1 "AYEU'S 6'athartio mam Ave vn nick, fbeldn, eiiuipliilutinct Acs ymmitnf 01 At, tilt Jisir system d rith:f'l. and Jem- tcellng. eh cuitil.irnil.ler These synip. Wi2J?t-ai''?l sickness lt.rni.lilH V ll. I OA'S'J nd I'""1'' l- nvsncd ,T Vj J lonely m-t of Ihe rhhl rctn- f :..i,J .!-. Td Ayers 1'illt, and y.---7' fc'i-j .? ,U dentin, nut the iltou del ml Inn J?-?--, .? -7 rlJn.ifn - nt the .IWu "l M Hh II Ml,;, urn to'-Av M.r hi hll --.r; ':Vvfcvi 7 Tln-v aiiuinl.ii.. the t ' r;.t ?'?rj i,r ilie body into I'J ;.llli icm'n. I till. riltilTI'.IS .f Ihe body into vi'.:'.iufl-. no i s Jt " "UL till.. pu.ify Hie ! .aa i: xj-. ' uctions si. HI in uvin i.Kll innl.o Hwic. A cul.l will. s-.tm- Il. lu I I lll u.al.1. suu ira u Its .mt.iiBl l,M.ti..i.. 111.--., ir li"t 1-elH.rcd, rmcltlpol. themselves mi'l His sin rounding ..nj:nns, living arm-cnl aittiavaii.ii, m'Twrinn. mil disease. V l.ile In tin. r,.n.li(l .ll, ..ppr,s.-.l I..V III" dciiiin-i'mcula, Ink Avcis I IIKi.n l I. . di'c.-tly ih-y restore tho lcliin.1 anion i-r ' !s.eiil. .ni.l Willi II tho bn.n.nit rnliii..r li.ail.ll eiriiu. W ti.it ta trite and so apparent In this linal mi l cniinmi e. li.phtliit. In also I"",,'" ",""y lf U." ttf.ui iile-l mill lnns..n-. di.l.-hip.r. 1 1"' win runt iliv.. . ir.-rl csp-ls lt-m. I'-ins;-! by similar ul.lino Unis m. l .l.-i i..i;.Mii. iil..r Hi-' natural rni.cii.mt . r Ilia WhI , ill.- in-" r ii.i.llv, mi l nviiy "f II'"'" im'l.v. cnrni ilw wi'iii. iii-nii". N.ni'.'vli.ik .... lira tiitn-n ..I llii-w I'.llt. will iivplct to rinpl iy III"-!" wln'i' mlli lliig Xiin jir,li'rt tit r.ir... tnl..il "iiU rn.ni lonflntr v'ivl"lmn In ninn .T ll.t ..liiritl riMut, anJ tiom o.lui- ll kuuwu ubllo jkt. tvut. Jom a Pn-w.ir.Ii.iff Htrdntuf 'f.t. hom: PI: , l'-'H. Dr. Artnt V.mr I'llln r tiro I'm-nR.'" nf nil Unit It trout In im-unlii-. 'i'll"y li-irn tat mv Wilt J illKliUT . r 11I11T1.1W rm iin litr lianilHiiinl f.t "ii'i '"l .rnia lnr.ir.il.lt f.r yi-mt. tfor in.Mliw Inn uovii I..11 ijriof .iilr nSIMoil Willi l.l-.li-lie m.'l .linlii lier liin tml In her Intil-. Aflrr mir i-liiLI w.w cur J, llt uliw lilcj -"J ,bv Cl"m"' asa Moitaiunat As m Family Pliyslr. J From ! 1 II- furturiyM, Af n Vrhanu T.mr ViWu nt Ui vi in -e of jhhk. Tliolr pxccllpnk , qiinllti.; tiirtvu. nny cutlnirtlc vi timiiMf. 'ilnsy n9 wild, but Trrv eerrtdii elTfrfmil in ideir notion on ino I liowolt, whl li iiiakMg tUeui lnvtiltwlilo to ui In the ttml tioatineitt of UKuts HeftdactirfSlcUltcalnr1ie.Foul 8tomnch. lYo'H Ih 2'dw.nd fotjd, lialitiimrc. Trinio. Avpti: lcnnnit nnswpr rou nfuit romplnlnta 1 Imve crr with your I'Hh hotter limn to my ali tht w$ tw tret wt'th a pnrttMiw. mticint I phi profit d-'pen tine on nn rtri-ot'ml fiiMmt tic In my dully contest w lth ilimv.Mo. nnl Ik'1u intf I ! lint your Pills altoid UI the bv-t wo u;ivp, 1 of cuui valno tlii'in lilhly. riTVsr.ma, Ph., RTnv 1) 1fiR5. Pn. J. 0. ATr.n. Plr: T linvo lwon vepontcdly cured if 11ie wvrMt knnia:fi nuy Iiody cftn Imvo hy a dow nr two nf your I'ill. It Mfiiit to arite fruin a foul tonmcli, whicU thi-y clean- nt oncp, Yvun with grunt respect, 1T), W, PRFiU.E. ( It rk ff Steamtr Vfurin Dillons Il-ioilor I.lvcr Complaint Fiwitltr. THtrrt IttU, of Ai to JVA' Cjr. Not only aro your PilH ndntitnMy adiiprrd to their pnr t H'i nn airient. t't I find Ihtir IipiipIIuIuI rfTectsui'On the l.fver T. iy maiUorl IimI k-I. Tiny Imvn In my prac tice pii-vt'd inir i-ili.Tliml for tlio tun of b ltout com :tiuf thnn any onu r-ihi- dv I rnn iiH-iilion, 1 incori-ly I't-jvle' tlutt wr'huve nt Jt nitii ti tiruiivv vrhirh fi Wor lliy tlu' coiitiilonce of the j iui.atit a und the peoplo. Pi:pAitMi::T or Tits I.xTcttfcn, XVnfliiitlou. . , 7lh Frb.v1K6tt. Sin t T lmvo md your t'ill In iny ttiernl find lio--i.il -1 jn-ai tli-r i htiii'i1 vmii uin h' tlii'ni.HiH ciuuiut ht-f-iliite to wy they nn? tint In'st mi hurt io w t'inpUj. 1 heir rt-gu-Jjttiuir "lion in the liicr H rjui k nud dM-ldt)d. coiiro tiuvTitty they me an inliiiinill iciiie-iy for derm 15c meiitt -t lh it riin. I it'll i-d, I have di-Muiii found 11 rnstM-f iliif 'ft so luiiunte thut It did nut leu-lily yi- ld (o tliua. iiatvimdiy wnid. A l.O.N .U HAM., M. 1., JVitct'ciitn oj'tlte Mai tue JJ-.rpituh Iy-Piilrry, Dlnrrhoon, Relax, Wormi, J''nun iff. .. Often. ' Ciicuff'h Vour Pi!!i liaVB hnd h lutig trld In my pintlro, nni I Lol l tlii'in iu .lecm ns one of llif best itrcrieii(g 1 Imve r found. 'J'lu-ir nlU -nitiv' cited uj on (lie livpr innKei tlit tu 1111 1'Xreliviil. u tiK'dv, v. heii Ktveii In Kinnll dust's for Z 1 ci'ii ti'jwith r:f an'i iH'trrlitr Their Hi'pfil'-r.mting in vi;o them teiy tu''it:iUu and cjuvenitiit for tlio um vl wotnua Hud vlni Ji en. nyaprpein, Iiiipnrlty nf the IUoo1. JVvm i.t. J T. itttutit lul"f if Adroit Vlmt cU Jl -st-n. Pn. Avrs: f lmveif-id yr.nr rilUvith rxttnoidiuuvv m-reK lu my family and ;ituouj; tluht 1 tun culled to vhit in dint res-it To leguiiiUi (Ik) oi'inun ttf dit;i'tioii mid jirtilty tlio Mood, tlii-y me the very !( lenic-ly 1 ht tver knftii, ani J I'.iti i'fir.d ntlv iTi-omniond lliun to ia fiivnds. Yuiirs, J. V. JU.M11S. Vnwtff, Wyomlm: Ca, N. V.. O. h J, lfiM. PrAti Fin: 1 uut iihliikt j'mir tSlhtirth' 11 1 iu my pnc t'oe, un. I liiid litem mii txo'lh'Ut iuii mive, to cU'nn.u (f strut aud imvify tkt fhuu'-ihn uf U- hln.xt, ' JOHN 0. MLAC11AM, M. D. C oust 1 pat Ion, C'nftt Ivcn Siippresnton, Hlieiimattam. fiont. JVcuralgitt. lrop . lnrnlwin, l'ltk, tic, Fimn Or. J. P. Vtwijhn, Mmtir.tl, Canada, tyoo much cniitK't ho m'n r.f your Pills Tor the cur of mi 'li. If uthiTR i-f our fiatei idty l:ue found thi-in nt elhenrioiid an I Imve, they Klinil-l j in me hi proelHiiu tnif It fvr thp b'it'tit of tho mulliriidi'H who Miller from thut roiiipliiiul, whtrh. nltli'iuh hnd t uvupli In itself, jg the (iroenitor of otoers Hmt nr Vfi. I helievo cm. tn-fuct? tooiiiiiti-de in tht ltvvr.but ) 'iir olivet Unit oi'tuu und cure t iic disciiac. From Mrt, F. .S?k.n7, F'tysioun ami Mnltt!fct fatten, 1 find one or two hirco dews of your Pilln. tnltni nt the J 'Viper 111110,1111' f xcolleiif pr ineiliv.-i of the htthirn' trere-tr-n when wholly or pmtially "iippivie 1, und aUu very .ff-etu.l io dmuxe tlio sfm,n?i nni ttyvl iv -nm. 'Jhry lite fco limeh lhf t phytic wo h:ivy lliut 1 iCvUtineuii tio ttthvr to iny putieutK. F.orn Vie Fcv. Dr. IltuUtf tU SltUlM fyis. Church, Pri-AKI lh Pr. Sitv.initnh.Cjti.. .luti. fi. I;-..G II.i.NOl'.vp Sll: : I hln Hid I- iuu:niletd fjr Hih Vrltrf your ck'll h-it h'-oujrlit mir if I did n-'t rep' it my r-e to "U. A told H.'ttlr'l J) PIV li!i!jHN I tlilk.hl oil tX'TU iiatilif; ntum'-iiv ;'H "f, vhiVh eiid-'d hi crmnc 7ihm f.ii. Notwitli-l.iii'liii 1 hud tlio l et t.f phyni liiui. ll o ddvaRe prow woio und vrof. until l.y the itdrire of your fX'fdltiiit Rirtit In h il iimTe. lr. M '.-lte tir.lt, 1 tried Vour l'ill. Th'-ir fT-cTs were tlov, hut pure, Hy .tfinii'ung lu Uio unv cf tii in. 1 mu new cut.n !y will.' Pl-XATB rtlAMItfR. r;i' ll Pdi-r-, I,n f. PlP. l.'.S. PR. Aych: 1 lme "ulivly rui.-d. h. ynr I'l.N.iT J.fietnr,'.ti: C'ut H puiiltul ditenii' thut li.td Hltlieted 1110 f.ryeais. Vl.Ct.Ni' SUUW.L. ,CJl(t of tTit P'Us In Bi:ul;et cont.ttn Mercury, vhiih. nHletii ;li 11 v:tlii;thn remedy In illul halt In, U the. ori'.i! in (i piil.; pill, fp.tti tliy ilif.nil"iil roimtt. qu tkpr that ft.-tui.ily f ihw iu ii:.viutiou nc. c inuin no nifrcury or mhn-i-ul biilot.-incuithittevt.r. .Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Er. J. C. AYEH fit- CO., Lowell, Masa. K dd hy Kri!ii't At Grpiit.oj d A. W. FiFchcr. Suul ujy J V. On-l'iv mtd C. Crown, Miltnn; Ur WkiicIc. Ml" K.wensviHe ; Knifdiiydt-r A; Chiitunui, Turhutville ; ft. U McCoy, Noitliumtterlund ana hy Utoltr cvtrywheie. Apnl IrCI. ly i'iiiL,4DCLnii4 coLi.rca:, S. E. corner of Stvenlh and Chetnut i'li-cits. T'lit is one nf r.ioiiT coLX-r.or.s, constituti.no the sa TIONAI, CHAIN." LOCATED riiitadelpliia, NVw York City, AlUny, Iluflal.., Clevs- I. iml, Oik-UK ., and r-i. Iiuia. s.-h..laii)iiit .-an be i-ur-cliaiica ut eiilirr Hiut, u.m.cI at all tue C.'ll.pn. TI1K COl.t.KClATK cornvK einbrtcwi Double and Single Kntry Uook.Kee.iini. Coin- II. breltil ltuai,ut:iti -lit, ( inuierciul liiw, reiiliiulihlilji, Uutincu CoircKp.iiKlen.-e, I'Mrtueriliip t-etlii luti.li, tic. 1'lt ACl'ICAL TEXT-1KWJK3. ThtTcupl nig in the B.x.k-Kef.iii(j Department ini". ly t r. ui written inamm-npl fi'imt, witli tual insliiieii .nt l-tur.s, and tiJiekb.':irii elin-iilutHii hi siUIiihm to wkicli. in onlet ki nmke the Collet iatc Ciarspntliiiriiiili and effectual at p-jMiMe, the lollwiiig Tetl-a nikt have Len prei.:ir.Hl : Brjaiit funtton't n.,k.Krepiii, iu Hirer editions Cuiiiiwin rx-.l.M.I, 'lieh feeliiM.I, and c'.nuilliis llounc j lliy. r.at .V Flrutl.m's t'.iniinei. ial Ariili.netie ; Ittv.ini & btratt.m'a Ciiioinereiul Ijiw, l.y Anu.a tleaii, I. I.l). scr.Nci.niAN SYSTEM of i knmansiiip, ins t.sriea.iruiiiel.,M.k., .y I", It. Sl'i:cKK. P. K M'KXt'KR. Ji., Tuielier of Pei,in..iil,ili. ,ij. Vidua inaliurtiun Sladtuta eillel ut u.iy time, llii.ki. Iti-.a uwurdi-d. 1 IV i'm Cmnl..iii-t sn.l Pirenlnrs, full nt Ihe C illive t j.l.lie., IIH ANT, S1KATTO.N t, I AlHUANKi ' l eurunry -ij, iui -i- Plnis.lel-hia. Iftt Ol' Ocalll The subscribers Ink A l.lessiirfl in s nnoim; ., itt.i i!... - ru ....... . - -". , ,. OI.M....I 1.1 n.ail rfra.A ... ,1...,.. X. I. . ' " . ' - '" y.tr, j .o ,tiur n ll V ISI. ,', copy of an important little work, by the bile Dr. Brampton, entitled "The Invalid's Medical Con fi.laut," published for Ihe benelt. and as a warn ing to young men and persons who sutler from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, Ac. Ac, supplying the tueuiit of self cure. The leader is irresistibly led to coiujiare a useful lite with an ignoble death. Reader, lose not a moment, hut send your ad dress for a copy of this little work. Address lbs Publisher DR JOHN H Ofl DEN A CO, 4 A tiO30b.11 St., New Yurk. May li, lRlHinot T'JLANK Parehuieui. Paper Deeds aud blank -- Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summous, Ac. for sale h. H. 11. MASK En,. W ATEN T BKITTANIA S iU P ft Rh" 1 Ji bar bottle fur sal by H. B MA98ER Neatest xcitemest of the ' SEASON t ..,-..' UtllJiXG &. GRANT . -' ' . ... MAMMOTH STORE, Lave Jutl rcf itcJ KEW AND DESIRABLE Stock of FALL WINTER GOODS A very rxtentiv taortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consisting in part of Dlack tin Fancy Silks of ery clmice ptlicrnt. Uucalv, Cutlimcre. French nj Engli.-li Meiinot, I'lain und Figured Wool Dclaiuct. Mujlin Dclainet of all tljlet and pricct. Foulardt, Thibet Cloth, Foil Do Chcvrct. Saxon'und Wool 1'laidt. I .DIES' FUK3, BKOCHE, Bay 8lete and Wool SHAWLS of every va titty, 4c., &c. Gentlemen's Dress Goods, of every ttyle, consuting of Cloths, Catimcrcs, Battincttn, Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds, Velvet Cord, Vclvetei n, Veilings. of every varii-ly. Our stock of bilk and Silk Velvet Vrsiings, cannot be furpansi'd in the cuuniry, J'lfuse call and examine tliiin. CLOTHING ! Our stock of READY MABE CLOTHING, Iws hi'i'ii replenished, and we have a lull utautt- 11, cut ui OVEKCOATS DKESS COATS. Tanta and Vests, Overcoats and Dress Coats for Boys of ail ages. ALSO, a very handtome assortment of HATS CAPS of every t-tyle and variety at the lowest ptices. Our stock of HARDWHRE has been renew' ed and me have now a larger assortment llmu ever before ull'ered to our customers, consisting in part ol Sausage Cutters, Fockct Cutlery, Butcher Knives Mayer Hinges, Dolls and Tad Locks, X Cut Sawn, Mill Saws, Scoop t-hovels. &c, &c, 4c, 4 c, ic, Ac U"tciiMare anil Glassware, f every variety at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Our stock of C-P.OCEPwIES is very fine. We have the best uuality of 4 nip Molatses ever before, otfe-re to the cillzeu ol Suutiury and vicinity.. CEDAR AND WILLOW.WARE of every variety. Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, SAD1.ERY. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ac, &c AIo a Itedh supply of Drugs, Paints, Oils. Dye Ruff,, Perfumery, Glass, Fancy Soups, Brushes, ic. Pellicular care having l.een taken in Ihe se lection of our goods iu regard to quality, ft) bl and rice, we call the ailei.iiou of the public to our large slock to which cousiunt additions will be made. Thankful for past favors, wc hope to merit a coi'iiuuance of the palruuage of the public by selling cheaper than ever. Give us a culi before purchasing elaewbere. FRILING A GRANT. Sunbury, Nollembcr 17, 18U0. IO ALIa 11 lOSt: I3AT1XG Farms, Parks or Gardens, IX CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A rare ch nice it now uforded lo select and order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Vines, t-hrul.lici, e .fioiu Ihe eelehralcd Clover Suetl Nnracilea LocattU Ht ItiK lieater, New Yoik. le.iS-H, MOOICF, RiHOI IIKItS, PKOPRIETORS Who ben leiva to uiuiouues Ihul they ure ineiuied ll.lougli their ijlliil.Ued aud K K 8 P O N 8 i 11 L K A 0 li ,N T 8, To distril.uit their supeiiur stock un the must leitoiiabl teiuis. PKOI'l.U OK THE KE7QTC1TE STATE. ly iv si sol Nuiiireand ihe buiuliful.and juaily celebrate 'r your ll.leMiKei.ee, wealth, hberuluy und tuale, now it Ihe lime to nuke juui s.leelious from our DKHCRIPTI ! VK C tTALOCl V. AND I'HATH HOOKS, Wiiwtt will be furnished you, Ihriiuab our Uvul aeeuls Wy ii'lilxl""'1' t"'"",d ll,al 5'uur u"i"t W1" u huuuiu! i'ui fuillitr particulars apply io ntLlJEMCK A. HOWB, Or JOHN JONES, DviLia, r. Ageui lor Norlliumberlaud county, REFERENCES: Hon. lOni'.NKZKIt UHIFFIN, It. ehetlsr. N Y Ho.i. JOHN UAI.IIHAI I'll, K.ne,'a. '"'- CI. J. K. JOHNSON, MeaUville, Pa. FubluaiyH, leM I'm STOVES- IOR SALE an excellent second-hand Cook-- ing Stove, also several Cylinder Coal Blove.'-(Snuluire at this ofl ice. DENT BY EXPRESS Retailed at Wholesale Prices, Made to Measure at $18 per doz. OH SIX FOR KINK DOLLARS, TCthont Collars on, irlth Collars on f 4 per dot, extra. MADE OP KEW-TOUK MILLS MCFLIN, TVltli One l.lnen Doiwint, and letrrtnl'rt M r"d a Slilrt at told In tl retail ttoret tt $2,50 each. AL0. THE TERT I1EST PniRTS TEAT CAN tX ' MADB AT i KACH. P.'s. Thote who tWnk I cannot make a good Sulrt for IIS per do:ea era mittaken. Uere's ttas colt of on doten $18 Ant thins. 0 rards of New-Tork Mill, tnflriln at 1 per yd. 4 85 1 y'nr.'.t of line Linen, at Mc per yard, 8 1 0 MaUnirand cuttinT, C CO I.aundrvt$l buttoct ar.d cotton, 10c 1 M l'rolit M Total 118 00 Self Measurement for Shirts. Printed illrectloni tent free everywhere, ar.d ta eaar io underatat:d, tlint any one can take their otrnmeaturt foriMrts. lvarrantagoodfll. Ti.eeanh to bt paid to . the Express Company on receipt of goos. The Kxprets chartet on one doiea blrtt from Mew Tork to Kew Orleans Is tl. P. 9.-PAIITIE9 WISIITNG PinRTS IN nASTR.not baring lime to send for Kulet of Measurement, should send per mull, prepaid, one of the best imini; shirts they baTe got, itating any alterations that may be required. t S. W. H. WARD, from London, 587 Broadway, up stairs, Between WUte A Walker Etreett "K1V-Y0r.II-Mbicii 1 tt, iMil.- II CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa r"HIS large and cnnnuoilious Hotel, now managed by JAMES VAN DYKE. It is situate at the Railroad Deot North lyo-l corner of Market Square, Suiibury, and at the terminus nf the Sunbury d Erie snd North ern Central Railronds, and is open for the accom modation of Travelers and the public in general The pnprietor will give his exclusive atten tion, tolbe comfort and convenience of his gueslt and isde crmined to nmke this establishment rank among the first in the State. Ilij table will he supplied with the best Ihe market can produce having the advantage ol daily ciimmmiiiiHtion hy cars direct from llnlli mnre, and also from thoto bringing produce from the surrounding country. His bar will he supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce Ca-eful and obliging servants always in al tendance. Ne w and commodious stabling has jui.t been added to the preiuit.es. A share ol thr local and traveling community most respectfully solicited. S-jnliiiry, January 12, 1K61. WINTER GOODS, F 0 It MEN'S WEAK. Black and Blue Hair Cloth, Beaver Overcoating, Blaok Doeskins, , New Style Casslmeres, All Wool Tweed. Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real Good Cassinctls, fil Mixed Coa'.inss, Super Velvet Cords. Black Grenadine Vesting, Black Satin Vesting, Fancy Silk Velvet Vestinga, Flam bilk Velvet Vestinga, Nice Cassiincte Veslings Iu fact all kinds of goous for Men's aud Boy' weur, mil be found at the People's One Frice Store of E. Y. .Blight A Son, who have just cci ivcd by Railroad a splendid stock of all kinds of goods, suitable for old wealher. Flt'tse call and be convinced. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, October 27, I SCO. HEVERE HOUSE, (LATH KAIiMi llOTKl,,) Third Slreit. ubuve Hace, I'hiladtljihia, HIIOADS ,v SAILOR, l'ropnct..ra. 1 M PRO V KM I. NTS Imve he.n made, and Ihe ll.iuic lu Iteeii .elilf.-.t titr,.ii).i .ui in.oiiMiN V. Iliio.l a, r.iritieilyof Hie Nnti.ma! Hotel CntKLKs Siliie. I nim rl) i.l rkliuylkili co., Pa. I'iilij.ielplua, Jan. I'.l, IHjI.ly U O O 1 A N ) S U () Jfi MANUFACTORY. Lorntrvf Murhit Sauure and J.'inr Street 'pHE subfcribcr respectfully inforins the cili' rent of Snnbuiy and vicinity, that he his opened a Itn.it and Shoe Shop on the corner of Market Square and River street, opposite the Couit House, where he can be found ut all limes ready to wait upon cifVtoiners. liuviug considerable experience, he is prepared to make up customer work ol all kinds, al short notice, iu Ihe latest style uml workmanship. lie keeps roiibt.nilly on hand a largo assort ment of Leather, of Ihe best quality, which ena bles him lu make up good and durablo work. Cull and examine for yourselves before pur chasing cUe here, und you will save monev. JOHN WILVElt. Sunbury, Nov. 10, 1U!0. ty Var! War! War! comi: rnoM the aojit, COME MOM THE SOUTH, COME IHOM THE EAST, COME El!OM 'I HE WEST, Save the counirv und build yourselves homes, or now it the time to get your Lumber cheap. Yes, LUMBER ! LUMBER I ! LUMBER ! ! ! car.be purchased allow rales al tho STEAM SAW MILL of IRA T. CJaEIVSBNT, euixjiiuivir, pa.. Such as Panel Lumber, Frame l.umlwr. Boards, Siding. Shingles from $3 to $8 per thousand, Plastering Lath, Paling, Roofing I.slli, Ac. Ac. All bills ordered, for any kind of Lumber, w ill be furnished at Ihe shortest notice IRA T. CLE.ME.VT. Sunbury, March 9, 16 1. &OLO.MO. HI A LIt'tt, Attorney a4 Law, SUNBURY, Northumberland Co., Pa (Formerly Freeburg. o uyder county ) OFFICE, Market Sireet, a few door east of Ihe Noithern Central Railroad Depot and two di-oi west of the Post OMire. All Professional Business, Collections, Ac. will receive p:oinpt atleiitiou. March 110, lNGI. SAVE YOUR FRUIT Y 1INU MASON'S Patent Sheet Screw T'nn Pl I'sil.' II V ' a d Metal MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP! II that isnecessury being In screw the Cupdown upon the Rubber Gasket, which is placed outside upon the shoulder of the Jur, 3 4 of an inch dis tant from Ihe lop ; prevent the possibility of the flavor ol the fruit beiiig'iiijured by coming iu s.itact with Ihe Rubber. . Persons. Waiting these Jar, ran U supplied by aving Ibeir order with 11. Sunbury, June S, I860. 11. .HilOSI.K, Agent. COTTAGE BIBLES. - pOIt SALE, cheap, three copie of the - Collar Bible, iu two volume, with co. oiDtiUtit. U. li. MASSER. BUNBUltY STEAM FLOURING rIHE subtctiliers hsvino: Inlien pottession of this first clas Vl.OIJRlNtJ MII.U are pro pared to receive grnln nfi.ll kinds, and to do cur lorn work at the Shortest Notice. Cnstomrrs will have their grids ground immediately upon their being left sit the Mill. - As it is the inten. tion nf the firm to stock the Mill a large Hup' ply ot drain, will ho constantly kept o i hand, and flour hy the quantity can always be obtained. The greatest care will he laken to turn nut a an peri'.f quality nf flour, for which the mill ta ad' mirnhly adapted. Strict attention will be paid to the wants of customers, and the patronage of ihe public generally it respectfully requested. MORGAN 4i CO., Ptinbury, June 83, IfilO. LUAZBGR! LUMBER PHILIP 8H U', avacTjisroY, pa.. J NFORMS his friends and tli" public in gene M al. that he constantly keeps nn hand. Uuards, shingles, I. all), Joists at.d all kinds of Lumber rd liuilding materials, which he will sell at the -lowest prices. March 30. 1861, DR. A. W. FISCHER, "FFERS his professional services to Ihe citi reus of Sunhury and vicinity. i mice at trie Urug More, Suntniry, June Ho, ItciO. SHAMOKIN VALLEY POTTERY. 'I' HE subscriber respectfully informs the public mat ne is now mauulacturing at his Pottery, 4 miles east of Sunbury, all kinds of Earthen V are, made out of Itetl Cement Hay. This clay produces the best and most desirable kind ut ware, equal, in mam respects, to stone ware, and is less liable to crack by sudden heat and cold. I he 'juUcnber refers to Friling & Grant, nunuury. Address, JOSEPH 8AVIDOE, Oct. r;j, tMi ty . Sunbury, la. "WALL 1 KRII.ING ok GUNT, at the MAMMOTH STORE, have this day (January 17lh, 1861 eceived a CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF TDK NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS OK "WA.Lt. PAPER, which tl.ey are selling al price that defy competition. Sunbury, January 19, 1 86 1- LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR v, Ash. TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received Jf fr from Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES. Hia stock consists of Gcn'ts Kipp Boots, Youths' Kipp Boots. Children's Culf Boots. Also a variety of W omen's C.ilf ,nce Boots, Women's Morocco Lace Boots. Children' Morocco aud Calf Lace Hoots, all of which he will sell cheap for CASH. Call and examine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tamueru Moroco for sale for cash. WM.H. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, lHliO. NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL GliOVKR ts BAKEirs C E L E B R A J E H MUSELES8 Sewing Machines, 495 Diioauwat, Nkw Yohk. The public atUntiun is respectfully jrquested to the following cards of Elias Howe, Ja ,at;d the Grover A Baker S. M. Co A Card from the GROVER & BAKER S M. Co- Our Patents being now established by tj Courts, we ure dial led to furnish the Grover A Uaki r Machine, with important improvements at yrcutly fSrdifCfri I'ricci. Tho moderate price at which .Machines mak ing Ihe Gruver A Baker stitch, can now he had, brings them within the reach of all, and renders the use of Ma ines making inferior stitches us unnecessary as it is unwise. . IVisons desiring tin. best Machines, and Ihe right to use them, must not only be sure lo buv .M idlines making the Grover A Baker sliteh, but a'so tli.il such Muil.iuea are. made and stamped under our patents und iho.e of Elias llowir, Jr. GROVER A BAKER S. M. CO , 495 Broadway, New York. A CARD f ROM KLIAH HOWE, JR. All persons aie cautioned not to make, deal in, or use any Sewing Machines wbiijh sew from two spoois aud make the stitcli known as the Grover A Sliakerstiich.unlesRthe same aie purchased from (lie Grover A Baker Sewing Machine Company, or llieir Agents, or Licenses, and slumped under my paten lot Seden.bcr III, 184b'. S.H.I i.'uinpaiiy, and their Licenses, alone, an legally aulboiue.l under their own patents, am my said patent, during the extended term Ihere ol. to make and sell this kind ol Sewing Machine and all oihers are piracies upon my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever louud. ELIAS HOWE, JR. New York. Dec. !9. I8(i0. if New Arrival of Clothing. rpilE largest and best Slock of FALL AND Vt INTER CLOTHING ever brought to this place, arrived at Ihe Mammoth Clothing sto.e of SCH I'lTZER, HEILBRONNER A CO.. in Market street, uearly opposite Wea ver's Hotel. Their Stock comprises of PINE CLOTH COATS, Dress ('oats, Over (.'oats. Business Coats, Ae. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. I'nder-Shirls, Drawers, Ac HATS U.1STJD CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, ol the latest styles of every description and quality, cheaper than ever. Thvir assortment, of gentlemen's furnishing Clothing is Ihe most complete ! I heir variety snd style null attractive. A nd Ihe price defy all competition, ('all anu examine for yourselves. SCVVEITZER, HEILBRONNER 4 CO. Sunbury, Oct. 6, I860. rpi.N WARE A very cheap and desirable assortment just rweived thi week, at lb Msinmoib tsuira.of FRILING A GRANT. Buubury, January IS, 186 . A N b T II E ft r A R ft 1 V A L" OtlHIOHLY IMPORTANT HEWS. N E W GO O D S, 1 J. II. EXCEL or Sunbury, a , UAH Just arrived with' splendid STOCK of fll'KINU AND SUMM KR GOOD8, from Philadelphia, In which he respectfully Invites his friends and the Public to call and Inspect, ha will spare no time in showing them. ' Among his stock of goods will befound, FINE BLUE AND BLACK . i FRE1TCK CLOTH, Fine Black and Fancy I'astmeres Tweeds, flat InellS, Jeans, Black Italian Cloth, Cashmernlte, Cottonade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Cheek, and Faey Vesting, alsn a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for men and boys (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Bereges, Chali and Chali I'ohes, Berege Delaine, Berege Robe. Figured Brilliant and a variety of o her Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Faraaols, a good assort ment of white goods, Collar, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. A general assortment of domestic Dry Go ds. Also a large stock of Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes. Hardware, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Faints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Gil, Tar Ac. &c. N B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpels, all the above will he sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta en in exchange for Good. J. H. ENGEL. 8unhury, May. 19, 18(10. tf. II A R It 1 S ft 1 1 o v nr u P A I X T K II , at 3L a U) MARKET SQUARE, t SUNBURY, PA.. June 83. 18(10 New Air Line Route TONE "W -YORK:. SHORTI-.ST IN DISTANCi: AND OUICKLST IN TIMIC between the two Cities of NEW YOKE AND HARRISBTJRQ. vt HEADING, Al.l.KNTOWN AND KASTON. Morning Kxpresa Weal leuvei New York al 8 A. M d Pliiliuteli.lliu lit a M , arrives ut Hulrialmrs nt 1-2 iS r. tt conneetliis at Huinshuig Willi triim oil Noriherii Cei.tml itoau lor punuury, H il.iuiuaiorl, LiH-k Haven und inter mediate aintiona. jMnil Tnun West leaves New Y'ork at 14 noon, and Philadelphia ut 3 ;lo r. m., i-oinieetina with limn on North era Centnil Hond l,,r alutlnns as uliuve, and also on all trains on the tYilliam.pnrt mid Kliniru. Mail Tiain Lnai leaves lliirriahuis lit S, a M , and ar rives at Philndelpliin al I t. m , and New Y.uk al 3 30 e. H., in lime In ti.ke html oretira f..r Koaltiu. fta. Katt Kxpreas Klial leav.t Hnrrisl.ut nt 1 IS. on ainvill nf Northern Centra ITiuni, and urines at Philadelphia at 8 I j r M and New Yolk atr. M. N.ieliiiiiBeofnirs.ir bue.;nce between New Yurk or lnl,l..lii ,.,l ll..priGl For beiiuty of sceneryni.tl apeol. cnifit and seeoinmo. dntion, Una route iieaeiila superior liidueeuieuts to the traveling public Office in New York, f.s.tnf Cnurllnnd street Phlladcl pliln, It.. .ml and t'ullov. loll streets, "nre between New York und llarriaburg fTVK DOL Kor Tickets; Freight or other information, apply to J J CLYDK, Oeueiul Agent. Hnrnsliuig, Jane Ho, tsou y ALFRED D. BRICK'S LWJTED STATES AM) EL'EOI'EA A PATENT OFFICE, No. 3S3 WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia. VT B. Communications by mail promptly attended to. Sept 'it, 1KU0. IjR jtfflFflt '"'e Couijh, Cold. Ifoarsen'iw, jnjiueoin, any irruau'in or Snrcne of the Throat, He lieee the Untieing Cough in Cunsumplitin, llron chilis, Asthma, und Catarrh. Clear and ijive siren fth to the wice of Public Speaker! and Singtrs. Few areawnreof the importance of checking a Cou.sli or '.Common Cold" til us first stipe ; Ihnt which lu Ihe beginning would ield to a mild ieme.lv, if neelected, soon iitln.-ks the l.unas '-HltoWN'S illlONCHIAI. THO CHL1S.'1 e .ntioniiif deinuleeut iiigredienls, allay 1'ulims. limy and Uronehiiil lriitutiou, ''Tlmt trouble in my thmat, (for which Brown's ithe "TKOL'IIKS" ure a spcci!ic) having illiade meollen a uieie wliispeier." TIIOCHKS i N P WILLIS. "1 teeoiunitud their use lo Pubhe peak Hiowii'i lers." IU-.V. K II. CHAPIN. TKOCTIKS.I '.fluve proved extremely serviceable for IH.arseiii-ts " Hiowu's ; l!LV HLNKY WAltD HCKCHLft. i "A'iii st ii.slu.it leliei 111 the tliatressuiff TIIOCHKS , labor ul bieaihuiK peculiar to Asll.uia " I IIKV A C hUULKSTON. Brown's "Contain no Opium or aiivthina injaii ,oua." DK. A A'HAYKS, TnOCIIK.S ' Chemist, Hosloii. I 'A simple Bed pleasant eoluiiinalloii for Brown's jCnughs, Ac." Dll C F B1GKLOW, TROCHICS Boston. '-BeueficiBl iu Itroni-hitis " Browu't DU J V W LANK, Boston TItOCHKS. j ''t have proved them excellei.l fir Whoop uig Cough. o Uiown's I Kf V II W WA It 11 FN, I Boston. TIIOCHKS. ''Henelieiiil when compelled lo speak, kUlferii.g Irom C.ld." Brown's I KEY S J P ANDF.ItSON, &t le.uls. ntOCIir.S. ! "Klfeeluul iu removing Hmiaeuess ami j in ili.r i- n ot the Tlii'-ut, to eoiniihiu Willi Browu't S.ieaUert and Snipers " j Prof M STACY JOHNSON, TIIOCHKS Iji Oraiine, l.a., I' Teacher of Music, esiuthern Femule Colleue. "Great benefit when tuke.i hel.ue and l ltOL tll'.?.. .after prea.'huia, as they prevent lloarsi-ui ss From their u.st elleel, I Hunk luey will bei.f Brown's 'permanent noviiuinee to me " j KKV K KoW'I.KY, A M., TROCHE?. President of Alliens Colleue, Tcilll I fit" oM by nil UlutSUIa at ij cents u box. December IS, IruO. limpl -- EVANS & WATSON S! x22Ju. 3(14 Vhtsnut $trtttt IHI LA DKLI'IIIA. flMU'SK tiufci ure nw in ul ult over the I'nittl Suites, 1 Uml huvtj Ihtii Ustetl ii tliuii) fires; the follnvviiitJ, fhowi a jw niter iimtuiif ot their tii'ibil ty in rcfiitttint; iin; WlTMIvK' IJHIlXikl, ) Mnc.iiter Tmiiiitiii, July J0t IcUO MkK. l-'vANt A Watbis, Gtiii k-iutii : The in;ili izc No. Huliitmutdf r Stil'e Inch 1 purchtiud tnun ynur Hfftil, Mr Ailmii H. (tun, in laniHitr City, on July Vmh, (H., Iitm lieeu uhjecit-il li H very wvcre lent, wfitcli it WiLtikltMsd III u ltl"l tuttlitfnc.ory liitiiiner Tin ftifr, con luiiiiiigt nil my lMks. tigellier wilh vuluahh- (sHpeu hfloiifjr, lift: tn my ir It ai id iiMe t my iieiftlilmiii hik! In em Id, und riftntiMg h vnluc ol ovei Twenty Tln.uwuid iUurs, (itMHKi) wim in niy Mill, which vn ih'kimyetj un the mitht fit t'je J7th of July, l6t, und pnsiieil thmu-jh thehvijr ivfilr-dl nnM.tlml, The Sni'e wui mi ihe h.-im1 di"r, and fell to the IkHsM'iueiit of the Mill, und whs kuhjivUd fur nix hHifk tnun i lifeline lietitHiiiiinK the ruins, wliit-h wumjcrruily iiiertrtueil hy ttttj t'lmihiiitiMui of m ho ice cuuiiliiv t( funin con fiiied wilhin the I trie k will. Aftei the fire the Ssire wuoieiie4l Hnd the iNwki to id uiner tiiken ut hi a tiiln of neileel prekeivalion, the pairer imt even henif diteolur ed. Thin Imt wai, however, to many hyttandert a heller recoiiinifiiilati'.ii ( your Safctt ttiun eould be expressed in any oilier wordi li nn me. Ynun, re rectfuJly, S.IML'KL RANCK. Another Victory for Evaus and Watsons Salamander Safe, CMvbqo, N. Y., Murt'hS? 166(1 Gentlemen It iT'inf me innch .kio-ure luinhmn ym that Ihe tm No ft, (unnjthl) whieli I pnn-himed nf U. tStroud, youi tfivelnitc iifent, hai rwwed thnnitfh nn ex ceediuily hitfiriii three srury briek buiklinir. which liiiiiiHl the 1hIu lo m while hcut, so iht the eorneis of it appear melted; but it preserved my bNkt and vaUi'dtJe milters tn the amount of fctveru! tlioussnd dollai i, lor which 1 I eel lhankful. Yours, respivtfnlly. J N. RLimiDOB. A lurue fcn..ri tncit f (h ahove MA l l-s mIwsvi on htnul. at 3UJ Chesnut street. (Uteii souta fourth St., 1'hiLuil. Iita. Uctober 0 lb60 ly GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALE Se HETAIL. ni'lLINO A URANT (at tha Mammoth Store,') have just received 600 His. of Solar (Iround, Solar aud Fine Salt, 700 Sacks of (round Solar Sail every ssck warranted to contain itiS pounds of Salt and 200 hags of Salt containing one Bushel each. Thi ult is ihe best and slrongas" now manufactured aud iu market, ("all and e for yourselves. Sunbury S.pt., 8, 8G0, lyNDOW SHADES A very fine and cbcap asssrlment, just leceivsd by Rstl. road frem New York, al the Mammoth store of Friling 4- tirsnt. W hsv also f.r sale M H. Pulnsia A Co'l celebrated I'ateut in Coitsm Tuturc. , M. C. GEAItllAllT, Ha returned with a new Stock of Confectionariei, Fruit and Toys 1 Tseerts a If a new age, a new life was open In; upon n, animating every heart to nobler deeds and higher aims! Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek to develops tub timer beauties and grander conception. Tne business world too must feel Ihe new In fluence and evert'part be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on With electric epeed to the consummation of greater thing than was ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevade all classes, and desirous f doing hi share to wards "The greats vents of the Age," the ub scriber would respectfully inform the (Ood peo ple of SUNBURY and the public generally, that he ha just returned from the city of PhiladeU phi with the largest and choicest stock of Con fectioneries, Fruit and Toy that ha ever been brought to this section of country. He i also manufacturing all kind of Confectioneries, Ac, in fill up order, wholes' or retail, at short no tice. Among his stock of Conlectionartes, may ne found preach Secrets, Oum Drops, all k huts of scent Hurtled A Imonds, Cream White, ' I .em. in 1 Rote, Vanilla, Common tiecieu. Liquorice, tive Uroiis, Mini Lrops, red and white, Jelly Cakes, Fruit Drops, Stick Candles, ol sll seeuts Rock Candy, Almond Csndy, FRUIT. Prunes, Bananas, Dates, Currants dried, Ahnniids, naitont, ngt, Cilroits, Nuts of all kinds LEMON BYRU1' of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A uperior quality of Scgar and Tobacco, and variety of Coiilcctionarie, fruit. Toys, Ac, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. tJ?' Remember the name and place. J51 M. C.GEARHART, Market st., 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's store. Suiiburv, April 14, 1800. ly MASSEPw'S PATElf T FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for 1X59 and 60, By E. KETCH XM A CO., "in'J Pearl-Street, New-York. HE only Freezer constructed on scientific A principles, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. The one hastens the lreeziug of the cream the other removes it ss fast as frozen. The most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity of ire. The most economical in cost, asil is the most simple and durable in structure. For sale iu all Ihe principal Cities and towns in the Ui.ion. Each Ficezer accompanied with a hook of re ripes und full direclioi s. PRICES. 3 quarts, $3 0(1 4 quarts, 4 110 6 quails, A III) 8 quarts, fi 00 I I quarts, 8 Oil SO quarts. 12 CO Apply to 11. B. June 2, I Mill. MASSER, Sunbury. THE BEST ROUTE I860 FROM Wyoming Valley to ritlladcliihla, New l ot It, llMllIuioi e, AND ALL 1'OIXTS NORTH, SOUTH j- II 5 7'. LACKAWANNA & BL00MSBUIIG RAILROAD. SUMMER AERANGEMENT. Two Daily Patsencer Trains will be run between Seranton and Noithuuiheilaiid, as fullows: MOVING SOUTH. Invs Phil's .Mail. N. Y Kx. Scmnton, C to A. M. 4 i P. .M Ainveat PitlsUni, d 38 4 S3 Kni!stoii, 7 ui -ju Mitek.huiny, 7 jo A .jj Berwick, t 0 e IU Itlooirtsbulg, a 7 oil Unpen, o no 7 411 Dnimlle, 9 04 p n Norihumberlund, In imi t. t .MOVING NORTH : Leava N. Y. Lx. I'lnl'a Mail. Norlhumberlond, A ao A. .M. 4 I j P. .M Arrive at Danville, 6 04 A 2 K nieit, fi j.i A ;o Hl's.msliuig, 6 4 j f lil Uerwiek, 5 J Q ut Slileksliluny, 7 15 7 05 Kiiipal h UI) 7 IS Pltlston, 6 57 l 15 Seraub.n, 0 -J5 r 15 The lteknwaniia and HI s.tn.l.uig R.-nlroud roune.-ls with the Delawiie, l.:.ekaw.uniu iin.l Wf. eru ftr.ili.Kid, al Seranton, for New Y.-rk mid PhiLi.telt,h,:i, nit mti-rme- dnile poiius Knsl : uls.. for Oreut Heed. Bii."hjuit.'ii. Syracuse, Uiilliilo, Ncif .ni Falls, and all liup..rliiiil polull , esi. a, .uM-ii it eouneeia Willi Ilie l siuu issa Kail ruid, for p.iuls both htsl .Old W eal. Al Nolthumlwllar.d It connects with lite Sunbury and Krie Kiiilron.l. loi points i, eat aim 0..UIU. al. .v. JAUtvSOA, tup I, Kingston, Augil.t !i-", 16l. NKW YOHK LINES- CA.MDKN A AM HOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TliKNTON II All.liOAD CO. '5 LINES, from Thdtiddpl.Hi to icic JVZ: and H'u; Place). From Walnut Si -eel Wharf, and Kentingloii Depot, PlnlaUelphla, will leave as 'ol.'oHt, ii rskfc. At D A SI, la CumJi li and Amboy C ti A Aeeoill- lu.slntica, 3 .j At ti A M, via Cuimlci and Jersey City New Jer. sey iieeoininislntion, . U 2i Al 0 A M, via Camdeu and Jeist-ycity Mornint Mail, 3 no At 11 A M, via Kensington aud Jersey city, Wes tern t-.xpress, 3 raj At i-ji i li viu uitniicn ana Ainiioy, iiceonmioiistiou tt '& Al 'J I' M, via Cauulcii und Ainb .y C und A. Ex press, 3 nn At 4) P .M, via Keuiliiitoii, and Jersey fit). Eve. l.ll.sr Kxpless, 3 or, At 41 P M, via Keiisintou aud Jeuey cily, -,M 1 lass 1 icket, $ 25 At II P M , via Camden Jersey city Evening Mnil 3 1 11 Al 1 1 P M, via Luin, leu and Jersey city Soulli Mail i ti Al o 1 ai. vis i.i'iuucn anil Amls.y Aecomm.la- tion. (FlelgUl and Passenger,) lal clasa ticket, V 'J5 Vd " I 5U The II P. M Muil Line runs daily. The 11 Southern Mail Salurd.iys excepted. I.'... 111.. ..lu.u L'... I.... . . d . ,., .-nr ,c , r .e.i.ii.g 1..11, c., 11 1 A. ni., from Walnut alieet wlinrf aud a P. M , iriiui Keusiuil..n, r o, 1.K1. ten vnuns, Aiieiuown una uetlilelieln, at 0, A Al. via Lehigh Vnlley K.iilriuiil. Fol Wale, liaa, Stroudsburg, Serautoii, Wilketlairre, Montrose, Gieut Hend. Ae., al 0 A Al, via Delawaie, Laekuwaima and Western Railroad Fol Fleehold. al 0 A. M. and a I' For Mount Holly, at A and 0AM, and t, and Ij P. M. WAY LINES, For Bristol, Trenton, Ac, al 3 and 4j P. M., from Kensington. For Palmyra. Delano.., Beverly, Darlington, Bordeu town. 4e., al I-JL3. and 4, P. M. Fifty poainls .a' U. etnee only, allowed eneh psssetiter, Pnsseiifiris are pioliilnled from lukui auyllin.g as il'ta fuae hut their vve.ir.ng nps.tel. All Hiist'ite over tiny piaiuds to Is, paid for rxlra. The CHnaiiiy limit then ressn.ibilily for llu!tg.ige to One Dollar .er pound, and will not lie hdble f..i any aiuouut beyond 10U JJollaia, ex cept b snts-iiil e. 11, Iran WM II GAT.MEH Agent C. A A. R R Co Febraary IK. Icsiu. IIEGEIVIAN & COS CCIIDIAL ELIXIR OF C A L I S A Y A B A It K Prcinied ouly by liECE.MAN & CO., Wholesale and lleluil Cbemisis and Drujigula, 161, 3U9, Sll sad 7j0 Biouilway, New Yoik. rpllE virtues of I'KHL' VI AN BARK as a Touic luive JL lieeu tMi long k.iowu lo need commeat. The C ALIS.W A (-or King's liars,") is lbs in sjl vala able uf Ihe nuiiiel ua valiclies of the Peruvian Murk, and iu IheEUXIIt is combined wilh other iiigredienls Ihal Increase lis elfieacy and at tha trims tune ..vercome the intensity of iu billsi, reuderiug its moat Agrecablt Cor dial. For persona living in FF.VFH and AGl'F. riiatiicla, it will be found iuvuluahle as a pievautive, Half 01 u wine glass full taken mak! aud inoimiig, leuderiug the sttem much lesttubje.'t to the uuheahh) influeiiev of ihtatiu.sj. phera. Ill KF.CTIONS Dost fo, aa s-l.dl, half a wlnrglass full Iwiors hreaklasl uud diautr ; rloslrtu fioui .ait lu lwi lentisaiiii full j it amy b tukcu wna or without bills water Foe aak at this odios. March 17, Itflll A Frettb Supply ol' Dry Good, CONSISTING in part of Priota, Delaiset bleacbet) and nul.lf sx-ked M atliiit. Check Strips Denims, Si Drill, tc, just, rectived by R. Li. t the Mtviwainltt store of "' 1 FRILING st GRANT. 1 , NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth 6tore of I It A T. CLEMENT, NO. 1 MARKKT BTRKKT, SUNIItinV. PA. '111 U subscriber ha just opened at his Weil I known establishment in tfuiihurv, one of tho lies pest anil moat desirable stocks of 1 , Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the place, and which ne will sell for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase goods will ' do well tri call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK. All Wool Delaine, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dres Robes, Cashmeies, Shsded, i'lain and Striped must he seen to form an idea nf the extent and variety. Mantle. 8tell, Chenille, French Wool Shawl Thibet and Broche Shawls. Cloths Castimeres and Satinet. For Men and Boys' Wear, Black Cassimerea, Fancy Castimeres, side stripes heavy. Doe skin Cassimerea, Sntinets all kinds. FLANNELS,. White and Red Flannels, all grades and pries. Bay Stale Sack Flannels, color finest q unities. KEADY-MADE CLOTHING Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cap, Ac, 4 c, II nf which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, a regarda quality, stvle and price, with anv iu ihe country. II A KDWA UE.'o full assortment. Wood ami Willow Ware, tueensware, of all descriptions. Groceries, a full stock in store. Carpet Chains, Ac, Paints, Oils. Glass, Dve Stuffs. Thankful for tho patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunburv.Wct. a, IB59. R0CKEFELLER& E0YER. Attornies at Law, BTr:rcBTm'2-, pa. A. Jordan llockt'Tcllcr and .Solomon II. Iloyvr, respectfully announce they entered into Copartnership iu the practice, of their profession, and will continue to attend to all buxi r.cas entrusted to their charge iu the counties of Northumberland, Union. Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully and carelully. Sj.n-ial at tention will be given to the COLLECTION'S OF CLAIMS. Consultation can be had in the GERMAN language. Office, - Market Street, opposite Weavei's Hotel. Sunbury, February 4. i;n. c l.iiA ti i: is r i ".o v MASVr ACTCREUR IT F I N K 8 T Q f A L I T Y O F BOOTS A 1ST X3 GIIOEQ FOR GKNTI.I.WILN WHOLE H A I. K A A' J) ' A' ; T A I L No 4Mulh I'ouilll Slr.ft, l'liiiadea.hia. C llEKKST. W.J H;;xm.r March ), lcni-i;m. VVnU-ht?M Jt-titliy jit MiviT Ware TrK would respectfully inform our fri.-n.Is, pntr.s V f .nut the public irei.cr;tllv. tli.-tt we Inve n-.w 1-iSpne undoirer WIIOl.KSAI l; AND Kt-.iAll., 1,1 1 1 e I., west C'l.h Prices, n Imp.- u-i.l verv eh.-iee n.K k of W Vi-rilr" JEWELRY, SII.VI.lt AND PLATE!. WALE, of evely variety and st !e. Every .lck,-rn.ii..n of DIAMOND WOISK and other Jl'.VM'.LU Y, miiile to onl.r, nt sli.ut notice All Givuls siriinled to be us lt' rccutcrl. N. It J'uiliciilar atleiitiou given to the repairing f Vt niches and Jewelry of even inscription. TAl r l'Elt ,v HARI.KV. N... (Ml Market Sued, S-aili S:.le, Phda.M1.h1a. Mnrcll ), llitl. -:jin P. MELANCl7TyNlHlliDEl7 JI'STK li VV t KI l; s i: ; K Office in Veer Street , immediately opposite the Public School House. All business promptly attended to. Munies ollected and all ordinary writings done. Suiiburv. A nril -J."). Im57 if llOliY "5oiSE"LT ATTORNKir AT LAW. Ofice opposite the Court House, Bnnbury, Noi-tliumbeiiand County Pa. Prompt uKeuliori 10 busings in H.ljoirii:i wuiiiitica. . HOLES LEDEAI.ER I BRANDIES, VINES, GINS. & C "piIE subscriber having opened iu Tliumpsnii's Brick Building, Mill street, Daniilie. a largo and cmnplete ato. k of FORERUN AND DOMESTIC Lri;I'(iis, comprising the ben brands of Brandies. O-u. Old R; e. Srotch and lr-,li WhisW y, I'orl, Slierry, Madeiia, Chruii- ai,e uml other Niina of all grade, all of which willle sold W holesale a 1 Ihe lowest . ly p ices. Tavern-keepers by btij . ing of i.s eau tav.i nt least Ihe freight. I'ersor.s desirous uf purchasing l:.tiors fur r A M I I. V t: s L may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated ftilicto. Heine delcriniiied to establish a reputation lor selling cheap he respectfully solicits Ilie j.a tronaga ol the public. All mders promptly at tended to. II UK M 1 A II s. II A I.L. Danville, Jul e 16, IMfili. ' INGRAINED CARPETS, I AMFAL'TlRIUi and fir Snlebv M. IVipcr K C: Leilintnill nnd McDowell's lluililmv, Nonli Ea.t coiner, Second and tl ace stie. ts Phibideiplua. COOnS GUAHA.XTEEn. Oetohtr7, leflo. sVf;'V----o sv f s . "V s r . e. 1 V Save the Pieces ! Aa accidents will luipivu. even iu well-regulnled fnini iica, It la very de,trule lo h.ive Some cheap ami eonveiilelil way for reuiiii.g Furuilute, Tos, Cnvkery, Ac. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLITE intent all such ciueri;eiieies, and isi household can mt'.rd to he w.thoul it. It is nlw.isreiiil anil up 10 the sticking point. There is no lonter a necessity for liht hie; chair,, splinters Veneers, headless dolls, and broken eiu.l.es ll ia just the article lor cne, sii. ll, a.,d ..ilier oriiiiiueuial work, so s.pak.r with kidu-s of lenueiueiil and mate. This admirable pi eutiuti n is uol is Id. Inruie cheinieallf held iu Solullou.and j ossesfiiig all tl.e vala.il.le iiuuhlles .if the b. st tMl.inei.iuiker's t.iue. ll im.y Is used in ll.t place of ordinary ll.uellapc. la-lnfl easily more a.lhesivv. 'I'SKFl'L IN EVEKY HOUSE" N. B A Bruah aecompauiet each bottle. Price V.5 eenu. Wh "lesule Devt, No 4n Cednr street. New York Addrist, HENTI V C SPALDING A CO.. U..jt No. d.boo, .New Yik. Pal up ( Dealers in ciisea .-.mtaimns F.eir Kiel!, antl Twelve Dozen a beuuliful l.ilii.a.raphic show Curd ae eomtwiiyiua each MieL;iue. lit" Atinale Is.itteoi Sp-ilJing's Prcaned Glue willsav ten times its Cost iiniunil- to every bouseholu. S..I.I bv all prominent Siiitioueis, Dniaists, Hardware and Furullure Denleis. Iir.s.-ers, auU Fsi.i y Sloles. Coanlry Merehu.its slemlil nsike m noir ,a p;!dillp's prciired Line, when they uiuke ap llieir list it wd siaiul any cluinite. Kor sale at this ollice, March III, Irlill. Iv iI SALE. 'PWO LOTS situate in Market street, in Ihe J- town ol 1'revortoii, Not. I a and 13, in block No. t'O. Apply to WM. CM'Cl.KK. Seliui grove, or 11. It MASSER, Sunbury. , TJSEFI L IX ALL KA MII.IE.S-HE0KMAN A CO'S llei line, wim h reuioies pan 1 .Mjis grease, ic, 4 c, aud cleans ( loves, silks, ribbons, Ac, Clonal to ntw, wiihout li e tligl.lea injury to color or faliiic. Sold by all Druggists, also at thi idHc. ti cent ier boll re. UUV'ai LOOTS ar,d bliOKS, cheap for c h - . . W M. M1T-I.LR 8. Sua ury, Auju.t It IS6P. 1
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