-jc unburn ftRicitcan. It. I). MABBEB, Editor & Proprietor. bATUIJDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 18C3. mm. Ji gt B. M. rETTENOIXL ft CO., N, 37 Turk Row, New Yoik, nnd 6 Stale Btreot, H Kin, am our aflinta for tho PcKnoiir American t tlitxw cltlwi, and ar witlioritwi to take Aiiverliiic Dirnti and Subsurlplkum for us ut uur lowest rati. iy A Singers Sowing Mneliinu, but littlo lined, gecnsl iitnl wi-ll ndnptcd for tailoring, will bu sold cheap. Inquire ut this ollice. 4r ' -tP' Tliu opinion of Judge YtKithVH.rd, I.owric nud Tliompson, U looked upitn us nn outntp', nailer tliu circ'Jiiiatiinccfl. It hits no weight or authority with the Go vernment. Next week we will puMish the history of this trim, notion. . Gen Louis Wenke:, lutcty commiuuler ofn division tiiiik-r Fremont mid Sigel, and dis tiiiguiHlied in the retrent Ht Hull Hun, died on the 81st. In ISSH he wns lieuteunnt in the Quards of King Otho.of Or wee. In the Iiavarinn revolution of lSTe. hewn nppoint eil the commander of the National Ouurd of IVovms, and took n very active, part during the revolutionary struggle, joining the popu lar army nt the head of a considerable 1'uri'e. It is computed that the nicotine produced )y one years' growth of lolmcco of tliu whole world would destroy every living creature on the face of the globe. "ifil piportion were administered in a single dose.'" Telegrams in tlie rebel papers represent the situation near (.'liHttanooga as disadvan. tngcous to the army of Oen. Bragg, now that our forces liave taken important posi tions from the enemy, and are making disastrous raids in their rear. Recent skir mishes of the National cavalry in East Tennessee have proved vuiy successful. In the raiil on West Kentucky, the rebels used bloodhounds in hunting loyai men. The farmers in Ohio and Indiana are making great demonstrations for the families of volunteers, bringing in loads of wood, Irnys of tlour, and wagons ot farm produce, which donation they promise to n peat in January. Tiik authorities at Washington are in posxesM.in of the greater part of the Davis correspondence captured near Jackson, Mis- j sissippi, ami many other similar documents, ' reserved for'inipartial history. i Ilisnol" Hoi-kins, ok Yrt.'.MoNT. The manly and noble reply of this venerable pre- late to the undignified and fanatical letter -'f KUhop Potter. Pennsylvania, is worthy the powerful intellect ami Oiristiaii spirit of the irreatest intellect of the Northern Kpw- -op:.l Church. Whoever else has changed, : the aged Isi.-hop of Vermont .stands like a 1 Ittav oid rock on the ocean side firm anil ' onw avi ring amid uuiversal tluetuations, and j refining to bend or give back an inch before j I lie furv of the storm. All honor to this j man ol principle, tins "lailhhd among th. faithless." -JM,hiitJ IHnJtlJi, '-lnt ait. floral affairs. i'2r Kki.iuiucs Notk L. Uiviiio servii-e v.lll b' held in tho 1'resr.ylerian Chnrrh, intlii, pla.-e. opjio-- tho depot, on every Sul.lmih iiiuruin,; at 11 o vh.ick. Ilev. 4. II. Yurs. Pastor i'j- Otuar to bo look,.,l to IVLIUts who ;fi i.iout the 'ji'iily buying up produce witlm'it , 5 Iho ivt Ofiice in Viltnn Inioly broli-n ' e'o, nnd , f.ierteen o.M 1..1U,:..- wrtli of 1'ustngo ,'M:ol'., al -tni'.;'ed. . ,. s V ' -' ''.v lailiied I.eijln:in, wh,, eitnus iho liaiil I uv--:ith Williinuapoi'i I'o-I tiflice and thw Hail r ;id 1 ; lui.s been delude 1 in p.aloiinug letter' lroui On ',! . 'ir""Iw'.j CllotS. - IaN.f II. llor.ie,. Kjist Hosll.-n, 'hcs:. r eouiity. has nu r.j le lree v.l.ii h bus pro duced two crops Ihu present season 1 1 is the liaie apple The first crop of a golden hue, and what iw ;;e.1ii! 'tho soc-nd cri'p i, nd and lippan ntly n d If.-reKt i :irje: . Tin: III i f. .r l.sa.vinT.v.T iK.Mi.--.l..s0pi, hiwer. ' it i. -:.ei,t of liu.aiiden, a suburb i f llendinir. Coin n oa'.v iij.- v n . ilelltown,'' died on Wediie-day, 1 isl. ut i;o- i l; .i j; diliary age ol' iOoyems. Hj:. ' , i V 'I hi.' iei.y d.i for "Id Ueiks. but wc saw in ; i.nvo, a feiv dayi nince, l-'rci'erick Ku-eniiin. of film- ', no kin. our - iildest inhabitant." over K'.'i y cart: of age, I ii .le 3i)jl hi ar' v. nail nppau ml y nioio active than a ; o:ing man of 7o. He discontinued his paper several i yeai lu-o eu ai'count of failing eye-sight, bill nay hU ' si -ht is i'.npi oving I i if I'll'. i: AT oHIll! ill: I.' IU. AS' II I'll Slltlll-ilay ' lest, about iiooa, a fire oecur'ej at Noilluiiaberland, j which war readily seen from tho ri ir hank at thiH 1 laee. tr.-li'j;ri" j'hic despiiteh was sent to the tiro companies in tuir place, and tho "liuod Iuleut" and i "W usliiat..n" engines were scion on their way to the I fro. liesides, Mr Cieinenl's Steam I'erry lloat U.ok over a large number of ei:i-iM. all of whom did g i feru"e. The lior.d I aunt' ' w iu particularly etlei-tie. Willi its u"tiun husc in tho canal, it wus rnahled to play a coutimimig slreum ou Iho fire The biiildinpsnonsitnio,! weniic old Ilrcwery build ing, not occupied, and ivi frnuie bouses aud a stable ; Due of the house belonged to the llloomsburg rail ' road com, any, llic other property to the heirs of' lfobart'a estate. I I C 'J' I'liATlI ' Josl l ll H. l'KIKsTI.KV. Ksq Ou Tuesday la-t. a telegraphic dispatch from Heading, to liis family at Northumberland, announced thesud ileD death ef .losepli H. I'iie-lley, Kq , of that place. Mr. l'ne-iley lad just aniicd in iho train from Philadelphia, in apparently guinl health, aud while in the depot, ut Heading, was suddenly stricken duwn, and expired in a few inomcuU. Ilis death, wo undciMi.i.d. was causid by disease of IL heart. Tho painful intelligence of IU dealh was received with deep regret in .Nurihuuiberluud, and in this place and vicinity, where bo wus so well known, aud so highly e.-teemed for his moral worlb, tuoial quali lies aud excellent character. Mr. Priestly was I be grind-on or Ir I'ri. .-I ly . of Kngl.ind, widl known as un emln.nt .eholar Hkd hil phcr. whoctlliJ at I Nerlhuilibl lland some sixty years a?o. i j,a, becu j eouneeied will, iho Hunk or Xorthuuiherluud, m ': .diier or that in-lit ulion. nl.iit thirly -three years, ! and the high siandiiig whieh that iiisiituiiou auy, maintained through Ibe ilillereul i.u.ueiary rrvulriom I vl that M-ri. ,1. is ibe b.,1 eiideuee o bis ability as uu i olluer, and In. inugrny a. a man. I nosleutuiiout ! and iimu.uming j ,M,iis. liberal in hie frtliug, ' Slid opi, . ,,j,yed the e,.ndeucc of all who ' kuen in. woiil, r n. ole hi, aeyn, inlancc. lie was Veal i 01' a,- i IV M "em,i, j:.., , th-new S-tenff, has! Inkea ... e-le n i f ibe ,. ull, Juj tuibfiug. and I will be --! n ill to day or Monday next. I'r Wal-j .Iron, Ibe reining Si,e,,J ,eu,.,n I hi. furuirr ! r i ln.- Milnm Sb i.il lio leave Lis ,!l.e wiib the re nun .ii 1 1 !.,,i ,( l, g a piumpt si I f .:l,fol ..It.. .1 in II. o ilu, i,a,r-H ,,(' li itmU, ' fcl.iwel.ul, l,o d .III I L . u I'tmi ilbe wtuily i I ,oii, I and Ui'l.f'd J " IP oi Ik) -'!'. b.ulJe u .f Mr ! i ii .bi i . " Hul ly I " i' 'y isoi.-d ibi. i,;h ib ! , s . . llsi d - r m lu.t U.li.e.lsy iiht, snj 0 I ' I .ill le I b A a a nil ... se.uial ISllols. 14,4 .n r ' ii !' - l 'i. u 11' 1 1 1 ' U' 'Ht th t m Ii fi Im i 1 , . ,, s. i. l b iu. . i 4i ,'i .a Ooitin To ntrssu. The Milloilolphta t,e.!jr iy It I Riilhoritatlvclv Hlsto.1 tlint .1. K l(,'nr Thomson PriMiilrnt of iho lViin.Hjlvaiila Itmlroail Uom pmiy, now In Now York citv, will in I'hw days cm bwk lor HiiHsla with hit family, whern it l "id ha Town to fulfill an appointment ti tidercl to Llm by (b huMian QoTttrumsut, through Uioir Minister M Washington Tbo posi iuii i iiol" in H oharour to tho ouoha now holds on tlinPomioylTiuilaKsilrond. Col. Thorn A. Scoot will b tho autiug I 'nuiileut of tho company, tut niHrim, Mavhotii IlnroT. Tho l'oonsyuuhia, Philndol phiu, Wiliniogiun any Ualtimorc, nod Uie l'liilailel hia unj Itrudiug railroad companies oontemphiiO precliiiR a mm ptownKiTflopot at Vest Fhiladclnhifi. Tho structure will bo a mammoth affair nud ol tho most mibs: initial charaotcr. The Kite upon which tho edition in to be erected is tho ground north of the ' Media railroad. In connection with lh trucks for'j inr,rcin ami egress into tho building, it will rover i about fix acres. The ground in nt present occrupieil by tliu car shop of tho I'roi sylvauia rnilroiul com pany which will ueccssurily buvii to bo rcuiuvo 1 to' uuikc way for tlienutr structure, j Isii'novrMr.STs iv IliioAUWAT-HeLrnot u's Nrw 1 limu-SrunE. If tho lordly Svoivh rvbeln who wi ro wuiit to promenade llroadwuy in tho Hummer and j Autumn, nud who confidently predicted thut prui would ooininence roiini in (bat Ihorought'aro us ' noon Hd they decided to (hake the (lust oil I heir ft'et . nnd Ptop chakini; tho dust out of their pocket tur j our be nefit, could lust take one cliinco back upou their j old promonndo, an many of ilic ni. we dont not. 1 would tw Rlad to uo, tlioy wouu uiscover two mini; first how silly and neil.coiici'ited they wer, and j second, how easily wc cun do without thoiu. They ; would find chantje in Broadway, to bo sure, nut m utead of rnu nndi needs they would find uiurblo tak ing theplnooot bilck, iion liio place of wood, and all tho wMmioeil of improvenient nnd pvo'perily, in Head f Uilaptdatiou and decay. Not the lonsl anions tho more recent improvements Ihnt would s'.rike their uttentlou would be the magnificent now drui; store and chemical warehonsa lately opened by the renowned l'hiladulphiii jdiiirnwiceulitU. Mr. II. T. llKLMliol.n. at No. iVi lliondwny, adiuining their old fnvorito resort the Metropolitan Ilolcl. Tbij estoblishment is iusl now the lion amoni: the attrac tions of Broadway, and is daily and lightly dniwinn crowds to witness its novelty and splendor. If any tiling can innku times pulatnblo it is thi", and it would almost compensate one lor a lit of sickness to know thnt the healing prescription were lo be com pounded in such n jcorgous palace. Mr. ilelmbold has leased tho entire building, which is 2S fuel front ",'(5 feet deep, and 5 stories high The front hall of the first floor is fitted up fur tliu retail department, and tho remainder is used for the w holesale business mid as a laboratory for the preparation of the various extracts which the name of Ilelnibold has made so celebrated. The drug-storo propper is unlike any other Heretofore seen in this City, nnd is probab y uiicqutilled in the world. It would be a work of u. peren gal ion to give a delniled description ui' what every body is Hocking to see for himself, but it may not bo iimiss to mention one novelty connected with the establishment Iho reception room. Who ever herd of u reception rooui in u drug slure.' And yet, who bus uot wished while standing, (frequently a lung stand, ) waiting for his prescription lu be pre pared, thai the keepers of thoae shops hud not been considered enough to furnish more eoinf riublo lie comaiodiitioiis ! lll IMliot.u has supplied this de sideratum in his new- est:ihlihiu nt, and cusioniers ilelnined there have but to step to Hie rear id' the stole where they will find luxurious ehiiirs. sot'js and lounges on which to recline, w Idle their feet rest upon the softest of velvet carpeting, 'flu.- feature is only in keeping with the other novelties, ami with Ilie general splendor of the establishment. .Mr. I1i:i.m, noi.it, wo understand, slill continues his lnvge u-iiib. lishlneiil in Philadelphia, of which the store just opened here is only a branch made neees-ary by die extensive sole in this market of the popular c.viac'.s w iiieh bear his iiaine. A. ! . lUnfi y'i;i.is, (ht. - . . -- Tor the .tincriutin. COM Ml MC.U l'.H. At stated meeting of the Northumberland I'iie Comfiany, held in the Town Hall, Saturday evening, Nov. 7. L'n '.notion of M.J. 1. Withington. j.'tuv'ltJ, That this Company join in ex pressing feelings of gratitude to our Sunbury friends, for the assistance rendered during our recent and disastrous fire. On motion a committee was appointed to have the above resolution published in the rnmbiiry Aimrieutt, Sunbury (inirtte and Sovthumberhiiitl Cuiihti )riiiucrit. M. J. 1). Wnin.NiiioN, j Co.sn.vi Wimk, Committee. William Wkimkh. S Notthumberlainl, Nov. 10, isoa. IllcclUsii in .TliiiiK-hola. Cini'Aiio, Nov. 7. The Slate election in .Minnesota, on Tuesday, resulted in the election of Stephen Miller, the L'nioii candidate for ioicr;;ur ' by at least l'J.OUO majority. I CiNLINXATl, Nov. 7. The farmers arouiui Dayton made a grand demonstration in t hat city to-day, by biing !'.'g in Il-.ri load.- of wood, 'JO drays of ilour. and li'' wagons full of farm produce, for the families of yVihmtcers. They promise tii repeat the donation hi .bvinury, The fanner,; dined ul the l'hillips House. They were the gue'ts of the city. A western correspondent Writes: "A visitor, congratulating Mr. Lincoln to-day on the prospects of his re-election, w; uiiswi-ri-il I v tliat iiHlctalio;alilu s-turv-n cr with mi tuicciluti! of an lllinoia fatiucr, wlio niliU'l-tnoli (ii blast. Ilia own imUs. Ilis first eil'iiil al proilili-in uu explosion piovi-:! a tailuie. Ilu explained tin: c.itbsa liy i.v chiiiiiiu;;, 'l'sliuw, this powili.-r has Lu.-e.ii tilmt oiici! helore !' " The I.oudou ladie.1 are taucht Rwiiuiuin lit the Maiylebiinu bblhs, nhich uru lilindi i'e.,,rled lo. r-oma of the most active wiiter-uyniphscuiis-,! nu half a luilo without fatigue. ' Viitk ur the rturNMirAl'H The vote of the luaih I'euusylviinia r.(iriieiir. now stationed Kiev, ville, 'i'cnii., forl.ovcrnorof thir .--tuU', was as fulluws: I'or Curtin, 111 I, Woodward, o. "Tlif copperheads have huilt up a tremendous pyra mid, in tbu recent elections. They curried New york. Missouri, Wisconsin. Micliiuu, Illinois and Maryland over tho left." Look out for trcnieu- duus fruuds" in the copperhead orguiis.- Tiik New York paper? stale that a (jrenl reduction bus taken plucu ot woolen poods. Army oloth Ihnt, a year aud a half uio cost Sl,.'iO, can now be bought tor niucty cuius. The dccliue is owing to the supplp bciuj; yrculcr than the dcuiaud. LIST OF LETTERS tCt'iiiiiinln In Ihe Smiliiiry Iuh( Oilier, .v. ff, lsw;. i.adii:s I.I.ST. Mi.ss f'nrric Vautters, Miss .loauna (Velev; l.liia Wovlk, " Mniy l'ersidi;. Ann Mvers. t,s kii. 4, 1 Mis .'-uriih Orissiueer, " Ann Moore, Miss .M nt ild j Jauc Kerns. liL.NlLtMt.N'S Li,T. Mr. Isaac Merit. Mr. T. ii I'rrars. W ni. A. .Mioener .leiemiiih l.aiei, Helh K. Is'harplita1 ' Joseph it. i.yltle, Mem. r-nvner; ' ui. Mioener. KeuLscu Kline, Solciuon UupkiiiJ, fsiunuel f ulp J ii Cole, Jacob ilnppie, It. lieckvudiiin, 3 Chaa. I. iJernug, Ueur g Kauu, Wiu 1 b.li worth, .f ollU J 'illlllHIl, W in Coin ml. .1 Auspneh. Jr, A'liuliHui Miller. Jnck.u iildcr, Itev. J.ull, S. I'ervey, Kus of Ilie lliuik uf AorlliiitulM'i s, luiid, .'Nov l in lx r 3, A.-'tiKIS. Losn nd liills diKouulid. . f j(l) 7IJ f. I crliU'-ate Lulled hlali-s Miut nO.imu (HI I lilled flairs i-'Jl) l.osu, . . . 0 11,01111 mi rui:s Ulillla. " ... Km eu NoHUiiu.boilsiid llsuk f-iock, . . fi.uru (hi Surihuinberlaud Uri4i;v hunk, l .oiilni Tileitrapb block, 'jmi uu haal Ulal, (, f,; 7 I'uo by oilier Usuki, .... J.i.ii? 70 fm,s of uihcr llsuki, Ssud Lksi Ttudsii M u;u ml t-ustl llSUK, ..... l,,,u 'J,' tsj.iM.-ie iu suit lucludiuii Cauiuioowsalih C..u tirlie,i,,, . , Sd.'-ZC j I IAHILITI I S .'u a f iicu'suen, I'm wilisr l.siiks. . v t ou,uo uiu!ib C'urisury fur Llrl.ls ( tf (iUialu, . " 1. fjuslU'lt, ... J f M iu l.;1i II la .mm bo i!i;.i.ii mi Isks.d 1 1 I SMUfr Ibe ainvs sUUiarul u bs kosl (4.4 Usl hi (be U( ul itiy knold4.' si 1 k.lul I J fikrTl I V f .hi. ll'lltol ill 1 I I I . 1. I. . , .t I t II a 1 1 I l.. ( NOT a num DUINK. A UIUIJLY CO.VCKMTUATKD VEOKTAJBC KXTR.ICT. A PTJP.E TOITIC. TI1AT WILL HJX1EVK TIIK AKlT.ICTKD, AM) ?ot mnUo lrtinKorI, DR. IIOOFLAINU'S German Bitters PlttPAftliU BY . pn. C M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA. WILL KFlTXTUALLY A X I .MOST CIUITAIX LY tun: as. i, fir,.tsr.s arisiug from a Iiisorderol I.iver. .Stomach, or Ktdneyi. Thousands of our cilitens are sull'ering from Dva. ncpsiu and I.iver Hijeasi", I to whom the follow ing questions apply wo guarautoo uooFLAxirs (ii;j:.vAx nirri:i:ti will cure them. rvsrri'SiA anu I.iveii Pisi; i:. ho you rise with ii coated tongue mornings, with bnc taste in theinotuh nud poor appetite for break, fast? lo von feci when ynu first get up so weak and langim! you wa scarcely get about ! lo yoa have a diriitiess iu the heat! tit times, and often a duliieBS, wilh henducho yccnioiinlly ? Arc your Is.w-els costive and irrogulnr, nnd appetite changea ble ? I'o you throw up wiiel from the stomach, nnd do you swell up ol'leu ; l'o von feel fulness after eating, nnd a sinking wdien die slomaeh is cmpiy ? lo you have heartlnirn occasionally ? I'o you feel low spirited, and look ou the dark side of things t Are you not unusually nervous altiint? I'o you not becon.e revtle. and often lay until midnight before you can go to sleep f and then at times, duu't you feel doll and sleepy most of ibe time ? Is y,,ur skin dry and scaly ? also sallow '! In nhorl, is nut your life a burthen, full of forebodings ? HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTER3. Will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of tin' Kidneys, nud ?"ifa.ses arising from a disordered Stomach. OHSKIIVKTIIK FOM.OMTNO SYMPTOM.- j Uc-uKing troiu Disorders of tho Digestive Organs : . Coi.sli- j pation. Inward 1'IIks, fulness or tilood i to Ibe lKn I. Acidity ..ifjlie Sto- ma'-h. Nnuseii. lleartburii. Iiisi'ii-t t..r i Food, l-'ulnessor Weight in the .Stuiuiieh, Sour ' Kriictntions. Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit ol' tho ' tflomach. Sniiiioiing of the Head, Hurried nml Hiln eall lire.-ithiug. Fluttering at the Mean, Choking or IsuUiicaling .Scusntions when in a lying posture. Dim, uess of Vision. Dots or ebs beloi't! the Sight. Fever llli'l J 'III 1 1 am in me Ile ol. llelicleuey ot Perspira tion. Yellowness of the Skin' and 1-fyes, Pain in the .-ide. Hack. ('heel. Limbs. A'. Sudiien Flll.-hesol' llent. Uiil'liillg ill I 111- Flesh, Constant liuiiginiiies of l. il, and great Jiepres-iou ol Spirits. i PAr.Tirt'i.Ait xirrir;: i T'.n-i e are many preparations sold under the nunc : of Hitter-, put up in fllart I'.ottles. compounded ,, j the e!:eapest wHiiske.V or Mull n tillg fli.tn i i'a t;i III eon's pir gallon. Ibe lasle di-glli-ed by Aliee ; ul Coriander Seed. i 'I In. elaH of latter-has emi-ed and will continue ; lo cans,., lis ..ng iu they can be .,,,1,1. hundn ds to ilie ; the ibath of the drunkard, by Iheir use I in- sv-tela is kept continually under the inlhieu ! . .11.- ; Siiinulanlsof ibe wort kind, the dc e for I . i , ( i . r ' is created and kept up. and the lo-idt is all tin- n;- leiidani upon a drunkard lile and death. For those w bo desire and u ill ha e n l.iijin r P-it tors, we publish the foil. . nil. g re'eipt. li.'t Hut. le llooliaiiil's liei-miin lo,te-.s and n;i. e:l'i ; 'Ihreo C'millsof tloo.l iiiandv or 'bi-key . and I.... ' result will be a pre)iai..lion that will far excel in ; medicinal virtues nud true eve. lien, any o! II e mimeiuus I.iijuor Lifers in ibe iiai ki t. aid will I cost much lev. Veu will have nil Iho -.nines of ! Hooliand 's Litters iu eouiieclloii w ilh a o.id nrli -le of l.i.,unr, at a much less price than th.-e intei. r preparutiuns will cost you. ! H(OiT,.NT)'S' tlHUMAX lUTTi'.ltS I Wiil (live Yen A 0 () 0 Ii A P P K T I I V. . Will give you STU'iNti 1 1 IOA 1.1 1 1 Y NFUYF.-. Will give you LIIISK .;:,'. FN l.lii'.FTIC l Liil.. INKS, Wiil enable you lo SI.KKI' Wr:!.!,.aiid ... !y ire cut t-II; I'cirr, Ililiou I'-tr, J-.t, Those .--iifTei in;; fioin Lruken down mi l Delo-.i'o Constitutions, lr iin wliatever cause, i i, her in A;,.',e ' or Female, will find in ' IIOOFLAND'SliLll.MA.V lilTTI'l!.-. A KLMIIDY ! Thai n ill restore them to their u-ual health. S.o li ' has la-en tlie case in thousand- ot inslanee-, aad a fair trial i- Lut rciiuircd to pro,, ibe hs.-e;;i..'.i REM 33 VI , ; that tiu:.-,i: ihttkijs aki: n J i. And M-iT intended : u ni; i:itAiii:. j'iio Vrojaietois have thl Msaed.- of Letter.- flolll lie-loo-i iniinenl f liTirvit'eii. I. a-.. vt.s. l'li -t -i.-i,.. i,:::t fitizens. 'I'e-tilyii'ol' ibeir i.iuii -er-.:,.:l I.11.0, b- ! ... . 1 to Ihe belielieiul eihcls i.Iul liitdliil Mrtu.s of l.'.e.-o lliaurs. ' 1'roiu liev. , I. Newton llrowti. Ii. IV. I'ditor ot ih1 hu ycbiicdia of Kclioioi. Knuwleiie I Althou -;h not di.-,sed lo I'mnr or reeommend l'n. , lent .Medi.-iiivs iu tei.eral. il.riittli di.-ire-iol their , ilircilielil.- mid eliecl.-. 1 yet know ol 110 -ufh ienl : re:l.si-lis why U lllnll tuny liol le.-lify to ibe In I, lit,- l.e believes hilii-cll to linie r.r.ii ed I10111 any simple 1 p: e aiatioii. iu the hope Hint be may thus cui.tnbuie I to Ihe benetil ot other-. j I slo tins the more remlily in r.'s;nrd lo Iloot'.si.d's 1 lieiinnii liiitem. prepared by lir. f . ,M. Jaeks.ia, of ! ibis city, becausu I was prejudiced ii'nin.-.t th.-iu lor : iiiuiiy years, under Ihe impression that they une : chictly nu alcoholic mixture, i uiu indebted' to n,v , friend liobert .sheomuker, l., lor the vemovnl ol' : this .rejiidiei, by prupir lesis, and for encourne. 1 mem to try tliem, when sulleriui; fii.ni j-reat aud I luti.; continued debility. The ue of ibiee bottle.-of I these Unit in, ut the beiuuin of liio ires.'iit year, i was lollowed by evident relief and rc.-tnruiioii to u , de;;ree of bodily aud uielltn! vifnt w hich I hud not 1 felt I'or six mouihs before, and bad almost despaired j of runiuiii!;. 1 Ihereloiu thank Uud iiud my li ieud : fur directipf; to llic use uf ihcin. I .1. M-AVT'iN !;l!OWN. j l'hiladel.hia, June 2,1, l.-ill. ! Diseases of Kidneys and Bladder, I In Youny ur A'Jt'L Mule vr Ei inah; , Arcspi-edily rcuiovod, mid the patient redoied In I heiildi ! m:i.;catk (tiii.mu:.v, ! 1 lioe uucriii from Maiiasmi-s, wa.-tini; uw.-iv. I with scarcely any flesh 011 iheir bones, are cuud In 1 a very short time : uue boltlv liniicll caeea, Will bine 1 a most Kiirpii.iu idled. j I'AliKNTS bavin-; sulTeiin children us abme, : and wisbiiK lo rune Ihein, will never regret Ihe day I lin y commenced with these l.iiieis. i I.ITl.Tt A HV MEN. i 1TI iJiXTh. and ihose wo.k - j iiist lisni "I'h Iheir brains, should ulwuys keep a botileof HooCaud's Hitters near them, as' Ibey ii find much heni ht from lis use, to both luiud and ! body, 1111 iorsting aud nut depressinir. I IT Is NOT A UQlT'll KTJ.Ml LAST, j Aud Iftavus Lo pro.-irati'jii. I Allt ulion, Nfhli'rH ! j asp nu: ruuNi'S ui' fi'iLi-n:ns ' We cull th utleuliuii uf all bavin -;4r bitioui. or frieuds 111 Ibe sruiy to the fact that II' 'IT.A.V ii f I lieru.aii bill its" Will ours nine leu lbs ol Ilie dl-eils.s I induced by wnposuicr and pnvntion. uieideia lo enmp Ilie lu Iho lists, published slim l du.li 111 11, lien i.ai'i'is. uu lliv airiial of lhssick.il wiIIIjii.i I I.e.) llials very lale iroisirluu ul nitl.ilii Horn Htbililv Lvt'ivcuo uf ihul kin! 1 11 11 rt'ilil uifU by JlovtsUu'l j ruihii 1 J 1 1 1 v hufh hitiitiuu iu tf tttiiitf l but. ii ili liiiu r i-rv ti t ly u-Hti mtiungour Huhh'i. hundri (J u i ii.tlil iv rvt'i lliul utU(-siwpe viult l hl iiul irlyr iiv tlutly ri'ctm;, tliiAttil I Ui tiuiM u(Ti-in iu lL niiijy nuU ImI'HuI, w ht hv U-u rt-aiun-'l lo hihtlh h Ihu un ut lhru XJit Ul, IhiaiI lu lUrlu L) Utoii Uiuii 1 ukWsuk ori oi ji unir,' P Ihtft Hit- N-nnli.r-of M J.V K.iS",- .ii lb rijnr ul tm.lt Uutilv li iv t ttultlf Tj cruti vi tlf 4 'HO fat I A ( d i ! ut wH by miy ot lb liiUtiJi4 ttrft Moi.t U,m tony im v&id IU ii tym. toul i4 lu U, itl f-.f tl -uri'ty MKfAtl, tv piw fiitoviMl m4 Muultc!"iy. Nu (! i ti t JoNU4 lASt i4ftMMiilu I M JsMttu 4 ( j ) I -fit I I lit .y wr"4ii ui, 1 ft ni NEW FANCY STORK. MIDI; Hnder-ignisl Informs hi r frl. nils nud the 1 publio, Ihnt she hns just rulni'Md from tho city with an entire new stock of I lim y CJooiIk, 'I riniMiIrifx, &.v which she has opened ut her new Htoto lu tbo room adyiiuiug the lesideuuo of Mrs. Packer, In Maiket Kquarv. rhinuury, Pa. Her slock consist in jmrt of Ladies' Trimmings fur Dresses, Lneos, . l'atleins b,r I ii.vses, Hinbrolderbv;, ilanilkerchiefs, tilove.- Silk and Culliai Tbreii.! I.,l,II,' ni.,, Zephyrs, Woolen and Zephyr S.icoui and Ilivs Iufnii Dress.s., Hntl.ms, llinitings. UiM.iiii.. Collins i and Notves, (jeuls nucklim. i.'imi.i. II,,,, tiri,n. Hair Oil. llnir Nets, Infant Dressoss. Sewing ilks and iiiiinemim other articles, all of whioh will bo sold at the lowisst rates. .u.,.ra,n,iV ,, uu KluOB ,-I hll.lupil lor s'uni' s Jt Ul. lUlUCI . MRVL LAZAItLo. K,,.il,,t- IV, 1s ns , CS:t ,r, rr ? ' jyiy? Kir -.1 .lUUlLNJING. GOODS ! : iilacK Cilossy bilks, 4-4 Hl.ick Cashmeres; Snfer lilacl; Mohaiis, Fine 5lar; Alpat c is, lllaek Mini Purple IMuim, White mid lllaek F iginJ Delaines, lllaek Cn pe Man I, , Lupins lllaek till wool Delaines, Dluck Silk Leieoes, food lllaek llcl.-egc, Plain Mlaek (lingrains. Plain lilaek Culieoes, .Neat Figured lllaek Culieoes, Fine lllaek Sack Flannels, lilaek Love Veils, lotivins Pluck Kid (doves, lilaek Silk Ganntlctts, lilaek Olovcs in Variety, Fine Mourning llanilkt-rchh Is. Pluck cotton and wool Hosiery, lilaek 'Ihibct und V"tl Shawls, iVe., Ae., Ac. A nice line of the nhave fjooils nov ipen atid for sale ul low piiees. 10. V. liKUIHT iV SON. t,.,l,M,. Il,.ll n '-tf IOC! St.,.t,mt.V-s..- -"nf S.fsl.-isTsTis llslt. l'liiliiililjiliia A' I'rie ieiiilriil rpMIS rent line tniverses the Northern and Ninth- I wis! counties of l'cmi-vlvnnhi In the citv uf Fne i I have added lo tr.y stool; Dcllmornl Shirt?, Hoop hkiru, Woolen Cops for Lodkjinid Cbildrrn, Infnnl j .Sucks, Oonty Id.ink t-i-k fVccklies. Also, u 1're.sh , su.ply of(;on,;s, lllsck L'nit (ilovca, Woolou Yarn, , OU l.nlie Frie. " " j IWlulesiil.. nnd letllll. , It h.is been loused by iho Fennsyh iinia Un'lrond ' C 'ti lo mcmbi r tlie niiuie nud place. , A J i Con:, nay. nud under their niis ie. s' is beinj rupidly M i- ill-: HH -M'.T nj'eued throughout its entire length " ! Market sii cot, II duel ;'t i,fK. ' Y . 'iii i jh't i. Sen's! ft is now 111 use bu- Ihis-i-iiirei nnd I-relubt l.u.-inei-s 1 store. I li-oiii Hurr: -l.'iri; to Fiuiuiriiuii ;I7." miles) on ibe!' siiiibu-v Sept i l.v.a tf 1 Fn-'era Imi-ion. and fr..m Siullield to laic. (7S : -- - ' miles. 1 on tl.c W i.-tei 11 lli idon. ' ISA AH Ti". ST A ITFFTll? ; tun: oi- i-.ssK.i:i:n tiiainx at .-1 s:ii i.v. , ,. , . . Mnil'l 'rain. in. Iii A .M. Mail Train, 4.I11 P. M i Fxprc.-s Tiain. Il.a; I'.M Fxpress 'Train. ,Vi!A. M 1 1 nrs run tliioiijrli witluait t'luunre. both win-. 00 ,, ,. . 1 , 1,1 , , , 1 , r , llie.-e Iriinis between I'liil.i,,. Ipbi.i nnd I. oi k Haven. ai dbetiMeii l-.ii!ti:iiore in,d l.o. k iln.cli. i;ie:ii.t ,-leep-n.: Curs (ii INpre-s Trains both unvs lieineeii Wilii.'inispert nnd Jlaltiiuore, and W i'.liiui:) ort .-n d I'hiladelpl.i.i. I or iu..Mi.aiioii r. .-; e:in r.isseiiU... bu-im ,-. apply nt ti, e .v 1 r.,r. :l: m:d .M.'irl.ei s,s, , A .: I It l're:silt ba-ilo .,1 lie-1 olepni'Vs A.ei.ts. Ii. l-.iiii;--.oii. J: , f.,r. l...ii an 1 ...t ,-s( l'hil:ide. hit. .1. W. ll.-v ,..,1.;-. 1:,.'... .1. M i-rii!, A. at .V f . 1!. It . Il.il'.aie i e I II !l. lini sTi.y. 'i. i:'l i r -ibi A-t. I'bila in. I.i .,s 1.. lb, 1 IT. iel.T Ticket Att'l.. I'iol .d.i. .b sla-ll I '. l;o I 1 . tiill'l .Mnlia. i'..-t ,m, i- liii.ia. .-port . 30 .0 5 lilitC. ll.nill- r.-lllov e.l to his new Wnre-K. ,;,: , l.i i:-r li'.ivj.i., .-irnDi ff Ni:w y. Tuki r.-:it pleasure in e.iilinu' Ibe nlteiitii ii ei' the public lo his .Sen hi d J ell .Senlc 7 tleline liiiShWuiiII I'lAM) J-ilU'll..-. Ooiit.iiiiiii nil l,e li.oder.'i iiiiprovemel.ts : Cw r-!ruii-4 Ita. l-'ren.li tii and Activi.-. tlaiji i'ldal, and l'uil I Mill f-'liinie. flolii HiVi.'.vt t.l !;oo. T t-i I'.HSlAi null l'l.n-. Kx-ra bt,i-lt, tioMi The ireni -uci-ess anendiiii M. Duek-r's N, w S -ilc I'icn.i l-'..r'.- is. ol it.-..If. a .-iit'ii-ient nni-iiii-lee 1 ,r their mi criei ity. 'JI.ey only n d t i be l.eild lo beeolne U 1 1 i I' Cl's.'il 'llVolitiS. I I -1 I. h AM' l'l VN'i -ni,Ti;-;. il'or v.liieli th,. 'ii;... Mod d ivns received a' iheli..-'. A ri:-an lii-'itute lair 1 he now ,.;!', ( lorSIM-i. .Mr. l'n . ;. r s Kieh. timed and powerful TH I ' 'l.i .- S'h".-. v.i'.i.-li i-M.fivi.1 tin- l'iit Vriv in I . nvd I-'"', mi'! m.''viM- ui Ui'' lu I .nr. he n.iw .-tier- fit t'i!l.. inu' 1 . i w jifi.-iv. viirvhifr !'nm fiiiii t- ;j" Tlu-t' iij.t i im- iiH'ritiufiit.- p.r ,c--i -ihliii-it i.t i v, r hi I I'll I n ..!' (Vii'ii.n t.l' it .1 jn-iy.ii,- iii it ity hii!V;l Ail ihvfv iiKntiui't'.'-' in i' wnrriihtcl to I u inu,v m u ':i.'i:i . I iiutt. i mid r .'uUitctl lit tin- i, : s; v!v. .. J IV'ttV-, .ii - nii'l iniini t nr ui'" r.'.-." ':u!':v iuuu.l t i'x;.ii.inv thiSf veiY suinri.T ii.ruiiiLiio'. ncf'.J.iT L'l. I'Jl.. - ,., I V t " ( 'l)r. MIL L I N E !i V (iOOI)S, At '.lie L.-ir.'c Milline! v .-i'.ne of I .Miss .11. i.. j,-',..i,.r. , ,. ., .. . 1' nun street, tivo doors south ot Jshi'iiioliin nlley ,V INiii-ville llnilrond. Siinbiiry. i'ii.. iii.-ludiiii; rreie i, Putleill iioiiiiels. lllblioi.,. .tilks. Vell-els. Luces. lremhnnd Aiiuricnn I low er.s uud I-eiithirs. Ac. l.iili-N Mills, mill Cups, id the lute,t tivles. anJ de-iiu. Woolen (laps'. Chiblreiis Caps. Hosiery, tilovi- .M,ni. pl.-iin .,.,dt'.,i,ee('olln,ll,,ndkeVchi, s, ' .VhiIis. I himbl. s. ' and ,iln;e assortment of NnTI'lN. to which -he invites ali lo ell n,,l sec bcloiiurctT.-isiiii; .-I.e. where jst Tbnnkful for in.. I natninacc. she b, , s- k ee. Keel,. ' .in',' toe In -I nssorlli.ent ill rciisoiiablc privet lu eon- 1 lilllle III Miiibury, I'oe.ber 12- I .'l'l. om " VASNISHES, PAINTS & GLASS ! " "TTI. oflVr l.i l't'nU-r, rua.lituaki'r.i ani llmirii l'tuiilrrH, ut tht cry Imvot iutt imi.Ii i-rico tlio ft Cuin'h uti l Ciihii.t-t iiiiiiln'rt ; I'uro iiitv l.enii . rene, ., .i me ueiin .inc. ; . nroinc .. re.-,:-, ; .mil V ellows. Ilron II ml Ivorv lib,. ..... nnd I. lot -' .orlniciil of nil the lin. r Colors such ns 'ei niillion-. 1. tikes. Tube Colors Ac., al-o. I'nini nnd Ytnni.-h llrii-bes. ol ilie b.-t nuike. Clnrier's liinmonds nnd I'oints; i 1 1 1 Mills; siinrle nnd double thiek ! if nil descriptions unit nil .Miitermls used bv lion nud Conch ty'iiileiM which wc can sell a. ehenp. il j n.,1 cheaper, than any oilier boil-c, lion, the f.iet , Hint we keep down our t.peiin- by eoiniuctiii cui j bli-ilu J.ei son:,! I v Mr Uu-. -oiie ol the linn -lor miinv yeurs iiinnu-1 fn.-tured the ulliisbes. sold by Ibe bile C. f-cbraeli. j Wo leel Colihdenl Itil.t our Vllllli-he. , Uieeiii.il if. not superior lo any loiuiuliieliued in ltd- Country. We nni'i'i.ul lllelii io til e entirw snl isi'ioM ion, nnd 'if Uot Us reprt's I lied . Ihe llioliel w ill be refunded 1 1 ii u ' ii-a cull b. iore pu.el,,,,;,, elsiHh.-ie A libeial diM.-i.uiil made lu the trade. . IT I. i'i A It AC. V... I ''.it .1 I !si Vlr,l, .'.,,,rll. , ........... I 'I I'llilllde'phia Oct ill, 1. .- bl.l Jacob o. beck,:1';:;:;;:::;:;::::;'- 1V Ii AiNT TAILOIJ, 11url.- Mi-i-rl, n-iirl titiii ilie ICnil Itoail li pol, HUN I1UKV , I' J. . , - 1 i . t M . i. . . . 1 . .. i . -. ... ' I , ' I . . , . . , , """'," ","V I lb at be lia- lil-l r. I 111 Ui d tiol.i i'i, iiude It'll la w lib a lull S'-.'l lilii 1.1 ot ' I'll.l. AMI UIMIlll I.OOIio., OF l.VI.IU I'l.K lill'TION AMi l.'CAI.I'l V , Ilis sl.K-k eollM.lr of I lotlis. Fiei. -h Clolh. HUek I ..e k II. Niid I Uliey Us. ' till r I s . 1 i le il S I i II . I 01 e-f Silks. I'biiii auii I niici i susiiiii ie Vl.,--! i.NiiS, wbicti ! he w ill make lip to . r ier lu si rliw lu suit Ibi- lu.e of : cb-louicir, uu slioll ii'itni-, anil ihe WojI ica..i.st'lc 1. 1 in. Any (iissls U'rf nu hn ol, (bill be fuiui-he'i from riiila.li I plan. l. o.wo; loo ils.vs' i.oii.-e ' I.. I.l. Iillliltbt . by i .ojloiulls mil bo Uisje Up bi ul I- I U lal'l' Il e As lie Will t'J'Udui- b ins 1 ut 1 pHiSnrs.l ol k III II ' t. iui u.Uj ul, ou kiUluB iimi as id d'.i.i oi ' is .U"i. J U.k jl I t lha i troii;s Li rcK bu L.U i, 1 Is lp llun oil, i' s 0 .i,l,si.is o ibstnU ful.i uy, Ot I I J si... I I ' I'I T 44 llV'IM Vi I, I'I l'l I V I ! I I I I'slAll ' ! .,.,., ''elvJ'b Midi. , It l.i- I'I ( III III II ( lu . II,. ...'.l. el Sokkuis . ii il u ii ) ' I s i- i ii I si I I lo I'I I ski .,... i . s l' . .a I ii I U k i -l ( ni'1 t I I. I I" . " l '' I ' IliK PA!S MANTILLA, C7.0AK AND No. P2W CllKajet-T Smi-eT. (Formerly No. ?(IS.) I riiii,.iui.l,l lll.. i ,, .,.,..,... . - i. w . rlti'CTiul A CO.. imlto th" idlsnl.oii of, their 1'iur.ds to their large nhd Hupub Kt--.kof Fine t'lOAKrt nnd Ft Kit, unpKriitlolc.t In liny former schsou Tho increased accommodation nlTorded in our now to'jHlion, i uitblu) im to devuto the fullest atuaitioa to our I'ur S'iirtrliMcnt whieh will ho Tumi 1 well f'uriii.died Ith everv di. : soripiioiiol First Clnss Fl Hii'. which Hill I guiiroti toed in represented, or the money paid will bo re funded. OlvUF.rtS per mail will bo carefully ailnndivl to, nud delivered, )pie.s thurges paid, and Oisiaujf) inside of lbO laiksi J 17. i nnCToT. t. W. No. 92U Cbivsuut (-irei.t, I hiluuclpbia. Sept. 5, Jfcfu.-ly I'lfiirrii & .Mien sthkf.t.s, j nillsADELPHIA. , Arc. Opeulut; F A L L V A L I. T 11 A 1) 1'., ! French M KIIlNOl'S, ' (iood PI.AC1C SILKS, Dark Figured SILKS, 1 New PLAID SILKS, New Fancy FLAXNF.Lri. ' I PALMOliAL PETTICOAT.). j lied, White and Illtic FLANNKLS, etc. I Sept. f.. l-o.".--"',n w .11. '. Ut) tliSlAIC'l "M Confectionery, Toy and JXJIT STORE, j .liiirt.rt Strrsl. eiui'.ltir, I CONFKCTIONF.HV OF ALL KINDS, TOYS OF F.VF.UY DKSCTUI'TlON, ITU' I'J', itc, ito., i ft INSTANTLY on hi'tid and for sale nt tho ubove establishment a. nbulesalo and ictuil, at rcs.son. able prices. i lie is niitnurieiiirin ; i.ii kinds of l-oiit'eeltouitrie. I to keen up a full ii.5v.iii,ii;nt uhkh ere sold at low Tuhiicce. Senr-, Stutioiierv, Nuts of nil kinds, nud " vnrieiy ot older urlioles, an ot i,i,..i arc etter.J . . . V :it Ji 'liJ.-i- jni Jew i-le-r. MAMf.u"H.i;i:ii or -HATH W A H K A linnerter of VATt:llI- : . ... w. , ...... .,.1.1 . I -so i s. son l ,-cfi'i.u .-i . I'rniT inn, iiiii..i- ' i.i-i 1.11 1 1 ii..,. .ii H i: he ft'ii -Ijuitl v ; ') n- nn i'--i(jiK-)it of iuAd i i 1 it I'titnit lsLV r, Lrpinu ui Plain i 1 hit' (inld i'lf.t'iis, nn'.! Kt'A, Uro-wt N 11:. 1 l':i;-. Knr lliiiirs, I'mrr Hmh.'i ict-. Miniature ';,,.-. M- -bill m.i... r.Mi.s'r. TIhii.Mis, Sj.po- j 1 ;t--:-.-. fi.iv.-r T.ti-lf, lK-(Tt, 1'cn. Suit id iMu-tJird I ;-i ...- ; .uu'iit- ;uj';. Napkin liins, h'ruit ; an 1 limttT Kiiiii., Shicl'L', ( nii'-. 1 'i:iinui!'l JNiitiI- v I f. i.i . ' :.. -.-ill "I'whi.'h wiA Im-s-.M 1i.iv f.,r 'ni ' , M I 'i M! I .s C't'S l-t-.-t i;-i::i:y tuU j.-wi-IimI ; I'm -n' I.' vi r .M'jvii.iuil.s I'nitnntlv un h.nl ; ultu uiii.'i' .-inht rN.'i ,;ii'. t'i.ir fjn;ility. 1 . !', --t i ml i nnd Silvt. r i -utit I'.ir u:inh. rinVATrACADl-MY, ! K 0ETHXJ3IBER LilHD. rp:i.': i:':v. ,;,v'di:s iiii'Kso". witi reopen his : I Aildeiuv oil Mcl.d.iv, the Kill day oi' Auc,il"t, ; 1 -.'.:;. ' ! '1 lie f- ll-.w i i i bruin-he. will be tiui;:':i'. : 1 I.ii'mi. 'ir. '-!.., Miillieli.iitl. l'bil ph. . K'uetoric, l.oi-. l;.,ok Kio.pinc Vi.i'ni Mu.-i.- in theory iiud , piiotiee .!-o ' -;r.i;.i'iy, i.r,.u.ii.,ir, iliiury. Ceii..ii;.iii Wi.tii ,'. : 1 hi.M.S : I I', r tjiinrt. r of 1 i M e, !..-. ?.ll..S ; 1 II tlie sloVC brille hi W ith 'lit 'hi' l.ifi !:: ;l S '. l'l' I I.'ltill lilli'l libovi brnliebe-, I, oO lire.!. .,,.1 .,!,. ... li:iK:,i.s, jl-. OU I Sit I il o.llr.r. . j l'oi :'i!i-;iier 1 :i:;u-;..:..- :i; d.J '. HKV. ,l..Vi:s I'lrK.-HN. Teie-her N.; theuibei'iiiid. Aio;i.-l 1st, Is ',. ly ! .-2.i)5ii:f;xi 1 H S'SuS'. AKJU' a Ni 'd.'ii i'i:'.:'i.r. at im.Mi; J .-.re now oliere.i mi ot,j,, ri i.eily l-v v. in. t,ry .':in ht '.null A.MI 1'L .iAULI. 'HJit-i'UM 1.. iit i u vim v h,w ik.nn I tin W.-i'-'lii - are Vurrn;ed to k'-i j. lime olio enr, i ..! ,1... ! :. ..II. ...l.i :. :i - . .... . I 'ii'i me ioi , , , i-in no. e:i i in- i r, in ; e o. I .i.llll. il, j l;,.n b- io;-,. i:i- ee::t is i oi tiire 1 ; i lii.iii! c t'l Im lev a:i J'tiH BInIij-' -t ,il--:. i A lo-i i hi-- i' n iv.; '1 ilne.l'i, .,. .f.-ih i r TUli'i rie.! j ..v. r which is :,'', io. .n,. pli,e I i i. i;.,ld. T"i-t J I litltll1 !y Him! -dll. iiinkilie; tho ilililtilioll so ll.illtles : ihnt it e n. inn be deleend ii.i-.u tlie solid iniiteri.ll by I . M; U'o-t i eriem ed ;i:d-e.-; ii-ods Mill not u!K"-t if. : I. tiiiou ninde niovenii ul . improved l-'uplev in lull , ruoi lo-lioh, h.'.s-siv.- ii si' -''lid . nil! i- not to be ex- ; ' ceiled ill f;elen.l lip; e:i.-.o..o, ') hi, js d,., i ledly one I of till- i.'-.-t lll'iiele.- el e- oi'eled t'or Irilders lilld spcCU- i I l.-iioi-s. Ij. iineeis ei, ii,. in nt.-. ni. I per.-oii.-- irnv cl iinr, , v. ill ;o.d i oi-m siueiior P. iiny oilier; alteration of i i;".'"1,' !".n"1 "'''i' ,,,"i.r ''."" , r".:1'- i :'d mi: I shni e n'id .ood liiiniinp order, uiih-f;,., i or i-n-' f.f it t'. r ?iiil . -ij pvi 'l IcU'liU: T!M1' 111'NTINii I 1 VF.KS 1 ; Ke.-t ipnili'v .-liver ("uses, over W hich cl'-elr'tilie ' j f.m. , .j ,,, k. L,,p .i,n,ir , Mr u,,;,,,,,,.,! j,,,. i j ).le. and supeiior udjiisled n.oi eineuts will .-slop." i ! t.i b" ii.-.' 1 iii timii:; b.'ir-e-. etc.: has Four Indi.v-s-' ' ,or "''''''f':'" ''leenwich time, sweep secuil, i " 1 ""' "l'.''.-liu-i,ts. All in all, .akin us , 'l'r,V. '',;'v'',""'1'1 "' "n-m.-ri, ion, we regard it ; 'k ' V'1' "!" "'ticle.d the kind in the : j "(lu"""' W'",r' r C'"" I ! . ,. , . ... , '.' 1"). 1 nuI W1" 'oranl .-, ..:,, .: . i , .. . , . . : 1 . .. 1 '. , , ' ' 1 '" , loynl ,Siites, with hill livable to cxpresslttull when I the eoe.lsni'e delivered. iMilljJ Ibe buler tile piili- ' le-re of evaininaiiou. iiiul, il' not saii.-l'.-icloiy, (he ' . w ali h i-iui be returiied nt our expense. I -fl.eevpre.w collipntiies refuse nil: k inn collection.- ' ! on soldiers niid other pnrth-s iu Ihe loyal Suites, con. ' I lii.-ni ly all nun orders nuisi bo accompanied by i i Ihe eit.-h to illslllc lltli'litioll. We Illlike II de.l,ii.tioii .,,-, .i.,,,,,,, ,.lu.r ak.,, w h. u the I nient is . . . , , , I lorwiirded ill h ii alio Mouev niav be sent bv exprc-n nt our espeiiie. 'I H'i ( Al l Fit I V ,t CO . Ml and '.la llrou.l Si , mmhimIh Citv Iiank, Oct. 17, IM'..'! -,'liu i'rovi.lence, it. i t g CKTfTi t ST3T Hi g JW K "f JJ fi& W " J VJ ts j V T 'rr I dl-' Til I; 1. 1 i:.-T V,Il I'.MJIXT Alii: l'lt j. . y e. . . ' i " ' s s ' .1. I.iirlil-l V '. si J7 I" T T " BTINEURV. I33I-JNA. i.-l tile lle.l lint Ilie ( ienpetsl j el ibe mist Fco- noii.ienl. wbi.h i-nii be had nt the ltohrbii.h I'm.ii lie. . :-'l'i sii. ha- ('is I. uu. l'uil i . i ... ei, i ! 1 o S'oVes. W llieh W ul I"- . 'I I lit tile lo .1 e-t lolls A! o. I'il-llli , lit short llolie... nil kind, of Amieiilmriil linpl, uiei n '"'' " '""U.aul.ke ii maul ni, I at tlie , V'lle III H sliol l' (I 11' All in n. b -iiipp. , a- .1. Order. r..p. J A( I'll li'lilltli.il 11 A CI ."Ul II. II, l.i I all I., I. .Is ol II, .io ei. ...iii in Y. i bullae f- r w oi k "i.nbuiv. H. i i -I'..' -if .-h t i I''. .1 vm ii vici:i;ucs. ii,. i imii ami nil in. clock i:stai.i.isumi:nt. I' C ,ii, i rr.-oli i sun ( ii.-.l Ul "I . I'bllioli 1 bin , i.l i A ..r lie I' A 1 F VI I (! AM .I. S'i I II I Ii - I , l-A I I.' " Ke", . "' U..I...I.I.' ain.-le lr oul.b.n, llol.ls. .l.l'k. I. 01.110,1 lion-.-. Isil.u. .. . , M if: '..r.rofllM l..'l.M. . I i , k. i. I all. I si. I u,,ul.i,.. I I k I I ill .! II. J. . . el V lirss'l.. II I'blli. It ! I,' .1.1 li.ll I 1 I" I '. I lu uU l' urllniiiili i-liinil. A rl.siu H f. r .1 is.'li.is I., ss'i i . I r Ilu u.'iiua '. H'l' b bill al Iba I soke,; I,, i.s i Miw4a. lb l.b l. ol N .-..ml., i nr. I I.. ...ii Oisboui. if iui.lli M at. I " n -k I' l iv. suil si I....I a I -.1 lb. .....I bold... I II l.s- U.ll si lbs b- i.kio k as "U th. . -I in ill Is Sji.siI. l I" " : l V ' , ' b II It ill 1 I. vi " ' i i ' i I ' ' (J J J) () J Xj til.' i - ti TTtOTT lTfTVmT?n nfinTir' i JC iYXlOll. VY li X XisiTl JJJJJ E. Y. liRKHIT 80X, SUN13UUY I'KXN'A. uiTr.it pop. SAI.J2 AT VERY LOW PRICES, i full line of i DOMESTIC AM) STAPH: -DRY &'-bZ ! ! imr.ss goods ok i;vi-:ky VAIIIETT CHEAP AS!) lAXDZOSll'. A CHOICE ASSORTMENT HOSIERY AXD O LOVES. " ' " h l.. 1 1) ) MAJJj LLU1 Ul a (., , BOOTS AND SHOES HATS AND cArs, ,10 A .,,,, ,r,J rnvrif -R.,,,,. ' t o- HAKDWAHE A XI) OUOCERIES (iUEE.NS AM) (.JLASSWAJ'.K. t-'mie and Eiirtltintcari'. M'ihiiI atid Willow Ware. ll.ir Iroti iimi Isti-.,-!, NniU tin i.l Spike.!, HrugB, 1'uinH and Oils, Vv'indinv ShsIi nnd (irindstone i''ic!i and Mnson liiiiiinici.., C'otirau nnd Tine eilt, l-'ihii, ycat, Clict-s..-, Ac-., i-vc. iv.:. A!! Kiltd-t liinnis. clicuji f.ir cu ill or Ciniiitry l'riHin.-i, r:ui lie t'utiml at t'.n- oni-: riucr. hioiiK .. U. All C.iod.-i vv:iti!iiiti.-d As ri'l'ivsviiti-d. NO DEVIATION IX P'.iK i:s. S-MALL PKOF1T.S AM) O.UCK SAI. SuuIjui y, Oct., lO'.li, itf'iij. N( 'HENCK'S I'CLMO.NIC SYUUI' Will Cure CONSUJtfjiTION. Scheac::'3 Pnlmonic Syrup Will Cun. C'ONSL'U'i'iO.N. Schunck's Fulnvciiic Fyiup Will (.'in-,.. CO.N'SL'Ml'TIOX. Gchenck's Pulmonic Syvup Will I'tin CONSUMPTION. Schcr.ck's Pulinonic Syrup Will Cure CONSUMPTION. Scftenck's Sesv Weed Touio Will Cum DYSPEPSIA. Schenck's Sea Weed Tonio Will Curu DYSPEPSIA. Sohenck Haa Wotni Tonic Will Cuiv DYSPEPSIA. Bchtuck's tietx Wend Tonij Will Cun. DYSPEPSIA. Uchonck's Mnndruka lJillsi Will Cure I.IVEK COMPLAINTS. richonck'n MnndiKku l'illu Wiil t'uiv MY EK COMPLAINTS. Kulier.ck's T. ir.li I'.ko 1'ilU Will ( tin I.IVEK COMPLAINTS, bchenck'a Miiiiilei'Vi. I'llU id I tiii' LIVER COMPL MN'J'S I'll. J. II SCIILMC hn- :i l.:,t,-e S...I ,.f ll...,i, nl No US li.. ,1 Mr.el. A iv ol k. Wl.ere l,e can be toulideer 'i iie-ta-. fi, in 1' .1 if . end a( N. ...i Norih Mtii S'.iv.t, 1-h.li.d. 1; Ida, l',i . , , . i , dllV. II. keeps lr..,. ,i i in,- i;,-i,. al bis ...,n.,. Wiiieb i al. be loot al ol Inn. t i lie, n l.-hlli .' ail l i ... ol lill exail.ilie:: u el Uu l.ul. -s w ill do l, t I , io eu.l el. ll-IK Ii- III.. , e Ho UU.ki . I.o t'oi.e 1 .mo,, , but f a ii looioti. !, nnliilliiil.ini i;tl. ('.,...,u,.n.i lei , lit pi ill' 1- C.l V'.iliv l,elsel,s ,'.. Mi'ia.i.l I.. il...., 1 .. i,uiu,.-,l l.y lr Shenck l .i t.-..r tl, I th. v nl be ..tt.-t in. urabl... il by ilo.l miaiis n i. , m ,.). ,.,,; i II I- loo 11.". II ,1. inu. li In- ler II Woo , I,,. I,, l,.u I'll ir Coll'lllloli ill olive. ,y abll lldullee ..I'i i i I r. e . i'r S bus .hollll sulh.ieiil i . rlilient, , in !, . .in thai lie bus ein, .1 sllsi. e I sii.,-., ('. a. ,oii,i Iii' at ul I'd. -e Is .Vi V l , none 1. -tie,-!. I'bllioli l hla. tin. tor mil HioiiM alwill. be d.i... led I'riee of bi 'ul ,llol,,. Sllllp ,n , , .; J I. ,.i- ea. b ;i per 1 1 ill--, oi ihe n.! .i u v . ,. i... I'lil-, celils per ben For le by nil Drunrt;i.!i aud Stoi'tkti-p, m i o. tel.. r lu. i. I .'In, vi'H' i'i'i' I'.'niin i iM's II I'Aill O I Will'' ( fpHK ,.rl,.r re.pi.:llulK ilib III,, her ill. I, I. ,1 SI. I II. C public. Ib.lt b lis. In-1 up. Ii. I 1... 1 J , ,..,,,.... SlW -I'M h t I' . ... . .om.i., , , ,, ,,i .,..,( . sii i .rusiii. nisi , I'oo.l'uu io psil . f I a. In- 'it mm. in..'., s .' I.. . . . , hj., blank lbs I.. 4 .ni -ii Sim! olliir 1 ai.sd i.isii... il o III 4.. M. 11 l M t.d IHO W. -k lilll.u.. I'll I 1 liai.l o Il k. "Isle. l'l fc.l . -'I ' 1 I ' i ' . . . I lol.ll. k -1. I l sit. I . I 1. I i I .. 1 , ti- I. I 1 1, ., . .11.1 i.l I. It V I I ll I. I. Ni l. ! AILU1VAL Ul' l'Al.L L WlMl.P. BOOTS AND SHOKS, T I'ST n ..rived from M.i York nnd l'liilnd... rliin . !J ) it I'reeh silpil? of th') bltesl st he Olid ef tin- U t . . mistny, hicli l.a Ivi niwt in a 1I..1 up ti wi-i, sisl : H.iirunted tsi ...im1 mtisfiiaiino. lie hns inr-di. ) iirrim'-rieets in the uil) te have bin best ienk nmns . biur b-!', Hhiehunii be find at all tin ts, if not o.i ! lin 11 1 thev will be procured at rensoliable nulir". i .Mniiul.'e.luria- uf JiOOfS and SIluI.'.S of all kin ft I ns usiuil. , I will also n liolcaalo !',.( r.nd W!,i.e ly the ho j t'nll and tunmitio ti.tao purLiiaJiii- i-isi-aber i I und mJi.-rf yursulvei. I 'lliai.Kliil I ir p.-itreniifi' i.rrtt.ipiro ei-i.-eu, ti 1 ' trspestfuliy ("ili-viu u coniiiiuniice ut ihc'iire JSj ,r. e'.d .n-ire im-.ui, three die west cf '.he I'.ni .:viil 111 .viaiket iusie FfJibtity, pt. IP, I.1, W X H Mil. 1. Ml. AtfANTFIi iiiin,, d.-Ktivv. n .lot.r ,c ) "t M en.-' Wei?-. ''.-".i n p- paid iioenjni,i r, ' n V'ru ur - win Mu''i he viu UIT11M.! iV VV A TKAIlL. II A t A J Huou (j i: ! Thirr cun lt uo Ijutitf ihna lb o iiihiiu ' lucttifv ii ."-oujt". V c Jifi w piiori-cli'l iu yi-iucinf; Ilu ciciu'c o! Stiip milking t- a infohnnicol reruiiti t v ; mi Ihnt miy oih un-'UiU tl in the Ijii-tiutriS can, with u'.r Jriiiulrt, jtrerutt' titf- lniinnf-toluri; mi'--j ct'iiiilv. Our l'ii;iul(i ciiUiiiii.- liipt.-tiuiil fur pro. ilu.'ini; si-Yiti kiiil,j urStttf ; I if A;, tt Trutl liu-iiK ---lli'ro it- 110 IjfUer. I I tf A u-ii.ntmtt il .Itli a cHimliy ?Ujrt it largo iu cr en?: r-f ihv jTofit. Thy yt jiluet a .'uri'alf t.o rf in t liaiite" vtry liltU rwm r-;irel Miiull oialtiy for li.vtiirrs nu oilV:,.-ivc L'ioi cniii'J in tho prvM-M of j liiiiijitfiM.'tiiro. 'V"Kvir f.iinily frltinilil pi..-.i ll; Vl,r"iwhi, m ; tho Sujip j.ruJiH-'t.J )s il natii-r1 r-jUHlIy y-t ia liarii uk iu sum t w iiti r. TKlOi.S I'Oll Tin: JVllMVI..; r I'diuily u-:-', $ ' i'or St'H-f u."t , J.yo i liA'-itL-ivt iiutiuiiitotiit'n rljiit in u ui I'l.OUi.l jjopuhilion, ur ,r0,0- bu. uwr hUtiMi mill li-Mf thnii 2.,tiiM 7.'f,U j ho. ov-r 2.'.lt)'ii nnd (iimi 7'','iiH, K'lt.OJ A City of 0V1T 7.'.'U'iJ ipi'cii.l kiiu-i will lo ii(;rt.,U I llon rt-;.'it o the luau y v:o s.tU S'-nvi thw Tor- I inula, culiliiini; full nud win h,!.c dirf-'ti'n, Hhi.:h ; tiit. j,,.,,,,,,., , J(!,r..u.llk.ri-. "j JnqwirivH will bu clu'i-rfuliy iinwcre.l pro i di'J uKtinnji L ciieloscJ lor lelmn ioi"!ai;'. r;:j iJ-ruuUway, Nt w.Vyik. i t. 1, J-itVT. 'Jin Mir 1803. ! FRILLMi GRANT J at tiii: M AHHOTH STOEE, "'Jt'IsI r-;" crffiiliy itiiiioi'r.cb thnt, th.'y liav i'Mi r-o-.i .'p'l (iii'l n;'i voi iurj' ar.d vt"! rle:- ! t. l .Sl't.k .t' i ! GOODS OF ALL KINDS, t ; which they are nillin to di- cse ' f nt a Y1"Y ' ,-MAI.L ADYANfi; OX S'lrnt S o;... I j 0 - UvTR STOCK IS QO'AI'.LETL I am. r.Mir.tACiS !'.::;:';:;!;:.'; j I ' GIVI3 XJtzi A. Tlif.;ii.i"-..i for pn.st , e 1 tillUiill '0 ol'llii sv.ne bv ,-iill J il'ii. t 'm:..IH'.3S t. :.:. ieip..- I i : ,M i, , "iiill st O...ods c- . :.iu 1 e p-.iri.'l.ii-i'.i where. . I I illl.IN'i ,i til'.AM' j Snnbury. Mnv i.'.'!, -n" ! ior.'tii.i'isY .t'TiY:.ifv7' I rPlIE Heli-t lli-h School of this place, will I- j .1 reopened Aii :ii.-t .'Is;, l,-i;.'. uii.l. i the .-uperii i telidelli-C ol'S. I'. l-TXii. A libernl I'li'.ri'l.ll e i , , I livited i ron, the patrons of ihe - hool. and '.lie viti. i ... I j:i ui rtiliv i T FILMS OKI i'i'I'l" l'l-.i; .-! .-.-i N I I'rtlioirrni l.y. l..ad,'.i i,ii,,:.: in. f Fiiio.-iv i Ariibio.-to. " :a j .'.1 idlllie. i . or-ll b in, II j .nt. f-iiib sophy. Wni; s i ii j .ii.-h I. rnir mil r Mm 1. Ai -,- 1 bra nnd l.eon-atiy, ,s o I Look Kcepilig. I. ill, pr- nl.-.l Astloroli.y. Ii ,n j J v. Hi..- hn If of the tiiitb :i nior.iy to bo p.sM :, il ivnnci', nil I 11.".- i-i'lauei (lt The , .i ,i atiou ol la .l ; l.-riu. . I'upii -t iiily'u.;; in.;- , ro- ' rai -! in .irior i f t.'i j hij.iier grid"" nl'i'if.n.u will i..e .-'. -nt ::, :.,. ra i- ( eloi.riieillL' sie ii f j . , i , . 1 1 . t For fiirilo r ialoriioilioii i.pp':" ' -. I'' FiNiC. iii n! . Siiiihury. ABpi.-t Mb. I- '.'i. FAIIILY DYE COLO Eh,. lllii.l.. Dnrk lilup, I.,Khl bilue. I French lilue. ! t.'lnret HroiMi, lb.rk lli-own. j l.iaht lirown, I Siuitf itrnw n, l Crim.-of., j Hark Uriib. I l.i.J t Fin-., j I'ark i.reeu, I l.lKht l i reel., J I'ur t.lo -r ."'ilk Woo', , , jjjx, , (io..i..hiia:-, I Scans, lires,i-i, bit '...i:. Cb.ve.-. H..nin-t. 11:.'.-, ! Feillhei-s, Iii, I liloves, I bll'ireu s Cl.illi.ii .;, ; lilel nil hinds of Wearing '.ppnrel. ; A ilivl.l- -( (Vlll. ! For Ja cents y.ui can I, r a- .,,,n,i ei.od- a.- i.or! I I otherwise eosrino ti i,. ,: ,:,(. , ' Various slu il.s j enn be prod lie i I (,.. ,. i.e Uo I , .. till pill, tt -a. ve-s ' liire-'tioi..: iii i;.. i;. i , i "i, ; .. i iier.i,: ii, ii , J i f eltell pnekll;'. 1 F..r tin the,- nil''.: ii...l ii i.i Jivii::.-. and fuf i pi rlict Lie. ,11 lei!-- I. !,:U ,. ,- j',,, . (,., I , ( dye oi ,-r ul', ers. n iii, nn,, i v i il : ,1 le r. ' ij es ; pi., iduue iioi. e A Sle h.-e-' 'I leall-. F vein.- nidi . j I..ri.,r St lit I.V mail oil 1. -eJ't of i ', e- III i ,1,1s j .Miu.ufn.-lur. ,1 by ituvt K ,v .-I F F.N-, I .' ''' 1 1 .. U,a . I .. .;i ' '-r '. hv Hil.-.--:. aa i I.,..'., ..i.'.:..,,!. m:v. i(iii)i'; a i'i kmh!. i a in c our., f I'M: si-.i.w,ibu tt.. :-:t in., ii. i j ..,.).:, I -.in l'o. v -ii, i i '-.:. 1, - ... i., 1 i : ... . tlie l.ew - .k .-1 ! i!..l.'.- .:.o I ..in en'.; ; .,.,1. ,. la. li'.'ii . f til the 1 :.i i .. : ' ; r , l le .at.-. , i - i .III .'.lali.. t -oi ii.- - . ... ,1 1.1 f "o""f si .v-.rf , ::V.' I.o I usli 1. Ill ll.N. I .1. drMii. ;:..,.. .1. II.. iroo i . t i Slim , In, . i i.l .b -' i, i r .. : -o. .1 (,:l ko -I- I I, I. - 11. .... I , , ' II.. I 1 e pill l.i Ii -1 I '. 1 I , .1 ' I.. .1, u . . I...1, 1,1. S'o. .. i . i :.t . ut ' .,1 . "'. :.'. i - i. t. ii. i I .slit la- ill .!.. .: (i. , . ,i i I .. .' ii , -'U.Mi'l. yi'.;, i .n n., ... , I . b "I ' '' ill '.l.i . Mu. I .. I -I i i.i ,1.,-., ,sli. '-!" to I.l ll. IO di.l I' I II t H, It , ol I 1 I - ' il ' n 1.1 1 i ; 11. I n ..p . pi ;'.. i ... j I It 1 III II I I If i . I. . I-, ll 1 1 1 , a. ,. i I.i ...' 1 .1 .. I ' l'.' I I 1 .1 . II If ' ...I'll IC -is M.L'el.tl, li'- . . I I I I It
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers