r mlxni) American. 33EH, Editor Proprietor. I Mil ItV, 1A. mAUGUST 20, 18(14. NAL UNION TICKET. OR PRESIDENT: All AM MACOUf, 0 Illinoii. VICE PRESIDENT: ur.iv .ioii.so, Of Ttunaste. 1 tTnlou Electoral TicUO. SEXATOMAL. Michnrl. riii!.UI.lji. ttuixighnin, Bcdver county. HEPRtStStATlVE. iiig. 1.1 Klins W Hale ontos, 1 I Charles II. bbriurr, m. I. Jnhn Visier. Kern, 11 linvid MTnnmijjIiT, nk, 1" TlaviU V. Woods, " Kuuk, 1; lnac Iteu-ii, (c. 19 .1 o!in Pultun. I..r. 20 Sninni-I I!. Molt. :tnnii. 21 Kvc-rtiiml IIii-i-it, I'uriill, 2? .Mm I. IVnnr. liilu.v, 2:1 KboiR'rr M Juiikln, Ini'.l, 24 John W. IllatK'htird. ,TV l.NIO.N TICKET. I'rr Congress : PACKER, of Sunbury. ecii-'ou uf the Cuufcrevi of the District. For Am -mil I. rOLLMEli, of Turbut. litiistir tf Recorder, ite. SMITH, of Sunbury. F jr Com in ietioner : W NYE, of Delaware. For A utlitor : EA'rER, of Zerbe. t'oi)crlic(nl Joiitniils do not nniiii of Cluimbersluirg by the tlii'y ftxleiivor to jialliute tlic i(u-n i'.owii tliis liiirlmfotis out mnitv, by charitin similar out- oflici-rs nml Koliliera. Tliis is 'he burning of Gov. Lctclicr's rginiri, by nrili-r of Gen. Hunter, cr he fouinl that Leti-licr hail entoura!;i'l rajiiiic, murder, and rlare, upon our people and sol- liijili price of paper nml printing neially, has compelled a nuui (itcii))rnrieg to raise their prices. ui4 advance on paper, already ill leave no alternative, and pub. tty intend to carry on their bu ns well make up their minds at this they must co'.ue at last, if to continue the business. The f the two papers in Doylestown, their prices to $2.30, and if not i the year, to The Reading other papers t-ny they must do ; Official Vote. The official he election in this State on the ave all been received, except Cil Foiest Counties. Thevhole ta- as follows : ic 1st amendment, 190,0.17 t lt " 105.1U3 r the 1st amendment, he 2d amendment, .st 2d r the 2d amendment, he ;kl amendment, i?t od " 01,491 210,111 73.0(50 135,045 207.350 75,812 rthe 3d amendment, 131,744 mties of Cameron and Forest, ii the ollicial returns have not been .re very small, and polled the l'ol :e at the last election, viz : C'urtiu. Woodward. 310 210 40U 274 li.vD. One of our cotemporarics an important article on the sub ui; biead, which is deserving the f all v ho are eompellcci to truuo lirir household expenses. W lieu r h iwvnu-iive to thirty cents per lutoes two dollars u bushel, und Ic.-. nl IiuhI m proportion, it be ii.rl.uit to know 'vvliat possesiffs luinmeut, and is at the same time :.)no,nical. Without doubt, that lin j'i, as the experience of all jnoves. It is the lirst iiud ul i:u food known to the childish ami of which children of a larger Idem tile. A stronger argument I bread could be f.'iveu, than nutu slied longing for it which us the es outs, shows it to be Uutuie's mi-t. As to its nourishing propcr ierted that it contains three tunes meat a- roast beef, live liuu imU of ihmr give to the body .ml of the sulistalicu that make mi t:ie it.tuie ijuautity of brail gives lid and leuty pounds. This -t .in, e i mil: of tile itidi -pelisible i'l tile ll tl I II li it iMidy, mi l in thought i .rud i die id in a gre iter ilegree .n i.Uier fio I. Ai to its economy, i: ll;. eu ras epi ilii e, relativel) , I. iu lit the pre-cut lime, the in- pound ol meal would buy three I I'.oiir or bread, anil those three I bread luriiUlic us much nourish lie t ali r ax nine pounds of good i f. In dollars und cents, three I blind are worth iwciity-rivc cents, i.'.;lnl of bill lllu Hollll two dob t ent live ti-illa -leaving U balulice I Hi ill I'uVur ol the I. Hud. I.t.il Itultl iu lllluuU. An .Ik, Aug. IV TIm rebels, II ll JiiIiiimiii, oliinuttd to Iv l.'iOO i li.ied tlilie uiiii i lit-.ir Mi.i.i , 1 I , on r.it in a.iy iilhl. I lie li4 ,'lo nlid ll!ll (iillle In louring to i, ii. i lit I .r the u-e of the Ion i I ii oiii tin- id. in no r, to pintiit i i ol I, .li. out. Al (lie b.-l tiiioi.uti t .mi Ii 1 1 we i; t lie i at I !e m i o-i 1 1; . I M I f, l l IIOM hUj'pox I ll.ut I III I l.tti 1. 1 I t I !' In lli'l ..l. l. I l VI hi, I Me hull. lie I le- i .i.i : r l'i li ai-1 J"liiiiii, 1 1 1 I i i . 1 1 r i i.i ii i i;ti-i nl rt.i.i'uf I - ii , en , 1 in- sit Kin ii U in I. ii i. J.'ii, iii. -. 1 . i.i l i . t i. ii. i lie, in i.i- I . ' I I ' I I I I'M. I 1 . I I i . I ,. t Oil M j it I . I . I. II II I . I i I . . l 1.1 lii I . ! I i ' I I ' .1. I. . I ' I I I H) Si tl l.ll II. l.l '(., ii Ii I 4 I ll l. 1 1 "III III I Tl. I I. "II. - - - i.i t t V l i'i.' vi r,i ll.iii i ii it 1 f I U h- I n i I t 11.4 1 u I'., nil I i.i Ul. lld I 'n l. Ull 1 , I 11.11 , l.a 11 1 .1.11 .1 I .. 1 A s . 11 11 1 I . I V.S ll' f imhmriummtiHi m niiiim jii km ml. ttfTlIB GOVURNMKKT lOASU. W CU attenliuito the following article from the Ke'f York Examiner, in relation to the new 7 30 Government loan called for by the Se cretary of State. There can be no afcr or better investment tlion this loan afford : The 7-3U UdTrrnmrnl Iob, Many of the advantages of this loan are apparent on their face, but there are others that will be best understood after considera tion. Among them thelc are. Its Absolvte SkcrniTT. Nearly all ac tive credit are now based on Government securities. Hanks of issue and Saving bmiks hold them in large quantities in many cnr.es, more than the entire amount of their capitals and they hold them as tBe very best and strongest investment thev could possibly make. If it were possible to contemplate the tinaiicinl failure of the Gov ernment, no bank would be any better or safer. .Savings B inks already have a large part ol their assets invested in Government t-ccurities. Asa rule they allow but five per cent, interest, and can only pay princi pal or interest in greenbacks or bills of State ll. inks, lor every note or bond held by them and due before the resumption of specie payments is payable in Government legal tender paper; lialiks ot issue antl ills- count can not usk or get liny thing better in payment ol customers notes, anil they pre fer it to all other, for they arc compelled to redeem their own notes iu that paper as the circulating medium next to specie in value. By the is,.mc of this loan the L. S. Treasury becomes a Savings bank for the people. There are none stronger none more solvent and not one that pays so liberally for the lite of money. You may deposit fifty dol lars or fifty thousand. The more you put in, the more you w ill aid and strengthen Government, mid the more valuable will be the rciuuining currency of the coun try. Its Li 111:11 .m. Ixtkrkst. The general rate of interest is six per cent., payable an nually. This is sever and three-tenths, pay able semiannually. If you lend or mort gage, there must be a searching ot titles. lawyers fees, stamp duties and delays, nnd you w ill finally have returned to you only the same kind of money you would receive trim the Government; mul less of it. If you invest in this loan, you have no trouble. If there is no National bank nt hand, any banker will obtain it for jou without charge and pay you the interest coupon at the end of six mouths as a most convenient form of remitsance to his city correspondent. If you wish to borrow ninety cents on the dol lar upon it, you have the highest security in the market to uo it with, lfyou wish to sell, it will bring within a fraction ol cost und interest at any moment. It will be very handy to. have in the house. ItsConvf.iitiuii.ity into a Six run Cunt. Bon . Here comes an advantage that must not bo lost sirht of. At the expiration of tlnee years a holder of the notes of the 7-H0 loan has the option of accepting payment in full or of funding his notes in a six percent, gold interesrboiid, the principal payable in not less (linn five nor more than twenty vears from its dale ns the Government mav elect. For six months past, these bonds have rangeiat nn average premium of about eight per cent, in the New York market, and have sold at 100 to-day (July 28). Be fore the war, L. S. six per cent, stocks sold nt n mucli higher rate ami were once brought by the U. S. Treasury under spe cial net of Congress at a premium of not Uess tbiuwcj)ty per cent. There is uo doubt nun, mki opium 01 conversion is norm at least two or three per cent, per annum to the subscriber to the loan, thus increasing, the actual rate of interest to about teu per cent. Notes of the tame class issued three years ago, are now selling at a premium that fully proves the correctness of this state ment. Its Exemption fiiom State on Mrxici p.M. Taxation. But aside from all the ad vantages we have enumerated, a special Act of Congress exempts all bonds and Treasury notes from local taxation. On the average this cxemtiou in various parts of the coun try. Can greater inducements be asked for than those we have enumerated.' The Secretary of the Treasury has been told that he must "!'iy mum 1 at the highest rate necessary toconiniand it; that he should Sell his obligations "for what they would bring," so as to lend the market; but the Secretary w ill do no such thing. If Shy lock bought bonds at DO in August, he would demand a concession of another ten pre cent, in September, and twenty in Oc tober, until he would finally oiler to lend only the interest and keep the principal. If Government securities aie worth un thing they are richly worth all their face calls for ill gold, the country is not so poor in spirit or in purse as to submit to any sucji sacri fice as Shylock demands. There is but a limited supply of money seekiuj; investment at any time, and the Government otters to j 1:1 11.. 1' 4. .1... ...... ... jiiij duelling 101 11s use. ii me line 01 seven and three-tenths per cent, per annum, to say nothing of the collateral advantages, it is the strongest borrower iu the market, and every feeling of interest, as well us patriotism und duty, should induce our readers to invest in its loans. mnwi 11 '1 lie Indian War, I.UAVKNWOUTll, Aug'. 13. The Atchison I'rcss has news from Little Blue, that the Indians, on Sunday last, com meneed 1111 indiscriminate HKirder of the whites in that section of the stage route. The station keepers and settlers were all leaving, and the Overland Mail couches had stopped running. , Sr. I.oi-is, Aug. 13. A dispatch from l'mt Lcuvciisuoith to the IK iimi-rat as the Indian outrages con tinue in Northern Kansas. The people in ill.. II. t I'l 1 1 1,-., I .1 K',1,,,1 I,...'.. 1....... m .lend, their cro.w.l.'.l.ov,.! n,l ll,..iT- ..... L ! ",14,,; ,"t" u,v VrS"u,"'li .1..:.. .. .1- J tllU lUst IlllltU 1111. The evidence accumulates to sho-iv that all or nearly all the tribes 011 the plains are bunded together fi'T War. Gen. Blunt has issued orders that uo nuns or uiiiuninitioii shall be sold to tlii io, and notified ull otli cers having authority with the Indians not to allow Ihem lo leave their lesel vutions lor the W e t, and ill it such act will be taken as u proof uf their hostslity, mid tlcated tie- j coriliiigi . 1 l.l an i ssuiun 11, August l'V The KoWn- tah l uioil ol the 2d .i everything ill the nature of 1 rops in tuo Missouri Valley, from Fori i'ieire to Siuux City, hut lnu ruined III the shut sp.iei: of two il.n s bv gru-dinp-pir. and thai the kilppl) nf l.iu.'l must bv imported lor the uI'M-.ti nrc of ihu people iliuing the ensuing w-ur. Uruuil It i itl l MvfuuL. Lm iv 11.1 1:, Augut 11. W'f hum I'l. nil an ollhir of Ihu 2d linli. iii4 l .iv.iliy lli.il in Ihu l.i'o laid M l'oi.k 1 1 uti il mil llh 2,'.'I0 men, iiilui ly lu.le 1 1 11 Ii nt i f Sloiii 111 111 , uplan d ordiatroyed l,iin viiigous, our 11,11110 mult und hoii, a iml uini. i.ul i luitiiiiuiu.lir' stun and 1 1 o.i..i.-.i) l..ii; ili-.tro)cd llm railroad und Ii Ii i.ipll al llaliuilto, mi l bolli ,, l I I ..Hi; J .J , UU,,, .,ilt, I.IMMJ p unit, of v Ii u It imiiiUr 7'J Mere coin li.i ill .1 Hill l l, lilt 1 111 till; I11IHI4I (o 1.1. I .1. 1 1 i t ! I'iIii.kmu l.iii.le. Ml .'i mi mi. mil. I.- I iu4i .Ntwiiun by h. Ii r, It' d l) , J 11 L. 'ii uii l u luUiitij il.vu.i-ii, lb linl ulioi.l jiio uiiu, and ltd lit k ,I4.Ij!U. - A vnik U Ju.l 11. il, pul.ll.l.id III I i ll. I, u, mi III lil-l "IV il U11. hi. In kiiinii lb li.alli 11, (ill 1. 111 d ly II uiiu t lliii!m I'lUtl, 1 kt II Mllli I It ! MM. MI 11(41) ll 414 III ll ll llll of lllU.Nl 'lk lllll M ll "Hill ,1 ll ll.k i f I o(ltliitJU ' 14 Mrf ! OUtclul ltrport of Admiral l'nrra Wahhihotos, August 19. The following official dispatch has been received by the Navy Department: Flao Ship IIaktkohd, ) Mobilk Bat, August 13, 1S04. j Sin : I have the honor to report to the Department that this morning I entered Mobile Buy, passing between Forts Morgan and Gaines, and encountering the rebel ram Tennessee, and the rebel gunboats Sclma, Morgan and Gaines. The attacking licet was under way by 5.43 A. M., iui'the billowing order: Brooklyn, with the Octoraro on the port side; Hart ford, with the Meta Comet ; Richmond with the Tort Royal ; Lackawanna with the Sem inole ; Monoguiicla with the Kennebec; Os sippee with the Itasca, and the Oneida with the Galena. On the starboard of the fleet w ;TS the pro per position of the monitors or iron elads. The wind was light from the south-west, nud the sky was cloudy w ith very little sun. Fort Morgan opened upon us at ten minutes past seven, and soon ufter this the action became lively. As we steamed up the main ship channel there was some difficulty ahead, and the Hartford passed on ahead of the Brooklyn. At 40 minutes past seveu the monitor Te cum sell was st l in k by a torpedo and sunk, going dow n very rapidly, and cariying with her ull her officers and crew, with the excep tion of the pilot nml eight men, who were saved by a boat that I sent from the Meta Comet along-side of inc. The Hartford had passed the forts before eight o'clock, and finding myself waked by the rebel gunboats, I orucrcd the Meta Co met to cast oil' and go in pursuit of them one of which, the Sclma, she suiceeded in rupturing. All the vessels had passed the fort by half past eight o'clock, but the rebel ram Tenn essee was still apparently uninjured in our rear. Signal was at once made to all the fleet to turn again and attack the ram, not only with guns, but with orders to run he down at full speed. The Mouongahela was the first that struck her. Though she may have injured her badly, it did not succeed in dis abling her. The I.ackawana also struck her but ineffectually, and the Ihigship gave her a severe shock with her bow, ami as she passed poured her w hole port broadside into her solid nine . inch shot and thirteen pounds of powder, at a distance of not more than teu feet. The iron cluds were closini: upon her and the Hartford und the rest of the licet were bearing down upon her, when, lit 1 0 a. m., she surrendered. The rest of the rebel licet, viz: the Mor gan und Gaines, succeeded in getting back under the protection of Fort Moigan. This terminated the action of the day. Admiral Buchanan sent his sword, being himself badly wounded with a compound fracture of the leg, which it is supposed will have to be amputated. Having had many of my men wounded, and the surgeon of the Tennessee being very desirous to have Admiral Buchanan removed to a hos pital, 1 sent a flag of truce to the command ing officer of Fort Morgan, Brigadier Rich ard L. l'age, to say that if lie would allow the wounded of the licet as well as their own to bo taken to I'cnsucoln. where they could be better cared for than here, 1 would send out one of our vessels, provided she would be permitted to return, bringing bark no thing that she-did not take out. Gen. 1'age consented, uud the Meta Comet was des patched. . The list of casualties on-our part, as far a? nscerlaiued, lire as followf: Flagship Hartford, killed l!, wounded 5J:J; Brooklyn, killed tl, wounded 22 ; Oneida, hilled" 7, wounded 23 ; Mouongahela, wounded. C ; Meta Comet, killed 1, wounded 2; Ossippee, killed 1, wounded 7 ; Galena, wounded 1; Richmond, wounded 2. In nil, killed 41; wounded 83. On the rebel ram Tennessee there were raptured 20 officers and about 100 men. The tollowing is a list of the officers: Ad miral F. Buchanan ; Commander .lames I). Ji hii'ou ; l.icuts. Wm. L. Bradford, A. D. Wharton, K. McEcnatt ; Masters .). R. De nial iy, W. II. Benin ; Fleet Surgeon, R. C. Bowles; Engineers, G. 1). Lining, .1. A. Council, Johu Hayes, O. Benson; W. B. l'altcrson; l'ay master's Ckrk, J. A. Cohen; Masters Mates, Forest, Beebe and Carter. Oil the Selina were taken about ninety officers and men. Of the officers, I have only heard the names of two, viz.: Com mander t'eter II. Murphy und Lieutenant Executive Officer II. Comstock, who was killed. 1 will send a detailed dispatch by the first opportunity. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Signed. D. G. FA BRAG IT, Rear Admiral, Comd g. U . G. 15. Squadron, To Hon. Gidkhn 1:1.1. i:s, eeretary of the Navy. THE LATEST. Advices from Faring m's licet may be summed up us follows : Fort Gaines has surrendered. Fort I'owell was blown up by the rebels. This was at Grand l'uss, ut the opposite end of Daupluu lslaud, limn where the light oceuircd. A report through rebel sources says that Ileauregarp, wilh 20,000 men, hus beeu sent to Atlanta. All the Texas ratt-t, Biownsville included, has Ir-cii evacuated, with the cxceptiou ol Brazos Island. A small force is lett there. Gen. 1U 1 ron has arrived, und his forces arc here, goiug into camp above the city. The rebels here are gi eui'y excited "over the Mobile news. l'olitie is becoming interesting. The free und ihu clubs ot cainpuii'ii ute Um revived. There is no doubt about the rulitirutiou of the new Constitution by the people, Tlio city is full of people, notwithstand ing large numbers have Kit for Northern wutering places. I he Mobile News of the 5ih bouH of the hanging ol two colored soldier! and acot ton speculator, near ieksbuig, by W liltlU kit's gill I'lllui. A number more of tho I'nion lieeully i xehunged have united. .Ntw ViiKK, Augu-it 11. New Oih'iins papers of the 7th inst. huvo lull dctulU id Fuimgui's movements. Tliu H iitiord, wild the admiral on board. Umiicd up to Foil Moigan, delivering such it tiicic-sioii of broudddct ai i-lleilually Mli 1. led nil the libel jjum and water batle riet. The monitors ut ihu s.iiun time eugigi-d the lelnl Mm Ti nuei.ie, the latter lulling in c el 11I ttllciupW to run dovtll our VukM'U. Finally, our monitor closed Willi tier, and the wtiMliiincd bv Ihu MoliongiiheU, l.i k wauiiii, un l II ii'tford. A lh llaitloid l ulu, ,, ,,, i r tllt Mii.iioiiul, dl uu tile t.iiiui p. ill!,. lie 1-lMlld, collided wiiu ihu I Untold, l oo Tciiiium- liicu lau ut white rluj. M10 o. I but three linn, and Fan i"nl pro. .ably uiii lu f at Hint l h't tin I, the 11. 'I I1I114 (;riatljr ilaili'yed. 'Ihu Tti 11 him h, tuiiH by tolpvdu, il 1 llioiiilhl I4U In lil...!. Old) Uu of ln-r iliw 411 ki.o.i to be taVnl. I ho 'iui. ha I 4 li b ttploile.l In I,, r U. ( 1, n a!. Iii. 4 Hull) 1 I le r 1111 11. Initial II111I1111411 l tint 1 Ihi Ii d to lite l.li ill, I ihii.Um It, nun. IM-iU luiiJ lliu IvUI tjunl'.ial rliu4, Mat kll Ud, ill Hi ally Itll hit int. Iliu ,..t uu Ihu ll.ni. r I 4t 31 ll!li. Hi ii ttuiiulw I I I'd lolal !' u Hi kio.vi I ii. nan It , it. I elm,; t apt liana tut lotliwat i.J lUii i.uni. Ii I 'll 'i-4i.i I tt bl'itil Up ul Hit) U'J.I i.( ll till, I' l I r I is s'.j it . on Ut l fit v. piui'iurs at the fort. All of our floct ura Inside o the rebel obstructions, and would wove for Dog-river immediately. An OfU --" thilntcxaeiU, We are indebted to tlie court ry of an ofR ccr of the navy, who Ttitoesaed the naval engagement in Mabile Lay, on Friday lost, for the following interceding punioulars t Between 7 and 8 o'clock on that morning the fleet moved in the following order Four monitors and fourteen wooden vesauls, the Tecuniseh leading the fcrnicr Hid the Hartford (riagahip of Adinin.l Forrtigut the latter, advanced. The monilors were tie Tecnmseh, Manhattan, Whinel spo ecd Chickasaw. The wooden vosjj lollovred in Paris. The tcIkI ram, the Tennrscc, ncrl pan boats Sclma, Morgan, nnd Gaines, were ly ing in wait under the guns id" Fort Morgan, reudy to attack the Federal fleet as it ap proached. It opened upon them with grape and canister the Hartford and other vessels villi such severity that nothing could with stand the force of the terrific attack. The gunners of Fort Morgan, in the mean time, were driven from their guns, so fierce was the fire from the Federal fleet. The Turuniseh, iu passing tho fort, was blown, up by the explosion of a torpedo. The captain and all on board, with the cx ceptiou of ten. sank with her. The Coufed federatc ram TenneKee. alter first attacking the fleet, as it ndva-d, seemed to return for shelter under the guns of Fort Morgan; but, after the fleet had proceeded some dis tance up the bay, stood toward them, n if to give battle ; whereupon the Hartford, the Monitors, and the wooden vessels on the fleet, stood for her, and a most terrible en gagement commenced. The Tcnmssee was rammed by the Hartford, the Lackawanna and the Mouongahela the Lackawanna striking her under full headway, and all the vessels delivering a heavy fire at the same instant. The maiihattan, liic.mttme, put one solid 13-inch shot ut her, w hich pene trated her armor through and through, and lodged on the opposite side. Admiral Farr.igut, during the engagement was stationed in the maintop, where he had lashed himself in case he should receive a wound, commntiicaling his orders below through speaking tubes. Altera most de temined and gallant engagement, the Ten nessee showed a white flag a a token of surrender. An officer of the Federal fleet than boarded the Tennessee and demanded the sw ord of Admiral Buchanan, which that officer surrendered, nnd it was taken on board the flagship. The Confederate Admi ral was wounded severely, and will probab ly hare to suffer the amputation .f a leg. The confederate gunboat Selma. in the meanwhile, retreated up the bay, nnd was followed by the MctacoincT, Lieut. Com mander .Tcwctt. and I'ort Royal, Lieut. Com mander Ghitardi. The Sclma surrendered to Lieut. Jewttt. The two other rebel gun boats. Morgan and Gaines, tnok refit-jc un der the guns of Foit morgan, and (say s our in formant) would probably be captured iu tho course of yesterday. The I'. S. Monitor Chickasow, Lieut. -Commanding 1'erkins steered gallantly up to Fort Powell, and took in tow a steam barge from immediately under the guns of the i'ort. After taking the barge, "out of range; she returned and pelted life fort vigorously for half an hour w ith 11-ineh shell. Fort Powell was finally evacuated, nnd at It o'clock at night was blown up by the rebels. Of course, as the rebei vessels concentra ted their fire principally upon her,.she suf fered Ike greatest loss. The total Federal loss, including that of the Tccumseh, which was blown up by the torpedo and sunk, in killed, wouudcel and inissiiiir, was about 210. On the Ti'iir.cssee there were twenty offi cers and aboul 120 men Admiral Buchanan commanding. Among the officers beside were ("apt. loiisttn and l.icuts. Bradford and Wharton. I.cltor from an Otliccr ou Hoard I Uc utiUoiit I'orl Kim ill. The follow ing account is furnished us by A. C. Sterrctt, who was ou ill" gunboat Port Itoy al at the time of the fight : Fiuoav, Aug. 7. The thet, eoi.-i-iing of the Hartford. Brooklyn, Richun rd. Laeka wanna, Ossipec. Monong.ihela. Oneida. Ga lena. Port Royal, Mi taeoinet, Oeloraia. Se minole, Itasca, and the monitors Tccumseh, Manhattan, Chickasaw and Winnebaiio, and the Admiral's steam barge Loy al, got under way at the anchorage oil' the entrance to Mobile bay at sunrise, the Monitors in ad vance ami the wooden Vessels going together ill pairs, the flagship taking the h ad. When v ith':n poiut-blaiik range of Fort Morgan the vessels ahead were slowed down to ill :d !e the line to close up, und nt this time the fort and rebel vessels opened lire mi the fleet, which was returned from the one hundred-pounder Parrotls placed on the bows of our vessels in advance. The Admiral wailed until directly ubre.ist of Foit Morgan, w hen he deliveud a suc cession of broadsides from the 0 inch guns of the llartlord with such pneisioii and galling effect that the rebels were driven away from their guns, and the water buttery and foit were sileiu-ed. At this time the Monitor cngai;id the rebel iron clad lain I'liini ssee. w hii h was discovered lying iu position to advance on our noble Ael.iiiral. At this inonitul the monitor Tccumseh struck a torpedo, and was seen lo rise and disappear beneath the water almost instant ly. The tiling now became terrific, and the licet, although steaming ahead ut lull rate of speed, was complete ly envi loped ill flame und unlike. The rebel ram made several attempts to run our passing vessels down, but failed to do so, nud in the midst of all this this a bout was lowered from the- Meta conu t to pick up the tui vivi rs of our ill fated monitor, ll was a beautiful uud ap palling sight to wit 114 -s this boat rowing around on its sacred luis-iou to r.: cue our drowning men, with its be-.mtifu! flag flow ing to the bri-e.e, and the missiles of death uinl destruction striking und ricochclling ull around it. But the gallant ol'ticir inn ilisign, whose n.nue I forget) heedlessly kepi otl his way, and siueeedtil in risctiing the pilot, one of the olliceis, and three Uiiii, be longing In the TeCllinseh. itli the exception of tho Monitor, our fleet had bv llils time tueeevded in nain,. j Foil Morgan, only to U subjected lo a gal ; bug, raking lire iioln the threu libel guu- Iiinil--Fellll4 .Morgan Ulul I ml lies. Our VVNtcU, which were til Hied together in puirt, were now cast oil', and the cuguge liuiit hi i uniu general, whit ll ill .hurt lime rcaulled ill driving the rum mul two gnu boats under the guut ol Foil Morgan, wlu.e the N liua attained lip I he bay, Willi the in dent Uitt'UlitiU ol'cacupiii to Mobile, Alter it ilia-xi o uUiUl forty minute thu fK.u.a hauled down her flag In Captain Jmrilt, ol tliu Mt Uiiiuiet. Uu Ixiai ding bar the can it her surrender u ao.m p pal en I - ihu decks Wero i.iViicd willl the ele. mid iy my, mid In r tiuppcrt mere csm.i.ig wuii their blood. Auiouk oilier 1 Keoguui.l Ihu body ot l.li nil Haul Loluoik, Willi Ida Uitttla lulu nut uud Ijlll, tv Iiiai Ihu bleaeh ol KUU, Uii ll liu i tuj) av.nl in tililoij III ihu lllliu u hit ilvalh. liu uniu Uloiil ml In our Ua). I uiutli Imt adi.pialu loihill. Ihu t.iul aUlliiig eliielt Mlneli Willi up lioiu Ihu lliloalt 1. 1 i. hi l i nu lalt, mil v at In tehoe.l linlii ode Viaml In 411 otliel all lloouU liu, liriil lw I'l.ual, and unl I iiu, U"l .u A biiiitl hit 1 vi lil bib l III lint lil.l thai In liui'l; 1 I "in .1 hi all. lid MuO'Uu thlpt It 4 ti.lli.il 1 no. l '.nit Iliu.-, tthliti nut ikil, .lli 1 14 tvill"lii, till Villi III I'.illiif 1.1, I U nl li III ! I'm I 4.1, Iu I l.l. nil. ill. u t I oil I'oitiH, tn I 1.1.I . I I n .,, I ij 'I iu j; -.(.I, li t lain 1 . 1. l.l .iv i. . v 1 I .ti.. . ,l ! I ,mU -u Tlin Monitors tloseel wilh her when in range, and one of the most inlen-stii'i; naval engagements of the war sueeeeiled, and we, in the smaller wooiten vessels, were the spectators. A light of tome minutes ensued, when Admiral Furrngut, anxious to close the en gagement in summary manner, started to ward the Tennessee at lull speed ; at the same time Captain Strong, in the Monoiiga hcla, struck (he Tennessee Minidships, und withdrew iu time to give room to our Ad miral to grapple bis antagonist, Buchanan. When the smoke cleared away from the two vetnrls a while flag was seen to wave from the Tennessee's pilot house, in token ol sub mission, and Captain Jernud, w ho went In as a volunteer, on the Ossipee, ns a repre sentative of Admiral Furragut, reeeiveel the sword of Admiral Buchanan, and that terri ble engine of destruction w as ours, although gained at a great loss of life. Our Kiss iu this light is about two hun dred nnd forty wounded, including the brave dipt. Craven, of the Monitor, and one hundred of his crew, w ho went down with him. Admiral Buchanan, of the Ten nessee, was shot through the leg, below the knee1, and the leg will have to be amputated. Fort Powell, in Grant's Pass, was blown up last night after dark, and Fort Gaines will soon follow. The rebel gunboats, which sought protection under the guns of Morgan, will be destroyed or captured by out Monitors to-day, and the investment und capture of Morgan must follow. We have, by this great vicloiy, effectually closed the port ot Mobile, nnel its capture is only a ipu-stion of time, and Admiral Farra gut and the gallant olliceis nnd men under his command have established another claim to the admiration and respect of their coun trymen und those who love liberty. Olliclal Kvpot-l l" I'm- Sun-ciidcr !' I'ort 4itincH. Washington, Aug, Hi 10. 110 a. xi. 7i M:i 'rr Unit ml lLr. Sew Yurie: The follow ing official report of the sur render of Fort Gaines, and Ihu abandonment of Fort Powell, dated August 0th ut New Orleans, hus be'eil received by Major General Cilliby ; "Fort Gaines, with oil commissioned offi cers and SIS enlisted men, with the arma ment of 20 guns intact, and provisions for twelve months, has surrendered uncondition ally. It was occupied by our forces ut b o'clock yesterday inornimf. "Fort Powell was abainlitied, its garrison escaping to (.'eder Point. lis aimamcnt of IS guns is in condition for immediate ser v ice. "General Granger will iinnieeliately invest Fort Morgan, having ganisons iu VotS Gaines mul Powell." A telegram from General Sheridan's cain maiid. dated Aug. 14, ut Ceder Creek, was received this morning. It states that ex cept Moschy and White's guerrillas, there is no enemy tliis side of the Blue Bridge; that Sheridan's trains are all up, nud his army in line condition. Gen. Shci idan, iu a despatch of the litis inst. reports that the s'oie-of plunder tnken by the rebels from Maryland me nil a hum bug. They have very lit lie, just enough to snt.sist upon, aim no mole, most of which bus belli taken from t lie Slieuuin Imih Valley. In another despatch, of August 12th, he says Gen. Early's train is a ve ry small one. Hot exceeding 230 gnn-, uinl the stories about accumulated plunder ti'otn Maryland toe unl rue. The Department has r.ceiveil an unofficial leport from Fortress Monroe, tlmt move ments wcic being made yestirday in front of Petersburg, but owing to the' telegraph line being broken, no inioiinatioii has been received limn that quarter. '1 he lU'paitmi nt is w ithout any receiK intelligence from Atlanta. The rebel papers li ceived lure say noth about Mobile, tii.ee the ciiptuie ol Fi.rt Gaines. lgned) EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of H nr. The Keyspiirt took elown from Bermuda I Hundred to Fort Monroe over one hundred I prisoners from this fight, about forty of w horn claim to be deserters. There was but little fighting done by Hancock accomplish ing his end by skillful nuinoeuveriug unel a surprise, ahd conseiiueiitly our loss was small, it being estimated at less than one hundred. Previous to the movement up the river, the troops were placed on trans ports and moved down ostensibly to below Harrison's Landing, thus completely deceiv ing the rebels, who alone supposed the siege of Petersburg nnd Richmond Was being raised. L'ndcr cover ot the night the troops were turned up the liver again, and the re sult was a complete surprise of the enemy. Our troops have now pained, it is said, an important position within two miles of Fort Dulling. SHERMAN ARMY. BATTLE OF THREE HOURS' AND A HALF DURATION. Itclicl I,omi from 0,000 to 7,000. CAPTURE OF 1500 TO 2000 STAND OF ABMS AMD 5 BATTLE FLAGS. OIK LOSS 11 1 T S7-i 71 1: . OFFICIAL 11EFOUT OF GEX. LQGAX A Bi.abt ofWah. It wnsagptiuii'r blurt of war that was experienced at Petersburg on Xiiturduy, when General Grant sprung lis pi mm iniiic nun seiu guns, men, iX e'., Hying half a mile into tho air. And w hen the grand refrain sung from the throats of M.u mni'iii-ii nun in-cniv great g'.nu. all blazing at once nlong the' Union lines ! This was, indeed, war, earnest, dramatic, war ! In tho meantime, Rockhill & Wilson, tho proprietors of tin; Brown Stone Clothing Hall, Nns.OOUandOOj Chesnut Ftreet, above Sixth, continue to manufacture the most elegant and comfortabl- vrenriiig apparel for lor gentlemen and youths. Ki!ir, JO Hiittrr, 3d Tullow, 11 I.nnl, li IV.rk, lfl Union, IS) Hum. 2d Shoulder, 231 FROM GHANTS ARMY. B.VI.TIMOIU-., Aug. 10. The A,u. ri,-tiit publishes the billoiving: Bi.iiMil.v Hi .-.mil. i, Aug. II. esiei ilay toe lolil lii-t., liu- 2d cmp- 1 1 lineoek's 1 Were going oil I 0,11 11 transput is al t. ity Point all day. apparently lm- n-iiingioii, and stul U-il don 11 l he 1 ivi t, tlie nanus playing gully. Ol loiilse rebels were wa'.eliilig il'oin the shore uinl no douot kit much interested in the movement. The triiiispoitViiid certainly go down the river fur ten miles or more, wiun, however, tlie-y suilue nly put about, and under cover ol ilaikne-s n tun. eil. coming up by this point under full spied at 10 i M., and pro ceeded up the livir. Al the s.iioe lime the loth coips, with the urmiciy ol l lie- g corps, wen- crossing lo the in 1 1 .1 sii;e ! J 1 uu s 11 v it, un, I tiny vv e re all hiinleil Up tue iimi nitiuii i'J miles ol Hieiiiuont tic.uie lliivc o'eioeiv this luoiu ing. 1 his, wilh Gen. l-'osui's, makes ipiite a lespiet.il'ie ui'iny. ll Is uii.ieislooil lll.tl I lie if hist inove uiil be lo ihstroy, it possi ble, the rebel ptiia.ion tiiilge uiiove Fort Darin. g. I hus iar all Hoiks well. Musketry firing was he;.:d in I Ut- direc tion ol th;- n.ovi nu nt this i.ii iiiing. If tin y si, 1 e. nl in e i.t,i,.K uie ooulooits Lee woi.iii I e i.iuil .e to en is- i.i- uiiu v to I he luiri h s. li. ot toe .1 .01.1 ;,'.ir, eci pi l t marching by i,e. ol M.,nei.i M, .imle I l.a 11 twenty 11.1. is. M'H.L I.ATLR. Four .Mu.Miui:, Aug. l.Y The Hospital sti aim r Hero, of New Jer sey, I 'apt. Ilaneoi k, allivtil liuiii Deep Bot tom, 011 Juim s lilil, tills atteltiooii with one hundred liit u, w lio were weHiinleel ill the light yestiTiiay niter lauding on the liortu siile. They belong in the liuiii army corps, and the following ollie-eis uie union" tho number, vu : l aptaiit . E. Mapcs, 2ltll New loik; Lielitiiiant Rlchultl Pick inter, loth Pctiiisy Iv ulna ; Lieutenant G. 11. Blown, loth l oiiiicTlicul ; t iipl.iiii J.iin.s M. Miiiiii, loiuh New tork; l.l. uli n.uit L. II. Fullehild, lull I . S. Guli. lid, sun stroke , Lieutenant J. . M.uisiir, Ulh I oloiid ; Lieut 1'. M. David, 2.1 fvuilh l aroliiiu, re Ul pit toiler; .Major C. I". Raid 111, 1 1 1 tl Maine ; Cuptuiu VA 111. Saline, lllh Maine; liu pi. ml A. M. Pender, I Ith .Mume. 'the Hun bi'oughl uwuy ull ll.e wiiiinded ol I he 1 "till liups up o j u'cluek, yesUnlay ulteiiiiion. Artillery and luuskiliy tiring has I vi 11 ki pt lip ull day , iil.il tliil tulilaiUnl W In 11 ur inloiiii.iiii hit. Our Ion i iliuve in the I.i rl piikila ear ly 011 Nliii.l iy ii.uiiiilig, mill dtiiing Hie day h id aiiiei 1 in il in 1 i,riy 111 t wo Hin t ol Iliu nu my a em Hi "i k, Uu one bung only ubuul nine Inilia H un I... lm. nnd. I he o 111 the ;oi li .11 in , 1 i.i pa Ii4 to f ir bunvily auiill. lm, I.i 1. , I a. nl Mia.lu Ul eoilli.iliiluir; 111 pi I.. 111. I. VI t it. Tliv I114II I 1.4I Iviyipull hut 111 1 ivt d fioin ( il) I'.'liil, ami h it on I . ai I I U0 ubil pu a. .111 1 1, 1 .ipl uu il ttiiui. Uu Uiiiiu.hit uf ye.Ui.liy. Hi al ii t the t 4(1 h Wui kt l..j luli. 1) uur lull 1 a ji.lil.lii, tt U'i 1 ij.luii.l i.iu l li fy , that Im.Iv H" ll cm n,i Mulklu 1.11 Ihu 1.1114! I.ml.'l. i. 4II1.1I1.I to lll!i. !..., Au,;..l III (hi. In l.l Unl kiyp'.(l u ;i..iia liu in..,, 11., 1,1 i, 1 n ,'. l..lli. II, u J 'in III, t ul, fc, 'UI.I4) l.il.l II ...lU.I III lit' lull. 14 u l.l.t ul . I I. , k t iK.lih ti .0, ii l Il.t l .plu.t i uiil Anil pil.iu.llt til ttltM j ult. I hi. j. .i.i..ii i.t,i,t,l .) t!.( .biiuj i 1. . lo Utit I 101 til ii.gt in.i , 41,. I la i,,,a ' ' I ' !:( ir t j . n , ,,t V; l'j 'm , AVasiiincton, August 17. The follow ing report from Gen. Logan has been received ut headquarters : IllIAlHjVAl'.TEltB OK TUB loTIl A 11 MY Coin's, iikkouk Atlanta, Ji i.v 2'J. Coi.onki. : I have the honor to report that in pursuance of ordersj moved my com mand in position on the right of the.1 ith Army Corps, which was the extreme right of the army in the field, on the night and morning oi'the 27th and 2Sth inst., and du ring my advance iu line of battle to a more desirable position, we were met by the rebel infantry from Hardee and Lee's corps, who made a desperate and determined attack ut 11 o'clock a. M. on the 2Sth. My lines were only protected by logs and rails hastily throw n in front of tin 111. The first onset win received and checked, und the buttle commenced, und lasted until ubotit three o'clock in the evening. During that time six sineissive charges j were made, which were six times gallantly j rep"!s-d, each time with fearlul loss to the j enemy. ( Later in the evening my lines were j several times assaulted vigorously, but each j time with a like result. , The most oi'the lighting occuried on Gens. ' Harrow and Smith's, fronts. wl'i-li formed the centre and right of the command. ' The troops could not have displayed more , dating, nor greater deterininat ion not to yield. Had thev shown h ss thev would i have been driven from their position. ; j Bi id.gail'er Gen?al. Waul. Sniilh and, I Harrow, Division Comnianile:s, uie entitled ! , to eipi d credit for their gallant conduct ami 1 skill in repelling the assaults. ! My thanks are due to Major f-ienerals ' Blair and Dodge for sending hie reinforce 1 mi nts at a time. when they were much need j ed. .My loses were .10 killed, .W.t wounded, i und "IS ini-sing in the aggregate 572 men. The elivi-ion ot .General Harrow'- captured ! live battle flags. There were nboiit tiltei n I hundred or two thousand muskets captured. ! One hundred and six prisioners Were Cup- ! tui'cd, exclusive of seventy three wounded.; I who have been removed to the hospitals und : j are being taken care of by our surgeons. I Five hundred and sixty live rebels, up to I this time, have been buried, and about two ! hundred are supposed to be yet unhurried. I A large number were uii.Ioul.te.oy carried , j uwuy during the night, as the enemy did I not will. draw tint i i nenrly daylight. ' The enemy "b loss could not have been less. Hi my jluL.i incut, than 0,l'l!U or i,UUU. 1 am very n speefull v. Your ui'ieilieiit servant, .I11IIN A. LOGAN, Major Gen. Cbiiii.iaii.Itug l it li Ann;. Corps. i;:aii;I ai.'i 1:11s A i.m V Ti.nm-.h-i.i., f Atlas i v. Ga., Ji i.v 2.i;h. " 'Ji l.if'l. ("... Wm il. .l.v(Vf A'i't Hen In for iv aiding the w ithin report. I wish to express my hiidi gr.,!i'ie..;ioii wilh the conduct ol the troops engaged. 1 iiiVers .u belter colidliel ill biitltle. 'I he Gei, 1 ml ei'liim nliiling the t: i'l e cut 11 army imps' though lil and nuu-.i worn, wis iiuti f.iligable, aim the snci e-s i f the day is as much attributable to him us to any one num. His ollieers, uud in fact all liu- olliceis of this army that coniiiiamli d my observa tion, cooperated promptly and hearlily v. ith him. O. O. HOWARD, Major General. The editor of the Christian Apologist, oigiiu of Gt rnian Methodism, gives 11 re tro peetive view ofthe German work, li mil w hu h it appi ars tint t lie present number of German itinerant preachers, exclusive of Germany and t'a'ufi n.ia, is 2')2, with a tin in I -t iship of 22.''SS. It is the significant fact that Ihe Apoiugi-t his year was 21,:i;u cipial to nearly one copy joreaeh mem ber. " " . Sliimioltiit i'oiil 'I'l-ailc. iimi.kix, August 17. Isiil. . 7'iv. Cirt. Seal fur week cutling Auul I J, 7.4jii (lei 1'or last refjuri, 171 sih id 31 AKKIAU i; H . On the 7th inst., by Rev. W. C. Creamer. Mr. William F. Giiant and Miss Lypia V LT.rKit, all of Sunbury. On the 4th iiift., I y Rev. J.F. Porter. Mr. Joski'ii PnM mkii und Miss Dlxiaii E. Besb t'OTKH, all of Ttcvorton. Pa. BUNBUBY MARKET. Hour, II 5n Wheat, 2 15 a 2 25 llye, 100 Cum, l&u Ontu, fill lini-kwhrat, 100 KlnxseeJ, ti 50 ClovcTJecd, 7 00 xNl;:WAI)YERTISEMEyiiS.. .ollco to Slilppci'it ly the .orllici-it 4'ciili-iil ICnilvt nr. IX soooplnnco wilh the provision" of the ncv In terniil lieve'iiaf law. it bccutiien iiccr.iiry Itinl nil receipts given by tliis Conip iny for nien-linn.li.v reeeiveil for triinspurtnti.in. sliiuil.1 lienr 1111 IM Iill XAIi HKVK.M K sTAMP or tho rnlue of twu rents. tlieexien.-ies of the siime to bo home l.y tlio purty receiviiin su.'li reoeipts. All receipt tsitiui ly iliii Corninitiy fur mereliuii'liso ilclivere'-l lo' cuu-iineea, will he stuuipeil li v siiiil Coiupiiny. t'lnisi'nee rci(uirini n rce'uipt frvw the ronip-iny f.rr uioiiey piii.l lor lroiiht (ivlien vxecoiliiij' twenty dollars,; must nllix tlio taiai. J. N. 11" !A1U! Y. General t-uierinti.-uilent. 0IT1 cc of (ieneral PiipcTlnlemlcnt Northern) t'eiilral ll.iilwiiy C.e, I'.ullo., An,;. M, 'id ) 3t v on S A L K A l i'iii l l"I'iiiilx-r I .iiikI. Ii.-loiv Tr.'V- orton briiie. eontninitii; about VU acres. For furtlu-r luirtieuliirii apply lo II. n. MASSKll. 8unbury, Aiu;. Ill, isr.t. tf. Tj siiuic liuie lat yar, ls:'.ar,4 10 I J...1IS 14 "stfli ll) What DoeTeuts, Mimsikus and Phd ki ssoiis tiiim( ok 'iTi i-M. "I have never changed toy mind respecting Brown's liimi chi.il Troche from the lirsl, excepting to think hi tier of that w hieh 1 bog-in thinking well of." Kev. Henry Ward Beecher. 'Great service in subduing liourru-." Key. Daniel W ise. New York. " I'lje Tioclus are a ttulf of Me lo me." Prof. K.I Hard .North. Prcd- j di nt of ILimilton College, Clinton, N. Y. j "A eiiiiple aiid ilegiint combination fir I ought, ixe." Dr. G. F. Bigelovy, Boston, "I leeoiiimei.il their Use to public peuki r." Lev. L. ll. I hliplll. Perfection has obtained, through art, w i I lu a Uinl evpellelii e, in the inailllf.u tun-of llerrii k Allui'k Gold Medal Sali r.itlm, as II el l I : . I who hat listed il llnivitsall. ev chiiint, "Theru is nottiiug bkit i !" (lou'l ' fail lo lot a paper, Uinl Voll will never Us' uuv oilier I all 011 your Groi 1 r lor il. and tin not In- p. I nil' Mith any ol In r. All the Grocer, m II it. Depot 1 1 J I.iIh rty Mleil, New oik. M ll' I MK I'ltKU.Itsl IIHATUK IIAISAM k" li l t no.J i'( nuili liisl llt-oa'a 0( 'i 11 . i U iu !k!.lii lb u lii.la la lb . imws. a-l lint il..l" li.a it t'.uiumi ,.4 i.m .iibi-ipl-4 uiiv4 lu ilir uwinl. li Ualula " VI au ' Ilia mo u I ul lt la In ti . 11, ,. , u lli -'li-t ai.4 alitlinf .olU lul'ib.l .iu,ih , ti. I It.li causiHt l Iks uaa .1 ttalt V.'l'rll i, I.. ' UiaJial iualiliit ut uu lla sail lu uaol Iht I ktllb b4 iia'.-l"iuiiivUlk ii., U.s-J lbi.-t.as U i lulia, 11 tuiil.ba lia biu lua ti, 4 ai.ij ,w m,, U ll'im lit 4li.,. Istful.lil,- lbs k-tl l Ilia hi. l.ui .1.1 lb tully lil.,Sit.; Ibt aal abbalab. Iliu. li.. isila.t .. ilia Usi l u ta tb.l.bl in... Jl lul Ilia ibl.i.bl atlibibf bai.li.i jitlil,, in. if ut 4iy, ,i ,fc4 : Unit. u , m4 .1'...-.. J 1Mb. a t' ibiinai a ..a ii,iii bin.. i . I., i i.b ji .a.i.4 ia b k.i.4 .1 V. li I ii,,.i i boat.') bit ab.i, ..iava aO... I. aub 4aa, v Its I i l tb4 i h .ll b a- ail. Ua.l lb -4 (I..I.4-. Aii'ti.Mi t,m ib.i.b4 b.'b kbl .b M Si .u4m tat , Itatvutii. tka Ut ll .1 l.n, if ,,44, UtiUttKltttltlt fl'lldrlaitj . A nt wonut's nniAt rfmidt for Scrofula and Sepoftilou Bisoaaoa. From J'mery lulti, a irclt-knoicn vterchant of 0 r't, Mttin I have foM lnrjjro quantiticH ff your SATtswA lui.l.A, -but ncviT y't uiu ImHIIo vhiih fnili'd of tho ri -Hiri'iiciTiTt and full 8MHl'iicimn to timet- who took if. An rt h9 (mr p-'oi-l' try it. tluy htvc there ha bi-t u no nwUicinc lik it .K-:uru in our comnruuity." Eruptions, Pimples, BlctchoR. Tuatules, 71 ccr3, Sores, and nil Dii-casoa of the Skin. from tv. Jloht. sfrtttftm, itristnf, ting land. 11 1 oiily do my duty to you n:id liu lmhlir, when I dd my tiMit!iny ti tti.tt you publish of the mo di iwA virtut ft oi your S u.hapauiixa. -My dnuh tt r, n-'O'i ti n, hid itu ;ifllio)m;,' humor in Iter ears, ryci, u hair for vear. whivh we were unable to cure until wo trii d yoiif !S i:saiahilla. blit ha beeR'Wt'll foP honic i)otitliH." Vom JnnC -. ?fVi, a irrll knmrn find mufV rtrrwd t fl-J'f !h'.Htriviltr f '. fo., X.J. " My daughter Itrtt uir"rt 1 fir .a year past with ft fTot'ilou eruptiniit Wliieh wan very troublertomo. N itSim; wflorded imv relief until wp tried your Saii.hai' m.m.i.a, whi.-fi pooh romitetfly cured her." Vrw rhfrirn . 'r, 'uf., of the iri-trlt knatrn Oii';r. yfurr tf f (i.f tn-tnufuctut'tTt of ciuimtlled p ; r in X ithn t, X. il. "I hvl for newr-il yenri r.-ry tronljenorao h-tm-tr in toy fi-r, whtelt prw e-nii-tautly worso until it dititljiired my ri'iiture h;v1 luvame an tutul-er.tMt- n fll it ion. I t r i 1 ntmo'it every tldMif a mail conLI of both ndvi and mediii:u, but withottt ny n li d wlint".i'r, mild I took your S U'Akii.i.a. II imm.liao ly lu ult my f tee w 'r , an vou tol l mo it mi ;ht for a time; b.'it ia a f "T weeks to new Bm liean to t'oriu nudr toe blotelii ji, nud eon-tin-' 'd until my fa ik a fimioth as aiy body', a. i l T am without any hv nipt mi. of tho diHCiRO t'lal I know nf. I mjoy p 'rie.t tie.ilth. ari l without a d tubt owv It to your Sahvw-aku.la.' EijBipcItiS General Debility Purify the Blood. From Dr. Itoht. ?-nrin, If.mton St., Xnr lr,V. l Yi:i:. 1 neMoiii (nil remove ;.; .'ion and s-riu!- us Ser y the iier"erbii: u-c uf your S p. v v it i l.l. , and I haee jiiKt now enrvd an atiplc of M ihiji-mt v;".''! wnh it. No Jillt r.tivo w poii'" i-rpia!) the .SitsAPAr.it.t.4 tou hure up l-oe to the pr jIVpftion art v. to Oie peop!." from f. A.'. J-'hnsf,t'tt ., U'llrmi'i, i.'jf'o. Kor twelve yi-.ir, 1 hi t l'ie yidijw Kryripela on my riiit arm, lu ri ir v!ii -,i ti:ne I tried all llio eel'br.i;i I pliy: i.-ia.iH I e.o dd r"a-li, and t-ok hun d ii tin of dol. in worth of medieim-n. '1 he ulcers w re ho b'i-1 tli it tlie eords bi-rtime viMiblf, Mid the doetorn d i'i I'' 1 that toy firm nr.mt be Htnpntated. I he,; m tii'-iiii:; your Saum v I' a hi a. two lsU th-n, in: 1 ome of your I'n.i.s, 'I opfetiier t"y h:va cured m". I am now nf w ll and miuh.I iui ni.y to.!. Ili-iii!? i;i a puNir plaec, my r.ast in knowu to everv l)'tv i.i dim c n::i.uuiiy, and i'Leit'b the woudvr of Hll" i'r ;n H-m. Jl-'firtf M'nn, .If. P. P., c f Xirc.iilr9 t '. ir., a ik .itfiiiy mttTtber of Co inluin Partis I haven urd vnnr S' r.s i ni l.l. a In mv family, for ji'.HTfl t't)ifi, and for punOim tri Iti.xul, wilh verv ln-netl -nl ri-fulM. and l'cel ttuudtucc'ill coimiu'udiu' it to the alii. ted." St. Anthony's. Tiro, Hose, Salt IUieuxn, Sculd HoaU, Soro Eyes. iom FTttrrfjt SirJ-ttr, '., thf editor of th 'Jimi'hiiHW'ck lh-ntocrttt l'enuilviimi. "Our only elold, about thrie yearH of e, was attarkl by iimpltsin hi. (un lirad. They rapidly upread until tin y lTio.-d a lo.itlicome jm fvirub nt ore, w huh roi-retl In) face, and ii-tuully bhudil Ihh evet lor momic tiy?. A nkilud phyttiei.i'i npplieU ititr.ite uf filvi-r and etlu r rt-n:i Ji-", w.thout any appamit illeet. for ItfliTii dtiy we (Viurded hi bandit, b nt Mlth them In hollld tear iMK-il the fert-ti-run; and corrupt wound w 1 1 1 di coven a to wholi face. Having tried ery tiling i Ihc wo had any Impc froio, wo liepin eivinj- your !a its.vrAKll.LA, and applying tho lotbde vt pot.iKh lotion, n )ou d I reef, liu- ore N in to tieul wlo-ti uo li;ul ljnra jUif iirnt bolt It, and ww w U when we t1ii'liol the mcoiid. '1 he chil-t't eyeUrdii-. uhieh h.t 1 eoino out, i;row again, and be ii n-nr nu le nlf hy and fair aa aovotl.t r. lite w h'do ui.hocriiowd prcdictcvl tliil tliu ehild must die.' Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. From hr. ilxru.n stout of .ft Lout., Mimouri. 1 liu J your Sau? w m.ii.i.a a uine i-fl.-ct ial remedy for tlie aecoudurv hyuiptouiH of ., Hm$ and fur nyphitiiic dN. Jto tli.m any other we pother. The prnferatiuii are in b ted tj you tor aoiuo ut Ihu Ud meUieiu. we have. 11 From A. J. Frcn .f. )., tminrnt jAviViin rf J.uurrnft M.its., u o tt d prommrilt uwm0r vf thf Lf()ttttur of MitxniicJmsftU. IH. AVt-:tt. My dmr Sir t I liavo found your 9 AKt.vrAiti li. 1 an exiviKut rcim-dy for tttpkitij9 both uf tho pt iiu:ry and wundury tpe, atn -1 t lleiv tual in kouio rto that were t-K otm'timtte to yield to o.Vr rvutedie. 1 do liof know u hat we euii iut Sjloy with nioreertiuiitv tf auccvai, whertf a puwtr ul alteraiiv u required." Afr. 1ia$. 8. I 'an lint, tf Vry Urumwii l A. J, had dnadiul ubv, a ou hi b g, caunetl by tlie abune of im reury, or mrr,urt,il dit,att Mhuh rrew tuorw and tuoro agravatt-d for )enra, lu wotti of eery remedy ur tnatuu-ut that could be appliid, until tbt pertM'Verlllg ume of A kU'l S h.lAlUt.l.A n ilcM d linn. Kew cM-a rait be found umro inveU-ritl aiiti UiotreiKing than Ihla, SUd ii took aeveral duia tHillks Ui euro Uiiu Leucorrhaes, Whites, Fsmsle Weakness, are L'l ' r--y prMured by litlernal X r.tij.,rtt4i . emit', and ire ttf often rur-d by lU.- aiterati?e rili. I uf Una hii.ar'4Hii.i.a. hmu.' oti i rpun, huweter. III aid uf the H KtAT AMll.l A, the akdlui ppheallou uf bcal ruin-du n. t'M rAs rtt tunc mt in'J.y erf. fcraf J r.. titv.dt ly.-rri, of i t-t iuMu. Ml havs found rif hvn-riua.i an ranrllect altertik lu diM-ai uf fiMonU'B. M mv e. (1f Irn x'til trtlv, -oM4rbo-t, lnkrual I 'let ratiou, antt local tb (aldy, analog (rum the wrofulous iliitih. ti.rUli.-l lu M.iui l thi-re r b w Uial dti not, ft heu ns ca'ert ! u iy t$ bn-al tr-tiu ul . A Ut- fi unmtttnu to i.it. tk pnHuatun tf kr n tHf, k nf ( lr tii.'hicf and nty.if b been cured of a fery d- bihuiiu t aetrib r uf bij t4W. i4it , t u butiu-a uf uur JM44r tKiLi.v'' Ithsuinatiain, Qut. Ijver Complaint, Fy. rpaia, Hrt l Muri4i. when .'4uMl r" .v, r.'A i lu lb ftvalttu, jv i idlff euiv4 by tuu tl iumi hui.ua. AYER'S (VVTIIAUTK? 1MI.T.S miai at tn many tv-i v ti ,1.1 ,- i.i i-r ihu mln-r '4l4-llllt HI Uu' llltlki I, til l liu il aii . ll,.r tu iui t mt tn uud t i. all) kit. u. ll. ! i m. 1 B'.l ilj luiifai II.41I Hit- Itm iu I.i lu r ituln It MKiniaiii. .1 njubl in tliv U ii t,r if U i it, it.l ll al ll.i , in. It .1. 1 1 u U J ui, il U Hial tin t liti. rail f. I'i. 1. 1. . I I f J i ma. M 1,4 lo, I utati!, Mbtt , "4 twlil If 1 1 t I'i 1.1.4 t liitt-l i I i j H ll W I ... h .il.turul 4m- tlil I ii4 W H liititbM ti.t k . t.t. Hbt...., 4.1 tj ,n i . (,'. . . . ,. ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers