NAPONIll K It . OR CONCENTRATED LYE - FAMILY SOAP MAKER. WAR makes high price ; BnpnniHor helps to reduce them. It make fckiiip for four cents a pound by using your kitchen grease. IP CAPTION ! A timrmna Ires sro'orTefert also, be careful and only buy the Patented nrticls put up in Iron cans, all other being Counterfeit. PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. rhl1delphiaNo 127Wlnnt Street, Pittshnrg l'ilt Street ami Duqucsne Way. November 21. :iii 18G3. 18G3. FRIL1NG & GRANT AT THE MAMMOTH STORE, "yTOt'LD respectfully announce that they Lave Just received end opi ncd a very f-rgo an J mil selec ted Stock iT GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they are willing to disposed! nt a VERY j SMALL ADVANCE ON ' i rirxt it. . n I ous stock is colip;lete! A1SD EMRHACES EVEHYTHIXO GIVE XT 3 A CALL. Thankful for ?nh favor we hope to nice! a cm tinunnco of the same by still selling Goods as cheap If not ClIKAl'FIi cue Lo purchased else, where. ri'.ILINO A GRANT. Funbnry. Mny 2.1. 1P1. II. It. .'IASSI-.K, Attorney nt I,ntv. Fl'XIJVRY, FA. Collections aticijilcd to in the counties of Nor thumberland. I'r.ion, Suydcr, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. nrKrnrxcita. Hon. John M. Tec I, Phikdc! hia, A. G. Oi.ttcll A Co., Hon. Win. A. Porter. " Morton Mi-Michael, " F:. Krtcham A Co.. 2.-si Fer.rl Strec!, New York. John W. Ashnteail. Allornty at Law, " Mutlhev? A IVs. Attonva nt L.v.v, Fmibnry, Match 2V, leas. zii'irivV" iiotz'iT, U.irri !ur?, Pa. rpnT manrKrement of this well-known Hutd bay JL in been returned by Mests. COYLK A HER I!, the present proprietors, Sett lenve to inform the pnl li j thit the hou-e h now In in? thoroughly renovated, refitted, and Improved, with a iew to the proper and comfortable acoomraoilali"n of thosowho rimy favor the establishment with their custom, Guests will receive, due attention and conrtcsy, and no cxperu will bo spared tlmt. mny conduce, to maintain hotel in tl tirst-e's-s style. Families and others depirin? to sojourn i?t Harris burg during the summer months, will find pleasant boarding and lnrc nrd well-ventilated rooms a', our establishment, upon moderate fortes. SCOTT covet. March 10, lSi-,2. J. GILBERT IIERR. Vitill t'niirr-IOOO river., OF WALL PAPER OF EVERY DESIRABLE STYLES AM) PATTERNS. JUST reeive.l direct from tho MuEufnc'uror, at I the MAMMOTH SIORK of i 1 iULINtl A GRANT. Sunhury, March 15 ISfiJ KSAssHut'? i 'i f :t b'its: ?ia.. I 'rv. fke:z:zi:i; ! A Ti!;prV3l f r iX-9 an t l's'0, Dy E. KETCHA3I & CO.. 2'-9 Pcari tt., New York. frWIE only Free rer corstructed on ri?ien!ific prin L clplc.J. v ilii a revoKin? can iind spring blade P'?rapor. The one haten?tii" frec7.r;cl' tho creaui--the other remove- it a3 fa.-t pj frozen. The nioi-t rapid in freezii.r, with the least quantity cf i:o. The if! cc.-.rr.niieal in co, as it is Use most simple and iliiril1!'.' in h.rueture. ' For salo in all tho piiucipal cities and towns in tho I'nk.n. Eni'h Freezer accompanied wi'Ji a book of recipes and full direct ioi:a. ' IT.K'Di. 3 ntt-.rt., J1 ft) 4 ouart", 4 HI ft otiarN, 6 f') 8 uuart.i, 6 fl) I t quMtJ, K Cl) 2i) quarts, 12 00 to II. R. MASSLR, Sunbury, Pa. March Sl, Um-2. T A.G OB"0."bB Oil , MERCHANT TAILOR, Mnrhel Street, nenrly o:oito t!io Ittiil lloml Itrjtol, R U N B T7 B -V , PA., INFORMS tin citizei" of t'unl.ury mid vicinity, that ho has jiod returned from fhiiadolphiu witiia full assortment of F.lMi A.I Vi'IAaT.JX ;, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND QUALITY. His stock consists of Cloths. Prereh Cloths. Flack Doe Skin and I'aney 1'n-viieerf s. IJIaeit S itin, Kiured l-ilks. Plain and Fancy Caj-'inn ni E.iTINliS. whieh be will make up to order in styles to suit tho taite ef customers, on abort notice, and the luost rea.-iii.lle terms. Any (io"d not on hand, will ha f.iri.Uie 1 from Philadelphia, hy (riving to di.'s r..' tioe. Ooods t'urni.iied by eiutt'luera will bu tuudo up to order as heretofore. As be ill en. ploy nor hot experienced workmen, Eei!.or.i may rely on getting their Boik weil dune at ik hM. Thankful f-.r the patronage herctof. re bestowed, he re.-t cetfully s,.lieits a coniinuaucoof the iuie. Suubury, Kij l. PJ, wij, i500T"s""ANl) 'SHOES, Tt'ST received fr' m New York an I Philadelj hia, a freh -u(.il v of the latest style ai d ot the hi quality, w,hieh La Las hu 1 niado up In order, and tenrrtintcd to e pMd saiitinetion. 11..-htx madt arraneu:entj in tin- city In hutu his le-i irk ma lu to order, ahieh eau hu had at all liu. it not ou hand thiy Ul l roomed at rea..iml.lo r,tiee. lUnnlhi tui .lii ol iiUtVi.'i aud SlliLi of all kinds as UfU'il. I ul al l.ole-al lltiois atd Shoes hy li s .-.. Call and etaniinn titoru purelnuioi; tlnraheie and .ii-ly yo(iiidts. Tlisnlt' j! f-ir patrotiai'e heretofore b,.ijwd. he tripe, n'nilv wlieiij a outiiiuam of the Mine. Sb p and Mini' n om, thne doors it ol the Rail Koad iu .Mutkrl Siitiare. 1 WM. II MILLER. funbury, Stpt p, w r VS'TVI' Initnidlatily, Jo'ir Sho .maker. ltna tioift. tjisKi stjjvi ui . NEW FANCY STOItE. " H AN INit jo-1 tfiutm I ,'t. m 1 l.ilu l'; hate ion i'i.u ,i ij pi iy ( 'I rLMuluia mitt 1'nni-) trihlis, ai hi-r t.rn iu lb r. . u, a i.ii iitr it ri -oil fee f( ttB. J'.ImI-, i M I. , 4 , I ftul.tlj, I'tt. II,r aii.1, i'4iii it, ii iii Li-Um ' 'i'tiiuiiiiiys 6r Dm I r.i - Jstii i. i 1 1 , ii i4t,r:,., ll..l.lke..l.4.-. I.!,.J, r ui .1 I ,.!). II n.. t l..ii. i, !..,, fib..rt, Um.Ii.1 a. a . 1 1 ... .... , , .1. Ilill.S l.MM4. j.lltl. ,. Iklli.lii l...,tf, t ill. . bl ). tiiui, .,.Wu r...i. I. thi. ... U Uil. 4, J, . ,.i .f , u4 bnuelunl ibl bllivti, ell 1. 1 abi I. kill, ,,! I l Uia I. .at. I ).!.. I fcsi 1 I. i I . I. k p ! I., ..,, bkui., tt .i. i . j.. r 1.4 . i. 1 1 .i: to b. I . ui.i K. .,(..,, It.-, k r. w ..iu.( tu... , i,t . .l jr .1 l 4's. blk !..,.. Uvl. taib Munltimlj 14 .lu l a kit. Ilu4 . (.t t.ui lur 4Uw llslikl, ut IOili soluble f t t' )'.sl b W Tb.. k, U Ail..t l'"tlut.bui, l iK' llsM i'lbt, 4m AIm bu liHt! aaMl sm 4 t -4 floe iafc"!) b-i . K V I l.KlKVrt t ir, i t) if A I nt-R A amort men t of I EVANS A , WATSON'S , SALAMANDER SAFES. GREAT FIRE AT READING, FA. February 12, 1So2. OraTi-ntteri It glfn ma mneh satisfaction to Inform Vou tlial In the severe fire which, on the morning" of the 4th Inst., entirely destroyed all my aloe k and materials, -I had oneof your Salamander Kire Proof Sufo. After enduring an intense red hcBt for seven hours, the Safe una opened, and the Books and Paper were preserved in an umbleinijhed condition.. 1 shall need another Safe aa soon aal get in order. Yours, most resprotfnlly, . W. P. DICKINSON, Reading, Pa, FIRE AT ORE EN CASTLE. CtiAMBEnaauRO, franklin county, Ta., I August Mist, IKfll. J Mots. Evans .1 Watsox, Philadelphia Gentle men : Oil the morning of the 22d of August, 1H(U, our Ftorehonse at Urecncastle was destroyed by lire. 1 lie f tUamnnder Safo we purchased from yon some few years since was In tho above nientihned atore lions'e. and contained all our hooks, papers, cash. Sc. which wcro preserved in n perfect condition, after b' ing exposed to a moat intense heat for several hours. Plea-e infoim us upon what terms you will icll ua another litrffcr S'afe. Vours truly, OAKS AUSTIN. PalMinuiifier r-afes, fl r Ranks, Stores, l'rivato Fasullii'S, Ac. Ac. A No. F.van A AValaon'a Patent All 1 -nbetieal Ent.k l,ocl.'-nnd llnnk Vault lloora, cioul to any made in the country, and sold on na C''d tern""." 1' A AV. would respectfully re tor to th.i iiiili.nii'tr lienk and ether parties, having their Safes ami I.oeks now in use. t i lliiir intiro satitfac t"!ipd mai'V Mhers given a: their Stora. I'm 1 1 n Sr itks Mim, I'.nineh Hank, thclbyvillo Philiidxlnl.iu. 'J'enne-wc. I'M rrn Statks Anit!.SAI..City Tank of Philadelphia. I uiiiorim. PoL'stown Usnk. Pa. Co itesviiie J'ai'k. l'a. fciroud.-l'iiri 1'iiiik. P'l. Jerrey Siinro Hank, Pa. I.okilavtn Unnk. Pa. I'i.ion lJiink. Ealtin.ore. Coiwoli dation Il k of Plain. Cmii"lh Rank of Phila. ( hatinuoga Rank, Tcnn. lTe m Loan Aa on. Uh at. , Rank of'Nortliuml crland. Livk i f North'n Liberties, j Philadelphia. .oiitbwestei ii Itf.Lk of '. I'tihon llnnk. Alieiitn.Ga. cv.aik Pal k. Ud Puttl and tanktrn, A In ham a. W.ii. KUTRnsAYnkcb' linr.k ol'N. ('.. lla'.r'ch. Lewi.-bur Dank. Pa C.btr tf reiiee -iveii iincn cr.lliiiz (Jour Store, No. lti S. Fouiih Street, Philadelphia. tcpi. a, imjj. ty NOUTHIMRERLAND, PENNSYLVANIA. ( ,i I'n'Jgr.) riIIE subvriler having leased thin well known .1 Tavern Stand, lately kept by Mrs. C. S. Drown, respectfully tpfonus thu public I Utit be is reiitting atid repairing tho premi-cs, mid will bo prepared to en tertain, in a comfortable manner, his numerous friends throughout tho ror.uty, and all who may patri.nie hi "tnbllihuici.t. - Avrill2, 1S0J. JOSEPH VANKIRK. VSATZPb'S HOTEL, Corner Fnwn and Market Streets. xa Tim :k; ia. rpHE unden-itmed respectfully informs the public. L that ho has taken charge of tho above named Hotel, and aska for tho continuauco of the former pationngo aud would invite all others to give Liui a call. HIS TABLE ii always supplied with the best tho market affords. lib, liar mutants the choicest liquors, aud his Rtab iiiu ij good and well attended by careful t'tlers. MICHAEL W1LVE1U'. t'unbury. May 3rt, I SCI. A Fir-t Class FarnitrV Magazino for Pebuylvania. I 01. I hc IVmisiy Ivnitiu, (1 FARJIElt ASD GAUDENElt, Dcvottd to Agricultural, Horticulture, und Rural Atl'airs. E 'lited and Published by W1VI. s.-sroTjosro Se CO, f.' North Sixih Street, Philadelphia. 1ERMS : ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. The SUtli Volumo commences with January No. Havim; obtainol the services of eminent and prac tical Apneulturists, Horticulturists, Stock Rrecdcrs and Dee-Keepers, wc confidently offer the Current Volume as and of the best ever sssued. for originulsty, practical ihoucht and reliable information. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN. J;inunry 2.'1 I8il. For the Fruit, Flower and Kitchen Garden. i-dt 'ii! i: GABDENER'S MONTHLY, W. U. P. DIUNCKLOE, Publisher, OtT.oe : 23 North Sixth Street. Philadelphia. TLUMS ?1 50 A YEAR. Edited hy Thomas Mkeha!. 3ho Muuthly Contents Aro : Hints Flower Garden and rioaiure-Ground ; Fruit Gulden ; Vcclublo Garden ; Window Garden ic. i Commnnication? Embracint; tho view' of the be-t writers on Horticulture, Arhoiiculturc, tt Rural Afi'nirs. Editorial Giving the Editor's views on the iiu po. tMii Hurticultural Improvements. oeni's nun vuoi il-m ew x' i 0110 t. it i'wiiii?. roniestin and Foreign Intelli'reno Foac'mn Cor respondence Ilnrtlculturul Notices. V.'itu ca,ch Departuicut handsomely illuslrateal. Thc?o general feaiureswill bo retained, and the publisher pledges hiuicelf that nu labor or expense hull bo tpardd to render the succeeding issues of the Migaiino every way worthy of the favor with which hi'.j fret ious clkirts havo been apply rewarded, FEND FOR A SPECIMEN. January 23 IS. I. Consumptive sufferers will rcoeivo prrweription for the euro of Conuinition, Asthma, lipinchilis. and all Throat and l.ung alfcetions, ifree of charge,) by semi-in-- their adurc.- k to Rev. E. A. WILSON, illiamsouru.h. January 21. I?l It Kings Co., New York. vi s: voi is 'i 'H for la n. Ihe BEST aud CHEAPEST Household REMEDY in thu World. 3Itlamo 11 A I KM I'tpRTIIR'S GREAT COUGH REMEDY Mapame ZADOC I'OR. TEll A Curative llalsuin Is warranted if mod it-' cording to tho directions, to euro in all cases t'ou l a. Colds. Whooping Cunh, AslhuiA. and all aRei'tmus of tho Throat and l.un-s. Madatuo Zadoo Porter's pil.-aiu is prepared tilth all the requisito care and skill, from a eomhinuti'iii of the best remediiHi ii:e vegetable kingdom alt'orda it, .euie ifuitiilie are based on itspuwerto ass'st the healthy and vignrious circulation of the blood, blujd. thru' the Lung'. It U not a tliiletit remedy, but omoiieiit warming, ftenri'Uin and (-rii-ctive ; ran be taken by the el.i pemiii or youngest child. Madau.u Hul-aui has the public lor and bus ai'iiuirrd scut sale simply by Udog rtv.,ini,.eiii..l by i mil or,, u.e.i it to ih. ir ulllieled lilon U and ol her M..r liorv.-M:il,iea.bHPi.tier .fui. li.e I iSiiiii. r.l a pri.-u liieh blinds it initio i ' "' " " " be i keep ii eo n, in, ni f.,r u.e. 'I he t i t.y o.aofu ..Lgiu i,lu -lU ,ut unlj : i turee ila-t. , N'Jl It 1 .-. ute yoi.r M..i i) Do not b pi b d i. 1 un bj... am -I. . .1 4, i,,f w l.i.-li i,. u..r r..ts 1 Iiii ll. t.ilets el a IJ 11 ol :.,ti.-,.r . I I fi.raliie lUlt-iu,. ll.e ,,., f hiai.uracluriiu nliieh is . U' l as lln.l uf :i.. ai v ihor tit le e.n; s miI , ,,.. ni ,!'..), j, j, ,, J pn.ul In li s uli 1 si.i.lly tuisll. so I 1 I Ull f.blM lid iil. r- Mill .U..,.l.o. leeoli bidli t e in r tot li. ifo- ua a hi. U il.eir r-at, ro lartr. bi i li I1, eu-it ii.i r, llsll ki.'b Itl.i4 Mn.l.iine Piif. ' i.rsi I 1.11 olio t . Aa ..s tf diu Purii-r' t'u- f-u 1 Jiis.u.. pru' I J rtuls, mo I in Imtf hutilt at : ! . , e ,.,. t( 4 bu i yo uabttut g. at I 1 fi i. i ,tt.u 1 b t ait-lb. t. ! 1 -...01 l.y s.i Diiiirnui aal ai . ptn at II st., s.i.J 10 l.t4tr l-"lll-al sis II tl.L 4 lit t a. Lis. stopf Ifutre, Ja .uary HI, -i.J ly ,V I.DWKIU WHAHf, MUNHUMV, FA. IK'I FKAI X AM' Iii.! til. II. tl IIU i iWHITJJ A S II COAL, iu si sedsiy, 01 ..i. w ( ! blvM-plbSJ bbl ' a.bLMiy, Ms 14. Iij - Is l.tK ifaistivsMt febsx) losil .4 tl.ak lwH.s... It.4,4,. I ibM. aMSbtvs.M. 4 . at 'if set. ls isbli li.iii.ti " WE KNOCHB. SS MARKET STREET, HARRISBCRQ, PA., . Healer In ' P I AN OS. NEW Rosewood Pianoe, from the beat maker from $2fl0 upwards. MELODKONS. The beat manufactured Instru menta, from $45 to 1 100. Guitars, Violins, Aocordconi. Flutei, Fifes, Hruma. Banjoa, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and musical mor ehandiie in general. SHEET Ml'RIC. The latest publications atwaya on hand. Music lent by mall to anv part of the country. OVAL, BQL'ARE, GILT AND ROSEWOOD , FXlAIwXES.I Suitable for looking gluasea, and all kind of picture! always on band. A fino assortment of best plated LOOKING GLASSES from smallest to largest aires Any style of frame mado to order at tho shortest notice. WM. KNOC1IK, .April 11, IBM. 9.1 Market st., llarrisbuig. Northern Central ItJiilw.iy ! Hl'l'li:it TI.TII) TABtlEI. TWO TRAINS DALY to and from tho North and West llfanch Snsqnchanna, Elmira,and all of North ern Now York . OV and after MONDAY. APRIL loth. ISM, tho Passenger Trains of tho Northern Central 1 Railway will arrive nt and depart tim Sunbury, llarrisuurg ami unltimorc astuilows, u : S O V T U W A IX D . Mail Train leaves Snnbury daily (except Sunday). 10 10 A. M. " leaves tfnrrislmr?. 1 15 P. M. " arrives at Raltiinore, & Si " E.tprcfs Train leaves Snnbury daily (except Sunday.) 1107 P.M. " leaves Hnrriikuri: (except Monday.) , 2 00 A.M. I ' arrives ut Raltimore daily ! (csovpt Monday). 6 15 A.M. ! Ilnrris'mrg Accomiiiodution loaves Ilarns- tur C 30 A. M. NORTHWARD. Moil Train leaves Raltimore daily (ot. cepl nilay) I " leaves llnrrisburg I ' arrives at Sunburv, 9 15 A. M. 1 15 P. M 4 5 " V 15 P. M 1 35 A M. 5 P0 A.M. Express Train leaves Raltimore daily " arrives at llarribhiirg. " leaves llanisburg (except Monday), ' arrives at Sunburv. 6 US For further information apply at the Otliec I. N. Di HARRY. Supt Idukiittiiniia A lllooinsiburg; Itutl. l-OSKI. 0: N and after November 17, 1SC2, rasrenger Trains will run as follows : MOVING SOUTH. Frrieht If 10.15 a: M 11. 40 P.M. .'t..tV!.Jtrer. Leave Scranton, R.tul A.' M. " Kingston, 9.20 " Rupert. 11. SO Iianville. 12.05 Arrive at Northumberland, U' .15 P. M. MOVING NORTH. Leave Northumberland, 5.20 P. M Iianville, C.M0 " Rupert, 6.H5 " Kingston, P. 15 Leave, 1.15 P.M. Arrive at Serant.m, 10.00 P. M. 3.40 A I'ufsenger Train also leaves Kingston at fl.Ott A. M., for Sernntitn, to connect witli n train i'nr New York. Returning, leaves Scranton on arrival of train from New Yoik, nt 4 15 P. M. Iho Lackawanna A Rbsmisburg Railroad connects with the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail road nt Sruuton, lor New York aud intermediate points east. At Rupert It connects with tho Cattawisaa Rail road, for points both east and west arriving at Phil adelphia atC. 15 P, M. At Northumberland it connects with the Philadel phia A Erio Railroad and Northern Central Rail road, for poiut west and south Passengers arriving at Harrishurg 4.50 P. M.; Philadelphia 10 r. M.J and Daltimoro 10.20 P. M. Tho Freight and Passengers Train north, leaves Northumberland at fi.4 5 A M., and arrives at 0.20 P M., pa..-ing Danville at H.2H P. M. ,HIIX P. ILSLEY, J-up't. J. C. Wei.T.. General Ticket Agent. Nov. 20, 1-W2. 'l'o .stviiih KiiilVr'rM of liotli 14'x-h. A REVEREND GENTLEMAN having been re Stored to beiiPh iu a few days, after undergoing all the usual routine and irregular expensive mode of treatment, without success, considers it his sacred duty to communicate to his afflicted follow creatures tho mkaxm ok rrnii. Hence, on tho roccipt of an addressed euvelopo, he will solid (free) a copy of the prcscrptiou used. Direct to Du. JOHN M. DAGNALL, 18 Fultou Street. Brooklyn, N Y. January 24. lMj'l. J'OHN 33. BMICK, Fnwn Strreet, opjositc Weaver's Hotel, BUJJBUHY, Norlhuniberlnnd Co., Fa., TNFORMShis friends and the public generally, tfiat be htiis taken tho Shop of Jacob S. Rake, dee'd., and is prepared to do all kir ds of TAILOR IN'ti in a good workmanliko manner. Thu patron age ol the public is respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May 10, loii;t. ly JUST HEADY, NEW STYLES OF JEWELRY. AN opportunity not to be lost sight of. Rare chance for Agents. Ladies as well as Gents can act aa A gents. Apply early uud secure the agency for your locality. 100,000 WATCHES', VEST CJIAIXS, LOCKETS, EJXCF, (!(t.T) rEXS AXI VEXCILF, 111! A CEIjE 7', .1TVVS. JiUTTO.M-; AECK C1IA .V $i:TS OF JEW. EEm; Ac. A To be sold for tI each, and not to be paid for until you know what yon are to get. Send 25 cents fi.r Certificate, teliing you what vuu can have, villi I a circular, giving lull particulars to Agouti". Perfect cuusi.ici ion guuiuiueeu iu an cusei. Addres,', S. M. WARD A CO.. 2C3 Broadway. Box 4,b76. Mareh 211 S.U. 1 y FAMILY iSVe COLOHS. Pla.k. Magenta, MariMin, range, ink. Purple, Itoyal Purple. : Dark IV 11 ii. j Light iiiue, French Blue, ! Carol Brown, Dark Brown, 1 Light Crown, Snutf Brown, I Crimson. ' Dark Drab. ' Light Drub, 1 Daik Green, I Light Ore 1 11, Salmon, Scarlet, Slate. Sdferino, Violet, Yellow. For Dying Silk, Woolen nod Mixed Goods, Shswls, Scail's, Dr -., ltibl on., Gb.t es, Bouuetn. Hat, Feathers, hid liluve. Cliildrm ( hilliin, and all kiuda of U'vsring Appsrol. A NavliiK ol"M l r 4 sal. . For 25 rents you can color as many goods as would otherwise five lime, thul turn. Various shade can be produced tioiu the same Dye with btilcct sue ceisi iiireetions in rngluh, French and German, Inside : ui eaell ieagt. j Forl'i riher information In Dying, ami gltinga I porliel kiii.aledg.j ahul e,.or aie be,t adapted to j ilMioter others, laitU iiuy tuluabl teeipv..) pur thuso 1 l''"!'n "" tit Slepbius' 'liealiseou Dyeing and Co- 1.1111. ni-iii vr uiia ua ro'i'ii'i 01 puce luv'fbla. .Mi.nuf telurid by nU E STEVI .S, 2lii Broad y, F.isluo Fur ml hy Drujlsts n J lHalrs jfrberally. Sept. .'I, itt.a.-om kiiO iJIZiHT PIANOU, oso j .M. Ill I klill, 1 llatlnt ru.oved lu bis i t W re-Hea.s, ! I J Wsr lloi tios Siastr, Nsw Voai. Tskr rieat 1 l.iiuuie In t.llinaT lb alUaliusi bf the pufho lu hi Nta nd full tsl I 4kls 1 liiLitOt'D 1 I-1NM fOll'l (-.), . l'ubLuiiib4 all ihc auudeia linn,eaitul: Otsr- situnn Bsss, rrsbrh, lia i'WI, bd i lull iioa (taiue, flow wA t OflttU, T H It'iotnesiD I'U.Nui, Fsf Ibish, fiuw MltS la stltXn. I Til suertss (l.b4lbf H iHttkes't Ks Steel I'lelm t ulles IS, u tlsuil, stlAolvbt SbtUab. I it tut lb. if ebpeiutit) Ib.y stU is4 to fee ) ha4 lei kMiue 'ssusiIm. I I I I.MAM. 1'l.thH lutlU. 1 iFu attbib lbs Piu JMuiJai ll4 at Ike 'aal Awi'lb ,M Ibslllbl S u I bs bJ ultt lu tl twit m Hb.ksl Ub L tua.J asJ ksulul IMItlLIb I lu.Sa. Ml.bk ihtnw Use f list I'iim Ml bl lwl suj likt aissj 4 lis Iwi taw, as tmm msIm at lb. tuoMib Urn ub..., Isiiiss fiua Sltwl su aA I 1bt-MJ - 1 - - ' L..d blt lw,,l.(USg IWWrHUISl ttsltt ' All lilM ISilLSHSKbS MUSUitt b. L. M.J. ul ,,ij WMs4 ,ssbsis, tu4 t4 us U bs4 I 'b li Ium,m auJ as ' '- ia.ii-1 bs ...1. ib. Itus tass a.sslua bt-su.a 1 ?t !- - tb (Cm -fr tV DR SWEET'S INFALLIBLE L IN I M E NT, THE GREAT REMFEY Fur 1'hfvmatiim, Govt, ytitrfiJyin, I.vmlng StiJt'uVrck twd Joint t, Hjtruiii, Hruinct, L'vtuthd M'ovut, l'ih. lltadache, and all Lheiimatic, nnd AVrrtiu lHsordcrt. For all of which is a speedy and certain remedy, and never fails. This Liniuicnt is prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous bone settor, and has been used iu the practico for more than twenty years w ith the most aatnuishing success. As an Alleviator of Pain, it is unrivaled hy any preparation brlore the public, of which thu most skeptical may be continent tiy a single trial. This Liniment will cure rupidly. and radically Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thousands of cases n here it has been used it has nover been known to tail. For Neuralgia, it will afford immediate relief in every case, however distressing. It will relieve the worst cases of Headache iu thrco minutes, and is warranted to do it. Toothache also will it euro instantly. For Nervous Uebilily and General Lassitude, ari sing from imprudence or excess, this Liniuicnt is a must happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and rrvivi es the system, and restores it lo elasticity and vigor. For Piles, as an external remedy, wo claim that it is the beat knoan, and we challengu the world to produoe un equal. Every victim uf thi distressing complaint should give it a trial, for it will cot fail to aliord immediate relief, and in a majority of cases will i fleet a radical rcu Wuiney and Soro Throat are sometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely application ol this Liniment will never fail to cure. Sprains are sometimes very obstinate, and enlarge ment of the joint is liable to occur if neglected. The worst case may be conquered by this Liniment in two or three days. Druises, Cuts, t ound, Fores, Ulcers, Burns and Scalds, yield readily to the wonderful healing pro perties of l'r. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, vwicu used according to directions. Also, Chilblains Frost ed Feet, aud Insect Rites and Sting. PR STEPEHEN SWEET the Great Natural Bono Setter. f CoDUHticut I DH 8TEPHEN SWEET.' is known all over tho United States. Connecticut DH. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, is the author of "Dr Sweet s lu'nMiblu Lioi-unit." Dr. Bweet's InfaliibltC Liniment Cures Rheumatism, and never fails. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cure Burns and Scalds Immediately. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniuicnt Is the best known remedy for Sprains aud Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment A fiords immediate reliif fur Piles, and seldom fail to cure. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Toothache iu one minute. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cure Cut and Wounds immediately rnd lTes no sear. Dr. S-.vcet's Infallible Liniment Is tLe best remedy for Sojes in the known world. Dr Sweet's InfnlliaJ Liniment Has been in uso by more than a million people, and all praise it. Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Taken internally cures Colic and Cholera Morbus. Dr Sweet' Infallible Liniment Is truly a "frieud iu need," and every family should have it band. Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 25 and iO vents. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, a an external remedy, is without a rital. and will alleviate rain more speedily than any other props- Jor all Pheuniaiio and Nervous Disorders i it is truly infallible, and as a cuiailve for Sores, Wouuds, Sprains, ltruise. Ac, its southing, healing and powerful strengthening properties, excite ihe just aouder aud sstoiiishuieiil of all who bate ever given ila triul. Over one thousand certificate uf remaikable cures, performed by. il wilhiu the last two year, attest the fact. TO HORSE OWNERS ! I'R. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR HORSES U unrivaled hy any, and iu all case of LauirucM arising hum Snraiii., Bruise or Wrench ing, itteffucl is magical and certain. Harness or bad.lle Galls. Sorutcbc. Mange, Ac, il will also cure speedily. .Tp in and Kingl-one may be easily pre vented and cured iu their iiicipieut stages, but eon filmed ease are beyoud the isibilily of a radical euro. Nu case of lue kind, however, i u de.K'rate or bora lee. but it may be allvtialcd by this Liui luent, and i's fuithlul applicaliou will !) remove Ihe l.smeni-s, aud enable Ihe hurso lu liatel with com pai at i v e ease . EVEKV UOEfii: OWX Ell should have Ihi remedy at hand, for it timely use al the filsl appuaianr of l.amebvs will ruectually pretenl thus formidable diseases, Ui which all bor ic are liable, aud whieh rvudrr so many other aise taluabl bursoi ntauly wuilblc. DR SWEET'S Inalliblo Liniment. IS l UK SOLDIER'S rilXCD, AaJ UiuwsastJs has kuui II liuljr tSHlUst. Teastsbl labaitb. eLssrse Ike flitiMe sad l-ihssue bf 1 1 M.) bs I uiii iab.1. a4 baa ' Mtpkst) .) UuUlibl 1-u.iu.iM.t ' bivaa In ih ! Utlie, eubuvl bb.i bMs Mt S.bblb. Ju HUUAklwM . ru.. ,i p.. iii.bjs, S'usaik, fi MoKtlAM 4 Al lk tisb4 A.b,. eiUlawiM, t (b-U it all 4btli esivkes hlws. l, e - l LOOK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A REEUOK FROM QUACK KRY TIIE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CVBE CAM BE OBTAINED. , DR. JOHNSTON has discovered the most Certain, Speedy and only Effectual Remedy In the World for all Private Diseases, Weakness nf'the Back nr Limbs, Strictures, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder. Involuntary Discharges, Impntency, Gene ral Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of tho Heart, Timidity, Tremblings. Dimness of Sight or Giddiness. Disease of the Head. Throat, Nose or skin. Affections of the Liver. Lunrn, Stomach or Rowels those Terri ble Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of 1 onth those secret and solitnry practices more tntai to their victims than the tnng of Pyrens to the Ma riners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, 4c, impossi hie. vi tir.. Especially, who havo become the victim of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave Ibousandsf lnnng aien ol me most exalted talents ana nriinntit intellect, who might olhcrwlsehavo entranced listen intt Senates w ith the thunder of eloouonce or waked to cestaty the living lyre, may call with full con- fiiieuco. n.utRiM'n. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware ol physicn! weakness, organic debility, deformities, Ac, speedily curc.l. no sun places minseit miner tue caro ntir. J. mav religiously confido in his honor a a gentleman, ami confidently rely npon hia skill as a Physician. oiui .iS m: ivi:. i Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection whieh renders Life miserable and marriago impossible is the penalty paid by the vicliineol improper indulgences. Young persons are tiai apt to commit execssea from not being aware of Iho dreadful consequences that may ensue Now. Viho that understands the subject will pretend to deny Hint the power i f procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by Iho prudent ' Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system become Deranged, the Physical and Mental Func tions Weakened. Loss of Prncreative Power. Nervous Irritubility. Dyspcpssa. Palpitation of tho Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption. Decay and Death, Oilier, . 7 South Ii--!oi-i-k Slreet LcR hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe namo and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. Tho lioetor a Diplomas Hang in Ins otliec. AU'UK lV.lUIM.VrFIl TWO I.1VS. Art Mcrcvry or i'tiittriui Dntgt. UK. jtt.ViTO.V Member of tho Royal College of Surgeons. London, Graduate from onu of the most eminent Colleges in the United States, and the greater part of hose life has been spent in thu hospitals of l.onilnii, Paris. Philadelphia and ehewbere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were evr known ; many troubled n ith ringing in the hood and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at udden sound-, hashfiilncss, witli frequent blushing, attended sometimes ttilli derangement of mind, were ...,n.i ,',n,.i;..i...- I i tiii: I '' ! i i. us mi t in: Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured them solves bv iinpii.per indulgence and snlitary habits, whieh ruiu Isitii body and mind, unfitting them fur either ousincM. slmly. sneiety or marriage. i are some ol the sad and melancholy effects produced by early hftl.i's of yoiiih, vi.: Weultness of ll eRaek ami bs. Pains in t lie Head, liiiunccs of . -iglit. Loss of Muscular Pow er. Palpitation of the j ileiiil. Dvp. p--, Nirtnus Irritability. Deraniemei.t ! of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Syinp- J tom.i of ion. .to. Mi;nt.u.i.v. The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of' ideas. Impression ot spirit, r.wl-rurehodiug. Aver sion to Society. Self-Distrust. Love of Solitude, Timidity. An are sonic of the evils produced. Titoi'ii.i Mi of persons of all ages can now itulgo what is the cause of their declining health, losing icir vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous red naciuted. having a singular" appearance about the cough and symptoms of consumption. iOi .Mii ?is:. have injured Ihi n selves by a certain practice . dtilged in when a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, tho effects of which aro nightly felt, even when asleep, nnd if not lured renders iniiriiago impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. At hat a pity that a young man. the hope of his country, the darling ofbis parents, should bo snatched from all proepect and enjoyments of life, by Iho cot. sequence of tlevialtng limn the path of nature sud indulging iu a certain secret Such persi i s MIST, before contemplating .fi.itiA;t:. . reflect that a n el d mind and body are the most necessary requisite toi rnmoti connubial bai pine-s. i uuu mey were ueceiteu. bl Indeed without these, the joi.rn. y through lite be- , 'h,,t "Poison'' has, by the use of -Powerful As eomes a weary nilgrimnge : tlie prospect hourly I tringtiil. ' been dried up in the system, lo bictk darkens to the vi'. ut ilio lom.l h ,,,,.,4 .l.,.,l. .. ...i out ill an aggravated fnriu. and with despair and lilkil uilh the ir.t lar.choly relku tien thut the ba) ii:e:s vf another becomes' lighted witn our own , t iisi: ami: uv mvm bjs-a i:. j I When the misguided and impriidtnt totnry of j ! pleasure finds thai be has imbibed ti c Feeds of this j I pail. fill disease, it loo often happens liiat an ill-linn d I I sense ot Minnie, or oreiui ol Uiseovcry, deters tutu i from applying to these who, from t lucatii ii and respectability, can alone befriend him. delating till he constitutional symptoms ( t this horrid disease make their aipeuruiiee. smh as uloralod sure throat, diseased lime. Msctuiniil paii in the heud and liuibs, iliiiiness of sight, deafness, nodes eu the shiu bones and arms, Mutches on thu head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of tho mouth or the hones of the nose fall iu. and tho tieiiui of litis awful disia.-c becomes a horrid ol j,cl of eon-mist ration, till death put a period In his dreadful sufirriigs. by sending him In - i hi.t I niiiscot ered Countryelreiu whence no traveller returns. "' It is a iiieliiml iJv fuel that tlmurands fall victims to thin terrible diaea-e, owing to the uiikilll'uliiess of ignorant pretenders, wi n. l-y IhcnsA of that 'euo'y 1'atutH. .Ure;ri. ruin the constitution and make the residueuf lite miserable. Trust not your lives, or health, to tho oareoftho niuny (.ideained aud Worthies Pretenders, dcntilulo of knowledge, name or eharucler. who copy l'r. i ,, lolinslou s aovertis. tin uts. or stvle tlien-eeltis. 111 liettsjiapers. rt-gularlv Lducaled I'hvMciaus. incapable of Curing, they keep you trifling month atli-r mni. tn tuning meir iiltny anil poisi rout pounds, or as loug as Ihe smallest fee can he obtained, aud iu despair, icate you with ruiued health to sigh uter your gallintrdisappointment. l'r Johnston is the only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always hang In hi.- His reuiidie or treatement aro unknown to all ttbers. prepared from a life spent in Ibe great hos pitals of Europe, the first in Ih country and a more I I'xtrusiv I'm alt practice thau any other 1'hysiciau I iu the world, iiMKMi:Mr.vr orTiu: The many thousands cured it this Institution year i er .... . k- ! aiit-r i.i, riiu ii uuiiiviuus iiiiportani i-urieai Operations perlormed by Ihr. Johnston. witne.ed by the reporters of the -Sun.'' -Clipper,'1 and many ullicr paper, notice of which hat e appeared again aud agniu before iho public, beside bis standing a a gentleman of character and resjainsibiliiy, is a SUlbcielil guarantee to the lltlicted. Ma i. a iissi. ttwi.s ssii:i:itii.v 41 ili;ls. Persons writing should be particular In directing their leilersiohi Institution, iu Ihefolliwiug u antr JOII .11. .Kill t)!si 1 0, .fl. !., Of Ike Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore. Md. . Ftbruary 21. Ivi.U-ly MANHOOD, Hots lisil, lluit ltflorMl. Juu I'HUtthe.l, m a UtahJ Vmelijie. Prix ' (Vnj. V LECTURE Mi the Nature. Treatment d Ra dical CiiisofSprriiialiirrhu a or feuiibal W ak Iims, Sexual Debility. Ntrteu.nrai. and lutulumary Emission, iolunug luipi.ieney, Conuu.plinu, and Menial and Pl.t .lost Debility. By Hi'll t J tl l. Ell WELL M D. Ths luurlai.l lavl Ibul lb aatul et bstutace bf Holf.Abus may be sluviually smuuted anbiul is), terual lutdleiiiM ur lb dungi ap lltsiloii iu autln-. ii.sltuuienls. ttinlieaitit bugles, and uibtr iiipitUsI dsti.e, U here eltaily ettuiouslraKd, aud Ik nets abd hihly suuuevlul Ueaiumbl a aJuplsd by Ik UbibUtl aulhur, tally ssplslnrd, by assuis uf aikivh t ry uas is sbsblvd bs aui Uito. self ilb..y, bd at Ihe Ual bussiUe us, atuidiugall lb ssitniiMbl asauuut u lite iis. 'iki Isolate a ill 4u s huua W thuusud awl lku aauBd. awM audxsswi Ua idaiai eavtb,, W say aldtM. bust paid ua isttipi uf la !; tlnai, by a4 ditsBlbg li. bablbibsr llUi J r. KLIMato, IH H-iry New t wk, Pua l.0bj Ik., 44 Aug I), lae-l - rb. ! I) u ' lalerMMIIossul II. Ul, Ml 4J Ml ViJio, (Visit rasi'is ranl kkw It'hK flVIU lieltlas lliMtsst- Ik ivt 4siat. Ul he 1 sad kiaatsabl lluUl US Ik sll-os,s HrMW h-4ustbwui lu iIm luiiib See sk b ktwibbs b rls.M Il H sblll Ut lbs ut4Si. Sal kb Ua 1 1 ars I't t . U mssMis a k 1 st lua buu. bs IslluktbsbU h4 kuuM, e wist 1 ib.M ).... i la es SM.IS lk-Mb ai.4 4ib4 -4 Ik S4M) ..i i k.. a4 sxl ik ) . ikiieiej '. k- I. l5 I TUE ALL SUFFICIENT THREE. THE GEEAT AMERICAN REMEDIES Known. a$ ",m?,' GENUINE PKEPABATIONS, VIZ. IIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT "BVCHU,'' PARSAPARILLA IMPROVED ROSE WASH. IIELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND k FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU, A Positive and Specific Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER KIDNEYS, (TRAVEL AND DROPSI CAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites the Absorbents into healthy action, by whieh the Watery or Calceroua depositions, and ail Unnatural Enlargements are reduced, as well as pain and iiiflnmalion, and is good for men, women, or Children. lir.Ii.lIltOI.I- I'.XTISACT in cm; FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesses. Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion, or Abuse. Attended with the following tymtonis : ion to Exertion, Loss of power, Loss ol .Memory. Weak Nerves. Horror ol Disease, Dimness of vision. Unit ersal Lassitude of the Mticctihir System, Dot Hand", Dryness of tho Skin. Difficulty of Breathing Trembling Wakefulness, Pain in the hack. Flushing of tho Body Eruptions on the Face, Pallid Couutcuauco, Ihcso symtoms, if allowed to goon, which this medicine invariably removes, soou follow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they aro not freiiucutfy followed by those "direful discuses,'' INSANITY AND CCNSUMPTION. . Many are aware of the causcof their suffering, but nenc w ill confess. The records of the insane Asy lums and the melancholy deaths by Consumption beiu- amplo w itness to the truth of the assertion. The Constitution, once Affected with Organic Weakness. Requires tho aid of medicine to strengthen and in vigorate tho st stem, which "Helinbold's Extract Buchu" invariably due. A triul will convince the uiobt tfkeptieal. FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES. Old or young, single, married, or contemplating uiarriage. In many nfftvlii.ns peculiar to Females the Extract Ruebu is niienualied bv uny other ren.edv. a in i Chh.rnsis or Retention. Irregularity, Puiufuluess. or .uppri'.-.-iori ol toe customary evacuations. I Iccruleil or Seliiirous stato .of the I torus, l.cueorrheu. or Whiles Stei ility, and for all complaints incident to tl'.e -ox. t bel her arising from lndi.-eicliou. Habit of Di-sij-ittioii. or in thu DECLINE OK CHANGE UF LIFE. Seo symptoms above. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Tuko no Palsiiin. Mcrcurr. or Unpleasant Medicine for Unplcusant and Dangerous Dieaaea. BBi''s i !:. r I5g n Cures SECRET IiISL'ASES In nil their stages ; at little expense ; little or no I change iu diet ; no iucont euiencu, i AND NO EXPOSURE. It caxises frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and ruling Strictures of the Urethra, allating paiu aud iutlnmmution. so frequent in this class oVdiea&es and expelling PuUoluiis, Diseased, and Worn-uut Mutter.,ds upnii Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIMS ll .14 ItS, OK And who paid Heavy Fees to be cured in a I 1 ein.hps alter .iiiirriabe. U S 1: S i:TKAtT 111 111' For all Affectioua and Diseases of TIIE URINARY ORGANS, Whether ex'sling in Male or Female, from whstevtr cause originating, and no matter OF HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these Organs requiro tho aid of a I'll ill-: ric. HELMHOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretic, AuJ it is ceftuiu to have tho desired effect iu all Diseases, fur which it is recommended. BLOOD I HLOOD! BLOOD I Heluibold's Highly Concentrated Compound I'luid Extract Sarsapurillu Syphilis. This is an affection of the Rhml, and allaeks li e Sexual Orgaus. Liuirgsof the Nose, Eurs. Throt'l, tl initpipc, ami oilier .Mucus suriacos. making its apeuiiincc in thu form of I'lceis. Helmhuld's Ex- unci -an-upsriua purines uie iniun, ami remotes ail I ion a Clear aud Healthy Col. r. il being prepared j I et pressly for ibis class of eouiplaints, its iih..ij-1'uri- I fving Proprietor are presorted to a greattr txtcbt ! . . 1. 1 ,.i u.i ioop ,"i hid .-it ii,. o, ,,i ,,, v i'ui'i,'.t tliau any other preparation ot Sursapai ilia. Helmbold'a Roto Wiu-h, An excellent Lotion for Disease, of a Syphilitic Na ture, aud as an injection iu Disease of the Urinary Organ, arising from habits of di-eipaticu, used in connection with Ihc Extracts Buchu and Sarsiiparilla iu such diseases as rdcommeuded. Evidence of thu uiost rcHiusillo and reliublu char acter w ill accompany the uicdiciues. CERTiriCATkiS OF CURES, Finn) eight to twenty year (lauding, with name known to science and Fame. 1 or Medical Properties ol Buchu, ace Dispensatory thu United States. See Prot'CMir Dewers' valuable woiks on the Practice of Phytic. See remarks umda ly the lute celebrated Dr Phy.ick. Philailel hia. See remarks made by Dr. Fphraiiu ilel ow.11, a celebrated Ph)iciaut and MeuitnT of the Rot-tH College of Surgcnii. Ireland, aud pul dished iu the Traiisjc-tiiriiil ihe king ami Oueeu Journal. Ste Mclico-Cirurgtcal lietiew, published by P.i jiiiinu i raters, Fellow uf Ihe Royal Cullers ul Surgeons. See uiual uf the late Stuudurd Works ou Medl cine. Lxthai i Pi rur, (I ( per botilo, ur sis, i t'O - StasArtiiii.La I no " iw Iwi liosK U .tsii. is) " " 3 l'r hall adonucf each lor f 12 00. which will be h.UK'm 1 1 lu tutu lb mtat otKiuitl caecs, il direction are adhered lu. Drliter.! tvany aJJress, secursly packed runt ol.ert aiiun. y Dtctih 'Tuiptonis la a'l ei.uiuiubiianuu Cuie guaraiilvva. A J ice gratis. af1dTit. Personally n-rd before uieaa Ablsruiauaf II. t lly ol I blUd. Ibia, il I ll.luib.ijd, Mho, balii duly SMuru, iloik sky, hi propaialbna eubUlaj bu uiueulie, ihi luMieury, bl uihbf Injuibsu diug, but - h.t.i.uMLOU.. 'J Hail sa l Jearcib4 Uf-r , thisT.'d day bf Ot.b, Wi. W Al I- lllllU.llll., AMinsisa, Mbik-etfeel, abut Ksmt, paiia. Addrew letltr I Ibmraiatloa la II. 1 liks-VUt'LD, t ksibiat. Input KIsiuMlk TBlk-4rt, Uh I kaaldul Fkil. HlHAUKDiriolMl.bFilU Aa4 Uapiuwiplad Kalrre M he MbleSSbf k disbaae f Ibsll 4b4 "Mlk ailuis ua ike lepabsiiu) aususd by UtbHUse l'lSlstltM, " LasiMsa Mske. M Ml- bl lH. m ebus4 Ibus W esk kuU b all IWbfskA sxjebMs. Ark H'tt llkl WlbM is.14bl NOlillltK t el sat IS. 4salttMsbt b4 sbi M It, Am4 A tub latutMsua a4 k ut llssaftw, a 1Mb, - t ks. al Jw, III .-ef . lot ts ib-i - 1 Tito AsTntn'a F.inress Osnnnnr, pi IVH NOTKK that bry have eoneludrrf ar VI rangerrjeuta with the Northern Central Railrowl Comnany to run trains from Baltimore for York, nrrisnnrg, nanphin. Jlalltax. IrsTorton, riunlmry, riorthnmberland.!.knrir M ! 1 M .. n v U' ;"i . liamsport. and all Intermediate stations, connecting at llarrihhiiris wilt. ik. nfirit u-l'u-l-u v i.v 1 llfcbS for Pituiburg, ClnciunaU, St. Louia and the Also wllh Howard k Co.'iExprexi at Millon or" Danyllle, Bloom.burg, Wilkeeharre, Plttrtrm, Sersn ton, and Intermediate stations on the Catlawisss, Iisekawannj A Bloomsburg Railroads. At WIN liamsport. by Howard A tfo.'s Express to Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A i'o., and their connection . for Canton, Troy, F.lmira. irf . l HnKKn M sll aecesJlbl' points in Westerr New Wk and Canada, by whieh they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Notes, lion ""Ut'luablo Paokages of every descrip- Also, Notes. Drafts and Bills for Collection. Experienced and efficient messengers employed, -and every effort will be made to render sati.uict'ion . , JOHN BINGHAM. Superintendent Penn'a Division, Philadelphia R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Suul.ury. V April &, 1S112. iiii.-tiV iioViwi Crntr of Flat and Third Strtrlt, IlAHntsntua, Pa. THIS HOI'SE. Inconsequence of its convenience and near location to the Capitol, has made it a desirable stopping place, not only for those having ' busrnesa at the scat of Government, but for other ylsiting Harrishurg. March 29, 1402. ri,u:RR"lBLl;T)rsTTo?Tiu:ssi;cRETs "For. X THE MILLION! A most Talnublo nnd wonderful publication. A work of 4"0 pages, and .tft fnlored engravings. DR HUNTER'S VADE MEct'St, an original and popu lar treatise on Man and Woman, I heir Physiology, Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never-Failing Remedies for their speedy cure. The practice of DR. HUNTER has loug hem. an I till is, unbounded, but at tho earnest solicitation nt numerous persons, he has been induced to extend his medicnl usefulness through tho medium of hi' "VADE MECLM." It is a volumo that should be in the hands of every family in the land, as a preventive of secret vires, or as a guide for tlm alleviation of one of the most awful and destructive scourges ever visited mankind. One eopy. eeesrely enveloped, will be forwarded free of postage to liny part of the U'nited States for ol) cents in P. O. stamps, or 3copicsfor $1. Address. po.d paid, DR. HUNTER,. No. 3 Division Street, New York. June 6, Lst'i.t. ly. ArrnnKCisirnli 1M63. of Sew Yoi-U I.lnr-w. THE CAMDEN AND AM HOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. It. CO.'S LINES. From Phitadrlphia to AVir Variand H'ny rtarrt, from Walnut street Wlmrf an, KwHtinirton Depot, uiV leave at follow, r'j : ' ranii. At 0 A. M.i via Camden and Auiboy, (C. nnd A. Accommodation.) $2 2-V Atfl A. M.i via Camden and Jersey City, N. J., Accommodation, At S A. M.. xia Cam.lcn and Jorcr City, (Morning MuiL AtSA.M.,tia Camden aud Jersey city 2d Class Ticket ' At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jer.ty ciiv, Ex res At 12 M. via Camden and', C and A. (Aecr.niinodation.) At 2 P. M., via t'auiden and Amboy, iC. and A. Express.) At :i P.M., via Kensington and Jer'cvCilr, Wash, and N. Y. Express At ni P. M.. via Keiisiuglou and Jersey City, J 2i 3 t'O 2 3 00 2 2J .1 Cf .1 no I i.t t-iiin .nun.; At II J P. M. via Ke Southern Mail. i sington and Jersey city, At U tnight) via Kensington and Jersey city Soutnern Express At 6 P. M., via l aonleii and Amboy, (Accom- uiodati.n, l'reighl and Passenger, Fiit Class Ticket, Securd CI a. Ticket. 2A 1 o rur tt aler iiari. StrouJ.liur.' s..,.i.t..n i';il- barre. .Moulro-e, Gr-nt Pend. Ac, at ti A. L. irum Kensiiigl via Delaware, Lackawanna and t osleru For Maueh Chunk. Allentoon. Bethlebem, Belt i ilir... Easloii, l.aml.eriville. 1 leiiiingion. Ac, at t A. M., from keusingtoii Inqsit, and at 21 P. M., fi om W alnut street vi hurt'. (The 6 A. M. Line eonneo's with 'I rains leaving Ei.ston fur Mauch Chunk, al :i-2u I'. M.) Kor Mount Holly, al 6 A. M., 2 ami I P. M. tor Freehold, bill A. M.and 2 P. M WAY links: i For Bris'nl. Trent. m. Ac. al 11 A. M. and 2i ami j & P. M. rruni Keusingtoii. j For Palintiii. liiTirtim. Delaneo, Euverly, liur- nnL'ion. riorence. iionientonii, ,te at 12 I tl and li P.M. I f? l or Ni k York, an t Wat Lines leating Ken sington, lake the Cars on Fifth i.irc. t. abi te Walnut, half au hmir he'l'or uepariure. Thu Cais run into the Depot, ul.d oil ih ariitat ol n, h Truin I run from die lienor. j itiy rouiuli or baggage only, tilloeed each passenger. Pa si ngers are prohibited i'loin taking anything a ba.-gage hut their wearing apparel. All baggage uter til'.y pi.uinls to be paid for exlra. 'ihi Company limn ilnir ri-jmiirihiLiy for baggage li One Dollar per puur.d, ami will i.ut lie linblc tor any auiouut bey. .ua Jf ! .''. except i spt eiul cmitract W M. li. liA iZ.MLK, Ageut. January 17, 15"3. .tons int r x ., mam r.uTritn.s or ti A L K R A T U B , SI PLR-CAitll. VY SODA, Ac, And Sole Agents iu the City of New York for CREAM OF TAE'I'AH KUBSTIT UTK. Inteuted hy Prof. Lben V. Hursford, of llarvar I Uuitemiiy. Offije. II Old Slip, Hanoi cr tvrar-, (upsicirs.) NEW YORK. rJ"HE high pi ice whieh Cream of Tartar Commanded J in Its.. I, together witli the alarming extent to which its dainreroin adulteration had I o carried. with other considerations, induced iho distinguish..: I Chemist, whose name is citen above. In eon n en a I twmi proveil lo be a long and laWnon seieniitic s. aieh, todisct.vera de-irahlc siihsiitutr iherctor. His etli.rtB were croHi.ed with aI.ii.,.i..,.i . succes. an I ' hundreds of thousand of pounds of tho Subsiiiul bat e la-en sold and used during the last live t ear" j throughout tho I nued states and thu Cauadas. 'ihe following true conipari.-t,u of its nature and tue results ol its use, w ith lliis of I ream of Tartar, n in ill coiitiuce the most incredulous ot its value. i ream ot i artar is a hi-tsrimii. ot l',.i,..ii This Substitute is simple Phosphate, ami contains nothing but what is found in beef-steak. 'and in corn, wheat and other cereals, ami is therefore highly nutritious. It also has a health-giving inllueuce and supplies that for whieh there is a constant de mand iu Ihe system. I y Jl is sold tor a much les price ihuu Crcaui uf Tartar. Mar. h 21. Urn ml !, M iii-i 4a i SI a A..-. r tiir. sum-trtnrr, Hating mien hat in I n. A lares a niu l nun. ung. .sun an eel, liant Hie. a and complete stock of FnliElGN AND Dt'MFjiTIC LlylOhS. i comprising Ihe host brands of Brandies, Giu, nbl live. Seiiioh and Irish hiskev, Pmi, Mien v, .Ma deira, l liaiupague and other W'iues, ol all gra'liw, all ul which will be ub Wholesale, al the lowest city price.. Taterii-keeper, by buying of us, cau save it loavt the freight. Person desirous uf purchasing liquor for F A M I L Y USE, nay rely upon being furi.Uiod with a pur and unadulii'isiud arlielu. I if"' Being deiermiiicd UieslaMi.b a reputalu.e for seiling cheap, he respiviiully b.licita ih" ptlrouag of Ibe public All or Jui. promptly sll.-o li-1 lo. JELLillAIIS HALL. Dauvilio, June Id. Is.'.a, l.usiitWr, l.uiulirr! PHILIP SHAY, Muucy, Lyeomlutf eounly, I'a , I -VHHt MS hi friend and' Ih public iu rentrak lhal he eonsibiiiiy keeia hsud Hoards, Shingle alh, Joisis, and all kind, ol Lumber and builXlus; Laieiials, which he ail! sell al the lowosl prieee. B-Msieh Ju, iMil. i:Nr..iii.iiii i ifio. ' PETE It LOKILL AUD, InumU'A 'l'bM't l)sHlU'iMrrr Id A IS I'll AM BLtl H T , (r'ursiwly II Chaikaas firi, .Vsw Ymk Would eall Ike ailsnluia ef psaltM to the artula ot bts Ibaiiulstilure, I it . Lltovi X t EE. alaly. 1'iu.i.r.M. n.s lts s. I'ale Umula, tuaiae Iup , Kaekiiucks. Aassfuiaai Gatlausu, i okhf;si kLLW lir Issbb k Ikyawy ! sWi. k Disk Toast kwutai. t i.k II ew fe4t iibk li ck liMial, litstivsbk bf Lbbdj Ibul, f Aiiebli. a UsslUI ta Ih lu, s i. In. Itua U Suutsul I mi t kaaiug a4 sn. kii( lubaseu, BkSsh Will la) IvwIblW 4 aM-IMat Vm4Ii , .OK Alt.. I. rWkUtf k,b t at Iksau,) tmiu4 L"i. t I l.isslus, J., U I, latbbdltal. bl !, ,' k, ka t, tMl awsul.4 la.uss. ts. asl.S M Ul ket, lie) toil tis4bA. lelkssk HfsbwlMl N at -Asuvmsm Wb.isuUs.t b(bw. 4 I. 1141 -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers