eM Market Hsinnrn, KIJ.-Mll'KY, Pa. 1 A VINO juat returned from the City with in on tireuew stook of Irugt, t'liemleulw, I'erfVimery find Toilet Arlteleiif which he Invites Mo friends end the pnblle gener ly, to call and examine. The Drags and Modioli! e nil selected from the best Importing houses In c Eastern market with tho greatest cure to purl- Mid efficiency it nil nToiililiff na muoh as possible, introduction of dalvriuui nostrums. PATENT MEDICINES 'all kinds, fuch M Ayer', Jaynrs, McCllntock, olloway. Wisharls. Hootland, Schenks. Brown's id nil oilier popular patent medicines, always on did. BRUSHES, nir, Tooth, Kail, Clothe and Taint Brushes. Special enre Is taken to kocp on hnud constantly ory variety of PAINTS AND CnEMICALS, iltable to the trnde. 1'ancv Toilot Articles and the numerous article liich are generally kept in a well eoudnotcd eslab hment. In connection with the above articles, he also keeps i hand a Inrge assortment ol STATIONERY, ucli Paper. Envelope. Pen. Pencil. Ink., Ae. I V -I'hyficlan s prescriptions and fninity receipts 'lupwnded wiin uie greatest accuracy auu uispaivu. ALL HOI' US Davor Niirht. Rcmemlicr the place, Market Square, under the lice of tho "Sunbury American. R. A. riSCIIEU. fsinhiiry, June 25, 1S6I. Look at the Returns ! WM. n. MILLEB, Market Squaro, SUNBURY, PENNA., TST received from New York and Philadelphia, a fresh supply of the latest styles and of the best aality of JOOTS AND SHOES, r Men. Women and Children, which he offers at duced price. Women' Shoes at $1 Ml. All his good stock WARRANTED. No Taper lioe mid at his store. lie will alio wholesale Root and Shoe by the box. Tho public generally uro invited to call and cx nine hi stock. Sunbury, Oct. 22. 1SM. r a. g o bo. 33 i 33 c k: MERCHANT TAILOR, And Dealer in LOTUS. CASSIMERES, VESTING, &c Fmvn Ml reft, hoiiIIi ofWiavrr' Hotel, 8UNUB K"5T, F . NFORMSthe cititons of Sunbury and vicinity, that he ha just returned from Philadelphia witha ill assortment of 1AM. a.m witkk t.OOIsS, OF EVKUY DESCRIPTION AND QUALITY". His stock consists of Cloth. French Cloths, lilnck ocSkin and Fancy Cassiuicres, lilnck Putin. Figured Iks, Plain and Fancy Cussimerc VESTINOS. which j will make up to order in styles to suit tho taste of istomers, on short notice, and tho most reasonable rme. Any Goods not on hand, will be furni.-hed from hiladelphia, hy giving two days' nmtce. 'ioods furnished by customers will be made up to der a heretofore. A ho w ill employ none but experienced workmen, rsons mny rely on getting their work well done at shop. Thankful for tho patronage heretofore bestowed, i respectfully solicit a continuance of the lame. Sunbury, Sept. 10, ljjfl4. Intch i::tN.iiliii C'ollVc Co. DEPOT : 108 Rcado Street, New York. Tin above Company nro known all over the world tho owner of the CoHVe Plantation of Java und itavin in the Dutch East Indii s. aud are the lnrgcst inopoliiers of Coilce on the lilnlte. Tho undersigned Iwbo i appointed their sole geut In the United Stales and in the Briti.-h Colo cs) willjiuve Prsale three different kinds of Cof e, which, for regularity of grade aud cheapness of ic will defy competition. Our "Butavia Coflbo" never before Introduce d ill is Country, but extensively used in the Armies and ivios o!' Europe, and richly valued, will be put up prices to reach all consumers, and our Extra Java II botlm Mngmun lionum Cffee of the age. W will have, fur accommodation of (Irocers, Fa lies, and (lovermueut Coutniclors, fatuple (dry, I drawn) fur tutting. Orders olieilcd. On receipt of ensh, cofToe prompt forwurded a directed. A. UPP.MAN. 16S Reade Street. New York, tolo Agent, D. E. I. C Co. July M, ISnl. MJis-lilnp ton IJotiwe, NOr.TIi UMBER LAND, PENNSYLVANIA, (Xear tht llridpt.) wbscriber having leased this well known . Tavern Htand, lately kept bv Mrs. C. S. Urnwn, pectfally infuriiis the public I fiat he is refitting and wiring the promise, an. I w ill bo prepared to cn tuin, iu a comfortublo manner, bis numurous nds throughout thu county, and all who may roniio his edtablijuuieut. A-t.-l, 1H81. JOSEPH VAXKiaiC. 'm, IAMHOTH STORE. jr. w. I'siiSjau & so.r, iKO leave to eall the attention of the public that I they have jut returned from the City with S LARUE AND WELL SELECTED TOCK OP GOODS! islstius of DRY' UOODH, Hardware, Queenswore Ccdarware. 3CCTS & 5H O 3 3, 'iery, (ilovea, Notions, Trimmings, iirs nl I'Ik-iiiIi'IiIm, (His, I.nnitN . lafactEVERYTUU'O GENERALLY KEPT 9 la Country Klorew. Te bought our goods at the lowest Caeh Trice consequently we thiuk we can offer great In emcnts to purchasers for Cash or Country Pro e. Tlie highest market price paid for all kind 'roduce. Give us a eall. J. W. FRILINli A BON. unbury, Nov. 12, lhfil. EW GOODS! wo 'doors west of Wm. H. Miller's Fhoe store, tunbury, Pa. Just opened a fresh tupply of FALL AND W INTER GOODS, h a Fancy Dreaa Trimmings. HiLbons, Gloves dkerchiefs, Ladies' Linen Collars and Cuffs t's Linen and paper Collars. Netts, Bells. Laee ars and Sleeves, Hair Rolls, Velvet it i boom, . White and Blue Neck-lies, Corsets, Quaker ta, Yukus and Sleeves. OOLLN GOODS, comprising of Pollings, Hosiory idio and children, Cups of all kinds, Scarfs, , Milieus. Am. so, a new style of muslin for OarribalJi waist her with Swiss, Jaconet and Victoria Muelius a Collars und Veils, Grenadine aud Laee Veils t variety of other articles l.j numerous to rata MAKY L. LAZARUS. ubury, Oct. 22, le.04. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, ' PHILADELPHIA, PA. weHNeis ol tlte ervon, Krininnl, I rlniii-jr und Nexiiul Hvslrtn- ind reliable trealment iu reports of the HOW. ASSOCIATION aval by nmil iu sealed letic er opes, nee or ebarge. Address Dr. J. HOUGHTON, Howard Aiiiun, I Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. y l, lboH ly FK1L. No. 3 HATS! HATS!! SAMUEL FAUST, loort west of Fischer' Drug Store, Market St., KWtantly mannfaeturing the latest styles of Wool I Fur Hals, which fur softness asut durability it surpassed. . - him a sail and see hit stock of Uais wl ieh are heupur tbaa elsewhere. Merobautasnd ofheas, ,imiu at wholnule, will Cud it lottmir advac u oil and prucure an ajtiele ehsapor and wjaal ' ubuliure. Luiy. (u.J.er I. 1C4 THE UNION FOREVER I UOOUh FOR JfllLL.IO t At the Store of . JOH1T EOWEIT - Corner Of Market and Fawn Street, 6UNBUKY,, PENN'A. Just opened PALL & WINTER GOODS, for everybody. This no "Blowing," but plain truth, whioh every one will be convinced that calls and ex amine the stock, which consists of Drees Poods. Cassimorcs, Cloths, dent' Overcoating, Jeans, Cottenadcs, Muslins, Dross Goods in great variety. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Pluin and Figured Delaine. French and Figured Merinos, Fino Wool Delaine all sort and shades, Prints. Nankeens, LADIES' CLOAK1NO. Table-Cover, Irish Linen. Drown and Whito Sheetings, Shawls, Balmoral Skirts of all kind., Hoop Skirts, all prioes, Hand kerchiefs, Flannels. Ladles' Kid. Silk and Merino Gloves, Ac. Jewelry of nil kintla. Ladies' and Gents' Union Skates, A largo assortment of NOTIONS. nas.ak.'v) Hardware. Cedarwnre, Glassware, Chinaware, (iueensware. Crockery. tirocories, Tobacco, Sugar. Snutf, Tea. CofTee, Sugar, Mola-sscs, Spices, Fish, Salt, Ac, Ac, and cvervlhinir else usually kept in a More. Pro duce taken in exchange lor goods. Ko trouble to show goods. juiii ivitr.-. Sunbury, Nov. i, 13CI. V livni u I , lu nva I ' A I w nvs ' ON HAND, AND SELLING CHEAP THE FALL & WINTER GOODS, Just opened at No. 1 Store of WE & rAGELST, CONSISTING OF DRY G DS! FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, such a Cloths, Cassi mcrcs, Muslins, Sheetings, Ticking, Calicoes. Do Inines, Flannels, and all kinds of .MOURNING Goods, Alpaccas, Black Silks, Ginghams, Balmoral and Skeleton Skirts, Cantun Fluuncls, Nankeens, Car peting of nil kinds. HATS Sc CAPS. NOTIONS & VARIETIES, Comprising. Hosiery. Gloves, Thread. Buttons, Sus penders, Neck-tie, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Hair Brushes. Tooth Brushes. Gura Rib bon and Cord, tape, crotchet-braid, worked collars, fancy head dresses, lidy cotton, carpet binding, combs, fancy sonps. carpel hacs Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Blauk Books. Paper. ino eiujies, ic. i. i ' Of all kind', such as Nails, Hinges and Screws, Door Latches and Knobs, Locks, mid CUTLERY of every description. Also, Dyes, Dnis, ruiuts, VniT.islics, Fish. i' inxsccd una fit-iizine Oils, Glass, l'utlv.Ac Sfueeiihwurc tintl laHNvarc of nil Uiasls. STONE AND EARTHENWARE. An Extensive Stock of G R C E R I E S, Composed of Sugar, Coflee, Teas, Rice, Corn-starch, Maceamiii, Hurley, Bukiug-ponder. molasses, soaps, candles, tobacco aud segure, blt, Fish, Meat, Cheese, ae., fcc. . Also, a largo variety of BOOTS & SHOES. for Men. Women and Children. l7lr"'All kinds of Gruinand Country Produco taken in eiehunire for GoimIs. Givo us a call before you piirchn.se elsewhere, we are bound to sell tin low ns any one else. Store-room in Ira T. Cb-iuent's biiit.l iu-' ul the south-west corner of Market SojUaro, unar tho Court House. Sunbury, Not. 5, ICeadin; Kailroa!. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. November 7th, 180'1.- GEEAT TRUNK LfNE from thj North nnd Ninth-West for l'hilalelhia, New York, Read ing. Pottsvillo, Li-bitnon, Allentown, l'.aston, ia. Trains leave Ilarrisburg for New-York, as fid lows : H.Uilniid 8.15 A. M. Biid l.t5 P. M., arriving at New York at It) A. M. and 2Ab and lo oO P. M. Tho nbovo Minueet with similar trains on tho Penn sylvania railroad, nnd Sleeping Cars accompany tho first two trains, without change. Leave for Reading, Potlsville, Tainwiun, Miners ville. Allentown nnd Philadelphia at 8.15 A. M. and 1.43 P. SI., stopping at Lebanon and principul sta- Way trains, stopping at all points, nt 7.24 A. M. nnd i. it) P. M. Returning, leave New i'ork at B.UO A.M.. 12 noon, and 7.00 1. M.,: Philadelphia nt o n. ju, mm n.au r . til ; X otisvnie at o.oti A. M. ivnu 2..'ij P. M. ; Taina.tia 8.10 A. M. nnd 2.1 j I. M., and Reading at VI midnight, 7.35 nnd 10.45 A. M., 1.S8 and li.u.S P. M. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Reading at J.ao A. M. reluming from Philadelphia at i.'M P. M. Columbia Railroad Train leave heading at 8.40 and 11 A. M. Ephraia. Litis. Columbia. Ac On Sundays: Leave New York at 7 P. M., Philn delphia 3.15 P M. I'ottevilic 7..'i0 A. M., Tojiiequa 7 A M, Harrishurg 8. 15 A JU and Reading at 12 mid night, lor HarrUburg. Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Excurlon Tickets, at reduced rales to and from all points. Htf Pounds Buggago allowed each P.neiiger. G. A. NICOLLS, Uenerul Superintendent- Nov. 25. ISfil. Lui Uunnnna &. ItlooiUMburg ICall road. ON and after Jan. ISth, 1S61, roa:cngcr Trains will ruu as follows : MOVING SOUTH. Passtngtr. 4 i'l) P. M. 5.55 8.25 Leave Scran ton. Kingston, Bloouisburg " Rupert, ' Danville, V 15 Arrive at Northumberland, K.55 MOVING NORTH. Leave Northumberland, 8.00 " Danville, 8.40 A. M " Kujieil, 8.40 " Hlooinsburg, V'.ib " h'iugsfon, 12.12 P . M. Arrive at herautou, 1.3U Freight 1 1'ussengur leaves Bloomsburg. 10.15 A. M Pusseuger taking the Mail Train South ooi.nect Willi the Express train from Northumberland, arriv. ing at Hurn.-liurg, at 2. 30 A. M., Baltimore 7. Oil A. M., mid at Philadelphia, at 7.00 A. M. The Mail train from NH(humberlund teaveeiinnietftatery after ho arrival of the Expreaa Irain from Harrisburg and Baltimore, allot! ing Passengers leaving Philadelphia at 1U.4U P. M., lo reach raiinls mj Uu road timing the next forenoon. New and elegant Sleeping ear accompany the night trainseach way between Northumberland and Bultimoru, aud NoilhuuiLerlaud and Philadelphia. D. X. BOUND, Supt. "PvlHrlon for lNU.t. An assortment of Dta- XJ ries tor inn.i, of varies styles and sue Also, Cap, Note and Letter Paper, for sale by Sunbury, Nov. S, S5. I. K. BTAUFFEB. WATCHMAKER St 'JEWELRY. No. 148 North SECOND street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. An ONsiorlment f IVntelscK, Jetr 'lry, hil-r V I'luletl 'r constantly band, Suituble for HOLIDAY PRESENTS! I''Repairiiig of Watche and Jewelry promptly alteuded to. December 3, 1661 ly GltEATltEDUCiTON'lXTHEiacYbF Hl.Zk" sXXwai DIN EDWIN HALL & CO, No 2t South Second Street, Philadelphia. Are now offering their magnificent stock of Silks, Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloths. Clonks, Velvets, Ac, far In low the present Guld Prices ! We have also on band, a large stock of DOMESTIC (iOOD.S, which we are now selling at a great reduc tion from the price we have ben selling them at. As we have had tho advantage of a rite in the price of our k-Uttk ui the progriva of the Wur for the last two or three years, we now propose lo give our Cus tomers the Advantage of the full in Price. m Calicoes ar.d Muslins, reduced, Flannel and Table Linens, reduoeJ, Blankets and all slab Is Goods, reduced, Yi e respeotf uily solicit ft om the Indies and other visiting Philadelphia, aa ex vnioatioa of our slock, hmh i unsurpassed in aria ty and style, la this eity . K. B., Wholesale Bayers, .are invited Iu exauiiue our stock. EDWt M HALL OO., No. 2S South Soeuod aft, I'hiladelpbU. Pettjbn g, :JM.-2aw ' Inn prcntUr taint or InfucUon which w rail ScnortiLA lurVi la the constitutions of multitude of men. It cither produce or I produced by en' - fecblcd, Tltinteil tto -iof the blotxl, wherein JL.VIIIIi UUiVl WI.UIIIV, III- A ....... t rt tt n i r, Stlie vitnl force In their . vigorou action, nml :i-Mcnvc Hie system t it . . .i, 1 .-.--,V--- lltll llllll UlSUIllt-T nun rlornr. The scrofulous contnminntiim is vn- rlnus'lv emiscrl liv niercuriitt diiense, low living, disordered dipestion from tinlienllliy food, ifnpuro Rir, lllth and filthy linbits, tho dt'pressinjr vice, and, nbovo nil, by tho venereal infection. Whatever be iu origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending "from parents to children unto the third nnd fourth (feneration;" ituleed, it ecm to be the rod of Him who snys, " I w ill isit the iniuuitica of tho futhers upon their children." The iliseaoc it oriirinnte Uiko TRriou name, nccordinj? to the orgun it Itttack. In tho lung. (Scrofula prodtu ej tubercle, nnd finally Consumption j in tlio plnnds, swellings which suppurate and be come ulcerous sores; in the stomneli and bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, nnd liver complaints ; on the kin, eruptive nnd cutaneous nlfcction. These, all having the same origin, require the same remedy, viz., purification and invigora tinn nf tho lilnotl. l'tirifv the blood, nnd these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health; with flint "lifV of flic flesh" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayor's Sarsnparilla s compounded from tho most effectual anti dotes that medical science 1ms discovered for this nillictinir distemper, and for the cure or the disorders it entail. That it is fur supe rior to any other remedy yet devised, is known by ull who have plven it a trial. That it docs combine virtues truly extraordinary in their efl'ect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the (rent multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made of the followinr diseases : KinjB Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Traitors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches ptrl Sove3, Erysipelas, Rose or St Antiiony's Tire, Salt Rheum, Bcali Head, Coughs from tuberculous depo'lts ii the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphil' tic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, EpTj.ale VeaknesSC!. and, indeed, the whole Series of complaints that arise from impurity of tho blood. Minute reports of individual cases mny bo found in Avun's. AMKitirxn Ai.jianai-. which is furnished to the druggist for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be learned the directions for its use, and somo of the remarkable cures which it has made when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases lire purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader mav have access to sonio one w ho can speak toliim of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far more subject todist.ise and its fatal results than arc healthy constitutions. Hence it feuds to shorten, and does grcally tdiorten, tho average duration of human life. The vast inipirrtancc of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting remedy which is adequate lo its t nie. This we now offer to tho public under the nrnuc of Avvit's ISATtsAi'jtitiu.A, although it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Sarsaparilla in alterative power. Hy its aid vou may protect yourself from the fuller ing und danger of these tlisorders. l'urge out the foul corruptions that rot anil fester in the blood, purge out the causes of disease, nnd vigorous health will follow, liy its pecu liar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, und thus expels the distemper which lurk within thu system or burst out cn any part of it. Wa know tho public have been deceived by many compound of Hannpurilla, tlmt promised much and did nothing; but they will neither bo deceived nor diappointcd in this. Its virtues liavo been proven by abun dant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the bfllicting diseases it is intended lo raeh. Although under tho anic name, it is a very ilifl'erent medicine from any other which hs been before the people, and is far more ef fectual than any other which has ever been available to them. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, The "World's Groat Rerredy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in odvnncod stages of the disease This lids teen o long used nd so uni versally known, that we need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it uuty be relied on to do all it has ever done, l'reparetl by J)n. J. C. Arcn . Co., Practical and Analytical Chcmiits, Lowell, Mai. Sold bj all druggists every whore. Sold by Vriling A (Irant, Sunbury, It. D. .McCoy, Northumberland, Aaron Ifarrul, Elysburg, W. It. Kutxncr. Shauiokin, J. P. Hogue, Watsontown. And by all dealers in MtdiciDCTtverywhere. August 1.1, 1XG4. ly SOLIDIFIED XE1TTAL CPeSAX, For 'lcnMNinx, VI)Ilen;(; "nl iveNcrviiiK tUo i i:irrik! This article is prepared with the greatest ea." upon scientific principles, and warranted not to contain anything in thu slightest degree deleterious to the teeth or gums. Some of our most eminent Denta. Surgeons huve given their sanctum to, aud cheerful ly recommend it as a preparation of superior quali ties for cleansing, whitening and preserving the TEETH. It denim them readily, rendering: iheui beautifully while and pearly, without the Tightest injury to the enamel. It is healing to the gum here thev are ulcerated anil sure. It is also au ex cellent disinfector for old decayed teeth, which are often exceedingly ofleusivo. It gives a rich creamy taste to tho mouth, cleansing u thoroughly, and im parting a delightful fragrance to the breath. A. HAW LEY & CO.. N. W. Cor. 10th., A Lombard Sis.. Philadcltdiia. And sold by all Druggist. P1UCE 2i CENTS. Ti:?TI7oNIAI.S. The following oiiiuion of Dr. While, a lo the biifb esteem in which beholds the Dental Cream, must be sufiicient evidence of its value ; to quote olher testi. nionials in detail is needless, couteniinK oursulve bv simply giving the names and addressee of persons wbo speuk ol lis excellency tor the teeth. j-niia'teipnia. Arm Dili. JHfi.l. Having carefully examined A. lluwlcv's "Solidi fied Dental Cream," I hereby cheerfully recom mend it to the public generally. It is au excellent preparation for cleansing and preserving tho teeth, and can be used by all persons with the utmost con lideuce, a its properties are perfectly harmless. He- sides preserving the teeth, it promotes a healthy action to the gums, and impart a pleasantness to the breath. Dr. W. It. WHITE, 120.1 Arch St. Thomas Ingram, M. D , Dentist, 4t!l N. Fourth SI. J. liirkey, 2j S. Sixth St. E. Vaudersllce, Surgeon Dentist, 425 Arcb 6t. I,'. A. Kinsbury, Dentist, 1119 Walnut St. 8. Dillingham, D. D.S., l:H Arch St. r . Al. Dixou, b.'7 Arcb St. Edward Townscnd, Dentist, 428 X. Fourth St. L. Jl. Dorphley, Dentist, l)7 X. Tenth Si. M. L. Long, Dentist, 62U N. Sixth St. Jlay St), 1664 ly ETTER OF ADVICE FOE LADIES FIVE ANATOMICAL ENURANIXOS. Has information never before published. Kent rass la a sealod envelope for tax cents. mm Address Dr. STANFORD, r Box No 4,062. New York V. 0. July 9, lSi-3m ' " 1' O It SAL E. A Yrncl ot'Tlrobcr I -nnd, below Trev orton bridge, containing about SO sores. For farther particulars apply to H. B. MAfStR. Fsinburjr, Auj 1J. 1!4 If A LEOTUUH TO rOTTISTGr -MElsr Juit pultithtd in a Rtalrd Envloft. Frie til wr. ' A Lecture on the Nature,' Treatment and Radio! Cure of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Invol untary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and impedimenta to Marriage generally, Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, ana fits: mental ana rnystoai incapaci- IV, resulting imm peii-Aouse, no. uTmD&nt CULVERWELL, M. D.i Author ol lb "Green Book," Ao. The worm renowned sinner, in tnis autniraoie Lecture, clearly proves from hi own experience that the awful consequence of Self-Abuse may be effectu ally romovod without medicine, and without danger bus surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once cer tain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no mat Sent nndcrseal, to any address. In s plain, seated envelope, on the receipt of of six eents, or two post age stamps, by addressing the publishers. CHA, J. C. KL1NK ACO , 127 Uowerr, New York, Tost COice l)ox, 45b. Oct. IS, 1864. ly 3e PENSIONS, BOUNTIES" AND BACK PAY COLLECTED. Q B. DOTER, Attorney al Law, is duly author- Iced and licensed to collect Ienlonsi, ' mm - H" : .1 I IsoiinllenfitMl lines I'nv for Widows, Or pbans and Soldier. Office in Market (trovt, oppO' silo Weaver's Hotel, Sunbury, J'a. January is, iso. iy IVjYa r laKlv-!i:lS 1 - .....4fnUI A New supply of MASssn's Vivit-y lat Ti Fnx JTX rsits, rccoiveil from iscw lorK, for sale by Sunbury, May 21, 01. 11. B. MASKER. OxonciHiLL, SlKOK T. WOLVKHtOS . HILL St WOLVEBTON. - AttorneysiDua l'oiiiieloi IrfiT. OlEco, Market street, eor. Centre Alley, BTTT.Tla TT o "KT- -a A ITTTI.L eii.nj .ii. .ii. ...iiit r.i.im. ' VV .-i -ii Zt ' -r V- It . ir... ... i : ii:.:. r ? V j .... iiiv.t enrq in tvirinumoeriaiiu fuiutiujoiutu g oouutiee Sunbury, January 23., 1S62. AN INTERESTING HISTORY DR. BCHENK'S OWlf CASE. WHILE LABORINU VNDER CONSUMPTION And how his Pulmonic Symp, Seaweed Touio,' und Mandrake Pill aoton the System in Curing that Disease, and the (reat Sneeess Altendlna It! The above is a correct likeness of Dr. Pehenk taken ninny years ago, after he had lecuvcrod from Cua. sumption ; by a course of his "Scbenk's Pulmonio Syrup." The likeness, although it .does not repre sent him anything like as bad aa be was at the worst, yot it is in strong contrast with the hale and vigorous looks of the Portruit below, which is the true like xess claim at present time. The contrast between these two portraits is so great that many would not believe then to be the same person. Yet there are hundreds of persons, in and around Philadelphia, wbo will recognise both portraits to be true represen tations. When the first was taken he weighed 107 pounds ; at the present time his weight is 13 poumis Nxw Y'ork, Wednesday, March 30, ISfrl. TO THE PUBLIC. Thirty year ago I was in the last stage of Tul- j nonary Consumption, and given up to die. 1 resided I in Philadelphia, and Dr. Joseph Parrish, then of this I city, ordered me to Morostowu, N. J., a distance of nine mile which took me two days lo get there, tin i my arrival i was put to tied, aud there laid for many weeks. This was my native place, where all my family lived and bad died ef Consumption. Dr. Thornton, who attended my father in his lust illness, was called, and gave me oue week to fix up my af fairs. Ho had seen all uiy family go that way, and thought I was to go. too Then I heard of tkereme dies I now offer to the public, which cured me. It seemed to me that X could feel them penetrating my whole system. They soon ripened the matter on my lung, and I would spit off more than a pint of offensive yellow matter every morning. As soon as that began to subside, my cough, fever, paia, night sweats all begun lo leave me, and my appetite became so ureal that it was with difficulty I could keep from eating too' much. I soon gained my strengtn and I have been growing in flesh ever since. For many years I hav f njoyed nninterrupted good health, keeping Ihe liver Od stomach healthy with the Seaweed To nic and Mandrake Pills, as 1 am of a biltious temper ament. My weight I two hundred and twenty pounds Ou my recovery people eseatld send tor m fur and near, to set' 'f their cases were like mine. For this purpose I pay professional visit In the large cities. The consumptive,' sh to see the one that makes these medicines, ana who was cured of eon sumption by tbem. To make new lungs is impost blc; but cavities in the lungs a.id chronic ulcera tions of the bronchiul tube can bv healed Such cases are dving hourly under the ordnjey treatment of physicians, and just such are cured bylbe proper: use of Schenk's Pulmonio Syrup, Koaeeu Tonic, I and Maudrake Pill. I tor what bis condition may oe, may enra in nisei t j ---r--. .- .B, ,.vur cheaply, privately, and radically. THI8 LEC- Mrvous, stomach full of wind, everything that i Tl'IlK WILL PROVK A UOON tQ THOUSANDS "JLJJ,,1? I?,.?.f..,mr,?,"r' J bo'Ue of ivn Tiii-inuix'iia 6C11ENCK 6 SEAnELD IONIC, and one boxrf n'! auu vutifivui I ' IMjT 'r a . I I am now a healthy man, with a large cavity in the middle lobe of tho right lung, the lower lobe verV much hepatixudand complete adhesion of the pleura. The left lung is sound, and the upper lob of the right lung is in a tolerably healthy condition. The great reason why physician do not curs oonsump. tion is they try to do too much ; tbey give mediciues lo (top the e.'ugh, to atop chill, to slop night sweats, hectic fever, and, by so doing, they derange the whole digestive powers, locking up the secretion and eventually the patient (inks ana die. After I make a earetul examination of the patient with the ltespirometer, and find lung enough left to oure, I direct the patient how Ui use the three remedies Remove Ihe cause and they will all (top of their own accord. No one can he cured of eouaumption, liver complaint, dyspejisia, catarrh, canker, ulcerated throat, unless the liver and stomach are made heal thy. In New England this canker chronic catarrh, ulcerated throat, elongation ol uvula, is more preva lent than in any ether section of the oountry. Thi I frequently caused by a foul stomach, loo may burn it out with eaustio time and again, and all they will get is temporary relief. Correct the stoniacA and liver, und they will heal up tbcmselvc. Uobd nutriliou is the remedy. If voa hav any disease in any part of the body, it will rauaia there and dcoay more and more until you oan get the sto mach in the condition to digest food ana make new blood lo take the place of diseased matter. Thi i the only way to heal cavities in the lungs and ulcer ated brooch uil tubes. Correct the stomaob and liver and nature will do the healing. Many persons bay an idea that certain medicine are great purifier of th blood. When blood is once diseased it cannot be purified ; it is diseased Ihe same as the diseased metier in the system ; but get the apparatus in or der, the liver aud stomach, and rise it plenty of nourishing food ft will make new blood, which will take the plaoe of that which I diseased Eohenk's Falmonie ryrup I en of the best prepa rations of ir in as, If is s poerful Uni of i well, aad when lb fieaeeed Tome dlsstlvsj Lb ague us ' ' i t . ' . .. , ins stomach, aed la U carried pofl off by the a the Mandrake Pills, the Pnlmonlo Syrup la made Into blood. This la the only way to eure eonsumptloD. If I cannot get good appetite, sod food doe not digest, 1 cannot eure the patient Never mind the eougb ; remove the cause and will stop of Itself. This is the most trouble I have with my patient at my rooms. They say, "Doctor, I f4 stronger; I oan eat ; tny night sweats are better, and I feel bet ter every way; but my cough Is so bad yet;" and they are astonished to hear me any that doe not matter; remove tho cause and the cough will srp of Itself. Sobetik's Seaweed create a good appetite in about nloe days, when there I no Iud disease. tipless the liver is so congested that the Mandrake Pills oannot unlock the duct of the e-all bladder in that short tpaee of time, in order to allow the stals bile to pass off, Keep the liver and stomach healthy and there isjess danaer of eonsutmiUon nr mt other i disease. It is hard to take cold when those orian are healthy. Those that are bilious, low-spirited. BCUEXK'S MAND11AKG PILLfl, It is only a Cost of one dollar and twenty-live cents, with full di rections. This la sufficient, in many eases, to satis fy what the medicines are, Frequently one bottle make a great change In the system. Any person that enjoys ordinary health, by using the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills occasionhfiv. must ei i the digestive organs in such a healthy conditiou that they become fleshy I can produce a number of my old consumptives ptiala now enjoying good health. weighing nearly ZM pounds. I will conclude by relatitur three .n,M I l,a.-a ....!. in x: n vAw whioh aro all different, and wish any oue who 'feels I . .... ' . . . . . . . an inter est In the matter to visit them. First ii Mr. i lat'.ow. residing then at No. Iu! Houstoa street Her uutband called upun nie at my rooms, 'ii Bond street I and wished me to call and scu her, lie said 1 could do no good ; that be had bad all the best medical ". W ' f" gone with uonsui Consumption to be cured ; but she had heard of some groat cure I had made, and be desired to gratify her wishes. I called, and found her Ivine couDned to her bed In the last stage of bronobial consumption and without doubt must have died soon. I examin ed her lung, found both bronobial tube very muoh affected, but no cavities had formed, her cough ' wa very severe, the spit-box wa half full of tbiok pus. Pulse 140, leg swollen very mch ; and worse than all. she bad chronic diarrhoea. Her bowels had been moved eleven times that day. told her that she 'unP """S11 red. but that this diarrhtva haabeenotlongsuindmg, ana ber stomaob was such a uloerated coudition that 1 was afraid nothius eouia De aone. Mie tnsutea i suoulu try ana do what X oould for kcr, olwurving that she could nut last long in the londition she was in, and I could nut make her any worse. I gave her first a dose of tuy Mandrake Pills, and the tonic and s'yrup freely. I That was on Tuesday, and by the licit sunday the dinrrhuea was carried oil', her appetite had returned i and she could sit up in bed and eat her dinner. She is now well, and gave a long certificate, certified to uy me nev. vt xownuig. , .Mrs. Harlholomew, b.) WcBt Forty-fifth slreet, I came to my rooms with a tumor on her liver. f.'he j was low-spirited, skiu sallow, tongue coated, bowels ; roeuve. no appetite, una Inst sinking into the grave. j The said tumor bad been running over fourteen I years. 1 gat e her Syrup. Tonic and Pills, and told j her totako iheui jusl as the directions wero printed. I she came buck to my rooms, '''i Bund struct in two , weeks, somewhat better ; her tongue had begun, lo I mean a lime nrouna me eugos, nersxin wniter ana . her eyes brightor and the tumor disebaririuir very : ulleiuive matter, much faster than it had evordoue bufore. She kept gradually improving, and iu about . two monttis sbe oanie to my rooms vert much tright t eneil, saying that tho toiuor bad ucarly slopped I running, and wits bealiag up, aud that every doctor had told ber that if it ever healed it would cause her . death. I told ber that the diseuse had all left her system, and i.ature would heal the ulcer up. They i are now healed, and have been for about a year und she is a beany and robust a woman us you will find , in a days walk. Sbe is glad for any one to cull ou her, and takes great pains to visit any one tlutt .rb hears has anything like her case, and tries te get i tbrui to como and see me. Tho next ease is Miss ; coficld, from Stamford, Conn., Mrs. Bartholomew got her down to see me, und she has been ever siucu ;al her bouse. Shenshe first came to my rooms, sbe was muoh smnciatvd with a distressing cough, spit ting large quantities of blood. 1 exumiued her luugs with thu rcepirouiftcr, and in all my practice never lbuud oue w ith one lung so far guuu aud tbe other lung su sound. 1 cuuhi not give much oncourage . inont. 1 thought the would die ; but to tny Baton -: ishuiKpt Ihe Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed louio. and Mandrake Pills all seemed to go right to work, the lung is ull Ueaiudovvr, leaving a cavily as large as a goose egg ; g.ajd appetite, fine spirits, und has gained some thirty-fivejaitind in weight. She has some cough yet, which I do not tliiuk will leave her before June. 1 should think it would be of greaj interest to some unprejudiced physician to visit these cases, particularly .Miss ScohoUl. or any of them who have been cured by my medicines". They uro num erous in New York ; but the above three all uili.r i from each other ; and if my mediciues are duiug what I represent tbey are. thev sheuld have the credit and the attlicisd know where and how they may be cued. J. II. NCnENK, M. D. Dr. J. II. Schrnk can be found at tho piiueipal office, No. 3'J North 6th Street, Philadelphia, every Saturday, from V A. H. until i P. M-, to give advice free of charge ; but for a through examination he charges three dollars. Price of tbo Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic each SI 26 per bottle, or the bulfdusrn. Mandrake Pills 2j cents per box, and is for sale by all Druggists and Dealeis. Muy 14, l6t. ly 'Northern Central Jiaihvuj ! ki .mi:k tijii: taiili:. THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from Baltimore and Washington city. Connections made with trnins oa Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and tho West . THREE TRAINS DALY to aud from in.nl, West Branch Snsquchauna, Llmira, and all of Nortb I eru New York. ON and alter MONDAY, MAY 18th. 1S64. Ihe Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Sunbury. i.w,,.uui nuu jjii ill inure ns luiinws, vis . SOUTH W A 11 D . Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (oxoept Sundav). . 10 2JA.M. " leaves Harrisburg, 1 20 P.M. " arrives at llnltimure, J 40 " F.jpresa Train leave Sunbury daily (except Sunday.) J! 4J p, M. ' lento lUrri.-lu'rg (except Monday.) J jo A. M arm ci at Dallimorc daily (except Monday). T 09 A. M. jturruuurg Accouinioaation leaves Harris- .bur , 7 00 A.M. Suubiiry Accommodation leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunduy) at 7 30 AM NORTHWARD. . Mail Tnhs leaves Baltimore daily (ex cept Sunday) " leave Harrisburg " arrive at Suubury, Express Train leaves Haiti mure daily " arrives at Harrisburg, " loaves Harrisburg (exoept ,9 20 A. M 1 ii P. M. 4 U5 " 9 30 P. M 1 SO A M. Monday), 3 15 A.M. " arrive at Sunbury. b i't Iluriisburg Accommodation leaves Harris burg, daily (except Sunduy) at 3 00 P M " arrives at Harrisburg, 7 50 PM Funbury Accommodation leaves Harris burg daily (except Suuday) at 4 00 P 31 For further information apply at the Office I K. DiBARUY. Uen. fcupt. narrborg, June 4 801. r O S BOlllPS CELEBRATED PREPARED JAVA COFFEE, VT A Jl H A X T E D SUPEEI0E TO ANY IN THE MARKET. IT is used by first class families everywhere, and highly recommended for nervous and dyspeptic persons, being very nuitritious and free from all deleterious substaaoes, in testimony of which I have t ertifioatcs from Ihe most enimiuent Physicians In the Country. Try it, and you will be lure lo con tinuS i!' use in preference to any olher. Nid SJ retail tor jwenty Five Cent per Pound by First U Grocer throughout the United "tulos fV A librral discount to the Trade. Pnt up only by A. OMIIOlt, Wboi. lale Depot, 69 Warren it. New York. May 7, 1S64. Atlenxlon, I-ndiesi ami tjieulleineu ! AMBE0TYPE AND PHOT0OEAPH GLLEZRi'-SrT. Over J. Bow en's Store, corner Market Fawn St. 8TJNBUR V. FA... SBYF.RLY, baa opened a new Picture Galle'ry . in lb above place, and ia prepared to take Portrait in the beet style and meouer. AMBROTYPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS, are taken in every style ol the Art, that cannot be surpassed in th Slate. Having several year's expe rience, he will give satisfaction or no charge. Copies will be taken from all style of Picture. tiive him a call. Remember, over liowen's store. Suubury, Deo. 17, 1b64. E. C. QOBIN, Attorney nnd Counsellor mt Uw, HABBI8BUBO, PENN'A- WILL carefully attend te collection and all other manors entrusted te bin, In the counties ef i'aorblL. henhojBbarlaad aad Savder. ' Ct 1, 14 -ly , . II. It. MASSEIt, Attorney nt I-ftw, BUNBLRT, TA. Collection attended to in the counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. WEFBKBItCBI, Hon. John It. Reed, Philadelphia, ' A. U. On Wo 1 1 io., Hon. Wm. A.Yorter, Morton McMlohael, Esq,, " . E. Ket. ham A Co,, 2s Pearl Street, New York. John W, Ashmead, Attorney at Law, - " Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, " Sunbury, March 29, 1802. CrBANT 5C DIETZ1 IiOWER WHAIIF, SUNBURY, PA. W HOLESALE AND RETAIL DSAI.P.US IN W II LT K ASH COAL, In evory variety, Orders solicited and filled with prom pines and despatch. bunbury, Mny 10, 1MC3. ly Attorney nnd Connnellor nt iJivr, Of&oc on south side of Market street, four door west of . Y. Bright A Son s Store, SXTNBTTIl-sr, Will attend promptly to all professional bnlnes entrusted to his care, the collection of claims in Northumberland and the adjoining counties. Sunbury, Mny 23, 1803. ly ForRnts,7llrr, Ronchca, Ant. llel lt(ig;i,motliai in I'ars, M ooleus.Ar., Intsrcta ou Plants, l'oxvlx, Animnls, JVe. Pnt up in 2.'h, SOe. and $1 M Boxes, Hot lies nnd Flasks. (3 and H sixes for Hotels, Public Instils tious, Ac. "Only infallible remcdios known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dorgeroo to the Humaa Family," "lints time owt of therr bole to die." r&""Shl Wholesale In all large cltfe. Sl by nil druggist nnd Retailers everywhere ! f ! BtWARK ! ! ! of all worthless imitations. Set that "CosUrV pninc is on each Box, Until and Flask, befure vou buv. Address II s:.lV IC. t'O.N I' Alt. Principal Depot 4H2 llrow)try. New York. Cl.Sold by n Wholesale aud Retail Druggists la Sunbiirv, Pa. Feb. '20. ISflf.-Rin JEREMIAH SNYDER, Attorney t'omiHellor ui Ijivv. Office en South si lo of Market street, four doors west of Oearharl's Confectionery store, Will attend promptly fo all profiwional business entrusted to his core, Ihe collection: ofviainis in Nor. thtimberland and the ad jiining eiNtatrrs. Cunsiiltatiuns in Herman and English . Sunbury. Murch 19, 18til :v READY ROOFING Ready to naiT down. READY "ROOFING At less than half the cost of tin roofs. READ1Z" "ROOFING More durable than tin. READY OOFING Suitable for steep er Out reels. READY-ROOFING For all kinds of buildings, in all climates. READY "ROOFING Earily. ohenply. and quiskly pnt on. Needs no coating over with cementafier it is nailed dwu. READY ROOFING Mudo tr a strong wovaa fabric, thoroughly saturated and covered upon both surface with a vcrfeclly wa terproof composition, and put up in rolls ready jor use 40 inch wide, uu t& feet long. We also mannfhoture LIQUID CE1E1TT. Fon Lrakt Ti.e tlwrs, Much choapor aud more durable than oil paint. ALSO, l'iiipisul I'enienl, For Leaky Shingle Roofs, Whioh will often save the cost of a new roof. Samples of Ready Hooting and Circulars sent by mail when desired. Favorablaluruis made with responsible parties who buy to sell again. HEADY ROOF I No) CO.. "3 Maiden Lauo, N. X,. April 53, 1801. IILLIES CHILLED IE0N SA F Tiiaal y Eafo Keif able aeainst both Firo ' aud Burglary. I am now prepared to furnish three sises of Nation al Buuk Sales. Tbey are both Fire and Uurglar proof, with luo distinct inside Burglar Safes, and three of my new Anti-Micrometer Locks ou each safo, believed to be the only bunk-lock now in use tuitt lias not ueen picked or cunnot be picked by tuc aid oi uie micrometer, tueae ufos all prvsvul four losix invbea in tliickiiessetsolid iron, guarauieed to bo the strongest, the most diilicult to drill and to sluuu the most resistance against both firo aud burglary of any Safo iu the United Stute of thu same site und cost. 1 have on band also, and will furbish all sizes of Bank Vault Safes, possessing all the advantages of u auu, w niuuat uurgluxy. Also, all sites of JaercautUo Safes both burglar proof und lire and burglur-prucf. Also, Ornaiueulal Dwelliiig -house Safes, burirlar proof, and fire and burglar -proof (warranted not dump). Also, thu slrongest aud cheapest Vault doors, fur bauk and luerciiniuu vault. All thu above are lollii' wrought and chilled U VII . ' Also, six sites Lillie's Wrowght Iroe Fir-Proofs, warranted equal to any common Safes, at fully one third less price. Also, a geueral assortment of second-hand Safes, many of llicni nearly new, aud of approved makers, received in exchange lor Lillie's Chilled Iron Safe. These are offered al or below auction prices. M. C SADLER Agent, No. 31 S. HJrVltN'iH Street. June II, 1361. - SUSQUEHANNA FEMALE COLLEGE, Ni:i.l.KUOVi:, Snyder ;., In. rpHE Fall Session of this Institution commence on X THURSDAY, AUUUST loth. Th Whiter Session oa the lithof November. TKKM8 PER SESSION OF 13 WEEKS: For Bourdiug, Woshing, Furnished Room, Fuel and Light, apd Tuition in all the regular studiv of the Collegiate Department, only $52 75. A liberal bed uc lion made in fuvor of th Daughters of our Soldiers. Foi further partlculrrs, er Circular, apply lo S. DyilEll, 1'riscipal, Seliiilfrivve, August ft, 1S04. 3mos. JACOB HABLEY, iSucrtssor to S I a ujf t r 4- II a tit y.) No. 022 MARKET Street, PHILADELPHIA. DEALER in Fine Hold and Silver WATCHES , Fineliold JEWELRY; Solid SILVEH.tt'ARE. and the best of SILVER-PLATED. WAKE, t'ou. tantly oa hand a large assorlmout of lb above goods al low price. Watche and Fin Clocks. Repaired, by skilfnl workmen; also. Jewelry repairing ; Eugraving and all kinds of Hair-work to order, at rhoil police. (j?'Dnii't forget lb old slaud. No. 623 Market Street, Philadelphia. Sept. 10, 1S64. 3m THE RED LION HOTEL. (Late Mrs. Boulton's.) MARKET BTBEET, BTJNBTJRT, PX. JULIUS ARBITER, HAS taken this old and well known stsud. inj refiued and furnished the same is i.r.n.v. i accommodate Boarder and Traveler with the h.. Ihe market can auurd. He borxi by itri ..,:. to business lo receive a shsre of nublie natronar- ' 111. T1U1 B Ui.l . i n. I . .1 VT "" iii,i.,iw,HiMiinK iuc snaiaei Hi Br is tilled with the choicest of I i .. E"'4- Mslt sad 6pirituoa. .-xlS totk 61. ' ' '.. f careful I Easbary, Afril ij I The Ansm'i Exnre) Hompasr, GIVE NOTICE that they have eenclnded ar rangemettt with the Northern Centrslllail road Company to run train from Baltimore for York, Harrisburg, Dauphin, Halifax, Trevorton, Sunbary, . Northumberland, Lewisburg, Milton, Muney, Wil llamspnrt, and all Intermediate stations, connecting; at Harrisburg with the GKliAT WESTERN EX PRESS for Pittsburg, Clucinnatl, fit. Louis and the West, .-' " , Also with ITowsrd ft Co. Express at MUton or' Danville, Blocmsburg, Wllkosbarrs, I'iUston, Scran ton, and Intermediate stations on Hie Catlawissa, Lackawanna A Hloomsburg Raileend. . At Wll llamiport, by Howard A Co. '4 Expree to Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also, bs. Jloword A Co., and their connections for CanlorrJ'TToy, Klmlra, Rochester, HuSalo, Niagara, ndw all accessible' points In Western New York and CuWxfa, by which they will forward Merchandise, SpetaV, flank Notes, Jewelry, -and Valuable Package ofjetery descrip tion. fe , f , , Also, Notes, Draft and Bill for Cop'-titlon. .' ' Experienced and efficient messengers amployed,. and every effort will be mado to renrler satisfactkTn. JOHN BINQHAM. PupcrlnfendentPonn'aDivUion, Philadelphia.' . R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Sunbury . . April &. 1862. ' t IM61. Arrniignncnls of lcr York Linen. THE CAMDEN AND AMUOY IMDEN AND AMUOY AND PHIL iptt- . A AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINEAR 'hitaJrlphia lo iVw Tori and IVay Pla'r' riUA , Prom Phi jruin ii uihiii tuiri ii limy una Irnllltlvlt Depot, iril Iran at follow, rix : rnrm. e . , ... r . ' A A A M e.m.lan ...wl 1 ...1...- , f 1 L' A. Accommodation.) f 2 2i J At o A. 01., via camucnana Jersey City, N. J., Accommodation, 1 25 - At 8 A. M., via Camden nnd Jersey City, (Morning Mail.) 3 00 2 2v At S A.M., via Camden and Jersey eity 2J viass iicaei At 11 A. M. via Kensington nnd Jersey city, Express S oc 2 25' At 12 M. via Camden and Amboy, C and A. (Accommodation,) At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, IV. nnd a. r.xpress.i 8 oe ' At 3 P.M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Wah. and N. Y. Express 3 00 ' 3 00 ' At 6f P. M ., via Kensington and Jersey City, (jLveiinig ;uuii. i At 11 i P. M. Tin Kensington nnd Jersey city, Southern Mail. S 00 ' 3 00 At Ii (nigbl) Tiu Kensington and Jersey oity Soutneru Express At 5 P. M., via Cumden and Amlioy. (Aceom- niodation, Freight aud Passenger, First Class Ticket. ' "3 2 Second Class Ticket, 1 bl) for Wal Oap, b-lronJburg, Scrauton, Wilkes banc, Montrose, Great Hend. Ac. at f A. M., from Kensington, vht Delaware, Lackitwawi.t and. Woslern Railroad. For Mauea Chunk, Allenlown. Delhlohem, Reff. dere, 1'nston, Lnmberlvlllu, Fleiniugton, Ac, to a A.M., from Koiisinstou Depot, ntvi at 21 P.M. from Walnut slreet Wharf. iThe 6 A. M. Line oonnects with Trains leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk, at 3-20 P. M.) Fur Mount Holly, at ft A. M., 2 and 4 P. M. For Freehold, at ft A. M. and 2 P. M. WAY LINUS. For Bristol. Trenton, Ac , all! A. M. nnd Si and i P.M. from Kensington. For Palmyra, Rivunon, Delnneo, Tfeverlv, Bur lington, Florence, liordeutown, Ac, at 12, "l, 2, 44 aud tll'.M. d' For New York, and Way I.'nos loaving Ken sington Depot, take the Cars tin Fifth street, above Wuluut. half au hour Ixatiirn dnpnrture. The Cars run into the Depot, ami uu the arrival of each Train, run trom me vpu. Fifty Pounds of Ilageage oi.lv. allowed each passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything at baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to he paid lor extra. The Company limit their responsibility fur baggage Pi One Dollar per pound, and will not bo liublu for any amount beyond iluU. except bv special contract. Wit. 11. ti ATZMER, Agvnt. January 17, lsl. WM. KNOCHE. 3 MARKET STREET, HAItRISllfRO, PA., J'euler in PIANOS. VT LW Rosewood Piauoi, from Ll from tSOQ upwards. tho best maker AIELODKONS.Th meuts. from SlitoSlOO. best manufactured luitra- Uuitsrs. Violins. Aee.ileon. Flutes, Fife. Drums, Itanjos. 'J'ainboiirines, Violin and lluitar strings aud rau.ical iner chandixe in general. SIIEKT MUSIC. The Iateet poUiciuinns always on hand. Masio seal by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, UILT AND K03BW00D FRAMES. Suitable fur looking glasses, ami all kinds of picture always on band. A fine Assortment of )st plated LfXlKINU Wlt.SSE.S from smallest to largest slie. Any stylo of frame made to order at the shortest notice. WM. K NOC I IE. ApriMl. 18C3. Si:OIarket St., Han isburg si. c. dia:.vaeii.iu'i'.s Confectionery, Toy nd raTJIT STORE, Murkcl Mreel, Suubury, I'u, CONFECTIOXEHV OP A 1,7, KINDS, TOYS OK EVKUY DESClilPTIOX,' FKl'IT, Ac, Ac, C10XSTANTLY on hand and fur sale at tho ahovo ) establishueut ut wholesale and retail, at reason, abl prices. II is manufacturing all kiuds of Conf-isliiinarieS to keep up a full assortment which are sold at low rates. Tobacco. Segars. Ptntionery, Nuts of all kind", and a variety of other articles, all of wlujh are offered wholesaln and retail. aZi? Remember tho name and place. f . , , ' , M. C. (iEARHAUT. Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright Son- store. unbury. Sept. 19, lSCt. if "WASIlfNGTOXJIoM,' Southwest Corner of Market Square, m .Minti, ia. rnilE uudersigned respectfully informs th public X that be has taken t-harge of tho nbovo uaiued ilirfel, and arks lor the continuanco of the former patronaa. aad. isw!d invito alt others to givo him a UNSTABLE u always nn'lie,w:-ta the best the market afford. Jits Uor columns the choicest liquors, and his stab ling is good axj well attended by eiireful Ostlers fi . ..... MICHAEL W1LVERT. Sunbury, April. IS, TSCl. am J. R. HILBUSH, t ounly Kurvnup -V '.,. mr r ' w j h mm w Abihonoy, Xorthnmberhiml 'Com,ty, Pcnii'ii Office iu Washington township. Engagements can ". "ode by letter, directed to tho shove address All bustaeas entrusted to his euro, will bu promptly attended lo. i i j April y, ISftl. ly tow.h i.ois roic N.ti.i:. rpHE undersigned will sell at private sale. TWEX- 1 TY-SIX TOWN LOTS, situate in the borough of Sunbury. The lots nr looted within a few squares of Ihe Pennsylvania Railrrsd Company 's Mut'tini. ui . : .. . i. ' .. ,i . r . i . . i,.. all suitable building lots, it rale in the most pleusant portion of the borough. Tbey will be (old ou re, sonabl term. For furthei particulars apply to PETER H. MASSLR, H. H. MASSKR, FBANClSBUCIIEir, 5nnbory, June 18, 1864 Executor. " 0. M.Lvaii. A. M. Sallaps, IMPORTERS WINES AND LIQU0KS. IA .!JA." A. NAI.I.AKi:. No. 1 3d South Ninth fired, between Chcsnut and Walnut. I'll 1 1. A IlKI.I'll I A. My T, 1B64.-- si AMsy.iVH Tavi ii vr i' iT i: .mi V. in: i t A Improved for DUV aud ItifiO, By E. KETCH AM A CO., 2S9 p,a,i ,t., he York. rilHE only Frceser constructed on jcienlifio pria JL eiplua, with a revolving can ' a spring blade scraper. The one hastens ihe ,., ."' , 0r the cream the other removes it af- 'it' ?!" The most ,.pid b ntirt 1., . y 1 . he me eeonomie , "roeT " " -"' M, W (! o,t wp! I'niou -I" th ff'I'M ei.Ue and t? :n the Each j i - . . nJ..iiteriB,peUJ "i,b'f '-'r , , TRICES. quarts, 4 uarta. V " oniru 4 00 quar. quaris, 14 quaris. Off' 00 oa U.fw ualury, r SO quaru. i l' te II. R. MAj.TR in:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers