U. S. 10-40BONDS. These Bonds iiro Ismcd oader tha Act of Congress of March 8:h, W,i, which provides thnt nil Ronds issued onrlcr thi's Act Anil bo EXEMPT FROM TAXATION" by or under anystnto or municipal im t'uority. FulwripHons ,0 ,ni'50 H'1" "rc received io United .'-"Into notes or notes of National R.tnks. They aro TO KK REDEEMED IN CUN.at llio pleasure of ilio tluvornroent, at any period not than tr'i I"1 r more than forty yc.ir.i from their dnte. and until their redemption FIVE TER CENT. INTEREST WILE BR TAlP IX COIN, on Rond of not over ono hundred dollnrs annually nnd on ull other Hon Is semi-annually. The interest is pnynlile on the first d-iys of March nnd September in each years. Subscribers will rvolvo. either E. stored or Cou pon Uond. as they may prefer. Regt-tcred Ii.uids arc recorded on the hooks of tho I". S. Treasurer, and can lie transferred only on tho ow ncr order. Ci.upon Bonds are payable to bearer, and arc mr.re convenient for cmuiurreiiil uses. Siibscrib-r? to thin hum mill hnvo the option of having their Bonds draw Interest from March M. .by paying the accrued interest in coin (or in I'nited States notes, or the notes of National Hunks, ad ling fifty per cent for premium.) or rcoeive them dr:iv ing interest from the dale nf subscription and deposit. As these Bonds aro lAt-mpt fruai Miiiii-t:il or State 'I'ii:ition, there value is increased from one to three per cent, per annum, according to the rate of lr.. levies in va rious parts of the country. At the present rate of premium on gold they pay OVER EIC.11T rillt CENT INTEREST in currency, nnd arc of equal convenience as a per uianoiit or tcwrnr.iry investment. It is believed that no securities offer fo great in ducements to lenders as the various descriptions of U. S. Bond;. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or nbility of private parties or stock companies only is pledged for payment, while for tho debts of tho United States the whole property of the coun try is hidden to secure the payment of both principal nd interest iu coin. These Bonds; may bo subscribed for in sums from S50up to any magitudo, on tho same terms, and aro thus mado equally available to the smallest lender nnd the largest capitalist. They can be converted into money at any amount, and the holder will have the benefit of tho interest. It may bo useful to state in this connection tha the total Funded Debt of tho United States on which interest is payable in gold, on tho .1.1 day of March. 1S64, was $7(iS.i)fpj.0n0. Tho interest on this debt for the coming fiscal year will he $l.i.tl'i7.12t. while the customs revenue in gold for the current fiscal year, ending June .10ih, lsdt. has been so far at tho rato of over $100,000,000 per annum It will l)o seen that even the present gold revenues . of the tiovernnient are largely in excess id the wants of tho Treasury for tho payment of gold interest, while the recent increase of tho tariff will doubtless raise tho annual receipts from customs on tho same amount of importations, to fl.ill. 1100.000 per annum. Instructions to the National Banks acting as loan agents were not issued from tho United State Trea sury until March -il. but in tho first three weeks of April tho subscriptions averaged wore, than TEN MILLIONS A WEEK. Subscriptions will be received by tho First National Bank of Philadelphia. Pa. Second National Bank of Philadelphia. Ttt. Third National Bank uf Philadelphia, Pa. First Notional Bank of Danville, Pa. An 'I l.v u!f itt ioiiul which aro depositaries of Public money, and all ltnsl'WTUII.K 11VSK.1 AND BANK KI!8 throughout the country, (acting as agents of the Na tional Depository Banks.) w ill furnish further infor mation on application and AFFORD KVEltY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. May 7, loGl. 1804, 1801. A FKESII SUPPLY OF SPUING AND SUMMER MIL LINERY GOODS, At the Large Millinery Store of Fawn street, two doors south of Shainokin Valley ,i PottM ille Railroad, SUN BURY, Pa., Consisting of tho very latest styles of A No, Ti m tiling shpIi Hilihnr?. Luce.?, Krcn-'h una Aiui'ric.in KImwlT!. Ft'iulii'ii, Ac. ALSO, A LAlUiK ASSORTMENT OF Fancy Goods & Notions, to which she directs tho attention of her friend-, and invites ult io call and see before purchasing else- I win-re Thankful for past patronage, she hopes by keep, iinr I ue best assort uieiil at rc.soi.i.ble prices to con tinue the same. Miuhuiy. April 9. Istil. llm I IV ml in;;- ln.lrii. HTM MIR rt RR ANG MENT fi HEAT I it INK LINE from the N..r!h ana Xor'.h-W e.-t lor Philadelphiii, New York. Head ing. Pottstillc. Li-hauon. Allcntown. Kaston. Ac. 'IVi.ins leave llarrishurg for Philadelphia. Xow Yoik. Reading. Polisvillo, and ail 1 litem. dilate. Stations, at n A. M.. and 'J oti l M. vmk Expr.-s. leaves llarrisiiurg at ft ."0 A. M., urrivnig at -tv York at 1 l'i tho snne day. A spc-ial A. -e. .Humiliation I'ltssenj;!', train leaves Ri-a lniL' at 7 Ij A. M.. mid returns Iroiu llairi.-buig at ;. I'. M. 1 an-- iron II i! i i-loii''; To New York f.Vli : Io Pliiii l. tr i.i jt :u and 2 no. ll.igg.ige cho-cd tl.iu.i.li Renin dug. I. ue New Yoik at ft A. M.. 12 X... n. and 7 P M. iPin.-burgli Express an-i. ing at ll..iu-. loir-: ai A .M l I. cue l inliul. ipliiu at li Ij A. M h.i.I :t ;..i l M . Slfcpii g ears in the New York Exprc Trains tll.'uiiuli lomi I 1 1 j iik I ii:-i,ui'li mllii ul elningo. 1'a.--. l.c i s l.y the Cm l.i l- a it ml Id u I li i. c 'I I. niaijiia hi H jo A. M , and I j I'. M , .,r Phila.lt- plllli. Kew-Voik. Kiel Hll Way Point'. Triiins li-.uc I'oiisMlle at tij A .M .an.l 2 '!0 P. M . for I'luls I. ! I i... ll.-.rnMii si..l .Vi )..i:. All a.'etoMint.l.o i.. I'hj. liL'er li ; II lh V Li M.l'lig ut ri ;o A. M., ui.d tcuiriu tioiu i'ini:i l -li t,ia 1.1 J i P. .M . t All tliu h'mivc Iraiiu nil. Julv Sunluu i- Clpl.'l. AilliblV train leaves PiillMillu Kt 7 HO A.M.. II... I ri,ll.i.t.-l.,j al .1 j p m. t '..i.u...;u.i. n. M.l. ig. -i-.-ii. n. I l!x.-ui -iu l.' ki''.t ii-iln -id rati--i i in i t " ' o a I ' i.i m i'ou.ol. L"t! 'i;'' ul!'. .id cii. ii I',. i (.. A M "I.I.S, (ji lier.d fUl'iUl.tcl. I, 1,1 : 7 ;:, i-:i MANHOOD I IJ.. I.uki. itt lti-iir'l. .1 I r-T I i.' ' 1.. i i; on i lin ,. . f ii I t I.VI !: l I 1 i I I Pi: i i D i M .u ti.. f..l .li tn ;lt I in, to n .. , i ii . v l o ij.i l li.ll..il ,-.ikl lliv '..iil.iit hu. li II K .11. Ml M.i . i i. -Mi. i i 1. 1. 1 I i . ei . iM.u. u I l .l i I l ln l I , H I IU I I ) 14 it I' ' ...I , .1 I...U t ' i. ...... 1. 1 ll. 'lie . I hi'. .1. '...!. . i.. . I I . 1 1 v . It. 1 l.w l . I, 4) U I ...I- i .'I I. ..'II..I 11. 1. .. . . ...(.Li lmI a il. iu a l.iiiij.. ui i . I 11 W 4. , I'l1 iU .. I tl ' l Ml.. 111 4 I 1 I l i t .-J.l M It bill I. i 1 1 . I... i i i ii .li . m I . I t- I. -t ll I . I... I I I J il i i r -i ' mi. isAhiinni.K, 1 1. 1 i i t .. li c :' ' LADIES.' BPKINQ AND SUMMER , vi-t-nnr nnnnn FAMflY DltESS flOODS l iWlfl 1 JVUO U VI J J J Up ItliNU A.XA l'AIVI LIS, Two ilooru West of the l'oft Office, 1 TAS just received nnd opened a largo assortment .1 I. ot I'anov itcms unoiis, suon ns moves, miuvwii Kid-gb voa, Silk and lisle thread Hlnvos; lisdies cotton Hi so, Children's Hose, Silk Mils, Handker chief. Corsets. Knibroiden d Slippers, Ribbons FAN CY DRESS BUTTONS. Bugle (limbs, Trimming, Rn'tnns. Belt Itilion. Velvet Riblsms, Braid, Belt CI is. Ladies' Ncck-tl.s, Fancy Butloi s. CRAPE RIBBON and 1 11 1 JIMINU ; Embroidering liraids, Jaconet nnd Swiss Edgings nnd insertions; Jlalteenc Lace Collars, Hreiiadino Veils. Fancy Dress Combs, Head Dresses, Nctts, and a variety of other article. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Books, Hymn Books, Blank Bonks, Memorandum Books. Diaries, Pocket Books. Ink Stauds, Pens, Pencils, Ac. Ac, TOYS AXD tlA.Ml.S FOU CHILTHtKX. All of which h ive been selected w ith care and will be sold at reason;. b!o prices. ANNA PAINTER. Punbiiry. April 23, 1S.1I. THE "Ml) LION HOTEL. (Late Jlrs. Boultou's.) MAP.KET STItHET, BUHIWHY, PA. II AS taken this old nnd well known stand, nnd rcliliv.l an ! furnished the same is prepared to i'ivulv.U.c.,lJtc Uortr.Icrs tllel jruveieis won ine oesi the market can afford. He hopes by strict attention to tmsitn ss to receive n share of public patronage. His 'I A Ul. U contains the best the mat ket ntlords. llis liar is tilled with tho choicest of Liquors, both Melt and Spirituous. The stabling is good, and attended by careful Ostlers. Sunbury. April ifl. l.-?oU ly !SMrfiM"WM lv"S IM'.FOT. "I 1ST received a new stock of Fishing Tackle for a I Spring sales, consisting ol Hods. Keels. Lines, Baskets. Sm oiIs. Floats. Nets. Flics, Artificial Bait, Rigged Lines. Hut. Grass and Hooks, to which the attention ol dealers is particularly requested. Orders. Wholesale nnd Retail, punctually filled and satisfaction warranted. JOHN K RIDER. 2nd and Walnut streets, Philadelphia. February 17. l.Mil. (iin AN lNTEKESTING 11ISTU11Y OP EH. KCITIINK'S OWN CASE. WHILE LAlioRIXU UNDER CONSUMPTION And how his Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic,' and Mandrake Pills net on the System in Curing that Disease, and tho rr:il Siktcsh AHoikUm' II I The aliovc isacorrcct likeness of Ir. Schenk taken many years ago, aflcr he had recovered from Con sumption ; by a cnuro of his '-Scheiik's Pulmonic Syrup.'' The likeness, although it does not repre sent him anything like as bad as he wasnt I lie worst, yet it is in strong contrast wilh the hale and vigorous looks of the Portrait below which is the true like- ness of'hiiii at present time. Tho contrast between I these two portraits is so great t lull many would not believe them to be the same person. Yet there lire 1 hundreds of persons, in nnd around Philadelphia, I who will recognise both portrniis to be true repi escn- l.iti'.r.s. hcii tha fii.st was taken ho weighed lln pounds ; at the present lime his weight ii. 220 pounds nPSTfe.WJSw. ' Vs'&J?&i&Airt! ''I'!MIW0 "kv Vouk, WedueAlny, Murcb Hi), lSul. TO THU Pl liLIC. Tliirty yenr- jih I wnt in the lust ptngos of Pul in.mjiry r.fii-im.,iitm. nud t;ivcn uV die. I rv.UWd ! in IMiilii'it 1 hid. Hii-1 lr. Jiij-' jih I'nn t.-L. Ui ti l thii city. orl'Tcil n.c In MnrrfUinn, N. ,1., n ili-tziiu'u .f uuv mi!;- wiiii-h tk 1110 tttu 'lny t I her. "n 1 iiiv iiiiiv.il I wf ut t.t lu'il. mil thtTO l:iiti tr liiftity i witii. 1 iiU my imti.i j.Ijm'. wluro till ii:y ! f.iiuily livt-i iiiil Ini'l dii'tl.ni" ioiiumplion. lr. j 'il.ui'iiii ii. win) iilifii.li'tl my ("ut hi r in I if l;t il!ni.-. w i i-ii.li u, i:n-l jravu n. i.no uei k to f;x up luy nl I t'lir?--. lit :id t'. vn i II my i'tiiiilv jr thuX vvny. nntl i t lit - ii i;f I 1 wh-) In pi, tMi "TIm-ii 1 l::inl nf tUu't cu ! li tit 1 now i'Vii- tn fliv putilic. whit li mi. It wmi'il I" Ut'' tliiil 1 culKI IV' l tlu in J t nilrutui luy I 'l !i y u rini'(I ilie iiuitdT i.n my lun. i;i -1 I ' w.u l i .-;it l-li niuru th.tti a j-int ul' t-;l n - y.-il.tH : Hi'.Mt r t 'ry iiii.r.uh. A tlml n.-jiii to I ' liul.-itl. i f ujli. It i cr. jfiin, nilil rrnl.' .ill i i -i.iu l ,i v ii;-. hi A ii v i j t i I U-i.Mi:ic nu rt-ut Ui.i' i' vii.- iih tl iVkuItv I fuul.l kivp iin:ii valin ' ttio iiiui-b. 1 .u k'iumI my jitrt-nHi mi l I li.t v' i i I ft ii in l! 'I v -r it. fife. i'Yr uiuuy ytuiH ' 1 1 nw ti ..! uiiinifrruptrtj iiotl ht.ilili, li i ii, 1 the ItvvT :ihl r(n.M4i tit uiity m'ii die Smvt-i I ' I nn ut 1 M .r ir.il !M!, a I hiii ! m liliiua It iuj ..r- fHifiil. .My Wfiitt in imu hitiulri.l Hint twci.ty p mil U 1'n my it tMivt-ry pn'pU wtultl m'iil J'-r ul i i.r iti l nt jr. tu et c it il.cir t.'uiirt Mt-ru likv imnti. ; K'r i ; i l'- -iuiml i in iu tlio Lit;) ll'ttt'K. 'i llf.'-.l fUM-pUl Ifli lO 9VC I Si I'M llllt llluktli' Im I ..'.n. kli i Who t ri vufft, t c'lt ( m:...)!! j. i- (I" lo, 'Io llttikv lulled i Ih.Jc M- ; hit', lul .-I. W'i.- ili I IJO lllli Mit I'hloliiu ul.'il'l ; ti'iti- tl. I. .'..-hi tl luhcn c tu ho hi Kli-J tic tl J cHi'.- in tii, t ,4 h' iii ly iiii'tcr itiii (irilniity ir'.iiin ii 1 i' pi. l.-. i.r-1 j'.-'t -U- t LTV t un 4 l.y ll.u T.-pt f lt' '! ti l k I'lttll outO UUp, t it i luilC, Ii I M .1. II .i.V I'll!. I "it ti .v u I,., Vhy iimr. ui'h .r.sv v'y in thf ii ,.t III ! .i .'"I ii.'. .Ia lui.m ,L. h... t I L . tj HilC'ti h i j 1 1 v I .l: i L u.plt'tt' a.thi Jilli ft I hi- It ui M. iltt- l.l, im, ii- - i l l ..vt llioiij pir I'-t-y t ,ti l ht ( I.. .. i ... 1.- Ui ii c i.Uiti 'll.tj I ! . i.. . ..l.. i.. . u.. I.; " I""' :. I'" ul 1 Jti U. .. 1 I. I rule v -I -UUip- i;.t '.I , II.. ) UirIU .. 4 I... I I t lt.p Ulhl it .!., 'i i : I . t. i in'j inn I an.; lip lh It I'.. Iia . I " .... J lit. Mitl 1 lI l IliU I Jilt 111 llh U.J i i, i. I.. .1... I.e.. i li . I t, I I II I l.l .lr'lt 1. 1 1 t.l t ill 1 . i I hi... i .ui' a. 1 1 ij ll.it .ir . w.i In ' , Mill Mil .I. l.l I v .1 . l l tll ititf t -III Lt t 111 ) Ut '-llUli.pll l, 14 -ttlil 'J pt In i' U-tl li tL.tiki f, liiti lMjti i.i.. l li- iit'i u. aiMU-at 'L mt Utim lit at 1 . S i' -!m t .t t.i.k r ri.tt4.c tal -i.l,. i i l ti .i u utula i. Ut 4 li a. Ii I U .- I'll I itUfU ti tU 44w.t; ,U u i! t, i 4 ty l'il vu.av li uU Utmjf t. (tllh vsal l. 4IUIV I a.,. 4114 tiuj .i Hi i. i.i.pi-i i. ii i t iu i-i.-wL U .1 I ll. I 4i,l t liflvHiit I U i.tjli U ll-M I U'-ll ilk ttUti fAJ.k . I li. 4m-I . 11 lil M 441M li. I U. ul' I i l ' ti t.. a 1 ft ll.. II. (Jt I I- I u- e -u - ll.e .1 1 ..-.I i.. M i'l ii I. ismmir " Mm . U U. . ....ti. 4 I .....Ui . .1 . .1 1 ....... . . . . - ( ,1 . . . t .a . . a - . . I I ... 1 1 . I ... ... .. ...i .... It )l . i . i'l kl... . I. ... i . I . . I . .. I , , I. 4 I the stomach, and II l carried oil by tho aid or tho M,in,lrak Pills, tho Pulmonic Svrun is mado into nianiiraa" i ins. ino iniiiiiiiiu ..,...p ........ n,"0,, Thi.lsthe only way to euro consumpti. n. j( j finnt Rnt a good appetite, and food does not digest. 1 cannot cure the patient Never mind tho eoiiirh : remove the cause and will stop of Itself This is tho most trnnblo I have wilh my patient at tnv rooms, ihevsav. "lioctor, 1 loci siumger, i can eat J my night sweats are better, and I feel hot ter every way; but my cough Is so bad yet;" and they nre astonished to hear mo say that does not matter; remove the enne and the cough will t op of itself. Schcnk a 8eawced orentes a good anpetito In about nino days, when thero is tin lung disense, unless tho liver ts so congested that the Mandrnk Pills cannot unlock the duets ef tho gall bladder in thnt short spneo of time, in order to allow the staie bilo to pass off. Keep the liver and stomach healthy and there is less danger of consumption or any other diseiwo. It is hard to take oold wheti th'iso organs are healthy. Thoso that aro bilious, low-spirited, dreary, feeling stupid, coated tongue, poor appetite, nervous, stomach full of wind, everything that is eaten lies henvy, loss nf meinorv. try ono bottle nf iSClll'.NCKS; SKA WEED TON 10. and ono box of SCIIKNK'M MANDRAKE PILI.N. It is only a cost of ono dollar and twenty-five cents, with lull di rections. This is sufficient, in many cases, to satis fy whnt tho medicines aro. Frequently ono botile makes a great change in tho system. Any person that enjoys ordinary health, by using tho Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pill occasionally, must get the digestive organs in such a liealihy condition that they become fleshy I can produce a number of my old consumptives patients now enj .j ing good health, we'ghing nearly iftui poumis. i win com-umu uy relating three enrea I havo made in New York, and which nro nil ditlerent. nnd wish any ono who feels nn interest In the matter Io visit them. First is Mrs. Farlow. residing then ntNu. 10i Houston s'icet Iter husband called upon me nt my rooms. "2 Bond street and wished mo to call nnd sco her. lie sii 1 I could do rti good ; that be had had nil the best inedieal attendance, and nil said she was too far gone wilh Consumption to be cured ; but she had heard of some great cures 1 had made, and he desired to gratify her wishes. 1 called, nnd found her lying confined to her Kd in the last stage of bronchial consumption and without doubt must have died soon. I examin ed her lungs, found both bronchial tubes very much all'ccted. but no cavities had formed, her cough wiiti very severe, the spit-box was half full of thick pus. Pulse 140, leg swollen very much ; nti.l worse than all, she had chronic diarrho a. Herlion els had been moved eleven times that day. told hT thai she had lungs anough to be cured, but that this diarrlnea lia.l ben of long siaiiding. and her stomach was in such a ulcerated condition that I was afraid nothing could bo d.mc. Site insisted I should try and do what 1 could for her. observing tiiat she could nut last long in the ;oiiduioti she was in. and I could not make her any worse. I gave her first a dose of my Mandrake Pills, and the tonic nnd f-'yrup freely. That was on Tuesday, and by the nixt sum! .iy tho diarrhoea was carried off. her appetite h id l-xurnnl and she conid sit up in lied and en! her dinnt r. Siio is now well, mid g'tvo a long certificate, certified to bv the Rev. Dr Downin;. ".Mrs. Bartholomew. tU West Forty-fifth street, came to my rooms with a tumor on her liver. Mie was low-spirited, skill sallow, tongue coaled, bowels costive, no appetite, and last sinking into tlic gr.ue. Tin si.kI tiiinur IiihI I.im-m nmtilti" nvi-r fniirtlU'Il I years. 1 g ive her t-yrup. Ionic and 1 ills, an t tolu i tier intake lliem just os the directions wero printed, i She eiilue back to my rooms. '.i2 Bond street in two weeks, soinew hat beiu r ; her tongue had bcun to clean n little mound the edges, her skin whiter ami her eyes brighter and the tumor dis barging very! offensive mutter, much faster than it had ever done j before. She kept gradually improving, an I in about , two months she came to my rooms very much f riglr- ! cued, saying that the tumor had nearly stopped i running, aim was healing up. in .1 that every d a'tor ! Lii.l to! J her that if it ever healed it would cause her j dealh. I told her lliat tile diseasj had all 1.11 her system, and nature won. 1 heal tiie ulcer up. They ! are now healed, and have been for about a year, end : she is a hearlv and robust n woman as you will find I in days walk. She is glad for any one to call on her. and takes great prii.s to visit any one tii.it she hears has anything like her ease, and tries to get thetu to come tud see me. The next eaJe is Miss e fi. ld. from Siaiuf.ird. Conn.. Mrs. Bartholomew got her down to see me. and she litis been ever since ; at her house. When she lirst caii.e to my room, sho was Uiaeh emaciated with a distressing cough, spit- ! ling utrge quanliiit b of bioiHt. 1 examined Iter lungs wilh the rt -piiomctor. and in all my practice never i found one u lib one lung so far gone and the other lung so sound. I could not ge much encourage ment. I thought she Would die ; but to my itsluir ishmeiit the Pulmonic Sviup, Seaweed 'iunij. and Mandrake Pills nil seemed to go right to work, the lung is nil healed over, leaving a cavity as large as gm.se og:r ; goeil appetite, uiiu spirits, ntot lias gained soinc thiriytie pounds in ei l.ts in weight. Mie lias s.'inc cough yd, which 1 do not tnii.k will leave tier bet. .re June. I should think it would be of great interest to some unprejudiced physician to visit these eases, particularly Miss Sc. lit 1. 1, ol any ol theni who h..ve been cured bv my iuedicii.es. ihey arc mini erous in New York ; but the ub.ivo three nil dider lioin each oilier ; and it ley medicine are doing what 1 represent they are. they should have the credit an. t tiie nttlic;ed Know where and how they may be cured. J. ii. M'HKNK. M. D. Dr. J. H. Schenk cm he loin:. I ul tho piiucipal ofkee. No. o'.i North ii li Street. I'hil "lelphi.i. eery Saiui'.i.iy. tioin U A. M. ui.iii .' I'. M.. to gii e a.lvi.e lice of cl.iMve; hut li.r a tl.niih exali.inalioli lie cliarg -s tlivee dollars. Pi ice id Hie Pulmonic Syrup iiihI r-eimccd Tonic each ; I '2 i per bottle, or t i the hall d. n u. Ma i.. hake Pills 2 i eel. Is per box. ui.d is f .l sale bv all Drugst aud Dealers. May 11. ly A Joint resolution proposing certain Anicndracr-ta to the Constitution. it r..,lrt,l In ti,- ' t, nr.! !.,' i.f ) utittln t the (' r.' nf l'rmi- l.i In tnririil .!. .'.' o 'Flint tlic f.illowinu; ntlli'ililmi ill" be l'nnol tn tlio C'ottstituii ti nf tlio Cutiim.itiwt'iil'li, in nr- i 'iii.iin. t"Muns l uir luiiui tit' '!'' tlf ft" f: Thrr,' flmU En on s,.Y,'.u,n, srrti.-n fo tin tl.ir.l iirtiido of tlio t ,itw!;' itti.m. to !.f ilosi-'. rur.lanri' w ttli flit- liiuvisions ill 1 1 it tenth iiiitcil sivtion lour, as tulinu-s : ik$YA TI'N 4. V.'l.rl'1'Vl T H11V of UiP f; tVi I ho (ir.l rl.'Ctor of tl in tictt;:il tnili'.-irv scrvici'. r.mlrr n rrftiisi tioti from flic I'r. -iil. nt nf tin' I'niti'i! it:it-. or I y tin' NUtlMrit v nf tliis ('iimmotiwi'tiltli. stiflt I'Ui'tnrfi nviv xi-rrisv flu1 liijlit nt' stitl iii'i' in nil i l.'t lior.s liy tin- citizens, urnlcr sin !. f L'l Lit ii'-iis ns nr.'. it k..:i'i1 In' picsrrili r.l l.y lii'-v. ns ftillv n-i'u'llirv wrru prrsciit nt t'li'ir twnul i liifi- of i -Vet ii n." SivtI'in 0. 'I'Iiiti- sliul! In-two ttililittnn n ' ( t'otis to tlio rl.'vrntli nrtii lc nf the I'l.n Ptit itiiin. to l.o diit:i!i;liil us t-i jjt'.t, mul i.itii". it" follows : St:i TloN H. Xo l'ill lie pnsJi'il liy tin' I -t;islat uii'. ciitihiinin niorf tli;m nir sul jrct. wliich hliaU I o clt nrly cxpii sMil in ll.i- title, rxcrjit niipropriutiim liilN." "Sk'Tion'.i. No I i',! .Iiull In '.:iru'il !' flie I.cL'iiltif.ir;' L't intini; ntiv power, or pr: i!i'.'!i. in tt iv r:ii', vvln ti' ilie utitliority to ';r.inl sni'li power", i'l' p: ivi'ii i'i , litis !m ti, ul' limy lictftlt'ti r In', C.Hit'iTiVil upon tile cotirts of this (Vtniiior.wiviltli." lir.NKV ('. JDlIXSDN, Spe.lklT ot ll.e II, ll -ii - of Itrpli i n t;il i f... Joil.N IV I'KN.NKY. i'.e:i!.i r of t tit- Si u.itc. Ot'tr'H K of Till. Sl.t IIKIMtV Ol TIIK I'uMMi.S A I All it, llMil:l-t I tin, -piii 'J"lli, IVi4. I'KXNSYl.VAMA, SS: - 1 ilo lirn liy ci ifii'y ttiitt tlu- I. S. ('.ill -yuiny i It lllll.tlill' ullill'iir-'- --- rut ropy of tla' orij;iri:il Joint Id-solution i.f the li.'i.tul Ak-i ih''), iiililliil "A Joint W il ili. iii pii.p.isiii. iitl.iiii Am. ii. Inn l.ts 1. 1 lit.' l oni.liliiti.iu," ut the -'line n In ii u, on liU i.t I j o.lii r. . '1 1. .-I lto v w Iii ri'i.l, li ie liiii linlo Kit Ill l.lll'l Ull'l l.l.lM 1 l.( Mill of tint tve- i.t.iry' I'lli.e to In- ,illii.l, tiii'il'.v i ii. 1 vur ulnnc wrifli.i. K.I.I M.ir'HU," Krivt.iry ( f lli.'t . until. iiiwi'.iltli. 'l ilt' il'.i.M' Iii ..illl:uil luvili lift It I.e. I l.i l.y u i.iii..iity of tiie. im i..ln i n null Hollar, Ul tH.i l'l I '-! t ). IS tlf Ill Ill 1., i, I A.-, i.. I, It i.l tlii t iilnni' ntt. illli, till' pti p.'. J ..111. I : it. 1., lit tt III I.: J .1 IL.ttl ll t. ilie p.oplt, loriiu ir u.l. p'i. iii ..r ttjn'- I. i.u, on lln. i i i.f i I t t n t nf At'it.i in Hut te.ir i. our I. ol! i in' ii,..ii.in. ti-lii ll III. lie. ,l I . 1 V I , I ll. i, in u, i.i.Uiii e Willi I m piovui.iu i f tl.eliutli am. le ul ll.e I .iii.llliili.U. uiil tin' in I, t lit Ml, I "A ti at I pith. I ll 'tlifj till' I. III. Ull'l 111, Ull. I.f kl. I'll, l iiujl'll.e p. nj.lf, I. i tl.tirupp1nt.4l an. I I .li ll lo.l Of I j, . 1 1 HI, 111.' p.ipiuei 4likll. II, ,I.U.l .iu t ill It l.l Ii II, pl.iti, 1 1 ,u tt'l.lt Hill lilt Hi Aplll, U.i. III. it. all I tijji.l iiuii'.ii.i m..'I .Ixt) I "i.r ill Mil t It, IV I . I ll) 1. 1 l! U I . l.,ll,"Ul 4'll A io ..ii I iv 'I I It or tlx' lluu' !' I lli a, I 1. I I Ii .U.n alii 1..... U. i' J.lt.li 1 MMi 1 1.. Mini; READY ROOFING Roady to nail down. , READ?. ROOFING At loss than half the coat of tin roofs. HEAD? "ROOFING More durable than tin. UEADV "ROOFING SuitaWe for steep or Sat roofs. iieady"Tioofino For all kinds of buildings, in all climates. keadyToofinq Easily, cheaply, and quickly put on. Needs no ooating over with cement after it is nailed down. HEADY UO0FINO Ma.lo of a strong woven fabric, thoroughly tntnraled and covered upon both mrfaccs with a perfectly wa terproof commsition, and put up in roils ready for use M inch wide, and 7i feet long. We also mnnnfauturo LIQUID CElfElTT. Fun Lkakt Tis Rikik, Much cheaper and more durable than oil paint. ALSO, 'WI1IMIIII1 Vlll'lll, For Leaky Shingle Roofs, Which will often save the cost of a new roof. Samples of Ready Rooting and Circulars sent by mail w hen desired. Fiivoriilile'-erind made with rc?imnsib!c parties who buy to sell again. HEADY ROOFINU CO., io Maiden Lane. N. Y,. April 2.1, 1804. I'.v'rjln!j- 4 'tin ! tin Artiwl. COOPER'3 PHOTOGRAPH AND ART GALLERY, No. 1XW Chcsnut Street, opposite the V. S. Mint, liallery. Reception and Operating Rooms ALL ON FIR-S'T FLOOR. All styles nnd sizes of Photographs. Ivorytypes, Ferrotypes or Tintypes'' nnd taken nt prices to suit , Oie tunes. I lVture Finished in Wntcr Colors. Oil. India Ink , uii.l l'n.-'il I Horses and other animals. Equiimge. Country Seals 1 Ruins. Mo Klsof M.iehiucry, Ac, tor Putcuting no I curalely photographed. j P F! Ciipcr desire to call the littenlion of per ' sons visiting l'hiiadclphia to his new Orouiol Floor ; Oallery. where he has introduced ne ly-paieuted ' cameras, capable of taking, in a few seconds, one bun. Ire, 1 Photographs, trom the smiill stamp or uuto- hk, , lllt, j,,,.!,,! nnd Life Sue B 1 . . l - t Alter nuinv ext'erimeiilit he luin itueeeeilcil in pin e-inn Mi" skj-li'lit at nn iniuoveil anjile. tliflii.'in the lilit it! eipinl rH.rl inns, ami iiriiilueiiii that n.fl gra.latitiu nf tune wliieh csnumt be given hy tlic pi le iiinl sk v-liclits grnt-rally use.1. ami ttliich f so iiiueli iiujuirtiinee to tiie beauty ul' a pieturc. It is mailt; uf l'reneli glnef mul is the largest iti l'htla.el pliia. .Mr. CiMiper lin been enpneil more tlinn twenty years in the stu.ly ami praeu.-e uf the Fine Arts 1 1 is lun;; exerienee as a Minimum ami 1'urtrait I'ninter ii si.Bieient (fuaranu-e li.r the perfeetiou ff tiie pietures inailu lit his tslnlilishineiit. '1 he ni t i.f i.lenli.iiv is well uti-lerstu'iil ; nunc but the unist skilful urtibte .ire euip'uiyeJ in the respective di'inrliiients. All 1'ieti.res M'nrnmleJ ; the Ivorytypes will nut eliini:;,- iti any climate, mul will stand the test ul aei.l.-. r.irtieiil ir nituiliuu is p.iiil tu giving grace ful mul e.isy jisiii.iiift. liH;iieritiilype.- Hil l nil tr.licr kinds uf pictures cupicd. in. iii small mc.liillit.il to life file, nnd finish ed in en!. us ur ludi .11 ink, to look cipiiil tu pictures tiik.-ti ir-iiii life. J his ti.-illi ry possesses rnre f.tcil lies fur Inking K picstriiiu Tit tures tmui lite, in the rear Iniil.liiii;. where fruui out- to lifly lioises cull bo phutugntphed nt a lime. .. 1! To rhoto.'niplicrs. Colnrists and others. Just Issued. A New Wui'k nn rimt..-i.ipli t'nlnriiig. lvnrytyping, Knauielling, Ivury .Miiiititure l'.tintii.g. Ac. t'uinplete instruc;i"iis rit en nr intikitig Ivorytypes with mute talilnlile rece.its. never l.elnre pllbll.-tic.l, useful In .ill phi.tui uphers, fur one uf which a Urge sum litis been utlel eti. liy ftillt.tviiig the direetiiuis enntniued in this bunk. et t'll lliusc peiMitis ttiill nn pl'ewuus klluul.-dgc uf l'aii.iin eiiniiut tm I ii.eutur phutugriiphs iu a beau tiful unU ctleetlte fttlc. One copy with model uf coloring $3 0(1, without model j:l nil. lty rt-iuilliiig 10. li.lt uunlel sett uf colors, Ac, will be sent free uf ell.llge. ill be riinlishel shortly. A Al.t Atll.K WOIIK ON lllltttlMI. Vith prt.gref .-it c liiusii aiiou uf the liuuinu Face unJ Ki,;-.irc. At.SO. A Hank-Tuun. ox Positioxs, 1 Willi Illiisln.lintis. JicMgueil fur the use uf I'Luto- J gl n'liel's mitt Al tlsis. t .Mr. t''M..ci' euiiitmii-s to receive I.a.liw and lien- . lieu en into h'.s l.'ln.-fei, ..r instruetmu iu liriittiii. I 111.. I Pli.ituriipti. lvtiiyiype. lu ll,. Ink mi l I'lisiil i..iiitiiig, and a bciiut'.iul piiiceits tor liiiiiiiieliug l'ieti-.r.s. t irciilnrs cintiiiiiin list of prices uf pictures and further iiifuru.iitiuii r-.teliiig the linnks mid 'Perms nt ' instruct i.iu uniy lie L.id hy ciiclusiug l'.it rilhce Address 1111.I a Mi.mti to 1 P. I', roill'l'lt. Pl.;si Chc.-r.ut Street, Philudclphiii. ! lti:i l-.l.KM 1. t'uleb I' ..pp. President Academy nf Fine Arts. lr. Tims. H. tVilsuii. 1 i-uitlinlui-t mid Kiitoinologist ltcv. Tl.'iituis .Miles M.'.rou. P. K. I'hiircn. l!o:i. Vi.-ti.r A. SarL.ti. t't.nsul ut Le.'lioru. Hoiiert (1. 1'lnrksun. ul linn nf Jay Cnnko A Co. Ni-tv York, Kev. . A. Muvbin, licet. St. Albur j Church. I i;...-t. 11. j. 1: Till. .11 A Co. Henry llouliiti t, l-.sij.. I.ui.,; I'ruiicb, X. J. liattuiiure. .M,.us. Ait.Lticu -auv.in, French Concul. .MuyL'M, ISi',1. vai.i .iiii.Eri inaciitc amm oii, t.xnns FOR SALE. "Win subscriber uffers ft-r sale low. suine valuable Tracts of Timber l.ut.il. in LTiHi.iuan and t'nli HiiK-k tiivtuships. in Clinton county, ami a valuable Tract ot Coal liiniii. in Mount Ctiriuel tuttushii. Nuriiiiiiuberliind cuunty. Also a Fhiui, Saw-Mill, and Tiuit.i-r Laud, in 'l.iu-.estuiie tint n.-hip. I'niuu ci .it.ly. AImi. a tiwellii.g liouse and two b.ts iu the liortiiih of Xorthuiiili--i li.tid. Apple mm.ii 10 Cll.vlll.FS Pl.KASANTS. V.xcc ut.ir ..f Hugh Hellas, deevttscd. Siii.bury, May - l. 1 -til. Surthrm L'i'iitnil liailwav ! si tu:i: 'i mi: i' iiti.i:. TllU l.i: Tit A INS ItAILY to and from ll.iltiniore a:i I V. iu.iiii4l,.n city t'uiiiiecti.ius iiitt.lo wilh trains on Pcnii-ivKuiiiu lt'iili'.nid, to and tVuiu 1'iiisliurir an. I tho West. I IIUKi: TKAINS li.U.Y t-i and from Ine.Nortli and W e. t l.iait. h Si11.piei11t1.1m, l-luiira, and ull of North ern New York. OX ai.l alter .Mi'MUY. MAY Mih. lsrtl. the Pa-sen, r 'li ni.s ul tha .Ni rihcrii C.-mral K iilwiiy t.ill arrite at and d. ii.rt fmiu Suubury, llitrrisburg uiu! li .liiiu.'ie as fullntts. tu : S l L 1 11 W A H l . Muil Truiu lent es Sunbury daily (exoept Mm Uv i l 25 A M le.w. H oi i l.urg, I P. M arrit es at l.iittiii.ure, & lu " Expieis T n ut leuie.-, hiinhury daily le.!t-pl Sun. lay.) 11 4j P. M. " c ate 11.. 1 in-burg (except .M.ul.v) Jill AM arriivs i l!.di;ui.u- daily (. e.- 1 .M .ii.i.iv) T 00 A M 11 .1 1 ; -'-ur r A.'cou.uio,uii..u leaves Harris- l uig. T (Ml A. M uiili.iiv Aeeoiiiuo, luii. .11 lot-m Suubury d.ily .except fun l..y I at T .10 A M No 1. 1 llnVAKD. Mil Tiuiu lt. li.ilnn . ru tlly f-x- ..pi Mm I... 1 3i. A M Irate. II... 1 1.1 ur I .1 1 P. M. o amv.a ul ul.t'Uly, 4 - EtplfS Tu I. lew... La. 1. 11. iu daily V .III P M a. 11. t. ai 11 nn. '1114 I 1 -V I' at a ililul-ul I i'e. I I JUooday .. .1 I A " an ...'! aui hurv a ji " 11 .rii.hurg A-1.VOU...IU I .u.i.. Ie4.es Hirw. 1 . 11 ,l.nl . pi .iu..) at ,1 ml I' M ....i-a l IL1.11i.uu I .hi r JU Sutl'Uijt t -o. u. .1.0 1 ..i, u l,tv llar.i. I.ai j d. 1 . j .. .. . pi e-.i. I .) i i t is f SI 'o4 Imitl u.l".u.l.' 1. apt If al lh liit.-- I N Dt l tKKt u.n Supi II .iiul.ul J J jli I, li Ni:V MILLIXHUY AD TANCV liOOIISTD'K. MIHM ltA.rl lll.AtMC. Ijl-lil III lit ... I-. k. I11.1. 1. ia iiu.1.1111 I I u. II 1st 1 ii.l h'sfr.i Kt.i . l ........ I I ,. ) 11 , It. k-l .I..I t 4 - Ml "I .1 II 44.4 tu I'l(t-Ut, 18G3. 18G3. & GRANT FR1LING AT THE MAMMOTH STORE, "yy?0l"LD respectfully announce that they bar just received and opened a Trj large and well selec ted Stock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they are willing to dispose of at a VERY SMALL ADVANCE OS I'ir-pif 'owf. II QUE STOCK IS COMPLETE AXD EMim.VCKS EVERYTIIIXG GIVE TJS A. CALL. Thankful fbr past Ovor wc Impo to meet a con tinuanec ef the same by still selling Ooods as cheap if not 4'BI IIAI'I.IS llian can In purchased else, where. rniLixu unAXT. Funbiiry, May 2.1. ISfi.1. 11. W. rillll.KIl, 8HLOMOX JIALIl K. ZIEGLER & M ALICK. ATTQKNEY8 AX faiiiiilmry , ,rl t.iiilM-rliii.l ., Si. Offer their pmfi ssiennl services lo the public. Col lections and nil other professional business entrusted tu them, will receive prompt attention Ahi. Military alnims will be collected, sticli ns Ilniinty, Itnek-Pay. Pcnsiuns. Ac. Ae. It., til speBK the (ieruian l.aTiunge. ('Bice Market square, nest dour lo Pt"tlion..!iiry tiffice. Sunbury. Mareli .'. 14. II. I.etlA!i:K. llarnry nt !.. SIM'.l ItY. PA (nllcelioiis atteli.leil to ill the enmities of Nnr tiiiimlierliiud, I'uioii. huyder, Moutour, Columbia and Lycoming. BurrnEJcrx. Hon. John M. Reed. Philadelphia, A. tl. O.iliel! A l o , Hon. Win A. Purler. Morion MeMiehael. F.sn.. - I-!. Ki t. liiiin A Co., '.N't P.-nrl Street, -w Vt.fk Jnhli W. Asiilnead. Attorney at I.11W. Maithetts A Cox. Attorneys at Law. " Sunl.iirv. March 1".', Eii:cii:-s iiiviES., ,;, ne itr?. V.I rpilK mimaiS'-incut of this well-known IIo'i l b-iv- J ing 1 it resumed ly .M.s-is. I'nYI.E A IIEUK. the present proprietors, heg i--a e In inform the public that ilie h'Olsi. is lli.w l'.'il: th'iroUihly rellotatid. refitted, at, il iii.pp.t e l. wilh a view to ihc proper and e.. inl.irtnl.il ne 01. in. 1. Iiui. .11 of those who may tut or the .-siiil H-iuiiei.t with their cu-ti.in. (!iust will receive dm- iitiention and eoiirle.-y. and no expeus will be spar. I that may cmi-lucc to maiiitaiu hotel in a first -class style! Fnmilii s and utheis de-irini to sojourn in Harris burg during the summer moot lis. will find pleasant boardiiu; ami large ami wcll-v eiitilatcd looms ut our cstublishuient, upuu moderate terms. SCOTT COYI.E March 2!. 1-1.2. .1. H1I.11EI1T HERB. tl !.I.Ii- I'tlLVI t in: wn. 1 n: i'ECu:xi:it : As Improved f..r 1S..9 and lsrtt), Hy E. KETCH AM A CO., 2SH Pearl St., New York. rpilE only Freetcr constructed seienlifie piin 1 eiplcs. with a revolving can ai-d spring bl.ufe serapcr. The one hastens ihc fret iing.it ilie cream- -theuihcr r.-loot es it as Inst as froen. The most rapid in fieciug. with the least quantity of iec. The m.i-l eeoiioiiiicnl in cost, as it is tlic nio-"t simple and diiral.lc in siruetiue. For Mile iu nil the piincipal cities and tow s in the I'liioii. Each Frei-F..-r accompanied with u book -if rceiies and full dim-lions. TRICES. 3pmrts, 4 ipnirls. o qillll'tS. 5 quarts. 14 qillll'S, 2U quarts. Apply to eh l-.l. Mi2. $.'! 110 4 nil & 1111 f r.ti s tm l'J I'D Suiibiu v. Pa II 11. MASSER. Mar AYASIIINCTON HOl'SE, Soulhwtst ri.rrifr rf Mjirkot Sjunro. As?? 9i9 riHK mi'l 1.!' 1 rt.-j t'iUully tutrii) tlio I'ltMu. 1 I bat lit- t..kfii i-tiart. ut the itU.vo iitiniel H"t l. itt. l -kf t.r tin cottlinu tiu-i' nf tin l'.imr tuitruiuit.' and wul.t iiiMio till uthcr Lu give biiu h j lUSTAIil.K 1 i iihvny- !up'lir.I with tin- hrst the mnrkt't nlTiirlr'. ilis liiir tt.iittiii; l In' ili.'kvt li-ph-rs. :im hi aXab- Iiui: ib mul mil uiun tt-l l v e irt lul (Mlrr. I MiCUALL WiLVI.KA. . uiilmry, April. llV, !SiH. THE MISSES JOHNSTON'S IIOAI! I) 1 N C A N 1) 1) A Y S V il O O L I 'or Vi.iinu l.niiit's.. Xo. l.'eJ Spline Street. Phihide!) hiu lit.El.RENCl S Rev Hit Rev Dr I low e. S.el li.rds. lavid W ebster. f:s.p. W 111 llayttiird Drayioii. l'.-'i tic.rgo M. Wharton. Is.p, T li llollillgsttollll. l s( , p 11. .u. Alc11.11 I. r ll. nry. Philadelphia. Dr. S Dr. ('....p. r. Heiirv .M 1'iiie. I.S.J . It. It' Moi,i.'..iii.i-. 1 '1 llomas litllilap. E-ip Dccellil.er j. l.li.; X Vj Y (J GODS! Two .li rs wesi uf W m. II Miller'. Shot .tore. ,-unl.ury. Pa Ju.t o cued a trcsh .upply ol m:v mMn coodn Sui-h as Fancy Dicss 'I'riu.miiigs, Itil.lMins. tiletes lliiliilkerehiel.. I a lie.' Linen t ullars ai d Cults (iclil . Liticll and paper Collars. X.K.. Pells l.aee Cellars ami Sleeves. II. or Pells, elt.t l.ll I. .'!.. Red. Wlntc and Line Xcek-ti.-.. Cr.ei.. 1,'iuiker Skirls, Sllll I llih.Tr. II is. ..ke.alid .lectf.. Als.1, 11 licit sl If of 111 Us 1 1 11 lor lialllliill.li Waists togciher with p-w i.s, Jacuiict and Victoria Mii-lms i'r.tpe Jiillins and Veils, lirctindnic and Lac eils aiidavuncty ul ulhcr arliclo lis. nuiueiuu. lo iiitu tiuit M.K 1. LAAI. I S inil urv. April Id, l it o. Jill AIM II tail., Iilliilllilii. I MAM EACH KER i DEAl.tR 1 ' WATCHES, i IINE JEWtLRY 1 MJLlDslLVLR WAEE 1 And I'.OtlElt'S Supernr Plated Ware. I All kind ol Mltcr-W ure, u.ade on Ihu preini- ti .iitu ii.- am. g uaictuiij tfuiiv March '.'". l-wil lu 1 ati ui: 1 l'AKIS MANIU.LA r.Ml'Ollir.M. No V'Jtl l'uM T Smst r iKoruudy Xo. To- ) Pllll. U t l.l'tll t NnVV Dl'tX - lurlaUuU I UaMlbUAt and l l.OAKl ' AImi, Spllo 411-1 .UUilu.-r liIU..'l.l, u .ur OWM .UouU. lule, ,. thg l au.l Mfio .ul lu ival t ll.lt J W PIO H toll a CO , Tha t'wna aJaiitilla a uipoi i.int. No V.'lll'liMllll Nlii.1, PLll. I-l( h.4 A 1 1 1 Iti - li .pl 4, I " l UAAO K bl'AUrKtU lwil lUkir Hud JiMtliri MIM I II II II.U nf HUH WtKr. l.p,u. ff HtTilUi lit .4iU ..I i 1 .1.1 uvii, I'llllA I I I I HI t Ul ks ..s.i.i'i --a lti tt a4iit.aiil uf ltd I t. a it. 1 1. 1. 4,1 L, t.t ..,u and I'i.iu I... .k. ll III Lim . .la l Its,, to.. I I'.O. I .1 ll.l'il Plfl I1 I'll i. .. ., kll.,.l. I U-4- 1 I !., I'.k.iis ttia.U. 4. U 1 a.l .1 l .il. p. ...I . awii Su tl.i.. J r, .4 I 1,1 h.U4 lt, fly, I 1.4 I .'Ol P.MII-. -.1.1.14., t t U l'lu. ftVnsthlnfclon llonsir, KORTUVMBKBLAXD, I'EXSSVLVAXIA, (Arr the Briilge.) THE subscriber having leased Ibis well knnwti Tavern Stand, lately Vepl by Mrs. C. S. Krnwn. rwpeellM'.lv inlorins the public that heisrt6tting and repairing the premises, and will be prepared to cu tertain, in a ennifortable manner, bis numerous friends throughout the county, and all who may ttatrtinlsc bis efflabllshment. . . April 12, ISM. JOSEPH VAXKIRK. n. JnATtiiAi".i Confectionery, Toy and FITJIT STORE, etlarki-l Xlrri-I, Siinbnrj, I'll. COXFECTIOXEUY OF ALL KINDS, TOYS OF EYE11Y DESCUH'TION, KUL'IT. Ac. &c, C10NSTANTLY on hand and rr salo at the above I establishment atwholetle aud retail, at reason able prices. !! is manufacturing all kinds of ConfoctionarlcS to keep up a full assortment which are sold at luw rates. . Tnbaeco. Sejrars. Stationery. Xuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all of whioh aro offered tb-le'lt and retail. Ijjf Reuiembcr the name and place.. A" M C. t.KAKII ART. Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Rtight A tfun's store. Sunbury. Sept. IP. iiit-riiiiiioiml lltiii'l. 3fiS anil 3fi liroailtrtiy. Vomer l'miiitit $trr; NEW YORK. rpilIS first class llmise tiie most quiet, homelike I and uleasant Hotel in the city offers superior inducements In those visiting New York for business or pleasure. It is central in ls Inouliuii. aim Kepi on the ht liol'K 1 P1.A.1. in connection wi.h Tayluh's ' Salohs. where retrerhiueiits can be had all hours. 1 or scrveil in their own r".wis. The eharues are uiu ' derule. the rooms and attendance of the first order baths, and all the modern conveniences atiaclicd. Sept l, U liM-r I mil) I'ivrr. WAI.I. PAPER OF EVERY KSI HA151.1. OF STYLES AND PATTERNS. I'ST reeeited direct from the Manufacturer, lit J the MA.MM'I!I STORE of Flill.INU A IIP. AST. Sunburv. M.ir.b li lsi'.l HOOTS AND SHOES, 11 ST received from New York and Philadelphia, a fresh stipplv ol ilo- latest -lyl.s and ol the best qun'itv, which lie ha" bad I" up l order, and warranted lo gi.e go...t satist ici!' ti He has uii.de arrangements in ilie city to have ins lu st work no de to order, which can be ha I at all times, if nt uu I Ihev will be nroeured at reilmiahle liuiiee. Muiiiifacturina vf l'TS and SUoJ-.S of nil kinds S' ti-u.tl . . I will also w'.iul.-s-ilc lii .il? and Shoes by the box. Cull and examine before purchasing elsewhere ' nnd sa'i-l'v yuiii-selt -s. i Thallkllll l'-r pntinnai;.' heretofore bestowed, he res) t t.il I v solicit.--11 .-i'lt 1i1u111.ee ut tut- s uiu hoti and Stoic rmim. threr. loots west uf the Hail W.M. II. MILLER ; R ad III M.irket Square. Suiil.urv ept. 13 'ANTED immediately, a Jour Sr.. Mct.s' Work. Oool wug'-s paid. i-tmik i.r. on PHlVATi: ACADKMY. N OR 1 HUMBERL AND. riMIK REV. JAMES DICKSON, will rc-open his J Academy on Monday, the 17. li d-iy nf August. I Mi l. The following branches w ill be tuugl.l : Latin, lireek. Malheniaiics. Phil...-. -phy. l'.hcloiic. Logic. Itw.k Kec ing. o. al Muic 111 theory mi l practice. Also. iet.gri.phy. tiiitiiiniir. History. C'ltiitieisitioti Writing. TER.MS : Per quarter of 1 1 weeks. S' " " In the al-ovc branches without thu languuges Jo tm Latin and above branches, i "" tireck and uliove branches, I'll See Circular. Pur further particulars apply to REV. JAMES DICKS'iX. Teacher. Northumberland, August 1st. 1 1- ly itAiii.oM's im;!.o in. i Dealers and Consu-.i:i rs ol the ah eve Celebrated W ash I'.luc. will please tel.o notice, th.it the Labels are altered to read INDIGO BLUE, PI T I P AT A!Vi- 1 il!b'i-'l'si D R V ti ST i I'. E . Xo 2:U5 X..rl!i SECOND Street, Pllll.Al'I.I.PlUA The .nuility of this Blue will be the same in every respect: It is warranted to ci l .r more water th in ttti.-e the same ipiaiitily of ln.lig.i. mid to g. tnii. li for: I., r th. 1 11 any other Wa-h Itl.ic in the murk-1. I: .lis 1 s.dtes perfectly clear at.. I dues i.ul seitle on the 1 elutties as lin.-t of the oih. r liniivi s do. t'nc E. x dis- suit ed iu hull' pint of tt .iter, it ill make as g-H.d a Liipnd Rluc as any that is uiadc. at one thiid Ihe ! 1'"1 As it is retailed at the same price as the Imitations and Intel ior III. ieles. ho ll-l keel ers tt iil Illnl itt ery ' much lo tin ir advantage tu a.-k for lh il put 141 tt ii.Tii.:nii.-u s. I -ji All Rluc put npaftcr this date with ISuu.ow s name 011 it is uu Imitation. The New Liible doc.- nut rtnuire a Stamp. Eor Sale by Sturekeepcrs geuernlly. l'cb. I'l. l-siil I'uiitv Zjr lX J 1ST X Sc JDI ET Z 1 LOWFH WHARF, SITiBURV, PA. WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEAI.F.KS IX uu iti: ash coal, hi every nrivly. Onl r frilu-itt'd nnd filled with pn ni'triii mid dt'i'nuh. ui:lury, M:iy Iti. u'A. ly WlUH.tS.Vt.K AM HK.TAIL CLOCK KSTAULISUMKNT. E Crii.-r St-c .nd and Che-nut St . Philadelphia A.;o;;v,rn,e,ctEx ! t' . ilotl.ls, p.,, , NTElJl ALIZINti Tllllt- i-I V dcstralile ouutilig Holls aritcl.' tor :s, I'ltrlul.. Al-o. Manufacturer uf EIXE U'tl.D PENS. I'l..-ks r, iaircl and waltal.lc-l CI.H-k Tiiiiiuiinis ol etery ib-set iption Piiili.dlpliia. January I'.' .I"! .'ly lliiH' mul ('uii-llr 111 l.n,i t'Uice uu south side nf Markt-t strei-'. f -tii d .r. west j uf E. V Plight A S-.ii ue, SUNllUt' Y. iJA. ' Will intend promptly to 11II pi..fe.si..ual buiiiiM el.lruslfd lo Ins t'-'lie. tile c.itlecll.'U o. elltllti. ill Xortl.umbcrlalnl al. l the M.lj illilllg eoulllle. Suulmiy, May i I. l-ui l - ly ! I'wr llul, tl--, Huiti !, Aul. llt-tl Itlal. lullla lu 1'lll'a, ttolru. A -., Iu- lw wu I'l.tHlai, I'utiU, uliualw, Ac. Pul up ill ! ' and l "' It . P. lit . at. I I lu.k. f.l and f . .. l...e... Pul.i.c le.lilu Ooi., 4'. ' lil tl t'.lllhle l.Utt- in. kuuwu ' I t. ll.'IU I'.'U. 1. ' S..( d'.l.' 1"U In ll.e It.lni.u ' it,.tt " ' Kala . ,.ul ..I ll.. it L' I.. I., u I u Nil I W h d. ..I.- iu all Ui.'u . in. . ' SH.1.4 t. all -ll U..4..I. Mtil It ' ... I, i . . ,', t t. h ' ' ifc tit ' "I an w.iil.l.M n..ii t".'. lltat - I oiij . bi.u.s la w4. v. I. 1-4 l nl. aud r l4k. U. I if t -u bu . AII.m- . (. tl I III. I'l. In pal I', i ..( I.J In, . I.'l Seal t ( J (..(4 . rlbvl-ni. -l ,.t...i I'la... n. fcui.i.4lt l'4 .r t. Mt a, JIlKEKIAU kNYlH. ItUSWI ) A 4 MWI llwt-U lMi Can. wt a- ifc t l. l W.ia.i t..l (ti i-t sol vl tl 1..I. 4 1 '!. ..'4.- ) 4.-4.. tllUdtlliUV, fV. Tl ilffins l-:prrm "onprnr, GIVE NOTICE that they have concluded ar rangements with tb lwtbi-rn Central Railroad Company t" run trains from Ilnltitnin-e for Y'ork, Harrisbtirit. Ilauphin. Halifax. Trevorton. Sunbary. Northumberland. Iiewistmre. Milton, Muney. Wil liaui'tmrt, and all inlerniedinte sfatiiT". cntineciitm at llarribtir with Ihr "HEAT WESTERN EX PRESS for Pittsburg. Ciniitinat'i 8t. Louis and tlio West. . iAlso with, llojrard A Co.V Express at Milton ii Hanvillo, libminsburg. Wilkesbarre, I'ittston. Scran ton, and intermediate stations on the (,'attawinn, I.aekawmiTia' ARluomhurn ltailroa-ls At AVil liamspoH. by ITowarrt A Co.'i Eitpr.-t to Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also, hy Howard A Co., and their connections, for Canton, T'roy. l.liuira. P.oeheter. lluffalo. Niagara, and to nil aeeessil.1 3 points in Western New Turk and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise. Specie. Rank Note-, Jewelry, and V aluable Packages of et cry descrip tion. Also. Notes. Drafts and WHs for Collection. Experienced arid efficient messengers employed, and every effort will bo made to render siitM-n-tiou. John hixuiiam Superintendent Piftn'n lMvi(on, Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Agtut for Sunbury. April b, IsoJ. iiicai 1101 jwi:. Ctmer vf Utott and Third ittreet.i, Il.tniustii tin. Pa. Till.-? HOl'SE. in consfpienec of Its conveniene and near location to the Cupito), has made ii desirable stopping place, not only tor those luivin, hiisincss at th- seal of (lovcrnment, but fur othci visiting llnrrisbnrg. March M, MM. Itll. Ari'iiiiseiut-nfs i(r ol ."'y lorh IJne, THE CAMDEN AXD AM Hoy AND PlIIl.ADEl PHIA AND TRENTON R. lt. I.'O.'S LINES. Vroin riitiidrithin to Srw Yorl tttitl IPiy Phtrr from Walnut ttrtct Wlntrf and A'-'i v .71 . rtrjiot. null .are a- fitlinr. ri: : ku At (1 A. M , rla t iimden an. I Auiboy, (t,'. fi'ld A. Aceoiniuoxlntion.) SJ AtrlA.M.. via Ciniideiiiind Jersey City, X. J., Accommodation. ' 2 At S A. M.. via Camden and Jersey City. .M .rniin Mail.) ' 3 At .- A. M . via Camden and Jers.-v cilvJ l Class Ti k-t " " 2 At II A. M. viu Kensington i.':! Jersey city, E.-c'-""s At l! M. via Ciimden nud Aui'ooy, C an 1 A. ( A.-cntitmodatinu.) o At '.' P. M.. via Cao. li-n and Ainboy, (C. and A. Express.! ;i At 3 P.M.; via Kensington nn,l Jersey City. Wah. and N. Y. Express 3 At ,' P. .M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, 1 Eveniii'i Mail.) I At 1 1 1 P. M via Kenrligtun nnd Jursey city, j Sniihcru .l.iil. ' ,1 j Al 11 (iiighli via Kensington and Jersey city I Stiitiiiern Express " j At i P. M . tin Cum leu and Atn'isy. (A.'i-om-ltiodatiuti. Ercihl itud Passenger, l-'iist ' Cla-is "f ieket, I Secului Class Ticket. i F t Water (lap. Sirondshurg. Scrnntnn. W-!k barre. Montrose, (ivcut Pu-I. Ac. a ti A. I froni Eei.stngton. iu ltelawarc. LacLatvatma ,-i ! V est. rn ilailroed. I For Maitcli Chunk. Allent-'WM. llethleln-tn, Ii, ; derc. rJasion. I.iiiiilicrtt ill.-. Eli-mingiou, ,t(. , ! A. M.. f.oin Kel1sin4l1.11 D -p t, jaid at I'i P. ; Iroiu W' nlmit sir -. t hurl'. i (The ll A. M. Line c.lieeets w it'11 Train-le.l'. j Easimi t',.r M.iu, h L'hitek. at ::-Jil P. .M.) p..r Muinit ll-'llv. at 1. A. .M . .' in I 1 p. M 1 Eur E.-eehold. ai li A. M 1111 I i'. JI ! WAV I.I.M.- i ' .r 't; i. '..I. Tr.-Uon. .(-.: 1 1 .. JI. and :, j P ' ft. m h !!!".. I I'..l P.'.luyr.i. Id. ''iti.u. I ie!,:i:i ll.o-ei'v. I lii'iilon. rh.reiice. ltori .-iiti.vtn. Ac., ut li'. I. o i at.. 1 ti 1'. M. 1 i ; I'.-r Xeiv York, avl Way Lines lein ing p sitigli.i. lie;'..'., ti.k-- tin- t'.irs i;ti I'lilh .-;r..el. a! 1 V a.iiiit. halt an !'. l.-t. .r-.- .lepiii'tiii'.-. '1 n.. 1 : run int., ll.e I1 t.t. an I ..11 ilie urritnl of each Tr run tl-'li: the I cpot. l iny Pour-Is of I'-iggage ot.lc. ii!l.,tvcl t-pa-M'ii ;cr. P.i.-scng.-rs are ml. il.it. 1 fi.,111 tin ar.y'hing ns liii'4-jti-.r l"l li. i-ii' tie, 'i'i'ig.ipj'arel. I'.'ii:g.'i.';c nt.-r In.y potrvl-" i h paid i .r extra. I'uu.i.ai.y limit their 11 -p..tisiliility for bugiM th.c Dollar per poe.lid. and n.li 110: he ii .i.iT .,r alii'itllit bet, in i plllli. I'Veei't t.y ce :l ctilniet. w yi. 11. ti.u..Mi;i:. Ag. i, January 17, l"'il. lCt';i:Mlit-. vt iiM-M. rpilE ubscrih -r. having opened in Thump Jl Link Itmldiiig. Mili stiec. Dnniilc. ti i till. I C'-lnplete stuck uf 1- O.l.l.iX AMI DOMESTIC LIQl 'iUS. colnj l ising tin bet bran i- ..' Itiau lies. lim. live, Scotch an, I lii-h i hi-lo-y. Poll. Sliern . .1 il ;t. ('Ii:il::p.i';tic tsl.d .-'l.i I . ii,.s. ni alt .-i .i' l. ul e hietl tt ill l.c S..I.I W t...,-s.'i!e. t,l tii.r i , prices. T-lt cru-keepcl. t.v ui. , n.g ..f ii-.. cai. it least the lieight. Person.- .Usiroes of pur, 1; is;., ; P.ji. i'. .''..r l-WMiLv rsi;. n.-iy nly njmn hein; fui nisht l tti h a inire .111,1. lull' lilted lilt el.'. ! Eeitig detet mined to est.ihlMi a rep-itui'. selling ehi-.-ip. he respeel ! oi iy s.tliei's the p.it!. u! the public. All erdcls prui.ipilv iitteii'le l 1 . JI.LL.MlAil S ii Al Dalit ilie. June lil. lSr',o. B.tiii;It'i-! I PHILIP SII AY. Muiicy. L.i IM'iil'.MS his trifiids and tllllt he- ciili..at:tly keeps 1.11 all . .1. i.-ts. til.d lifl kill.ls ui .iitij.t-i-: .-inning ui.tv. the piil.li.- in iiiiinl Itucr,!-. i: .1111 her and I l.atuiMls. tthieh lie tvtil ,-eil at t!ic h.ue.-t l.l'iee n't I m.Mar.-h :ui-. l-iil. I WM KNCCIIK. W MARKET STREET. HAUUIST.VRt!. P Dealer in V 1 A X O S . V l.W Rosewood Pianos, from the be.-l v.. X Irotn .'oii unwards. MEI.iiDEi'NS -The best i.iuni.lactiir.d Ii iiients from Slo to Sinn (i uiiars. Violins, Acc.ir.l -uis. I'li.te. Eif.s, Drums, lhuijos. T.uiil... urines. Violin aud liuiiin strings and musical inei chiiudise in genei.il. SHEET .Ml SIC. The latest puMicutioiis always ..11 hand. Mum bv uiiiil In ai v j.art f tin .utuitrv. OVAL, Syl'.MiE, ; 1 1.1 AND Rn.'l.V EHAME8. Suitable for looking gl.-.-sv s. 111,. I all lund-. ,,f pi iiiwavs on bund. A fine a-ortn,e l.onltlXii til. S.E ir. An-, sttle ol I'liiuie Uiad lioil'-c. April 11. 1SU (i: .1 of h.-t p!.lo. 1 slUUllel ., lel'e-i til ol ler 1,1 tin I u :,i k x u ' 1 1 1 MtiiV-t st H'iri KHISI-llltl-Ul l' iaJ evaxs & & WATS'iXS BALAMANDKH KF lillEAl Ellit Al REAI'lXii. V l Jiruiiry li I (i nxri.Ktu It git cs me iniieU eali-1'..cn itif..riu you lliat in the .ctere the Hl.i Ii. Ui'-riitlig ol lite 4th insl . cntlti-Iy d.-str.. e. 1 stock and mail-rial., 1 had en.- of V'-ur Sni-m lire I'li.-f Sale.. After ei.d'.tt lug tin 11.1,1, Ileal for Mt en hour., ll.t-Satf wa- ,,(ii,'l '.. p.w.k. and Papel. Hue I'r.iuu l i.:i.ne:i.l ' 1 c.'l..ttt... 1 -hail If i'd HI .tl.. I r it. ii.....:.. ill older. ...lis. Ii. .,-t i, -p. ttn'lt U P D I C U I S" i N . Itclllll -M.I EUIE AT i.l.l.l C I'U AMIIM.sUI II,, I'l.il.k, e...l I I M.i Et t llii-n Oil the' Ui'.ll.n. o. r St. ir. li'.u..' at to 'I lo- ."-i.lau.'.ii'l' i S.I' i W t cat. .10' CUM. ' I...U-I- al.,1 ti.i.t.ni.i l W l.leh W . r. pre. . t , d I ell.g t t.Ml lu 4 ll- ' PI, a..' Il l- llll U t-'l all. n.. r Im i I i -I' "Ul. il.,1. Sal .u.ai.'I. I ....I- I in. i!.. .4 .1 ti-.' . ; -I 'b if ...li I .... . il i .11 ' i.i I III 4 I I I..1 I.-' I"'. til. I --I " t It. .1 'I .. .' I. . I.- I t h A f-r P. '. I..I-. Ii, -.1 ll. -. '.I lo 41-V u I d I, no. I. A I -- -. it. n . U . i.i. I .1 . ll. .1 . . 1.41 If.. ., II . 4 ,4 I -l.t. I J. I'Ml.l 1 ' k- I 4 ' t u an-l u... t a. . -I . 1 1 1 ii . i . i i i . I I'l.. i. i. . l . . I .... ! .... Ait ' I i-l it . I n .... i, lu, k I I I .. .11. I. .1.4 I .1 k I I I . II, I ...I Si., w l.l ...J I' -i I St.. I'.' . I 1 III' l I. I 4 I-'. . I I. ll - J1 .l.l't tl I . 4. k I I- . k .1 t l-.l .. . u .' :.V i i....i i' a-i i.i !...- . S; l .4 lu4 If .... II U ill t t I . II. , .... ...... . I . - . .I .t v. .....I. I I. . I ... ... I til I ... . I . . .. I .. . t .... 1 I . ..l.l. ... I . ... 1 '. ..i ... ..k ,, I ...... . . , . . 1.1 P- ...I 1.4 I t mi ,i. iij i - Ill u I'..,, .1.1 .-d aill W 1 1 h I I. t-S . I I .1 I . I tt.l .L'..iii, ....I.... I, in: dti:M Nt'ti-e i it. ' " - . ... , M r ,t I -W..I ...I 'I I III I'M ( I-.. .1 W t.i..i4 ft-Ai'ftt t4 i. I - .- t ...in lll'll' i 1 . li t H ... . .... . u i I I I , it.. .J . . ....Il,( I tt ,11 .1... 1 . , .11.1. .11 1 .. . -I . - , ... . I I' I . I I, I U III I 1 I II II '. ... I r . . , t. 4 M....I it 1 - 1 tiu ti I !. ( V, .1 . .I.N 4 I .. I n . . .J . . u. t . -i... 4 1' I ' I .1 I . ' II u .1.1. s It i .-I .1 i .1 'i-l t Uit.lt' 1-4 I 14 1 1 It. 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers