TEiinn or AWTEBTW0. Pno sauare (if 11 line, 3 time, oo Jvvery subspqu"'!' inset lion, fin month, One vpar. ii 00 fl 00 00 v.. ..... I'avf. nT a linpp. I"T Mllwin, ie'taaol and othrra advartiring by the yeaf, 'he pritileROof laserliug diflcr.-ut ad vcrtisiin 1" Thres eopiw to one add real, $ 5 CO 10 00 Seven do do Fifteen do do Itusioi nwjcoi inserted in the IrAt Col r, kofore Marrifw-n and Deaths, FIVIi CENTS I'KR, LINK l'tr each inMCKion. I jf Largor Advi-rUiniupnti a pr agreement. JOB PH1BTINO, We have connected with onr eetaWifUmrnl a we4 .wlrcled JOB OFFICE, which will enable M w oxt-oute, In tho nculost style, every varloty of Printing. 20 00 Fir Dollars, in advance, will tn for three reara' rubscriptieo to the American. Club subscription most be invariably paid in ad vance, and sent to on address. If subscribers neglecfor refute to take their news, papers from the office to which they are directed, they are rosponribla antil they have tetUed the biUi and ordered them discontinued. I'ottmasters will please act ai onr Agent, and frank letter containing subscription money. They arc permiued to do thii under the I'oet Office Law. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY II. B. MASSER, SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. NEW SERIES, VOL. 15, NO. 7. SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 10, 1SG2. OLD SERIES, VOL. 22, NO. 33. TERMS OP THE "AMEIUCA." SINULS f CB8CRIPTI0S i Two Dollars per annum, to be paid half yearly id advance. No paper diacontinaed until all ar rearage we paid. TO clcm t SMBBET The ejlrrnt t'auaie of llamaa llnery. J mt Published in a Sealed Envelop1; Prlci t cent. LECTURE BY PR. CULVERW KLL, on the Cause and Cure of Spermatorrhoea, Consumption, Mental and 1'hviical Debilltv, Nervousness. Epilepsy, Impaired Nutrition of the llody, Lassitude, Weak nM of the Limbs and the Mack, Indisposition, and Incapacity for Study and Labor, DullneM of Appre brn.ion, Loss af Memory, Aversion to Society, Love offctolitude, Timidity, Self Distrust, DitiineM, Head ache, Affections of the By; Pimples on the Pace, involuntary Emissions, and Sexual Ineapaaitr ( the Consequences of Youthful Indiicretion, sc., it. I' Thi admirable Lecture clearly prove that the above enumerated, often aclf-afllicted evil, may bo removed without medicine and without dangeruu surgical operations, and should be read by every vouth and every man in the land. Kent under seal, to any address, in a plain, sealed rtivelope, on thereecipt of six eente, or two prwtaga stamp", by addressing PR. CHA8. J. C. KLlNK, 127 Ilowery, New York, l'oet Office Box, 4&S6. April 20, 1861. ly Criftcndcn'n IMUlndclphla Com. mrrclnl Collejr', N. K. Corner of 7th and Cheetnntste., Philadelphia HITS INSTITUTION, which was established ia ISt). and is now conerqiu'ntly in the 1Mb year ,,f Us pxi.tcnce. numbers union 2 its craditntm. hun dred of the most successful Merchants nud llunne Ali'n of our eountry. Tho objuct of the Institution is solely to aftord young men facilities for thorough preparation for tmsim'm. The branches taught are, Book-Keeping, as appli cnble to the various departments of trade ; Penman pliip. botli plain and ornamental ; Commercial Law, Mutlirmiitics, Navigation, Civil Engineering, Praw inir. l'lionographv, and Modern Languages. The evstrm of Instruction is peculiar ; no classes or r ct lessons are mado use of, but each student is taught individually, so that ho may commence at any time, and attend whatever hours are most convenient. t'ntiilogncs are issned annually after the 15th of April, containing names of the students for the year, end full particulars of terms, Ac, and may be ob tained at any time by addrewing tho Principal. In extensive accommodations, wide-spread repnta tii.n, and the lengthy experience of tho Principal, :hin Institution offis 'facilities superior to anj other n tho country, for young men wishing to prepare for i n-im-sH. and to obtaiu at tho fame time a diploma, n iii'jh will prove a recommendation for them to any Mi-rciintile llouso. i -j- Crittenden's PiTiea of Treati.es on Rook-Ke- ping, now more widely circulated limn any other k on tho subject, nre for side at the College. H IIDIHIKS CKITTKNPtN, Attorney at Law. K. Iru.ir.v , 1802. ly JOHNS & CR0SLEY. MLK MANUFACTUUER8 OF T1IK lMFKOVUD GTJTTA PKECHA v t: yi n m t it r i , r pill ohenpest and most durablo Roofing in uro. It 1 i Kim and Water Proof. it cim bo applied to new and old Rooffof all kinds. ii nd to hbiugle Roofs without removing the phingloa. Tub Cost is Omlt Aboit Onis-Tmno that or Ti, AND IT is Twin AS PuaABI.B. 4utln Prrrhti Crment, Ki r preserving and repairing Tin and other Metal ltooffi of every description, from its great elasticity, is not injured by the coutraotion and expansion of metulx, and will not crack in cold, or run in warm went her. Thefin materials have boon thoronghly tested in New York aud all parts of the Southern and Western Htiitec nnd we can give abundant proof of all we i lniiu in their favor. They ore readily applied by ordinary laborers, at a trifling expense. 'NO HEAT IS BKQVIREP." These materials are put p ready for n, and for ibipping to all parts of the country, with full primed direetions for application. Pull descriptive circulars will be furniidiod on ap plication bv uiuilor in person, at our Principal Oftjce and Warehouse, 78 William Street, (Corner of Liberty Street.) New York. JPir.NS A CK0KLEY. Aofnts Waktd ! Terms Cash ! ! Juno 1, 1801. ly THE LATEST STYLE OF SPRING AND SUMMER .O ABMENT8, ARB CONSTANTLY MAPE at thb Fashionable Tailoring Establishment or J -A. COB O. BECK, Murhct Htrect, Stsnbnry, lo. rpilK sutiacriber has just received and epned a 1 largo assortment of SPRINti AM 6VMMKK (il.i'HVS, such as CLOTHS, Oi EVERY PESCRIPTI0N AM) QUALITY. Plain and Fancy Caisimerei. Veitingi. &c. . nun uu "vj . of the latest styles. In addition lo his stock no is eonstantly receiving new supplies from the city. keeping a lull assortment ot too meet siiDeianuai aiiu latiKt styles of Uoods in the city markets. He is prepared to make to order all kiuds of Gentlemen's and Hoy's wear, such as UHKCS COATS, FKOCK CO.Tl, UtHINKSS COATS, VK8T8, PANTALOONS, Ac, 4c, of the very latest style, and in tie most substantial manner, at short notice. Any tioods not on hand, will be furnUhed from Philadelphia, by giving two days' notice. ftf-Cull and esaniine my stock. No charges made lor showing. JACOB O. BKl k. fcunbury, March J, 1862. .UANMKK'H PATKT IT YE JII.V ITIS l'HF.O.i:il! As Improvsd for 18i and 1860, Hy E. KLTCIIAM A CO., 289 Pearl St., New Turk. rilHE only Freeier constructed on scientific prin 1 ciples, with a revolving can and spring blade Ki apcr. Tho one hastens the freezing of the cream the other removes it as fast as froten. The most rapid in freetiug, with the least quantity or ie.o. '1 he most economical incest, as it is the uiot simple and durable in structure. For salu in all the principal cities and towns in the I'nion. i'.nrh Frecter accompanied with a book of recipes aud full directions. TRICKS. 3 quarts, 4 quarts, 0 quarts, H quarts, It quarts, 1'tl uwirls. r i oo 4 Oft a 00 6 00 B 00 12 00 Apply to II. B. MArirKIl, Funbury I'a. March i"J, ic'ki:it:i.i,i:k . v hovfic. Attorneys at Law, 8unbury, Pa- A ,l')HrAN ROCKEFELLFR and BftLOMON . 1'. li)VKtl, reepoctfullv announce that thev l.nvo entered into copartnership in the praclice of their nr iLi-.-ion. and will continue to attend to all tii-i.u is entrusted to their charge, in the counties of Nuriliuinh, rlsnd, I'nion, Bnyder and Montour, I rouinilr, iiuthfully and carefully, bneelal atten ti m -will be given to the COLLECTIONS OF CLAIM.!. Consultations can be had ia tha QER MAN lan-ruaie. I itKee Market street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. t'uiil.ury, February 4, Ib60. llrnnUiea, Wlara, &!!, Ac. f!Vi: KWriKsr. havinc opened in Thorn raon'i 1 liritk Building, Hill lUaet, Danville, a large uttd com ploto stock of FORCION AND DOME6TIC LIQUORS, comprising the ht hranda ef Brandiea, Oin, Old Kyt), tv'.tcb aud Irish Whiskey, Purt, Cherry, Ma d.'lrn. t'bampaijue and other VVicaa, of all gradea, all uf which will be sold W holesale, at tha lowest city prices. Tavern-keepera, by baying of ej, can sate at Itsut the freight. 1'iTsuui desiroua of pttrakauDg liquors tor FAMILY U 8 B , mny rely upon being furnUhed with a pure and unadulterated artiela. Hfiiii; ilotermined to eetahluh a reputaUog for . limit cheap, he reepeelfully soticila the patronage w 1U ruidic. All order. Tf Jiauvillc. Juut IU, lo60 IIIOIII.V l.nPOIlTAT .E! M C, OEAR0ART IIai Rstraan with a New Stock or C'ssinlVctlenarl, l'rstlt and Toy. IT seems as If a new age, a eew life was opening upon us, animating (very heart to nobler deeds and higher aims! Art, Literature and Sciencn will glow anew, and seek to develop sublimer beauties and grander conception. , " The business world, too, roust feel tha new Influence and every part be quickened and strengthened by an increased vitality, waieh shall urge us on with elcc trie speed to the consummation of greater things than was ever dreamed of In the Philosophy of the pust. Animated by the enthusiosm wbioh pervades all classes, and desirous of doing his share towards "The great events of the Age," the subscriber would re spectfully inform the good people of SCMtCRV and the public generally, that ne has just returned from the eity of Philadelphia with the largest and choicest stock of Confectioneries, Fruit and Toys, that line ever been brought to this section of country, lie is also manufacturing all kinds of Confection arios, Ac, to fill up orders, wholesale or retail, at short notice. Among his stock of CONFECTION ARIES may be found : French Secrets, Burned Almonds, Cream While, " Lemon, " Roeo, " Vanilla, Common Secrets, Liquorice, Gum Props, allkindsaeeiit, love Props, Mint Props, red and white, Jelly Cakes, Fruit Props, Stick Caudies.of all scents, Kock Candy, Almond Candy. ruuiT. Bananas, Prnnes, Pates, I'igs, Currants, dried, Raisens, Nuts of all kinds. LEMON BYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or doien. A superior quality of Tobacco and egnrs. and a variety of Conl'ectionaries, Fruit, Toys, Ac, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale and retail. lif Remember the numo and place .JB1 M. C. OKARIIART, Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's store. Sunbury, April 14, 1S61. ly KU.XULltV M'H.n ILOlltl.U .111X1,. f I1IIE subferibere having taken possession of this J. first class FI.OUKJAG MILL,ie prepared to receive grain of alt kinds, and to do custom work at tho nhortett notice. Customers will have their grists ground immediately upon their being left at the Mill. As it is the intention of the firm to stock tho Mill, a large supply of grain will bo constantly kept on hand, nud flour by the quantity can always be obtained. The greatest eare will be taken to turn out a superior quality of flour, for which tho mill is admirably aaapteu. etrioi atienuon will do pain io the wants of customers, and the patronuge of the public generally is respectfully requested. puuoury, June a, iouu. siukua.i a v.u Lumber I laiiubt'r t PHILIP SHAY, Muney, Lycoming county, Pa., INFORMS bis friends and the public in genersl, that he constantly keeps on hand Hoards, Shingles, Lath, Joists, and, all kinds of Lumber' and building materials, which he will sell at the lowest price. March SO, lfidl. War I War ! War I COME FROM TIIK NORTH, COMK FROM THE SOUTH, COME FROM THE FAST, COME FROM THE WEST Save the country and build yourseltxs homes, for now is the lime to get your Lumber cheap. Yes, LUMUF.R ! LUMBER ! ! LUMBER ! ! ! can be purchased at low rates at the STEAM SAW MILL of IRA T. CLEMEMT, FVXBl'RY, PA , I Snch as Panel Lumber. Pram f.nmher. llojtnlit. Si. ding, Shingles from $3 to H per thousand, Plastering Lath, Paling, Roofiug Lath, Ac, Ao. All bills ordered, for any kind of Lumber, will be furnished at the shortest notice. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Slarch 9. 186JL OPALPINO'S Prepared Olue and Shelley's Mu IO cilage. price per bottle and brush, 25 cents. Cordial Elixir of Calisaya Bark and Beniine. for removing grease, for sale at the office of the Sunbury American. PHILADELPHIA & READING R R. CO. 1 PASSENGER TRAINS FOtl POTT9VH.I.K, RKAU- I LNGA.ND IIARHlSHt'ltU. I iriDViv. i i vi.' nut v u i... - f i UAI.LOWIIlLL8TltK.Kl-,'t'ltlLAUKLAniA (1W ciiei entrances on Thirteenth and on cll.w.iill streets ) atbOO. A M., connecting at llarnsburg with the IVnn.vl. vania Railroad 4. IS P. M. tcmu ruuinii; to Pittsburg ; ins amneriaiKj aiiey i.ao r. .'i ., ituin luiuiing o i num. orrvn; .aniiic, c., ana llic oriurrn i rfllirai njliruua 1,20 F. ,M., Imill turiiiinir to tuiiUirv, Ac. At'TEH.NOtl.N LINKS IilXtw Oep.it, t UKMIK 1K HROAD Al.DCAI. IAJWAII.L. hIKr.Kl'S. rilll.APKl.PIIIA. (P.-te'igi-l entrances on Thirteenth ami Callowhill strrets ) For POT IVII.I.i: and II AltltlSHUK'i. aiU.li P M., DAILY. conncetliig at llnirtKlniiit with the Northern Cen tral Hailroad for Manlnliy, VilliuniSHiit. KliauaAc. Kaprrss train from New York viaKaslou, makcaeh: i onneKi with Rca.ii.ia m.h ami Aeciramodanon irsiii., connectins; ut llariislmig with the Peiinsj hania Central 3 Jfl A- vr, ,rnln tunlllg West. For KKADiNU. only at t IM A. M , (fti.l-i;s ex- eepted ) Durt-irra vu run AfCLrnts sku siadiso iails-'tu. Fri in PhiUtdrlehia. Miles. To I'hoeiiixvillc, rieuaina, Lebanon, llarnshurg, Ilauphin, M illervhur. Trevorton iunctioo, Hunliury, NorthuiiiUcrlnM, Iwiihurg, Miltou, Muney, Williuiitiport, Jersey Hhore, lvk Haven, Ralston, Troy, Elinua. .V-1 rinMelphia and Reading M sial U'Uuon V.ll.y K. ti. IPi ll-l 1V1 Ii0 111 l i-i Net them Ccntrsl Kallroad. 1!'? Suntuty sud I ns R R J"9 Mi Sit ) .61$ 3) l'.lm.ts Theft. A. M andatfiP M. tr-nnsCt'NNFCT DAILY AT PORT CLINTON, (Munlav cieepted.) with the CATTAWISSA, WILLI AMSPORT, AND I.RIK nAILItiiAU, making filoss eonneetains with lines to NIAGARA FALLS. CANADA, the WfcST. AND SOUTHWKST. PEPOT IN rillLADFLPHtA. Corner of BROAD AND CA 1.1 jn W 111 LL frref.s, V. H. Mcll.HKNNEY, Secretarjr. Fehruarr , lfc2. Important to lairrrs eftiaed Tea, BRIOllTA HON invito attention to their Stock of Prima Ororn and Black Tea. Sunbury, June 15, lb6l. I'PTON' S. NEWTOMTIl, Proprietor flllUS HOTEL is central, convenient by Paesanger I Cars to all parts of the eity, and in every par ticular adapted to the comforts and waata of the buniueM public. Iff' Terms, fl 5ft per day. eWptember 21, 1861. ly NATRONA COAL OIL! Warranted oa-F.iploalT, and equal to any KF.ROFKNK. . Why hoy ssplosivs Oil, when a fear cents mois per (alios will furnish you with a perfect Oil t Made only by PA. BALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, No. 127 Walnut Street. Philadelphia. February 1S.16W ly PArONIFIEH ! 8AF0NIFIER 1 ! THE FAMILY SOAP MAKKP. All Kilteca Crease eea beaudeinio good Beer. using Peptmiaai! Direetions Aeenaipsayiag Each Boa '. FOAPisaseasilr aude with it, aa awaliig a cup of fee. Manufactured only hr the Patentees fA. salt manufactdrino tompany. No. 127 Walaui Street. 1'kilaJclpkia. JPebiaary IS, IMil ly r Iatari-alBied Carpets, MANTFACTURFD and Ibrsala hyll. Teiper A Co ; Leibrandt aad McDowell 'sBuildinr, Nocih East corner Second and Race streets, Philadelphia. GOODS OCARANTEBD. October 2T, 1880. Hsiao Tuned. rTtHE fTiWciibff otters his ria to the ei'iij 1 f Punbury and yiciaiiy, ia Tuoieg Tiane OHen left at tha f'ealral H"tl. will he roHM to tibiuf, Ua 18, Ihbi -it I) UMK.UL AtlM TORS' KKPOIIT. TXPKNPITURES AND RECEIPTS of Northum Ij berland County, from the first day of January, 1801, to the last day in Peccmbcr of tho samo year, both days inclusive : , DR. 120 Orders issued by Commissioners for viewing and surveying roads aud.bridgci 9'26 tttl Borders, Clerk's pay ' 884 90 .- Commlwioners' fay. I orders tpaao D linker ICS 00 Joseph Everitt ou Philip Clark 273 00 Road damages 1780 00 I'ox soalps 3d 94 Commonwealth co.ts SM 14 Building and repairing bridges 1450 23 For printing 2 7 Constables' pay 132 84 Attorneys for county 1 24 00 Coronets' Inquests 100 8S Public buildings SO 49 Iueidentals 4 93 Penna. State Lunatic A'ylum, CO 43 Prison expenses 9 7i For stationery 100 43 Court Crier's pay 113 till Assessors' pay 701 22 Refunding 12 73 Orand, Traverse, Petit and spe cs! Jurors 225 B4 County Auditors 88 00 S. P. Jordan, auditing office ac counts 15 00 Prosecuting Attorney 117 00 Ueneral, township, and special elections 1161 96 PherifTf feos . 109 MS Fuel 25 00 Real esLito 304 00 Prothonotury's foes 297 21 Eastern Penitentiary 80 04 To ainouut of outstanding county orders for 1801 and previous yenrs 27 7 92 Treasurer's commission on $13,609 02, order paid 815 22 Rtlief Fund for Families of Velantttrt. 5 orders C. 1). Smith Jesse Yocuin J. Lewenring S. Bittenbender Wm. T. Grant Wm. F Nagle J. W. Brown Northumberland I73 64 do 173 64 do 146 28 Shamokin 460 24 Suubury 441 00 Milton 161 40 do 34 62 Trcvorton 82 24 It Kline J. Klock for C. Prair and wifo It 44 II. Martin Chilimuaquo 30 00 Jos. Everitt for fi. Wykoff 4 40 piscount paid in ltauk on money borrowed for Volunteers 78 32 Percentage on $79 32 1 96 To balance due Jacob Y. Kohrbach, Treas urer, from the county 223 65 To amount duo the Bank of Northumber land, money borrowed for county purpo ses 2000 00 $15,551 12 CR By each received from Collectors for 1861 aud previous year By cash refunded by Collectors which had Leen exonerated and since paid By cash received from F. Bucbcr, former Treasurer By cash received for rent of Pub. Buil liy cash received from ticorge Koefer for Hannah Savago By cash refunded by Sol. Stroh By amount of excess of Expenditurcsabovo 'Receipts 12,109 56 9 07 50 00 36 51 400 00 200 00 2715 98 , 15,551 12 JACOB P. ROHHBACII, Treasner, in account with the countv of Northumberland, from the tint dav of January, 1861, to the last day of Pcceuiber of tueeame year, tram uuys inclusive : PR. To amount of outstanding county tax for for I860 and previous years 6701 21 To amount of county duplicates asto-sed for 1801 14.307 51 To cash refunded bv collectors which had been eAlmncratcJ and afterword paid 9 07 To am't reo'd for rent of Pub. liuil., Ac. To cash ree'd for use of Court llouso 6 00 do P. Beckly for one cushion 2 oil do Hunt on NVtisser property 15 00 do From John Uiiuit'urJ 1 76 do Adin'r Raker 4 04 do William Heed 1 3.' do J limes link' 1 to do Christian Miller 95 do Pavid Walilron, Sherilf 3 mi I do Geo. Keefer for lliiiiunh Savidoj lt)0 ta To 'h received from Francis Bucher, i formor 1 reivurer To each received from Solomon fitroh, money refunded on County order for iO 1)0 JoO 00 2000 00 2LM 65 i nre engine I To am't duu llanlt of Northumberland, mouey liorroweil liy the IVnn'y Coui miadioners fur county purito I To amount duo Jacoli F. Ilohrbnch, I"l , Treasurer, from tho county 25,900 PS Cll. By I ii . RT By amount cub-tamling tax for 1HK1 and previous years v nmftunt of exh.inerutions allowed col- 0933 l 3.'.3 3S b'M 34 l.t.hoa 02 315 22 S9 0 78 32 1 M I 'loct.ir lty ainouut paid on county order Ity Treasurer's com'n on fl.'i.So'J 02 liy amount overpaid by Treasurer on his account for tho vcar lKtiO Ily discount paid In Bunk on money bor rowed for volunteers By Treasurer's percentage on $78 32 25.960 05 I JACOB F. KOHRBACH, Treasurer, in account with the county of Northumberland, from the first day of Jiuiuary, IH6I, to tho lust day of December of tho Mtmu year, both days inclusive, respecting r'tute Tax. DR. ! To amount of outstanding State tai for noil ann previous years io .K5 To total amount eUnto Tax Duplicato as sessed for lbol . 13,699 65 30,878 03 CR. By amount of oufetandiiiR Stato tax for lsoi and previous yean By amount of rxouerationa for 1801 and proviuun ywtrn By 00110010' commisrion By abatement allowed by FtateTrcaa'r, Ily eaab paid Put Treaa. per reovipt By Cuuniy Treaauror'a coinmisioa oo 112.184 77 By 8tte TrenAurer'i receipt By Ireuurrr'a couiruiwii.n on $t 56 j By balance due Jacob P. Kohrbach, aa per account filod by Auditor tloneral and tit ate Treaaurvr, March K, 1661 51131 731 318 30 647 05 63ti M i:,484 77 121 K5 40 581 47 7S2 7J $20,878 03 JACOB P. KOHRBACH, Fan,., Traanurer, in account wun ma t ommonweaim ui I'fnotylvania, lor Liocnaea, from the first day of January, lbol, to tb laat day of lieeembcr of tha lameyear, both day incluiiva : PR. To am't received for licriuu for taverns flMO M 160 0O KS 00 do do restaurants for '61 do do liquur store do do do retailers of mer chandise, breweries, billiard rooms, ten-pin lie,, fiatrui uiriiiv;iuc, cnai auti luuiurr yards for 'Al. To mercantile appraiser' report lo IS copies pamphlet laaa li Hi 6 M CR. By h per rent eommissioD en (1000, and I par cent oo tzvo By 4 par oeut. cumulation on f ISO do do r;i By aioaeratioD By a per cent, on 1 1 000 By 1 per cent, an f 26a ii By I'urdy A Vacbman'a receipt for pub lishing mercantile appraiwr'a list of 150 names By L. 11. Punk's receipt for pub. niereaa tilapiraiser'i list of 130 name By Ive per evnt. on M, amount paid printers' bill By eosnniitvion liy 6tele Treasurer'! receipt Treuurer'seoamiwioDOc (111 Hi by c'tata Ircaturvr's rt.ciij.t SI 00 T M II 25 M S7 bO 00 2 ti li 00 13 00 1 SO 32i 107 6ti . SC17 11 i.9Jd Ti 1 do 6 do 26 do 30 do 23 do 57 do 13 do 47 do I do 10 do 24 do 17 do 1 do 1 do 7 do 11 do 41 do 1 do 14 do S do 1 do 4 do 23 do 3 do 3 do 3 do 1 do 1 do JACOn F. ROJIRBACTI, Esq., Troasurcr of Nor thumberland county, in account- with tho Ora moo wealth of Pennsylvania, respecting State Tax on Real and Personal; from the Irst day of Janu ary, I860, to December 31st of tha same yew, both days inclusive : , , , PR. ' , " To amount fixed hv the Revenue Com miasiunws for lbfll ' ' . . H,SCS 95 OR. -t By total amount State tax duplicate fur ' ' 1KC1 13,639 65 By balance aweed by County Commis sioners undvr tho amount fixed by Kct- ' onue Commissioners 659 30 . 14,358 95 JACOB F. ROHRBACII. Psq.. Treanfer, in account with the Treasurers of School Boards and Super visors of roads for taxes on sented and unseated lands, for tho years I860 and 1801 : PR. To amount in hands as per Auditors' ro- port for 1860 116 33 To amount received for 18G0 and 18C1 2 00 118 33 37 17 111 16 148 33 CR. By rosd and a-liool trenurers receipt By balancu in bands of J. F. ltohrbach JACOB F. ROHRBACII, Esq., Treasurer of Nor- inuiutieriami county, in account witn tno common wealth of reuu.-ylvanii, ruspocting militia fines for 1861: Pit. To am't of fines received from collectors Am't overpaid by J. F. ltohrbach, Treas. 170 19 1 00 171 19 MILITIA TAX Colltctort. Dittrictn. Wusbington, Upper Augusta, Upper MaTiuuoy, Iiwer Mahnnoy, Little Mahanoy, Jordan, Cumcron, Zcrbc, Coal, bunlmry, Northuiubirlancl, Lewiit, Mt. Carmel, Lower Augusta, Turlitit, Rush, Point, Chili.Hritt.viuc, Shnmokin, Tutbutvillo, Jaekson, I)i -In ware. MrKwensvillf, Milton, Am't Dup. IM 00 25 00 13 00 C2 50 13 00 30 HO 8 00 8! CO 00 50 103 00 52 00 43 50 4 50 64 IU) 51 00 20 50 30 50 !'2 00 105 00 1G 50 20 00 40 .V) 12 00 1)1 50 mo 00 II. D. Hoffman, Juhu Eckman, Jofwtph 0 roves, AO iu Uin.-tsir, Enoch Haker, David Oris, J. IL llaupt, John Weaver, Joseph Snyiler, (J. I . Martin, Joseph Johnson, .1. T. All.riglit, .Tiitm.s Sliuc, I). D. Conrad, J. J. Hitter, Eli Neicc, O. P. Mertz, Win. Purdoo, M. (iiiss, Jolin Lnmpher, J. I). llollniitn, J. 11. Liuelnich, II. Hitrtranft, Samuel Uluir, oi;tnta:ipi:4 takm roit Yeir, O'lUrtorf Xi:nfK Toirnship. Stats. Cuinty. 1S5;1 William 1?. Irvin, Dilaware, ifltii 00 lfioj Jiiineii Lynn, Hli:miokin, 100 79 do A. J. Conrad, t rbe, 1S50 Jacob I5!o.mi, Northumlx lland, f2 01 OS '3 1857 Antlion Gillanpic, Zerl, 7li "3 1S3S J. II. Whsmt, Mount Curnicl, 7:( 80 273 17 do JaushMillerr--v- -4'uint, Il'J do tSi-orgi! Ximnurraii, L'pprr Att;uatu, 71 'oi 5 I!7 lo lilias Kiscuhart, Coal, 91 K J 1S.VJ do do 75 21 Iti 07 do Jaint's OaVcs, Ili lawarc, (rj do John (1. Younc;, Stmlmry, 7'i II 70 2!) do John r.atnfurd, Zvrlic, 1 117 do Pavid lk-Licr, Mo'iut Cartnt-l, 10 77' do II. K. Ctilp, Mt Kwt nsvillc, . 2'- St 15110 Jolin Ii. l,i!il:irh, IVlttwarr, IS M .Mi ll do 1. 1). Conrad, I.owt-r Ati!:n-t:i, 'M Hi Ti l'l do 11. 15. Cttlp, MiKwfiisvilli-, 21 r-7 10:J M do Jo..i')h .lulin .on, NoithumU rliind, )V 7U do IVnjam'm IjnlifHT, Niaiuokin, til 12 217 01 do Ntloittoli i'diiiiiUl, Suubury, tlS li!) " 72 do John Farnswnrth, I'ppir Augusta, "-7 It! 820 2a do John l'.aniford, Zi rln1, 42 CO 15111 John Eckman, Upper Anu-da, 2"i2 HI S72 Or! do .ItwpU Grovis, I'pjirr M ihanoy, Dili 7o 2SI til do Abraham Ula..sir, I.owt-r Malt:tn.v S7i Si do K. U. Knki-i, Little M.ihanoy, 4U41 HS 10 tin liavid Oi'ix, . Jordan, " lfit! 18 ilo John II. llaupt, CaituTon, 157 (12 do Joiph SnyiKr, Coal, 210 P5 :187 37 do Charles F. Martiu, Snnbiiry, 22t) 1(J 570 7 do Jont'ph Johuson, Xorthumlntiaud, ltil) 4V 421 47 do John Weaver, 2erlc, Oti 03 107 57 do J. T. Albright, l.cwi-4, 421 i?;t do Jonas Si inu, . Mount farm. 1, M7 8H :;2I 0(5 do Daniel 1). Courad, . Lower Atttpwta, Mr 511 70(5 55 do John J. Hitter, Turbut, 477 H8 8711 4 do I'M Niece, Hush, KM 57 HS(5 OH do (5. 1'. Mertz, I'oint, 817 M 513 31 do William Purdue, Cliilistpiatpic, 028 20 (1!) 14 do Martin Oass, Shamokin, 222 S3 202 4! do John Ijiniiiher, Turbutvillo, 1 8ti 70 43 do John 15. Linebaeh, Delaware, 0H8 20 1001 77 do Samuel P.lair, Milton, 2!it HO 11143 do Henry Hartruuft, McKwtnsvillc, 82 H7 127 07 iS'jyt 73J 9903 04 38 42 Those marked with a star, have since paid in full. We, the undersigned Auditors of Northumberland county, Gtate. of Pennsylvania, do certify that in pursuance of the 4th section of an act, regulating counties and townships, passed the 15th day of April, ltvl-1, we met at the Commissioner' office, in the borough of Banbury, on the 0tli day ot January, mi, and udjournctl Ironi tune to time, and did audit and settle the several accounts, required of uu, agreeably ro the said act of Assembly and supplements thereto, according to the best of our judgments and abilities. Aud wc do further certify that upon duo examination of the expense book of the county, the indebtedness of the same, yet unpaid, in orders is f'J47 54. In witness whereof wc have hereunto set our hands and seals, the first day of February, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. P. W. OKAY, LL. 8 JOHN HOFFA, L. S. W. HUMMEL, L. S. Hiui.e a."i hi .nnt:u uoodn, J. II. Engel, of Sunbury, Pa HAS junt arrived with splendid STOCK OP Sl'ltl.NU AND SI MMER WOODS, from l'bila dvliihia, to which he respeotfully invites bis friruds and the public to oall aud iusiect, he will spare no time in allowing them. Among his stock of gued will ba found fin Blue and Black FRENCH CLOTH, Fine lilnck and Fancy Cawimeree, Tweeds, Satinott, Jeans, Black Italian Cloth, Cavbinerello, Cottouado, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Cbook, aud Fancy Vent iiura, also a largo aasnrtment of Ready Made CLO TllINti fur tuon aad buys, cheap. FOR LADIES' WEAR: Black and Fancy Dress Kilks, very cheap, Bilk Tiwuo, Ui-reges, I hull and Chilli Rubes, llerego 1'elniuce, Bcrego Robe, Figured Brilliant, and a variety of other Drew Uooda, opting and Hummer Shawls, Mantillas, Paraauls, a good aitriurtruetu of White Ooo.ls, Collars, Sleevea, Irish Linen, Hhiri front, Mantetllts, llrilliants. A. A general aasort- menl ot uuuiimMc Dry Iruuds. Also a larito stock oi Uet anil t aps, Boots 4 Pue, Hardware, Uuvonswaro and lilumwaro, tirocerins. Cudarware, Htoue and Earthenware, Drug and PainU, Halt, Ki-b, Cheese, Ilam, Oil, Tar, Ac. N. B. Wall and Window Puner. Floor and Tablo Oil Cloih and Carpot. All tbu abuvo will be sold or cacn, or country produce taken in exchange for Oood. i. U. LNULL. bunbury, May 19, 1F60 If Have your I'rulf, BY using Mason's' 1'auntfchect Metal Ecrew Tup Preserve Jar. MASOXU PATENT (-IfEET METAL All that is nceessnry being to screw tha Cap down upon tho Rubber (Junketwhich is placed outside upon the shouldor of tha Jar, let an inun distant frum the top ; prevent tho pawibility of tho flavor of Oje'ruit being injured by toiuiug is contact with the Person dusuiug the. Jars can be rupplid y leaving tWu oidirr wuh M B M.UcEU, .tgttil oiuibwy, Jubv 2, lj'iu CR. v By amount paid Wm. K. Marts, Brigade Inspector, as per report llv 00 By amount paid printers 7 00 lit amount paid Men. Wm. II. Kafo for military services for 1S01 37 60 By Treasurer's eommUsioD on $169 50 109 ! . . m lo Militil Tax for 1H5T ttnd prrt ioitt yiari. Collectors. Pistrlct. 1H55 A. 8. Conrad, Zorbe, 1B5B J. Bloom, North'd, fttattrrKKt of th Finances of ftorthnmhcrland county, January l.tt, 1842. PR. To amonnt of outstanding orders for 1861 and prov ions years 917 51 To b.ilanco due Jacob F. Rohrbach, lq , Treasurer 223 05 To amount due the Bank of Northumber land ; money Inirrtiwed forco. purposi 2000 00 To excess of county funds abuvv tho iu debtcdueas of tho county 8170 72 11,311 91 CR. By amonnt due from P. Bucher, former Treasurer By amount due from Jacob Young, former Treasurer By amount of outstanding oounty tax for 1801 and previous years 60 00 1298 27 9993 61 11,341 91 I 'S It 1MI1. Etontr. 8 00 5 00 2 GO 0 50 4 00 8 50 50 U 00 20 50 311 00 20 00 11 l0 19 00 15 00 15 00 0 00 13 00 85 50 0 00 3 00 21 50 1 00 33 00 822 50 Vr o nt. $1 30 OuM'g. $10 CO 0 50 56 00 11 00 12 00 24 70 10 00 10 00 7 13 63 23 87 3 27 70 00 61 00 32 00 11 50 27 00 ' 411 00 art oo 10 50 24 50 42 00 CO 00 80 00 10 00 0 IU r.i 63 13 19 00 11 00 CI 00 170 19 C 31 00 ihoi ai 1'KIiVlOt m vi:.nts. Militut, in 42 l'J 00 Kollock'ai luleliou 'oiler. fltlllS preparatiion, maile from the best Java X Coff.'D. Is rcooirmioniiml by plivsiciuna as a supe rior MTRITIOC8 HEVERAOK lor Ueneral Debil ity, Dyspepsia, and all Bullous Dimrdcr. 1 liuusuntts wlio have been coiuptllvd to nbandun tba use of cuffiHi, will nse this without injurious cflrct. Ono can eoutains the strength of two pounds of ordinary conee. I'rtce ia cent. KOLLOCK'8 LEVAIS, The purest and best BAKING POWDER known, fur making light, sweet and nutritious Bread aud Cakve. 1'rice licenu. AUrrACTcnro av M. II. ROLLOCK, Chemist, Corner of Broad and Cheeuut blrect, rHII.ADKLPUIA, And sold by all Druggist aud tirucer. March 1, lh2. lllliuer), hlravt UosxIh, Ac WE have the pleasure of informing you tbat wa aro now prepared to nflw, at our Old 8tand, Nua. ln.1, 105 and )l7, North feeund Street, abuve Arch, Philadelphia, a well selected stock of MILLINERY AND STRAW UOOl, in every variety, of the Latest Importations, and of the newest aud moat fashionable style. Oim Straw Iikiabtueut will comprise every variety of Bownkts, Hat and Trimmimui, to be found in that line, of tba latest and moat approved sbapeaand styles, tsulicitiug aa early onll, I remaid Yours, Rerpoetfutly. March W, 1WI! -4iw II WARD. I'runkliai llouae, rtEBVILT AND RF.FIRNLS1IED, Cor. Howard ' and Frauklin Street, a few Square West of the Northern Central Railroad Depot, BALTIMORE, IV Tskmi, tl I'CB Dat. j tj. LLISLNRINO, Proprietor. j juty jg, B5t tf I?0R SALE, an eioelKml second haJid Cookiug J' fciove, aljo senral Aylmuer ccaj tiovai iuu at llu cllive Am t dap. Am't outs g. 19 42 19 42 19 00 19 00 42 38 42 MISCELLANEOUS. THE SURRENDER OF NEW ORLEANS. The CirrtJtyoniUm'e vilk the Mayor- Grace ful but Patriotic Letter from FUg-OjJicer Fitrragvt The fsf war qf the Hfiiypr. Washington, Thursday, May 1, 1802. The followinp correspondence, taken from The Richmond JCngriinr, of yesterday, which city it re:iehcd ly telegraph, was to-day received at the War Department. The cor respondence is between tho Mayor of New Orlean and Flag-OUicer Farragut t U. 8. FLAO-SiIIP llARTKOKn, ) Orr New Oklkanr, April 20, 1802. ) Ti hin KjveUvnty, the Mayor (if the City of 2fcid Orhann. Sir: Upon my arrival before your city, I had the honor to send to your Honor Capt. Bailey, U. 8. N., second iu commulid of the expedition, to demand of you the surrender of New Orleans to inn, as the representative of the Government of tho United States. Capt. Baily reported the result of an inter view with yourself and the military authori ties. It must occur to your Honor that it is not within the province of a naval ollicer to assume the duties of a military com mandant. I came here to reduce New Orleans to obedience to the laws of, nnd to vindicate the oltended majesty of the Gov ernment of tho United States. The rlidits of persons aud property shall be secured. I therefore demand of you, as its repre sentative, tho unqualified surrender of the city, and that the emblem ot the sovereignty of the United States be hoisted over the City Hall, Mint, and Custom-IIouso by meridian this day, and all flags and other emblems of sovereignty other than this of the United States lie removed from all tho public buildings by that hour. 1 particu larly request that you shall exercise your authority to quell eLUturbancea, restore order, ! j ,i , 4. i c ' ana can upon an tne good peopra oi jcw Orleans to return ut onco to their vocations. and I particularly demand that no person shall bo molested in person, property, or sentiments of loyalty to their Government. I shall speedily and severely punish any person or persons who shall commit such outrages us were witnessed yesterday by armed men Crinrr upon helpless women and children for pivinK expression to their jili'itmtrc nt iritHrimitig the "uWf." I um, very rcspectlully, D. G. FATtnAOCT,. Flag Officer Western Gulf Sipiadron. The Ri'ly. Mayok'h Office, City ok New Ouli:as3, ) City Hall, April 20, 1802. ( Flag Offtar 7. U. Farragut, U. S. Flag Stijt llnrlurd. Sm; Iu pursuance of a resolution which .1 i.: . ,.. r ........ i e.. u i.-i e. . ' .,1 ,i ii il . iwL llic uvea in nit; nuuivu uu.i 1 1111,11 1 11, nuu 1.1... I!. . T ill....! Him ennui me iiiei rtiiioii.s. uen. ijuteii lias , ., ... , . . ' , ., , . ,,, V 1 ill. unit. till. 11 inline tiui'i'n, iiiiti iv troops, back to me the administration of its govern ment aud the custody of its power. 1 have in council with the City Fatliera comuticrud tlm demaud you Tnade of me yesterday of an uiieo.utitional surrender of the city, coupled with a requisition to hoist the flat; of the United Slates on the public udiliccs, ar.d haul down lint Ha' that t ll.iats upi'ii the breeze from the dome of this Hall. Il becomes tny duty to transmit, to you an answer which is the universal senti- j incut ot my constituent, no less than tin; I prompting of my own heart, dictates to me on tltis sad and solemn occasion. The city Ms without the means of defense, and is utterly destitute ol the tone ami material that liii.'clit enable it to resist an ovcqovcr insf armament displayed in si;rht of it. 1 am no military nisiu, and posstss no authority beyond that of executing the municipal laws of the City of New Orleans, it would be presumptuous in me to attempt . i i .. .. i . ii, .i t.i ;i-1 to lead an armv to the held, it I had one ut ' command ; and I know still less how to sur render n undefended place, held, as this is, nt lllv melt V ui mmii iiumuio, niit.i utii n, v,,,, ' i mortiir. To Ritrreniler such ft olaee ere un idle and unmeaning ceremony. The citv is vours by the power ot hrutal force, not by my choice or the consent of its inhabitants. It is for you to determine what will be the fate that awaits here. As to hoisting any Mag of our own adoption aud allegiance, let me say to you that the man lives not in our midst whose hand and heart would not be paralyzed at the mere thought of such an act. Nor could I find in my entire constituency so desperate and wretch ed a renriradc as would dare to profane with his hand the sacred emblem of our aspira tions. j Sir, you have manifested sentiments which would "become one engaged iu a better cause than that to which you have devoted your sword. I doubt not that they spring front a noble though deluded nature, and I know how to appreciate the emotion which in spired them. You have a gallant people to administrate during your occupancy of this eity a people sensitive to all that can in the least all'eet their dignity and self-respect. Pray, Sir, do not fail to regard their suscep tibilities. The obligations which I shall assume iu their name shall be religiously complied with. You may trust their honor, though you might not count on their sub mission to u men ted wrong. In conclusion, I beg you to understand that the people of New Orleans, while unable to resist your force, do not allow themselves to be insulted by the intcrfcre-nee of such as have rendered themselves odious and con temptible by their dastardly desertion of ! ii ..... :.. i. our runs: in wic iniiii aiitiit. in nunu wc are engaged, or such us might remind them too forcibly that they are the con quered, and your' the conquerors. Peace ami order may be preserved without resort to measure v hich 1 could not at tins mo ment prevent Y'our occupying the eity doe not transfer allegiance from the liov ernmeut of their choice to one which they have dclilieratcly repudiated, and that ihey yield the obedience which the conqueror is entitled to extort from the couqiicrcd. lescctrully, Juiis 1. MoNitoB, Major. Kehimneh. lieorge A. Frick, I-sq., who has Uen the faithful Cashiir of thtniik of Danville ever since thut mstitutiou went into operation, resigned his po.t on lust Tuesday, and David Clarke, Esq., who lias heretofore occupied the ollice of Teller, was unanimously elected to fill the vacancy. Mr. Grlcr will hereafter take the place of Mr. Clark aa Teller. Ikvitilfo Ihmoerat. 8uo is btill two feet deep in the Lake Chauiplain region, and they are crossing the lukv on the ice. Tho Uulon Free School building, at Leba non, Ohio, wa burned on Tuesday evening by an incendiary. The hua ia 114,000, on whkii L nil in. uxoiite el jOOO. The KlUod and Wounded at tha rittsburg Fight. . Cincinnati, May 2. Tne Co-im.'tvii?b from its correspondent with (trtlffal Hal leek's army the following ofiu-ial figures of our lirsa at the bnltlu of Pittsburg Landing : Ucncrat McClernand's Division- Killed 251 Wounded 1351 Mising 234 Gen. W. II. h. Wallace's ComKillcd 828 . Wounded 1033 Missing 1163 Gen. Lewis Wallace's Command Killed 43 Wounded 257 Missing 6 General Ilurlbnrt's Command Killed 813 Wounded 1410 Missing 223 General Slurmau's Command Killed 487 Wounded 1401 MUsing 48'4 Gcnrrtil rmitiss' Command Killed 188 Wounded 063 Missing 180a Gen. Crittenden's Command Killed 83 Wounded 410 Missing 10 Gen. Nelson's Command Killed 93 Wounded 612 Missing 10 General Cook's Command Killed 04 Wounded 806 Missing 4 1,73 7,883 8,906 Total killed Total wounded Total missing Total killed, wounded and missing 13,763 Aliout three hundred of the wounded j have since died Our burial parties report that I ctiVpeTi twenty-five hundred and three thousand ltebds have I icon found tlcad on tho field. INTERESTING LETTER FROM GENERAL OBANT. Tho Commercial publishes passages from a letter received from General Grant, in reply iiiii inter iiiiorriiinix niru oi tno nature 01 j tllC critic,sm , his management at the battle -. , . 1 . . c . 1 . f . , . v ! of rittsburg Landing?. General Grant earn : i "I will go on and do my duty to the very nest oi my ability, without praise and do all I can to bring the war to a upeedy elose. lam not an aspirant for anjthiiig at tha close of the war. 'There is one thing I feel very well assured of, and that is, that 1 have the confidence of every brave man in my command. Thoso who showed the white feather will do all in their power to attract attention from them selves. I had, perhaps, a dozen officers ar rested for cowardice in the lirst days fight. The men arc necessarily my enemies. As to the talk about our being surprised, nothing could be more false. If the enemy had Kent us word where and when they would attack, wc could not have been belter prepared. 'Skirmishing hud been going on for two days tjclweeu our reconnoitering parties aud the enemy's advance. tne enemy s advance. 1 dm not believe, however, that they intended to make a . . ...... 1 (letermined aitaeK, nut pimply make, a re- .ti'i-.i.,, :.. 1- . , . it.iiuiiiaiiitt.u 111 lone. ;uv iieuti-qiiariera were at Savannah, though I usually ppent the day at Pittsburg. Troops were con stantly arriving to las assigned to the differ ent, brigades and divisions. All were order ed to report at Savannah, making it neei sary to keep an ofliee and some ore there. I was also looking for H;iell to .vrive, and it was important that I (should have every arrangement complete for his cro.s-.iug and transit to thii side of the river." Broatho Through Your Noso. Mr. tleorgc Catlin, the famous painter and investigator of the habits and customs of Indian tribe, has recently published a pamphlet, entitled "The l'rcafli of Life," in which he undertakes to demonstrate that the common practice of breathing through the mouth is very detrimental to health. He says that it is not a natural habit, for -..1 ! ...1 11. 1 l . 1 ! 'u-.i v,o. erea, ea ma, , ue on.ai.ie . breath of hie into man s nostrils," and why should he not continue to live by breathing in the name manner ? The mouth was made for the reception and mastication of food for . , , . , the stomach and other purposes; but .. 1 ' . the no-trils. with their delicate nnd fibrous linings for purifying and warming the air in its passage, have been mysteriously con-. Btructcd, and designed to stand guard over the lungs, to measure the air and equalio its draft during the hours of repose. The atmosphere is nowhere pure enough for man's breathing until it has passed this mysterious refining process, nnd therefore the imprudence and danger of admitting it in an unnatural way, in double quantities, upon the lungs, and charged with the sur rounding epidemics or contagious infections of he moment. The impurities of the mo ment, the impurities of the air which are arrested by the intri. a'e organization and mucus in the uni-e, are thrown out nguin from its interior barriers by the returning breath. The air which enters the lungs is as different from that which enters the nostrils as distilled water is different from the water iu an ordinary cistern and frog pond. He argues that the habit of sleeping with open mouth is particularly hurtful: points out a number ot discastt which are trace able to this cause, aud among the rest, ascribes the early decay of teeth to it. War Items. The P.urcau of Naval Con struction are said to lie in favor of having the largest ships built of wood, of light draft, high sKed, and shell proof; their armaments to be of the heaviest kind, prin cipally Parrott ami Dahlgren guns. Hecent cxpcriinenH. With in this country and iu F.nglaud, have demount ruled that the hcai est iron armor w hich a ship can carry i not proof against cutout h bored ordnance at a tdiort range. Our Purrott gun, with a newly iuvci.ti.! shot, which wcure not at lilerty todescribe, bus sent it completely through a target formed of twelve one-inch iron plates aud a backing of '.'t inches thickness of oak at a distance of illHI ards. At the auine distance. aunt her target sloped to au angle ot "5 degrees, representing the side of the Merri iiuie, backed by 2-1 hit he of oak aud covered with six one inch iron plates, wascompktely perforated by every shot. Iu the Washington Navy-Yard targets aro now in the course of construction, reprrstn the side of the Warrior, the Monitor aud the Merriuiac, which will le tinted by Capt. ltahlgrcu's ordnunce. Thus it will lie sceu that our Navy Department is determined to act in the construction and armament of tho. new ships of wur from experiment mado under its own direction. Sidney JuLcson and Beauregard avow) their determination, in going into, the lato battle to conquer or tlie, Johtuton did one, llcaurcgurd did neither. The fifty new 15 Inch PahlgtvR puna ordi red at l'itt.iburg, w ill weigh in the rough ovir 70 000 pounds ach, and will crrv A ball wiiliinj ovir bOO pouudi,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers