ti:rmb of tiik ".imkhk a.." '" PINULE BL1!5-CRIPTUN I Two Iullarh pet anuni, to b paid onlf-Tfarly u ailvuuea. ypijirr UiaoonlluueJ aulil all ar roaragri ara paid. to CLtm i ' "' Tbrea ooplM to na adJrcn, t 6 00 Stfon do do " 10 IH t'itiMD do do 20 00 Klr Dollars, la (drama, will pay for thrc yaan' iubicrlptiun to Ui Amtrican. Club nibnerlplioni Biuit b Invariably paid la d Viiiicc. nil wnt to una addrist. I, tubi-DTiben ueKloct or re tunc to tnka their ctb pnpm fioin t lie otBcc to which they arc tlircotrd, they aru rest oiuibla until they havo ivttlad tho bill! anil vpl'1' tbeui .li.mu ii.ufii ' lNwtmaftart will pleaas aot at our AgcDtl. and fr ink loiter conBiiniug ul.erition nionry. The; re permitted to do thii under the foil Otbe'e Law. XUltUf Or AIMPtUMMJ. AMERICAN. One rqtiara of 12 linn, I limes, fcrery ubn.-uuent .innerliob, On square, i wuutlil, hix niuntlia, One year, Itusii.em Car.l. of S tinea, per annum, Msruhanta and tubers ntlvi'rtiaii.if liv the year with the privilege of hiacriii.g uiflitent ad' vertiimiir weekly. tl 00 23 t 00 a 00 8 ou 3 OU 10 00 Iluaiiinm notice hmorlnl in the Local CoLt MK.nr bet.. re MvriiiKca and lleatlis, H L. CtVIS I'fcll Ll.VK Itir each insertion. Larger AdvcrtiaeuicnU a per agrcciucut. JOD PBINTINO. We bnve connected with our establishment a well elected JOH OJ'l'JCli, which will enable ua to execute, lu tha neatoat tjlc, i-veiy variety of fnutiug. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY H. B. MASSER, SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. NEW SERIES, VOL. 1G, NO. 31. SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2i, 18C3. OLD SERIES, VOL. 24, NO. 5. SUNBUET BALTIMORE T OOK nospiTU. ESTAtLISIlED AS A ItEFUUE FUOM Qt'ACK. ' KHY. 1 the oyir rr.Acn wvehk a cvnn cax nn OBTAjyUV. I DR. .lOliNSinN haa diacovered therm! Certain. epre.lv and onlv Kflec'mil Rrninlr in the Wnr'd tor all Private 1'ivasra. Wenkneaa nf the IJhcIi or I.'iiilia. Stricture. Aflrc'inna of the Ki.lt. i'v and Madder. Ii. voluntary l'if.nrea. Iinpotcney, Gene ral Debility Nervnuaneaa. I'yapepay. Languor. Low Noiiita. Confusion ol Mens. PalpitHtinn ol the Heart. Timidity. Trembling. I'iiiirit's-oi Silii or (iid.lineaa. loso-iise of the Head. Throat. Jinac or akin. Aflet'ilm a e .1... I : 1 u... 1. ... 11 i .1 i . U'e l.n.T. L.lllIU. i7M.ll.m-ll "I VIP MI'tTV ierri" Mp linr.vro iiri-iiia from Hie S.lilHi v llnhifo c.f Y.mih-tnHc wcrrt nn.l a-ilitnry prHctic.V dhtp fi.tnl I( Ou-ir vu-iitns tliRn the ?npK of Syren fo ihe Mr tinrrmir riyr. bli'Minj( Ihcir most brillimit hnp' r antteiiutUuns. rcndorin mnrriiige. Ac. Iiihwi. Ue. Wppcbil'y. who bnve beoonic the vicliniF of Solitary Vice. 1 hat dreadful find destructive hfibtl which nnnunllv weepn to an tihiiiiiely yrnv thnuFtinds ot Ynunjc Men of the inont cXftllcd tMlentn Hnd hrillinnt intelli'rl. who miht olhei wi-c have entrni.ced linten injr SrnHtex with the thunder of eloouetice or wnked (ivetHty the livin; lyre, amy call with full con lidence. Miirried Veronii. or Yot;njf Men contenplHtin'r inMrrb'tre. h in nwnre of pbyfieHl wrenkne. orj;imie d l ility. def titi.itii'f. Ac., peedily cured. who ptaeet btti'Mf under the care nfpr. J. iray reHuiou'y eonfidc it hi henor a a gci'ih man, and confidently rely upon bis ill aft a I'bysieiiitt. fimnHlintely Cured, and Full Vijfor Hectored. Tbic lrre-ini; Aflectioii wbiirh raiiders IJfo tnit-n.bU and iii.irn,xe iiupo-ihle L-t the pmnlty pKt.l by the ii:tinisofitiipropi'rindul( noes. Voting Itt rsor.y aie tH) apt to ron niit t xueoi ft cm not ens nwrro of the dreiidtnl eoitripn nccs tliHt miiy tii!uo Now. who tbftt iinderfiand the suhji-t will pi t'K -nd to defy tbnt the pnwtr of proxTetiiioit bwt 5.'iner by tlnse ('tilling into itppmpi-r habil- iluin by the pi tulVnt ' Iti-idi htinjf deprie the pit -afureu ' ol' hei.lihy ofl princ the most nerioii nud deftruetive v inptnitif t(t t.xtli b-idy Hihl mind nrie. 'J he ssttin bt'i-.oii'f j'erntied, the I'liysicHl tind Mentiil Fune tiohf ewkein'd, Lo-'m of J'i inre.-ttiv c i'ower. Noi vtois iriiiitliil'ty. Iiyspepvsrt. I'ulfitiilion ot the Heart, indigestion. Convliiiili..i)Hl lfihililv. a stiuif nf the Frame, Couirh, Ctnsiur.ptitn, tfveay and ieaih( 7 Son Ih I Vcitri UU &tvwt 1 .eft n-nd sid. poitiif from Ibtlttm.tre street, a fiw if'iors from the corner. Fail i" t tbs.-re nnnie nnd tiiunl.cr. lA-tters nait h: paid and contain a sti'.rtp. The' lof.Hn hun in bi.oflioe. , , . VI li: U.IIESSA.VI l-.ft iS' TWO .Y'i ?1rnrij or Xuh t'an Drupw I lIC..IOII!l4A. Jft-ti her i f the Itovnl Cnlte-jr of .urtfron!. Lori'lon, itradnnte f t. m otic f t!;i: ln.-t eminent Co'lt'irrf in ; i c Vttitcd S:iiUs, and the irx -titer part of wh""!-" life luts bi-i-n f-pent in tin1 ho-piinl of TitHlon, 1'mis. IMiilml'djliin find el-w lore, ha effected snuic of the tttmr atii ih'tiix run-H thai wen vvit kimw n ; 1 it.'tny tnultd wi'h rinirin in the bend and e'iri ( vo"ti ncleen. ureat nr oii.-n-s. hein alarmed at u bleu .-oiiiiJfi, 1) hfuliie.-. w i'h freijiient bluhitijf . ; a'tende 1 'tne'tmea with K'r.ingeu enl of mind, w ere ' 'iir'"l immedi.tiel v. ) ilk-. nrKiiciK b oi irij IfT. d. iublre.ei all t!ose wbo have injured thrm j Mivr by in I mpt-r it'dul-'ei.cc ai d nditiiry habits, w hieb ruin ttoih body m d inind, tinfutit! them f. r I vitlu-r bnitif's. Hfmle. foiutv or mnniMe. j TltKSi: are yitine of the retd and nieU'in-ho! v effects pri'diiert) hy erly habit of youth, viz: Weakness It i I (at k mid Limits. Van j in the Heat). Itimio-e- ot Jjiht. I.i m of Miioctilnr Powit. I'lilpitHtitm of the lb-art'. !'v..pv. Nervoun Irritahilit v. I.ranment ' t iIir inesiive f .in Mioiis. ti'.ntT.n Li-bi:ny, n p- : --'w.ii'.-m hi nurr us utf two .iinipai ttiur totof of i'ontimptioti. Ac " j aotirs in nut torv. Tlu ir n.uin-. t ix Wal- Mkntai.lv -Ih. tearful ej-on t!.c mind rj tl.r (;I;ilUk-v. anil (.Jcu Hill, and l.nt.i f.lfttji. l)ci.re--ion of Spirit". Kvil-F.rehndinir, Aver (i .n t,t "i'iety. i i-1 "isi rust . Lovo oi S-litude, Tin bitiy. A :ir" tnineof the evi!s puiluced. ' Tll'M S its t;f prs tl of Illllf'S CHI1 HOW jtl'f? ' wlrti if the cmie of ihir ile--liuir.:; he'iltli. ioinR ' i. ir n'.r. bi i Wi'iik, pnlt. r.crvoix atid ' c.t;:u-ia!t d. hmunf finmil.tr itpj enranee about the v. c uh and nviiiMuiiis (tu"ijunptioi;. 1 i AiS:. j Who ii'ive ii iare 1 liiem . vt i y a cirtnin practice ' in tuited in v ten itloiif.u hid.it frequently lcnrnod j ?r'u: vv 1 1 coiiipMi!! or at scl.'.ioi. the efbrts of t wtii h are niLily I' ll. r. w hen f.eep. unit if not ) f-mv l ren Ivr-' ii:irfi-it impoihlc, id dtr0yi both tnin i niid h.,ilv. u'l apply in.ni-'diale'y. j W hut ii pity UmI a oun man. tle 1 ( po of hi.- ' e.tui.lrv. ilo d'lf'ii' ut !.i- p irentr.. .d.oubl U auatehed I fi-'iin ail pt'epeeis Hid ti j jyinentii of life, by tha c-ti M'tjti! cf of li viatti 15 from the path of nature in 1:!l"H". in a certain i cret hubil. lUvb per.-ous Ki sr. ni-;ru et.Mempla'intf i mas itJA;t:. reflect that a wmnd mind and body are the tnwt 1 re f-nry n-iuiitrs to promot. connubial hnppinew. j Indeed Hlfliout then, the jm.rm-y through lite tie- tiiif!" e weary 'ilrimn(e ; ho profc)cct tetnrly ; daikei.K to the' ie'.; the mind hecon en bad"wcd i with detipi'ir und filled with the melnneholy reftev lion that the happinv; at' uDutbur beoaieii UjjUtcd : i'h our own t 2i-:axi: or impki incn. h'ii l!if i!.t.'4i:i.i?i an-l imprt.d.'nt vnt?iry t I-. nMir- funis ihti! lit: Iiiia intliib.-'l i):u fed of ; .:iipt'itl (lisi'tiu. it t.K. nt'tt'ii tittprrn lluit mi ill!iincd i K-uft of i-hiinif. .r ilri'inl of iliovery. il'tiTS bim i fr.-m tti ''yin t.i tl.o&e uho, troni e..UJiMu anl i l.f-.'Ol'.llllV. .nn Hl..ne hrtniMi.t I. tin, Ui'lnviuK nil .-oi fin. ti.. rnl rvuilitoniH of lli liorri.l iliwiiso 1....1..' ihuir '!ciir.:o.:. rk'Ii as ulc. rnlij K.ro , lhro.it. diM-it.'.i no-'e. tirh'tiiriiHi p: :m:i in the bead in:d liti.ln. diuim-KS i.f.ih', deHfat-Mi. noilt. on tha thn hui.i-i uii.l urniH, bloli-licit on thu boii.l. fiicn tin-i s'riMitii. iirojjreM n? i.h frinlitful rn i.liiy. till il lnt ili.' ri:i(MO- tf tin- inouib or fin; l..i.vii vftha r.ur li.ll iti, Hnd tin victim of this anful di.i-ti.e hi'.-oiiiifi h horrid odj.-ci id coiiini-otlioii. till dfiilb i-ii a 1'iri.nl to lii.i ilrea.lful .iifti rinifi. I.v t. n lioir ioui to -'ihiit riioi"i'owre(i Country from wbi-nci- no I iriiiiuci riri.tio. I li i.. it mrr),',lu fact that tlioumndf fall victinm to tins tcrril.U'ilix m uwiiiu to the uimkillriilni; of i.'ii'.i.mt .rHii ulcrs. who. bv the una nf I Imt 7).i7y i'lii .nii. y.r.fnrti. ruin tho wii.tliuliou and muke t1. iv.iducof iilt- u.i.crablv. Tru' no' your livi. or benlih. to lb rare of the . i miv I nli-ni m-.l pud Worthli-M rreteiidi-rn. tt.-ai it.il .I ki.o!i-il.'. uiinie or i-bnriioti'r. who co.y Ir. J i.i.si.a. . U'li-"rtitim-iit!. or .tylu tln'iit.clveii, in , tl.e M'.i ,'r.. ri'Kiiluily tMuratrd 1'tiysieiana, i in!Mti.ibLi' of C'tiriii, tbi'y ki'ii y u u'liinv month . afo-r in.iinn tnkiiiit ibvir filthy mid .iiw'nuii com (N'liti-ls.or a. l..nr a tbi-.iiiiillt-'l fi-u imo he nltuint-J, ' and in ds uir. Ii-Hvi' you v. :'b ruiiiij health lu igh LVfr your Hlliodi.'ii'Miiitiiiu-iii. 1'r Join. 'on i. the ,.uly r-hVMi-inti advi-riiinj;. S 111. en-dt'iilialur dilouiu at way. buji( iu hi. otrii-e ' Ui. reundit-fl or treaieim-til are ui.auoati to all : ilhi-r. ori iMrfd from a liie eiit in tha Kreat hoa tital of Kuropv, the lirM 111 tho uoiinlry ai.d a mora r.li-i..n i- V(i..(. i"i-jrii ihuu auyuihii 1'hysi.iua in the world, i: fOi:'iu'fr rut: iitr.s '1 he uiai.y tl ou.nnda cured at tin. lnitttutlou year af t r ycr. and lUi' r.uu-ou. iiiit-ortNiit huri.-.l Hl-eraiioi.. .i-iloruied by Or. J-ihn.toii. wiiuratrd by the r .rt.i. ol ih Nni, ' li. er," and many olio r iart r., i.oiiot. ot abi.-b hai e a-art-d ai(aiu au-l a,;.. u bi-t"r" tl.ti uhlii'. bc.i-h-. bi .nuida. iu a i(-it!li'iiifcii of t In.rM.-trr and r-.ou.ibiliiy. i. a .blhiiul i;u.iuiitve lu tl.u attliclcd. inr tMi:Miki:i':iiii.v i !:. Pni.-i . ari'h g .1 Mild he .rii. ul.ir In diraiinj li in Iriurr I.. 1. 1. liolili Hoi., in il.e Udh an K mill o. joni. n. ., ' 'I e li.loa orr l..k II.. i ital, Haltiiuure, MJ r l.ru.i ) i , Iwi - I f iniavi i iitOM m: im i VU Is 1 in: Tl VI. I HIL IH AlHU MS 1 N i-.il .siii..-. . I tbf ai. il of ..tiMlijf.' I aill "vl I i. ... .ol I l..io..i,.W'U I .M.i-i. 1 1. ll'lll JoiaiiOls H. rai lar lHV llollur. h bl by iu.il J" id Ibw. t-aidu aia tM btli.b4 aiMl aia erau a.ni 1 1, v uira .11 lie ini.ifal U.a.iaUa .1 a A.uj. l-. l.bi. '" Al i... .1 lU ,,..1... i..l.a.au.bMOHab4ia.UlUiJAfei. t .ul...b-..M . ,.lic.b ra-.:.irlvaaai.lyli rwai.uf laa C.. T5 UJ, tl?i uiuVIk lt " ' ' tH"4' r' SELECT POETRY. MECHANICS' BONO. r Hfl EST The following iii. baa been attributed to Dr. Frntiklin. I' i said he kruto it for the procewion 01 Trndes in Philadelphia, at the adoption of tho Cora dilution, on which occtiaion a printinjf-r.rcsa waa ajrawu along tho tttccta, and copiei of it diatributid to tho multitude : He nnrry Mrrhntiit. culnc join In my song. , . i - i t ? U"uh "l,,ie Im' wor.u.l Kouionvh .hurflURjbe, Vt all mo cuLtvi.iva mid bi-jr uuJ irt-. ye Tai?0rt f ofnncicnt and irnblr renown, i. 0(ihu U lb bMOhXv in country or 1on. An. I let the brisk chorus isobouinluiK uiong. launiubtr ibnt Adnin. your father mid bi-ad. Ibu lord ol Ibe world, whi a tuilor by trade. I Ve Mutatis .' 0o uik in 9toie, n ortnr or brick, And I" i ! v lot.i.diitioi dt-t p. R'lid iid thick. 'J l otiuh hmd be your Ittbor. yel ltuiii( jour tauic, Jinili ivpt iiikI China your woudt-nt I'lovluiui. Ve iS nut is ! ubo forge UtoU for nil trtidcti hero below, You have uo.hing to fuar wLile you smite and y u blow, 1 All hing! you imiy coi.qurr. so happy your lot, li you're uarelul to slrike while the nob it hot Ve ltoemalt r ! nobly from aj;e long pat, Ilat (K-ietciu i yui tinui wiih your aw lo the Lust A n j (Suthlrr, ull iiieruy. iiol oniy Htop hull's, i.ut work ninhi unci dny lor the ood ut our xuhs, Yu C'thintt-malers ! brave workcrit in wtnul, As you work tor (he IhIh's your wm k miiM bt )jood ; : And Joint rs and C irpentrr fur fl and iirar. aiick el one io your Uftde, aijd you've noihiii lo fear. Ve H tttrr .' who oft with bunds not very fair, Fix hii-? on it block lor a biiR-khi-a 1 to w ear ; 'i t.i.uli eh.niiy coti a .-in now atid ilien, . on coi u (bo lii-uds find thsitm ot all Uien. Ve Cu'i h'tnu&i'.i must lint by Ttr be controlled, I tut .-hip ofl' jour eimchfc and luiuti u houie uld Tiit roil ol )uur Coach inudu Copeinicu m tl, Ai.d l'uu! the world to turn round like a beel. And VafUrrs and n .ner.i tiud N'cttrers attend. And inke toe inUiCf o 'our iiuh-trt jour trivnU ; Sii kciti to yu;r looUid. and your win-via and your euid. And you never need fear of the time being hard. Ve Viintrr .' who ive u$ our learuiiig and new'?, AikI impai li illy print tot Tui K.. (Jlnitiai aiitj Jews. Lei voni f iuiite to.int ever bouiiil in the ttrect?, 'ilic- .retdoiu of spt'L'eh. and a volume in sheets ! Ve Cooyrs wlio rwttle with drivers and aizr Ai:d It-utiiie ench day upon l.o..p, nd on hcadd, J tie I:in.oo oh! n.illHij ot l,ove in a i tifc. Viu m.iy Mi.g lo thi; tune ol your rub. t. dub-dub. Ve 7(y 'ittt 'Uert. lHgers a,d "Nuttm oj abVti.' AlieiKiy (lie Coi.ri.ituiioi. piox.iil- ! And Mum you ti:tli -t-c- u'ci .lie pnud frt t.'lh'ng tide, 4 be "i. p- ii C ulito, b n iriuii.j hiioily ruu . I'.ao b Tntti m ), turn out with h tool u hunt!, Toebt rin he Arts and kct-p ptMee idroub the Iani ; J..ii.'ti i'-v it ivr ami J' utrnry mtn join in iny soii. Ami I'w-i the bi ik ei.oi uii -u buuuJtL ulouz. SELKtT J'ALK.- Indtsnl tin' tiinls stoiv n( Snvnerc wns i mil ut' t lit ihnht L.Mflivo in tin "! Ci-y. tttn! oi' cottiM fii!t'!vV't1 a lare nutnittr in Miiinj iiiitii m' two vount l,lJ"1 "! iUii wbitli v bavv wi-re nil ciii!i! timtiii in tin- ocililUliinclit. W u'lir tii n wlioK- amilfil vdiui' miin, mill wu. ciniis-tly iliM.ie.l to lii! n ni:it ions us :i!iy r.lliiT iihii. in tin; rily. K:t'. inl y lit' woul'l not iiijnri in y pcr bon un.lir :wiy nni. i nTntion, Imt p-i I nn ni,i lit fonrsc lo all. i s, c i. illj to liis ui:ij.oii, iy winiiii he ;: iii;ii t'slicni t.l. 1 ' Cicoriri' vi us aUo ili vo'.f.l to liis luisincss, nini tii-.il tli.- ( oiiti.l. nee ol" liis (uiiroiis. lie o-m-sliI un uiilioiiiidcil ttm-k ol' nmliition, liii h imlormi uii lv, uouiil mil sii. nt all tinif s wiiliin tlio strict Imml ol' ho.itsfy. He olu n sni.l tlmt iioiliiiin ol' hii rdiimry n;itme siiouhl stop liiin in tin- cimse lie liul iniukeil ii.it tor liin.s.-ll' in his line ot l.iisi ness nini ti(KiKi nu ill. IJin i,t t1(. (inn- vvc Lite oni sio.y lie fiimiiiv an oliMiti-li- was in nis jiatli, anil t!i:il ol.stacle vus Vii!!cr Ur.uit cy. One ot' t'ii! lira. 1 iK rUs lin.1 (.-iven nriticc tlia! lie uns al.ont tolciive the istiillislinn-iit to i-nu r anoiln r Him s p.nitm r. this woiilil ocinsioii a il,siru!.le vacancy, inn I cither lie or Waiti r vio.il.l he inlvaiic'ed to ilial pot. Mc .Miscoiivii.ceil tint no others in t tic store posstsPcl t!ie reipii-iie ul.iiiu ; so tin-re was Imt one who Mo,-t Ictwccn iiini au.l t!ii liliu li covi-teil portion. At this position of affairs, he Mould not have lusitated to have. Iliau.iueil to lav i.i..., ..,. w,r. ,.,, ,.i i" ... , . . . . , ' ' ; no; thought that lie ut least st hi. I an ennui chance wiiii him ; hut he did not, us it tew ilais later lie ili-ci velcil. Aliont u week In lore tile licad clerk w us to leave, llivy overheard the inemU-rs liscusinj; his and W alter's merits, and iil- Hsoinenhut Uii"thv ilisciissii.u, heard - ... i . . ".'l,u "'.ue in u,e loiii-nision to oi stow me sii.ia.ioii upon ins nvui. lie listened nnlil Ihe cotiveisiiiioti was com Indrd. and tin n slunk uttHy lol'onn aome plan tor tlieilovvn l.ill of his i iiinpanioii. S'ine tl.-ee dais niter lie liu.l ovel'licurd the decision of his employers, he rcipictcil an iiiicrvtevv uilli tin-in! Il was on,ed hiring tiie day, uinl Clcorye inaitu known his litisine.ss, " li 'it I have to say, sir?, pains Inc. very lunch, et feel it In V ilntv to liluke volt aware ol u piece of iuti rmution that ua re cently I ecu conn c.ed with tills lioit-e, else 1 aiioiihl not troni.le iiiyat-ii uUmt it." 'Nlioin iloea it coiieiru f" iiutiireil Mr. tNivaoe. "Vour clerk, Wuller Gruntley." Indeed, what of l.ini I c liave hImhvs coiisidiii il ti i in one of our trusty clerk.; honct, stcudv . nil. I holly tli-i nini to his lai-iness. hat liuve von leurneii of him." "1 Imt In- in ijiiinu u noted oainl.Hny sh- loon on A aun t.'' "i n Mih-nu u pain' lin .uloon J I cuu Liirdly I . lievc tin. I. I t oli d ulino.t swear lu.it he iin n un un ina.du of audi u lilucv , 111 Ills llle." ! "And hi I have information of a positive c li.ii.ii i- th a ancli i. the ink." "1'i iliapa iiur in.oiii.ut.on wua Uot Irtisl vvoitlm," "1 vonhl willingly Inne U ti. vt-l tlmt ; l ut to-.laj all ih.ul.i, wire diwiipalril. wluit to atcmniiativ loin lUiru o. lii,'iil.'' ' -M li.ii mi. u r .11.'. joti make l.lm i" " I I t" tr Iriiju'i iiH,( ,11,-1, pluece." Lo )oU think ll Will lhll in liluhl 1' "i think U win. butu wit, Ui 111 inn- lloU. "I lltU it It ilacideil," aahl XJf, f,4,-U( nau.n, win ki. ii Ilia liiacn In iilu lit ln h-Ii l-i ILiikv Ui thai liu la ml.luii.l to bla ,, ,,u U ll.m.ijl.i r a,,ait K.tu , Hl , fU t.vrk , u( u -t ( fct w ,,,, j, (U, ((J ,l(4lM u flc . " U';" -'"V" L"4 lwal U.a s,.' "Thnnk you for your li. formation, liut ?peiik to no one of it nt present.' So the interview ended. Let us go buck to our story koihc llirec hours. Wulter nntl George olitaincd tluir dinners nt a restaurant t-losu lv, and were in the hitliit of taking it ut tlie sutne tahlc. Thtit du, wliilu at dinner, George olscr veil "Uy t lie way, Wulter, do you know Dick Ilunii-r if "Ol' course I d1). He nntl I ore w'Arni friends' "l uni quite intinmte wit'i liiin. Hut did vou know thai lie v. its atldietcd to gum l.liu V "linpossilile. "It in too sure I" "Are you sure ?" "Yes, 1 hciir it from it frjend, Imt would lutldly helieve it ; so laid tiiglit, I went to the huloon in A street, und cauijlit liittf in the very net, nnd did my liest to jjet liiin iivvay with me nud alter u time succeeded. A trio of fellows were there who were de termined to tleere him. and were nnry with me for coaxing liim tivvay. I tried to exhort a promise from 1 1 i m Hint he would not go there to liiiiht ; lull he said he hud promised to, Imt this one time should he the hist. I wish Wulter that vou would go there to-nighl, nn.l try to prevent liis plawnir. 1 would go, hut 1 have other I'UMiicss that w ill not admit of delay." "1 ncvir wus inside u yamMing h.iI.mhi in my life, und do not fancy going lluiv. 1 pity lick that'a nil."' "So do 1, and if my going -i ill serve to prevent his losiiijr money und reputation 1 vvid go. Hut keep still on this George ; for 1 should not want it to get around that 1 was seen in such it place." "You may rely on my discretion Walter.' "'fhis ended the conversation on the stil jecl, hut (J.olge knew that t lit- dictates of liis rival's gem ions heart would pmn.pt him to go ns he wished. And so his p'ol nunc out us lie meant it should. Wnlle." went Imt found no friend tin re. In the course of I lie evening Mr, Sivage looked in the window, and, seeing Walter moving among the r.-st, no longer donhted. und toe result was, that George Uj was promoted to the hiad clerkship, ami no one save a comrade of his, was invaiv ol liis plot to iiocomplisii Ids ends. Walter, though disappointed und annoyed at the coo.iiess of his employers, which he imagined w as v itliout a ciiiim". retained liis p. ace for a l u mouths, and tl.eu was taken into piiruiu-sliip with an uncle. A tin; years vv cut on, prosperity utti-nded his ef forts in the city to which he had removed. Ahout a year utter his leaving Sivnge & Co.. un iirijti..ii,taui:e, who po-s.scil the se cret ol l .corgi- liiii, toM liim of the part his tormi r IrieliU imd played ; liutWuMer dis dained to retaliate, us he was now iioinr much I ii-tter than he would have done li.ul he gamed the place he coveted in the liousc of Niv age & t o. Ten years had rolled around since the first incident of our sketch transpired. One Lit ter col. I day in Occinil.cr, alter Gnnitley sat before the open grate ill his (.minting room, lie had prospered well and was now nn iipulant merchant. Today he was tniiikuig of the past, wondering what hud I ecouie of his quondam friend, George lliil, for some vears past, he hud been inloitned that lie had ii lt his place. The door opened, und n person entered the apallmeiit nud bowetl to its occupant, lie wus dressed iu u Misty suit of lilack. and his face was wan and thin, us if he hud felt nil the blighting course of poverty. 11 seemed to hesitate to speak, and at last the merchant said Well, sir, what can I do for vou to day ?' "Can you give nie work ;" "What can you do f" "Any thing about the store. P. iok k. i-ping I wouid prefer; but anything that will keep my fin. ilv and my sill Irom starving." There was something in the voice tlmt sounded very natural to the merchant, und he nsked "What is your nnmc ?" "George Hill," was the reply. "And 1 uni Wuller Gratith-y ." George lliil started us if lie received u blow. ""Walter Gruntley ' Then 1 can h;ive no hope In le ;" and he turned to go. "Stop, George. 1 know all about that little plot of yon is, and have long since tor given you. 1 tun in want of a clerk, ami ; you shall have the plncc. Whul do you say, will you accept il ;" j "1 do not deserve this of you, Wultir," i said the humbled man, in u tremulous voice, i "Never mind that ; l-ut why did voti leave your old place (" "A conlidciit of mine to whom I hnd dis closed the secret of my plot, informed them of it, and they ilischnrgcd inc." "Well never til ill . I it is ull settled und for given now." A belter clerk than this repent enemy, Waller Grant icy never hud, nud this w as his revenge. . . . . "llnsoii Amom; Thikvks." Tiiis i an old saving, Imt it docs not appear applica ble to tiie "chivulroits'' rebels of our day. The whole world has been startled with the piratical doings of the renegade M.iltit and liis Florida on the high seas, and of their recent arrival iu the port of Hrest. France, to make repairs. Notwithstanding .M.ilt'.t Inn1 boasted of I lie millions of properly cap tured or destroyed, it upjxars that on an i vinu in France he was cither i.naMe or un willing to puv his piratical crew nnv portion ol their wages, to say nothing of their prize monev. I lie crew Imd been paid during tlie eighteen month.' cruise, but leu dollars per man, und when they uot to port demuudid add tiotial funds, which were relu-ed : whereupon lln v kicked up a muss, for which some ut them were pi arid in irons in mull lieera : tiie liillllliv. However, lucame o general thut the whole truw, liiutiiuei. und uil, wire liiiieil oil' to l.ivcriiool with order, for one hundred dollars apiece upon the reUI Mgeiil. there, tFnucr ,V Co.,) which Ihe poor w reli In . found to I i a cheat iihiii them, us Fluer A Co., like their principal in' iiiclimond, the Mississippi n pmliator, rt,u.l,-ilrJ the bill., and the aailora Mere iiintiring al'oiit Ihe alnila of Liverpool annili.s and in gi. ut ili.tn s., but brvath nig engi-Muce Mguiusi tlu ir I'liiployi-r ! tin y, ol coi. i.e. w ill never iyciIvi dollur, j. lliu bo-ii. noMrniiaul Is liol worili a rid copia r, and il chlel manager, Mu.on, i ju.l leavli'K Kngbiiid. prolably In avoid a priMiii on account uj Ula uu aud the debt, dfjetl (Uvia. . hi.. . . . Th ( liiilnnart M fc. I'oofen ! Iiutruci rd ta ilvU nali-a lu Ihv tieucr.l CoiitViamc to their luiliiiiii f to Uavo po mm vldi i. vliHibl, lu.liad i f I ) p(" u;nuiil I y lU Hi hop. mid aia-i In olv I. r an taUnaioii ol i ia! psfwib lu iurw ii. MISCELLANEOUS. 'I he lloiiseoritui: ;lilil. l'roui the London Globe. Amtihg till the congrrse, hehi this sum mer ol princes, Ihw ji is, miisiciHiis, scIiimiI iiuislers. social-science men, poliliea! etono mists, und u hundred others, one very notable meeting has almost escaped public nt tent ion. A few days ago ot.r furls cor respondent told us that it ci ingress of mi-m-bt-is of the illustrious house of Uothchild has been sitting ut faris. The purport, of the met ting was nothing less than to rear range the dominions of the great blinking ily tiusty. In one word, the great object of the Kothchild congress was to reduce the five brunches ot the house who now rule Knrope to four, and, following the c.vaniph; of Garibaldi, to strike Another sovereign of Naples Irom the list ot reigning inonnichs. Henceforth there are to be but four kings of the house ol 1'otlischild, with secure thrones ut London. Paris. Vinna, and Frank fort. It is lio.v exactly a hundred years s.nce ii poor Je.v . '-tilled .Mayer Anselm. made His appearance ill the city of Hanover, l-ure-footi-.i, with ti sack on his shoulders, uiid ii bundle of rags on his back. Smii-im'ssI'iiI in trade, like most of his coreligionists, he re turned to l-'ratiklolt nt I lie end of u few years, and set up u small shop in Hie "Jew Lime," over which hung the signboard of u re.l shield, culled inGirinuii l.otiis chil.l. Art a dea'cr in old nnd rare coins, he made the ttcipiaintuncc of the Serene Klector of House lussel, who. happening tube in wniit of n confidential Hgctil for various open nnd secret purposes, appointed the slotvvd lookino Mayer Anselm to the post. The Selene Elector, being compelled soon alter to lly his coimtry. Mayer Anselm took charge ol his cash, tiinoiiiituig to several miliums of lloiins. With ihe instinct of his race. An-eiin did not loiget to pl.t the money mil on good interest, so that, I e lore Napoleuu was gone to Elba, nnd t he iilt. stl ions Elector had lit til ni I to Cassel. thecapilal had mole than doubled. The rt;l I of llesse Cussi t thought it almost a mat v le to get his money safely returned from the Jew Lane of Frank fort, und at I he Congress ol Vienna was never tired ol singing the praise of his llevvbrew aiicut to ail the princes of Europe. The dvvi IK rs under the sign ol tin- led shield I inched in lucre sleeves; keeping carefully to tlieniM In s the great fact that the electoral two million florins drought them tour mil lions of liieie omi. Ivever v a. honesty a better policy. Mayer Atiselm died in 1S12, without hav the siipri mo sat.sf.iction of hearing his hon esty extolled I iv kinirs und I-run es. Ho lelt live s,,t:s. wiio siiiee.-ded bun iu toe banking and money -lending business, ami who, con scious of I lure social value, dropped the name of Anseliii. and udoplcd the l.igher souinling one of Rothschild, taken fiom the sign-board over Ihe paternal hoii.-e. tu his deathbed their father had taken a solemn oath trom ull of them to hold liis lour mil lions well together, nil. I they have faithfully kept the injunction. Hut ine old city of Fi.inkli.it clearly too narro.v a realm for tiie fruitful sowing of four millions, and. in cotiseijin.nce, tiie live were lielel inil.ed, alter it w liiii:. to exit nd their splien of operations by ivluMishing brum h hanks at the chief citirs of Europe. The eldi st son, Auseini, born 177;l, remained at Frankfort ; the se cond, Niloinon, lorn in 1774, sittlcd at Vienna; tin; thitd. Nullum, urn in 17.7, went to London ; the fourth. Charles. Ihe ctl'iiiit tenth!- of tiie family, cstublisiicd liiin-s.-if in the soft climate of Napies; ami toe l.fili nud youngest, J une, born lili'J, took up his residence at Paris. Strictly united, the wealth and power of the live ItotliselnhU was visted in the eldest born ; iievcrthelcss, the shrewdest of the sons of Mayer Aiisi !m. nud the heir of his gi u ins, Natliaii. the third son, soon took the rcignsof g-o eminent into his own haml. Hy his faith iu W elliiiiiloii and tlu-lle-h and muscle of lllilish sohliers. In- nearly doiil.led the I'.il ' line of the family, gaining more than a million .sterling by the sole battle of Wa terloo, the news of which he earned lo E'ng land two days e.ulii-r than the mail. The weiubt of the solid millions gradually trans ferred tiie ascendancy n the family from Germany to En-; hind, making London the Metropolis ot Ihe r. in:n!: ' yna I.. . Ho. s child. Like the royal families of Europe, the nit mbers of the house of Kotlisehiid only in'.ei niurry with each other. James Hothschild nuliricd the daughter of h's brother Solomon ; his son E linon.l, heir apparent of the Fn itch lii.e, was united to his lirst cousin, the daughter ot Lionel, ani'. irraiubdiiuoliter of Nathan Hothsciiibl ; and Lionel iiL'ain-M. P. for London - gave his hand, in s;iii, to his lir-t cousin Chaiioi'o, the d.nurhter of Charles Ho'.lischiids, ol Na ples. It is unnecessary to say that, uithotigh these lialriinonial itlliaiicis have kept the millions wonderful I;, together, Ihcy have not itnproevd the race of old Mayer Atiselm ot the rvd shield. Already signs of physical weakness are iM-comim: visii.h- in the great fiuiiiiy. So at leid li'-n the Fr n h apt rs in tlieir nicagre notices aliont the I'othschiid Congriss at Paris. From ull tlmt can be galhered out of a wilderness of cnrV t hill faces and thick llt tion, it appeals that the sovcriigns of the Stock Exciiango met in conference for the double purpose of cen tralizing their money power and wi e .i tg their man iiin nial realm. Li t.tiu-r word-, the live n-iijt.ing kings, dcseeiidaiils, uccord iilg to the law of primogeniture, of the live sous of Mayer Anselm. cati.c to Ihe ilii ision to reduce their number to four, by cutting oil' the Neapolitan branch of Ch.irlis Koths child, while it was likewise decided Unit permission should l e l iven to t he younger members of the family to marry, for I lie I'cnetit oft hu race, beyond the ranye of Ills t consulship. What hu. led to the t-xelusiou of the Neaiolituil line of P.olhsi lilt. I Wi lli, to have Ik-cii I he con. taut i-M-u ise of a highly tilumc al.lu liU-rulity iinhciird of in the uniluU ol I liu fuiiu'y. 'charlia, tlie ro-tigal m of .W.iyir Aiim I, n, u. t lolly presented, in the year lHi, llllitio ilii.'ui.' to the orphan ii.;, bun of M. t'urlo. ut Noples. and tiie ami mid heir of t liiirle.. Gu.tavu., hu. given rijaalid alglia of hi. ilu liuatioil lo loluov in I lie fiHit.lt k of hi. Iitlhcr, li loiioiit t. wiurly mil icon.in nf u,v polit y til tin' hoiiM) of Iddliai hild, could not I hi allotted to pas, unnoticed, nnd, at curding y wu ijiloln tl.u niiiiornf furl j inn Ml..m-the .'li.iu of the Nei ulitiU hue h proiioiiiii t.l. Il.iwvitr. lUioti liuti.u. do lioiUai h:h l in-1 l i ruin in o pnvuiu li.t, like luiiKiii. ( liiirle. V., Willi i-U V a i k mi Ll. alioiil.l. r. and a pia-1 1 is'k o h I. .... I i i.i is ull. ... . I i.. i..L. a. lo I. ou a j.le.i.'. a tale' o I if .Mio.iie'i , ,i,i., o, a-'Ul -alt lud.loi.a .tul.j -.ibitiv t lion1' II "UI kwV iwu.iaa4U ui (taj, iijjU a4ii wnnderetl shoeless throutrh the il ctornte of good King George the 1 bird. It is certain that no r ince of royalty is equal tJ the romance, of the house of Hothschild. The Attempt lo lllo.v I n flic .Vn . lrMitlen. AllOAIll) FltKlATK Nkw" lltONSIIIKs, ) Oct. 0, lSUil f East hi ht, at about n quarter to 1(1 o'vlot-k the report of two heavy guns, fired in rapid succession, was heard seaward in the direc tion of the st cum -frigate New Ironsides. These were followed almost immediately by rcpculc.il Volleys of lnnketry, only the flashes of which could be seen through the dark ness, lusting for the space of lille. n minutes then all wus silent; nnd speculation wus rile on shore us to wlia! it meant. UlSIOUV OK TUB AI'K.VIIt. At UJ o'clock of the night in (picstion, the tuaitelliuister on w atch aboard the New lroiisi.les reported to the oilicer of tin- deck a suspicious erait, with smoke stack, ami selling very low in the water, making di rectly toward the Vessel. 1 he night, nl tliongh clear, and the sky stuild tl Willi stars, was iievcrthelcss unusually dark, und bill littleeou d lcdlstiiiguishcd of the strun ger except tlie smoke pipe und her low hull, tlie latter (.xtretiiely iiulistinct ; she appear ed to lie steaming at a speed ol seven knots an hour, llow she could have passed our picket I oats was a ipic.siinn to he considered for it was just possilile she might belong to us, und lo lire upon her without lirst deter mining her elu.r.. i ter und intention might result iu more serious damaue than if she were an enemy ; so she was allow id Income within hailing distance. Mote un . more distinct she grew as slm approached a cigar-shaped hull, alter the pattern of the Wlliaut guulioat, driving belo're it through die water a smaller olijecl, which couul liardly be distinguished ; a black smoke j.ipe, from whic.i issued a thin cloud ol bl.u k .muse, l.ul no other iiidicat ions of the mo tive powi r within, weievisibe. Sull she glided on, the ol jeet of her upploacii lithcr the fi tgate itself or the llevns winch lay moored on thu port side. -"Coming ii.iir enough to hear, she was hailed und ordered to stop, but she neither made no reply or olieyeit the summons. All hands were piped loijuarters; a gun was lired, but the curi ous craft sat too low in t tie water, and tho bad passed over her. A second shot fol lowed the lirst, with the same result; then a vi lley of iiiu-ki-try, lighting up lor a mo ment, with its tlash, tlie steamei, the torpe do at her bow, and the h'oure of a man, stt t ng astr.de of tliccigii.'-saape'I hull, engaged iu steeling, ibis man. whose name is Toomi.s. and w ho is now iu irons on board t:to Hag slnp, l:rt n it shot in ,et:tii.u n.n. vv hich severely wounded Ensign Howard, tin; olu cer ot the deck. Ilo pretends in have been sailiiig-maslcr of tin-expedition, which he iiiidoiintcdiy was, and is a man ot modi-rate heiont, strong, muscular tratne, a dark vv rinkled skin, dark eyes, and eoaise black hair and bearil. There were three other., widi him, ull under tlie command ol Lieut. Giussett, formerly of ihe t uited Mates Navy, lie is said to lie u mull of superior taiciits ami bravery, was captured some time since and coiitiiietl iu Fort arreii, but sulise ipicntly on being reicased, lejoined thu S iiithcrn army ; he is now a prisoner on the Ottawa. Tlie musketry tiling from the Frigate utter the hist volley became rapid ami coutiutiniis, buisieinid ili no way to interfere with the i Nectitloii ol tlie plan had in view by tho.se aboard tiie steamer, us she nppioaciicd nearer and nearer cu ll moment to tin- Ironsides, her bow pointing toward tne bitter's side, und run nose in under her guns. At this moment a tcrriue explosion took place, jarring the great iron plalci bull of the Irigutc, and sending into the air a huge column of water tiiul iell in loriviits all round, and enuring the smoke pipe of the liitle steamer immediately extinguished her tires. hen this bail stilisiiieii, unit the sea was again caul., nothing whatever was 10 be seen of her; the supposition is that site went down. Hut. struggling lor lite, were two men, evidently u.i mi.eis ol' m r crew, who were picked up by a-bont towend lor the ptirpo.-e Irom the Ironsides. Tocy are tiie two 1 have uire.uly mentioned, the seamitil Tooliil s, mm Lit ut. Gi.isscil ; but l.eillii r of them can tell w hat happened ill tlie time bctwu-n llieevplosion m me torpe do ami the moment Uu-y found laein-eives battling with the waves, or say lou.ideiitiy w iietlier the steamer slink, or, lektnd.iug tier tiles, moved o.l in tile direction ot t ii.trles- loii. ).VM.V.i:.S SlSTAlNi'll HV TIIK I IHOATr.. Very little injury was done the lrousidcs: iu trtn ii, 1 may say, witii the exception of a lew deuls, u i iiai.n w.iatcvei w us sustained by net. Mio is a n. ib:e snip, and worm nil tue.'il. uiitors together. '1 he ju isolii ts stale t.i. it tiie people of Charleston ii.tVeviiy lilile f.l'iii in ine capacity of luu latter lo icduce lue ('oi'iilieatioiis leading lo toe harbor, out lionl in great leur the tcrnUe battcr.es of tiie Now ironsides. To prove the en.l.iiait.'e ol tlie snip, 1 would u la til.it llle siioeK siio received was so severe tilat a huge cucst vv.is liirowu from its place iu too lower hold uuuisi one of thu atauehioiis, completely criistiiug ine leg ol a seam. in who was unfor tunate enoiiga to be standing there. Twenty lolls of wulci' entered her deck. HIL OIllolN OP Tilt tXI'KllllloN. This danug utiempt, unprecedented in its biiidiless oy itnylhli u.i.l.l ll.i. happened during Hie war, lie I it. origin lit tin. i .ly ol to, lest oil, w;icl'i; llle cosi was raiscil by p.iol.e stiliM ripliou ; onie of the wo.t.tuitst i iti.ens .ulisorioiug largely. The steaou r was buiit expres.ly loi I no purpose, the palte.n ol tlie v muni guul'o.il lalng udopi. id us Ihe one Itst .iiiteil l'.r the aiouiplisii IllcUt ol I lie object tllcy hud III view ; tl.u mutii'i.il liciiigt't wood. The torpedo, wliieli wu. of thu largest auc, u:id a'uui.ar in sn ipe kti.uettliut to the kttuiiiir, hu. . kplodi.l ly tin ail. of ii pen lissom eup at I lie Itiilber end wluie had being Uacd lo render ll w ater p.o if. Lulgc rvnriU Were to I. u pain Ilu men llie.t.-o lu yUi ended III their tlespiratu eiitcipristf and cume oil ale, they laiu ..l.iuiiie ot ..i.uug up the Kigali: Out in wi i apit llur, lo ist aM- w all Ineir live., ilolii sleunar ami tillpiilo wilolnWi l aal.tr us Volt htiiiiler t) anoilnr vt'Mtt ; it Waa pru bulity Ott lug to till llial till ) IM upeil liiv Uotuo ol ol our pli kit Im.ii,., I.n.u lulu I l-i'iiiii. viiy.i;i it ult uiiij (liu iiihvi inilit. in ttioionvy, W l.lt ti .ll.oil. d lioie and I Imo 011 Ilia water ll Umiid on it iiuuiou ol lini l l i ui Uir uttii. Oetoru uliil.u ' iut. lu V ioi.i lotl, A ihspdowu ill I'uunutlnut, Ur thv ; pauav ul tllu umatliptitia atl, (ot uiairad Iti vtadv luu tlia. I. Ilu hoi erfya, it U ,eiii ,tl aillt'iita iiw Witt tu.i.l, a, it u uif.t iU, I.U wMtMil Ulltwi Wal" kMssUU;. X PHO'l S:KT. A Warning lu lit. Ililliali Ciovern. mciil. One of the strongest protests that has been tiiude against thu out lit of the rebel pirates in llritish jmrts nppcurs in the I'rojile't Journal of Dundee, Scotland. The vv hole ciiso is cleverly slated ns follow s : "Is it Knurr? Four sw ill and powerful stcann rs," built under tin; supervision of well-known Confederate olliccrs, to the order of the Confederate government, nnd thor oughly equipped for war, in and from our seaport-, have now ulinost clca.ed the schs of the ships of a maritime power whose merchant marine iseipial to our own. These four vecls. paid for iu lirilish gold, con structed by llritish shipbuilders, equipped in llritish purls, and manned by llritish sailors, now cruise on their work o!' destruc tion, with the llritish Hag hoisted as a decoy for the entrapping of the merchant vessels of the L'nitid States. I If the four privateers, only two. the Florida and the Southerner, have ever been in a Confederate s iiport. They tire ull entirely llritish in tneir design und outfit. They belong to no recognised statu ; they obey unrecognised law ; they have no nt'itun us the war ships of any sovereign Power. ISritUh jimu their lirt to their juniiiintu, thry litire iiuthihy Con uli rule nlinit Hum except the colorable pretext of u so-called commission from un insurgent subject of the I'nited States. Uuilt in defiance of our municipal law, equipped under cover of untruths, got out ol our ports clandestinely, nud without any legal clcarnnce, ami now engaged in burning ships on mmiirivii, ami without that legal ti sting of tneir cap lire which the iHtige, or. in other words, the law of unions re quires, these four incendiaries are making a war history whiih. in turn wid u'tiinateiy ciuulc it war. for they tire not only tiring the ships of one of the world's mightiest nations, but they tire, at the same time, lighting in the lit art of that proud and powerltd tuition ti tire of hatred which assuredly will not die out in this generation nor in tne next. ' These things tire simple facts. American captains, bronzed with tropical suns und gray witii Be--mcn who have braved fevers und storms in acquiring a property in their fine ships i.re returning to ibeir homes by do.ens, ruined inc-n men beggared by tiie incendiarism of privateers fitted out by English Members of l'arl'.ami tit, in open und impudent contravention of English law. And while all this is the ca-o. there is on our statue book an cnactnietit w hich decrees punishment tor all who furnish such, or who 'attempt to furnish such, or who are sound us 'concerned in the aiding or assisting of those w ho attempt to furnish such. Vit in spite of this tightly-drawn law, which thus includes not the cnief criminal alone, but all, down to three removals of those who have the n molest complicity iu his guilt, more vessels of n similar kind nre being built, und the oll'etiiler is received iu Parlia ment tvilu citeets. "This is a serious stute of things. v"e tne drifting towards a war in which tl.u right will not bo with its a war of porten tous dimensions, iu which the working class will have no sympathy w ith the governing (hiss a struggle of ginnts into which 5ri tain, condemned by millions of her own children, w ill not be able to t brow her un divided power. At so grave a juncture, we bcir of our readers to renu mber Ihe example of the I'll. led States, for nt this time states manship docs not consist it: answering with tho quilililes of ii country attorney the just complaints of an angry nation, but in deal ing out to that nation u uiciisiire of justice ut least as complete us that which we have le. cived a: its hands. If considerations of honor have no power to move the nation, eonsiih rations of interest should do mi. It is for the peopie to consider whether, in the midst of peace and prosperity, they wish to Ian among tneir kindred of ihe West those lires o indignation which threaten to be come uncontrollable. It is for working men to ponder whether they will idly stand by nntl see their industrial interests tucriliced to the interest of two or three shipbuihhrs, and a groat nation wronged to gratify the ri j in I i es of a clas. It is for good nicu of ail ranks to oppose ti policy which threatens to throw away peace and plenty in the pur ciuise oi present privation, prospective, dis aster und perpetual disgrace." I'l liivliiie null llulW. "Hoops are going out,'' it is said. It is desir.iliic, we think, that thu hooped skirt should continue to be worn; for. properly Listened with braces nud sUspcm ers, it is, by the univi I'sitl evidence of women, con venient, licuilhiui, and very tnu. h more pleasant und less straining lo the frame tumi any oincr contrivance of leinule "geai." W ith tuu old style of undergarment. now it seems about to lie re-introdiiced the hips lore utmost the whole weight of the heavy iloil-iiig worn by women. Thpsira.u wus placed upon the weakc.t und most easily injured part of the body, uutl with numerous evil results, us any jmysiciuu will certity. Moreover, ihe hooped skirt is cool in iun.ii.tr, and iu winter a weight of clothing cuu be worn with it which would Ii' painful and injurious if worn without. We iit'ie that tiu -ood sen se of American women will, in this case, r. ist thu innova tion of u loonui U.lnoii w hi. u attempt, to rcil.ice women once nunc to u t.omlugo tocy have for some years I'siapeil. And white wo ate on tui. ktihjtct we venture to .peak a. o a tvoid in livor of Urn hat. which were so generally worn tins summer aud autumn by n unit. li. Nothing so graceful ha. dec i Mat oil I i.o heads of our women for many years, und iiotiiing Inure lit call U' iL vised to uuawi-r nil Hie ua of a held covering. T!ieh.ilhiide tlii'tye Ir.iiil the glare ol I no .un, wht.o tin- bonnet dtie.not ; il have Ihe bac k of the head and Un a, I'-"-' and cool, wliilo the Isinu.t, Willi it. ui.ird c.iH", can fully vaivcis tlu-.e part. ; and lally, II call Ihj pul'oii and taken oil without Hie in ios.it y ol a kiicciid lout rang un ut of the h.ur; in mi. . when a l.nlv "got. up .tan. un'y In put ou lo r latum I, ' Hit) t il I l that ic laai. do 11 and ml up her hir-ll il Is.' aliillid.llll and put. Ii.-rsa.-ll" to a gt'tat del ol iroul'lc, all. I Hit' nil 'klcaa gt Utteilt.tll wliiii. u.illiliu to (in out with lii r l a Uevdlt.a Mti.lu ul liUiv, , . - Kill. KaMIo IX FllVMa,. The fall tit.!, I. ill. Ill I'nniiv iMMea. .on. a novel Ua lilt. First tie Udna wear ttry pnity ll.atliol. lolurvu hat tor Us. I,, i.ituliu t'U" ils.va liio ankle, ami either l.iilloiic.l or Itttod al Ilia ai-lf, itiulopala-tllmuaiuuiilvd ttllU a alia, lord aud two tuali Ubl i and, at vou-h), tha , or, lu piam l.nU.U, a kioj alktta, .psiwt by Iba ia.M httyuit t4MiKi Uj vl4"lu i laitK' pAhitUNCK ov Jou. Evry buddy Iz in the habit ov bragging on Job, and Job did Ilu v konsiilcrttblu bile pnshiiuce, that's a fuc, but did he ever keep a distrik skule for 8 dollars a mouth, and Lot tie 'round f Dill hu ever reap lodged oats dow n a hill in a hot da, and huv all his gal I us buttons bust op i at once f llitl he ever hav the jiimpiu tecthake. and be math tu tend baby wliilo his w ife via over til Perkinses to a teasbuall. Ditl he ever git up in tne moriiiu iiwl'ul dri und turf it for about :j miles befour breakfast, tu git a drink, und litid that the man kep a temprutise house i Did he ever un lort.ulv tu milk a kicking liefer with a bushv tail, in ill time out in the lot I Did liecvel sol iii w n unto a litter of kittens iu Hie old ro kin cheer, with bis Summer panty loons on wilh . out saying "ihimnashun It he cud du all the.e tilings, and praze the Lord at the same time, ull i hav got tu au is, Ilullt or Job! JOSH Ell.l.l.NOs. 'I'iikuk is a storv told of an Irishiuan who. lauding in New York harbor, wus met und Welcomed by a countryman w lio hud been longer here. Welcome," Put." said the latter, 'I'm plutl to see ye ; y e ve come just iu tune, lor tomorrow's election day.'' Pat und his friend took some refreshment together, ami presently tie new ly-urrivtd began to make some inquiries u'hhu voting. "Ve"ll vote for liu yu pluize." suid his friend, "sure it's a free couiuiiry.'' "Well, thiu, begorra,-' rejoined Pat, "I go agin the Goveruiueiit that a w hat iulwu.s did ut home." An Irishman waa employed to trim somu fruit trees. Ilu went in thu morning, a id on returning nt noon, wus asked if he had com pleted his work. No, was thu reply, but he had cut them all dow n, anil wus going to trim them in thu afternoon ! Sharp. At a spiritual meeting a short time ago, in this vicinity, the prophet U.i hiam was culled up, ami asked if tin re vveiu uuy jackusses in his sphere ! "No," lie re plied, iudiyuuntly, "jhey ure ull o.i tho earth." There is n class of people who ask you why you "dou.t'' coine to their house, Imt never say "do." They arc related to the gentleman who has always a note to make up, win-never you wish to eflect a small hum from him. AGRICULTURAL Fruu tbcGi'iuiHctowQ Ti-legrsj b.J 'I'riisluuliuK Mm vi t -. i, s, P. K. Fhkas, Esy.; Some petsi i.t pr. fcr the spring to the tall as tl e best cr.od, according to tlieir views, for pluming s r., w berries. With me both tire oeeined equally eligible, and I adopt tiie one or t ie oilier according to my convenience und tuo occa sion. e can certainly be tl e gniuers of a moderate crop thu ensuing spring, wh. n wo tind it convenient to make our new b.ds iu the autumn. There seems to exist h grout misconcep tion us tu the period for si.cc.cs-.ul ail jiliintjiig. Many suppose that it lujt be j'crlorniod in August or Septoinber; but ull the growers of etraw berries ou this island and in the region forming an extcn.ivu circuit around New York, make t.io.i most extensive plantings froiii the -Oth of Sep-tcmia-r to the liU'.U of Novunl'cr. Wu continue planting now bid. until the ground is closed by frost, und always with si.ee ss, and ilo not lose live plants in a thousand. Professor Huntsman says his un at si., c m fill plantings are tuoso tiuit aie made u.cst, Such us are planted tlie latter had ui Novem ber we cover with a layer of sedge, straw or hay ; not however lor the purpo.o ot kiep.ng the frost out, but to keep it in wluliti.e ground Ihcoiiios fro en, us by thus stunting out the sun's rays, we cu..c the ground m remain permanently lioieti during ihu w inter. We imd tiuit il i not tlie permanent coltl that iujuios the plants, bullae liuiw ings, by which the p U'.KS aie drawn imt and their roots exposed, which uro tauiol.y subject lo be winter killed, lutl.i'oj, X 1'. lLI.IAM 11. PltlNtE, i Ei.vi.vuks. We give the preference th-c".-dediy to the spring for setting out new strawlierry lieds. We huve trie' I lepeutiiby both piriods, usually iu ant. ;iu. i, iiioo.iu Scptcinlici, and lVu.u tnese cxpi rimiiiL I hate been iiiilueed to udopt the spring, it is true that Very hardy plant, iike mo vv Idle Pine Apple, .Vlouny Sn-iiii ig, l.oiigwonh a ' Prolific, tVc. may lie transplanted in umuiun, nntl then if the w inter .iiould not be very i wet, they may do veiy weii if not too thickly covered. We itiink ihe pluiii do I boiler" iu their old lied than a utav one tiirough the winter. Sonieiii.es the auiuiuii plaiile.t produce more uuil liie li st acasu.i, but not ulw ays, aud tuty told on make a. uuilorni a bed. Mr. Prince suys truly thut it is the thutin-jt that ilo the uiiscuiel to atrawb r -c. und no might have d led, to eviry i l.ier plan', not cnurcly li.il.lv . troiiicliinis largo inc. uro injuretl in tnu .oneway. A utii.i.riii loin pci.iturc turoitgli lue winter Is uesituhlv' lot iruit of all kind.. D. PA'.-ktMi Gii.vi't.s. S. M.tehell.of'j e iU-n tuuuty, writes tl.u folio iu the loir.d New Yorker : East fall 1 institute! a f.-rios of experi ments to ascelt iill tlie best method of ke 'p ing Isabella gr .pes thioiigh the winter; tnu result of which lio ihilioi woulo be of in terest to, that portion of yoitrieu'l'i. vvlm uro lovers of this delicious fruit. Thov wero all packed in boxes, one ft ml sq'.lt.ic and i inches tit t-p, iltlllliltillg throe layer, of llttl ii-, un. I kept in u itiol, dry cellar ; i.i i.n t, ,.i i I ilnriug the winter, ll.-.l Wain .1 tu I- lug in u piil would froivto urn. hall iu iueli tin. k. 11..V No. I wna puked with ultiriitlo lavir of gr.ia-a ami fievll iflope leave. lio No '4 with iillernalo la.ver.and iolofi .le 1 1 wadding. Ilu v No. J w In ultoru.ilu l.iye.a ol new p in r and gr ipe. Now lor I hi) IV.illl.. No. l kept f l".l ami i.l. e iititil alaml lliu lu.l of Ik; v.nlKr, tin lr. ul a.iiuii'i5 ) iu proviu,' iullivor, an I giituidi ilusin. riHioiig up; when I no leave ami Ii uit lntf.ui lo in"U.. ij'ilto I.4.I y No. i k. t.l I'll. ' a,l I., g.sid Until aUiul ..u llil.f lit ol ll.ttiu'a r, when I IfUUl ll.M 1. "I- I u kiug I" the Kiii ticr llu-y C4 uu il, i.ililacl, uti l tho Uni. roltiuji all.l I ,g .li iu.ltioitl.lv. N ii kt pt loa i.l of Miw Ilntv I.v ail od U U' l.n.nu ' ril1'1 a ..I h ki in. I k'r' ar'l ' ll' I "ktU of M.rih. Kiliv.i) lun.aa. lit.li, aud liio.l ul IU .uni. lut'i aict titvtH 1 kuoay I bo NHM.U f the) woul'l kava kop Itatl I m.I Um Lai wi Ik. u tal
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers