mr' in in . " ' " t- 1 " """" " " " MTijc Sunturfi American. K. WILVKHT.l ... . , W. B. ENOIiH, J Publlshari. SATURDAY, APRIL 21, iSOflT tj?' Job Ii'inllnft. Having received , a laif supply of NEW JOB TVPE, of various new etjlt-H, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Head, Labels, 4c, can be printed In ' the latest and test stylet, and on fbort notice. Ordors by mail promptly attended to. tyArPoiXTMKNT. Thomas M. Purscl, of Sun bury, has been nppointod Janitor of the new Court House, by the County Commissioners, at a salary of 300 a year. tCmi.u Dhow-kid. A litllo child, son of .lames MoCutcbcon, of Milton, was drowned at that place, on the 9th Inst. Ho had wandered off by himself to the river, and wbilo standing on gome logs, lost his balance and fell into the water. tlRATH of A SuLniicn. M'ui. II. Blolr, a soldier in the lute war, died in Milton, on the 1 111) ins, of disease contracted while In the army. Ho belonged tc Co. H., 5thFcnna Reserves. tyi'ho ofnoo of the General Superintendent of tho Fhiladclihia it Erie Kail Road was removed ' from Williauisport to trie, Pa., on Thursday last. Ij3w notice thocard of Col. J. P. P. Uobiu, in the Lebanon Courier of lust week, who has entered upon (he rnclice ol the 'aw in tl.ut oily. Tho Colonel will, iio'duubt, gainunny friends in bis now location, as ho is deserving of them. l The sword and stone man paid our town a i sit on Monday lost, and entertained soino of our citi eni with his fonts of swallowing swords and stones. t3We ndtico that High Coustablo lirosious ls busy clearing tho streets and alleys of rubbish. Ibis is acommcnJuble move of a worthy officer, and we hope he wilt coutinuo to altond to his duties with, nut fear or fhvorYand havo our town look more re spcctablo than it has during the past year. tir' Sciiool, STATEMBsrs.-Hy the Common School Law of tho State, it is inude the duty of the direc tors "to publish an annual statomont of tho amount of moneys received and expended, and tho amount duo from collectors, and setting forth all the Jinan, cial operations of the dislric . ' I'Cakk's Amimox. A few weeks since we noticed that some fifty houses would bo erocted this spring. Wo lately observed that some fifteen ure already under way, and several finished and occupied. GAL Afli:n. Joseph Buoher is making more im provements to his brewery nbovo town. His vaults, when completed, will com pare with any In the Stale, and ha iug good water he will, no dnubt, bo uble to linSTo a superior lager beer and malt liquors generully . f . A man was arrested in Danville, last week, on suspicion of having been concerned in the robbery of the Express Office, at that place Ho wascom uiitted for trial at the next court. "'A Jtst Compliment. Tho Danville Ameri ''ran speuks in very complimentary terms of our young filsnd, N. Fcrrco Lightner, formerly of ' Danville, but now the enterprising proprietor of tho hew book tiuj stationery storo, in this place. Tho editor says-: 'Fcrreo merits the confidence and sup. port of the pubiie It is always a source of gratifi cation to sec a young tiian of enterprise and integrity West with euoiwiragcuieiit,1 ospeoinlly those of our towt!i,'rXaliy or acquaintance" Ljff'Tur. 'V'r.A.tnen. E ,'crybody seems to com U lain 6f the ,r.ccei.-t backward season. Vegetation is ntjoast ouciinoiith Jichind lime, whether for good orforcvd, llc.ivho pultlli All things only knows. The later:)? of the renaim will, most probably, prove n blessing in some, respects. Ti o chances uro that we shall hilvc a much belitr crop of peaches, pears, uppleii. .to., than we hiv had for torue years, and ibis alone nil rnoro thuu compensate us for tho l .ys of early wgeteMei, Fuicil fruit and uVwors. l3?Ait!tsf!:.' luV Best, who htaU jVom New York, and w ho has been per'aribulutiug our streets oi lute, was arrested an jMwudny lact, on suspicion of luviug aiprupiiated SMO'of her "lover'e" money to bur own r.fO. ' t'j.on li'iuiug befoie lOs.iuirt .Shiu sho wuii Ulsehargod'for wstit of ovidtucc. We lcorn tliut the'aionej ha:'eia.'c been recovczed. tli?"Ci-EAN V r .'i the ivafia weuilier is earning on mir citizens should st go to work and clean up and purify their 'houscn and bcllu-s, mid ruiuuve that which limy ci.iTc disease and breed puetileueo ULc borough sulhorilici tiidnld tnako up Ihoir minds to huvc eleiui tlrceU and gutters, and thus cosfcr upon the community the g.oatejtof llestinj. health . ai.d exemi tiun from pestileneo tir"-V L laANCiiS. Among tlio-uuisauccs iu tlio ttrccts and alleys of tho tuwn, we observe none groat w than those created by our saloon keepers in throw ing oyster shells into the street. During warm wea ther they creuto a horrible slciva, and if not abated, will cause sickness in the vicinity where this habit is indulged in. Our borough futhers should eo to this and cause thru to remove nil such filth to an out oTthc way place, instead of depositing it in streets alley or back yoidi;. ' IThb Shah Itn.i,. The bill compelling the corporatious to construct sluices or jihcr means in .9i dums to ullow the free passage f fish, bus pas sed th Legislature und is signed by the Governor, The Governor, iu accordance w ith the provisions of this new law, appointed Col James M'orrall, eoiu luissiouer to devi-o tlio pluns and miruirintcnd the alterations and additions iu the dums of the Susque hanna, who will ut once proceed to the discharge of the duties enjoined upon him to sco that the no" ccssary cou. truclions are made by the first day of October. Uir'-The following uro the Bunks li Heeled by the failure ot'Culvor, Pcna & Co., nud tho quotations of the notes iu New York : " Oil City Bunk, Oil City, Pa., 74 per ct dis. Haulii Crawford County, Pu., (32 per ctdis. cunngo Bank, Franklin, l'a., lOperctdis. Petroleum Bunk, Xitusville, Pa., 10 per ct dis. All National Currency, broken or uot, I'Ait. Such is tho advantage of a National Currency. Xjjf -A. runaway couple from Danville, Montour couuty, Pa., were arrested at the Everett House, St. Louis, on Friday of last week. The name of the man is Aaron Hawk, a miller, redding In the neighbor hood ot JJuuville, bearing nlwnya a fair reputation among his neighbors, and binned with a wife and bcvcu ehildreii. His victim, tho girl arrested, is named Llinabeth Geringer, uged It) years, and youngest daughter of a botul keepor at Danville, l'a. She was brought up and surrounded with com fort aud oleguuce. Hawk being a musician,' under protenoe of giviug her lessons on tbo piano, touched s more tender chord, and finally carried her off fretted by the St. Louis polioe, arrested aud Use girl brought buck. Hawk remains in 8t, Louis. Of eourse tkc musician will continue giving logins ia mask). 9 . y ISad Accidtk't ix Dakvillk. On Monday evening, tth Inst., w(ile a salute was being fired hi . Dualville in honor of fie 0th of April, (the anniver sary of the sarrendos of Lee'i army,) two men, Capt. George Lovet-and Lfcut. Roderick, were seriously injured by premature discharge of the cannon. The formebad the forefinger of bis right Land so badly shattered tui it bad to be amputa ted, and bis left baud so terribly .mangled that be will lose tie use of It entirely. ut Rodorick bad one of bu bands seriously Injurai, 'oiig pito lost finger by amputation. Our eiuteua will probably recoileet Odpt. Lot ett - erbose company, of whicE be was than Lieutenant, was stationed in Sunbury during a pari ef tbe time of tbe last three months serviee. idsTli Bui Ball Clo. Thbelub TO of ganited on Friday evening last, under the mine of the "Star Bat Ball Club of Banbury." It number about twenty persons, but will, no doubt, receive Urge additions to lu numbers. They- played their rat game on Saturday last, above tows, near the Augusta Ilotol, and did rcry well for now beginnors, The following are tbo officers of the elub i PresldentH. B. Hodrigue. Vico Proaidont J. B. Eiskinoi Pocrotary ticorge D. Buoher Treasurer Oeorgo E. Beard. Directors of Ground James Billtnsn, James Ma lone and Richard A. Flsoher, An election of officers will take place every month. ly-Eirtft in AsnLARD. On Monday morning Inst about half past 1 o'clock, a fire originated from soino unknown cause, in a kitchen attached to tho dwelling of Mr. Charlos L. Fisher, Jeweler, on the south side of Centre street. Ashland, east of the Mah. anoy Hottso. Tho flames soon enveloped tho store and dwelling, and extended eastward to the corner of Sixth street, consuming seven fraino houses, occu pied as stores and dwellings, with most of their con tents. ' Tho total loss by this fire is $40,000, on which thcrf Is an insurance of f 28,000. UT'-'Tiie work in the interior of tho new Court Houso is fast approaching completion. The sido rooms on the second floor are nearly finished, and the court room begins to assume the shape and architectural design intended, when completed. On the first floor tho rooms are about completed, and are now ocouplod by most of the county officers, though the plastering of the hall Is not completed. l3FSrXBUBV Classical Ikstitutk. This cdu oational institution wo are pleasod to learn was opened on Monday last with most ilnttorin g pros pects. Tho number of scholars on the first day was sixty-five and has since been gradually Increasing. This school, which is a day and boarding school, if in tbo hands of oompotont toachors, Revs. Mr. Cremer and Miller, Principals, assisted by Miss Powers In tho fem:ilo department. BUSINESS NOTICES, ty ''Seci-be thk ShAnow, ebb the St bstasi'E Fades." If any oT our readers should want a beautiful and life-like photograph, or pictures of any size or style, on any kind of material, we would adviso them to go to the Photograph Gallery or S Eycrly, in second story of Bossier's building, Market street. Sewino Machines. Scvoral valuable Lock stitch Sewing Machines, new style, for sale. Knquiro nl this oflico. tJr" Jt sT in Time That magnificent stock of Ready Mado Clothing which our Jjicnd Slaymaker has just received nt tbo Continental Bazaar, In Market square. Tho stock embraces all tho latest patterns, colors and material, of the Spring fashions, for men and boys. With such an extensivo stock' and at such low rates, Slnylnakcr is enabled to soli at wholesale city pricci. Call in and sec the goods. ' t2AN ImsiiMAN remarked thnt ho thought Scotland as groat a country as China, as it had a whole river of Tan running through it. So it might bo said that Win. H. Millcr'B Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store, on the North side of Market square, was like tho State of Arkansas during tho rebellion it is governed by one uniform low Price. m m m w SllAKSl'KAltE BAYS: "If 'twere done, and 'twere, well done, 'Twcre well it were done quickly;" And so we say to nil who have a deoided proforonco for good Pictures, nt chcop rates : Let this be done, well done, And donequickly in Simpson's building, Market square, and oblige, Your Humble Servant, J. B. ERSK1XE. K B. We have also made arrangements with a portrait painter to color large Photographs in India Ink and in Water Colors. 0 Wo direct attontion to the advertisement Of Dr. Eystcr, who has just received, and is now selling Spring nud Summer Goods at greatly reduced pri ce's. Call and sea his sloe';. Ijf That thk Bust is tub Ciieapkst, is ns true in buying Clothing ns anything else, nnd if you would realize tho benefits of this old and familiar adage, why, of course, yoit will buy jour clothing at tho celebruted establishment of John E. Siiiick, iu Fawn street, opposite Weaver's Hotel, whero every variety of spring and summer goods can be obtained ut citv nrices. All that is neoessarv is to exumiuo the splendid new stock of goods w hich ho recived this week, nnd which oanuot help but please. tho most fastidious. Of Oi.r, m:T Tiii e Saying. It is invarla bly truo that when n manufacturer in any branch of trade dots not muko any interior goods, his manu factures are preferred to till others. This is especi ally true w ith respect to the cheap and fashionable giirniculs that our friend, Jacob 0. Deck, is cou et.iutly making up at his fashionublo tailoring es tablishment on Fawn street, botwecn Market nnd Blackberry. Beck has just received a new stock from the cities, of the latest spring and summer styles, which will enable him to please nil who may he pleased to patronize him. SI.'.-tKB StY 31 A Si lit:!'. Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do do do per uwt. Ilyg Flour, per bbl. du . pur en t. Huckwhcnt Flour do Wheat, priuio whito per bushel, do do do do Rye, d Coru, do OaU, du Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per round do do unpured do Dried Annies. do 12 Ot) 6 00 V 00 5 00 6 00 2 40 2 10 no 65 45 1 00 5 25 15 3 75 45 IX 28 25 25 20 16 15 18 ' 20 12aH 7j 20 V0 Dried Cnenies, (unstoncd,) per bu It u Her, pur joand, per dozeu, per pound, do do do do do da do do per pair per pouud i-ggsi (.'Uoeso, Lnrd, Hams, Shoulders, Beef, bind quarter, ' froni Mutton, Pork, Veal, Chickens. Fresh Malmon, do Shad, per pair Sliamokiii Coul Trade, Shamokik, April 16, 18ti5. Ton. Clot. Sent for week ending April 14, 10.253 18 Per loot report, 1111,721 19 111,978 17 66,3ot 13 To same time last year, Increase, 45,620 04 Special Notiua. Uockhill & Wilson, Blown Stone Cloth ing Hall, 003 and 005 Chestnut street. H. & V. Gentlemen's Buits. K & W. Coy' Clothing. K. & W. Clothing of all grades. R. & W. Hcady-roade Suits. K. & W. - Ckithiug Ready-made. Kotkbill & Wilson, Brown-stone Clothing Hall, 603 and COS Chestnut street. IWMl that he potts hare sung of tbe perfume of the floral products of any lone, is illustrated and realized in the entrancing frdgrance of Fhftlon's ''Night-Blooming ilCerciis." A bottle of it should always stand it-sides Moore's Melodies id every lady's J ( oudoir. Bold everywhere. HoMEorATftro. Dr. A. D. Wilton one of the boat noted Ilomcop&Uiio physicians of New York lma written tl.e following curd : New York, Oct. 18th, 1802. This certifies that I have been in tho habit of using the Samburg Port wine produced by A. Specr In Pas&alc, N. J., from tho Por tugal ft uit, and have found it an excellent stomachio and fine gcntlo stimulant and tonic. It is especially useful in canes of great nervous debility in lung and stomach weaknesses. A. D. Wilson, M. D., 11th street N. Y. W. A. Bennett sells it. Bnow.Vs UitoNciiiAi.TKOciiEs, for Coughs Colds, Pulmonary and Asthmatic Disorders, have proved their efficacy by a test of many yenrs, and have received tcstiraouiuls from eminent men who have used them. E3?"Ske a Woman, in another column picking Snmburg grapes for Specr's Wine. It is nn admirable article, used in thu liospi tals nnd by the first class families in Paris, London and New York, in preference to old Port Wine. It is worth a trial, us it git'ts great satisfaction. For sulo by W. A. Ben nett. ; "DON'T HE FOOLISH." You can make Six Dollars from Fifty Cents. Cull and ex amine nn invention urgently needed by every body. Or a sample sent free by mail- for oO cents that, retails easily for $11. bv It. L. WOLCt TT. 170 Chatham Square, NY. Sept. 10, 1805. ly. Ienl "ik1, IiIIimIim'n mid 'nitri-li, Trentod with the utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACS Oculist and Aiirist, ifoinierly of Lejdcn, Holland.) No. 519 Pino street. Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the City nnd Coun try can be seen at his office. The medical faculty are iuvitcd to accoinpuny their patients, as be has no se crets in his practice. Artificial Eyes, inserted with out pain. No ehargo mado for examination. July 22, 1805. ly TJio C'oiiic'NsiioiiM nntl KxpcriciM'C OF A.N INVALID. Published for the benefit and bb a enution to young men and others, who sutler from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, Ac., supplying at tho saino timo the means of self-cure. y ono who nas cured himself artcr undergoing considerable quack ery. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope, single copies, tree of charge may be had of tho au thor. NATHANIEL MAYFA1R, Esq,., Brooklyn, Kings Co. N. Y. January 27, ISGfi ly. A l'ii li, Cold, or Wore 'i'ln-oaf, Requires immediute attention, and should be check ed. If nlluwcd to oontinuo, Irritation of tho Lungs, a Permanent Throat Affection, ou an Inctuaiile Lung Disease is often tho result. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES Having a direct influence to the parts, give immedi ate relief. For ttroncliitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump tive and Throut Diseases, Troflienare vsed irith always gOi? tweccst. Singers mid lullic Spoiikri-st will find Tnoenr.s useful in clearing the voice when aken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving 'ho liroat after nn unusual exertion of the Tocal organs. Tbe Touches are recommended and proscribed by Physicians, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout tho country. Being an articlo of true merit, and having proved their efficacy by a lest of ninny years, each year finds them in now localities in various parts of tho woWd, und the Troches arc universally pronounced better than other articles. Obtain only "Bhuwn's Biio.ncuial Thociies," and do not take any of the Worthless Imitations that may be ofTered. Sold every whoro in tho United Statos, aud in oreign Countries, nl 35 cents per box. October 2S, lsO.'i. Bin 'I'O CoilMMHipliYCM. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a vory simple remedy, after having sufTercd for several years with a severo lung afi'oction. aud that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers tho means of euro. To nil who desire it, ho will send a copy of the prescription used (frceof charge), with the diroo tions for preparm? and using the same, which they w ill find a stiiE CuE for Consumption, Asthma, Buo.vciiiTis, Coroiis, Colds, und all Throat und Lung Affections. The only object ol the advertises in sending tho prescription is to benefit Uie atliictcd and spread information which ho conceives to br in valuable, and ho hopes cvory sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, nud mny prove a blessing. Parties wishing tbo prescription, fhee, by return niuil, please address Rev. EDWARD WILSON, Williumsburgb, Kings Co , New York. Juuuary 13, 1808 ly. NEW A DYE RTI SllENTS. WANTED." ONE 11UNDRF.D TONS OF UAli.S, for which the highest Cash Prieo will be paid by J. M. KF.ECH, 481 York Avcnuo, Philadelphia. April 7.1 SCO. I in I'OM.ilU At MEERSCHAUM MANUFACTURERS, 092 BROADWAY, NEAR FOURTH ST., N. Y. w T1IOLKSALE nnd roiuil nt reduced rates. Pipes and Holders out to order anil repaired. All goods warranted genuine. Scud stump for circu- lur. 1'ipes n lo au eucn. Apfil 7, lsaa. lm QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SUNBURY. Quarterly Report of the condition of tho "The I'irst National jiuuk of Sunbury, Pennsylvania," on the n-oruiug of the first Monday of April, A. D., lbOO : ASSETS. Notes and bills discounted, Banking house, oilier Heal Kstate, furni ture uud fixtures, Current expenses uad taxes paid, Remittances aud other Cash Items, Due from National Banks, Due from other Bunks and Bankers, V. S. Bonds deposited with U 8. Treasurer to secure circulating notes, V. S. Bonds on band, Other II. 6. securities, $93,415 19 14.118 62 4,677 40 7,i40 01 49.020 90 1,431 63 100.000 00 100,000 00 127,000 00 Pennsylvania War Loan and other stocks, 10,1)20 00 Cash on band in circulating notes ol otner National Bunks, Cash on band, notes of .State Banks, Specie, Other lawlul money, vii : Legal Tender Notes, Compound Interest Notes, 3.010 00 12,090 00 1,970 07 65,665 00 20,000 00 (617,295 48 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in, (200,000 00 Surplus Fund, 11,100 57 Circulating notes reoeived from Comptroller (60,000 00 Less amount on band, 7.565 00 Amount of circulation outstanding, 52,435 00 Individual DeuosiU. 130.494 26 Dividends Unpaid, 6,952 24 Uonstruotion acoount, iu,ooo t4 Due to National Banks, 15,153 24 ' " oilier Banks aud Bankers, Z.7U2 IV State Bank circulation outstanding 149.116 50 DUcount, Interest and Exchauge, 9,041 65 rroat ana iioss, v Total, 617S!95 43 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, NoBTHCMDEULiaD CO., ECT I, B.J. Packeb. Cashier of the "First National Bank of Sunbury, Pa.," do solemnly s wear that tbe above statement is true to tbe beet of nil knowledge ana oetiei. b. j. rAuiicit, issnier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this fifth day of April, 1609 P. M. Enixosb, Ats't. Assessor Sunbury, April Tib. 1866. OLD EYES HADE NEW. 1 PAMPHLET directing bow te speedily restore j sight and give p sueotaolee, without aid of dootor or meaieine. een oy mail, tree, ou rwwpt oflOoenu. Adarese, E. B. FOOTE, M. D February 4, 18o5.-oia "llNE Myrtle raalB, at the FaneyEtore of AN si A PAINTER. 0 Yes I 0 Yes I this way IF YOU WANT TO HCY CHEAP! . THEY HAVE COME ! NEW 8FHING ft SUMMER GOODS, at Rednoed Prloes, at the MAMMOTH STORE of .f. w. rmi.iAft & m.v. . Market Square ncKr the Now Court llousa OKNTLUMEN'S WEAR. Cloths, Casslmores, Cottonados, Linen Panting, 4e. LAblKS' DRESS 0001)8. Silk, Delaines, Allapaccas, English and Feolbh Ginghams, Challics, Lawn, Caliooes, Muslins, ia. WHITE AND COLORED FLANNELS Sheetings, Hoop Skirts Hosiery and gloves. CARPET & OIL CLOTHS, Glassware, Quocnswarc, Crockery, Hardware nnd , Cutlery. lriigH, Oils, VnintM, Coal Oil nnd Lump. Fish, Pork, Coarse and Fine Salt, CoD'co, Tea, Su gar, Molusscs Syrup, Spioea, Ac, Groocrlcs, Tobaoco, Scgars and SnulT, tugethei wllh a largo variety of miscellaneous goods at prices that cannot fail to satisfy purchasers. J.W.l'RILIXG A BON. Sunbury, April 7, 1888. NEW OPENING Ol' lotliinu, 4ii iitM I'lii-iitsiliiii - 4omIm, 1 loo In V Shocn. rplIK undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to X the publio of Sunbury, and vioinity, that he has opened his CLOTHING STORE, with a well selected stock of 1 will sell nt astonishing low prices. I hnve also still on hand a large stock of Boots Ei Shoes, for Ladies, Gents and Children's wear, which I am selling off, as I intend to give up that brunch of busi ness. It will bo to tbe advantage to Casit Hovers to give luc a call. S. KRONENBERU. ?. (Jnnss' old stand, Markot Square. Sunbury, April 7, 18(18. "trusses "QEIXEY'S IIAUD RUBBER TRUSS" cures io Rupturo, frees, the cord from all pressure; will never rust, break, limber, clmfc, or become filthy, (tho fine steel spring being coated with hard rubber); spring made any power j-equired; used in bnthinz, fitted to form; requires no strapping; cloanest, light est, easiest, and Lest Trusa known. Send for pam phlet. I. H. SEELEY. Solo Proprietor, i:i!7 Chestnut St., Philad a.; Pa. April T, iwti lm . An ls! Soiisrt"'! Ion .iev '1'uiio. par 1866 -5a ' As spring approaches Ants and Roaches From their holes come out, And 11 tee and Rats, In spite of eats. daily skip about." "lSyears estalilished in N. Y. City," 'Only infallible remedies known " "Free from lVhsons," "Not dangerous to the Human Family. "Ruts come out of their holes to die.' Cr Btnr's Hat, Roach, &.O., Extorminator, Jn n paste used for Rats, Mice. Roaches, Black and Red Ants, c, Ac, .tc. Coatar'a Bed-Bug Extermiuator. Is u liquid or wash used to destroy, and also as a preventive fur Bed-Bugs Ac. Costur's Electric Powder for Insects is fur Moths. Mn.-piitoes, Fle:is. Bed 'lugs, insects on Plantf, Fowls, Animals, Ac. " ! ! ! Bkwark ! ! ! of nil worthl ss imitatinns, that "Costar's" name is on each Box. Bottle, and Flask, bef no you buv Address, "HENRY R. COSTAIt. 4S2 Broudway, New York. O" Sold In Sunbury, l'a. Uy I'll I i.i nu A Sun, aud all Druggists and Retailers 18((). INCREASE OF RATS. Tho Farmer's Gazette (English) asserts and proves by figures that ono pair Rats will havo a progeny uud descendants no less (hail tiol .0.)0 in three years Now. unless this im uieiifu family can bo kept down, they would con sume mure food thuu would sustain (jj,UU0 human beings. See Costaii's'' advertisement above. RATS versus UIHDS. Vboovpr oniigos in shoot in aniult birUs 'u h orutl mini ; wbuevur aids iu cx turuiinutin ruts is ft Ittuulactur. We bhuuht like couio une to va u& the beiiutit of their t'XiCJiii'Ufu in driving out these pest. We ntd somothinp; bet it leu du.s, cati?, nnd imp for tbia businei(. Scietttijie A mm (,, jV. V. buo Costak's" adve-rtiacraent above. 18(50 COSTAR S RAT EXTERMINATOR is simple, safe, und sure the most perfect KA'i'-iticntion meet ing w o havo ever attended. Every Rui that can get it, properly prepared, will cat it, and every ouu that eatii it will die, generally at some place as distant us possible from whero iwus luken. Lake fiorc Mich Mirror. See "Coslar V advertisement above. 1S6(). Housekeepers trouble with vermin nee 1 bo Bono longer, it luey use "Costar's ' Exterminator. We have used it to our satisfaction ; und if a box cost fj, wo would have it. We have tried poisons, but they effected nothing ; but "Costur s uriiolo knocks the breath out of Ruts, Mice, Rouohes, Ants and Bed bugs, quicker than we can write it. It is in great demand ull over the country. Medina, Ohio, (Ju tclle. Sco "CustarV adiertisomeutubove. 18G0. A VOICE FROM Tilii FR WEST. Speaking of "Costar's" Rat, Roach, Ant, Ac, Exlernunutur ' more gruiu uud provisions are destroyed annuully in tirum County by vermin than would pay for tons of this Rut and Iuicot Killer. Lancaster- Wit. IhraU. Sco ' Costar's" advertisement above. 18CG, Farmers and IIoi'skkkeieh should recollect that hundreds of dollars worth of Uritin, Provisions io., are annually destroy by Rats, Alice, Ants, and other insoc's and vermin all of which can be pre vented by a few dollars' worth of "Costar's" Rat, Kouch, Ant, &C, ixlerminiitor, bougut una usca lreely. See "L.ostar aurerliseincnt above. Sold iu Sunbury, Pu., by J. V. Friting t Son, and all Druggists and Dealers. April 7, lo6 Oiu AND NOW OPEN, a largo and complete stock or WALL-PAPER AND 110HDER. Window Curtains, School, Blank, Juvenile and ether BOOKS. Cup, I .t-ll r, Note itml Itllli-t I'npcr. ENVELOPES all kinds and situs. Arnold's Writing Fluid iu largo and small bottles, Rosewood, (lilt and other Picture Frames. ALBUMS. FISHING TACKLES- Balls, Bats, Marbles, Toys for Spring and Summer. Choice Cigar, Smoking audX'he wing Tobacco, Pipes of all kiuds. Pip Stems. lcrluuit-r), 1'ucket Ilookit, Comb. Law Books farnbhe4 at publudiert rates, Musio orders promptly tiled. All books nut ou band promptly ordered. Mouibly and Weekly ,llntialueu I'upers, Daily Frew and Inquirer, always ou ttsuil. TICKETS for Liverpool, Queens town sad the West. Drafts oo Europe. Thankful fut pant favors and soliciting aeooliaa) asee ol tbe sant. N. FERREE LIQHIKER. Ennfcury, April 7,1866 NEW GOODS!! HAS just returned from New York and Philadel phia, and is now roueiviug a Now Block of Spring & Summer Goods, at a great reduction In prices. Urntlcmcii'st Wear. Flno Black Cloth at Si. 0(1 that used to sell at f 8 Oil. Cttssimercs, Satinett, Cnshmoretta. Kentucky Jeans, Cottonade and Linen Panting, at reduced price. Ladies' Dress Goods. Pilk. Wool Dclulncs, Mohair. Silk Stripe, Pnul De Chain, Alpneca, Poitlett, English and Scotob Uinghnins, Challies, Delaines, Lawn, Calico and Muslins, vory cheap. Whito Goods. Linen Dress Goods, Linen Skirting, White Toilet Quilts, Brilliants, tiwiss Stripe, Swiss Cambric, Jao conett. Irish Linen, Hhirt Fronts, 40. Ladies' Cloth and Flannel Sacking, and other flannel at low prices. White Shetland Wool, Shawls, Skirts, o Skirting and tho latest stylo of Hoop Skirts, very handsome and cheap. Yankee Notions ia Great Variety. Hosiery, Gloves, Pocket 7andkcfchlefs, Suspen ders, Necklii s, Paper Collars, Uinbrellr.s, a good assortment of Spectacles, Coats, Spool Cotton, fancy Buttons, Triinuiingr, tc. Carpets, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, brown nnd groen Oil Cloths fur windows, Gill Shades, Fixtures lor Window Blinds. Huts, Caps nnd Ladies' Shakers, Hardware, Nails, Forks, Shovels, Spades, iron-tooth Garden Rakes. GROCERIES, SALT & FISH, Queensware, Glassware. Boots and Shoes, Faints, Oils, Glass and Putty. School Rooks, and n new supply of WALL PA PER, will be sold very cheap. All persons desirous of getting good goods at low prices for cash'or country produce, will please give me a call. J. H. ENGEL. Sunbury, March 7lh, 1SH5. iirc Libert)' Wliile, Will do more and bettor work at a given Cost, than any other ! Try it! Munufaeriired onlv by Z1UGLER SMITH, Wholesale Drug. Paint & Glass Dealers. No. 1.17 North 'J'lllKD Street, Philadelphia. January 1!7, lslili ly. aqq A SUt.VI'H ! AGENTS wonted fur six entirely now urtielcs, just out. Ad dross O. T. CAREY, City Building, Btddcford Mninc dee2.i ly 1)1 A HltS for 1U0. Diaries, luro and small An ussorUneiit for Stile liv of A NX A l'ALXTEU. Sunbury, Jan. 0, 180i. Altortx-y iisxl 'oiiEis'llor tit I.atv, Office on south sido of Market street, foutde'ors west of Eystcr' Stoic, Will attend promptly to nil professional buine.s entrusted to his care, the collection oi' elaiuis in Northiimherlnrd and tho adjoining counties. Sunburv, April 7, IhiiO. .f 3:iilioil: I:ovv, liovv lC'isloi--l. Just publiMied, n new edition of Dn. (Ylvbk wki.i.'s Cklkiiiiatkii Essav on the rndienl euro (without medicine) of Spennotorrliten, or scniiunl Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses. Imi otency, Mental nud Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, elc; afso. Consumption. Epilepsy, and Fits iniliiccd by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. t'tf "Priao, in a "enled envelope, only 0 cents. The celebrated author in this uduiirablo essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self abuse may be radically cured withuut tho dangerous use ot internal medicine or tho application of tho knife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, aud eflectual. by means of which every .sufferer, no matter what his condition mny be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radieul'y tjfS'This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth nnd every mun in the bind. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cunts, or two post stamps. Address the publishers, CI1AS. J. C. KLINE A CO , 127 Bowery, New York, Post Olrlco box 4,ibl5. Mureh 17, Isi.ti. ly JEKEMIAH SNYDER, Allui-iK-y A: 'iii;N'!Ior nt B.itiv. SI MStl V, H t. lSr "IUKtrirt Altortioy for .""iorlScsisit Ix'i'Saiul 'o:nly. fc-unhur-, March 31. IS.'hV !v (Late Buehler House.) IIARRISRUPai, PEXX'A. T1 HIS well-known hotel has not onlv been extend ed but has been greatly altered and newly lit up by Iho present proprietor, and is now one of tho most couilortablo and convenient hotels in Harris buri. March 10, IHofl. ly 300 BUSHELS OP BARLEY SEED, FOR SALE. I VU1MKUS who desiro to cultivulo Barley, can procure the seed of the undersigned, at the Cold Spring Brewery, m tapper Augusta township, near .Simliurv. The higheKt market price will be putd for all Barley raised iu this vicinity. JO.SKPII BACIIKK. Sunbury, March 2-1, 1S69. AGENTS WANTED, f 175 PER MONTH. fc'ouuTiiiNO Extirrlv Xcxv. The Photograph Case nnd Family lteeor.1. Til IS is n great opportunity for enterprising per sons of energy to make money. It Is an article of which tho publia have felt tho need It retails ut a low price, and its beauty ahd utility is universally acknowledged. The success which has atteiided its sales warrants the assurance that one can be sold to almost every family. We are prepared to show that we huvc agents who are clearing $175 every mouth. Address for Circulars and Terms. RAYMOND A CO., Mauuf's 014 Chcsnut st., Philu. filureh3l, W,0 lm NEW GOODS roll SPRING SALES EYRE &TANDELL, FOURTH AROH STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. A It K o I' i: n I n o v o it mi it i m a i.s:s- t'ASlIIOXAHLK NEW SILKS. Koveltifs in DRESS OOODS. New Styles Sl'lUNU SHAWLS. New Travelling DRESS HOODS. Fino Stuck ut M'.XX HOODS. Alagnilicent FOULARDS. Splendid BLACK SILKS, Ac. E. A L. have thoir usual assortment of STAPLE UOilDS. Also, CLOTHS, CAStfIMEKE.S, VE.S- TIXi;', Ao., Ac. 1'. S., (lur prices are now arranged to meet Uie viKWiof Buyers '. Mureh21, 1S66 Ot SUNBURY SfTEAM MILLS. NOTICE 1 rilllE undersigned would rcpoetfully inform the X ciliitens ot Sunbury und vicinity, that they have bought the .Sunbury Sleuin Mill, lormcrly owned by J. C. Morgan, und will take itossc&iou on thu first day of April. When they will be prepared to fur nish iheir customers with tbo best of flour and feed at the shortest uolice. IX e will be tlianktulto our old eustomtrs for a continuance of their patro nage and also ask the patmnageof new ouns. A IV I r IV , u i v. . Sunbury, March 10, 180- 3t . HENitV HAH f UK, SiO AHC'II STItKKT, PHILADELPHIA. WATCHES, FineUold JEWELIty, Solid SILVER WAKE, and uporior SILVER PLATED WAKE, at Itc piTEO Pricks ! March 21, lo6. 3m. XV, t'lj.lHIi V '., NO. 34 SOUTH 3D STREET, PHILADELPHIA. orrca roa ialk Morris A Esses Railroad T per cent. Bonds. Central Paoifio R. K.T'a interest payable in Uold In New York. V. S. 30 years t'l Interest in currency issued to the Paoifio Railroad Company. ' These bonds are all for sale very lew. Kiccks bought an! sold oa Commission V- S. Securities of all kind bought sod told. NareklT, 186. 3b. D'EPINUEIL A EVANS, Civil EnoiKar.ns ahd Patekt flfii.n irons. No. 4.16 Walnut street, i'hiludolpbia. Patents solicited consultations on Engineering, Draughting and Sketches, Module and Machinery of all kiuds made and skilfully nltehdod to'. Special attention given to rejooted canes and interferences. Authentic copies of ull Documents from Patent Of fice procured. N. B.Suveyoursolvos useless trouble and travelling expenses, as there is no actual need for personal interview with us. All business with thoso Olhcea can be transacted in writing. For fur ther Information direct as nbovo, with stamp eueiosed, for Circular with references. February 3, I860 ly. I.MI'oitTI Ac ilOMHSl'it'. FISHING TACKLE! JOIIN KRIDEH. North East Corner Second A Walnut Streets., PHILADELPHIA. JUST in roceipt of a fine selected stock of cheap and fancy FISHING TACKLE, of nil descrip tions, suitable fur the rivers and brooks of this State, to which wo invite the attention of all storekeepers. MarchJ7, 1SB0. 3in H EM E BE 11 THE I) E A I). MESSRS. D. C. Dissingcr nnd John A. Taylor, would respectfully iiiiuounee to tho oltWrns of Sunburv. and surrounding oountry, thnt liaving formed a oo-partnerfhip, they are now prepared lu furnish ornamented and plain ruv oxIoni'M, 'l oaiibw &. lwtiiimvals. of tho best Italian nnd American marble, at prices that cannot fail to give entire satisfaction, and re spectfully solicit tho public patronage. DISSINGEU & TAYLOR. Sunbury, March 31. 1SJ8.1jl SOl.K LIJATHLR TKl'NKSut W. V. Alley's. W W. Apeley'a. S.UUTOUA TRUNKS at ALL KINDS OP TRUNKS at GENERAL ASSORTMENT It. II W. W. ApHey's. BA'iS at V. V. Alislev1.. LADIES' FINE LEATtlKtl SATCHEL at W. V. Apslcy'., LADIES' LASTING GAITERS for l,ff., nt W, Apsley's. LADIES' GLOVE KID BOOTS, at W. V Apsley's. SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ut VV. W, A ley'. gi:nts' calf uhots for .i.m.nt V, W. Apsley's. LADIES' GUM SHOES for Sl.dO. at W. W. Apsley's. HOOTS AND SHOES, FOR MEN. WOMEN AND CHII.DHt-.N, at XV. V. Apslev's. Sualmry, .Mnrcli 31, 1(l Dr . C HAS . ARTHUR, Jio!ncropati)ic 13i))siaaiu Graduate of the Honiowpnthio Mcdicul College of J'ounsylvunia Oi'i'irn, Market Square opposite the Court Houso SUNBURY, PA. ' March lit. Ih'ifi. STORE, a. S. SAND55SIS 1) L.SPLU1 1 L LLY informs tlio citizens ol'Siinbury V and vicinity that bo has taken tho room in l'leiisant'o Building, in Market Square, two doors cast of the Express Office, for tho purpose ef carrying on tho Itool iiikI Mine Business, in ull its va rious branches, would respectfully inform tbo citizens ol this vicinity, that he has purchased an entire new stock of Goods w hich he intends to disposo of at tho very lowest prices. His stook comprises Gcntlo Fine Pegged nnd Stitched B,ots, Men's Walking Boon and Boy's Boots. Ladies' Fancy Buckle Gaiters ! ! And Fine Shoes. Misses' Gaiters, Balmorals und Children 8 Shoes of every description. tints nnl t'ltiv.:;; He has also in bis employ superior workrfien, and is prepared to do the Finest of Customer Work Gent's Fine Dress Boots, Ladies' Gaiters & Child ren's Shoes. J V ALL WORK WARRANTED! Cull and ex amino my stock, oven if you do not wish to buy. I uin determined to sell nt tho most liberal rates. GEO. S. SANDERS. Sunbury, 71arch SO, 1S66. CROCEIUESIGROCKIUES lira. SAK TT A. SIMIaOW, 11 hortkla-ru StnlT, east of the X. C. J!, li SUNBURY, PA., RESPECTFULLY informs her triemls and the I ublic generally, that she has just opened ti largo assortment of i'RESll ii roeerics, siieh as TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR. MOLAS- T,'0 li'lw-ii o I 'ti r. i i'iou, OAJil, iV. Pure Cider A inemr. J.ns, (Unaware, nnd variely of Ladies 1 nuiming?, Inns i lnead Neck Ties, lliiiuikcrehiel's. Ac . to whieli she invites all to examine before piirehn.sing elsewhere. Vunbury, Feb. Ii), I.Siiii. tlui T ANTED, AUKNTS. f 75 lo $2!'il per month for I Ijontleineu. and to sj for La ties, every whoro, to introduce the Common Sonso Fnuiily Sew ing Machine, improved and perfected. Jt will hem. felt. Mitch, quill, bind, braid and embroider b '.iuti fitlly. Prieo only 20. milking tho elastic lock stitch, fully warranted for tlireo years. XVo pay tho xvnires. or a commission, from winch twice that amount can be made. Address or cull on C. BOW. EilS A CO., Offi 'o, No. 2iiS. Fif.hst.. Philadelphia. Ij'Ail letters auswered promptly, xviili circu lars it i i,l terms. liiar. 'il.Im. CANVASSER." Wanted ; ut 5 -2M per month.' Wo wanted reliable agents (nuno oilier. ) male nnd fomale to tulve the exclusive agency iu every county and township iu the lT. .S. to sell tho Photograph Family Record, a work which every family will Luv It is bound like un album but has a primed blank page opposite each photograph, for a eompleto re cord of the husband, wife and euchehild of a family, ulsu containing marriairo certificate, nnd pages tor the faintly Nothing like it ever publish.'d an 1 no work thai agents eun sell so readily. Old cuuvnsseis nnd others should scud you circulars and terms, it is nece sury to have copies of the work to eauvu-s xviili ; pries by express SI! M, J!l St) nnd ?7 U0 (:1 style?; money may ho sent by mail. Nifuio of the towiifhips wautcd. Address BA KTLESO.V A CO., luaiol lm CI 1 Chestnut st.. J'Jiiludclphiu. 4 I3A.i: itV !)i:i'O I', TJ 111E undersigned respectfully inloinis his fricudx nun ttiu putilic Hint lie nas changed Ills plaeu ot loading Freight iu Philadelphia liuui Freed, Ward A Freed, o. 1 1 illai kel Mreel, lo . A. :0. AGHESON, (Commission Merchant, dculti in i'lour l-nmi. Sen's &c.) .Tio. lOlS .l:irkl Ml., Bli!l:id l;lilii, where all freight will be loaded on cars of tho un dersigned, for Dauphin, Sunbury, Shu.nolvin, tnd all intervening points. All freight will be carried as low as on any other line. Orders to curry freight respectfully lolieited, which will receive prompt ultcntien. J. B. WEISEU. Sunbury, Jan. 13, L:ou. ?ni. J -A. O O 33 O. BECK MERCHANT TAILOR, And Dealer iil ( LOTUS, CASSIMERKS, VESTING, S.c. : 1'umi ktri-cl, fcoulh ol" iVi uvi i ' Ilolt-I, Stf NUB R "5T , I1 A.. March 31, Itltfa. 1MUU. lliHiil-Jlliu A I'.i-ie ICailfoad. rilHIS great line travorses tbe Northern and North X west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Llrio on Lake Erie. It has been leased and U operated by the Penusvl Vnnia Railroad Company. Time of IVscngcr trains at Sunbuiy, Leave Eoalward. Erie Mail Train, 11.40 p. in Erie Express Train, 4 I a a m. Eluiira Mail Train, lvl.iu a m. Leave Westward. Erie Mail Train, 4 ii a en. Erie Express Train, 7 u5 p m. Elmira Mail Tram, 4.25 p. m. Passenger ears run through on tho Erie Mail and Express Trains without change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. I'v York Conned ion. Leave New York at 0 00 a m, arrive at Erie 9 In a. ni. Leave Erie at 1.66 p m , arrive at New York 3.40 p. in. ELEGANT SLEEPINU CAltS on all Nlffht Trains. For information respecting Passenger business apply at Cor. 3Utb and Market St., Philadelphia. Aud for Freight busiuvasof theCompany'sAgents, S. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. lath and Market St., Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. William Brown, Agent if. 0. B. R-, Baltimore. II. 11. llounroM, Uen'i Freight Agt. Philada. 11 XV. UwiNnca, Oeo'l Tiokot Ag't, Philada. A. L. TYLER, Usfl'i Manager, WUliani'port. March SI, liit. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! ORANT As U.OTllJM, Nliippi'i-M Ac MIioIchhIu A. Itrlall . I-ii1-i-m In M mri: al Ht.ti Att (on., iu every variety. Solo Agents, weslwurd, of tbe Celebrated Iitnrr Cloy Coul. 3 Lowr.u Wit.utF, SrNBViiv, Ta. Sunbury, Jun. Ill, 1888. CHKAP FUU CASH. The tnrgect Sto. k or well-made Tin Ware iu tho State constantly kept on hand. Merehiinlsaud lioa lers a'e Invited to give us a call hHore Tuireliiuiui! elsewhere. AIK1.LOY A KM n n 7i! Market street, between Tib and bill, Philadci. hia March 81, XSUH. I in 1 V ALU A BL E TO VN LOTS i on ni,i:. EIGHT (8) valuable town lots are nfliredVf.i sale eboap, ou Den hurry street, opjiusitu Iri ling's addition, in the Buniugh of Sunhury. Id liuro of J. B. MASSLR. Vuubury, February 3, 1 SOtV " JOHN WJLVEi BOOT cSc STrXOE M A N U FA C T I) H E K, One door Larl 'A Frlling's Slotc, Jiarkot Snuaro S V N B tj R Y , 1 l; XS'A. RESPECTFULLY Informs tin filiiensof Sunbury and vicinity, that bavin,' safely returned lioni the nriuy, will ai?nin resume bis businev. and mnuu lueture, to ordew Knots and Shoes, of nil kinds, nl the best material, aud nt the lowed rates for cash He hopes to receive a lull sliaro ol patronage Sunburv. Deo. llL SADLER Aii) lilitNEbS M A N U F A C T U IL K U . .A. J STROH, Deer Street, np'poMlo tbo Central Hutel, SUNHUliY, PtSS'A. INFORMS his friends and tho public tliat having removed to his new establish uunt, aud extended his lino of business, is now prepared to manul'aeturn more extensivuly, and invites all to cull und examin j his large assortment of Cnilles, Harness, Collars. XYhips, Common and Fancy Fly-Notts, Blankets, Bulfuloe nnd Fancy RobcB, Horse Combs. Sleigh-Bclls, Saddle, Harness and Coach Trimmings for manufacturers. LIVE It Y 1 I.1VEHY1! LIVKRY ! ! ! In connection w ith the above be has also a Liver Stable, good nnd safo Horses, Buggies, nnd Convey -ances, which are hired at reasonable rates. AUCTIONEER ! Ho isalso a Licensed Auctioneer, aud will alien I to all business entrusted to his care. .Sunburv, March 3, 1S(1(I. firu 8TJNBTJKY, PENN'A. Mattoiiry, Iti l; U and 4 irM lUcr orb, D';ivaiin :in(l ICvpsiirins;, of all description done iu the most modern styles un.i substantial manner ut short notice, and at prices to suit the times frnubury, Feb. 17, 1S00. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE In Hit- itoroiigli of .""Uiiiltiiry. fJIIIE tiudersigncd oft'ers ut private sale TIMVS LOTS, situate between Fawn & Deer strocts below Whortle berry. For terms, 4c, call on DAVID CLEMENT. Sunbury, Jan. 27, 1808. 3m. SUNBURY CLASSICAlTlNSTITUTE. A DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES AND YOUNG MEN, SUNBURY, PEMK'A. Instructors. Rev. S. S. Miu.nn, A. M J . . . ltav. W. C.CnE.MEr.,A.M. r"nen Miss iS. E. Puwciis, Assistant Teacher rflllE En-t quarter of tl" ahovo institution will X open MONDAY, APRIIL loth, lhtltt, at br A. M For further particulars, apply to or nddre" the PRINCIPALS .Vunbi'.ry, Marth 10, 1S0(5. Jiu REAL ESTATE AGENCY. OFFICE. MARKET STREET, Sunbury, Pcnn'n. 1 V. 1IA1PT, l:-,i . bavin taking out license. V Jt . under the I'niicil f in ti.-s excise Laws, u Ileal Estate Agent, oilers lor sale the following property, to w it : Six'.y 1 1 id ) good building lo's and five (j) dwelling houses, in t!te l-orough of Suii'mry. A farm in Upper Augusta towilip, containing It.1'.1 ucres. more or less. A sniair farm containing o) acres, more or less, about one mile from l'axino-. Shamohin tovvnliip. A small tarin containing o'2 acre.', more or le-s,in Iti-h Valley, ShunioUin townJiip. 'i'here yioi buildings on these three funos. Sunbury, .March 10, W.ti. tt'. S 'A a-; . The public nre hereby notified not to take up. nt in any way intorti-re with saw logs found anout on tho .Susquehanna River below- Williatnspurt, in the en suing spring freshet, or ut any tunc during the pre sent year, us all the logs in 1 lie river below that point arc intended to beiiriven to Havre-Do Oruce. Md 1. XV. .s.MITl!. A. O. P. DO DOE, DUDLEY LLAXCIIARD. Cummittif Williaiii.-oort, l'cb. 21, loSO. 2ui. NEW LKlliOU STORE ! WM. nOOVER, tCnllrond (S( :!. above Xai L I, M ilt THK OKNTUAI. HOll.i., SUNBURY, PA. i E.-1'ECTFULLY invites 1,1s friends and the V public generally, to call uud examine his largo assortments ot I i.f . Omforo purchasing elsewhere lit floct- in i i-sin ol B!rtiii;ifh. !tiU'., a8oli:iiil iin, iim ttiiiii, Jlom.iiaici !;! nnl iiloui-lton ol'IlK' lx'l j atitl a J. i , Cili's, 1 im Kin, .f., Ac. Fanners, Hotel Keepers, and oihevs lire inviled ti eall. us his stock i.- genuine, and will leader guieral saiisfaetiou. Sunliury: February .1. 16o. tSeuiiln Itiiitroiul. VINTER ARRANGE2IEKT. Kov. 27thJ1805. GREAT TRUNK LINE from tbe North onl North-XVest for Philadclpl-e. New York. Bead iug, Potlsvillu, Lebanon, Atluiito n, Eaetoii, Au. Traius leave Hurrisburg fr New-York, as fol lows : 3 till, 7 2j and ll.tii A. M. and .4i and V.OU P. M., nrriving ut New York at 6 lit and 10 00 A.M. and 3.41) and 10. Sj P. M.. connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad ; Sleeping Care accompanying tho3.tlu uud U na A. M. Trains, with out change. Leave for Reading. Pottsv iile, T.nnaqua, Miners villo, Ashland, Pine tirovc. Allentown and Philadel phia at 7. Si A. M. nndl.43 aud 00 P. M., slopping ' Lebanon and principal stations; I bo 110 p lu. Train making no close connections fir l'ott'villc. nor Philadelphia. For Pottsvillo. Kchuylkill ilaven nud Auburn, via .Schuylkill and Sitcquthaiiua Rail road, leave llurrishura'at 4 00 iv. In. l'.oturniug : Leav e New York at 9 00 a. m., 12.00 Nucu at S.oo p iu ; Philadelphia nl b.nt) a. m. and 3 SO p. m. Poltsvillo at S.IiO a.m. and 2 4j p ui.; Asldaiid 6.00 nud 11.45 a. iu. and 1 1 J p. nj.; Tama qua ut T a iu. ami 1 40 p. in. Leave Putlsville for Ilarrisburg via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad ut (i 15 a. in. Rending Accommodation Train leavus T-cading at fi 30 A. M. returning from Philadelphia at 4.v0 P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Scadiug at t lu A. .M. and B.l j P. M. for Ephruta. Litis, Luuc;.Ut Colon. Lia, ic. On Sundays: Leave New York at 8 P. M , Rhila delpbia 3.15 P M. Pottsv ille b 00 A. M., ,Tamaqii 8 A M, HarrUburg T 05 A M and Reading at 1 A. M. tor Huriisburg, and 10 62 a. m. for New York. Commutation, Mileage, Season, aad Excursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and from all points. Baggage cheeked through : SO Potmds Ufjjsags al lowed each Pam-ugtr. U.A.NICGLLS, Ueucral bupotiuteudont' DeoJ. lISr ffil 500 i:k i:ai! we ut . , . agents everywhere to sell our m rriovcD far eewiug Maehiaea. Three new kinds Upper aud uppor feed. Warranted tve yeam Aboves.dary or larpa coiunilisioito paid. The tsiT machines sold in United Slulc lor leas thau J0, which ire fully liaeated by Howe, Wheeler A Wil son, U rover A Dakar, Singer A Co , and liaohelder All other cheap machines are iiilriugeuiouts aud the seller ox uaer are liable Ui ii'riajt, fauu. aud iuiprLua inent. tii'ou!j lre. AddreM, or call upon Ru-. A Clark, DiJJtitmd. iJuio, J-vj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers