J 1 LADIES SPBINO AND BUMMEH FANCY DRESS GOODS, Jtlimt IAi:Vl I'll, - Two doom West of the Pott Ollirc, PENN'A., AS lust received snJ opened targe assortment I offence Rres Hood, euch a llluTea. Jouvian Hid-floTM. folk and lisle thrend Ulovee; Ladies cotton Hose. Children ! Hoe. Silk Mils, Handker chiefs. Corset. Embroidered Slimier. KilboiM FAN CY DKES.1 Bl'lTOSS. Bugle (iiinlu, Trimmlnp", fluttons. Hell Ribon, Velvet Ribbons, llniid. licit flBIi. Ladies) Nck-tle.. Fancy Button. CRAPE R18P.0X auJ TRIMMING; Lmlroidering Rraid, Jaconet and Swiss Edging and insertion ; Malteese lace Collar, tlrcondinc ' eiis. Fancy Dros Comb, Head Dresses. NottB, nod varitty ol other article. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND STATION EUY, Book", Hymn Book, Blank Rocks. Memorandum Books, 'Diaries. Pocket li'ikn. Ink tuind, Fcu, Pencils. Ac. Ac. TOYS AND O AM ICS KOK CUILDnEX. All of which have been selected with care and will be fold at reasonabl e prices. ANNA IAINTER. Sunbury, April 2?, ISM. THEntED"LIfiOTEL. (Late Mn. Boultou's.) MARKET STREET, SUNBURY. PA. JULIUS ARBITER, HAS tjiken this old and well known stand, and refitted and furnished the tame U prcpnitd ti accon:iuodate Boarder and Travelers with tbe best the market can aEord. lie holies by strict attention to hnsinc to receive a share of public patroungc. His TABLE contains the best Ibeuiaiket all. rd'. IIis Bar is tilled with tbe cboiceet of l.iiiuors, both Malt and Spirituous. The stubliug is good, and attended ly careful Ostlers. Suubury. April SO, li-ot.ly sioit ii:iir. J VST received a new stock of Fishing Tackle for Spring sales. consisting? ot Bods, Keels, Lints, Baskets, Snoods. Floats. Nets. Flies. Artificial Bait, ltigged Lines. Uut. liruss and Hooks, to which tbe attention of dealers is particularly retiucsted. Orders. Wholesale and Retail, punctually filled and auusfaction warranted. JOHN KRIDER. 2nd and Walnut streets, Philadelphia. February 27, lstM. 6ui ani NmuTsmd iiistuiTF or SR. SCHENK'S OWN CASE. WHILE LABORINli INDER CONSlMrTlON And how his Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills acton the System iu Curing thut Disease, and tbe (ircnt Su' ... Atti-udins Itt The above is a correct likencs. of Dr. SVhcnk tr.kcn many years ago, after lie bud reeovcrcd from Con umption ; by a coiir.-e ot bis ' Schcnk s Pulmonic Syrup.'' The likenct. although it docs not rprc ent liiin anything like as bad a? he wasut the mu !. yet it is in strong contrast with the hale and vigorous look of the Portrait bclovr ttbich is the Iruo like ness nf him at present lime. The contrast bomeen the'i two porl tails is so great that many woul 1 not believe thein to be the same person. Yet there are hundreds of perons. iu and around Philadelphia, who will recognise both portrait to bo true represon. tati.ins. When the fir-l was taken he weighed 1"7 pounds ; at the present time bis weight U ;i pound'. "rw Y'ottK, W'lMnesiiuy, March S.', TOTUKPl'BLIC. I Thirty years aco I w ws in iho Inst stage of Pit! ! monnry Cn-iunpiion. and given up to die. 1 reidel in Pluindelpliia. and Dr. Joseph ParrUh. then o; thi. I city, ordered me to .Morestouu, N. J.. a di-tunce of ; nine miles which took me two days to gel there. I hi ! j my iiriival I was put to bed. mid ('here laid I .r muuv I we, ks. This was my native plnec. where all mv , family lived mil had died if I'onsuuipiioii. Dr. j T. Oi'H!un. who utt tided my lather in his l,t,t illness, w s e.illed. and gave ine one week lo tlx up uiv ul" I fairs. He bad seen all my family go Ihut way.'and thought 1 was to go. loo "Theu I heaidof the'lllue I dies I m w idler to the public, which vured inc. 1' seemed to me that 1 could feci thiui ppiiutriiting inv ) Whide ytt-tu. I They ih.ii rip. ncvl the matter ou mv lungs, and I , would spit of!' more thai, a pint of ouciisiio velloiv niaiter cieiy uioiuiug. As s,..,u iu ih.it be'.oiu lo : ulwidu. luy cough. tvcr. pain, nib-hl sweats all ! k cgati lo leave me. and mv appetite became so gteut ' : that il was with di:!i, ulty I could keep fiom idling too iiiueh. 1 kk.u ga ned my strci.i;ii mid 1 have teen growing iu tlesh ever since. For mane viars ' 1 have cl'joje.1 uninterrupted good health, keeping' the liver and stomach healthy with the mi o. .( ,. 1 nu- and .Mandrake Pill.-, as 1 am of a billious temper- I anient. My weight is two hundred and twenlv ! I pounds t'u my recovery petipl.. would send Tor me 1 . t ir in. I lieur. to -ev it Ihrir CB.-M wero like nunc. ! j For t'u purpose I pay professional vein in the largo ; I cities 1 heconsuiupiivea with to n'o the one that makes III. ine-tKimn. and who Was cured of coll. 1 siimpti, ii by them. To make new lungs is iiuiioM- ! l ie; Ion iMwii.s in the lungs and ehroniu uhera- j i I. .1.. ot the Ui.l.vbbl tubes call be healed Such e .sare dying booily uieler the ordmav treatuuut ! oi t o, , i,s. aii.i ju, aueu are cured tiy tiiu proper ue i ft-bvi.k s Puluieuic syrup, Seaweed Tutw, , and .M.imltkki) Pills. j I am now a heslihy man. with a Urge eaviir ia (h bile lobeot the rmhl lung, the lower lule veiy j much bptie.Uu.l complete sdlu.iouol the pi. urn m .vu iuoi;s ui at.uu.1 MU4 lliu ut'Ocr lobe ol' tbe rikl.t luu u- laal.le.ably healthy couditiou. 1 be Saul lo..... ..I... .1 . . ... I lb r,,... .V.WM .i.- n...ouuj i,ui care con-uu, i i on u ii.ty tiy to u.. Ojo imuk.i ; llo-y give medicine to stop ibe c.-ujfb. to slop thill, to liiglu stat., bectio fvv.r, ud, Ly so duiu, thev deri.L.-o ibd ..bole d:.s iv. wcis. U-kins up the accrviiut ai . vi.ulully tbe .utul .ink. u4 dus After 1 mulls a crtlul ti.u.iu.i:ou ol the i.Ueut mlhlbe Iir.-ci t:.e u'i.ul how tu u. m Tli.e r.uiiKlas wu.. -,,.., . .UN. I LlUiS lell.o x.rd r Rt m A 1. 1 wuh aud nee lull all :, o .1 ..,. n a 'col I Noon co U cuiad of uiMuuii..iuu, u vom i.lniiit, li.p. p.ia. culaub, eauk.t. nlc. .1 .l.iu.,1, iiu'i. ihe liter aul sioioaca B u,Je Ileal. II. y. Ill N. I inland II. is eankir ib.il.io galanh, i .. , .u I tin. at. elmiKuiiuu ol uv uU, is u.,.r . ol ll.su iii a. ) oibt-r n.-tiou ol Ibe tounliy Tim t tti u.i.llv tau.e 1 by It ul il-.u.i It i (4 t,,, I t oo u tut with cau.ati liu.u slid ati' io. n I all ll .y l. I li . U. . Lb . Ill, l .11 UlMl U.I I11.U.M it j ii..m in,,, itifu i the .eu.t.ly ll)i-uU4.e iy ' tl..ts, ittti v ..iil ol -bu ti-lv II Kill tiuiatu ih.ie 1 d dtu-t ii 4 .1 i-n.re kulll )ua tsu g the mif o..,ii ,u ,b. . . i,., iu .i .iv, I aud luelie lit ii a i.. iks iii iwv .4 aiou.4 uiii.i uuu tin vol, lo l -.lis, nu, tu ihe lube's u. ul,,r i ! tool.. 1. 1. I i,... i .,,..( ,(., tlW., 4bj ,, w . It u.'i.l. kul U Ibe aoeilti Mali) pela. t.s .it I ..1 , astdiutta ale 4isal piulk.ii(, o - i ii . w i.iuuj e ti oki ii i I Wv i kii4. I , i. k d.uet.4 lb. ai,, H i. 4,k.. 4 , , . Ik . It. I .l ik. .pl.U, M v- 1 It .be .4.4 i..v.... ai.4 . II nl.oly ij I Mrvnm' ! I l-ul. I tows H "III ks WwJ, i,k,Si aiii I lt I.. r...h . test ea..k t 4m k k.bk . PblM, ii,i, u u. , k Ivst ff,. .. ' ''" - '-! I I - I i-t.' i ' ' 1 I i . .. , the s'omm-h. and it t earried off 1JT the aid of the Mandrake Pills, the Pulmonic Syrup ia made Into btnod. This is the only way to cure eoiisumpUon. If I cannot gat a good appetite, and food does not digest. I cannot cure the patient Ncrer mind the eoimh ; remove the cause and will stop of Itself. Tbit is the most trouble I hare with my patients at my moms. They say, Doctor, I feel atronger ; t can eat ; my nieht sweats are better, and I feel bel ter er cry way; but my cough 1 so bad yet;" and tbey are astonished to" bear me say that doca not matter; remove tbe cause and tbe cough will a op of Itself. Schenk a feaweed create a gmd appetite in about nine days, wben there it no lung disease, unless the liver is so congested that the Mandrake Pills cannot milord the ducts of the gall blndderln that short space of time, in order to allow the stale bile to pass off. Keep tbe liver and stomach healthy and there Is less danger of consumption or any other disease. It is hard to take cold when those orgaus are healthy. Those that are bilious, low-spirited, dreary, feeling stupid, coated tongue, -poor appetite, nervous, stomach full of wind, everything that is eaten lies heavy, lose of memory, try one bottle of WHEXCK JS SF.AWF.KD T.NK and one box of SCIIKXK S MANDRAKE PILLS. It is only a coal of one dollar and twenty-five cents, with lull di rections. Thia is sufficient, in many case, to satis fy what the medicines are. Frequently one bottle make a great change in the system. Any person that enjoys ordinnry health, by using the Seaweed Tonic and .Mandrake Bills occasionally, must get the digestive orfam in such a healthy coudition that they become floshy I can produce a number ot my old consumptives patient now enjoying good healtbt weighing nearly 200 pounds. 1 ill conclude by relating three cures I have made in New York, anil which are all dinerent. and wi?h any one who feeU an interest in the matterto vbdt them. First is .Mr. Farlow. residing then at Xo. o7 )Iiniton street ller husband called upon ine at mr rimms. 32 Bond street and wished me to call and see her. He said I could do no gotxi ; that be bad had all the best medical attendance, and all said she was too far pone with Consumption to bo cured ; but she had heard uf snmo great core I bail made, and ho desired lo gratity her wi-he. I called, and found her lying couflned to her bed in the last stage of bronchial consumption and without doubt must have died soon. I c.vnmin ed her liinis, found both bronchial tubes very much affected, but uo cavities bad farmed, her couirti was very severe, the spit-bos was half full of thick pus. Pulse UO. leg swollen very much ; and worse than all. she bad chronic diorrloca. Her bowels had been moved eleven times that day. told her thai she bad lun?s auouh to be cured, but that this diurrba'A had been of long standiug. mid her stomach was in such a ulcerated condition that I was n I raid nothing could be done. She insi-ted I tdioutd try and do what I could for her. observing that (he could tint last long in the Mtidiiioii flic w a- in. nud I could not make her any worse. I gave her first a doso of my M tndrako Pills, and the tonic and iSyrup freely. Dial was on Tuesday, and by the next Sunday the diarrhcea carried otf. her appetite bad returned and she could ait up in bed and eat her dinner. She is now well, and gave a long certilicatc, certified to by the Rev. Dr Downing. Jlrs. Bartholomew, s: West Forty-fifth street, come to mv rooms with a tumor on her liver. Mio was low-spirited, skiu sallow, tongue coated, bowels costive, uo appetite, and fast sinking into the grave, j The said tuiuor had been running over fourteen years. I gave her Syrup. Tonic and Pills, and told j her to take them just as tho directions wero printed, i She came back to my roouis. :t'J Bond street iu two j weeks, somewhat belter ; her tongue bad begun to , clean a little around the edges, her skin whiter and , her eyes brighter aud the tumor discharging very : offensive matter, much faster th:in it had ever dwiio before. She kept giaduully improving, and in nbout two months she came to my rooms i cry much fright- ; encd. saying that the tumor had nearly slopped I running, and wasskealin up. nud that every doctor ; bud t,dd her thai if it ever healed it would cause her i death. I told her that the ui-.n-e h:i 1 all Kll her I svsteui, and nature would heal the nlcrr up. They ; u n..w I.. ...1.1.1 .....1 I....... I i I'.. .!..... a ....... I 1 she is a heart v and robust a woman us vou will liml iu a days walk. Sue is 1 ad for any one lo cull "ti : her. and takes ireat pains it. isii m y one that she he:irs has anything like hei c.L-e, and tries to get . ih.'iii lo come and ste me. Tho next cioe is liss ; 'vC'ficld. from Slumlord. Conn., Mr. Bartholomew goi lu-r down lo sic nie. and she has been ever siuec ; at her bouse. When she liit cauie to my roouis. she : w as imifli emaciated ivi;h a distressing coigb. sii. , ting large iiaiiiitie of blood. 1 examined bur luitgs : with the resptroineicr. ind in all my practice never i found oni w ith one long so far gone and the other ' lung so sound. I e.uld not givu much cucom-acc- no-ni. I t'o.uL-l.t would die ; but to iny asion- .liuient the Puiiiiouic Syrup, Suawecd loiiic. and .I:itn.rtikc Pill all seemed to riht to work, the i lunir is all healed ever, leaving a cavity a lar.ro as a goode egg; good appetite, line fpiVit, mid has gained' iKouc thirly-nve fNioo. Is in wo.i, hi: some cough yct.uliich 1 do uot think will leave her betorc June. 1 should think it would be of great iireiest to some uitpitjiidieed plisi'inu l i-it tlo-se -cases. piiiliii.lnrly .Miss Soolkld.'or unv of Iheui who have bct.i cure.l hy my melicincs. 'j'hey are Hum- emus in Xew York ; but the ubovc three all diller : tiomcaeh other; and it' my medicines arc lining ' what I represent they ore." they should have the j cri lilaud the atilk-.od kno v where and how the ! may be cured. " I J. II .SCIir.NK. M J. I Dr. .1 . 11. Schenk 'nn be found at the principal office. Xo. . tit .North d li Strc'-i. Philadelphia, every '. Saturday. Ii n V A. .M until 5 P. M . to yur adv n o free ol'clu.rv; toil torn through c.tiiii'.naii.n he j charges three dollars. Prieeid llie Pulmonic Syrup , and eavvced Tonic eneb sl oj pvr l-oitle, or S' 'ho ha't doen. .Mandrake Pills l'i cent", per b-.x, and is for salt by all Drulsts and Deulcrs. Muv 11, ivjt. ly 1 A Joint resolituoa proposing ccrtuin Amendments to tho Constitution. ! lit1 it ''jffo 1-i the .S.'o.'O t;o 7.Mt or-' iYotY'''f'r.''r tlf' (''.'iithivmrititth of' inif ! J.V'W ' ( ill ('tiieott .t.(i''y ;.,(, 'I'liijt tile ItdldWillo; illlR-llvlniintS lie JJlOjMlSCli to till- I t"iii-tit'.!tion of i he (. iiiiiiiiiiiiur:il!li, in ac- j cor.i.iticf tl:h tliu iiruvUiuiu ol' the Utilh j Tln rc sliu'l In- ;in uiUlitnuittl soction to tlio j tltifil ttrticL- ol' the (.'uiiMlitulioti, to lie ik-sig- . nalcil its mi tioii lour, its loliuws : ; SkctkiN 4 WlieticviT unv ff the ijtm!i fic.l t lit t'jisi ol'tiii.-; (.'oiiiiiiouwcaUh -.lini 1 .u j in tti'tiial ttiilititrr sorvii'c, tin.liT ; riijtiii- j lion lrum the I'risi.U'iittit'tlii; I'niieit Siutt's, I r I the :uit!ioi:ty of this ( 'oiiimoiiwcalth. ftl It fh tins utttv iXi riMao the ri-jlit of Kill!'- rue in cleeliMiis liy the tttienis, niiihr ;il!i ri ytihuintis mv, or sliull Le inest iili eil I'V lii'V, t,s I'tiily its if they ueivjirebeiit ut tlaii' itsitiil jilaee of tin lion." Si:i l lo.N Tlietv sliull Le two aililil ion- l L,....N..ii i,. il.,,, I , .,,,1. t c.i ill set-t tons to theiliMiith ititn-leot ihet t.n- hlittltinll, lo I e tki''imlevl lis liylit, Ulul ! uiiie. us l.iilous : 'siit TliiN S. No Mil shall I io i:iN-t il l.y tlie l-eyishiture, eoiiLiuiiii,; niole than out; Ml'iieet, wlilt ll shall lie eli.ufly i Xiiio.e.l in the title, 1M i'it iiiiiroi)n:itloii l.ills,'' 'Skith-n !l. No I. ill shall Letittssnl l y tile i.ei'ilatuie jr.in tiilvj tiny Jiowers, nV n i ilfois, in tiny eue, vvliitv Ihe iiuthonly to nf.uil htieii tiovveis, or i).ivilc",es, has heeii, or tnay limufUT Le, tonl'trivil liiiou tiie eonrts uf this C'oiiiinoiiu eullh.'' JIIZNKV C .lolINSON, Sjieakir (if the lloue of I ti ji 1 st 11 1 ;i t i v ls. jiin 1. rE.NNi:v, Snaker of Ihe Senate. OlTU i. (IK TIIK SKt llhTHiV UK TIIK C'u.Vlvil'.v U LAI. I II, II VKIllnlU lili, April '.'ill, lsu. l'EXNSYLVAMA. SS : 1 luieliy rertily that the I .L I fort ooinor j a full, ii ne mill eur Kfl ijiy uf the 01 initial Joint ReDiiliif ion of the (ii-ueml Asseitil.y, itilith tl "A Joint Keolulioii .foiosiiir tvitaiii Aliieiulinelila to the Constitution," us thu same remains oti lite tit this ollite. In Ti'.ni'iuuNv IkichI', I have lurnuitii Hi my h.iml anil caUM tl the seal of tliu See p.o ,..,ti vuu.-,. it en wo. ... iiiu rfi:- ! r. l.tl .J UllitB to If ullil'.l, Uic.liiv ail. I u-UT ! t ..... ...'...... I ttlM.vv HIlllCII. I.U ittll, tSitliluy uf I lie l'iiliilliuliMk-.illll, Tllf lll.OM' Ktaiiluliull Luvillg Ik'I'U HUIll.ll I In l.y lliaj.ility ..(' tin. UHlliUril Hlmli U, . , . .. . I UU.V, Ut Ul'Cl'ug M-ult.ll nt lllf I Citucral Asu'iiililv nl' tlii t uiuiiuuiivcullli. l'ri.)iil aim uil.iit uls w ill lit nulniiitti'il lo tuu i.ciii.Ii'. tlii-ir utli.ii'iiiti ur ti ief linii, in. Il.o Hiikf l l tuvv ur Alui'.-r in ! lliO Uul' ol our I.'litt HI.U llli.llsali.i lii;lit I iiiiiitinti .tun kiity i. mi', iu iitLor.i uko Willi lliu I'i'.iv i ..iiiii ul' tlie Until utlii lf .' tlie l'nii.iitii!ii.ii, ttu. tli,. mi, ciitiiltil "Au m l irtM rit.'ii:e il,u iiiuc ulul iiiaiuii r i.f kuliuiil liii,; lo Il.o jKLldc, .l till if uj.j.ii.,it ut,il 1 .....i a.U.ii in .j. l.t.n, tu. p.. pi k. u uiuwinl- liu'iily tlili.l iluy ur - l r 1 1 . iiio lli..Ukoii. ii.'-iUnuviKiUmUuii Mir. KM hMKMI KctfUir 1. 1' lit I I'liint.iurti.ilth A (Hi: Hii, iitii u l e Mriir l llisMMt . l -L Dl Iv 111 Mall LLHU fl D Milll.Nl.Nli H Y KII.I.i:u k.kl, ib.sp HuU. es b km I .., i iIjmI kol a. ii ,u.n I I. l ih U ul i:i: I III V II 1 1. i vi: 1. 1 4 ., ,. at I U ..i . I l . , , ' i , I ' . II READY ROOFING Ready to nail down. iieadv nooriNa I At Ices than half the euat uf tin roofs. iieadv "iiooriNa More durable than tin. READV "ROOFING Suitable for ateep or flat roofa. llEADYTlUOFINO Tor all kinds uf buildings, in all climates. HEADY "TTooFINO Easily, cheaply, and quickly pot on. Needs no coaling over with eeuient after it ia sailed down. heady Hoofing Mado of a strong woven fabric, thoroughly saturated and covered upon both surfaces with a perfectly wa terproof oomaMiiion, and nut up in rolls ready fur use 41) inch wide, aud ii feet long. We also manufacture LIQUID CE1CT1TT. Fort LeiKT Tlx Koors, Much cheaper aud more durable thuu uil paint. ALfsO, 4'OIIIMUlll 'III4-Ilf , For Leaky Sbinglo Roofs, Which will often save the cost of a new roof. Samples of Ready Uooliug and Circulars sent by nail when desired. F'nvorable'crms maUcnitb responsible piirlies wbu buy lo sell again. READY ROOFINd C'i , 13 Maiden Laue, X. Y ,. April 23, 1SG4. ICvrrj botly ( tin be tin Ailisl. COOPER'S PHOTOGRAPH AND ART GALLERY, Xo. 33i Chcsnut Street, opiHsitc tho V. S. Mint, (iallcry, Reception and tiperating Rooms ALL UN ITUpST Fl.tXtH. All styles and siica of Photographs, Ivorytypea, Ferrotypes or "Tintypes'' nud taken at prices to suit the times. Pictures Finished in Water Colors. Oil, India Ink and Pastil Horses and other animals, F.cjuipage. Country Senla Ruins. ModtlHol Machinery, Ac, lor Patenting ac curately photographed. P F." Cooper disircs to call tho attention of per sons visiting Philadelphia lo his new (J round Floor tlnllery. w hen: ho has introduced newly. patented cameras, capable of taking, in n few seconds, one hundred Photographs, from the small stamp or auto graphic, to the Imperial and Life Size. Alter many experiments ne nas succceiiea in pla cing hi sky-light ut an improved angle, diffusing the light iu eiuul proportions, nnd producing thul soft gradation of tone which cannot be given by the side and sky-lights generally used, and which of so much importance to the hutiity of n picture. It is mndo ot French glass, and is tbe largest in Philadel phia. Mr. Cooper bns bet n engaged more than twenty years iu the study aud practice.!.!' Ihe Fine Arts. His long experience us a Miniature ai"i Portrait Painter is suthcient guarantee for the perlociioi. id' the pictures made at his establishment. The art of idealizing is well iiudersl.sHl ; none but the inut -kilful artists arc employed in the respective I leparltiicnts, parimcnts. All Pictures Warrunted ; the Ivorvlvrie will not change in any climate, and will stand the tc.t of ' acids. Particular attention is paid to giving grace '. ful and easy osiii.ii. Dugucrrcolyfa and all other kinds of pictures copied, from small medallion to lite size, nod finish : ed in colors or Indian ink, lo look c.jual lo pictures taken from lite. ! This li.illery p.i-cssrs rare t'a.-iliiics for taking j I'ueslriau Pictures t'rotn lit in the rear building. . w here from one to lii'iy !ioi..- cm l.o photogiaphed j at a time. j X. II. To l'holosruphei's. Coloti.-ts mid others ! Ju-d I s i. d A X-h i ..rk o.i ! Photograph Colon,, . i lypilrr. Pnull.ellaiir. 1 Ivory iMiuiiilure Paiia.n. .'.i-.' ." Coitiplc;e iu-:iii. 'lions en lor niakinir Iiorityp(- with 'nine val.oiM,. roo.. ro'ver t.-t.-.i !..! !... i I. u.-clul lo all phoiogra.iln rs, lor one of which a largo sum has been otlered. By following ihe direeiiuns coutuiiifd iu Ihis b iok. even those persons w ith no previous know lede uf Painting canuui tail to color Jditdogru lis iu a bioiu tiliil and tdteeuvi' i.vle. tho: vopy with in jd: l of coloring Si 00, without , l.i j.iel nu. j By remitting lil. Ink model rett id Colors, ic, V ill be .-t ut free ol charge. ill I,.- Pnl.li-hed Shortly. A V i.i vm.i; oiikt.N ii:a'is.i ' Willi pr..gr..-3iYc I!lu-tratioii of ;Lc lluu.au Pace and : Figure. j At.-... A II vmi-II .ok us Position's. Willi Illii.-iruiioiis. Desiuc l for the use of Phot.:- grii pliers and .rli-ts. vlr. t'oi.p.'r cotiiiiiiirs to receive Ladies and lien- lien . into hi.-Cl.is.-es for in-lni.-tion in Drawing, i and Photograph. Ivorytvpc. India ink nnd Pa-til Painting, and a betiulilul pro.'.ss .,r J.iiaiueliug ! Pietiin. I Circulars containing list of pri. r. of pictures and , further information respecting tbe Hooka and Terms i of iustru.'tiou may be bud by euclo.-ii g post liflice I Adureiia and a S;uinp to P F CimpFIi. 1,'I."S Chestmt Street. Philadelphia, j ULFERtSCES. j Caleb Cop,', Pr.-ideiit Academy of Fine Arts. , Dr. Thus. It. il-..n. lirnitboli.oist an 1 I j.louiolojjiit ' Hot . Thomas Miles M.vrlin. P. K. Church. I Hon. i. tor A. s-aru.ri. Consul ... Leghorn. ; Robert tl. Clark-.. ii. of Finn of Jay Cooke A Co. i Xtiv loik, Rev. . A. Maybiu, Reel. St. Alban s l hutch, j B.toii, J. K. TillouA Co. Henry Hotilnii I, Kmi., Long Branch. N. J. llaliiiuore. .Mons. Aiutdce Sauvon, French Coucul. -Muv 1'lsl. 1-01 in Aiti.iri iueii;i: .-, ai. i.amus FOR SALE. T 1IIK subscriber olfii-s for sale low. sonic valuable Tracls of Timber I. and. in dial. man and 1'i.le Brook townships, in t'liiiioii county, and a valuable iraci oi voai i.aiio. ill .viount l urine towiis iip. ij sriho..,i...r i ai. r.... ....miii and Timber Laud, in 'Litucstmio loivn.'hiii. I nioii e. unity. Als,., a dwelling house and Iwu lls iu the i.oiougu ot .Vti'thumt.crlaud. Applv soon to C1IAK1.KS PLFASAM'S, Fxecutor of Hugh Bellas, deceased. Sunburv. ilav IM. lull. . i Northern Central Knilwiiv ! I si ti .11 1. it ti 11 ij 'iv i in. i'. J TllKFi: TRAINS 1AILY to and from Bullliiiurc ! and Ua-hingiou city. 1 Coiiiicciiuiis made willi trains on Pennsylvania j loiilmad. to and Irom Piit?burg and the vVct. 1 Til Kill'" TRAINS UALY to and from IncNorlh and 1 M e-l III aiieli Su.-tuebuuua, Llmiru. and ull of North i ern New Vork. ON ami uller MuN'BAY. MAY lilih, 1S6I. ! the P.u-Miiger 'iiuina i. tuu .N.a-lhern Central ! 1 Railway will arrive nt and depart from Suubury, ' Hurrisbiug and Baltimore as follows, vu ; I s o 1 1 11 w Aim. I Mail Train leav es Sunbury daily (ict .t huiidavi. m ;.s I " 1. aves llarrisl.uri;, I '.'ii,1.M. " uirites at iiitltiuiore, 4 In l.'.Ti'tess Irain l.si. s S inhury daile lric.pl Sunday.) ' 11 HP. M leav.s llariishur (except Monday ) ; 7,0 . i " aiiucs at llnlliuii.ro daily I ,el.-.4 Mondavi J Oil A.M. llurii.huri; Accuuiuiodation Int.. Il.itri.- 1"". J W A. M. I Suuhiiry AecoUiiuiMUliou Ivares i-uul.urv , .t' : , f " l' UU J' ' " 7 7-0 A M NOltlllWAIlD. Mail Traiu leav. italtiuioru du.ly c. l,,l'' SU'i'la.vl Ravi. Ilarri.l.ur " amies at M.i.l.uiy, .., rc. Tru,.. Ie...lt..l.,..1..r.l.ll. Ji A. M I oj P. AI. ' ui " W M l 1 if A M. anile at llarri.l.ui k. lean , lUnubury j. ki. pl M .1. lav i. IU. .M 6 JJ .rl.l.r. i,Zu hurj, dkily t. . pt knit e at Sunhiirv. ..liou leklek Hkris Siiudavi at .1 no p T M V I nu p kr.ivtskl liar. I.ii.iikf. M I i Mi Sunhury Ait-oiiuu.Mli.itou leaves lis. us. I o tt'i i. .-. .t Sm Jul I l for lurtlu-r luloruotiiou kpoi) .1 II. e o;r Oa-..,.. 1 V in HAllli, llkriuhar JuN I, l" i. Uu. Pupt. , , , , . . , , - , i A N i, ii'ivrr nnr tunt cr.nn MIHM JC ATI) Jit, A. OK, - .-. li t I.I l ii..kK.r lileikUmo. ki d litmus il.kl . bkj o) . i.... Nu lilliwis ... t'aasy .lit .lv u W-lkl ' loin tlsus kt.l oj Ua II Illllvt ti.k4kt euutury M'4 si n si, kktl ISkuM HHW lllf .. lUlilkl. ul IfltkutlkKS, ktll.U. vtw U"4.l.s, 11... ku4 t lnld.efce bkU, tul l.lli.t , ! BO I l 11.. l..,lfc... kM llltkhak. IglltL p .!' fk-e "J U txiis, Ik si klo.e.. i-Hi j. t.ilj. k euiskts, kti skkos oiL.i kit . -km 4 I . k I la n. - 4 ewiLuik , . .. kki ' mil b " i I - a 1 1 I I M H i, i ; 1863. 1R1LING & GRANT AT THE MAMMOTH STORE, W 0VLD respectfully annonnee that they have Just received ami opened a rery large and well sslcc- ted Stock of "GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they are willing to dispose of at a YFRY SMALL ADVANCE ON 'irnt rout. OUR ST0UK IS COMPLETE AND EMBRACES EVERYTHING GIVE US A CALL. lluiiikftil fur past favors we hope to meet a con liniiaiiru t.f the same by slill selling Uomla as cheap if not lli:A Ii:il than can be purchased el.c. where. FR1LIXU A CHANT. Sunburv, ilav INI. Ist'i!. ' . G. . zn:oi.i:n, mh.omos m.vlkk. 2IEQLEII & MALICK. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Niiiiltiit-y, .orlliiuiilM'i-liiiiI Co., I'll. OITer their .rofcssicnal services to the public. Col lections and all oilier professional business entrusted to them, will receive prompt attention AIo, Military claims will be collected, Huh us Bounty. Back-Pay. Pension. Ac, Ac, Both speak the (ierinan Language. tltK'o Market Soiiarc. next door to Proth-iiolarv's office. Sunburv. M ir.-h o. 1 -i! I . II. it. ti A : it. ill Ijiw. srxiii'HV. AV. lloi-iioy 111 Ijiw, SI NBI RY. PA lections iittetide.i to in the counties of Nor thumberland. 1 111011, Miyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. - I: . 1 1 nest rs. Hon. John M. Hoed. Philadelphia, A. ii. Oaltcll A C... Ib.n. m. A . Poi-ter, o Morton .Mi MVhail. Ei.. " K Ket oloini ,v C . i IVarl Street. New York .loim W. A-limriid, Attorney ut Law. Matthew. i'o. Ain.ri.evs'nt Law, " Sunbiii y. Mar h l.-.'u'.' ll-tK!i IIOII.I., .trrt nr. Pa. ritllR iiianag.'inetit of tl.is well-known Hotel bnv 1 ing be. 11 re-iimed by .Messrs. CtlVLE A HER II. the present proprietors. I. eg leav e lo inform the p ill. lie that the bou-e i- now l.e.og tliorongbly renovated, refitted, and improved, with a view to the proper and cointortaUe ticooiiiinodatioli of those who may favor the e.-ial.li-hiueiit vviib 1 lit ir cufIoiii. t'uesis will rceive due attention atnl courtesy, and no expeua will be spared that may conduce to maintain hotel in a tirM-elos- style. f amilies and others desiring to sojourn iu Harris burg during the summer month., will find plensan hoarding and large and well-veulilntcd rooms at our establishment, upou moderate term. SCi'TT t'u Y LE March 2. 12. J. till P.I'HT HIT.l!. .i.i.ii;-i iMTi r-x ri it T .ni.v in; nit::x!:i: : As Iuiprov.vl for . and liS. By E. KETCH AM A CO., 2is Pearls!., New York. till' t.iil v l'reerer coiutru.'ted on sciniitifki nrin- ciplcs. vvilh u revolving can nud spring hltulo s.'raper. 1 he one hastens the lrcer.ingof the cream- -tbeothiT removes it as fast tis frozen. Tbe most rapid iu freezing, with the l.iut quantity of iee. The most economical in cost, a? It is the most simple and durable in -trucMirc. For sate iu ull the principal cities and towns iu the I'nioii. Each r'reen-r accompanied wilh a l i ol of recipes and full directions. PRICES. 1 quart., sj.'l 1 1.1 1 quarts, 4 '0 ft quart, .' ') y tfiiHrls, 1 1 (iiuirts, h (iieirts. Apply t March "i'J. 1m'.". tl oil t ft) 12 nil Sunburv, Pa. II. II. MASSKR WASHINGTON HUlSK, Southwest Comer of Murkct S pore, ih itv. t'. rillli: undersiirncl respectfully informs the public. I that he has taken cuatgeuf tho above niiioed Hotel, and ask- for the continuance of the former patronage and would iuvitc ull ulher: to give him a cull. HIS TABLE is alwavs supplied with the best the uinikci tifTords His Bur coiiiiiius llm oiioietot liquors, and his stab ling is good and Well attended bv careful Ostlers. MICHAEL W1LYKRT. Sunburv, April, lo. Isbl. THE MISSES JOHNSTON S U U A U 1) I N C A N I) I) A V ts C it O O L I'wr t onus l.tullcs.. No. U'HU Spruce Street. Philadell hla. Ui:i FKFXCLS : Rev Rev Rev Hr. Howe, l'avid Webster. Fsq., Hr. Siiddards. Win llavward liriivton. fs'i I 'r. Cooper. (icorge M . W biirl.'.n, Fni ' 11 enry M 1 inc. h.-fi . f. ti. 11. .1 1 nesworih K... I It. It. Montgonierv. Iwj. Hon. Aleiuudcr llenrv. . 'Jhoiuas lUinlnp. i:,,,., Philadclp'hiu. ltei'eliiber 5, ot;i X E W G 0 0 D S! Two doors weal of Win. II Miller's Shor store, Suubury. l'u. Jut opened n IVeh supply of NEW SPUING MODS, Sm-h us Eancy Dress Triuiiiiinija, Rihoous. Gloves lluudkcrehiuis; l.a lies' I. intti Collar and Cuffs tiont s l.iiii-u and paper Collar. Netis. Hells. I.aee Collais tuid Sleeves, lli.ir Hull. Velvet Hil l Red. V bite ami llluo N.ck-lies, Corsets, tjuuker I Skirls, Sun I uiherrtllas. Yokel and Sleeves. I Ali, a lien -etvleuf lilluliu for liarrihal.il i.i. ! lOijeiher vuth i, Jaconet ami Victoria Muslins I rape Julian n l Veils, tireiuuline aud Eoe Veil and a variety of other urticles loo numerous to men t, ,n , MARY t. LAZAltl S. Sunl.iirv April Ift. uKttHY UAUPKH, IC4'II Hi., lMiiliisli-lphlit. M AN 1 1 AC'URL'K IEALLH I.N WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY. bOLlUalLVtE WARE Aud R'K.EIl s Kupeiior I'Ultd Ware. ( "All kind of, -ilver-Ware, made on the priiul j ses. U A l l II ll. utiring ikiituliy dou ! Maiv.li Sti, vj..dm !i-AHlS M AN TILL A EMrOIUUM, No V2U Cnissi i SiariT, (Formerly Nu. Tfla.l I'llILADiU'IlU. NuV 0'i:N -l-ar'..Uul MANTILLAS nud CLOAKS. AU, Spring and Sutumer Darmebta, of our own Manufacture, o tu I.klast btyic kkd IU Kival vu- ' r.t-iv. , J W. J'ROCTOlt A CO., Tli rani Mantilla Kmparium, I No V;'H I be.nul ritiret, t'Uiladvlphla 1 A j i il J. ol cli.ipt , Hid 1 ! ISAAC 1. BTAUFFKH. X s.ii U i.ii.t r laiul .l i li-i-, ' I M IM I' ii It i u l. 1 MUiK WAIIK A Uhim ul WATCH! , ' Nu. II" Nuiiu ho..r I Hi , r ou.i Uakrir. Mill. 1. I j l'U.i',ll. H ' I I I 1 1! k ..iu,Hv on band a aasawiMisnt ef tl.J 1 ' ; I I d niiikr l'i..,l Utkf, Lep.Uk aaul I'l.iu Hklcbek. rib liold I hklu. MI, ,k4 ..).. lim t a. It 1 1, fa I u..i tint Hrkoo.it. Vlinialui , I k., M.4MltlSk. t'STbtlS, t'kMI,. 1 l.ltllt.lkk, SM- lkt:l. ftii.M Uole, i-kk.il. lea. ISkll u 1 )J l.krias , Kkjfk apt-kv.. I u. 3liin H.l.jJ. Ilttll I HUH.! kkll.S Kblrl Is, '..! Dlkufcv4 '-kkl. '.!''." :'' "III tn4l Mtk! M I lo Url ka.lii Ml L.,1,1 '"I loll l v. su.k's ..ull. jsj L,u.l : , 1863. v kk.i' r .ul. b - "I I 1. ,l "... 1 . . I . ' 1 -kli'J I U -kikj vt WfiMtilnptoti Ilonair, NORTUt'MBLRLANI),' PESNSYLVANIA," (A'ear tht BriJgt.) " ' ' v ' rpiIE aubseriber having loaevd thta well known X Tavern Stand, lately kept by Mm. C. ti. Brown, -.,. .mnj luiuru.s me puouo tnai ne is reniting anil repairing tbe preuiiaea, aud will be prepared tu en tertain, in a. oomfurtable manner, his numerous trienaa throughout- the county, and all who may patronise bis esUbliahuient. P"' 1, ia JOSEPH VAN'KIRK. M. C. UIMuilAltT'-wl Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT STORE, .tlnrkfl Ntr-rl, Haanlinry, In. CONFECTIONERY OP ALL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRUIT, Ac, Ac, CONSTANTLY on hand and for eale at the ahovo establishment at wholesale and retail, at reason. able prices. He la manufacturing all kinds of Confeclionnries to keep up a full assortment which are sold nt low rate. Tobacco. Segars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all of whisk arc uttered wholesale and retail. Uf Remember the name and placp. M C. (IKARHART, Market street. 3 Joois west ol E. Y. Bright A Sou's store Suubury. Sept. 19. 1Si"..1. tf lnii-rnii I ionnl lloti'l, 3G5 artj 3G7 Iiromirri, Curntr ViarilltH Street NLWYORK. T HIIIS first class House the mot iiuiet. homelike and pleasant Hotel in the oitv otitis superior inducements to those visiting New Yoik for busintss or pleasure. It is central in its location, and kept on the Ki'itot'KAS Pinx. in connection with Tar Lou' S.vt.ooN. where rcl'reshuieiils can be bad nil liuur. or served in their own rooms. The charges art mo derate, the room and attendance of the first order bnllm. nnd all the modern conveniences nlluclu-d. Sept 1'.', l-Ki.'l. It Ull 111 pr IOOO li-ffM, 01 WALL PAPER OF EYEBY DESIRABLE STYLES AND PATTERNS. I'ST received direct from Ihe Manufacturer, tt the MAMMOTH STORE of PR1LINU A tillANT. J Suubury, M:irrh K 1V.4 it,, "mVi"' "IV'iv. r. is . iv.. lilllliS I ) N II U I N I I' 1ST received from New Yrk ww IMi M mI . T KiM . n frci-li Mipjily of ibf Int.ht Myltu nw of hi -t sunlity, liii-li Iu Una ttinl Mindr up t nnliT, Hml wiirrntiif-'l to give ink) nt iiti.'1 .ii . -I I 1i;ih iiiiu.i iirrniiirriiii'iitf- in thr city to tmvu Iih brst wurk iiih-1'! Itt oriltr, which in hi hntl nt nil tiuo, if in ft im Unnti tin1 will br tmcuri'l nt rritM'iinlile notif. Mtintifitoturing uf iiUO'l-S ami il tJ.S vf all kiu-h UftUUtll. I will no ivht'lfsnh Iboti mul Sbo. bv tin box. Cull mid eXHiuinu bcturtr ).iurL'liii!iiii: rlvi.li io unit ffttily your-f-flvt'i. 'J hunk till fir luitroiinjre hpr'tofnre bfiimra. 1m riiH't!ifi,'lv i.liei'' roiitimmiirf uf tli Simp i ti I Store room, tin UuuJ iu .Mulkft Sunre. i? Wools wt-t i t tli- l;iil V'M. II. .Mil 1.1. b. .Suubury. S-.t . 19. lL 7 r ANTl;il iuiiiu'tiiHtt iv .lo'ir Sh-KimiK'-r, oo lulls' Win k. ti'M'tt .i;e .Mi l PRIVATE ACADI-MV, K0R1HUMBERLAND. ritllK REV. JAMES DICKSt'N.. will r. n his 1 Academy on Monday, lliu ITlli day id Vu;u-t. lMo. The followin): l.raiiclief will l.c tuujrl.t : I. nlin, Oreek. Mutlienoiiic. l'lii..-o,,v. Illieloric. Loie. Hook Kecpiinr. 'ocnl Music in locorv nud practice. Also, (it-orupby, 'iniltiliial , lii-loiv, Composition Wriiin. IKUM-i : Per Q.;:,rtr ' i ll v.-. ;. "' - i . 1 he n;-;v i r-.' '. ' o l o i .'.. : .: .- s .- f ' ' Latin nnd nliove tir.il... !o ' . . 7 . Uretli and nl'OV c l.ruoi n-.-, C' ' 0 Seo Circular. Por further r.nrticiilars applj ti REV. JAMES I'H KSn. T :'.'!. if. N.jrtliuTiil..'rlaud, Auut 1st, l-..i;:.-- Iv II MCl.OtV - id. i : Dealers and tl.-iiitter-i-l the al-t'.e t'elrl.t.ne.l 1 Wash Illue. will pious take n. Uia! the 1. !.!..! : arc altered to n ad i lsDIGO IlLUK, i pi. r ip a r i lll're.1 Hlltlier-cr's j I1 R t li S J It K . 1 No ZS1 N'.rth SECOND Sinot. I'll I LA DEI. I'll t A j Tbe quality uf this Liu. will he tt.e "iiv:i-iu e .rv I respect It i nnrran'td t" c lt.r mor- at. r 'inn tnic i; v same 'iiiintiiy ..I ln.IL-... mil t-s min-h further th:iu liny t.ili. r ii-Ii Illue in the mar!.:. I' ! ; solves pflt.'ellv clear alei do." not .-ellle ...i ii.. ( do ho.-, iw most of ihe ..tli. r m.;U.-s do. , ilo of I Solved ill half pint of ual. r. i. ill li.'.k ' hr ;. Ji ; l.i'iui.l Line as any that is nnoit. at out i..ii. t!. C.Mlt As it i- retailed at loc sap.c p. ice r the Irnii:.ti....-- ai.tl Inferior iiiiit-l. s. bou-ekt pers m ill lind it . . ry Ini.cii to their adv antage to k-k le tbe.t ut ll. i.i it'll. I ni:i:oi:i;'a. Ijr All Line put unafior ll.i- vet.. nau.e uu it is an imituiiuti. The New Ruble does not rin'ite Stump For Sale by Storekeeper" generally. Keh I t. mi limvv LOWER WHARF, SUNBUHY, PA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dl'Al.P.RS IN WllITi: A S 11 COAL,! in every variety, Orders Solicited and fiiled villi pn ntplts'j" nnd ; despatch. Suubury, May 115. IS-t'.,") - ly ' J in:i ii iiti(i:t:N HoLt-aAiE iMi i:k ru. j CLOCK KSTA r.LI S 1 1 M KN T, S. E. Corner Second and Chesnut Si . Philadelphi i 1 fil'.NCy for Ihe PATENT E'.'l ALIZINd '111 III. .' TV DAY l LOCKS, a very desirable article ..r Churches, Hotels. Ranks, Counting House-. Parlor-, Vd Al-o, Manufacturer of FINE COLD PENS. I l.k'ks repaired nnd vtauaiite.l Cloik Trimmings of ev ery dcsciiplion. Philadlpliia. Jauuarv 14 1 .1 -ill . Hy -..Jill"..: O. "W. TH ATJPT, Allurury mill iiaisrllor nl l.nv. Office on south side of Market street, f . it i ,'ors west of E. Y". Rrixbt A Son's Sioie, 8XJNBUHY, PA. Will attend promptly to all professional basines entrusted to his care, tbe collection o. claim iu Northumberland and the adjoining- couiitiri. Sui.hury, May S3, 1-6X ly I'or II ill a, "tl !, ltoii-lir, .k, lt-t llai;s, tula Iu I'ura, H ouli-aist. A'., Iub-Id vu I'lUMlD, I'uvtU, .lialaiiuU, Ai'. PulUtlin7JC. 0 tlld fl Ol) Rile notltrs kn.l Flasks. f4 end $j ailts for Hotel, Publlu liuiuu I loin, A. Only inf illible riu.iii knon 1 "Free Iron P'ju. " "Not dki.aferout io ibe Human Pssuilv,'1 ilai oiu uul ol Ibtir bolts tu die ' a S id W tol sl in all lia;.' ein.si "obi l.y all dlUiVltla u I R'Jsilei, i v. , i ,,, ,, ' ' ' 1 . .i ' " fi k.i ..t.b' .. ,i. i ,i .,. 11.4. t', . k( .' I, 1 . u ... U 1-. , I..'! kitd Ilk.k.Ufoli niti l.o Addi iii:vvi ii.o'(.m. I'iinil l..,. i,.. u,r by all tt kUt.kls ak4 Kit. I DiiJk.U tu ukku.y 'a lb tu vt . k JtKEMIAH VNYDER. illtsrwry Ja, rMnillrn lilt. I Ml V.k M4 4 Uklk.l .1' .1 I. IU K H, .,. ; I l.K.bkit I oa.1 .1. ak.l t 110 bUNHUHY, I'A. HI kitei.4 s plvle ( teui.a, t av n.,.. ..i.kMt l 10 kts ki., ill. ..k..i, we.. , . I.. V.. " ss ti.i-4 aud lb. u. ., Tlao Artnm'' r.xititr4 CotrrtfrT, rllVU NOTICE that they hart ooncludwf a. T PiHiau-aDttifs with the Northers Central Railroad Conpany to run' trains from Baltimore f. Tvrltj. i.noirpwiK. j'miriin. jinill'ia. ireToroui, Du.n.rTf T Nnrriitiniberland, Hswitborg, Milton, Muntsy,' W il- liamsnort, and all. InteAnaJiata slniToni, TOnnecthTp', at Harrlsburg with the GREAT WESTERN EX PRESS for Pitujbai'g, Ciuuinnatl, St: Irfmii as U'..- ....... Also with Howard, A Co.' Express! Mi. Milton or.. Pauville, Bhwniaburg, Wilkeabarre, Piturton, Sersa ton, and intermediate stations on the Cattawimi,. Lackawanna A Rloomsburg Railroad. At ,Wil liainsporl, by Howard A Co.' Expreaa lo Jeissey Shore and Look Haven. Also, by Howard t Co., and their connections, for Canton, Trov, Eltnira, Bochester, BnffalA, Niagara, and to kfl accevtibiii point In Western Now York and Canada, by which they will forward M'rcro:r.;lise,Spr-'Rtrk N.)tr, Jewelry, and Valuable PaokagM of every dtoorip. lion. T Also, N'otea, Iirafla en 1 Bills for Collection. r.xperienced and etlicient messengers euiploTeif, and every eOwt w ill uo made to reud r sati.'l'n tii.u. .Htll.N BINUIIAM. nupeTinten.lent Prnn'a Division, Philadelphia. April 5, J mt kinY iioi Csr.irr Mate and Third Ktrr.it," IlAlinisBt'tiu, P. T1"? l''1''. .in' nse,111M11.e of coaveni,,,,:, I and near local ion t,s the Capitol, bit. made il , ilcirable slopping ,da,.e. not ....ly tor those having bi.,ine.s m the ,eBl uf tiuvcrnim!, but l,r othei vi-iimg llnrrisburg. " March i".i. Ihi,. ItfiOI. Ai'i'iiiigeiiii-ni, ol lrl IJiifw. Till CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND MirCtDrL- PJIIA AND TRENTON' 11. k. CO.'S LINES. I'rom Mlultl,,liatu .Yfi IW .int jorfir tram Walnut r'rrti Whurf ,:U Krtu,i,it..t A'r'in, vit if..-.-, ui oi.oiiM, fix: r.vtir At t. A. .11.. via I iiuid. u n l Amls.y. ,1.'. and . 1 . .1" . onii'i'iri; ion.; Al 1. A. M.. via I'anideiininl Jcisevt'i.r V t Aecouiinodniioti, ' ' "' At H A. M.. via. Camden and Jersey t'iiv (Morning .Mail.. .11..V111 Lutiulcn and Jlo-.v .in o.i Cla 'J icket 1 At 11 A. M. via K njinglon i,d Jcr.-ev ciiv. Expre-s At IJ M. via Camden ud Aiul.ov, C mi 1 A. 1 1 A.'coiiiiiKKlatiou.;' At 2 P. M.. via Cuiideii and Amber, ,f r, A. Express.' 3 wit i A" 'M ". 'ja Kcn-ing...n nnd JerstvCitv. I . ,." " - ' i"' . v ja KellniuCloll Ull.t .lev , r.veinny; .viall.l At II) P. M via Kensington nnd .1. r-i Southern Mail. At 1 J (uijslili via Ken-ioloi, ni.d .Tor-, , ,,;,v Solltlleril Eipres- ' ' At .'. P. M..via Camden and An,!... v. A. en inodalioti, I'r. iht nd Pa... -r, '.. r' pjr Class l i.-'i.-t. ' Se. I Clns. Ti.-k.t. l or Wat, r tiap. Sir M.ur S.'ru'.,'..n 1 . .lute. ..i.-i '.relit lleie.l, , ,. IVooi Ke,.-i-io ti. IvlrH, l.ack.:.vm,':,a ant i sli'in 1,'atll. :ol lor Mnii. l, t l.iit.k. Aileot,.,,,., p., ii,J,:.,. i:,.;,,. It-. I.m-ioii. l.niol..'.'iii... l lniniiiaton, t tf A. M . trout Keii-iu.Moii D.pot. i,tJ at p t'lolll :tlliut -tr el l.ftrf. ' ' illiro A M. 1. 1 nt- e ., i. with Trait Ea."tn !'..r Maoeh t. I.m.k. ai p. jp; le', lt.; I or .Mount Holly, tit A. M . Jaml 4 p. M. r -ri ree'i..-i.j. ai i v . .11 . ami ' p V'.W I.IMs 1 .r I.i i- ...I. Tr- MM.. A.'., at I I A M -I r.l I .' I .VI . Irolo K "llll,toi. ! or Pi.ir.ii rn , Kiv.-iion. Iitlan.'o lil'f'-.n. l iolel. . Jiul'dclltt.un, ,te ami i'. P M. Ilevrrlv. !!, . ai IJ, 1, 2. i l..rNe.w .r., am! Wy I.im . 1. arinc Kt-,-sin-.on l'.i- i. luUe me t r, on Hltl, .ireet.' nl.ov.. Viilt.ul. I.a.t an boor t for- ,.-,:,ri,,rt.. The Car. run int.. the D.Tt. and , ti. aniiul of ca-h Ir'i. run Iron: ine Depot. ' Hlly Poonds oi li:Ua.., nl.. .!,v. i '" .ic!i(rr i C'.I. .l-.i "t Ir.ui lakii.t nu vt int.- a iw'tnze- t.iil ti-i eir wcfimv si, ,.rc!. All '" 1 t.e paid i ..rat,,, Tl... .. .i r- ; -...Mn-, t"r l-ar.-io, III It,.; Iv: ii:iol, , w '.' !. ,'iiti cntrit U Vl'MI'lt. -el.' V- .M. II J.ii'.ur.rv 17. i- '.l. Cti-im.li.- . stilus., .!;, , A.-. T!e.o.p-.l riiili: ,;.s,-rii...r 1 liri.-k Ih.ildii.ir and I'ijtifie -t.n k nt"! it: I, I'M..' Mill sir.. t'l. laro H-'jlEI'iN AND Iin.MI.. TH I. p.! OK-'. . i .... i.,.. uiunu- ... isn-iies, tin : e. .',.l-.-u ami 'n tl l. jt t . p..t Sh-rrv .K in, t'hi.iupa.-o ,.d . ;h.-r ine,, ol all cri.'.! , ! ' h: h i .... V I, .-jl... at ;t,,. I . , , i a- I - r- ' '!..-ir.,-.. f ; M-.-hn-i.-. jj, , I'AMILV r.-K . f -r U.,; ' ly ill.-.; I.,',,itf i-tno-h-a uloi-iull. r.:i, i io t ..I. . t 1 r.r- t loiuud.l.i-i.ni.n i i..i.-3l,r.h r-in'aii ... '- I'Cai' I'-' I'-!"' 'tfllllv ...li-i,. ,!,..' p ... ,. ''' I'Ulii.c. All ordtr pr p'lv nii-.,..-1 i. ,, , .11 Kl.-MIAUS. UAH D.im i,!e .lor U. t'-n. l.miilx-r ! PMH.Ii' Ml V, M... I Mi'i.M.- h;- Li i,. utiilx-r !'i and tbe till. lie I ll.:it i. ' , '..n-taollv I, iu io r.,1 elitol. Ittie.l :...r.:. .......... ci-'i ai. kii. i- ,,i Lumber i ' and hi.'.l i.n. l..'l.li:il-. u in. -, l.c Ii li, , -li Bl tl.t 1" L..MkJ cii I, J , i . I St prices. WM KNOCIIK. ' MA1.M.1 slRKKT. IIAKRI.-ll' T.' Dealer ii ..PI A X () S I'A ' r.v. itostk.ii I'm,,. Inn, iho b. sk-t. j.1 lioi;-.. Ji'o onward .Ml. I. "I.i PONS - .'Ih.- I,. tnenls fioin .-, iloo I'larufaetured D" i.uit.-ir-. Violins. l-..f.,rdi'..ns. 1'liito-. fin, Drum... IJaitj,,.. l',in,hoi,rii,'- i'-lin nnd ' iuiinr srrins nud m: chandi.it iu p.imt.i1 ."lll'Ll Ml.-h'. I he latest pti''li.'i.:i',i.s nlvtjvson ,,, by mail to auv part ui'th, eoul.irv OVAL, sol AUK. si I- S , si II .-f Music porii FRAMES, .-uifil.l. f..rl..kius,lae..i., ai d ill k:..d- . r olw;iy6 on hand. A em- ..... INii lil. .l Any style ul fruuic . notice. April 11, 1-..1. :i... nt .-I l.ct -iur. 1 Ir-.m .-ini.ll... t i-, l,,ri;..' , jade to of i.-r nl tl.,- ri,, WM KN'oi hi Da Murk it st., IImi r.-.-ui "f! .tuilaii-ii !' ANb A WATSON . SvT.AlvIAIsI3D-EH &AFZltS UKEAT FIRE AT READING, PA. February IJ, Cf.y Oi-iTLinr-i-It give u" much ti.tVti .n . inlorm you that in Ihe lever tre which . n t morning uf the Alb inst., entirelv desiroi.-d all i" stock aud materials, I had out of yur j., ,,4,. riro I'rool Sulci. Afler enduring an i:,tvii.r heat for seven hours, tbe Sato h opened and r Rooks and Pa,ener prent rved in an nii,.cii,l,. couditi -n. I .ball ne. d another Safe ui ken k. I c. lUuiJ.r. i"urj. iii.t revpeotfuliv W I' MCKlNoN,'m,i.lg J, I THE AI t.HIEN CSUL. CitiMBniaai no. Franklin ..cini. , J a 1 August aii. Ht,i' ( M.s-. I.i.ii,l m,v. I'lnladtlphia. .,,,'. mti. : l'ulliu.trnii,Kof the -i.'duf Auk-ii.1 v. onr .Vorthouse at tir.tucu.tlu vvai de.truved hi 6ie rh -salamander (iafe we purebaaed floni ma !.. fi years since iu ihe al.ov ,- weLUhaVd rt, . I...u.e. and eoutk.uej all oui l-H,ks, paler. .-..I, I Inch w.r. prcaei r.J iu a p.iluot oudtiu-i. eiv reiug t.cd to iin.i iutei.,.ii-i for sivor.l I. j-. I lea..e liiloru. u upon vi.M tetuj, VoU will , . aiaoibi-i Ikitfvr -safe. Your uul), HAKS A AI .-1 1 N Salamander Kkle. f , Ii., biure. I n I anillte. Jd . it At- I , .... 1 11 ... ... ... , , . . " -' k.M'u j 1 a, ' 1 AI.hklHlllCl llkj.k l.Uek. UJ iihllk V.ull k,, o,ukl 10 any o,k.i. ta ibe countiy. and told .1. . K-vditrnt. t 4 w. wulJ rltl.(uh tj.k.ult,ikj tUnk. akj oib-r paines l.'u,,. 1, ld I..H!kso in us-, lo then eulite ( lion kud ui. uyoihersgiv.it kt Ib.ir Mo i t' "'"'"' M1.11, Hi.rcb Raul., Sl .li.' ,:i I '.il.l.lpbu ..ne, 1 ''-" '' H. tiv lt.uk ol I'l.lU 1 ,. . I t I. . Ildkl.uk li b . I I I , I t 'l. lb I'.i ol I'lo I. 1 .11 it.kk I.,,, Pit t' I -kk Ita I in, I .. . "I , ,luilo. , .0 . I r. k o ...! t L i- .11'. I .,, 1 , S.I' 0. l., l,,l, p, J' 1 . I 1.1 k IV I k Hal. II id.kk I'k .'. u lui k II... u . k k.l.S.Miu II I , I V t I uu- k Iu. k, .1 Uk a v- ri.i'k-i' .l'i.' . P. Ai.'.t . V I. "N. III,,.. St 1 ' '' ..at I . k ... Iku.k, I'.I k ul 1 u. 1, .i,. -Ukt ,-..vk. t kt U I'M. . .i 1.- kl II' 1 m.. li. fclfa . . 11, 1. 1. r . iv- 1, Hi: CIIKAM KKKKKKS Ml , . I S I lis. . t...u .is . - ..-41
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers