VK MJ' W WSNft Ski lijc SuubutBgmc"ncanr H. B. MASSER. Editor ft Proprietor. JH. WIIiVBBT, Pobllaher. ' HU.MIMtV, I A. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 18C3. 3F"To Those Ikdkiiteo. Our patrons ,11 knnvr that our f xpcnacs lire now twice s much as formerly. In our buainps vrc lust pay the cabIi for nil we consume. We hefeforc nsk the favor of our pntrnna to re nit us the amount due ft, tlmutili it may he mull. The large amount of small Mil otit tnmiing when brought together, will he an mportant item and greatly aid ua lo our rtisinpBfl. ' gtocal &ffads. NOTICE. Persons desiring medicine ou Sun ays, ean procure the enme by calling at toy store otween the hootl of 8 to St o'olook A. M., sad from .MP- M. W. A. BENNETT. f37If you desire a good cost, panti or Test made ip la the latest style, and out of the most fashionable pods at reduced prices, call on J. E. Smick, mer ihant tailor, Fawn t., opposite Weaver's Hotel. Thanksgiving dy was pretty generally ob erved in this Burough, all plnocs of business being closed, and service held la the German Reformed 2hurch, which was woll attended by the different lououiiuations. 3-I)avixi Senvict. As St. Muthcw'i Episeo. al Churob is undergoing some repairs, divino sor ices will be held in the Court House to-morrow Sunday) evening, at 7 o'clock. CPIIoLiDAr 1'bksests of every description can je procured of X. F. Lightnor. in Tlcasant's build ng, Market street, who has a large variety. See lis advertisement In another column. Jon PniNTtso. Orders for Hnwdbills, Circu lars, Cards, and a'l other kinds of job work can be forwarded to this office, and will be returned to any point in the county by mail, express or rnilroad. Terms are rcnsnnabl e, and the woik will be executed in the latest style and best manner. . CJp-CiiiiisTMAS Presents. A. E. Savage, in Simpson's building, bus just received a line lot of Ladies' Uold Watches and Chains, Rings, Pins, Port monnis. Silver-Plated Spoons, forks and Jewelry of every description, which he will sell very low for Holiday Gifts. Cull in and examine for yourself. . m tyAoENT ronDn. SncMrcKBR's Histobt. We are pleaded to see that Mr. M. D. Bostian, has been appointed an agent for the snlo of Dr. Schinuckor's History of the Rebellion , and is now canvassing Sun bury, Northumberland, Point, Upper and Lower Augusta townships. Mr. Dostum participated in ma ny of the battles, in which, he lost an arm, he is now endeavoring to mnintaiu his family by the sale of their history. Wo hope ho will meet with success CJAnvERTisiNo. We can excuse a mnn in bu sinew who docs not advertise if be has nothing to advertise ; but renders must know that the busines, man who throws out his sign in the newspaper, and is not ashamed of his stock of goods, can alway9 furnish a belter quality at lower prices than those who, either through shame or penuriousncss, never let the public know what they have or what they are doing. tyAricfowi.F.naKMK.xr. Messrs. Philip Clark and A. F. Clapp have placed us under obligation,, for some choice cuts of venison, which they captured lost week. As they are the most skillful hunters in this section of country, and gentlemen who can ap preciate the life of an editor, we hope their future efforts in bunting tours may never he less successful Ijj' Baocaok Cab BtrtxEO. Ou Sunday morn ing Inst, about 4 o'clock, a serious accident occurred to the Erie Express Train at Chilisquaque, a mile or so below Lewisburg station. By some accident, as yet unexplained, tho buggngo car cuught fire and was totally consumed, together w ith all the baggage of tho passengers. The train was stopped, and the locomotive and other 'cars separated from the one which was on fire, and iu this way no damage i sustained by tho passengers, nor were the other cars injured. The amount of loss is unknown. The mail train going west, on the same road, on Saturday, came in collision with a freight train, near Willinuisport. One man hud his leg broken, and some dainago wr.3 done to tliccars. I'jf 1V find tho name of lion. George F. Miller, our representative in Congress, on two Committees of the House, viz: tho Committee on Roads and Cnnuls, and tliut on Expenditures of tho War Do" purtmcnt. 3 It is Comino ! Christmas, tho anniversary cf the birth'vjf the Savior, will be celebrated one week from next Monday. As usual, it will be an occasion of mirth, and hearty congratulation, but the events that hiivo trnnspircd within the past year, will render tho coming Chridtmaa a day of unusual rejoicing and merry-inuking. Everybody will be presenting gifts to their friends, and everybody (no allusion, of course, to editors and printers.) will receive tokens of respect and good will, from their generous acquaint t nice. The hearts of the littlo folks will be made glu I by their gou 1 Irien I Kriss Kringle, who, in luak 1114 his annual round ni'h his tiny reindeer team will deposit the usual supply of Christmas guoj.i in tho receptacles provided for tho same. Tho windows of our dealers are already presenting o passers-by a most attracting display of holiday goods, and everybody can be supplied, at the moderate expenditure of a few greenbacks. To aH who are in want of goods for the coming "Christmas and New Year, we cordially commend those who advertise in our columns, uud we initio attention to their respec tive cards. PiiocEtiMNus or Bobocou Coiscti.. Council met agreeably to adjournment, at their room 00 Monday evening, December 11, 1865, Chief Burgess Boyer iu the chuir. Members present, Clemen, Dostian, Hendricks, Mants, Brosious, Wilvert, Zetlo uioyer, Boyd and Rohrbacb- Miuutes of loot meeting approved Committee on Hendrick's proposition reported riroirress and was continued. B melton, an order was granted to 8. B. Boyer for HM, the amount paid by him to the guardian of George Kramer, a soldier in Co. C, 47th Reg't. and credite I to the Borough or Sunbury. On motion. Resolved, That the Chief Burgess fur ui.-h a statement to Council of bounty bonds issued und orders drawn for the, payment of volunteers credited to the Borough of Suubury. Ou motiuu, tho J'ullowiug ordinance was passed unanimously ; l Ba IT Emactub by the Burgess and Common r...rw.il,r, i.f iba liorouirh of Sunburv, and it is hereby euiu-ted by the authority of the same. That if iiiv rmraoa or persons, within the limits of the borough, atiiresaid, become iuloiitated and disor . : ik. L ,i .r j.lluip ffon duot. the Chief Burgess of tho said borough be and is hereby authoriiod, at buowo view, or iuloruiutiou being made be tore biai, to issue a warraut tu cause the arrest of such person or persons so offending against this ordiuaiice, and have the same brought bef"rc bim, and uKia conviction of any such oflcuce, shall foifeit aud pay such fine as may be imposed by .1.. i'i,ir Knrinua of said boroui!U. not exceeding twenty dollars, lor the use of said borough, and any Liriou or persona negieotiog or reiu-inj to pay the same, Willi nu ot suit, the unur uurgess , is herctiy authoriiod to cumuiit such poisou or per- 1. n 10 tlio ooumy jil for each otieuee, tor any period On motion, RueolveJ, That the Chief Burgesa no tify the N. C. K. R. Ce., to repair the crossings in Fawn sUeet, at their briuick road, omaeuly ealled tbe Horn. On motion, Resolved. That Dr. J- B. Masser be stifled to (111 up the side walk on BUokberry street from River alley to Broadway, and on Broadway from Blackberry street to f. Hassaekt'a property. Pa mutioa adjovnetl. , Jiryi ftairisiw, Clerk tyArraaciATino tbb Miwi"tm. We learn by the Nunc? Luminntf, diat the religious denomi nations of that place done the handsome tiling with their clergymen last Week. The flrst wus a dona, lion to the Palter of the Episcopal church, on Thanks giving evening, comprising of groceries and provl iioos f all kinds, ai d a puit i containing f luO. The Other took place at the resideueo of the Pastor of the Presbytorias church on Saturday afternoon. The ladies taking advantage of the absence of Mr; A Mrs. lilfo, fof the afternoon, took possession of the hauso and refurnished the study and 'their bod room with elegant Dew furniture, the eost of which was several hundred dollars. This is just as it should bo. No olass of men are more poorly paid than our clorgyuien, while none are more deserving of the largest liberality on the j art of those for .whom they tabor, 7 .; . ... , . IjDeLIWATEI TOTnaRltEB STATE CORVEK no. The following Is a list of the delegates ap pointed to represent this Uorough, In the grand Rivcr Stnlo Convention, to meet in Ilurrisburg on tho 10th of next J ummry: S. P. Wolverton, 8. B. Boyer, John P. Pursel, Choi. Garingor, Sol. Stroh, E. V. Bright) Philip Clark, H. B, Maeser, J. Youngman, Allen Hopper, John Haas, Ed. Drurubcllor, P. W. Gray. Capt. J. Buyers, P. M. Shindcl, W. L. Dowerf 3. W. Friling, J. M. Simpson, E. Wilvert, Dr. G. B Weiser.U. M. Ronn, Jno. K. Clement, A. F Clapp' C J. Brnner, Ira T. Clement, Fred. 5paeht, Chas. Beck, Geo. Lyons, W I. Greenougn, Dr B. 11. Awl Dr. J. Markle and J. 0. Welkor. ty List or Cavses fob second week or Jaso- ary Term, 18B6 : 1 Edward Y. Bright et al vs Jane Kay et at 2 Ira T Clement et al va Susan Longnecker. 8 Daniel S. Cane, adm'r vs Ann Divers, etal 4 David Fagely vs A M. Eastwick 6 William L. Dewart vs J. B. Masscr. 8 John Hnferet al vs Barbara A. Alexander adm'r 7 Cluiilcs Heck vs Samuel Gsringcr. 8 Silomon Stiob ct al vs George Shall et al 9 Jeremiah Zimtifernian vsJohn A. Conrad. l) The Com. of l'enn. for use. vs Philip llilgcrt. 1 1 Wm. Christian Fox. vs Joseph Bird et al 12 Philip Kerstettervs Daniel J Rtiker I t Isaac T Brown, vs Lorenso Munsell. 14 Jonathan Hoover vs Josinh Reed otal. 15 John A Dodge ct al vs Jacob llartman et at 1 Robert D Cummings vs John Witleninyer. IS Freeman Thomas, vs Andrew Ucckol. 19 Charles Hoy vs Daniel W Smiih. 2i' Daniel Herr rs John F. Cowen et al. 21 Levi Hecht v? Peter K. Fisher. 21 RencvilleShafor vs David K-hhack. 21 William U Kobinsctal vs John S. Snyder et al. 24 Freeman Thomas vs Andrew llcckol. 25 A. W Crenmor vs John Oeiscr. 211 John Ilnncock vs John Huns ct al 27 Cn-per Shall ct al vs John K Erdman. 28 John Diinkteberger vs Andrew M. Eastwick. 29 Elias Lohr vs Andrew Borrel ct al SO Elias Stcpp vs Jamucl 11. Rothcrmel. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AslmiulNtrntoi-'M iolii--. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters orAdmipis trillion having been granted to tho umlcrsi 'lied on ths estate of Gritlith Jones, late of tho borough of Nortbuinberlnnil, county of Norlhnmberlaiid. Pa., deceased. All persons indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present tbcin duly authenticate I for settlement. D. M. BKAUTIU AM, Adm'r. Northumberland, Doc. 2, lrfdi. Gt ORPHANS' COURT SALE. TN pursuance of an ordor of the Orphans' Court of .i orthutuberlanri county, will be exposed to public sale at the Court llouso, jn the Borough of .S'unbury, on Saturday the 30th dav of December. A. D., 165, all the one full, equal, undivided moiety, or half part, of all that certain tract of land situate in t.'onl township Northumberland county. Pennsylvania, and bounded and described us follows, to wit: bound ed on the North by laud surveyed to John Teiiswortb; East by land surveyed to Martin Ons 4 Win. P Brady; on the South bv land surveyed to John Uoyd k William Wilson, and on the West by laud surveyed in the uaincot John Uook, containing four liumlreil and five acres, more or less, and by a re-survey 4JD acres and f0 perches, which said tract of land was surveyed iu pursuance of a warrant granted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Thomas Hamilton. Late tho property of Jocph 1. Mather, deceased. Sale to commenco at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day. when conditions of sain will be made known by LEWIS KOD.MAX, Guardian of Emily Mather. By order of the Court, J. A. J. CUMMIXlttf. Clerk 0. C. Sunbury, Nureuibcr 28, Irllii. t 9G-TAKE-1500XOTICE 4T8 WINTER & SPRING OPERATIONS, Sjilenilid Variety of FANCY GOODS, GOLD A SILVER WAKE, IMiutOjrsspliH, 1Vii('!i'n, Jewelry, At b'J Nassau Stiikbt. We now offer a splendid variety of tho choicest and best goods, on terms that must and wilt suit everybody; and if our dealings are not fair aud honest, do not patronize us ; and if our goods are not ns represented, return them aud wc will refund tho money. CONDITIONS, twenty thousand articles of goods are for sale at two dollars each consisting of PIANOS, MEI.ODEONS, DIAMOND JEWELRY, ol4l tVnleiie. KUver (VnK'hrs, NIL V E R WARE, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, And a great variety 01 fancy goods and jewelry. Those coods are numbered from ono to twenty Iho'u- snnd, and twenty thousand notices are numbered from ono to twenty thousand, uud put into sealed en velopes and thoroughly mixed, eaeh nuuitfer cor resHinding with some article of goods. Any person sending thirty cents for an oil colored photograph, will receive "two of lhe.-o notices with eaeh photo graph; making, whure an agent sends, five photo graphs and ten notices for one dollar, tho extra pho tograph and two notices f.ee to tbe agent. Tbu article of goods corresponding with the number on the uolieo.no matter what its value, will oe sent on tbe receipt of two dollars. If the Roods when re ceived do not give satisfaction, return them und wo will rotund the money. Send thirty eenls for an oil colored photogrngh. religious, comic or fancy, and two notices. (me us one tnul ami we know you will send again. Address all orders KENNEDY 0.. Box 6103, Kew York. November 25, 1865. Ira GOODS BUITAIiLK FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. HENRY IIARPER. S90 Arils Sli-eel, IMiiluaeliiliiu. WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER WARE and Fuperlor Mlver IMated Wure. October!, 1805 am ltetitliuc ItiillroiKl. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Not 27th,18ti5. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North ana North-West for Philadelphia, New York. Head ing, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allontown, Easton, &o. Trains leave Harrisburg for New-York, as fol lows: 3.00, 7 ts and 0.05 A. M. and 1.45 and V 00 P. M., arriving at New Y ork at 5.4(1 and Id 01) A. M. aud .1.40 and 10.35 P. M., connecting with similar Trains un the Pennsylvania Itailrond ; Sleeping Cars accompanying tho 3.00 and 9.05 A. M. Trains, with out cbuuge. Leave for Reading, Pottsville, Tainaqua, Miners ville, A h luio I, Pine Grove, Allemown and Philadel phia at 7.35 A. M. and I 45 aud tt.00 P. M., stopping at Lebanon aid principal stations; tbe 9 00 p iu. Train making w elose connections for Pottsville. nor Philadelphia. For Pottsville. Schuylkill ilHvm aud Auburn, via -Oiuylkill uud Susquehanna Hail road, leave lldrrishuri at 4 00 p. m. Keturning' Leave Rw York at 9 00 a. m., 12.00 Noon at B.IK) p. m.; PhiM.vlphia at 8 00 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. Potrsville al bxo a.m. and 2 4a n di ; Ashland 6.00 and 11.45 a. m.ud 1.16 p. ni ; Tuma nua at 7.:t5 a ui. and I 40 p. m. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg ia Schuylkill and Fusnuehanua llallroad at tt 45 a. m. . . 1 .. . . 1 . ; 'r..;., 1 11 . Iveaiung acuoiiiui"u"i('u iwie, aeaumg & 0.30 A. M. returning fiom I'hilade-H.bia at 4.1(0 P M Columbia Railroad Trains leave r.eaniij j,i b.io A M mnit A 1 P. M. for Enhreta, Litis, Lsaoaster IIIUUIUIS OSIIIWU ...... U..U Columbia. Ae. Ou Sundays: Leave Kew lora ai o r. m.. ruia- delphia 3.15 P M. Pottsville b. 00 A. M., Tainaqui. 8 A M. Harrisburg T 05 A M and Keadiug at I A. M. for Harrisburg, and 10 52 a. m. for New York. Commutklion, Mileage, season, ami excursion TiV.i. al reduced ratus to and from all point. Baggage cheeked through ; ttO Pounds Biggage al- ,u"-a o.A.NIOOLLS. General Superintendent' Paw., lStfl. . . . 8TOR E . AV. A. HEaN'NKT. Mnrket Nqunrr, (iOttl'ltV, Kn. mi. m ! 1 ma HAVIN'I recently parobrrsj tho Drug Ptnre formerly eondmltnf by R. A Fisher, I beg leave to . Infm-fi ,tlie citiiens of ftunbiiry snd vi cinity,. that I have entlroly replenished uiy stock of n. tsct era- ss PA NCI? ARTICLES ! snoh as Combs, Brashes, Pookot-Books,, Soaps, l'cr fumery, Hair-Oil, Knives, Scissors, Coal-011 Lamps, Tobacco and Cigars, Paint. Olln, fjiliio, .'lnsiM, Iullj, TtirnNlios, l'nteiU leilieliiesi, A-. All my Tinolures, Syinf s, Ointments. Cerates, nnd other preparations aio lnaoufaotured by myself, aud finm tbe best material 1 ojn procure tu Market. Having bad quite a number of years' experience in tha Drug nnd Freerition Business, bath In Philadelphia and the oountry, and also the advantage of thu t'oilego of Pharmacy, I feci com petent to COMPOUND ALL rKl.SCRlPTIO.Nd that the Physicians and putilio may favor me with. All my preparations as I have alwvo asserted, nro made from the best material, nnd upon honor I assert, they are of officinal strength. Fur medicinal purposes, I kocp on hand tho very best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I oan procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, eoll and cocviroo your own mina. W. A. BENNETT. Sunbury, Kot 18, 1895. Pianos I Pianos 1 1 MY PIANO F0RTE3, which have been awarded numerous high I PRIZE MEDALS, for years past In this Country and Enmpe, for their decided superiority, are still manufactured in this City, whore their exccllcnco has been long acknow ledged and universally admired. In delicacy and sweetness of tone with purity and power, they nro unequalled and fully warranted, on the most reason able terms. C0N11AD MEYER, No. 722 ARCH St., PHILADELPHIA. Nor. 1 1, 185. 3ui : BEAD WHAT DR. SCHENCK 13 D0INCJ. DR. J. II. SCHENCK, . Dbb Sir : I feo4 it a duty I owe to yon, and to all who are suffering under tho diseases known as Consumption aud Liver Complaint, to let them know What great bent (its I have reotivod from your Pul monic Syrup and Seaweed Tutiio in so short a lime. By the blessing of Uod it his cured me thus f ir. Dr. Sohenck, I will now tutiko my statement to you. as follows : About eighteen months ago I was attacked with a severe cough, and it settled on my lungs I could not retain anything I Mo. nnd suf fered with evening fevers nnd nihl sweats. I was very much reduced. Tho whites of mv eves were very yellow; likewise my skin; my appcti'e all irone, and unable to digest what I did cat; bone Is swollen, irregulKr and costive. I was very low spirited, and bad such violent spells of leouliing when I hud down nt night and when I arose in the moruing that thev would last one or two hours. I then would bo nearly exhausic I. and was entire ly unable to lie on my loft side. I c nnot dtverihe my wretched suffering as I would wish todo. Evtry organ in my body was diseased or derange I. Such was my situation at tbis time, and I was confined to mv bed from the last of February, 1S2, not able to tit up? I hod the best of meiticul attendance the whole of the limo. My cough vsr n very bad that it racked mo very much. I at this liiue raised a largo quantity of thick, yellow, offensive matter, sometimes with biood, nnd it was generally accompa nied by nausea and a furred and thick coated tongue. At the time of coughing so badly I would bnve sharp, shooting pains in my left ride nn I heart, night sweats, and soreness alt through niy wholo chest; had much inward fever, pain In my buck ami under my shoulder blades and iu tho small of my back, anil at times so severe thnt it would throw mo into spasms. iot my physician gave me up tu die. Others I had, and the bust of them, but I bey eould do nothing tor me, and at that tunc 1 was nothing but skin nnd bones. I then was in the western part of Missouri. Iu Jnne last we left there for the East, arid in August lost we oame tu New York, and I was so reduced that I eould only walk a little with my busbansf's help. After I had linen hero a short time the suit water breese made me feel mueb better for a time and then 1 had again to call a physician tor aid . We had four of tho besi, p'.iveiortiis of Ji'.-.ir Vo;.i on tbe diseases f the lung?, and doctors i f ill U.11 Is. but of no avail. They s.iid t wa p 1st cure, mid tlitl my lungs were too fur gnno ;'t nny one to euro rue. But at this timo I was ou my foci uboiu the honso. not able to do much of anything. In November last I grew worse, and the consumption Uiarrho:, set in and lasted about eight weeks. We hud tried nil and everything that I could grasp at like a dyin; pcrsuii foruiy discu-cs cousumptiuu uud liver coui plaiut but of no avail. In January, ISn.'i, I was brought down ngnin on my bed. and was not exacted to live tho night out. My husband stayed at my side, and other friends, and they all give 1110 up 10 die. . At this time every one shiwuff mo did not think I, would leave my bed a living woiiinn. The Gi-t uirht t was attacked with spasms, und was deranged uio?t of thu time. A friend, Mrs. liarris. eaiue to sec 11, e the la-t of toe week, aud brought the Sunday Mercury. In it win nn account of a great euro performed by Dr. Schenck. She read it to me. uud it was mi uiucu like my own disease lhat 1 akci my husband to go and see bim for mo. At this time I hud given up all hopes of ever getting well again, and inado my peace with Uod, to bu ready when He called for me. On the 27th of January, lfo.1. my husband culled on Dr., Schenck, 32 l!oad street. New York, und stated to lit 111 uiy case, with a requii for him to cull and se inr, nhieh-hn did. an 1 examined mo with the respimuietor. When he was about to go 1 a-ked hiin if ho could cure uie ! His reply -: "1 can not toll, both liins nro diseased, mid the bronchial tubes are affected whoth sides. 1 And vet bo seemed to think there wer. lituijsi enough left to ef fect a care it tlio diarrheii coa, be slopped. Hu said iu order to do I bit. ho would K.lXva to k'Vo Man drake Pills iu small doses at first, 1. curry off the tuoroiil mauer. and men, wun usuiuKein. ju. hoped to cheek it, which he did. but the constant cou,j,j,1;;, night sweats, anil diarrhea tiaii rrosiraicd inesoUud he was afraid my vital powers wcru too niueh pros traled ever to rally, and yet be seemed to think if 1 could live to get enough Pulmonic Syrup lhiuii0b my system to cause expectorulion. there wero lungs enough left tor me to recover. Ho wished uie to try the Pulmonic Svrun and Seaweed Tonic at once. saying it would do me no harm, if it did me no good. J ho first week it seemed to give uie men,;in, so that on Sunday af cr I sat un 111 bed and uto heaity for a sick woman, but thu uext woek i lo-t all hope and wished my husband not to give me tiny uiore medicine. Hut the doctor had warned tiuu 01 tins, mi l wh'.n the uiedieitie viis ele.o uig out the satciu t made them feel somewhat rrMles, and to perse vere; and tie uiri-tod 011 uiy taking 11; and i new feel the benefit of it. For afier eight days I began to gain strength, and, with the execptiou of a cold that put me back some. 1 havebeeu gaining strength o body, my couh is going awav. and alt my pains are gone; 110 soreuess of the bmly, my bowels are regular, and my brcaih is sweet, and I thauk lio l that am now going about, aud sew and read us xeli as 1 ever could. I have tnkeu sixteeu hottlts of tbu medicine, eight of each. 1 now have a good appe tite and rest well ut nighl ; uiy cough does nut trouble me in settinz un or Ivinit down. I woul 1 bore say to the utllicted with consumption or liver complaint, that Dr Seueuck is no humbug. You can rely on what be says Delay not; ilia datuci ous to, trifle with these diseases.. If you would be cured, gout once, and any ono wishing to ku.r.v iho tacts as uerein stated osu can ni my resiueucu, 111 West Houston streui, New Vork oily. MK.i. MAUY F. FAR LOW. We, the undersigned, rerideuts of New Vork, are acquainted with Mrs Fallow, uud knw her state ment to be true. We also know I bat she used l'r- Schenck s Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed 'i diic. aud j nave riason 10 uciiuku inui 10 inis mtuiciue sue owes her preservation fiom a piciuaiuru gruu. S. FAltLOW. Ii7 Wet Houston st. EL'UEXE l:li;illllLI.. b7 Greenwich St. Mrs. Kl'tlENE L' M-.li II li.l.. H7d lirecnwicU it. AL'Ul'STA I NiiKKIIILL. 070 lirceuwieh st,. A. 1. II A Kit I . 117 Weil Huusloust. EMILY UI.O Kll. 117 Weil lloustou st. J L. COLE. 33 Cottage place M A. LKloil l'O.V. 4 vl Broi Iwuy. Mrs. BENJAMIN CLAIM'. 10 Amity place. I am well acquainted with Mrs- Mary Farlow, aid with her herb 11. d. Mr. IS. Fallow, they having for a few uioutha pasi. aiteuded al my chuicu. and I amioonviuccd tl at any statement which they might make might be relied on at tree. JOHN DOW LING. D. D.. Pastor of Bedford St. BapiUt Church, N. Y. De. Schenck will be professionally at bu principle , WU.UW 4, u. .a 4. UI IU f IAIH .1, wt mm. , otnou Ao. Aorta Sixth street, euruer ui coiumeruo. Philadulnhia. ever Saturdar. troai V A M uutil r. Al., Ao. .liltond street, new ioik, every xues- I any, iroui v to 3; no 36 suunitr street, uosiou, Jlass . 'everj Wednesday, fiom 9 to 3. and every other Friday at las II dtimore streat, Baltimore, Md. All advice tree, but ti r a thorough examiuation of mi inogi wuu uie vepiruuvier, lue ouoxije is uuee dot I an. Piice of tha Pulmooto yrap and Seaweed Tonie, each 41 40 per bottle, or 17 io per hall' do.eu. Man drake fills, o eents pvr box. For tale by ail Druggisn and Peeler VetMabw J, 1J-1 y. L0fR & WINDOW MOULDINGS Te Exclade Cold, Usln, Dust and Snow. . I!.oot! t lour' ailTif-r, A Ileal Family Comfort. OAS II & ATI NO STOVES, For L'uuujOcm, Uiiisjtftf. li.ilh-ivtion., Vtit HOUSEHOLD TIN-WARE, Heavy and Well Made. OLD DOMINION COFFEE POT.S, ' A lteul Saving in these Dear Times. CHILDREN'S TRAYS, , Tu Keep tho Tublo Cloth Clean. At Wholesale and P.ctall.by Cll IS. Ut'RHAM, Mantifacluror, It!) South Tenth Street, Philadelphia. November Id, 1B05 - 2in zcxnznasar si5:siBnk. STATIOKKLY STORE, MIESSirl' NH' t's Ni elli ItV. riTHE subscriber respectfully informs tho citif.cn 0 X Sunbury and vicinity that ho tins just opened iu the buildingnf Charles i Pleasants, Market Sfiniirff, an entire new and well sclcoted stock nf BOOKS, Stationery and a great variety of other artiolcs, con sisting, in pirt, as follows : HOOKS, STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, Games of all kinds nnd descriptions. Fine Toilet Soaps Brushes, Perfumes, Ltidies' I'atchols, Necessaries. A fine assortment of B'ieturc l'l-nni-, Pho. tograph Albums, Photograph Frames, Oval, Ac. MEERSCHAUM. Briar. Rosewood nnd India Rub ber Pipes. Patent Pipe Steins. Cigars. Soluco. Cen tury. Sunny-side and Plantation, Fine Cut, Killikin nick and Big Kick Smoking Tobacco. TOY BOOKS, Transparent Slates. Vlnlinsnnd trim miin for ViAlirs, Hold Pens, Silver Holders. Pocket Books. Pocket Knives. Ao. He has also a large and complete assortment of 'o:il Oil Lumps nnsl I'lxins, and also many other things too numerous to mention He is also Agent for Pratt 's Oreut Pictures, tho Declaration uf Independence, nnd Emancipation Proclamation. Please call and exnmino before pur chasing clsewhnro . F. LIGUTNER. , Sunbury, Nov. 11, 155. MINOR'S Patent Pocket Lanterns for sale at tho Book and fr'iatioucry store of N. F.LIOHTNER. N E W U R 0 C E IIY. AI1IIE subscribers begs leave to nnnnunco to tho citizens of Sunbury and its vicinity, that they have opened a Tito doors trM of J. II. Engh't Store, in Market Siioire, where they are prepared to furnish every variety of groceries, mid wi'l keep constantly ou hand tho choicest varieties of r LOUR & FEED, Tih, Coffee, Tens. Htiifnr. iMul.irn. f:heeif. Suit SjiitM' of nil fii?rriptittn. .'onps of every vnricty, ('nii'lle!. tMiHikin Hnl Cliewin tolnifo, tivgtr. lliup.4. rVlMiulili'rn, l.tieon. Biiiier. nmt Kfii. Ao lriel frmttof nil kin Is, Ciuivd lerlii'8 nnd Tuidh tocs. I'itUrlf, Kftcltup. rt'i'inr t'iiuce. It i i ..rL..t,liii.. ;n r....t Bl,.i . "v.iii-.in. , u. -1.1111111,. .... a ... a... r. ! f I... :.. .. .....11 .e llu 'i ni urive lei'jii in n nun pini-ncn wnntij. niwi Citler Vinettr. All kimls of o-juntry prmluoo tnken in ex'lmng'T. Tho pairunngu of the public is re speot fully tfolicitud. GEORGE E. HEARD & CO. 6'unbury, Nov. II, lHtij. VZ. IZA.LXI&SON i? 15-13 AUKNTS for tho CELEBRATED DHIGaS' NEW PATENT PIAS0 TORIES, Which are creating the greatest sensation In the musical world, and Imvo received the highest test i moninls from all the leading urtisis iu the country, luuoiii' w boin urn S TlniHierg, Feaneis II. Brown, 1, M. ilottm-tinlk, Ti.ool..re EJ-iett, '..' mi . Ii-inv t', .Mix M.ir-'ii-.k, M. Sir ,lti. .'b. - i' .ii. .M i-on, llroian A. AV ill-iib iin t. At the late KAlltoftbo A MET I CAN INSTI rrTE. held in New Vork City, October lbtii, they were awarded the 'mint inr.tii. .a uoi-i) .iii:i.Il(. For the Bi:ST riANO-rOP.TE ON EXHIBITION! Agents for (.'ICO. A. PIU.VCE A CO S Melodeons, Automatic A tichool Or-ana ALL INSTUL'MENTS WAK11ANTED FOll FIVE YKABS. Manufacturers aud Importers ot Flutes. Banjos, Violins, Guitars, Violin Strin,;, Accord .oiis, aud all kinds of Ur.iss and other Musical Instruments Special attention paid to furnishing Brass Instru ments lor Ban,!-. Pl'BLI.SHEIlSOF SHEET MVSIC. Just pulili.lied "Tno Veuite," n new collection of I'liiiuis lor the Episcopal Service, for oiening and elo-iug o'.uiitaries. Mu.-ieal Societies. Classos, and tir the .Vi.-i.il Circle, lv tui.iL C. Xivnou. Price Board.-, bj cents. Cloth, $1. ICiisooitii'M i,-io,iif I'icrclses, In form of &nfr??io for inprtiiio nod Jfrzto u)r.iHti Vuiefi, iiilen led as studies to acquiro the proper art of singing, by Caiii.o Bassixi, author, ititssini'a art of cignging, and Bnritone. In two book", Price, each, S2.50. PIANO-F'.UITE CALISTHENICS, n collection of Five Finger, Chord, and Scale pas sages, tor speedy developing tho miiscUs of the lin gers, and ueoiliring thai decree of flexibility, inde pendetiee nnd volubilty nhieh lire so ludlspiiisablu to a oo, peitorttuii.ee on tno j'luno-rortc, iy ritAM'is it lliiou x. Pri. e $:i.jil. New Edition, Putiils s First Primer, by Trnncis If. Brown, Author nf Pride, Minnehaha, k Hesitation Pulkus, ic. Price, it) cmts. NfaW jVTTJfIC. "Cast Thy Burden Ou The Lord," wi:h soprano, con trulio or tenor solos, aud quartette, adapted from tiollselialk, Mumber Soug. by W. K. Jlu.-sliad, prieo ;t.'i els. ,4A Holy Calm. A Peace Divio,,," nompnnion to Sweet .Snirtf hear tny Prayer,' by U'. Vincent Wallaee, priee ;lj els. ' Lord, My Uud, 1 Long to know," 151st Hymn, is sung in tirace church, composed by lirasuo Wul.ji. priee .'to eculs. 'Mv Uud In Heaven." words by .peneer W Cone, Mu-ie iv Stephen Massvlt. pri :e M e!s. My Only llrotl.ers' tione," song uud chorus, by M. Keller." price :fi els. 'Iho P. il that Breathes of Ihcc," ballud by M Keller, prieo 115 els. 'Oh '. Write Me "A .Sing Of My Father,'' sorg and chorus, as sung at Virond' Ajinstiels, uetnpufed by C lleury. price ;ij cs. 'A Word uf Thine," ballad, by J. Fi.thugh, price Ml cts. (iive ue those Moonlit Hours," Duett, for two so pmnir. or soprauu and tenor, by E. A. Paikuiat, price .'15 els "Vesper St ir," duett, for two sopranos, or tenors, by .1 . Ihiiiel. price 40 cs Muru ure la Itu.sstuu," FsuUiie, by J. Moilling, price. 50 cts, -Prayer al Sen," Romance in form of a Nocturne, bv J .do J.biien-ki, nriee iiO ouj. "Auenls Moi," (Wait fur me,) galop, by Chas. Fru- del. price Oil cts. "Suis iloi."' (Follow me.) gallup, by A. Eerustciu, price 511 cts. ' Wutir Full, and Sua Brocio," gallop, by Taut Sleinhagen, p ice, eaeh. 50 el's. Morning Dew," Lsucers, Adolph Bernstein, price 50 cts. "Weding Lancers." by Fteinhogeu. price 40 cts. 'Happy lie 'I by Dreams, " transcribed fur the piano forte, by Charles Fradcl, price 50 cts. "Sweet spirit Hear My Prayer," from Wallace's Oners Lurline. transcribed for the piuno-forle by Chas. Fradcl, price 40 cts. "CiispinoE La Comare,1 llicci's new Opera, ar ranged by Chu Fradcl, prieo 60 cts. "Feu des tsloiles," Jb'iurligbt nooturn, by J. do 3t' sieuski, price 50 cts. "Angel of Dream," Lallud.by M. Keller, price Si eta. Loves LamitaUon," ballad, by E. O.B. Holder, prioe 35 ots. "Triumphal March," bv Rtchard UofTman, price $1. -Algerian Polka," by Mrs. E. A, Parkhurst, price H5 eta. , "Eveuing Shadows," yocturno, by E.J. Fitlhugh, friee eu. iu Longing for Thee," Guar is waits, ai lung by M d la Pareppa, prioe S4 ou. A Liberal Discount given In tha Trade, Churches, Clergymen. Pinf.Mora aud &uhouls Musie eut by luaii, j.oi-pid, on receipt of tuc nnu k'-1 pri - 1T1I.1.1A9I 1IAI.U m 043 JJrcwlw7s Wirw TV VtrVetaDer it, lSM -au ORPANNS' COURT SALE. IN pursuni.ee of an order of tho Orphnns' Cimrtof Norihumhei land county, will be exposed to pub lic salu on l t.u first dosanbed premises, in '.ho town sln. ol Jordan, connly uf Northumberland, aforesaid, on :ilcn tiny, lie- VS:(I tmy l "..'. 'J be t!llowHfg reel estate' It, wit : All tbi.t vi it am li tcl or piece of land titinno In said lotvn-bip, bounded on Hut tmrth byliiud of Homy lluier ; o.i j the south hv land of Samuel Lower; on tbe cast br I i i. ..i 1. 1... ,i'.... i i .i... . i i . " i ii'iuii eisei miu on luu nesi, uy lanua 01 Isaac Carl, Containing; 13 nrrrii more or less, l;t ncre.of which ire oloarcd. Ai-o at li e same time ami (,l,ico, another tract, boon fod nn the north by lni ds of Sauiucl Clin k, tloo'd ; south by laml.) of Ofuo. T. Troutinun ; east by lauds ot John Oysiur and west by lands of Peter Thomas Containing 17 aores mora or less, being nil mountain land. Aso nt'otlier lot, of ground situate aa aforesaid, bounded he north by landsof f.abricl Adnmsand south by landsof John .Seliropp ; east by land of Ualntel Adams nnd west by lands of Eliai Bush. Contatning 40 perches more or less. Late the proierty of Jacob t'nrl. J.. deceased. Sale to commence nt 10 o'clock A.M. .of said day, when the terms and conditions of sale will be maJu kuown by (1EO. T. TROUTMAN, Adm'r. By order of tho Court. J. A. J. CUMMINUS, CPk O. 0. Sunbury, November IS, 1065. BREAKFAST SHAWLS, for stile at thTFnney Store tf ANNA PAINTER. WSKYCiOOl) STOKE. MISS KATE BLACK, RESPECTFULLY Informsher friends in Sunbury and vloinlry, flint sho has just opened her FALL AND WINTER GOODS, ol Notions and FnncyDry Uoods, Market street, four doors west of Win. II. Miller's Bootand Shoe store. SUNBURY, Pa. Her stock consists of Trimmings, notions, cmbroi dcrios, Ladies nnd Childrens' Huts, silk aid other linings, Hoop-skirts, Crape nnd Laco Veils, Nuts, Olovcs. stockings, collars, nnd corsets, Ac. Twilights, Broiikfut Cosie., Riding Hoods. Bill moral Skirts. Children's Woolen (lititors, Ladies li J Children's Hose, dents' half Hose, Bradley's new Patent Duplex Elliplia (or double Spring SKIRTS. .Icnts' Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Neckties, Suspcn Jers ; Ribbons, of nil kinds, Feathers, Velvet, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Perfumery, Toilet Snaps, Hair Brushes, Combs, Toy", and a general variety of NOTIONS. 0 AL'i'FEKINti c'ouo uuudsomcly ad at short notico. KATE BL.CK. Sunbury. Oct. 23, 1805. JOHN r'sMICK, MERCHANT TAILOR! F'uwn street below Market, first door south of Bow tn s store. SUNBURY, PA. Suubury, October UI, 1805. Glorious News! GREAT E X C I T E E N T ! EVERYBODY KUS1IINO TO THE STORE OF ISAAC PUP.lAlT In Zetlcmoycr's Building, opposito tlcnrhnrl s Con fectionery Store, Market street. SUNBURY, Pa., WHO HAS RECEIVED HIS MEW GOODS I SUCH AS CLOTHS, CASSIEil ES, of all de scriptions. Calicoes, Dress (Joods. 5ilks. (Jinulinins, iVhawls and u general assortment of Lndies' Wear. Muslins nl lower rates than uuy where clso, Sheet ing. Tickings, Jio. ' ll.l'l'W and I'APN of every description. A large assortment ol NOTIONS & VARIETIES. Conietinft of Hosiery, UIovch. ThronJ, Iluttfins, Su-pcmk'rn, Nceklica, Cullar, HaiKlkerclnefc, Jltiir DrushcH. Tooth liruhcs, Fniicy IIimuI Driww. linl mortil Skirti. IIcM.p-Skirlf, Ciirpet-biigc. Trunks, Va. li.ics. Ciiihrolhw, Oottou-Yarn. tiiiHS, unfl nuiueroiu utiicr ar licks teUioun to uioutiuu. IIARDWARF., such as nails, hinges ntnl screws, door latches und knobs, und CUTLERY of every description. Dyi-a, Drills, I'nitifs, Viiniishcs, Oils, Glass, l'tit: , &c, &p, JueiitAvnr- iiikI liiNtmar(! ol s-vs-r.v lcM-iilii. STONE AXO EAUTMI-.N WAKE. An extensive Stock of Composed of Sugar. Coffee. Tens. Rico, Corn-starch, Molasses. Cun. lies, Meut, Fish, Chceso. Salt. Tobacco, and Segius. llliA DY-A DE CLOTHING. Also, BOOTS & S0E3 fur men, women nnl chit Ircn, at lower priced than ihoy can ho Mie where All kindd of Country I'roJuco token In exchange for tioo is. lbury, Oct. 23. 1H.13. runs. runs furs WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CHARLES OAKFOUD & SONS, PHILADELPHIA. Hu e now open their large and splendid stock of LADlEaFUH CAPES. COLLARS. MUFFS. CUFFS, ti LOVES. AND HOODS. Also tlio finest assortment of Fancy Fur Itohcs. Rais, Muniers, nnd Gloves ever before offered by them, all of whieh are warranted to be as represcut cil. SIIIPPlMi Fl K.SUUt UHT. October 21, lBdo. 4m TOILET SOAPS, Tooth-Bius'ies. Hair H-uaho- Ac. .t i. Formic by ANNA PAlXTl.lt. BOARDING HOUSE. SlilS. J1AICIA TIKHM'siO.X, (Formerly of the ''Lawrence Houe,") S U N 1) U K Y , I' E N N ' A. TNFfRMS her friends and the public generally that she bus retitted the house formerly occupied by l)r. J. W. Pculu. on Blackberry street, near the Northern Central Railway Depot, and opened a Hoarding lioo-o. where 'he is prepared to keep PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS. Willi good cooks and waiters, boarders can enjoy Iho iiiiet coiufurts of home with fare eijuul to the be-t hotels. Patronage from those who mayaojourn in Sunbury is rcspuutfiilly solicited. Mrs. MAMA THOMPSON. Kiinhury. Nov. ll.18.ij. 1MI.?. llaUS. Iiii!u1rlliia At lCrle I'uilrontl. rill US grsat line traverses the Northern and North J. west couutics of l'ennsj Ivaliia to the city of Erie on Luke Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company und ia operated by them. Time uf Passenger trains ut Suubury, t-uuve buatwurtl. Erie Mail Train, Erie Eprca Train, l.liuiia Expre.s Train, Eliuiru Mais Train, Ltmve Westward. Erio Mail Train, Erie Express Train, El'.uiru Express Train, vi...:.. l..ll 'I'pmii. 5 50 p. m. H Au a iu. ll..'(i p m 10. 3a u m. 3.05 m. 2 .'ill p m. b .-M a m 4 'Jj p. ui. Passenger cars run througn os tue ino '" Express Trains without change both was between Philadelphia uud Erie. urk 'oninilloii. Leave New York at ft 0 p m, arrive at 1 rie S 37 a. ul. Leave Erie at l ii V m , arrive at New ioik ' No'change of ears between Erie and New York, elegant Cloepine-vaisou an igui niu. For information respecting Passenger business apply at Cor. Juth and Market St., Philadelphia. And lir Fieigul busiuesaof the Company's Agents, S. 11. Kingston, Jr., Cur. luth and Market St., Philadelphia. L J. W. Ucynoldf, Erie. William tiown, Agent H. V. B. iiaitimore, li. II. lloi'KToa, Uen'l Freight Agt. Pbilada. B. W. Uwixanu, Oeu'l Ticket Ag't., Philadii. A- L. TYLEB, (jau'l Maoager, Wllliamsport. Nov. M, M SIOUT Blooming Cetci; -AB iOY8"lND OAXuFrOU CHn-DRM. Tial. iKA MEXICO 1 MEXICO! $:(,ooo,oao i.oa. or tna ' KErUULTC OF MEXIca - Twcnty-ycai Coupon llo. ds iu .Sums of J jO, $10U f Mil, aud JI.003. Interest Seven per cent., Payable in the Cily or Now York. Principal and Interest Puyullo In ((OLD. $10,OUO,UUO to he old at SixrT CstTf on Iho Dot nn, In U. S. Currency, thus yielding an Interest o Twelve per oent. in Gold, or Seventeen per eent. in Currency, nl tho present rote of premium on gold. The First Yonr'i Interest already Provided, The Most DESIRABLE INVESTMENT evo OFFERED. Immense Trsotsof Mining and Agricultural T.nnds; sixty per cent, of Port. Ibies, Impost", and Taxes, in theSiatesofTAMAUI.lPASand SAN M'l.S 10 TUM ; arid the 1'llghted Faith nf the s.iid States and theUeneral Government are all Pledged for the ro douiption of these Bonds end payment of interest. 'l'tit ? url I y Is Ample. $30 In TJ. S. Currency will buy a 7 per ut. Gold Bond of $50 $10 do. do. do. do. $100 $100 " $o(tn $000 ' " " $1,000 Let every lover of Republican Institutions Buy at least One Ilisiid. Ciroulars forwarded and subscriptions received by John w. coiaiEs co., J. N. TIFFT, Financial Agont of tha Rcpubl'e of Mexico, 67 Drondwny, A. Y. t"? Subcsriptions also received by Dunks and Bankers generally throughout the United States. Nov. 4, lJiflb. THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for OT.D NEVPPAPeitS. PAMPHLETS, l!')tlKSand WASTE PAPEKof every description. For particulars address rot kvi:i.i. & s:m f.iison, . '2.1 .inn Niros-t, One Door West of Nassau St., N Y fi w t H w -I fi 'S, V, Save Tour "nsfe Pnper. Old Newspapers, mutilated Books, Pamphlets and the different varieties of Paper that accuuiuliito in every house, and which is generally hoiked upon aa rubbish, should be sent to Stockwell A Emerson, of No. 25 Ann Street. They are paying liberal prices for all descriptions ol Wosto Paper, better than any one in thu trade. 5T0CKWELL & EMERSON, Nov. 11, 1SC5.-3W PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, BOOKS ABTTJ STATIONERY, Monthly Time Books X'ranlng Books nnd Slates. Bocks. Hymn Books B .ink Books, Memorandum li: )K biiiric. Poeke. Hooks, Ink Stands, Pens, Pert:ls, a flue a.-sorimcnt of Paper. Ink, Ac. For sale by AN A AINTElt. N E W G O O D S! II AVISO just returned from tho city, I have now opcu a lutl assortment ol such us lr ioot1-. Dress Trimmings and Linini-s. Itibbons. Gloves. Nets, Linen Collars and Cuff-. Cloak Ornaments, aud Buttons, Corset ts, iiosi::izv. White and Woolen floods, Shawls, and Breakfast Fhawls, Hoods, Ladle' an! Gents' Scarfs, Neckties. Sleevo Buttons, Fancy Comlis. uud .oiiuu of ull kinds, too numerous to mention. MARY L. LAZARUS. Two dwirs west of Wm. II. Miller Shot sturo, Sunbury. Oct. 2S, lsitj. HATS! HATS!! r-.JS. A f LL,1j ASOUUl.llJiA 1 JUST OftSKO by Samuel faust, Two doors west of Fischer's Drug Store. Market ft fcSTJJSTBTJinr, PENN'A. CALL nnd exnmino the large as.-nrtment of tho latest New Yolk and Philadelphia styles of a Ei ycvr n -ja.- .ni. arz & isssas nt the above establishment, which for beauty and du rability cnnnol be excelled. Being'U practical Hat ter, ho flutters hunelf that his stock has been select ed with more care than any ever beforo brought to this place. Uo also manufactures to order nil kinds of soft Fur Huts, all of which will be sold at wholesale uud retail, at rcasonublo rates. Dyeing done at short lmtico nnd at the lowest rates. bunbiiry, Sept. an. Hltj 'l'lic .TlstKon A. Ilmnliai 4'nbiiK'l Oi"('3iii(, forty different styles, adapted to sacred and seculir music, for il to'$til)t each. THIRTY FIVE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues free. Addles. MASON HAMLIN, Dostox, or MASON BROTHERS, New York. September 'J. lSiij. ly FANCY DRESS GOODS, Tui VVV lMIMEII, Two iliKirs West of the Post OlHce, TJJSTBTJRY, PE3ST3M'A., "T J AS just received nnd opened a lnree assorlnien ' 1 of Fancy Dress Gottds, such as Gloves. Jouvian K'.i-glovi', SUk and lisle thread Gloves; fleKy Lined Hose, Children's Merino Ilo.-o, Ladic' Zephyr HoihU, Dress Cords and Tassels, ChenillH, Sontagf,, Ladies and Gentlemen Handkerchiefs. Curscts. Em liroidere.l Slipyiers. Ribbons. FANCY DRESS BUT. IONS. Bugle Gimps, Trimming. Buttons, Belt Itib bon Velvet Ribbons. Braid, Belt Clasps, Ladies' Neck-ties. niAI ERICBON and TRIMMING ; Ein-, broidcriug Braids, Jaconet and Swiss Ediusnnd' lusertiftis ; Malleete Lace Collars. Laces. Greun-liue Veils, Black Veils. Fauey Dress Comlis, Head Dres ses. Netts, and a variety of other urtictes. LoekwiHid n Pupur Collcis of a superior quality. Ladies' Linen Collins. Picture Curds aud Tuocls. ANNA PAINTER. Suiil-uty, Oct. 2i, latid. ESTEY'S O II fr A. IV S . Cott3g9 Org:n. VRE not onlv unoqu died, but they are nbsolutcly uue(U ill' d. by any other Reed fnstiunieut in thecouniiy. l)e-ined expressly for Churches and Schools, they arc found to Do ninally well adapted tu the parlor aud drnwiug room. For rule only ly E. M. Hit IT)', No. 1ft North Seventh street. Philadelphia. (V"A1) Bradburv's Pianos, and a uomplute as-K.-riuunt of the Perfect MELODEON. Sept. 2a, I Sili. ly w Millinery Go ods! Just opened at tbe GRAND MILLINERY STORE, of Minn 91. I- nler. Fawn street, two doors south of Shamokin Valley A PottivllU Railroad, STTKTBTTIRrsr, JPJ. The latsM style-of Bmnets. IIta, Caps', 1 ku'i Of Trimuiings, Flowers, Ladie' Woolen Goodsof every ttyla and quality. Gloves. Collars, Handkerchiefs, Uc"! Veils. Silk. Grenadine and Mourning Veils, and numerous other uoiions. usually kept in Millmery lores, t.'allahJ See bw stock. Suubury, Oct. 14, 19M.-J a the Faaey Etore ef fAlUlii T7 2 I PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ) Simpoon's Buildings, , MARKET SyUAllE, Sunbury, Pa., .1. Lt. i:iif4KIi:, lrpi-l-lor. P'lrhury, .Inly IS. 1HB5. BEEF I BB2SFM T1IS andershtned respectfully inform the eititeni of SmrbHry and vicihity, lhat nn Monday next lin y will Hommence supplying the community with Best Juality ol BEEF, nl prices rar.tlng from i4 to 211 uts. laving expericuoe In Iho husimss. m,d inmlo nr rangpuienis for a supply nl m.ui'oer one eatlle. they will always keep on band first quality ol beef ul tbe lowest uiuiltut priuea. WCTI.ER .1 ELLIOTT. Biitihnry, Sept. 9, IRoS. NEW ilARHLE YAR1X TIlB ithdcrcigicd would respectfully inform tlio i ' in ns nf Sunbury, and public gcr.erully, that he has opened It hew MAURI. L YAltD, opprsito tbe UeiirNlohso. where AMERICAN uud ITALIAN mnrblo is eotistantly kept bn hiind. , All ofdcrSfor Monuments and lion d -stones prompt ly filled at reduced rates. ' D. C. DLSSINGEIL Urr-Wv.net. 7. l!15. tf U11EAT EXC1TEMBKTI IteTolutloa ta EIlli Price. EvtTjbody Hushing to t!ic MAMMOTH STORE of a. r. ritiMG sx Wh hart Just P.eoelved Uieir NEW STOCK OF FALL & WINTER GOODS! Consisting of DRY GOODS. Dress Goods. rns!rnere Cloths, Jeans, Coitonntles, Muslins, Dress Goods in great variety, Shawls, Hosiery and Olorca, Carpel of different styles und quality, HATS AND CAPS, 2O0T3-&3SO338, HARDWARE, Ccdnrwnre. Cnrdvaro G!n-waro Crockery. GROCERIES. Tobacco, fvirs, &'uuir, Tea. Coffee. Suetr. Mulnsses, Salt, Fish, 4c: lrlis'm n ml lieiiiicnlM, OIIm. B.ntnpw and In fuot EVERYTHING GENERALLY KEPT Its 'on fit i-v al.-'. Otlt TOCK CANNOT FAIL TO fLEAJE Alt desirous of getting a good article at a luir prioe will please give us a call. No trouble to show Goods. J. W. FRILING A SCN. Sunbury, Oct. 14, 1S05. Geo. W. Smith. Cbas. B. Oekthk. SUEITH & GEiTTEEK. Market street, one door east of Mrs. Boult'on's Hots STJINTZBTTIR,- I3., Iluve rjp?iiod A NEW TIiVMVARE, MlMM't trim und Mfovc Wlors-, and intend keeping constantly nn hand, and nisna- fuctiiring to order on shortest notice, TIN AND E1IEET IKON-WARE of all descripticss. A Tjargti ftnett ofCiK,k Stovesofthe followlrj;trri.!i PE1T1T37LTA1T: A, UNION G0QK, and on the fdlonln; two Brands wo defy competi tion, namely 4'iuIiiiiit(ou .:ih BCttrnor, Cooli. a(IVlUrt' ll'U-l'IOli. unsurpn-"od for beauty of finish, simplicity of ar rangement, combining cheapness and durability, and car-h stova warruutcd to perform whui they a:o re presented ALSO, PARLOR nnd OFFICE ST'".T. k great vari"-. einbriiciti't ull tho bust xuauufacturcs, and mobTi.iionabic designs Also, The celebrated GEM for heating op and down stairs. Also the eolebrnfed VULCAN HEATER. t'onl Oil, 'mil Oil I.uiiEp, Slia2et CiiiinuSi-K, iiitd till nrlilst unusually kept In nh establishment of this kind. We aruulso prepared todo nil kinds ol Spouting, Roofing, Range nnd Furnuce Work, Gas Fitting, in. Repair iug cheaply and neatly executed. Coiihtry projuco taken iu exchange at market price. SMltll & OEXTIIER, Have the Agency for BIBB'S CELEBRATED FIRS PLACE STOVES, for tho Counties of Northumber land, Snyder, L'uiou and Montour. Ard are uiso acnts for the Pipher A Willower Line of Transportation. Suu. ury,Sept. M, ISol. LARGE ST0CK1 N E V. A It IU V A L OF UOODS A 3STO. 1 STOR OF V7EAVER Si FAGELY, CONSISTING OF DRY GOODS! FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, such as Cloths, Casst. meres, Muslins, Sheetings, Tickin. Cnlieocs, De laines. Flannels, and all kinds of MOL'RN ING Goods , Alpacas, Black Silks, Ginghams. Balmoral and bkulcton Miris. (.unl;j a i luuuult, Nuukuucs,Cw pcliiig uf oil kinds. HATS SS C-A.I'Si CA?.?E7S. NOTIONS & VARIETIES, Comprising. Ilr.slory, (llovea. Thread. Buttons; Sus penders. Neck-tics, Collars. Handkercbiofs, Hair Brushes. Tooth Brushes. Gum Rib bon aud Cord, tape, crotcfict.braid, worked collars, fancy bead drcsnes. tidy wit ton, carpet binding, oomlsi. funcy soaps, carpet Img.i. Trunks, Valises, 1'iubrcllus. Bilr Books. Psaer Envelopes, Ac. Of all kinds, such as Nails, Hinges and Screws, JDooi Latches and huobs, Looks, and CUTLERS ol everj description. t, .... Also, Uvea, Urn's, mints, nrctstif. inn Flaxswl itml Menzlne Oils. GUs. I'ulty. Art luetrltnfu ii si. I tJliisj. tire of STOXE AND KAltTHENWARE Aa Extensive Stock of G R O C E R 1 E S, Composed of Sugar. Oeffee. Teas, Rice, Corn-srdi Moccaroiii. Barley. Bi.kiug-pow.lor. moliuawfJJ caudles. tubaeco aud sejurs, Salt, iuh, Meat' ' . . Also, a large variety of BOOTS & in exchange tor hut ,IKW0W Wl Give us a call her yoe . to-;ai, at th. . .'.ifVkittiQuar... th. Coux . ainni-wii I House. . (Soubury, el X, iw IXnte ot I)ull Arnold, decM. VfOTICE 1. TJiSl Low : XtiZ", lull to ..k. iu.ni. di..PVmen! and those living claims to pre I ,b4,ui,ut tvMtmmtjxC0t UEESHOLTZ, Ad'r. tpper Augusta twp., tiuv. 1, lSoo.- t ICE CHEAM FREKZKR A New aupplyof MissKa'irivt-Mi' ' ntsr, May 81.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers