rrrr is tVAN3 A WATSONS Jm) BAliAMANDER BAFE8. GREAT PIIIK AT RKACINO, PA. February 12, 1862. OBTtLiixtts It -rdveii ma mnoh aMisfaatioii to l'f nm you t'mt in the aevrra firs which, on tho trorniiut, of the 4th '.nst., entirely destroyed nil my ".tvk aud materials, I hud oneof your Hibimandur Fire l'roof Bnfoa. After enduring an liitensa red beat for seven hours, the 8a (e vens opened, and tha Hook? and Papers woro preserved In an umblcmished eondition. J shall need another Hnftt aa soon as I got iu order. Yours, most respectfully. W P. DICKINSON, Holding, T. PILE AT GREEN CABTLE. Cbaxkrsbdrs, Franklin county, Pa., I August Hist. 1H61. I Messrs. Et-aji A Watso.i Philadelphia Ocntle mrn : On the morning of the 2.1 of Augm".. 1WI, 0';r Storehouse at Gro.ncnstle was destroyed by fire. 3hc Pulantauilcr frifo repurchased liini v..oi "cste few years since was 111 tie a'aive uieiuihncd store house, nnd contained nil ci r book. paper., cash. Ac. which were preserved in it perfect condition, litter Icing exposed toa most iiilii.se hint for several hours. I'lei sc iiifm in us upon wbut tains' you nil! sell us another larger Snle. Youra truly. OAKS A AUSTIN. S.-ilnmiimlor Safes., fir flanks. Stores. I'i ivnte Families. Ac . Ac Also Evans A V neon's Patent Alphn.be. icnl Bul k Lucks mid Rank ault Iichu . equal (o any made in the ci tintt-y. end sold mi ns grid terms. E A W. would rcMifet fully refer I" tha following Banks and other putties, hnving their Sales and Locks now in use. tn (heir entire suiiid'ue tion, nnd many o'l.crs given at their itc. IMtkI) Statis .Mint, Binr.-h Bank, .-belbyvi'.lo Philadelphia. Tennessee. VNiTKtiSTATKs.nsEXAi..rily ltimk of Philado! bin. t'uli.on.ia. Consolidation II k of I'l.iln. Fotistoun Um.k. Pa. Coinlh Bank of l'bila. Co ile ville Hank, I' i. Chatanongn linnk. Tonn. Stroml-burg Bunk, l'a. l'le'm Loan A -Von. 4tli at. Jersey Shore Hal k. l'a. l.i"k Haven Hank. l'n. 1. ni. t: lli'i.k. i!nl.in..-re. Dank ot .NorthttniL"! land. Buidi ol'Xoilh'll Liberties, Philadclnhim S'iilliv,e.:eir. li l kof Va. 1'iiul and Swift, Brhkcrs. Fulton Iimk. Atl. nl.i.ija. Alnhair-a iSewnil; Hi.ik 1 1. I v s i -:n,. i,-. ! Ion.!; cfN. (.'.. Kiiloi'.-h. l.i-wisl.nra llm k. l'a ' O.her lei'-ru.eis j;iven it on eiilln it: our S:oro. I No. lii S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. ' I ' i '.m . ly Ytt;i i-'T til l,in, Si.i.Lt.ry, Ncrtlm.le land county. IVnnsylvniiiri. (I'orn erly I'rei buia. Snyder county.) OFFlt J. .Market sircet. iine'iloor east of Frilir tlranl - ..re. and nearly op)ifi-iie the Court House. All prok'A-ional h i-ine?i. coileetious, tc , will re ceive !'oiuj t alleuliun. April 12. 15.1.'. hLVi TAILLK1KQ IfeTAIiLI.-MLIxT .1 II V. It . K T . 2inht SjHiue, out door vat f tic rout Crfur, eTT2-TXJTJH.-brj PENT-J 'yv. I" 05.pee!f.;!!y ii f.otr hli old frldidf nnd the pub k li.- KenemlJy that Lc l,is n'nir. l.uiineil to t in.ouiy and rv-oponcd a .ov 'I'ailin-I ay I'stiilIilini'ii. Ho ij prepared to wake i;p new parmeuts. r.-i well ineniliiij; old one", and lo do w.uk neatly, ho-li-i'lnihiy and suhntaiitially, in, furl will wurn.nt oil noik leaviiij; il.e i-hop. t;i:d hy o doinj;. hopia lo jei'i-ivo a du i:liie ot pmi- pnue. IVi.-vi s iji'ih ini to have clolhiog n:ade up to order in the latent !yle. will jileaso ivo hiiu a call. Siinliiry, April 11, lnj.t. 0 m. I! at Kanu fact cry. nor r t j it t ymmm. u t'i s riHIK siibairiber re.-peo; fully informs the public. lhat 1 e l.:u- eoluii.eliee-l li.anufaetnr'tiir. at Sl'N l.L'I'.V. nii ihe laiioii" jijI.t i t Suft llni. Fur and AVnol n-,w in ne. He ti nti iluit his experience in the ov.sii.iss in tho city, will enihle him to tret up l.aip in style ai.d qualitv njual lo anv in Pl.iiudei- l.l.i. A i iip!y of silk nnd oilier hats will ul.o be ke pt on hri;''. M rcl,;.i.!. and others will find it ; their mltar t ;p to give 1. mi a call und ei courao bonie luauii fi:?'uro. Sold Wholesale and Iielnil. at tho lowest prices. iu.Li.iy. .VugLsi J. ito.i. ;1 A VALUABLE PAKM FOH rpill" under.-ipnt d olTi rs to sell at private side, h't I lalnatlu l.n m. s-::i;:it" in Zerbi towi -hip. .'..iili- llii.be llil. l ei.i.i.tj. i'.l.. l.'iout oi.e luile w.-l i I Ine li'.n it' ;'i,vo.ion. eoi.tTiii.it jr 'IWt.l Jtl. l'I'lll ACI.l.S. n.oro or leis: nla.it i:y acres ot w.i,-h ate cleared nnd in l! (joo.,1 s ate ot" eulliv a'ion. end th' hal.'iine well liii.bercl with pino nod o.ik. lie iu. rnvsatrtili are a Log-llouie, i!am ai d other out buiUiili-i. 'I'e.i. s Kio-v. Tor iiiiticiilai-s ieqiiire of 11! A 1 CLl.MENT. Sunl.vrr. May ;.!. 1:-1. hi:v i:2 E'ie s:m:i ri:i;. i LEW A 1.1) W TIN M1.I.A1-.S. ml the -i V 'tau'llt r.iy.... hi.'illo'd. will he paid lo am i i.i. so n . toi the api rch.-i.M.ii. ai d delivery of a J-l.M.i.'l Fit in the In 'uilnunrtcr ol tl.o neaicst pru-vj.-c n..i:.-hal. lie i,, r. J;LX K.Y CLr..v.t.NT, ('ip!. end Provost M.H.-I at I l.u U!si., l'a. li.ini.hi.r. Aiyn.it lr',1. S1;; i-i'' . i. v. i. i:. jri sTvrrx j.am F A X C Y Ti Y l: I X (J F. S T A 11 L I S II M Y. X T liAilhf.iT, KIJUiEW A CO., Propiiototg. OFFICES : Xo. 47 Xorth Eighth St., Philadelphia, and i ,i 7 J obn St., Xew oik. ''ur success iu liycinjr nnd Clenr.sinu liarmcnts i I Velvet. Clotii. Silk. Merino, Do I.ainc. Ao , Ac and S. twit? of n!iiuil etry d. -.-i i ti. ti. is ,n wti' kn i vn ih it we on'y des;ro to r 'tuin I our friend- ami the 'elite ceiei'llv. that lie season l.r (jetting rea ly Iheir F; II Goods i- i riw t hand ! tiood received an1' returned by Express. UARUETT. NEPHEWS A CO. Ait.insl 2?. 1Sij3 k WATCH V.S. .1 v.w 6 : tit. V a-s riT vi:ic.t tier:. the undersigned wout'i r"sj eet fully imko your nttiiiinn to hi well sclec'cd -lock ol Kn.i li.oil ai.d Silver WATCHES. Fii.eliohl l.l.K Y. ol every kiniatid vit'eM' nl yU comprising all id 'l.e iu v.' t and tiio-t lt it.: it jut it i xi I' .i. . iLi Li. tiaiil.. in Cm. i lil.d lLo lie.l le.iheol inr fluL.t H'uif l.ueh 111 .i.-lc i- v.'i-iarli. lo he I - n ,1.1 M ..tut. W . w . itches an I Jewelry candidly r juirni and sa.i.uc'.i jti uiu juteed JACOB IIA1M FY. Sinexnir tn !.'. tf.r II itf. ij.) No. n:i' MARKET Su'cel, I'lUl.Ali A Au 22, 1V:. :iui ehdiiiU U VM IIE.1VM A. , y - . ten C.r V.,i-, Ill dwiv. New Yotk Will raiefuliy a'- ti n I ro eolUctiou, mid nil u.l.sr iluiki iuiiumrd to tl.o r care, e pi. 19, si-. I'A.M V I'i lt JOHN FARE II! A N". 7I- Ar-di S:.,.., l,f. low l.i.d. I . .l. si I , I'lill.AI i l.PIHA Impori.r nnd Mum f iciul.i of. and i, i,r in all kind- of Fai'cv Fur-, f.r Eudo, Cblldl el. w. ur I wi-h to it lorn in ill 'W-faiU ll.nl kr. In M i til, ,),!, ,. Sin I on ai d ihe .ui. :..s- lllt'lll I r . tb.-ir v.iv I 1,1.11.1 pa- 1. . I. in I :e evl. I de.l In limn r tbi lul l, vein-, ml ,.i., -v .i!..i,i In. I I ni.n I,.,,- i .,. ,, ,., ,,-,,, u .n in. I, ii I " ' t.iil'u-1 ui n u lei v ixt.-i..ie e,-,r e. i ,, be !' I, l.l.l III . I- ui.r,ti,4l I' 1 Mm-1 (in- ,.r ; ,".'!' 1 r". ' - i .1. i'i.g ii. I . I end ii . i , . l'i i g I..- I re I Iu it.rl.-r ..I all i.,v Fm ti. i.i I i mi i. i.l l.i ..g ll.io, 1.11 J,., ,,,,( ui.ii, I i n .i.. ii i.,.,i --. i,i,l,, ,,, ,..), uy ,.., i. i i A ll.e i I. lie a n.i . Ii I. ..i i- i,,. i -, ,,( ,,,, , f II e ii e in ,i i 1. 1. In , i, i.m,. , . ., ., u ... 1 1 i I- I'.-i k' I le. m- in.,, u I . i II,. i ,. ,. t-l 4U i i.i . 1 1 .1. IIN b .-li. , I I 'PI lit t I I".. It l I la lintM, ,v Ll)i I u!i iSALI . 1 1 l, , . i.r... f. , .ui. .1 , t, .... ., 1 , , I I l ; . U U I. I. .. I .l., , ,., I , . 1 r I ... I 1 I 1.1. 'I II. I I , , ,, I ',, J, 1 h n. 1 . I. . ..I. .1 s , . 1 I It I , s 1 1 ,, , I ,, , 1 . ' 1 I . . ' -I' ... In ll - 1 I , l. a I - , ... . t b. a '.. .. . I , ' I 1. 1 . . I , , 1. , . 11--i ! - t . ' . . u I a I.i . I. . 1 .1 : . . a i .. . I I n. .1 v, .I.....4 .. . k ' -. I . , I 1-...1. 1 I 1 ,1111,1.., , ll 41 .l' I i.1' U U I II tllM , laa.-l Al.-' . ' )-l-4 1 A..-,.. .- '1.1L ; HOOTS AM) SIKiKS, AKR now nmrufHotorel to order by th mbribef at CI1KAP1.R RATI B than at any othir caUib-lithn-rnt in Runbnry. Tho war tan la i ol taken into eonldrrr.tion,Bii. all work will bo done at old ptloia. . IlnTing jtirt receired aa ntlio tew Vixk of loaiber i and iloroocoa, for Ucntlenion'n ITootfl nnd Phocia, Lotllck aho-niMl CinlK-ria, '!lllrcn'ai Nhora,(ir.,Ac, wblch will be made to order at ihort r.otiee. In the brKt woikiMiLlike marner aid of tba belt n atiriala. Feeling thai kTuI Tor lh pntronaK extended here tofura he hopef tocontil lie li e ai.ti e. All ho desire woik done obcap and durable, aro invited to call at his si op l enrly o losile ibo L'ouit llousu in Market buuni e, SuLbni v. Pa. jOh.n wiLvtn. Fcbmary !?, IBC.I.Ctn JUST HEADY, JJEW STYLES OF JKWELBY. A N o portm i:y not to he lost sirjld of. Ttara a. V chance for Amenta. Ladies as ttell as tientsenn act aa Agents. Aptly enily and secure tLe aebey for jour locality. 1 oo.ooo WATCHES. VEST C1IAI.XS. LOCKETS, i:i.(!S. GOLD TEAS A XI) E.CILS, UUACEI.ETS. 1JVTTUXS. Al.CE C11A .A ,v. SI. TS UP JEW- j El.lt K, i r. I To be sold fi.r ft einb, and r.-it to be paid fir ; until you km-w what you are4o p't. hind 2j eei la i fir (.'eitilioate. lellim' vou vlmi jon eai. have, wiib a eii'Milar. pivinc full parin-iilnrs to Acinic 1 eitict sutiff:ielioit uuuruiiteed in all e.:o-s. Addles, S M. WARD CO.. ins Uruailwiiv. l'ox4.;ii. Mareb 21. 19(1:1 ly E1KON P. WOLVER . ON Alloriioy mid ' im-olor m B.uw. 03;oe. Jlatket atrecl. I d. i is wtst of Depot. 8UN13UKY, r. T? II. I. attend proniptley to tlie eollcetion of clain s V and all oilier pinirit.nal btiMti.CAi iniri:s id to bis care in Xorihuti h'Tland und adjoining counties. Si lll.lil V. .M.iV .'!. ISliJ. tuii iiv.vi'.t.t.v.n a tro-i e:sj. AttomeyH ut law. SiinLmy. In A. JtiRDAN ROCKEFEI.I.EK and S'H.OM'.V I;. IHIV1U. re-pec-iililv in tioi.ncc lhat thev hai a entered into copai tin rsl.ip in the piavtiee of tloir iroli ssioo. and will eonlil lie lo ait.nd to all bu.-'lnss eli'ins:eti lo theil oh-'l'x.'. il' ll e eot.ntiis 1 I:'-., .-. ' l i aid Moi.'n.i. 1 ri'tt!'!i. i..: :,i..i; v 1.1..I c.mti.'Iy. 1 ,1 I nt n t -Inn will Lc uiei. .. the Ciii.1.1 I 1 li'NS OF CI.MAiS. Ci iisuiiatioi.s e .n be bad in the 01.1, M A lanuac. Oliiee Mat ki t street, opposite Weaver's Hotel, tui.buiy. Februury 4. 1 nt'.ii. VM ICNOCIIE. $3 MARKET STRTI.T. HARRISRVRO. TA., Dealer ill PIANOS. "VTEW l'.iewood Pianos, fioni the Uai linkers l It oin Son upwards. .Ml.l.ol l o.S.-'l lie best turn ufictured Inslru- , mints In. tn ,l."i to ficit i Guitni-. iolit.s. Atcordeoi.s. Flutes. I l-it'.'s. Driiii.s. Banjos, 'fan. boi.iir.es. Violin and iiuiiaisliin(js and mLsictil uier I ehaneiie in coueral. SHEET MVSIC. j The latest publications always on hand. Mu-.ic sent i bv mail to anv part ol the count! v. jOYAE, StJlAHE. lilLT AND ROSEWOOD i FBAME8.I Stiitnble for liiokiiiu giasse?. nnd all kinds of pictures always e n liHi.d. ! A f.no as-orfment of lat plated ; I.OOKIXU i;i.ASl.S itoni smallest lo largest sues 1 Anv s'vle ol'liauie made toor-lirat the st.orli.-t i i:oti -e. U .M. KMiCIIE. j April II. l-i'i.l. JlMket st.. Haiii.-hoii,'. ESI Altl.SMUt t I ;., r 1" T E 11 1. 0 11 I L L A It D , KmnT.V 'l';l:-' .'rtsi(ii'lni'(,i Id A 1; CHAM 111 1(S ST.. (ri.rM it 7 !- C!iii :m: Sl'i. t. New Yoilt. " .1 11 1 : e :': ' . :i o J.Jf..ic: j t'j u.e i.1 .. .1. iiiut'iit.'icturc. 1 i. : of hi F.ROWN SXl l'F. Mr.caboy. Dcmi'jios. 1 ine Rappee. Pure Virgirin. Course llapeec. X ccl.ilothi s. An.i'lii-an Gcntli liriu. Cei ild.asn. YI.I.l.oW ,-M'l F. Ssotcli. Hi.ney Dew S.ot.b. llili Torst Scotch. Fre-h Em ev Dew Scotch lri-1- Iii -I, loest. IV..1. Scotch. 01 t.nniii toot. CV Ai'ei lion is c.-il!el lo t!:c large re pt 1. , ,-ot I in. -I ut t hew ing and Sn I: ii g wl.ieji will lc found of a Supettoi (Quality. lOl'.ACCfi. I in 111 bacces. Smoking File I'utCI.ewiig Sn. king Long. I'. A. I r plain. S .lago. No, I. Ci.vel.di.-h. or Sweet. Spi.msh, No 2. Sweet S01 1. ted I Inn nni. Ci.nas'er Nos. 1 A 2 mixed. Tin Foil l avendish. Tuikish Graliiihitid. N B A eiici.lar of prices will be sent on nppKcu ticl . Apiil 4. 101.-1 YVyumin;;- liis.iirmi- 'ii:i:iny , WlLKKSBAUlvK. PA. 'lllti(al illl lll'ilil-, il lsi,00. DIRECTORS : G. M. Ili.l'enback, L. D. Shoemaker. .I..1, 11 P.i i "hard. D. G Drii-sbach, Smith. aml;ll 11 mlhiiius, It. C. 1(. D. Lac. e. I'has. i harl. s A. Miner, in. Dm r.-u ce. Kiss. W . Ketcliam. G M. Hardin '. G. M. . HOI.I.KXIIACK. President. I.. ?MITIt. Si D. SHi iE.MAIvl.il. Vice Picsidmt. R crelarv. W i I . STi.nuvi.. Treasurer. Tins Comp'inr In-i.ns thrr-e-foitr h of (he Cit-h valuation, takes 1 n In mil 111 Notes, ini.l;.- no A -si ss ments. l oliiy a, l.i.onlt dgi s nil moneys paid duiing lite teiiu ot lour li.iurunee. A. CUAWFi'IlD, Agent. Mac :H). Is.',:: lv j JORDAN TOWNSHIP , I 1 S T I L l 1; II Y. TIM!!, t.i.lT-iiiil h t ii.t tutiTcd inltt .jtim 1-! ') I 1 ut ln-.iili'i y Hu-iin . n. Ju I .ti i.iuis j N t I. it Ii. I I i.ilnl i-tniltl V. iit till' 1 1 'ii'l I m Met;,, t JmCIi In I Iilil.hv!.. it I )t I 4 n.iIt'M In hi ili. y HIHt i IMltl tM'lll l III hltiUli, In (i II )! ti ll.f 1 Ulll- U.Ul ll.tV l.M' 1-tiM U.I k LI H til I'lltl Ul li-.'le of pure i;u: whiskey. siring grain coi ve: i, 1 ,,., i..i,kevcv - " '.. "' 'i 1 ' l in -. i.. C...-I. K.-if I., p. ni ni Eve. in T!;re .! b: ve .: i. 'll.e l.ii.s.. C..-I, 1..-.; grj,,u lik.ll ill IX. 1. l e on l 1 Lev. ll.e' l l.h: call In- ii-liled ll.ul all II l.l-kel n ade at I his di.-l.U. . ry w.U be lice tioui dibs tu.d,oli.l nratn i s. l.'AAt I i PPIX, G E EOI.-T Jordan Iwp June II H'.'l ion a . -w. i-i .v tt.pt, lliiw-y nml 4'iiiiiiliti. in jii, tJU-l OU Sou li -id.' of Jllllkt'l s'ret I. foul dools Hli-l .1 I. Eiifchl A Son ."...re, 8UN1UIHY, J-A. all. lid ptolii-'lv It. all I roll s-nii iit hu-ififss W el lri.-l. d In I. Is c,le. ll.e eolli.-, l loli o eh.u, No. .bi-u.bt rian 1 ai .1 the u-lj .'n.ng coi.ntics. ul.bl.l). J.n y.l, Uo.I ly J. X:. HELLER, tl:!ur. on tou'li .ale o! VuLel N.u .le lu the lull ll-u-c. flfJIslXHJIt V. VEWM'A. Mill ull. n.l pi.,ui tly I., ell 1'i't.s.i. 1,1,1 I.n. n..s mill.. i, I I.. I.i. i.n i. n il, ,1,4, ei ,UiU. m N. ,ll. no l.t linn I l U ll.e i!.!si,m. enunllis M.utui.i M...VJI I i'J - ly LOW l It W1IA1II'. Hl'NhlUtV. VK. M ll.'H.s tit. AND I II AIL Id M 1 La UUITi: AS COAL. 1.1 tv, I'I I.i I tt . A 1 a oil I louipiaesa ai d 'i-i tu a uiii nn tl ii.tlli kriiit I VI I I M I.I M I I , t I .,i; 1.. 1. 1. . 1 . 1 1 1 I . I .. . . 1, 11 I .. . . 11 , 1 . .:.-. . .. .- un. 1 ii. 1 . ' 1 .1 I illal ll ol ILt M I 1 1 1 I. , Li. j . , S I I III. U.l.l l .4 4. - ta. 4 .1 ' I 1 1 . 1 ( s t, 1 . 1 I 1 It -1 I 'I I I lad I ai I' ll -a 1 us- Jaaasil II. I ngpmnM IKFAILtBlE LINIMENT, the GREAT HEM FEY For Ulrumntinn, Cmit. JCtim7yit, Lvmlny istljt'Xa-k i"l Ji'hit. Sj rain, llrviset, Ll.tKlltlll Wntlltth, l'tlm. lhmlncht, and all JJit iin.ittir iihd 2 -rrov$ llincrihi s. Fi.r n'.l of wbieli is a s ecdy nnd certain rtnicily. aidiivu n.il-. 'Jits Iniii.iit is pi i inued fiuii il e m il e in 1 r. Nil 1 m Sweet. 1 1 ti i.i.noieut. the f ,ii ls (.. in sit. ei. ai il I as bein Usui in the prrc;ice tot I .me I hull iwi nty y ems w it I. the most aatoi-isliiug Sl.eces-. A-i.n Allev ialor of Pain, it i m rivaled by any 1 ni..li.iion la tote the ii.l.lic. ot whi-h the li.itfl bki pii. al it. ay be convinced by a stitle liial. 'lois l.u in ei t will euic ii.pidiy m.il ladically. l.h t.ll.lilK' losi l h is ol i veiy kind. i. ml iu tin. I. siili.'S ol cases win l c it has bull Used it has l evel beeu know li tu tall. loi ..i.r.ili.ia. it will atlotd in luciliatc relict in cci east. I oweicr ilisiiessinii. li will li iileibe woi.-t eases ot Ilciulacbe in three n.ii u is. ai d is win r..nted lo ito it . 'in.. I t.e a i-o will it con insinntly fin .ilvoi.s D. I liny and Hi l.eti.l liy.sini.lc.liii siiifj lion. in. ttiiiei.ee i.r ixo.-s. this j iniun id i a iu. m n.ipi y . n I m.lailii.ic n muly. Astinj: iliie.-;ly I. 1 ol. .he uilM'i.s HS.-..IS. It silt l.lhll.s tll.l lelili to s i he .jsiii., ai d I .s.oii s il li. en s ici.y i.ml vior. l ot I'm, as an i x 1 1 1 tad i' ii. i dy . we !.. iin that il is ihc It.si ki own. nnd we chnlli lit- Ihe world to ill. duce an oiji.a! 1 v. i y v i . iu. ol il.is .lis.ie-sii.it I I., , -I Id i;ile il a Ilinl. lol II V ill l ot tall to nl I in m i. In to i . Ii. !, anil iu a ti.i jotny ol cum a will i l.eci a r.oli. ai ei.r . t;uit cy hi ii ie '1 bi.ial are son climes exlreiioly mi.h,.i.i.iii 1.1..I mil.),, ions, but a iin.ily o .i atiui. ol il. is I. mill ii. I . I I i.. ei I' .il lo " li . .. li s ..ii . me. in.. ly I t'-.il ale. and el. large n.t 1.. oi .liejoiiiis l.. liable lo o'ci.r il nel.c.eil. 'it.cv.ois s...e n.ay be col.tjl.eie.l by ihls l,li.;l..el.t II. two i.r ihlec ih.ls. J.iuis. .-. l-u.s. .. ui ds. Sores. VIceii. Bun.s ai d Sel ls. .Mem le.nlt.i lo .l.e i.ot. li I li.l 1 L-.i.ll. ue 1 n.iu lit lo. fl.eei's lltil.llille l.u .li.i n. . I 0 li Lseu iiscoi.iii lo an. c;n i s. A so. Li ill lam-. Flo-.-iii Irwi. li-u n.ici Ems an ! tu.s. DH STEFXliEN bV.'LET, ti e (ileal Nali.rul Li.lc Settir. of C'onr,ecticv.l I V. 1 1 I : I I T ! V T T T, r f Ccr.r.rct:cut is I-no nn all oicr the Inited States. PP. fiTFFITFN SWFFT cf Conrpe t'cut, is tl c i.ull.or ol Dr Sweet s Inl.il!ili'ie Eii.iit i nt.' T): Ewtfi's lufnllibl" Li: Cures l.Ecoii nti.-iu. and inver fails. .iu'.eut Pr. Ewent's -ln'" I,:ii'mcr.t Is a certain nmcJy for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet's I11f11l.il lc I.inic-.ent Cuies 1'iuri.s and Sct.lds iu.iuediatcly . Ir. t-vtct'B Tiif.iil.blL- I iniir.f ut bt.-lL1.uwi1 rvu.nly loi f lain, and l.rui.- Ii .!.' Er. 3-vee-t's Tnfallil le- liniment in 11 tdtatc reli, f for 1 i'e-. ci..! Mbhimf:. .r.:r.b tn ei r.r. S x ee'.'a Ixjfnll.ble Liniment 'ii.otl.achc in one minute. Cure T.'n tltelv Core I'nts and Y.ni;mls in.it.c.l: ml leave: r.o Pr. Fi'-mff Trrall'v'p T :ri'rFrt I; tl e I est n 1. cly for Sojcs in the known woild. ' Tr Bvrnl's TofaM clc I.-r 'n'ent , 11m.- I e-t n in use by 11 ere than a 11 illioti pioj le. and ; nil piaisc it. j Prl-'-ii'V Jr'."tut T.'n'rorrt I Ti.ken iuteu.ally cuus Co'.ic and ( holeia Moibus. "Pr Frfi'p Trt',''1t-'h1r T -'rVrs 'ru'y a - fii. rd in reed,'' and every family should hi. ve il hand. TV,. wor.- i;-fn;ijpic I,' i for sale ly nil Drit;jgi-:s. Price 'rrrr and .".0 A FRIEND IN NEED. THY IT. 1 H. W I T'S 1M-,!,.I!:1 1 an i x. i i i. nl n i iily, i- witt .ul UlK i;iU- t .it i. I;. til i' f J I t 1 1 1 V till I.1NIMI NT. ih i:il. alii u y oitii-i in i-a r:iin-ii. lm nl! Ll.iiirtitic m..i Nmvi.is J ii . tu; y i. iii!lil.!L .ii.'t io a v'l i.iiivi- lm W.ui lift. Si-i. i.i .. L;'ii:'if i .mim.'I ii.. Lc. i i.ii putt i a.l i! r i. 1 n n 1 1 i irw. i . j'l I MI'Etl. l III it jiIli i?l i I In nl I.ii tt .i I.i v u L,i v 1 1. iii 1 1 i.i 1 t i r M.f 1 1 ti.-.:!.il n : . itn .il 1 1 i.iii Li Lie (i.i i. 1 1 rim u.tU Ly ii i.Ltii il-c luu uiK-i-i i l.t. t.tvi. : i I ISl TO ECJISE OWNERS ! DR. S 1 1.1 'fs INI AEEII'LE LINIMENT FOR It'll. . 1 ic l.llll.ic.l II 1. 1. 1. Ill i,. , i- f i.i. li . 1 . f . ul 1st I li n j l ail -. I I i.l-i s oi . I , i , I . il..;. Ilritlict i- liagu-.l nl, I e.l.i.ili. I mi i i ,.- I. Ili Gio.-. S, i ,t, i.. .Mt.i.-e. Ai , i. wi:i a ... .-in,; S tlllU . .-, I , III, l. I . I t I, ..J i I ,, , l,. I . ...i.t ... d c.le.i ll, li . ii ii v.) nil tl. lit. I l-.isi-.iic I.i li I. .1 I In- lossilnil cn.i. ,o c,ii ul tin kn.d. holt. let. f . I .i.:. .il I ll .-l ,111-1' oi nop. i.n. ii,., i. n. ui l.v aii.ii.i:eU l,v ihi. I.ii i li. t 1... .il.d I int.! 1 1.1 t I .ic.i.lol w lli a! Mill - len oi e t Ihe t, ,1. ti. is, iii, cUmUii. ll.e l.uiri. .o Umi.-, wi.h col itl.illli last EVEl, v t.ui.sE ii'.v.;; should I nn li i- nu r ly nl hand, for i's umtlv u.-e ai .be uil ap iitii.i vi ol I.. I. ii... wt.l ii,u,bH l-l . 1 . 1.1 lb' , ol II lillil.ll il.-l.-i.. to t.l.1,1. ..it t, y . . ... e li..n.t , ni.d wt.i. h I. i.U. r o u.iu y o.bil sat) l ..tuubil' hl'I Hi Ueil.t) llul i. lis.. DR. S WELT'S Icallillo Liniixcut. is. HIU rnrrr E, And ll uu.au.i. bat luun.l il liuly lit I AND Jt-J IMfctUI 4 uuliww. Is I.i. id 111 I -Hint. t.i.- eu 1 I i f . , S . s . 1 1 lul II S. 1 .'iilc Bo I I t 1 . 1 f .,l.i 1 ui . I 1 E.l III 11 I I o.au 1 I al l. a 1. 1 . aia "I 1 1 1 1 1 1. 11 a'u-a. liUbs.tlt, W. 1 ai. 1 Lit ll II ,mi At", a 11 1 1. 1 1 it 1, 1 , .-I AH bu IN Mill 1 it.. I,, I l I.I a. 11. 1. - ltsall-i'tilieita.ti)aiis a-a-l ai, It,' - i f mauk t I 1 A.ii.,. A. a iik THE ALL SVFFJC'IEyT TURI.E. THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES. GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ. IlEI.MIiOLD'B EXTRACT "CtCtJ,, PArtPAPARILtA IMPROVED ROBKWABU. HELMBOLS'a GENUINE PREPARATIONS "IltOnLT CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Poaittve and SpeotSo Remedy For Ciseasca of tba BLADDER KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSI CAL SWELLIXOri. This Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites the Absorbents into heal hy nciion, by wbieb the Watery or Calceroua dcposiiions, and ail I'niiattnitl Enlargements are reduced, na well n. pain and inlliiniation. anil is gooet tor Incn, wuiueii, or Childreu. iii:i.:hi!oi.ivn i.ti:a r int'iii: FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Fxcescs. Habits of Dissipation, Enrly ludiseretion. or Abuse. Attended wilb tb following tyuitoms : Indisposition to Exerliou, Loss ol power. Eo-sol Mininry. l'illicnl y ol Breathing Weal; Nones. Trembling Horror id Disease, W nkcfulucsa. Idleness ed i ision. Pain in tiie buck. I niieisal Eas-itude of the Flushing of the Body Eruptions on tho Face. Pallid Countenance, .Miiceular ystclu, Hoi Hands. Drvni-N of tlio Skin. 'Jh.se syintoms.il' allowed to goon, which this medicine invaiiahly removes, soon lotlow IMPOTEXCY, FATl 1TY, EPILEPTIC FITS. In one of which the patient may expire. lm can s. :y that they are not fi ct(itcnt.y foliowcd by those "diiel'ul llisc.se0,,, INSANITY AND CCNSCMPTION, Many are aware of Ihc cause of their suffering, but none w ill coi. fesii. The records of the insane Asy lums and the melancholy deaths by Consi.ii ption. bear an pie w itness to Ihc truth ol thu assertion. The Constitution, once ArTcc:cd Midi Organic M cak ness. Rcqi.iii'S tho aid of medicine lo strengthen nnd in vibrato the system, which "Hclmbnld's 1 xttact Bucl.u" invariably docs. A trial will convince (be u.osl skeptical. FEMALES. FEMALES. FEMALES. Obi or young, single, married, or contemplating luairiage, I Ii many affections peculiar to Females the Extract j Pied ii is iii ef(iialled by any olher remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention. Irregularity, l'aii ft. loess, or i Supprissioiiof the Customary Evacuations. I Icerated I or t-ehiirous stale of the L lerus. Eeucotihcu. or Whites Sterility, and lor all c.mpluinls incident lo 1 the sex. w hether arising from Indiscretion. Habits of I'issipaiioii. or in the ! DECLINE OR CHANGE Or LIFE. j Sec symptotna above. NO FAMILY SI101L1) EE WITI10VT IT. Take !io Palsnm. Mercurr. "or Unpleasant Medicine lor l nplca.sant and Dangerous Diseases. 1 1 1 : 1 -ti uo 1 .ti's 1 1: i tr ut 411 Cures SECRET DISEASES Ir. all their stages ; at little expense ; little or no change in diet ; uo inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. Il causes frequent desire, and gives strength to 1 :::tate. thereby removing eibstructions. p-cvcniing ..i d citting Strictures of the I'rcthni, allaying p.iin and ii th:iiiiMntinn. so frequent iu this class of di.-eases ami expelling Poisonous, Diseuned. and Wurn-uut M-.ttvr. Thoiisaiids upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIMS OF lt A liS, And who have paid Heavy Fees to be cured in a ihort time, have found they wero deceived, ai.d that the "Poison" has. by the i.se of Powerful A.--tl il. gents,'' been dlied up iu the slstim. Iu blenk e-ui 111 an HgruvuU'd form, and Ptrb.i s after Mariiuge. I S E 11 3:1. into 1. 1 s i:.vi't: A "I' 111 in For all ACcctions and Diseases of THE URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in Male or Female, fnnn wLati ver cause originating, and 110 matter OF HOW LONG STAXDIXU Diseases of these Organs require 1. 10 aid of a Dititrnc. KLLJIBCLD S EXTEACT BTJCUU Is the G rent Diu'.ctic, And it is certain lo have tho desired cf i-ct iu all Diseases, for which it if rccu'uuicnded. BLOOD! ELOOD ! BLOOD! llctiubuld's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Biu-sapunllii Syphilis. This is i.n affection of the Blood, and attacks tl.o I S. iial Hrgars. Liuingsol the Nose, Ears. T luoai, ! M iinlpipe. and olher Jliicus Surfaces, making its upic.iunce in the form of I. leers, llelmhohi's Ex- j I. ait Snrsapiirilla purilies I lie Blood, und lemoves ull S.-aly 1 iiipii.in. ol ihe Skin, gii ing lo Ihu CompU i- n n n t lii. r and Healthy Color. It being pit p:, re I ei pres-ly liir ihiscl.isaol cumplaiiits, i s iiloinl-Puri- ! l-.iiig i'lopitetuis are prisi-ived tu h girutir tjeti-ul than any olher j r.puruiioii o: Sarcupiu illu. nelmbold'b Etuaa Wat h, ! An excellent Lotion f..r Diseases of a Syphilitic Nu" , tin t-. nnd as an injection iu Di.i-n.-es of the l iiiiaiy 'ii-g.ii.s. arising from habits ol ilis.-ipaiicu. u-cd in ( colli. eeii. ui wilb the Extracts Bucbu und Sais..)nuillu j in -.tch dis.asesiis r-voii n. ended. J 1 i idi occ ol the most rcpon-ddc r.ml reliuble cliar J uctcr williiccuiupunytlieniciiicii.es. CERTIFICAT F.S OF CURES, From ii-.l l lo Iwcl.ly years .landing, w i;U nuu eti 1 i . i. n in Science an. i E'i.ii e. Em Jl. du al Prnperlies ol Uucl.u, sec Di.-pei.nitoi v lh.- I 11 e.l Mali. See Piolcstir Di-wees vuluable woiks on tl: Piaciicc n Physic. fee iiniiiika n.ii.lo by the Into celebrated Dr. I I i.-nk Piiiladi Ipbia. .ee i. mi.iks urn lc by Dr. Fphraim M.I'owill. a e.l, fin. id Phyriciaii, i nl Mi u. I, e o, l,e l,,,il Joll. geol Surgeons. Ireland, and published u. ihu 'il.it.-ii'.-liot.s ot ihe King and Ltum l.'s Joi.ii.nI. .e Jledico-C irurgienl Eeii.w. pi.Liolnd bv Bci jimiii flours, Fellow ul the liojul College ol SllllolS. rti- ot the luie Siuudurd Woik. ou Midi oil..-. L il a vi T I' l l III', $1 00 per bottle, or sis. ti 00 SiusAl iltlLL I to - j no lai I'oM l. l.okk M AMI. 3u " 2 Mt "ilui noun of j.h lor f!2 Oil which will be M.a en ul in cute ihe u.ot ob.ttiiule cue, il'diiei'iiun bit- n.il.titd In. I ttiiered to any addrcas, svcuri-ly pueLi J row l.lw. I I Ul lllll- 1 I'.m nue sytuiplou s tu all e. mu.uiuiciK..a AKHl'AVIT ft rt-.i.urjr i nrfi bvtw mtau ALIcriLaD iL I'll) t-l I Miiuu-n Lm, ll. I litm iiiLi, .to, Uu. Ul..) Uy'L tot), Li lt pmMlli.4 i vtsi.luii. .u i.i.tiiiu . l.u buiiuMi) , vt otLir 11 juiivut uiia, Lui 11 T IILLXJIIOLU HOLD 1 ! S-'d day if HA It l, I a.,tu and deai-iibed beft.ie it.e. Itu. Num. U-i, li3l TiM V IMHIlAltl Al i.iu is, Nll.lh-.lrsil, aUiia Lace, I bila A, Un laitirs in Inloiu Hou iu a.,i Hdri.c. 11 1 l.l)..LD.ll..uuu I . ol lul South I vblh-aiievl, b.loa l lv.ldi.1 I'kila laWAkEi'Fua.VllhlHI. Aal I u4iti.'i'latl DtaKit M I... 11 It ii-.f to dl-.u-a .d lh.11 oau" kad "wlLi ' a. 10 I. a '-14 ll.a l.pulalt.'M allall.nl by llilu U..1U a Oiiiuliia I'lipataii.'l a. (altail til 1 Itu. " awi.Mp.rillo, lmiut.d It-uta M ak S.ld I r ail Diaa.io i.iai.;.. Ark l"K IIMalU'ED al Akt, oulli H t a. -l ll. a4t.i iu.is.11.1, eaA o.feA i it, Ai4 At-11 lu (ii. a u I ti-waaio .u.i As. latstl - i jlt'I i-:mio. di:ali:us VNNOLNCEH to all whotrado In Bunbury, that he bin juat purchased a LABOU NTOCItl oi' -ll Icolel NEW GOODS, Which ho offrra at hi old stand, near Oovcrl'a Hotel west toil of liurkel fieiuaro, very CHEAP FOR CA6n Ot If that will not do, juat aa cheap for COIIKTRV PRODtCC. nil rtock eosiuti of a lfirgj aaaortirtntof IIATS, BOOTH, CAPS, BliOES. COATS, SALT, PANTS, KOAP, VESTS. I'RCSITFS, 11AHDWARE, QUEK.VbWARK, aod other artioltt altogether too aumeruui to taeo tioo. CALL AND SEE. Eucbary, January 3, ISM. ICrnilinjf IC:iIlront. SUMMER ARRAGPMENT 1 REAT TRUNK LINE from the North am V7 North-West for Philnde!) Ilia. New York. Read ing. Potlsvillc. Lebanon. Allenlonn. Easton, Ac. Trains leave Hari islinri for l'btiadeli bin, New York. Reading. Potlsvillc. and all Intermediate Slnttons. nt 8 A. M., and 2 Oil P. M. New York Expressleaves llarrisburg nt 2 IS A. M., arriving at New York ill 9 15 lb same morning. Fares from llarrisburg: To New York $a 1.1 ; to Philadelphia, $3 M and 2 80. Baggage checked through. lietuti dug. leave New York nt 6 A. M.. 12 Noon, ind 7 P M. (Pittsburgh Express). Leave Pbiladcl pliia nl H Ifi A .M . nnd .1 :m P M. Sleeping cars iu the New York Express Trains, through to and from Pittsburgh without change. Passengers bv the Caltawi.-sa Rail lload leave Ta riinquH al S .Ml A. M.. and 2 IS P. M., for Philadel phia. New-York, and all Way Points. Trains leave Potlsvillc at it IS A. M . and 2. .10 V. M.. for Philadelphia. Harrisbtirg and New York. Anaccommodalion Passenger train b'aves Reading ai It oil A. M., and returns f.oni Pliiladch liia ut i CO P. M. All the ubovc trains run dnilv. Sundays ex cept, d. A Sunday train leaves Fottiville at "..lO A.M., nnd Philmielphiu at .1 I j 1'. M, Comiuuiation. Mileage, Season, nnd Excursion, Tickets, ut reduced rules to and fiotn all points. li. A. NICOELS. May 2, 1S01. Gcnerul Su eiiiiUndeut. l:t. Al-l'Illll'IIM-lltH IMS.7. Ol" M 1 lll-K I.i IK-IS. I TIIE CAMDEN AND AM BOY AND PH1LADEL- i PHIA AND TRENTON P.. R. CIVS LIXES. J Erttttl Vliiltiilrlphitt to .Yew Vorl and Wo y J't'tt'f. 1 Jt'tim Wtitniit trft Wliaij and KrititiirHnt Vryat. wit1 Ittivt m ftilluir. viz ; FA I: E, At li A. M.. via Camden and Amboy. (C. and A . Accommodation.) " $2 23 AtiiA. M.. via Camdeu ami Jersey City. X. J., Accoi1.11 odation. ' 2 23 Al S A. Jl.. via Cauiden and Jerscv City. (.Morning Mail.) 3 ot) At !. A . M.. via Caindcn and Jersey city 2d Class '1 icket " 2 23 At II A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city. Express 3 CO At i M. via Camden und An. boy. C md A. (Accommodation.) 2 23 Ai i I'. Jl., via Cuiiideu und Amboy, and A. Express. 1 ' 3 00 Al 'A P.M.. via Kensington and Jerscv Citv, Wu-b. 111 d N. V. Express " 3 00 At li,' P. Jl .. 1 ia Kensington und Jersey City, (Evei.in,- .Mail.) " 3 CO At 111 P. Jl. via Kensington nnd Jersey city. Soniiiciii Ni nil. " ' .'! UO Al IJ (nielli) via Kensington and Jersey city Sou 1 Hern Express 60 ai 0 1 . .vi.. via l.umdcu ami Amhuy, (Accom modation, Ercihl und Passenger, First Class Ticket. 2 25 Seci d Class Ticket. 1 30 I'i r W atci Gap. Siroiupbtitg. Pcranton. Will;e- Liu re. Jlonliosc. Great Fend. Ac ut 6 A. Jl.. I fioin Ken-ingion, via Iclawure, Eiw-kiiwtu.i.a and I ) istcrn haili'oinl. I lm .MiiulIi Chunk. Allentown. Bethlehem, Belli I dele. Eiisl.-li. I.au.bertville. l bu ingloii. Ac at 0 A. Jl.. limn. Kei.siiigtoii Depot, und at 2j P. Jl., lion. Walnut street M barf. (Tl.eli A. Jl. Line connects w it h Trains leai ing Ei.-, on for Jlauidi Chunk, at .'l-l'li P. Jl t j 1 or Jiouiil Holly, ut li A. Jl.. 2and 4 P. Jl. l or J-icehol'l. lit ti A Jl. and 2 P. Jl. WAY LINES. For Bristol. Trenton. Ac, at 11 A. Jl. and 2i and P. Jl. Ii 4,111 K.-li.-iliirtom I I'm Pain via. Liveiiin. Dclaneo, Revet ly. Bur 1 lii.gion. 1 loicnce, B rdciiiowit, Ac, ul 12, I. 2, 4i nnd U P Jl ! For New YorK, nnd Way Lilies leaving Ken- , sing on l eis.l. take the Cars mi 1-1I1I1 strct. ah. vo Mulniil. half an hour before depart ure. The Cats I run into tin- Depot, and 011 Ihe uiiivul of cu-jIi Train, , II I. In III tl.o I'i' ot I liny Pounds of Baggage oily, allowed each , passa ge!-. J'n.-oi-i gels uic pu l.iLilcd nolo taking unytl.ii. g as baggage hut It., it w.uiingai pi.rcl. Ail : baae 0111 Ion MUI.ds Iu be 1'iiid lol 1 xtl a. 1 lie I Coii.i ui.y limit tin 11 n - onsildlity lor baggHge to j One Dollar p.r p. i.nd. and will noi be liah'e for any llll.' Ul.l belond S-IoU. e.Vc. lil l.v SI ecitd col.tlact. M Jl. H. GAT.Ml.l.. A '. i.t. Jul. out v 17. 1 S J.I. Nui'tkrrii ..-11 1 i-:i 1 Ittsiil t u v ! XI MII.U I 'I. T1H 1.1K(.:. TWO TRAINS DALY to and from tne North and V est Branch Si.squebai.ini, l.lu.iru. and all ol Ner.l. irn New York. ON aid alter .MONDAY. Ami!, 2.1 h. 1SW. ihe Pi.ss.i.gi-r 'i rait s ol Ihc Nor hern C.niial Railway will anile at and d.-par: ti m Sunburv. liunisbt.rg un.'. Baltimore in follows, iii : S o I T li W A It D . Mail Train leaves Sunburv dailv (except Sl.l'dli.v ). ' leaves Hat r' 11 airtvis ul B 10 111 A. sburj. altin ore, 1 I.. P. 3 o3 II 07 P. 2 00 A. Express Truin leaves Sunbury dally (except Slltldliy.) " leans llalllsbuig (except Jionday.) " art iii's in Baltimore daily l XC! pi Jlnl.d. C 13 A II u i i.-bur ' Aocoiuuiodation leaves llarris burg, 6 30 A. NOi.THM ARD. Mail Traill lcitvi-j Baltimore duily (ex- c.pt Suinliiy) 9 13 A. " leaves Ilairishurg 1 13 p. " at i ins al Si, i.i, in v. i 1,5 Exj rest Truin leaves llaliin oru daily 9 13 P. nn ins nl llai i isl.uig.' 1 ;ij A 1. all-, llari lvl.uig (except Slomlayi. 3 00 A ' an u is ai tMii.bury. 6 ; For furtbir iuloiuiutioii upplr at i!,e utlice. I. N. Di BARRY. Supt. I.at'UiiM iiiiuii Jti ltlijiui.ui-y Iluil ruiitl. 01 nnd after November 17, ruins will run as lollows : Dj2, Pa&eiigcr MOVING SOUTH. Frrtfl.l J'u ,.ri.rer. Vairpr Lenta Scrunlon, s nil A. Jl. Kingston, -U 2i Hi 13 A. 11 -IU P - Knpeii, Tl ::u Dal.lllle. 12 US Airiieul .Nurlliumberland, 12 13 P M. M"VINil NdUIII I Leave Northumberland, 3 20 P. M Dunillle, rl l.u Riiptil, ( .'1.1 kii.gsioli, a 13 Leave An ite uiri..iiiioii. )u ihi I' M I 13 1 M. H III A l'a..-cnger Irani also Icaice Kingston nt H 10 A. M , or .-v-runloii, lo coi.i.i.-i with im-u . r i-w loia Returning. lv.itt- Scrui.li.n oneriltul 01 1 1 .un nolo New ni k. al I I.i P M Tim Eatkawalilia A lilts. msl.ui g I. inline, I col, 1,1, -I, liUlhiililuKiiiv.Lackawani.it and M e.lt iu llait- lo.-.d at Soi.mli'ii, lor New Vurk aud Inliimedialv Al Koprrl ll connect with lb Cattawi-u Itml. luud l"4 Hiil.ls bulb V-Ml k.U Wl-at-HIIlt lllg 1'hll. tut 1 1 1. IU Ul u j I', 3l Al Am il.LU h.ll.il. U II cm. Oct. with Ihe I'I, il,.. I. I. pl.iu A I lie l.mliual end Nmiht ii, I mlml i.ail i-ad i-i i-.ii is wi.i ai,4 a..i.ib-'a. n,n, aiiiiing at iiuiiuukig 4 M P Al , I'hiladelibia Iu p J, and I'.l, 111...11 Iu ;o I' AJ ' ll.riil.bi ai.J Patamg.-ia Traiu lO'llb. leave. .allioi. biil'tl U al tt.tu a XI . .ul .nn,. ,1 n ...li i , u..u.g Dauutii at a .1. p y J l U1., UiMl4ik.U,.u. kol iV, itvi ur I'ruli, I IV u.iug Mu.', 1'aUi.l bbial U ilal hula a Kn I I I 1..1 11 Jar ., ,I.m;. X i A l I T II El. I' .VE T.l L Ut Is' 'ilii' ' All lhal ia Mua'f Uiag In auiaa lbs Cap do a a l "U Iha liutUl Uatkal, itba la pi a. .4 aaiaida l-b li e a.ul4.i t-l ihe Jai. .1 n.,i diauj.1 it a ik. I.f. . l..al Iba ls.1,,1,1, ,k, a,, ,( t. null bill., 11,1.1 id b) am.11.4 1. avaiaai auk tba a' Ut 1.1.4 deaniaa Ib.aa Jaia s.a ka tin t.l,J L. I ta.-i.fi lain i-lJ.it ana 1 aea4l, Jtaa J. law .i,w Itm unlni i.a ll 0 aaAaniK. Axaa iigijjjjuiefjawrai.iij.wJii1.1 i. .'.'in a1 !' " .1IANi;ifN PATliM I 'ITU WIS- in: -i(i:i'.i:ic t As TmproTod for IH.'iB and 1RG0, Py V. KLTCHAM A CO., 289 Pearl V., New York. riMIK only Frocier eonstruotisl on aoloMifle prii Jl oiples, wiih a revolving can and spting blae'e acruper. 1 l.e one bnsters the freetiugol the orcnm- the other removes it in fa"t as froren. The most rapid in frceiiug, with tbo least quantity ol ice. The trrt eerniomloal In aoat, as tt ! tha nit rlmp'e Bd durable is atruo'arn, Kor sale In all tha priDdtpal elite and torn In the VLten. Each Freerfr aooorrpsnic 1 with a hook of recipes and fall direotioas, PRICES. S nnarfa, $1 09 4 quarts, 4 00 0 quarts, CO quarts, 8 u 14 quarts, R 09 20 quarts, 12 01) Apply to II. B. MAPSER, Eunbury, Pa. March 20. 1.SU2. li. i. iilAMat.ii, Altomey t I.iiav, PINBCRY. PA Collections attended to in Ihe counties of Nor thumberland, Union, SnyJcr, Montour, Coluuibia aud Lycouaug. RFPERBXCfi. Hon. John M. Reed. Pbila-lulphia, A. U. Oullcll A Co.. lion. Win. A. Porter. " Morion McMicbnel, Esq . " h. Ketcliam A Co.. 2SU Penrl S'reet, New York. John W . Ashmead. Alton ey at Law, " Matthews A Cox, Attorneys'at Law, 11 Siinbiny, March 29, HiiJ.' " m:i:itM iEon.li, Jlyrritliiirz. Va. rpilE management of this well-known Hotel bnv J ing been resumed by Messis. CHYLE A lil Ell. the present proprietors, iicg leave to tniorm ine puniic that the house is now being thoroughly renovated, refilled, and improved, w i'h a view to Ihe proper and comfortable aeootiimodalii'ti of those who may favor the eslaldishment with their custom. Guests will receive due ntieiilioti and courtesy, and no expense will be spared lhat may condiico to maintain a hotel in n firs. class style. Families and others desiring to sojourn in Harris burg during the summer months, will lind pleasant boarding ami large und well-ventilated rooms alour establishment, upon moderate tern s. SCi 'IT mYLK. March 20. 1SC2. J. GILBERT HERR. I Ihe tihtm's l.viness 4 onii liny. 0' IVE NOTICE that thev have cone' ml id nr- H rangemeiiis with the Northern Central Railroad Company to run trail s fmin Baltiu ore for York. Ilairishurg. Daupl in. Halifax. Trciorlmi. Sunbiiry. Norilitin bci'laiid. I.ewishur. Jlilton. Jluncy. Wil liauisport. nnd all tnteriiiedi.-itc f-tii-ms. connecting nl llnrrisbnrt with the GREAT W I-STERN EX- : PRESS for Pillrbuig, Cincinnati. SI. Louis and the I West. I Ao with Ilutvnril A rn.'f Fxfrr. nt Milton nr I:uiviIU. I51'iniiiltir. Wilk(fl:trr!. Iilttnn. S'-rmi ! Inn. 11ml iiitcrnit'iliato r'tntinni' nn th Ct tn vi-j?t. l.iirliinvitiir.a A HliHiinImr 1C ui t ron Is. At Wil liniii"nrt. Ly Hownnl A ( h.'s liti-rf to .Irryfy Mmrc hikI l.m-k Ilnvm. AN. Ly IImwiipI X Co.. i nut! tLcir cnitnrolinii.. fur i'midii., Tmy. Llitiini. : lNi.Lc!tfr. Jlufiiiln. Ni ijMrn, nvA In nil nccL-viHe piiiiiti iii Wi'jj'cni Nw Vuik nnJ Cnnndn. Ly wliii-L Ihi'V will torwtir'l M'n- mi li-c. St'trio. ILu.k Notes. , Ji-Wflry, iiml VnlunLlu l'licLni-f ai evi ty ileaerip- ! tion I AUi, N'ltrs. prnfm nnl liill." fur Collection. I l'.xi'frii'nceil iin! i-IVk'uiiI lllti!'n''. employed. , ami cverv clLrt w ill bv n:;nli to r.-i iLt sn'isf mtu'n. JOHN r.INr.IIA.M. Sut'vrii.tiT'lfnt Prnti'n I'ivintn. rhilmiclj.liii. I It. A. J'ISCIll.U. Acnt for .Suubury. Ajril ii, J(hJ. Itlt.tttl IfOlt S" I . Ctintfr ot !ti:lf aint Tiirtl &trrft.i, ll.vt lil.-lit 11,:. Pa. rFl!lS HOUSE, in coi.4.'i(iienec of its convenience I nml near location to the Capitol, bus made il a Hipirnl.il) stopping (.lace. 1 ot only lor those having business at die seat of Government, but lor olbeis visiiing Ilairishurg Jlarcb 2'.', Isl'.J. SPECIAL, NOTICE. THE PROPRIETORS 01- THE i i ti a it i ii ine:, PHILADELPHIA. Respectfully call the attention of Itu-ims- Men nr-1 the travelling coiumuni!y. to ihc siipeiior accou.ine -d.iticn and colli tort in their es-nlili-l i:u-n . KAN AG A. FOM 1.1 il A CO. August 19, ISM Jim jo S T 1SG0- X. Ir:il.i-'s 11 ii I ; ( ion Ii;t(cris. Tliey purify, strengthen, and invigorate. 1 hey create a healthy a) peti'e. 1 icy are an tntidole lo i-h-nure of water ni d diet They overcome ef eetMiI'dissipalioi- ami late hours 1 hey airengthen thesysti m and i iiliv. n the mind They prevent miasma:ic .md itoei mitt.-nt I'.-v eis. 1 hey (ml il l Ihc lueaih ai d n.-i.t i i ol the utoli.ach Hn-ycuie Dvspesia ai d t'oi siii,:t-ion Thev cure Dh.irhca, Cholera, and Cholera Mor bus They cure Liver Complaint und Nervous Head ache. They nretl e besi Bitters in the wool.!. They make thu weak man strong, and are exhausted na'tire s great restor. r. They are made ot pure St. Croix Itr.ltl. iheCeli brale-l C.llisaya Bell., roo's and herbs, and at e la ken w it h tie pleasure of a hi verige: with out regatd to age or lime of day. Pnriiculariy re. commended to deltcafe petsois reiiuiriug a ir I tie slut nliiiit. Sold by all lirucers. I iucL'ists. Jlo:eIs ai.d. Saloons. P. IE DRAKE A CO., 2i Broadway. New -York. loher 23. lb'12 EIBEE IHSCI.nsl HI S SECRETS FOR THE MILLION ! A n ot vnliii.h'e and wondt-i lol ul.! i.-1 1 i . ,n A woik of dm pages, and r,0 colored engrat iogs. DR HUNTER'S V ALE JIECU.M, an original and p -pu- ' n.r ir. aiise on .nan in it ii miiiii, iimr I'l'iamlogy. ! i'unetiont:, and t xiial di.-ordt rs of t vciy kit !. with Never-Failing R.me.lies tor Iheir speedv cure. Tl e piaciice ol DR. lit.N'ILR b .s long lain, mil . still is. unbouiidi d. but at ihe earnest solicitation of ; linn emus peisons. l.e has he. n induced lo ex'i n l his ineipeid usefulness ll. lough lie u e Iii III if lis I "YALE J1ECI Jl." D is a volume tha' sl.oul I bu i in ll.e bunds of tvtry f ill ily in ihc I .n I. as a prei cntiv u of secret vires, or as n guide lr the j ullel tatioli of one id the it o-t nu ImI ai d di s:i uctlt e j scourg. s i v. r visit, d in an k 'ml. I ine cpy. seeuielv ' cmcl. pnl. will be .orwat.lt I tiee ol p s:.igi. to ai i I'.ni ol the I niit il Staler tor ."itieniis in 1' n s nn -s. or 3eo i.sfor SI. Adduss. post r.aid. Ml. ill Mtli, Xo. 3 Division Street. New Yolk. June 0, laoX ly. IlEIMSTIIEtTS luiiulliiliii- llsiir ISi-Nioraiiic'. IT IS NOT A DYE. Rut restores gray hair lo i s original e-dor. bv supply. ing tlie capillary lubes Willi iiatnral msteu'anc.-, tin. paired by age or disease. All instantaneous di .? nre coli. ..-id of Iniiir caustic, ilcsliuyiiig Ihe ilnlilv nod beauty of ll e l.air. and aftord i. ll,.-u,eli es no dressing. Hi in siieel . Inin ii.ihlc t'olnting not only resti.re. haiitoiis i.atuiiil coloi by aii ia.-y i.roci-M but git is ll.e hair a 1.1 XI RIANT UFA I TY. proiH.ms i's growth, pn-veiits its filling ol. era li en. dm. It it), and imparts In nit h and pleiisin'mss lolhe bend It has Unud ihe lesl ol lim,'. Uii,.. h original Hair Coloiing. ami i. eoustanilv inn va-ing in faior. I si-.l by l-oih g. nil. u . 11 nnd Indies, it is old by all rc.pcoii.bW d. nb i. or cm be procured by ih.ui ol the coinluei etal agel.l. D. K B.tllNES. i:". l.ioa.iwiiy. A 1. Jw.i sues. Jll cent, and l iiciol.er 2 1. Ix,.' i:w J'K! A l. l.M.S rva.4.1'.. 1 tlli Al.so, (J.VIM)KX till l liLlT FAKMS. Suitable for 1 1 rni.es. Peaches IV.,. Itu-..l..,.;,. 1 S riiwU-nie. IU. Lbeifii. enrrani., Ac . td.2E j 3. Ill or 20 acre, ea, b. al the .,l,.n,g piiies . r 'iha I'll.elil. lit 2oeri for .1"l l. a.le. .i llll. acres l.,r ssiu. 2;crt. ft i a.i .,r .'u I at .ible 1,1 one dnlliti a wet k i. Cianb. ji v bu. I., ai d ullage lots in tliEIMiM.i,. u .y ,, .1 jni ,,,,.,1,;, I.) tun- .1,, Ion mi c, Thu alsite hind ami I rn . am .ilualid at t hel... M ushiiiginii 'lown.llp. I Builtnginu liiuniv. N, J,rv ..r li.r l.r in- ,' "U.aliuii. au-li, with a P O fleu p. I..I acucular, ' tu V IflANKI.lN l l.AI-.li-. Xo in, t idal Mr.tl, Nil. Vmk X Jsruary 21 lau.l ly Y Viy.YEI.'ii :-:CT2L, Coiner laau and Maiksl Mali l Mil lit, !. ri'llE uii'lii.i,n.. i.-.iteiinlli iiiloint ihe public. 1 lhal be he- l.k, I, i-halif oi' ll.a tl-nt Mini II. .1.1, an I a-k. I -1 11. cuii uai ol ll a liu.r I'alioua.a and a.iuld inn. a all ..Inn Iu ana biu. s eall. 111-. TAl I K u alaav.ai 1 pin I si'li it,. U.I iLa a..ikrl arT-rJ. Ilia l:.l coMuii.. lb. ihi'lt-r htfU'-sa, .1 d hi .lul ling la g'4 ai.4 a. 11 all. 1. 1..I I.) - ...I..I 11. 1. 1. Ull II AI L MILML1 kubbaly, May So, wl 1 l.aaaaalHrl LssasiUarl I I'll 1 1 IP ail At . kluity .i...ii.g u.Htiiiy, l'a , 1 M" I. til tu) Lit. la .i.1 ll.a lfc.li.lti l utial Ital I a anl.tiat-llft k.aeil k.l.-l ll-jat I el,,i..laa all. J ul., tl4!luuit Iialilttlb.il4.bg l..'.llal. fob is tll a. II at U. a. a tat JlW . a-Mas 4 M. las. 1 JUST RECEIVED!! J". II. ENOEL Has just returned from Philadelphia Wilb Spring & Cummer Goods. Tor Menu Wonr. Cloth, Cnasimera, Vestioft, Italian Clolh, Linett Coating, Linen Chech and Cottosado. Lrfidlvn' AVrnr. A large assortment of Dress Goods, Black in I fancy Silks, bilk Tissues, Fancy lierages. bballey, all Wool Delanvs, llosau.bique Goods at low prices Silk Levetluv liaUuet, Lawns, Ginghon.s and Priun. A full line or Irish LiLen and V Lite tlools. Stella border and Fancy Suu-iuer bbawls, Silk nl Lane Muntillus, Ac. Ready Made Clothing, A goad assortment f Hats and Caps, A largo assortment of Boots and Shoes, A full stock of Groceries. Jlolasses aud Sugar , ' ll.ir lwara and Building Material, A full s.uck of Queen and Gliitiwarc, A full stock of Fi--h. Suit. Oils and White Lead, 0 A lnf go stock of New Wall Paper, Ancwsl.ick of Stone and Earthenware, And thousand of articles not enumerate. t V A" lh" above will be sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce. J. II ENGEL. Sunburv. Jlav 17, l?tj2. Economy is Wealth I I III'.VOl II 4 Ol ;il I'Olt I.1('K The BEST and CHEAPEST Household REMEDY in the World .tliiiTatm- KAIIOC lOJ: I I'.If S CHEAT COI (ill I.KMKHY MinwiK ZAimc POK. "KIl'S Curat ie Ilnlsum U nurnmlt'tl if n?v nc c r ! i ii r ii (ho tlirroliui.v, fine ifi n'I o.t. -r CnnL. CoLN. WLn.T.i,; C-.nli. Ai I uii'i .ill ;itf't'?tlfni3 ctf iheTLroat nn-l Lup, M'i Inme Z t loo iVrfpr's ll.-i' i'ii a i r '.ip'l wiih ul! tin-ri"(iii-)tc o-ire an I hk. fii.m u iiii)Lina:iiii uf (he Lt-.-i r. iia-.li." tin vr-p, jtiLI,- kiiii'-it.in ntl'or'.i-! j:-; .i-Mif'ti-it ijnaliti.-s nr. L .-el on its p on i v ii-h tin li-iil;hy iiit-l i.iri.i i- rir-rillMii-.n i.f Lp (,,; t L:m..I. H.i..' Lv l.utc-v. Ii Hi '"' n 1 1 ''--nt r.-nie ly. ,-tl but etnoli.-ni-v. .irti tti'.r. JS-ij searching an-l e b-. tiie e in he taken tiv the ol 1 . V M r'iiS I'l-imc Z-..I.-C Porter - qf' C tL'.iiL!n-1 .rt.wr ly ir. an i nas ae .air,-,i il n: m.-(le .i in ply Ly l"-iii; wi n LiiTt ue I it lo tlioir : rei ..mm"ii-1 hv th . illilc-d fiiend- iinlotbeis hili eZa In- Pori.-r'. 'nr.. ) ive I lis nn ! rtuLI I'I ii c w !.i,-h I rin i; in ti reach ot every one to kcej, ii ,., mei.ii i.t i,,, n,. 'im.cly use of a single b.v.tio n ill ni.,,- to lc i.t;!i 1'tO tutus psC"S NOTICE Save y.iiir Monet- Do r,, he .r-rst:.i - 'led to uivhtr-e aril '!es ut I- t.'. is In- I, .1 ! cn- t.iiii the virtu I'.i n,-c! i I!..-t...- M,,, ,n ,- p ,-. ter's Ciiiitiive Ral-iin. t!te c,-.t if tn mill ur-i g which is as great us lhat of inlinv: ii:,t- o'lier 1111-11" cine; and ihc tity Ion- jri. c at uhi.-li it 1. -,,k!. utal.rstlie pri.l'.; to ll.e s.-ll.r npoir-uili s..aP, l unprincipled dealers will .-..mt'itm..- 't.-,,ti'ii,i 1 other loc.licines on which tin ir profi:, nr.- l ug, r. 111 less Hie custnmi rs iti-i-t up.ni I n.in: n d.ime por ter's ami none ,uher. A-k t-.r .M.-id. me p, ,i,.r - i. . r ilivc B.is.in-. nice 1-1 cents. M,. j ',.,r,:c i, .t,Us bl .'j cents, and take no o-h.r li mu cuwiot '. it ut one store yott cm: at ii'.o !.--r. ' " Sold bv all Dm r.'i-'.-. m, i Si'-rekec-.:rs st :: cts , and 111 larger b,,iitc-a! n ' li.il.l. A KI. CK1.L. :'r..ri-!,,r-. January . 'II. l'i ' ly .,.lv Vmk. IT tau r A. .. maxi Ku rt hens op S J. T. K ht ,N T TT S r-I.Ti:i;..il(li. I'K Siin.t. .!-.., .-vn.l .,le Agents in tie Ci-y of N'.nv York f.r CHfAM OT' "M!TH S DSTIX'TF Ii ieiit.-d by Prof. I hen X. L'or-:'r.l. of Harvard' I nivcr-tty. OSee. II (:j Slir. Il.mnver Square. I nn sinirs.l NTW Vfil.1." 'TIIE I i-b pii.-r Ed, Treaia of Tar'cr eimm.ni lo 1 I I in I .si I. ingi.ih.r w i h the alarum., oxvt.t ti j wbieh its d ilig'Tots a Inlt-r. i,.n hid h.-cn c-.rrie I. , with ..-l-er eoi sidrr i::.m. in In -e-l the d;-:i,igiit-li Chemist, I one n ime i-given nl,..v.-. t,i ,.-.,-, inei c , , wi st niov d to he a long nrd bilu.ri ";- -j. mi;;.. 1 . - senr ( -o !is 'over a dc-ir d.!- suitifni,. .j ,.,,r His e;l .r's ere crew re I 11 i h "In; d nt -u humlreds of t!..ni--.n I-of pounds of tie Sut.-iitnie have h -en so', -n I a-,-1 .luring 'lie l i-t ;ive t '.ars, ; ll.r.-u -li-oit the Uni'e 1 .--.-ites und the I'.in-i l-i--' ! The following true .,,m;--.i-,,r, of it, Ulillr,. n, i j 111" results of i's me. w i'h !l,.-e uf 1'rriin ,.f I. .rial. will com inc.. the m. -t ir"tetlul-i:s.. i .- . .-.Inc. j Cre'llil ol Tartar is a I.i---1 1 rulcl' l'. tasil 1 11 is ciiinii. ine n 11 -'.in 1 .1 c -li..-t loite. :in i ... iit.nns HUbing but what is found in bee!'--ti a!:, nn I i n.. lilnat i.nd o.her cvi'ia!-, and i- lieicf,:.; hi.dilc nutritious. D ai-.i ha- a lit -ii.1,. ;ii ing i:,!li,,"i,..t, nnd supplies that f r which there is a I'-.-nstaiit de mand in Ihe sy-'e-m It is sold f.r a much less price than Crci'u of ' i.iruir I .Marc!l 2!. 1-VI -ly III 11 ml it's., inea, 4; iik, Ac. 1 rpilE siih-'rihcr, h.uinr opened ),, Thin; sot, . 1 iimk liniiit.tig. .Mill street, l'anv tile a Inr -.i and complete -toi k "f Ft. I. FIG N AM. DOMESTIC Llgvoi;. coinnri-ing the b. -1 brands of Ilriimii.-- Gin. V I Rie. Sc tch and In h V l.i-lit-y. I'ott. ,-h. 11 v. ;. ,. de'ia. C!ialupannr nnd ..iner t ine... 1,1 a; ,n,l.--. H 1 ut aliich will be -M.hl M ludeMil... at the hue tut, prt 'es Tut el lid eepers, bybuvingof is, ivti mi It learl Ihe freight. Purtinf desirous .d uri-liasiug lii(u,,-4 f-r F A M I I. Y USE, ray rely up, 11 being luinij.ci wi.h a jura an I anudtilli-ruled article. , -tf 11. ing It termini ! to estah!, a re uta.n n f r el. log cheap. Iierespectfutly soli -Us l!ie piiiol.agil ol ihe juhlic. All orders pt,.mi. tlv i.ni-n l- I 10 .ILRL.Ml.UI S I1AI.L Danville. Jons IV I -tin I M llallilie. j,,,, Iloiltal', ; Null fill JIB Eli I. A Ml. PEN N i L A.N I A, ! .Y,. r ) fPHE suhn'iihti lining l.n.-i.l thi. at-ll In, aa 1 l.iv.ri. Slinid. lately kept l.y Mr. C S .r..n, re-p.vll'.lll inf. irn- the pill, l.e .h it hi u- 1 1 111. ii, nkd lip. I lllg thu prt llif-ea, Mill widhu pi fpiil r. I.. .,. te.lail, IU a I'ololiil table luaellir, hi. Iititner. i,. turn i ihinughuiii the c .uiii.i. and ull who u.iy I a Inline bis . "Inl, Ilal Uirnl I All. I 12. HI.' J"S I'll V A Mi I ll IC I IHMI .till IkMH I I Hit, ! I'llILAl'LLIillA I 'I Iha lit lit f 1 I ll.. Mi k and Ii.. lies., d. uBIn led aa l It iiulit't and I tn. nu- in ...... .1.4 1 ctall v Pa- nu fui. 1,1 Di-ei..t. 01 ti t-tu..l 1 i.;.i. MEDICAL Al' il T gin 4 gruiis, I y ll,. a, inr Mul.'ll t Al l AHEE lil I'ailtT-- ou . rmuinfih . Ol Us win I Vllukn.a-. .ud nlli.t .-rk- .1 lie tvtu.l utg.ie. ai d ou ll.v .M V, l.t All I'll - t,u pl.-ll ia ll.a Di.p.b..n. fit l il,,- .lueudln a. .1. 4 I. nn ei.t.l , t. Iitiul charge Jaoolltll. .ub t ,l l.a .ge alll I,. ..,l.l.. -tl.ii. I ll J "KHIIS li'H ..II1H.V 4 ( Bui.it lloaai i A..i.i, a, Nu g axa.U Nibiu t i.i-i, Pi tl. ii-i bia. l'a Jab.. 4. I-V.4 I -f lwll lu'r-luuu I'it-ttb, Of MAIL PAIIH .ir- I VI It MslKAIlt lUli AND lAlllil.Va lt.-l net ni dn.j. i. in i. a alanuiaa.arar at II il. XIA bAI 'lll ti'ii.r i Si -i .a .i 'MU fcatA.T
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers