jKTfct.il eiianniiaaiiasi in n . ' .a ljc unturi? Smrtiran. II. H. MA88EH, Editor A Proprietor. kiiji nr. pa. SATUUlAY, JULY 80, U'M. B. M. TETTENOIIili ft CO., No. 37 Turk Row. New Turk, and 0 Stat Ftrwi, DmUin, w far til tut the PuwnuitT Amkmcas 'o those ctth, Ml BloriKi o tk Advertise- n.cnte nil euMcfi? tk n n at w . 4 i nrY corrriTio.x. Tlic memU-n of the Colon Purty of Nor ;liunibi'rl:.nd County, ftre requested to meet n the ilill'iri'tit Townships untl ilort tlrihs of he C'ountv, on fenturdtiy tho Ctli ol Auj.ntt, o elect delorjufca to nttend ft County Con rtitiori. which will nsscmble In Sunbury, u Monday the irtli of Ac;:J;t, to notnlante undUlates for Conrres?, Le-fcillfttuT?. find lie County Ofikes to i elected at the Octo or e'rt tio'n. It is of tilt grentc-st impoi nice Hint each Distria in the OJutiiy should i! represented. C. B. SMITH. Chairman pf Standing Cvmmittte. .,.. k J i'" The news from Oror.t's army is thfit will certainly capture Richmond. VST" Shermau's army in the Southwest ,s iiccomplishid wonders. His march from ititttinoogn. lo Atlanta, -has been a triuui al one. Our losue in the recent battle, : estimated lit S0D0. Our men found oOOO ud rebels ou the field, which, according to i usual proportions of killed and wound would rnaUe the rebel loss 18000. KT"Tiie Ladt's Friend. The August liber lias come to hand, and is handsome Uustrated with engravings and fashion tea. It contains tho UBual variety of 'lint; waiter. if "Tm; AMEMMr.Ms. We again call attention of our Union readers to the jiortanceof turning out to the election Tuesday next, the 2d of August. It be ivcsthe friends of the soldiers: to turn and poll every vote. There is, no doubt, rge majority of the people of Pennsjl va in favor of the soldiers amendment, but 1 e is uanger of defeat through nptithy and r confidence. We exhort, therefore, every ud of the soldier to turn out and do his v on Tuesday next. line may circulate the Uf, that the ac.op. of the amendments will also give the o soldiers the right to vote. Negroes not (pialilied elector, and. therefore, it .ipo.-sihle for '.heiu to Vote under this udmelil. sol'u 3lisiiI Sleiiiuei'-I'lli Mtiti, July 25th. The sieamer James te, from .New Orleans on the lSlh sir 1 here to-iluy and reports that the siotm . M. llunyan froiii Nati hv. struck a when oil' Grillith's h'.inling, fifteen s below Greenville, liissij)pi, on the instant ut 10 o'clock at night, and to the hurricane roof in live minutes, e hail nearly (KM) people aboard, includ ,10 of tint 10th Missouri C'avalrv, 50 re i s and furliiughed soldiers mm quite a I -er of cabin passenger. out filly lives w er-jlost; and half of number belonged to Jhe cavalry. The in.ler, with two exceptions were re 's and in'uroe". - Hut two cabin passen a young man named C'liHplan. of Alton us. mid a uov, are oc;ieea in uac : lost. " j iiluiat No. 11 came up about twenty I t.s alter the disaster, and rescued! t forty persons. The others swam i e. n; wen also oa hoard 111 mules, Cri ,auo of the riMjinirnt. all ol which, with j . mt. are a total loes j , steamer .lames White brought up ui the rescued, exee).t U.e cavalry who in.Hi-lit up ly llie -Marine origane ooni llipllis cTins M.Ti i.i;s. - Tl.t man itai tare of ui uiaiclies was I ei;!ii, in ihi r'-.:iitry ! "i. The Herman claim to have dis 'l the iiroccss at nbout the same time, is oiiiIki'iIc that, like many other dU- ies and iuveiitinriB, both parties le- j d the idea simultaneously. Cue firm tin!, cniraood in this hu-im s-; ruiisiiiiK- j ;r .litVerai.l factories '.v ('i"ii'l C'rilt : id n r atitiiiin. mostly sapline jiine. j iiiarii.l'iiet.m I'vii'tt cn hiiUUm jour liun- ' i, (";,'. i in in.H;tl ii,(fr7if.t i'tr '.', und the new law, which require? P one ! imp on each bunch, they will pay a sU.l'M) per day, or nearly jour lit'tij tlfi'ittiniJ ilvlliirn I"'!' a a ii ! in. .iinie which the (.lnverniiient will ilc i roiiiihiitit the country, from this np iy sinall branch of manufactures, will t's i K.i ii three und a half millions .miiii. Ill Kl'lf I Ml AUKNT foil NolITlll MBl 111 .! ' The pujHT arinotineu the appoinltuetit of isk us lUcruitiiif; At;cnt for this county. Vi i oisTvisrs v Tint Oovmst.n Oovcr 1 1 uli us ;.,n. led lev VII' Kocarrrt IF.a.psif ., .vm ki. Wii.miir, both of funbury, to tho Notary Public. nj..inia:ir,n wire resderej ncciMary by .Mil of llu Hunk of urlhuuilierlaud to Sun liieh t.aik place on Monday last. They are mpctcnt i.Rcers. Mr Itockefeller is well s a Survey. and formerly I'eputy Sheriff Iverl hiu loiii; been foremau in the office of : lib. as. I ..w.M.ii -.John Cc.ao, a lub;rer workini; llio coatraeb.ri ou the Northern (nirul wa.i ..und drowned in thu .Shiiuiokiu creek y, to ur the bridge In low ihii plcj. An i- hel l on Ibe body by Kpuire l.aiaru., irdiet of aerideiilal druwuing returned. by I. mi min k wbi.key 1 1 a A toll of Samuel liowur, ahoul four 1. ii ti.bnx near Shaiuokiu bam. opp-ile e. was dr auvd iu the Canal oa M edueiday us - The eouniry waa fonid.rably re y ruin on Monday Iwl. Il e..uiiu.ucd i.t o.i;' u cb k ou Monday winii.i, and I al inleir.l. uulil aliel law o'cb.-k lu the i Thu dii.utb that pn tailed fr several ii I ! s.riuusly altiA'leJ reolale. and . n.m U betdvd u tusurs s fair crop il toiu, A i uvt Caor. Our faiaiere kare Uca Wuy ,..k til lekinfof this erop, akiak a a.e . b j.. U urnelt kvller Ih.n last )', atai ,.. .1 k.:n( an arwas so f ii.. . W ..- I ke A lata I fipitse I oia u. .1.. I Mr ruk.1. ! a. "" (,, k.-rae end a haa lw eld oU'an i, i.m aaoa, 1 4 Ike u- ! Iin i i., .l. AeeMrldUelk4 !! ,'H.u ffim iuriitsa ii-elMa l this ., . .fcl ! all l" Jels end , ialouls.ii'1 Hue il ' ,..nt. i. IiUuJi ) 4 !'. m l - . ,. ,.'.. .. " The (irrnl llalllc at Allnnta. LotasviLLK, July 22. To-day's INnshvillo Union snys that it telegram from General ttlicrmau says the enemy attacked General Thomas on Wednesday fiercely and was handsomely repulsed and roughly hand led. The Union adds tlmt tho two ahiiics afe now on level ground, uud tho lighting is more nearly equal. ISkWt Yohk. July 23. A Washington despatch dated ln.-t night, says that the buttle of Thursday between Sdiei man's and iiood's (Jale Johnson's) nruiiea, was very severe Slid bloody, and the defeat of the Uebela most complete. They were driven back into their fortifications with a loss of from six to I'ijht hundred killed, and our forces held the Held w ith about lour thou sum! wouudud uud prisoners. A'l the liues of retreat hud been cut off by Sheiman except the one via Mncon, and that hug probably been attended to before this time. WasuiKoton, July 215, Atlanta, was virtually in our hands yesterday, so'com plelely was it under the guns of SUieimtin from his positions gained, arid we are satis tied that lie now occupies it fully, all the fighting with Johnson and with his suc cessor, Hood, having resulted disastrously to the enemy, Sherman cut the rebel tele graphic communications with Montgomery, near Xotasuiga. on the 17th, by a cavalry expedition, which wag at Talladvga on Sat urday, und which will undoubtedly be heard ti'om vefy soon as having played the mischief generally with the Rebel commu nications with Atluuta. The Kebel General John B. Hood, hereto fore only a division commander, took com mand of the ltebcl urmy in Georgia on the 18th. He owned his appointment over Hardee aud otlieta to the fuct that he alone of Johnston's captain has been fiercely op posed to Johnston's retrograde movement from Dal ton. He was couuted upon to resist Sherman's advance at every hazard, but it seems he hus been no more successful than Johnston. General Bragg reached Atlanta on the loth. W'AsniSGTON, July 23. The Republican, extra says : The Government is in receipt of a des patch to-day from the telegraph opeiator at I'huttanooga, via Louisville, in the follow- nig words: "Atlanta is not ours yet. Our forces find ! "troiii? opposition. It seems that we are in possession of a part of the city, but the cue my holds the rest. , I I The Republican extra also announce the i ' following ollicial news of the battle before Atlanta on W eduesday last : j An ollicial despatch from General Slier man slates that after the battle of the (lav. Geiierul How ard, commaiidiiig the Fourth. Corps, sent word that he had buried two j hundred dead rebels in front of his lines, aud a hirirt? number of wounded were hing i on the lield. General HooUer, coinmanding the Twen- tielh t'orps, iu advancing his lines on Wed i uesdny, Inet the enemy in an open held, and I a most desperate battle, lasting several liours, was the result. The enemy was thoroughly whipped and driven from the field.' Alter the battle General Hooker reported to General Sher man as follow s : T have luuied four hundred ih.-ad Hoods and !ot:r thousand wounded are lung on my mmt. Wamiinoton, July 2;J. Ollicial details of j General hei niiin's haltle on Thurarinv show that it was a lirilliant aud deeided sue- j ! Cess. I Hoed aliaudoiied the field and fell haek lo his loililientiiilis, leaving all his deail and i wounded in our hands, while nearly four j thousand prisoners were taken. Our loss , I vi us l;UI lilteell liunilied. NasiiVh i.i., July .;l, Reports whieh are! . Hell aulhentu ateil place the oecupatloil of I Atlanta by General bhcimun heumd a . duiil.t. " No particulars have I wen received here. I'lovost Marshal Goyilwin reciiveil a tele gram, dated at Atlanta ou the -d, anuounc- i ill'' the possersiou ol tuat place ly our ; liu .,.,,.,,, juty oi.-A priv.it. des-! pa'.eh, w hich lias l.eeli receiv ed here bv a rc,ative Mai-C,en'.T--l !el'heron, leslUin,.- I in ,llis ci,V( R.i(r A.,all j,v .i, uniU)lim.L., lhnl hh ,,aut ..ml acconiplisli- I il cliiel'luiii il:i Lilii.il in liiillb. on llie ilav ' previous, and that his remains would be sent home lor interment in eharye ol mem- . Lei's of his stall"; l.oiisvu.i.i:, Jiily CO. Major J?orc'iis., . Local Paymaster at Cliattiinouoa. teleoraphs ; to Major Allen, C hief l'ayiiiastcr at this i post, that .Major (.ieneral Mcl'liersou was j killed iii battle lo-day before Atlanta. i Another correspondent mlds that he was shot falally through the luiios. W-vsiiiNOTONj July T he latest ollicial ! despatches liom (jeiieral Slieruuin represent , that he his hull much lighting since cross- ! u the (.'hattaiiooou, and give the circiim- I slant es atleuilin; the ileutli of tieuei-il Me- I'hcrsuii, who was killed !!: the severe eon-j test on liidav last. I I'rom Ueuernl Mi-rmiiiia ,ti my . ! Namivii.i.k, July .0. tllliciul news from the t unit ut Atlanta is meager but no le-; Verses are reported. ) General Mieiinan still maintains his posi- i tion and is vigorously advancing. den- Kotisseau has bitceessbilly fullilleil : his orders, and reports a loss of only twehe I of his c iliimand. I Gen. ti a nurd's expedition litis been sue- ! cesslul in destroying I lie bridges at Coving- j ton forty miles east of Atlanta, destroying the public stores ut C'oviuglon und L'onyers, including 2,000 bales of Cotton and it Into- i motive and train of cars, and capturing two hundred pr'-oincM and il li'tinber of hoic. ! Our loss in the recent battles will loot up I something less than 2,000. We have found over 1,000 dead rebels, which with tin: Usual proportion of wound ed, will mtke their l"ss over 7,00'i. Cur u.-my is in good condition and the situation I.i voluble. ANOTHER REPORT. Wasiiinuton, July S.V ISlieeiui In the ; Tribune.J A ilcspuitli I'roiii our army at j Atluuta, received by the tioverntnei.l, this I 'evening, tslunmn ouf oes in I inlay a I I battle ut about U.OOO, und that the reUls at I about U.tKIO. AUilit 800 dead rebels were I , buried in front of our left whig, i The lighting ia tlt-cribed as having been leinllc, the reU la making repealed elutrgee 1 ou our lines willt thu bajoml, cui h time 1 Ih ing r pulsed wi'h ituieli slHUihier, und t : lilially llllvi ll iulii Ibcir l"rt!K sllolis. ! I ' Iho rebels hud detroiiil all their liu- ! uiciim! depute ol piovi.ion. i:i Atlanta, ami . H a, larlicvcd Welti ivtrtullllir by llie Ma ,.,, fuJ, ,)ur t4VUr) ixi 1. 1 probiildy jiturn pi llieir relleal oug enough to trliabk our itilanli) lot oii.e up, I Tlio reUl line Well to hate Utll .ault e l mi rvi uitiay. Two riUI b'lindiele were killed ami two wouiidid. I rlulillul Iti ltlrwl In n l eal UIm I raljwHe wtt-M Killrtle n in i an i. IUvlm, P, July tl.-A bfnlk ui.i.hl.l oiiuiird al Ihw rliiil'U lollui. mi rtaiur.u) iinng, wlntU rulul in M liislalil tit alb ol Iwvnl) onu milt who wne ou elojxi Car toiiuiiif out ol Ibe bilue) liom lir .Ut oi k. M lo m i I hi l"P ol llie ll.v lie oil bfoki-, rtli.iwin ll.v if to nit k Hi (Interne ol 0'" l I ou 4 .l . "I Ull.'t) t d. !.. .' , f I If. .1 I'l I I ' ' ' " ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Auditor' Iloporli To thi Bwytue and Council of tAo Borough, " Sit tilery, Finn' A "The uniirrilgnrd, tlio Committee on Finanoc: re port Uint they find uncancelled fturoux'h and iluad erdnrs HtnottiitthR W the turn of 1,2i7 70, wo be lief tlint the greater part of Ibcso orders lieso been paid find ilo not riurt tkat UiAt tuouut of ordnrv r. inniu nnpnld. but only U11U Uicy ar unoniioUlvU on tiir urdcr book. Tho Tmmuror f nld nd we oanoellnd on the or.ler hnok. orderi (burougli and road) to Uie turn Kf Il BU. The Trwwurcr fwild und we esncMlol orders for Foir purfKiooe to the sum of f l.CsjJ 611. . The Poor orders uncnnuelled. Rinount to Hit t2. The mont of Ihrae probnblv rcnisin iinp.iid lo the ditto of the closing of the acoouht with the Ttaakurer, Vu : the 1st March, 104. We eznmined end audited the socnt:nt( cf lb col lator of Bofounh. Poor and Road Taxoe of 1iS3. This ttntement It breuglit down to the 11th of April, 1AC4. the dale of the aucliler. As some of the tnx p".ver paidun account of ull their taxci initend or appropriating the stnouut to one or the other, or tpec'flo parte W each, t could not Mci-rtnin the kinountuf eih tal outstanding but have exhibited the amount of the three nouibiniHl. The nncullected tali I amount to fl.GUO 4t, iiilgcut to luch czouera tiont ma; be allowed. We haYe utalcd au account between the Ttoroujrh and John lMimcr. collector of tin in for 1-u't. hereto annexed, and 6ml and report a bnluucu to the 11th April. 164. in hit band of J 109 34. We have stated accounts with John W. Bucher. Trenmrer, in retpect of Borough and Road Taxet aud receipt!, and hIso in rciprol to the Poor taxes, hereto annexed, tho firtt marked "P." the eeeond "0." Theae accounts are brought down to the 1st of March, lMit, (he beginning of hit second year as Treasurer. We report a balance in hit hand of $!l'A0 29 on borough and road account, and a balance due hitn of $:lj7 S)2 on Poor account. It will be seen from the account itnted with the collector, which it brought down lo the 1 lib April. 1 l , that the Trea surer reoeived $61(1 00. atler the 1H March, 1SC4, Ihe dale at nhicb we close the account slated, and other money has been received by him. all of which properly belongs to his account fur the current year. The balance in the bunds of Peter W. Urny. Trea surer, was $140 17. Of lhi. he psid Tremurer Bucher as charged in his account t'J'i 03, leaving a balance still due of $18 14. In the accounts with tho Trenmrer we have not allowed anything for his compensation. We believe that two percent, on the gross amount of all orders paid has heretofore been paid to the Treasurer's, and we recommond that an order bo ginuted lo him for fit 46, being two per cent, on the orders paid by him. WM. I. OKEENOWiI.l ... JOHN UOtlSMi. JComm.lleo Account between tho linrough of Sunbury and .Tolui llieiuer. collector of linrouxh. Poor and Uoad Taxes lor the year Iwi.'t to I lili April iN'i-i. rMiiluuiriil showing muouut on nhick collector is to he allowed couiini4sioiii : ItoroiigU Tux siWMid tor 1S0.1, I.22'J 17 Poor 1. 12V Stf Jioad ' " ' " 2.:ii 27 $1,704 33 llulnnco of Borough. Pour and P.oiid Taxed ol s,0o reuiuiuing uncollected l&tu April lsi'.l. 1.M6 4i Collector chargable with ACCOUNT. 3.007 c9 j Ml. i 11.22V 17 1.12V -V 2.316 27 $1.7u4 33 John Hienier. Unrough Tux lsO.i Poor Road cn. r.iiriiiicb, Poor and Road Taxci (together) I uncollected. 1,690 41 Coiiimis.dion ol 5 per cent to collector on ' . niiiomit ehiirirriible to iiim l'V 40 I Ib.ru' tin t.'r. toCirceuougli's Ju'l'mt 31 0J Poor 2 M 41 VV Paid Treamrcr. 21 si July. 15.1, 424 00 200 Oil 170 15 i'U 00 300 00 135 00 125 nil 22.1 August " " Mk Sept. " .i , 0,1,1, .. .. ' 2uth Oct. " " Mill Nov. " " " 21 b ' " " 12ih lee. ' " " 2nlti Jan. 1SC4, ' ' dill Feb. 12ih.Mnr. " 11th April P'.'ilance iu collector's hund', 2o.l 00 175 00 : li 00 315 00 205 00 I loV 34 ; SI.7V4 33 Account tela eeii the lior. nirli of Suiibiiiy and John V. Uucber. 'f n wMircr fer the year lsij:t. in re-- t tulii.ruUKh uu i Kun.l Tain to the In of March lsfll. Juhn IV. lineher. Treasurer, 1 R . Irfi3. April 3d. ree'd from collector Martin. 4 30 5ft J ui v 21. lit mer, A.iK. 22, Sept. K, 131 07 52 15 ll0 no 2' 0 cu 135 CO 125 00 So3 00 lsj 00 02 03 15 no V 00 20, 20, 10, tict. Nov " lec. 12, ISO I. l'eb. 4, P. V. Gray, late Treasurer. 1553. Stipt. 3. L. I'.i.vvr, Ch. llurgoss, Lie. 01.67'J OJ cn 13 00 22 62 John YV. ltuch'T, Treasurer, liorouuli and Uoud orders of I S55, paid l.-i'J. ,. .i . psau. .. 1B, ' " lml 2, " .. . .. Mil, ,;4; I'ulance in hands of Treatuier 2 101 37 63 13 1,01V M ! 35 2..0 2J ti.57V 09 Account l-MWci'ti ilit Itoroui;h ofNunlniry and Jno. W. lim-her. Teiiurei-, for ihe year elldini; Ihe 1st day ot .March, 1 So I. in respi-cl to Puor Tiix ... Mm W. Ilucher, t.'easurcr, Mb T-r,3. Jul v 21. ree'd fioiu collector I'irmer, SI. 0 An,-. 22, " " Sepl.S, " " ' o (ie, .. .1 ixr,l, Jan. 20, " " " llulteigti due Treasater, 65 V3 lis 00 ilu On tl.ttu.'S 51 CU. John YV. Hucher, Triasiireri Piiit orders of IH5?, paid H00, ' 1M,. ' " ls02. " ' ' lsii.i, " ' " lisSf, ' ll 30 00 44 00 90 72 I 4V1 7-i i 321 si j 1.003 51 Fiuanee i Commiitee. WM. I. C.nFKXfU'HH, ( HAS PI VAJANTs, JUHX IHit ltlvK. Hunbury, July, 1S6I. EtTER OF ADVICE LADIES PIVK ASATOMICAb ENlillANlNliS. Ibu iuf'iruialion never before publihel. fent rar.it in a sealed ruveb.pe for rrs neuts. Ad lros Dr. sTANFol'.l'. Iloi No. 4,62 New York P O. July , JsCt 3ib JACOD IIARLET. i Suertnor lo H 4 a u J) t r Jl a rl e ) No t:i MAItKliTSireol, PIMLAPKLI'lllA. I DKALKK luFineU.dd aed Silver W ATI Hliw . f lueliold Jl W H.IIV. .Solid sll.VHt U AUL. ai.d lb. bvl of rlL Lll-PLAll l'-W AHI. Cuii slanllyou bal.d a lars aurtmenl ol Ihu abote good, al l" prices. l ulehea aad Fin Cba k.. Iteirrd. l y killul aoiktm-e, aiiai, Jewelry retsiiiriiitt . l.iiAratB and all kind, ol lUir.wei k lo order, al ibott uolica Ik.u'I lorel Ibe eli aland, Nu. Maikel lie. I, Phllad.lplila. A pill II s, .. m llOWAUU ASOClATlUN, I'MIIAt'?! Pill A. PA Dlarusre tif Ihe rrteua, arsMluul, I iTuur) muI rwitl .. n. a and it lial.le Ural U..I.I iii . ..i la . f taw IP ill A III' As." IAIIiN.-muI n mail in ..a'.d bu.r u.itoi... Ilea id chaise Ad.lMH t J lkL LIN ll"l MtlloN, llu.a.-l Ajialto, te I tk uik Niuik riiMl, I'kiladslkia, I'a. July H, lau -l AllratlwviM .tlllllMr) 4 itllrue, Al.l.HNTOXM. I'A. Ho M I Ib'l I "III', A M . I'l.ui.ai H.n il MlilMx'SII, ..Mi.i.l.ut el Ike Miiuary lin.ai M (Ilia Ik.uiuiioa, fkail.ixl If Siaie ( I'aaa. I f aula Bilk lull I u.j.(la puael. eill uwaa In mel .. ma ap aik kii l.i.ni uVi44 4 ea kfai.e I 'ati.el. .i.i.av enl al liuiy sw- wtef-i ite aai ol i.itw t.i. 'uo's e'e ei.-l ia Iks 1'nu.ai i..4) s lolia'.ie Iw i eiiwr.. f !! I ! I ri rl o .Mnrl t Nquitrc, Ml m KV, ln. HAVrNUjusI retnihed Trotu the City with an cn. ' tire now tiuck of j ai nx, 4. Iirmieiali Prrfomery ml ; 'l oil l n to which hs incites hiafiiunds end Uis public ptnrr- ' ally, to sail and examine. '1 he Diugs aud Meilieiixta are all eelcnled from Uic but iin.ortibg hiuy. iu , the luutern lu irkot with the grcaleri earo an to peri. : ty and VTioienOy aud aroiding as Imi.-b as pvtUet j tLo iulnHluoliou of delci ions nostrumii. j PATENT MEDICINES ' j Of all kinds, fneh as Ayer's, Jari.es, McClir.tt'ik. IJolluwaye, Vt isiians. llooBands. Vehrnks, brown's and all oilier popular psteut mediuinca, always cu hood. BRUSHES, . Ilair, Tvulh, Nail, Clothe and Paint' Uruthca. tjpeaial earo it takeu to keep oa hand -eouttanlly every vaiicty of PAINTS AND CHEMICALS, Suitnble to the trade. Fancy Toilet Articlri and the numerous articles w hich ure geuvrully kept iu a well conducted esub lithment. In ceuncctiun with the above articles, he nlio kee ou band a large assortment ol STATION KKY, such at Paper, Envelopes. IVne,- Pencils. Inks. ia. tr" Phvtieiairs prescriptions snd fiiuiily receipts compounded with the greniest accuracy and dispau-h. at ALL lkll US l.ny or Night. . Kvmeuiber die place. Msi ket P'luare. uuder the olhce of the "bunbury American." R. A. FISCHER. Eunbury, June 26, 1SCI. WILLIAMSP0RT OIL WORK? 1 N0X-LXPUH3IVE PURE CRYSTAL CARBON IK TIGHT PACKAUEi. Orders will receive prompt attrutioii II. D. l'n'.M'.N Williamsport. June 26, ls6t - Proprietor i I.ncUtiM uuuu & illooiu-tlMari; l!ail i-oikI. Owi N and after Jan. ls:h, lSill, Ta-vngor Trains ill ruu as tollwns : MOYISU KOl'TH. l.iao Frnmton. I 20 P. M " hii.?t.in. " liliiiiiisbiir " Itupvrt. litiiiille. V !i Arrive at Norlhuniberlr.nd. V.."' MOV 1 Ml NOliTll I.cnve Nurlbuniberlaiid. tvOO A lui,villo, i.lil M linpert. b 40 " Itloomsliur, . V. Kiiii;.t..u. 12.12 1' . M. Arrive at Scnuiti n, I .Hj 1'reinht A Pawnger leaves P.io.-.tnsliuri:. 10 I j A. M Pa-senirei lekir.ir tie Mnil Truiii S.utli eoninvl with the l.xpr iruiu fn.iu N-'iilitiiiibetlsiid. arri in at llarn-bur:, at 2..'UI A. M . I.tiltimure 7 en A. M.. and at Philadelphiu. at 7. ml A. .M. The Mail train frviu N.rlhuml.erlHii'l lenves iiiinieiliatelv after t'1 arrivul ol'iht l.res tiaiu from llnni-bur and Italtimore. nllowiii; t ss.'ti; i-leaving I ui:iolel.na j "' 10 10 P. M .lorem h iiiuls on this road iluiai , the next fori noun. i New and elegant Sleepiii); ciir nccitmpuny the ' nilil lnun.-each y betueen Norihuiiibeiljuid mid It jloiuore, unj Noribuu.berliitel an. I Pbiladelpbia. ; 'rsV. i.n s rose sai.c:. 'PIIK lin b r.-i'iied will -ell al private sale. 1WKN 1 TY-SI.X 'K'W N l.nlS. Miuate ia the U.r..i:b ot f-miblirv. The lula are I.K'i.led wilhm a few Kjinire!, of the I'enn-ylMiiiiii KuiliMiid t'.iiiipniiy's Mu. biiie Mcps. in the ii'.nheni purl of iho i-.wn. They nie ail -uiluble building bos. niluale in the noxl plea'ht't portion of Ihe lH.roii):h. They will be sold "ii rea onublo terms. For further parii.-iiliit apply lo PhTiil: li M A.v-l.ll. II H M SKli. FUANCls III i ll I'll. Fui.t.urT. June IS, l vt. F.xeeutor. .Vlleiil ion, I.aliM uutl 4-nl Iviik'ii ! AMBR0TYPE AND PHOTOGRAPH G.X.ILiEn'Y. Id l'eer street. opj.u-i;e iho Ceulrnl Hotel. STJJM-BTJl V. PA., , S HVhUI.Y. has opened n new Picture li.il!ery iu the iilsive i biee. aed is lireiiarisl to take Puiiraits iu the best stvle and manner. AMl'n''TYPF. ANH PlP'T'iiUAPHS, arc taken in every syle et the Art. that cannot be surpassed in the State, lbiv irr several year's expo rit nee. lie will e,ive r-aii-liuMioti or lei clianre. Copieft will be lauin liom all style.- of Picture. (iive him a call. lieu. ember unpo.ile Ihe 1 tntral Hotel. ."uabury, June 4, ISO I. ! CONTINENTAL CLU T 11 I X G baza u ('urner of .Mai kel Nii:ire V. Itail Ital r(r-l, S U N 11 I" R Y , P E X X A. r I'M MER STOCK .F j UKADV MADE CLOTIIINd,; Of the newest vies, cut l.v Ibe l-mt Artists. Iriieund and made eipaal lo eu.-tom wurk, and aobl al the lowest j. riots. .Men uud lliy 4IoIimk of Iho Usl urn- leiiul Con-itinx ol Irc. Coat., Fr.sk Coal.. Saek Coats, Pauls, and Vc-'. ol vutiuus Coluis and iiuali- tics. OtNTl.KMKN S llH.M"ill.ii liimbS, such es Shirts, "ier-shiiis. t'ud-.r-hirls. !irawcr Collar., Ciavat. Neckties, Ituudke rcbii-l, i .i-kllii;.. (ilove., to Hula mid ii of nil Ulnda. IlOtiTS ASUSIK'KS 1K1NKS, VAI.IM. I M- lilt 1 1.1. AS, and S'ufloN.- of all kiud, aud uume rou other article The pub.'io uie invited lo call and eauiliie Iii. St.K'k Uiuiember ihe place. .'Continental Clothing eiore,'1 Cvrnerwl Market S.uaie and lb N C It K 1.1 VI 111 I II I Sunl'uiy. July 2. Is.' I nf.ANK , lc I M..I,. a... I, Inuenl Paper 1 .ced and blunk buieU. F..ccuiiaa. uulu..a. Aa :ur .als al Ih etkco ul lbs ".ui.buiy Ameii.au ' ron. sale. t'our Mtlwiiry IIcum :muIm ' HI 1LT Ika kliue Hill I'l . or. au l rw al .1 it oa. ull.. bey a.e all ihe aalua p'''', aud Ol ll.V lolloWtl'il ill.UiW.tol'. ' I'laU lrl u I'tliiider la lvk. L.Ujih ,. ri.ek. Ii Pel Thrj tain lau S.III vt wlw (al A I Pl.k ' i io4i .u end tkv vik.-r tt.u utama. k".-k a..tioa . ' IU....al..k.l... aud ks. .ol I. a ..li, j uom. plaloa l"li.a pkll'4 MlpUlv I Ib.ae LualU'. SI a.ll a.bl.. I l"l ti dliuy S'.ll., 1 ' ea. I at. Ia kot.lib end puup... al loi. ' I Iii feu ! i o.-i. I el a i liu.a all. ika ( , uf July, apbtt a la.iss le Iba tufcav i iUi at ('i.- t uaa I u.m I ,lu. w'll be h.1 I a. Ikty Mead, au4 Is Iwu.vd el il. .ii. .-I Hi. ia..! S..K I pi".-.aii a'u l i.a..i.d ie (w a.lui lie aiui Jl I'oU. ao I ie eai I. a.a In .ikut . a. II Ik. i. al.. r l.iuil a.etei i.a i.;'iw 4.UI.I y J M At I t H rUi M H a II k H ti. s i. . e -1 ..'i 1 .' ' I ' NEW GOODS I just f)ri:xi:n r ' v, vwuwe. AND bOLI) CUCA1T.H THAN LIK- WHKRK! ISj-.CJ ITJp.XZAlTa . 3 to tetlemoyn's BulJinf. npnrr Ceartiart's CotH recHonerySte,J!arkitree4.hLM;Li;r.ri , . ... . . -' H" J" VT. - J "rc'ed mrla'r DRY GOODS ! FOKEKIX AND POMESTIC. snah u Cloihs. Cei lueres. Muflif". Shectii,;, Tikinj, Caiicvx, It Lui.es. filki, Uuighyn-s Ac, Ac. 11.1 I'M (villi CM I! cl eTtrjdTscriptkc. NOTIONS & VARIETIES. Confifting cf llmivrj. .Iovm. Tiral, Tutton. iupfnjfr5. kiic. Cull.ir. H.mlkejv!iitf. II iir Hruhr. T-th ilrnOu-. Kirnor Itrd lrt-w. INI tuural kiru. H'-Sk.rlt. CurptH-luu. Trunk. Va Itt. linlrll.. CotHiii'Varu. Nf, uj nuiurrvb oUar articli Uo trditu to metitiu. HARDWARE, urli n nsil. bine s and frrews. Ji Isli-he and knots, an 1 1 1 1 I.KUY rfer.Ty dneripoou. Dyes, Drugs, Paints. Varnishes. Oils. Glass. 1'utty, iVe., Ac. ((uii'naw nre ncl ('Inssnnrr of rifrj- di-t'rittiou. STONE AND KAIiTHEN WAllf. An esieuwve Suek cf r.imed ..f Sajar. t'oSr, Teas. Rice. Con "lar-h. Molassrs. Candies. Meal. Pish, (.'terse, a. Tv Iwoo. and CH'gary. KEADY-MADE CLOTHING. Also. f,.r meu. women an 1 ehiidren. in sinjs ot Lountrv 1 lodu-.-c takes in exchange fY ltiU.l$. huuburv. June 1. I?1. BOARDING HOUSE. MIJS. 1IAKIA TI1(MII(K, lFrnnrly uf ihc "Lanreuoe Iiu'," ) s v x n r n . v k n n a. INK'UMS hT ftinMn ai:t tire puMie ccnrrar.y tlmt fhr !m refiitisl the hMi frmr!v oui u-u hy Ir. .!. W. lVi!e. mi, JS!.rkrrrT trett. neur the j Northrrn IViitrnl Ilnilnav Iv;-,i. an I a It.inrtliiijr H'Miw. rtirrt lio is irvisrl l ktrp I VMtMANKNT AM TKANI..NT lU.IUtK!:s. j AVuh csk anl wniN-r. tnaislii can ruj-'V tltc quirt comtorls vt boiuvnith farr ctt:nl to the . K-t h'?cl-. " !'jiti'riar fnm th.r who nicy ojk urn in Sunbury, ! ii rti'cctfu!Iy K'licitt-.l. I Mr. MAUIA TIK.MP0 . Sur.hury, Mav 21. 1VI ;m O S Ii O K iVS CKI.K1JUATED rHK.PAR!:i isJAVA COFFEE, j ir . ;.' ,v .4 A" r i: ! SUPERIOR TO ANY IN THE ilAKEET. IT i ucl by firl 'ii' families cvervuhere. an! highly ns-.'-iraeiid'' I for nervous and dy- eptie j per-"i trt'iiiir very i.nittilit.n and free tn-m p'i I i!r!rteiicii iiltani--s. in t-s!iinoi:v of which I hsve ' reriin.'nut frni Hie m.sl rin-nrrir?it Phvsioia- in j the Country. Try il. and- yu wiil Ss suretj Nu;- tiiiue i:- use in prefer-?. -e t . r:l:cr. S ldatn tad l. r Taemy Five Cents per Poan.l , by First cl.n- tin'et ihrersbi."! the I niic.l latcj ; Ji A liberal dircooiil In Ibe Tra!e j Pnt up . nly !y i. i:vis a. stoi:. Wholesale le(.t. i0 Warren si. New York. Mav 7. si4. li vi i.o i iii:s.) ttiA.i:i: TheON'I.V reli.il le e!:-A .Ija-tinf Wringer. N.. W4-W..rk lo sw:i . r split N.iTLunili-sVrcw- t. cet . ut of Order Wairanlel wi;h or wc!...ui Co-Whel.-. 1 1 ix.-k thoFlUsT PPK.MU'M at Fitiy-Serea Sf.'e ai.d C.'uniy Fair- n: l-'i-I. and i. with .ut au t-..'ep-t it.ii the be-: Wii-i.-r ev.r ma le. PaL-iited iii the I uilcd s'laies. I.nlnnd. Cicala, and Au-.rn'.ia Sample V linger ser.t. PxTre. pai I. oa n-.-cip: of Pri. e Fnerriic aei.iscau n.ak' fi.ou 3l. b' l'-.d'.j." i-r .lav. .V'.. .'' 5" N . I.?" :. N'... 1" ? "' N." A ? .".' M:tiel';o l'O i-d ril :i ...l. wie-bsle ai.d retail, bv TIIK 11 "IN AM M AM FACT I K1N. C' . " No. I.'. Piatt Street. New ..rk. an-U'Irvvland. I'l.ij. S C. N.'KillUi'i'. A-.it. WHAT I. KIUH'IIY KN"W S. vu 1 hat Iron well t:.lvani ,1 will not ru-i ; T liat a MUiple uisebine i-belter than a orr'.i.a'.o.l That a wrlv-.-r dioe.ll be self-a.ljiiiii!.. durable. I and rfl'leielil ; I Ti.nl TTiun.t.-S rews r.i. I Vu -t.-iani- caa'C d'Vy ai.d ' trouble lo regulate :' d keep lll. r.Ur . That wool be.uu.;: t'.rllic set!, lor-in iuwill weir ! eat ; i Thai the Pallium Wriiiit.r. widi er without Cvg- ; wheels, will i...t tear the cbrthe.-; j T hai c.!-whcel reiri:it"l are lit e-eiil';al ; 1 Tli.1 l.u- I'uinain W i iiii r ha-all tl.e .lvau.$ . ' and li"l eiie ot ibe di? ei uioai s aU.v e ii.mnsl . ' That all wbcb ive ia..:t.i il. protnuuce i! ibe i-st ' Wringer vver uiude : j That .1 will w.-hiKa Thread or a lied truiii without I alteralioo. I Wi n;ii'..i CM loepc irwiil' tetiii.oiin! ten in ! ert eiily n lew to cw'.viivc ti e k p. i.-al. il such there ! : and we s.iv n ail lt Puinaui W n:i e I l.-M ii Tlb'K"! Itl.Y wirii ANY and ALL oli-.er.. i.ud il not vn'.ii.Ty -jli-lr. t 'ly. uli.ru il Pn.wt M.vm r u ri iu... Co r lienlb lilen 1 knew l'r.111 prai tioal ej-v'enc thai ir..n well (talvaiarrl wi'h line will not us.b.-e or ru-t one t-aio. U' llie Putnam V ruoer is a.. near perfect a- .-.l.le. ant 1 can ciieei fully rv j comiiieud il l be the l ist iu u-j 1 KcyOeelfulK VoUi. . JV V. liKKI.l.H Cleveland. Many vciirs' esperivltcc in Ibe iralvaini'l.iC busi ; i enable uie to inietse the abve siatviueui iu all , particulars. j JNi. C l.FFt'l'UIS. 1 N-.. loo lie kluau Slrvet. N'ea Yoik.Januarv. I s-' I . U- have U-iel Putnam. Cl...h. Wrir-r by prae i.al working, la.d kn. w il.ai it will d I: is rui-ap ; ii i. simple ; il reiiuirvs no hh.ui. w nr. net ai work or at -1 ; a child e.ui Ka;. u ; it d..e. it . duty In. ri.tiiilily ; i. wi lin e and u weir 1 an i" tear. l e Varue-:! . a.lv i.-e all wlohsve n u b wa-hil.i; lo d" wilh ii.te'l.i. nl peiM.n-wliebiv. any. I lo buv lbi Vt nn.tcr. Ii will pay . i u-ell ia a vur , at m.i.1 Hou ll'Ut VCE t.UrFl.F.Y June IS. I -s.'. I . LILLIES tllliLED IRON SAFE 7b Only Bat Itoliatil t.uiul both I'ire and Uiirclury. I am roar prepared lo .'uri.uh il.ree .iie. . f a!ioii. al Hunk faie Tu.y ate bah Fn and i'uvlir pr.M.1. with w.t dl.-Oliel uoi.le Pmlar Sal. and three ol uiy new Ami .Micron el. r l..k. en tacti ale. believ ed lo be Ibe only lnk I k la w in loc Ibal ha. II"! beeu S. ked el e II U"l bv pi ke l I V llie aid ot ihe wucroui.li-r Tbie .vvlV.all r.eul fovr In i n.cSi. in ibickncol .olid iron uaiaa cc I I.. Iw the lt. niiv.l. llie l""l dub. ull to -l. ill an I lo lan I Ibe lu.t i..i-'aiiee iot l"'u In.' and burglary l m y ."-all IU ibe I u.lvd S.ali . el the , aim- ie aw.1 vsl ' Unr.iili.nl al-o. ai.d will fatVi h all .n. .. awll '.ilia. iei a'l lbs adiaulaj.. id . tYc ali e a.aili-1 bulltlar , Al-.. all - le. ol M.lcalllllc al'.iKl(l'ejl. pr.sd and ie aud burglar po. f Alan, .'rawweulal I'w.lllu house Safea, luirtflar 1 i.h.I aud ( and bullal I l.s.l owilablvd U. I lU.p .M-... ire 1. l aa I ckl-aH.I Sail d.au te bank aa? aieieanliti. vaoll. All Die eU.ve aia l.lHn ..'. til akd ''!. II. ui tluiaui I Ui i " ... ubl b u In.- I'i.w anai.u.l Mual la avy eouetuu al. allv.il) ;s tkird ha plk I Ali aa.uiial aaulaieal '.i.d kn. alis i a.aa.s ol ik.ui a. a.ll a. aad il al o v. a.ak.1 lv.'iid lu V. Saaaa U. I I Ii. I V build l.va I T aa era llivJ al e. b. i' h ' ..-m i ... i ' M I . i I'l I a t ;. I i Ni .1 t M t I M II siii Jul.. II. o a sim.i:mii tkah 'kiin Jk. riHO .... I au b ! I fc4 . a.1 I lu 4 . . ! . Ml. I iw M UM . W .a ll.'ll ..I... ul ell I k-ak. e i.. .k- ( a, ..it .1 l ,i.. , - l II i k .i M 1 1' ,i I l.aa. li .. I I I I .1 k tikiiii ii I'. FOLIlilFIED IDS IT TAL I'or 4'1eTitt1asr 1 hi leu I a? und ! VM.Ltfi aft.. "B'sV-ft.! 1 fl.l..ril.i..,l:.l..i. "'eviewiiSc r:r .ipt.-. .n I '.i.m. i t i i, oTil..nr in ihltihi dera dc'.-ter:ou4 t.j Ue t-r;h or jrom. Svlll vr KAlr u,., ni;ur;ir (.ta' ' '"n-"1" ' -st,s to. aul ..heerlul- ly itoikiiI it caa rieparalia of uj-riur qua.i- ! rr cti.i. wl.ileniuf and ff.jfvrtiig the i JilETH. It eleaje lh-.f rJily , rvndnritii; th-a tsMutiluilT whitr tvi MriT. witlwiut the li-hiMt iniorv to Ibe enamel. It I kwlitt lo the gum KLrre Ui' T are ikmw ami .re. i: g alw au x ' eei'rt ( uiin'rot . oid deeyij titlb, wltioii ate n.n f xerrdinlr oRrn.it e. It ivee a riehorvauy tae toihe n.iu;h. cle tjiwi. it ;i.r..u ;h!y. aul iut- . rtu.t t iT-.l V"it.il trjLTaL.'p lo ihe l-rva.. I KLPAKl.l' 'M.Y 11V I A. il A W . i: V A CO.. . N tV. Cvr. lih . X I...pjUr l . I'b'U Irlphia i Aoi K,! J by all l'ruK-.;.-. I'MtLUUMd. i TtIlJIOMAL? "The f.dlewinjt pi inien ot lr. W bite, as to the tiah Mittn in whieb betili the l'eutsl t rvam. tn.'M oe MiSieni evidence of its ralne ; to quote other lesti-UH-nialf in ..lelail is oeillrs. roi.K-n:in ourselves r.y nu.ply f:nnj the nuies aud a l lre-ei of pvrsojs who sjak of its ea-.-rllenrT t .rlbe tM ib Phi:a-ii!phit. April liih. ISC. Il oii.f carefully rvamiuvl A. llanl ii li. fiej ieut.il ('ream.' I hetel-y eScerfutiy ree.tn niend il lo the public r-.ncra'ly. It i an V:.-tie-t i r amii-m f eiaii-Hi(f an i prr.-rt iiex Ihf It et ii. and rsn In.- ne..l by all p rt.i vrttii tiir utLm.-t co-fc-leUee. as II pl'prUs art r.Tt'.-t'tlr httrtule 1:. sOira presTii- - '.th. it pn nu's a b'il;iiji aetttn Iu Itir jruUr.. slJ iuipartsa piea-amt-ss lotue Irraih. Hr . T. VIlITE. 1M Arch .-'t Tiioma Ingram. M. ! . lltuti?!, 4.l . Fourth l. J. l:irk-.'2.l ii. Mx.b Si. I . Va-i r-'vv. 'Vnli'i. I.'j Arch el. C -a i'..i;M':v Vei.n.-t. Ills Wali.vtbt. S I-;:.:: J.' ! ;:. ArcbM. ft". M hi wr.. t.T Ar.-li St. Ldr.t T-ieni lvmist. 4;M l",.ur h St 1.- II. Iu-t- hie. iMit;--. .-. N Tuih tl M L. Ui'.- l'.v.i-l.i'..'J.V ?iirh ft Slav 2. 1"4 ly iai. 1 t I. i!rlli?n iV tt-if 1t!iilrs3-!. i-rl lil.e ir-n erse" I'lcN'-'t'-rn nl Nvoti on. Us ot Penasvian..i to the citv ol I.'iic vili "H v. to Ijik- t.rro. It hnb-n hv-l tht? rnMYlranid Knilrttiit i Company, aiul unlvr ineir aurk s ii Wilt rv.ju II r ' jmt.oI tl.r.ihui.t it? irntir? K-cicth " I It i now in u.o t--r I-nT sn.I Froicht bu'inr!" I fivm Hrri"!.urjt t St. Mitrv ;.fi$ nui, on tN Ka!frn liiin. an-l front iSbvSicld to trie, 7 d luiIt-.Mu the tt"ern liviin. tivk vr r tstt.tn TiiAt' at rxtn rt. .-tr-riY i-...tl- .. Mail Train. 10 2 A M txprcss Ti-am. II 4: P M Tmin, i P. M. Trnin. J M A M ears run tnronirn without change. h.?a wsy, ou toe--e trair.s Utwe-n Philadelphia and Lock liaven, ard between liallin.ore aud l.x-k Haven. Kleirsnt Slevjinj Cars ou Kxpr.-ss Trains boh aav. bctweeu W itliam.svrt ai.d Bultiirore, aiid Wiiliam-s.rt and Philadelphia. For ir.f.-ruiaii.n resp.'viin Pasen-rer businefs appfy at the S. F. ''or. ll:h au I Market St.. .Xr- wr tr-iM pMiiesol tty CotnpaiT -Vtf--.it n. Mi.otou. Jr., t-or. IJta Phila-ie!;.i.!a. and Market St.. J. W . Kvvii..!.!.. rr;e. J. M 1-iill .Viei.t X C. n. K.. Itnltimnre. 11 II ll. istox, (Svn"l Freight Agt. Philada Lrn is 1.. H., i rt. lieu 1 Ticket A't..hi'.aJa. Ji.-i i h 1 Potrs, licn'l Manager, IVilliamsport vav ;:. .NEW SIMMER (JOODS AT V0. 1 STORE. HA K rvtuiDo! fi- in riuIaUclj liiH niih utie of the h.rj: nt vlfctfti Moi Ki uf liooJ? mr l.rvuiltt t-i ia:trv. ( J')KY GOODS! ; rH:i(;N A N l ImVMI yilO.Mioh a Cloihs. Ciwi. tucr? M'flin. rl-vwin-. TiUii!i:. l"aiiv'.f. l-c- ; l:.iiu-. riatinri an l sit ku of M"l U M Nvi i . A!aooa. li'aivk Silk. iiiThrti::?. I;timtral tin.l ltrt.ln Wiris. I'antuu i laiiucl?, .;L.k.ti Car J'tiu w nil kiti'I?. HATS 5c CAPS. ; NOTIONS iS: VARIETIES, Couii ri.in . ll-.-itry. lit ecs. Tbread. !nti'i, as- pi d-r- Neek-li-. Collars. Hal. dkerehie!.-, lialr Pra-ite. T'..ih liiu-hes. i.uio llib t".'U ai.d Ce.r.1. lupe. ei .tehel-bratd, w.:kd cellars, fieey bead dres.s. lidy cdl-a:. c-irpet bir.diui;. 'eolub- I y st.sp-. carpet . as Trtii. k-. W'i-c. I ialr li.t.. b iek Uovk.-, Paper. I'nvebpes. Ac. n n.-vk. Kisnissiai.-vik cc jdo f nil kin !. such as Naiis. lbii;. :n i orvw. !, r ls;c!ie and Ku..i, Locks. andCLTLbUY ot eveiy de-xTii !i"U Al-o. Ibis, lrue., IVint... Van.ishc-. Fish. FlaMvd and !lci.i (i!;. t;ia. pp.fy.vVc (uccti-T .'ire mid l;iw!.s ure ut :ill liulw. STONE AND KAUT II EX WAKE. An KxuiK-ive uvk of 0 ft O C E R 1 E s, C.in.scd d uj:ii. CoiTie. Teas, Kice. (..rn-slareb. Mwccur.-ni. Ib'riey. Uakin;;-H.w.ler. n.'lases. soaps, eaiath.. U'baceo and M',r.u. tall, 1 ish, Meal, Cheese, Ae . io. A'.a. a largo vaiicty of ( r Men. Weiueii ni.d CUiMrin AH kind.of viraiuaud leuutry rrv-Juoe ukeu In exchange b-r ilo -ts'. tilve us a call 'Ki-ueyu pureha.e eUowk'Te. we are boii-.l to .-el b'W a- sl.y ei:e e!.e t..u- r.'iu in Irs T ''.'.rit'' b-iild."g M tv. -'th w est c..ruer el Market uarc. e.-ai lc ...-bit ll-i.-e S;:nburv. M iv ?1 1-4 EEOIIR FEED STOKE.- H7.' .'..! .A." .IWi UKIMI.. iVIir; sul..ri.er r-pivtfi;llv iefol'is tho pcl.ii- il be kecl c.'li-tatitlv en an I at bis new V AH MIUljSl.. nealb" Mmmoklll Valley Kiu'roa.t li. j..i. in s.'.VIc li . . Fb-ut by ibe barrel una sack. a-:d a'l kiu.lr.d Fe d t'u nai T tie a... e Is aii ;ail.'aet ore 1 at 1:1. own M:ll-. an i w:ll iv dd at lso lowest ea-b price J. M t Ab ALI.Al'lili. Siai'.UIV, JllMe I. Is-'l -.an PENSIONS, HOlVilES . AN) HACK PAY COLLECTED. It lioYF.lt . Atloiiuy at Law, is duly author- lied aid li' l -el'lo .s llect I'ellailllO, lliiuulie.iiud Iiiii U I fer Wi b w.. ur halt, and Soldl.l.. I01.ee iu Mai W t etlci t. e o lle Weaver. II I Sunbuiy. Pa JsliU'tiy lb. 1st t - ly An'U anlr.l i:cr v li.-r I., -v. I ti e l.t.Fti.NT Hb I. 1? ii 111 S 1 ML I'l AT V N t.b WtNvi '1 PRl.SlUKNr LINCOLN. k.i(twtiu ll"' i:.i.iH'iulHit l,r'-'i!i t ii lint.. T'tie be.1 al. loan It. v' III.. el. .. ...cl .a,. .1' lb r P u lie. l .'. a I Ir o'll iUN I'l P t. .'ia -l . r.'.'b ubl-lirr l;Sl No M..v I I tsol M liimv IIw! A M TOllTII u-n WINES AMI I .MI101.S. l.kl k .V t.I. lik'. No l sx ..' I. S s' ti ... I, I II. .....I w .i-t p. ui il l I bill .lay ', I s i - lAIltSTI MPR0VE51ENT 0Y ACiT.l CULTtJUAL IMPLEMENTS T O XI 21 ID 2 Y . iU IN II IJ 1 V, ' k. IN IN ' A . .1.1 Ihy II. lie! lb, I 1 c; .1. '. I Hi. a I k 'i i. ..I wl... u l . h. I ii .ii. li k 'a k 1 ... .. II .. .. t" I H. .It, I t k la. I I .. I..... It., o 4 MS iu Ik. III. .1 I b. I, ' i e I ii ,u 'nval I i . i. . . .u l. lo 4 Vi I. I i'l ikl. a atlllnkdl al llw l'.'!l I .il .. . Put., skoi. I. i . ..I -. a ..'.ul... ia. .U4 .'I, u i. i I. , .1 l .Ik.l. 1 1. . ( a 1 1 t I. I. el I '.I. ..loo a , "I a Jl katuuli u I...... I'.., I. - I .1 1.1 I . . I.I I I'l. lb. il.d -. I - I.' III. L II I'', t I til k u . I. ' I - . is 1 .1 k- I. ' A0 or t?i: i.it: A IS' D DIGESTIVE o r G A Aft Cunxl l y IIOOFLAKD'S Gorman Bi tte rs, 'ji jo rev ix. ec: 9 ThcM Titter? Vvh f prf rTrI pnv Cure ' Ilsvo auU io Giw Iiuur t:.:'0:tiir! !l::v more Tfr-tinif.rt . HiiTp more it-; p'-j'i .bv Tplo t- Vouch fur Tiiem ! Tti m ar.y "ihT irthld i: iliv timrivt't. Ye tivfy a t-y W-L M cr.r:i Mat th's Ac-rtiot, A.B t 52-2. SAY T r.v tii 11 v i.l (T - l,is-j u rcrliuoittrj j.ub;ilH.-i ly uf. thi. ? r.f. MtMiyr. HOOFLAMJ'S GKllIxlAN Zlx :'ii"lUS. VM1 cLir tiTv ; u of C.roiiio or Xeivocs Dcbiliiy, 1 -t :.' ot tiv ki-i.. y-, i.uU Lbwaju uiifiL fruia C'i-k:!iVi;iiiK FiH.Mvrv syMrrv.:.- Kofuli:. lr"Ui I'i r.! vs of llu- lfi;'tt:M' Oi .cf ( ;...,u r:i. l-ulr-? t.r lik-.-l t- tho I 1. A.'.tuiy of inc Stn ri.v:b. iiu-v:. I1m';Iui;i. I'i-u-ft lor r- . t. 'iili.f i.r Tjrrii i:i t,t Muin'h 'mr l.'U -i.itit r- Si:. kn..: .'i I u ..t l.iC 1'U tt. S..i,i toh. v i;n;nii - . 1 li.c 11 ."i I. Murrud HI.fi -.nit l.ri'Tt'bin. Fiu'uTiii,: ; ih-j Mt-irt. t'hv..k t-r m!",:i iit Svi -'tim- n in ti Iifi' ' .iju-, l.Min i.i!s of i.-;i;ti. I'i' ur - lf. ru ."'uf'il. Ffvef and IuH I iiJ in t"f .tid. ciioif noy of i'tr.ira ti'Mi. TmI'v;p": of the "rkin and Lyr, t'uiu iu tbe ri J, lirt'V. Clifift. Li in W, Ac. t-.i"ldu Klu-J!i of J li'tit, Itur'iiu iu tborirth, ConstaM Xinu;:uiLi of Evil, ami rviit OcpruMwa ot'iii. Tn at teis riTtrpi ii NOT ALCOHOLIC, ("onltflns no Itnm or AVbUUcr, j And can't make Drarkards. bit is the Best Tcnio Id i the V...rlJ. ! tjf" ICcatl Who wsij Koi Fr.nn iho Rev. Levi i. pec1!. 1'ast.ir of the B-ipiist i Church. Peiubei ten. I J . t raierly of the N'urtk l':iptit Church, l'hiludeli bi:.. i sf ', I have known lliH't'and ? berman Hitters favora ! fly !'.r a cn'nr el y.ar-. IhuveuscJ Iheiu iu n.y ' -s-n 1'a inly, and have been so pleu-ed with thi ir ; effect- that I w.i; ii. lacd te reooiuiuciid thciu to ma lic ethers, and knuw that ih.y hao I'perarvd in a ' strikingly bem tieiul manlier I lake preat pieasuru i in llius pui'li-'ly priKMaituiiit; this fact, arid calling lha I attention 'l''.hse iiiHie.ed wii'i tbedisoase for which they recommence J ta liiu-o Uitti r. knowiug fnau voetteiTe thai my rtcotiiiiHMidu'iou will be suslaiu- ed' 1 do 'his lllire cheerliilly us lbs.llaud s bitters ' I- intended t; bc'iet't the atllivlc.l. and i not a rum ; drink. ' Yours truly. LLYI li. UL'.Iv. From Ucv. .1. Xew.on Hn-wn, 1. f) . IMitor of 'he l.ncycloped:a of Uelici. us Knowledge, uud CLnslia-i t hroiiicle, Philade'iphia. Although not di-Vsi I to favor or recommend Pa tent Medicines in jteiicral. through .ii-n usl of their ingredients and eAecis. 1 yet know ol' no suCicici.t rva-oiis why a man mtiy net t siify to the betictits tio bilieves hiinsell lo have received Iruiu any simple preparutn n. iu the hop ) ihui he may thus Cvutubulo i.i l tie behef'.l of others. 1 do tin the more readily in regard ti Hoofland'J lierman ltittei. pre; ared bv l'r. C. M Jackson, of ibi- city. Ivaiise 1 va- prtju-iiecd against them n.r leaey years, mid.r tbc iaipo e ii tiuil Ilny wen. cliietly'an alcoli-.lic nuxiuro. i inn iiid.bted le my fiiciii liotn-rt Micomakir. K.-. . fur tin. reimnul of thi-pre1-. .': by pr"!" r tests, and for encourage Uenli.'try Ihciii. nheu sa&'viij fomi gr. at mi l l.aic; couiiuutsl uib;b: . Tuc use el' three buttles. if tbi.-c Puteis. ut the b.-ii ntu ot tho preset. i year, was followed by evident reli.d and rct.rtuiou lo a decree of b. dily aii I menial ior w hich 1 had net f.li for six mouths bet", .re. and bad at must despaiied ol rc'ainii :f. I thvrelore tUank liod and luy Iriemi lor dirvcuns lotho u: ol iheni. J. NLWTO.N" tEOM N". i Freoi i!ie bee J. , 11 Kcncird, Pastor ef the ! 'I'l Ibipo't '.hatch. l'r. Jie k-ou : !ear fir - 1 have been f:eoiiortl reii'-sivd to couuect my nauie with eoiumeii lalea s ot ditlerent kinds of niediciucs but reK irdiu j l!u I raciice as out of :e v appro) ri.ite Scheie. I have ia ait cases dcc!'ucl , bul i.iill It clear pr.lol in vailoui instances, and puiicuiirl.v iu my faiuily. of llie u.it. luiiie.-s of l'r. llooibiu 1 a vivroiuu Litters, 1 depart for once fiem luy usual course, lo expicsa my lull . conviction ihat.'l.'i- ncuciul debility of tlio sjit-iu and e-.s;iully for Live. (.'.r. la.ut, it is a safe and : valuable preaii..tieu In s-auo cacs il may tali ; ; bat usually. 1 uuuhl u -i it w.ll be wry bcacuciai lo I tii-c whoMiltei floiu ihe above cause. Yours, very respectfully. J. 11. KEXNAKD, s Lit'iih be.ow C:u-siirect, l'Liladeipliui. Item l'.tv Wa"'1 t iMM 'h 'Pr C. M Jacl.v u r'' lie ' uae'.e- lile lo . 'iall. el ntai PflH.ir cf baptist Pel. a. - bear Sir Purs ue thai 1 rcj.lld tli ll a tl niosl ic.-i i. Id sad i;i-liei'al nil rxp. ti'TUI a cut lued. dcoihtv I Ut . pre) hie.. I'V 1 u ease.- oi . i have be. n L-rea'K eiileti'l" I !' tlie u-eol Ibe llillell. You's, iruU", '.!!llLS KANbol.l'H Oermanloo n, I'a. frcm r.cv. J 1! Turner. P.ist. r i f lb .Uiu' M P. t bl.icb. l'blladi Iphia. l'r .l icks, ti . - hear mi . -II a in: used your tier utau bitt. r. in uiv linuily tieu .ei.lty 1 am prepare 1 to -av that il ba-'b.ill ' Cleat sel lici'. 1 beliclil Mai ':i in '-1 ca-'. el '.'ie ' i.'i .ti bii.lv of the sy.sli.ui 11 is tile sate-l H'T.i ic-t .alua' ic lcnicd ol which have nl.l kliowl-ijc You -s l-p. 1 II TIT.NI U, -Viueteenih Sliect Fietn Iho Uev J Cetiiiebui N - J t LurcUcj . I. v ! ai d .' formerly Miu-a.a u .-tor o tlj.) a ) Uapti.t P. io tie. X Y" l'r C .'.-.. sen - ' .i.re ikl... el lev oa 1. sc l e i vc. Hence el Ihe O. .loci bul.i; iiiueli a'bi . 1:. In w i! b i el v r. a. a. !.. c aii-ac- bd I . -i-en- . . . r sir - I feel ii u p'.ea- Joiii, U. bear te.-l ui.i.liy lo I'luiiti b:ltei.. .,iui: yeaia "i Willi lly.pep-ij, I "used 1 fe-ulis 1 have I'ficll li- i. . t!.-d bv that 1 ii i.i..i,ni. tll-va-e. rtol .a V c lo ul .1 t! 1.1 tai lu tUo Ul'.sl ll.l.ll. I'U' le- I l.!M l.M i. a- lo 1 !l. :l .t. . a V II! uu I.i e;. , o)' ii I al .1' 'oil. v . I i.euc c o I'U'Ki.il... ll.al call a. I be ul pusst d J M LYo.V.s out1 !'e Tl. v.... r cf H ll.lp.lsl V In bi J.'koii : - 1 r s.r - c .lli III p. c al r . u ll !b. t I in v l -'la.. .1.1 I., i!..' I. : la'i.. I I ba 1 ;i ." ill i .' l:-...li'i ' a o. I I' ' ' I f. it di.e t.i lent ' '1.1 n. !bllr: to . j liiali.-u II bi.s - I. i. a li. i.i I. t l.C .... . ,1, U, 1 a- i !.:.. I lot. ..I I ..... .i.ale l-.l. I I . Il I . 1 '. . al : .1 ll I.. I . I . I. I up. ii. i . 1 I . .. ri I, n nil . I il.e tllll. Ml lo ll.l .. II .' I I'll I m 1 1 ; ..ti, r. t it r I. . I., b i .) i n... '. I J oi I. i. i. I .. II I in I.. I . I i l(I 'I i. I I iv i n i i ' I . i ,. i i 1 1 . l J. v I ..I II. i . .1 . I ... ia) ul ' (I.' II i t k ., ( I . I'l 1 ' . 4 I - . .1.. I I .u I k 1 . 4 I. I I. k- . t , I 4 4.1 I a e
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers