Tr.nns or tub "AMekicw S1NULE subscription : Two Dom-ar per annum, b paid half-yearly in advance. ;iVo paptr dieootinn.el until all ar retr&ges are paid. to ci.CM : Thro ople to one ddrca, MM Seven do do 10 00 Fifteen Jo, do . 20 0 Five Doll an. In advance, will pay fur three yean' subscription to the American. Club eubecrlption nut be invariably paid in ad vance, and aunt to one address. If subscriber neitlect or refuse to take theft news paper from the office to which they are directed, they ar responsible until they have settled the bill! and ordered them discontinued. I'oetmaster will plea act an our Agent, and frank l)tr containing subscription money. They are permitted to do this nnder the Poet Office Law. -mm or Avr,nTist. SUHB AMERICA!. On aquar of 12 tin, 8 time, Every anbseonent insertion, One square, 3 months, Hix months, On year, Rnsiueae Card of S lino, pot annum. Merchant and other advertising bv the year, 1 09 M 1 oa 6 0J 8 8 f'j "I mo privilege oi luserunit Qiucrcct ad TtUSno ..ll. 10 60 Hmimh : 1 i I . . - - meowr in ine itoraL oi.rr,tr beforj. MarriaRoe and lotba, FIVE CK.Nlrl I'hR Ll.Nl, for each insertion. jf' Larger Advertisement a per agreement. JOB PBINT1RO. We hare connected with our t!tablihmctit a well eleoted JOB OFFICE, which will enable ul to eieent, in the neateat ty, every variety of Printing. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY II. B. MASSER, SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. NEW SERIES, VOL. 15, NO. 8. SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 17, 18C2. OLD SERIES, VOL. 22, NO. 34. by The Ureat Cnune efllnman M lurry. Just Published in a Sealed Envelope ; Trice t cent. ALECTtRR BY PR. CULVERWELL, on the Cane and Care of Spermatorrhoea, Consumption, Mental and Phytioal Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy, Impaired Nutrition of the Body, Lassitude, Weak ness of th Limbs and the Rack, Indisposition, and Incapacity fur Study and Labor, Dullnem of Appro (tension, Low of Memory, Averiion to Society, Love cf Solitude, Timidity. Self Distrust, Iiiines, Head ache, Affection of the Kyee, Pimple on the Face, Involuntary Emission, and Sexual Incapacity ; tb Consequence of Youthful Indiscretion, Ac, Ao. OP Thi admirable Leotur clearly prove that the above enumerated, often self-afflicted evils, may be removed without medicine and without dangerous surgical operations, and ahould be read by every youth and every man in the land. Sent nnder teal, to any addreea, in a plain, leafed envelope, on the reeeipt of six cent:, or two portage tamps, by addressing DK. CHAS. J. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery, New York, PoetOfSce Box, 45S8. April 20, 1801. ly Crittenden! PMladelpHia Com mcrclal College, K E. Corner of 7th and CheUitW , Philadelphia mHIP INSTITUTION, which wa established in .1 1811, and i now consequently in the 18th year of ita exirtence, nnmbera among it graduate, hun dreda of the moat aucoeeeful Merchant and Buainoaa Men of our country. The object of the Inatitution ie aolely to afford voung men facilities for thorough preparation for butnnos. The brancho taught are, Rook-Keeping, a appli cable to the variou denarlmenta of trade ; Penman ship, both plain and ornamental ; Commercial Law, j Mathematice, Navigation. Civil engineering, Draw iiiR. Phonography, and Modern Language. The system of inatruction ia peculiar ; no claaae or ret lwsons are made uae of, but each student ii taught individually, so that he may commence at any time, anil attend whatever hours are moat convenient. Catalogue are issued annually after the 15th of April, containing names of the student for the year, Rnd full particulars of terms, Ac, and may be ob tained at any time by addressing the Principal. In extensive accommodations, wide-spread reputa tion, and the lengthy experience of the Principal, this Inatitution offers facilitiea superior to any other in the country, for young men wishing to preparo for urine, and to obtain at the same time a diploma, which will prove a recommendation fur them to any Mercantile llouse. Crittenden' Periea of Treatises on Book Ketping, now more widely circulated than any other work on the subject, are for sale at tha College. S. HODGES CRITTENDEN, Attorney at Law. Februarys, 1802. ly J0HJT3 & CR0SLEY, ?OLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPROVED GtUTTA PKECHA c i: .n k x t it o i w 1 i , rpflE cheapest and meet (tarable Roofinginuie. It J ia Fire and Water Proof. It can be applied to new and old Roofs of all kinds iiid to Shingle Roofs without removing the thinglea. TrtE Coat is 'Osi.t Aboct O-tE-TniRD that or Ti., ad it is Twirc m DrRini i. -utta Percha Cfinrut, For preserving and repairing Tin and other Metal Hoofs of every deecriptiop, from its great elasticity, is nut injured by the contraction and expansion of metals, and will not crock in cold, or run in warm i uther. These material have bean thoroughly tested itt New York and all part of the Southern aiid Western States, and we can givo abuudant proof of all we claim in their favor. They are readily applied by ordinary laborers, at a trifling expense. ' NO nEAT IB REQUIRED." These materials are put up ready for use, and fcr shipping i all part of the country, with full printed directions for application. Full descriptive circulars will be furnished on ap plication by mail or in person, at our Principal Office and Warehouse, "8 Wii.mam, (Corner of Liberty Street,) New York. JOHNS A CROKLET. AGBST8 Wamtpd ! Terma Cash ! ! Juuel, 1861 ly THE LATEST 8TYLE OP SPRING AND SUMMER GARMENTS, ARE CONSTANTLY MAD!! AT rnc Fashionable Tailoring Establishment JACOB O. 33 33 OK, Market Hlrret, Sunbury, ln. rp'IE subscriber has just received and opened a I large assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER fiOODS, suchaa CLOTHS, or EVERY DESCRIPTION AND QUALITY. riain and Fancy Cauimerei. Venting, &c. of the latest styles. In addition to his stock h ia constantly receiving new supplies from the city, keeping a full assortment of the most eubstantial and latest style of Gooda in the eity market. Ho is prepared to make to order all kind of Gentlemen's and Boy's wear, anch as DRESS COATS, FROCK COATS, BUSINESS COATS, VESTS, PANTALOONS, Ac, Ac, rf the very latest style, and in the moat aubrrantial manner, at short notice. Any Goods not on hand, will be furnished from Philadelphia, by giving two dava' notice. CV'Call and examine my stock. No charges maite for showing. JACOB 0. BECK, Sunbury, March 29, 1882. MiSHEU'K PATENT F1VK MI.! ITU l-UEKZEll! Aa Improved for 18S9 and 1880, r.y E. KETCHAM A CO., 28 Pearl at., New York. fllHE only Freeter constructed on scientific prin L ciples, with a revolving ean and spring blade scraper. The one hasten the freetingof the cream the other remove it a fast aa frozen. Tho moat rapid in freeting, with the least quantity of ice. The most economical in cost, ai it ia th mort simple and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal cities and towns in th Union Each Frecicr accompanied with a book of recipe ted full directions. TRICES. 3 quart, f 3 00 4 quarts, 4 00 6 quart, 00 8 quart, 0 00 14 quart, 8 W 20 quart, 12 00 Applv to II. B. MAfctER, Sunbury, Ta. March 29, 1802. IlOCUErEIX.KIl Jk. IIOVIUII, Attorneys at Law, Sunbury, Fa. A JORDAN ROCKEFELLER and BOLOMOS , B. BOYER, respectfully aunoune that they bare entered into copartnership in th pr actio of their profession, and will continue to attend to all business entrusted to their charge, in the countie of Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Montour, rroaiplly, faithfully and carefully. Special atten tion will be given to th COLLECTIONS OF CLAIMS. Consultation can be kad in th GER MAN language, t iftice Market street, opposite Weaver' Hotel. Sunbury, February 4, I860. ItrandJck), M'Uea, aUian, Ac. i lMIE subscriber, having opened lo Thompson's I Brick Building, Milt street, Danville, a large anu complete stock or. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising th best brands of Brandies, Gin, Old Rye, Scotch and Irish WWky, Port, Sherry, Ma deira, Champagne and ofhar W iaa, of all grade, all of whioh will be sold U'boleaals, at th looe.tcity price. Tavern-kacpers, bybujlogcf iu, caawv at least mo ireig. rcreona dcsiruui of purchasing liquors (br FAMILY USK, may rely upon being furnished with a pura and unadultaratwl article f V l'og determined to UtblL-h a reputation for Mllmg ebeap, h respectfully solicit th pat roasts or IA ruouo All orurr r rompuv "nte-i io JERLMIAUh. HALL C&eviil, Juu in, b0 lI1jillI,Y mPORT.nT M P. GEARIIART 11a RtTmiD witk A Kw Btoch or CnnfeetlonarlcH, IVult and Toy si. IT seems as if a new age, a new life waa opening uprn un, animating every heart to nobler deeda and higher aims ! Art, Literature and Science will glow anew, and seek to develope aublimer beauties and grander conception. Th4usinea world, too, must feel the new Influence and every part be quickened and strengthened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with, elec tric speed to the consummation of greater Uiingathaa whs ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of Uie past. Animated by the enthusiasm which pervade all classes, and desirous of doing his share towards "The great event of the Age," the anbeoriber would re apoet fully inform the good peopleof SUNBURY and the public generally, that he has just returned from the city of Philadelphia with the larget and choicest stock of Confeetionarie, Fruit and Toy, that hai ever been brought to this section of country, lie ia also manufacturing all kind of Confectioneries, Ac, to fill up orders, wholesale or retail, at short notice. Among his stock of CONf ECTlONARIEd may be found; Freaefe rVeret. ' Horned Alnond, Cream White, ' Lemon, Rose. " Vanilla, Common Secret, Drvr, alfirtsisacent, Love Drops, Mint Drops, red and white, Jelly Cake, Fruit Drops, S tic k Candi ee, of alt M ent, Rock Candy. Almond Caudy. liiquorice, Banana, Dates, FRUIT. Trune, Figs, Raisena, Nut of all kinds. LEMON SYRUP Currunt, driod, of a superior quality, by the single or don-n. A superior quality of Tobacco and Segara, and a variety of Confeetionarie, Fruit, Toys, Ac, all of which if offered cheap at wholesale and retail. 0 Remember the name and place ..TJ M. C GEARHART, Market street, 3 doors west of E. YBrigtit A Son' store. Sunbury, April 14, 1881. ly flni; aulscrihers having taken cossussion of this J first class FLOl'HlRG MILL, aro prepared lo receive grain of all kinds, and to do eustum work at the shortest notice. Customer will have their grists ground immediately upon their being left at the Mill. As it is the intention of the firm to stock the Mill, a large supply of grain will bo constantly kept on hand, and flour by the quaulity can always be obtained. The greatest care will be taken to turn out a superior quality of Hour, for which the mill is admirably adapted. Strict attention will be paid to the want of customers, and tho patronage of the public generally is ref pectfully requested. Sunbury, June 23, 1800. MORGAN A CO. Ijuinber ! l.uaail'r 1 rUILlPSHAY, Muncy, Lycoming county, Pa., INFORMS his friends aud the public in general, that ho constantly kepHon hand Boards, Shingle, Lath, JoUt, and all kinds of Lumber and building materials, which ho will sell at the loet price March 30, 1801. Wur: tVurt tVarl COME FROM THE NORTH, COME FROM THE SOUTH, COME FROM THE EAST, COME FROM X1IK WEST Save the country and build yonrselve homes, for now is the time to get your Lumber cheap. Yes, LUMBER! LUMBER! ! LUMBER!!! can be purchased at low rate at the STEAM SAW MILL of IRA T. CLEMEXT, SUNBURY, PA., Such a Tanel Lumber, Frame Lumber, Boards, Si ding. Shingles from f.t to 8 per thousand, Plastering Lath, Paling. Roofing Lath, Ac, Ac All bills ordered, for any kind of Lumber, will be furnished at th shortest notice. IRA T. CLEMENT Sunbury, March 9, 18S1. SPAUHNG'S Prepared Glue and Shelley a Mu cilage, price per bottle and brush, 75 cent. Cordial Elixir of Calisaya Bark and Beniine, for removing greaf e, for Rile at the office of th Sunbury Americau. PHILADELPH I A & READING K- R. CO- PASSENGER TnAlNS KOIl rOTTSYlLLK, READ ING AND IIAHRISBCRO. MOTtNINt,, LINK DAILY.fSunduy f.xceptcd ) CAI.I.OWIIILk.STKr.hrS, Vltll.AUF.I.AtilA lPs vnper entrance on 7'twteeiilh and on t'allowntll streets,) at BOO. A M., ennnectin at llarnsbunr with the l'enns. vania Itailroad 4-1.1 P. M. train running lo PiltaburfF ; the I'umheilnnd Valley 1,60 P. AI., tialn lunuins to Cham; rarlmle, Ac, and the Sotthern Central Riilruad 1,20 P. M., tiain runninc toSuntmrv, Ac. AFTUUN'K'N LINKS IwveNew HeH, COItNI'.H OK I1KOAD AI'.D CAI, UiWAII.L fTKUKTS, PH1I ADKI.rillA. tra.sciiger entrances on Thirteenth and Calinwhill streets.) For PIVTTSN ll.l.K and II ARKISKL'HG, .13, IS P M., DAILY, coimcetluc at llairi.Uire with the Northern Cen tral Railroad for riantmry, William.port, Klmiia Ac. Express tiain from New York vial'jtstoa, makesclose connection with Itradins Mail and Accommodation trains, connecting at llarrislmrg with the PennHylvauia Central A. m, train luuning west. ror KfcAl'iNU. only at 4 3U A. M . (MaUavs ex cepted) DisTiNcs. vi rnii.tnsiriiiA nt aiDio siii.aovu. Krrm Philadelphia. Miles. To I'ba nixt'lllc, 1 neaain1, Lebanon, rg, llauphui, Miller. burg, Trevnrton junction, Huntiury, Northumhcrland, l4wi.turp, Miltou, Muncy, Wiltiamspnrt, Jersey Shore, 1ock Haven, Ralston, Troy, EUuira. PliiUdelphia and Readilif and Leluon Valley H. It. M 1 m u-i ins m it-a 197 so aii Ml 21 Neither Centi.1 KailrxaJ. Suiihuiyind Erie R. K VVillianisp irt aad Elaiir Railroad. The S A M andS.tiP M. trains CONNKCT DAILY AT PORT CLINTON, (Wundavs excepted.) with the t'ATTAWISSA, VVILI.IAMSPORT, AND KHIK RAILROAD, making olose eonneetions with lines to NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA, th WfcST, AND SOUTHWEST. DEPOT IN l,mLADF.lilIlIA. Corner of BROAD AND rAI.UWIIIJ,treU, W. H. MclUlENNEY.Becieury. Februarj 13, IMJ. Important lo Ivera of flood Tea, BRIGHT A rON Invito attention to their Stock of Prime Green and Black Tea. Sunbury, June 14, 1861. UTTON B. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. . rpillrl HOTEL i central, convenient byPaasenger X Cars to all part of the eity, and in vcry par ticular adapted to tb comfort nd wt of th busines public. I y Terms, f 1 SO per day. tieptember 21, 1861 ly - ' NATRONA COAL OIL! Warranted Noa.EtplottTe, and equal to any K F.R OSEN K. Why taiy explouv Oil, wtuai a few rtnta mot per (alio will furouh yon with perfect Oil 1 Made only by PA. BALf MANUFACTURING COMPANY, No. 17 Walnul Street. Philadelphia. February 15, SAFONIFIER ! SAF0ITIFIER 1 1 ?H rA.MILY SOAP MAKER A 'i Kitcaea Grcaa can b nud bit good Soap, using tfapouiaeit Direction Aeeomnanyia tack Box ! "OA P is as easily mad with it, a making a rup of (of fe. Manufactured only by tha Pawnees. PA-feALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. No. 127 Walaat Btraet, Ptnlad.lphi. February 14, ly . lafxraiacd ITarpot), MANUFACTURED and for aal by M Telper A Co ; Leibrandt and McDowelCaRutldinc. North Vast corner Eecona and nac street, Fbuadelpbja,. GOODS OUABANIZLD. Octobir 27, 18(4. ' ' - IMano) Tustd. rpHE iiboibcr offer hi aervtee to theiUin 1 of riuubury and vicinity, ia luaing Tiaaw. Order left at tb Central Hotel, il t tttae U tunbury, Ju 18, -11 - V. KIMBALL Ai ni l'ORa KHPIHIT. "I, EXPENDITURES AND RECEIPTS of Northum IJ berland County, from the first dny of January, 1881, to the last day in Deccmbor of th eame year, both day inclusive : DR. 120 Order issued by Commissioners for viewing and surveying road ana briuge 8 orders, Clerk's pay Commissioners' Pay. & orders Isaac D. Raker $210 00 385 00 1A5 00 123 00 273 00 178U 00 36 04 3.M 14 14.i0 29 296 75 232 84 125 00 100 88 80 59 55 93 00 43 0 75 100 43 113 00 701 22 12 73 2285 85 88 00 r do 6 do 29 do 30 do 33 do 17 do 13 do 47 do 3 do 10 do 24 do 17 do 2 do 2 o T do It do 41 do 1 do 11 do 3 do 1 do 4 do 23 do 3 do 3 do 3 do 1 do 1 do Philip Clark Road damage Fox acalp Constables' pay Attorneys for county Coroners' Inquest Public building Incidentals Penna. ft ate Lunatic Asylum, Prison expenses For ttionery Court Crier1 ply Assessors' pay Refunding Grand, Traverse, Fetit and spe cial Jurors D. Jordan, auditing office ac count 15 00 Prosecuting Attorney 117 00 General, township, and special elections 1104 B5 Sheriff1 fee 109 80 Fuel 25 00 Real estat cAt 00 Protboootary'a foe 2".'7 1 Eastern Penitentiary 80 01 To amount of outstanding county orders for 1801 and previous year 277 92 Treasurer's commission on $ 13,809 02, order paid 315 22 Rtlicf PuTul for Vamilita of Volunteers. 15 orders C. B. tMiiith Northumberland $173 04 Jesse Yocum do 173 CI J. Leienring do 156 28 9. Bittenbender Hhnmukin 400 25 Wm. T. Grant Sunbury 441 00 Wm F Nugle Milton 101 50 J. W. Brown do .15 62 R. Kline Trovorton 82 25 J. Klock for C. Drair and wife 14 45 II. Martin Chiliwiuaque 30 00 Jos. Everitt for R. WykofT 4 50 Discount paid in Bank on money borrowed for Volunteer 78 T2 Percentage on 178 32 I (it) To balance due Jacob F. Rohrbach, Treas urer, from the county 223 65 To amount duo tho Bank of Northumber land, money borrowed fur county purpo re 2006 00 $15,551 12 CR. By eaeh received from Collectors for 1SC1 and previous year By tufh refunded by Collectors which bad been exonerated aud since paid By cash received from F. Burlier, former 12.109 58 9 07 Treasurer 50 00 By cash received fbr rent of Pub. Iluil. 30 51 By caah received from Ge-irge Koefer for Hannah Ravage 400 Oft By cash refunded by Fol, troh 200 00 Bv amount of exceed of Expenditure abovo Receipt 2715 08 15,551 12 JACOB F. ROHRBACH, Treaauer, in account with the eounty of .Northumberland, from the first day of January, ltJCl, to the ilny of December of lb sum. year, both days inclusive : DR. To rrcnTit of outstanding county tax for for 1HC0 and previou years 670 1 21 To amount of connty duplicates !!.-sed for 1861 11,337 51 To cash refunded bv collectors which bod been exhoneruted aud afterward naid 9 07 Toam't ree'd for rent of Pub. Buil., Ac. To cash ree'd for use of Court House 6 00 do D. Beckly for on cushion 2 00 do Rent on asser property 15 00 do From John Bamford 1 76 do Adm'r Raker 4 05 do William Reed 1 35 do James Oaks 2 40 do Christian Miller 95 do David Waldron, Sheriff 3 00 do Geo. Keefer for Hannah Favidea 400 00 To cash received from 1 rajicia Buchcr, former Treasurer 50 00 To caeh received from Polomon ftroh, money refunded on county order for fire engine 200 00 To am't due Bank of Nortliumberlnn l, money borrowed by the County Com missioners for eounty purpose 2000 00 To amount due Jacob F. Robrbucb, Esq., Treasurer, from the county 223 65 25,900 95 CR. By amount outstanding tax fur 1S01 and previous years 0933 CI Bv amount of rxhonerations allowed col lector 353 33 By collectors' commissions 5t)0 34 By amount paid on county order 13,809 02 By Treasurer1 com'n on $13,809 02 315 22 By amount overpaid by Treasurer on his account for the year I860 7S9 07 By discount paid in Bank on money bor rowed for volunteer 78 32 By Treasurer' percentage on $78 32 1 V6 $25,960 95 JACOR F. ROHRBACH, Treasurer, in account with the eounty of Northumberland, from the first day of January, 1861, to the laet day of December of the same' year, both days inclusive, rulv:tiug (State Tax. DR. To amount of outstanding Plato tax for 1M0 and previous year 7178 33 To total amount t-tate Tax Duplicate as- soared tor 1801 i.i.t.uu to $20,878 03 CR. By amount of outstanding Btato tax for I Pol ana previous years By amount of exonerationa fur 1861 and rrevioua year 5934 731 318 30 017 05 538 54 12,181 77 121 85 46 581 47 By collector' commiasion Ity abatement allowed by Mate JTcn r, By cash paid Plata Tree, per receipt By County Treasurer a commission on $12,484 TT By Htate Treaaurer'a reeeipt By Treasurer's enmmision on $16 581 Vy balance Due Jacob r . Unbriiaon, a per account niea tiy Auanor uenerai anu citato Treasurer, March 26, 1801 782 73 W . i i i ii $20,878 03 JACOB P. ROTJRBACn, Esq., Treasurer, in account witn in lomtnonweunu oi j-enusyivamu, tor License, from th first day of January, 1861, to th last day of December of th same year, both day inclusive : DR. To am't received for licenses for taverns $1290 00 lot) 00 Si'5 00 do do restaurant for bl do do liquor sture do do do retailors of mer chandise, breweries, billiard rooms, ten-pin alleys, patent medicine, coal and lumlier yard for '61. To mercantile appraiser I report To 13 copies pamphlet law 1265 35 50 2936 T5 CR By 5 per cent commission on $1000, and 1 per cent on $-HJ0 By 5 per tent, commiaaioa on $1 50 do do 225 By exoneration By 5 per eent. on $1000 By I per cent, on $265 25 Bv Purdv A Barhman's reeeipt for rub- 52 00 T 50 11 25 54 37 50 00 2 65 lisblug mercantile appraiser' list of 130 name 13 00 By L. II. Funk' receipt for pub. mercan tile appraiser's list of 130 name IS 60 By five per cent, on $26, amount paid priaters' bill 1 St By commiasion t'li By 8tat TrMurr' receipt 107 r5h Treasurer' eemmi.ioa on $113 S4i 6 66 By Mat Treasurer receipt 2617 11 WW 75 JACOB P. ROHRBACH, Esq., Treaittrer of Nor thumberland county, in account with the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, roapeoting State Tax on Real and Personal, from the first day of Janu ary, 1860, to December 31st of tho nine year, both days inclusive : DR. To nmonnt fixer! by the Revenue Com missionera fur 1861 $14,359 05 CR. By total amount Btato tax duplicate for 1861 13,639 C5 By balnnce assessed by Connty Commis sioners under the amount fixed by Key euue Commissioner 659 30 14,358 05 JACOB P. ROnRBACH, Esq., Treasurer, In account wnn me treasurers oi ncnqai juoaru ana super visors of road for tnxea on aentod and unseated lands, for tho yoira 1860 and 1861 : DR. To amount in hands a per Auditors' re port for I860 118 33 To amount received for 1840 and 1SC1 2 00 148 33 CR. By rood and school treasurer reoeipt By balance in hand of J F. Rohrbach 148 33 JACOR F. ROITRBACn, Esq., Treasurer of Nor- tnnmuoriana oounty, in account witn tne tyommnn wealth of Ponnsylvania, respecting militia line fur 1801 : DR. To am't of fines received from collectors Am i overpaid by J. F. Rohrbach, Trea. Mil. I I I A TAX CoIMon. Ditrirtt. Am't Dtip. Cah rei-'d. Kroner. Per rfnt. QuUt'a It. I). Hoffman, "Washington, $34 00 $21 70 $8 00 jl 30 John Eckman, Upper Augusta, 23 50 10 00 5 00 $10 50 JoHpph Groves, Upper Malianny, 12 00 2 50 9 50 Ab'ra Blasser, Lower Mnhanoy, 62 50 0 CO 66 00 Enoch Itakcr, Littlo Muhanuy, .15 00 4 00 11 00 Duvid Gcia, Jordan, 30 50 10 00 8 50 12 00 .1. II. Ilaupt, Cameron, 8 00 7 13 50 37 John Weaver, Zcrlic, 8'J 50 02 23 3-1 00 3 27 Joseph Snyder, Coal, 00 50 ' 20 50 70 00 C. F. Martin, Punbury, 103 00 80 00 01 00 Joseph Johnson, Northumberland, 52 00 20 00 82 00 J.T.Albright, lewis, 45 50 CO 00 M 00 '1150 Jonas Stinc, Mt. Cnrrucl, 40 50 19 00 27 60 D. D. Conrad, Lower Augusta, J4 00 13 00 49 00 J. J. Hitter, Tnrbut, 61 00 13 00 i!0 00 Eli Nuiec, Hush, 50 50 10 00 6 00 10 50 a. P. Mcrtz, Point, i!9 50 13 00 21 50 Wm. 1'iivdoe, Chilisquaquc, 4i 00 42 00 M. Unas, Shamokin, 105 00 33 50 69 50 John Lampher, Turbutvillc, It! 50 9 08 0 00 53 J. 1). lloll'man, Jackson, 20 00 10 15 8 00 83 J. Ii. Linebach, Delaware. 40 50 21 SO' 19 00 II. Ilnrtranft, MeEwensvillc, 12 00 1 00 11 00 Samuel Ulair, Milton, 04 50 33 00 61 50 1120 00 170 19 323 50 8 31 C27 00 Oir STA.MI. TAXI. FOK Yttr. Collcrturi Xanwi. 1853 William B. Irvin, TtHtnt7i!p, Delaware, Shamokin, Zerbe, Northumberland, 3crbe, Mount Carmel, roint, Upper Augusta, Coal, do Delaware, Sunbury, Zerbe, Mount Cnmrl, MeEwensvillc, ' Delaware, Lower Augusta, MeEwensvillc, Northumberland, Shamokin, Huubury, Upper Augusta, Zerbe, Upper Augusta, Upper Mnhanoy, Lower Mahanoy, Little Mahanoy, Jordan, Cameront Coal, Hunbtiry, NorthumlxTlund, ZerU", Lewis, Mount Carmel, Lower Augusta, Turbut, Kufh, l'oint, C'hilistpiatpie, Shamokin, Turbutvillc, Delaware, Milton, MeEwensvillc, 1855 James Lynn, do A. J. Conrad, 185(1 Jacob Bloom, 1857 Anthony Gilluspic, 1838 J. B. Wtwtcf, do Jacob Miller, do Ceorfro Zimmerman, do Elias Eirf-nhatt, 1839 do do James Oaks, do John O. Young, do John Btunfitrd, do David llciscr, ' do II. It. Culp, 18150 John B. Liuohrich, do D. W Conrad, do H. R. Culp, do Joseph Johnson, do Benjamin Buhner, do Solomon Shindel, do John Earusworth, do John Bamford, 1861 John Eckman, do Joseph Groves, do Abraham Blasser, do E. D. Baker, do David Gets, do John II. Ilaupt, do Joseph Snyder, do Charles F. Martin, do Joseph Johuaoa, do John Weaver, tlo J. T. Albright, do Jonas Stine, do Dauiel D. Conrad, do John J. Hitter, do Eli Niece, do . P. Mertz, do William Pitrdoe, do Martin Gass, do John Lampher, do John B. Linebach, do Samuel Blair, do llcury Ilartrauft, $5934 731 $9993 64 $38 42 Those marked with a star, have since paid in full. We, the undcrmi'ucd Auditor of Northumberland county, State of IYnnsvIvnnia. do certify that in pursuance of the 4th section of passod. the 15th day of April, 1834, we met at Sunbury, on the 20th day of January, 1862, audit and settle the several accounts, required and supplement thereto, according to the best .1 j - . 1 . : j5 .1. .. 1 ,1 : 1 ; no mi l irt ixriuy unit, ilium uuu i-.uiiiiiiaimu indebtedness of the same, yet unpaid, in orders In witness whereof we have hereunto set our one thousand eight hundrcrt and sixty-two. I W. OKAY, IL. S.J JOHN KIMtlX,. AI SlMMI'll .OOIN. J. H. Engel. of Sunbury, Fa., HAS just arrived with a splendid STOCK OF SPUING AND SUMMER UOOIM, from Phila delphia, to which ho respectfully invito hi friend and the public to call and inspect, he will spare no time in showing them. Among; hi stuck of good will be found fine Blue and Black FRENCH ULOTJl, rino and Fancy Caavimere, Tweed, Satinetta, Jean, Black Italian Cloth, Cafhinoretto, CoUonade, Linens, Linen l'rill, Linen Check, and Fancy Vest lnjr, hIpo a large axeorlinent of Ready Mad CLO TH IN U for men and boy, cheap. FOR LADIES WEAR: Black and Fancy Dress 8ilka, very cheap, Silk Tismo, Beregos, Chidi and Chali Robe, Bereo Delaine, Btre(;e Robe, Figured Brilliant, and a variety of other Dress Hoods. Biirine and Summer Shawls, Mantilla, Parasols, a good ajvortmcnt of IV bit liooda, Collars, blaovos, Irish Linen, rhirt trout, Marseilles, Brilliants, Ao, A general assort ment of domestic Dry Good. Also large stock of Hat and Cap, Boot & Shoes, Hardware, Queenewar and Ulasswar, Uroccrios, Cedarware, Stun and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, ball, Fish, Choes, Ham, Oil, Tar, Ao. N. B Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth and Carpot. All tha abov will be old for cash, or oountrv produc token in exchange for Uood. J. II. ENUEL. Sunbury, May 19, Nave your aVrailt, BT using Mason'' Patent Sheet Metal Screw Top Preserve Jar. MASOH'S PATENT SHEET METAL HCKEW TOf! All that i neeeesary being to crjr th Cap down upon th Rubbur (racket, which i placed outride upon the ahouldor of tb Jar, i of an inch distant firom th top 1 prevent th iwseibility of tb flvor of th fruit being injured by coming iu contact wits tb Rubber. Person desiring the .Tari ean I nt pliwl by leaving their orders wilb U B M ALR, Agent tiuiibury , J uu 2, 1 Jwti CR. By amount paid Wm. K. Marts, Brigade Inspector, ns per report 125 00 7 00 ity amount paid primer By amount paid Gen. Wm. II. Kara for military anrvioea fur 1861 By Treasurer' commission on $169 50 171 19 Militia Tax for 1857 and ywi'o yeari. Collector. District. Am't dun. Am'touU'g. 1855 A. 8. Conrad, Zcrbe, 19 42 19 42 1858 J. Bloom, North'd, 19 00 19 00 38 42 38 42 Statement of ths Finances of Northumierland county, Januarg 1st, 1862. DR. To amount of outstanding orders for 1861 and previou year 9 17 51 To balanco duo Jacob F. Rohrbach, Esq , Treasurer 223 65 To amount due th Bank of Northumber land ; money borrowed for co. purpose 2000 00 To excess of county funda abovo the in dobtednosa of the county 8170 72 11,341 91 CR. By amount duo from F. Buchcr, former Treasurer to 00 By amount due from Jacob Young, former Treasurer 1293 27 By amount of onMantling county tax for 1H61 and previous year 0903 61 11,341 91 FOR 1N61. 1MI1 AI IMCKVIOI S YEARS. County. Militia, $102 00 100 79 19 42 19 00 B2 fil 03 23 70 83 'J K'l 873 17 32 88 71 23 5 37 94 83 75 21 18 67 09 73 45 79 29 1 67 10 77 23 81 48 38 56 41 88 19 5 40 21 87 103 58 118 76 01 12 217 01 68 09 43 72 357 16 326 23 42 00 252 91 373 03 166 75 281 64 372 54 49 41 88 10 156 18 157 63 210 95 387 87 220 16 570 76 160 49 421 47 66 63 107 57 421 33 137 88 321 06 845 59 700 55 477 38 873 49 135 57 380 08 317 55 513 31 628 26 010 41 222 23 262 49 1 89 70 43 898 26 1001 77 290 99 111 43 83 07 127 07 an act, regulating counties and townships, the Commissioners' oflice, in the borough of and adjourned from time to time, and did of us, agreeably to the said act of Assembly of our judgments and abilities. And we ...1.- ii e. ,1 . ui iiur rijicusu uook 01 tne COUUiy, IUC is $947 64. hands and seals, the first day of February, IIOFFA, L. S. W. HUMMEL, L. S. Knllork'M IauUlln CoOVp. rpilIS preparation, mad from th boat Java X CoflVe, is recmutuended by physicians as a upe riur NUTRITIOUS ItEVERAUE for Uenerai Debil ity, DyHie)ia, and all Rillioua Disorders. Thousands who nave btien compelled to abandon the use of cotlce, will ue this without injurious erTeot. One can contains tho strength (if two pounds of ordinary cofiee. Price 25 eeuU. KOLLOCK'S XEVAIN, The purest and best BAKING POWDER known. Sir milking light, swuot and nutrition Bread and Cake. Price 15 cents. HANnTACTtraxw r M. II. KOLLOCK, Chemist, Corner of Broad and Chesnut Street, luiLAnEi.riiiA, And sold by all Drugguit and tiroecra. r March 1, 1862. nilliiUT), Silniw (aoods, o. WE have the pieaiture of informing you that we aro now prepared to oQcr, at our Old Stand, No. 103. 105 and 107, North Second Street, abovo Arch, Philadelphia, a well selected stock of MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, in every variety, of th Latest Importation, and of the newest and most fashionable style. Oua Straw JKPAKrn:iiT will eomprU every variety of Honiara, Hat and TmuMisos, to b found in that lin, of lb latest and most approved shares and style. Soliciting ao early el!, I remain Voura, Reepeotfully. March29, 18C2j-tw 11. WARP. JFraaiblUi Ilouaic, REBl'ILT AND REFI'RNISIIEI), Cor. Howard and Franklin Sueet, few Suuarc War of lb Northern Central Railroad Depot, BALTIMORE, far" Taaxa, tl Dav. fl. LEISESRINO, rroprietor July 16, 18.'.9 tf . J m SALE, n excellent secend hand Cooking rlov, l.o Kvrl CylindN (,01 tt"s LiXUU at thir emce MISCELLANEOUS. TIIK NEW OKI.KA3M VIIIOUV. OFFICIAL DESPATCHES. Poapateta from Flnac-Offloor Farragut. UNITF.D STATF.8 Fl.AO-HfttP II ARTronn, ) At anchor off New Orleans, April 29, 1862. J Sir : I am happy to Mtinouncc to you that our flag waves over both Forts Jackson and Bt. Philip, and at New Orleans over the Custom llouse. I am taking every means to secure the occupation, by Oencril Butler, of all the forts along the eoat. Berwick's Bay and Fort Pike have been abandoned. In fact, there is a general stampede, and I shall endeavor to follow it up. I am bring ing up the t roops as fast M possible. We have destroyed Ml the forts above the city, four in niinifi-.-'H rikh irc understood to be all the iuipedlniaot-r between this and Memphis. " I am, very respect fully,' Your obedient servant, D. L. FAUK.VGUT, Flag OlTiccr Western Gulf Block'g Squadron. To Hon. Gideon Welles, Sccratary of Navy, Washington, D. C. THE OFFICIAL ACCOUNT. ' WAsniNOTos, My 9. The Navy Depart ment has received tho following despatched: Reports from the Ounbont Cayuga. United States Gunboat Cavcoa, ) Off New Oiii.eans, April 25, 1802. ) Flao-Officeii : Your boldly conceived and Hplcndidly executed plan ot battle hav ing resulted in perfect success, leaves me timo to make up tho report of my division. You will find in Lieut. Commanding Harri son's report an accurate outline of the noble part taken by the Cayupii under his com mand, and bearing my divisional flag. We led off at two A. M., in accordance with your signal, and stcunjed directly up the stream, edging a little to the starboard, in order to give room for your division. I was followed by the Pawicd in line style, the remainder of my division following in reg ular and compact order. Wc were scarcely above the boom when wc were discovered, and Forts Jackson and St. Philip opened upon us. We could bring no gun to bear, but steered directly on. Wo were struck from stem to stern. At length wc were close up with Fort St. Philip, when wc opened with grape and canister. Scarcely were wc above the line of lire when wc found ourselves attacked by the rebel fleet of gunboats. This was hot, but more congenial work. Two large steamers now attempted to board our starboard bow, one. on the stern aud the other at our starboard beam. The nine-inch Dalhgtv gun being turned on this fellow, wc fired at & range of thirty yanls. The effect was very destructive, and he immediately steered in shore and ran aground and sunk. The Parrott gun on the forecastle drove off the one on tho bow, while wc prepared to repel the boarders, so close was our remaining enemy. Aliout this time Bopcs and. ICA rrne rlasliinrr, tu mane a finish or flic rebel boats, eleven in all. In tho gray of tho morning wc disco vered a camp with the rebel flag riving. We opened with canister at 4 P. M., and received the sword and flag of Colonel Zymanskiz, nnd his command of five com panies, arms and camp equipage. While engaged at this point we observed the Vanma in conflict with n number of gun boats; she had been butted by one of them and sunk. But with his forward gnus still above water, he was bravely maintaining the tight, driving off his enemies and saving his crew. Informing Capt. Lee, of the Oiu ida, who had also been engaged with the enemy, of tho Varvna'i situation, ho instantly steamed up and made a finish of the rebel boats. The remainder of the fleet now came up. Tho Jifumiipji had lcen detained below with thu Muhsms and another iron-clad. After this everything passed under your observation. The pleasant duty now remains of speak ing of tho Vttywjo, and her brave oU'ners and crew. From first to last, Lieutenant Commanding M. B. Harrison displayed a masterly ability in steering hia vessel past the forts, under a hurricane of shot and shell, and afterwards in manoeuvring and fighting her among the gunboats. I euunot say too much for him. He was gallantly sustained by Lieutenant George W. Perkins and Acting Master Thomas H. Martin. These officers have my unbounded admira tion. I must, in conclusion, cspress the pleasure which I experienced in witnessing the sea manlike manner in which all the ships were bundled. The reports of tho divisional captains will iutorm von of tho particular part borne bv cacliJihip. Kespectfully, J. B.ULLT, Captain and Comm'ng Division of the Bed. To Flag-otlieer D. G. Farragut, Commander-in-Chief, New Orleans. Doapatoh of Commodore Porter-Infamous Conduct of the Rebel Navy. U. S. Snip Harriet Lank, April 21), 1862. Sir: The morning after the ships passed the fort, I sent a demand to Col. lliggius for a surrender'of the forts, which was declined. On the 27th I sent Lieutenant Colonel Higgins a communication, herewith enclosed, asking again for the surreuder. His answer is enclosed. On the 28th, I received a communication from him, stating that he would surrender the forts, und I came up and took possession, drew up articles of capitulation, and hoisted tho American flag over the forts. These men have defended the forts with a braver) worthy of a better enusc. I treated them with all the consideration that cireumstauees would admit. The three steamers remaining were under the command of Commander J. K. Mitchell. Tho officers of tho fort ac knowledged no connection with them, and wished in no way to bo considered respon sible for their acts. While I bud a flag of truco up they were employed iu towing the iron floating battery ol sixteen guns, a most formidable affair, to a place alwvc the forts, and while drawing up the articles of capitu lation, in the cubin ol tho Uurr'ut Dim; it was reported to me that they hud set lire to the battery, and turned it adrift uihiu us. I asked the general if it hud powder on board or guns loaded. He replied that be would not undertake to say what the navy oflicent would do. lie seemed to have a great contempt for them. 1 told him wc could stand the fire and blow up if he could, and went on with the conference, after di reeting tho officers to look out for their ships. While drifting down on us, the guns getting heated, exploded, throwing the shot above the river. A few moments after the battery . exploded, with a terrific noise, throwing fragment all over the river, and wounding one of their own men in Fort St. Philip, nud immediately disappeared wider water. Had she blown up near tho vessels, she would have destroyed tho whole of them. When I had finished taking possession of tho forts, I got under way in tho Uarritt IiCnr, and sturted for tho steamers, one of which was still flj ing the Confederate flag. I fired a shot over her, and they surrenderee!. There were on board of them a number of naval olliecra ami two companies of marine artillery. 1 made them surrender uncondi tionally, and for their infamous conduct in trying to blow us up, while under a flag of truce, I conveyed them to close confinement as prisoners of war, and think they should be sent to the North, and kept in close con finement there until the war is over, or they should be tried for their infamous conduct. I have a great deal to do here, and will send you nil the papers when I am able to arrange them. I turned over the forts to General Phelps. Fort Jackson is a ruin. I sm told that over eighteen hundred shells full in and burst over the course of the fort. The practice was beautiful. The next work wc go at we will settle sooner, as this has been hard to get at. Tho naval officers gunk one gun boat while the capitulation was going on, but I have one of the other steamers at work, and hope soon to have tho other. I find that we arc to lc the hewers of wood and drawers of water; but as the soldiers havo nothing here in the shape of motive power, wc will do all wc can. I should havo de manded an unconditional surrender, but with such a force in your rear it waa desira ble to get possession of tlnc forU aa eooa as possible. The officers turned over everything in good order, except the walls and buildings, which arc terribly shattered by the mortars. Very respectfully, D. D. POUTEIt, Commanding. To Flag Officer D. G. Farragut. U. S. Steamer HAnuiRT Lane, Mississippi Biver, April 29, 1802. Sir: I enclose herewith their capitulation of Foils Jackson aud St. Philip, which surrendered to tho mortar flotilla on the 28th day of April, 1802. I also cncloso in a box I forwarded on this occasion, all the flags taken in the two forts, with the origi igi tho nal flag hoisted on Fort St. Philip when State of Louisiana seceded. Fort Jackson is a perfect wreck. Every thing in the shape of a building in and about was burned up by the mortar shells, and over eighteen hundred shells fell in tho work. It is proper to say nothing of those which burst over Hiid around. I devoted but little attention to Fort St. Philip, know ing that when Fort Jackson fell, Yort St. l'jiilip would follow. Tho mortar flotilla is still fresh. Truly, the backbone of the rebellion is broken. On the 26th of tho month I sent six of tho mortar-schooners to the back of Fort Jack son to block up tho bayous and prevent supplies getting in. a-ux. OVPr to Fort Liv ingston, and .when they uncW,.d the fort hung out a white flag and surrendered Tht KitttUiiiy, which had been blockading there for some time, sent a boat in advanco of tho mortar vessels, and Teaching ih- dhore flrat deprived them of the pleasure of hoisting our fl;tg on what had been "renderpd to the mortar flotilla. Still, the tt-t j oufs and wc are satisfied. I uin hikppy gta.J that the officers and crew uru all well, lull of spirits. I have the honor lo remain Your obedient ttervant, DAVID D. POH1EK. To lion. Gideon Welles. ArticlOB of Capitulation. U. S. Ship Harriet Lane, V Forts Jackkon and St. lin.n', Mississippi Hi'ver, April 28, 1862. J By the articles of capitulation entered into cm this, the 28th day of April 18C2, between David D. Porter, Commander United States Navy, commanding the United StaUa Mortar Flotilla, of the 0110 part, and Brig. Gen. J. B. Duncan, commanding the coast defences, and Lieutenant Colonel Edward Higgins, commanding Forts Jackson and St. Phiiip of the other part, it is mutually agreed : First. That Brig. Gcu. Duncan and Lieut. Col. Higgiu9 shall surrender to tho mortar flotilla Forts Jackson and St. Philip, tho arms, munitions of war, and all the appur tenaticce thereunto belonging, together with all the property that niuy be under their charge. Second. That Brigadier-General Dunrnn and Lieut. Hij.'gi"s, together with thu omeers muter tneir command, snail tw per mitted to retain their side arms, and that all their private property shall be respected. Furthermore, that they shall give their, parole of honor not to srrve in arms against the Government of the United States, until regularly exchanged. Third". It is furthermore agreed, by Com inunder David 1). Porter, commanding tho morear flotilla, on the part of the United States Government, that the non-commissioned officers, privates, and musicians shall be permitted to retire on parole ; their com manding and other officers In coining respon tilde for them, ami that they shall deliver up their arms ami accoutrements in their . present condition ; proriUi, that the expen ses of the transportation of the men shall be defrayed by the Uuitcd States. Fourth. On the signing of these articles by the contracting patties, the forts shall bn formully taken possession of by tho United States naval force comprising the water fleet. The Confederate flag shall 1: lowered, nnd the flag of the United State hoisted on the flagstaff efforts Jackson ami St. Philip. In agreement of the ubove, we, the under signed, do herewith set our hands and seals. David D. Porter, commanding the mortar flotilla. W. B. Kcnshaw, commander forces United Slates Navy. J. F. Wainwright, lieutenant commanding the ll'irritt I aim. J. B. Duncan, brigadier general command- ing the coast defences. Edward lliggins, lieutenant colonel C.8. A., commanding Forts Jackson and St. Philip. WITNESS. Edward Nichols', litutenaut commanding the Winona. 3, II. Bussell, lieutenant commanding tho K'llUlulul. United Status Gi-nboat "Catcqa,' ) At Sea, May 7, 1863. f Ifj't. Gidtvn Wdkt, f7eretry jf tht JVaty , . Sin: Having found- it impossible to get the Colorado over the bare of the Mississippi. I sent up ft large) portion of her guns ana crew, tilling up the defieiwtcie of bi'th in . the different vee.ifls, and with my aid. Acting Midshipman Uigin.oB SMr, &q4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers