7:1 m um m 32! r t e BOtlMPJH) I'or 'lontM?;isr, WhtWnlci it I'i i-kciMiir lite 'I I I 't IS 1 This article is pn pared with tl earentcst oi.ro npm reioi tiflc prinulilcs, mi I nnirai.tci i cnniiiin niiyilihia it. li e spjiktri'l (t.-rn ileii frious lo the teytb of jO'll..'. St till uf HIT lltl'H l u ll.Mttl Pct.lal Surgeons have is v ii ilicii Miiiciiun to, .nd ch. c.r.i.1- i 1 1 cull II C 4 41 US M l't S 'j 'M ut lot el "llptlll.t quillt- V" ' "I '.. wl.i..-nii r tin I trr"rtin tin 11 Kill. It tie lll thet'l runiiiV. mid l'i il.,.' tle'ii, beaullli.il. white uwi pcetlj. wi'lout t!.r 1:,1 n-t .it b rv in the i,iiu el. It if ler.iiijt " 'hepini where they utu ulceia cd :n.,l s,.rc. ji it nisi hi, u al(itit dish H'i:i(,i t. r old tleoayed ten I:, wiii-iinn often exceed in,, ly oli"i -iv. it ii'w , s iich menu. tests toihe li.oti'b.olett sin,; h t'lutnu,, bl;n itnd iu. pm.iii, u tiul i kI 'I ii I frsmnce to the unlit. Il.LPAlU.P ONLY frY , ' .. '.. .. . i. j . ' N. W, Cor. Illih.. L'laburd Fts .. I'l.i!i .Mi liu. And sold b; all Hit KiS-"- FLKL CLX i'S. , TESTIX.OXIALP. TI,i follnwia. ,,,. u, 1,1. t, bi.e. as to the l.ih SI. Ul. Ml Ml i K I.C lllllll" ill,- 1-l'tlt.ll l.ll'.iOl. ii um tie miiiu.i i.i 1 1 i ! its 'It" ; 'o qtuio other itrstl- tl olth'ls lit dual IS I.Ol'lltB-- CO, 't'l. ic . 1.1 !-. I V i e by in ly Kiii'K il l' ' II ' i - in I wililc-fee vl itadui.t who spedk ll Hit IX :cl!cnej to: .he. (I ' ll,, Fhiia ,il) bn . A til ti o. If ji. li-vin chrefnlli ix,iiincil A. iiuiilcy'e -'iNuidi-Hid Jj"i.iu Cm in.'' 1 hereby chttilully rui.D H i l. J tl lu ll.u . i.i, liu cnuiiilly. it ie uu txcelmi ),ri p imti, d lor i'li'iti fiu uti I )ivk,i ii. the fceili hi il can be us, t by nil persons wi.n the utmost cu, ll It-iior, ,ip t ,ri- riifi Hti- feu'eu y burn, U wj. in 8lc r'.-ne,vii. tl.u 4r.ti. it pnu,utiB n liviiliL.v uu tnti lu the 0uu., niiU iinl'iirli1 h i-luaiu,luvits to tb bl Uutb. lr. W. 11. WlilTfc. 120.1 Arub St. Tl it iif It it ii . b . Liui iisi. 4 ill .N. r'uunb fit, J. till kt.tr. M 6. .-Sn b m. 1.. nnl.ri-li.:v. Sutiini iii nHM. 42S Arch St. . C. a. knt,i,ry. laiiitM .-lilll Wuli.ui bt, e. filiin,!. ii." Ii i. s., 7.44 Aiob St. V. M !. Ki!7 Aith o,. i.,iinrJ 'lov. i iiti'l. liiii. isi. 121 Fuurtb St. 1. II. It'll il:!v jr. Uvmhi. Mi 7 . Icutu si. i. 1.. L.,in .eini.-t, 'UV 2s. Bu,k i. il .ly i-i. I .!. ly L 1hfTL iVlFhoVKMT OK ul t-UriUuAt IMPL1 KLNTS. at mi F O U N D R or . JT . n . Cf w ii i a fUlNBUHY, I F MN'A. ' Get thellit (let rlii" Cl rnp'ls Oft Ibc nmst Ew i.iiti, ic it, Mbicb unti be hai ni thu lli'brbiicb I'nutidry. II viii I irc MfJuttu.ti.t uf lilt Hunt ii,nuve'l S. ucl, n.' Conking. Puib.r. ():i.ee una Si m S uu, wl k'b will be wl.i at the luwiul mtis. Aim. hf;il,, i,f ill situ. H.tin. 8ki!leti. o 'lb ni' .iij in in u ( i ci u i i ii .M.itLiniry, Pluugh. Cat. Hi,;'1. A c., lit f-lli'l l IMttk'e. uu)! u iii ,ili liii' ls ni' Arieulturnl Itnl'lementt lii ti iii .i i, iu 1 noiktu iiiliku tiiaiiuer ui.J ut tLe I I ,r- -- t', ivj'f. All r i ! : .1 ;ij,o1 m nrilrreil. Order respecL I'uily K'licitvJ ..till ir"U, j tl v iittuuite,) to. lU'liKUACll A C00PEU. i . Oi l In n. Mil l nil kinds ut Producu tuken iu 1.x limine liir Wurk uu'iuiy, Jui.u Id. 1-104. tf 'Ilo Oily Sa.a KeiiAbie Btjainst botl Firt oii.l JJurgliiiy. I n i iiw rrop.i e I m fiirnijl- t:r.- ite nf Nutini,. ill ll i k .-.it. t. ' i . v mi- b,,il, tirr t.nd UiitKin: I i, i,i, :(' tt 'Ii- inoi lii'dti Uirliir b.ifi s. mill III! e ii, ii y i i'H i. i-.Mit iiiin'i vr liiicks uu e.ifl, i? I . ii. in tiib,:tl. ui.i.v bi.i.k-lmk now in ue bit 1. 1-i ,i, u, i'i, p.cki'.i hi- ciiiMii be ptckel by It. i- ,. i,i lu' ti.x'ioit.t' i-t. 'I lufHu .'il'rii all pn-ni-nt n. -r x ici.it ii. lik,, umiI'ii ili. I inn., unmu ee l Ii be n i .a . b i ii. ust uiifh'ull (u dull iinil to til .. e i. i .-ir . uu i.iiii.-ii bulb tire mil b , . t v i. in y t fc h (be Ui.ite.l atntvi ul the t i.i .1 all I O i-'. 1 ' -i i.. il ,tl ii. iit,, will furbi'i nil 8iii? nf H ik V !.t.l t .!!. i-wrtug all lb aJvjLtinjcs of ti ..ij ,1, c .. .ii.?. iiui ,,.ir . Al il s.zib i,t M.ivui.iilc e. fu lutb tur-lur- 1. 1 tii .ui-i ni,r,i ii-piu -i. 'ii, uifiiitil liiviliiin-bu rv S.i!v.i, burlnr ..l't bit ,11.1 Ul.I'9,.i lljtll (WUIl'ullibll lll'l 11.. i a.. . . .;. .be fir iii i'St .in I ehirnpi'tt Vualt diioru. ful . n a, .1 in-1 j i.tilu v.tnl.ii. A.1 iiiv ..bote am Luile'ti MU 'lit UI.J chill d I.ir,'u'ii U'riiubl lion Firc-I'mof?1, i .. ii vi m.i. ii .u i, CJI1.U.U11 QiucA, nt mi! oiii.- .11 h -1 , .CI. ...... o. j, i.ci.il a.siortuiciit ul' ei'i.i!il-h:u.d t'lifcj, ll. lien I t l.c'. Iil.il ut i I't'iAcil ll-Kl.C'll". .'X 'l.iilic l'.,r l,llilc' I'bl.U-d Ituu rale.-. I i 1....-.C ..i .ii.i c J iu i.i iicbiw auciiuu pnccii. .M. -iSHl.l.ll A -.-it. No. 1 . si.Vi.MlI Street. .funu II, ISJ4. . n-ff r -ri e r -.-ffl l (i I I'll I.simSim)!:i 'C('0 o. r BPO l : HW Ke ule Street, N'eir York. i"bo -iSi-iih' t' tinpi.iv re ki.,,wu nil over tin world :i In- ii a ii. r mil;, t.'nce I'! ii, In T, in ni' JitVM ntii. ili i i.i :h l;i' I'll'i-l. K n't li.lii--. -ti, I .ire ll.i. liirri li, ! , . r" nt ! itC'i uu the t Ii !. 'I'll; un l'i-.-: -in-1 (uhii i-i iii.,.iii,tcl tin ir !. A -in ,n ,.e l i.ii. ")' in,,) in ih" Ibiiitl. C,,l' iiit'-i viil h iv.; .'.ir f iIh brf ,ill-r.-n' k n N i,t t'nl'- l''' . i . . i-,i , .'): r'ly ,il .11 le mi I cln- ip.it-.! ui . 1 1 . -i i' I 1 ,y -.1! . ; i .ii. ' . "-I ' ii i i 'rt' " ti -i' -r bfT'Te in-r.i In.' d i ' ' 1 hi '.v. it . .v' 'i 1 v .' ii j I I,. 1 1. -ti, ii-" tin.; - '.' I ... i 1 , .. ii. ! r, tflMti.; I. !) b i i.i ii ' :' ..ii. iil , -i -r-. I -uu- i x iv .1; I ' .1 . ,. .'i. !t .i,. ..: I ' !!', ii. ((,,- . , -i:;i i-ii .-. (.,: .. '..uiiii., -iiii ,i, i, iiinei-i-, K., ; til i .vi-. nn ei t Co ti'.eiui-1, -miiplo ;,iiy 1. I I,' , .VI.; f I. ,i , in ,-. tb IciTi , i -i.e I. 'in rtveipt uf i) ;th. enflce ) Mi ), ly lui arii' i lircjiij. A. I.fPP.M -iV. Ui Kn' S met. Xi-,v Y.nk. li .irt'iit. 1). i.. I. tj Co. .Iuly2' 1S61. . fc. .i'Ull IImI.II 0k iiluo.ubul j 4II1 rxti. X ami after Jn. ls;h, ISM, Passenger Trainii ..i .-ii hi ,'i.t i i . : .movi.vo sorm l.e lie Sorarti n, 4 211 l. Jl " Kit.yiuri, b.ju link i.. -Ian g h..'5 tuipi-rt. V .'th " I. a. wile. H.I5 Arm eat Nurtt uii.berbin.l, y.aJ .VuM.Si. N'll.HI. Lcaie Niirtliuniherlai.il. S.nti A. M iianvide, Iti UupiTt. 8.4U ' linn.ii.-ibur, v.'i Kn li.-.m.. 12. 1 2 P.M. A'-riveat cr. .Lien. .3u Fr.- jb ,t I'.iAici er Iciivcs Blii.ni.sl ur. in. 15 A. M. t i..er Inkiii ll.e .Vail Train i.uili cmiiitut with the Lxi re.nl iriuu fr.mi , ril.i.u bei Ian I. rrii. itH llmn-l.ur,'. nt 2.:tii A. M.. Ii iitiuinri-7.ini A . 1.. uu I t Pun.. Iclpi.il. ni 7.00 A. XI. The Mill tr In l'i":n N'.itl bii.beil'tnj lvavuiu.i.i ltaK-lv at'i.-r the .ii'n il ul li.c i-t; ri'3i tniu in.ni 11 rri-bur ar. l U il:ii...,i e. i!n.win P .a.ulieu letivii. PnilitUclpbiu e. in. ,ii P. Jl.. o re.vb puin iu Ibis loud durii,,; tl e i . :.t I'-ir-'i-ai'ii. 2ie nut eleint Sleeping cam aconipar.y tb 1'.1 raiuie'i.'b W;;y berwcrli ior LuU.liei inn 1 hl,U Jb .U.ll.vltf, UUi uil bu.biri!i t ill.d l't.tl ueipbta. h. T. toL.si, tftipc Or'.ugijE II:LL, ElllON P. WoLVtilT'J.'.. 1111,1. & WOLVtK .OS, .It l.i m i imkI 4 oiia-!rs i I,iii, Once. M irkct lriet, cor. for 're Alley, tifJNTJrT I- A. 1 J Il.l. itteii'l rTiiiipilcv tn 'hn!ii''liin nf cla;nn M 'Hid ill ,tib-r ;i-i,i.'--ii,i.a bi-i..i- inlrtiF..l t. tbe'reir,' in Nnr lnin Ii ilin i n.-U gi.ilinij.'KUtilit. M.nl.ury. J.m iry Im'.J. Ailt illo i. K.itlifu iiuj lili'iii t.'in.'n AiT3;0rvpf.' AND PHOT GSAFH O A Xi-Li-R Ft V . Jn Deer itraef.'fippr.ilo ih" Central Hoiel, Q" DYERLY. Ii4 '.prnfl new Pi "nr Oli-ry I , in ii.e ab'im v' lir. i 1 t-i pr.-r-.J b- 11.1:3 P-jrir-uii ii. li.v be. iyle. i,i I nial.tii r. J AMUUOTYPl-.S ANIi I liOIOliluri!-", ! re Ii, ken dn every n'yle id the Art. that cam nt 1 ui piua.d La tar tc tl 11 aw ivi ral yi ' e je ri i.e. Ii- ci 1 t've iwiti.iHelii'i. or ia ebarfc'e. 1 IV' ic i'l he riki'ti trnm nil Helen nl Pietinl. (i i f biui call. lieuieubr uupuiile tb Cviitial Ilolcl. j euubury, Jun 4. lSiil. I FI) S A I. K. A 'I'rni'l if 'I'liulM-r I.antl, helost Trcv "m' w,'i' .. em.MiMin about M sons. For further psirttculsrs ipply -to . J U. B MASSEB. Tnn fiot'ttlinr titint or lutvctluri w)iit.U wo call Suuirri.A lurks In tiie i iinvtiUitiorts of r ,IMf l'"r"l',u,'" T'ifl 'iiliituJi'ii of na t" fillii'i" VreiduccB fj3Hi vJl'"', l, y n Lt-7.i tW'l.litl. xit'.iUt! ,n. It (lucca or ii nn cn- till tt.ito i - (if till" I Intnl. wl.iTcin ' t thcl l.tiiil lu iotiu's In- IM,. Viiintii'ti'rit tti lttllin ai.1"'1,!,,, (. ,.,. in tlndr ir - i llMIVI'U tllO (Vftltlt tO full into th-ottliT nnil decny. The wrofttlotis loiitaniir.ntion is va tiouely cniKCtl hy ttiorciiritil tltrcnso, low living, li.-onlcroil tlltiostion ft inn tinlii-ultliy fnoil, in.puro air, filth nil filthy hubit, the dt'prfiifing vltrf, ami, nlovc nil, ly the vtni'ifal infittion. WlmtoviT l.e iu origin, tl. is hfrotlitiuy in the i-ontiliitiun, ilefcontling " from pnrvnts to cliihlrtn unto the third nil fottrtli penorutitin ; " inth i il, it crnis to ho the rod of Him who ny, " I will vi. it the iiiiqiiilio" of the fathers upon Ihidr Children." The ilist'tixcs it oritfinntu take v.iiitnis nnnici', aii-miliiiir to the orifuns it itiuk. In the lunBs, Ecrofula lirtnliucs ttt i.'iiic, im.l .limlly Consunil-lioii i in the plnnilf, kwi iliiif" w hich mj ptinito itml l,p c. .me ulcerous tores; in the t-tiitiincli itml lowclf, tk-riin't incnts which proihiee inili pcntion, dytpep-iu, 11111I livir foniphiiiits ; on ti e ikin, eruptive ntul ctilanioitn nlli'itinti". These, till having the mine origin, require the ntnie ri'tneily, viz., pu iliciiliun ami invi;.orii tion of the I Intnl. l'ui il'y the hlnoil, nntl tiieve dnnperouK tlii-ti'inpcis leave you. Willi fi id Ic, fi ml, or rnrrtiplctl 1 lootl. ) tm eiinnnt lnive health ; with Hint life of the t'.esli" Lcoithy, you can rot have scrofulous din-use. Aycr's Barsapttrilla Is compounded from the most rflet'tun ttnti dotes Hint ntetlicnl scienec litis tli-covi rt d fur this rUHcting di.-t mper, nnd fur the ( lire of the difordera it entails. That it U fir ciipe rior to nny other remedy yet dcviil, is known l y all who have givi n it n trial. That it does tottil ine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is indi-puttil ly proven hy the (treat multitude cf puhlicly known nnd return kuMc cuts it lins mitde of the following disease i King' I Evil, (t Glntl'ilsr Swellings, Tvniois, Errptions, Pimples, Blotrhes anil Sore Eryapehs, Roe or St. Anthoay's lire, Silt Kheurn, Scaid Ke:id. Coughs from tuborculous depo its in the Innfjg, Wnito Sirel'ang, Debility, Dropsy. Netiralgii. Dspi psLi or Indigestion, Shilis mid STphUit'cIrfcPticns, lVTercvi ial Piseice F ia'l? Wetk lew, "d. itnlfcd. the whole scries id' ciiti,il.iint3 iliut uii-c I'; um iinptirity of the Mood. Minute reports of individual ciin-s ini.y le fiiiitnt in Avi.k'h Aviiiiijis Almanac, which is f'iiinihiil to the diuit;its for gratuitous tlistril utinn, wl en-ill iia-.y le learned the directions for its Ui-e, uml t-tniiO of the rematkitlile cures which it has iniiile When all other leti.ctlies l.nd I'uikd to ntinul relief. Thoe cases me pit only ti kill ftolil nil sections of the ictintiy, in older tl in t every render ltn.y I, me itticfs to mmi.c one who can ii eul; tn l int of ils 1 1 nt fit.- 1. um j er.-oniil exi'diert e. Sen t'til.i thpn-.-so tl.o vital ii.etgief, nnd thus leaves it- vhtims far Inure lUlijitt todi:i:e nl.tl ils fi.tal it lilts than nic I t 1. Ill y 11 ru t.ti.tii ns. llit.ie it tintls lo 1 Lot tc 11, mil thus (.ui.lly sl.oiUn, the ivtriigc dunition of human life, 'lie last in ulti mo of these t i.n-iiti-i :;t ii ns has Kd us to ij'ind years in peifit lirg a icn it'y vl. ich is r.dic,ui.te lo itb t inc. '1 hi.- wo ta.w cl.er to tl e 1 ul lie ui dcr ti c name cf Avi i:'s fe-AiisAiMMi.i.A, tilil 1 t't'h it is ten 1 n.-til of it.gitilitrl.-, ion e of which cmiiiI tie li-t of Sar.i.fiai ilia in nltcriilive power, liy its aid you n-ny protect jouuclflititii the si.lk-r-iri(; nr.d di -r.per of these ditoitlern. 1'utge ot.t the hail cGiiiiptinns that ltd 11ml fester It, the 1 lootl, puiiie out the oiitiscs oftlitei.se, and vigorous I eiiltl. will lollow. Lj' it pecu lu.r viitucs this Ten 1 tiy 1 tin. iih.te the vilnl fut ctions, itml ti ns cxpcLs the di.-titi.jurs which lurk within the tyctiln or Luist-out on nny purt of it. V e know the puMic have 1 rcn deceived ly nuiny lolt.pounds of Sariannitta, that piomised n.uch nnd did ntl,iiir ; 1 ut tlty will neither Le deceived nor dbi ) poinu d m this. Its vittues have I ecu proven I y ul 1111 dnlit trial, and there remains no 1,11c.-tinti of its sttipHssinii excellence fur the ure of the alllietinir diseases il is inlemled to reach. Although under the tame name, it ii a very dillercnl incdicine from any other w hich has leen before the people, ami is far more ef fectual than any other which has ever been available lu tiicm. ATTEE'S CIIEUUY PECTORAL. The World's Great Itemeciy .or Coughs. Co'ds, It.cipiont I oa Eumption, and lor the relief of t'onKuvnptivt! patients in niivanecd ttages of the c!isearo. This hns I pen so long used and o uni versally known, thnt we recti do no 11. tiro thnn assure the public that h.- quality is kept up to the left it ever has leen, mid that it nu.y I e relied on to tio all it hr. ever dune, l'rcpartd ly Dit. .1. C. Avra i l"o., 1'iactical and Annlitical ( -nnnti, Low ell. Man. Sold ly all druggUU every where. '., '"'"'S')! h ll. Xl.la.v. S . .1 1 1 11 11, bet I Hi 1, A rmi Btrrol. E'ysbiir, . 1. Kutr.uer, tSuaiuukin, 1. e A,i,nu., vv .tiKuniiiwii. ii.d by ail denleie h. .Vlediiinci cverywl.era. Auut'ld, lots I. ty FANCY DKY G00DST0' K. TVTTP5IB B r, A CK "i IPi:CTFl"I.L' infnrirs hsr frii'ti lsin frunhury 1 ,tid vtc.nnv. Ibal she hie (au-nfil a Xcs Mote j .No:;, as an i t i'i-v diy o-ids. in Market street. four ihsirs west ol' Win. II. Xliller's Pout and Shoe i me. II. r stock consists n( Triiinniujt'. n-.tioi broi ieries. Ladies and Chil. Irens' bats and shakers ; si kt.nl oilier lining. Lawi.s. ttii.h"tns. Corset-. Ihaii -.-kins. Crape and L-ice Veils; Xeis. i;aiv , stockings, ei'liurs. and corseis. an I inaiiv other nrli eles for la lies and jjciHleni, n ; all of which will bo isjIJ it the lowest . rices. KATL LLACK .-sui.huiy. XI y 21. 1 8 .4 . El U T 11 1 N (J CUNTIN tNTAL C I. D A Z A R Corucr ol' .'Iiirt.el Mquiii e Av Hail iiuna sti.'ci, BUXB U li Y , PEN N A. SLMIEU STOCK OF HF. ANY MADE CLOTHlNti, fif ihe newest styles. cut bythebtit Ar.ie.s. tiiuiui.-d and muila iqual lo custutu Hulk, und sula ul the lowest prices. .Mou uud lluj 4 lolliilic; of the bca tnc. tcrial c-iifiieiiu ui Press Coats, truck Co io, ."sat k Cuiu, Piiiits, sL-i ti ut v..riou C'.twis aud quuli t.n. OENTLEilLN'i Fl'KXISlllMi G00PS, filth as 1-hirts, Orer-.kirts. I'ndersbirts. prawers. t'uil.'ts. Cravau, Xicklnu, ilunakeicblcU, biuvkins, OivVvs, ic. Mat nud Caps) of all klntTtt. , r.-'0T3 A.S"DEII0E, TRUNKS, VAEISES. I'M- ELI 1.1. As. and NOTION'S of all kinds, and nun., rui s o'her aniclee. 1 l e public are invited lo eall and examine bis Stock ii. member Ihe place. ' Continental Clotbtni Store," Curnoi ufMaikel Square and the C. R. K. LEVI UECHT. 6uubury, July 2. 1S41. ' Er El 0P AD VIC 8 FOR LADIES WYE ANATOMICAL EXORAXINOS. lias lt,f TuiatinQ never before published. Sent race iu a sealed envelope fur visa eenl. Addreu Pr. STANFORD, Box Ne i.tii i N.w Yoik f. 0. July t, 14.-Si illi; UA) LION ItOlLL (Lnlo Mrs. Huullon's.) KAEKET BTi'.EKT, tH'KEt'IvT, TA. n,.-4 luknn tbl obi STt l will kttnwn etnnil, arid n fille.l nnd luriiirlii d the siinie' I prep in-d to secointtnid tte U i .idin slid '1 invelcrs wiih the best the mat ket cult att'i.rd. lie bojH's by strict attenticn to basmi 10 receive a than of pnblto pntroiirti?i'. Mis I Alllilv eniitaitu 1 be best Ibetninket atlorils. His Par is lillcd with the choicest of l.imioii, belli Malt and i-iiriuuius. 1 he stabiitiK is i;ood, and attrmled by careful Ostlers. Sut.bury, April ill), lotil. ly ti-4iit i ii:.i m:roT, "I t'ST rcccWul new slock of Fluhliut Tackle for I f ril.H sales, o.iisislii n ot H.nlt. tteels. l.ttii-s, linskets. s-i.iKi.li. Flouts, fiets, Flies, Aititicial Knit. KiKVcd l.hics. tint, llrnu atal llisiks. to which the attention ot dealers is particularly requested. Orders. Wholesalo and Hetail, punctually flllcd and satisfaction wurrauted. , JOHN KRIDl-R. 2nd and Wii'mit streets. Pbiladelpbiii. Fehrttary '27. Intll lltn Ti mTkH(i i t ils AMI HACK PAY COLLKCP1 D. s. B. li'Vi I H. Attorney nl haw. Is duly nitlhor- iied and licensed to colkel l" ns.1.1 a is.tAiiK'M. iii kfi-i fe-i Jl for widows. Or- pli in ittid Sildiars. OlG.ro in Mai ket sued, oppo site V. euvi . 'a ih'te!, t-uttbuty, Pa. Juiiunry Id. IS',4. ly BOARDING HOUSE. (Ftirnicr. of the Lawn-nce IIone.T') 1 V Y . I' K N N ' A. TXFnr.MS li-l- fiit-riN nn-l the f-iiMio jTfnprnl'y Mint vJifV.jt- ftfi'tul the I niisr fi'iinrly rft,uf.i.'(.l hy Ir. J.AV. fen to. Mi Itlni'M-orry "Irt'ct. lin r the Niifihfrn Coiiintl Kiiiiwny In pot. ntul Dfutird n PI ItM XI. NT AM 'JRA.Vi'M NT POAKitj:!;.-. Wiih vwk? nvA wnittT.-. toifliTH onM injny tlif iji.ifi uuiktrta vf lmiitviil in re ttjuul l-j thu hv ttfiH'R I'jit 1 ftiirt ir fmiM tii(flt wlio limy -Hijtiuvn in Suubury. ifl rtfiieci fully olicitt'!. Mi. MAUI A THOMPSON. irmiLury, Muy 2T, toU. -Jtu AN INTEllESTIXG IIISTUUY or T'P. s-rTTrrK-S OWN CAHV.. YI1.E LAHOKlStl rxillt ('Of:.MP0, And how his Piil'ntonie ynip. Seaiiced Toni.3. nnd XI tndrakv Pills not on 'he System iu Curing that I lti-essc. and the i rc.it Sitifiss l t'it!iiiu It ! i:"' L. t.1. n s- a Tht above & a corro',t likoi.H ul I'r. Si h rk tntff n in-'ii.y yufir-s Ht. afUT he IihI rt envrr-, Jhum Con. ?uii'iii')ti ; ly 11 ootu;L ot liin Si.ln ii!;'i Pulim r.ie iSyrnp. The tik' inv-. nltln'uli 1 tit" t. 't tvi-re-t?nt him titiy'litu likt- na h.nl n hf rtfut the woiM. yet it i" ir. sTdii eniiru?! wi:h ;he !i i!e jit;-I vi'troitfl loukiifthe Ptirtruil In-low .icl. i.-' the tru liki lit'tf ol him al jTOjiont timir. T!:! eiiitit bHwei-n lt.t'o two p"iitnit8 is s prnt that in.u.y vouhl nut ) t-Iii-ve ilu-iii 4 Iitslio Clinic tmtii. Vet tticrc nrc lnn..!r' l.-' f p( rn. in nnl Hntiti l Mii!iiili'lhin, who will re-'o-.fiiisf hotli p.trlrtiit! to he true rfjinven-Uli-.'i..-. When th' first huh mkeii ho wtiheil lii" 1 10 undp ; ut the present tiuiehix weight is 220 poiuul Xi w Yoi K, t edi.efdi'y. .March ."in, 1561. T Tl'E Pl lll I". Ihiity yesrs s-;n I mis in Ihn last s'-iites of Piil p i n ry (n-s.iii:,ti.,. -itid t;iii.n ni.to .Ii,-. I resale I ii, P. ialdclphni. at ! Hi . Josel li P tri-di. th, Ii ot ihi-. ci-y. or li-red ii.e to XI. in siown. N. J., a i!itaiiee i,f liin it. iles which took me two d-iys to there. On mv srrivd I was put la bed. in d hern laid fur iiiiiny weeks. This whs tny native ,l ne. where all n;y fiinily lived and hid died of Coitiuipiion. 1 ir. Tbornton. who attended tny faihei in bi? I't-i illt ess. sit culled, and jrave me one week to fix up mv nf fairs. He bud seen all mv f"ti,ily i;o tbm wiiv.'iuid ihi.tiht I wis to iro. too Then I hcird of tbe'reino il.es I now offi r lo the pn h'ic. which cured me. It ei-nied tn nic Unit I could ieil ihLui pi-utlrutiit- my wbule svstein. TbeV sik.ii ripened the iimtli r n n t Iitri, and I would spit i-fftnore ibati a rint of off'i-riive vellow instier every inoriiin-;. As noon ns that be-itt lo stil-side, my cuiiiih. fever, pi.in rh.hl sitraU all be-llll In li-Nve li. 'lli.l In V- aplietile b'-C'tltlC Sit nrreRt Unit It ns wi-tt dilliuulty I could kei liotn ontn. too much.. 1 soon a i,t i in v siremrib mid I havu been flowing in rlevb ever since. For iiiuuy years 1 In. ve et joyed iiniuieri upled irou-l healih, "keeping the liver ai d stounii h bealiliy wi ll the Seaweed Tu nic and Xlandr ike Pills, as I nm ofa biliious teuiper utuent. XI. V weiL'bt is two buu'lrcd and iweniy pounds On in y reoovery people would send for uie tar and near, to seo it' their cases ware like mine. For this purpose I pay professional rubs in thu lare cities, i lii-coi M.mpiivn Til-h lu sea the one that uiakes these niedicities. Hmi who was cured of con. sumption by them. Tu make new litres is iuipusi. bit-; but cavi ics in the Itu.s and chronic- ulcera tions ut the hroiicbial lubes can be healed Such cases are dyitiH hourly under the otdiiiay treatment of physicians, and jnsi such are uurtd by lho proper use ot'fs.hei.k's Piituiuiiic Syri.p, Seawuei Tuuiu, and Maudrake Pills. I am now a healthy man. will a lari;e cavity in ihe uii, bib lob, ni l lie ribl lulu;, lite lower lobe v ery liiticb bepatlled slid eulnplele a.ilitf louot ihe pleura. Ihe leu lull,' it sound, and '.he upper lobe uf ibo r.hl I mix is iu a tolerably ueuliby condition. The ;rcui reason w by physicians do uol cuie coiisuu.p. tion is iiiey liy lu ilu loo nitic.i ; they ;ive tiie liciucs lu flop I he c.'U'h. lo stop chili, to slop nihi swe lis, Lectio fever. ui.i, by so lining, tiny iler.u.ijjc the ttbule diestli e puWt'lS. ioekl.j( up Uie kscrcl ions and evalilually Ibe patielil sii.ks and illc. At-vl I itiiike a eerviul . xau.iiiaiion uf the paiieut wib ibo ln-spiii, uiiiier, iu fund luns cnuuii Jell lo cuie, I dil eui the piiiienl bow lu lieu lho ll.li-u l'i luedlt-s. lii-itiuve ll.u caii-e and they will ul I sop of ilieir ownaccurl. Xoone eau be uured of ooiisuutpiiun, liver cum plain i. d.iftpcpai... oitarrb, canker, u.ueraled Ihtoiit, utiles the lit ui , ttid siuiuacb are uuido beal iliy. In New l- i laiid ibis c inker chrome calarih. ulucralud Ihioui, elot.aiinu nt uvulu. is unite pruva lent than in any oiht-i eecltuu id' Ihe coujiirv This is frequently euued ly a loul stuuiuch. )'ou may buru it out with cans'io time and aKiiin, and all iln-y il-jil is icuiporury relict. Conix t lho siouiucb and liver, end tiny will heal up tbeu, selves. liuoii nun iiion i the reuisdy. If you bav any disease in say purt ol Ihe body, il will rimiiia lb ore ai.U duoay uu.ru anU ituire until you csii Ket lha sue li neb ut the euiidittou to digest fuel and make new IVuud lo take the pUu of (lieated mailer. Ibis is the only way to heal cavities lu iba luns aud ulcer uied bruiicbial lube. Cur rod tbetiuuiacb and livor and iiaiuro will do thu healing. M any persons have an i lea ibal c.-rluiu utediciiusaio tcul uiibeis of he blond. Wheu blood is once dueiued it o i until be purified, il is Utsessed tbosaiue as th diseased mailer in Ihe system ; but Kul lb apparatus iu or der, the hvei and stomach, and K'vo it plenty of unuri.biuK food ii will uiake new blood. wLioa will lake lha place of Ibal w hich if diseasod ecbeuk 'i Pulmuuic syrup it uu of the bast preps, rations of iron iu uto. it is a nowarful toniu oi iu.lt ' acd ski U.e esawwiuid louic sUsuItm ta B.su,uai 1 t'A:.3 VM, 'CrV-?3 ths k'ou sph. niid is , : ii ' ' ' M.nilinV, Pills. Ibi I'u.u.i. l.j p blood. This Is the only way to our eoi.i.u.puon. if 1 esnnot until i(ood nppettto, and fiW.t does not Uic?t. 1 oauiint euro the prudent Never nnr.d the Couh J ren (te the enoso and will stop of Itself. i Tl.lsisllio must trouble I have with my patients nl : niyriMlns. They sav. Dncinr, I feel slrnn-(er I enn cut ; my id-slit sweats are helter. and 1 feel bet- j ler every way; bur my I'inuh Is so bad yei;'?anc . tlu v are astonished to hear nio sny that lines mil ) innttcr J remove the eanso and tho oounh will s op ol Itself. rSebenk s 8enwoed creates -rood nt'petite in itb.. ut nine days, when there Is t.o Itnut disease, unless the liver is so contested thut the Xliuidrake Pills cannot unlink the duolt of the gull Llsd lor in that short space nf tine. in order to allow tho stale bile to puss off. Keep the liver and sh in ich healthy and there is less ilimer iifeoiisuti.titinn or any other ; itisrnsii. it is hard lo take cold lieu ihose organs ; are heallhy. H.ose that "ru bilious, loiv-spiri'id. drenrv. leeliiiit stupid, coated loiiuc. pia.r appetite, nervous, stoiuiioh full id win I, tveiyihiiiK that is eaten Mi s heavy, lo.-s of nt. rr.ory. try ouo bottle or , ft'll I XCK'.'.-K-IM l'.H '10X IC. and onn box of UCIIENK'-S AlANl KAIvl-; PILhf. It Is only t ! cost of one dollar and iweiuy-rivo emits, with full di rections. Thi is sufficient, in many cases, lo s itis fv what tho lnedicit.is ore. Frequently otto bottle makes a ureat ch.iui?c in tho system. AuJ person that enjoys ordinary health, by urinf the tSonwoed Tunic and Maialrate Pills occi.sionally, must get the digestive organs in sucli a lie.il.ny cotniiiioii iuhi t hey booouie fleshy I cm produce number of my old consumptives patients now el joyiu-i ijwkI health, weii;hin nearly -no puuiius. x ce..v,u.. , rilittini! three cures 1 Imve nuidc iu Jxew lurk, au.l j which are all different, nod wish any olio who feels , tn itilcnst in thi intnterto visitilnin. irstls .vir. F .rlnw. ri'Siilinn then at No. IU? Houston slreot 11. r ' husband railed upon uie at n.y mnu.a. 32 llond s reel and wt-hed me lo cull and See her. He snid I could do no -;i".i I ; iV at he hail hail nil the best, medical slii iidni ee. ai d nil s-iid she sn too far mwo wiih Consumption to be cured ; bulahe hmi In i r I ot some trreat cures 1 had made, and he defied to tfi-"M.v her Wishes. I called. Slid lotlltd her lyitli? On fined to Iter bed in i he las: st i,e id bn.r.cbiiil cons'. minion ar il wi liont ib ubi must liave died soon. I ex .min ed Iter l,.ti;i found Will burnetii il tubes very much it Heeled, but tin eitviiies bad foriin-tl, her coiiifh was verv sen-re. the S it-box wiis'half lull of thick pl . Pulse I lu. h x sonlleu very much ; i.lld W-nrrO th ill all. she Ii i I chioi.ic ili.iiihu'.i. Ilm bowi Is bad been lnuvcd eleven nun's tlml day. lold In-r tha. she hud lun.s niiotili to be cured, hoi that th.s di ii-rlnea liad been of loiu stun, lii.;?. an l In r slotioieh s ti In such a ulcerated cnu liiion that I was at'i-aid nothing could be di ne, the iit-M-nd 1 sleauld Hy and do wb t I eonld fi r her. nlm ri in that she c .tild n it lar-t loti in lb'- :oinlitioii site was in. and I could tnt n.'-kc li-r any ivurse. I 4':ve h -r first a dose of mv XI tl.dlakv Pills, al.,1 the lot hi al tl .yi up f a I lv. 'I Ii il was on I uisjiiy. ni'il by tho tint titn lay t! a diarii e-t w., it.trritit art', her ui pe'ilo hil reiinni I a I the c ni! I si tp in b"d nnd eai her il:nn"r. 1 1 1 i?nov ..'t.'i. S-nl i;,vc l, lo.'tf airtiHciite. cettilie'i lu by t'..i! l:,'i. I'r llo.vnin(r. ".Mrs. ll-nih'.iloiuew. ol West Fatfy-ff l. Ir,l'. came to tny rooms with s tun. or on her liiir. .N, was low-spili e l, skill SaPow, ',,1.'uo ca.'ltid. bowel eosiive. no .ippetrv. and fast sinking iioo (lie rive. Th" said tumor had been running over fourlieti year. 1 rf.,c bci Syrup. Tonic and Pills, ami toi l hi r to take iln m jalas tbo ilireciiut s w. re I't intetl . ;-bc e -tiie b ck in ti y rooms. .12 lioi d sireet in tuo wo ks, souieivhai bcttci ; her tongue had beun S clean a liule atoui.d the edes. h--rskin sln.tr a.. I her eyes brighter and thu tutiior dis.rbar ;in very otl-ii...ive unit. er. lunch faster tb-tn it li.id ever d-u.u bcture. She kept urrailtiiii ly itiiprtiviu-, and in iitsnit two mouths title came to toy rooms very much h ihi ened. saying ttial the tutiior had neai ly supped ri.i.utii, ntai was UcntiiiiC up. and thai evi iy doc or hs I told het tiiat it il evi r herb dit woui 1 o.tlise her dnitll. I told Iter that the ills, a-e Ii id all let' her sst. tn, and nan, re would be il the t.l".-r uti. '1 l,.-y t arc ii w h alc.i. ,nd biti e It, i n l',,r at-oiit a y, ,r. -u,-l ! she is h tn-iiriv .ii I t-i..-: u v.oiu.iri a.- y-ai will thai , ill a d -ys Walk. Slit' ii. iad ii.i any iiiie lo call -n l,cr. nil i lakes reat p i,l s .iv,-..; u.v n. .o ibal stie he ire lias an tiling like l.ei c se. 'l,.-l ll l -s lo jel llielit io i'oiiii.-.-iit s. e me. Tha l,,Xi cai-e is Miss .vcoticl-l fiian t,iiutia,. Ci.i... Mis. II. .r holouicw r;.'i Ii r ib.wu o s.-e tt.c. al. I .-lie iuhi l. cn i-Vef ?iiicc j al b r bouse. l In n -he l:r-l c ,t:.u 'o my I ..s. si. a was luiii-li c tuaa'inici! niiii . di- n p-ii, i coub. spt . lii z -i.ri'ifin.iitirbsol hlou 1. 1 ex inaiic l I.i r lan. Willi ihe Ic-pii-oiiie.er, and in all my pr.i.rl ice lu , i ti'tuel eiie w I, It one lulu so fir ii-iti- aid ll.e i, Jier lint;; so s,,titif. I eeii d not ivn Uiiu'h i ll ail ie Ulan:. I .hi, tlhl fill' Would ilie ; liul til try ,i hi.-t.-ltineu; ,hu Pulmonic .-yiup. Seiweed T,,lic. aid Xl.,u Intkc Pills ali .-el itii-d in ii x i 111 tu w,a iv. (lie I ui!: is all he tied over, leaving a t-.ai i'y as I. r;-' as a r 'use c ; (,.o.( aiipctiU'. I'm-. Sl-u-i s. a,,, I b ,s g iti.od suitie iiuriy.tive poi.n Is in nel.hr. i-l:u h s some ei'Uii yet. which 1 do I'.oi tt.it.k nill Icto r.rr Octura Juno. 1 ei.t.ul.i tl.ii k it wi-tild bo ol i-eat interest tu some ui-pi-i juditrct pnys';t;i ,u to visi; thewL. eases, p.iriiculai ly Xii.ss Scoticltt. or any ol thein who hiv.'becit cured by n.y tiniliciiies. 'i bey are n,.n,. emus in N civ Yotk ; bin I lie ,ib. v.- ihp e -ill -tilt -r flolu each other i nn-l if toy medicine are lining what 1 lepreseiii ibi-y are. tb-y sbuuld have ll.e creilii ami thu u.iiic.cd know where atut how th-y muy bu cured. ) J. It M.'IIKXK XI. Ii. I Ir. .1. II. Schink e m tic I .1 at lb - piin, t; ai oflicc, X i. r;u .N .riti ti h Sirci, Pnil i l.-'phii. .. iy Sati.rd.iy. tun.. 11 A. XI . nu n a P. XI .. t.. i.iv . a ll i,-'. tree ot cl, r.i ; tail f,a- a ,i,r,.ti-li , xainiL.tthu, In ehures three uu, lata. Pi ii'c ol ' tic l'uiu:,ii,t,' v rap t tl II . I ie:lied '1 utile c.T.-ll frl 2a pel ho,le. or i Hie hall di'M'Il. XI tlell-ak,.' Pliis J-i -el: per b,'...tl.d : is f"i sale hy all Prussia nnd lie.ilet...' Xl.iy II. V.. ly t;-;iiiii;;- (itiilrosrv!. -ITMMf'.ft AHsfAfU-ataiVr "1 K K A T Till' X IC 1 .1 X K fn.li. tin- North ami f Xi rtti-We-I liu- I'liibolil; liia. New Wk. Ui-ad-in. P"ttMii!e. I.caiu-n. All.-niouti, i;,i'.i n, .c. Train? leave IIauil,i:r4 for I'bilailclpbia. Xew-)o-k. Heading. Pottsi ilte. ami nii I nlertue-liatu iMittions. at S A. XI., and 2 tin P. XI. Xew York l-.xprc-lcaves llaiiliur al ti .'ill A. XI.. at-iiviiial N,'S York at 1 4j tbu s..uu liy. A .-pe 'i.il Acotiiiito-laiion Pa i-tiil Ir.ili Icavei. Iteadiii.; at 7 1j A. XI., and rciuuin fioiu lli.rrUhut'.; .tip. XI. t'aii-s fn.in llurri-btirj : fio New Y'oik -i la ; to Pliil nlc'-pbia 61 Ji and S2 Ml. liaae checkc I iIiimu'Ii He, iii-ni:,, leave New York at ti A. XI.. 12 Xiim, in I 7 P il, t l'iii-Luri;li L reus i.niviii at 11 ni ri hurj at 2 A. M ) Leave Pliif id!l.hia. ul 6 1 j A. XI. and il -ll P XI. Sleeping cms iu Ilia Xew York Lxpie -t Train ttuoiVh louiid from Piiisiiurti iviibout iruunir. Passcneis hy tiie lmtaivisa Kail Uoinl have Ta. mapia al 0 ,u A. M.. an 1 2 I J P. Xi., tor I'tiilinic! phia. ,cw-oik, at. I all Way Points. iii.il , I cue I'ollMllle al ti t.i A. XI.. nt.d '.'.iitl P. XI.. lor Pliilailctphlu. llartlsbur lilal Xlw ioik. AUacculi.li.odjilt'n Pasaetiel iratli leaves t,,.'ii-il!i ut ti till A. Xi., and returns liom Puiladuiobia at j no P. Xi. t., All tlio ubuio trains rati daily, siund iys iu ccpt.rl. A Suuday train leaves Poltsville at J.;:u A. XI.. and Philadelphia ul .1 . 1 j P. XI. Culi'tuutulloii, Xiiicat:. tenaoti. "-l Lx.-nr-uii Tick', is. at ic luccii inn. tn and i'.ia.t ai! n.ai.ti. &u I'uuLdi La 3ll0C allotted cel. I'..--, n'-i . li. A. X i t'Jl. liCUCllil tU Cllllcl. lel. Jluy 27, lniil. Ml. IM.ilii!rltililii A I1- Calliiuiil. MM I lr i?rat line Ira verses the Xor he-n sr.. I ,,i -l X wusl cotliities uf Pcm syrv 'l i.. 'o , e cn v ,f i.n on Lake Lrie. It bus been leased by tl.c P, I-. sy I I ia 11 iiioa l Company, and under ti.tn 'lU-ui -es 's bcin r-ipi .iy opened IhrouAl.oul its enure let.th. It is now in use lot Passi'iicr and Fri-iltl bus lo ss froui llarri-huru to St. XI ny's t2IU miles) on the Eastern Plvision. and Irmn Slntheld lo Erie, (14 utiles.) uu the Western Pivitiioji. time or i-Asstsi.i.H ratiss st siMtrtrr Arrive liaiirttr, . l.rdVt W'ltU'ti'l. Mail Train. Iil.ni A XI. Expres. Train. 1 1 .45 P. XI .Mail Train, 4. uri P. Jl, Lxprcssliaii.. J jii A. XI Cars run tbruu h without ctiNiit;o. buth ways, on hese tr lies l.etw n Ibliidi iplua "id Lock II ivin, and between liulllu.tirc ai d Luck Havt Eleint Sleeping Cars on Express raim "ith ways between Willi ui, sport and Ball n.or, tud WtlliauisH,rl and Philadelphia. Fur information tesp.ulinj Pusseiiger business apply at the S. 1.. for. I lib and Market Sis. An I b,r I'rmLt business nf the Con panv's A.-un's. s. It. kin'stoii, Jr., Cor. l-'lib and Markut St.. Philadelphia. , ' J. i . Itevtiolds, Erie. J W. 1'till, Aeiii N. C. R, R.. Balliuiore. 11. 11. Hol'tTON, tieu'l Fr.nnhi Ajjl. Phils la. Lr.wis 1,, Hut it. tieu'l 'iicaVi A'i., Pbilada. Joski ii P. Putts. lieu'l Xlauaer. Willi. n:t-tort. May 27, 14. O t JJ () J vs CELEBRATED PliEPAKED JAVA COFFEE, w a ii ii a y r i: d SUPE BI0RT0 ANY IN H K M A ii ,. ;,T- IT is uied by first cla firuilies en-rvwberc. att blhly recuuimi'iidtid fir nervous n I Ivsoep-iu perwns. beiiin very nuitriiious and tit-e from all deleter ioui uuslanuet. in tcinuniiiv of which I have ccriiticat.a from tbo niusi iu.u.iuenr Pbyticl ,n in theCounny. Try it, ami yu will b mi.tu tinue its use lo prefetenoetn any other. Sold at retail for Temy-FiVe Cemt per Pound by tirtt ol'itaGruoeit thmuxboui ihe United "il. E A liberal ditoount to the Trad. " Put up only by l.liWIK A. 0U4IIX. Wboleeal Depot, S Warreo at. yer Vwk. Uy r, lotH i'iJiADY- KOOFLNG . . ... Keidy toe liiiuwii, At Its than half theeoet of tin roofs. HEADY "nrvOFINa Mure dur .bio than tin. nrAnv "uoorcNG BuitabU for itocp or But roofs. - R DY HODFINO For all kinds of buildings, In nil climates. i:i:.iyT(i riNo Easily, cheaply, and quickly put on. Needs no coaling o' er with cement after it is nailed down. UK IY iTM)l IN(J Made of a slmr-n woven fabric, thoroughly s-tlurated ami covered upon both surfaces with s turfccily wa teipriMif composition, and put up lu rulls ready fur use 4u inch wide, and 7i feet loiiij. We alio manufacture For l.KAxr Tin Poors, Much cheaper aud una e durablo than oil punt. ALSO, 4'oiiiiHtiiWi C't iiieiit, For Lu. ky Shingle Kisifs, Wl.lc'u irill ntti'lt safe Ihe cost of a new roof. Sau.i4es of lii'udy Hooting aud Circulais sent by Uiil w ben Uisird. F ivur .blti'ei m inado willi responsible p trtiel who buy lo sell aatti. ' Kit AlrY IIOOFIXO CO.. lo XI .bleu Lane, X. Y,. A i l il 2-t. 1604. I.ii-i-jliiij i'Hli- t.ii Ai lil. COOft-rrl'd PilOTOiRAru A&D Art! iAlLEnY, Xo. hi.1 Chest ut Street, op; osilo the V. S. .Mint, tliillcry, Ueci prion Hid Mpiirai iti hoomsALL "X FI ilN 1' I'-l.ll lii. Alt sty lea ind sinsnf Pt.o:iyiap!is. Ivoryrypcs, Fet tnfypes if 1 ili.y t- " al-1 lukcti a. pru'tts tu sun the lili.es. Pic urit Fitiis'iie I in Water Colon. Oil, In Jin Ink and Pas.il Hot .; s ,i.d oil er itri'maU. 1 rpilpn'i'. Cout-i iy Seats 11. lies. XI lel;nr Vliubii ny. v,r.. : r Pdii;i,liuA ay vui .i i i y ,ii" t'-i -ii'iicd m P ( !t i,i,,t i-.-.ires ' ' .-..II ihe i-f -r im, tv t s vi-i ii t'liita p'n.t lu bis nun il.imi.,1 Fiour H.t.i'l e. w here he lla ill fo luje.l l.ea '--pa-en. cd ea i.i l-;s, i '.paV.l,' i la'.r'o-. in a f , w col.ds. ,.l.e h'il.'lr i l I'ii.'- ...ri.pl.S. t', Ml., -b - su.aii .;.il. p oi KUiC j'l ii- i'e. : .. the In pi-rial mi 1- l.;fc Sine. Attev 'ii.iiiy experiment lie l.a-siu'ccc ii-d in pl,i cn, i his sli.i -'i'rlii at nn improved ',iif,U-. diiioii-j In ii(:i,' i, niuii pr'.oi-.i,n.s unit piudncii'A ihal s.f' sn. I i . -,. !' lone l,M.t. fc il.tl l ne .iiili bj he si ! .- . ,'.i,-ii.i,-, .it. r .iiv u-cd. Mi l wb ch i f so u.ncii lu.; il t-.Jt to me bni.ty nt a pic-uie. it is i ci.cli -li-ss anil us in luii:ci iu Pl.iland made ii rt phti. Xlr. Cooper hi's been enBcd uiore thtin iwti-ty years iu Ilie slmly alid pl'.c.ice oi Ihe Filii- Ar's. ilis Ion,' tx',a.rici.uf as a Xli.iuuro and Portrait P. .inter is si.tii ru.1 1 ti iraniee for ihe poKc tun uf tilt- pi-jiun-s iniiile at bis i-s.i,binhti-i-nt. 'lhC'-ttot i'k-aluii.,! is Will undel.u, d ; nn, e but the iiiO-m skilful ur.ists.ii-c employe ! in ih - iLsp- ciive ,1 'parriii'-'i's. .ill i n-iuies ai ranted ; -'he Ivmyivpcs n.li I.ot cb n,. In in y Ctiiii.iic. at-i wilt s,.il.-l ,t-v .c.-i of a.-lils. Pal' icutar alielilioi. i p ii,l ,u evil s 0l.iCi - fi.l at,, I eiory iMisi iai.s. Lauerieo.ypes .iini till o'i'er kinds nf piciurcs copleil. tl'iiln slaall tiled illieli lu lltcsiie. riLl.l llt.tsb ed iii c-ieiis or ii.di ut ink, tu lu. k cnal iu piuiuiis tak"i. Il -:ii !ife. Ii.i Ui luv r ---'i'? rile f.ci .ics fn: I kin;- pi .- . n n l't iu l ir In n, i.i i III IS - .o a, ,li. be re b;iiiiii. y no, st; e ii 1) 1 i.i. ii j ii X. li -.In-, t. ii. Iv -ay X, - It, At'4.r4',((t.l2', t.tlrt. I.. A rwik uu .i-i. .'i.:orti'. i o.-) i i'int l.u.tti.cilii., i.i ltd; Puiijiiti. te. i .i.Mi'i.ciioi.t. hi; ti.til.ir Ivnr lypvfc v l' fi'ii:.? valMibl Kftii-.f, iitVi r hvli t l uititatji-i, t.si'tui ii .-.1 1 j-iuHt'r ijitit-rj, hir iitt j1 wi.icii a lutv ,'un, ti it i ii i'tki.'l. jsi, i .Ilmt ii(p, a.c -l .rc:ti)t.H coi.t tii.t-.l in ihi hm k, iV i. 'i.'.-tf ".lr(.i Wi;t IHi J-iiV1Ui kli' iV'lC l't' P tit tilt j; (-alii ni i;t 1 1 tn outor I'LuvUfuJ Ltf iu a htuu MM i Hl;-i lt.lt.-. l C MVil. "ntj it.j y witii h tiiiL-l uf eolurilij $j OU, without iin i-i". J;y 1 1 ii . i ' ' tu n i i Ii.k ii. .Ivl iieit cf v lord, Ac, witi b-. sun iitt-ui' elnire. til he lu)Miea hrtly. A Alt H .K Uoi.KuN i'lt.iV. ( '.. ii iO. pn, ' V. iitu-it iiivit. ul he liu'.it.w. r'u. v unl i'-.i-i ' i so, A II a ' I Hook iin P sITIi'MS, ii i ii nriiS'f.uiiit.s. lii.-i. i d S ot I In u.-c uf P! i ., in i - -lel .ll ti.-.. Xtl . Cooper coi.lil.lic. to r, Ceive L i li S '.l.ti til-!,-ll.'l, el, It, o his C'liu-.- S lot 111- I UCliot. Ill 1'i .il. ll.,;. i.i.ii I'oo ni ipti, lv iry.yp". iulii Ii.k u,d i'a.-ii,l 1 titling. ,,l.il it tlvalilliul piouiM, lot Ln.illicitl (J I'll! ul -.'. l'iieut.!i i-iiiir.i'u.ii. l:.-t ol prices uf pic.uris mil ftinher u. lie ii.auuii iipcciit. ti.e liitai.s and itin s ot h- iiutloii tu iy be li.id hy Cl.cii-sllij Pui 1'u.ca A lili.ss uud a Mouip lo P. F. C00Pl.lt. I.'.lsi Clicsitiii S reel, l'lulndeipbiu. t.l.l U.f..Ci.s. Ci.li l. C"p. ! I nl Ac.i'i n.y oi'i'il.e Arts, l i. I,..,-. I.. i i . to. i 'it.ni.i,: . i.-i iinu i.iuuu.ulo(;it l.cl. II Xi...'i il .iin. P. h. I liiiict,. .V. ...tioil. t,ti-i,l nt i.e -Ij.'i Ii . li"l.. i i.' ,,1 ... i lutlK I I I i . I ' I..1 k .M'o i' lk. t.lV. 1. hiiicti. i.ti-i.-ii. J. !.. T t In I.I.V Uoi.1 11 i, i.i, it 1'lt In oIJi.V Cooke it C. li . A. Xi..ilii:.. licet, s:. Aibnu's iit.1 C. . I-.mj., i.oti l.'r ui'.'l., N. J. s. An.ia.u sfaiiVili. ftiiiib L'licu'. i. liaitlliiiiro. Xi Al . v 2 1 -. I iiii.i..iiiti:tOivt tlL W'U. K 1 I 1N0X-1..PL0S1E iliii: (UtTl. (Ai:l)0 i .& S i . IN Tlliirr PACKAUF.S. Or.Urs w'il receive ..n pt aitciiitoti. II. I) II 'l.Iil.X. Pl.q l icit. r. v;;;: . June 2'n I sti). . V l i ! t 1 1 I I II Ct i.ii il IJoiliiii', ! M i ivi t, l );i. 'i .t !,.-.. !,! I I TI.AIX.-s LA1LY to andl'iom lUiiii.ure u i ii -sl.in on ciiy. ''oi iie.oi.'i s in 1 1 with trains i n Pet t sylvai.ia . . li' a I. to an I i I'trt.biiri in I thu West. I M.l L TRAINS PAI.Y lo '.ti I from loeN'orrb and ii c-i liiai ctt Su.-quibaiiiia, Eliniru, and all ui Xurtb. en New Yoik. (V iN HnJ after MON l'AY. MAY Itlib. Isrti he P.rss. n.'ei 'iiah.t uf Ihe Xor hen. rir,.l Rnilwiiy will arrive ut and depart fioin Sunbury. Ilarrisburij and Baltimore as follows, tit : a o I 1 il ii a r. P . Mail Trail, leaves Sulib-.uy d lily (except sutliiay). In 25 A P 4u XI. " leave, llarri.-.liur.'. I " atiivi'S ai talriii ore. j Express Train leaves Sui bury daily M. (except Mn.d'iy.) " leaves llhri .-niu j iixcert XI ... lay.) ' arrive . ililtiuurc daily 11 X.'Cl'l Xl"l.-jMVI. 4i Y. XI ill A. XI UOA. XI, llariisbur Accuu.iuo'Uliuu leaves 11 oris t'urj. mi A M iui.hi.rv A.'o.iii.n.u latin lea.es Sunbury f et.i-1,1 juu'i j ab NO-TllWAED. Xiail Iiait. leaves liaUimuro daily ,cx. eept si. l,.yi ' leaves lia.liehurg " ariives at a'.nbuiy. Express Traiu leavas Jiatliu.ure dailjj ' arrives at lint rishui, " leave, liarrithur icxuepl Monday). t arnv.e i tin...,,.. 7 30 A M II 2) A 1 p. 4 tu ti Oil P I au A 3 lA: M . XI Xi. M, Ilorai.biiri Aoeuuuiol.tiiou leuvcs llairis our. aaily ,vuupt suud-iy j at 3 1)0 P M ' ariives at ilwil.i,urj, 7 ill p X4 bunbury Aoouu.mudaiiou teat at Harris. bur- liaiiy itactpi tunday) al 4 HO P il for lurrbur luurmaiiuu apply at the Ounse. .. .. . I. N. Pt liAliltY, Uea. eupt. IJsrruiburj, Jiin 4 . i4. 1JUW AKH AULIATION, PIlILAI ttPUlA. PA. Yseusr. tl tut- .ertOU, Mfiuluill, u and relikhU ii eat aient -lo rrtVK'a jf Ibe HOW AhP A.-SOCi A'l i'iN Mtil by mail in sealed letter enveiot.aa, lie of charge. Aadree Dr. J, .Jih.IL. LIN liOlulilOX. Howard As"0ialic4J, oVu, I ruib Xin.b mi eat. Phiiadelpbia, Ps), July 14. Ii4.-ly I : LAN'lt (ParcLmetit Pap.r.) pose Is and bltnk J .UurtjaauS, iMdnie, tl U at ui viiw isi tb Lsiiidj,, Exucu.totia, but iiisit, sic, eajitauy aitasrstsm." 18C3;. . 18G3. GRANT: litlLIXG & AT TUB MAHTOTH STORE, WOULD respectfully announe that they bay. f:',!1! T'l i 'l!wn",u:? Railroml. At Wil ' iiamrporl, hy Howard A Co. Expri to Jetoy ' I..- .1.-4 a ., Jttst received and opened t very taroje aad well selec ted Stock of (.OOlhS OF AIL KINDS, which they sre willlnn to dispose of at a VERY f XIALL AHVAXCEON I'lrxl 4'nsit. OUR STOCK IS COMPLLIl AND EMIJl ACES EVERYTHING GIVE US A. CALL. Tknnk.'ul for past favors we hope to meet a on tii.u.iticc uf the suuic by slill si lling Ouo Is as cheap If not 4 liI,.lt't,K than can be purchased else, where. FP.ILINU A GRANT. Fur.hury. May 2.1. IM13. .I., It. i n!ii-M pvxnrny. pa. Colh'clioiis Hfended to in the counties uf Xor ti .nn berl and. I'liiou Snyder, Moutuur, Culuaibie rn.d l.ycnmiii. arrEitRNcE". Hi.!.. John XI. Keel. Philadelphia, A. U. O.utcll ,T Lo.. " Iron. W n . A. Purler, ' Mot ion Xlc.Mi .hael. Esq.. " E Ke'ebatii A Ci.. 2-sj IV.irl S'tset, New Tfk. iul ii V, . Asi ti.ei.d, Atturi.ey at Li'W, " M n l ens .1 Cox. AiTniiicvi at Luw, " Snt. bury. March 2!'. l-i2. iiiANT te ; I tTZl ti v'i t? wiTAT?-p. Ptrr;ntTEV, pa. V IIDI.ESALE AXP IitTAIL DEALERS IH n in i i; ami i c l, in rvery v ir!cty, "l.lcrs sulicitC't and filled with rrorripss s.nd kl "tch. Sui bury. .May !?. I3Ci. ly O. W i AU PT, ' !)i !'!"' ! "nriol?nr r I,:.-Vl-, 'niroti win- s'.lp nf M-irket slrssa. f ut doors west nf E. X. Blight ft Son's Jtrire, f-'TINTUI . 1J K . IM'l i'pti l r,r. tr, ptly to nil rrof ssional hn-;n's fi.;.i,.t io ,i o-ire. ihe i-o'leetinn n clanua In V-.r'l nn herland ind tl.i- -..liiiuing cauutits. Sui bury. .May 2:1. IK.t. ly rv.-a-.i. '! ,:: cite. A tn e, Levi iit;i. Xi Si v i r. lilts, euiiiis. Ail'., Si. on , J'o. N, tfiiiittil-, At'. I'ut up ! Sic. fO.;. st .1 51 M P ,t.-. P-t's sr.4 Flit.k-. :t uml sites '..t lloir!s. I't,!. l.v..u tiulis, ,lc. "'inly inf iliiMc rrtretli'-s knin-p.' ' Free Iruiu Poi-om." "Not tbini-ri us to ll.e linuisr. Fif-ily." "l.-i'f c ti.e "ul t-f du ir ti-liM tr, die.'' ij, r'..l V 1,.,':. Mile ! i 'I li,r'l'i i'J. St-I i tty a!i li ite r's -. d i , laii.-in evi-ryi l.evc ! ! ! Ms.w At v. ' ' of all i-.t rri.! tn-itu n.i.,. See thai , i 's" i. ,u.e :n nl. ea-rii 1':.-, it . ::'.-. Mel i ' -,-k. bkl'eie ...iu bay. At Ii as , ". s f. i rt:, Piii.eip :l ti-; ot s2 Mi.e.-ln .y .'s".'..-i . ,U. Sol,l by nii V. t.,,l.-.iule and iUt.,;I iiiuls ? .t. Si i.i'i.ri . P. i. Feb. 2i'. Jsi'.f...Sn ..i..ls-. .is -.. . A IliJ. .'TiSA. I 'l'i. i !;i:i.zc.ii : .4s I.i, ri'V.,-1 f a IS.' .1 j-,,;. By 1'. KI.K'IIA;.: CO., :.-: Pcr-.rlsi., X.n Yerh. "IIIE 'irv Fr,-i'rr cor.n'tvi-:.-! on s,.i(-,ti,' , . J cit I--, n t. b a riiit'iii-n c -it nn ia-riia r. '1 he one !: r-r 0 c tree h, the oi her n-'ia v.-s t w t.wi . n ,..' srrir. ;cf ll.e , a.. lie The niest r-.i-i l iu irestiiiK. with i l.e !Mt cunntiiv ice. 1 ne u '.-t e" on i."ii iii.-'t. is it ij the mmt .iu.f'.e r ru.rt tu f . t'ae piincij al ci'.s a:. l towt.rin ;be au-i .Ini.l It i F'.r sale in Clliull. I.acb Freezer aueoiupaiiiad wil'a a Ua k -A i ecip, and full direct ions. IT.ICE1. 3 :C 4 '"j i 01 "tf k CO i a ,iv K quarts. 4 quarts, fi quarts, 8 quarts, 14 quai.s. ti quarts. Applv tu II. IJ. .MASr.n. s?.,,itlv Marclt ."J. --ii2. .... . P. YvASIilXCTON HOUSE, Suurhwest Coinir of Xl.n'.ei Square, S til 12 . I i. t pill-, ut: lir.-i.ijed res vctfully inf, mis th puMie I ibal be has taken charge of ihe nbnve Luu.r.1 Ijatni'.l li .,,-1. i.i, I asks ti the eoii.ititiance of the fntn.er pill, e ,11 and would ii.v.ie ui! oibcrs to jjiv hiui HIS TALI. E Is alw tj -supp.ied with the besi the nruket if .rds. ins 11 ,i coiiiau.s the choicesi liiiuius. and bis stal ling i ihil ii,,! ao.ll atu n led bv careful 0 lers. ..... XIlcliALL ilLLUT. sunbury. April. 111. Hii4. LAiJIl.o top, 1NG AND iU.t.MEI. fancy drfss oods, .Ut ...VV t .viAlt.i,, T'.in il.'iiis Vi-t nit e IVs' tllliiv. I HAS jus1 nciivedstil op.tn.d a larae usroiu.nl of F-.iic.v Pr.-s li.N. I-. u, b as (J oVes. Jm.vi.in Kit-h-va. Si k and 1 1 -1 . - ti.t....l Olovcs; Ladi s Ci.iio: ... . Cbi'.lr. i.'s llos.-. itk Xliis. Ilu. lkci cbii l. Ciu.cis. 1 'ml mi , t.'l S'i jH-ie. liihhois FAN CY PREm LL'I'IOXS. Ilurfle lim-bs. Trinni.u.. Uuiio. s. Reli Rib., clvc l;thl,ns. Urutd. il li Clasps, L idiis" X ck- i-.. F'ucy Li.iiun. I RAPE luLilOX and 1K1MMIV.;- 1 To 1.. .... I ... I . ltr .,.1. '"""i "I ' Swiss t ulu,a ami interiiui,-; XI ilicese Lace Coll urs, Use iinu cii,. Fancy iirus Coit-b,-. tie.ui Prifcc, . Nells, .nd a variety ot oibur aruoics. 1 milulin ifH A LBU 21b I BOOiCs AM) STATJONEKV. B-a ks. Hymn Bunks. Illana Books, Memnrsniuoi B -okt, ph.riis. Pia ku B.ks. Ink S olid.. Feus, Penoils, 4o iil. "Yii avi, t-x. J((Jt riin.DHEX. AH nf wl.lcb bsv been t.leo'td witb ear and will bv Stibl at le Sot.abic ricil. ANNA PAINTER. Bunbury. Aptll n lftdl. 1 V I.'S I sa l'4li' i. 'I'lIF un lersitrned will sail nt private tit. 1 WEN I 'I Y-Sl.Y. TOU X LOTS, tituate in the boioub of ; Sunbury. Tb- has are lo e-1 wiihio a few squares 1 ot ihe P.ril' V Hi's Rail i d Company' Macbtn Sl ops. In Ihe northern pari if the lown- They aie : all sui: able bull. Iinu lots.i P are in thu most pleasant . p irtiou of the borough. They will be sold 011 n-a. , touabl Urtnl. For furih particular apply to . ix.-r.iv n. .assott',, li. u. Ui.s.-fR. KHANOlsUJtCHER, Bunbury. June I. Iia4 Executors, 0. M. Lara. A. N. sAli-a(. impor?e;rsj WINK' A Ml IIQFORS. I.I'.l(t Ac M II.I, ils P. K". IJaBoo'h Nlmb R'te-' -wsa CkeraU aad Wilnus PliU4UeU.-'tlU. Hr , K4 -""sStHt- -f nm,rf lltprisH 41 eiiinna', Cl ITB NOTICE tbM lhy bare ermo'tf lH nr. J rangvnte.witn lb Northern Centrnl RuflennJ .Company id . rnn strains from BallltuoM fir York, llatrhhorg. Itaupbin. Halifax. TroTortrm, SotthnrT, Northumberland, Lmsishnrn, Jiilmn. Muncy. Wll- ininisport, anil mi ruturrJied ate stations, ominec.'in I llarrisbiirit with the OREAT WKSTI-.RN EX PRF.B8 for i'ilteburf', Ciuctonail, th. Loali wvl lh neet. , - - Also with Itowvd Co. Bptes at Milton or Danville. Dlocmsbttrit, Wilkcsbarre, Pittston, Scran ton, and intermediate stations on the Cattnwissn, ' " f liven. Also, ny ll...,r,l Jl (In nil their oiinnectinns. for Canton, Trov, Eluiira, Kochcster. ItutTalo, Ninxara, and lo all accessible points In Western New York nnd Canada, hy which they will forward Merchandise. Specie. Rank Niitea, ti'n '"' ttlu"1'1" fackaes of every descrip- Also. Notes. Prafia and Hills for Collection, hxpnricucrd uu. I nir.,......i i . i . ' "'-.,.,,' uiHrariii, rilllilV'Tr'l. nd every eflort will be uia.le In render f-.!Vf ition. c " , . JOHN UtXOIIAM. Miperiiiten.lent Penn'a Division. Philadelphia A- HSCIILR, Agent fur Sunbury. April 4, Isjtij. J I1 6 J. Arrmisrrtnc-iiisi l.o.. nt' st Vorlt I,fitr. THE CAMDEN AND AM HOY AND P!irLME' P1IIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES.'" From rhilmlrlphia to Xr Vori and l'v Warn, Jrom Walnut xtrrrl Wharf d Kf,,-i,,vi,i D'pot, will Iran at fit'owi, fit ; riRf At 8 A. XI.. via Camden and Aruboy. (C. and n. AccoMinioiiaiion.) At8A..M.,viaCanideuandJurseyCitv N.J , Accommodation, At.vA' M.. via Ct-tnden nnd Jerse Cilv (XfKtnin,!; XI ail.) At 8 A. M., vU Cam ten nnd Jersey atv 21 Class Itcket ' At II A. Xt. via Keu-in0'ton and Jersey cits Express. ' At 12 M. rin Camden and Atnbov, C Mid A. ( Acjotniuu la.ion.) Al 2 P. XI.. vi.Caiulcn au 1 Ambov. ri'. nn I A. Express.) A: 3 P. XI.. via Ken-" .,, M,i j,Tfry CiT H ash. and N.,i . i.:tm At Bl P. XI., via Ki.'1'.iiion and Jtrs.v City, $2 2. 2 2J 2 25 .1 r.C 2 :; 3 00 3 Pt. ' X i)C 3 to 3 CC A: 111 P. XI. via Kensington and Jersey citv li.'Utbetn .Mail. Al l (nihi) vni Kensintou and Jersey ci.v S.'uiiidi-n Lxurcrts At fi P. XI., vi-i' Camden and Amhoy, ,A.v iai- uaidaiiou. Krwiht aad 1 .a'.,r livdl Claits fmket. ---otrd '-'! ii Ticket. 2 31 i : V.'.l V ror "ana uap, .-t, -jiidibr .;. S.-rni "'s.. '"'"at., ureal tirliit, ae.. r: rt tc"!". K'-TV,,"i- V ltl'i. Ltu-l-dwauua an.1 estern Kallroad. ror Xii'i.cu Ci.ut k. A!leni iwn, liitU-hi dele. L,.s:i.ii. Lauib-jra ill-. Kl. i. it. , 1 ' A. XI.. iri.ui Kei..ii,.ci, plpt,. i"jt' .ili'.n ii llliltl s.i e. ti I'lleti A. .Vl. .,i,.n cam".''- rrj'.i Tiainslcir. !-. nl. lot .11 .u.-r: . i. k. ii - frf. t ) 1 a! XI".. 1. 1 ii i.i.-. it i A. .ii . in I 4 p. yj isn Fll'ctio.d. f i j A. XI. ,n l2P.il. ViAi iA ).-'. K-.r liiis-.'.-!. Trem, Ii A. . acl .'j tn 1 ' 1. !. iroci holiilll; I' a p;:!.i yta, l.ll'jl I. iir'.n.o. .fir. .Ic. u'or,. ti.t.tMn, l'i,.-i.,ii'..,i' i. i i P. :.i. F n Xurr Y, r. and W . ., fl. iicpo., take t!:e Lais lit u.. ball an heel 'vet tr- . tl.-u lite P..; . a'.i'l ,,,, .; i.r. iti-tii ilie Lc i-.'i. tii.v Piica.-.' i.i !!.' .-. js.-,.jcr. ;'-l-E":,s-iTS ttie i Hill. st its l',i,ar". '.-ul ,!ti, i t; -n,:'.- o-,, i uu, i iw. i (.. i, i-oii.p.u.y liu.it : ir i , , ,.. 'i.e i'uiiar per miirrl. i..'u ..i u."U 11 i-e-jii i i.Ky. ,,.'..jit i Will. II. Jannsrv !:, lrr'J. cur- at i.. I. v I.i '' -;'nj; Kn ; s'ree. . ai,ovs iurc. TlitlVi ii -1 e;e:li Jk.i.i, ' !-'-'l i"i.-b - i Lulu t'iK-.iy : ; ..i -:- 1 1 i .i ,".i'i. Tti. I, v I-i ;..i -c i-i -i i: i'-. I,- ,'i' ti-' v Ai.i. A. i.t il t MAIihL i r?Ti hT. P:,b-r -::.' .'.;. pa P I 0 s T h'.v l;-..;w. , , i- -isi t M i. : -im - in ui t aits: ' i.jiii.K. f .r. i. In .ju,s. io'itj iiiei i Shan ii .. ; I Pi 'I - In,. '..!. i.T . latest puW-sit. r- ,'t i ai v i, i: . - AL. i-i.'t.VHi, I-i ilsb''. T. r o- V 'r ' i. Cii ftaiij. i.'K'ii; V'i -iL s t v!e ot ;i i A.ri' ,:- '','" V : V . ; .t. 4'. s . . . I Ccnft ction:? y. ana I O H- .tj:i i-.,. i i ;s,; -. ; i' 'NJ'i;i ' VU iS i:.;v TOYS t ;' , I ,-! ; .' r 7 a :-:Tt.y !. .: Vv i,:.-.!-.i;..I.:..i. t r.i . ib'.o prices. II i is m.'r.cf .-:i.r it , -tn keep up a ii '.i - r- .i.c rjiis. Tvlia 'co. So . - ; a vat iei v ,,r .ai , .ru wlwle-ru.ii i.n.i i-.-'.,n. 1 1 :i-: 1 1 .11, 1 1- - mi a i. r. ,.c t I I i.i? '. .I 1.11 xi; 1 . . ."' : .; .! ,1 ..u's Is P.-i t 1 I a i e s: M iiket i'r e, S ti.re M11.I u-y. f f-pi . !: It nil i'j., -T WALL T'Aii. r-i 1 i.i I fifT re-."i!. ,i : 1 . v ' 1 ItlOt) . ' i.VIK .! ; ! 1 1 If I'l-rs. 1 E.-!K.'.I;L2 t- O ti.e M AX1V1H .-1 I. "f 1 Kll.INi A ti I; A NT. 3 inhurv. M-rch I ' 1-.4 HOOTS ANO Jl ST received I'll lit N.'W Y. 11 irc-l. ,1.; 1 l.v ,. ,l.e I-i,'. -r .silo I a and I'lii l il.-s nr. t , ..ele'pl..,.. I .l.e 1st rb-r. in 1 . .. in-do 01 It ma-le !!' lift ell qu-.llty. HI.! warr-.i.ti ,1 tu 1 be U I , ,- tu . ;i",i ll" r I-'- I e-l l arialt'i L ' to nr l band they mi Xlaliuf -Mltr as Usu il. I . I, I,.' I 1 !' t li ml: sl 1 will ,t' -1 nl.,-'. Call "I. I e 111 i and satisj'c .itr.i. I ..le I' ie 0, ;. ! I" 1 Ull. I I" Thaiikiul fi r paiioitii--e herco-h.rc b,-,i ed. bo respect f 1, by euiieiis a cunt i nuance ot :bo s tine. &hop an 1 s-U'ie ri'.-.u". three doois we-t nl the 11 Road in Xlark-1 inre. WM. II. MILLER. Sut.bury. S, 1 1. Hi. ;S.:3. U'AN'TEIi t Mens lv 111 int'di ifle. a J i:r .-loennik rr. on oik tiuo i wsji-s paid JthillAH iMUP. Altoll.lt .l a iiilr.t-.lol' li I Oflice on Sou h -i I, 1 .V nkct street, f ur it,. 11 IS W It ill Ileal, . I s Col.fi i.ej "l i l y si le, ISU iN li U Y, lrA. Will tr, i,d i,m ptly to all iioie-.-ional Lueit t-s en rusie.l in his ere. t!,e c .lice im. or.-l.nun iu Xui Irnu bell I. I and ihe a.ljo'l.in '. ill ,n da -u t nii, in ii ii. i in in and i.t.li h. Siiiibuij. XI -rcl. IS I nil Ti X E Y G 0 0 D S! Two to r- west of Uu.. II. xrilit s Shot tr..re, Sunbnty. Pa. Just opened a truli supply "f I.W iSIMi-IM. hOOlK flueh as Fan sy Pi it 1 riinn.ii.e llandkerch'Ois. I 1 lie-.' Linen iletti s l.iia-u and paaT Collars. Collars ..1 d Sleeci-J. 11 -ir llolh Red. Wl ile and It'uu N'.vk- ie s. llibhors, (. loves I ol la) s at d CutT, Neos. Ilelis. La. e . Ycaol liihhins, .. Coi-sets. Otiakir (ikirrs. I n h. ri elliis. V'kes ,rd Me. v--. I A'su. new s'ylo ol lutisliu lof irritialdl aitt i tf.jtei her wi h S'v.i.-, J ,coto-t and VLiturin Xlasiint Cr ipe Joilars at. t I oils. Wren i.une st.d Lace t i't bo! variety of oihcr arlicl. s tro nt u ,i, u lo rnf ti..n. MAIlt' t. EA4AKES. ,,rt,.. Aor'l lit, 14. TTit. hii .Busir, t'ouuiy hurii jor V l'ut-y iiiirt'r, il'i n'ii. A rt'-'imfirrt.iHtt Cil;,. 7 '"'. Oftioss in Wathinioa township. Eiikkcui3's enu be made by loiter, dtrocted loibe above addre. AU tiwwuew auan.tcd to bit care, will be promptly aiUstMiwd to, A pill 0, lisl.-ly H i: M'K.iM FKI FZK S. A Maw tuppty of Ms '! Fivt-Jkiikrra Fata list, eceivd from KeW Tork. for sale h eoolsury, Uty 11, o U. B. MASSES. : I .JJ-A'j.-. Ji. a...
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers