a. fffjf &untmi) American. H. B. MABBBR. Editor Proprietor inxiirii v. ... BATCKDAyT J U LY 8:1, 1 8W. 1 NATIONAL UNION TICKET. YOU rilESIDENT i ADR AM AM LIXCOI. Cy Iliinui'. ' - ' ran vice president: aiiui:v JOIIMX, V' Tt-nnfMft. National Union Elestoral Ticket. SKXATORIAI.. Mrrln M'Micbael. Philc Irlphia.. ibuiM CunninKlinm, Bi-nrir oc-aisiy. nKrneiKKTATivn. 13 KliM W. Hull. It Churl." II. Shrincr, is .i.ilm V i'tcr. flnb.-rl P. Kins. S I I rorg M . I'mite, 3 Ih-tiry lliimtn, 4 Willinm II. Ki rn, J Il.irlin II. Jvnk. ft (.'tinrlr M Kuuk, 7 llnhert I'arke. , t Willimn Taylor, V John A. Ile-Litand. M Richard II. C..rvll, It KiltTiird Hallidav, 12 Charles V. Kaed', tjfffW o T.ivim. Notwitstandimr i PROCLAMATION BY TBI fBESIDENT M I'nvi.l .M Orii.nisdiy, 17 ttatid W. Woodi, H lne lleweri, J'J John Pttnn. 2(1 Snniuol 1!. I'ii-k. 21 KTrrhnM Hu-rrr, 2i John 1'. Pii.nv, 2-1 KlirnMrr M'JiinVln. 21 John W. lllanchard. tlio advanced price of provisions, thaacthal j cwt of the materials for good and substan tial men), l much 1cm ttinn many iinaginn, and doe nut justify th extraordinary price of souie of our first class city hotels. A cor respondent of the New York Tribune, who resides in llrooklyn, says the cost of living in hit family, for three persons, during the last sii months, was $129 60. In the six months were M8 meals. This U at the rate of 33 eents for three persons, is 7J cents each. This included meat, vegetables, tea, coffee, cocoa, puddings, and sonic othere xtras. It U not the high price of provision alone we must pay for. It is the high price of rents, numerous waiters, and useless extras. fg" Oodey's Lady's Hook for August has already been "received. It in, as usual, tilled with mutter highly interesting nud useful, particularly for the ladies. Uodcy's book m decidedly the book for the ladies, and tau.U at the heud of the list in the public estimation. How he can publish it at tlio old price is a mystery, but its circulation is enormous. b LI, FOlt Stt,00 JI M Th larnfl to ( tminrnre on the Rita rNeplembrr, Whrre lnla tr ssot ar'tlled. TERM OF SERVICE, ONE, TWO THREE YE AIM. OR FRIENDS OP THE SOLDIERS. Ucmriulicr Hint llicre Mill be a special IClvt-llon 'l'uclu)"t AiiKUKt it, INOi, t'pon Amending the State Constitution to give Pennsylvania Soldiers in the Service THE BIGHT TO VOTE. Don't forget the dav, and don't fail to vote "FOR THE AMENDMENT." SHALL THE SOLDIER VOTE P The election to decide whether the sol dier sluiK vote or not, will he held on the ad of August. eVe hear but little discus sion on the subject, simply liecause there are but few who have the hardihood to deny openly that privilege to those who enter the army and peril their lives in defence of their country. The case of the soldier is not to letter tVom Hie Knnbury 4. word. Tankli.ttowk, D. C, July 10, 1804. j Dbak Wilvekt ! Some two weeks ago the infantry of the lt Division, 19'.h Army Corp received no tice to be ready at a momenta warning to leave Morgana to report at New Orleans. The packing up order came in two days and on the morning of July i)d we safely landed at Algiers, a smull place opposite the Cres cent city, where we pitched our encamp uicut. VYc were allowed but a short sojourn at that poiut, for at one 1 M.. on the tli restarted again for part unknown on the steamer M(,'hlln, Yiic passage down the Mississippi was mostly at night, so I am un able to give you a description of it. At 1'ilottowu we exchanged pilots; immedi ately below was hailed by the L. S. river, gunboat 48 with 'steamer ahoy : what stea mer 's that I'1 which was answered satisfac torily, when with a wave of tlio hand we parted, our boat on its way to cross the W, Wabiiisotor, July 19. bt the rmstrtMT a i-koclavatioh. Wiieheaa, Hy the act approved July 4tb, 1804, entitled An act to further to regulate and provide for the enrolling and calling out the national forces, and for other purpo se, it is provided that the President of the United States mav, at his discretion, at any time hereafter, call lor any numoer of men as volunteers for the respective terms of one, two or three years for military service, and that in cane the quota of any part thereof, of any town, township, ward of a city, pic cinct or election district, or of a county not so sub divided shall not be filled vithin the space of 00 days ufte. such call, then the President shaU'imniediatcly order a draft for one year to till such quota, or any part there ot winch may ue unnncet : And wiikiikas, The new enrollment here tofore ordered, is so far completed as that the aforesaid act of Congress may now , be D-Jt in operation for recruiting and keep ing up the strength of the armies in the field, for garrison and such military opera tions ag may lie required for the purpose of suppressing the rebellion and restoring the authority of the United Slates Government in tlio insurgent States ; now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, do issue this my call for five hundred thousand volunteers for the military service ; provided, nevertheless, that this call hall be reduced by all credits which may be ci- 4l.i:--... ,!.. Q.T. ,. tin. ,.r,irii.t..iil ..... ..jticil uiuier tl-.iiuii urn ..".".- ' ag?, on nccount ot persons who nave entered ! the naval service during the present reliel I lion, and by credits for men furnished to the military service in excess of calls heretofore made. " Volunteers w ill be accepted under the call for .one, two or three years, ns they may elect, nnd will be entitled to the boun ty provided by the law for the period of service for which they enlist. And 1 here by proclaim, order and direct, that inune and then to Hud out by certain papers our ! maiciy ui.er menu uay m i ... I .. .i .1 K..in.r f.O ilttid I'nini tint .lilt itt thl4 I'llll !L l..w..,ii.r.. 1 ,',il, i..,lit.i I., .1 .t. . . ,1 i I'esiuiainiii. aii ciiuiiiiuii wnsiin uiu ninvc I "'"K "v , " " 1 pi- ' ) but what point no one outtide of headquar nnt irilv I'Oi-s out of the State on business or for oleiisure. Tho fact, that he is Ikrhtin&r ! for the Union, and in defense of its institu tions should rather confer privileges in stead of restricting them. There is no rea son why soldiers in the army should be depriveil of their votes, while hundreds at home, with less intelligence, and perhaps less virtue, are allowed to exercise that privilege. The fact is, our soldiers, as a body, pos sess more intelligence than the masses of many districts that we could name, without trouble. A lew days since, on individual in Lower Mahanoy, handed to us, for peru sal, a letter from his son in Grant's army, a lad of 17, w hom he suffered to enlist two years ago, because ho threatened to run away if he did not consent. The letter was well written, though the spelling was iucor rect. It was with no small degree of pride that the father stated his son had learned t read and write while in the army, whilst his mother, with evident delight, showed us the photograph of her boy, now u noble looking soldier. They fc'.t pioud of the acquirements of their son, and admitted that he had learned in the army, what he never would have learned at home. Our soldiers are great renders, and are regularly supplied w ith the papers of the day, and are often better posted in the affairs of the na tion, than many otlice-hnntirg politicians at home, who will vote to disfranchise the the intelligent soldier in the army, so that they may run away with the olHces during their absence. ters was able to tell. It was n secret move. This was right, for the destination ot former expeditions was known weeks before em barking, and by tho time the troops reached the poiut to which they were ordered, the rebs were ready to receive them. New Or leans is tilled with traitors and spies, ready draft for troops to serve for one year shall l be had m every town, township, ward ot a city, precinct or election district, or county or county not so sub-divided, to fill the quo ta which shall be assigned to it under this call, or any part thereof which may be unfil led by voluuteers on the said Glh day of September, to do the bidding of Jefferson D., and it is In testimony whereof I have hereunto set necessary that the greaUst precaution be my hand, and caused the seal ot the Un used when anything extraordinary is going ted States to be fixeii. Done at the city July, one thousand eight hundred and sixtv-four and oi the independence of Un united States the eiglitv-nintli. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, t.. s.j Ry the President : Wm, H. Sewaud, Sec'y. of State. REBEL SYMPATHIZERS. If there was anything wanting to show that we havo among us those whose hearts are with the rebels, in their efforts to break up the Union, w hile they profess to be dem ocrats, we need only quote from some of the ' papers, published hy these sympathizers. It I is true, these papers have generally, but ; little character for ability or intelligence, j still less for honesty of purpose and none i whatever for patriotism, liut they arc not j wholly without influence, as muny of their j readers are too ignorant to judge for them-1 solves, and honestly believe what the more ! enlightened wink at and let pass on party J grounds. It is to bo regretted, however, that men of good standing and without dis- ! ou. As the pilot was leaving, after safely steer ing the "Little Mac" past the Belize, the sealed orders were opened, when we learned our course w as towards Portress Monroe, to join in the good work going on front of Richmond. Why our destination was kept so secret I canuot conjecture, unless it was a bait to catch spies, inducing them to for ward word to Johnston that an advance w as being made on Mobile, which might lead him to withdraw a porthm of his troops from Sherman' front nud sending them to the protection of the latter city. When out on tho Gulf sixty miles, Jonas Snyder of Carbon county. Pa., a nu mber of Co. I., died. His body was prepared lor bu rial by nicely sewing it up in 1 weights uttached to make it sink, i lie lu neral was conducted by Chaplain Rodroek, who read the beautiful sea service from the prayer book of the Protestant Episcopal Church. The Flag of our Union-' was at half mast, the boat stopped, and as the sun was hiding in the west, the body was laun ched into the sea, sinking to rise no more, until the great day comes when tho soul must give an account for the "deeds clone ; in the body."' On Sunday, July 10th, wc made the wa iters outside of Key West. Not liking to j endanger the lives of the men nor undergo I a strict quarcntinc when arriving at a North I ern port, Capt. (Iray wisely kept at a safe ; distance ami signalled that he had a mail for ! the town, when a pilot boat came to the i Important Iettr from Urn. Mier- 1U1IU. The folllowing extracts from a letter pub lishcd to the people ot Georgia, living within the limits of the De partment of the Cumberland, for their in formation, as expressing the sentauieuts ol the Department Commauder: 1 IIUI MllillillJ ll'llllll itlltll 1 J'. ', "' I ,.IC1, ''",'' ' , " I shals, and other agents, may arrot all males .lallUets, With j , ,.,,.,. ... ,.,rir;,,r,.d or liar- I I bored guerrillas nnd robbers, and you may I cause them to be collected in Louisville, 'ibc Itelrrnt of the Itcbet. 1 "WAMimoTON, July 10. Beyond the stoiulf advance of our oolumna in the direction ot Kdward'i Ferry, totno BO wiles from Washington, at which poiht tho rebels crossed into Virginia, nothing is to be observed worth recording.' 7'hrough the country between that potot And this city, at tiro present time, everything In ouiet. On the Rockvillo road, so recent ly the scene of active opfationa, nothing is to be observed, except un occasional pas sago of a wagon, and here and there a ttxag L'linc soldier. . . We havo the country still picketed alxiut three mile beyond Tennallytown. During the lighting through the streets of Rockyille on wecinciiiay last, cue ciuacns uwx reiuize for safety in the cellar of the houses. The town was uninjured, with tht exception that a few house were struck bv bullet. 'Gen.Ord'was in Tenallyiown jeaterdaj afternoon, and Gen. Wright was said to be at Poolesville. Durine the fight at Rock ville wc lost two killed nnd thirty wounded. No doubt seems to exist that the rebel pas sed through Aldie, and have effected their escape through Asbtiy Wap. The last ot the rctiei crosteu me river about daylight yesterday morning, consist ing of a rear guard of litteen hundred cavalry Their rear had had a smart skirmish w itu our advance. Before 10 o'clock yesterday morning we occupied Edward' Ferry in considerable torce, ana troop pouring in that direction. The latest from the front indicate that the invader have suueeeded in gaining the mountain passes. abiii.notor. July 10. lue Atar say a force of rebel raider, numbering between 250 and 1)00 men, passed through Little Washington, Sperryville and Creighersvillc, on Thursday ni"ht, on their way towards Madisou Court House and Gordoumllc, They had with them 1.U Uorsca niiu 5 "risouer- who moiintil CU i'ue cap tured animals. They passed Creighersville ubout 1 o'clock, and'half an hour afterw ards a small force of Union cavalry, from the West, who crossed the Shenandoah about Conrad's store, made their appearance at the same place, and pursued the relels. The latter gave out that they were mak ing their way to Gordonsville, and thence to Richmond. They seemed to bu iu a hur ry, having received information that Sheri cfan, w ith a large, cavalry f'-rce, was between them nud Richmond, and was smashing things generally. This rebel gang was doubt less part of the" rebel force lately operating in Maryland. General MeC'ook, General Payne, and Gen. Doubleday have been relieved from du ty in this department. Mc'.'ook reports to lo the Adjutant General for instruction, nnd Generals Doubleday and Payne will resume their positions ou general court martial. General llannteni has been oruerea to re sume the command of his division, garrison ing the defences of Washington north of the Potomac. An ollicial report to tho Post Office De partment shows that the mnils for twenty tight different cities were burutd by the rebels ut Gunpowder. We learn that the rebels in leaving this vicinity sent most of their spoils through Rockvillo on Tuesday, und in following they gobbled lit) linv articles that had escaped ' l. I. .1 1 .... Tennessee and l"tm. wu-m eom.ug ..uK.. MiiKluy. I lie several sioue ui mu pmcv were completely gutted. Our c avalry came upon their rear on Wed nesday morning, and a brim hKirmisu en- i sued, "lasting four hours, in which each side charged through the town, ami a number were" killed mid wounded. During the morning Brad ley Johnson's horse was shot in the leg and lamed, and he was captured Incident) of tjhe Virf. I Female Rehbl -SriA. There i no ' longer any reason to doubt that the Union olliccrs captured by the rebel under Gil- more on the liaitimore train wr pointed ont.J.'y.fcmalo-truitor in. t lie Curs. We-huvc, the positive evidence or ono rtspuctabl merchant ot Philadelphia,, who, beluu in the train with hi family, saw a wouinin point out a buion olllcer to the rebels, bl range to relate, this woman bear the name of CONFERENCE OF AND COPPERHEADS IN CANADA BUNBUHT in on ti loai 1W , T FViif, . SECESSIONISTS i . I VTB, - ' ! Oats, . Niaoaha Faixs, July I0,f18c4. 1 f,,' The opposite slde'of the river is Just now . vierMed, inu. vceiie ol hctive . conitreuccs l eiwcen. ?, . .,',, i .Vt, V proininentVcwionUU from Southern Slat.- WVJJ A IYVEUTISKM EM S.i ...id active .vn.uathizcr.' Willi secession in 1 1& W AJ ' liltl lOI Ji'lLili J 3. the rsortli. . (.lenient C, '. 6h 00 ' KiO $1 i0 C7 00 MARK SIT. Ilniior, lIV.f.- '" I.fird, .- '.' Uncoil,, Jliun. . . -. .Mltoui'l-r,. . It- y M 14. IS 1j it Clav. of Alabama, J ' H ' . '.-LL. , Kate Lee, and is believed to be a niecu bt ' Jacob Thomosob. of MissUs'iopi, formerly . V O JJ W A Ft - the rebel General. It is natural enough that she should be a rebel, but how she come to be enjoying the protection ol our i pool, lueiuber- , Tucker . 'ii.'i 'vA. :.... i irnvrrn land ,i,n.l r,f willed WOOI . T- ... - . i i. IV iiHht iWmrM. eiin ftirt-snle fur It- , ...... . i.H A.,ni.. Hug and passes lix-cly on u Union gunboat, eveu alter her treason is made kuowu to the commander, is a uivstery to us. Lieut. Col. Mitchell is Crtdited Id the tele graphic dispatches with a Tory curious narrative ot the capture ot uenerni r rniiKiin, which is directly contradicted by the Gen eral himself, nud by other credible persons. In it be al ledges that the General confevsed voluntarily that he wu Oeiural rranklin, endeavoring to create the impression that he wo not evun asked. The truth that a rebel soldier came up to him directly, a though ho had previously been informed, aud usked Jiiin if he was not General Frank lin, to which be replied that he wa A. ludy who was iu the train avera positively that tli! woman who pointed out General Franklin was numed Perriue. We now ask emphatically whether ex ample cauuot be made of these female traitor that shall serve as a warning to others It is a gnat wrong to the de fenders of the Republic that their lives are thus exposed to the treachery oi women cu Ucorue N. Sanders, of Cosmopolitan and miscellaneous notoriety, together with sundry other gentlemen ot the snme political Bositiyn, but less notoriety, are at the Clifton louse, where they nr visited from time to time by prominent Democrat ond othcis of secession sentiment whose name I do not care just now to give. There can be very little doubt that the ob ject of this gathering is political and iu- cleea no secret it made by the parties con cerned, in conversing with persons in whom they have confidence, of the particular pur pose they have in view. They are endeav oring to devise a basis for the action of the Chicago Conveutinn which shalt accomplish two objects at once, end the tear and tecurt the triumph, of the Dtmocratic part. In other, words, the secessionists are seeking to frame a platform for the Democratic par ty in tlie coming election, 1 have been told that C lay nhd Thompson do not assume as yet to speak for the seced- i ed Slides but they hold out very strong I lnipes of getting tin; assent of those States to the propositions they put lorth, provided by colling at lbs lint 8tbVtf th' nnrtjrtifntd I Htiobary, Jr JS, Sl' 5t ', jojing the protection of our flag, and tlio ( the Democratic ;arty will pledge itself hi nuaiiiy m j advance to accept them n tue oasis oi us i . - eomlorts ol civilization nhd hos I the North, ,V'"'"' Amriein. A Stkakue Sc i.ni:. The two armies in Georgia met the other day in the persons of some of their superior olliccrs Generals C layborne, Cheatham, ilindnmn, und Mancy parlies having been detailed fiom each by mutual agreement for the burial of their dead. Grouped together in seemingly !'ra t. ruul unitv were olHcers and men of both contending armies, who for live minute before were engaged in the work of slaugh- ter anil death. Cheatham looked rugged i aud healthy, though seemingly sad and de- spondeiit. " He wore his 'fatigue" dress, a , blue llanel shirt, black tiecklie, grey home- spun pantaloons, and .slouch black, hat. i Colonel Clancy of the jJd Ohio, iu talking j to Generals Mancy and Hindman, remarked : that it was a sad state of affairs to w itness human beings of a commou origin am1, nationality dig two hours every day to bury ! the dead ol twenty minutes liuhling. "Yes, I yes, indeed." said one, "but if the settlement ; of this thing were left to our annies there j would be peace aud good fellowship in two t hours." Reiii-.l Lettehk. The Washington cor respondent of the Tribune, writing on July 13, savs: The following letter uddressed to Mrs. W. S. Drew, care of Edward M. Drew, next to the Bank rf Washington, : giveu to a farmer near Silver Springs to bring into the city uud deliver, came into possession of the Government je.-ttcrday : Hkaikjcautkhs Co. F, 23d Rkoimlnt Ca valht, Sii.vkii Si-KiNos, 4 miles from Washington, July 12, 1304. Mr T)AtMu Buothkk : It seems hurd that here I am withiu fight of uiy home, and cannot get there. I can hardly realize I that I am here, it seems like u pleasant dream to be in such a familiar place. 1 certair.lv expected to be in Washington lat night, but fate tiiscrcctl otherwise, and, ill not get there, I win wruc. . . . , i uvc not :ccn nun, umi nmt rear in i i n r,,,i,,inir utmost rverv duv. lv hoisr en shot troni iimiir nic, inn i nc hcml them to the land where they may take desperate charge an. rescued mm. ue re- ot bvvn WlJU,1(i.,!. l wonder how von un .,.! ..,.,L., ,. r...i....v . iti, I..H-J 1 bels, to evade immediate pursuit at the river ; 1 ..id(l iive world to see you all and u future ot their own. If they won't 1 1'l'r'1 ''locked up the road with brush, logs I Ulll 1 knw j-.m all want to see me LlHt of i'liui. for Aug-nM 'I., John Walls ts Ei'rs of Julia WallM, fl. au'l. Jseob J. Brd ti Limuol CkajnWliii, Jobn C lluflumn. sum" Win t Dcwart ts Rruboii Fajjely Co John Ilrubvr, v Cleittrr. glf A Co., ninr Srrhilli Kaaly A Cu., Klute A nuclinir, v Wnt L loart tt al, Friuicil klas. v Hilda Maria t' Vincnt t JiAn 1. Wni.n, Uirard Fir UariD A Marina Co A. TS UUaa Marr Co Hugh C1111I. vt Panii'l P Cnul. Tba B1k M m. Imp I'b; v T Hmnniwbi' Katy hi n in id, Ac vs Jobn F Wulflngrr, Cum. of l'ann'a for Purwl r Jaa Vaiiiijka A bail Haine for Albrigbt H al Vf iuiua Iuac Msrt et al . S 11 llovtr aoj Vim Wrt i J. M llunitHn anil a iff ta Koluuion llrwiom. K Y llrijclit A boo va r. cifuiun A A Uonun, Jobo Buycrn. Wm L Dcwnrt, Ctitliurinn Poiff'T vn Jonalliiin liinklelxrgtr J. H.'KiiVfr a'fixii'f vi Patrick Murhrii, ' Jobn B w ur vi lli-Dry W mtr vl al I KolM-rl CHDiibell vi Vl'tiiT Aujtu'la tuwnahlr, 1 A V Lark. v Julin K Cimluw. l ul t?om. f I'l-nna for P. Kii'rmvvi I' W llili-rt ctol 1 MHtnrl ll-ilin . r Wiii liorliinc ajiu r 1 C O IJik'Iiiiihii rt ni Ti U'ti r v 1 In 1'uml et tl , Kliz:ll" tll HllUK-. VH .1 S. IjilllUT, ft llu f Julm Jbil'-r. I'"r v 11. A. AlexaiuU-r. political action. What these proposition I Jlia l,mk uf .Nor'tinmbtrliui l Acv lltirarhart lit at . ., . 1 . ... I. ..II.. are, I. am not nuuiorif.cn to miv, uui 1 ue lieve'thev embrace Mine u Hwrtf W liixor, n Jt-ilinli Krir, Hunk f f Mi.lJlftiin v Munui-l !:, . ., . r ., ' 1 c. . . il 1 lllllik el .tll.iUH-KiTn i ,-tuiiui-i ti ., I-. I ho return of the seceded States to the j ,, j( llM.j c , At. v, Oo.lfrry K otky .1 al Kic!i!irJ Moiiruim tt si v I'bil A 11. K liaviil Wslilruii T Juno WMnB. i Nin t'bnuiberlin at al r Jubn Vorii. A. Co Ac W111 L Hewart Arnold A Waiaar, ' tllfii llnriibarl j Jclur Herb. I citurirc 1. W a ll ! tli-crf Snydr. ( Jariuiiab fturicljjo 1 Jobn Hunklebarger i'alrr Iv. tibcr VI lbo4 Lluuincnr'lntr, vt ' aiicy Carr A Kranc. tj Salomon Mtnt;M. vtJobn A Sny.lut, slm'r t Wm II ItrTiim vt Arbogul i Ifnbb. ti Jacob iinilora. ti b.Mibam Martin. ti Juiai'b Wpitii-l. Union 2. 'The assumption of the Confederate debts. 3. The recognition of the slaves actually emancipated in the progress of the war, uud the ttiitui 'I'HHinte Mlum as to all others. If the Democratic party of the Northern States w ill insert these planks iu its platform these secession emissaries hold out hopes of I...!,,.. ..Iill, tt RIO'lll. Mil rj'l,lr:ll nil M,iltlt til .,il, n i .mv.. il.i. ti.iitv ' IraT CleiuLt, at al ti J. J. bull A J V Crlilwt'.l .1 .1 7 ." 1 FtrJiuaiiJ Mntur, t Jaj M Mnurcr great strength in the election by promising . J, jueClu, tlii.biih J.i.k-a. the restoration ot peace. A helher they 1 t-UIU ot enu' for I Iauj n 1) W al lrj. have nnv authority to make such lili dues, I I Micbsal Urabnui Jamn Polbx-k tt al .!. ,,..f Cn.,w I m iiii-Hiii-il to think fliul i Fox A DruihiT T Bird t louty they have not, but that their mision is purely voluntary and that its object is to giv "aid and comfort to the Democratic party iu the coming contest. .Yf Yvrk Timtt. and then when you have euough-siiv three i I'.vour n.e.i who however, did not recog- I (l)r ftar wc or four hundreci-1 will cause tliem" to be I llln'; "'tbotiy 1 they knew him to be an , , wd, . jmv sent down the Mississippi through their "llieer ; he was I cing sent lo our DUpnti-li from Urn. Shnrman, From tit Xn-ihrilk 7'irrf. We have just rccived the following note from General Webster confirming a recent report. ; 'Wednesday Evesino, Jjly 0, 16310 r. m. Mn. SlEliCElt : I have just received a telegram from General Shermnn. nuyii'g ; "Our army rests its wings on the Chatla hoochie, above and below the bridge. The main rebel army is across; only one Corps-T Hardee's remain on this side occupying the fi-fy iln fun.t. The weather is very bad. We have dri ven the enemy from a 1.1 mug pisilion al Kim saw and Smyrnio; and i ncnmprd live mile south of Marietta. We have taken about 2,000 prisoners. Our piik' la hic on the river hunk at Price's Ferry, nnd at the mouth of the Nickajack." Respectfully, I J. 1). WF.USTF.R. Iirig.vli.-r General. "r . 1 . . -1. 1.. 1 1 . r guerrilla gauntlet, and by 11 sailinii-ship : caige 01 i men. ue.. uca. ... . lias ,,,.,. steamer. From the pilot wc lesrucd that live in nciice iu such a irarden as Kcutuckv. ! uml "roKen wagons. why, we will send them to another it not : a better laud, and surely this would be u j kindness to them, and a God's blessing to j Kentucky. 1 wish you lo tuke caro that no personal!-, ties are mixed up iu this, nor does a full and generous "love of country," "of the South," j ol their State or country, from a cuc of; banish incut, but that develish spirit which , ,, . - ,,. 1 U1II1IMIII1LI1I., "'ill liii.u .tv ninn - I'" " 1.... the yellow foyer was prevailing to a great wiJl x ,M. tiXMvti and that makes war the pretext ol murder, arson, then 111 all its ratus, perjury mm an 111c citiucs 01 uuuiun extent. As lnuh us twenty-six enscs in a I dav. The 1 10th New York and 2d V. S. 1 (colored) Infantry, doing .'lltv tlit.r., Inn-n n "-! nature. suffered severely fr 111 this scourge, losing most ol their olucers. On Wednesday morning wo discovered steamers on either side of us when our course was altered to run north iu direction of one supposing it to be a bjockade runner, but discovering it to be a gunboat' wc steer ed for the old course. The one on the south ran up so rapidly that it seemed us if she w us a bird upon the wing, and our old tub was standing still. This gunboat displayed signals and as we hoisted our bunting she passed by our stern, seeming perfectly satis fied, so much so that we did not receive the customary hail. I did not learn the name of this ateamer, but think from the running loyal intentions, should be willing to let j qualities exhibited while coming up to us unprincipled charlatans sap the very found- she would be u match for the FhtriJa, and ations of our government, in order to keep up their standing with the party. While the loyal press and the whole country, w as rejoicing over tho ciestructiou 01 that renowned pirate r-hip, the Alabama, by the Kearsurge, one of our gunboats, the Sc lingrovt: Time passes it over w ith a no tire of a fe-- lines, and even in this brief retire, an excuse isolh red in la-half of this half English and half rebel piratical crew : "The Confederate steamer Alabama was sunk in the RiiiUli ( linmicl. oil' Cherbourg, by the Federal iron clad Keursarge. The Alabama was only a wooden vcascl uud could not withstand mi iron clad." Now the editor of the Timet, if he knows anything, knew that the Keararge was not mi iron clad vessel. Even the English rebel organs, had too much muiiliuess lo give currency to this falso npoit, got up by Siliime.-, M eveui-cliis defeat, but this liiiw r- if a chase or a tight be the result the pirate would be a prize. At first we supposed these steamer wi re on duty blockaking off Wil mington, N. C, but now know to a certain ty they are criiUing for the Florida, to pun ish her for old scores and the depredations lately committed on our coust. In one week from the day we started weteached Fortress Monroe. Gtn. McWillinnis went ashore to report, where he received orders to push on to Washington. It was hi re we received the Drat intimation of the rebel raid into My own preference was. nnd is, that the cival authorities in Kentucky would and could do this in that Slate; but, il they will not, or canuot, then we must, for it must be done. There must be an "end lo strife," and the honest, industrious people of Kentucky, ami the whole world w ill be beiicliled uud ic juiced at the conclusion, how ever arrived at. 1 use no concealment in saving that 1 do not object to men or women having what they cull "Southern feeling,'' if confined to love of country, and of peace, honor, nnd security aud even a little family pride, but these laconic "crimes" when enlarged to mean love of murder, of war, desolation, famine, und all the horrid allcudcnls of uu-urchv. I um, with respect.your friend, W. T. Siikhman, Major-General. Mtrongth ol'llic Itfbirla) In llir 1.111? Invuklon. There r.ro two theories as to the numlr of the army which marchnd from Richmond for the purpose of invading Maryland and subduing the city of Washington, but every hour convinces us that that which gives to tin- rebel the larger force is the out- most suceptuble of proof lu the pow erful letter of Sam Wilkeson, tho Washing ton editor of the New York 'J'rili'iiit, prin- ted in the Vl,inirle of yesterday morning,; there is nn accumulation of facts w hich j ought to satisfy any one who may have doubts upon the subject : and our observant j readers w ill note that nearly all our corrcs- pondents concur with Mr. Wilkeson that I the column of the rebel army was very ' large, nnd that it was inspired by a grand- j er purpose than that of a mere plundering j 1 laid. In fact it is now safe to say that j I there were periods between Saturday night ' ami .Monday morning when the rcoci ! might have dashed into the city am effected a capture, il not an occupation. I Ve do not agree, therefore, with the j Xiticnal ltiUUi'jtiuir of yesterday, in that pal t of ils iiuistc-rly unci malignant leader ! which intimates that the Federal .'capital ! was laid under siei'c for two days, with ten or twenty thoumid men behind its de l,t 1 .miiuw we will have to wait tin a 1 ' kind Providence grants our praver. . j 1 fixed up nicelv to tome to 'ashington. ' and if we don't git there it will be a ad j ; disappointment to me; but, as a good sol-i : ,i;..p 1 uilt h-ivi. to trnt in t lie sa-'atitv ot ' our Ci-iu-ral nnd valor of our bos. W ! have been kirinishin hero all the morning, irst and but no general engagement has taken place, ; When it does come 1 will light hard t- get I home. All the boys are well, j Tall llcllie ami the girls to write when ' ever they can. Give the enclosed to . Hilly I llavlcy. I Affectionately, YV. T. Ditcvr. I'rom ."f.-m pill. Mkmi-i:i July 19. I nm indrhlrd to one of G.-n. Washbunif's stall lor the lollowing Knees, by tnc hundred men; and we are j I'rom McKliru .vliourl. ! somew hat surprised at the otherwise acute, Sr. Lot is, July 18. 1 aud recondite editors of that paper, that: Dispatches from Col. Ford, at Kansas they should so far weaken their article as Ciivto hcadmiurlers here, say that he has , to make au assertion open to immediate and 1 just returned from Pluttc and Clay counties, fatal contriiiliction. 1 he truth is, Pushing Hi command is now at Liberty,' to w hich ton City was besieged by u large army, an he would immediately return. uimy of veterans, an army advancing to the The rela ls are broken iulo small bunds, 1 capture of the capital of the country upon uml are scattered through the counties. ! information furnished by their spies and Twenty lour ol tlieui were killed. Colo- ! scuiimlhi.i rs in our miilst : that wo had 110 Maryland uud the supposed oam't r to which ! ,,..1 .,r.rsio'..i-sis that the ciiiens ol' Platte di-cinliiud and seasoned force hcie to resist Washington was exposed. The boys were 1 u,i day comities be not arined, as uinc- ! u auddcii ussault, and that it .ouly reiitiircd anxious to move forward that they might ptuticipnte in any punishment that would lie given the rebels. The ride up the I'oto muc was delightful and iews splendid, par ticularly that around Mount Ycrnou and Fort Washington. In passing the tomb of Washington the hnml of the 17th played 1 lo ld strictly accountable for ihu conduct of Hail Columbia," und several national airs, uuenillas. He has also called a meeting of while the "Star Spangled Rainier"' on the stem of the Mrl'Ulluu wu lowered uud hoi.tcd iu salute. On arriving at Washing ton we ellsembui ktd at Tth stree t w hurl. ti.ntlis ul' ill. -in are ilislowd and have assist- 1 a movement ot little Celt 111 V US that led by cd '1 hoiulon to raise his forces and have Early and Rreckiuridgc to consummate the eiven him information, at the sumo lime eheatii of Jeffe rson Davis, and to lay ut his f .... I .. . . . , I I .. .1... ..LV..I.... 1 keeping ever) thing lrom our troops. leel me metropolis iouihk u oy cue muer Col. Ford hus untitled the citiraiis of , of his Country." Hem e, that a large army these counties, that lu reulter they w ill be : threatened and assuileel astiiiigton u, we conceive, be) ond dispute. guerrilla. He has also c alled a meeting ol Vi hat we desire to say is, mis iai c ueiug I'rom llic Ami)' ol'llii I'olniimc W.csiiiNiiroN, July 20. Information received from the hcadipmr ters of the Army of the Potomac, dated July lllth, states that the Usual ejuiet still pre vails along the lines, ami were it not lor the sound of an occasional gun and some -' ,"1'c'u picket tiring at 11 few points, one would sup d have : 0(ls ti.!lt t.m.,v was within miles of A sergeant and his Mjuad came in this morning, and all re port that thousands are ready to leave as liist as they find an oppor tunity. The eleserlers come principally I from' Georgia, Florida and Alabama regi- j meats, and an otKe-er of a regiment from the former Slide is said to have gone to his au la lior a day or two since and reported that if his company was not soon relieved l.e would have none to relieve, as they would have all gone over to the enemy. Rurnsidc's men make the most of the the enemy taking e very opportunity to tiro at the colored troops that occupy a portion of his front, and of course the lire is return eel with interest, but without much iluimige on either side. No deserter 'come in nt this pnrt of the lines, as they 'say they have no chunce to get through without running the risk of be ing allot the negroes ie 111 g iinumiamii on the alert, hut they arc coming iu at other points daily in tiitiuds. Thev Mate that llie-y are very auori in On the 5lh lust., Itcn. vtaaii'iurn s. nt ! out a forre of infantry, cavalry 'id artillery j from Lagrange, under Mnj. Gen. A. J. Smith I aud Riig. lieiii. Mower and Grierson. w ith I instruclion to move the pursuit of Gen. For bring him to bay. hgiH and whip him. He w as ordered to pursue bun to v. o hilnbus.'.Mis.. if lie did :.ot .crtuke him this siele. A dispatch from General Smit!: to M.nt ral Wa .libuni. net ived to day says we have nut S. D.-Lee, Forrest and Walker, at I'upelo, and whippc-il them badly on three difit-rent days. Our lo is small compaie.l with that "of the n-bels. 1 bring lack everything iu good order, nnd nothing was lllht." A f.cout, since arrived st I.agn.ngc, reports the enemy's loss at 2,"'00, and that tiieir de feat was overvv helming. It is also stateel thai the rebel Cm. Faulk- 1 William Hiri-I PUilip Ztrbe A Catharina Thomas C vmljr ti Jnhii-MnTtr with nolic '.John t Mtirau ti Striib'tn ffitttnhtii'lrr liauirl Krui.iT for ut ti Jacob Mourr. Ir. lorna ! llimui II. M s.ra it al. T ti. !5. Wol -oil. J V. m 11 Krn-.lhl- vi I.' V UcltVntlaili ot al I Mi-Karlmii. tTai. A Co v I'rick unU .-tout W m 1. baoarl T II. U. lH.-cr. Twcrtvlvc tiM far trial tbv Erl ne.k, &l1 :hr balaug for fc )U'l wn h J.J. K IMINSNYIiKH. Pr-iL't. Iul ii i.ut-lueliu t'olxrif to. DEPOT : lfil Jll Strrai, Ntw Yurk The alxiTO (.' art kniwn all uvi lii" worli ka 1L11 onr!i vflba enfi't l'liuitali "in if Java a... ; ilatavia ill lb L'utHl taat lwln-1. anaaia tL lari-ai ; ui'rn'Hili?rrt l e'vltra l-ii ll.f Gl'ibt. i 'lh uti-lvriMKutH u a;--dn: -1 th':r ae-le I Am-ut in lha I mini p.aiaa ami m iho Priti-h C..;.. i uir.'i will havn lur aala thrw liftiTiut ki.i.l uf li'' ; !. whifh. li.T rpj;ularil.v ut ra.J U'l e'baapuesi v j j.-rirt. will d,-r rimipt.-.iiiun. i Our llnuvm 1H"D " n.ivtr l.-f..r.i inm-lu -s.t ;i Ibia I'ountrv. but itily ua-l m .trniia i. ! NaTiip u! l.'uri'i . a'. l richly vulup.l. will I t- .u'. 11 ' at priovp r--Ii all oaunir. an-i our Ki'rn Ja-. i will htth- Miiiuio Jli-MHii CiT oi'ibe a -a I ll will bat'a. for ai-Ma.u..iatiin ul lir.c cr. b milir". Mi.l eJuvtrniiiuiit Conliui'.cr?, ii.:i:U 111. ! aii't ilrswuifur u-ctui. .ttJrai.!i-iial. u ra.-i; I wf eafc. c.'f.'.' '''') ' It I'.TWsritaJ a l:roi to t. ! A UPVA vN. i JSC kJa r nn. l.-a. 1 1--.U .Sru:.l. t i '' -- Ju'y'J.;, IM. j liirulotTU "aUiaitiy 'U.-rt-, ! ALLkJNTOWN. 1'A. I Upt. M. L U' 'f'f'' ';!' A- M., fri nit. ' Mapif c. RkiM'i'Ktt', M.iKrii.iu-lut t AiiliLary lipartui-ir.'-. ! r1i;la Ikriituiion. pK.:ppJ b.r lha Htal .-f !' . 1 vlTaM WI1U lull C'uKaiala "'Wprl. wil' j ' i.a ue-ii ihvpwii .J.I. ult- l.vprv Lwility 'a!'-! i lr an biilnh fr.sai.-al. ,SciulitiJ.i M..i.Hi- t I caiwuuuiasf lan b.l ! iinlruoloi'a. I'uil ar 1 1,-pivv.l in il. I'riMi-uv , l'rai.arau.ry ami -l'.' I Ji.-j rtniniir. Fur c.r uUri alj.-t.rs Iti li.ui EXECUTOR'S SALE. VIY. fabarriprr IU i -fftr at jmMio ale a. Court H iue in unbur, nu .Vnailay Oia i Am.-ii.'u npit. at ulie o i'Iii'I I. ! . sll..l;I.S uf NiTibuuibrrlaml liri-Uo Sivk V. , urut i ef Ui :'. ll. dp.- .1. ! ciiAKi.bs rt.i.'ASAM.s, i:--. j HunbniT, July Isiil l.e 1 At thf liuiu lima, a hsiiLoiut Carria. f -r '.i I iv'o lioipp, a liht hi:"!!- nn.l..'.hpr ..ri;!ial j; 1 i-ruf Mis lle-lli-", t-' ha ulj on Hit promui'i ...l.l ......... ,i.;t-. ,..r.- .......1 , . ,T , . , . , 1 1 1. , I took up our line o march, passed up l'cnn enougli lo gull the. hluded and benighted 1 , . ' . , t .ro,ilU.nrfc I he anine papers also rradi-ra of tlmt slurt ait' iupta to make them believe that the gre at raid of (i n. Wilson and Kiintr wu an rutire failure and with apptirelil delight, claims a victory for Morgan and hia gucirillai in Kentucky. Tucomei m ar liome, it aaarrts that many bridgi s of ilm Northern t'l idral road wi ie burned, and thai many mill s of House to George-town, and then ou to this place where we bivouacked. Wc lire to iiiovu forward alter tin.' enemy, but whether it will bu before the arrival of three of our companies, who could not get passage with ua, I cauuot tell. From what 1 can learn we will inovc towards the I'oilit of ltoe ki. The raidrrs have, or are attempting to croat ill,' I'otomac at' Hoe k ville, lleing so far Ir.Miv ol bap Iroooa and awuv from llm nui die track were torn up, whi'.u the trulh is J ,j)t vri,re pi the dark as lo what is go 1 ol a ruil of the tr. k i torn up, and only ( iug 011. Aa auything oce urs 1 will acnU ou to am ill bridge wi re di alroved. We only of ib The U'js ar all well, lti ui'eni- .inou fr ibi 'nix rallu s)mpi,ihl,ig ,,, 1 ' ' gemrauy . , , . , V . ? , su l lor urll, believe umj as rve r. Ul slue 1, t.. sliow tl. iharaetir of ll.a V.iur Frairnully. II. IX XV. ,'. i. TI.' a'm ami I'bjwt of them u:l N nlik.'. TU. Iv .iiir.ie iue la, that fr lha Aavaiiaaa aom.. al,.,, ,..,,. imid.!.., ... I ruklraaueas Kl afcl'KV, Jul, 13, Ibfll th .11 oilier 3 r- 'VI MDvt;-Th - .aaa. - I.Hle pad. a kU ol, IU )oUfUvourof I lie Jjf-'l li.- n. w. I4..114 urral Hirrninn'i ' 1 1 ih in.t , v ill I vary thaukfully riv.l, amiv U l.iii..n .id and iui. 1- aiiiiif AtUiiU. J ' r n'mil ttmj ,( ll.am. ' fwl to l.m airitiki.ill ( :lw n I . la 111 li.i.iia. ia ' eoiiiiariii Ihu liulw girls f.r thtir SlU'pa i.i "ilmui .in'a p..vter,il' not a:rj4-' in hn ! ' ue palrion.ui, sad do .ut 1011 thai if Ihianiv l ll.'tii.rtl 114 .1'.b.c. '' oiaNi'l our land at .d fiom s.mi hit and Col. Forrest w i re wounded, lien., Forrest was wounded iu the foot, and his horse equipments capiuri'd. From our source. 1 Irani that Smith met Forrest near l'oiitotoc, on Wednesday, tin lllth, mid fought him on that day, and also on Thursday and Friday, driving him I -eh ivy Tupelo, whipping him budly in live el'.I fcrc-nt battle. Our loss is said to '. less than UOO, while that o! the enemy wtu over 2,000. 'IVrrlblc Ace-lde-ni iu lMiilalcllilu. Full Aid.Ll-lii v, July 20. A terrible accident occurred ht the lilock ley Alshousu this morning, caused by ibc wiills of the' Female Lmu'.ic Aav luui being undermined by work nun. It is re ported that thirty to forty of the inmutcs were killed or wounded. Five bodies have been taken out. SECOND DISI'ATCII. rim.APKi.rnu, July 20. Tim latest re liable account of the nrcident at lllockley Alms House killed and provisions, particularly vege-table-s, and seem inmates of the asylum, The accide nt occur ami law con. blue with ihu military auilioiiiiea iu giving all poaaibln aid uud asaiatulier, or autl. r lh Vlotrlico hie II lllUal I'olluw the ll. ration of thiaapevic of warfare, which Und do par si led tveii iu our Indiau war. India tlMtrudvala CoUrsid. I Danvtii Cur, July ti. A lrg band f Indians att k d (lijoii la. r.. :t . 1 a .t.ia. I b.iMf; I r II V i i' ith'nl ll-41'.Ju.i l"M tUiN II our 4U.vl IIOUI ftilA,- I nj it. put of lit, ( oi.li daia. y. and lr..in I Uf luull.e, 11 wetuui , a rauaa uf rvjulclug lIT ii" s )" ' '' II livBfe lh prnmpt raili wd. of Dm ! f' four blt-e.di.i,f country. Knd all tl.f pa la I hia wmiwu !! all b OvirUnd rlaia I luiw I. a i.iin..r llial I1.1 J ilnaiuu I vu rB - au-t Kit lua lltlla Hill our urala- Ms IS t "Uil.au) ' ll al lh Jlk'tlu, ikj la Uliiwif I.-a. ai.d i.u.lliin his f. rca u ful ibauk l"l tUW vliil-aiuvw, iiiU l 1 1 laf v."" I p afmj, i.ad ibba )..'. ACan tl Itllul' ur, . l'f.' 1' II krrsav, P f P citizcu and rebel avmiialhii is at Libcrlv. , U-vond disouie. that h. reallcr abundant when he will tell them how th.y tan save euro ahoul.l be taken to guard againat any the counti.a from desolaliou. j rem attempls upon this great position. . Coi. Foul has taken 200 I'nited States ; There are so muny w ajs to deli lid it, them muskets from the bauds of gurrillus, un.l ) are an many resourcea of defeuce, there are has burncel warehouse- containing over 100 I so many thousand reaily lei rush to it lie more, with considerable ammunition, uud fence, that we trust these, facilities will be hus ul-o captured a battle Hag. orgauied and acecpted, fof it is our solemn General Itouaaeau has la.iid an u.ldreas to couvictioii thut the attack: 01 Jioiiuuy unci the psaiplo of Northwest .Missouri, stating Tue.duy w ill le re peatcd. There-lads are 00 that ihey d.fi ived him, and that while Ih.y j flattered because they have put two great promised lo preserved m imc und aid the I capitals, Washington aud Jlullimorr, iu lioveiiimciit 1 hey have allowed guerrilla lo , tin or (and let us, for our own sake, accept live and recruit amongst them, uud that t lie the assertion that Ihey have elonu so with a arm aud ammunition put iu their hand for very large forte), that they wilt not hesitule the preservation of the public pace have ! to repeat the eiK'riiiu-nt, and when the-y do, bti-n uae-.l lo deatroy il, our c'litrt'Ui t.uieui ahoul.l I) tilled with lie tell Ihi-m nothing now left for them I t-arneat, eager, uud dircipliue d in. n. The re to do only to w holly re iioiim w an 1 help i not u ilay or an hour to lose. Every ele tit.rniinulei the coiiiiiiou 111. in v. or the I me nl of natriotiain and eveiy liieredlclit ol couulry will becoiiiuad.aoluliuu. All loyal j local or general devotlou to this country l. Id 1 111 illi.iia luiial pr.iinpny alioiil.l l ul i.licv i-niiaii'ii ir 11m eieieuct- j 'A Kit for lha aaltiy o HUl'r ou Li fo I Ldad tnoUL'ii when th-v ti t into our liu strict orders being given that they shall not hold intercourse with our men on the picket, or exchange papers: and one fellow the other clay, who came Itohly over und brought a paper with him, was cought and made to aland and wuve the paper buck und forth for an hour u a puiiiahmeiit. An attack from the enemy ha been ckperted for the paat two days. Last night, from w hat the dinners reported, it was looked for a certain, but no demonstration was made. It has looked like rain all I he afternoon, but none ha Julie n yet and the dual con tinues to envelope everything. I'rotu JNevv Orlcuna. Caiho, July tt. Ntw Orle ans oali of the I'.'tli iu.t. have becu recti ved. j No mail atranur would lt-avt New Orleans for New York during the week following lli I'.Mll iuat., but Ihu mail lr the South and L-al would In forwarded by each regu lar alesinrr. Tha T ims Ik-lla claims to have poailiv information that lha rt-lls und.r link Ta lor, kit Alflainlrla thru waeka aiucu br Klthmolid, sod si lha liool a lately undi( biui svltt HOW miuU.aii.Ld by tivli. k r. Il is h Ullrf al AUiaa.lria llml Taylor, bo ba Ik-vh latrl) Uia-tv l.hul. luacial, hoM to ls aaalifiw.l In lliei Coll.l.ial.d nf lt.u riS'tufrt, au Ian Ihu f atullvt rf lk IUUI liana Mlaiaip'i I'tpailiiu at, iu pi.' if lu U ,IK7 M I'Tllil Ibrvw lllillH'l ll,a(JJ I'tvia 1 1, s llsi.Ct liio'e'tt 1 1 U W A!l! ASSUCI A T i V N lMHL.M'rl.rillA, l'A 1 D.rroi oi'llic i-neiu, Menu. I i-iiiai'V itiid r-aniil !n i ! u. w and 1. liable trpstii.e tit in rr.irti uf ilm I Altl ASSOCIATION ut by u.ail :n re .lc i I TBTtlopt. fre '!' e'lwrsr. A-l4r- lr. J " 1 l.l.N ll'iliiHlUN, ilui.r.l Afvirialun, ; S.uih N'iuib Sirpe-t. l'biiuda'jbia, 1' I July 11. isi't ly i SHERIFFS SALES. BY tirtur uf pprlain svrits of Veil Kip. uf ih Coun uf e'.'roumii I'loaa ut V.rtb' I land c.iuniy. an I to ma dir."'.fd. wll cxi 1 public islifl at the C'uiirl IKu..-, iu th- l-r j Mu.barT. mi Mi'M'A V. tl." 1M 'lay "f At'1 ' laSI. at I u 'clock, 1'. M , ibc fv'.lowu. di. I real iMaic, to wit : I A cirlaii. ta!f l.d or Atr of ground, r.'iml ! tbeTUfral plan ef fthauiukinlowii, aib't N" j I.U'ck Nu. liiuaio in tba t.'wn .'1 .-ii: I Nuribuuiberland cnuniy, pa., tuuli-l mi lb. I by Sunbury ilrarl, u lha wall by Kraukliu ' on lha Moid! by laiue bit and ' tl.s tut by I ' u?. in lauia blu'-k. vohtaaiui ia width 'is; ! ! ia Infill VUl l.ci, wbru r er.'l4 a i ! frama tiwt Uiu bouiv, u.all frauia kitcb.ii. X j Smi d, tukau nit" Tiicutiou aud to b '..! I prupariy of A. 11 Al.luad.r. j ALSO : ' Two earlaia loll or piee-o of itroLB I. i'uu. say that 18 insane winner, we re j k.wu of IraTuriua. iu tba Cum.tyof .Nuric...... 11 -n . .. .. 000 I aud S.t ol 1'tnuiTlTauia. kuuau ai.i .1 JU wounded. 1 nere were -.u , , r.i,a,..,i ani.1 Leu. al 1U ' Ni'i. let aud 1'.. and ou which aru tri-vlad ilury frame buui with baaviutut. fiama belied, lakcu into ncculi u aud I" be ': i-r-'iiiij of ti. 1 Cjuillitch Vv 11.1.1AM M WKAVbll S red at nnarter ol U o clock tin iiioriiin The building was supported by two im mense arches, which gave way. i'.ie silling room was tilled with children. S-iiteeii bodies have been already tivke-n out. feliuiuoUlM t'onl Trader. PBaUOSI, July IS. HM. t ayi'. I u l eat for wk aadia Jul 1. I'm leal rapurt, To iaiullai laae year, l.7w i: lM.ZsA vi It U,3Jrt II 1 ,'.' UJ of ihu capital ut tha I'ultcd Hub U uiA. A daring ud litar.louvlHrditiou, wliie'U prova.l quil succe aaful, was undrrlakrn by lapt fuelling of the lulled (MstiS Nvy, ia lh vie initjr ol Wiluiiuiiti.n, N. C, on h Itih till , in cutter nh only aiittwa n, IU ran ahr, ronrvaUd hi nin by clay, and lnit rtular icirinolanw of tli sul urU if H lluiliiKtoa. IU aplursi a Courier wttn vabui'l mail, look ral 0el spplbui u ualaiAls lit gall.ns I k. which ks.lld l Kail'V fuiiik. 1 ! Ivini , I', Tib Ili.i STBtTta russaotofiir il Jorasak r July ol tl b.jmi llk a di'UUic No. U-'W ready. eiaining Pol Irani, (karaolar a ad tlior. Tkitldf leading avan livu.a alid doa.l. aaek llo- neS, kd'cdi. Wad.auiib, Uawiboin, Murr.llo, I'raeKlrnl ol loluaibla. M A , lha I'.H'S Cjladialoi, 11k I'oiliaiia, Cbaraeiaii, aud pii.rdiu Alto, kihu.d. T. or Ibe llai-aa I'kydoltiay, Iks Laae of Ida aad llnahb i'biouolo'.!. uk cbu.ee .(pur auii rkytO(ioaj)y. a iu ad l kaiaaiei " I'lyckalofy, eta asjiaca tt lb feuul. aod aiuek iker aiaiia u kw Iouo4 ia aa wikat potliaaii.-a l it a kao-taainal llluaiiaeast BMIblf. llk fcioe'y S aoluaiai ai nek rea4iaf aiauar. Seatma h- II. B-.U al tu aatjU. at II rr, ki UW. LtH M ILL, .No Ja b.U.y, Niw Vo.k i:u: aaii i:tii.M. j iiui M V iViuiil fcd Alain, fi.iiy LH-a. Ilaliaavt la Bo torfete4 l A- U '" ol 1'kilaUelpk.s ke pnauw (0 cl I ukdMW)l tk 1 1 1 aad k th ;! U aji.Midalif ueaiel at I aaiad. if laiaU fs An.we-al I.' u-aerivsl w.ik aal bas h t -.N.4af( M fi,iIWB. Tka Ve4wl if e ' m, a ts Ml.ll k ia) tU.I uh avi .' I FLrriS 1 Oibc, fuubuiy, July 16. Is'.i JACOB IIARLKY. (Shtnior 10 S I M fc ' V It ' ' No. 823 MAKkr.T Strtl, J'HILAl'l l DKALill in Ili a dull and Silver WA r.ue..lJJ.v 1 LKV. SdidMLVHl audlbebeal o 1L LKd'LATl W A II iiai.lly 011 bai.d a !uikt aa,..liluo..l ul ll ' al Bt low pficrt A alcl.oa aud I'lta Clock r., ird I aoiku.ru; a!ao, Jrwrlry rpa.riUi . 1 1 all ku.de ot lU.r.wvik to oidrr. al ' '- i r lion'l f..rgl lb old alaaJ. N-' ciJ U.ei I'biladelpl-i A pill , look - aia JETTZR OF ADVICE TOR J riVf ANATOMICAL fViH-'NI II w laf s-tral.ou kaM kefur .M.l.a.l foul rail iu aeeJed aurtb.p 6 AU,m lr sTAN' D No l.o.J Nw July I l .Millir'a 'll - N'OTIi r. u b.ieby tB Ik'k Al.i.r kpi-io.TM 17 Ik "i ,sTuiiki4Ui 'iat J I -oi-'T I" J e-iO-o" i .be Bead el I b.M aJW"C ll.e...!. Iie ol W aiklH-i. p. " 1.. aal ao.oi.- iua !.. tyf ,.o.. HI -u4 aw !. 4'' ' u.o . al -' I1 7 nj 'k d iy- . -m !.. i ." -'.''jjrr.V'. 1 a VJ M k -11 IN I 1 I ! r '..-.' ' I r.,1. I ' I
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