PUMPS! PUMPS! The MberlboT raving MrehM! the tight EORTHUMBlilLAND COVNIY, for putting 10 JIL'MTUirS IttlMtOVEiMK.vr k Borbd Wells iitn Water Foe!'", will furnfch lliemtonll pemont in th county who may these cheap nl convenient pomps. , Thoy onu be mnh to a proper depth in Iwo lioor tin. cost but one third Hie price of an ordinary pninp. ana for ouenpnes and conronlenoo cannot b lmUti- 8. p. ROTF.R. A. F. CLAFP. Sanbnry, September ti, t8n5- NEW ESTABLISHMENT! A. E. SAVAGE, Watchmaker JEWBLEB. . In Simpson' Bnffdig, Morkut Eqnare, SXT1TBTOT. PEITIT'A HAS constantly on band a line Assortment of WATCH KB, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, Spec tacles, Silver and Plated Spoons and Forks, Ao. Watctica, ClocliB and Jewelry, re pnlrrtl nnd WAKttANTI. Sunbury, Sept. AO. " iiTi:s fancy ixns : AT JOHN FATtniU'S Old Established Pup Manufactory, No. 718 Arch street abov.Jlh mi-AlTA. I hnve now in store of my own importation i . . . r ii. . . viiinnMiiiPuira, 0110 ui iu j 'JiAKUj-.M ana mos. t tn- a trn'lPUl !...:. .., ; 51 for Ladies' and Child Also a no assortment of Gent's Fur Gloves and Col lars. 1 am enabled to dispose of my ijoods at very rea sonable prices, and I would therefore solicit a call from my friends of Northumberland County, and vi cinity I VUccmber the Namo, Nnmlicr and street ! JOHN FAKKIRA, 718 Arch It., boe 7th. south side, PHILADELPHIA. T have no Partner, nor connection with any other j In Philadelphia. Sept. 2:, lbQj 4mw . 1 ?kEC!OSiD YCTO DEEDS. PERSONS having unrecorded Deeds are reminded that they uiut be recorded, according to the Act of Assembly which requires tb'it 'All deeds and conveyance for real estate in this Commonwealth, shell be recorded in tho otBco for Recording Deeds in the County where the lands lie within ttx months after the execution of such deeds and conveyance ; andvcry such deed and envey. ance not recorded as al'iircsaid, thai! be judged FRAUDULENT AND VOID ngniuxt anysubsequeut puruhnaer for a valunble consideration, uulers such deeds be coord cd before tbo recording of the deed or conveyance under which such subsequent purchaser wr mortgage shall claim." x Angust 2B, 1805 TAILORING J. F. SCHAFFER, mi ESPECTFI'LLY informs the citizens of 6CN- 1!CK Y and vicinity, tbnt he fane opened a Tuiloi-iii(S Mliop, the room over Furnsworth's Grocery, opposite the Cental Hotel, Sunhury. where he ii ready to make Bp garments of all kinds in the latest style and best workmanlike manner. Having had experience in the business for a sum ber of years he hopes to render general sati.'fuction custom work is rcfiiectiully solicited. J. F. SCHAFFER. Eiinbnry, May 13, lSSS. 1y W-.M. Rockefeller. - I.lovii T. Huurbacu. ROCKEFELLER & ROHRBACH. 93DMH3 M im9 OFFICE the simie tlmt has been hcretofure occu pied by Wm. M. Roskelvllcr, Ehq., nearly op n.4itu tiie residence of Jud;c JordiiQ. Sunbmy, July 1, 110i. ly PENNSYLVANIA PAINT AND COLOR WORKS. BBB7T Whit Lead ! Libertt White Lea THY IT ! TKY IT ! VTarbakt-D to cover more surface, for Weight, than any other. Buy the best, it tame Is the Heapest ! TRY IT ! TRY IT ! Liberty Lead is t, Liter than any other. Liberty Lead covers belter than any other. Liberty Lead wears longer than anv other. Liberty Lead is more ecouomicnl tliuu any other. Liberty Lead is nioro free from impurities and it Warranted to do more and better work, at a given cost than any other. Buy the VEST it is the CHEAPEST. Manufactured and warranted by eiF.GLER A iilll'II, Wholesale Drug, Paint, A Class Dealers. 17 North Third .Street, Philadelphia, gunbury, October 7, ISfi.'i. FL0UR&TeE1) STORE WHOLESALE AXD LIE TAIL. THE subscriber respectfully informs the publio that he keeps oonstautlv on hand nt his new WAREHOUSE, neartlm Shamokin Valley Railroad Depot, in SUNBl RY, l'lour by the barrel and sucks f nil kinds of Feed by th ton The above is nil manufactured at his own Mills, ad will be sold at the lowest cash prices. J M. CADWALLADER. Punbory, June $6i. c. ao3isr, Itlorney nnd l'nnn'llr nt l.uw, BOONV1LLE, COOPER CO, MISSOURI. WILL pay taxes on lauds in any part of the State. Buy and sell real Estate, aud all other uattert entrusted to him will receive prompt elus ion. July 8, 1S65 oct!5, '04. JEREMIAH SNYDER Altoi-iM-y Ac Counsrllur ut I.nvr. )Se corner of Blackberry and Fawn Street, three doors eaut of E. Y. Bright' Foundry, Ml -Mil BY, BA. Will attend promptly to all professional businesa .ntrusted to his care, the collection of claims in Nor humberland and the adjoining cotintiet. Consultations in German and English. Eunbury, April 22, loti5 ly . J. XL. IIILCUSII 4iir-j or, Couveyuncer AND JUSTICE OF Tim PPA CE. lamfli, XortuiuiilrrlruiJ Count if, Penn'a IHc in Jacon tewnship. Engagements ran be mado by letter, directed to the above address. .11 biuiueat cniru-ted to hit oare, will be prouipilv Miruiwl lo. r jAja 241boS. l.y .-A Cougli, Cold, or kiore l liroat, Vequ jet immediate attention, and should be check ed. If allowed to coutinue, rration 0f the Lung, a Permanent Throat Acnox am Ixi i iiAHLE Lino Disease " t)oftoa the result. lUvU-y-f'8 BRONCHIAL TROCHES A t inCuenceto the parts, give immedi. For BrODcLiXi'1!!,1! N : vc!"a Cut&rrb, Consump tive an.tv. 4 ... e Nlnuerat nnd fuLl- i nil and T.aruK. .,.r7 JM'aUrrti .!. c, . "Jnth0 voioe when :u,ln faking, audVeiieving the hroat after an unusual cxu,in of U..! ol, hysician., , La4 l,toib .uu.it lenthroughoiuoi. country. Deing VZ erf ?. merit. tti having proved Uu ;m2y by . ut . man year., each yen, fiuOtu, ivarparuof th. wcid, aud th "t"oc ,r. niveau, p,un0UDCed Utkv ,, 0lL6, tl," ObUa. only .-Baowx-. Btwac.u.' od do not tA, ui, of IU Worthies, Ui,liun, .ay be oitercd ' I beid .verywuvr, in lh, iUd 5Utea i. oreign Countrlea at 35 eeutt jer box. Ocu.U.r IU. lM5.4a y via,.P","1 Burd' 10 "feat variety w riUmm r-Mlvei at the Mammoih -lore of ii&-i3 r 'twifl.l GOLD. 1863. 1806, 1807. , SILVXS. 1 to 75000!! $2 1 S2H S2IH T"WO DOLLARS. Ilanniuctarcr) Attentat Oiir New Mode- One of onr Oi..I or II,Ti:it Watchc, r Mllror Ton Hetm for $3, an fos-lotr alnted. One of our tea totti or ont plee. of our Gold or Silverware to worth butkel of the cheap dollar jewelry 1 1 W have adopted the following mode of DISTRIBUTION by aalo of 75,000 article of value I Onr Mode ! Tbe article of flood are numbered from 1 to r 5, 000! 87.500 consisting of Piano Melodcons. Gold ft Silver Watohc. Sewing Maobinea, Toa Table Sett. Solid Silver tea and tnhle Spoons and Forks; etc etc., and the other K7.500 article of vulue Jew elry, Work A Toilet Caw. Photograph Albums, Openfnoe Silver Watches, and fancy article in great variety. 75.0110 notice numbered from 1 to 7 j.OOO are printed nnd put Into scaled envelope and well mixed and oneof theee Is taken oat and aent to the person tending to us 25 cents to cover expense of postage. correicndenco eto., and the article of goods corresponding with the number ou the notice will be .i in h l,.,ldnr nf tho siimo Immediately (if be I desire to purchase the article) on the receipt of two rf..llu Vnr insliuiee : If the number on the notice tent tu vou should be 600, ana a piano oruianiona . . .. i( . i i tiii. ii :n 1. letter gold watch should be numbered 600; tl will be sent to you should be 600. and a piano or diamond .iinrmlil watch iihould be numbered SOO. it will be sent to you for $2, and to on for every article in our list of 75,000 articles. tF-After receiving the article, if It does not please you, you onn return it, and your money shall be re uuded. 25 cents must be sent to pay expense of postage, Correspondence etc., on ono notico. Remember : that whatever artwlo corresponds with the number on your notice, yon-enn havo it by paying Two Dollars for it. whether it be worth $IU0 or 'isuO. And it is fur onr interest to deal fairly, and send out our fine articles, as it gives confidence to the public, and thereby increases our sales. TRY OUR NEW MODE ! 1 -Upon receipt of 25 cts., which pays Tor correspon. dence. postage etc., we send one notice. Upon receipt of $1, which pays for correspondence, postage, etc.. sre send six notices. L pon receipt OI J Wllieu (iiijwi'jr wm-?pi""ii postage, etc, we will send 40 notices, and a tine pre sent valued at not Hit than $15, as sample of our goods. Upon receipt off 18 which pays for correspondence, postage, etc, we will send 150 notices, and a solid Silver Watch, by return mail. AGENTS WANTED. Send for a circular ! Agents Allowed a Lnrge Cosh Commission by which they make $25 Weekly. Address plainly Salesroom 34 Libcrlv street Sept. 23, 1C.G5. ly REED A BROTHER. Itox 51 W. New York City, N. Y. XlIXTjri-T7.CS. A?D" LELANDlSf. 1'F.RMANE.NTLl- CfBES R IIETMATISMI In nil itM VnrlotiH I'orms. Acute or InBummatory ; Chronic, Lumbago, Sciati ca, i'leurodync, Ac. Stiffness of the Joints and Cramps Gout, Neuralgia and all Nervous Affections Eryspelas. Salt Rheum Bud Scrofulous Eruptions of tho body Neutralizes the Impurities of the Blood and Fluids of the whole system, and equalizes their circulation ; and cfl'ectu a'lly counteracts Mercuriul aud olher poisonous influ ences. It ts a conveniently arrange,! Belt, con taining a Medicated Compound, to be worn around (be body, ubout the waist, Equully Effecting all Parts, wherever the disease may be. It can bo worn without injury to tho . most delicate person, and no change in thu 5f proper babitfof liviug is required. It en " lirely removes ibo ditcaso trom the system, without the use of powerful internul inodi- j ones, which weakt'd the coustitutiou and , give remorary reliet only by stupitying tbo system, and deadening in vitality. By this treatment, the medicinal properties contuin ed in the BAND, being of a highly aromatic " and volutilo nature, and capable of being r" readily ubsorbed, through thu pores of tho skin, come into direct contact with the Blood i and general circulation, without first having to pass through the stomach, which would 3 tend not only to detract from their curutivo r powers, but lo impair the internal organs and , derange the digestion also, thus avoiding the M injurious etfect. so often the result of internal Si remedies, and eflectiug a perfect cure by pu rifying and equulizing the circulation of the -' vital lluidf and restoring the parts affected to H healthy condition. This Band is also most y powurltil Anli-Merourinl Agent" Calomel J being tho priuiary cause of a largo part of the Stilincs, Neurulgic Pains and Rbeuinit tie.s. so prevalent aud will entirely relieve the system from its pernicious effects re moving all blotches and pimples from the body and beuutifying the complexion. Moderate cases aro cured in a few days, nnd wt are constantly receiving undoubted testimonials to w hich we invito inspection nt our office of their em oecy in-Aggravated co?es of loug standing. PRICK FI VK DOLLARS. May be hod of Drog-gbits.-orfwill be sent by mail upon receipt of $5 Sj, ur by express everywhere, with all necessary instruc tion from the principal office of GEO. L. BROWNING, Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer, of the Celebruted Biiou.Mxu'a ExrgLMou Coifi i:, No. iA and 2u Market street, Camden. N. J., r"Ti cutise. wilb certified testimonials, tent free lr" Adapted to Soldiers. Sept. 2, lnt5. fiui OLD EYES MADE NEW. A PAMPHLET directing how to speedily restore -V sight und give up spectacles, wilbout aid of toctoi ur mediuine. Sent Lv mail. free, on rcceint of 1 0 cents. a4i ess. E. B. FOOTE, M. D. February 4. 1805 Sin F you vant good Tin. Ware , go to SMITH dr 3. 1 GEM IKIt h iinv Bhop EM'L. WILVERT. n ARY PUBLIC, OSce in "Sunbnry Ameriean" Building, BUNBURY. PENN'A. Wilt attend to the Acknowledging oi Deeds, Mort gages, Letleisof Attorney. Ao-, A. Also, is duly atboriied to take acknowledgments and admiuiMer oaths on applioalinun lor ( u lie-, IN'iioioua and ltacUlisy of Soldiois, n mows one vrpnant. Ja-X-a:jL-'m-3Ba 9 9 (Late HERB'S HOTEL,) Corner Murket and 3d Streets, HARRISBCRG, PA. THE attention of the public it respectfully called to this Hotel which is now open fur the accommoda tion of guests. In the post live month during which due u lias ueen cioeca toe bouse bus been thorough ly remodeled and repaired, until iu iioint of conveni ence and ooinlori, iu patrons will nnd it to own no superior. Tho I'urnllnro i:sitir-Iy eV. Rooms larger than are usually found iu modern hotels. Situated on the eeruer of two priucipul business ilreeus of the eity.but two and a half squares from the Kail Ruud Depot. The proprietor determined lo spare no expense in securing the comfort of his guests and a favorable repulatiou v r the eaUibliihinent. be feels willing to trust iu character to the judgment of bis patrons. HENRY THOMAS, Proprietor. January 21,1865. KING'S poii-'Aiiiii: i.i:m. adi: Is the only prepartion of the kind made from th fruit. Aauu article of economy, uuritv, and deli oiouaness, it cannot be surpassed, and is recommend- vu oy iuy.ieiui iur mvniius aiiuiKiuiiy uw. At -m keep fur years in any climate, while lit condensed form reudert it especially convenient for travelers. All wbu lemons ore requested to give it a trial. Euterlaiuui euu at borne, parties, end piouics should not be wilbout U. tor sale by all Druggist aud trst-clas Ureeeit. Uuraet uxed oaly hy. , . LOtlSJ. ktETZGER, .la, ,.!;, M v f- ' -s irj - u li - - THIS IMIT.IL riXTOKAIi Will Cure Your Cough. tv-s ;-. :-: 4.r f TIIE PIICENIX PECTORAL Or oom pound Pvrnp of Wild Cherry and Root, wilt cure the Diseases of the THROAT AND LUNGS. Such as Colds, Cough. Croup, Asthma, Bninohllis, Catarrh, Bore Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Ac Its timely use will prevent Pulmonary Con suinptw a, and even where this -tearful disease hat taken hold1 H will afford greater relief than any other medicine. This Pectoral is made from Wild Cherry Bark ana Seneka iSnake Root. Its Composition Is a sufficient guarantee of Hi vara. .Dr. Geo. 1). Wood, Professor of the Praotiee of Medicine in the University of Pennsylvania, Physi cian to the Pennsylvania Hospital and one of the authors of the United Status Dispensatory, says of Wild Cherry Bark "It is among the most valuwMe of our indigenous remedies, aniling with a tonlo pow er the property of olaiuiing irritation and duniuith ini nervous excitability." The snine distinguished physician and authors inyv in the same work, "Scncka Snake Root is a stimula ting expectorant. Iu action Is especially directed to the lungs. It Is peculiarly useful in chronic ea tirrh affections and the secondary stage of croup." For want of space we cannot publish all the testi monials in our possession, but we give two : Foot hixvili.e, April 1st, 1S64. This Is to certify that I have sold hundreds of bot tles of Dr. Obcrholtscr's Phoenix Peotoral or Com noiind Svrun of Wild Cherry and Seneka Snake Root and I have yet to find a single individual who hat uscau, wno aoes noi uoht iosuuiout h us wuiiuunui ellectsin ouring coughs. Signed, J-COi Pdwcrs. Ham. St. PnojuixTiLi.n. Jan. 11, 1864. I most cheerfully bear testimony to the vnlue of the ''Phoenix rcctorni or vompouna ryrupoi nna Cherry and Rcnekn Snake Root. ' Dcfore using it I had boon suflerinir with a tickling in my throat nnd tight cough, for more than two years, nnd had taken variousotlier medioinus with no relief. As soon as 1 liixrnn (niianDr Oberholtter's medicine the irrita tion in my throat wua allayed and iu a few weeks I was entirely cured. I have also given it to mv little girl, for a croupy cough, with the huppiest ellcclt. Signed, Joseph Lrxxxs Tottstowk, Jan. Sd, 18B5 This eertines that I have used the Phoenix Pccto. ral in my family, and I recommend it to the publio as the very best remedy for Cough and Colds that I have ever tried. Ono of my children was taken with a cold accompanied with a Croupy cough; so bnd indeed that it oould not talk and scarcely breathe. Having heard so much said annul the Phoenix Pectoral I procured a bottle of it. The first dose iclieved the difficulty of breathing and before the child had taken one-fourth of the bottle it wat entirely well. Every family should have it in the house. Signed, D. P. CROSBY. The nronrictnr of Hub medicine has so much c.mfl dence in Its curative powers, from the testimony of nunureuswno nave wcu it, iani ine money win ue refunded to any purchaser who is not satisfied with us euocts. It is so plcamnt to take that children cry for It II costs only Tbirtv-live Cents, I; is lutended for only oneclossof diseusas, namely those oi the throat and Lungs. IV Prepared only by LEVI OBERIIOLTZF.R. M. D Phuenixvillo, Pa, JonssTox, IIoi.lowav A CownEii, Ma 23, A'orth Sixth ttreot, i'biladalphia, General Wholesale Agents. V Sold by George Bright, and R.. A. Fisher, Drug gists. Suu'bury ; Wm. Cberrington, Druggist at Shu, niokin. N. 11. If vour nearest druggist or storekeeper does not keep this medicine do mil let him put you off with some otlier incilicinc, because bo miiKes more money on it, bat send at once to oneof the agents for it June 10, 1805 6m$ TO CONSUMERS.OF nci-.-n erxD- .TIHE undersigned dealer in Coal from the follow JL ingwoll known Collieries is prepared to receive orucrs lor ine same a. me owcst .vinraet itutcs, vn,; MORDECAI'S DIAMOND MINES OKAY'S " PAKUISII & CO'S " CONSOLIDATED CO S " X't ij nlsj j rcparod lo urutsh the SSull imorc Cott Olebrated Coul, Lump and lWjmroi. On the Urt f the Susquehanna River and Havre d urace. ill Laiiuaai arrangeiueni lor ine nest PITTSTON AKD PLYMOUTH COALS Which he prcparid to deliver on board Boats at Northuiiltiltind, 01 by Curs over Northern Central KaMroti'l tj on the line ot the i'biluqelpbia an Erie Ruiltvxd, on th best terms. Ho is prjarodtoll all Orders with despatch, an rcspccttull sulicils crder Ironi I lie lriole. Address JOHN MeFAKLAXD. April u. f,C4. Niirthumberland, Fa. AMER0TYPE AND PHOTOGRAPH Over J. Bowe.n's Store, corner Markot A FawnSts STJNBTJR -, IP A. s. BYEULY, informs his friends and the public gcnernllv. Ihut hois takiuz Portraits in the best stylo aud .uonuur at his Gullvry in the abov place AMBROTYPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS, are taken in every stylo ot the Art, that cannot be surpassed in the State. Having several year I expo rience, he will give sntwticlion or no cbarge. Cfipics will be taken from nil styles of Pictures. Give him a call. Remeiuber, over Botvcn't store Sunbury. June 17, lsXI.'. BEST WHITE LEAD! :rr i.C! V U RE LI ) E R T Y L E A I), L'noiipresscd for Whitening, Fine Gloss, Durability Firmness and Evenness of Surface. PURE LIBERTY LEAD Warranted to cover more surface for sumo weight thuu any other Lead Try it and yon will have no other ! TURK LI1JETY ZINC, .-'elected Zinc, ground in Refined Linseed Oil, un equaled iu quality, ulways the ssiuie. PURE LIBERTY Z1HC, Warranted to do more and belter work ut a given eost than any other OH the J?f Manufactured at PENNSYLVANIA PAINT A COLOR WORKS. Orders exeouted promptly by ZIEGLEH Sc 6MITH, Wholesale Drug. Paint and Glittt Jira'ri. Store A Office, No 1.17 North THIRD Streeti PHILADELPHIA. March 4, 1805. ly. it tMi or . .1 1 iur.itiiAi. A IIIEREAS the Auditor General as required by t ihe lltli Sectkin oflhe Act, entitled "An Act etiublii.g tbu Banksofthis Cominonwealtli to become Associations for the purpose of banking under the laws oflhe 1 uited Slates." passed uu the 22A dvyof August A D. lrtrtl, bos cerlilied to mo that the "Bank of Northumberland," located in the Borough of Sunbury, NorUmmberland county, bat furnished satisfactory evidence lo him that all the requirements of said Act have been complied with by the said Bauk. and that it has become an association for the purjiose of Bonking uudcr tho Laws of the United States I do therefore, cause the notice thereof to be pub. lisheil in rtccurdauee with the provisions of the said I lib scc;wn of Ihe said Act, ui.d do declare that the Charter of the said Bunk by the terms of said Act, is deemed aud taken to be hereupon surrendered sub ject to Uie provisions ol Ine nisi section ol sum eel. A. G. CI RT1N; Governor. Executive Chamber, Hurrisburg, Aug 25, 15(15 I a. W. SUKliLKlt. L. II. CASE ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SUNBURY, PENNSYLVANIA. Collections and all Professional business promptly aticuueu lo iu tue Courts ot rsurmuuiborianu ana adjoining Counties. I if Also, special attention paid to the Collection of Pensions, Bounties and Buck Pay fur Widows . , . - vrpuun. anu Doiuivrs Sunbury, Muroh IS, 18o- NhW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. J. II. i:iliUI.r, would respectfully in form th otiuent of btNBURY, and toe public 6mii m1, tuav ub umm uivuvu a v, PHOTOQBAPU GALLERY In Siuijuou't Building, South tide of Market Square,, where he is prepared lo take in the beet style of the PICTURES TO FRAME, PICTURES IN CARE8, CARD PIHmniH APIIR Ales Pictures mad for Rinn. Ilroa-ni,.. T.vr Au. Pertous wishing ia our line will do well to call ana ex mme speoiuwaa at ine Uallery. We hope te merit a liberal share or public parroa tga. Ova Motto u te Plbah. ftaaVury, J.ky II, M. Tr UP DX3 GRAFF'S Eye and Ear Infirmary. On the 8yu-e, Thiea Doors treat Steele Hotel) WILKES-BABHE. FA. THIS INSTITUTION Is now open and furnished in the most ooslly style. Reception, Private uii upcrating Knom are large ana convenient ana rell adanted. The Bnr-ioai anartment enntaine the finest collection of Instruments in this country, ana thut bit faaulliee will enable him to meet any and all emerge-cret In practice. He will operate upon the various forms of BLIN HXEft'9, Cataract, Ocolooa of the Pupil, Cross Eyes, Closure of the Tear Dnote, Inversion of the Eyelids, Pterygium, Ac, At. And will treat all forma of Sere Eyet, Qranuled Lids, Opaeotiea of the Coraea, and Scrofuloui disease et the i,yt, together with all the dneatot to which the eye is tuhieot. DEAFNESS Will treat all the disease! common to the organ. Discharge from the Ear, Noise in the Ear, Catarrh, difficulties pf hearing tetal Deafntee, even where the Drum It destroyed. Will insert an artificial one, answering nearly all the purpose of the natural. DISEASES OF THE THROAT. All d issues oommnn to tie Threat and Nose will be treated GENERAL SURGERY. He will operate nnon Club-feet, Hair Lip, Cleft Pallate, Tumor, Cancers, Enlarzed) Tonoils, Ac. PluAic operations by healing new flesh into detormed parti, and General Surgery ef whatever character it may present. I1EKN1A. (OH RUPTURE.) He will perform Labiut," operation for the rwtieal, tcwnaletc.) cur of Hernia, this unquestionably a perfect care, and it done whb utile or no pern, uui oi uie many nun dred operated nnon in Boston there hat been ne fail ares, it having met (be approbation of all whe have ubmitted te it. ARTIFICIAL EYES. will insert artificial eye. airing them the motion and expression of the natu ral. They are inserted without the least pain. HEMORRHOID. (PILES.) This troublesome di lease is readily cured. Those lufl'ering from it will do wen to can. Dn. Up Dk GnArr visit Wilkes-Barro with a view of building up a permanent Institute for" the treatment of the Eye, Ear, and General Surgery. B9 experience of more tnan a quarter oi a century, in Hospital and ceneral practice, he hopes, will be a sufficient guarantee to tnuee who nay be disposed to employ ni. : , . il t cat t- -auuory 11, ibw. i; GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Mr. BAB AH A. BIMPSON, Mltortldmrry Street, eatt of the K. C. Ii. Ii SUNBUKY, PA., T) ESPECTFULLY inlnrmi her friends and the IV i.ubhc senerallr, that she has just opened a large assortment oi it on urovencS) suva at TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLAS BES, FISH, SALT, &U. Puro Cider Vinegar, Fruit Jars, Glnsswnre, and a vnrietv of Ladies' Trimmlncs. Fans, Thread Neck- Tres, Handkerchiefs, Ac, to which she invites all to oxamino before purchasing elsewhere. fcunbury, Juno 17, ima oiu Wistar's Balsam or WILD CHERRY necf the oldest and most reliable remodies in the world for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis. Didi cully of Breathing. Asthma, lluarsuncse, Sore Throat, Croup, and every Aueotion of THE THROAT, LUNU.S AMD CHEST, including even CONSUMPTION WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. So general has the nse of this remedy become, and so popular is it everywhere, that it is unnecessary to recount its virtues Its works speaks for it, and find utterance in iho abundant and voluntary testimony of the many who from long suffering and settled di sonso have by its uso been restored to pristine viuor und health. Wocan present a mass of evidence in proof of our assertion, thnt CANNOT BE DISCREDITED. Tlic Ilev. Jiuoli Kcrhlrr. Well known and much respected among the'Gcrma population iu thisceunlry, makes the following ttatc ment for the benefit of the afflicted : HASovKR.Pa., Feb. 15. 1S59. Dear Sir : Having realized in my family impor tant bencfi.li from the use or your valuable prepara tion Wistnr't Bulsuin of Wild Cherv it affords me pleasure to recommend it te the public. Some eight years agooucof my daughter! seemed to be in ade. dine, uud little hopes of her recovery were enter tained. I then procured a bottle of your txcellenl Balsam, and before she had lukeu the wholo of the contents oflhe bottlo U lie tat u great improvement in her henltb. 1 have, Li u v individual cose, made frequent use of your v innl- e mcdiciue, aud have also been benefited by it JACOB SECHLER. Smith, Esq., red ent ol the Morris County Bank, Morristown, New Jersey. 'Having used Dr. Wistar's Balaam of Wild Cherry for about fifteen years, nnd having realized its bene-li.-ml rmli in mv t'mnilv. it affords ue treat plea sure in recommending it to the public as a valuable remedy is cases of weak lungs, colds, coughs, Ac. nnd a rcmcdv which I consider to be entirely inno cent, and may be taken with perfect safely by tho mosl delicate in Heat in. From Hon. John E. Smith, A distinguished Lawyer In Westminster. Md. 1 have on several occasions used Dr. Wiur's Bal sum of Wild Okcrry for severe colds, aud always with decided benefit. 1 kuow of no preparation that u more cluoucious or moie deserving ol general use The Balsam bus also been used with excellent effect by J. B. Elliott, Merchant, Hall's Cross Roads, Md Wistar's Balsam- or Wild Cuerrv. None genuine unlets signed '. BUTTS," on the wrapper. FOR SALE BY J. P. DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadway. Now York. S. W. FOVtLE A UU., 1'roprietors. lloston. And by all Druggists. IiEDDISG'S IIL'SSIA SALVE Heal Old Soret. BEDDING S RUSSIA ftALVE Cure Burnt, Scaldt, Cult. REDDINO'S RUSSIA SALVE Cure Wounds, Bruises, Sprains. HEDHIXG'S lil'SSIA SALVE Cures Built, Ulcers, Cancer. KEDDINQ'B BUSSIA SALVE Cure Salt Rheum, Pilet, Erysipelas. .BEDDING'S BUSSIA SALVE Cures Ringworm, Corns, Ac, Ac NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. trOuly 25 Centt a Box.rj roa eai.k nr J P. DINSMORE, No. 4VI Broadway, N. Y. 8. W. FOM LE A CO. No. IS Tremont it., Boston. And by all Druggists aud Cueatry Storekecun. Deo 24 Idbi. FACXFIC HOTEL 170, J72, 174 & 170 Greenwich St., 'One Square west of Broadway,) Between Courtlandt and Dey Streelt, New York. JOHN PATTEN, Jr., Propretor. The Pacific Hotel is well and widely known te the traveling publio. The location it especially suitable to uicrchanta am) business men , it is inolose Eroxiniity to tbe business part of th City it oa the ighwav of Southern and Western travel and adja cent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The Pacific hat liberal accommodation for over 300 guests; it it well furnished atd poesessu every modern improvement for tbe eomfurt and entertain ment of iu inmate. Tbe rooms are spacious and well ventilated ; provided with gat and water; Ike attendance is prompt and respectful; and tbe table is gcnerouny provide- witb every delicacy el the season. Tbe subscriber, who, for the past few year, ha J been the lessee, is now ml proprietor, and intends to iudeutify himself thoroughly with tbe interests of au bouse, wun long eapenenoe a a betel-keeper, be trust., by moderate ebarget and a liberal polity, to maiuwia ine lavorabl reputation tl tbe facia Hotel. JOHN PATTtN, Jr. feoplemaerMgwl ly UNITED STATES HOTEL, Opposite eke M. T. NEW HAVEN W15TIR1T R. It. Daret BEACH 8TBT. BOSTON. y F. U. PRATT, Formerly ef the AtBtrlbka IzVie. " Kay l. rWt.-Jfy IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCJJUl FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU oa rtea-Kttenllea er Incontinence ef TJrlos. Insamma tlea er UleeraUoa ef the Bladder er Kidneys, Distastt ef thl Prestrate Oland, Oravel, Brick Bast Dtpotltt, Dropsi cal Bwtiaaft, Organic Weakness, Debllltf, rtsale Ctm plaialt, Ae. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Aim Improved Hose "Wa.fli Will radieally exterminate from the cyitem Diseases srls lng from Iltbtu ef Disslpatioa. at little exptnte, little er tie change ef diet, ne Convenience or oxpoeurt; completely sopsrsedlng those vnpleaeant and dangtroue remtdiee, CopaUa and Mercury, m curing thut diteaie. USE H 33 JmB OLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU la all DUwuet ef the Urinary Organ, whether exlsUn In hau or roiALS, from whatever eauee originating, and no matter of how long etandlng. Ills pleasant Inltttaat aad odor, IMMEDIATE in action, and mere itrtnf Ihcnlng thaa any of the preparations cf Sirk or Iron. Thou tulfsrlng from Broken Down or Delicate Conett. tuttone. procurt the Uemtdy at once. Tbt Rtadsr most b aware that bewevar (light miy be the attack of tbt above diseases, It it certain to affect hi Bodily Health, Mental Poxtere and Happlneee. If ne treatment it tubmltted to, Consumption or Intanlty may cntuc All tot above dliiue require tht aid cf a diuretic HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU - X the Great Diuretlo. HELMBOLD'S aioaxr ooscxirt bates Compound Fluid Extraot Saraaparilli, for purifying the blood, removing all diitaiet arltlog from excess aad lprud.net la life, chronic constitutional dis eases arising from an lpart tut of the blood, and th euly reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure cf Btrefula, Scald Uud, Salt Rhtum, Pain and Swelling ef th Boat, Ulceratltn of the Throat and Less, Bletcha, rimples cn the Face, Tetter, tryslpelu, and all scaly true. tioat cf the tkln, and beautifying th oo-ruxioa. 1 not a. visrw Of th worst dltordtr that afflict mankind arise from th eorruptloB that accumalatu In th Blood. Of all the dis coveries lhl have been made te purge It cut, none can equal In effect BELUBOLD'S COMPO CSD EXTRA Ct OF SAnSAPARILLA. It cleanse and renovate th Blood, Ins'tUli th vigor ef health Into th syitem, and puns cut th humor which make disease. It stimulates tht healthy functions of tht body, and expelt the disorder Mt rraw anil rinkl. la the Blood. Such a remedy, that could be relied on, hat long beta, teught for, and now, for ths first time, Ihe publio have one cn which they can de pend. Our space here doet not admit of etrtlacatea to how lu effects, but th trial of a la;l bottle will show to the sick that It his virtues turpttilof anything they bar ever taken. Twe tabletpeonsful of tht Extract ef Strftparlllt, added to a plat ef water, It equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and ent bottle Is equal te a gaUoa of the Syrup of StrsaparUlt, er th decoction t usually made Th abov Extract art prepared ca partly tclcatllc principle la Fiuo aad embody the full strength of the Ingredients entering Into their composition. A ready and conclusive test will be a comparison cf their proper tin with that t let forth in the D. 8. Dispensatory. HOW TO USE THE ftEEDtE$e In Diitatu .f the Blood, ilumeri en the face, er toy and every part of the oody, use Extract SartaparllU, ap plying ts Pimples nd all external Uumort er Eruption tht Improve' "ose Weth. I'm u Extract Buctm for all dlteaau requiring tht aid of Dlurttlo, except thou of the Urinary Organs, such at Oonsrrbma and Gltct; la these use the Extract Bucha and Inject with the Improved Rue Wash. tf" TflESB EXTRACTS HAVE DEEM ADMITTED TO C3E IM TBE UNITED STATES ARMY, aad alto are In very general us. la all the STATE HOSPITALS AND PUBLIO INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, at wclat la private practice, and art contrilertd as lavaluabl remcdlt. MEDICINE DXUTX&SD TO AST ADDRESS. Direct lilttri to IIELMBOLD'S DECS A CHEMICAL WABEnOUSE, 594 Broadway( N, Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, ea to HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phili. DeeerlbeJSymptomi 4a all Communications. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Bewaro of Counterfeits! IIELMBOLD'S Fluid Extract Sareaparillt! sSiiE50D'V,N is r lll y-s il i W ASK PGR KLttBGlQ'l.yf 55!Tak9 no Ayr- 8, llrt-y. TIIE RED LION HOTEL. (Late Mrs. Boultoo't.) MARK .T STREET, BUNBTJHT, PA. JULIUS ARBITER. HAS take tkieerttaad well known stand, and refitted and furnished the same is prepared to accommodate Boarder as a Traveler with the best the market can afford. He hope by itrlct attention to business to receive a share ef publi. patron;.. ins iaiiu contain in Best ue aiaraei anoraa. Hit Bar it filled with the sboioest of Liquor, both Malt and Spirituous. The (tabling is good, and attcadtd by careful Ostler. Bunbury, April 80, 1864. ly o. w. -:ftTr?T Attorney nnd Oonntwllor nt Itw, Offit on louth side of Market street, four door west ef K. Y. Bright A Son' Store, S TJ 1ST 33 TJ .-". ?.. Will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to his ara, the collection of claim in Northumberland and tho adjoining counties. Sanbury, May 23, IBM. ly II. II. MASi:-C, A (tevrner nt Low. SUNBL'RY, PA.- X Collections atttailod to in the counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. REFERENCES. Flon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. G. Oattcll A Co., " Ilea. Wm. A. Porter, Morton McMiehacI, Esq., " E. Ketcham ft Co., 24 Pearl Street, New York. John W. Ashniead, Attorney at Law, Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, Sunbury, March 2tt, 1802. FROM WASHINQTON. LATEST IMPROVEMENT OP AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. at rnn F O TJ N D R Trr, PnOHP.SACHfe COCPs BTJJSTB XTR"-, I31srNV. Get the Best Get the Cheapets Oct the most Eco nomical, which can be had at the Rohrbncb Foundry Having a large assortment of the most approved STOVES, such as Cooking, Parlor, Office and Shop Stoves, which will be sold at the lowest rates. Also, Kettle of all sites, Pans, Skillet. Ao. They are also manufacturing Machinery, Doughs, Castings, Ac, at short notice. Repairing all kinds of Agricultural Implements done in a good workmanlike manner and at Ihe thortcst notico. All articles shipped as ordered. Order respect- luuy soi it lieu auu promptly aitenucu to. ROI1RBACH A COOPER. t"tf Old Iron, nnd all kinds of Produce taken In Exchange for work. Sunbury, June 18, 18M. tf BREAD I BREAD 1 1 BREAD 1 1 1 JSTEW 3A.I:3E.-3- THE undersigned has opened a Bakery, on Market street. Sunbury. Pa., two doors west of tho Post Office, where he will keep constantly on band, l't-fKlt llrrnd, Twittl-I-oll, Hiuk, and TEA-BUNNS. All kinds of FANCY CAKES, Common Cakes, Pretzels, Ac. Pio-Nio Parties, Wedding and Funeruls, will be supplied at the shortest notice. A good assortment w ill be kept np at all timet, manufactured out of the best material, and orders will be promptly attended to. Hetrusl that his friends nnd the public generally will sustain him in ibis new enterprise, now greatly needed in Sunbury. He trusts bis exporienco in tho business will ena ble him togive general satisfaction to all who may favor biui with their patronage. DAVID FRY. Sunbury, April 22, 1865. I.ue-kuYvuuun fc lflooinauurg; Hall rond. ON and after Jan. lHlh, 1864, Passenger Train will run as follows : MOVING SOUTH. Passenger. Leave Scranton, 4.20 " Kingston, 5.55 ' Blooinsburg H.25 " Rupert. ii 4.20 P. M Danville. 9 15 Arrivat Northumberland, 0.55 MOVING NORTH. Leavo Northumberland, 8.00 A.M. " Danville, 8.40 " Rupert. 8.40 " Bloomsburg, U.35 Kingston, 12.12P.M. Arrive at Scranton. 1..10 Freight A Piisscnger leaves Blooinsburg, 10.15 A. M. Passengers taking the Mail Train South oonnect with the Express train from Northumberland, arriv ing at Hairisburg, at 2.30 A. M., Baltimore 7.00 A. M., and at Philadelphia, at 7.00 A. M. The Mail train from Northumberland loaves immediately ufter the arrival of the Express train trom Hnrrisburg nnd I Baltimore, allowing Passengers leaving Philadelphia nt 111 40 P. M., to reach puiutaou this road during the next forenoon. New and elegant Sleeping enrs accompany the night trains each way betwueu Northumberland and Baltimore, aud Northumberland und Philadelphia. V. i. iJULMJ. bupl. I. K. STAUFFKIf. WATCUMAKEB & JJEVVELHV. No. 118 North SECOND street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. An nMKortnirnt ol v.ViiK'Im'n, Jew elry, SilTJ I'lnfrd lVnrr constantly hand, Suitable fur HOLIDAY PRESENTS! tf Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly attended lo. December 3, IS64 ly riorllti-i-n 4''iilfal ICailwiiy. FOUR TRAIN'S DAILY to and from Baltimore and Washington city. Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad. In and from Pittsburg nnd the West. FOUR TRAINS DALY to nnd from Ine North nnd West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and all ol North ern New York. ON and alter MONDAY. OCTOBER 2J, 18C4. the Passenger Trains of Ihe Northern Central Railway still arrive at nnd dupurt from Sunbury, lAiumuury us. uaniiuore ni loliows, Vlt ; SOU T H W A R D . Muil Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday). 10 10 A. M " leaves Harrishurg, 1 30 P. M " arrive, nt Baltimore, 5 30 Elmira Express Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Suuday.) 11 40 P. M " leaves llurrioburg (except Monday.) 2 50 A. M arrives at Baltimore daily (except Monday), T00A.M Ilarnsburg Aocommodallou loaves Hams- burg, 7 H A. M Suuhurv Accommodation leavet Sunbury daily (except bundny) at 7 00 A M Erie Express train leave bunbury daily (except Sunday.) at 3 15 Erie Muil Train leaves Eunourv dailv (except Sunday,) at 3 50 P M NORTHWARD. Mail Train leave Baltimore daily (ex cept Sunday) 20 A. M leaves Hnrrisburg 1 4i P. M. arrives al Sunbury. 4 20 ' Elmira Express Train leaves Baltimore 10 00 P. M arrive at llarrisburc. 3 2oA M " leaves Uerrutarg (except Monday), " arrives at Sunbury. Erie Express Truiu leave Baltimore daily (except Sunday.) at leave Hnrrisburg duily (except Sun dayt at 3 40 A.M. t 15 8 00 PM IMAM " arrives at bunbury at Hnrrisburg Accommodation leave burg, daily (except Sunday) at 3 50 Harris- J 50 PM 7 45 P M arrives al llarrisburg, Sonburv Accommodation leave! Harris- burg daily (except Sunday) at 4 25 P M Eric Mail Traiu loaves Jiarrisburg daily (except Sun lays) at II 00 PM lb arie xproas and fcrte wall araiu ax through trains lo and from Erie and all intermedial point, juau and axpret iraiat f ua uuuuga to Elmira. For farther information apply at the Office. I 1. Dl BARRY lien. Supt. October 14, 1865. im;v ton- ruin. fTUIE partjstrebip ef Orant A Diet having bee X distolwd. Th undersigned have entered into Srtnerfh in the WboletaU and Retail Coal and bippiiw. Rutin ander tht Annua of GRANT BROTHER.' Tsaukful for the eatrenag extended to nt in the la firm ef Friling A (linnt, and Urantt A Diet respectively, we respectfully eliit continuance ef the lonia. W. T. GRANT, 1. D. ORANT. Lewer Wharf, I anbury, Funis ' April 1. 1861 'Oreaorlftlloata trefally eempeandMt ef fh X I DRUGS eta Mamtueth bfre ef JV. laULIK KV. uxWrJ-, Kty ,HV IMS. Arrangement. 1$M f ."lew York Unco. THE OAMDEJJ AND AMBOT AND PnrLADEl miA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES. Front Philadelphia t Ifnr Tork and Way Plan. from Walnut ttrett Wharf mnd htnnngto Depot, vrill liavi a frilrw. et'e rani At 6 A. M., vfa Camden and Amboy, (0. jt Acenmmodation,) tl At 0 A.M., via Camden and Jersey City, N.J. , Accommodation, At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City. (Morning Mail.) At 8 A.M., via Camden and Jersey olty 21 Claei Ticket ' AU1 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, At 12 U. Tla Camden and Amboy, 0 and A. (Accommodation,) At 2 P.M., via Camdoa and Amboy, (0. and A. Exprcs,) At .8 P.M., via Kensingten and Jersey City, Wash, and N. Y. Express At 8 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City. (EventngMail.) ' " At lit P. M. vm Kensington and Jersey city, a a i o a a i aa t 8 01 8 X 8 0( At H (niht via Kensington and Jersey city Boutnern Express At 5 P. M.,via Camden and Amhnjr, (Aocom modation, Freight and Passenger, First Class Ticket, Second Clans Tickot, ' 2 Ct 1 21 ror vsaser uan. rilronH.lir c vt-:n... . . , ' , , ------uwiwiivii, . i line bnrre, Montrose, Great Mend, Ac, at 6 A M from Kensington, via Delaware, Lackawanna anc estern Railroad. lor llauch Chunk, Allcntown, Bethlehem, Bcli Ocre, baslou, Lambcrtvillc, Flemington, Ac, t6 I A. m., irom Kensington Depot, aud ut 21 P M ironi ii hiiiui tircei v narr. (Tho 8 A. M. Line connects with Trains loaviot Eaaton for Mnuch Chunk, at 3-20 P. M ) Fur Mount Holly, at 6 A. SI., 2 and 4 IP. M For Freehold, at II A. M. and 2 P. M WAY LINE. For Bristol, Trenton, Ac, at 11 A. M. md 2i audi o P. M. from Kensington, For Palmyra, Kiverton, Dclanco, Beverly, Lr f'S'p jjurence' Dordcntown, Ac, at 12, 1, 2, i. LV For New York, and Way Lines leaving Ken singlon Depot, take the Cars oa Fifth street, abort ulnut, half on. hour before drpnrtuse. Tho Can run into Lh Dopot, and on the arrival of each Iruin run from the Depot. Iifly Pound of Baggage only, allowed each passenger. Passengers arc prohibited from taking anything as baggage .but their wouringapparcl. All baggage over liny pounds lo be paid fir extra. The Company limit their responsibility lor baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will nut be liable lor anv amount beyond 100, except by special contract. T ,- , WM.. II.. GAIZMIlR, Agent. January 17, 18G5, " .tl. V. UIMISUlRT'ii Confectionery, Toy and FU I T STOE, .tlni-Uft Strtol, SuulMii-y, la. COXFECTIOXEHY OF ALL KINDS. TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRUIT, &c, Ac, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at Iho above establishment atnhulesalo und retail, ut reueou uble prices. He I manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries to keep up a full assortment which aro sold at low rates. Tobacco. Segnrs. Stationery. Nut of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, "ail of whioh are offered wholesale and retail. LV Remember the name and p!aee.art , M. C. GEARHART, Market street, 3 doors west efE. Y. Bright A Son' tore. Sunbury. Sept. II), 18B,L tf .-IIAMSI-K'N lATi:.V- FIVU JIW. itk i'iti:i:xi:it ! At Improved for 1858 and 1860, By E. KETCHAM A CO., 2SU Pearl t., New York. niHE only Freezer constructed on scientific prin X ciples. with a revolving can and spring blade temper. The one hastens the freezing of the cream the other removes it as fast us frozen. The most rapid iu freezing, witb the least qsmtitj of ice. The most economical in cost, as it it tbe moil simple and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal cities and townt in the Union. Each Freezer accompanied with a book ef recipe and full directioui. PRICES. S quarta, S3 0 4 quarts, 4 oil 0 qunrtt, a 00 b quarts, 00 14 quarts, u 00 20 quarts, 12 00 Apply t II. B. UASSER, Bunbury, Pa March 2y, loo2. Uxonoc Hill, Simon P. Woltebton. niLL & WOLVERTON, Attorney) uud Counselor) nt l.uw. Office, Market street, cor. Ccntro Alley, 3TJnTI3XJIY, !.. "1 17 ILL attend prompllty to the collection of claim nnd all other professional biisiness intrusted to tbeircars in Northumberland andadjoiuingcuuuties. Sunbury, January 23, lsti.'. liil-riinliiial llolt-l, 365 alio! 3ti7 IS run Jim if. Corner 1'raiiiliH Street NEW YORK. rpiIIS first class House tho most quiut, Voroelik X and pleasant Hotel in the city otters superior inducements to those visiting New York rbr businese or pleasure. It is central in its location, and kptlon the El uoi'EAN Plan, in oonnection with Tah.o Saloon, where rcfreshiiieuts can be had all hour,, or served in their own rooms. Tho charges aro mo derate, tho rooms and attendance of tie first order baths, aud all the modern conveniences attached Oat 1, ISti4. , SOLOMON MALICK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa. OFFICE in East end of Weaver's Tavern, Market Street. , All business entrusted to him will be careful y andr punctually attended lo. Consultation iu the Eng lish and tiermun language. Sunbury, April 0. IStii. Tltc 'oiuil-lo, ItaiibTf li'iius Nell", pirparulingr CORN SHELLER ! ! PATENTED, At Gl'6'T 2ud, 1S64. rillll-S Sheller lhe only ea that shells the Corn X perfectly clean front f b when green, soak ed or dry. It gives the Ear a double operation on the Shelling Wheel at it passes through, and sepa rates the Cob from the Corn completely, rendering it at once At for market without tbe use of the fauuing mill. This machine shells a Uilf liitehet oj Ears to tht if i its to hy Ordi nary Hand Potter, and can be used, also, by Horse, Steam or Water Power hy attaching a Pulley ou the Crank Shaft. For Dur I ilily. Cleanliness. Neatness Cheapness and 1! 1 li:y in Shelling, this Machine cannot bis equalled by any olher. STATE AND COUNTY RKiilTS FOR SALE ON REASONABLE TERMS. Uemlemex 1 If you want your corn PhelleJ clean ; if you bare occasion to shell groen or damp ' cum ; if you want your corn and cob separated ; it you want a durable machine ; if you want a cheap .heller, buy the Complete, Deuble-Aetiag, Self-Separating Corn Shelter. REFERENCES: Dr. J. W. Peale unbur. II. B-. Masner. Charles Huas, Miller. Samuel Lessig, Reading. C. 1. Morgan A Co., lieo. Weisor, L. Augusta! Millers. Suuburv. Sol. Marl.. n... Henry Leisearuig, Bear Uan. C. Albert, Georgetown Manafactured and fut bale at the Foundrv of ROURUACJi A COOPER, Sunbury, Pa. nunviy, Mv9. o, toot.-om TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC. fllUE subscriber 20 years a practical Piano Forte X Manufacturer, of New York City, has perma nently located in Ibis section, aad would rosuectfullv anlieil urdct for TUNING, REPAIEIKO, AND REGU LATING PIANO FORTES and MEL0DE0NS. The eaWeriber is also tbe eianufaoterer'i Areot fot CnlCKKRINO A SON'S, 1iazleton bro s., lin dem an a son's., william b. braduury'8, edward blwomfield 6, Mcdonald a co s, 1ia-u i'outem, And Carbart A Needhats'. and Peloubet'i MELODEONB HABMOMIUM8. Aad L. V. Stout' Pipe CULKCU ORGANS JAMES lioDC-JTALF. rr.oaHaj.rt, f.., Aprfl W, It.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers