TjrW . mn . grtjc wntur? mcrica... B, WIIVBHT; Furllishsr. Antxtnet frtiw il jfcltpr from tiw t'cctv tury of tlio Tuioai-iijili Construction and Miiintainamsi Company (Info Messrs, OUss, Klliot Cn.l dat-rd London, Jin. 25, IMS, t Mr. Cyrus Yt Fiuld, stiifr: "I am ippy to inform you that tilt? Atlantic tabhs is pro gressing Dirtst satisfactorily. 'p ta last evcninir one th-onwintl and tsvrnty five and ono half nnulienl miles hml been coinpHsjrk,' ami lest inftgrAiiwntly . Tltf FoctctMy rf tiro I'liftee, !! f anl tary Commission in reply toooiniiUiii.ts, from i corrcs)xik-ut t t-"vannah, tV.t tJio tick soldiers in hospitals were snltcrinjr '" tlrr. want of tfrHpwi-, state tUnt, tlx-, Viiw.mW , sion sent orffh-ip Inaditf rtni. to N:H"r!.li in gtlvwicrf SlirrmniiNi Arrival, and l!sriit unotlirr ship siiicr. Twenty "rvrr. tfenrornit, tmw prftts. (Itsrfetiai&tt;. Ttiit'ty ) cars ago 4"B"A 'j.-ial court will commence iiexs, Monday 01 this place. Judge Woods will f riiilo. There;;, ilur March term if court will follow the Monday liter. t-Tlie pressed r'tiy vr a (urge portion of the u. lor Hie Conn if.wise front, hsvo nrrivd from Phila. delpbia. Tbiy P1 irtal.e beuuliftil front. 13' The r.ltcmioTi of mir rentier is called to the advertisement..)' (lie New York. Sctni-Wookly Tri. liune. A r, novel t.v Henry, Kingsly in just com menced in this lriing pnpr. tJ' We w rvque.-lni (0 flute, that Adtua ' Ex. press Co. are again reiving goods for the army at Tbeiroflico a! lli!. I 'ltu-e. Ij" A IiiColllio of tlio Good Inlrnt Fire Company will be held Monday evening. Members ore ro. quested to ntlen 1 punctually. l v' White Lend, Zinc, Ac, Ac:., lientt adv. in this i-."uc of Mi-r ie(;liT & Smilli, Vbuliile Dm-l.r- in I'm;;.'. 1'iiiiit Aei:;7 X. Srd., tit., J'liiln'l a. t"Ai Iri:M von liistsvss Mv.s. The Com rllitoller of Jutellitil Itevouuc has decided thats on mid nllcr llu llr.-t of 1'elirnnry, l"uj, persom ese eutinj; receipt" for the. delivery of liny properly must Jtflix A tiocnt ylniiip to tuch itociptn unil enneel thciKuif. otherwise they'v.ill be prosccntt'l f.r II. o potmlty of S'!2. incurred tin ier ree'.icn ljS of (lie hcI of June liU. ISiil. Ijt'A Xr;v SclT Sriiiiuel Mitck. oneoftlic bind? orkilirf nl Ibr lruiid-iloii-c mid Jlncbine Shopn, ellel t ihr 'ti'Uiiiijj nt.irc .f our friend -Mr. Slay ninker on tin: idhl of the 2 !d lilt., mid s.deettil nn ntirr he mil of elotiirs. wor'.li S2.VIK), and sled the privilcgo i f Inking tliem to Kin Ixmrdinx bourn lo try them mi, and jret t!ic opinion of hi fi-ienrf' t.i tbeir fit. $iim promised to return with tliem in the morning and rettlc for liwin. but wa? so ell Kiti-fied nith llitwi t.ul in left iu iiie n.ornin? triiin for I'bi1u'l"ljiia, itb'.vt tr-xjUinir Mr. Miiymrker MthfT w'tth tbe clufiies !T titr money. Sam. tin. toU, tldiik" In- h"? f-'t vhrap "nil of elunes' ibniigb r-'liyniillio- tbiiV i'c luaJo n bud b' pfiiiu, an '.he se.jurl uiar.yi't rro", Sou appear to liuvv u i-hort nicnror, 'hinSm f"r?-'' t" puy fotno for tKiardinir ii'!. nNo for clothing ' l Mr. 'l a'irt'ii in .'ortliuuibeiliitid. A r. J. in! tt uk Unit bo lias plenty more 't'titfi w s.irl Wt. which bo dipom of on liiirul" !-n'!'l"- Vim-j obtained by Sum. l'1' ISoiuSti IN nil C'ov.NTV. Vt't under uuil'Mvi Mr. John U. liouty and Wu. II. Mar. nlml'-if li;i!ivjkin, both experienced coal operators, 'hir-. ii taken a Kn-o ou the property of Valentine I v 1 :i -e . iii Miauioliiu tovn)up, for ibe piirmiio. of boring for oil. Mr. Kla.-e has a fprin utroiilj im pregnated wilh ul)ihur. wbieli wag examined sever al vnir? xinc. the depositee of wbilo sulphur Lciti not iiiub unlike those of the celebrated while ul phui nprin of 'iriuia. It U aid an oily sub. rtiuice uiantle over lie surface of the i-niu. If l hi- piii7 wa- in ibe ue'ghborbuod of a tiilumiiioa, iiitead of an anthracite eon! region, wo idiould biue ln,.re conEili in the remit of theenterprife. w hich wo. hopu uiay prove entirely succesiiful. "(Jelow ne iublib u complete li.-t of tbo quo tas! of the icU iu this County, uuder the late cull ot the IVc.-idcht. a? they were obt.iined the tliee of the l'i oc-l Miir.duU : JiUtricU. . No. to Uc Drafted. oiiTiifMtii;iii.Ni toi.N'rv. I'HJkt Atti;ii.i, 10 Lower " fi3 Cameron, 111 t 'liiiisijiinin , SI Coil, lir, Delaware, 53 M'I'vveuil!e, 12 L-ickson. lil .b.r.lan, Mi Ttl.dianoi, o'i Leu is, til .'furbutsvillc, 8 i'pper .Miioiiiiof, !?J Liale ' 11 Wa.-hiiivUm, -8 ..Milton," US Mt. Catvuii Joroiii;h, 14 Mt. Caiuitl tiyHii.sliip, ii't J'olct, DO Nortiiutii'liH'.iind borough, i'-'i lltieJ), lill . "Al).ti;ii)lf n, "it) Supl.'iuv, -4!j Turbi. .",0 Zwbe, -dO I.i si ol' 'liu-. For Tiii.l at tho Adjourned Cowrt, ewaiaiieming, March 6lb, 1 Wi Plaintiffs. Difcndunt. The Cariam Hun linn. Co rs Ira T Clement Krcilier i Cares vs. lames I'ollock et nl. The Girard l ire A ins Co i s Isaac Madden tt al Com. of Pa. for u.o vs James Yand.Cke el al hiiuie - v James t unilyke. Ac. Geo C Welker vs Geo Hums Jacob II Engid " vs John Young, Const. John U Wcieer v Henry Wcise et ul David Fa gel y vs A Al Eastwick John Hafcr for use Harbara Ana Alexander Tbe Hank of North d vt iicuj Gearhart etui Same etui ve iVame Charles Iteinhart vs John 11. Duuly et al . Jeremiah Zimmerman, v Joliu A Conra! John Xeiiman Ac. v Miilhias Pering Coin, of I'h. tuggeriing tlii. Ettrill v rtiilip Hil gerlet al .Sebustian Haupt vs David Waldron Jercinih Sat idge vs Jacob 7)iudure, Peter h.. Fisher . v Joseph Weil tel. .. Ira T Clement, et al v J. J. bull A J V Cri.well I.i nt ol" Cu II .., -TobeT.))?! Bt "1C Kecular Session, commencing March l?.th, ISfij. Sarah JaneC V,' V Kli;,,hV,'u Jeukcm. Michael tirsTi am V J"""-' w"uk et al l'.x A Hrotucr vs.fcujl i-'0"' . , Jl)n.CoI,.t, lw Mover wi'' nolioa John C jn'rgan t.Meo,w l,tlenbeu,1a Hiram II. M.v ol ttl .i't.; V oleott, Henry lioitmaii i.3 V f''1''1 ' au'u . Win ll KrieehliliO vi f t-.I'elieM H al Marliu Gulden vs Win 3.:"'-Hb a.u;..,VvjJ-a, , .osrellf oUS-"'' peicr K ketig-r is 4 Ilea I Lane vs JcrciuiaU 1 o. ' ' .lfi-ph iibsou aduj r vsCiAi V .1 la.iinau iloot er v John A Dodge et al rs Jacoby llarliuan Jouu P t'eurdet al V Jacob tt'erek, Uol.ert D Cuiniini v. John Wilteuiojaj ame vs IV m le Forcsmaa l rui.isa Thwiiu n Audrew lleckert harlej Hoy vs Daniel W Suiiln '.lolui P Pursel vs lund Waldrog - Daniel Uvrr ts Johu r Cowan Levi lleeht v Pti -r K 1 ishrr I'agaS LrUol vs Jer.mts Wolcptt 'jie.iuetillt schafler ti Dav id-JUlsis'! For tiia Banbury Anerictn. Loiter from tUo Army ol'tbJnnif. 0.1 thi IfoHk A'mAs tfthe Jamm Hirer, ) February 18, 1805. J tn.n Ambihcas I Tito Btlt Pa., Catnlry cluinm its orgniiiziUioit from 1'liiliululpliia, but is made up of men from all part of the State. There are live men iu it from Kor thuinlwrlaiid County. Kxiur of us cttmo in tL'ctht!r. six rttonths rrt. Thruu nro from j Fisher's Fwry, V, H. W vnn, John N. 8nyrier, una cuss it. unyaer, nil goocl soltlmrs. The raiment bx-f.ra goori numo in this Dopurt-miTit,- Aivti -tnnsirnre( n lino rnvnlry orsn iiiadii. Wc number nil told, about 1,000 I 'f wialur'g duty lins been to picket I on tl lMtuwn road, tlio i xtremo right iftlfa Jtos river. The d'.tty hint not been i the tw!t plensntit, considi riii"; t lie txposed wtxljtiou of our line to tlio bushwhackers, 1 Rm'riiJcts, iVe., who often attack our posts, itli a view of ciiptminj horses and cavalry 'CJiiipinclit. Thu lVace Mission whicli latelv clectriflcri tUo people, turned out m oldien nuppoaed ! it would, nothiii!' but bnucotniie. It va-i hnl'ti to believe that the Hebcl's pride was broken ttionph to como bnck under the ilatr, while they el ill had Lee's r:ny to hold their fitmt. '1 he. proposition of unit'iny; the "two fount t'ics-' on the basis of the Monroe Doc trine, and we reenrfttize their iiulependenre,' was a iliinsv trick that every com I poldicr eoiiM see through nnd would, spit upon, j Too much blood has bcun shed, nnd the ob i ject of rc-union too nearly accomplished, to j. halt nnd nreept dishonorablu terms now' No good soldier would njjrco to the nation's dishonor I A 6oldier's idea of pWc, is the ! ilownfill of the Itcbel military power. 'c j may take Charleston, und. Tiicliinond, nnd ! Atijrusta, but wo cannet crush the rebellion completely till wo annihilate the lat re I luaininr? army tuirslmlled under I.e'. The . tnemyV military Ptrennth is rapidly ricclin ) itifc', ami the only sure way id obtaining i practical pence is through its linnl overthrow". The couiidence we place in the roinbina I tioir of Utant and Sherman, lends us to be lieve the end indeed draws near. And then wc will have peace ou the basis of the Mon roe Doctrine; but it will be under one flajr, the countiy having but one boundary, one ; aim and one destiny ! i YVe know not what a day or tin hour ! mav biintf forth in this Dctmrtiitc nt. ! The sprin-' approaches, and the season of I .... 1 3 'I. ' . , , military operations. (,rant is uood at keep- iii ptiitt-, luiii (.'vt-u iiiu in i ip'iiiiiieiii.s know not what is to be done ! The winter se.iison has I ecu pretty cold here, but wc Ii ie not bad an inch of snow. We catch an occasional linii!e of jour loyal paper, and it does us frond. Col. Tliomaj Niydcr is ope of your .subset ihcrs. Ilis son is here, and n fooil loyal War Democrat he is t;o. Jlore anon. Very truly yours, A. x. n. NEW ADVE11TISE5IENTS. u, s. im LOAM, j Ily nntb-irity of (lie Secretary of (he Treasury, the j uiiderfined has a-.-Hincd Ibo C.eneral Subscription J Agency ;or tli0 .le ,,f t'uilcd Stato's Treasury Notes, , bcar!ig' seven and Ihrco tenths per cent, iulcrctt, Psf iiiimlin. Ki.cjv.n id the ( SEVEN-TIIIKTY LOAN, ! fhose Notes aro Issued under date of August l.'ith, Isill. atid are payable three years from thut time, in j currency, or tiro convertible at Ibe option of the : hold i into - I'. S. r,-'iU Six jut 'rent. I CI U . D-15 ' A H I N (! HON 1) S . These bond-' urc ir.. worth a j,- :.:ii.iu ot nine per cent., including gold inti n--t fr,.m N..v.. which j lunkes llic lielunl ,r.:'.. on ibe J..'ill lo.iu, at ciirrelit rates, including li.terct. about I per n ut. per Annum, beside its i xempliwii from State and muni oipal luxation, which adds from one to three pr cent. more, according tn tho rate .levied on other property. The interest is payable semi-annually by coupons attached to ruch note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or booker. The iuterest nmnunls to One cent per day on a $.'0 note. Tw o cents " ' " SSI or) Ten ' !?.'"U " Cu " ' SI i mi) ' il f.'iOi'H " Notes of all the liououiinations named will be promptly furuishud upou receipt of tuliseriptioiis. This is Tin- Only Iaiih In jm-lii-t now ofiereil by the Got eminent, and it is confidently expected tbul ils superior ad vantages will make it the tilt EAT POPl'LAR LOAN OF TIIE rEOPl.E. Less than $2flU,uuu,lU0 rcmuin unsold, which will probably be di-posed of tvlthia tbe xt fiO or UO 4ay when Ihe noii-s will undoubtedly command a premium, a-has uniformly been tho case on closing the subscriptions to other Loans. 1 Iu order thut citixcusol every town and section of j Iho country may be afford id facilities for taking the ' loan, the National Hanks, Slate Hanks, and l'.-ivute j Hunkers throughout the country bftt e generally agreed lo receive suU-criptioust at lair. Subscribers1 will select their own agents, iu whom they have con fidence, un I who only are to be ri'swiisihlo for the delivery uf the notes for which they receive orders. JAY '4Iai: St uiiTioN Aui vr. l'hilude'iliia. Scan iiiiTiosa v ili, nu HKi t:n by thu First Nulioiiul Hank of Northumberland. Eiltt National Hunk of Milton. Northumberland Xutiotial Dank of Shaiuokin. Fcbruiiry 'ii. 1 sf!. .'imp 'I'll Coilsillllipli-I cm. The undersigned having bceu restored to health j in a lew weens, uy a very simple remedy, after hav ing suffered several years, w ill a severe lung affco lien, and thut dread disease, Cur.sumpliou is anx lous to make known to his fellow tuflciers Ihe nicaa of cure. To all who desire it, ho will send u copy of the pre scription used, (free of charged.) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure lor Consumption, Asthma, Hronehi tls, Coughs, Colds, Ao. The only object of the adver tiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the af flicted, and spread iiiforiuutiou which be conceives to be iiivaliinblo ; and he hopes, -every sufferer will try his remsaly. as it will co.-l them LOlUiug, and may prove a L.'ct-'ing. , Parlies wi.-liUig' the prescription w ill plcaso ad.' dress Itcv. r-DWiEU A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New Y'ork. February IS, InSj 3u' It A It E C II A K C E ! VALUABLE COAL LAN FOR SALE. The undersigned will offer nt pat lie 1, at the public house ol WM..M. WEAVEU. iu the town of Shaniokiu. county of Northumberland a. d State of l'euustltaiiia, ou SATl.HDAY, 1 Elllll Alt Y 2;h, Im'i.i. all their ri-ht title nud Imssrvt iu ft ccrtaiu truct uf COAL LANDI situate in Dew Dale, Coal township, eounly and fitale aforesaid, bouodeil add deMribeil as fidfofs to wil : On Ihe norih by lands of William Wilsoi. and Malhias .iiumeruiuii ; on thowulU by laadsof Jo.'in Cowdeu and ilernard Trcibly ; east by Jljchae.' Krull and Malhiaa Ziuimerman, and on the wiut by lauds of biuuucl Soott. 4'oulainins: tfi Acrcs.more or li'isn. It being the same tracts of lands for w hu h warrants w ere inuud tu i'elcr Aloutcr, May 4, loi. to Peter Ja .11, J7D.I, and lo John . Itailey, Jag. 31.1793. Tho title or interest of the uuder. "PJ"- j undisputed. Persons ik.iring lo purchase will hud Ibis In be one of the richest and must valu able tract uf COAL LANDsiu Luieoiioti of Penn- Any further inronsiation will ba given applica i ilAin to the uudcrwgHod. or SOL. MAI.lCK, .., at 3ic in the Uorough of Sonbury, Pa. : Aitu oouimeuee al t o'ehjek P. Al. of said slay, .;!imi ewsdaioua will b made known hvthauuger- itOKtlENolHfcll, I J- W. Aliil liKK, , i WE I IDLI'.B. j Fs'MS-toM of Daniel deceased. I Jogs F. Moi sair, Attuniay i l-;r tha heirs .fcflleurv Mi urer. .Lfeasesl, v i'-i.-.:..... i if. .... . . B'llH.IJ 1. ' iHEEirr'j bales. . y 1rtve of crrlainwrha of Vend inl Eiiroriiii l.cvirla Faoln and Pluriui Levari l'aoiu, irmied out of the Court of C'oiamoa l'loan of Northumber land eounty, and to me directed, will be ex)xed to public Ale, at the Court House, ig the Jloroogh of S'unbury, oa MoSday Uiel.llh day of MAKC1I. AH 1(4(14, at one o'elock 1'. M., Ilio following denenbed real estate, to wit t All that certain lot nf ground, lituate In the town tif Hbamiiltin, in the eounty and Halo atiiicaaii, to. f other with all the appurtenance thereunto below; ng bounded and deacribed aa fbllowi, on plan of paid town lota No. threo (S.) in block nnmber 1V0. W. gather with the hereditament and appnrtennncrH. 8cied taken In execution and to be told ai the property of Uenrge Khipp. Alt), all lhoo certain conli;ttnu? IWs of tfrnmi, lituate In the town cf Trcvirton, Northumberland county, I'enn'vlvanla. bounded and dceetlhcd u.lbl Iowa, to wit : bounded on the north by Phumokin street, on the cant by lot formerly owned by Michael Wertman, on iho muth by an alley, and on tho west by lot of Uoiijamin l'a'tton, being whrked in the plan of said town a.lot number S, 6, 7 A K, and part of lot number 4, in block No 120, on which Is erected a large dwelling house bniltof brick, Ao. Joined taken In execution and to be (old as tV.c property of Charba P. llelfenstcin, adiniulstrator of h'dward Ilolfcnstelh, deceased. Al?o, all thai certain four story, with hiMcracntfivc story brick building, intended for a hotel, racssua'?? and tneinciit. pituale in the lower parlof bbanioltin, and county of Northumbrian 1, Peltuvlvani a, fifty, two feet hi front nnd flll v.two Tio t In .'li i.ih i.,,n,'l. ed on the norlh bv the ttr'i or nfie.n on iho liniilt of the S-hiimokin ereek. p. the fuutli hv Arch atrcet. on the ca.'t by Miuki street. In block nniubor tbirte . . . . . .... sevon a de.-igiiTiiud and marked upon tbo general llllin ofMlid lown of Slimno1iii. anil omomviii 9 mirli Of lotE r.l'llllber i, 111,. Iu.. 111..I llirm. ui.oli J.i.1 l.loob liU'Tiiier tliirly-seven I reiid taken In exceiitiun and to be (old a tlm property of td Longucclo i' and Susan Longnecker i Lis v. Ilu. , UM. M. WEAVEK, Sheriff. Office. aonbury, Feb. 25, ISD."). i SHE2If PS SALES. j Ey virtue of a crtain writ of Elerl Faaias. Issued ! out of the Court of Common l'lca of Norlhnnibcr- J land county, and to me directed will be exposed to I Inilillo sale, nl tho t'uolic House of Thomas houlds. n the town of TIIEVOHTOX. on THl'KSDAY tbo Uth day ol MAHCII. A. D. IHO'i, nt 10 o'clock A. M., all the" follow hig described Lots or Pieces of Uronnd to wit : Lots N'os. 12 and 1.1 in block No. Ill, rilnate in Trcvorton. Zerbe township, Nortbumbcrland county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows : on the enst hv Eleventh street, soulli by Coal street, west by lot N'o. 11 In sumo block anil north by an alley, containing in width each 2:'i feet, anil in depth lid feet, whereon are erected a two story frame nnd dwelling house, frame stable. Ac. Also, upon Lots Nos. in and 11 in block No. I'll, situate in none town, tuwn-hip. county and Slate, j '', -' ''.v 'ot No. li in same o the soulh by Coal jtreet. we-t by lot No. 9 in fi:r i,. nlM th(. ,,rMl ,v nn Jllrv cn,MillillJ, j widlh 2j feet nnd in dep'bs ljn feet, whereon on ereeieu two smrv irauio liousc with basement, Ac. Also. upon lotsNos. i, II. 12and 1:1, In block Xo F7. siliiatc in same town, county nnd State, hounded on the east by Eleventh street, on the south by Mar ket street, on the wen by lot No. 'J. in same block and on the north by Hail I'.muiI. each eonlninim; in width !ii teet. and iu ilcplh I2u feet, all inclined, wheroon are creeled ou lots . 'os. 12 nnd I I a butcher hoiiae, and on lot .,n 11 an open shed. An. Also, i;rion bit No. 7. K and 9 in block .Vo. 11 . i situate, in Iho same town, county and State bounded on ino north by rdiiuunkih street, on the west by lot io ft. in snine blovk. on the south by nuallev.and n tho east by Kwiieh Hack. Said lots Nos. 7 and S bi-h will, frame stable, well of water near Ihe door, Ac. Lot No '.' has a warehouse erected on I it. I Also, upon lots Xn.i. 1. 2 and .1 in block No. 102. in same (own, county and State, bounded on the I west by tenth slrect. on the south nnd cast by swileh j Hack, and on Ihe noith by nn alley, whereon are ! erected nsliaiilyjand blacksmith shops ;suid building J are not owned by Sayrcs.) Also, upon lots Nos 9 and in in block No ft.1, in I same town, county nnd Stale, bounded on the uoi lli by Market street, ou the south by an alloy, ou the west by lot No 8. in same block and on Iho east by lot No II, in same block, containing in width, each 2j feet and in depth I2ll feet. Also, upon lots Nos. 12 ami Kl, in bbH'kNoSI. situate in same town, county and slase. hounded on the east by Eleventh street, on the north by an alley and on the west by lot Xo II iu the same block, eon tabling iu width ecdi 25 feet and in dcplh 12t) feet. Also, upon lots Nos. D and It) in same block, situ ate iu the Mime tow n, county and state, bounded on the east by lot No. II. on the north by Market slrect. mi the west by lot No IS, same bbs k. and on tho south by an alley, each containing in width 2,' feet and in lepili 120 feel, when en nre elected a ruiull shaiitv, la. - Also, upon nil that ec rtain lot ami half lot of ground, situate iu said town, county and State afore, said, being lot number II uud the half of lot No. 12. adjoining and contiguous to said lot No 11. in block No IIS, bounded ou the nor 111 by Shaniokiu street, on ibe south by an allot, on the w c&l by lot No. In in same block and on tbe ea-t by the esstcru halfof i said halt lot No 12. coiitaiiiiuc; In width, toecther i ' feet in front on .Miauinkiu street, and in depth 1 -u feet more or less, nhercou are erected u donblo fruuiu dwelling house. Ac. Also. usn all that certain tract or piece of bind, situate iu Zerbe town-hip. NorthumlnTluod eouuly, aforesaid, and bounded and described as follows, to wit : liegiiiniug at a slone comer, thence by luiui of the said Ira Sayrc. parly hereto, north SH! degrees west 7i perches to stones formerly a while n il; ; thcuee by land of John llensyl. north I0j dereos w est, act en iicrehes and seven-tenths of a perch to j the centre ol the 'irevorti'ii Hail Hoad ; thence up j the said Hailroud. uorih .' deuces cast .,7 perches, j north 0,1 degrees east li perches, north 70 degrees ! ea-t 8 jpcrciies and noriti "s degrees east Vi perches ami thence by land of Ira T. ( lemcnt. soulli ll u I grces east 4. perches to tho place of beginnioe;, coir ' tuiuiiig lliineeu acres and louneeu perches r'rict j incisure. pronerii ot Ira -nvii Seued taken In execution and lo be sold as W.M. M WEAVEU. Sheriff. fihcrilTs (iftice. Sunbury, Feb. IS, KiJ. THE E YE and EAR. To Hie i'fitiile ! NOW HEADY, A Work by Dr. VOX MOSCHZISKEH, Ol No. 1027 Waluut Street, Philadelphia. entitled A nuOK foltTIIK I'KOI'LF, On the following Diseases : EYE and EAlt D!easc TllltnAT Diseases iu lienerui ; Clergyineu's and Public Speakers' Soro Throat; Diseases of the Air Passages. (Laryngitis, Hrouchilis,) Axlliiuu unit Cuton-It. This Ibaik is to be had al No, (500 Cliesnut street. Philauelphia. and of all Booksellers Prico l. And from tbe aitlh.T. Dr. Yon Moschiskcr. who cau be consulted on all these maladies, and all Ner. vous Attectioiis, wliich lie treats with the surest sue cess. Office. No. 1U27 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Feb. 11, ldi :iuiw ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN' pursuance id an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to pub lie sale, at the pub'io houso of John Etiwciler. in Georgetown, on Saturday Ihe 25th day oi FKHKII AHY, A. D. lSt!5, all that oertain ideje or Til ACT OK LAND, tituato iu Lower Mahoiioy township, said county, adjoining lands of William Penjamin Jacob Len'ker and Christian Messncr, Coutuiiung 20 acres and 7rj perches, ou which u erected a dwelling house. ALSO, Another piece of land, adjoining lands of William Hiugamau. William Michael and Jacob 11. Leaker, couluiuing 10 acres uud 27 perches, ou w I it-la is erected a small dwelling bouse and stable. Lalo the property of Charles Kersteticr, deceased. Sale to eoinineiice at 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, when tho terms and coudiuousof sale will be made kuowu by ADAM I.ENKER, Adm'r. Hv order of tbe Court. .1. A. J. Ct asiMia, Cl'k 0. C Suubury, Feb. 4, 1861. PHOSPEOTUS OF THE LAPIE2RE OIL COMPANY. floor, Offico, No. 70 Norlh Fourth Street, (second PUILADEH'UIA. . CAPITAL STOCK, riO.Ouu ISO.OlW Shares, par Value f5. Subscription Price Full Paid, 2. The Company own the follow is g, described prs- pertv iu fee simple : 1 i - -. . ... i i in - t. r HIT StllCI VI 1 " MVUl VBVIIJ . - w - " i : 1 u ...ll..., .'.... Illl f'..,..l said land is ono and a quarter uiilca from Oil Creek, and it about two hundred rods from the Well on Cherry Tree Hun, tbut Hows from teveuty-fiva lo one uuu ..'red barrels of Oil per day ; and also, an interest in two o res on the Sherman rroperiy wun lour wens iu vat ions .tSKc V'"r' ou the property, one id which Is uow flowing thirty barrels per day. The Company gets iho yne-sixteeuth of all lbs Oil, clear is acres on the Sherman Properly with tour of all eapeua ; also, lo seres aujo.uiug, wuu in well now iu a progressive couooiou iu - ..o u .u Company got one-ihirly-seoondih of the Oil, aud i. ,,n., .r. nf l.nH .it i.iiuiiiir. with ouo well down rea dy for pumping ; the Uompany gcia oue-aisieeuiu he laud iuterest clear of all iixponse. Also, tho , ., . 1 j . . I , I.,....., r.f 1 1, . I u.l of Ih oue-Iiiurieeniu oi ine woisiux w'o. . melllioned acre. This Company is formed on a basis i that is s-xpeoted to pay a dividend of two per ceut per moli til ty the Stockholders, 'lis Company pro. .e to plane 2j.iuo cash or stock iu the Jreaaury i lor tba development of the proiiorly. t Presldeut, Pro. lem.-J-J. BAUCLAY . Esq. Diree'Ots M llliam P. 6uiilh, 11. Al. Davis, 1. B. AIcGlnley. ti. 11. eiwaniey aud Johu f . Yeiuig. , Sooretary II. A. Cuevers. I Trea-urorJoliM f. imsuff. 1 cUiuarf . J' ' PUBLIC SALE. WII.I. be lold at Tutdie Halo, on tbo premi-e, on TIII UHUAV, the -31 day of MAKCJl! next, ell that certain 'l'l-iii't i.iml. situate In lwcT AiiRitiita townrhip, Noi'!iiitnili.-rliind (inun ty, Pa., adjoining lauds of John fry, Caloli JJarrctt and Jacob itiirtlioloniew, 9'oiilfiiniu(ir H Arrea, more or Irian. About 6a acres of H iilcli aro cleared and nmlcf a f;ood e'ale of cultivation, tbo baluneo is gmid timber and. 'J lie improvement! consist of a two story none hoiiae, a log bnrji, wild wrtKonfdied attached, itoiig pring-Loune, ami other outbuildings, a never-failing fpiitigol wiitur at tho door, two apple orchards and uuu penuh orchard, containing one hundred trcca of select fruit. Male t commence at 10 o'ctoek A.M.. nn said daj- whui the eoudtiium will bo mailo known by . CAT1IAHI Nf UllitfK. Lower Augusta twp., Pi-b. I.S, .- ATTORIVES AT LAW. I atTNEUny; ?forthurcberlnnd Comity. Pa. i l'J 'J': Norlli Filo of Mirket Scpuirc. near tho -out ilovw. All business promptly mlundcd to. Nli,l ury. .Tiinuery 2.1, lt""'i. lOUPIIAXS' COURT "SALE. I'.t of an order of ibo Urphnns' Cuirt of XorUimnhctltind coiiuty, will bo exposed to nub- i lie sale, on tbo prcinlfos on 1'UIHAV. MAKC1I I A. 1. ISIi.'i, a oerlnin lot or piece of itronnd, uitMot .. 11, n III I II I II II II IIC VikU'rilT'OUI'll r. ........ ... Wi U-'V.W.JA I .1 H I IiANM. bounded norlli ca-l by Que.m Flroot; aotiib cast by lot No. I SJ 1 ; routh west by liuke slreol and i I'Orlh west by Jot No. I'!; Contuiniinr in trout on liueen street tn feet, and in depth 2'l foot, being numbered in the geucrul plan of said IIomuhIi I.01 No 130, whereon is creeted a small I'mmn ilnollntg house. Latu tlio firojx ity of Llirabotb. Fuust, Uc- falo to citinnenco nt IH o'eloek A. M. nf said day. wbun the terms and conditions of sitlo will be made Known by JLLIAN JOHNSON, flnardinn of Jf iaor t hildreu of EliiuUctb J'ou, t. dea d. Byordanif the Court, .1. A. .1. Uniui ws, Clk O. C. fuobury, Kebrunrv 7, lmi.V OLD EYES MADE NEW. 4 PAMPHLET directing how to speedily restore XV 'igbt and givo up siieetaelos. without aid of doctor i.r medicine. Kent by mail, free, on receipt of It) cent. Address, E. 1). 1'OOTE, M. V. Fcl-.riiary t, Lsi'.."i (5m IF YOU WANT TO KNOW LITTLE OF EVErtYTIirxrj relating lo the liiimnn system, malo and luinalo : tho rannw A and tre.Omi ni of discus ; (ho marriage cii'tolns of the world ; how to marry well and a thousand tilings never published before road the revised nnd enlaiired edition of '-Misiiie.tL Common m:xhr," ii curious book for curious people, and a good book every one. Inl) pages. I 'D Illustrations. Price $1.:,!). Contents table s-nt free to uny addrers. Eooks may be had at the Look Hon, or w ill be sent by mail, post paid on receipt of Ihe prico. Address E. II. FOOTi;. M. D. 11 .'in Broadway, New York. February t. lbJ5 thu 3?.cvit:itc-'3 ILXCELSlOli COFFEE. Whilst Iryimr Coireeofiill tho various brand Ki nieinlier IIHOW.MNG i EXCEL.-dOJt ( u,e licu'l it stanils. i Truc' !V!t.V..p. uthcrs that are "SOLD EYEItY WHEItE A lillle stretch, wo all do know, good goods w ill I easily bear, libit a strclch like this "sold everywhere" is-vcrv apt to tear.) 1 Now. I eon safely say, without any hesitation ! There's none liko 'Jiaowxisu a L'xeei.Mnii" in tii's enlightened nation. SUldi d elieiuisls have fjund eero Coffee fioui any Pos.'.-ing die same in-jrcdlcnts s ' 'Crowning's, Ex-ccli-ior " Nor is there any one, in or out of the Coffee trade. Who knows Ibu articles from which iir,mn;,,v Excelsior s'' uiade. j I'tn told it's made from barley, ry, wlienf. beans. ' and neas : , I Name n tlioii iud other things but tho Kigkt Ono I if you pb. a.e. '"' j ' Ilut tvilh Ihet ollee-men I will no! hold eonteni ion For the many, many tiling-, tbry say too mi'avrous I to mention. ' Whilst they i c engaged in ruuiiing round fiuiu storo ' I to store , To learn the current wholesale price of i:Eiownin"'s ' r.xgeisior. Sraie wiio know ,Con"ee iftviv jicrfeet sat'sficlion, iinve iorm' "4 ll piai. uy 1VIUM Uley lloj,0 to eausu a ipiick reaction. T!ie ca-c 'lis nilha fuw ; no doubt 'twill be more To uau.e Co ir Coflco alter mine, (I)rowniug's i:xeel. si..!-.'' Some say tlitit s tho only brand that will stand a rca ly 6-st. Now. try a littla of tl.ero all seo wliich t on liko I lie Lot. a loot to till. ' My tr.'ele i.- not so very largo ; still I think I my snare; ; Hut roinior, you may rest assured, 'tis No! 'v-'ol I ' Every w hero "' j Mauulatfiureil and for .'ulo by Ihenriler, j aIEC.i: I.. IIKO)V.lj. i y.u. 20 Market Slrcet, Camden, N. J This Coffee is not comjiosed of poisoucus 'drugs, it contains nothing deioterious ; wuny persons use this Coffee that cannot hso tho p jro coffee : it tukes bill i .. ...... . ' unu ii intii oiui"cs io uuti;o a ouarl ot l-,hsi trong corf.'C. tbaf Ii ing just olic-ltaif the omiolilv e, ami always les- ;.;,n ,lf the ' it takc.-of Jtiti, Colli price. Hetail Dealers may purchase it in le-s quantities ihan leu gross at my prices from the YVholcsalo G ro tors. J"2 Ordcrsby mailijoiu Whobs-ale Dealers prompt ly attended to. February 11. ISO.) Am EEITIEH PERIODICALS, THI. LONDON Ql'AHTEHLY ItEVif V.-( ) THE EDIXHI HGII HEYIEW (Whig.) THE WESTMINSTEH l!EVn:W (Eadeal THE NOHTII UHITISH HE VIEW, (Frco-fhureli.) and l)LACKW00Dt:r,DlXlll HUH MAGAZINE, Tory The American Publishers continue to reprint Ilio aiove-uamcd periodicals, but as (lie cost of printing has duuLled. the price of paper truliled, and taxes! (Julie., lieeiue, eto., largoly iueroascd, they ureooui pilled to uUtanoe Iheir teruis aa follows : TERMS FOR 1SS5. For any one of the Herlews, For any two srlbe Hcvicws, For any three ot the Hcyiowt, For all' four of the Itevicws, For lilaekwood'a Majrur.ire. fi 00 per annum. 7 oil 111 IKI 13 111) 4 flu " 7 60 ' For Hlackwood and ouu ltcvietr, Fcr Hlaokwood and any two ol the Keviews, 0 Ol) Eur HI ackwood and three of Ihe Let iews, J po For loaokwood and the four P.e- views, j oo Tbe works wilt be printed una groatly Improved iiiiBlily of paper, and whilo nearly all American Peiodicals are either advanced iu prico or reduced iu sine and very generally both we ahull continue to give faithful copbsof all mailer ooutained in the original editions. Hence, our present prices will be found as cheati, for the amount ot matter, furnished j as those of any of the competing periodicals iu thi 1 country. I Compared with the cost of the original editions. which al the present premium ou gold would be about liHJ a year, our prices (li) are uxceedly low. Add to this the fact that wo make our annual pay ments to thu Hriti.di Publishers fi r early sheets aiid copyright in Gold 1 costing us ut this time (Jan., Irsli ) nearly $2 j0 in eurreuey and we trust that in ibe scale wa have adopted we shall be eutircly justified by our subscribers and the reading public. 'Ihe Interest ol tuese 1'erioilicals lo American rca. ders is rather increased than diminished bv tbo ar. 1 tides Ihey eoniuin on our fit il War. aud. though souieluuos tiugnt tvtin prepiUtt'c, they imcy still, I oonsidariug their great utility and tho di'll'erout stand-points lioiu which tbvy are written, bo read and studied w ith advantage by Iho pcuiiltf of this , eouuiry, ol evvry sreeu auu party. THE FOL K KEV1EW3 FOK lSrW. A few ci'pie of Ihe above remain ua hand, aud will be sold al $i tut thu whole four, or $J fvr say one" We alto publish the I'unuer's tsiuide. ly Hi.sav Srci'iirxs, of Edinburgh, and tbo lata J. P. Nolito.s, of Yale College. 1 vols Iloyal Oc tavo, loot) pages and numerous Esj;raviigs. PK1CK 7 fur fha two vuluuiea by Mail, post iiaid. . - . I Vhs AUD pfOTT m Publisher, Ne. .. Walker Street, Niw Yerk February iNj-Y . . . . . It! ran -ftifY Bw'-rBVJ'iai I i ue ben. ; MAM'in ; Wi -ii " V'H w t'v.f . i iiirec yars have piia-ed away since I fir.-t sold a V. ;MANU f A C.TQRY.i",'N,''i-tS li-, , ''ore; - 4 ,. , , f - -Vi Never have I iu your paper ndt erlised before ; KSl Sf !TfrWiTj' t.ijJ'."''--MES6MVJRjt I I X,- would I now. or over cousctit to puhiisli more. : if ?'j I '. lit:??! H-'cj&ilP 'TibMe&S : ll'l;keroi,.eustJbvev.,yb.sly1,,-soldeveryhoro' ' -'j',; ), l , : ' ji.j.A,,.'J 1 I'TTrr' o T; 1 -1 mm8mmm 2a: juts 3ax3 9 9 (ltl irEHll'S HOTEL,) ' Corner Market ahdd Ktrecta.llAIlliL-dJUrta, PA. THE ntlelittoti of Iho puLlie Is ro'oectfMlly culled to this Hotel Which Is n w open.fof lbs aovommodii torn of guesta. In the Mvo month durinir which time It bat been closed the bouse pih b'vu llr rvmh ly remodolcd i.hd repaired, uutil in point of conveni ence i.r. 1 vuuiforU id patrons will find it to own no suponor. . The EV.cmiure IliUlr. Iy ycxr. j nonius birifi'f than ate usa d!y found in Modern lintels. ' f;'ituiit.d ou the c irnir of two principal l.-uaineas til-eels nrthc clty.but Iwo and a hull 'njunrts Troin the Rail Head Id pot. The proprielor determined to spate no ex'iisolnsei!nringtlie comfort of his guusls I 1 lion u invoraoio repumiion Mr tlio o.-tniilnl:n'cnt, Le i fuels willing to trust its ttinrm tcr to tlio judgment : I of his patrous, HENRY THOMAS, Proprietor. I jlMiunry 21,lsr,j. I 00,000 M RE !. FILL LP THE QUOTAS I! rpiIEstibseriher. Into an employee it) the Provost .1. Marshall's tillieeof tho 1 lib District PcMi n.. offers his services lo Iho Committees, nnd uiticnus of lilt) different sub-distrlets of Norllumiherliind end loljoining oountios, for tho purpose of a-iisting llicni to lill their quotas, correct and oopy tlielr etirulmenis, nmko out Substitute and Enlistment papers, at rea sonable rales. Ho can b found at M;. 11'WAN'fi HOTEL, Nor!h West Corner 4th and Market Sli., over Adam I Express Omoo, llnrrisburg. nrrKiiEsci:s : T. n. Packer, and 8. B. Eoycr, Eps., Huobury. lion. Frank Hound, and P. L. Hacboubuig, Milton. Kcv. I. II. Torronco, Hush. Address Box No. Ill, Ilarrisbnr!?. Ps JNO. K. HEI.LEK. Sunbury, Jannary lt, ISilS Im UP DI3 GSlArP'S Eye and Ear Infirmary, On the Pfpuare. Throe Doori from Steel's llotclj WILKE3-B AHRE.iPA. T Ill IS rNSTlTL'TIOX is how open and furnished the most costly style. Jlccention. Priviile and Operating llooms nre large and (convei ient and well adiipreu. Iho eurgicul ajiailnient contains the finest collection ol itistruuicnts iu this eonntry. and thus his faculties will enable liim to meet aiiy and all cmi-rgenciu in pnu tieo. lie will operate upon the variou.-J'ornisol ULIN lIXKAfS. Cutar.iet. Oceluou of the Pupil Cross Eves, ( lo-nre of the Tenr Dm Is. Inversion of tho Eyelids. Pterygium. Ac, Ac. And will treat all forms of Soro Eyes, tlranaled Lids. Opuocties of Iho Cornea, and Scrofulous uiseascs of tho Eye. togetUur with all tho di.-ciues lo which the eye is subject. DEAFNESS.- Will treat all Ihe diseases common to the organ. Dischargee from Ibu Ear, Noises iu the J'.ar. Catarrh, tlilhcullica ol hearing total Jtvafnass. I even where the Drum is destroyed. Will insert an I nrtiflcial ono, answering uearly'all the purLoses of : the natural. " i DISEASES OF TIIE T1IU0AT. All diseases eouiinon to tho Throat and Nose trill betrented ' ti EN EH A I, Sl'HtiEHY. Ho will operate upon j Club-foot. Hair Lip. Cleft Pollute, Tumors. Cancers. I I'.nlarguii 1 unci Is. Ac. i'lustie openitions by healing new lieu into deformed parts, and General Surgery of whatever character it inav present. JIEHXIA. (Hi! Ill I'TL KE.J-Ho will perform 1. . bins.'' operation for ibe radical, (complete.) euro of II, -moi. this unii!cs!ion ably a perfect cure, and is done with lillle or no pain, ilut of iho many Imnl' ureil opernteil upon in Huston there lias been no fail ures, it having met 'Ue approbation of all who have i submitted ty it iuuii'11,1.11, i,i i..-. ti in insert artificial eves. ; git ing them the niutiun nnd cxpression-rfi' the initu- j rid. They arc inserted without t tin least pain I HE.MiilUtllOlD. (PILES.) tioublcotne di sense is readily cured. Ttioso sutltring from it will do well lo call. j lilt. I c 1K Gn trc visits Wilkes. Darrc with a view of building ui a permanent Institute for the irealmenl of i,.. Ky... i:,.r, ,,,,,1 Gi.,n.rl .-urgery The cxtierieiieo of nioie limn a iiuarler of u ueni'.irc. in Ha-jdtal and geneiul practice, lie lmpua, will be a oim.'vi ..'on luoee lo lll"aC WHO illay OC Ulsposeu to ! employ him. ( January 1 1, Sd.i.)y .i. 'ic4tvg'.ii. j Enamelled Slate Mantel; l.,J,i i . v--l- :- i . -i . . ' j itr - si 5SU.KlHi1;t:- .i "WABE'ROOM, ! ftS, CHESTNUT STHEET, PHILADELPHIA. J Manufactory Tenth and Samson Struct. I Tablo-Tops, Pior-Blaba, Bracknta, Wash I Stand Tops, &c.,,ftc. I Phibdel,Liu, Jan 7,l . tf I S'orlli A Arch Si., I'liiiatlc! jitiin. j Caler for the be. I Trade, mid offer uv Hails or de I cetion to induce Cu-intn. but rely on FA1U DEAL INt ami GOOD GOODS ! Host Morinnos. Fahioniilile SilLs. Nobilily Plaids, Pirn's Pojilitw, Din k I'oulards Figured .Merino,-. Fluid Shawls. Good Hlankets. P. S. Wc follow til iLt down, us close as.wc fol low it up. Now is a good ti use for Merchants ai:S Consumers lo come in. October S, IStil. 2inr III! t'rituiiotiul EI ots'l. ooj utttl o07 lintmhrny, Cnntrr b'rjnZtin &trft NEW YOltK. rilHIS first class House fho most quiet, homelike J und plcusaut Jlulul in the city offers superior iuducumeiit to those visiting New York for business or pleasure. It is central in its location, and kejit on the Ei.'ihii'Sak 1'H.v, in ooi.ncctinn with T tvi.on'a $ t i.oos. ttbero refreshments cn lie had all hour, or served in their own rooms. The charge are mo derate, the room ami atUtudanoc uf the first order bulbs, ami all thu uiodcru vein eiiienucs attached. Oct 1, isitl. COAL OIL LAMPS. v .ii m KU'-4;5 mx--1 I .--,s- .sslWfeitsi-ssyr iWt? rH-sa s'iV-l I beg leave to inform my friends and tho piiblia eo)i. 0I tWU ,raots uf one of two hundred uud g-noral y that I bava commenced the ina.iutacluro nt-lv.,tVL.u ud one of two bundrcd aud sixty oltt ALOIL LAMPS ol every description and stylo ttvo Mtrt... mukii,g in all. tivo hundred and twelte of Gnisb, ut NO. 33 S. SECOND Sr., PHILADELPHIA. With my present facilities for nianiifttclui ing, and a practical experience of thirloeu yearf iu Ihe man agement of tbe lump busiuoss fur some of the lurgcst houses in Ibe country, 1 Hatter myself that my expe rience and knowledge will enable me to offer lo the publie goods uot eejiiallod by any in regard to style and workmanship, aud ut prices Compel lug with the lowest. 1 shall always eudoavor to lead iu ofiering t the public new uuu useful inventions in our line. I have also lukeu iho w holesal e agency tor tbe sale of GEO. W. DROWN t, CO S Csi.tun atko A. J. tt MDENElt, No. .'lit S, Second St., Philadelphia. September 21. lwil. 1I.AXK (Parchment Taper.) Deed aud blank IMortgagcs, Hoiids. Executions, Summons, lit., for sale at the office of the aSuiAiury American-" eliltoaI johint, Iti'liular l.It'i'UM'it reutetuueer, bUAMOKIW Twp., near BKAIt QAP, Northumberluud County, Penusylvauia HAN tvken out licenso. and i prepared tn do all kiuds of Conveyancing, at reasonable rates, shamokiu twp., Jun. 7, 1S65. 3iuo IF you want good Tiu-Waxo, go tu GENTHER S New Shop. SAI Fi ll A dr i. 1 V yoa want a good Covhingstjlava, go lo SMITH S Iii. B Mis Shop. drlt I II V H I V I H A N 1 u a V. U ."M . Dll ISAAC HUFF, VITHO il a graduute of Jefferson .Medical College, aud has bad ample exporieue ia h,pital aud edv practice, utlers his professional service tu the uiiisvas of 1'pper .lunn, Hash sod Shsmokiii townhi), li's-idice utar -uttieriott 0 Jal. f. Ie I -,"lu IMPORTANT i i TOAtb I N VALID Z IRON IN THE JJI.OO!. Tt 1 well known to ti,n tncdicnl prof. s-irt.: f' if. iilOV is tbo vital l'riucipli! iff Life Element t.f tin blood. This Is derived chilly iVoei Ibe jjil at r,u, hut if tbe food is tint properly digestrd. or If, from any cnno whatever, tlio necessary 'juuntii y ol iivn is not taken into the ciriruKtioi,, ,,'r l t ,,j.(.j,' r in .v J the i.lmle vyi'.cm surl.-rs. Tliot i.l l,loo, v.iM it-. S tale tlio heart, ivi'l clog up II. e !n i-.-, t ill stupefy tho brain, will obslrnct tho liver, and will sui t its ilisuMe roduclug elements tn all parts ot tlm . I. iu, sod every one will sufli-r iu whatevur or, n mav hu prtnlisfmsed to disease. 'XL c great value of 1 Eton a a ?iiM:In-. I Is Weil known and acknowledged by ail !.: !: -u! j men. The dilliciiliy has been to ubMin su :h a ; i I paralion of i as w ill cuter the circulation and n -i-i uiilate at once ilh the bluu l. Tin., point, mv, J r. I Hays. Mn-s!iciiusn;i Stale Clicniist, l,hh l..u m '. lained iu the P, ruvl-ni .-yrup, by combma'ion in a j way bef s-it uiiknooii. Tito IVrniian Njr;;. r a T'roleci'.d snluiion of ibe Proloxido rflron. A new Discovery in Modi, ine -'.rik-s tint llooi of Disease by npp,yi,ig ' bb od i's iie.l Prin ciple or bill Element - In :i. 'I'll!' i'i-:i". 1:115 Sji-i'p. Cun t Dypci-in. Liver CumpUint Dr.'p .v, I'i nnd Lo:-s of Energy, Low Spiritii. THE PEllEVIA.S SV1U P. lufuscs strength, vigor and now I if,, into tho sv end I. mills up tui "iiuu tunsluulioii THE PEUL'VIAX SYEVP t.'iiivs Nirtuus Affect iocs. Female Cnmpiniiils, mid all d. senses ot too Kiducvs and ltlu Idcr. Tiis ri:i"JviA:; fAEV? Is a Spccilio lor all Sirto ot tbe l.'bsid, or Low State of tho Sv.-I, niting in a End by Dcbdi'y or a iM,oiiip:.uii.,j m Pamphlets containing eortincati s of cures and r. ciililllleli'hii iilii tr. in some of l!le tun.! eniinen' Pliy sieians Cieirt nniii and others, will b'j .-eat Frtc to any adilrei. We selec t a few of the nanus t" tliow the char autcr of testimonials. J'UIX E WIl.l.IAM.-t. 1 I'reii.ient of the Mt.l r,i..l it !n Es.nlt X. I'' Lev. AIIKI.S'II'V. tic Editor Cbri-t an Advo.'nt'., A iicv. v cn. ti t". r Aeir York Chronicle. Levi-, Jol.ns.oii. M.D. lioswoll K tntiev . M D It Kendall. ;.l D. W 11 t.'hi.holiii. M I) rriun i.- Dana. .M ii Edit. , .1 -'in I i I'l-out, Warren Ccrion, Arthur I! r'utl-a-. Giirdoii !;,'. I, ins, t'li'auu- r iiii, T tarr Kinj. I'iphraiiu .!c. Jr. .L-cpli II Ciiaob, llenrv 1 pliant, P C lleadli -'. John V Oh.istead. Jeremiah S;, tie H D J. Ant'.nio Sni.elies. M D A A H-.y-s. M 1) ii.-cl! ,M D Ht'li loti. !) II E Kinuev. Al 0 Prepared by X. L. li.Al.K A (JO.. e.;-ala-itc!y fir i i J P DIXSMiiKE, Xu. lei l!-oa!e.ut' New Yoik. old by all Dmggisf.- : T 1 . ; sVl Vy t.i.VlXU.(j u JlW tlvOUj . Wll.tCi ; ,. FOKTY Yl'AUS EX1T.K UN 'K Ha-fully established the euperiai iiy o lSlCDDLNU'ri KL'SSIA S-At.VK Otcr all other healing prvrkstims ll cur,s ail binds of Sore, Cuts. Scald-, lJoils. I leers, ait Hheuni, l'.T Coins, Sore Lips, fsore I'm-s. Ae Pain at once, and Ueiiucil z lb in. lii.- : w. I'lU-i-, ii'.-viiif thi .l.r.. r." hi -est an ,r K-tjkiii'j we!lutg all i iiiaiiiaiua us ll Py AI.i. '. Osily -. tij1i ii oSo:,. U K sali; i;r P. DINSM'lKE. No. 4:. Hroadwai. ",'-! V,.,, tt . l'0'liK I'D. . No. 1st Trvuivul l., 1 t:- ! Aud by all Druggim December lli. lot. y lhilal-lplila A. Ivrii JJiiliion-1. rpiliLS Rreut lino traversi.' the Noriliuru and Xor'h w,'st counties of iV:iL.yiva!ii.i to tl e ciy ef Erie on Lake Erie. ll has been leased by I bo Pennsylvania l',::iirond Company and is opeialed by Ihem. l!s eiiiire b-ngtl; was ot ened for pas cer uU'I 'lll l lislio-s. O.-toher 1 1 til, IM-) Time ot Passenger trains at Sunbury, Leu u l.'astward. M.iil Tralu, arrives 10. Iii P. ?,f. lill'iiru Express Train. Il..';. Lock Hatcu Aecommo'laiion, l.i.o, A. M. Leatc Wesitviud. Mail Train, t l."i A.M. Eltuira Express Train. ;,.2u ; l.i.rK Hut en .tccoiiiiuo-lstion, 4..1I'. .tl. I Willituusport Aceommndtitioii. 1 1 Passenger cars run through on Mail Train, without i change both ways between Philadelphia and Eric, uud tiallimoro unit Elegant Sleeping Ci rs on Alail Trtens l., i!i ways belwceu Philadelphia and Lock Iliiveu. and ami on iilmirti Express Traill both ways betueL'U W'illiamsport and Haitiuiore. For information respecting Passergcr bu.-iue-s apply al otuli and .Market St.. Philadelphia. Ami tor Freight business ol theCouipuuv's Agei.t.-, S. 11. Itiiigslou, Jr., Cor. Dib fttd ilark' t St., PhUlloLl,lill. .1. W. Hi t nobis. Erie. J Al. Drill. Agent X. 0. P.. I!.. IJaitim're. 11. II. Hol sTllX, Gen'l Freight Agt. I'hilui'a. 11. W. Gw i.m;h, GcnT Ticket Ag t., Philada. JosKI'lt D. i'oTIS. Gen'l Aliuuiir, Williauisp-jrt. Dec. M, 1 ..(. THE DRAKE I ETROLEUIl C0LIPANY VY l'lHLADKLPlllA. v.wir.x is, rii.ooii.otso H'O.ncO SUA HE?, PAR S1U UO. !jj0,000 CASH Vv'OIilClNti CAPITAL. SUUSCKH'TIOX riMCi:. )?2.50. President T. 11 ASK INS DI. PI'Y, Presidf 1 1 e the Catlawissa Railroad Co. Vice President THOW An D. WAITVLN, of Ihe Hiildivare firm of Truitt & Co , No. LS- Market st Tioasurer SAMUEL WORK, of V ork, AleCoueh i Co . liankeis, li& South Third street. liiKLCToa : T. llaskins Du Puv ; Tbf.uiHs D 1 Wu'lstui ; t. S. Kb-harus. Vi (lermantowu ; William j D. rdicrriid. Insurance Agent; Geoogu P. Way, Of I lale Dry Goods firm. J. T. Way .1 Co.; A. Vi . 1 Leisouriiig. Citsbtar . lliurk Chti"k liauk. Aiuuch 1 Chunk ; Edward Shippeii, Fsi. I 'i-i .1.. .1... ii...k... i..i...i....m aeles, iu lee. on the ( uuwall Hraneli ul Oil Irtvtk. The properly has been cril'aeally examined by a I Commute apn,iiitcd for (hut purpose, and the t.lii j lory J ruuouneed. iu their jadgcuiciil, lo be lolly j ciiual lo lhat ol Oil Crock, along which the largest oil wells et cr discotered have been found. Tho luuds roteinblo lleiso on Oil Creek, in tt'!t particular, aud ills believed from the large number ' of oil spriugs in close proximity, thut vuluuble wells will be opened on both these tiact-'. The management have already secured several Engines and engaged a competent Superintendent, witu a view lo iuiiuediulo ami au energetic develop- ' incut. A large porlioii of tlu -o tracts is bottom, and admiral'! v adapted for boring. Suterai Coiiitiiy are organircd on luiuls iin inedialcly a. Ijoiuing Ibis territory, auioug which arc the Hiiga and Cieseiil Cil; Oil Companies vf 1'hlla- delphia. i lu preseuliug Iho Drake Petroleum Company to 1 tho public, thu Director ask that their sehemn should be examined, aiie subscriptions made tu tho Stock iu full faith as to its pretout and piuspeolit 1) . ulue . j T HASKINSDU PLY, Presided. TllDS. D. W ATTsOV, Vice President. SAMUEL WORK; Treasurer. , fu'rwr'tptiuus will he received for a limited number ol shares at the llunkiug House of N ork, Mi Couch A Co , No. Xd South Tbiid Street, 1'hiiadelpbia. Decvuibar IS, lt04. IV vnu want a good handsome Parlor Stove, go to SM1TU t G l.N I libit S New Sbou. dru. 'not ice. "X"OTICK is heieby giveu to all persons knowing l IheuiselvM indebted to tbe suUenber, uu tsaik 1 Mueouut or olberwoHi. lo sollle ihe same oo 01 heforu Ihe 1st ol llaicli aexi, tfu r which time Ibry will ba ou', in tiie hands ol a Jusiloe : so cave lime aim no,fc Ji.'HN ttlt'VUv iuBburr. T' 'V i X I Oso. JIarixot stretd Jlv A N K W 1 Nll1!'t I Kill IltxiK r!id intend Ui,epii,j; constantly ey .id III laetn: t. i.i. .T c.:i suor'..vt in,; rUvt iw.iiv -. AilUoli Ti:T ANl'S'llEiiTIltOX il Jcs 'tbit A linj;e Stock of Conk Stove! of tiie I'lllonini; lira , and i") !b M lowing two t'rands a liefy coai ' lloll. UMill I) 'i3tHi:;iiiii,vi Ssin-jitr. t'l!t-t j stt i-viiioi- 'i'i:,it Coo'., ttiisnrr.U.y ed ."' i'nnty ' f tiiit-li, r no in-Ty o! i r..iii i:i'vit. f-f-mbiiiiiii; -hi-awi'-M end der.t'.inre ; l u ll sioto wiu'ian:ii w inrtoiui Lat limy ar 1 re-i-i.;ed .'tl. l'.MtiUl and ori'lCl' STOVE:', tn ; vsrie , eio'orii, tr' i,il tbo l".jl n:aiii,i..:ture., ( ill', ,! III. ' i'-liLiiii,' it ! .'f;s I At-. Tho fc'.ebrait ! liEM f.,f l,eit!?i-; ep j tlollll ..;ll" I'. A'.-o ;!i.i eil,'..ral-.l VCLCAX" HOATtT. ; 4..i;i, :,iik u.ii:.-; s. ; ( lijiix.iek, iioil all 211 s;iY- t i:lrli-i,ti!!y l.' j.l in an i li:'..ii:-l, inert ,if tld I'liid ! nrcsN.. ..--fioroil !o,ioi,l! kinii-ol sjpon'iirj;. b'oi ilicie !trd I', r.n'i-' ','c-k. Uas I'ltlio;! e.e. j e i;ii eli,-s..iy and oMeuled. Ciiun'r. pioiiuce t-ikwi iu e.fb.i' ,;n nl is. ; i riec ..ii I'il tV ii r..N i IIlvC lie ri,.t. i. 1 end. .--ii . A'i ey lor III IJli'S CKLl.IiP. ATE1 I'll I.,-', tor CoMiitiea ef Noi'i I, i". I'm; .n mil Mooinur Ai d ;.i ai nls lor the her ! l.'fr. 1 rn,.!i, .rim on. Sun. u: v . D'--. ii, i.i" I. 1 1 V Li Cl.U T 11 1 I ) A Z A A II . Corner I" 5inrii".'l hi(4iirt la. li;i.:!il t.t'i sunh i; r. y , i' l : :; . j CsT U PEN 1.1), WINTEIt S'l OCii OF illEAPY MADE CLOTHE Of ttio iit;v -:t tylcs, cut hy tli'1 ! -t A r : I -1 . , tr'.i, i midI iiiuu. tj ctir-tciu w jr.v,-4ii;-i &wi a ; tvuc-t jiriuc-j. unit aJityH C'JoiSsit;- tt-ritil ('D-'i-iiui; (t l'rirr r..;tt.-, ..fits. s. I I'Sts- 1 : riouf Co; ns uud t; iU.ME; OVEilCOAl GENTLEMEN'S UEiJilJ rip xr? such a- Shirts. Hver-.-aii ls. I i.., r-loi id. r:f.', C.'tl.,rs. Crava'.s, Ni:cit;es, il.u.aki.ri'iiie.T, ;i I'JtcS. .'.c BSalN nti -5 ';i-i.-- ofi-tl 3:'.."' HOOTS AND SHOES, riU NKS, VALUES. HHEf.I.Ah'. and NOTIONS f all Kluds, and n r , roils o!tler arli'de ' Jhe puljilO lira l.7it to cell h --J exiunfr i Stock. Heineuiber !b place, "('oi.tinental CI, tbing Si, Citrnir of .'Uiaket S iuaro uinl ti N LEVI EI ' Siinl iny, Dec 1(1. 1 ',. , I'ln- ('net S!!, iuij.Jo-.lLr;;a'r hi'tii ullitf; CORN SHELLER tatenxe; 2ad. E". : r E "til f.-- Shelter is iho only , tUat shells tr ' i rfe-t' v Cie'.ll lV-'iu 'i.e l't b w ileli gi eeo. svlot liry. ll ive the I'la u dojloe op' lali ; tSe Mi tiling Wheel as ii pas-ej fh.-ogh, ami , rates Vie I.', I., fivili li;e I..1111 Cotopietcly, I'c'elel ' ai is'i, M lor market w:;heui '.he Uso of thu la ; mill. Thu iiMcM. V-tU a i y.'V ,,.' A'.f.s ""? .!.'; 'Mil I 'J ' ' try li" " ' u!T. : ii.-I eaii lot use-Iv titso, ly Horse, Steari or i ; Pow-t, '. at .'.iii-; .1 i'u.f-y 1:; the Crank . 1-Vr Iiuiai.iiiiy. l""".iii.ii. ...i. .','e. .:,;t. t C:;t ' ' ami i-aoioity in oneiric.', this jEic'ttino e;...i C'lUt.lle'i i'v any oiiit-r. ' STATE aIvD "' 'IN 1 Y J110HTJ F'dt SAI ! 7-K -.-.Ts.-.T,!. TKUXi. ; C i st.'.k .: r v If toi want your corn Si clear. , if v .1 Intve ,.;--i.-ir!t (j s!ii-ii j;retn 1 r 1 . rn ; :!';. v' atil yjt r c.'i n an 1 c b st ; ;.iat j juc vv;':! a di:ia'ie Ui r.' ; :;" ..1; Want 8 . iu:lir. buy tiie Completi!, l'.-.itie Aj.g, SJ; ; uniting Corn Siielter. I i LEFEKEXCES : I II. H. JIiiS'i-r. Dr. J. W. IValc 'u- Ciiailes iia,.s. Miller, baa: t:t I Lcs. ii. He . C. G. Mnrittiu .i Co., Geo. Yici-er. L. All;. ' .M'ileis. .- any. Sol. Marti, r', : ll.'itry 1.,'i-eurii.g. Hear Gap. C. All, erf. 'L-.j, I Aliiir.tiue'iii'cd and ibe Sale al t'.e -Foiimi , ID'llni. '.Ci! ' i OOt'EH. Sunbury, Vx. Sm ourc, Jo.' o. Iw.s i'.u ...ii. , it : Jii.iiAL-: ! lilt )i : new .-ri:rjn-x rjAliiC u:..!er-i :,t 1 tvlil .-.pon a JVt.ery, 011 Ai X a'fl!, Su:...'u:y. ru., ill the ' uisi ol two ' sioclc 1 e Wili i.e- p t.'.ly , !. Land, B'r'slt iSroai!, 'jl'v )-.(- .its, E-j 1111 1 TEA-M'X '-', vbieh wiil be deliv-itd lo Ii"- every n. i. .',:.':.'-.,' ,.r ; v. " y 1.1 ll-'-'tc I'., snpi lit.-' ,.' t .t go' i I "!i. '. .!'. W tl i'e t 11!! ."'. I '.),. i',o . 1 C: lit s, pr, tzel . i 1 1. ,." i.i.. I 1 ..v.-n! '. w n ill be kel i I est nia'. ': 'icl If. !,'!. Is 1 t';c ,.f nil , ;.:id :lf 1:' ! his fl , lie trul tl: t will Miis;-t.o ;,iiu iu this iiow enUipri'e, i.ev, o ' needed iu ;'t:i l,..!y. I He H i: -Is. i.i-, ixperi-aie-t i;i ll.,, business 0 j I ble him totte gent't! s.ili.stael.oli tu all i.hv ! f iver hiui tvi.L '.h-iv -.aUuua 'e. D.sYiir: Sunbury, Dec. 10, Do I. I rXtOAT W,".;nXIKGTO?7. i r JTVCTT Tf PR.1sTT,fl'"PTTT rt? 4 jLATsiSll -itKO tLDiLRT CF Al CULXUltAL IJjll'i.i.nlJiyi'B. ST THE P O T7 N D B ?,c:i?t2 i.z?-iz, cco?r suisrjsTjlirr, lEisrir'A U-t thob'isl Get the theapnts Get the most iiomicul, vrbich can be had at the Hohrbach Fnu Having a large assortuieut of llic most apt STOVES, such a' Cuokiiig, Parlor, Offico aud :!.it .-s, wbitli will f-e sold al tho lo'Test rates. Kettles t-t all s?f"s. Pan.-. Sl-iib't-s, Ac- 'lbe.t arc also mautifai.-tuiirg IMiichuiery, Pin Ctt.-tius. u,-., at short re. ice. Hi uiiimij; all kiujs I ' Ajrricultural Iin) Ic done 111 tt i;!si wor,innr.i.':.e ti.anuer uad 1 short-t iioii -e. All ul tides shipprd as ordered. Oiders re fullr s'-liuitt'd uud Jmmp"T ctl' ialed 1.1. l'.i'.'iKHA'. 11 ,v coop: l'l Old troii. ana ail kind, ut Prod net) tui. F.eliaitge pr work iiiibury. June 1, (Sol. If M I L IA NK UY (i (H)1 AND ' I 'A C Y .4TI). SATIIUI M I L. (jo B. SSiariLEP. 1 At Ihe new stand, in .Market S juare, SEXll HA E just received iVoui Plnla.1, Ijihia On and most fa-hioualde styles ot Altiiiueiy t ' titi-h as Hoi, nets, ll.iis. !-ilks. Yt'lvcti HiII'hii Lacos, Feaihi r A Flowers. Hoaa Dressti k Old l.atlies' Cats. V uoImi Hf ls. Sontags, Hie Shaw l. I-ilk and tt'ool, a S vi: fs. Hosiery CLOAica ? ruur Hl.ick Crape aud I jtl Veils, Cntpe and Line bus, Drea. Triuintugs and iUithins, Co.sels. V. ! S-jtip and Peistiiiert, Cloak Triiuuiini, tt'e-, Cullou Yam, lrviMal.!nfV 'l"al.'.iuiilIna' I Itrusaludwuels lutrxf ri.ti deals' Linen and Paper Collars, Net-kilo, A, CirSlliV PKi'Dl CE taken la ex.-bn,a ( 1 or VI ,.rk Ttiaiiktul f r past pair-au w" lit) 'Hlt'C . luiii 1; t,x 1- I ' IW
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers