.1 I-tir-jc Assortment of EVAN'S A "V7AT30.V3 OALAMANDER SAFES. UREAT FIRE AT READING, PA. February 12, 1852. UexTtKMrT-n piT.jt me much satisfaction to Inform you that in tho sevoro tiro which, on the tniirnina; of tin- 4th Inst., intin.lv destroyed nil my stock and materials, I had ono'nf your Salamander Fun Proof Sufis. After enduring nn intense ml heat fir seven hours, the Safe woa opened, nnd the Books and Papers wet o preserved iu nn uniblcmiflicd rum lit ion. "hull nood another Safe ns soon asl get In order, Yours. mrl respectfully, Vf P. DICKIXSON.'lvendlng, Pa. fiue at (iiu:tx castle. CiiAMnKiisiniHi, Franklin county, Pn., ) August mt. ISM. ( Messrs. Kvvns Watson, Philadelphia Gentle hi I'll : On tlio morning of tlio 22.1 nf Anoint, Istiil, our Storehouse lit llroincastlc was destroyed l,y the. Tin' Salamander Safe wo purchased from you' some few years since wns in the above mcntihiicd store house, uttd contained nil i l.r hook.-, papers, coh. Ac. which were prcscrycl in a pi rfcot condition, alter Icing exposed ton most intense lual lor set i -nil hours. Please inform us upon wLat terms ou ill sill us another Targ-er Safe. Your? truly. OAKS A AUSTIN. Salamander Safes, for Banks. Stores, Private Families, Ac.. Ac. Also. Evans A Watson's Patent Alphabetical Bank Look? und Bank Vault Dmis, Kpiiil to pry made in the country, nnd Fold on ns ptaul terms. E ,V VV. would respectfully refer to th.i lollou inp Hold;? nnd other parties, hilling their Safes nud Looks now in use, In their entire sutisiuc lion. mi 1 many other? given nt tin ir Store. IMti;ii Siatks Mist, Brunch Hunk, sflicH.yvllli) Philadelphia. Tennessee. l'.-Ti-nSTv.Ti:s Altsi:.NAI..f'ily Bunknf Philndelphiii. California. Consolidation Il k ot l'hila. Pottstown Bank. Vn. Cnm'lh Hank of I'hiln. Coatosvillo Bank. Pn. Chalanoogii Hank. Tonn. Strondshnrg liank. Pn. Pie'm Loan Ass on. 4lh st. Jersey Miore Hank, Pa. Hank of Northumberland. Lock Haven Hai.lt. I'm. Bank of N'orth'n Liberties, I'lliladolt'hia. Union Bank, Baltimore. Southwestern lb i.kofVn. I'niil and Swift, ranker:1, I iiiiini naiiK. Atlanta, ua. yviai.nmn. Newark Hank. Hoi VV.H Storling.vVilkcsVe. Bank of N. C . lialcigh, Leivishurg Hunk. l'n. Oilier references gin-n upon enlliiiff at our Store, No. Hi S. l'uiu tli Street, Philadi Iphiu. opt. 5. ly tI.O.I. MAI.I4 t4. A tlovin'j-:n B.ji w. Si'.nhury, Nortliumlc II land county. Peimsvlvnnia. (Formerly Freelaii'. Snyder county.) OITU'K, Maiket stieet, one door vnl of Friling (iranl'ii Store, and nearly opposite the t-'ourt House. All prnlessional husiuess, eolleetioi.s, Ac , will re ceive pr"n;pt nlientioit. April 12. 1SI12. NEW TAILORIK Gr STAELISMEKT J O II V. JI A IS f B Murlet &jiurc, one lvr ict.-t vf the rvU (flier, STjKrrBTj-n-ir, fenwa.. r espcetfully inform! lii old friends nnd the puh i lie genorally that ho has again returned to Suubury und re-oponed n A'v 'I'liiloi-iiiy i;lnlIi'.liiiioii(. Ho is prcpnred to make up new Rarrnentii as well as mending old ones, nnd to do work neatly, fasli ional'ly and sulistantially, in f'aet will warrant nil work leaving the shop, nnd by so duiug. hopes to receive a (iue share of putronae. l'ersons desiring to have clothing made up to order in the le.le.-t style, nil! please uivc him a euli. Suuhury, Aj ril 11. lMi.'i. (i in. Hew Hat Manufactory. soi'T I'l as ai woor. ii n nHK Sllbseriher rosl.eetfullv informs llin iinhtin 1 that he has eouiiiieneed manul'io'turiu. at Sl'N- I 1(11! Y. all the various styles ot S"ll Hats. Fur und ' tVool now in u-e. Jle tru-t that bis experienee in ! the business in the city. ill enable him to L-et uti ! lints in st j !o nnd quuliiy ecUal to any in l'hiludel phin. A supply of silk and other hats will uUo bo kept on hand. Merchant' nn.t others will find il to their ndvnn tase to give him a call and encourage homo manu facture. Sold Wholcsalo and Retail, nt the lowest prices. SA.Mt 11, FA I ST. Market Si(Uiire. one door west oft hu American WHce. Sunbuiy, Augurt 22, lsOS. It l'A. V I I I1S! l'l V I j iiS ! J0I1X FAllF.IltA. No. , is Ar h Street. I.e. low Fi.'hth. south si.lo, PillLAHLLPIllA. Importer and Manu facturer of, und lienler in nil kinds ot Fancy Sjilfl'ifm .- luT i.-Mu-a und i imi to reiurn iny 1fTe-a; J llnmlis to mv Irunds ot 'hit' " 'TIT 3 B5S"",',".V l the snr S ' Z&SfafrX'ZX&S? "'Mlii'l? oiinties, for - r . uiur very noerai p.a- ' s ."if -.j- troniige extended to me durine; tho last few years, and would say to them fiat 1 now have in store, of my own Importation und niiinnlaoturo a very extensive n-sonmeut of all the ditl'crcnt kinds and'tiu.i lilies of Fancy Furs, for Ladies and Children, that will be worn during tho Fall and Winter seasons. Heine; the direct Importer of all my Furs from Furope. and having the m nil Manuf.tciurcd under iny own supervision enables me to oflV-r my ens o niers A the public a ni tieh hand.-omer Set id' Furs for the tamo money. Liolies please irive mo a cull be fore purchasing I l'lciiso remember the name, num ber und street. JullX FAT1FIH A. TH Arch Street. Philadelphia. Seplen.b.'r 12. l.--i'i:;. .'ni HOlISir& LOT FOR SALE. fPHK undersigned oflers for sule the houso and lot L now oceupied by hinisell', tituatod in l'eer street the first dwelling north ot' the Lutheran t.'hun h. The improvement uro n good'i'WO S'J'i'HV FltAMF priLllN!. t feet square in front with n two story baek building 11 by 2i, with tt double jiorch, con taining in all eight rooms und a large hall. Also n food summer kitchen afrl utuer outbuildings, tu gi'tl'.er with a good garden. Fur termj and conditions npplv to MIUIAFL UA11NE, Sunbury, August 22. Sti.T. tf MANHOOD, IIV l.ost, Blow BCt'Klort-tt. Just PaUhhrJ, in a Staled ttcctjt. Pi-ive '.r Criiti. VI.l!''Tri'E on the Xuturc. Treatment nnd Ra dieal Curetd Speriimtorrhu'tt or Seminal Weak lies?, s. Mini I'cbility, Xcrvoiisncss. nnd Iuoluntary Lioi.-.iens, inducing Impoieney, Consumpiioii, und Mental and I'bv-ical I l.ilil v. I'.yKOli XJ. Ct'LVEK WELL M. D. The inip'ortant fact that til uwfiil e(u-eiuenees of Scll'-Abiise may be erteotunlly removed without in ternal nu lii iuca or the dangerous application of fun-ties, io-iriimeiiis. iiu:,li ,aa i i-.l tsies. and other mi iri.-al dcie,-s. is l.cri: cluurly deioon.-trutt'd. nn i the entileiv new and highly sueccsatul tleulllieul a adopted by the celebrated" author, fully explained, by menus of which every one is enabled to cure hiiu- s-If pert', etly. and nt the least p,.s.-ibio cont, tlierel y llVoidilig all lite udverlised liostltlllls ol'tiicdllV- 'fbis le-i'.re will prove u bum to thousand and thou- anii-!s. Sent undcrseiil. in m plain envelope, to any nddress. I os. paid on receipt of two po'.ne tt imp.-, by nl-Urc-sing the ubluheis. Cll S. J. C KLINE A CO , 127 P.eworv. New York, Post mhee Hox. 4 sii Aug. l ', ImW. Feb. 2. ly Ho TRUSSESS, SHOULLEE BRACES, ELASTIC STOCK! Mi. Fult l.M.AllUl U 11XS t'F THE LEti. AC ; L.jti aioeiil, for nil deformities. l'K tiLuVKIt'S rw lii r Ti'M j hi.. en Hie pin, e nf other True tor the rd. nli.n und i iiicof ll.i ii iu .,r I'u.pluie. A 'ting upon the pntieij.ie ,. N tcfr. il ai r be. its trci,gih. li is i. ai.d I., i r. v .-i,t r i.i i hn no a,l on li., I,.u k, wt.o li i- Ii,,t ;u 0 u,ju il. sj.ine nnd nni.nv and i bu'.e Ibe H , in, r III. .ure I,, I, lain the Hupluie, civ II,,; ,.ue m e..nel, nnd 1 tlcellh,! rmlieul I'Ulvl II I. Mllle,t,. lfi. ...,i.ltoli..i 'Urn III I'.ved J-boul ler-ltiHeu rlpan Is Ike eliwt an t pievinl the Weai,-r II' 111 licmi.1114 luuud lioilldele i I lie. It, li. m.J Ab ..n.li.nl r-upp .rti i., Hun L m. 1 Ibli. 1 1 all knit., nod ii..u i.u.eni. ..r nil t el a 1, llii. o il,,. i, , 11. .!.'.; HI S i.ii., . I. V, 4 Ann Sim.i w d -a. tl III :i,.m.I4V. New 1 oik .iii.ii. .bul i j iu, uUily b..e Hi.- uji.o and At ill II I ' I .. InI'-iiiiIiiuI llult I, '.,. u.fi Jt i 'uimti i'laui.im i-i.i NEW i-'IIK f I 'II I (li.l Iw lf.u- ll u.u.1 i,i, 1, h.mtlil.a I hii I p:.aoi II ,1.1 m tti viii- aid .up, mr im i.i. 1., 1 lui. Nk'is koia 1.4 Lw.in u I I. -.em l I. v.l.lial lu II. I.- alloli. no I (, I ,w III ii l"llli I' 1. 1 1. In tut.1.. . in -ii anb I . 1 1 t.g 'l-.k tielv Iwllb.liU'.liU iall Ihi ka4 nil It.'al. I t I It. . II ' . il I ..,.. It' l . U - . ' . ti. i,-i niiti.,rfi . 1 ii,l 10 ! .a 1. 1 - ' I . . I I I . It Olti , Ol'i .41 I . I I I M V7I.I. KNOCHE, 0.1 MARKET STREET, IIARRISBURU, PA.j Denier la PIANOS. VTEW HoHewood Ptnnon, from tho best inakcra Jl frem $ W iipwnrds. MFLOliFONS. The best manufactured Instru ments from $t.rtoluO Unitnrs, Violins, Aceordeons, Fliitra, Fife?, llrums. Pnnjos, Tanihouriuen, Violin nnd (iuitar strings and musical iner chanJuc In gi tiernl. SHEET MUSIC. The latest publiontions nlwnys on linnd. Musie sent l-v lnail to nnv part of the country. OVAL, syLAHE, OILT A.Vl) ROSEWOOD PnAMES. Suitable for looking glasses, and ull kinds of pic tures always on hand. A line assortment of best plated LorKIN(i til.ASSES from smallest to largest sies Anv stvle of frame made to order at the shortest notice. WM. KM '(.'UK. April II, 1S("..T. p. Market St., HanislmrK. " t'FA li 1 .1 11 BA1 1 no. PETER LOUII.I.ARD, Simi1!'x 'l'ol(a'' ."t iiiiiiriM liirri 111 .1 IS niAMIJFRS ST., (Formerly 12 Chathain Street, Xew York. Would call the attention oi Dealers to the articles of his uuuiuiacturc, viz: l!l;0WX SXl'I'E. Mnc.ibry. lemigros. Fine llnppee, Puro Virginia, Course Happen, Nnchitoc'heS. Aiuei'icau (Icnllemnn, Copcnhngen. 1ELLOW SXUFF. Ssottdi, Honev Pew Scotch. Hi'-h Tonst Scutch. Fresh Honey I'ew Scotch Irish High Toast, Fresh Scotch, or Lundyl'oot. tV7 Attention is called to the large reduction in pi ices of Fine-Cut ( 'how ing nnd Smoking Tobaccos, which will be l'ouudof n Superior Quality. TOBACCO. Smoking. Fine Cut Chewing. Smoking. Long, P. A. I... or plain. S. .lago. Xo. 1. Cavcudi.-h. or Sweet. Spanish, Xo. 2. Sweet Scented Oronoco. Canaster Xos. I A 2 mixed, Tin Foil Cavendish, Turkish, tint! elated. X'. li. A circular of prices w ill be sent on applica tion. April i, IS:').'!. 1 Yj umiiip; Biisiii ni ncr 4'iiiiieiv, VILKESBARRE, PA. ':ili(:il and !iiriIii, 1 1 ,O0(. MRECTOHS: Q. M. Hollenl.nek, John lteichard. Samuel Vadhains, 1!. l. Lacoe. t harles A. Miner, i. i. Shoemaker, ).(). Hriesbach, K. C. Smith, Chns. Itorrance, V m. S. Ross, H . . Kelcliain. C. M. Harding. (). M. HOLI.l'N'HACK. President. I.. 1). SHOEMAKER, Yice. Prettdent. R. C. Smith, Secretary. W (i. Stki'.i.ino, Treasurer. This Company Insures three-fourth of the Cn.-h valuation, takes no Premium Notes, make no Assess ments Policy acknowledges ull moneys paid during the term of vour insurance. A. CRAWFORD, Agent. May HO, ISO.'t. ly " JORDAN TOWNSHIP 1) 1 S T I L L E 11 Y . fPJIE iindi-rsikriu'il hnving vnti'i'dl into inr.!K'i!iip 1 in tin 1'LsUHcry lJiisincsi. in .Ionian tnvvnslii, Nitrthi.tnl),,rl:(iiil einuity, on iiic rnnd from Mnifit'V's 'J'uvfTn to I iiiuntoxMi, iili.mt 1 niiUs troin Mi.h' hy 11 ml ti miles ti'tnti Iliiii-it-An, 1-j; lt:ic to itilurm iha f u'V.c Uiul ilu'V urc nun luaUiiig a fUpciicr ui- rnir. uve viitskev. Thoso ilt:iring pniin coiivortol into w bit-key cnu hnvu it 4i'iio mi the uuA rt'iisontililo tenn-. 'J he liii;lust cntii iivw hv i'h for Rye. mkI ;:iiiin ttikcn in exch.-inffi t'r Vlii.-kfy. 'J'hu puhlic t.in he Ji--ureti tlmt nil Vhi.-kc3 miulc ut this distille ry will be iieelioin ilru-'e ami mlultunii ions. ISAAC M-l'I'IX, li. 1: roivr. - Jonliin twp.. Juuc l.'I ISik'J. Om Alli'ia-iiy and 4 -(miiisI1m- sit Law. C'H'.cc ua eviV.U f-i-k- nf Mrkct clrt-et, i'uui door-i wval oi K. V. Hi iu;lit A ton 6 future, M'ill tittcn J promptly to nil i-r 0 .-sionitl hu-ini -i! eutru.-U'd lu his tare, tho colli'ctmn 01' ekum in INurthninherltiiul find tho ndjctiiing couuti-Jti. Sunbury, May ISO. ly J. E. HELLER, Ofi;ct, on houth side ol Irket SUiire. near the Court House. Will attt-nd promptly to nil prot'cional businr t'titnii-ted to bis otire, tlio colleetioii id' eluima in Noi thuiiiherlHiul and the adjoining counties. Minljury, .May 2d, 1G.J. ly t3-Tl.-A.3SrT Sc DIETE, LOWER WIIAUP, SUNBURY, PA. AVJIOl.KSALi; ASI KKTAIL HEAI.ERS IN WHITE AS II COAL in every variety. Orders solicited and filled with promptness and despnt, h. Sin bury. May 11, 1 Stn. ly '!' i sudVi't'i'H ritii s-5-i. i ltEYKHEND tlENTLEMAN having been re X stored to health in a few- days, alter undergoing all the usual routine and irregular expensive modes of treatment, without success, considers it his siiercl duty to eoinliiuniciitti to his ulllie.ted tellow creatures the mka.ns ot' ri'KK. Hence, on tho roceij t of an addrc.-'cd eniel. pc. he will tend (flee) a copy of Ibe piesciption used. Direct to Du. JtUIX M. DAtiXALL. lil Fultou Sucet, Brooklyn, N Y. January 21, lsilo. A VALUABLE Vm Toil rillin umli rs:gned offers tosell at private sale, his 1 valnal le l inn, situate in Zerbc tow n.-hip. North un bcllan l coill.lv, I'll., ulmui one mile west nf the town of T rev ..: i..ii, eontaining TWO lll.M(hl ACHES. o or lets; ubout sixty acres of whi-h ure cleared und in a good Hate of cultivation, and the balance well timbered wiih pine and oak. 'J bo iinpro i-iiieuu ure u Log-lluu.c, Lulu und other out. buildings Terms Kasy. Fur particulars inquire of 1UA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury. May 2'!, lt"3. tailokikg" eTtTelTsIiiiievl-" JOHN E. 8MICIC, lawn Strreet, opposite Weaver's Hotel, BUN nUItY.'Koithumbprlunil Co., Pa., IX K"I;.YS his friends und the public generally, that he has taken the Shop ot Jacob S. Lake, d,e ,1 . an I i, prepaicd lii ilt all kind, of TAIl.t'K INti in a good workmanlike manner, 'jhe patron age olhc public is lospeeltully solicited, .-ui.huiy, May 111, 1-so.i. ly Iv !. 1. '. i. i:. ) ST A TLX ISLAND F A N C Y D Y E I X li E S T A II 1. 1 S II M E N T. UAKHET. MH'HEW CO., Piopi icti.ra. OFFH'I S: No. 47 North Eighth St , I'hiludi Iphiu and ii 7 John Si , New York. I'ur siieei M lu Dyiing and Cleun.ing tluriuents of Velvet. Cli.th. Silk, Moiiuo, Do Luino, Ac , Ac . aud.MiiiMls of aloio-t every ile'riptiiii, i so well known (hut e only diuoro to remind our Iricuds ami Hie public generally, thai tie .eis.iii ,j; gellii.K ready their Full liil. i. now ill hand 1 lio.nl. rwiKrd and returned by Lxpress BAI'.ltl.tT, M PULWS 4 to Aiigu.-i 2;', l'J .,U4 w ti.t i riii . j t.w ltm I H. m:. Ih uii lemoned woubl iop. . fully mm.' yur ktuiiiion lu his e , l,et,,.l. k ,. Fu,eli,.,l Mini A II II1.S. Fio ii, ., Jl.a. FI.KV.ol .Lin liit..l mi..i 'A, ol lyliM wuipium all ol ih pk m m., in una f hi ti mi uu . II. .11 I I II II . 1. L' , . 1 " e , i S I, .HIT., IUIKII in ( a,...! .1.. I. i . k I ... . ... wv.i Hi.av in rtittf i'lultu 11,10 ?-cll Mill, te I. w, ,ut,,l I.. , u it ftltrnltj ( J Vt Iklio J. otliy mnully ,,p,,,tJ ,uj Mil.Ucltoli U.,Ui J f nil IHhl.KV. iui t:, .n, -w .hila-k 'I lll.lt at A (Ot, I Hormn Ml I JIM, Sj Dm i Full, n , "'l l.i .H., S,a ,, Villi i.i.lully.i I.i. I I.. ol.. It ,,, ,. 4j bail., i U lu.l, I ij i: t . , 4 DR SWEET'S INFALLIBLE L I N I M E NT, THE GREAT REMFEY Fur nJifi'vintism, Gout, Xe'trahjia, I.uiiiliuj XlffiXcef? Hint .loiiif. .s'vn.t. J!ru!ntn, i'utant H'cvii'i. I'ili.i. llnii.'iuif, (l)ld (ill Ilhriimntir nud AiTt'KH Jlifovihr. For all of which is a speedy nnd certain remedy, and never fails. This Liniment is iiieparcd fn in the recipe of lr. Stephen Sueet. of I'ouni client, the famous hone setter, and has heeii used in the pnicllco tor inoro than twenty years w ith thu most astonishing success. As mi Alleviator nf Pain, it is unrivaled !.ynny preparation hclorc the puh'ic, of which the "iiust skeptical may he convinced hy a single trial. This l.inin'ietit will euro rapidly and radically. Ithcuiuutic liisorders of every kind, and in thousand of ca-cs where it has hecn used ,it has never been known to fail. ForNeurnlgiR.lt will nlTerd immediate rcliel in every ease, however distressing. It will relieve the woivt ease, id Headache in three minutes, and is warranted to do it. Toothache "Is" will il cure instantly. For Nervous Delality and licin.-ral Lassitude, ari sing from imprudence or excess, this Liniment is a must happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the iienous tissues, it stictigthens and rewvi ties the svstem, mid restores il tin laslieily and vigor. For Piles, as an cNtormil remedy, w e claim that it is ihc host known, nnd wc challenge- the woild tu (In duce an eiiual. l'.vcry victim of this distressing complaint should give it u trial, for it will not tail to allord immediate, relief, and in a majority ol cases will ellcct u radical cure. IJuincy and Si re Throat lire soiiietimes extremely malignant and dangerous, hut u timely upplicatioii ol this Liniment will never fail In cure. Sprains art sometime" very ohstinatc. and enlarge. Incut of the joints is liahlu to occur if neglected. The woist ciu-c may he coinjueicd by this Liniment in two or thru; days. liruiscs. Cuts. Wounds. Sores. I leers. Hums and Scalds, yield readily to tho wonderful healing pro perties of Dr. sweet's lnlnllihlo Liniment, when used according to ilir-olions. Also. Cliillduine, Frost ed l'ect, and insect Lites and Stings. DR STEPEHEN SWEET, of Connecticut the llrcat Natural Euiie Setter. DH, STEITIEN SWEET, of Connecticut is l.iiuwn all over the I luted States. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of C'nnnptticut, is tho author id '1)T Sweet ' Infallible Liniment." Dr.Swoet's Infnllible Liniment Cures llheutiiutt-111. end never fails. Dr. Sweet's Infnllible Liniment Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Swect'.i InfuliiUe Liniment Cures Eurns und Scalds immediately . Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is the het known remedy for Sprains und Bruise- Dr. Sweet's Infnllible Liniment Afford? imnjcdiute relief for Piles, and .seldom fails to cure. Dr. Sweet's Infnllible Liniment Cures Tcolhacho in one minu'c. Dr. Swrrt's Infallible Idniment Cures Cuts and Wuunds immediately and leaves no scar. Dr. Sw eet's Infnllible Litv'mcnt Is the best remedy for Sojcs lu the known world. Dr Sweet's InfaMiulo Liniment Has been in uso by u.urc than a million people, and u',1 i'nii.-e il. Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Taken internally cures Colic and Cholera Morbus. Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is truly a '-friend iu need," and every fuiuily should huvu il hand. DrSwret's Infallible Liniment j Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 25 and 40 ccuts. . A FRIEND IN NEED. THY IT. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as an external remedy, is without a rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily than any oilier prepa ration. Fur all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders it is truly infallible, and ns n curative for .Sues, W ounds. Sprains. Biui-es. Ac. its soothing, healing and powerful strengthening prnpeities. excite the jut wonder and astonishment of all who have ever given ita trial. Over one thousand certificates of icuiaihable ciins. performed by it within thu last tuu Real's, utUnl the lact. TO HORSE OWNERS ! mv s i:i:t s infai.mhi.i-: i.immknt fou H'jKHi.S is iitnisaUd ly any, and in nil cimu of l-jtineiie. mirintc ti'ni j riiii liiui.-ej- or V reiteli in. it etleet it musical and eett:itu. Itarncsn or i iNiddle tialU. NtuI.-Im'S. Mjiiv Ae . it will ahu curu ! ei"iily. Sj'iiin and l.ii .,1.. i.e ii.ay v tii.-ily Jre j entrd and euredvjn tluii inci j'u ..I fH.l;i.-', tun I eun ! tinned enset are beyond tho "nilt)ity of a rudieal cure. No eace id the kind. hwcer. mi di)ierntu or hote!es iiul it ti ny he rtllfvinted hy this l.ini i n ant. and il faiildtil u.tieatin will aUvays re move i thu J.un.i'i.e.-t, and cuaki: the hor?ei to tiuvcl Hllb euij ui utt u cu.-e. i cle'iilil hiive thi remedy at hand- fir it timely use ul the fir I appeal iiuru of I.mnelier will t rkeluully pruviiit tli-'co f nitiduhle d.?ua.icn, to which all hor .- ur- linhle, and w hieh terider w uiuit) othtrHuu ; valuuhlo homes nearly Wuithle-. DR. SWEET'S i , Inalliblc Liniment. i Is. IIIK SOLDIEIl'S miEND, I I Aud Ih-iusanda bate found II truly j .A. 'HIi:rsJU IN IMKEIJ I I 4 MUllull, i T. ioi l iu.pini.4i. lUhi ll.a tdtthaluie and l ik.oi Li m, i l ,u rr,i uu UUI, mu4 Im Mi I In n l-t I . li.Ullll lu I 11,'U.rol ' Lluan in ik. Klu. ,1 sa.li U.IIU, iti.oiii a hi. It umiv ai (Jcauiov Kit II vhlH. A HI , Pi'-priin -. N Hb k CI Wi'liiiAN' sil l I ii.ioi..l Aj.i.i. il I til nu ni Si S t I all I, ilrrr urn , aLi.a l i a . ' I iy i Till! ALL SUFFICIENT TIIREE. THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES. Knoitn a "Ildmbold't' GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT "BUCnU,'' " SAPiSArARJM.A IMPROVED ROSE WASH. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS ' HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU, A Positive and Specific Remedy For Disease of tho BLADDER KIDNEYS, HRAYKL AND DROPSI CAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine Increases the )Kiwcr of Di(tostion, and i ncites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcerous iIeiositions, and ail l.'nnatural Enlareinciits are ruduced. aa well us pain nnd. .iullauiatioA, und is good for uicu women, or Children. i:i:i.tiiioi.i'M i.x'iitAcr iti iau FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesses. Habits of Dissipmtion, Early Indiscretion, or Abuse, Attended with the following symtoms : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of power. Loss of Memory. Ditliculty ol llrcat hing Weak Nerves. Trembling Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of vision. Pain in the hack. Universal Lassitude of tho Flushing of the llody Muccular System, Eruptions on the Face, Hot Hands, Pullid Countenance, Dryness of tho Skin. These svmtoms, if ullowed to go on, which this incdicino invariably removes, soon lullow i: M POTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In otic of which the patient may expire. Who enn say that they are not frequently followed by those "direful diseases," INSANITY AND CCNSt MPTION, Many are aw-nre of the causeof their milTering, hut none w ill confess. The records of the insane Asv- 1 n.,.i n, 1. ..u, ,l.,..,l,. 1... f '...,...,..,..10... . i.i. H.... .... ...t, v....- r'lwu, 1 ...v.i., ... ,1... iP..,i, ..ni... BBw.,.!!..,. Ml-. .....-,V H,M ,. Tho Constitution, once Allectcd with Organic Weakness, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and in vigorate tho system, which "Ilelinladd s Extinct l'.uchu" invariably does. A Uiul will convince Hie must skeptical. FEMALES. FEMALES. FEMALES, Old or young, single,Jinurried, or contemplating marriage, In many affections peculiar to Fenialep the Extract lluehu is unequalled hy any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention. Irregularity. Painfiiluess. or Suppression uf the Customary Kvacuntions. l lccrated it Schirrous state of the Uterus, Leucorrheu, or Whites Sterility, and for all complaints incident to tnc sex, w hether arising Iroiu Indiscretion, Jlubits ot Dissipation, or in tho DECLINE OH CTLANUE OF LIFE. See symptoms above. NO FAMILY SHOULD EE WITHOUT IT. 1 Take no Balsam, Mercurr. or Unpleasant Medicine lur Unpleasant und Dunjrcrous Disease.-. ; - i:i:intoi.is i:ri: i r Curos I SECRET DISEASES 1 In all their stages; at little expense; little u mi change in diet ; no inconvenience, j AND NO EXPOSURE. I It causes frequent desire, and gives strength to j Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing Strictures ol the Urethra, a hi vine: imin and inllaniniHtion, so frequent in this elass of discuses and expelling Poisotiuus, Diseased, und Voru-out Matter. I Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN" THE VICTIMS OF ! ' ((lAIKS, I And who have paid Heavy Fees to he cured in a short time, huio fouud they were deceived, and 1 that the --Poison" has. bv the use of -Powerful As tringents," been dried up in the system, tu break out iu uu uggruvuted form, und Peihaps after Miuriuge. V S E ii:i.Mitoi.i i:i i:a(t liKiii F'or all Afleelious and Disease of THE URINARY ORtlANS, Whether existing iu Male or Female, from whatever cuuse originating, and no mutter OF HOW LOXti STANDING. Diseases of these Organs require the uid of a DlllltTIC. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT DUCIU Is the Great Diuretic, And Itiscerluin to have the desired effect iu all Diseases, fur which it is recuuimeuded. BLOOD! riLOOD ! BLOOD! llelinbold's lliyhly Concentriited CouipotinJ Fluid Extract Sursaparillu Syphilis. This is an affection of the Bhad. aud utlacks the Sexuul Hrj;uiis. Linings ol Ibe N'o.-e, Ears, '1 bloat, indpipe, and other Mucus Surfaces, mukin iis itppciirunco iu tho torm of Fleers. IJclmbuhra F'x tract Sarsaparilla purities the Blood, and removes all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, cjviut; lo the Complex ion a t'leur und Healthy C'ulor. lt bcingr prepared expressly for this elass of complaints, its Blood-Purity inn Proprietors are preserved to a j;rculcr extent lhau uirrothcr preparation of Sursaiaiiillu. "jty Hcluibold'a Hose Wash, , An i-xcellenl Lotion for Diseases of a Syphilitin Na ture, aud as an injection iu Diseases of the I'rinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used in eooiieetion with the Extrucls Biiehu and Suraaparillu in such diseases as rBcominended. Evidence nf the most resHinsiblo and reliable, char acter will accompany the medicines. CEUTIFICATES 01' C'I BES, l'rom i-ijrht to twenty years standing, with uuuica kuoHii to Science and Fume. For Medieul I'roperliea of Buchu, seo Dispensatory thu l uited Mutes. See Professor Dewecs' valunhio vorks on the Practieo i'f Physic. Scu remarks mado hy the luto celebrated Dr. Fin sick. Philadelphia. Sec remarks mude by Dr. Ephraiui McDowell, a celebrated l'hy.ii lall. and Member of the Itoval t'olleneof Surgeons. 4roland. and published in the '1 laiisuclioiis of thu Kingc and vVueen s Journal. Seu Mcdii'O'L'irurloHl lteview, publi-hed hv Benjamin i'ravein, Fellow ol tho ltojul College ol Surgeons. Seo luuat of tho luto Slandiird W'uiks on iledi cine. Exihai t Prt'Hr, Jl tin per bottle, or six, Ji 00 S tUsAI'.VHII.I.A I I'll " 6 UU 1 Vil li. .M , ItusK H ASH. M ' J 60 t'r ball a .Ion u of each lor U t'0. xhi.-h w ill be sutlicit nt In cure thu moat ubatiuatv cuti s, if diiuctiun ure adhered tu. I'eliverod to any address, tecarely pat led rum olwtcrYuriun- tf Dc.erihe symptoms iu all communications t'uics jjiiuiaiilied. Adv lev K'alu. AFFIDAVIT Pena.iially appeared telore me an Alderinaiiof tl.tt HIV ol riala-lel lna, II. I ilillnl.l I, who, 1.4-iuk duly Hum, doth aay, hu preparations contain no aaruolie, nu aavreury, Of ulhur usurious drugs, but am purely vcgilabla. II T. HKI.MBiU.Ii. Ha or uaud doeribed he for ui, this ?id day uf o o tiiiKir, ism nn i'. ii i mi.tii ii, Aldiiaiau, MuUi-aUatil, abuts lla-ia, I'hila. AddiM lalleo t Information lu auiit Icum. li. 1 ilr-r.MUULD, lu.iuut. Dt kI Hi (sialb Timlh-alicct, baton I'bvaldul Phila. I tW AhE uif C1 M bllFFIla, Aud I upllnilplad I'saUrs U bu riulaaior iu du. 'i( Ihulr nn" saiJ oi4llVV, aiiudaa uu iha fvuuuioti allaiiird by IKIu U.14 livuuiua 1'i.paiain.u, ' S.AII4WI tu.hu, M a-raaimrills, , ' IuKil KuMl H sail S 1 1 by all Diagl.u ii.i)abvi. AK K'U IIFLWU 'l Dsl-TAbt Mx'Tlltll (blunt Iba avl.Mla.ail, Sb4 Mil 4 v II, Aui .O.I 1 I i.l- lll' Ibi I tl - aliilt. I 1 lk.1,1 .'- l J tj j ItenAIng' ICnllrond. ST7MME.1 ARRANGEMENT. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North ana North-Wost for Philadelphia, New York, Road ine, PotWrillo, Lebanon, .Mlentown, Enston, Ac. Trains leave Harrisburij for Philadelphia, Now York, Reading, Pottsville, and all lulormcdiate Stations, at 8 A. M., and 2 00 I'. M. New York Exprrssleaves llarrlfburg at 2 IS A.M., arriving at New York at 9 15 the same morning. Fares from llarrlsbnrg : To New York 15 15; lo Philadelphia (3 35 and $2 80. Baggage checked through. Returning, leare New York at 8 A. M.. 12 Noon, and 7 P M, (Pittsburgh Exprnsf). Leava Philudil- hia at 8 15 A M. ana 3 30 P M. Sleeping enrs in the New York Express Trains, through to and from Pittsburgh withont change. Passengers by the Catlawissa Ril Road leave Ta maquaat 8 50 A. M., and 2 15 P. M ., for Philndel phiii, New-York, and all Wav Points. Traius leave Pottsville at M 15 A. M., and 2.30 P. M.j for Philadelphia, llurnsburg and New York. Anaccoinniodution Passenger Irnln leaves iteailing at 6 00 A. M., and returns from Philadelphia at 5 00 P. M. I V All tho above trains run daily, Sundays ex cepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7.30 A. M., and Philadelphia nt 3. 15 P. M. Commutation, Mileage, Season, and F'xeursion Tickets, at reduced rates to nnd from all points. (). A. N I CULLS, . May 2. 1SS3. General Superintendent. Hi:t. Ai-riiii-iu-iiti iMu:t. oi i'iv Yiirk I.iiK-x. THE CAMDEN AND AMliriY AND PHILAI'EL- PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINKS. Frum l'hilaittlphitt to iVr Yorl and Idiy J'arr.t, front Walnut street Wharf and Jivitn'itfrttiii Depot, vill leave nt follow, t-i'i . faiik. At 6 A. M.. via Camden and Aiuhoy, (C. and A. Accommodation.) $2 25 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City.N. J., Accommodation, 2 25 At K A. M.. via Camden and Jersey City, (Morning Mnil.) 3 00 At HA. M., viii Camden and Jersey city 2d Class Ticket 2 25 At 11 A, M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Express 3 00 At I.' M. via Camden and Auiboy, C and A. (Accommodation.) 2 25 At 2 P. !., via Camden and Aiuboy, (C. and A. Express,) 3 00 At 3 P.M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, W'ash. and N. Y. Express 3 00 At fi P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, (Evening Mail.) 3 00 At Hi P. M. via Kensington und Jersey city, Southern Mail. ' . 3 00 At I) (night) via Kensington and Jersey city Soutnerii Express 3 UO At 5 P. M., via Camden and Amlaiy. (Accom modation, Freight und Passenger, First Class Ticket. 2 25 Second Class Til Vet, I 50 For Water Gap, Stroiidshurg, Scrnnton, Wilkes harre. Montrose, Great Bend, Ac. ut ti A. M.. from Kensington, via Delaware, Lnckunauna and Western Railroad. For Maucli Chunk. Allenlown. liethlehem, Bclvi dere. Fusion. Lambeitville. Flemiiigton, Ac. ut 6 A. M.. from Kensington Depot, and at 'li P. M., from Walnut street barf. (T lie 0 A. M. Line connects w ith Trains leaving Easton for Munch Chunk, at 3-21) P. M.) For Mount llullv. ultl A. M . 2 mid I P. M. For Freehold, at tl A. M. ami 2 P. M. WAY LINES. F, r Bristol. Trenton. Ac, ut 1 1 A. M. and 2i and 5 P. M. from Kensington, For Palmyra, ltivcrion, Delaneo. Bererly. Bur liiigion. Florence, Bordcnlown, Ac, ut 12. '1.2. Ji and (i P. M. t ir l or Ne iv York, and Way Lines leaving Ken singlou Depot, take the Cars on Filth street, above Maliiut, half an hour hetore departure. Hie Curs run into Ibe Depot, and on the arrival of each Truin, run from the Depot. F'ilty Pounds of Baggage only, allowed each passenger. Passengers ure prohibited from taking anything us baggage but their wearing appari I. All baggage over filly pounds to he paid for extra. 'Iho Company limil their responsibility tor baggage lo fine Dollar per pound, ami will not he liable lor liny amount beyond tdUO. except nv special contract. M. II. GATZMElt, Agent. January 17, lst'3. Northern Central lJnihviiv ! mi .umcis'i-i.-fii- t.uiij:. TWO TRAINS DALY to and from tne North and V est Brunch Snsquehuunu, l.linira. and ull ol North ern New York. OX nnd after MONDAY. APRIL 2"lh lt'.t. the Passenger Trains ol the Northern Central Railway will anive at and depart from Sunbury, llarrisbr.rg am'. Baltimore ns follows, uz: SOU T 11 W A R D . Mail Truin leaves Sunbuiy daily (except Sunday). 10 ID A. M. " leaves Hurrishurg. J l.j P. M. lt arrives at Baltimore, 5 o'j ' Express Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday.) ' 1107 P.M. " leaves llarri.-burg (except Monday.) 2 On A. M. " arrives nt Baltimore daily (except Monday). 6 1.1A.M. Harrisburg Accommodation leaves ll.irris- tuigi tl .10 A.M. NohTlIWAIiD. Mail Truiu leaves Baltimore daily (ex cept Sunday) '.I l.'i A. M ' leaves llarri-l uri . 1 l.'i P. il " in 1 1 is m Sufbury, 4 n;, Express Tiuin leaves llatliinore daily tl l.'i P. M ' arrives ut llarrisbur;.-. 1 2 j A M. ' li-a es iliirrisburi; except Monday). II ml A. Jl. " an ii es ut Sunbury. Sits For further information apply at the iitlicc. 1. N. DtBAllKV. Supt. l.a l.;it anna .V 1IIoiii-.Iiii- ISail road. ON and after November 17, tSii2, Pas-engcr Trains will run as follows : MUWNU SOUTH. I-'Kipht iV Vu neuter. 7', , ,, i,,-r. Leave Scrnnton, H.tnl A. M. ii..i A. M Kincstou, tl.l'il 1 1 .Jo P. M. ltupert. II .10 " Dinivillo. 12. US Arrive at Northumberland, I2.4.'i P. M. Ml "VI Ml NUHTil. Leave Northiimberluud, o lid P. M " DuiiTille, lino " Bu).crt, rt.;;.i ' Kingston, n.4j Leave. 1 l.'i P. M. Arrive at Scrnnton, 111. (iu P. M. ;i.4o A Passenger Train also leiiies Kinu'-toii at 8 HO A. .M-, lor Scriiuioii, to connect with a t ruin ,.r New York, ltcturnin, leaves Scrnnton on urrivul of train from New Vmk. at 4 lj P. M. 'Ibe Lackawanna A llbaiiusbur Bailrotid connects with thu Delaware, Lackawanna and Western liail roa.l at Scraiitoii, lor New Vork und iutertuediato liuiuls east. At ltupert it connects with tho Callow issa Bail road for soots both easi and weot arriving at Phil udelpbia at 11 IS P, M. Al Norihiimberluud it connects with the Pl.iladel phia A Eric Lailioad and Noiibcrn lenlial llail roa.l. for points we-l ami smith Pa--, ncrs urrii ii.; ut Ilarrisl.uru4.i0 P. M ; Philadelphia lo l'.)l , und Baltimore lU.L'l" P. M. The Freight and Passengers Train north, leaves Northumberland at 0,ij A M , and uiritcs ut fi.-'ol' M., pusinj; Duuiillu ul H.2n P. M. Jt'lIX P. ILSI.fiY, Sup't. J C. ki.lb, tienerul Ticket Agent. Nov. 'it, 1m)2. Miif our I'riiit, BV uviiiK Masou'a' Patent Sheet Metal Screw Tup PrcscrTc Jar. MMUXH J' ATI!. XT S1IKET METAL SCUliW Tt'P! All that is neccsrv lM-iii( to m-rew the Cap down .iuu lha Itubber lillskel, which is placed outside l -.n thu .boulder of Ibe Jar, j of an inch distant loui Ilia top ; prevent Iho fKisaibilily of the flavor of lie tiuit bcii, injuied by coming in contact with tho libber. Pcrauus desiring these Jars can be supplied hy hia ing their older, with Jl. B. MASSl.lt, Agcut. Sunbury, Jun 2, Issio. JUbT HEADY, NW STYLES OF JEWELRY. N opKirtiiiiity not 4u bs lust sight of. liars thauce for Amenta. Ladles aa wall aa lieula ean act as Ageula Apply early and securs Uia agency lor your locality. IOO.UOU WATvims, r :" cuai.xs, lock uti1, iii.xus, tuiLh I'li.xs a.xu mm us, UltACHLhTf, fiTl'lf, UL TTo.XS, Aft'A' CUAI.XS, SETS UP JEW. ELK Y, 4 Tuba sold f"f 111 scb, sud l ta ba aij f,--until you know a Lai you ar la (ol. (H ad iJ vunla lur Ceiiilicais. ullinf you a bat )uu can hair auU ailiculai givins; loll l arll.'ulal. Ui Agents. I'tilvel aatlslsotli'l! guaiaiiUvd III all eaaaa Addii., H M MAKDi l , tu HioaJaa) . Boa 4,7. March Jl, lulJ - y BIMON y. WOLVjVUTON. . tlorssra Hsssl 4 ttMssar Iwr Ml laMM, I liftcs, Halktl Miaul, I dows Irat of lt4, HUNHUHY, PA, I I ' I LL atuud KoUipiU) lu Ilia x.lkili. uf claik-s II Sud all ulhaf l-lolial..al burili.ai Inllual.d to k.i.s'.IM V rfifuu , i.o a.l.l i..,. i -tli' -l v .y . I - UTTEiNTION DEALERS VNNOUNCES to all who trade in Sunbury, that he has just purchased a .AKU1? NKIIK of well JSoloclrU NEW GOODS, Which he offers at his old stand, near Covert's Hotel west end of Market Square, very CHEAP ion CASH Or if that will not do, Just as cheap for c o i; .- t u v i it i i' ' i: . Ifis stock consists of a large jusortoient of HATS. BOOTS, CAPS, SHOES, COATS. HALT, PANTS. BOAP. VESTS. RHUSIIES. HARDWARE, Q UEEN S W A I!E, -and other ar ticles altogether too numerous to men tion. CALL AND SEE. Sunbury, January 3, ItSO.'l. 'I'lic Atliini'n l'.xir-n oniniiy, CIVE NOTICE that they hnvo concluded' ar il rangements with tho Northern Central Railroad Company to run trains from Baltimore for York, Harrisburg. Dauphin. Halifax. Trevorton, Sunbury, nruiiiniherlnna. Lewisiinrg. .viilton, iwuncv. v 11- liiunsport. and alt intermediate stations, connecting at Harrisburg with the GHEAT YVLSTERN EX PRESS for Pittsburg. Cincinnati, St. Louis and tho West. Also with Howard A Cn.'s Express at Milton or Danville, Blooinshurg. Wilkesbarre. Pittston. Sernn ton. and intermediate stations on the Cattaw issa, Laekawanna A Rlnomsburg Ruilmads'. At W il liainsport, by Howard A; Co.'s Express to Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also, hy Howard A Co.. and their connections, for Canton. Troy, Eliuira, Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara, and to nil accessible jaiints in Western New York and Cunnda. by which they will forward Mcrcbamliso. Specie, Bank Notes, Jewelry, and Valuable Puekages of every descrip tion. Also, Notes. Drafts and Bills for Collection. F;xin-rieneed and etlieient inessenirers employed, and every effort w ill be mailc to render snlisfaclion. JOHN BINGHAM. Superintendent Penn'a Division, Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHLR, Agent lor Sunbury. April 5JHI12. itic iviioi sr.. Corner of State and Third Streets, IIaiiiiism no. Pa. THIS HOUSIC, In eonsenuenee of its convenience ami near local ion tu tiio Capitol, has made it a desirable stopping place, not only for Jhose having loiiiiess at Ibe soul nf liovcrtimi'iit . but for otlii'i. .Mtirch 2U, iwja. SPECIAL KOTICE. TJ Il-T V l ( JiTu LT" kJoFt 1 1 K im i is a it i ci o t s i; , IMULAI'KLnilA, lU-vpivt fully cull tlio iitti iiti.iu nf ljiisinc- Men ninl the Irnvullin O'liuiinitiity. to the iiKTinr hccuuiiuu dnthm iiint cuii i lur I in (heir (Miihli.-htm-nt. KAXAtiA. J UWI.KH & CO. Auywrt 2'J, int.;. ;im jc S T-1S60-X. Ii-iil4"s lI:inf nlioii BSiffoi-M. They j nrify. ?itreiij;thrn. r.tn! imtTtite. Tln' crente a henlthy ni'n-tite. Tin y ure mi nnti'Me tu 'lnii:e of witer iitkI 1 i -1 They tivereutiieuftectfiui "tlissij-iil ion nini lute tump They sticiilh lttliefyslein im-1 enliven the tniii'l '1 liev iTeveiit in hisiniil ic uiul inlennitteiit t'e ei. They purifvthc hn-Hlh nml uirili ijt Ihe .toiniich i They cure byspejwia niel l'oii!!ti'Hti'n They cure l'iiirrlioi, Lhulcru, ant L'hylcru .Mur hu. They cure l.ivtr Couii'ltiiut uiul Nervous Ileud 1 liehe. j They nrcthe het Hitter!1 in the wmilil. They ninfie j the weak nmu st rou l;. nud urn e.xhtiusted niittire'pi I jrruat rtturer. They ure lunrte of purit .Si. 1'ioix limn, theeelelirnted Culisuyii Jitirk, n-ut.-i mitl herl)-'. and arc taken with the pleasure nf u 1ever:ie. uilh- out repaid tci ae r time of day. 1'ui t ieulai I v re- oumiH'iidrd tu delieate n-rnle4 rentiirin h t iitle hiiinuhint. fshl hv all ltrue rs. Ii UL'i-ts. lintels ! and .ST!o..l8.. 1'. 11". 1KAKK A CO., 2u2 iirwidwuy, New-York. & t'her 2.", 1802. rru:ui BIBLE DISt'Losl'BES SECUETS Foil Till: Mll.LI'iX ! A iro-t valaitble and wonderful publi- ation A work of oil pai-s. and .'tu colored eiiraiings. Dll : III N'I'FKS VADE MLCI M. an original at. I p.. pu i lar trcati-e on Man ai.-l ',.ni.ii,. I in ir l'l.y.-i"! ..r. Function--, and Sexual di-oiders of every kind, v.itlt ' N'ever-l-ailiiig H.uiodi.s tor their specdv cure. The practice of Ml. IU N'TUt has long been, and still is. unbounded, hut al the earnc: solicitation of ! numerous persons, he lias been i-oiaccd to extend bis - medical usefulness through the medium of his -.Hi: MFC I'M." D is a volume that ImuM be - in the hand- of every family in the land, us u preventive of secret vires, or as u guide for the alleviation ,.f one of the lints! awful and 'le-;ritctiw scourges ever v isit. d mankind. tnc copy, sc, urely i enveloped. Will be toruardc.l free of p. stage to any i part of the United States for jit cents in P. 1 1, stalops. i or a copies for SI. Address. p,,M paid. fill. Ill N ll.il, No. .t iti i-ion street. New ink. June ti, iMi.'l. ly. ! IIEIMSTliEKTS t .iinilalilt- Hair Et-.loi-silit . IT IS M'T A DYE, I But restores ,-uy hair to its original color, by siipplv - ing the ea; .lary tubes with natural siistei.anee, im ! paired by age or disease. All instantaneous dyes are composed of lunar caustic, destroying the v itality j aud l.eauly of the hair, nnd nllord of tlieuisclvcs no i dressing. llcinisir-ct's Inimitable Coloring not only i restores haij to its natural color by an eu.-y pruccas, but gives the hair n j LI XI BIAN'T BEAUTY. . promotes its growth, prevents its falling olT. eriidi 1 cat.-s dandruff, and imparls health and pleasantness j to the head, lt has stood ihu tc.-t ot lin.e, being the ' oiiginal Hair Coloring, und is constantly increasing in favor. Used by both gcntleiucu und ladies. Il is sold by all respectable dcalcis. or can be procured by tliaiit of ibe commercial ui"ul. D. BAH NFS, iTroudwav. N. Y. Iwosucs, oO cents uud $1- October 25. 1M'2. i si i.i.:, I ALSO, I GAKOKN OH FHUIT FAUMS. Suitable for trapes. Peaches. Penis. Kaspberries. j Slrawberrie', Blackberries, currants. Ac., of 1.21. j. 10 or 20 acres each, al the f illuw ing prices lor the 'present, v it .- .ilii acres for 2U(i. Lj ucrcs for SI 10, j acres for So. 2! sens for $40, i acre for S20. ! Payable by one dollar a week. Also g,,o, Cratibcjrv lands, and villsge lots in t'lll.l WnilD. 2i by lot) feet, at fol each, payable by one dollar a week. Tho alan o land und farms, j aru situated al Chelwood, Washington Township, I Burlingtou County. New Jersey. For further in I foimutioii, apply, with a P. O. Stump, for a circular, li. Ell AN'KLIX CLAllK. 5o. m; Cedar Sucel. New Voik, X. Y Jnnnary 21, Imo.I. ly "vEAVICPja HOTEL, Comer Fuwn und Market Strtets. Ml .Alt! III, l . rPIlK undersigned rcsi eetfully infuims the ublic, il thul he has taken charge of Ibe aiaivi named lb. tel. and asks for the continuance of the former , pntioi.agc and would invite all others tu give- him a . cull. HIS TABLE ; ! is always supplied w ith the heat the market affords. His liar coutuiusthe choicest Inpuois. ami his stub liu- is j-.Kid and well attended bv careful I'-ilem I l MICHAEL WlLVEItT. i I unbury, May SO, m. 1 NEWS! NEWS! NEWS ! NEWS ! ! HOOTS AM) SHOES, I BE now uinnufat'tured loonier bv the subscriber al I IIKAIKU It A I LS lhau at any other est ah li.hmcnt in Sunbury. '1 ha war lax is Mil luken into consideration, and ull wmk wilt be dunes! old prices, liming jusl rcctivid an inllla new .lock of leather and Moiooctai, for 4at-Hll-iii-uB llola uiul sahura, j l-Uli'ai a-llui-alllltl allil--a, lllllll'l-ll'a lloi-a, A ., ,V bleb will ba made lo order al short notice, lu lbs be. I aoikmauliae manner and of lbs beat materials. FccIiuk lUai.klul I r lh paiionsge txiiadwl here.. iolo re ba hopes lu continue the tains. All aliudo.Ua Bulk ib.ua ahaap au. durable, era luwlud lo call si bu .Lop iieai ly o r,iu Ibe Com I House IU Market r.iuaji:, tuLban . Pa vi ji'liS -LVtK J-illuaiy ), m)J fm um ui i 1 1.1.1:11 x tut 1:11. Altorneyii t l.w. Buobury. l' t Joltl.W Um kl Ft LI I. It sal N'l.n.MiiX i . b In 1 1 It, ii.p.cllully 1ii..H.ece Ibal II,. y ! bate aoluial n.tu i..-.Hoii.bip lu Iba piasluail Ibair pi.,iii. u, aud a HI iooiii.ua lu aiUwd lu all Lu-Ji,taa am 1 i.ait I iu thin .u.i.u, m lbs auuius ol .Sonkaa.beiiaud, Una, ruvd.r aid al-uiour, 1 pi.a-pilv laiil.lul.y aud saivlully Social all.u. It.a a. II ba sii.u lo lbs I "I I Ll I u,s i.f I I.AlVI-i CohsaiiaUkS eeu U bad lulls Villi. M .1 l.i..i.a-v ' Nl.ia.lni.el oi.u til at I i.. ii la-lt I 1; Economy is Wealth ci nnvoi u corou row ta vt-. TheBKTand CHEAPEST Household KEMI.DY in the World. Mnrtnitir TAMtV IOIlTEHH GREAT COUCH REMEDY MaMme ZAD00 POU. TEK 8 Curative Balsam is warranlcd if used ac cording to Iho directions, to cure In all cases Coughs, Colds, WTinopinir Cough, Asthma, and nil affections uf tho Throat and Lung-. Madame Zadoc Porter's Balsam is prepared with all the requisite i-are and skill, from a combiuatii 11 of the best remedies !bo vegetable king. bun affords its .ellie. linl riiajties lire based on its power (0 assist tho healthy nml vigorious circulation of the bbs-d. blood, thro' the Lungs. It is not a violent remedy, but emolieut w arming, seurchinjr and etlectiie : ,, ... t.,1...-. 1... ,1 1 !.... pers.in or voumrest cbibi PsSbS Madame .h.Uk- Porter s Ai:S; T-i Balsam . a-been in ti-c'.v 2 the public for over I.i yours ami 11ns ac'iuiroi 11 pre sent sale simply hy being reeomniended hy (hose w ho have used it to their afflicted friends anil others Must Imi'oiitant Madame ZadiHi Porter s t urn tivc Balsam is sold al a pri-e which brings it in the reach of every one lo keep it convenient lor use. Tho timely use of 11 single bottle will prove tube worth 100 times itscost. NOTICE. Save your Money ' In. not be persua ded to purchase articles at Is lo s which ,b. n : con tain tin-virtues nf a L". cent Hot tied Madame Pol ler a Curative Balsam, the cost of mnniifacturin which is as great as thai of almost any other medi cine ; and the very low price at which it is sold, ninkis me profit In the seller apparently small, and unprincipled dealers will sometimes 'recommend other medicines on which Iheir proli:- are lur;.'' r. un less the customers insi-t upon Laving .Madame lo i ters nnd none other. A-k tor Madame Porter's Cu rative Balsam, price 1:1 cents, and iu large hollies ul 2j cents, and lake no oilier. It you cannot gel it nt one store you can at another. Sold by ull Druegisis and Storekeepers nt 1:! ct- . nnd iu larger bottles at 2 i cts HALL A ItlCKLL, Proprietors. Jnniuiry .'SI, Im'.I I y New Ymk. .10 u a mvt4.cn- v vn., v am i ai ri 1: i.iis i.r S A. x: Ti. W T XX K , SUPEK-CABll. t'F SiD.. Ac. And Sole Agents in the City of New York for CHEAM OF TARTAR SUBSTITUTE. Invented by p,,,r. 1:1,,.,, X. Hursfoid, of llarvai I University. Oll'i.-e. 11 Obi Slip. Hanover SMuar.. (up stairs,) Ni:V YflBK. 'IM1E high pri.-e whieh Cream of Tartar commanded I in leal, together with the aborning extent I.i which its dangerous adulteraiion bad been carried. with olhor i-on-i.leniti.ins. in 1 1 the distingiiisbcd Chemist, whose name is giicn above, to commenco what proved to be a long and laborious sen utile- n -search, lo discover a d. -irabl,, sult ii ute therefor. His elh.rls M i-re crow ne I wilh abi;n,.,nt sucei-s. and hundreds of thousands id ..uti Is ,.f i,,. Siib-tiiut-. have been sold an I ii-. d . lorn, g t. ,,,x f,. v, through-lit the I idled .-lot, - aiel li.c Canada...' The following tri inparison ,.f its nature 111. I the ri suits of it. u-e. 1, ill, ;li. I',..,,,,, ,,, Tartai , will coiiviin-e the most in. re.lul.,11-of its value. Cream of Tartar i- a l.i-tartiate of IVta-h. This substitute i.- a -imple Pb .-. bate, and eontaiiH nothing but what i.. f,.m,. i b,., : -ti ak. J in corn, wheat and other cereals, and is therefore hi -hi v iiutriiious. It also l.,j n b,altli--.'iiing iutliinie,', and supplies that f,r which there is a constant de mand ill the system. I -j-- It is .-.Id for a much lis.- pri-e than Cream of Tai tar. M i rcb 21, ISH.'I 1 y liraiMlicsi, Vi iii-. .-iii. .V ... rpilK sub rilier, having opened in Tli..i.ipn -J. Brick P.iiibling. Miil sircii, Danville, 11 Iai and complete stock of FullEliiX AN1J D"MESTIC LR.'l li;s. comprising the best brat'.!- of Brandies. ii!n. ni l Bye. S.'oUdi and Iri-h YVhiskcv. I . ,-ii-n v. M dcira. t bampagne and other in, -, ol nil gmdes. all ol which Mill be sold ) Imle-ale, at I be lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers, bvbav.i gof us. can m It lea-t the In iI.t. PersoLS di -i:..l:s of pur.-hu.-ing li.jii.T.- f .r E A M I 1. V I S I .' . nay r.-ly upon h i.,,- tuini lel w i h a pine 111. 1 unadulterated arii, !-. i i.'' PcingdeteTioii-.e l t ithli-li a repiiia'ioi, f r selling c Ii a p, be rpc.-i ;.ii!y ,i, iis the I'li'rot.ag of the public. A!i i.,-i-is 1 ..'mi.t!v iiii,ihU-. 1.. '.n:i;i..'.;i.n s. hall. Datmllc. .Icne M. l 1. t si-!,;i:.iii latiiir. NiJlt'iTIU.MIti 1,I..VM. PEN' XS VI. van: A. i..-.- ii,, y:,,o.' ritlli: -iibs ri'.r lunii.g li.-.-.d r..;- ,. keocn 1 ') ..vein M.11,.1. b.ti I v k. pi bv Mi-, t '. . I;,-. ICapi-cihilly iul'i ... tho'pi.i.lio il. ., be i, refiriiig , rcpi.il n:g lb- ; rni .1.-1 -. mi. i wiill., j n-p.ire-1 to en terta n. iu a -....lortable u.aniicr. In.- lii.iucioi:, friends' li -bout lb 10.1v. and al! who inav- ntr-nre In.-, -t..i.;?!,m. i,t Ajriil2.a-'2 J"SI,''1 VAN KICK. IH; H.'CI a!S4 IT1, Pi! I L A. 1'I.LPIl I A l or li e Beli. !'..) tl,-s:. k mi l Di-tre.-s, d. afl'i.-'.d with irubid and Chionie Diseases, and cspeciallv lor the cin e i f Ib-ca.-c, ., the Sexual 1 i,..Hiis MFl'ICAI. ADVICE,-iveU ;-ra.i., bv ll.c act:,, -Surg. .n. . .VALUABLE 1'. LP' ili'i'S .,,lla:.in Siimual Wi.ikue-,. and ,,r J, ,,, ,,,, Sexnul llrgans. ill d on the Ml.'A' BF.'.;L1! eui ployed ifi the l"-j...'iis:ii v. sent t,, ibe uilli -t, j scaled letter cm elopes, free of chat-go. Two 01 ,ri.. .Stamps for ".siagc will be .n'ccpiaMo Address. 111!. .1. Mill.!. IX Hi H 1 , ll'fi i . .iii-evn. Ii,,n .l A---, , 1, .s j ,.:,.u,i ,;,,"; Mr.-el. Phila.I. lj.l.ia. I'.,. January :;. l-i'-.; I v Wall fn -i-- i.oi ik;t-,-i., OF WALL rill.i; ui' LVLllV l.i'.-K! f 1 S1VL1-.S AX D 1'ATTEIINS. ' ' JUST reeeivi-.l d:r,-t froin the Maiiiifi.etnrer at IheMAMMti'lllSUiUKof FBll.INU .1 1 1 1! A N T . I 'iinnirv. .tiarcii i.i im.j II. IS. 13 A S. IK. Vllm-iK-V al l.a, SI Nl'.l BY. PA - I'ollecla iis allmded to in the ivunti f Nor- Ibumbcrluiid. I nidi, Snyder, .MuLlour, Columbia 1 und Ljeoiuin -;. nii'Kiii.vri.s I Hon. Johu M B. ed. Pbila.lclibia, j A. li. itatlcll A l ., Hon Vui. A Purler, j Morton McMicliacl, L-q . E. Ketcham A Co., 2xi Pearl Street. New York John n . A.-biucnd Attorney at l.a.v Matthews A 1 .. Aii,., ,.v'al i.aH ' ! Sunbury, March 2'.', lMi2.' ' j iii:i:u's irosii, rpilE miiiiagenieniof ibis well-known Hot. I h I ing been ri sinned bv M.--is IHVLEa 1IFLI; the I'resint pn.priclois beg leave toii,..i, U. 1, ,,1,1,0 Ihat Ibe In.usc is now In 11 g thorough! v r. n ,v,ii,d retitted. and iuipi.nt.1. with a v u w to im- ,i' r j eouilorliible aciainiio.l:,ti ,n tho-c who sr. 1. tat. r Iho wlablishmeni wiih Ibur custom. ilu,-'i, uili receive due attention und courte-v. and in. 1 xp, 1,, will bo apuri l Ibat may conduce to maintain hotel in a tirsl-elas.- ,t I,.. Fauulics and otbeis' de.ii ing ,j,, um in llartU mru during the summer month,, will bud pleasant Uuudingaud large an I . dl-v cntilutcd r..m. al our eatubluhmeiit, upon modnate i. rin. . si tilT Cii I E Jareh ti, IS.,2. J i;.:;m H,:KU i !wi:it'K iv i i:m im: 111: 1 ki i i ii : A. Improved f..r K-J and Iv U. By E KETCHAM A Co.. 2MI Pearl .i . N. a ,.,k rilllK ouly Frctier e. n.iiueltl on acuniiiK prin I eiplc.. wuh a r. veiling can and .pru.,. r.a, K-iaa r. The one bu.t, o. ibe lieeimg , U, n,,,,,, . the other ri-uiov , a 11 ita t'i-1 a. liot, a The uioat rapid 111 lie. nn- aiihll.e Ita-t t.unntitv ol ICC. ' 'I I a nn-1 MSjUoliiicul iu.-.a.!, aa II i. ibe i,..t .ju 1.',. aud duial la lu ll iK'liile Fr sale in all lh rmcipal t itle, and town. 11, tl I un.n Each I'remr aecuipaniid wuh k I., k o u aud lull tin Milk,,. I'l'.ll'FS I i(Uila, y UaiU, 4 lualla, a uaii., rt II uuaiu, , ip. all uuaila, I i lal .l.l.t.1 . Ai nit 1, II ll SI Vv It, Si Wueb 2-J, 1--.J I.MMlirrl luwils.it MIIHl" IUV, Ma..y l ycialn. .asm, p. IMt'llV-i bu I..... I. ,o, ll.V I Ul tl,' lu . . lual bs a.auinoilt kt . . a I. .1. 1 I'..., 1. .... all.. Joltla. a 0. 1 a'.l kit. 1. , I I al .! aM La.: 1 sa.vttaia III'. I, Ul Bill a I al Ibt I t A I U ,'3 '- I a. M at, k ' I I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers