii vj PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON KOnTHUMBERLAND, PA. 1)11. Ll'MLKY has opened nn office in Northum berland, and oH'crs hiMcrviccs to tlio penplo of that place nnd (lie adjoining towns). ips Oliioc next Jour l" Mr. Scott's fciioo fctoro, where ho can found ut ull hours. Noithuniljoiland August 19, 1PG5. (SiS II OOP SKIll'TS, 028 HOPKIN'S "Own Hake." M.lxi r.K Tt itKD nnd Sold Wiiollsai.s A Kctail, No 02.S AIXC'II Street, PhilndclpLia. 'ill" inot coiopleto fflfsortmcnt of Ladies' Hiss es' nnd C'liildrcii's Hoop Skirts, in this City - gotten up rxprtwlyto meet the wants of First-L'lti. Trade ; tubrnciiii; tlio nonest nnd most dc.-iroblo styles nnd sizes ol "lioro 'J'ruils," of every length from 2! to A yds round, 20 to jiO Springs, at 2 to $3 DO. Plain Skirt, nil lengths, from 2J to 3 yards round tho bot tom, nl $1 4' to &J b. Our lino of Misses' and Children' Skirls, arc pro verLiully beyond all cotnpetitten, for variety of stylos and sizes ns well as for liuish and durability ; varying from ft to 33 inches in length, C to ib Spring nt;;.'. cents to 2i. All Skirts oi -Our Own Muke,'1 are Warranted to give satisfaction ; bit liuy none as such, utiles they have, "llopkin's Hoop Skirt Manu factory, So. U2S Arch Street," Stamped on each Tab ! Also, constantly on hand, good Skirts, Manufac tured in New York, and tho Eastern Stales which wo fell at very low Prices. A lot of eheup Skirls 15 springs, bj cents; 20 springs, $1 uo 2i springs, SI Li 3d springs, fd 23 und -10 springs $i 50. t if Skirls, made to Older and Repaired. I tf'Tiii.Ms Oash Ouo Piico Only ! March 3, leiitj 4m SPUING ARRANGEMENTS. PHIZES. 1866 PRIZES. SILVER 18G0 COLD ! ! SL'CH CHANCES NEVER UEFOIiE OF FERED. TO XIISJ I'tlil.IC. l.oO $1.50 Tho war having been brought to a successful ter mination, uud liold in consequence having become much cheaper, wo have been enabled to purchase, on ver uilvautugcotis terms, vouie of tho finest and iiiusl elegant jewelry, clo .ever manufactured in this or any other country ; and we therefore havo deter mined tu idler such bargains to tho rubliu that they never have bad UeKiro ! To effect this, wo havo determined upon a OIUND GIFT DISTmnUTION l.y whiuh any and every one will tnl.o their chance of having ouo ol tlio very beautiful and costly urli vlos tuuiucrut wd below. . Kh'MDMUEll ! All Ei-iz-i mid ,o EJlauka! Till-: MODE OF OPEKATION Is sim le nud f.iir. Tho articles are numbered from 1 upto LUI.OUO con.-isting of Pianos, Molodouns, Sew ing Machines, Lold and Silver i alehes, etc., 100,000 nolicos numbered from 1 to llllbtiOt1 are printed and put into scaled envelopes and well mixed, and one of Ihcso is taken out aud sent to tho person lending to us 23 cunts, and tho article ur goods corresponding with the number on the riolieo will bo scut to the holder of the same immediately (if he doire to mtr clisso Ihs article.) on tho receipt of One Dollar and I'il'iy Cuuu. Pur instance: If tho number ou the notice sent to you should be olid, aud Piano, or Dia mond Set or Hold Watch should bo numbered 500 it will ne scut to you for 1 1 ,.i0, and so ou for every ar ti.-lo on our list of o0,uu articles. 25 cents must bo scut to pay expense of postngo, oiie.-poiieiice, cio, ou vtuiu uuuee. The Auticles Coxbist or Pianos, Melodcons, Mu.-ic lioxns, (J old and aS'iIver batches, Chains, liold W'utcu Keys, Hunt' llreast I'lns, Ladies' (iold and haver belts, Watches, 4o Hold Crosses, Pencil L'asus, Hold Pens, Neck Incus, J-'ar Uiugs. Slcevo Uullons, Plain and Chased Hint's, Masonic Pius, l'iauiund Sets, Sc-ts Tea aud Tublo loons, Miniature Lockets, Phntograthio Albums, Stationery, Xooki.and a tlioutnn.l other articles, teo Duaierous to msnlioo. Pur l we will lend 6 Notices, " 5 , " . 40 it c-iiver ii uevii, perreturaoi Biail ABt'ulis llanie4KfmWhrr.I Send lor oiroular, a larg cominUisiou allowed to Agents, by which from f'MJ to $35 per week may b realized. AdJros COLEMAN 00 Salesrooms. Box 4SIJ7 Post OIHoe.N V. 113 Nawau rt., - Feb. 10, '. 3u. Prefetcriplluiiai refulljr compounded of the te-t H.l ii,S t ut Maaiaioth hure uf JU. l it I Ll.NU & HON. uLbtiry. M.y 2d I U ' 13 BREAD & FANCY CAKES. Two door wratof the Tost Office, BUNDUIIY, Ta. RESPKCTFULLY Inform the cltircn of San hnry and vlolnity, thnt ho will bake to ordor all kind or Cnkrt for Ilnlln, lnrllri, Ac Families are supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Polls. Husks, Tea Duns, fte., and also kept on hand ninns.facl.ured out of the best materials. All order will meet with prompt attention. Having had large experience I hope to give general satisfaction to nil who may favor mo with their patronage. I)AVI1) FUY. Sunbury. Ieo. 9, 1SB5. STORE. W. A. BENNET, Market Squarr, Sl'.MII ItV, la. H AVING recently 'purchncd the Drug .tore formerly conducted b U. A Fisher, I bee leave to intortn me citizens oi i-Minivury ana vi cinity, that I have entirely replenished my stock of yn bi tilt es- sbS TANCIT ARTICLES! tich ns Combs, Prushcs, Pockct-Books, Soaps, Tcr fumery, Hair-Oil, Knives, Scissors, Coal-Oil Lamps, Tobacco and Cigars, Kaiiit, Oil, tiiltte, ,!Iiih, 1hIIj, ViiriiiKlirM, atcul lodli-inosi, Ac, All my Tinctures, iS'yrups, Ointments. Cerates, and other preparations ato manufactured by myself, and frutn tho best material 1 can procure in Market. Having had quito a number of years' experience la the Drug and Precrijition J!uiiicx, both in Philadelphia and the country, and ills) the advnntago of the Collego of Pharmacv, I feel com petent to COMPOl.ND ALL PHESCltll'TlONS that the Physicians nnd public mny favor mo with. All my preparation as 1 havo above asserted, are made from tho best material, nnd upon honor I assert, thoyare of officinal strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on hand Iho very best WINES, EKANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. lieforo purchasing elsewhere, call and convinco your own mind. W. A. BEXXETT. Snnbury, Xov 18,1865. UNITED STATES nOTEL Opposite tho N. Y. A NEW HAVEN A WESTERN II. It. Depot BEACH STHEKT, BOSTON. By F. M. PltATT, Formerly of Iho American House. May 1.1,'lKoS, ly 1M POUTED AND DOMESTIC CARFETINGS FIRST CLASS GOODS AND : i.WAicmi.i: cash mm:. AX IMMENSE STOCK . Embracing all Kinds and Styles OK AMERICAN & EUROPEAN MANUFACTURE. At Reduced Prices On account of the decline in Gold. J. F. & K B. OENE, 904L- Chestnut Street, nilLADELI'llIA, Xow offer ihclr GREAT Brill'G STOCK Imported anil Domestic CARPETING, French and English Axmiusler, English ltoyal Wilton, C-4 and 9-4 Velvets, Fine English Prussia Crossley's Tapestries, Imperial Thrcc-Ply Carpet Fino lugtuiu Carpet. IUE.ISta Ulii.'SSi.S AND, Utl.TO ( tKI'IITM, FOll STAliiS AND HALLS, W I T II BORDERS. 3-4, 4-4, 5-4, e-4 White, Hed-Cheokod and Tuucy Matting. ' o li .Tl :itliiiH, E X (J L I S II OIL C L 0 T II S , 4 C . March 21, 3in n i c eTITe D U C E D! JOSEPH EVSTEIJ, (SucceMMMr to Jnhn fiuirctt.) Corner of Market nnd Fawn .S'troct, SUNEU11Y, PENN'A. nvitc tho public to eull and examine his elcennt assortment of WINTER GOO S! whii-h ho will sell at irrcatlv reduced tiriees. His stock cousifts in part of C s simebs3 CIjOTIIS. &C-. Stilt.. Delaines. Lawns, (linghatin, Calicoct. Muslins, .'heetine;, Tiekings, Jenits, and a full assortment of Cotton and Wooleu goods generally. Hosiery, (ilovos, lloop Skirt. Alio Handkerchiefs, Drushes, Combs. BliilK mill Cjin, Ifoofsi jiud Slioef, His assortment of goo la will not, ho is aro sure, fail to please the fancy and suit the wants of any de tirous of purchasing. His stock of HARDWARE AND QIEENSWAUE, and Groceries is largo in quantity and choice In imlity, comprising generally everything needed in the household either for use or ornament. lie is always ready and glad to eo hi friends and take pleasuru tu showing them his goods even though no sales aro made. He only asks a call, nnd is sure that tho stock will com pure iuvorubly in price and quality with tho cheapest. JOSEPH EVSTER. The .Tliikon & llimilln 'nliiit-t Organ, forty different styles, adapted to sacred ami secular inusio, for ?st) to SHOO each. Fli'TV ONE UOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other first premium awarded them. Illustrated Catalogue Y"- Address. MASON ,t HAMLIN, Uukto.n, or MASON liltOTIIKKS, Now York. optember , lbiio ty FANCY DRY D SYORE. IVTISS KATB BLACK I? EKCTr-l-LLY irformsher friends in Sunbury V and vicmity, that she has just opened her FALI. AND WINTER GOODS. ol Notion and FancyDry Uoods Harkot street, four door west ofVm. li Miller Bootand Shoe tore, KINPLKY, Pa. Hor stock consist of Trimming, notion, embrol dene, Ladle and Children' Hut., ilk aad other Itnmgs, Hoop-ekirt, Crape and Lace Veil, Net lilove. stockings, collars, and corsets, 4c. ' Twilight, Preakfast Cosies, Hiding Huods, Bal." mwal Skirts, Children' Woolen Uaitors, Ladies and Children' Hose, Ueut' half How. Bradley' now Patent Duplex Elliptio (or dcutU Spring SKIRIS. Cfeut' Handkerchiefs, Cravat, Necktie, Suspen der ; Ribbon, of all kind, Poather, Velvet, and many other article too numerous to mention. Perfumery, Toilet 8oap, Hair Brushes, Comb, Toy, and a general variety of NOTION.S. GALPPEftlNU dona tandsomoly and at hort notice. , n . KATB BLACK, feuntury, Oot. 2d, 1805. EATING & LODGING HOUSE! A I'tH Hit epa orlU ol lhe IH-pot, HI ItV, 1., HOT MEALS AX ALL HOCKS. DA Y AXD KW1IT. tiunbury, Jan 20, IBM, CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. A positive and specific remedy for all diseases ori ginating Irom an Impure State of the Illeod, and for all (hereditary) Diseases transmitted from parent to child. - . BCROPULA I BTRt'MA, OLAMU'LAR 8WELLINUS I'LCEKATrON. KINU'S EVIL. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM. This taint (hereditary and acquired.) filling life with untold misery, is by all usual medical rctnedic incurable. RHEUMATISM. If there is any discaso In which the Constitution Life Syrup Is n sovereign, it i In rheumatism and Its kindred nfl'netions. The most Intense pain are nlinost instnntly alleviated enormous wollings nre reduced. Cases, chrnnio or vocarious, of twenty or thirty years standing have been cured. NERVOUSNESS. Nervous Debility, Shattered Nerves, St. Vitus' Dance. Loas of Power, Confusion of Thought. Epilepsy, Thousands who have suffered for years will bless the day on which they read these lines. Particular ly to woak. suffering women will this medicine provo nn ine'timable blessing directing their footsteps to aUopo which fulfills morothan in promises. MERCURIAL DISEASED. .Salivnlion, Rotting of Pones, Had Complexion. Aches in Hones, Peeling of Weariness. Depression of Spirits IP Constitution Lifo Syrup purges the system entirely from all the eviK elfculs of Mercury, 'removing tho Had Breath, curing tho Weak Joints and Rhoiinialio Pains which the uso of Calomel is suin to produce. It hardens spongy Oums and secures tho Teeth a as firmly as over. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYKUP. . Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptivo Diseases, ol'theskiu liko ULCEUS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, and all other difficulties of lhi kind, which so much disfigure tho outward appearance of both males and females, often making them a disgusting object to themselves nnd their friends. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRLT Cures all Swelling of tho Gluuds. E'ither of tho Pacct Neck, or Femalo Broast, and should bo taken as soon as Iho swelling is detected, thus preventing their breaking, and producing trou blesome discharging sores, which disfigure so many ol tho younger portion of tho community, from six to twenty years of age. Young children aro very subject to discharges from thu car, which depend upon a scrofulous constitution. These cases soon recover by taking a few doses of the Life i'yrup. 8 All scrofulous porsons suffering from general Do buity, Dyspepia and Dropsry of Iho limbs, ubdomeir nnd in the teuialo, Dropsey of the ovaries and womb generally accompanied with Inflnmation and Ulcer ationof iho I lerus, are permanently cured by Con stitution Life Syrup. The discaso known as Uoitre or Swelled Neck, tho Lifo Syrup will remove en ttrcly. Iho remedy should be taken f ir some timo, as tho disease is exceedingly chronic and stubborn, and will not ho removed w ittout extra effort tiTumors of the Ovaries, Tumors of the Breast, and welling of other glands of the body, will be com pletely reduced without resorting to the knife, or spcrutions ol any kind. r I.pileplie fits, ."ymptilholie or organio diseases of Iho heuit, as palpitation, diseasus of the valve, pro ducing a grating or Uling sound, dropsy of tho heart case and all tho affection of this impurlant orgun (persons sutlering from any acute pain iu tho region of the heart), will ln ir.-..,.tl ,.it,..j i. . S... 1 u '"'on uv VU1IM11U- tion Lito Syrup. uroken-DownnndDclicuto Constitutions suffuring rrom Iiidispositiou to Exertiou, Paiu iu tho Back. I.OMflt Mi.Mtn... .... . ' v , r". "!"uiiig, iiorror ol calamity, rear of Disease, Dimnes of Vision, Dry, Hot Skin Ami kvlrumilina W-..1 C?) 1, .. . . ... v., , rieep, nesuessnoss, j'alo Haggard toutitenancn.iMid Lussilude of the Muscu , &.vcoi, all require the aid of the Constitution Life yrup. x R POR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASE Either of ihn naa 'P o: ,v .,uav, Amua,, iuuHO, roilUU, 1 OreilOUU, or ficulp, uo reiuody bus evur proved its equul. Moth Patches upon tho female face depending upon the diseased action of the liver aro very ttu- i ,u ,uti jouug who ana mutner. A tew bot tle, ol P.. 1,1(1, ti..n I u . .1 . vv....t4tUb,vu Wim nvr.ui, win correct llio 0 crotion and remove tho deposit which is directly liHir UlA .Lin In llm rliB.-.,,,,. II. a. T x ... . . ' "lv vi , n ion rise ici liun- guor, Diszineas, Indigestion. Weak Stomach or an ulcoratcd or cancerous condition of that organ, ac companied with burning other unpleasant yin toms, will bo relieved By thu use of Constitution Lite Syrup. XT ty As a general Blood Purifying Agent the Life Syrup stands unrivalled by any preparation in the World. THE RICH AND POOR aro liable to the same diseases. Nature and Science has made the Constitution Lifo Syrup fur the beuofit of all. PURB BLOOD produces healthy men and women ; and if the con stitution i neglected in youth, discaso and curly death is the result. Price, fl 2 i per bottle ; one half dozen for $7. WZ.X. II. QHEOO, 11. r., PROPRIETOR, NEW YORK. M0RUAN A ALLEN, W uoluiule Druggist, GEO. C GOODWIN 4 C0A ' J. H. REED, 4 CO., Chicago. KI LLER, PINCH A FULLER, Chicago. COLLINS BROTHERS, Bt. Louii. J. D. PAKkl, Cincinnati. JOHNSON, H0LLOWAV A CO., Philadelphia. BARNES, WARD ft CO , New Orleans. BARNES. HENRY A CO., Montreal. Canada. UOSTETTEU. SMITH A DEAN, gauFraocuco, Oil. I vbruary 3, lio. oui TflB PERUVIAN 13 A PROTECTED SOLUTION OF T1IK Protoxide ol Iron, a new discovery inmodicino which 8TBIKE3 AT THE ROOT OF DISEASE, by supplying the Blood with its vital rmsicirLB, OR Lin KI.EMIKT IRON. This 1 tho lecret of the wonderful sucoes of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Chronlo Diar rhoea. Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fe vers, Humors, Lost of Constitutional Vigor, Disease of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating In a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD or accompanlod by debility or a low BTATa or Till SVSTKM. Being free from Alcohol In any form, It energi sing effects aro not followed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infusing arnExtiTn, virion and mew I.i K B into nil parts of the system, and build ing up an IRON CONSTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY. VromtlttVtntrahlt Archileann SCOTT, I). D Durham, Canada East, March 24, 1865, "I am an invetcrato Dyspoptio of nioro than 25 years standing." "I have been so wonderfully benefitted in the three short weeks during which 1 have used tho Peruvian Syrup, that I oan scnrocly persuade myself of the reality. People who have known mo nre astonished at tho change. I am widely known, and can but recommend to others that which has done so much for me " One of tlio most Distinguished Jurists in New England Writes to a Friend as follows : "I have tried tho PERUVIAN SYRUP, and tho result fully sustains yonr prediction. It has mado a new mnn of me ; infused into my system new vigor aud energy ; I am no longer tremulous and debilita ted, as when you lost saw me, but stronger, heartier, and with larger capacity for labor, mental and physical, than at any time during the last five years." An Eminent Divine of Boston, ay: 'I have been using the PERUVIAN SYRUP for some time past ; it give me new vtuon, di ovamcv OF Bl'llllTM, KLA8T1CTY OF Ml SCI. E." Thousands have boen changed by tho uso of this remedy ; from wenk, sickly, suffering creatures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women ; and invalids eannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing certificates of cures ami recommendations from some of tho most eminent physician, clcrgymcu, and others, will be sent free to any address. jtrSee that each bottle ha PERUVIAN SYKUP blown in the glass. For salo by J. P. DINRMORE, Proprietor, 38 Doy Street, Now York. Axn by all nnuaatsT. SCROFULA. All Medical Men agree that IODINE is tho Best Remedy for Scrofula and all kindred discaso ever discovered. Tho difficulty has been to obtain a Puro Solution of it. Dr. H. ANDERS' IODINE WATER. Is a Puro Solution of Iodine. Without a Solvent ! ! Containingn full grain to each ounce of water. A most Powerful Vitalising Agent and Restorative It ha cured and will cure SCROPL LA in all it mani fold forms. I'lcerts, Cnniers, .viliill, ,Sult Itlioimi i and it has been used with astonishing success in cases of Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Fctnalo Complaints Heart, Livor, and Kidney Diseases, Ac Circulars will bo sent froe to any ono sending their address. Price $1 .0(1 a bottle, or (1 for $5 00. Proparcd by Dr. II. ANDER.S, Physician and Che mist. For sale bv J. P. DINSMORE, 36 Doy Street, New York. ' And by all Druggists. Wistar's Balsam OP WILD CHERY. has been used for nearly HALF A CENTURY, with tho most astonishing success in curing Coughs, C;dds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat Influenta, Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, Brochitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Asth ma and every affection of 'l lie Throat, I.uiigH, nud Clio.!. CONSUMPTION, which carries off more victim shan other discaso, and which baffles the skill of the Physician to a greater extent than any other malady, often YIELDS TO Tni IIFUKIIV! when all others prove ineffectual. AS A MEDICINE, rapid in relief, oothing in effect, safe in its opera tion, it is unsurpassed ! and is entitled merits, and recoives the general oonfldence of the public SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Herman, N. Y., write as follows : " Wistar's Balsam of Wild Chorry gives universal satisfaction. Itsoems to cure a Cuugu by loosening and cleansing the lungs, and allaying irritation, thus removing the onuse, instead of drying up the eough and leaving the cause behind. I conndcr the Bul sain as good as any, if not the best Cough medicine with which I am acquainted." From Hon. Judge SPRAKER, of Canajoharic, Jf . Y. Gentlemen. This is to certify that myself and fnmily haveuscd Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Chery, for several years, and that I tako great pleasure in recommending It in preference to anything of the kind for the purpose for which it is intended. In esses of Asthma, Phthisic, or affections of tho Throat, I have never mut with anything equal to it, Very respeotfully, DAVID SPRAKER. . The Rev. JACOB SECIILER, of Hanover, Pa., Well known and much respected among the German population in this country, makes the following statement for the benefit of the afflicted. Dear Sir : Having realized in my family Impor tant'beneSu from the use of your valuable prepara tion Wistar's Bulsom of M'ihl Cherry it nllbrd me pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some eight year ago one of my daughter seemed to be in a decline, and littlohopesof her rotO vy wore enter tained. 1 then procured a bottle of your exoelleut Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there wa a great improvement in her health. I have, in my individual case made frequent us of your valuable incdiciuo, and have ulway been benefitted by it. JACOB SECIILER. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. For sale by J. P. DINSMORE, 36 Dey Street, New York. . 6ETU W FOWLE A SON, Proprietor, Boston. And by all Druggist. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cure Cuts, Burns, Scald. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cure Wound, Bruise Sprain. GRACE S CELEBRATED SALVE Cure Boil, Uloer, Cancer. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVK Cures Salt Rheum, Erysipela. GRACE'S CELEBRATED BALVU Cure Chapped Hand, Chilblain. GRACE'S CELEA RATED SALVE Heal Old Sore, Flesh Wound, do. It I prompt in aetion, remove pain at onee, ant) reduce the most swellings and InHa mallons, a If by magic, thu affording relief and. a eumpluta cure. Only 24 rata box J (Sent by mail fcr 85 ceuU.I 'l by J. P. DINSMOKB, 34 Dey Street, S'T Yorki v8, 5v F0WL,i B0N. I'roWtor Boston, and by all DrusguU, Grocer, and Country stores. Jaauiry 27, le06 ly. GOLD. r 1903, 1SC0, 1807. SILVER lto 75000!! S2 ! $2 1! $2 m T"WO DOLLARS. ftlanulUcturor' Agents t Our New Mode- One or our 4i!OI.l or MIVEIt Watchc, or Milt er Tea Sets Tor ft!l, a below Hinted. One of our tea sett or one piece of our Gold or Silverware i worth a bushel of the cheap dollar jewelry ! ! W havo adopted the following mode of DISTRIBUTION by tale of 75,000 artioles of ralue ! Our Kent Mode ! Tho article of good are numbered from 1 to 75. OUO ! 37,500 consisting of Pianos Melodcons, Gold A Silver Watches, Sewing Machines, Tea A Table Setts. Solid Silver tea and table Spoon and Forks; etc., etc., and the othor K7,o00 articles of value Jew elry, Work A Toilet Cases, Photograph Albums, Openfnco Silver AV niches, and fancy articles in great variety. 75,000 notioca numbered from 1 to 75,000 are printed and put into scnlcd envelopes and well mixed and one of these is taken out and sent to the person sending to us 25 cent to cover expense of postage, correspondence etc, and the articlo of goods corresponding with tho number on tho notico will bo sent to the holder of the samo immediately (if be desires to purchase the articlo) on the receipt of two dollar. For instance; If the number on the notice sent to you should bo 500, and a piano or diamond setter gold watch should bo numbered 500; it will be sent to you should bo 5U0, and a piano or diamond sett or gold watch should be numbered 500, It will be sent to you for 92, nnd so on for every article in our list of 75,000 articles. tJAftcr receiving the article, if it docs not please you, you can roturn it, and your money shall be re unded. 25 ccnls must bo to pay expenso of postage, Correspondence etc, on one notice. Remember : thnt whatever articlo corresponds with tho number on yo'ir notice, you cun have it by paying Two Dollars for it, whether it be worth $100 or f S00. And it is for our liitcrost to deal fairly, and send out our fine articles, as it gives confidence to tho public, and thereby increases our inlos. TRY OtfR NEW MODE ! ! Upon receipt of 25 els., which pay for correspon dence, postage etc, we send one notice. Upon receipt of $1, which pays for correspondence, postage, etc., we send six notices. Upon receipt of $5 which pays for correspondence, postago, etc., we will send 40 notices, and a fine pre sent valued at not less than $15, as a sample of our good Upon receipt of ?IS which pays for correspondence, postage, etc., we will send 150 notices, and a :-uiH Silver Watch, by return mail. AG ENTS WANTED. Scud Tor a circular ! Agents Allowed a Large Cash Commission by which they make $25 Weekly. Address plainly Salesroom 31 Liberty street Sept. 23, 1S05. ly REED A BROTHER, Box 51.18. New Y'ork City, N. ". NEW ESTABLISHMENT ! A. E. SAVAGE, Watchmaker JEWELER. In Simpson's Building, Market Square, S-J1TBTJB.7. PEITIT'A HAS constantly on hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, Spec tacles, ."Silver nnd Plated Spoons and Porks. Ac. VTnteliew, C'IocKm und .leviclry, ro imired nud WAItKA.'l'IO. Sunbury, Sept. 30, 1805. Wy.M. Rockkkellkr. Li.ovn T. RoiiRDicit. ROCKEFELLER & R0HRBACH. 19 ft WON JU9 Tt.VW k All i it y, ii-:.w,t. OFFICE Iho same that has been heretofore occu pied by Win. M. Roikefeller. Esq., nearly op posito the residence of J udge Jordan. Sunbury, July 1, 1S65. ly Geo T Smith. CnA. B. Qfhthhb P US VJ,l J- n " F . Xarket street, one door east of Mrs. Boulton's Hote SUNBURY JPJ. Have opened A NEW TIN-WARE, Nheet Iron nnd Slow Store, and intend keeping constantly on bond, und manu facturing to order on shortest notico, TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all description. ALargeStock of Cook Stovcaof the following Brand PE1T1TSYLT.1TIA,; UNION COOK, and on the following two Brand we defy competi tion, nnmely 'omnium ion iih llurnei', t'ooh. (ori'i'iior l'ruu-Cook. unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of ar rangement, combining cheapness and durability, and each stove warrautcd tu perform w bat they uro re presented ALSO, PARLOR and OFFICE STOVES, In great variety, embracing all the best manufacture, and most fashionable dusigns Also, The celebrated OEM for heating up and down stairs. Also tbe oelubrated VULCAN HEATER, foul Oil, 'oal Oil I.mitM, Nlsudew, .'liiiiiul-M, unri ull urttrli's unusually kept In an establishment of this kind. Wa nre also prepared todoall kiluls of Spouting. Roofing, Range and Furnace Work, Uas Fitting, Ac. Repair ing cheaply and neatly executed. Cuuntry produce taken in exchange at market price. SMITH & CENTIIEU, Have the Agency for BIBB'S CELEBRATED FIRE PLACE STOVES, for tho Counties of Northumber land, Snyder, Union and Montour. Ard are also agent for the Pipher A Willower Line of Transportation. Sun. ury, Sept. 30, lb'04. HECOIID 7CTODEE3D3. 1 PERSONS having unrecorded Deeds are reminded thut they must be recorded, according to the Aotof Assembly which requires that 'All deeds aud conveyance for real estate in thin Cominonwoailb, shall bo recorded in the office for Recording Deeds in the County where the lands lio u-itliiH tixviontlf aftor the execution of such deed and oonvcyanoe ; and every such deed and convey, anoe not recorded a aforesaid, shall be judged FRAUDULENT AND VOID against any ubscqucnt purchaser for a valuable consideration, unless such deeds bo ecorded before the recording of the deed or oonveyanee under which such subsequent purchaser or mortgage sball claim." August 2A, lsb5 23. C. QOBIN, Attorney and CounHrllor.'ut 1m, BOONVILLE, COOPER CO , MISSOURI. WILL pay taxes on land In any part of the State. Buy and tell real Estate, and all other matter entrusted to him will receive prompt atten tion. r 1 July 8, mi. oot 15, 'U. - PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY in Simpson' Buildings, MARKET SQUARE, Sunbury, Pa., J. 11. KltsiKMi;, Proprietor. Bunbury, July 15, 1885. lure IJbcrty W hite Iead. Preferred by all practical Painter ! Try it and you will have Do other. Manufactured only by ZIEULER A 6MITU, Wholesale Drug, Paint A Ulasa Dealer Q. W. ZIEQLKB. L. D. CASE ATTORNEYS AT LAV, SUNBURY, PENNSYLVANIA. Collection and all Professional bus ices siromnUv attend u i, th. Court. ,f NtwtlSrKail adjoining Counties. ir-Alo, special attention paid to the Collectiou Orphans and boldier unbury, Much 18, 1864 IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU! FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Fo Non-Retention or Incontinence of Crlne, Inflamma tion or Ulceration of the Bladder or Kidneys, Disease of th Prostrate Oland, Oravel, Brick Dust Deposits, Dropsi cal Swellings, Organle Weakness, Debility, Female Cora- pbmts, Ac. IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU as Improved Xtoso "Wash. Will radically exterminate from the system Diseases arte log from risblts of Dissipation, at littlt wpsnse, Uttlt or no changt of diet, no inconvenitnet or tapoiure; completely superseding those unpsasanrani dangerout rtmtdiu, Copabta and Jfisroury, In curlag these dlieasc. USE HELMBOLD'S FUttD EXTRACT BUCHU In ali Dlseaae of the Urinary Organ, whether silitlng In atiLi or rsHALB, from whatever cauee originating, and no matter of how long etandtng. It Is pleasant In Its tsit and odor, IMMEDIATE In action, and more strengthening than any of th preparation ef Birk or Iron. Tboit suffering from Broken Down or Delicate Comtl tutione, procure the Remtdy at once. Th Reader must b aware that however slight may be the attack of the above diseases, It is certain to affect his Lodily Health, Mental Poweri and Happineee. If no treatment Is submitted to, ContuapUcn or Insanity may nsue. All the above disease require the aid of a diuretic HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Xa the Gfcreat Diuretic HELMBOLD'S BIOBLT 00CnfTOl.TID Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, for purifying th blood, removing all disease arising from excess and Imprudence In life, chronle constitutional dis eases arising from an impure state of the blood, and th o.ily reliable and effectual known remedy for the curt of Scrofula, Scald Ucsd, Salt Rheum, Pain and Swelling of the Done, Ulcerations of the Throat and Leg, Dletehet, rimplei on the Fact, TelUr, Erysipelas, and all scaly erup tions of th skin, and beautifying the oouplixiok. NOT A. FEW Of the worst disorder that afflict mankind arise from th corruption that accumulate In the Blood. Of all th dis coveries that have been made to puree It out, none can equal In effocl nELXHOLDS COXPO UND EXTRA CI OF SittSArARILLA. It cleanses and renovats the I Blood, Instills the rigor of health into the eritem, and I purge out the humor which mako disease. It stimulate the healthy functions of the body, and expel the disorder that arsw and rankle In th Blood. Such a remedy, that could b relied en, has long been sought for, and now, for the tint time, the publlo have one en which they can de pend. Our (pace here doc not adroit ef certificate to how It effteti, but the trial of a single bottl will show te the sick that It has virtues surpassing anything they have vcr taken. Two tsMeipoonsful of the Extract of Sarsaparilla, added te a pint of water, Is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drlak, and one bottle I equal to a gallon of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or the decoction a usually made. The above Extract are prepared on purely icicntlAo principle la Vacuo and embody the full itrength of the Ingredient entering Iota their composition. A ready and conclusive test will be a comparison ef their proper- ! tie with those let forth In the U. S. Dispensatory, HOW TO USE THE REMEDIES In Diseases of the Blood, Humor en the face, or any and every part of lb body, use Extract Sarsaparilla, ap plying to Pimples and all external Humor or Eruption the Improved Rose Wash. Use the Extract Duchu for all disease requiring the aid ef a Diuretic, except those of the Urinary Organs, such as Oonorrhosa and Gleet; la these use the Extract Buchn and inject with the Improved Hose Wash. dT TUESE EXTRACTS HAVE BEES ADMITTED TO USE IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY, and also are la very general use in all the STATE HOSPITALS AND rUDLIO INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, as well a la private practice, and are tomfdered a Invaluable rcnedic. MEDICINE DSUVKRSD TO AS T ADDRESS. Direct letter to HELMBOLD'S DRUO k CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, ea to IIELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phila. Deeoribt Symptome in alt Communication. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Beware of Counterfeits 1 UKLMBOLIVS SarsaparillttlJ Fluid Extract r VA3K FORI MEIMBOLLVB. A April 12, IMi-Iy. HI. C. OKAKIIART'B Confectionery, Toy and FEVCXI T STOB, Market Street, Monbary, In. CONFECTIONERY OP All. KINDS, TOYS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, Ac., A P., CONSTANTLY on hand and for sal at the above establishment at wholesale aud retail, at ruamn able price. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confestionarie to keep up a full assortment which ar aold at low , rate. Tobacco, Bcgara, Stationery. Nuts of all kinds, an a variety of othor artioles, all of whioh arc oflored wholesale and retail. IjJ" Remember the name and plnce.rT-) M. C. OEAltnART, Market street, 3 door west ofE. Y. Bright A Son' tore. Bunbury, Sept. 19, 1863. tf OeonoaHiLL, Bimo P. Wolvkrto. . HILL & WOLVERTON, Attorney nnd ConnolorN nt lntr. Office, Market street, eor. Centre Alley, SUNBURY, rA. WILL attend promptlcy to the collcetlon of claim and all othor professional business intrusted to. their enre in Northumberland nndndjoining counties. Bunbury, January 23, 1802. ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa. OFFICE in East end of Weaver' Tavern, Market fjtrcet. v All business entrusted to him will be eoreful v ami' punctually attended to. Consultation la the "Eng lish and German language. Bunbury, April 3. 1 Stii. IIA.M: OF Olt't'IlVlllKltlm. jr.; WHEREAS the Auditor General as required by the 11th Bection ofthe Act. entitled ' An cis enabling tho Rank of this Commonwealth to hceomtr Associations for the purpose of blinking under tho Invr. nf Ihn I Tntlnl Cllu I . . , ' a.. ... ....... ... -".-' u.uH.e. wwi on mc 22i dny ol August A D. 1804, has ccrtiBcd to mo that tho "Hank of Northumberland," located in tho Borough of Bunbury, Northumberland count v, has furnHicd satisfactory evidence to him that all the rent,.Vment of suid Act have been complied with bv the said limik, and that it ha become an association for Iho purpose or Banking under the Laws of tho Vuited Btntes I do thcrcforo, cause the nollc.n thereof to bo pub. lished in accordance with the provisions of e suid l lth scotion of thesnid Aot, nnd do declare that tlio Charter ofthe said Bunk by tho terms of s.iid Act is deemed and taken to bo hereupon surrendered sub ject to the provision of tho first section of said act ,. , A. (1. CPRT1N, Uovornor! Executive Chamber, ) Hnrriflburg, Aug. 2d, 1S65. 1 KING'S " I'OItTAllI.i: I.I-MOVl Ml U the only prepsrtion of tho kind mado from tho Trull A j mrt r . . .... y .i niueiB ui economy, purity, nnu Uoli- snciness. it cannot be surpassod, und is recommend ed by physicians for invalid audfnmilv use. ll will I keep for years in any climntu.whilo'it condensed i '."m" ,emlL'r8 " "pccinlly convenient for tiVrclers All who uso lemons nre requested to give it a trial Entertainments at home, parties, end picnics should not be without it. For sale by all Druggists and I llrst-cliiss Urocers. Manufactured onlv bv I LOl ISJ. MET.UKR, 1 o . , . - No-19 Pearl Street, New York. I Bept. 10,1805 ly J. R. HILBUSH Count)- Surrt-yor, ContrraKrer axd JUS TICK OF Til K PK ACE. Mahonoji, KurlitUKilicrlnr.d Cnvtitj, Penn'a Office in Jackson tuwnship. t'liirajremetits can be mado by letter. direcU'd to the iiboreadilrtva. All business entrusted to his care, will bo promptly attended lo. ' April 22, 1865. ly ii. ji.ificif ' Ailorm-y nl, FI'NM'KY, PA. Collections attended to in the counties of Nor tliunibcrlnnd, I'nion, Snydor, Montour, cHimbia mid Lycoming. RKFIiRKNCKS. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. tl. Oattell A Co.. Hon. Win. A. Porter. " v Morton Me.Miehael, Ksn.. ' K. Ketelium A Co., 2t0 Pearl Streot, New York. John VY. Ashiuead, Attorney at Law, " Matthews A Cox. Attorneys at, " riunbitry, Murch -U, 1SH2. TOILET SOAPS. Tonth-Binsties. linir Rrushes Ao., Ao. For sale bv ANNA PAIX'i'KK. "icU'M PS! PUMPS!! The subscriber having purchased the riulit of NOHTIH MllKKLANI) COL.NTV. for putting in in ti:ii-s ii3ekovi:iii: r ox BoRKn Wells Watkr I'oi nts. will iirni.-h them to nil persons in the county who mny ilcsn g these eheup and convenient pumps. They can be sunk to a proper depth in two hours time, cost but ono third the price of an ordinary pump, nnd for choiipncn and convenience cannot be, eijuulled. 8. B. iSOYIilt . A claA-. utibury, September 2'!, 1C5. PACiriC HOTEL lil, 172, 174 tfc 1 70 (iiti-.KN WKit Sr., 'Ono Square west of Broadway.) Dotwcen Courtlandt and Dey Streets, New York J0I1V PATTEN', Jr., Propretor. Tho Pacific Hotel is well nnd widely known lo the traveling public Tho locutiou is especially suitable to merchants and business men , it its iiichwo proximity to the business part of the City is on tho highway of Southern und Western travel and adjii oeut to ull the principal Kuilroad and Steamboat depots. The Pacific has liberal accommodation for over 300 guests; it is well furnished nud po?.eives every modern improvement for the comfort and entertain ment of iu inmates. The rooms are spm-Lnis nn l well ventilated ; provided with (fiis and wXer; tho attendance is prompt and respectful ; and tho tublo is (jenerously provided with every delicacy ot tho season. The subscriber, who, for the past few yeors. has been the lessve, is now sole proprietor, aud it And' to indentify himselfthoroughly with tho interests ot his house. W ith long experience hs a hotel-keener. Il -.nJ.l.. ..1. 1 ... . '. ....... UJ uiuucraio eiuirges ana a lioerul poluy, lo maintain th favorable roputaticn of the l'ncitiu J ; . JOHN PATTt X, Jr. bepteinberl), 1865 ly WUR"& 'FEEDSTOliE WHOLESALE AXD HE TAIL. THE subscriber rcspecifully inform the public - i".i,r..J5aP" on9'"tlyon hand at his ncn JJ AlthllOl St, nenrth Shamokin Ynlley Kailioad Depot, in SIXBURY, P0ur by the barrel and aacks of nil kinds of ieed by the tou The above is ali mannfaotured at his own Mills aud will be suid at the lowest cn.ili priees ci r . , J W' CADWALLAL'tin. Sunbury, June , 10i4. NEW PHOTOGRAPH oatttpv J. II. KKNKl.'M'., would rosnoi'tfullv in. inn thA Mtti.Ana -.t ul : v urni. .' . - - . ".. ivp mi-i ion v in . form the eitiien of SLXUIUY. and tho i'l,ii eenerallv. that he I ha opened a new, - I - --"l PHOTOORAPTT ruTMpov In Bimnaon' Building, South side of Murkul's.iunrc aere h u prepared to tuke iu the Uet stvle ol lha art -riCTl'RES TO FUAME, PICTl'KKS IN CASKS, . . CAM) PUOTOiiKAril.S, Alt Ticture mad for Kings, Brc.istpius. l.ockets. o. I erton wishing in our line will do well to call and examine specimens at the tiallery. Vi t hop to morit a liberal share of public patron age. Or Motto i to Plbask. Sunbury, July 1J, IsCs. M IN'OR'.S Patent Pocket Lantern for tale at th llul. - - I O. .! . wiasne oiauoiiery sioro 01 i' n. r. LWlluni TAILORING J. T. SCHAFFER, RESPKCTFIrU.Y inform the citisen of 6l"X. UPKY and vicinity, that he ha opened a Xallorlu Shop, th room aver Farusworrfc ' Grocery, opposite tha Cental Hotel, Sunbury, wbara he is readv to make p garment ef all kinds iu ,Ui latest tyl and best workmanlike manner. ( Having had experiene il th business for a num. her of year be hope to remler general mtUrajion. Custom work i reaoacUully aolicitsd. ' J. S. bCilAlTt'B. Bunbury, Mo IS, 185, 1 PHOTOOEAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND BTATIOiTSKY. . Wantltly Xm Book Drawing Book and Slate. Bocks, HymB Book. Bluk Book, Meauerandaoi Jteok, Diarte, pooket Books, Ink Stands, I'ons, Pancila, aesetUsieat of Paper. Ink. to For aale by ANNA PAIXTElt. AK.w aadla. jet of I'F.K TIMES. tWWM Dolidaya, a UaTKB fi. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers