IMPORTANT TO A Mi A Xi I IN V D S! IKON IN THE BLOOD. It Is well known l llio medical profession that ON Is the viliil Principle or Life Element of the lood. Thin Is derived chiefly fnnii the fund wo eat; ut if tho liHici l not properly digested, or if, from ny cause whntevrr, the noeossnry quantity of Iron s not tnken into the circulation, or become reduced ho whole system suffers. The bad blond wi I Irrl nt the henrt, will olog tip tho lungs, will iluneiy ,he brain, wil obstruct Ilia liver, and w,II send it." producing elements t "I 1"' "" "J"" f. .. nnd every one w,ll suflcr in whatever organ ,;' l.e prrdisod to disease. The tS,utl1 value ot Iron iim 11 IHivlirlin-. la k ell known nnd acknowledged by nil medical men. llio uinicuiiv nns litii , i- i-uv-i i-iv parnllon of i nif will enter the circulation nnd assi milate nl once with the blood. 'Una point, says I'r. llnys, Massachusetts Stole Chemist, him been at tained In tho rcrnvinn Syrup, by combination in a way before unknown. The lVriMiuu Nyrni. Is a Protected solution of the Protoxide or Irou A new Discovery in Medicine Hint strikes tho Ho"! of Oiscnse hy supplying (ho blood within vital li' ciploor Life Element Iron. The IVruviai" .Hymp. Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint Dropsy, Fever and Ague, Loss of Energy , Low Spirits. THK PERUVIAN SYRUP. Infutcs strength, vigor mid new life into tho system und builds up un "iron Constitution" TIIE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Nervous Affections, Femnlo Complaints, nnd nil diseases of the Kidneys nnd Rluddcr. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP ' Kfl Knnniftf, fnr nil il tson,ip oriirinnt in if in n Rlld ! Stale of the Hlond, or accompanied by Debility or n ! Low State of tho System. I I'auiiihl ,t containing ccrtilicntes of cures and re. commendations from some of the most eminent Phy sieiirs Clergymen and others, will bo sent Free to any address. Wo elcct n few of tho nnincs to show llio char acter cf testimonials. JOHN E WILLIAMS, Esq., President of the Metropolitan Rank X. Y. Hev. A HKL STEVENS. Lute Editor Christian Advocate & Journal. Rev. P. cirVncii. Editor New York Chronicle. Rev John Pierpont, Warren lluiton, Arthur 15 Viillcr, liurdon Robbins, vivonus Cobb, T tarr King. Ephraim Note. Jr. Joseph H Clinch, llanrv I'phaiu, V U ileroiley, Jehu W Oluistcad, Lewis Jtihueon. M. D. Roswoll Kinnev.M D . K Kendall, M D. W R Cliishulin. M V Ernncis Dana, M D Jeiemiah Stone, M D J. Antonio Sam-lics, M I) A A Haves. M D Abraham Wendell M I) J R (Milton. M D 11 E Kinnev, M D Prcr are 1 bv X. I.. CLARK & CO., c.n lnsivclv for J . 1'. D1NS.MOHE, No. 4111 Rroadway, New York, old by nil Druijists. Bedding's Russia Salve. FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE Hus fully established the superiority of uEnmNcrs iu ssia. salvb. Over nil other healing preparations It cures all kinds of Sores. Cuts. Si-aids, Hums, Roils, I leers. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. Sties, Piles, Corns, Sore Lips, Sore Eves, Ac, Ac, Removing tho Pain ut once, and Reducing the most angry looking dwellings and iiiflnuiatioii as if by Magic. Only '-?. -iim a BBo. FOR s.M.i: IIV S. P. D1NSMOKE. No. 4'.II Ilrnadwav. New Vorlc. S. W. 1'OWl.E A CO.. No. IS 'J'leiiii'iit st., 1! vii-n Ami by till Druggists December 10, lhtil. y UP DK GRAFF'S " Eye and Ear Infirmary, On the Square, Threo Doors from Steel's Hotel) wiIjTces-bauke, pa. rilHIS INSTITUTION is now open nnd furnished L in the most costly style, ilocepla n, l'rivato and Operating Rooms are lar-e and convenient and well adopted. The Surgical apartment contains tho finest collection of instruments in this country, and i thus his fnCUtti'.'S will cimblo him l.i moot, any kiiiI all emergencies in practice. Ho w ill operate ukii the various forms of I1LINDNE.SS. Cataract, Occluon of tho Pupil Cross Eyes, Closuro of the Tear Ducts, Inversion of the Eyelids. Pterygium, Ao., Ac And will treat all forms of Soro Eyc, Oraiiuled Litis, Opa'-eties of tiio Cornea, unit Scrofulous diseases of j (ho Eye. togothcr witb all tho diseases to which tho eyo is tftiojeet. JiEAt'NESS Will treat all the disensfs common to theorem. Iiischnrgo from the Ear, Noises in llio Ear, Catarrh, ditiieiiltics of. hearing total Dcafuass, even where the Drum is destroyed. Will ii.sert an artiiHal one, answering nearly all tho purposes of the natural. DISEASES OP TIIE THROAT All diseases common to the Tiiront and Xoso will be treated GENERAL SI RUEKY. Ho will operate upon Club feet. II air Lip, Clelt Pallate, Tumors, Cancers, Enlarged Toneil.. Ac. Plastic operations hy healing new Be,li into deformed parts, and tleneral Surgery of whatever character it may present. HERNIA, (OK RUPTl'Rl:.) Ho will perform 'L-ibius," opcmlion for tho radical, (complete.) euro of Hernia, this unquestionably n perfect euro, and is done with little or no pain, but of llio many lion died operated upon in Huston there has been no fail ures, it having met lio approbation of nil who linvo submitted to it. ARTIEICIAL EYES. Will Insert artificial eyes, giving them tho motion and expression of (he niitu. ral. They nro inserted without the least pain. HEMORRHOID, (PILES.) This troublcmmo di sease is readily cured. Those suffering from it will do well lo call. I'll. If lit Urakf visits Wilkes. liarre with a iowof building up n permanent Institnio for tho trratmciit of thu Eye. Ear, and (ienerul Surgery. ho experience cf mere than a quarter of a eeniury. in Hospital and general practice, ho hopes, will ho a utticicr.t giiornr.'.ee U tnoso who uo y be disposcl to euirlcy hiic. Jauunry H, 1SH5. ly TO CONSUMEKS OF .llllEusdersignoJ dealer In Coal from the follow L tug wall known Collieries is prepared to reecivo orJers Ur the eauie a: Iho Lowest Jl-uket Rates, vis : MOHDKCArs UIAMOXI) .MIXES tiU.YYS . 1'AHUISII A f'O'S CONSOLIDATED t'O'S ' I'l Li also irepared lo urnisli (be II-.iIlitiKki-oCu'si 4YI-bnit-l '!, ami P.epmal. On the l!r rof tho Sfquohanna River and H.ivro de Uiaco. l.i Lai nindt urroiigemenu for Iho best PITTSTON AKD PLYMOUTH COALS liieh he Drenarril i ,i.,i;...,. i .t i .... ... ortbunliiljuJ. I. , -,. x- i ., . , , . ..iiiliiuju veuiiai i Vr l u"; H "I !",e of ,ho 1'hilaielj.hia und trie Ruilmd, on Hit best terms. 1 , '.V'!,t' :u",!11 "H'Wers with despatch, and respectfiU ', solicits i rdcrs f, urn tlio Trade. Address JOHN McFARLAND. prn . bBl. NorihumbcrUnd. TAICI3 NOTICE ! T iuMred I, ,,EAL ,: D' I-, lv. X -"'iredntoco partuci,inioiutho Itrarilc. r n. UI, A , ,.,.,. eaa aluavs bo tv.,i . .. ' unlsss prulcnally ,;;.:e'du hunbury, April li, ihlii.. a. mLiK. 1 u-viiLi- , IMsiNolmloii or HPei-l,I,r " jniHK partnership herotofcre eilstlni hetween the 1 onuorsinnd in tho Wholesale and Rol.U VI, ' i iieP'u",1 1"'"" "", "' ' 'Iran , Wets, tl,u, day dissolved by mutual ensoul. if, ' . fH'V. D (J It A NT. ! s'nbury. April leiV'11 ' UNITED STATES HOTEL, T , Opposiuthe T' NEW "AVEN ft WESTERN R. R. UtPoT BEACU BTaEBT. BOSTON. - ... Hy F. M. PRATT, Formerly of the American House Way I I, iwii iy . . . SCHENCR'S MANDRAKE PILLS FOR STOIC HBADAOHB, . . Km MihisIoiim Cosine nad Cure. Tuts has received Its namo frnin a constant nansea or sickness at tho stomach, which attends tho pain In 1,0 i,oad. This hoadache is apt to begin in tho morning on waking from a deep sleep, and when some Irregularity of diet has been committed on the day beforo, or sometimes for several days previous. At first there Is a distressingly oppressive feeling in the head, which gradually merges Into a icvero hanvy pain in tho temples, frequently httended by a tense of fullness nnd tenderness in ono eyo, nnd ex sending neross (ho forehead. There Is a clammy, un pleasant taste in the month, nn offensive brenlli, and the tongue covered wilh a yellowish white fur. Tho suCcrcr desires to bo nlono in the darkroom. As soon as tho patient feels the fullness iu the head and pain In tho temples, take a largo doso of Sckcnke'. Mnndnike Pills, and In nn hour or two they will feel as well as well us ever. This has been tried by thou- tauds, nnd Unlways suro to cure, and irstcad of the sick hendacho coining on every week or ten days, hov will not bo troubled with it one in three months. SchojK-k's Mandrake Pills nro oomposod of a muu lier of roots besides Podophinin, or concentrated Mandrake all of which tend to relax tho secretions of the liver, nnd net more prompt than blue pills or mercury, and wilbont leaving any dangerous effects In a bilious person they will show themselves by tne stools. They will expel worms, mucus, bile nnd nil morbid mnttcr from the system. Iu sick hoadnchei if they arc taken as directed abvovo, (a full doso ns . oon tie Otoj- tbo (list sjmptoms of it Dr. Schcnek will and has directed his agents to return tho money if they do not gfvo perfect satisfaction. J If a person has been compelled to stay out Into at j night and drink tio much wine, by taking a doo of i pills on going to bed. next morning ho will feel as j though ho had not drank a drop, unless he forgets ' to go to bed at all. i Tliey only cost 2." cents a box. I Whoever takes them will never uso nny other. j They nro worth a dollar (o a sick man for every ccut they cost. Don! forget thu name Si-tin si c'l MAMmt.VKte Pn.i.s. Sold wholesale and retail at Dr. Schenck's Prinei i pal llfficc, No. 15. North Sixth rtreet, Philadelphia j nnd by Druggists and Storekeeper generally. ' Prico fr Pulinouic Syiup, Sesweid Tonic, each ?l SO per bottle. $7 60 the half dozen, or two bot tles of Syrup nud one of Tonic, for $! 75. Dr. Schcnek will bo nt his office. No, 15 Norlh ' Sixth Street, Philadelphia, every Saturday lo see ' patients. He makes no charge for advice, but for n through examination of Iho lungs with nis Respiro meter, ho charges I March IS 18ti.". I BOARDINGPJOUSE. .llltS. .MAKE t T114Mll'SO:, (ForuiL-rly of the ' Lawrmico JIouo,v) j S U X IJ U H Y, P E N K'A. INFOHMS her frieiuls ami tho ullio (fcniTtilly ! t lint eh c hit? refined the hnuso fitruivrly occupied hy lr. J. W. lon!c. on HIiitTkhcrry streW, nosr tlio i .Northern Central Unihvjty iJeput, nnd opened n ' ltnnrdinjy Hujc, where is prepnred to keep . l'KHMAXKNT A.I TIIAXFIKXT liOAUDKHS. ! With pood C(Kik nnd uuiicrs. honi'dem unn enjoy the ii'u t cohiiortd ot home with ftiro equal to tuo hevt hottdH. l'litroniie from thoe who mny vnjnttrii in Kunbury U rcspeutiully foliciied. Mitt. MAUIA TIJOMPSOX. Siinhury, Oct WALL FAPJE3R ! J. W. FRILIN'tl A SON. respectfully announce that they have just receive 1 nnd opened u very drsi rahlo assortment of WALL PAPER nnd ISORDER which they w ill dispose of at very re.isonuble prices i Remember tlio pluce, JLiiuu.olh Store, Market ; Square. ! Siinbuiv. Mav 20. 1SI15. j hest wiiiriTizuyr i III: ST ZIC! V U HE HUE U T Y I. E A D , Unoppresse.l for Whitening. Fine I ! loss. Durability ! Firmness and Evenness of Surface i PUKE LIBERTY LEAD Warranted to cover more suiface for sauio weight than any other Lead li-y it and yon irill hitvr no olltrr ' PL' HE LI BET Y ZINC, .'elected Zinc, ground in Refined Liuscod Oil, uu i-iiuulcd in quality, always llio sumo. i'UUti L1BEHTY EIHO, Warranted lo do more and bolter Work nt a given eost than any other Vet tlir. lint .' Manufactured nt PENNSYLVANIA PAINT A COLOR W0RK Orders executed promptly by ZIEQLEH &; SMITH, H7orve J)rug, 1'uint and (rtixx Vftthr. Ijf- Stoic A Office. No :;7 North THIRD Stiect- - l'llILADELPiilA. M ireh , Ibll.'.. ly. OLD EYES MADE NEW. V PAMPHLET directing lmw to speedily restore sight and give up Siuclaeliw, w ill,, oil aid of 'ioctor or medicine. cent oy mail, lrco, on receipt of II) ccuts. Address, E. B. FOOTE, M. D. February 1. 115 Hm N K S ! is K Vv S ! NK s The liulK'llion CIoklmI and NEW (iOOI)S OPENED At No. I Store uf WEAVER, & rAGEL'SZ", CONSISTIND OF ' DRY GOODS! FOREIDN AND DOMESTIC, such ns Cloths, Cassi. picrea, .Muslins, Sheetings, Ticking. Calicoes, De. lames. Hannels, and nil kinds of MOURN I. (i (i,ls Alpaccas lllack Silks, DiKliains, llalmoral ami hkelelon Skirts, Canton Flnuuels, Nnukcens, Cur petniirol nil kinds. 1 " HATS Sc CAPS NOTIONS & VARIETIES, Comprising, Hosiery, O loves, Thread, Bullous, Pus penders Neck-ties, Collars, Handkerchiefs, lluir brushes, Tooth Jlrushes. Uuui Rib bou a od Cord, tape, erotchel-braij, woikeil collars, fancy head dresses, lidy cotton, carpet binding, coiulis, fancy , , roups, carpet bas JnvelopeVi'r' JJlouk Book., P.p.,, Of all kind such a. Nails, Hinges and Screws, Door deription ' ' ttUd CtJ'rLt1' ot every Also, Dyes, I)itiSs, Paints, Vnrr.islips,' l'i.-l,, . .,., liL-iiAinu ins, uiiihs I'uttv Ac (uei-fii.iiur,- nrs. I (.Inssunre oV till lillSflw. STOKE AND EAUTIIENWAUE. Au Evtcmivo Slock of GROCER I E S; Composed of Sueur. Coffee. T van If is f.n t t. Rice. Coro-slurch, er, moliutecs. Aiuiu. Maccaroui llarley IlaUina-i.oder. molasi,ci'so,; candles, tobacco uud seipirs, rfult. Fi.h. Moui CI. scaurs, bull,, Moat, Cheese, tc, do. Also, a largo variety of BOOTS & SHOES, for Men. Women and Children. 3 . rV'AU kinds of Drain uud Couutry Produce taken in exchango for Uoods. Dive us u call beforo you purchase elsewhere, we are bound to sell as low us any one else. Edore-rooui In Ira T. Clement s builJinr at the 5uousW0,Bt corner wi &f urket iiiiuuie, ucur (he Court .Sunbury. June 21, lS6t. EM'L. WILVBBT. ," NOTARY PUBLIC, ' Offc j ia-'tunbury A m e r i o a u " Uuildlng, wm in' t?V'J,BU.ii,Y' VENN' A. " ill attend to the AckuowlcdriiuB of IoedJ, Mort gac,Lf0AUo.IM,J( tt t I ' AUo, is dulyntboxUed to take acknowlc-lsmenls aud aduiwiuor oaths on applioation. for lie. tiz&txrs&zr of tioidi., beslDRUUSat hi Mammoth imr. of JNO. FKILI.N'Q A SOX. Fill bury, May 2 I t . FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU foa Norj-Retsntlon or Incontinent of Crlns, Inflamma tion or Ulceration of tho Bladder or Kidneys, Diatasi-s of tho Proilrato Gland, Gravel, Brick Dull Deposits, Dropsi cal 8wolllns, Orjsnlo Weakness, Debility, Female Com plaints, c HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU kva Impfoved Ifcoso "Wash Will radically extormlnato from tho STlUm Dlsoases aris ing from Habits of Dlsslpatbn, at lit tit trpento, littlt or no ehangt fi, no tneontenUneo or oxpoturt; completely superseding those vnpleatant and dangerout rtmediet, Copaiia and Mercury, In curing these diseases. USE HELMBOLD'S Fltno" EXTRACT BUCHU In all Diseases of tho Urinary Organ, whether existing In ual or nsus, from whatever caul, originating, and no matter ofkoit long itanding. It Is pleasant In Its taste and odor, IMMEDIATE In action, and more strengthening than any of tho preparations of B-irli or Iron. Titoio suffering from Broken Down 01' Veltcatt Conttl tutioni, procurt do Remedy at ones. Tho Ileader roust bo aware that however slight may be the attark of tho above diseases, Il Is certain to affect his Bodily Health, Mental Pouert ant JTapplntlt. If no treatment Is submitted to, Consumption or Ins anlty may ensue. All tho aboro diseases roqulro tho aid of a diuretic HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is tho Great Diurotlo. HELMBOLD'S tnoaLf oonomrtaiiift Compoun'j Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, For purifying tho blood, removing all diseases arising from excess sud Imprudence In life, chronio constitutional dis eases arlilng from an Impure state of tho blood, and the ov.y reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of tkiofuU, gcold Head, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swelling of the Dones, Ulcerations of tho Throat and Lees, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly erup tions of the skin, and beautifying tba eouruxioa. NOT A. PEW Of the worst disorders that afflict mankind arise from the oorruptlon that accumulates In the Blood. Of all tho dis coveries that have been mado to purge It out, none can equal In effect lIELilDOLD'S COJlPOCi'D EXTRJLCJ Of SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovates tho Blood, Instills tho vigor of health Into tho system, and purges out tho humors which mako disease. It stimulates tho healthy functions of tho body, and expels the disorder! that grow and ranklo In the Blood. Such a remedy, that coiilj bo relied on, has long boon sought for, nnd now, for tho first time, tho publlo bavo ono on which titty can de pend. Ourspaco here docs not admit of ecrlincates to show its effects, but the trial of a single bottto will show to the sic' that It has virtues surpassing any tiling they have overtaken. Tiro lableipoonsful of tho Extract of Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of water, Is equal to tho Lisbon Diet Prla', and ono bottlo Is equal to a gallon of tho Syrup of SarsaparlKa, or the decoction as usually made. Tho aboro Extracts are prepared on part ly sdenltaa principles In Fjcuo and embody tho full strength of tho Ingredients entering Into their compaction. A ready and concluslro tost will bo a comparison of their proper, tics with thoso stt forth In the U. 3. Dispensatory, HOW TO U$H THE REMEDIES In Diseases of tho Blood, Humors on tho Face, or any and every part of tho body, uso Extract SarsaparilU, ap plying to Pimples and all external Ifumors or Eruptions thi Improve 1 Itose Wash. Use fie Extract Btichu for all diseases requiring tho old of Diuretic, except thoso of tho Urinary Orar.a, such as Gonorrhoea and Qlcct; In theso uso the Extract Huchu and Inject with tho Improved F.oso Wash. IIT TilESE EXTRACTS n.VVE BEE ADMITTED TO USB IS TIIE UNITED STATE3 ARMY, and also aro In very general uso In all tho STATE HOSriTAI.3 AND PUill.IO INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, as we'l tt l:i pvlrato practice, and aro considered as Invaluable remedies. HEDICIUE DELIVERED TO AXY ADDRESS. lurecs luners iw- HELMBOLD'S DRUO 4 CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, on To HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phila. Dctcribt Symptom) in all Communication. SOLO Or ALL OnUCCISTS EVZRVJJkTRE. Beware of Counterfeits I NEW GOODS I 8 P It I X G AND SUM. MI it JUST OrKNED BY ISA.G FTJP.MA1T. . n Ictlcinnyer'j IluildinB. opposite Dcttrharii Con rcctionery Store, Market street, SUNUURY, l'a., HAS juat opened a well selected assortment 'of Ooods, hioh ho oilers for sale at very low nrioe. merrMN SM?STC. such a. Clo.hs, Cassi- llirres, JIllsllllS. beclinr. '-i..l.i !-:.'. i.- Liiines. Silks, Dinsl.ams.-ie "" " II VI'M uikI AI'S of every description. x0TI0NS & VAPtlETTES BffiffiS&S !,iTb.1;!.H'il.,fUll,'U' Vu.,un'. Sop-;;ua uu.-.iroSs other nrlicks loo tedious to mention. . JJ j yr 2 ' klu"CCT."gv""? ,tr0WS' -i-'ches'and ' kuobs, and 1 11LLIU of every description. ' rKirw, JlounKir. Cm-iiftt.lkH.M T t. v D.ves, Drugs, I'uints, Vnrnislics, Oils. Gluss I P(i ... 1 "s"' ' - -7, W.C, au. Iluieii.wiii-e i,u1 UlnsNwure c-vcry dvHfrlttiii. STOXE AND EAHTIIEX WAKE. An eileusive Stuck of Q- JrC O O E HIE S. Composed of Sugar. Coffee Mola'ssas, Candles, llc 7' "f,i.V."rcb' rr w.. OJlJ S....,,r ' l"v,D.ll1 (UUSIIOO, UEADY-MADE CLOTHING, j Also, BOOTS & SH0S3 for men, women and ,.ll.i. ' 1 forA(i!.od'0f COUnU'' i'Wiu," Ukm la ehajige butiburj, April 22, lSoj. xs-- . . . "" : -j1,;'J.0)IHBJI,, - 'aHJ"TiLL1 .Hiet hnf been J .Oil, led. ins UullersiffUSsl Lava rnt..ll ' - m Pirtnershln in the Wholesale and Retail iw .Ta i- ShlitlnlUine'.u,wl;T.n.1.. ,B,'"i.n.i A bkotiikr.' ... r- Thankrui for the patronage extutided to us in ik. lal.firuis of rniln 4 OrunL In 4 of thVaaiue. - aonjit ijoHtinua IVT "e f-Jt , Y. T. GRAKT, T n cmuv T. D. (JRANT. ' Lower Wharf. Suubury, Peuiv April 16, Isf.j. 'llllt'l " I W ASK FOR HELMBOtD'S. A Take no oilier, jl April 22, ISM ly. I.uckawniinn & RlootuaisMra; Itafl . . .- . - . t-ond. ' ' ' -' ' " OX and after Jan. ISth, 18fll, Tassengrt Train will mil M fillows :. i ''ll'Ji'l'i' . - - MOVlNtt 'BOCtir. r I I J 1 -' 1'atfiiger.' .' Leavo Pcrnnton, " Kingston, . 1( Jtlwiiosburg " , Itulierf. r , Danville. b. ii i ,i i i .i t I V 16 Arrivo at Northumherlnhd, 9.6 MOtIKU XORTU. Lear '.'NuUinmlierland fl.00 A. M. Dnnvillc ? - 8.40 Kuvcrb, P. 40 . lilnunishurg, U.Hj , , . ; ' Kingston, , 12 12 P. M. ., Arrive at Scrunton, 1.30 , .i Freight APiuscnRer leaves P.ldomsburs;. 10. IS A. M. Passengers tnkinir the Mail Train South connect with the Express train from Northumberland, arriv ing at Hnrrisbure-. al 2. .'ill A. M., Dnttimore 7.00 A. M., ond nt Philudulphtn. nt 7,110 A. M. The.iMail Irnin from Northumberland loaves iiiimodiatoly.nftor tho arrival of the Express train from llnrrisburg and Raltiinorc, allowing Passengers leaving Philadelphia at 10.1(1 P. M., to roach points on this roail during (ho next forenoon. Now and elegant Sleeping oars accompany the night tr.-vins each wn betwocu Northumberland and Unltimore, nnd Northumberland and Philadelphia. .. . D. T. HOUND, Supt. I. K. STAUFPEH. ' WATCHMAKER St IJEWEI.B Y. - No. 14H North SEOONft street, corner of (juarry, , , , Philadelphia. An tiNMorf niciit f Wnloln-n, JU-w-clry Hllvs-r IliilcI Wuro constantly hand, Suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS! '3? Repairing of Watches nnd Jewelry promptly I attended to. I December 3, ISB4 ly NE W GOODS! Two doors west of Wit, II. Miller's Shoe store. Suhbuiy, I'a. Just opened a fresh supply of SP1UNQ & SUMMEIt GOODS, I Such ns Fancy Dress Trimmings. Ribbons, (ilnves j Handkerchiefs, 1. Belies' Limn Collars and Cuffs ' (1 I inm ami r.nn P..II..... V. 1 ,, t . 1 ''"'!" s ni.i !::-ves, Hr.H- j.olls, Yt,ivet Ribbons. y"'""n. 1'Vi-. IHII. UKO Red, White and Dlug tok-tlcs. i Skirls, Yokes nnd Sleeves. CorsetSf Ijiuiker PIIAKURM, PARA.SOLt?, AC. j IhofgrniliM ri'i--itiIi-ttl I.ltt-i!ii, in frames. Also, tfwli. Jneonet and Victoria Muslins Urapo i Collars end Veils, (Irenadine nit Lace Veils and a , variety id other articles ton numerous lo mention, j MARY L. LAZARUS. hunbury. JIny l.'l, I Wit. ' .TJ,IJ3 BT HJ E3 JJL2lTC-,o 9 9 , (Late IIKRR'8 IIOTKL.) Corner Market nnd .Id Streets, HARRISIIURll, PA. . TIIK attention of the public is respectfully called I to this Hotel which is now open for the ucuointnoda ' tion of guests. In the past live month during which ; t i in o it das been closed die bouse lias been thorou-rli-; ly remodeled ami reaiired, until iu point of cuiiveui ! enco ni.d Com loll, its patrons will find it lu own no j ruperior. Tii" I'sii-iiiissi-c i:mii-i-iv .--. I Rooms larger than nro usually found in modern hotels. ; Situated on tho corner cf two principal business si reels of the city, but two and a bail' squares from the , Rail Road Do,ot. '1 he proprietor determined to ' spnro no expense in securing the comfort ol his gitr-ds I and a favorable reputation tor the eslalilisbniei.l. hu feels willing to trust its character to (be juc'gme it of his pntrous. . II KN R Y THOMAS, Proprietor. January 21, ISfij. J. n. XIILBUSH, Count)- Misrvs-j oi-, ('oiiti'.viim-ei- i AND jvsrici-: or mi': vi:. a:. i u . . , ... . .'KiitviHiv, .:riii'iuiij iiiimi i i ttittv. i'n,n i! 0" Oieo in Jackson townliin. Focatreinents esn i bo iniolc bv letter, directed to the above nddress. 1 All I u-incss entrusted to his care, will be prou plly I attended to. I ! April 22. ISftS. ly I flour & fi:i:d stork i WUOl.EHM.K iJ IUCTML, milK sol,..-rils ,-.,,. ! ... I ,l,t b.. V ,.. l' 1 1 .. . WAREHOUSE, near tli S'.iainoUin Valley Railroad Dejsit. in SUNHI'KY. Flour by the barrel nnd sacks of nil kinds of Feed by the Ion The above is all luannfaclurcd nt his own Mills, aud will be sold nt Iho lowest c-li prices. J M. C'ADWA I.LADFR. Sunburv. June I. Id.'.l. . Q OBI 1ST. o Alli-n-y nnd :coer nl Sssour r ' IIOOXVILLE, CCOI TILLpay luxes on lands any part of the t.itc aid all ollir 11 Stale. Iluv and sell real V mailers entrusted to him will receive prompt nttcu-ticn.- Ju'y.n, trtot.- o t 15, -fl4 ; FANCY DRESS 000DS, ! .181s,s. A W A IMITi:i, ! Two doors Witt of Llin I llil.T, I 6TJWBTJRY, 3?EXTIMa1, HASjust receive d and opened a large iissortinrii of Fancy Dress (foods, such ns (ilovcs. Join inn . -iU-flovcs. Silk and li-le ibrend illv- I. cotton Hose, Children's Mrrinn Hose, Silk Mils, . Ladies anl Dcntlenien Ilaiidkerchicls. Corsets. Em I broidered Slippers, Ribbons FANCY DRE.v HUT. ; IONS, llugle iiiaii, Triniuiiiij;s. Jlulloiis. licit Kill- 0"n Velvet Ribbons. Jlraid. Hilt Cla-ps. Ladies' i Ncck-lics.CKAl'EUIIIUiiN ai.d TR1MMI.VU ; Em- broidtriii;l!raids, Jaconet nud Swiss Ediiij,-s and i insertions; Mnltccso Lace Collars, Lnccs. lirci-.niline cils. lilack Veils, Fancy Dress Combs. Hcnu Drcs ! scs, Nlts. nnd a veticty of other articles, i l.ockwood's Paper Collars o.' a supuior imli!y. Ladies' Linen Collar: , a vaiioiv of (Jiicvn Eluabclh J Collars, black and while 1,'nrbi's. j I'icturc Cords ni.d Ti.cis. fHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS 11 )OKS Ar:) BTATIONEKV, Monthly Time Root , iTHwing Rook and States. JJoclis Jlyinu Books, J.ji.k Ihs.ks, Memorandum Jsrilti, Diaries, I'oci it Iloks, Ink Stands, i'ens Pcri!ls, a fmo asmi:aiont of Paper, Ink, 4e. Toilet Scaps, lWh-Riiiiiies, Ac. TOYS AND UAi'.LS KOU C1IILDHKN, All ofwlii.'h havo beer olecled with esre and will be si Id r.l reasonable p '.;cs. r , . ANNA TAINTEK. PicUr-r. Muy 13. 11 l.i. 1805. 1805. MAMMOTH STORE. . a. iv. ncii.iAij sv so, BED leave to cull the attention of ,he pub,ie ,ht very ' rclurui'J t'ruut ln0 City witb a LARUE AND WELL SELECTED s T0CK0P GOODS- PnUliKlof DRY GOODS, ' ' Mffdware, Quecnsware Ccdarware, BOOTS & SHOES, H-icry, (ilovcs, Nutions, Trin.mimrs. ,,",,K " 'f inl-nl. Oils.. l.ii.nM and iu factEVllltVTIiivu :i. vi.i, ii n- ,...?.. ; and in fact EVKRVTHINU (JKNFRAI.LV KKPT In t ouulry NIui-s-m. ; Wo bought our goods at the low'cst Cash Prices I "J eu"iucnlly we think we can offer great In- j Juecuuuts to purchase for Cash or Country Pro. duco. Tho highest market price paid for all kind of Produoe. Uive us a call. R i , . J- W. FRILINU A BOX. i Sunbury, May III, l8di. no; ion r.u AND Millinery .'Goods! Just opened at the GRAND MILLINtKY SIORE, i of I - .lllae II, lh Uttaaler. . wi trrees, -two doors south of Shawtekin Yullev t Puttsville Railruad, ' . S XT 1ST 13 XT ' JPJ. , - T iei, l'.i... . 1 ' H - r"oneeo mrswKis it reduced prices, J"! lam enabled to sell c1,eaiM. .- - - - -' The stock consists of RON N t'frf of every descrin-' in lu,rin-BB.IXHia.Hi. tion Mr MmiUci s,, Mid every style of lsllex Hut. Ribbons, us, I lowers, Ladies Caiis, o. ' aiis, stu. C' fc,lk, "",-aud JdouruiuiJ Veil, sd,' ssosiery joes. "" - v - v., fsuaj.yfejs) AimiOwry Call and see her stock. 'all inJ U.I...U.U hunbury, April 22, 185. 2m THE RED LION HOTEL. ... (Late Sirs. Boulton's.) MAHKET STREET, BUNBtlRTi TK. JULIUS ARBITER. TT A8 taken this old and well known aland, and X'J. rejtted ond furnished the simiq is prepared lo accommodate Hoarders and Travelers withlliO belt the market can afford. He Impeshy strict attention to business lo receive a share of public patronage. His TARLK contains tlio best the market affords. Ills I'.ir is tllod with Uic choicest of Liquors, both Ainu nnu npintuous. The stabling is good, and, attended by careful Ostlers. Hunbury, April ,10, lBflt.1y .; ,r i ., , C3-. "W. il-ATJT Attomry inisl 4'itsts-IIor at Ltttv, Office on south side of Market street, fotu doors west of K. Y. llright 4 Son's Store, 8TJTTBXTR"Sr, FA. Will attend promptly to all professional bii'lness entrusted to his care, the collection of clniius in Korlhninberland nnd the ndjoining counties. . Hnnbury, Mny 211, HSU.I.-ly . TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC. rilHK subscriber 10 yenrs a prncticnl Piano Kortc X Manufacturer, of Xew York City. I ns perma nently located in this section, and would respectfully solicit orders for TUNING, REPAIRING. AND REGU LATING PIANO FORTES and MEL0DE0NS. The subscriber is ulso the manufacturer' Agent fur rlllOKIilUNd A fONV, 1IAZLKTO.V WW , LINDKM AN A SON WTT.T.TAM rl. 1:1' ADIII RY'S, .l)vVAHD IlLWO.MFlJ-.i-." McDti.NALD i. CO S, IM A4 I'Oll Ii.K And Carhnrt A Nccdhiiiu's. and IVloubct's MEJjODONS & 1IABMONIUMS, And L, U. Smart's fipo fill ..v... . " '& JAMKr. McDonald, Tllooiusburg, Ph., April 2'.K l!UJ. II. If. IA!SMi:iC, Alloi-iK -V lit l.nw, PUNIll RY, PA Collections attended to in the counties of Nor thuinbcilmid. Union, fnyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. nei-KiiKM-r.s. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, . A. 11. Oatt.-ll A Co.. lion. Win. A. Porter. Morton McMiehacl. Esq.. -1 K. Kctehnm A Co.. :!M Pearl Street. New York. John W. Astinirud, Attorney nt Low, Matthews A Cox. Attorneys ut Law, " Sunbury, March ill, si'2." Tills UNION F)I!EVEir! 4i04IM I'OIC lSILLCOA ! At the Store of rc:-:iT ECVSIT Corner of Maikct and I'uwr, Strculs, S U N H U 1! Y , I' K X N ' A . Jul opene 1 FALL & WIXTEK fiOODS, for everyboily. This no -ISIowing."' but plain truth, which everyone will l.e convinced thai calls and ex amines I ha slock, which consists of Dress floods. Cn-dmi-rcs, Cloths, dents' Oveieoatin. Jcniis, ('itleiiades. Muslins. Dress (iooils in great lariety. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Plain and Figured Delaines. French and Figured Merinos. Fine Wind Delaines all sorts and thudis, Prints. Nankeens. LADIKS' CLOAlilNtl. Table-Covers, Irish Linen, ilrown uud White hcclinirs. Shawls, J! ilinorul Skirls , f all kind . Hoop Skirts, nil prices. Ilan.l kerehlefs. Flannels, Lndies' Kid, Silk and Merino fi loves, Ac. Jnielrv ofull Mads. Ladies' an. I Denis' Union Skates. A lurgu assortment of NOTD 'NS. BHStaBTAe i Hardware. Ce.larware, (i'ossware. Chinnwsre, i '.'"eonsware. irocKery. Groceries, fobaee.., , hegars.M.ur:. J CM Molasses. Spices, 1- ish, Salt, Ac. Ac. and everything else usually kepi in n store . Pro. duce taken in exchanu for goods. No trouble lo bow goodn. JOII.' ROWEN. Simbury, Nov. 2 i V. U I r i: k ( k' IM PF1UAL j iJfjotograpij Gallrvirs, No. 7Vi, ?Oi and 0 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 17, IKA4. Am FCOM WASniKOTOW. LATUST IMPROVEMENT OF AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. AT THK F O U N D R TrT, j Lift Iho Rest (let tho Clieapcis Oct the most Kco- noniica). which can be had uWho Rohrbacli Fuumlrv , ln'-; " l;irse a.-A.rtnient of tbc mt approved Sl) ES. such us tonkin, parlor, (illicc nod SW,p I Moves, w hit li wi be sold m the lowest rates. ..J i veiiii. ui an sul-s. 1'iins. M.i!l:-ls. Ac. t 1 liry are also mamifiicturir. 1 Castin-rs. Ac. nl slmrl nnti -e. ; .Machinery, Ploughs, Repairing all kinds of A.-riciilionil Implcmciits done in h Kod workiu-uilikc uinnnt-r mid at the j sliortcsi notice. All iirti.-:es -hipped as ordered. Orders respec i- I fully sohutid :u.d fi.ipllv to. ROIIRI1ACH A COOI'l'K. ,. I Y" 0IJ rr'"1- an 1 ul1 hinds of Produce taken in j r.t.'haiige for work. I Sunbury, June IS, lsjil(.(f BREAD! BREAD!! BREAD!:! UNrZEW BAKERY. rilHK undersigned has opened a Balierv. on Market 1 street, Simbury. Pa., two doors west of the P' Ollice, where ho will keep constantly on huo.l I r.' lti-4-ul, Xn is.t.KulM IJui,!. and TKA-RUNN3. ' All l. i,., r,t FANCY CAKES. Common Cakes. PreUcls. Ike. Pic-Nio Parlies, Wcddiugs end Funerals, will bo supplied at the .llm le.l notice. A good assortment will bo kept up nt all limes luanulacturcd out of the best material, nud orders' will be promptly allciidod to. lie trust that hi, friends and the public gcnernlly will sustain him in (his new enterprise, now greailv needed in Sunburv. 1 ' 8 ' lie trusts his lluritn,B In tl. i,i blehimtoaiveirenerul satislaclion to all who war favor him with their palrouano. ' eir patronage DAVID FRY. Hunbury, April 22, ISfli. I'lsc Complrio, IoiiMo.A-IiiKs4.. N'i;iriilii- nnTJ OnivT T in- i PATENTED, AlUl .NT2nd, ISM. rerleotlv clean from Ibe Coh when green, souk f;"I.'lr,iV V,",c Kr a double open, i,,, 1, 15 'i1'" ''1 " ,iCl'' " " les Ibrough and , u I ooci 'C;,ufr'"'''1":C"' Tletcly,reuderi, i i r. iMUCO-fl.,luru,?,;k,-t.wi""""'l'I.'UseLfllo fan h,a M null. Jiii. uiachine J,ella llitlj Jlutuluf Jr """""I. also, by Horse, Steam or- Water ti"iaF,Z T -sCr ino ounnot be equalled by any uiber. STATE AND COUNTY RI01ITS FOR SALE OH REASONABLE TFRMS. (ji:Nri.r If ....... wi -,,.o . - J"M1 1-11,11, iican , it you have vecesiuu to .hell irrean or ,U, oorn ; ifyouwunt vour corn aud esdi atauirji,..! vou want a iiv..!,!,..,'- if,., u...,, . t ' . sbellcr, buy (lie Complete, Doublo-Aeiing. Sell. Sen aralina Corn fch.ll.- . p ir W I iWIKNCE8: . oi. uM'.rr' if' J' W' r1 Sunburv. tharh, Haas, Miller, ; Samuel Leasig, ReadinJ. 0. U Morgan A- Co., Ui-o. Weiser, L. Augusta Millers, buubury. Sl. Marti, Farmer? !' Ueury, Bear (Jan. Q, AIbet, (lKftown roMhTT buubury, A)ee. S, ll,.m 11 F"?!' Tj?-H'M. SMITH A 4 IR 6 Aew fcbovj. jr ' llir jHlnm Kiifarfam ('omnnnr, GIVK NOT1CK that Miry have oonnlnded ar rangemcnts with the" Northern Contnil Railroad Company to . trains from Holllmore or Y'ork, Ilnrlisbiirg. Dauphin. Halifax, Trevorlon, Punbury, Northuniberlonl. Lewisbiirg, Milton, Munoy, WU-.-liamspnrt, and all intcriaodinlo stations, connecting al llarrisburg "with tho liREAT Vi:STi:RN KX PRL'SS for Pittiiburg, Uiueinnntl, St. Lonis and tho West. -' Also with Howard A Ue.'s Kinross nt Milton or ' Dnnvillo, RliNimsburg, YVilkcsbarre, Piltslon, Scrim ton, nnd 'intermediate stations on (ho C'nttnwissjt, Liu kawnnaa A llloomsburg Railrds. At " il- ; tiumsport, by Howard A Co. 'a Kxpress to Jersey fclioro sud Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Co., .find their connections, frr Canton, Troy, Klinira, Roehnster. riaffalo, Niagara, and to all twcesslldo points hi Western Now York and Cnnnd-i, by which they will forward Merchandise, Fpoele, Jiank Notes, ' Jewelry, and Valuublo Puekagc of every dcsorlp, lion. Also, Notes, Drafts and Hills for Collection. . . , Lxperieiiccd ond efltcicnt luosscnger's cinploVftd, and every effort will be made to render salisfaeilon. . JOHN HINOIIAM, i Superintendent Penn'a Division, Philadelphia. It. A. FISCHKR, Agout for Sunbury. . April i, liliii. Arrnngeniriilii ' lfeU.T.. ol" ."'w York , l.i nro. TIIE CAMDKX AND AMB0Y AXD PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON H. R. CO.'S LINES. From rhifttitclphiata IViw Yuri mitt TUii Plartf', from Walnut utrert Wharf and Kensington Drynt. will trnre . fullom, riz : ' r.tne. Al 8 A. M., via CiunJcn and Auiboy. (C. and A. Voonimodation.) SJ2 25 At fi A. M.. vis Camden nod Jersey City, X. J., Aecomuiodotion. 11 2S- At K A. M.. via Cnmtlcn nnd Jersey City, (M.-riiin Mail.) 3 OV At 8 A. M.. via Camden nnd Jersey cilv W Class Ticket 2 J I At II A. M. viu KenMnton and Jersey city, F.xi(.'" 3 0V ! At. i M. via Camden nnd Amboy, C nnd A. j ( A""o'!Bj-hi'ion.l i-2;' I At i P. M.. via I'Jlu lm niut Ambov. (0. pnj ' A. Kxt-re.!,) " ' 3 OV' I At 3 P.M., vis Ksnslnglnn and J.nrsey City . i Wash, and it. V. Expri-tt f f-V , , ' ' t... rn I nl ' via Ki-ns.iijriuii t (Kvening Mail. I . nn At 111 P. M. via Iiensinc-lou and .Ltjcv .h. . iiithern Mail. At 1 (ni'hO via Keiisin'lnn and Jersey city Soutneru F.Miress At i P. M., via ('annlen ami Ambny. (Aecom uiodai .hi. Freight and PiU.-eiih-r, First t laso I icket. 2 50 ,-V,-"!M v IU.H., ll.-KCl, 2j For Water (lap. Stroudshurj. Scranlon, Wilkes, bnirc. .Montrose, (irent Hen, I . a m fiom Koiisiiiglw, ,i Dcbiwarc, Lac'tawann-i .'m i I tl ilern Railroad. lorMauch Chunk. Allentown. Iletl.loliein, R.-j. .Iii. l-.,t,on. Lwnberlvillc. Flfiniugtoti. Ac. a A. M , Irom keiMingtun Depot, nnd ' 2J P M. Irnm Walnut street Whnrf. (ibcli A. M Line connects wilh Trains lesrinr l-.uston fur Maiieh Chunk, at .1-20 P. ,l ) For Mount Holly, at li A. Al.. 2 ,V' j y For Ircchold, nt 0 A. .M. an-l 2 P I WAY LINES. ' ' ' - il ry"'!"h 'lrSMuu- - at 1 1 A. M. and 21 and J I..V1. Irom Keusiuirtoii, For Pulinyra, lliieiioti. Delaneo. lleverlv P.ur- !i'l"f u"p '"re,,"f ,!,r-i -"toii, Ac, at 12. , 2, 4t ( 1 For New York, and Wuv Lines Icaviii" Ken--.iiigton Depoi. take lb Cars .in Fit'.li sired, Hali ul. .iiir .m hour betore d-pai turc. The C us run into tim D, ,k,i, aa n ;l,c arrival of each Train run Irom l!:e Depd. ' l illy Pounds of n.-i-ie allowed each rssei.rfer. 1 !i.ssei,:C. is are .rbil,iled ,Vm t,,,,, anytbing as bua-e but ili.-ir wearing apparel. All U w'.- ver lis. v ;...i,i, Is b , p,:. 1(,r extra. Tim (...mi.aiy ,.,i ..,. r.Wfc,ii,jilv ,.,r ,.., ,,.8 tlJ (Hie Do! r p. i ,un 1. an I uill i , liable njauy nuiounl b.yoi.d film. ov-eH oy special c ntni,t V.M. 11. UAi7..Mi:H, Acnl. JaniiHrv 17. si. r. tie: AitidAici-H Confectionery, Toy and JiXJIT fcTOPLPJ, M;trKi t fJlri'cl, Nuh'mii-i, Ba. U)-N1- K(.:TIoK!:y OK AIJ, KINDS, TOYS OK K VICHY i;'.;sc K!i'Tioy, KHU IT, Ac. Ac. C 'N'STANTLY on lmiid and for sale nl tho above J st:il,ihinont al wholesale and retail, at reason, able I rices. i- v lo niKi'.uriicttii iii all kind.- to keep up a full .is,url,,,i.,.. ,.1.1 if Ciiiifeclinnnries arc so! I at low rates, 'i'e'iacro. So Stntionorv. Nols ,,l' ,.ll l i.i ijr Iteuu.'inbvr the n.-ini'i an I pln-n. Tri .. . -M- ' :i:.m;ii ht. Markrl street o doors west wf L. . Itii-litA So store. Sou s Sunhurv. Sept. I!). 1 SIS. tf .s.iMN!:ji-M ivis:i' nvi: As iUrls;;i mtisdn. !I. r.y t.. hi,iCHA.M A CO., 2sa lVrl-l. New Yuri;. r I ui.-. only l-reczer con.rucled on sci iil:hc trin- a w i iili a r, vol i ing rupn-. 1 be ,, ,a,i,.hs , f, ,.iillt; , ,,, cr . the other reiiiov.-s it n last ns I'mj'-n ol Vee r"' ' ' '" '',t'c'li"' lllB 'lumitit, The most e ouoniical ii.cst, a., it i, the mo.-t simpio and durable in : Iriicline. 1 UnioV' '" "" 1" i,,0'I,nl eM towns in the r.acti 1 rrrr.eraccoiiii.iir.icd with I.....L .,r . a:.d full iii'culioiis. I'.MCUS. H quarts, 4 (iiart-, tl quails, 8 nol'rts, 1 1 'irirc. d quar.s, , Apply March 20, D.,12. f.l lid 4 M i oi) ft 0,1 X (IU I.' 00 Sunburv, II. II. I 'a HILL & WOLVERTON, Atloi-iit-jM,,,,,! -otiuK-li-Hiu Maxw. Office. Market street, cor. Centre llcv sxjisr3Trxi-2-, j?a. '' W IaI;,,"!,,t'"M ',r",nl',.l'.V ' "'0 collection of claim. and all other proles,,,,,! ,Uslnss inirusted lo tl.r,rcaro u.Northu.ulK-rlIu.dudadiuiui,1F..f,i.. Simbury, January 2.1, lsiC,2. ttilllh.MMl tllOM I.OS.I. ..,V St...,.-.. e'lel",Vl'!'li'1"'',' ' "f "f 1r- Uulverwel!' Cileorate.l t.ay on (he radical cure (without wedi Cl: ., o. . ,.ein,:--rUu., vr seminal weaUiss. In voliiniary Scn inal J."-Vs. Ii;, u;:"'"' Mental and I Incapacity. Tiupediiurlila to.!irria-e, etc.; nlH. . Consul,.,.!!,,,,, I-pilepsy. ,l Fits, by -ll .i.oiilnce ur sexual c.i,r,vnSnnco. 1,1 "'iiled envelope, onlv six ccnlj P, that (l,o sal. eous.oue e" of . f abuse ,,.-,,. rajhcally eure.rwithout' ll e dnnler !u um of iulernal medicino or tho applicaliun . f bo kmf poiniii,..,,,,! . n i- ..J' 1 :US ponilliigoiit a nindu r .., :.' . U!l:i.-!,..,, ..i- tl. certain, and eilcciual. Ly means of which every iu I (.,,.,. , I V - I " "v ' ra'licail v. f? lhis Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man iu the land .lrr!s"'.'U?'l''r T'l'in ',Ui" "'velope, lo any ad. sianiiw. Address the publisher' 1-7 11 x- n,,A J L'- KMN'K4Cf t . ;'werv,.J,ew "rl- ' lhUo Dux, totio. ?'J-.J, je I.V lii liili-rmtdonnl llwta-, and 3o7 ; Cvrnrr l'rmillin Slrt iX. "'l l',,'"s",,1 ln cily-A.ffi.r, suierior U'""' " !'" i, I. g NewVork for holfn ',.r I' " -(ral iu it, ,H.tilin ,, k t si. V"UiT V,iV"i ,u C"""cu ' 1"-W '"i. .".r.l'r,'1,'h,1,rn, !' all hours. 7 . L . " Hie charges nro luo- SOLOMON MAUCK, " - ATTORNEY AT LAW, OrFKL in Lost cud of Weaver'. J'averu, Market Street. !! l,.'tiui's" "''iea lo him will be carefullr and utn-tuul v attended to. Consultation inlhc'ti, .- Iista nud Uerman .ingni-es. tiiiiil.uxy, April i Jaiij.-, . , IF YOU WANT TO KNOW A iV1T'aE VP Ei'tlfVriUXU rclnling t ,h. U huiuausyslem male aud female; the cause, wnd treatmeui of diseases; the nrarrisge urtoin...f he world -how was ry well and a ..oyDd th.,lit. ucvi published ru4ld lh0 rlwa 5 enUrse.Iilou, ot. .' Mkuk al' Couiiok 8x7?, . eurions book m eurion. (I..ple, .d a g .wt book lor Coi.i.i.1. laid. u free Ui any addr. Rool. , be U .t (he Bun, jturs, ur'wai be sent by b.7 JsjslpaiJ ou raceiiol ih. ririce Address ' B. FOOTE, M. P. February 4, IMS Jen" Kw '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers