' '. 1 - - 1 .' -T-n- r H: 1. MA8BBO, Editor 2'yrprietor. , . TJ. WILVEHT, Publisher. SATTIIDAY, 0CT01JEn'7, 1805. t' tifJ. B. Umkinc Innkci tlic best Porce. Iditi 'pictures lu Snuluirv, Simpsou'i Duilil- n. ..' ' , ; ,;. ,.:;:; - i . i i , 1$ Henry Harper, JM Aruh St., rblliulslpbiu, advertise I good stock of Fln Jewelry and Silver War. , XJEuennR ojf a Waiim Skbjkct. U:v. Utility AYord Becetiei is mkinf? s conslile ru ble si ir liv ictcnt essay i'lititlBifnehmik,' un Mill." According ti Beoclur the iiifenml ubodu is not tinul slittrvlmt o sort of pur gntiirv, v. hero tlie sins are bunti-d out ami Hie virtues urn left fitted fur a bh-sssd future chntlitlon. Jte .ys Iw fiel. wlim Ion-king upon society nnd then tliiakitir of tliu or tliotlox itleit.uf 1'U", lio "siioulil if lie looked ini'iji crater." Tlicra urea jrent many oM sinner says tlic Philadelphia Led ger, wio fee! ia the same way who will pro tbty not piTJpire so terribly under Mr. li:ci:lir"s comfortable assurance thut licll in but a t'litpirary and intermediiite state. ' OENriiAt. PrriKSCR, iu ou wf liis!eelit descriiun'f the cttliorttucB between a rebel xn I a Cpprrhe:id, snys: "Vour rebel is ti Vnur.urvims C'npperhvnd-, and yxur Copper 'lead is n cowardly rebel.'1 ' . lNTo pet agoiwl Pliotogriipli, go to t'rsk;t!c's P.ootn. i r- -ps igaay l?elel Oi n. Ciordon, who fijjiiivil no pro minently in the Virginia enmpains. is unw keeping a rrcery stole in Atlanta, Gn. , .Hon. C. .7. Fii'tlkner w as Mi ton by a snake v.hi!'.' v.nlUing r.ctir bis bouse, ut Martins ,''U . (."V tiers ). t,. v' i". R. M;Kfi'. of the H.'.i)ti t.Imreii WillimmP' ,,'.! .., tin ,ien;,iie'i, wnn ik'sicii o!' ''"in to Uurinaii is a misuii-1 Ti.ctenrn 1 Xaiiona! IJ.nkp d,j,S .iifini's? ;vt! an iictrri-gatt fajii.il t-?4." Oen. Howard, of the Krinl mini's Tiiii'euii. I believe all niiri-lii'iis'nm of a negro ir.s'ir J rection iu the ivu'. .'toitu.lle.-a. Tiunes ".for..'an. a Detrnit printer, bus just fallen beii- to tfc'J'i.OOO in jicsM. which is on !ep is:! in the Uank of England. r.i-ars are verv ctmerous in various parts of Aroostook ri'.nnty. Me Tli woods near the settlement sre 'swarming will' them. ",'l!,aB,""?,1?I?'a,l jicral a (faiiss. v Ljf The l-itek work of lh Cautt lluane is ll r.iu.iilc'.'J oxi-f-ptu lifiieyot la l.c dunenn tii'tiw'. I ho l:eav t'.:ii . ! frsu tv.i.-rs for tLe rjf wore put 'V jy-MAKlii.c V.'"HKS. We cill a'.teniija to the a,! "ert':'::r.cr!t of I'. Pmiuj -r, who lua eatnblijli i J Ijiinwlf in tliif j.lin': f-r Ibc uiiinufneture or Mo:i uwtrLs T-K.b.s'.:ites. Aa. The work of Mr. li r htj'.T iw. 1'i.at h - ii n .liilful uit'cViiui.'. jrl'ttiis.a.-'itn. E. i!. MbCook of Olii.i, trr.vo J in the Cer..rl ilotet in IhU pta-;e on .S itur i'hiv iviiinjr, frons (lie oil rogimi. er. h's way l '!u:! l.i. II n remained or;r the abbnth, nul mi .'enday venin,i nllonind Iho Episcopal Cbutdi. Tho Ck-neral imi R liro'hers and a t.ili:er in- the ervl.'. Thiet nf liit broLhrm wrre killod. Ono of ill..'"1?'. .U.'I.jjU, WIS l'JUl'IPn.'a inr -. 'j ;.f fiili;rr nt ihu bef.1 of a eoliip iliy ': .di.y ..: -n ruidori. I f lien. Harir.mftnrriv. i t Ibis place on lon ilny cvcn'e.g nn.l I ft in the curly train next mnrn-i.-, for Ken.iidg, wheru he had an engngcmcnt. The ticnr.il, v.l.o is a cUizcn of Norrislown is yot a young p:ir., inod'st an I unpretending in his iipjionr niicc. His .."lerugc nnd g illnntry ou the battlo field l.Kj given him a r putatinn s-cju 1 only to bis Mlcr Un :: :ir, (i !V.. Ilar.co'jk. I j! Pica lMiKtts. Those sleight of band lliicvos lairo b'.'O'os iait-' i.uinc-rci'.s, and are found in ( very l,i "i!i y where a er.iw I is SMoir.blcl. 1 hey f .:1j' up tii Jir iii.B nnd are constantly plundering travellers, mostly in gating on and off tho trails Did s-iir : !!,'. un t;i pi ill'orw nt tho depots, liar-i-.'s'.urg di- " h is lii-Mii e noti ri ius, but our own is I vici f. iinih ir do; : elation., aui a number i..' ourer.a ci.iicti have been victimised. A fir- inrrat ;' Aii'ii :tYi i:i;.;..pi..r l.y tlec g.M.ii'j e:.rryi'!g n: if.ey. ; V.iir, was sclieved of ?iOn0. i i U iiirijMn hui'iiess was .1 '-n: can't b- too car.ru! te Incuii.vts i-r Travki.. Oa Wcdncslo li.uii.ing a lady, tha i!'o ot' nn i.aicor, was tukcu ruddcuiy ill ia the mail train South, near Muucy .talion. Ir. Jaffriej, tho conductor, had the car .-loured, nnd the Inly was properly attended ly a J'hyjici.m , in tho train. Ou the arrivnl of tlia train l.ero, it was stopped at tho Cuiitral Hotel, where tho lady, int'stit and husband are (juarurci, tnd all djin;; us well ii: iJa'd be esp-eted. I j,-Th9 ttwisburj Ckreniiit giyesciuio interest ing atatisiict of the Estublifliaiont of Jfesrrs. Slirer, Wull;, iurincr, 4c, fur the uiauufactura fcf Agri cultural implements in tbut pluoo. Iu 1-iot they manufactuved 100 ' Cuckoyo Uonpors and Mowors," doubled that i.u:uuut in 13a2, and duubled the amount ofl ii2 in 1 jti3. and woru still unablo to sup ply tba demand. In lbCl they established new works in a ihnp 2"53 feet by 117. and other buildings, iriviup cuinlovmcnt to fil'tv-fivo bunds. Such, sr.uu sua cut only an honor, but a blessing lu the Com nmrity. What ws want at present, ia this place is mors manufacturing enterpriso Thora is pcibnrs hot a better place iu tbs &'tute, or on that affords graer fu.U.Uot Ui uiatiufaA'ariiig 'purpmcs than Cinbury. At Ihe t'uion County Agricultural Fair, tbs nremium ofl'ircd tho farmer fur tbs best wheat, is (1, sudfur tb best orn 7i conts. Whilst the liorso jockey, who inanajos u got an uld nag tbut will trot ii mile in 3 minutes, gets thirty dollars. A'Tlain l'.arwcr," iu the Chro:i:!t, complains that tho truo kbjocts of a goo t kiMilution are perverted, and ncing ii.toad of Apiculture, encourajod. Tbe Kew Time Taiile. There were snnie crrsi's in our notice lat week of tli New 5chodiilo,or lime Ublo which we ha.l not then receivsJ. Tho Erie mall north arrives here at 3.5D A.M. and not P. M as stated. The Tyrone train ou the Philadelphia A Eriuroad. is not taken off, as wa supporeJ. but its tims ofaririyal here is 9.10 instead of 4.20 P. M Its tiuia of departure is ssbefurs Id. IS A. M. This civet us r'js tirlval aol departures of sixteen pas. turgor tr iinaaiily, uo tbs toils tomiuaUnj st this place. ra-Wt Bstisa I lust waik tba loss of about $300 in inoacy, drofped by Mr. Jolm Haas of this plaoe, near tho tew (oik bulld'a;. A man dilvlu; a eulky, was observed by a boy. t stop or lbs spo tot out and pick up semotiing. sod to pat it into Lis pocket aud drlvaoo, Jsu-ajCauipboll.dstoctivs uf Hsrriaburg, was put oa fc!s track, and arrested Mm near Ocliy.'bari.snH lodged biui io J ill at liar iisburz. He sskaowlodgod UvinJ stopped and io4d op siioatbie j, bat Says H - lis kaiio. II confoasod knowing toaetblag of tba aioaey. whlok I s says was picked nfj tome asaa sstaja b Bt at flsriagar's I up, bk toara. Tbasro wa M taooey found oa bins, bat ho U no doubt tba gaiHy Bsa- tSTTle f lacs to get a life like HctnK, l il rr-klnc' lioom. ... lioHmKij! Arrm iK a Cnvncn-rDafth 62Cin Pertont tht IUult.Tho Rome (On.) C'uuiUri relates the following terrible tinge d.v: ' On Sunday, August JtU, two ciHartis'of Pickeni. county, hsnied Urnvvlly mid Nlv, went to church, during tliu hour of )reai i in, and called lor two men who were In the church) against whom they bad un old gntdg. The men refusing to come out. (Jravelly and really went . in,' drew their pistols and commenced shooting. ' They shot several times killed one man and mop tally wounded a lady, before tlio desperadoes could le forced to desist. On Vedneluv follow ing,' LiotiJ. Hurpcr, of the 20th ,ln dinnn, with three men hud three' citl.efts ni Cnrtersvillp, went to Piekt'-ns county for the purpose of arresting Gravelly and Nully. I'hey found Gravelly,' '.Ms thiee fons and Nally, slk iu Kulfy's bouse, .thoroughly arm ed Rttd prepared to resist, an arrest. Messrs. Smith Hud Collins, as they wcrti citizens, went t.i entrtat them to surrender. As they approached the door they were both shot and killed. It was about 8 o'clock at nisrht. A general . fight eiinucib, Justing nearly half an hour. , 1 wo or the desperadoes heintf then dead, ami it thud one mortally wound ed, the other t wo rushed out of the house and attempted to escape by running. One wns killed, nnd the other stying lie would surrender, attempted, to Mioot one of ttie soldiers, uud was himself dispatched w ith a The oilice of the Christian Commission, in Washington, has been closed. ilog cholera is said to be quite fatal in Indiana. One feeder lost 43 hogs in nine hour.;. . , Tiu; C'l.Kiu.v and Mil. D.vvi. After the adjournment T the Episcopal Church An inn) Council of Virginia; at Richmond, last wee, fifty-two-of tUe sixty clergyman pre sent ii.ppt'Pih-d their signitures to a memo, rial t i President Johnsun for the pardon of Jefferson Da is. . , , ( n. Ilindmnn; latelv of the army, is prnelicing law ut S.itilld, Mexico. Hospitals or snnUariunins arc to be erect ed in I.oikhiu for diseased, cattle. Hp vintage -in France )romises to be more a'Jsjidant than tor several years. The dy?enterv c.'iused niinieen funerals in ynu d iy in Xcwfj'tVYjx; V., last wcil;. The tttle plague iUi iipptrired i: . Kew Vork State. ; ' The estimated cost of the mainuincnt. to Mr. I.incoln, to lie erected in frpi ini;tieb!. III., is $200,000, and the amount subscribed is $50,IKU Genera) Joe Lane is living on his fattrr in Poili.ii! !, On-". hi, in I'ei ble beallb. Itnriiig August 12,U37 acre were takm i'or tcltliim-tit under the liolliet'.eiid lu.iv e.t U i'.iiiesviKe Mo. Jlavid J. Saunders, the Provisional Mar.a-sji-. if the citv of Isioli:ind, receives an an nul! a-.: "V $-t,ooo. NlVimimSEMENTS. UEJ-. vV.HtriTfJ. Cha. D. 3fci""! & GUslTTHE?.. hi ket street, on" do; erkt uf Mrs. fkulion'e I'oif Have opened A N E W T I N - W A E5 S8'i- dross nnd Sit s St ore, nndiat'fd keeping constantls ou hand, ami tifnu- faclt'.ring to order on shortest notice, TIN AND SHEET IKOX-'.V.MIL of tl! Jeacriplior.s. A I.-irs Stock of Co-k S:m esuf iho following L'lands FJClTlTSTLTAlTIft, I UNION COOK, I and or. tho folliinins two brands we defy eompeti lioii, nuinely t'oinliiiiiilioii tniiH Iturner, Conk. 4os -riir lViitt Cook. unsurpnsse.'l f.ir beauty of fininh. sinipfiefiy nt ar riingeiiiont, con. hiring cheapness and durability, and ea.h s'ovo nuirnntcd to pevl'oru what tbey are re- pi eiei.lo.l ALS-1. I'AttEOR nnd OFFICE STOVES, in great rnriety. embracing nil the best mauulacturcs. and u:nt fidiiouable designs Alee, Tto celebrated GEM fir heating up and down stairs. Ala.. Ihc celebrated VULCAN UEATEH. 4'onlOil, 4'oal Oil (.ninpM, Ssliatlois, 'Isiniiiie, iinil nil url5-I-M unusually kept, iaau cstiiUUbmeot of ibit kind. Wo aretil.so prepared tttilonll kinds of Scouting. EnoHng. riine iii'd Enmnce Work, Gus I it'.ing, Ac. Itcpair. ir.g i.lieaply urd aeally executod. Cuuu ry pivJuoa ukvu iu exchange at market SMITH CKXTni'.U, Have Hie Ag; ncy lor 151 til) s uiii.l.iiu. ir.i' J in r. I'IjACE cl'Ji fcn, lor ilic Counties ot aouuuuincr- i land. Suvder. li.i .nund Muntuur. Ai d arc uUo agenU fur. liie I'iphcr 4 Wi'.lower i Line of Transport a i ion. Sun ury.Sopt. oil, ISG1. To all Lovers of CIIHAT GOODS AND ADVOCATES 01'' ECONOMY ! ! J"ACO 33 OT IB ECK "MEKCIIANT TAILOR, AniV Dealer in LI.OTII9, CASSIStEKES, VESTING, aIc. I'll Wit htri'Ot, hOlltll OfWcillfl's llotfl, HUIIUB BY, P A.. 1 Ni'OHMS tbo citisons of Sunburv nnd vicinity. 1 that he has iusi ruturucd from Philadelphia with a full aisortmcLl of I r.bi.i. ai ivi.ti:is .':oii OF EVElty DESCUIPTION AND QUALITY His snick consists of Clutbs, French Cloths. Black Due Skin and Fancy Cuuiuierea. Ulaca .Salin, Figures! bilks, Piain aud Fuui y Cauirucr VESTlNtiS, whib bo will mult ap ta order in stylos to suit Iho laste at eustuiucic, uu short notice, aud lb uiosl leaaonable terms. Any Coods not on hand, will be furnished frcin Philadelphia, by giving two days' notice iiooda funiialied by cutloaui will b mad up to cider ns heretofore. Ai he will employ non but experienced workmen, rcisoi'.t miij rely oil getting their work well don at lu: r-ti-ji. A.iankii.l ror the patronage herctutoro bcrtowed, bo rpouliiillv solicits a contiuusuaccof Ihe same, rsiinbuiy. t. pi .-0. laf'S.. K EW ESTABL IS! 1 M E N TF A- E. SAVAGF. Watchmaker ASB- JEVELEH. In tiuipsen's Building, Matkct tjua.e, STJITBTJP.T PE1T1TA 11 A3 eouitajjilj no bund a fin assortment of I WATU1EJ. CLOCKS aud JEWELKY. bt.00- lAwlec, 6d vur aud- Plated spoon and Foi ks. Wutcliesi, ClocUit uud aJc s lry, t c. laii L-4l u uU i AIIt.l. rt:i. Eutibury, 6opt. iu, Itii PUMP SI PTJMPS!! Iha tnlisorilMr haying piirehMod tlia right of KOKTUUMKEULANS COl'MY, for putluig ia iiiT.Tav:icsi . i.vii'HOVi-niivr ais Bosk'a Wills asia Watsa Fodsti, will turnij tbsra to all person in lh oouuly w xoay ddiir lb os cheap and oBVoBitot pumps, Thy sua b sunk to a tuonar deptb la iaro boars time, coat but oa third U. prio of as ardiaary. puosp, and f- skapacs Vkd M,vtAiaes aaaaot bt) T1"4' ;.; I.MJ0TEB.. j?ubury,tf.r.tieboli1,lfsJi. , i v. ,; , p. AT TUB . ...... EXCELSIOR SHOE ST01U) Wit H. MILLER, HASIutnrrivoil from Kcw Voik aud PLIlsdel pkis, with s choice stock of . BOOTS AND SHOES. of tlia Utcul styles, and telcetei with (rrenl owe, to suit nil, nnd is dotermiued to please nil his cuitomeir . ' j i,..vM.wujm ffrenl nnd unnll. If, vim wni.tlko Utest stolen,. FANCY.- PLAIff, A, DLIlAULlt. giito rh Kicol.ior bhoe tStnra uno paper hoi are told there, end its nlwnyi ehoiiptr to bur a Rood article at the seme prtto cafli, i, i iv uuy e-poor one, lor Jfa bus ' Win' s Onlf Rtilchod Soots. " ' ' 1'uilned " " PK& " and stl Kinds orhfiiTV tlontt. I.sriV4 l-avv avi, r TV g?tirtra li.v -- J B-n.VA Hi, A IJWIIll OUVDJ, Align top of the InteH raihhm. . : Children' Fane and Plata fetca topptJ beotiof every tepripion. . ) BOY'S BOOTS of nil kind and Slrles, which will he aold ns low nl can he hnd nnywhere. Call and exiiroihe tii stnek of Hoots and Shore bofnre you buy clanwhere. ' No churgo made for showing then.. Will arinVholmnle & Kvtail. ' 1 lieineniber the place, Market Square, Sunturi, Pa. September 23, 18(35. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland Con r, It, will be expou-d to pso' licsalo. at the (J'suit tloue, m tne alfa-ougli of Sun bury, on MOXUA a , the 0th day o OCTOBER'.' 1805, Iho following real rstate ia Kortliutnborland county, boiog bouu.icd ami dcacribeil a follows to wit : A I.o! fronting on Droadwaj street io tho borouifh of Hunbiiry, being lot uunibercd in tho genoral plan oi rai l vurouf-u u mi ntuuner s , on wnicn arc errc. ted a larAfo three story brick dwelliug bouso, t slabls end ether eiilbuildiii. Also. Lot numbered Sj In tWo ffcnerel plan of said Woiiirb. oorner of Ejkelicrrjr nnd llrondway atreela, on which aie erected a log boii-e nnd bnrn. Also, Lot .No SSi in shIu borough on corner of It asp. berry alley and Itroadway streets, on which ercalod a frnme house nnd b.irn. Alfe, Lot No. JSU on corner of Iiillberry alley and Hroadwsysirrsts. vacar.t. Also, but So 2SI, on corner of Blltborry alley and. Uro.'idwi'y slrcels, on which are erceted a log heues and stiiblc, 1 it No. iidj iiiiing. oa which are erec ted a doubln I'ruiiie house. Lot No. 2s3, ad joiuing lot Ns. iM, vacant. Lot 2S4, a.liuiiimg lot 23. va. cant. Luis 23 j. 2Snod 2?2.'lnniiiiig nn Elder berry atroit. Alao, lot 2'J7 frooling on Eldcrberrv klreet. -.Also lotsMS. 313 and .'!14 Ironling on El derberry street between Ucer nnd Eitwn. Aim bits No. 71. fronting un lirumlway, I.c.ts 79 nnd JO fivutiu un Eroadnny, oa each of which there is a frame h.Tuse. Ale, l.'it No. lia.l fronting on Whortleberry street, vacant. Ah.l lot aYo. 107 Irimling oil Kuwbcrry trout, all in Ihn general plnn of aii.i buroiigli. Also an lslnnd situatn at the Jmiumju ot Minmukin Creek with iho river Sunijuilianuu, and known as Martin's Island. Alfe, a Slone Quarry, situate in fjipcr Aj-ta tdrfiuliip. eontniiiiiiA' ten ncres mure or less, bouuetad by hinds, of Williuui'Uei'd nnd John Smith. I.ute the properly of Win. McCarty. deceased .Sale lo cainuicnca at 10 o'clock A. M. when the con ditions will I J made known by KAC1IAF.I. MeCAHTY. One of the Ex'trx. of William McCurtj, dee'd. II V order nt the Court, i. A.i. CIMMINcJ. Cl'k 0. C. .-Biieury, Sept lu, li-ii. , BEEF ! BEEF ! ! 1 HE undersigned respectfully infurm Iho eitirerj ' fit tiinbury and vicinity, tbut c'u Monday imxt liny ' w ill eouimenre supplying lac community with fli-st , quality ef liEEF. at prices ranging from id to 20 els. llaiing cxpeiienco ii tho business, and uotdo ar- ' rangenicnts fur a suriiily of number one rallle. llicv will always kiepnn hand first (jualiiy of beef at the JtETl.EIt A ELLIOTT. .Sanburv. 5el.t. 0. IMI. 5OOIM00MEN WANTED Wanted iinuiedintely iu it 100 men to work on Railroad contrast, tu whom SI Tj Per day i ill be raid. Apply to 'A-v MALoXri &vX, Ci t.iral HuUd, Sunbuiy, Ta. ef. I. i ''' MltlV iV. j "tAMH to Ihe subserilo-r ou or aVetit the lit!, oe i J August last, n f. rsay C-if. ah-jut six .years old. ! h i.hite rhiulderf. red over the back, while bind j log, baa a small bell cu. Iho owner ov owners are ! rcqiiesieJ io eouio forward, prcwe properly, p-iy j charges an 1 take her nwny, othcrwUo kbo will be j dip j;ed oi aCMrtling t-jlan . ciiarles c. r.rn'En. Cameron twp., A'ept Id. IskJi 2-ui Aixlitor'N .-Notis-o. 'J HE undersig!itd uudilor having been nppointel by ine Orphans" (. ourt of Northumberland enmity, an aa htor to distribute Ihe bnllmiee in tho hands if EliriKtb M. Cleaver. Admiustralrix of tlia estate ot Kiii.b.' Cleaver, deceased, will meet all piirin." interested tor thL' pu: poso. at Ihe o3iee of Ziivler & Kuse. in tli borough ul Sunburv, on M,jndiiv Iho I'M (luy of Cvtuber, A. l. lS.b.ilt 11 o'clock A. M., uf said day. (i. IV. ZlE'ii.ER, Audi'or. GOLr. 18U3, ;tfo, istti. SILVB. 1 to 75000 ! ! TWO IDOLaTaJ-RS. Manufacturers' Agents ! Our New Mode. One of our Gold or Ssiier Walshes, or Silver Tes bets fur at b -low ft ile 1. Or e of our tea setts or one piece of our (i oi l or Silverware in wniili a tushel id the cbcap dollar i,,,Vt)rv i. i i 'u invo adopted th- fillowiug tcodo of DISTl'-lBUTIOX by sale of 7S.000 articles of ra'.u: ! Our 'v J Tne ailicles of goods nro iiumbowd from 1 t 7''. Oi'u ! .''OU consisiiugof Pianos Mclosicoud. Gald i's Silver Watches. Sewing Machines, Toa & Table Setts. Solid Silver ten and (ublo Sxiont and Forks, etc., etc., aud the o'her o7.S0Q articles of value .lew. ehy, Work 4 Toiicl Cues, Photogrnph Albums, Oj eniace Silver Watches, and fancy articles in great variety. 75.0110 notices numbered from 1 to "a.C'lti arc prints! und put into scalod envelopes and well mixed and eneofthts .' is taken out end sent to tb i persou unding to ls 23 ocntt to cover expense of jioslage, corrcspendeneo etc., and Iho article of goods corresponding with the number on Iho notice will ba sent to the bolder of ihe sains immediately (if be desires to purchase the artTde) on tho receipt of two doHin. l or iiejlauce ; If tbs number ou the unties scut lo yr.u should, bo itjtl, uud or pinno or diamond foliar g'dd .itch should be uumbercd iOO; il will be scut to ou should bo 500, and a piano cr diamond sett or gold watch should be numbered 500. it will bo sent i,i you ii.r c-. anu so ou ior every urue.g in our list off j.nOu articles. (y After recoiling tbe article, if it doe.; not please j .u. you can reluru it, and your money ahull be r ut'ded. iii cents must be tent to pay expense of postals, C.irrcsnlenc etc., on one notice. Eumcniber : that whatever ariiclo corroSioads wiih tbe auaiber on your notice, you can have it by paying Two Dollars Lr it, wnetber it be worth $ll)t) or ibuO. Aud it ia far our interest to dual fairly, aad nu l out our fine articles, as it es coofidcLCt to tli public, aud thereby increase our talcs. TRY OL'll NEW MODE ! T ! Upon receipt of 35 clt.. which pays for oorrsspon. dei.ee, postog eta., v. send one uo'.io. Upon rooeipt of $1, vhiuh pays for corrotL-oude&t.a, po?t ige. etc., w a tend bix liuliees. L'pou receip'-ef $i which pays fur correspondence, ptage, etc., wo will send i'J notices, and a Cue pre sent sulued ut Dot Wis than Hi, tt a taiuple ct car OU-Js Ul-ii receipt uf lis which pays fr eorrespocdeneo. pi.stngu. ale., we will send lot)' notices, and a solid silver Waioh. by roiurn mail. Alii Mi WANTED, bend tut a oircular ! Agents alluwasl a large ctsti cjicuiiMiun, by wbieh they enn a.uk $Ji weekly. Ad lie.-s plainly HEED 4 EBOTIILH, Salesroom E'-i 0133, 31 Liberty si reel New York City, N. Y. t5ept. il, Utii ly mt. i:. it. i.i .mi,i.v, ! II T S I C I A N AND StUGEOS .Ci lVORTHUMEERIiAKD, fA. -' DR. LVMLET bat opened an offio in Northum berland, an 1 offers his Servian to lb vopl of thai pluoe and Lhe adjoining towuslip Oulc next door lo Mr. bun's bbas Sm, wbr b can fuuad at all Lours. Worlhejsabealaadjluguet 13, IStS. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. lu Eimpaoa't BullJini, aAILKT SOOAavfi. fcusbary, r s JT. H. EitsuiKi;, a3roy.Xttsr. Etuibary. Jaiy li lady ',.. Prs-aerlrMu trofolly oipusd4 nsj ta b.t WIVQ3 At b istasneab l5ir at T. U. ritlLI'O MX. Bur bury, May S1,lt . n.l.Ke dtndnstlous efTesolieH for the C.iu. toon Uuuouli i)furiliumurluii eountv wi-U bo held In the I'ullowlujt order : t.'hlliinquo. twiiim Hchool lloiine, Monilny, Out. 9. ( i J urout, viri Mrohltne ht:biHl linura. luo.lnT.Ut-t 10. IX'ltnnre and Aiv'lt'iMVille,.Kiukiog priugs, Ved- ui'gjur. uui ii.'. Lewis ng.J Turl.niiviilo, Turbutville School Uouis, Xliurt'tny, Oct, Ji . .Vhuol Uif, No. 3. Siltur.lT, Oct. H. J.onur AiiKiiatn, Ziuu Churuk Subool Hume, WoJ- BoJn. Ool. ti. 1 Wukl. fc'?biir4 School tlonsf .,TM,rmUy, O. . ll,h En l tlparhiirl. Iluih own SuhiHil l..,tu Pi-i.... Kusb an 1 Ucarbart, llushtown Suhool bouu, Eriduy vol . u. . , I'pper AJignda, Reed's Bebool House, Saturday, f Out. 21. . .. The examinations will .commence, respectively, at 0 o'clock, A.M. Applicants lint present nt the cum niencrineiit will not be admitted into the alur. ' No persons sxsept aettisl applieanta lor sJ.jols of no respecttve dtsirict will tie rxnuuiieil. . JACOII LLP, Co. Suj.t. Morlbumbcrlnnd, Sept. 22. IsOj. :tt LtnUMIAMl I'l'ItssT AT JOHN VAIJEIHA'S - fid EitabiiAhed . Ayii.CV JPur Ittanufaoiory, ' EatS. - Xo- 7IS Areh sircct ; ' fON&iS ' l'lULAD'A. ' rt Piifch.' v 1 row lo "lo' r f tit fr.!W& niyown Iinimrluiii'S ft ? f ' Rfltit'st'A KZ'r Msnatiaetiiro. ouu ol lbe r..imm:.-,r lLl&A:-3i l'E.VL'TU'L'L selections r'c rn tof rW FANCY I t h"fl, "JTa. I'or I.'.lles" nr.d Co it J- ffi!U'i .p'' rail's Wear, In the Cliy Also a Cno assurtiucul o Ocut's Eur Gloves and Col la". . . . . 1 aw cnaWcd to dispose of r.v goo Is nt vart rofl aonnblc prices, and I w.nild therefore sulii-it'a call frwn Uiy friends of Northumberland County, and vi cinity if. Remember tlio Name, Number nnd street t JOHN FAKKIKA. : i ; TfS Aixrfi m , akoiT 7tb. .u'h si.f, I'UlLAIH.I.I'iirA. I have r.n Pnrtrer, nor o- rneetion wlih any other in 1'hiliid.dpMa. - ' . Sej.l. 23 lBflj -4mw 1&Q? "ST! ;Z " G CT TGS '. ' , .OSl '- A. t S RF; not only unequulled. but they are uWolutcly . uneuallil. by any oil er Heed Iiiilruntcut in the country. . Designed expressly for Churciies nnd S'.'Hools. they nre found to M epially well adapted to the parl'or ail druwrn room. For leile only by E. M. EHLlE. . TTo. IS Sortb Seventh street, l'biludilphia. "v"Alno liriLdl'imy's Hiaao. and a complete a. auruuenl of II. ri fi-ol JILL'JiiEON. S .! d . 2.1, 1 Hl",t. 1 y w KINGS iMnx'r.iari.i: i.i:yi tii; Is the i nly pri p irtion of tho Hnd made frim lh-f.-nit. A.i an article of cuivnny, purii and l, li-' einusness, it cannot be surpassed, and i.i regain tfi ed by pliysieians (-r invalids nn (family uic. Ii .-- a J I kocp f..r ytars iu i.r.y uiiiuate. winlu i's condinud (nn rii' ler- it cijca!:- cntenient for irt '. All who i:se leiniiji:;i reileslcd to five it a trial. Enli'i ll;:i.'ieiits at hi. mo. parties, nnd picnics shuui 1 i not he wiihnut it. IV sale by all russ:i-:s a-id tir.-t-cl.i.ts liriccrs. M.iauf .v avi only by ' L'U li J. MMZiiEft. Nc itD l'carl .Stroot, Nework. fie) t IS., iMa ly JORHIANlS' COURT SALE IN rtrsui.ncc of nu order of the Ornhans' Court ; of Ni.r, liuint.i'rlauil t.'unnty. ivttl be e:-.t.o.-; I to .ni" j li.-s.lcoii iho piiirdses In .T.irdrin toviis!iip, rtorMi iilniiurlaud eoi.t:ty; en .SATl'liEAl' TllET'.li DAY OfOCl'OltEH. Mi, all that m.i i.i. l.vi.i..d cBt. 01.0, I ulh l.:t. ! :1'L I I.,v..n - ,'. So :vrii real esta'c to wl r No 1 Tra:t of I,;.nd k ur.d.-l rr. thr nettiily Innd of i.ses V.'ert an I r b-r lands of wnich this is part. e-Lst by luiids.ef lobi is iili. Etins 11 iivi;r and others, ou lite south by lunri of Dium-I Eobue.r find Elij.di llycrly. on the west by lands ot Micbuel Ewe. ricu. coii'tiiinius lii- 'ty-tix acres ar.d i ue b'.ui litd pcretii- Tr.icf Xa . 5. A tract r,flr. l l.innled South nn.l I east hy luttds of whieli this isieirl. nouli by lands of Moses M'rrl. and we;.t b y land ef Mx-hnrl EenKii. coiMain: fittoen i.;rei No. :i. A Lime Sioi.. Ll, lutin-ld lyland'i'f jcorge Wolf. Gabriel A.i:iui. cuntaining torty pprch-'S st: id inerisiirc. Eate lli-rproe'-'ity of yartiii Jlar kle. declassed. Sale to e"iiitnii.ce nt Ik. elo-k A. M of -aid day. when the terms and '. iiiiii'inirj nfsalD will be made known l.y MICHAEL EM-KRICH. t;,,..r.i,.o, .r itni aiiiior Liiildicu vi'M. il irklo, deo-'d. By order nl the Court. J. A. J Cenm.x.s. Cik O. 0. w'linbiny. A iu.-.i IJ. Icij Jsr JEREMIAH SNYDER, At toi'H-oy aV Ciiiiuselinr ill I.nir. 0 flies Comer i f ltiaekbiriy nr.d Fawn Street, three Uoors cast of E V. Eiijl.t's Foundry, M'."s!"aiV, IM. Will idtei.d promptly to all 1 rofcslnnr.l business ciil'.'iisird to his ear, the e illoution ot elniuis in Nor il.uuibcr'.ar.d and tbe a lj-li.iiig cot::'.fie3. Consultation) in (iermaii and Eugli-h. ' Siinlnry. April 2J, '.y KiiW PHOTO -3RAPH gT1e"rY I .S. It. F.ltMiil.Wv. would respoctfully in- I form tiie cilisens of SL'NBLHY. and the publio getierally, that bo has opened a new, j i'ilOTOOHAPEC O ATjJjliin Y. ' In Simpson's Euildiug. South s'de of Market Square, I where be i; prepaieil to l:il:o in lie lest ru le nf tlic I PWl'l'KV.Ti) FHAXIK I PJtrifKES IX I'A.-EP. , t'Altll PHii(M,RAPUS, i Also Pictures made I'.r Kings, Ereastpins, Lm-kcts, A .'. I'eis'ies wi.-l'.ing in nurliiio will do well tu call hnd cx .mine sp':t'iuuns at tlic 'iullcry. ', W e h,.p to meiit a liberal share of public patron- j Kg'-. 'M il .V I m IS T I I'LL'ASE. t ulo'.iry. vllly IJ. I '".'. '3'IiU Mil sou IZiiltlliti Cnbinrl ttriii'W- forty difierent at.flwj. adapted tss t iered ami secular tnusie. t u- S l to if inil eacb. TH 1KT V FIVE "ieiLLi or SH-VLVl MfclaALS. ps oilier first premiaais awarded iheui. Illustrated Catalogues free. A ldies. MAHtr.V 4 HAMLIN, EosToN, or ! Jr . ' ' I bor. Iuo.-ly jatC tlto'ta"' UCL: HCa "VT0T1CE it hereby given, ihnt tho botiks of the latu lirui of Filling i tirunt bnve bconlel'l with us jiirse'.ll.'meiit and eul ecioii. All persons know ing themselves imkb'cd lo said firm, will tnv cuis by villing at air oHiee and making aeirtcmeul. A ft -r the -jih day of October ncxl, suits will be brought for the colkctiouof nil claims unsettled. ZEIoiLER 4 EASE, Altoiueyt at Law. 5unoury,5ej:tcniber II, 1 jo. rEHS0NS having unrecorded Docds are rcu.indod tkat tbey iuui ! finorded. accaraini So the s:t of Asaenlily w I.i eh re-iitires that A'.t d'-cds nr.i cotiveancoa tor real estate iu this Con.iii'Oiirrai lb. shall Lo rex-rded iu the ofTice for lUiciirilii'g lieuis iu tbo County wheso tbe land lio tui-.'dii nix (:;. !i.i uUtr Ibc cxeeuliouof sm H deeds and couywyaiice and every such need and convey, ance not recorded as nl.'iresui 1. sbail b judged FUACDl LENT AND OID agaiust auysuivcqucni puroiiaser f ir u valuable consideration, in lets such duods he reordrd before) lb recording of ihonVecd or coiivesai.ee undts which such jsro'ieut puichoscr or mof tgvge shnll claim." Auge'. 5, llii. VATCHSS AND JEWELRY. fpIlE uudertlgaed lnf,..-uts tbo cititeus of Funbury X and viciniiy ibut h baa at Ihe solieilalion oi a cumber of Lis fiien Is, commenced tbe business of rapaiiing V aUbe. Clocks and Jewelry. Ha c-m b b'Uudat all ti-ues in bis shop, iu Maikct t'reet, one door west of tba Hud Lion llV.U. Ho also kaens fur sale Clocks and Watobcs Hit wurk will be pr ituplly :b.iided Iw sud war. ri.ls4 us lie sutisfactba J. JIENbCU furWy, July I, l&i. $150 per Month. $150 A (iSN 13 wanted In ovary Coaaty aad Cut, to J soil tbo siaritti ttWio Mscta. prico 12$ fully lieenaad under pakwui of Howv. Wolor A WiUun, do-cviii A Bs-ker. ui uigor Co. W a will pay aivotitblyalty d ta psuue. or Ul o af a large Illustrated (OsnaikaUAiai on aalut. lot parlisulan, .. aoslOMatiauiH aau0on. Urriiorr. sko.. analOMasiauipaod address V. , 1 1 .v PAGE- BKOTUEKS. s-le Agon f .a Wl ttl V' ltit, TvUJm, Ciil'j " ' A X U-v 15 Jv b' "l,B 'ST . IMVKntion jl-f tPU Af, Jt-T tl'K AGt IS I V, . CUAOLEY'S New I'atem DVi'EEX tLUr' TIC (or double) hPhlSO SKIRT. ' This Inention conii.-U itVuin (or t-.ro) I:il,.U0 I uro ltefiimd Stoul 'uritici. mirei.m.i-iv i , lightly nnd firmly tognlLer, edge lo edgo. inikbiit tl.e toughcat, most flvvible, clastic and dnrnbte 'prints ver nsed. 1'1.. -..,.1 1 1 I 1. ... . Single Springs, aud coiiseijuetilly prestrvo liicir per fect and beautiful shape moiu llinn twice ns long us am- single spring skirt that ever has or ean be made. "hi- wonderful flexibility and great csvuilirt and p easure to any Lady wearing tliu Duplex Elliptic hLi-l w, I l.a i. .... . .i r 7 a ii j nmuviu veil. i t.r ureaa, llttiu l pleasure io any Lady wearini tliu Dupies 1. Skirt will be experienced p'lilieuliu-iv i.i hH cr, Asseaiblie.. Operas, Carrlnges Rallroiid Cr.ri. I I ews. Arm Chnii-s, for 1'romenade and liouno rowded Church , 1 1-.. . iw iiisi cKiri ean ne imueil when iu uie lo oooupy a amu.l lnoe as easily ud Conveniently us u hiiK . r Alns it, Ir..i A Laly having cnjiyed the pleMure.'coinfi.rl nnd i-ii-s cviivrnimice oi wwiring tba Duplex tilintic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will never nf'.u. wards illuiAfly dispense wiih tlieir use. For Chtl. drfn. Ml-ves and Young Ladiw tbey ar sopeiior to ailothvn. . The Hoops are eoycred wiih 2 ply diuUe t-iiicd thread nnd will wear tsicc ni lone; as'Ke ;rr.?. ir.in envering wbieh Is used in all single steel Hoop Sk it is. The three botlom rcda n every Skirt nro d'oubli steel, and twiot or doublo cov.rci to pievcLt the covering firm wearing ofl'lhe rods when drag in down sdnirs. slone steps. Ac. Ac. which thv'u eun-lnnlly suKK'et tewhen In no. Ail are made of the new tun! elegant corded Tapes, nd nre Ihe best qiuility in every pin t, giving tu tb0 wutrorthu inosl graei'lul and poi-fe-t shnpo piossible, and-iuie iinquesiionaiily Ihe lightest, most desirable, cuiusttsrlable and economical skirl ever made. V, (j;s liradlcy A t.'nry. Proprietors of the Inven tion, nnd silo Manufiictiinr., rT Chambers, and 7tJ i St Meade streets. Aeiv-Vrrk. I or sale in ail flrst-elaM aicf in this eity, and tI.n.;j::l.oiit ibe I cited Stntos and tnr.ale. Havana do tuoa, .Mexico, Suttiii America, and the West Io dic;. l.a Iia(uire for the Duplex Elliptic (of double) Spring .-kirt. A.AC. Annual I J, l,36. C:a I'.sKuK'ot' Ikiiiiifl i-le. Jr., siM-TJ. Xft-'TICK is hereby given, that letters of r.Jminis X 1 Iration having l i en granted to tho undcrsirneil on tho estate nf Jianiel Zerhe. jr., late of Lower Mnh. onoy townskip. Nnrihunibcrlaiid county, Va , dee'd. All persons indoUid me r jifUc-led toiiinke imuiedi-a-te payment, end tiioe having claims to present thm lorseitleinent. .IO ZEUBE, Adia'r. Ljwcr -Mnii .inoy, Aug. 2 i, IsOo. (t S50O 333W"Xa?lT37"" rilJIK undersigped will pay n l;.ennrd of live Hen- drcd Eultiirs. for Ilia niscovcry and craivic'.ien ot fie per.S'.a or persons, who set fire to, ar.d destroy. i d dieCoul Eraker nt. Trev rton, about 1 o'clo ik ou Thursday trailing, August Sih. MOWTON 1 CO., Trevoi tun, Sept. ISO. ' (I..VTE liANK OF NOll TIIUiinEltLANP.) Tnnvsi nv I 'kpa nvif knt, ) OiTics; or CoMrimiLi.iiii r rni: t'eiiasser, r Wasi.inoio.i, June 7 ll: , ISl'S. ) Wiii-.iik AS. by s ili.' fnctory evidence prente I to tbeundcr.signod.it bus been l-indu lo appear that, "The First Nalional Itank of Snnbury.'' hi the us rough of Siipbury, in iho county of Nerthniubrrlaa i aud Sinlo of I'cnniylvaniii, bns' bi.-cn duly orga-jized under aud according lo the requirements of ti:c Ajt at Criiigrc-s. cnt'rtlei -An Act to provide n National Currency, sc. tired by a pledge of I'uiled Slates Kor.ds. and to piovi lo i'it the circulation nnd reicmpticn thweot." eppnmed Juno ;i,l, liill, aud ba ci replied wiih nil the nrivisions tf Said Act. require It's bi cinplied wi'h before cmuifn "Uig t!?o businc.-J of thinking under snid A it : NVw. therefore I, FitKKiiA.v-Ct aiikf, C'.'mMtivlKr of lije Ciirr-'iiey. do hereby cerniiy that. "Tiiif liiist "...it'oLio ii.mk i f Sui burv." in the b i"-ih of Sun bury, ir. lr" County f S' lriiniinhcrland. atnl Pluto of I'enietylvaniii, is hutbori.edto couirocnce the basi Bcss.it Hanking mi-le.r th A;i nf resui'i. In te. timony v. h'Tc f. wirsi:s my ban I ar.d seal ofiiilic, tiiis seventh day of Jur.e, I60j. I Seal of th FKKEV.AN PI..VKKE, Comptroller of Ihe Curren:y. a.i.'. 1?. Y.5. Comptrol-In- ef the Currency. G 0 VES N M EN T M TJ LE s" AT At C T I U N I N PHI L A I) EL r II I sA, At -uioxt ktski; as-, ll'iO trace rili-eft. lOO !s-rjrjE;3 Will b-soid on WI.: Nl S!AV.s:.P'iT.'. . V.ii ?5ch. and tveiy WE'JN.-'i-'AY and SATCUI'AY Hiarv nticr uulil tutlber i.otii?1. cv.ouiericing at 10 g'cl vk, A. M. These Malts ara tiar'y all first clasi t:nd I:, jj.Kal Ciiritlitinn. being sold nnly .,r want idu-e, Every facility hi!! be atl'ordcd for an ex-imin:Ui.,n en the part of buyer". 'aV.ii.s rnb iu (j ierr.;n:i Kuiil. ALHEP.T K. ASHMEAD. Cat. I and .' .-:;i;tr.t Quurtcimaster. P..pl. 2. 1 si;'.... It ,D? LELAWD!S1, iTPMAStsTLV criir.s K II E T M A T ISM! til fill El Vlsl'ifUlrs I'tsrtttM. Acute or Itilluuiinatory ; Chrome, Luuihngo, Sciati ca, Pleurodyur, 4e. Sliffness .f the Joints and Crninp.'rAmt, Neuralgia an I all Nervous Affections Eryspelus, Salt ltheiiLi and Scrofulous Eruj tioii5 of the body eutrili vi the Imptiriiics of the Hloi-d and Fluids of tbs vhole system, and equn'i'S their cuculaiioii ; and f ff.'Ciu ally counters?! Mercurial r-nd other poisonous ii.flu eiioes. It is a pinvetieiiily arranged Pelt, con taining a Mcdioated Compound, to bo woru around the b'uiy, about the waiat. Eqaaliy Etlcctingal! Purls, wherever the disease may bo.. Il can be worn without injury to the most dclieate person, ar.d no change in t!i proper bubitfof living is required. It cu- tirnly ron.oves the liisenso tiara tl.a tstein, , , without Ihe uaO of powerful ir.'ernul used:- ' cines, which weuked tho conrtitulion nnd H give temporary relief uuly by stiipifying Iho system, aad lU-adoaing in vitality.. Py this ' treatment, lha ntedieinal properties e aiiinn- " ed iu the 1IAXD, bciug oi a highly nroeinihi s-; end volaiiio nature, ant capable of being s4 readily obsorbed. Ihroiiiih tba pore of tha " skin, come Into direct eontie-'l with the Hloed f, and general circulation, without first baring ..j tu p uu Ihwiugli tho iinniach. wlin-b would tend not only to detract from their curative j powers, but to Impair ibc inlerual organs aud -) derangd the digestion bIso, thus nvoi liug Ihe injurious effeciis. so often ther'-siilt of internal reuieilies, uud effecting ft perfect cure by pu ritjing and e.iiralising the circulnl'mn e. li' vilul Uuids and restoring the parts au'eeud to liculthy condition. This Band is also most s- Imwerlul Anti-Mcrourial Agent" Calomel 1 iciug Ihe primary enuse "f a large part of tbo aiitinesa. Neurii'.gie Puius aud Uhcuiun- w lie, so prevalent and will entirely ralit-va lb aysteiu from its pernicious eneeis re uioviug all blenches and piusple front the body and bcuutifyinj the etuiplcxiuu. Moderate easel sro cured in a few days, and wo ia isntisliiiitlv recehiuir uLdoubttd testimonials to which wa iuvite iupcclieu at our olliee of lUeireOi caev wi aggrayatost casee of long standing. PHICE FIVE HOLLA KS. May be had ol Drug gist, or will be scut by mail upon receipt of i- 'ij. oa by express iterjwncre, .with rail necessary iimitus lions froui tho priucipaj oflice of ........ , I4I.O. I. IIP.Ott NINO, Eele Proprietor and Manufacturer, of th ('. lelirate.l Piiow sisii'a Fxci'.lsiou Cojsri. Nus. It and 2d Market street. Camden. S , I sy Trea'i-e. with certified ti-stiumnials, - nt fre I V 'Artapto.1 to Soldiers Sept. t, I'sOS.thn ii iu oi' .iMm:.viiti.i.AM. ..IM'llU . .e. A ...1I...M A.-n'. - .AA.il.-l K r sAA.lir.nr loss nmnnir . . j-- -v Ihelltbr-ceiion ef ihe Aot, catil'cd 'An Act nabiing (Bo Hanks of this Cnuinuinwriilth to beaoi-i Associalu.es fur ihu pui poii of banking smkr tb i nu I i.iinl s-li.i. . " nsssrd on lb. I uey ot August A D. I6M, La eertilled tu r- ttnt ttjj lluua ol .auriuuiiinoiiHin, nu,t.M .v -"- of tuubury, Norlbuiulierliind ootinty, h.-is furnished d ootinty, h.-is rurnlsbed "S2S?3 lutittacwiy t sldonee io uiw iniuaii nfsjiidAet r.aio boin couip l'..k ....1 il.ut II hut beroio t-ui pom of bsiiklcj lar tb l," tea y$ I do liiercf .f "i-.' tta iKios) tberonf a b p;V llih.d In aceordanee with tha-ptwvisioos of th said 1 1 Lb saeii'io of the stdd Act, mA do doelsr that tha n,-,.. ik sid Rank hv the terns nf said A-t, S or mad and taken to be h- reopen surrondsrei tub - - - . , j-ol lo kU poi W t' t'C.io t Lagcutiva Cbaiwl' r, MILLINLM.Y G00I), , - '-:' !-. a:;d ' 'A:tC' l)?.! li.O.liii A. '' I? ?.M. Til. MId3 Jr. illlJtSEEil, At tho new sum I, In Mukei fijuare, STtXrlEKV, HAVl'Jju.st received fro'tfl I'hilndelphiw the latest, and most fasMortnl.res'ylpsol ' Mrilinerr oodo, such M li .nnctt, llii. fciik. Kibbcrs and' Eacus, ini'fs. Hosiery and Oloves. bk,-letn Skirts, Flowers, "ilk orC"',A "''l'i' 01,1 L,ul's' UI'S' hhawls, (' V 'rl'innnginil Hulto,,,, to. wis, L pbvrs, Cotten Yaru.Sjnp.L.i l'wfuuioiy. SSutlo 'Xi-lmmtnuM, it,r t (.'usillsu. Oonls' Linen and l'npev Collars, Neck das S. Hags, I'ictiii . i Tasrels nrd Cards. Faras il.'. tadicS' Siitchtif, Fr.r.3,.o. rji)toi'iipli.-i of lVcslJcnt Lincoln, ha:idnni-.4y fia:-jd. TbaiikfJ f..r past palroniigs I tivp. ly strict teiiti:, tu bujincsi U. ontiuno ihe Ht.i. , I. !HIS?I.I.R. Suiihury, May 13, MCi . J. KOMllllil tittOVlict, Enamelied Slatb Blantel i WAto .dOLi,. i ,Mir" :-ri M !-.:.i mJ i, ilrl S t: IP?. r..il V --. " lra:-. Bin.' I r laaaat I 'jft.nti .-1- NliNTO, IS l . MAN1 J SYvCtO TlYrH- C' i'.'"??rs:Sll1v.1T,a as, cni'-'TNi'T S'lTEl.T, 1 iill AI'U.l'ilJA Mann fact 'T7 Tn.b if 1 Sen' ,-l Tablo-Topa, Hr.c:.:i3, EianU Torn, S KrnuUcU, VaiL I'hiludi Ipi.ia, Jar. 7, I'ji'.i. '.I J. F. SCHAn-X?. OE.SI'ECTFn.I.Y infom.il the ri;itr.s rf SCK J.V iiEUY and vKiniiy, Ibni.li.i Uiu epcued a 'I'iillorisi S!aoj. in tho room over Farr.sworib'.s Urocery. rpiuUetba Cetilnl lloti.!. Sunl.iiry. y hern h 3 is rci i.iy to tuahv up garnierits of all kiiVls in tho lnUtt si;.' nnd L'.it workmanlike mnnncr. Having hud ixperiesce in the l.i..in. ., !r & n r.; bor of years be hopes lo reii'iei- gi-u.-i.-ii .-hti?ii.cii,vu Custviu work is rospectliilly Soiit;;:eti. J. f. ac:iArn:a. .Sin bury, May 13, li6j. - ly .Notice to '1'rcMs.iitisikCi'K. "jsTCTlCE is hereby gimn, tl.iit no pcr,u i',i;IU j. ! allowed to tre'i as u my i n perty, m tho Miau.okin Iiliail, or to enter fnto unv "i'iiei:'nio I without peruibMii, as tin pcnaUks gf 'Lt, liw v.I-J VU ,UlVO',U UlUlb Bll lUI'l.Ul'19. s:o i.ew.:ui, siillbs paid fjr ir.loruiation thai will lead tu ii, conviction ot any such trespasser. J0.-T.Pa Elltli. Sh..o.okin llar.J, Ms-yl3, d K o o k a vi i: o s i. n l i m . ( VHOLE.-ALE DEAI.FIS?, j No. tJl Jlarket-Fu eel. r -.rlli s! !e. PHIAliELPKIA, I Have i..w cpn tli'dr luual handsome vaxit'y fcf Ki' l t.; Hor.net JIttnrlalj, tjti'Hws 1 I'aney Eunr-etl, U lie,' j 'asses' lilts, . . l l.OV.'!T.r, ftUCHKS, l.AC:l, au-I all tnhes rrtieles re-.utd by tba 5lsltiitct-y 'i'l-nslc ! Ey long eyirrience and strict aitriitlosi .j this branch us hiriiress exciusisely, wo Halter tiur.it.lrti that we ean ol'i-r inu;.cen..iita, in vuriely, styles, quality csrl mo-iarate prices net evi-ry a here to be tumid." The aiiea'.ion of Mtl.LIXEKS and MEK CH AN'la is rcspen'.fully julicituj. I if'l ;iVu.'or tUUntian -at'J to Jillir.g Wm It. Ilocasri;Ll.l.K. LtOl'D T. ItoORaACB. ROCKEFELLER & R0HRBACII. Ml . ItV, i'lA'A. Fl'ICE Ihc same that Ui ben heretofore occu V pied C Win. M. lio.-l.cfe!K pied hy Win. M. lio.-l.cleiKr. Eso., nearly op- pusite the resi.lenee of Judge Jordau. JMuneury, July j, rwj.-ij Iti'iiu iny IXscIlroiiel. fcUHKER AP.RAtJQEMENT. July r.Oth, lriO.". Gt HEAT TEE! K I.INi: from t North cr j If Nonh-Wf.-t for PLilndcli hin, Ne Vcrk, Lead ing. PottsviiU, Lebanon, Ailei'tev, n, Enston, ic. T,i:ii:s lunvc Hai'iiibiirg f ir New-York, nt A-lo-.sj : C.i'.i. 7 2.i nnd ti.U A. M. tnd l.4i P. M., ar riling ul New York ut 10 A. M. and '''') and lo.lid P. M. The above C'.nncel with sitnili.r Iriiii.s on tbo Pern syivsiiin railroad, and Sleeping Cars accompany lio Urst two train!, w ithout change. Luuve fer Heeding. Pottsi ille, T.'.ir.n jua. Miners ville. All-Mown at d Philadelphia at H.li A. M. und I ti 1. M., slopping M Lel.vuiun and principal Bui lions only. Way uiiii.s. sti npin at t-1 1 point.', at 7.2 A. II. r.nd -..'IO P. M. l.e'un.ing. IcaveNew York at 9.1'd A. M.. 12 tli, and h.oo P. M.,: Philadt'.'iiU at S A. "!. an I S.Inj F. M ; Pelfville el s.l j A.M. and 2 .Si P. il ; A.lilund al ti 10 A. .M. nod 12 eO nocn, Taina.iun ? ij A. M. and 2.1i i'. M., and Heading at ECU. 7.ii ar.d lu.di'i A. M.. 1..V and .li.'i P. M. Koadilig Accou:iM0dutii n Train leaves Heading at 0 GO A. il. returning frcu 1'LiladelJ hia st i.Ol) P. M. Columbia E.irlioa l Tr.-.ins leave P.eadingat 6 00 ar.d ID.iVi A. M. and O.lo P. M. fir I pbruta, Eiiit, Columbia. Ac. On Sundays: Leave New York it 8 P. M., Phila delphia ;'.. P M. i'oltsi illo7.W A. M., Tamaiiua 7 A M. Harris) urg S li A M nu l lleuding al 1 A. M. fur IlarriAburg. . Commutntioi:, Miieege, Seas, r, and Eicurslon Ticketa, at reduced rates io and frem all points. bO I'iiuliLi Buigsige ullowed each Pseu .;'' U. A. MCOILS. General So eiiLUndenl- Jaiy 1C, HCi. PACIFIC HOTEL lTO, 173, 174 S: 170 Cii'.i.t NWitri sr., ei. Siiuar west of Broadway,) lietwteu Courtlandt and Dey Hires'., NcirYiiik. JOilN PATTEN, .Ir.. Piopre or. The pACliie Hor:t is well tu.d widely known te the traveling l-ublia. TI. loeatiou is ssiiecialij suitable lo nirrclisuti ar.d basinos i.,eo , ilia Inclose pioxiuiity to tbe business part of tun Ci.y U un ti.s highway of Southern and Western travel and ndj e e.nlto all the jiincipal Uaiirvai nnd Sleaiuboul deiots. , . Th Paelfio l.as librral acec.mii'.crininri i ever 3ti) guests; il Imeil fi-.r.d did iilJ ps.smss. er.e-y inmiern Improvement lor the coinfurt and rLtcrtaiu in out of Ps inmaies. The rooms sro spacious and well ventilated; provided with gas and wuui ; the attandane is prompt and rcspeoiful ; and tho table is generously proruliid with vry deiicr.i'y vi ti season. . . The subscriber, who, for th psst few y.sn, ass been lb lease, it noil Sol proprietor, and Inwndt l.,d.ntLfv bi:nell tborouclil i with th interest of kit hour. Wiih Ion eaperiei.3 a liotul-kprt n IXHASir, tjy auwsis t.WRm r i ( njaintalu tho lawrabU tuputatioti of ,th l'aci&a JJ0tL J0H f All EN, J.r. i spi.taiber 9. 18IS ly I ha LBisir. fcv BLHissratsi cbarcosaud a liberal polij-y, , 0 r yieoj IB V-A- 'tli. !Li f.S , W'.'-KJS tl'' m Mi ml .kimm I., IT. CaiS.r ' W iE sJ-iJ J-V. fJCs Watsjrfij .ATTORNEYS AT LAW, .t ss sp m n r m n TTI Cc"iein and al! rotetssie-aal burlnoss tstiowptlji .Vended to uj Ui Vvoaui n for.uuuioeriau t aijjoiuing Countie. 1 Also, sj vial attontton pall to the Cd'Mtleo af 1'vutiiUt. iiountt aui iiMt 13 (.! Viii;l . Criilii-iis lI SKiiurt j tu: bury. Mrc!i IS. IS1! - Ii u . stJit S d 1 Us Was.. i,Yvl i.n's N-i ai.v Auditor General," Joha F. llntri.ift. jurvejor General, Jacob M. Carcp'oell. G.' C. f.L'Cun.ixl:.' :. Trf.-a3urLr, JuLti I'. Lciiliyr. Diitiijl. Attoi'iK', A. J. GuJy. CcuPiissioriiT, . I 'MiftJ. Cort'tier, Vi'iri. It. irutznei', JL':; v i i r.0eEefeii(.r. Auiitor, Wui. II. Maoctb. iVtiJit'.'A- UoiiCruJ, Julia F. TIas-Uiinfi. Surveyor Genera!, ,' acob M. Canipb;-!!. Aworully, C. C. McComick. Treasurer, Jola B. Lenkr. District Attorney. A J. Cufly. CuociiiIcint.'r, I-dfie Marts. Coroner,. Wm. Rutzuct. Surveyor, Davfll nockfllr. AaJitor, TTm. H. Mnenclv I .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers