rv.il JlH OP 1 ill'. 'MJIKKHM-V FINllLE Sl'JhSClUI'iION : j TEU.Utt OI AI)Vl:iM One square of 12 linos, a tiiuo, Lvery tiihnuqtient Insertion, One puare, is mouths, Ni month., "no jmir, ISiisiiiess Ciir.tn nf 5 lin". per nnmitn, Merolimt, nnd othcra lidvertisiiiK by tt with tbc privileKn of inserting dillor TrrtiPinn weekly, llusine.n nntieet inserted In the Lnr-A V'.'v" Mrriaiin and DoMus, 11VK 1.1 .Nh hr each insertion. air" Linger Advertisement as per u, JOB PHINTINi We linvri connected with our p.tnbli. selected JOll OIT1CK, which will executn, tho nemtcit etyle, eve Printing Tivu IhiLLAitfl nor Annum, to bo paid nnlf-venr! adenine Xo taper diwoutiiiucil until all r rcarajjcf nto j oiit. To cims : Thro iorlM t on iilrtrc?!i, 5 4 ro (.-..VCD l0 ' to 1" I'll Jr'il'rpn "' i'l l'ivo Pollnic, in A:lr.iiioe, will fay for three jari' Suhsei-ii'liou to tlio Amtrtran. Club subscription.1 must bo Invatiubly puiil in J vnnce. and font to ono nddroj. If mbfcribcrsnpslprtnr refnse to tnhc tlioir news Tinners from the olBue to which they ore directed, thev 'ire rwHiniiblo nntil they hv eculed tho bill auil ordered thorn diaoontinued ' I'ostiiiiwter, will please act as pur Agents, and frnnk loiters containing jubscription money. They arc pnniittetl to do this under tho l'oet Ofiico Law. 0 yipfuri. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY II. B. MASSER, SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. NEW SERIES, VOL. 17, NO. 22. SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 20, 18W. OLD SERIES, VOL. 24, NO. 48. AMERI Al 1 BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. tSTAULISIIKD AS A HFFVGE I'KOM QUACK- i:n. THU OXJ.Y ri.ACli WHERE A CURB cax he ortTAixnn. jy tR. JOHNSTON hni" discovered thrmnst Certain, Speedy ami only llflectiinl licmclv in the. World lor nil PriviileaJiiseiises. Vcaknes of the Hack or Limb-. Strictures. AITections of the Kidneys and llhid.lor. Involuntary llisclmrircs. Iinpoteticy.'lJenc ral Icbility. Nervousness, 1'vspopsy. Ltiniruor. Low Spirits. Confusion ol LIchs, 1'nlpttntion ot'iho Heart, Timidity. Trembling. Dimness f Sight or (iiddiness. Disense of the Head, Throat. Nose or skin. Affections .if the Liver. Lungs. Stomach or Bowels those Terri hlo bisiirders arising from tho Solitary llnbits of Youth those secret and solitary practice's more fitnl to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Jla Viners of l'ly.es, blighting their most lirillinnt hopes ir anticiputiuns, rendering marriage, Ac, impossi ble. YOI'WJII! i-'spcciiilly, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice., that dreadful and destructive habit which sinnuallv sweeps to nn untimely gravo thousands of Young Men of the most cx:iltod talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listen ing Senates with tho thunders of ohwiuenec or wnked to ecstaty tho living lyre, may cull with full cou--'idcLce. MKKlUi Married Tersons. or Young Men contemplating liiarrijiire. heiu:r aware ol physi.-itl ivoiikiici-s. organic dr'.ility. detoniiif.es. Ac.. .n-.lll.v cure I. lie who pieces himself under li e i -arc ofPr..T. loay relit:!. uily confide in his I.'t a I'rnilimiui, i:ud" ci'tilidelitly rely upon his !ill as a I'h.v-ieiau. 0i VK' WI?liSS.i?l I:t .mediately Cured, and l'ui! ig. r K-nre.l. This l'isi'i i Af.'oeti..n which in. Lis I.Te Mi'er.iMc an Irani::' u.ij.i-sil ! is the I'cnnlty t a; t 1 v the victiir.s .it' lu ; .v.i; -i r indul.-r; . Youi 1 1 1 t .. not to ..'.'ii.mil i - I'. MM II.. I i..';i." tr'-erc t.l' il:e drcihUo! c .11.-. -jii. ii I j N.-.V. !.. t!t Li: leistiltel- tU Il :'t ti.nv 'il'. t iv ill pn ! n l t,. .lot.y that the p er ol pr..-iMi: -ti i 1 .-i -IStT l. t':. ose felling il. I.i iiisproj.ir habit.- than by t'ne pi i.d'ellt ' Ul-idcs h"iug d'c.iM.d the pieasur. s o!' healthy '.l-'iiiej the mo.-: serious nn l d -w-nrtive syiepto'iiy tu i.'..:l; 1 ... -Iy no I mind n.i-e. 'I lie . ' tcni h - ...ii ;! lcr::t.g...d. the Vhysi-'nl ae.l Mi nla! ri:e..' t i. i - V. cikciici. l.'is of I'm re oi e I'.e.i ..r. X. rv.ow Irritability. lysi'..-.ssll. Paipitaii .11 i.l liie Heart. 1 !.-..'s!ii'i:. l..u.-.litti'h.)ml l'"l.i:i'y. n i.-tni.: ! t'.e 1 riiu.i. Cougli, C' His:. i:' t i' 'ti. Ie.;.y .n. l Death. OiSi"f, i. 7 KtnitSi fi Sii i'i'i l.-i I hand si la g dill fr-'IH '' .illille la t ! a lew linuie ii : i.- tn.iii the "ii.cr. 1 i.il ; i..l number. I.e't"is i.ju-t be paid and ci Titaii. a -tamp. The 3 loeii i's Diplomas hr.n ; in his. jl.ee. s m: WAviimvrvs f 'fv.o li.Wi. Xo .V. .-rvrg or X.ipt i Ort-ffi. Ml. J(HES'I.. Member of the Koyal College or Sm : London.-ilrn-l.'.ate lioiii one i f the lr.it etiiin"ii' '..ll"2es in the I niti d States, and the greati r p.-ri of v. bos- li.'e h t.. I.ei n spent in the I...-J ital-of l.'.ii.l ii. Pari, i'l.i'.a !. iplM.'i l.nd ehewhcri . hi. e'l'-.-ti'i s .lne of tac'.r.el r. ' "iiisi.ii' el res Ihetv ere e e hnoivii ; l.. ,i;v tro:;1.'!."! wiih ril.ii.g in the head and ears v. '.en :.! !'. icre at nervous .e.-s. 1-eing alarmed at -a 1 j. n s, iU '1.. bas'.'f.lll.e-s. wiOl freiiil. lit bh,':ii:g. ri'i'i.de.l .".n etiiiR Willi d i;.:i' inei.i ot uiimi. v.i.e i iire.l imiiii:'1.'! 'v. JiMSl 8MS.STJt'I"!.V M'YtiVi:. Dr. .1. i'.'1'ir. '-si nil those who 1. ive ii.ji'ie.l I::, ir.. F..;.-.y in.proj i r imiuUi'i ee n:i l solii.iry .Mil. its. wi.i -ii iiiii i-..!i I o ly and u'.ind. ui.'.'in ih...n I'-.r f.H.. i i.u-lif .-tiuly. society er marriiefo. Ji.i:s.: ere some of the sad and u:i li-.n-'holy eHee's p.i'i ti I Pi i,:ht. ileert d by early habits ol youth. Ill: ealille. id it nn l l.iiaV'S. Pnir ill the JKa 1. Dimiiee of I ol' Mocitiar Power. l'ai;:tation of the I iv i . p-v. Nervous Irrinibiiiiy. Deraiigemeiit ot the i i . - : . ; iiii'. tioii, ijciirrai i-'eoii.iy, .-ymp- to- .- or I a. , '. Ac. Mi m i i ee I', .irrd I !. :.. i v lireiid..: L-- of I 1, .... Do - ' ! ! SpirHs. !: . . .. t r'.i.i :y. selt-l'i-nes : '.C .:l ' - il.lCoi'l:.! c's m ti e mini tir' . : - y. Coi ii.si.-ii ef i-' 'r- !.. iii". i. Av- r-l.- vc ..I ::. Im . t'.' . !:' I 'I . i - ' i I ' Oil- .r' e t li'-w ri'i of thi.r i! -.'ellidi. ' :h. 1.. ; -r, I n il! w '-:.i.. pal-'. : - l. '.a', in.r a .-in:':'.a- n p.-ai a ;l i -tli ptau..- ..f Colisjin' ,ve ii j "i-" l th. u'.-t ives I y a e I n v. hi 11 ill Hie. a hal it fro': I o I :t:i n pi-ro.-iico I'.niliy leiiri.td I he le'el'!:- III e p. in..', it net i.d deoyi. .. 1; el II e. O'l'.il'l"- S. Iir M ' v lil :i nre n: l.tlv l.-'.f. i v en .v In ..-.el 1 II '. ah eei 'l i: V. 1 at i: 1 enli V. lie ..- ...i.r.-:.ice r.i'l.-' i l !.. '.y. .-iior.l I r.pl i 'a :i;i iiiuely. i i ,i:..i a you::': I....I.. li.e lae.e of his i'o : in : . t hi-1 ar.-i.i-. t...!.M bennielu 1 t.. 111 pv ' ' an t il': 'i i.iCli-s 01 lite. 01' il.e 1 ...;: ee o! ill villi fr.'.a Hie j . 11 n.itul 1:. 1 in lo'. 'in in 11 e' : :!!!. seciet L :l it. Sucu cis-.n.s . 1 r. P. ; 1 1 en'' : 1 ein : iclb'et tla't a si in: I ii.'ii. I r.r l henly tire the ni .s: 1 e..i;'y re.pbiu- to r- 111. ti e,ml.nlii.il Intppiii-s.' . iu lecd without the.-. 1 he j .i.raey il.roiijli li;e l.c- C'.l.l.'S II weiiiy pila-rili'-l :e : It.e p....-peet h"lilly iliulMls lo the v!-. '.-.; li:e n.ir.d lee n.es shadowed i:h .t.-- :iil nr. 1 li.lel n l.h the l.ie!.-l.choly r. t'.cc tiou Hun' thu hup; ii:i s-of .eio-.h.-r l..n.i:n.a hl.ji.tc I v. i'li oi.r i w u ;.Hei. t.s: ' iME'jii'i:s-:.A'i:. V. hen the mi-zui li 1 nt. 1 in-pital-i.t clary ( l ien-Hie f.nd- th il iie Inu- iii.l il i.l Il.e f 1 of this painli.t se:..-e ef l.o 111 : p. It too i T'el. Ii; p:i, ll- ll.UI ttu i.-'.:nn I or ilr. .ni "t ..i-e i.iy. iic;e.-s him to the-" ll'.o. I. ..lit e IJC'lteill lo: 1 un ii! .lie lief, lei 1 t.ila. d.-iai ii ,' ijll l. -pi :...:li.la .. .1 "i" I '. : I ' 1 1 1: f itii' h"iri I di.-.l.-.i inaki: I'.i :r ii;- . i.'.lll ". m h n- l.h'.ir.ted Hole tl:' , .- I ere. 1 1 i , r. iii 1 pi'..io Il.e head nn i i'.i'-, .una ol di ..fi.e . ro les en till) Miill hone- niel aiai-. I. lot' lo - mi lh" head, tace and ei'reioiliei. pi oi-.-.-iti ; w iih ti i.;liifnl rapidity, till at la.-t the pul.ile of the in, nub or the banc of ll.o hiiru to! in. and the vh'iiui of this awful disease iicciiics ii horrid object of eoniiiii-eraiiou. till death pals a pet i" I I h.s". Inn. lie! .-utn i ii.,-, by seii lin lam bi--ii.ul I niiiscui vrci Country tioui whciica uo l.ai eller i-'i inns. 1 f li i.- a ! I ,,,,,,! furl that tliousun.D full victims lo tl.i- ten ihlc disease, oil no t' . Ihc ur.-kllllullles-ol I 'M i. mt j rctoi.'lcis. who. l-y ihi lire of that ltaJ!y i M. riiiii, ruin tlie constitution and luaku liiu li-idueol luc Ii i.-' inhte. VI HAN. I. it Tru -' n .1 y. ur lives, or lo alth. to h Car of lb many I i.l. iiia 1 1.1. 1 M'oill 1-s 1'rctuidurs, dosiiiulo ol ho .w l...le. Mime or el .na icr, who aupy Dr l"hi.-i..i. . I, ii , iti no il--, i r m,Ib Ihenmdv.. iu the i.t ...p. r-. ix.il.iily Klaeatel I'hyiiciain, iiienpul'lc oi Ciuiii:. li.t-y ke p you tritlin uiouiii al'ei ti.oiith I'.till ,: tl.tir lillh.V an-l pi.iM.IIUS Oolil- l.iin l-. ..r a I. ,u the i.iniilUi.t fee cn ba ohuilie I, in. I in d.-piir lour ion with luiucj butltb to aitfU on r our ei.ti,,, ,i,,upp .u.tiocnt. Dr J .hi.-i ii i. inu ..i . , Ph o mu advcrtiahii;. liis . i i.l. lo.ui or .lipl .n i :,. .ilnai. hani( iu hi. ottlev. 11:. ii-ini lo ..r Ii. iticiii. nt nia uiikiiowu lo all Hl.l- .l pan I 11' i'l U III,- .pel t iu IllO ,OC.lt U"- 1 a ..! "t I...! p. I.' l.i I iii il.u country and a Mioru t i. i -ii e 1 1 ii, 1'i.i.iiyi in.iu unyuiUcil'iiy.inuu in in., ii ill. I MMKfO MI. VI' OI" I'tli: I'ltlSiS 'i I u loui lii.'i'.i.i, Lt cut. 'hi. ii.,t..iuti'.u yi:r uri.r vur. an I Hie t iiim-i. W iu.pi'itia.l .Suiic.l ' . it on. p. ii. in,,.! 1 r. J l.i .lou. ai.lo.ied by ll.o 1. 1 ..ii. i . ..I il. . sun, liipi-ji,' aul u.i.v Uo i ipci. l.oio . i hi. !i Im. pe.it 1 ai4.ii ai.-l u ... 1 1. I., i ay It., pul.ile. I it,, l.i. .1 .udll. a. a if. nih il. in I'l li .. I. r mid lu. l..b. lily , u .uia i. .1 .-.o.ii.i i i , ii.,. .i::, u i U I IM-I al . Mfl Illll.V I Ul.lt. I . r-. i .. i i .I.., .ti I., i.ni.ul.r la liiMiin II..-. I I. 'ii i. .,la. Ii ... i u, it . . Iloaii,, u,ani JOII H. .lull H I 4I, . llil.lUlii ml. U. iiki b.l:iu.uia, Ml Apul i l-.lt i . ... i I nn m i i.i iii I. I f 'l l U II N .t., I.-1GS1 HOtt III. I ItUI., M uf.. on .1. . VA hh I'Al'llHh) tiuilwtl t Hllala 'urra, . i Vi ... . s .... . I llll. U'U HllA A . .' k e( I l.i I S clHI l .l.l. i i i i. I . N II . I I 'III I lit. It A 4 , lluiut I - " ' I 1 . ' i Ml lllUi k I u I.l tali. . s ..k V . i . .. -..ii; i' .... 1 'l - C-l W.i.il tsllWlof W Oeo. W. Smith. Chas. B. tir.MTni;n. OLCITE & GE1TTHEF., M trkot street, one door cast of Mn. Boiillon's Hotel STTHNTIBTTZR,, J.D Have opened A N E W T I N - W A R E, li'i'l Iron iiimI Stove SI ore, and intend keeping constantly on hand, and manu facturing to order on shortest notiee, TIN AND SlILET IHON-WAltE of nil descriptions. A Large Stock of Cook Slovcsof the f il lowing Brands: i I li:t lVnn, I'ennsj I vnniii, lluM, I ii ion. iiimI tlio VI' lrai Niagara Cook Stove, unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of ar rangement, combining cheapness and durability, and each stove warranted to pcrlorui what they are re presented ALSO. PAHLOR and OFFICE STOVES, in great variety, embracing nil "tlio licit manufactures, and most lasMonablc designs 'iil Oil. 4'oal Oil I.nmpM, Slimier.. ('liiiiiiii.i, iiikI all M-ti !- nnnsnnlly kept in an ejlal li-hnient of this kind. Vt'c are also prepare i to do all kind nl Spouting. Hoofing, luuigc an. i r iirnnee ii orK. tuts r itling, Ac. Kcpair- ing cheaply aii.l nentlv executed. l ouniry produce, takea in exchange price. r.t market I SMITH A- CKNTIIKR. -Pave the A.'.iK'.v f.r LIIUVS CEI.F.BKATED KTRK ! PLACE M.ivi.S. , r the Counties of Noithuuiber- : Itiiid. Snyder. I i. ion and Montour. I Aidarenl-o agents l..r the Cipher A Yfilh.wer ' i.'ti iMin-pirtaiiop, Sun "iiiv ..V'.il Si. Is'ol. sI ONHS 1 1 GUSH, vomer .iiarK. t sir-at nn i ..laiKet S'uaie, ; 3-IA.l-ir-tIST3TJl-5.Gr, 1J ., j . Ai'hnev.icil.TPr', : 1'irst L'insd House. T plIL Piupi ietor would most respectfully call the i :ili. u of the i ilii.el.s of .'ainb'.iry and the sur- I nn lin.: i'.iui-'i v. to the ae. mm., lath. ns of l.i l.oii.-e. ii-ni ill.: litem they niil ful l everyi !iin ; tln.t : eai' c T.rii.uii' to their oomtor:. It i- iiuatt 1 t'ar j "llollii IV-Mil the D. pot to avoid the n-.i.-e nii.l Corfu- :-..'U in.-: t- .it to raiitoid stti'ioii. nnd nt the same! time !! - n fe'.v minutes e alk from the -ame. I An i ' i.i.i'.-ii-v i'l be foi.ii.l at the SiiiEi'.ns en the f an ivnl i a -h li aill ; C. II J1AN.N, Proprietor. April 1-II. :!m JACOS O. BECK, MERCHANT TAILOK, And Dealer in clot CAs.-i:.;i:;;i'. tst;:v.. ,vc. ES:i4 ri iuuied fiilu ltuill ii,'4'fiti E'siVtu H eel, soulh ( H caur's iJoicl. S U N B U H Y , i J -A. . , I Nr'UMS Co citizens of Sunbuiy and viciuitv, I Hint !: Imsjii 't returned iVuiu Philadelphia with a lull .'i-.-u.lli .I ."i.'.ZI-EJ .'0, b'.V AND I.TA1.1TY. l! -. i'l. I: !i l'h "h-. Hack -ie. i::-:ei: s-tm. I'i-iircl in I..- I INiiS. which u styi. l-i .-uit the ta.-le of . m. 1 liie lilO.-i l eii.-ou.iblc i.'C LVi.KY l'i in,,... i, 1.-:, l.....S:ij!.a..'.l Ci:. Silks. Pl.tii: in .1 I ;( l;!P ; . !' I''. he w ill lnahe up lo ler eti.-'oiiK-rs. 'li sherl ho. let terms. Any lie. Is r.-.t on ha:.. 1. Phihi l- !j !..:!. I -' ,u':il : l Ii .."!.- n:.-:o I i.y ui...!.. or i 1" a.- 1. el . i e. will be farni-!ic. i days' notice, mcis wiU be 1.1.1:1c from Ul t i A.- he V ill "lej l .y I:. p : -..i;- may rel oi. but e: 'iemvd worhnien, oik Well uo'io at .: i! l.i- 1 :..:...:! l'.r !... p-i r I .-'tally . .I;e,--.- .nl.i:: . Api ii 1. i - ' ' CO. .-t..t.' e ul " bestowed, ic Mime. LUCE Is. ii. Ant!: f i. t-ll s' in-t'.:i. T". V". ; Nr.. ii sn.ii.r. -i'e I'o-a.il IMIi-e i s iii c':eve'inn.. Ohio. 1. l.VM l S Ll.o. K. :r li.e c'oiirt House. 'Id Witii Ii-i'iil2. .1-1 i-lle.tc ii::rsic:;3.Eou:;iY. eack pay, 1'rio-money and all odicr Jri (U9 C'!iiim. AVe i iy isp'.-i-il n'!.::i:..n to claiimi in which o-hcr ..It..-:., vs'leive FA 1 1. Lib nr which have been SI spl-.NM-.ii. We l.i v already collected an I )aid oer l-i soldier- m..l tl ciclu'iii.'i.vcr 5;,un.. lien, nml arc pi iiiu ii ..i.s.ind.- .i.iily. No ehar'C uiil- s- s-ie... .--inl. riu- u-. i.n I wc will fend vou a ci pv of o'.r t-iper. free. Vi L Ci'l.l.I.r'l' from sloii to i?iui (',,!, Jliuuty. Mt do our l.t.-iiieM. v. iiii'icf iii:l.!V Apiil J. Isoi. Othcciu he I..1 Vai1in;on twii.-ltip. linniMin iite' icin 4- ly l-itci.-i I'.vu.i it. li.e i.l... .oil. lilnK. All l-ii'.iuM- llilllU'l l hi:4 fare, Will bo J-rumjitly tltMoic I Ul. SKWm'i 1 1 1 N K Ii V AND FANCY GOODS, i-i nt at the Store of U. A: L. MI1SSI.11I, M uket S iuitre. I NLL UV. PA. The Mitc 11. & L. Shi.vler. hiuin reuiovail their t'ltlihl:i.liuielit lo more coiinuo lioui and Col.v.-iii.'lit rootiin. one d-tor i-.Ihivc lli. ir loiuier bicitti.ui. inform their fiiciid. and cu'ioiii-r. Ilntl th.-y lnt!u r.c.-iie. and just opclit d a choic.. and Well s.-ivend m-mii I. mei.t of .Mll.l.l.M.li AMI FANCV ii 'ol'S, iu. eluding c! it i) iy lo of UONKKTS, 11 ATM, It IB DON'S 4 Till M- MlNclS Oi ALL KIND.H, mid all other urlicL. ill their line, nhieh a ill be .J chei;i. . I' .uutry produce of all am It tuk.u in tx.'UHnbi at ca-h prices. ftubbiiy, A'ril 9, Im'iI. TO CONSl'MKUS -l-n ' ma an '1 lilt un Ii remind d...l..t iii 1'i.al In. iu Ilia l.llua Weil Ik l.o 11 lot In lie. . I.l, pttl t-d 111 li'i'cll aider, for thv ..uiiu ul llitf l.u.l Mtiht-I LaUa. 114 ' MiMU'Ki Al'S DlAMu.M) .UlNFS til! u s l'Ai;i;xl! A co' s " LO.VmiLIII.U Lt t O'X . llu l tlu i itiparv-l to furiioh Ilia llullliuura- u'a ( Ii lii uli l 4'uwl, Uiol Ui.7 . r, ill t.. I'a u Una uf lb. Su.(u.l..i.U4 I. on at. I ll.ii J liiaca U ha tua4 .1 iu Jif.ol. lui ilia U.t HT1UN AND I I.! UUtH U I'OAI H. Wai.a b .,,lu dli. ea Ia..u4 Km al limit (...Lai u, fc, I S..,ia.iB i .ti.i.l Jl.ll..a I ... I u ib. t, y .. 1'i.t.,,,,. u.4 111. h.lllu.J uk iu. U,M Ii. U pit) J.4 , , U,,U, 4,...U e I IMI-vllull, llvlla ,.'U.il.. I i. l. l,',:u, oVHcl.AMi '"4 .N .lk-l,u..l f. Uo., t,u., tia.tf Avl,alu till.!. L WOl.Vk.lt ION. tltM.)a mm4 lua.rUrM L . M.I1.IMI..I I t.d.AI:,,, MUtUlllllV, A.. 1 1 ' Il k au.al i. i. u ia .Ioimi l.lai.a If at.4 a.1 l... I-,.1 twi laia.4 I ..... .. V . . . .......... ......... I i . . . . -.t i .... . POETICAL. The Utile IVoplc. A drenry place woulil be tins earth Yere there no little )fiiik in it, Tlio song of life would lost- its mirth, Wirt there no children to begin it. Xo little f.vrtrw, like b'.ti to prow, And mnke the mlniirinp heart surrender, Xo little hand on breast nnd brow, To keej) the thrilling love-chords tender. Xo bnlic within our nrms to leap, Xo little feet toward slumber teudinp; Xo little kuee in Jirayer to bend. Our lips thu sweet words lending. What would the mothers do fur work, Were there no pants or jackets tearing. Xo tiny drcsse to embroider? Xo cradle lor their watchful caring? I Xo rosy boys, nt wintry morn, With satchel to the school-house hasting; ' Xo merry shouts ns home they ruli. io precious morsel for their tasting. Tall, irravc, grown people nt the door. Tall, grave, grown people at the table; The men on business all intent. The dames lugubrious us they're able. The steamer souls would get more stem, I'nfeeling natures mure inhuman, A inl man to stoic coldness t'.irn. And woman would be less that woman. fVr in that clime toward which we reach, Tlinmuh Time's mysterious dim unfolding The little ones villi cinrnb smile. Are still our Father's face beholding. So s iid His voice in whom we trust, hen in .ludca's realm a preacher, lb- made a child coiilrniit the proud, And bo in simple, guise their teacher. Lite's souir. ir.deed, would lose its char.n, Wire there no babes to luiii it- A dnl. I'll! place the world would be, Wiure tin. iv no little people in it. . " iiiLini I'.r.ll TTi IMIIIIITW1.il I lli-TTTTl TALES AM) SKETCHES." i isi: t iLi.tt.' roi: i.u s:. A TF.XAX ADVK.NTl Ki:. Among the many captains who nbtainciV, notoriety fur their brnxery and skill in In dian furhting. lew were fait her known, or better liked, than Captain Lewis. "Leus Lew is," as he was I'.iuiiliary called i'V his baial, was a very tall thin man, standing at least six feet four in his stoekiui; feet ; and I his legs from his spaivuess of make, looking Ubiisitailv lona, atul theso oMuim l for him the sol i pUet by w Im !i he was known lur and wide. This length of limb, too, had nmii.- him a marked man by his taw ny foes, a:i i there wire lew Comanche waliior who h id been tor any lime upon the war palh but had -ei '.! Legs iirgiiio his horse along to lea-l hi- company in their pursuit. Lewi.-.' K. infers were scouting mar tl.e In .id witters of the Hit! San Maids, one ol t. e !:ir-:et ti i'eitat ies of the iiio Guada 1 .e. w In n the ilillowitig hard gallop was pel I'l ttaed I y the c iptain : For some weeks the hunters, in their dai ly cviifsions alter panic, had come ner. iss u i ti.ii!, or "Injun sign;"' mid. suppus'in"; that the Li.'u.iiis win: on the buffalo oioiuiiU f ir; 1.. r to tlie nottiiwrst, or else attacking tin- Mrie..n in tiu- st.iteol ('ohahliila. Legs concluded that he might turn the troop our l.u a lew uavs t his lieutenant-whilst he tun down to gu.n, a town on tlie l.uu (liilupe li er al. i i;t f.llv miles to the soutll-wt-t. whore he had business. The sun was oine hours high on this Go to! e.- morning l eli.te Legs iai linished ty ing lo his .-addle Lis - are blanket, his tin cup. which seiAed siiti.eiinies to dip up wa t' r from a stream with, or to boil his elf. e iii, and a little wallet, w hit h contained an ounce i r t w o of f parched eotVee poitnded in skin, a pinch of s ilt, a few a piece of Imckskin, a pine ! led capsicum pods, and some strips ol jerk I ed venison which Sparlaii fare he intend- i d to muiio lor his siipjur and bu-akfa.-t, I hoping to reach Si-guin aoout the middle of j the iniliiu im; dav. Leg- l.i w is w n a hardy, j t-inp ral.- young in m, and he paid far more I attention to tile loading of Ids levolvils. 1 and tlu ir extra clindc:s, than he did in I pro i-iiining liiuiM-lf for hinjoui tu-v. His I la-t old. is giien, and a shake of the hand ' ail i..u:,,l to hi-. i iv..ii':i li s, iie ninliiited, nnd, ; holding a soulii iii .-ter'.v course, struck out j iuio-s liie pioiiie, hoping to Make the Gua i d iiupe timi er before sun down, whi te he i oui.l build his camp tire and then, skirting tlie forest, the ncM day he knew would biing lum to Segiiin. Aboat two hours before sundown he struck the tiialnr on a small creek which joiilid the u, ii in forest on the Guadalupe; and in turning a point of this wood, which airc-li tied out some little distance into the prairie, he came suddenly upon a war party of Couiaiiches, about one hundred strong. Leg, saw that lie Was discovered ; tin-s uite instant that his eyes fell upon the pumlc, 1 w an inis, a seme of their blink even were t tuned upon him. His peril tl i-licd thioiieli his initi'l no quicker than did Ids te... latum how It nllollUl best be met. To retreat .i tilniiist to i Halite Ids capliile uu.l ileal h ; lor llitlio.l'.;ll his charger Wita U good one, he had rid Ii u hi in u long distance, and lie doill-t. d W lietlii r he loilbl i.e.ipu his pur siieis ill a l iir race ucua the open pr.iii io lor thu two Lours which vol remained of d.l light. Il' lie could only elude the led- i. nis liil the- iin went conn, lie had no doubt that, a lllcro Uu.. no twilight, he should he itl le lo ill'iel l.u est .ipu tuaily il oiigh u In it once II li i Hue d,. i k. Il.e tunlier upon Ineliiil. W.la too lllll I'OW I.l I. Ml r hllll till) ll ipe of I'lll: e.lllll. lit, Ulul he lit out. that hla one l li.ilicu tie p. lid d Upon 111. Ii .1. lung liie glial loll on tho I i ii id. t! inn : nine III thai, ami the I I l.t I.. the holli'll, hit Hill too good tt W ond-iii . II tn c ue Inl the Vildlig In.llali. Ill hi. .i..ir. '1 he liidiin., however, Weig n t m i u Luu uud the liue.l of the Guada lupe, and In in Ac tt .hl'ilil, In "luiuid tin in," un h ii. ii ,t. na, n' bo had no ilouhl I In pal ly I oitii I tlivide, " Ibal v I.l .1 one tin i. ion i ha... d I, in i lip. . Iliu pi ill le, ihc ol hi r M'. in. I knp I t li'le, In I i.l hllll oil I ..ill l.i. ln llel : he In I not had In Hllll In lllll.. I'lll (klllliol kin. Hllll". how . III) j lol l Uoitid i'.i I int. h,. lull I'll. .11. Ilioojhl., H hull lau llu.u In l lb, llt .1 lib.'. lU'lo l io.t.uill) lhionl I lie .4'U nl a man Hint H c.in.l.,iitly ti,iiiM.. la daiig.r. and it. i al out. I Iu Kl) up.. a hiui.t If l.( ttlii I l..u, and ha . man lualaul ll.a I ;tb j Ihloliili aul h did II. N..I .1. ...Iliii I Ib.l lii. la Ih.il uiiu of 1,1. umilt La. V i.'aiiU d hint aa Iha I. a In ul lorpa ol Itt.U lion;. I., Hi.. H.ull K.I11I) I . p. ii.. 1.1 la . .,1,.. 1.1 lai li.iui In in. u Imi ( -.I!) Unci In. le.lw al Uaaia Iba u to his troops to hurry tip. After giving two or three quick motions with his hand, he drew and cocked n six-shooter; then, put ting spurs to his horse, charged full nt his enemies, giving, ns he came nt them, his war-cry, which many of thcin had heard before. The ruse succeeded; for, between their attention to the desperate man who churned j them so fiercely, nnd the expectation of sec j ing ids troop of buck skinned warriors come I pouring round the point, the Indians were j surprised that they forgot to uncoil their lassos, though a lew let sin their arrows at him ns he passed througlVthem, discharg ing his six-shooter ns quickly ns he could, and with that unerring skill which constant practice gives. Their surprise only lasted for a few seconds ; but, short ns it vvns.it had been sullicient to enable Lewis to break through his foes. Seeing that their tail utv tagonist. kept his course for the distant for est, and that no band of rangers rounded the point, the savages saw that thev had been I duped very cleverly, and that they might i now, perhaps, capture their hated foe. Xo i lime was lost by the Indians; ns soon ns j they perceived the truth, they stretched out j at their horses' best speed, yelling their war cry, "llow -pow poo-oo-oo-nn I Hut this, which would have sadly tried the nerves of any one unaccustomed to it, had no effect 1 upon I.eus, except to warn him that the sa- j vagi had found out the trick, nnd were now in eatier pursuit, lie hud cained nt . least lour litm.lreil yarns by Ins rush, nml this he hoped to keep from" the main body of his pursuers. As to now and then one distancing the rest, and coming pretty close to him, this caused Legs no uneasiness; for though he had emptied one six-shooter in his charge, he had vet the other, ami the extra cylinders, making altogether eighteen shuts more in defence ; and even the dis charged cylinders might be reloaded--for lie and nil the rangers practiced this at full spie l if he was not pressed too closely. For about the lirst t o miles he kept his had of about four hundred yards, sifter which the Indians began to lessen the dis tance between them ; for t'.ie ranger's horse, one of the best fur spud and endurance iiiioii the frontier, had had a long journey, whil.-t the Indians' mustangs were compara tively lush. Over one prairie roll alter ano ther Legs urged his hoie, nnd the indis tinct blue forest in the distance became each minute better defined, and soon the taller treu tops and giant branches were cut out clearly ngaiiist the glowing sky made by the sinking sun. Hope lose high in Lewis's heart as lie saw himself draw ing so close to the l'niet, nnd rage possessed the savage.-, for fear he should gain its shelter, and with the aid of night escape their ven- ' geanee; s i lin v goaded on their horses with their quirts irau hide whips), and, in some instances, the points of thcii knives, to over take the lugitive. About one mile remained to be crossed before the welcome refuge would be reached and the best mounted of the savages strain ed every nerve to overtake their prey. Kver as one approached too ncjir the pursued, turning iu his saddle, either menaced with his pistol, the leading savage, or, if within ri aeh, stopped him with a bullet. In that lust mile he said he discharged his pistol i li'v, n times, so idoselv whs he nressed ; nml so ilesni r.ite bad iliu savn.'es become to capture him; that they forgot their Cotuan che maxi.ii. - U is beltir lo lose five foes ( than one w arrior." At last, after a hard gallop for nine miles the rode the distance iifter-vanls to nsccr 1 tain its length), he plunged into the forest, ; nnd about the same time the sun went down j Having gained, as he supposed, a safe dis tance, he dismounted, loosened the girth of his saddle and allowed his horse to recover its wind, and after that to graze a little ; but he never left his hold upon the reins, ; nor relieved his senses from their strain, lis tening to every found in the finest, to the dull soughing of the wind through the 1 branches, ami especially to the hooting of ' the ow Is, for these biids are easily imitated, ami tlu ir cry is often made use ot as a sig nal by Indian scouts. As soon us his pistols were loaded, and his horse sullieieiitly rest ed, Legs led him carefully to the edge of the Imcst, pausing often to listen lor any sound which might warn or guide him. Once outside the forest, he mounted, and took his course for Segiiin, where he arrived soon titter daylight the following morning, with out any further adventure. lAIISCELLANEOyS. a-m-i"ll Atl'i'lll'M I .ale Victory. IlAlll'Kll's FbltllY, Aug. 0. 1 General Averill attacked the combined forces of .M'Causland, Johnson, Gilmore mid M'Nt-il, ou tlie morning of the Till, and after a spirited light, completely routed their ullillery lour pieces, a Vast quantity of small anus, -lot) horses and equipments, and ' t'.'O prisoners, including 0 field ollieers and i '.ii company ollieers. M'Fauslnud, w ith his broke n di moral i.i d coiiiinaii'l, lias tied to I the mountains. Our lo--, w as comparatively small - i killed and '.'l wotindi il. Among I our killed are Major Congress and 1st Lieut. Clark, ol Ji.l Virginia cavalry. They wire 'slunk diivvii while gallantly hading u charge. Capl. Keer was n-vcrcly wounded ! vvliiie penetrating the eueuiv'a lines. ! WliKN the .'in of Antietam had act, uud ! thu cries of niigiii-ll III led the air from tluiti ' .and-, of aiillercrs, the late itev. )r. Win 'alow w ,i d. -pitelii-d to look ul'cr thu dead uud wounded. Anxious tu tin hi utmost, and desimiia of useer'ainilig thu IIUUiIhT of the killed and Wounded, lie penetrated the line . of ihc- enelnv, uud Willi a proiuiiielil libel pjetii-rul rode .nine .eveiity mile. (I. Mil.;.! I lu Colde. ler.ltu lilie, ami our I i pla.'ta where thu buttle he I raed the 1ml ti.t. Alter pillllliJ Hllll hla II lend ol I lie I , ! moment, thu I II ipliiill lUlln'd Lia Collr-i- I nlnpiViird, hIii-ii low U-I.i.l ll he luilliil him i Mil .ul rouiidi'l on ull .nla. Ly "gray I .oi k. I ill ailing thu tiel. I. uf dead and Hounded, by the inn i-rtalll ll;:hl td Iliu rveiiluj aklix. A. .iiinliig h rd e.lioii air, In- or l. it.l tin m, iu lit glad .nil lidv loivard liie I 111.111 but lo ulli ml In lhl and Ihal Hounded cae. I hli. In .Ue I tin) role 1. I'a I utile. 1. lull) nilit.r un uiaku In In hi, lium-vti 1 t'ld inar the Im ki t., a I. i ll a 1I1.I1 i l ll.o .pin. tal. Ij r. tniiii I tiliu, bunging ii.u, Ii v aloal lo I11- I'd 0. it l"U tnilltlUlli J I no H nuuilcl. - I a. i lut t II If Ol , I ktliit u pit. Viiiiy plea ! i lifll ,y liu.h thai h aoldn I i l lliaiit h silo I ,. i,.,., ull.iH i-l liiai.l aim), Hh.. lt- L. , U,i, ii,,l4U,, , inlurf iaiiu.1 .a.l .l.i. I thu nihil .h L. i an ,.,, h.'Im.U Ki allli., Ua, H Ul I k lalaad Mu.t cp In Ilia .l.i..i.t a 1 1 1 l. iul, JkaoH I t V. l IU fi I vt tllnrlicr iiikI Uh I'ipc. Here is nn incident of lSl'i which the En glish journals nre relating : On the morning of the memorable baltle of Waterloo, llcnnemnn hnd jut handed his master (Mucher) a lighted" pipe, when a cannon ball struck the ground close by scatterring earth nnd gravel in nil directions nnd causing tho white chnrger on which Ulucher was mounted to spring aside n nianielivrc that broke the pipe i:il-.i a thou sand pieces before the owner had time even to lilt it to ljis lips. . "Just keep a lighted pipe ready for inc. I shall be buck in ii few moment's, after I have driven away the rascally French churls." Willi these words liluchcr gave the com mand, ,'Forwnrd, boys!" and off he galloped with his cavalry, lu-lrad. however of u chase of o few minute?, it was a rapid march of nearly a whole hot summer day as we all know from history. Alter t' e 'i. attic was over, Ulucher rode back with Vi' !r;ie;tiiii to the place where he first got u glimpse of the combatting armies, nnd Hearing the spot where Ulucher had halted in the morning, they saw to their surprise a Military man, his head tied with a handkerchief, one arm in a sling, mid calmly smoking a pipe ! "Donner unci Ulitz!" cried Jlluc her, why, that is my llcnnemnn. How you look, b.iy; what are you doing alone?" "Waiting for your speedy return," was the urumblinp answer. "You have come at last ! i nave waned lor you Here, pipe in ! mouth, for the whole day. This is tho last ! pipe in the box. The cursed Fiench have shot away every pipe from my mouth, have i ripped the flesh from my head, and shatter- i ed my arm with their dueced bullets. 1; is . well there is an end to the battle, or ! would have been too late even for the you last j pipe." Saying which, he handed to .Ulucher the pipe, to enjoy the remaining fumes of tiie weed. Wellington, who had listened ut- ! tentively to the conversation, here remarked to Ulucher, "You have ju-t admir-d tin; un flinching bravery of my Ilig!i!.iti icr, what shall I say to this true and devoted sou!;" , "Hut your Highlanders had no pipe to re- ' gale themselves with." An Ini kniocs Ut si: and F.u ir.r. Capcke ok llKnri. Okfkt.us, A captain in the lo-cl New York, stationed in Xoitli Caroli- na, captured forty six rebel officers in a very ingenious way, before he was discovert d I uiul driven oil'. He was stationed at .lack sou Mills, three miles from Kinston. on the Neusc. At a particular point, called Wie's Forks, th re is a bridge. Me marched hi command to it, and after tearing up several planks, placed his men in ambush to wait tor what they might catch, tis he lay in the rear of the enemy. Aseeesh w oman find her daughter, guard ed by one rebel soMier, were the first that fell into the trap. This little episode was scarcely over w lien a mounted courrier came dashing along from Kinston, and thrust his neck into the halter on a gallop. lie win bearer ot a dispatch from Colonel Fottlk commanding the forces nnd defences of Kinston, to .Major Spann, commanding the outpost, ordering the hitler to fall back J Willi ins lorees w itlun tlie entrenchments, : as the ankees were marching against lum I 011 the Dover and Xel! roads, and thrcat- 1 cued to cut oil his pickets. A halt hour ! hissed and another courier, bearing a siuai j ler message as the first, was, taken. Another halt hour, and the commanding officer him self, with his assistant adjutant general, came riding furiously down I'rom his head fpiarters at Kinston, to find out what had become of these couriers. The little affair was fast assuming the shape of a comedy of errors, into which even the highest rebel official seemed frantic to parade his body and net his part. At the right moment a clear, steady voice commanded, "Unit dis mount and surrender!"' The Cohitiel, wroth that he should be delayed, answered bac k, "l am Colonel Foulk you till know me." ''Yes, w e idi know you; nnd a second time I oitler vou to dismount and surrender!" The Colonel was thunderstruck ; hut realiz ing in a moment his delic.it j situation he slid from his horse, qiticklv followed bv his lad'Utant. To the challenge, 'thi you sur render." the colonel immediately m.swcml, 'Vcs certainly ; this is a bad box: there is no he'p for it ; I am your pi lsoi-.er"-!.ud the commanding officer of Kitistor., turning pale fairly groaued with anguish and humilia tion as he bin-rendered up his arms. 1'oth the colonel and his adjutant were speedily cared for, and their hoi-es tied in the woods out of the way of bullets. Soon came the report ol musketry at Wise's Forks, telling the story that our main column wasdiivirg tho enemy from his rauip. Then came many of tiie retreating rclnls, fleeing by the laeksoii .Mill road toward Kiusion. The baggage wagons came thundeiing down to the bridge in charge of a Lieut. 1'.: other.-,, of the tilth North Carolina Uegiinent. The Lieutenant, outstripiug even the foremost teams lirst reached the mill and discovered the dismantled bridge. Amid a show er of curses, he cries out to somebody he sees nn the opposite aide f the stream, "who iu h 1 ordered that bridge tip.''' The some body ou the other side answered that he ordered it up to atop thu Yaukcs from cms-.- ! lug. "( ome over i lies out the voice, and it .vou want to get the wagons uti 'ss wv il put it down!'' A ud over l otiii -. I.n nil nan! ltiolhera on one of the stlingi is, cur.'.ng at a great rale at the stupid tool who nnl. red up thu bridge! lie was no suo.nr m-in-s t Ii i n tt rev oil er was thrust into hi. l.tee, with the command to mi, render in-taiuiv, uud ju.it stop m iking any I. io ic blow iilmut the bridge! 'the lieutenant, I hoftiiip.hiy frightened, delivered his un.is i.w-r nnt hlv, uud I lt M kitid wilh a glui'i laugh, ' Nn one but a Yulikce could pla) luu am u a tuck as that." TlIK lilil Gl .--e.i-e it stilt. I llllt the .'il iii! Ii gnu rt-t cully .liipp, I li..iit piii-i.nig KaalHuldi IniH I.MIIg al Phillip. I. ill Ne.l Jel.eV, j'lil 111 ro the l'i l.ii.i 1 1 .Una but-. O.i II j.iiiriie) it lit I t.,.lr-5i d but M.nie llilll) lull' per tiu), and i-.ii.nl uWaUi.g Ihe tn liglln nlng nl . line nf tie liii',. along the load Ii t It 1.1 im .. Wi.lii uoul l 1 lu.h one of lln iu, in wl...! unit 11 might Ui idiuiuely iliiii. ..U I.. Ij'1. i i.-, o ..ii, 1 dn p .tit am nl ..I,... the p.iai. talii di I'll Up.idu doe. a in lit.- Inn c, i.inl Ihal 111 liictl ahi p ilil.i ti..' tin li I ll l.i J it .till It Liillg apikcl. 'In 1 ul in 11 I the Ian un II Inl Ull. f "lVfcVVaki" I . it. ul It the Inoii.i.r, il.n Hhltulhiy tiiiuil ti the ttui lata) lu .pikid. - - -- Jon a Hi k v 1 an an. -I'd nn 'In K'U nul. m Ma t I.) au thill J Uialt Hllll .11. ail In. Ilia of u'a U hi haud. 'I'm), , t L. i tout I al.l'U. ! IUl Ibv H l Iba p. . 1 linuM.1 ' J.I14 hloi a ...a nl iin...i lltfUltL H i .ttim I" lb. Im-II. , 111; jii yt't .' in , ' 1. 1 ' '. ii' I'ruin .Mobile. WAK DKPAItTMF.N'T, iV'ashini.ton, Aug. 10, 11-110 r. nt. Ma). Gen. , AV-e Yorl: The following report of tho success of our operations at Mobile, extrcted from the llic.h inond l'.iitjitirer u! this morning, has just been received liotn .Iaj. (Jen. Uutlcr: elonii.i:, August 8. On Friday niht ! Lieutenant Ctcnurnl Williams, commanding Fort Powell, evacuated and blew up t lie tort yesterday, nnd to-day the enemy shellint' Fort Gaines. i ne peopie oi .Moinic nre nil remly tor the I gosii unci r rencii iniinuiac:ture : ci fray. The Dcnnlo are satislied with the con - i per, black nnd brown, fhmei duet ot Lieutenants Uuchanan, Maury nnd Uurnctte of the navy. KIX'OMJ IlKSPATCIt. iilnIUl.K, Aug. 8. it is painfully humiliating to announce 1 tin; sliatnel'iil surrender of Fort Gaines at ' half part nine o'clock this moniinix, bv ( ul 1 onel l hurlcs Anderson, of the 2 1st Alabama 1 regiiiietit. j 'I'll is principal wnrk was provisioned for six months, and with a garrison of six liitu- died men he communicated with the ene- iny's tli et by liag of truce, with the sanction of General l'age. General. l'.ioe enquired by signal what his purpose was, but receive..! no answer. His atu-iiliou was attracted by signal guns. General Page repeatedly telegraphed to hold on to your port. The same night, he visited Fort Gaines, and found Anderson ou board the Yankee flciyt arranging terms ol capitulation. lie-left peremptory orders for Anderson, on his return, not to surrender the fort, and rtlieved him of his command. Fort Morgan signalled this morning, but. no answer was received, except the hoisting of the Yankee llag over tho ramparts cil Fort G nines. j I i ' j Anderson's conduct is officially liouneed inexplicable and shameful. pro- Despatches just received from General Shi ii. Ian i-i port his forces moving against the enemy upthc Shenandoah. At 4 o'clock, l". .v., there wcie skirmishing about un miles from Winchester. This morning General Grant reported the explosion of an enhance boat vesterday, loaded with ammunition, tit City Point wharf. Xo details have beeff received. Col. Uabcoek, of General Grunt's staff, was t-lig.'itly wour.ded. Xo operations before Atlanta of eonse- ' qiiotice reported to t! Forlions of General Stonemnn's command are continuing to arrive, and the total h)is will not exceed one thousand. K. M STAN'TUN, Secretary- ofWair-. ..i 5v VAU-.vr.i.i: IIrcipk. Xow that the black berries are abundant, wi; should advise everybody to make use of the following rc ccipe for making a valuable cordial for medicinal purposes : lil.Al KltKItltV C'OUDIAL. To CMC blackberry juice put 4 lbs. of white boil and skim oil'; theu add 1 oz. of 1 ox. of cinnamon, 10 grated nutmi boil down till quite rich : then let gallon sugar ; cloves, gs, and it cool and settle; afterward drain off. and add 1 pint of good br.iudv. .The wine and jelly are luade jusl ns cur rant w ine and jelly arc. Almost all house keepers aie familiar with the modes of mak ing these. Tiie syrup is mu le like the jelly, but not so rich ; only rich enough to Keep well, j.et it become cold l)eto:i.i pour- ill'' it int.! Iintth. If il ulumlil form i,.!li beat it over and put it up in jars. A gallon of sprup or jelly may save ns many lives as the same quantity of cordial, rum or brandy ; for if stimulants ar meded they may be given to the patient si. perati.ly. i How A llEHF.I. M V.IOR WAS C.V PTl M.T). An ariuy.corrt Sjii, in lent says that a few days ago one ol the 107th New Y'ork liegiincut i took over some papers to exchange w ith some rebel soldiers, pursuant to tin intima tion on tlicir part of a desire to make such exchange, and tin y took him papers an 1 all. This breach of faith was considered a proper subject of retaliation. A corpora!. t disguised as an officer, ventured out in It. ml of another pnrtiou ol the line, and. holding t.p a package of papers, expressed 1 wi-h to ' f.v,f l.aiigc for Southern papers Come nv.r belt, ;m.l we wili exchange wi'h y.-u," a rc i I'd called out. "Meet tne half way," our I corporal replied. His firmness on ih;s point : s 1011 l'-o:i';lit out a fray back uliieer. and a .' major ::t Unit. "Iliad lo see Vou," s j, the J corp. ral. "Ibi otl see that mail behind Ih -it tree w'liu a 1.0; lo t You are my pri- sotier, and if vou cpeu voer ilea.!, or don't billow iu,-, o.i ale a ih ul mall, jot- Ibllowed, and is now 11 piiso TI 1 Fnammoi r. Lnni a-ter township, home nf tne ure.it llii.'han.in gave 1 the un- I itnimiius vole lor the soldiers anienduii nt a' 1 liie r, cent eh 1 tin ii. In a canva s of l he 1 tow nship inline. i itely preciling tin- election I it vvus ns.i it iii 111- I l!':it two otis VMM: ilg.illi-t giviu;; the Mi!.!, r the 1 Iv lit I 1 Mite. I pp weii bach. 111:111 nnd In. Iitsli ii inli 'l .i for-iii r I .. ii.g cm v ii. eti 1 II v i.ni mall. I ed ti 1 Sprl ' H hi ' ' pel'ln-l'l 1 Ci l.ll e i.t Ih ill. 'id Unal-le t- 1.: ii I. l the po .s. i-h con Inn an all I . I ul cm:: 1 ir i''c to put in Ids v ole. !! iv 1 .11 ing 1 1. il "A im mm 1 v w In n the I to Vt'e.'' e 1... "l-i dielire I I Lis t i.y W01 1 r Wo; ! till' I 1 til' I ,11.--.. b- :, , h.V e I ' Loot I. .11' ih I vi il. 11. I : i"''i' J:'.i tiht . i-e 1. 11 s i. that: l'i tl. .1 H H I the I . IN ,rp. Nil ,1 1 tt -1 -t 1 li p Id p -It ll. . IllM . slit, t! at Ni Ito lo t :,' Ml,s Is 1 4 Iiinli,. ,b i. M .1 Oiel 1 v ever pi ed Will tl.li. VI ll I : 1 .t 111. r ii 1.. tli,. Will n lid It 11 I il III "I bo, Li I. .i Hi .I kel. A Vi. "U'nM V It i I bill ll I III V l I I A I I' i i 'mm Li 1 ii, "I ' V- ii i r. C . H 0 loan nl 1 .. '1 I ;1, .. bad a -1 : !. ml) Li bet .1,1 1 . 111. 1 nil- file) ph.... im. I,..!.- ll.l i I I Unit I. If If ll' ll' 1 I v a live nnl L'l.'Vi ine .luk - in 1 1 1 no. OH l .lol'iat h i!..U 1. I. It l.a Ii H i;i. hii ." la'a'' thai il ' the .t on n il 1 .1. l i l'i ' I lie I oil Ii I'j.iiil Ih. 1. ii.i le a I ni li. u.' Ci. I ,0. tile iin-1,1 '111 I ; . III.' .I'.lll I ll . .. i.rl I. ...1 1 ii till li e ham I '' It.,. L'. ..I .""' i 1 a II fall nl I..I. I I "'tl ,1 lili aim 1. 1' I II "I 4tt .1 . up In I he Un. -at, pi 1 0 H km il. I--.! I." I, 1." kl ! Ill I. I 11 lit .1 Hill. I 't ll d... tli1 .11 .n, . .1 ' It lain. I. at II l i 1 ' I hi ... 1. i.w u a 1 .11 la) I' H ' I " j l,l III 1 1. -I l.ili ll. 14 H I.l. h I.il tl it I I . II I' l I' .I'l I'' M. A Xfw Jin let-in I f'nr I. "The Hon. IsnacXewton, theC er of Agriculture, has just rect Austria a package containing th markable results of the lnanufael di-m corn fibre, it cmljraccs parent!- equal to the finest linen evidently superior in point of d otiie ol it is thought to be a p tute for parchment. Specimens paper are remarkable for the e delicacy. 'J'issite paper, verv li"h' are i parent, is included ; tracing aio papers, preferred bv arttis to tin; beautiful colors, for the tnakitur o lhnvers: silk paper of several 'V- all sixty samples oficiper. thic w hite and colored, substantially ' delicately orniiuental. Thev er i wonder of ingenuity, and iilitstral I of invention to create new forms moil materials, and the utility of I fort iu developing thu perfectio i and industry. Nor is this all. . and unbleached crush, of several 1 i exhibited, from the same material I of corn husks, or the outer coveri. ; ear, called in some of our South 'shucks.' But perhaps the most results, in heavy fabrics, is oi floors, of which two different shown, both apparently (if eupe bility. The process of puper ui: j been for years iu development, j ning and weaving of maize fibre I tnenced late in 1S02. Jioth proc j been patented in Austria and ol peiin countries, nnd in this countt ! results hi-.ve been attained undt j reetion of Dr. Chevalier Auer de I director of the Imperial printing j nient at Vienna, and Superintend' i Imperial paper mills nt Sehhrgclnt I tria. All portions of the husk nre into pnper stulf, spinning stuli'or I j which is mixed with common Ho ; teen percent, of pnper fibre, ten ! material, and eleven of feed stu: i Uiincd, together making forty ,' leaving a refuse of sixty per cent.. it fine libie ami gluten, which nn filtered and liiili.ed.'' j Dohoino a I'.vntoi.. The W s-tar tens auout n soldier, who, in away from a patru!, hid himself taurant by .lumping into a large lor steaming oysters. The lid ch ft. spring look, and the disappoint went on his way bullied. In a lit the colored man nltending tin turned on a full head of steam in preparr u mess fir some custon- Ljoiiuer negan to grow uncotntortal timi kickcii nun yelled H'.-uiy lor until the frightened ncero ran nw ting that the debit w as in thestenn employees gathered round, and rei perspiring soldier, who bounded tlie speed of a machine whose mot is steam. Kdwai'.u l!i. iss Commissioner ot tion for Colorado in New York, p card to relieve that Territory of all tion with 'Colorado .b wett." Ii wi's a laughing-stock for the tw. months he spent in the territory, the fe.ir of t-tr nnd feathers on some questionable business matter his returning. II.. freely deitounci. as a confidence man and swindler, humbug and grss imposter. ''John." said an angry parent t v who had committed a misdeed. ". to the next room and prepare your good Hogging." Thu boy depnr when h.s parent hail linished the was writing and sought t'.ie ofl'endi he was surprised at tlie swollen ti nt' the young rascal's back. "Whr.t mean ;" he iis.ktd ; "w hat's on vou "A leather itpron," replied Job double. Vou told me to prepare f 1 Hogging, n::d I done the best I coc 1 I 1'uofitaui.e Sroiix. One man ' miles south of La Crosse, "Wi.-consii I ken with a mt this season thirty plgc uis. Another man in eparu l ( VLSiC'l wortiij vnltied at four cents I ATiik Xr.vv Y01.K World oil's 1 dewett "a nincompoop." When I Dein. n-iatie .apers scold the Work: ' ih'iiour.c ing the man w ho has done could to make cjpiial for "the pun ! Mi:. rMMrsox Al ruiottr nnd v 1 live near An-unum, Oiiio have rear : sons, and the whole number tnli , ai'j now in the tirvie. of their Several of the s ins have served out ti.ree vears of their enlistment and enlisted. The aged pio'ents are no. harder to curry on their fur in than fin their younger days. This o!d I follows the plough uud woiksin 1 est field. Mn: endures nil itis so sons may serve their Country. I Tli- s'li i',!. st pony in the wori l i -by Joiiti U itery, of ohio. It is im he high and vi-ighs on'y 21 Its mother wl. wa iiimieht ft "tn t : land Is'is by llutey, v.i-igl.s only III Coventor .'vyrnour has loniii.ud mi.sion ngetits Iroiii ihe ' vui i.i. i.l New Vnriv tupiniiid South a:, lecreiling depots, hojiiug b) in lo I'loi llie etnuiith 111 1 11 to till ;h,.. i4 I., it the driill ( I'liiiuci.. . t Id A I.il I! I. boy i"i c. nt. iii;- l.i tne ie ceiLiln il.tir h, win ft- l.e had su n 1 I- pi . ! u 1.1 nil 1111 organ, said lo In. n- - I'll, 1 1 ) 1 : 1 1 : 1 1 : 1 , I wis! ju h..d eai :. !i to .lav 1.1 -,-e the 1. 01 .1 In 1 1 11,-1 lut;-li' fi.l nflltli ld tiipl'o.tldl'' AS I Ills 11 vi vv l,i.l. lug 111 the t. tin, nn 1 , 1 aiel uil,. k i ping hi- i.nc tin a. ell nl liie L 1 1 ..; . I 1. mi I -nig a. 11 ' in, Le i.-p,ii;, a. inj.iiii, ' : 11. "i t the I -li Le ct iw.bii lurv lo I 1 I the V 1 1 , it sj. ( ten" A I I.U M l'i'" d '. lil 1 hi n ii I n. 1. -, npi 1 ii 1 "i' " I i e I 'i;; ad 1 ..liil.i 1 , i'U. .1.1, l.i 1.1 Lie tlit; I i.g. Lnl. lata ate the itt.t.tl.., ai.d b!l In p a Ihal "iiii In:: .11 11 m vat I ' 'I Wl.ll vou hud ft en !.,' ui I . Li n In au I'.d hi. 'I I piu v 1 1 1 'il I .t In i.e.. ' VVh) tu," 'o,ai. VoJ ho, 1 .1, 11 u.i tow ai pig ln.lt. I 1 I tin. un A 1 .11 ' -- - - I n. it- aim I'm 1 iiiiii. pi 1 I'.kv 4 la' I,.q. .inn n ! 1 ii, h bit ll 1 on ilv lot i a 1, ii I vl tin. a 1 a I I I. Hi ll. aU il, ii i 11,'t', ..t I I l fi I ,. 1 I the aslliw b llll a I". ill. t i.l I . I. I, ill the 11. 1 11 , K l 4 .1.1 1I..I1 aid Ib. ilsne 111. Hoi, aul I it. in ntlil ll I i I'l J itiiltiilat ,, - t I I I . a ; . . b t . if t l ; vi a iiai mi b lavui ii oic sir
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers