1 v , 23 IT. tt. JiASSJER, Editor Proprietor. Ml.mtiritv, ia. SATURDAY, MARCH 86, 1804. m.-'. m i 8. M. fETTENOILL CO., 1W. 37 r k Row, New York, and t Stabs 8treet, lloston, ara our agents for Ihe St star Amkwaii Id thoM cities, ud are authorised to lake Advertise ments and Subscriptions fur no at our lowest rates. 3T Leonard Scott & Co., with tlitir usu- punctuality, have issrtcil the American reprint of the February Blackwood and tho Jantmry Edinburgh Review. The former contain! a continuation of the story "Tony Butler"; "The Royal Academy Reformed," giving a full account of tho future manage ment projected for this institution ; a rather lontf but very interesting romance called "Witch Hampton Hall, five scenes in the life of its last lady"; the continuation of the "Chronicles of Cnrlingford"; "A Ride through Sutherland," giving an account of what is to be seen iu the "Northern Realms of Calcdon," and an elaborate review of "Charles the Bold," beginning with tho grumbling admission, "we think highly, but not xery highly, of these two volume! o Mr. Kirk." The Kilinbnrgh opens with an . article on "Thcrmo-Dynamics," which , being Interpreted would, in this connection mean the characteristics of heat, especially as a motive power. Xext comes "The Flavian Cnrs ar.d the Antoninus," a review of Charles Mcrivulo's "Romans tinder the Em pire," and the other contributions are "The Marquis do Pangenu and the Due de Faint Himon"; "The progress of India ;' "Milmnn and Ptunlty on Jewish History ;" Scottish Religious Houses Abroad ;'' "Ireland ;" a review of the latter voHimra, of Kroude's ' History of England." "and "The Xegro Race of America." In tiiis lutter artinle the author, after reviewing and giving the gist of several recent publications and oliicial documents relating to the change brought. about by the war and the condition of the negro, gives it as his opinion that it is "in voncuivable that slavery can ever be au es tnblished and supreme institution in the frouthern states ; r.nd uulen supreme, slavery cannot exist." ty IltrollTAXT fvW.K OF I.ASDS. M. Thomas A Son, of Philadelphia, will sell, on Tuesday, the Sfith int., at the Philadelphia Exchange. -t..l 1 1 acres of laud, located in tha counties of Lycoming. Clint n, Tioga uiul Luzerne. The snie will be peremptory and absolute. Thmo desirous of making investments in lands, will find this a favor able opportunity. fgf-TiiB Ladiics Kiuknd fok Aritu.. The April number of this new twc-dnllur magazine opens with a charming steel en graving called "Harry and his Dog." This This is followed by a beautiful Double Fashioned Plate. h1s engruvtd on sl el in the best style. Then we have two compan iuu engravings which wilUtouch the hearts of all mothers, called "The Wanderer" and "The Restored." The music of this number is the popular song by Eduor. Rossiter, "I Loved that Dear GUI Fla;,' the Rest," and is of itelf worth the price of the number. The literature of this number is "Our Med," "Above the Clouds by Night," illus 1 rated by a stricking engraving: "Forohu otvings," by Clara Aiignta; "Mistaken Duty." by Ida Mason ; "(jood-bye," by Mrs. L. J. Kittenhouse ; ".Mabel's Mission ;" ",leu jiy Morris's Trip to Calil'oini.i," by Mrs. Margaret Hornier ; "The trni.sforiiiiU Vil lage," illustrated by au engraving. &c. The Novelties, Work-Table and Flower Depart ment ure all illustrated by finely executed wood tuts. Published bv Deacon and Peterson, 310 ! Walnut St. Philadelphia. $1M0 a jeur. m . .' in. . i -SLocal affairs. V Pi'SLte alk Bills have becu printed at this efjee for a public sale at tbe residence of Charles Dossier, iu Bower Augusta township, on the IV Ji lust. A large aiuouot of personal property will Le Sold. IJRkwovAL Mis Mary Lasarus requests us to Inform her friends and customer, that she has re moved her store a lew doors iw, or next door to W. li. 31 illrr'a-tboe store. r,"pA Cue assortment of superior Watohea, fine Jen olry, solid silver ware. Ac, iu store and for sale it li Harper, ild Arch St., I'hiladelphia. This is a reliable house. Head auvcrtisement t' 1'ikrxss Aitesii ! A meeting of the "Good Intent Fire Company," will be held at the Court House, on Monday evening next at 7 o clock. The members arc particularly requested to attend Per sons desirous of becoming members of the Conipsny are intited to be proeeut. It u hoped that eiliseus will see the neetuity of aiding the Company to fill the plates of tkoae who are assisting to crush this wicked i obel! ion, and keep the Company fUlrd up and organ ised. f roi sir Ft'an.--Thu foUi.aingtuuis hare been received by the committee for the North kiast LU Irict, to the Yoluulecr Douuly Fund of the Uoroujll of ttuubury : IWnjamiu .olleuioyer, fetbajiiien liuii, ' S lotuon Mslllek W Ji:cob JUuut, Si Cbailus A. llright, VO 11. A. llro.,khurt, :o Jubu IS. Leukcr, !!ti liuberl Kariuaurlh, 6 Jacob luuu, 2u li. F. iiuifhl, W li. M. ItrliU, Si tieoie iiwrrisoB, IU Fliaa i'fvK'US, Jaeob F Ituhibach 4 James K. Jeltries, Iu tieo. V. buiitb, iJ H. U Ilovir, bit ' L ii.oi.1, iu 1) W. Miiudei, W illiwu Hoover, li W m. I). Ilaupt, " 1j J"bo b. .Mioorr, li t'has J. llrunar, 2i 0. 0 Kohibiwk, 21 Oto Yi. Mn.b, 14 tt W. ll.upl, Jj John iJ Jaeob Hvn, a lieiij iruiouf, Su M C tiMiliarl, 'i I has Utaibar, 10 rsaauuel W llvett, Juhuary Shatter, SU H hope Ibat all ai belt a U bat e wWl ibesl will tasks every efiurt lo raiea list aututinl as soon at pos sible, to that ihort ill be is. d.la,, aU.-u ibe suouey It ttuued. If there ate aoy in ibe district, who ava uul tabsonUd, it it i-lsd Ihvy a ill 4e to promptly, w all aft ts,itallj tkUrste4 Is lh amuwilut, lbs otuillt woull aa. ibai HI Ibfir diibl liable loo diall, tith . a.j.luttui tultMiiisMi atwufdlbg lo Ibeir taeaasj kil U ae fcs Mbwt to tttaft, bat gitea liUt. iiy . tail at lt aaiM luaa kUe atsnaeimte Um last ik filtaajsia, t( ,lt4 j, Say, thai sua U aaJti.it emssMat, bait Uua, las ueae) at l.s, M4 aliUtigk Iks taaila4baieieUi.itoM h ysWUk Us fcasaat f muk. tstay HAaia fM tMmf a, Ik atal, ttwja Use mp Uua Uay M , 14 I Ikat U W 'bl SKty, as .ill M U..VS UstsssaS (. k.ty, as ill as U ikatasat, by M ttasafct t auks taMllw fsitai, ) t sttn ta Is t. 1 Js1- U lsit aeist lbs .iwkaxtrf. by tjSM aMi as a.a,a IK ((a ia e4 aaswiiuii -ostliUe nrFia-B. About 10 o'clock A. M., on Friday Inn, Ore wai discovered In tiia baok kitohen of lhe atonsdweilini bom of (ha alia Weltsel la Msrket ! treat. Zt being a Vet stermjr da, the Bra tuoii j spread over the satire roof of tbe building. Tie "Washington" and "Sood Intent" Enginss were prompt on the spot, bat owing to ibe want of per sona who understand working the maohinea a near 1 all the members are in the arm it took some time before an effioieat servist could be rendered. The adjoining buildingf ware in much danger. The roof of Sir. Haas' dwelling was on Are several times, and Mr. J. D. Packer's stable was in great danger, the bay Dating eaaght flre. The building was al most entirety evneumtd, so much so that it cannot be repaired to be occupied with safety. This house was one of the first buildings put up In this place as a hotel stand", and was built of stone with heavy walls, and was long the stage house when the first post coaches traversed the vast distance from Philadel phia to Sunbury, by way of Heading, in something 1pm than throe days. A number of old lawyers, still living, who formerly stopped at the "I'uion Hotel" while attending Supreme Court, whon the district covered a doien or more counties, and when Judges Tilghrosn, Duncan and Gibson, were on the Bench, till retain a lively and pleasing recollection of this e,uaint aud quiet hotel, oelebratcd for its excellent able and Its nont aud unostentatious domestic; Com. forts. The furnituro was nearly all saved. Tho building was ownod and occupied by two very aged maiden ladies who are thus suddenly deprived of a home in which they resided for nearly soventy years. Tbij was, wo think, the first dwelling oonsuincd by firo in thin piece fit 40 years. The ro origina ted between the floor and ceiling, and was caused by the pipe that passed through without being properly protected, and should be another warning against this fruitful source of accidental Grcs tjFiiia os Am Raft asd Kcn.nso or a Put., run. On Friday night lust, the cnbin on a raft lying near Northumberland, took flre and was con sumed. A soldier from Einneinnhoning. belonging tho Eucklail regiment, and on hit return to the army, stopped to see some friends on therufl, and slept tha' ni;;lit in the cabin, with hit two friends. They were lint able to Gnd tho door, but tho two friends forced their way out. One of them, however, Was bo sctcre. It burnt as to render hit rceovory doubtful, while tlte soldier, we regret to Mir, was liftlej when rescued from the cabin. t""""rTusrniis ano IIaxiibili.s. Ihe reputation of this office for getting up bills, in a superior style, is well known throughout the county. We need therefore only say to our friend?, that we have re cently received an additional lot of job type and ruts ufa new elylo from New York. Kills may be order, ed and sent by mail at a trilling expert?. vC'Tiik Latc Finn. The members of the 'Good Intent" Fire Company, return their thanks to the proprietors and employees of Allen A Thomas' Foun dry and Mnchino .Shop, aud toeeverul other chiton j aud strangers, who rendered important and iflieient j services, in extmuitftiin tt.e lute aro cf Vi enters hutel. Ijf The Furnace is again in bias!, and !? lurid glare at ni;;ht lights up the thy and gives a pleating assurance of business to the town that vc like to see. Hhamol-in JlertilJ. PS" C it as ok. The evening tra in frcin this place to tiutibury changed the time of leaving cu Monday, from ii P. M. to 4 P. M., whice h to be tho hour till we get that long talked of and much wished for yastfvgtr train, Stiamvlin llrrald 'I sat. HisTsn. how came your eyei so all fired crooked lly sitting between two Kali and trying to look love to both of tli em at the same lime." I'Isc r'iil 4'eulrtil I'nlr" FOll T1IK L". S .SANITARY COMMISSION, Orrira or Tnc I'oujiittki; os Laook, Incomes and Itevenues. I No. 1 14 South 7lh St., Philadelphia, March li, Wi. The Comuiillee on I.abnr. Iiuoines. and Hevennes of 4,'J'he ttreut Central 1'uir," invite co-operation with them in th particular work fiir which they have been appointed As r.o wrti'n of the people are more patriotic than the vturkiii;; men ami women f.fllie country, it is but juut and proper that they shoald alike have an opportunity to vtitrihuto to the objects of the Pair. ll:o most equable plan Tor eivouip!iliiuj ibis. and. at the Fame time, tho ca'i ct one. is to u..k for Iho contributi-iu of a single day's lab'.r from all elane in tlin coimounitv. To react) every department of industry of art. will be a work : of great lalor. but, if uttaiued. will be productive of j immense rctilts. I Tbe success of the plan will depend upon the hour ly co-operation of every element of iiuloeuee within our lisrits. and we invite alt the guardians of tho industrial interests, and all others, to take hold with us iu furthering this great Work of patriotism aud humanity. The committee i. charged with the following duty, to wit : First. To obln.in the contribution of '-one day's lsbor,' or earnir-x., fiotu every artit-an and luborr, foreman, operative, aud employee; president, cash ier, teller, and clerk of every incorporated and un incorporated company, railroxd. ami express company employing firm, oauk, nianuf: w'torv. iron works', oil works. mill, mine, und public ofticc ; from every private bunker and broker, importer, autioiieer. and merchant; clerk, aent, and salomau; designer, fiuiither, aud artist ; publisher, printer. i.ud mefhun ic ; from every Government officer, contractor, aud employee ; grocer, butcher, baker, and dealer j farmer, horticulturist, und producer; front every mantua maker, milliner, und i'cuiule operative ; every individual engaged in turning oil. tcmliug the loom, or in any way earning a livelihood, or build ing a fortune within the .States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Etecond. To obtairr the contribution of one day's "revenue" from all the great employing :ublih ments, firms, corporation?, companies," ruitroad, uud works. Third. To obtain the contribution of one day's in come from every ret ired person, aud person ot f r tune male and female living upon llieir means, and from all clcrgymeu. luv. yers, physicians, dcntuls tslitors, authors, aud prutcwors; ami all other per sons engaged in the learned or other profcssivus. Much of this work must be performed by I lie per sonal iurluence aud efforts of ladies and gentlemen associated, or to be associated, with Iho committee carrying out tbe plan. The Committee feel the responsibility of the woik they have undertalt en, vfl.i. h, to be suet cit'ul, will roq'uirea very perfect ramification of their plan, and they therefore cull UKn Iho earnest people m asuem bla themselves together iu every (nan. tuwiuhip, an 1 county, aud lorui urgiiuis'itions of l i.iios aud gentle men To co-operate with theii in this great woik aud labor of love. Jo Iho manufacturing Counties, the eoal and oil regions, and iu tliearirullurul duttiej especially let there be organisations in Ihe larger tonus, so Ibat the young people may have an oppor tunity thus to render ascisisuice to their telulites and friends Ightius; ihe bailies of their country in Ihe ax-uii'-s of the nation. Ibe work of ibis com rait tee reiy Is prosecuted where no other ellurt can be made lor Ihe fair, as lit the unties of coal Ihe regions- A day's earning of the miners, aad a day 's prodni't of Ihe miues, eau be ob tained, where uo portable art icls could be procured s..t isausporluliou. Ju lee I. there is no pari or Mo tion of these States here the dsy's talur may uol be obtained, if orgauuatioiis can be lormsd to leach hem. The ("omiulll cannot clove wirhout urging upon all proprlttars of e.-tLllhujLU the duty of taking prompt Soil enersreiio aeiion iv awarv iiie oviieui ol I lie dsy of labor li oui all ailhiu their control. The Committee deeu it unnixieetary to do mors than thus Iu present Ihe subject U Ihe people of the three Status uaiued. Iu the coming campais;iis of our armies Ibe labors of lbs S.smtsry I omuiu'iua'' ill ba greatly suguieuUd. ly Ibe IliU of Juus 700,000 sum utie of Iks lara.1 armis of luudein tiwaa will be uiraltiig la toe old. N laJte s foree, seallered oe leguwa l Wbusi Ihe uvu are liiiaulitualrd, must aiMeMtiily tarty along with II a stuoual of sl. koase, soUartug aad usails, lo say both lud l lbs allisiJ borrms of lbs battle SjIJ lKreesuMetings 1 1 Is our bownded doty, as aita shI 1 biisnans, la relirte. A great u4 euliglilaued people, enjoy lug Ibe blwusgs of a Ijui eminent of Ik'ir eau luaking, eanaul solas assist slow lo awea Mtletiug tu waiuuia He auikorii, a4 a aU al believe thai the great CnUa! Imlt, diaaiag IU prv alasu (oas Iho lues) biaueof I'sei'sjlvenia, esj Jst'ey, as4 I'tlaaais, a aulasnl Ul ail miuef at, agil. eallajai aad luslasiitad waaJih, ebail fall ImIiU.4 aay aiasila otwl Uuk baS ot ba is4w M tlte leUef M tbe Nattust s vaMdisa As tt st itaMsaUe nut te tahl.ly sUeislais, m fuilW aallsusiis Ikasi tats ctiestlas will be nasasaajy lot ant eaaplof tfd asas as aawpont, any laspswt aUe wsstt.tuao aai as4 gantUasa Ut nuaee4 as asMsi us tae aoss al ikti us.u.mI. pnwyins 111 mm tassaa-siassMt hisssihim tu Ik.. , . . 3 ....... , . . 4ia.ie tbs ik. osnsss t M. a saal. li. aAkaali4iau.i aui et.asalala ssu.kas Si 1 All '"- jtMfiiwd 1st il,4 to JullS W tLAUUlltlS litaswlvf. baolt. aa,ltas. k. lis euaifc H tN f l i,.t I klit4l k.t I (jM. htf bi.lj tU.. M-lateot 4 M,it ... i, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SOMETHING NEW IN SUNBU&T. Latest Good News! WEAVER Sc FAGEIsV, HA VE just returned from Philadelphia with one of the largest and beet selected stocks of Ooods tor brought to Bunbnry. DRY GOODS! FOREIGN AND U0M ESTI0. such as Cloths, Ci. meres, Muslins, Sheetings, Ticking, Calicoes, De. laines, Flannels, and all kinds of MOURN INUtloodt, Alpaccaa, Illaek Silks, Oingbamt. Balmoral and Skeleton Shirts, Canton Flannels, Nankeens, Car peting of all kinds. HATS Sc CAPS. NOTIONS & VARIETIES, Comprising, Hosiery, G loves. Thread, Buttons, Sus penders. Neck-tics, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Oum Rib bon and Cord, tape, crotchet-braid, worked collars, fancy head dresses, tidy ootlon, carpot binding, combs, fancy soaps, carpet hags TrunV.s, Y elites, Umbrellas, lllimk Books, Paper, Envelopes, A a. HCAms irmvjm.nK: Of all kinds, such as Nails, Hinges and Screws. Door Latches and Knobs, Locks, and CI TLEUY ol every description. Also, Dyes, Drugs, Paints, Vnrnishes, Fish, Flaxseed and Benzine Oils, Glass, Putty, &c. 4kuveuswnrc nntl dJInaawnre ol all STOE AND EARTHENWARE. An EttcBctve Stock of GROCERIES, Composed of Bugar. Cofee. Tens, Rico, Corn-starch, Maoenroni, Barley, Baking-powder, ninliuwes. soaps, cnndlct, tobacco aud tcgars, Suit, l'ith, Meat, Cheese, Ac, Ac. Also, a largo variety of SCOTS & SHOES. for Men, Women and Children. tjS"All kinds of Grain and Country Produce taken In exchange for Goods. Give us a cull before you purchaso elsewhere, we are bound to sell aa low as any one else. Slorc-rooin in Ira T. Clement's building at the Fouth-west corner of Market Square, uvor the Court llou.e. fc'unbury. March 19, 1WM. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. "f N pursuance of an alias order of the Orphans' Court .1 of Northumberland county, will be cxnosed tn public sale. at the Mount Cnrmcl house, in thclloruugh of Mount Cnrwel, in tnid county of Northumberland, Pcnu'a.. on 'j'UKSDA V. the Ith DA V of APK1I,, A. D , 1H64. nil the riht. title and interest belong ing to the estate of the Hon. Charles W. Hcgins. du ceasiM. in and to the following Real Estate, situnto in Mount Carmel township, in said county, bounded nod dcB.-iribed as follows, o wit Itegiiining at a White Oak, thence South one deg. Kust, fortr-siz 1cr'hes to a stone ; thence Houth twenty. eight 'deg. last, uir.ety-vighl perches to a pine. South sixty-two degrees West, one hundred aud forlv-fooe perches to a stone corner, South twcnlv-eight degrees Kast. fifty perches to a pine. North sixty-two degrees tiiel. Iwciityciglil perches to a rrinof'South sixty degrees Knst. lorty-seven perches to a pine. Noriti fifty-five decrees Kioit. tno hundred mid thirteen perches to a post, North tliirly-lour degrees VVejt. one hundred and ei;;lily-five perches to a pott. South seventy-fire degree vie.'t. l.ighly-two perches to a while oi.k. tlic plnce of beginning couUiniug 'I'm' tt Blstitflrt'fl i:nl '1'ssrnly ..f rf. slrict meafure. being part of a lurger tract of land I in the nnmo of Lnwrouue I-oniison, adjoining lands ; surveyed in the names of Robert Irwin. Jeremiiih I Paul nnd other?. Ltile the property of suid Churles i W. Hcgins. dee d. I Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. T. M.. of said dav. j when the terms and coudiiioiis of sale will be made known by lil-.O. H. CLAY, Hv order of the Court, I Adminisiralor. J. A.J. Cl.M.MI.Mi.S.C.O.C. t tunbtiry, Murch 111, lbiVI.-ls. ) .iiii.a.i.-i:itv Ai Ni'itAW uooiin', . IN KVKRY VAllir.TY, of the Latest Importation', and of the newest and most fuhionnblc styles. Ostr fiiriiv !:irf tnrnf. will romprie every variety of Bonnets, Hals and I irtmmings to ne loiintl in that line; ol tho latest aud most approved shapesand styles Soiiciliyg uu early call, I remain Yours, Respectfully, II. WARD. No. 103, 105 and 107 North Second Street Phil abelphia. March .9. ISdl 4w fourth & Arris Kin., Vliiluflrlpliia. ARE OPENING FOR SPRING, 1864. 100 pet. f 1. Fancy SILKS. 60 pes. India Silif. S. 190 " Good Block 200 " Ordered Plain, SILKS 4-4 LYONS Black Silk VELVET. Brown SILKS, $o, J, 4, 3, 2, 1 per yard. Black " 54, 5. 4, 3. 2, 1, per yard. Muire Antiques, all colon. Magnificent Grenadines, Magnificent Organdies. Richest Chiutjes aud Females. Pprir.g EUAWL3. New Ilomyhold STAPLE UUOD."". N. B. Generul assortment of Mens' Wear. March 5, loot 3uiw MPOItTM.lli:V-4 Itl'.I'OT. JUST received a new stock of Fishing Tackle for ripring sales, cousisting of Ids Is, Reels, Linos, Baskets, Snoods, Floats. Nets, Flics, Artificial Bait, RiggSM Linea. Uut. Grais) aud Hooks, lo which the attention of dealers it particularly requested. Orders. Wholesale and Retail, punctually filled and tatitfactiou warranted. JOHN KHIDER. Snl and Walnut streets. Philadelphia. February 27, l!64. Om I'or ltnl,.'Tllcr, lEoufhrti, A ulw, ltt-tl 11u;,'I1o1im la I'ur-M, WoulrsiH. Ar., Insiet l on I'lHulb, 1'umIu, Anlititilis, Put up in 2, SiVv aud $1 00 Boies, Rot lies and Flasks, f 3 aud ii sites for llutclt, Public Intiitu lioi:, it. "Only liifr.llll.le remedies knewo." Free from Poisons." aNot dangerous to the Human FaraiTe," ''Huts couie out of Iheur bolee lo die.'1 ""Sold Wholeaale in all lariw ei.i.s. Kdd be all druggists aud Retailers every where ! '. '. Lkana '. ! ! of all worthless iniitnti'ous. S'-e Ibat "Cutler's" uaait is on each Bos, Bottlt and Flask, before you buy. A4di.- iii:Mt v it. tiONTtit. Principal ieiit 4i2 Broadway New York. X$ tiold by all buluaale aud Retail Druggists In ifuul.ury. Pa. Ivb. J, lac. fit) l-sif. Ialillutlrltltlst V ! ItMllrstusl. flMlf! great line Iravenes the Nostberusnd North ; J wcat eoaniiea of Penuyliaiiia Iu lb vily of Ene oa Ijike Lrie. ll kaibesa leased by Ihe Pastusylvania lUilroad luuipanr. eau Ulster llieir aa'plen la bvlnj rapidly o uad Ikioaboal its mitre Ivugth. ll it no si In aaa ft PaaM-agM aud freight buslaeat froisv llartiskurg to l.tupotiuw (IV! tulles) ost Iho lasiara tnvison. tu4 fiotu biiu.lit lu Frtu, oa sbllte.l ts Ihe tt ralata Dlttsh. Vina oa rtaeaabsn tais at trsai ar A"in Ja ' J l4H U ti--MrJ. Mail Train, Si A M I Mail liaiu, i :vi J M Ltfteat Irain, 11 l P M i.tprwat liain, I t) A M t ate raa Ibfuugk uboul sbauga, balk west, a Ibasa Uatna Wsms I'bUadalpsiia atsi Luuk liataa, ud botweaa llalt itaute aa4 lk liasao iUgaal Ulswpiuf tare M t.Sia Tralsss kolk eve Isataea M iI!Isuslm.i( aa-t liallissvae, at4 w illiatsttiiWt tad I'bilaUJUiia tut U.luf svaisvt) loss-avuksT Paatotiaef ppiy U-t k fc l ee. 1 lift aa4 Market Ma. 4u4 It reifhl battatataf lot l.isiai'i Ageaia, hiuta, Jl , tat !ih t4 Maiket M, 'kila4.li.kis J tt. r..)Ms. Tits. i M I'lill, Assai I'D 1, htduswa. II 11 lb I Slot, Km I tl.l.Ll 1,L fiiltrs l salt i. ii .its, I i ll .1 ri. I uja, I, J-WWa I I nt. tl-fs 'l.ss '.l lis ' - "' -tail ii .-LIST OV "LKITICltJa, Remnlning In tbo PostOfBoe, Subory, Pa., op to Msrcn 4, 18S4 " l.fDlXB LIST, Mits Rebecca Moore, ' Mary Miller, " Betsey Kilter, Margaret Brooks, " Esther Arnold, " Catharine Gibson, Mary Nlthamer, I Mrs. Susan Boyer, MI lTaas. Mary Reed, I, India Harrison, ' Kliiabeth Kister, " Boomelia Hauss, ' Kmeline Oinriok, " Susan Kttig. Mrs. Sarah J. Smith. 0KNTLKMEN8' LIST. Philip Mocksson, , PeUr PhaBer, Robert Kemble, Isaae Kerns, Jlenry Uulick, 11. G.Friok, 1 AroiriPTinftna Samwel K. Williasas, John Cegsa, R. h. Sia Christian Martin, William Uasa, J. J. Lawtenca, Sup'L. John II. Wilier, Geo. W.Itauch, P. Norths, Tbos. Kramer, John Let), John Cain, Jefferson Lines, Rev. II. 11. W. Hibsbmsn, Bilker, Chas. Minard, James Glenn, i John Moore, Theodore Viokers, W. II. Knouss, Call, (Merchant), One cent additional will be charged on all letters advertised. Persons calling for letters on the above list, will please say they are advertised. . U. M. RINJf, P. M. MarA12, 18C4. "VAIXAIII.I- TOiv I.O'1'H AT PUBLIC SALE ! WILL he offered, at PnblleSale.on the premises, on FRIDAY, MARCH 18, lfc04,at 10 o'clock. A.M., large number of TOW1T LOTS, situated at the I.KWISDIIRO DEPOT, aiilliaaua qnc township. Northumberland oounty, Pa. The Location Is all that eould be desired for pub lic basinets or private residences, being sarronnded by farming nnd grain growing country. In the neighboring hills are found Iron oro est a superior quality in abundance; thus giving fls advantages that few of Ihe neighboring towns pe-ecss. aud ere long is destined tn bocorao one of the most popnlur and flourishing villages in the Wct Branch Valley. The lots are 60 feet In front by 172 deep. A space of 10 feet wide will bo reserved in front for pave' mcnts and side walks. IT not sold prcrionstv, at private sale, they will be offered at public sale ou ihe day above mentioned. Terms easy. For further information, oallon or address the sub'criNir L O. HUMMER. Cameronia P. O..North'd. Co . Pa., March 12, '61. 10M ) PHILADELPHIA I I (Qt 10U. 1 PAPER HANGINGS, j .4001 jiowici.Is fc MoritKiv Manufacturers of "Wf-A. Lis PAPERS Anfl lYtitflow CurtiiltfS I'liporw, Cor. 4th., and Market Strcels, PHILADELPHIA. X. B. A fine stock of LINEN SHADES constant ly on hand. February 27, 1SC1. 3mw VARNISHES, PAINTS &;GLA3S ! "ITTE offer to Dealers, Coachmakers and House fV Painters, at the very lowest nett cash prices the best Coach and Cabinet Varnishes ; Pure White Lead; French and American Zincs; Chrome Greens, und Yellows. Drop aud Ivory Blacks, and a full as sortment of all the finer Colors such as Yermiilions, Lakes, Tube Colors Ac, also. Paint and Varnish Brushes, of the best make. Glaner a Diamonds and Points; Paint Mills; single and double thick Glaus, of nil descriptions aud all Materials used hv House and Coach Painters which we can sell as cheap, if not oneuper, tnun any other liouse, trom the Inct thnt we keep down our expenses by conducting our business personally. Mr. R AC one of the firm for many resrs manu factured the Varnishes, sold by the lute C. Schrack. We feci confident that our Varnishes, are euunl. if rot superior, to ar.r manufactured in this Country Wo warrant them to givo entire satisfaction, and if not us represented, ttie money will be refunded. Give us a" call before purchasing elseaheie. A liberal uiscouut made to Ihe trade. FELTON i RAl. Noj. )o6 A 138 North Fourth Street, corner Cherry, Philadelphia. Oct. 10.1?63. Vm it a it lows nuiuo iili'e:. Dealers nnd Consumers of the above Colebrated Wash Blue, will j.luuac lake notice, that the Labels are altered to read INDIGO BLUE, PUT UP AT Alfred W lUbcrtof-r'is DRUG 8 T 0 U K . No. 2.,3 North SECOND Street, PHILADELPHIA The quality of ihia Bine will be the same in every repect ! tk is warranted to color more water than twice the same quantity of Indigo, and to go much further than any oilier Vah Blue in the market. Ji dis solves perfectly clear and does not settle on the clothes us most of the oihcr makes do. One Box dis solved in half pint of water, will make aa good a Liquid Blue as any that is inane, at one third the cot. As' it is retailed at the tame price as the Imitations and Interior articles, housekeepers will find it very much to their advuntage to ask for that put up ul IV ILTBrllG K K S. I jc'All Blue put upafter this date with Barlow's name on it is an Imitation. '1 he New Lnble does not require a Stamp. For Sole bv Storekeepers generally. Feb. 13, lol. mw B0NBUKY HIQH 8CHOOI.. riTHE first quarter of twelve weeks will open on 1. tbe first Monday after adjournment of March Court. Tr.Rsis Pkh Qcaiitfb ! For Reading. Writing, Arithmetic, tieograthy, English Grammar, ft 00 Algebru, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and Geoloev. or any of the lauguaget, fi 00 Higher. Mutheniaiica. (iucludiug all or any of above $6 00 French. German, Latin and Greek, or any one of them in addition to above. (7 00 Tuition payable ball quarterly in advance. No deduction for lost time. ,. Daily records are kept of tbe merit and demerit of each student .the former deuotiug the excollencies of each in recilaliou and doiorimonl, Ihe Utter the deficiencies and delinquencies copies of which will be sent to the parents or guardians at Ihe cud of each lerm. Fur particulars apply lo Ihe principal. RXI aKEM'KS : J. J. Reimensnvder, tMiiihury. Prof. Wn. Neniling. Helios-Grove, Prof. G. R. Illisa. Lrwishiirar. K. P. ROHBACH, Principal. Funbury, Feb. 8, 14. LL nerwius indebted to tho 6rm of FRIL1XO A GRANT, will please cull and tettla their aa count sud save costs, aa they desire to close up their business shortly. All accounts not settled by the flrtt of April next, will be placed in Ihe hands 'of a Justice for eolleeiiou. FRIL1NU I URA.NT. funbury. March 5, 1 Sot It NEU FANCV STORK. " f1UIE subscriber respectfully Inforaus her frieuds 1. and Ihe jiublic, that she hat hut openeil. to diiraweet 0r Ihe Post OBice. a tVV b'lUCK I F FAM'V iKiOliS. fur ladius and genUuuien, uaeful and ornamcutal, eousitliug in part of 1. flies' Trimmiugt, Htatiouerv, Zei'h.w, lllank Hooks, iviiuu end other Thread, Diaries, Biwtinee, Memorandums bia kt liiblnua. Dolls. Tovt, Trnveling hsgt, lukt. Mutes, p.ckel Books, Oarata (or ( bll Irra, aud a variety of other artielee, all of which have bieu selected alth ear aud will ba sold al raan'iia. bla prices. ' A.NNA PAl.Mt K. r-uubury, Oct 10, ln'3 -Jy I THE I'AKIS MANTII.ffv. CLOAK AM 1 1 ii i:niMHii n. No. V t'aassi ? "rarer. ifiuictly .No. I0 ) j IIIILAMLIIIIA. ! ). . PKO(HK CO., lot lie Ike ailralion thsii liitbdt lu their large aa4 Huieib ho.-, ot Fine tLOAKS aad HRa, MuaraJUIrt ia say toituar taaaua Ike lacreaartl aesximuiodailoti aftitdad la our ntw lataiiua, euablea aa to dwvla the (uiieat aiu-tiliua w our I'ar llrptsrlMst-tjl bkk will be fc-t4 H fMbUtis ailk esety do. aotibiiuaaf thsf I laas 1 ( Ha, mkUk aHI be guaiaai Ia4 as fspieatalasl, a Ilia askaa fsu4 mill bo la lua lid Uiil't Ht) atail a HI le earefully aiiv4e4 lu aiai 4vlitat4, l aps sea savaffaa paid, aa4 auiaswe Ut4e of lot) atilbt. J. W fKiHliiK id' Va M t baaaut Waa, PklU4lrlia apt I, Sij a Uaoaasllill, bie a t W..i.seia 1UI L Ii WOLVKUTON. Allrttr)o tstssl I ssatasrlftrt) Ml JtMt Oftto, tiai bat aitaat, m I'saWs AUly, lUNtlUlt V. PA. 'Ill kttakd H"r",,' Ilsea4ia4is laet s4 ill wlt.l . i , . . ,1 t -1.1.4 al jlirf asi W lb. i .s.e a. i i s. of turn V ' 4 -.aise l,l. i.i. I If , G BO. W. CAUPEKTEH, 11EKBZET A OO'B IVholfMsalfS llsrsttr fttsd Chcsulcnl "Vnrt-4ioiia. . No. 737 WnrlSet Street, PHILADELPHIA, f pilEsnbtcriben lerw conttanrty tss hand a large X stock of Drags, Medfofwoa, Chessfoala, I'harma eentieal Preparations and every ol bee ivatkle which appertains to the holiness, embracing tho aaast ex. tensive variety ; slso, PAINTS, OILS and GLASd of every deenription. All articles purchased from ns ean he relied on aa being of the most superior quality and at as low prices as they oanba had. We ean offer such In. duoemontt at will make it the Interest of the pur ehaeers to lay In their tn police from us. and give ns their future patronage and invito all, who visit the city, to call at our establishment. AU orders ad di eased to as by mail or otherwise wilt neat with prompt attention. GEO. W. CARPENTER. nENSZEY I CO. 7.17 Market Street, Philadelphia. February ,1864 .fin TRUSSESS, SHOULDER BRACES. ELASTIC STOCKINGS FOR ENLARGED VEINS OF THE LEO, AC; lutlrumcnti for all deformities. Ml. GLOVER'S Sew Ijcvct Trims, hns takei the place of other Trusses for the relontlon and cure of Hernia or Rupture. Acting a pen tbe priaciple of a lever, it never loses Its strength. It is coated to prevent rust. It bos no pad on the back, whieb is so liable to injure the spine and annoy and chal'o thetwearcr. It is sure to retain the Rupture, giving ease and comfort, and effeetirig radical cures. It is warrcuted tn five ntixfactiee). 1 he improved Shoulder-Brace expands the chest and prevents the wearer from becoming rouud shouldered. Ludins' Bells and Abdomiual Supporters, Band acres, und Bolts of all kinds, aud instruments for all Dernrniltes of Ihe Body. I'll. G ROVER'S Oliiftc Is No. 4 Ann Street, two dirs from Broadway, New York. Strangers should purlicutarfy note the name and No. ApriUl1lSo'i. I3AAC It. STAUFFEK. Huleh ."tlaUvr nnd Jctvrler, MA"tcrACTi:HRR OK SILVER WARE A Importer of WATCHES No. 14 Neeih Second St.. Corner Quarry, PHILA DELPHIA. HE has constantly on hand aa assortment of Gold and Silver Palcut Lever, Lepine aud Plaiu Watches ; Fine Gold Chains. Seals and Keys, Breast Pins. EarRinits. Finger Bines. BracoV'i. .Miniature Cases, Medallions. Lockets, Pencils. Thimbles. Spec tacles. Silver Table. Desert, Ten. Salt nnd Mu'turd Spoons ; Suttnr S(Kons. Cups. Napkin Rings, Fruit and Butter Knives. Shields, Combs. Diamond Point ed Pens. etc., all ol' which will be sold low fur Ctish ! M. I. TOBIAS A CO S beet quality full jeweled Patent Lever Movements constantly oil hand ; also other Mukersol superior quality. N. B. Old Gold and Silver bought for cash. Sept 6, IH03 ly w 50 STOVES OF THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT ARK FOR SALE AT J. Kolirlxiflt .V 4"o.sj F O TJ "N-.D R "5T, SXTlSTBTJIfX, PEJSIIsTA.. Get th'ellct Get the Cheapct Get the most Eco nomical, which can be had nt the Rohrbach Foundry. Having a large Hssortmeut of the most approved STOVES, such a Cooking. Parlor, Office snd Shop Stoves, which will be sold ut tho lowest rates. Also, Kettles of uil aiies. Pans. Skillets. Ac. '1 hey are also manufacturing Muchinery, Ploughs, Castings, Ac. at .-hort notice. Repuiring all kinds uf Aericultiiral Iniplcmentt done iu a good worktuaulikc manner und at Ihe shortest notice. All articles shipped as ordered. Orders respeot fully solicited aud promptly attended to. JAlVu KOHllllACH A CO. t 'If Old Iron, end all hinds of Produce taktu in Exchange for work- Kunbury, Oct. 3, 1863. tf eh fmyld UIT'l'lii:, I.AItl. 'I'AI.I.O-IV A. s:.jfi. rilUE higest market price "ill be paid in Cnth for X Butler, Lard, Tallow. Eggs and Walnuts, by J. L. RhliEil. General Coniiuission Merchant, 201 Callonhill Street, Philadelphia. January 30, 10I. It 87S T D1SO IMIIC -l.Ve U. mllK l.ITTI.U GIANT SEWINd MACIIINr JL COMPANY want tin A.-"iit in county, to solicit orders for their new sI. Machine, with gunge, ti'rew-dtiver aud eatxa needles Wo wilt pay a li beral salary and expenses, or give largo commission. For particulars, terms. Ac. enclose a stamp, and address T. S. PAG K. Toledo, O., Feb. 13, "CI. 3m tieu'l Aycnt for the V. States liLACKWOOD MAGAZINE A HI Tns nmnsu reviews. Prioes Cheap as Ever, to those who pay promptly in advance. POSTAGE REDCCED ! ! Premiums to new Subscribers! ! Notwithstanding the cost of Reprinting these Peri odicals hat more than doubldd iu consequence of the enormous rise in tho price of Paper and of a general advance in all other expentea and notwithstanding other publishers are reducing the sue or increasing price of their publications, we thull continue, for the old rates, vis: n 1. The London Quarterly (Consoavative). 2. The Edinburgh Review (Whig). 3. The North British Review (Free Church). 4. The West minister Review (Liberal). 6. Blackwood's Edinburgh Msgesine (Tory). TERMS. Per Ann. $ 00 b uu 7 Ou h 00 3 00 6 00 7 no 0(1 IU On For any one of the four lieviews For any two oi the lour Re iev,t For any three of the lour Reviews For all'lnur of the Reviews For Blackwood's Mugaiino For Blaekwoml and oue Review For Blai'kwoisl and two Reviews For Illnckwond and three llcvient For Blackwood aud the four Reviews PO.STAtlL'. The postatre to all parts of Ihe Vnited States is new only Filly-sis Cents a Year for Ihe IV bole Five Pub lications. 'vi : twi ul yloiir cents a year lor lllack woo. I ud only iuglit tenisaYenr lor a Review. Postage is paj able al Ibe uBice where ihe uuuibvrs V received. PltF.MIl'MS. New Subscribers to any two of the Perio.lie.ils for I?ot, will recai e as a prrmmm their choice uf eiiy out or Ihe lour Reviews for loo3. tibeeribera to all live will receive their choice of any ttco of the four Reviews for lo3. Subscribers to any or all theworkt for leol, ma pria-'ure any of the lour Reviews lor l;':i, to which ihoy may not boentltU I at piemtuma, al It a year each. if Tbe 1 bird Kdilion iff ihe repirmocr Number of liIai!kwooi, contMiniiig an au article bv au Ktncliidi otii'ur who was prea'iit al Ih K ill s or Gcrn sat au, it Dow reiidy pi n-e .v e-i't. Rnmillaiicet and eiiiuuiuuicatioiis hou!4 be address, ed iu I.K.'IN ARD KCl'irr i CO . pul di-bers, No. t& Walker M., bei. Broad a ay 1111 1 I'Uureh tit. ' al.i Publi.b lbs FAKMKII ? rtCli n. Hv lltsav !rri 111 vsol l.ilii. buikfh and the late J P. .V'uerov of Yale toll-ne 2 vols Ral Uctavo, I60O paea and uiiuurous hubritvii.Ks. Price for Ihe lax voluiuet. By Mail 7 ttJiritu Jsnuary , 1 ' I ItrutlissM- llMllrstMtl. WINTER ARRA50EMENT IKKtT Till K I INK fi .w II.. North si.4 1 N.a-lb Hrsl lor Pt lladellAis. New Yoik. liaad Uiat Pollsv Ilia, l..4,n..u All. l loau l.sslou. i'dtus leava lliutulmi4 I Pbila lel bu. w. Yo a, ll vaults' t'uiuiiil and all luwrmedwio Bu i.-ns. i a .t M , sud i ou f al ,Vi York 1' i i s. I. ans llaiiisl.uiaj al I 04 A. M , urn ihs al a 1 ui k al 14 I j ibe ame u.oru.o laiui liuui 11 11 1'. boi- Tu ,ea Y'lk ISA , l I'l.ila.KliOia 4 - ka4 II M. l.s0';fc,a ibwki4 liif usU rti,iriiie bate Nte Yistk al A M . It Soou, aa4 1 P M. tPlii.Uuirfb l.sa-ss). l.saie Pbila4si. laieaiSltAM usilwr M Iaai4ng salt la me Ka Yoik FtitMa 1 r ,iua, Ihi' aA w a I liv.sa Pnubwruk wiiltoMI cl ai ts PaasaHeat by tka t atuwuaa bail Itua4 Uate Ta ta atwe at s A M , eia I Is V M . M ilnUdsl hia. Ixk as.4 ail Mat Puiuls tiu l.a.e P.11..111. al i I A M . aa4 1 "w al , t1 1'l.ll.J.ls.ai llassssaail aa4 Xv lk Aaasva.sasaa.iais Pamfslat Waia liana k.4ii4 at tjsi A U , aa4 isau liuta I kat.i.a a t Ji I a" All lbs ata.se Ualot la 4l; , kala;t tt at w4 AXaalst Irua Ualas p .H.ull. at T ' AW, at.4 I su.l iia al i la p M t aaaatal.as, ttllssss. Isaatl t" I Ifaitt-as I M Sasa as St4-s4 is" U, a. t . a I r t x svtakr(s.aws i I . , - i l i i I I fit I. is t',,1,1 ,.. 1 ,,.i G 11 A IS D OPENING OF FRESH WINTER GOODS. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON, 8UNBURY PFsNN'A. OFFER FOR 6 A LB AT VERY LOW PRICES, full line of DOMESTIC AXD &TAVLE D11E83 GOOD3 OF EVEHY VARIETY CHEAP ASD irAXDSOMB. A CHOICE ASSORTMENT of mn HDii'iDsia, UOSIKUT AXV GLOWS. HEADY MADE CLOTHING, SOOTS AND SHOES HATS AND CAI-S, Trunki, Valises and Carpot Biig. IIARDWAHK ASD GROCERIES. QUEENS AND GLASSWAKK. Stont and EarthcMtare. Vood mid "iVillow Wuro, Utir Iron aud Steel, Kails Rnd.Sri';8, Drugs, Fuirits and Oils, Window Sash nnd Grindstone., Ticks find Maion Hammcre., Coarse and Fine Salt, Fish, 5Ieat, Cbccse, Ac, Ac, Ac, All Kinds rl Goods, cheap for cash or Country Product, cau be found ut t'no ONE rUICE BTOHK BRIGHT ' & SON, "S. IJ. All Goods warranted A 9 reprvseiitid. "NO DEVIATION IX l'-KICES. SMALL 1'UOriTS AXD QUICK l?ALE.S Suubury, Oct., 10th, 1SG3. MOURNING GOODS!! Uliick Glossy Silks, 4 1 Jilack Cashmeres; . Super Black Mohairs, Kino Black Alpaccas. Black and Purple Delnins, White and Black Figured Delaines, Black Crcpo Maretz, Lupins Black all woo Delaines, Black Silk Br-retrcs, Good Black Dcbee, Pl.tin Blnck Gingrains, Plain Black Calicoes, Xcat Figured Black Cahcoos, Fine Black Sack Flannels, Black Love Veils, Joiivins Black Kid Gloves, Black lilk Gauntlctta, Black Gloves in Variety, Fine Mourning lluinlkon-liit fs, Blink cotton and wool Hosiery, Black Thibet and Wool Sluiwin, Ac, Ac, Ac. A nice lino of the ulave foods now open und for unU- at low pi ices. K. V. BHIGHT A SON. biiubury, October lilst, 103. A I A V T10 Ol-" IC Alt i: .Tl I. It IT BROWN'S NtW 'tlrlnla'l'vp l.uittp rhlmuey, t1"'The Chimney for which Ihe Keroteue.Oil Usui; publie have to Ions; been in need, because 1. It '-KTANDrt Fl UK!" Turn up the blase till it issues troiu Ihe lop of Ihe chimney, and keep it up as long as you please nm uLtst won't tin tux ! ; jrv 11. I 2. 1 1 does not become black or disfigured tboiild the lamp accidentally smoke, is snorter than the coiumou chimuev luaa liable to aceidrut and mure i-uiivvuieul tor carryinii1 about ibe house. i. it 11 not easily eilecied Oy tu l 1. 11 riinnfee ol 1 euiporaiure : i;o ouf 01 uoors, or into Iho ecller. -um-luer or wiuter. with Ihe luuu burning don't fonr 1 I Iho cbiinuey will uol diaapK.ar lu Iraauicuia! j 4. 1 ha lop can lie iusiniiliy remove J. and the flats wi-ed perfccily eleau iu a moment. rivir sv((i'. ana whiiuui aau-jer 01 tireaaiiije ino Kiaaa j i. Owe outlasts irtt rummoit rAisairys Tryitaud I you v.111 use uu oiber. oCMlelii I 1 Tow n and l.'ounty Agencies -raiild bv the N I. . Uiiuiacturni; to, 41 fultou Mrevt, .s loiki , Jauuary 9, lMil. itu a.Os'-k "-ai - v,Mim i ttsvea, tihinglas. Poplar, I tHnit, An. rpilK undcrsiined it almul ell. j(i111t 1,1, ,IW4 1 l.usine-a lo till a Ue-nled gap ,u Usslef-f Thd- adill bla, tualioj a s:c,al ,y u tk f..nw..Mock ' Irade. aud isoa U.-ilta lu I artuanmsils tu s- ' eure supplies iiia iny fuoiwaa. empprsa. Ac owiut U. Ilia iiuis.ililll , ,.t .,a,aiinii( Ib.iu la Ph. I. adulpiiia, aoi jipah" latgilv; an wias aiarkia t llieir r-lavi-a, AC. tt tin laeiwr elsuaaeuisul be. I the loauulacturt , ll,. tM.4ulsis.Ue4 I -Ha lu Wop j Ibis 41 vviso b 1 , iraJo bv kwt..u au alaisja ! aiiaik. iu tu ,y va,HX ul sjuai.iy an I sisa. By .u , Ii 4 Ibis b.assiii ul ttada pariu uiar aiuau-.o. ka ! boj aa lo fU)(av uii'Sw sails; la.arna lo aosaolMai-i.sB ; aud t-jabiuh bar lbs aiauulat'liuvit a ui.sie 1 si a Lie eiM',a1utii(u, w.ii, rtaal Ikaa as -m iU by 1'i.aa sU U4ut Uiaiuiy la bsss b' r lau.Ul ' Mauulwltum aa4 wiliats. atweaa lii.'su ipatii. ealtaly lottisioi. s las I aiiain by tuenei, 1 ait liars' sf ust f uiotaiassi'Si, hiasea, ilaausl.4. il-jgi I '' t4J' W A 1.1U K.MI I f altasttaillslSaaS Vlsvalf, 1'klla.l. 1 1 l it j I at ft asH pitta elae.s aajai4 ol I as t utss I'ak kvsisui as t rnqa.aily t i ak I la k . rlk s.4 ),iks I'tae I as.t.1 , Alw s ia.u. a a4s la ee4 aaaa ta,Ma. a, e a.aai, 1 i.y. ("oldat aa4 4 -a Latitat, 4 s I ttstsasiits ! it I a i 'I t I'bilaJ.. I alsta . lt. ktst Js IU I kiiaaaiiksa ;sal I laaH las I MU IIM It A tux, ltrNt tt ISSSi si 1 1 v V.!. tj t4 i s la.j kaa I 't W ll asul .'ly a lolb , US) 11 ,1 I 1 n t S SiiM,a. t. -I, a.,. 1., ,s- 1 NOT A RUM DRim:. A HIQULT C0I-CKKTCATEO VKUKTAIII.F. IslTRAC-T. JL PUFsE TC1TIC. THAT WILL RELIEVB TUB AFFLICTED, AST Not Sun It e lrtsnkarla. DR. HOOFLAKD'S German Bitters PRt PARED BY DR C. M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA. yUM. KFFECTVALtY AXD MOSr CFRTAl!?. LY -( iti: Ai.i- nvSArst a ai ialng from Pieordered Etomach.or Jvnineys Thousands of our citirens ere tuflWine; from T)J pepsiaand iiver l'isessef, and to whom tbe Wle.t lug qncslioa apply we gtiaruntoo nOOELA.XJf 'i GCR.VAX HITTERS will cure them. Ptsr-s-r-siA ASD Livlb BirEAsr.. lio vou rise with a coelcd lonRitc morninirs, with bad liiste iu themoath and poor nppetite for break. fHst ? JJo you feel whuu you Ilrst jret up so week snd Iimjruia voa ciin scarcely get about' I'oyoo have a diaihiess in Ihe head at times, and ofiin a dulness, with hisdachi" occasionally? Aro your bowels costivo nnd irrojuliir. aud appetito chaiigoa blo ! 1)0 you throw up wind from the stuiiuch, snd do you swell up often? Do you feel fulness after eating, and a sinkinR when the stormtch is empty' Do you have heartburn occasionally ? Do "U f-'l low spirited, and look on tbo dark side or ihmisi Arc you not unusuiilly nervous at times? Do you not become restless, and often lay un'il miilmj?l;l before you can no to sleep ? and then at times, don t you feel dull and slm-pv most of the time ? Is your skin dry nnd scaly? h'Iso sallow '. In short, it no your lilo a burthen, full of forebodings ; HOOFLAND 8 OKKMAN CITTFna. Will cure every esse of Chronic or Nervous Debility. Disease of tn Kidneys, and Disctu.cs arising from a disordered Stotunch. OBSERVE THE F'JlXOWISO SYMPTOMS Resultuis trom Dieoidcrs of tho Digestive Orjans : luwarl rib s, Fulness or Blood to the Head. Acidity of tbo PI" mach. Nausea. Heartburn. Disput for Food, Fuluetsor Weight in tlic slomach, Sour Eructations, Kinking or Fluttering at the Fit of the Ftouiach. Swimming of the Hi nd, Hurried and Difn. cult Brealbiisg. Flutlerint; ut tbe Hciut. Choking or fcutb.'cating hciisatiuiis when iu a lvin posture, Dim nrss of Vision. Dots or Webs before tho fiiiht, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head. Deficiency 01 i'ersp;r lion, Yellowness of tho tkin aud l'yes. Tain in the hide. Back, Chest, l.imUs. Ac. Sudiiao Flutliitof Heat, Burning iu the Flesh, Constant Iuiiipniuic of Fvil, and great lleprcssiou of Spirits. PARTICVLAK SOTH'K There are many preparations sold under the rr" of Hitters, put up" in quart Bottles, cotn ounded of the cheapest whiskey or common mm. ccling from 20 to 40 cents per gallon, Ihe lustc disguised by Auita or Coriimder .Seed. This class of Bitters has eansad and will enntinna to oniise. us long ns they can be sold, hundreds to die the death ol" iiie drunkard. By their U;e the system is kept continually under the influence of Alcoholie Miniulanlaol' iho worst kind. Ibe des're for l.ii(U"r is created and kepi up, and the tevolt is all thecal Uoidunt upon a drunkard's lite and doath. For thoso who d'-iire and will have a Liquor Bit ters. wo publfcli Iho followinc receipt, ifot Ona Botdo ll,lliii'i J Ucrman Bitter.' and n.ix with Three Qunrls of Good Brandy or Viirl;i y, an 1 ti e reultill be a preparation that will fur excel in medicinal virtues end true excellence any of Ibe numerous I.iqnor Bitters in Iho murket. and will cost much lust. You will have all the virtues of Hisifland's Bitters in connection vrith a pried ar'icle of Liquor, at a much less frico thun thtso infmior preparations will cost you. nOOFLANiTS OF.HMAN BITTFR3 Will Give Yon A O0I) APPETITE, Will giveyou 5-TKONil HEALTHY NF.P.VFS. Will gire'ycu BRISK AXD EXERCETIC FF4T,. I N di. Will enable yon to SI.F.EP WELL, and will positive ly prevriit Yellow I'cvcr, Milioust l'crcr, Ac. Those suffering f.oin Broken down and Dcllcula Cor.v.itutions, from whulcvcr cause, either in Mala or Female, will End in H00FLAXD S GERMAN BITTERS. A REMEDY That will restore them lo their usual health. Such has been the csje in tbousauds of instances, and a fair trial is but required to prove iho assertion KEMEMBEH, THAT THESE BITTEUS ARE hot Ms&mzm&St And NUT intended aa a BEVERAGE. The Proprietors havo thousands of Letters from th most eminent Clergymen, Lawyers, Physicians and Cititens, Testifying of their own personal knowlodgu, to the beneficial elluclt and medical viriuea of those Bitters. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the Encyclopedia of Religious know ledge Although not disposed to favor or recommend Pa tent Medicine in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects, 1 yet kuow of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits bis I believe hinisell to have received troiu any tiiupla ir, araiion. in me nope mui nc may inus cuutiioute lo the bfocfit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to llooflaud's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. I.'. M. Jackson, of this city, becausu I was prejudiced aaiusi them fn.- niiuiv years, unucr me nuprusion itial they weri j cbielly an alcolndic tuixitiii . lam ii.,iebied ts uit 1 friend Robert bheotniikrr. Esq., tor Ibo reuasul uf I this jTijudice by proper te-is. nod lor oneeara. mem tu try llieui, w lieu soiturnu' lioui cirai aud long continued debility . 'Ihu use of ihreu battles uf these rimers, at the boiim.in,; ot tbo picseut year, tiat iolloaed by evident relief and re.-tmaiiitii',i a d( 'u-a ol bodil and uieutai viii.t w iiiru 1 had t o felt lor six mouilit before, and bad lmo-t depairot ol reirai.in. 1 Iheretbre ihatk God and my Iruu4 for dilecliu to ihe use of tneui. .1 A'Ett TON lil'.'AVN Philadelphia, June 2Z, 11). rLeal of "Kidneys and Bladder, In Tvunpar '.g(J, M or Fonjlc, h'al'u"'1 r,,Ued, ,k roli'1" tt Jrod t TiFl.EC.Vlt l Illirl.F.X, Tluto, Safl.riug from .Msa.isais, wasiiua: swt, l,l Vureely any Wii ou lii.-ir Im-uis. are eured lu a v try si. oil lima ; one bottle in sucu casus, w ill liata a tntl aui 4ismg ittgct. PARFNT.4 baviug md.rin; cl.il lien at U r , and Wishing Ul rai thun. w-ltl laVLr tvlel tbu duy lliey Couiaieticed with lb-se liitlers. 1. I I 1 K t R V MI X, Ml 1KMS and Iho. work ing bald with llii-ir Oiuiiis, sliould always l.',p 4 l-i!lleil H.,1aud s Pill.is iicar Iheui. aa llu) all ln.u much bvuilil flora i'S i..-e. to l-oiu nntd ai. Uly. ibvioratiog and not 4,1'i,-..i aj. it is Ni' a Littm uiul ui, Au4 kvu 10 pr.'iation .tllrulistu, NolU.rra! AMt Illi; IKlLMi-S OF M IDihlii Ma nail tlsa atlellllull of all kkl li 1 l.turl.i flui ds lu li.a army lo Isrll II si l.l mi t i J Uistiau llillf Will Caia t.it. ,- . inbs i f tLt dls. a.a U.4lu. I bs .mv aiat M . tall'l s II -li. l.l In, ijaa lua. lu laa list. p.k! 4n4 aiu .1 ,iaily in 11 a beapalra UU ta anilal ul ibe ! k. II will k ' u.. 1104 lital a i aj(a p,..jiioa fH saSM'u 1,' ui aot-ilu Li.iytas ol t.iai k Ja nU laan y tuie4 V Huuttasut s lsuru.au b.ilats. Ma lvabi k a.l- M Ul s.aiotl Ibal tl lloaa l.i..s .n litvly t,u4 i.."ias auii.vis. baa uaui ul lltaa u.i,kl tat ts4 lltai sltusas wuald ba hH s li.. yi,. UK. 4s u-.il) i.v,i,,a tkalkftil 1st. t-r 11 a, s.J. i.s la IUa tiu) .s bu-aa wla Laa sos l!.is 1.1 kol b I iisastu Ib.s i,,. uu t-i is. ii. us b) lii. 11 iiti.d 1I VI tbi. HI ft Ml tl tils' f-.a i tl ifct ai, i,,i.s h ' I' M 4 tt hTt' " is aa Um tra,s w sa.li Ikst u p.l.,, Nl,l ,., kslf .ussa I.) 4 st bathi y u, fc., 4, u.4 kai 11 a. u la il. u. (..4 tj t, t v, 1U, , ,,r..4 10..., 'uu u.- I. , u ... ,a ...... i-i ,4 a. I a. a Ui., s. ui.l .4.isi.,.j lns -l-a !$. u4 ...,,, , h 4 1 i. -s, J' VI ilvv,, . 'V l4 ( "4 1 S . .. tU 1 r I 1 1 ' 1 ' ' I I" ' (ll t 1 s, 1
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