TERRIBLE ACCIDENT AT TUB CONTINENTAL THEATBE. Fourteen Persons Dreadfully Burned. Horrible Suffering! of the ft Olrle. six ornn n oTfitws mskiwo. 1 FRlOtlTFt'Ii SNfi? AND INCIDENTS. , , in " ; . An iecWent of a frightful fatality ftcetirrrl t the Continental Th-tr, In Walnot' street, rhils.letphie, on Saturday eight I- si- From Ihe PuiUdelphia American, of Monday, we make op the Mowing details of tots lad flair : The building since the day- Gen. Walsh, (aheo II was known n the National Circus,) lias teemed l labor under the. Influence of an sileye. While occupied aa menagerie aoma tuna ego, Svunt attache wo na'.ilaterl be.yond recognition hy a, trained tigress, a rnau afterward kicked to death .y a virion horse j and now we find thirteen young ballet dancers more or less severely tiurned. .of whom si are already dead, and two -others are almost beyond eipuclatatiou ' of recovery. 'J he calamity transpired abont qnarter put tight o'clock. That the entire theatre is dot imw a heap of smouldering rnibs, as the old llnwery theatre was made under parallel cir cutnslauces, is almost marvelous. The ply .f the av.niog was Sbskspeare'e "Tempest." The stage was set at the lime of the accident with the Tempest scene the last scene of the first act in which s sea is represented by s spacious green cstivae, over which moves a ship of considerable size,' freighted with hope ful vnyageis. Seen on the stage, a good deal if imagination is necessary to give to the canvas the least appearance, of a aea. Ala distance, however, the illusion Is, as near as cn be, perfect. Mr. V best ley. as Prospero, was alone npnn the stage, speaking his part, at the time of t lie avcideul. The second act opens with an eflfclive dance by the corpt de bullet, whose members were at the time in the dressing rooms, attiring themrelves in the gauze and tarletan that form the ballet apparel. The dressing-rooms Iront upon Sansotn street. Tbry are open the second floor, at least fifty feet distant from the foot lights, and are ri tiMii tiv a Hm 111 ill stairs running up from the side nf lb stage. The dressing moms are three in um in hp r, and coii.uiunic.itu with each other. The iuside was cine given to the ' principal danseuses, the ballet proper occupy, tiff the Other room. ' " Oo one side f the room, occupied by the four principal dangers, hung a mirror with a giS In uukrfl beside it. The girli stand upon chairs before it, and arrange their drapery. A row of pegs extend along the wall above the minor, upon which the girls bang their street garment while we. ring their stage a. tire. Upon a nail nearest- to the right of the mirror Miss ttuth U.ile had hung a t.irlln d.-es that she now desires to wear. She is short in stature, and was obliged to reach far to take it down, lu doing this the airy drapery wus ignited by the gis bracket. Suclt material burus like sallpetre paper. It was consumed like a cobweb, and in a second the gurrm-nts upon the pereou of the onlortu nnto girl were wrapped in fire. Shrieking with dismay and terror she ran acruss the room to her sisters, and they poor girls heedl-ss t.r their own safety, endeavored wttb their bare bands to stifle the uprising fl tines. Madd ued with fright she tore herself from them, ran into the other dressing room, com mnoi ating the flame as she passed to the crowd nr panic stricken girls. Bud to the garments that plentifully littered the tables and chairs, and depended from pegs around the wulU. Her sister Zlu Grst rau to her and wus in turn wrapped to flames. A wild sceoeof terror now ensued MissZela tn ..Mnit...iMlv down the stairs to the stage, when her shrieks.' the sight of mep snd women rufhing in hot baste, and the evident xcite i.t.i.l ih acenes were perceptible by some of the ..ndience. M iss Z -la was caught up by the stage carpenter, Thomas Bayard, at the moment the curtain dropped, aud wrenching up the- sea cloth" he rolled ber in it, extinguishing the flmes. The last grand scene ir the play represents the euchunted i.'u Th water surrounding it i represented l.y a floor of silvered plate glalss reflecting the lights above it. This fl.i.te iu nnon moveable frames, in sec lions. When not in use they are placed the aeenes on either side of the stage In her mad flihht Miss Z-l ran directly ii)on two sections of this glass DreaKin li in many places and badly lacerating herself by Llling upon it Agony more exquisite than site Mifleied can scarcely be imagined. Com pired 13 it the tot menu of the rack must he it bed of rnnvs. unci we come thus early to the relief if the reader hy Buying that by this tune t.u 1. 1. a nnhnhlv found release from ber sull-riiigs in the arms of death. Mil's Hannah U .le leaped from s second story window into tiaoswn street. She was frenzied hy pain, and entirely unaware of the peril she was eucoun'ering She descended upon her bck. ami suffered more from the Cont-nssion than from ner burns. The lives of five of the young ladies, in the opinion of the physicins. were saved hy M r J-ini-s Milliken. oMie Phccmx Iron Con pa r.v, who chanced to he an cmg the audience Mr. Milliken occupied an orchestra seat. Uivining b- fore any oue else the cnuse of the paoio behind the scenes, he sprang upon the stage, and in a space of time incredibly brief he had procured a quantity of raw cotton, lime, water nr.il linseed oil. and had enveloped in the soothing application the frightful injuries seared jnto the fl.'sh of the poor girls by the remorseless elemett. He wat thus ministering to the sixth girl when' medical aid arrived, and the application was then continued to them all. - We sicken as we continue the distressing details. Manager Wheatly wrung hit hands in anguish and nerved himself for his reluct ant task of dismissing the audience. He came in front of lha curtain, explained the character of the accident, and begged the uudieuce tn retire. The people in the front part of thu parq'ietta were nervous, but there as no panic, and lhe retired. The picture upon Sausom street we shii'.l oever forget. Carrying the burned and dn figured bodie but a few moments before, in the enchantment lenl hy the distance, appear jug like beautiful spitits were citizens whom 4-hance led in the av. Soma went for medi r.l aid. others scoured hitler and thither lo iron stores, and eli'il others applied at the bonnet in the vicinity for hedt upon which to (v the suffering giris. The sight we can never' forget. Unllet girls who had slmo.st thrown I hi-in-el v.' from the building into the street, olil.vious I hat their talis sbnet end saiicer sh-ip-d skirl! were not street costumes, moloeis in search of their daoght rs and mil V bemix, pretending an anxiety ihev did not feel, all m .king inquiries snd i rushing their way through the crowd of cabt and idlers tnai umuaeu up iu ineoi this, taken together with the tight of the men bearing the suffering dancers to placet ef retiremt tit, made op s saddening sight. lluw badly the poor girls suffered will be best understood wber. we say that ic cutting way the tightt and eoisels from teveral of them, the crisped skin, like the shell of s lobster, came with their garments. Oil and lime water sod raw cotton were continued si dressing, and toon there aat ample medical sid at tbe various bouset. At s later hour the worst tnflerert, by tha advice of tha physicians and for their own advantage, wera removed lo lbs hospital Tha namet of all are at fnllowt j Hannah Uale, very b-idly burned, and butt hi a f ill from the second ttory window j Uoth Uale. burned, but 0"t dangernosly ; Adeline Uale. burned but not dangerously i Zela Uale. badly burned; Anna McUride, aariouslf burned I Mrs Uernan. badly burned Aut) NubuN, iltgbtle bsroed Anns PMl. badly humeri j Kate It err ', Slightly burned. Pbrrbe Purdeft, -buhl; burned) Abby Wtr, ba.lly burned. Two young litriii'S belonging to the bullet were burued, but uor seriously. ' A joong lady who resides at Sixth and South street. Who does oot belong to the theatre, was slightly buroed. She was takes Mm). Thomas Dayard, the carpenter of (he establishment, burned about the hsods end srius. Anna Nichols Imped from lha platform at the head of the dressing-room stairs to the stage, s height of about 2S feet.- I'hlSbe Porden wat too badly burned to be removed at the time, but it now et the horpital, stiff-ring terribly, with no expectation of release, except by death.' Miss Clara Clifton leaped front the Saneom street window into the arms of s.eilicen, and escaped .unharmed. The heroism of Mist Zela (tale wat manifested even in her agony. When Mr. Milliken was enveloping her limbs to pain destroying applications, and she was writhing iu agony, 'hasten," .said she, "et moch a possible, and give Ike tains' relief to the other girls." " By morning all the tidimt of the tragedy, were temoved to the hospital. Hannah tjale bad lain at Gre.r'e saloon.' Soon alter -the wa brought,., there' her paiu ceased the result of inward mortification. She .was eot'irely tranquil, and calmly asked those present to read the Bible to her. An inti mate friend, Miss Aonie W'ilks, spent some bourt with her, reading the tacred book l'or herself the bad no apprehensions, hut for her sisters and mother she frit keen ' anxiety. Anna McUride died first. IJer mind wan. dered shortly after br reception at the hospital, and at six o'clock death removed her to the land of spirits. Miss Phillips was the next to go. At one o'clock the messeo ger came, aud she ex p red, in the lull posses sion of her faculties, glad to be releused from sufleringt which wuids utterly fail to give a description of. llaiinuh Uale died at three o'clock. A death bed more solemn, yet I.-B8 mournful, is seldom seiu. The tjale sisters have lived to say everybody who who know them a blameless lite. Lest selfishness' in s circle of tislera, perhups was never kuown Hannah, during her last moments, manifested a degree of resignation lop sublime to rt-Btlt from ant thing but sustaining grace. Shu had lived s blunirlest- li.fe, and, dying, she declared that tie who had been her strength in life, was now supporting her us the v:l between life and eteruity grw tliio. The dying girl ton versed as few' people would suppose her capable of conversing, and, as the last breaths fluttered upon her lips, the name of bt-r Saviour was pronounced With it. M rs. Herman, whn appeared in the ordinary ballet, expired about four o'clock.. She came from lvichmond but u few weeks ago, and leaves a young babe to I lie tender mercies of the world There are yet two.who are in great danger Miss Fl.a'foe Foster and Miss Uale. The Misses Uale resided at the liiillur House, in Sixth street, oeur Chesnut. They were the sole support of their mother. The two eldest came to this country with the the Kiinzmi ballet troupe, and were aller- wards engaged .by Laura Keeue. Mrs. Uale cunie I r oui Iviglnno, or which country tney arn natives, wnb the two younger daughters, but a few weeks ago. The elder i.n.s had recently completed so engagement in Chicago. Miss Abhie -Cnrr, ennlher of the principal dancers, is in a very ciit c.il condition. She was removed to the house of her lather, and less is known of her thau of the others at the hospiUl. - .That none of the other part of the Company were burned was hecauBe they dress upon the other side of the house, the ballet being assigned - a set of '.dressiug-rooihs to themselves. ORPHANS' COURT SALE: I N pursuance of an order of the Orphan' Court ' of iS'onliumlierlnii.l county, tha tintleraisnr d whn was appointed hy t lie (aid Court TUL'M TEK for that purpoae. will rxpoaa to puhlic sale at ihe puhlic home of E T Drumheller, known aa the 'SusqiM hanna HonVe" in tha borough of SUN BI'ltY; Pa . 0ii8studav. he I9ih day nT OC TOUElt. IH6I. at 1 1 o'clock A. M.. -All that certain TRACT of I. AN l. situate in Can eron to-nhii, Mnrtlii inVrlainl county, IVtiinvlvniiin, and marked en the draft annrsed to the inquiai. lion had upon the entate of Philip Duokleherger, ilecaiifed. aa No. 1. houmledaiid ilrtcrihed as (i lows, to wit: Iteginning at aioin s. thence by land nl fienrge Ki ratrtter. north fij degrrra east 101 perchea to a pnal ; thence by lands of John C Heylinan. beira uf John GoUachall, ' ilcc'd , and Daniel SSineltz, south r l J degrees, east 173 perchen to stonea ; thence hy laud, of ton heira of lha said John (SolUchali dee'd , south Ki degrees weal 101 perches to stuiiea ; and thence hy the I. me Mountain, imrlh N.l.V degrees west 173 perches to lha place of hrgiunir g, containing One Huuureil anil nine Acres and twent)-four perches strict measure. lha improvements ronit of a good two story frame Dwelling Hnuea Barn, Wagon shed. rVr, dc. Late tha property of Philip Dunklehargi r. ilere.ird. - A.J. H IL'Kt I-tl.I.tn, Trustee II v onlrr of ihe t-ourt si U. M A8SKK. Clk.O.f: Kunhury. 5.-it. 21, 16I 1 sums or bslk rixsn ri rns Cucst: Ten per cent of Ihe purchase money lo be Cash, and Ihe balance lo he paid nu the firet day of April, IHn J, when a deed will I no iv. reil. ... A. I DOCKEFE1.LER. Supit-iue Court of 1'eiuit.yl- vaiu.i. NORTH E UN DISTRICT. 1VOTICE ia hereby given lhat the Supreme Court for the Northern District nf Ptunsyl me nsyh vania, will commenca Us annual session nu the first Monday nl October next. at 10 o'clock A.M. al lha Court H 'use in the Uornush of Kunbury tn A Kl.r 8 t'l.EASA.V.'S, frothy. Prothonnlary'e ofllce, 8unhury,8ept. Hllh. I 1 . ( I-IST Ot CA' BE8 Or AR'iL MEAT. . I Hredihger ve Rice, Norih'd county. Ross s Malcolm, I nion " (juinn va Jenkins, Norih'd ' 4 Aurand va rSchrlllfy, " " 5 l.y. co. M IXa vs r uhner & Co., I.ycom. " 6 l.cwishurg T niversily vs Reher and Musser. I ninn county. 7 Biltenleuder vs 8 Ac E R R Co Norih'd " H DewaM vs H n Masser. " " 9 Clement Sc Masser va Tangart et al, I'mon 10 Jacob W Rimili. deed, Anival, rlnvder co, 1 1 Nor Cen R Co, vs Hendricks, Norih'd co li Mctiargla vs Authur et al, l.teoining co, 13 Kai k va Orwig, Union co. 14 I'oblie road near Aliens, Lycoming ro In thild vs Brown township, " 18 Kepler va Kihling. SnvJer " IT Es'rs. of II Hilbish. dec'il vs Means, ' - 18 Weiliel vs Marr A Grifly, Norih'd ' 19 Clement va Wiight, " 'Ut Sei hler va Bnsiian. Lycoming " 21 Uaunigardner vs Clement, Norih'd4 22 Anunerinan vs Wyoming Can C i Montour 2:1 lilioan vs Duiihain, J.jcoming " 24 West Br. Hk va Armstrong, 25 Feasler va Kiehla, 26 Uhamukin V & P R. R Co va l.ivermora and Malnna, Norih'd " 27 Cameron At Uillinger vs Freeburger, Union 2H Vincent's sJm'r vs Vstaoii s at r.Nortn'd 29 cama a ssn.e " " 30 West Br Ins Ca va llelfenstein, - - St Holiensiein va Auten, Montour" 32 Millar va Casaelherrv. Lycoming 84 Ker.hner va 8lark, Field aV Co et al Fjnvder II Caul's adiu'r va Davis, Norih'd co 3& Clement va Voungman et al, Union co 36 Lewis tp va Delaware lp, Nortb'd co. 37 Brllea va Clei.on, 38 YVerline's adm'ra vs Smith, Lycoming co 3 a Tjler va Phelps, Huilivan ca 411 R.. ad in Millon, ' Norih'd co 41 Miller va Kraiiciscua A Erwine, " 42 Pontius va Neabit, Hayaa, t al, Union co 45 Hursh va North. Chase A, North, -44 Billmyer vs Evana it at. H "' 46 rurgusos) A Belts vs HtmefB, ' Clint a co ' . .. : j-: . i j EtlrsJ Vegetans. So Alooholio Prep. tation. -DR. IIOUFIaVlV D' . . CELEBRATED 1'repaTrd. hy dr. c, f. Jackson & cu., phiiajriphia. Pa. will effectually curs LIVER COMPLAINT, bVBPEPsJtA, JAUN DICE, 1 Chronic Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kid C)i, and aildiveases sridug from s disordered ' Liver or Stomach, Such aa CunMipMiim, liiantd Filet, Fulneaa nr Okmp to the Heed, Acidity (if Die Stimnctl, NavMa, llMrtftttu, liiaanai fm Vtxid, F'ulna or Wright tn lha atoutaeh, Sohi truolnlliHH iiikiiigr fluttering at the I'll of the ftomM-b, Hwiiiiming uf the Hnd, Huintd and l)itBrl BiPit.iii, Fluttrrlii'al tlit Htart, Chotcing or Suffurtl eriioeiioiiB when In tvtns iMiatnte, DimiieM ia' Viaiow, UikiiH well hrfore the mht, t'avM and 1 Tiia la the eide Unr-lc,Chrt, l.lmli, he.,mMea Fhiilwanf Hrnt Muniing in th Kit ill, Ouitunt time isinsa of evil, aM rMt liFprvMiimi of fpiin, and . will p-iuvl7 proem Velluw Pe'vef , Billlnai fever,' . " TlieprodMeinriiicatUnctha aueiitlen-nl ' the pnWic In this prfirmi.ii Jura to with a feligiii)i alm.w Rdeiicein Hi. vinuta nud udn.tstluu lu Jliaduaaaes for whieli If is remnimeiidrd'. .' .", . - i llniin iiew-aud aniriedartiMe, Wit mie llml hns llon me tna nft lwe yeSit' tnsl.heford th Aiaeiienn pih Dl, aud IU rep.ituli..H and Me are uiiriHlt-d hy any ontii- lr prepa'rstioiis rxinnt. The lettimnny in lt f.r sieea -I hj-the mrt pioaiiiient and well known .rhvaieania and .iinjividaale in all pnili of i he eouiitry ii Immrme, and a careful peruxil n the Almmiai!, p..lillihrd amuinily by the proprieton, and to lie lie hnd initin of any of thfh Ani. cannot hut n'i"v the mM" ukrptinil that thu rrmedy is really drerving the grent eelehiiiy it hm ohtaiiictl. READ TUB KVIDENCE. Rnutwhnt the eminent Ulan Mionifactuier, JOHN M. WHITALl., my. of the HAlAMIC CORDI AL. Dr,C. M. Jarkana Retpecled I'rirud : Having for a l.ii.S time In-eti arqunintrd with the vii lue of thy Uulnmie Cnnlial in C.Hlffhfl, tjoldl, liiflummull'in of the l.ungt, c, I thus freely lieur trwininiiy lo ns efficacy. For neverul yenra I Imve never been withnut it lu my family. It alao givra hie plenmneto atute thru I have uaed it with entire uuceu in the ireftment ol llowei i;.iripiiiluta. Thy rtnnilly trulv, JlHOitt "Illl Ai.l.. Fifth Mo. 17, ltM. Knee itre. t, ubove 4th, Philad'a. Thete miiduea are for ml l.y nil retnectuhle Draciu and flenlrrain medielnea in the t'niled ritatee, t'aimthn, llntirii Prnvidrncea and tt'eil Indiea, nl 7A renl per li.it- tie. lie turennd set the centime, with the ticiintuie or C. M. Jiinkfuiu on the wrapper of em-h imttle : nit othera nrw ciiuiilerfeit. Principnl Office nud MumifHctory, 4 18 Arch Street, I'hillirii-tphlrt. I'n. t Dritrinber 14, irei. ty Estate of Henry Weaver, Deceased. Michael Weaver, Writ of Partition or va. I Valuation issued out of The heirs uf Henry I the Orphstis' Court of Weaver, dec d. J Northumberland county. Returnable to November Term, A. D. I6I. 1st, Christopher Weaver;' 2d, Jesse Weaver, who died before saiil intestate, leaving a widow. Eliza Weaver, and the following named children. being grand children of said jniestate, to wit t Ann t.l z Weaver, Cliarlea Weaver, George Weaver,. Marietta Weaver. William' tJuinn Weaver, John Weaver, Ruth Weaver and l.uthe'r ' Weaver; ' the last seven of whom are nun. ns ; oil, Michael Weaver; 4ih, Jos. iih Weaver, who is now deceased, leaving issue one child to wit': Minerv Weaver, a minor ; Sin, Elizabeth Uonltoii, formcilv Weaver, being now iillermariied with William U. Uoulton j Bib. Ccorge Weaver; 7th, Sjarah, intermarried with John Cuthlicrt. Yu'i and each of you are hereby notified that by viitue of the above writ, to ine d reeled, an inquest-will he held at the late residence of said Henry Weaver, deceased, in Nnribumlierland county. Pi mis) ivania, on Thursday, October I IHh. lrl, at 1 1 o'clock, A. M., lor the purpose of making partition of, or to value and appraise ihe 'real vstate of said decedent, to wit : Two certain messuages and tracts uf land, situate in Ituab township. Northumberland county, Penna., one thereof adjoining land of Catharine Haugha wout on the IWtli, and of Philip Weaver on Ihe East, land of 11 arn; an Kline, O P. J'atton snd Martin Weaver, aud the Catlnwissa road on the South, aud land in possession of Peter Haugha wout on the West, containing one hundred acres wiih allowance, more or less, whereon are erected two two-story frame dwelling houses, a large frame barn, wngnn. house, s . good spring of water, an orchard, dec., the whole of which is c I eared and in a good state of cultivation. The other thereof bounded nn the North by land, of Christian and -William Khiane and land of Philip Weaver, on ihe South by land of. aaid Philip Weaver, and on the West by land of Catharine Haughawnut, containing twenty arree. strict measure, more or less, with the appurtenances At which lime and place, you may attend if you ate proper. ..... DAVID WALDRON, Sheriff. bhenll s urtir.e. Wunbury, ) Kpt. J4, 1H6I. TREES! TREES! rglHE tlll.lersielied ioviln alli.nti.in Li their large and well grown stock of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. 8hruhs. Ac-, embracing a large and complete as sortment of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums, Cherries. Apri ' cots, and Nectarines. Standard for the Orchsrd, and Dwarl for the garden. English Welnuis, Spanish Chssnuts, Hazliv mils. 4 c Rashernes, Strawberries, Cu' rants and Uousaherries, in great variety. GRAPHS OF CHOICEST KINDS. Asparagus, Ithuharh, Ac, Ac. Afo a fine stock of well tinned, bushy EVERGREENS, suitadld for the Cemetrv and Lawn. Decitluoua Trees for street planting and a gen eral assortment of Ornamental Trees and Flow- ering Shrubs. Koses of choice varieties. Camellias, Ueduing Plants, Ac. Our stock is remarkal.lv thrifty and fine, and wa oiler it at prices to suit the times. Cw Catalogues mailed lo all applicants Address EDWARD J EVA Ns ft CO., Central Nurseries. YORK, Pa. September 14. I8GI. 3in worn Lit it it i va i, or SEASONABLE GOODS, AT THE MAMMOTH STORE! OF FRILXNG & GRANT. Sunburv, 8rptii.bvr 7, 1661. FANCY IURS!! FAUCY FURS!! Jolin Fars-lrn. 719 Abcb Street, lielwecn 71 It., nnd tih., tils., (.rie 818 Maritt.) I'Hiiaiifiphia. Importer & Mannlaeinrer ot', attfl Ueuler in alt kimla of e Anil.Y Ft'HS. f. Indies.' Misses,' and Chit 5s '.dreit's Waai. lluvnie ikivv manufaeliir. t ad and in lime my usual M..QU vol. im,liu UMI,. larnt of all Uia vnii.uis slyliuatid qualities .if Furs, s'lonted t. tha Fall ami gseSiittS? Winter beaaons, I would rcspvelfullv inuoa au exsmitiation nfmyitoek and prMs fmin ihosa imawlini to putrhiise, as I am ctuibtcd to olfcr went vsiy nssirobls liHlucemeuts. All my Kurs have been purehasi'd foe Cash, and avtda hy eaperieueail hamls, and as the prestnl mourury nouhles render it neeessnrv that I should dispose of my goods al a very small advance m . I am an isfied thai ii waiM be tn lha inlet eat of those who desitn putuliasiiit Hi iiiva me a call. f " Recleelthe naiKe, lianihar and street : J. Falicra, (New Fur anre. vie Arch Street. Philadelphia. Pept. 7, IWI-6m. A TENT VKITTAN1A bar boitlM fur sal hy . H. STOPPERS fo II MASSER 7f F. nrlrtVi V Grnernl Eleiltttii . PROCLAMATION- I)UKMJANT (nan ff thr Otmeral Awttnbl) ttf tti Gtrnm)iiWMi)Ui t4 Potii-l'tviiniu. MtutM un ft rtHMinK It, v4tjrtim "f thu irvniinoiiWMlUi." i'ircn-frl Uw iesmd diiv tit Jutr. Aram iJ.uniit i. una titoopotd mtf huitdrorl mid thirty.i.ir. I, DAVID WALUHON, turn vKttnn (if Uie emy f ntH-umuiicriniin, 1'rintRyi rmiin, rlo hcrHiy nike kniwn'siii) give ti'itic l liiti elrc- torflrM-UieiQiiuiitf RfntMntd, Ihol a ntenil Hertiin will im nnu in mid airily c4 rajiirtntimimi riud mi th rhU'i' l T(Ji;MAV, fHh of OC'iOitKlt, IhOI, at which tiihr Uirjr will vtKtt by tia.ii(rf Ihfsentveml ifliceia imniul, vn : OtM ivf m ft f Frridmt Judce fr Ihe Sili Judii-ial Diu- Twj BBfaufia na AmwU Jtt1if,ir Nnnlmmlteilaiid ' Out prann M Mrtnhr nf the Hrrtjtf! nf Reprraeiitativ, 10 repreamtl ltroiiinty ttf Noriti'imberfatiKl Oneperam Ittr ItrgiH'f nf Willa, KrrurdAr nf Dtwda, Mi Cleifc "f Ihe Ct4ili.intC'Kirt. for NrthuinlxrlauJ Cu (niapfraoit lf I'tmnty t.ttmintMtttmr. ttoe prrmrtr Oiuttty Trrnwref. Una ptratw for County Autlitoi. I alao litlSr rrwka known tuid iv rntjrc hri the placet uf hoMhift Ihe fif-a(ll AeSnlrit fjJeeliini In the anr armi b.irtmgha aiai luwiiabi(i.,witlU4 .Ituicuvni; uf N-f UumbaTHiiHl are aa fi'lloWa : i Tha- Huuburv Uiatnct; crnffitka f .Aha. Ivumiirh f Puiilwrv. and Lmier Auauaia. at the Cimnly Cuurt The .Augtiatn Ptntrlct, ctjmpfel m Ihe tnwiihip ol Ixvwer AuRinia. at iheboutaal 1'cfer Uuttkelburger. in aaid Uiwtthif. f .' The .Northumherlaud li strict, eompoH o( Die bormigh of Nnrthutabcfhiird, at Ihe huiue bf C. 8; Uriwn, o( Iht Iformtgh of iNiirihiimuerifiiid. , Tha Point Drntrict, at the houae of Heiny Haaa, hi the borough ot iXurthumlwrlMiMi. The Millon Uutnct, at the houae uf Mra Sticker in aaid borough. Tha Turbut Diitrict, at the house occupied by Abraham Kiftftinger. The Ue la ware Diitrict, at the linking Spring School Houae. MuKwenaville diRtrirt, nl the int.e Church Sclioiil Home in (tie UMmuijh of AlcKwenavitle. The Chihatjuaque District al the h uetf H. Kordnrnnn. The Turbuiviiie Uiatrici.nl the hiue of Hituin Key hol l a, in the umuhnf Tuiiiutville. The Lcwia Diitrict. Qt the Iio'ite occnpitTl by Hiram Ueyuolile. in the bonmph ot Turtnitville. The tflmmtikln Diitrict. at the hnuae uf Jhn Ncihit. Tho Upper Mahimny District, ut the huiiaa ul J. 11. Attain. Tlte Little Mnhonny District, nt the hotue of widow Ft Rukcr. The Lower Muhonny District, at the hotiae of A. Ilode arntel. Tho Ruih District, at the Liherty Pole Fchnol House. Tiiv Jackaon District, at the uuuee uccupa-d by J.Oulen Smith. The OmlDistrh't, at the house of William M. Weavor, III the town of rthaintiknt. The Zerhe District at tbe house of Weaver, in Trtrvortcii. The Cameron Diitrict, at tlte house of Jamh Wnpncr. The Jon Inn District at the house now or lute of Bcnju mm lacitzcl. The Mount Carmcl District nt the public houseof Abra hum Lerch. The Washington District at the houseof Godfrey B Re-bot-k. The election to open brtween the hotira of 8 nnd 10 oVIock m the forenoon, and ahull continue without inter ruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock in Uie evening when the polia ahull be cloacd. Tae eeverul lnapectora and Judgca elirted nn the 3l Friday ol .March, l&OI, in puriuui.ee of ihe 3l Sec I ion of tbe act of the 3d of July, Ib-iO, will bold the elccti m vu Tueiday the bth day of October next. "That every pfraon except a Jmlire of the Pece who ahull hold uny oUU-e or apptii luu-iit of profit aud tiun un der the government of Ihe 1'nifed SMutei. or of thia Suite, or ol any rity or nicorjMtwilwl diiftriiit wlte ther a comtnii aiiiiied ollicer or ngeut, who ahull le empIoed under t;ie Irgialative, extcutive of juditiiiry depurtment of thia Siato, or the United States, or of any city or anon ponded district ami alao that every menilwr ol C ingress and f the State Legialuture, and ol the avlect nuu coinm u coun cil of any city, wf coinmiHaiiturr ol uny iucorpornled Dis trict, ia by law, incapable of hohJiiifr r exfreiima; the office or appoint ment uf Judge. Inipectoror Clerk, of any election of thia commonwealth, and lhat no InPiiecUir, Judge or any other offirei ol audi election, ahull be eligi ble to any office to be then votrd.foi. And the vud Act of Aftiemhly, entiflr-l "nn act r.-lntini; to the elections of thu Commonwealth,' puued July ttie 2nd. Wit further providea us lollows. to Wit : Tliat the Inspectors and Juduea chosen ua aforeiaid. ihnll tnuctat the reipective plucea for holding tne election in the diitrict to which they ri-anect fully hcl-ing bt-foro nine oVImrk in the morning of the accund Tueatltiy of Oc tober iu each nnd every year, and each of aaid inspectoia el mil appoint one clerk, Who alia II be nq'iuhtied voter uf iiifh d strict. ectio 2. That any frnnd t?'miniltc'l bv any prrivt:, voting in the mauuiT sUive preariilxrd, ih;dl be punished aa aiimlnr fniuda are directed lo be punished by the ex lut ing laws of this Common weulth. 'ln cuae the pcra n who ahTtll have received the aennd higheat nuinlier of votes for lnapectora almll not intend mi the day ol any election, then the perwm who shall have received the accoml highest mmiter of vote lor Judge Ihe next preceding electtvii, ahull act ns mi inipectoi in his place, ami in cafe the prrn'-i. elccifd Judtre ahull not attend the Inspector who received tin: liigiiat numlH.T nf votes, ah-ill appinnt a Jmli;e in hn plate; and if any vucaiwy ahall contiuue iu the b"rd for the spare m" hall an hour ut ter the tune fixed by law for the opening of Ihe frleetimi, atie nuuiitieo Voteia oi uie lownamu, Tttun or no mmnri, I'oi which auch (lictTa shall hwe been eleeled, prevent nt she pluce of eluctiuftn, ana!) otic Of their number to till enrh vuenncy. aliall be thedtufyof aoid aaesaor rcspertivcly to at tniH at the pluce of holding" -If very geiierul, apeeud, or townnhip elcctitn, during the wluslc time aaid election ia kept open, lor Die purpitae of giving iiifoim:ituii to the laitperti're aud Judge, whim culled tn, in rdatimi to the nglit of any person uaieaaed by thrin tu vote at audi eler tin, oi such other matters in wbition to the asaeHametit of voters, aa the said inspector ur jude or either of thcia ahull from time to time require. "No peraon mull be permitted to vote at eny election aa aforeaaid. other thun a white free man ol twenty-one or more, who shall have resided in tbe sUitc at lea t one year, and in the elecliou district where he oilers to vote at least teu days immediately preccedtng the lecti n. and within two years paid atule ot cruitty tux. which si Kill have Heu asaetsiud ut least teu days be I ore the election, (Jul u cifizm of the United Stutts who hud nreviuiiHiy been a qualifi.ii ! volcr ol thin Btute, oml reiiiuved therelrtnn ant rcHutnt, unit Ual liave resided iu the (tirtin UittrK't. nnd puirl tux u fiirttsiii(1. hIk.11 Ive entitled to vote iillt-r rcsidiiiK in thin late ix inniith. rmvidU J Imt the wure tmeniLii, cm zum fl the t inted rstatfi, btweni the kc ot twentv-nne Hittl twenty-two yuur, and ui the eleetior district ten days as ul'orestiids Uuli be entitled tu a tote, although tlicy ili.'tll it Imve pnid tuxes. No nerson shall he nermiltfMtio Vet whose name ts not contained in the list ol tnxuble inhabitant furliulicd hy the cnnnniMMioners as ufoieistnl, unieAs, r irst : lln priKUUTS receipt for the puynteiil, witniii two yours, or h stutr or Mintv tax UKScssed a&reenhly to the c"HNlilutiiii, and pave ntisi'ut-tory evidence eiihernn his own outh or ufiirma- tion, or on the oatn or uinriiuiuon i anouicr, mat ne nos iwid B'trh tux, ur on tailure to pnwuoea receipt, snail make un 4.uth tu thu mi y n lent Uie ret a ; or iwiid, u he claim a right to vote Ly being un elector lietween ihe opes of twenty-one &ud iwenty-lwt years, he shall duife ou twOi ur u;hi inution, that he hus resided in the State at least one year neat twfore hts Unirtttioii, hint niaKe stirii jiroo. ol resilience in lite oisineu im Tt-ijujii u oo uci , miu timt he does venlv believe I rum ihe Account (riven him ileut he is ol the uge nfuruKnid, find ifive Much other evi thnccs us is required uy tui act, wiiereiipon uie imine t-i tlm person so Dtluutlcd to fotv. 1ml I he inserted in alpha-hcti.-.il list bv the iiisiectort snd a note inutle opposite thereto by writing the word "tax." if he ihull le peniiit- d to vote D) r m to n oi iiuvio P1" uuioi tne worn a,.." if Im shall be oerniitteO to vote on uccount ef his ape, and in either case Ihe learton of such votes shall be called out to the cleric, who shall make notes in the list of voters kept hy them. t In all cases where ine namvni mr pirrnun riaimiup iu He is iKt found u the list lurmshed by the Ciaitmintatn- ers aud ssessor, or his right to vote whether lound there ou ur not, is objected to by uny qualified citizen, the In spector shall examine tucn pcison on oaui as w ma quai.n cutions, aud if he claims to have resided in the stale one year or more, mi oaui si; an uk u phmi inereu., oui ne pana piovc by at least one competent witness, who shall be a qunhtim! elector, th:it he tesiileil witlott the tlisttiet ut lenst ten dnys neat iinmedialely pnieedniir tin; election, and shal also himself swear that Ins biiu lide n-sidenee, oi puriju auce (if lawful calling is villiin the district, anil that he did not remove into said district for the purpie of voting therein. Kvety peaon quannea as aioresniti, mi wno sunn mats protif. if required, of resulenl and myment of luxes, as foresaid, shall be admitted to vote in tbe township, ward o r district in winch he shall e-eside. If anypei am not qituiinea to voie in inia v.'Miinionweann s-'ibly h UIW, (except the sons of qualified citizens, sHallsppcur al any place of election for the purpose ol is suing tickets, or ilillueiiemg citizens qualijicd to vote, he hall, on c onviction, lorien ana jsiy uny sum upi excecu iue one hundred dollars for every oue such ollciice. and be imprisoned for any term not exceeding three mouths. II shall lie ine amy is evciy iimjoi, nicim, uiuciiiuiii of the. neace. Bud constalile or deputy consluble. of every city, comity, township or district within this com monwealth, wnenevcr cmicu upon sny omcrr ui nu election, or ly any three qualified electors thereof, to clear any window or uvenue to any window, to the pluce of eruciul election. wiih:h !" w.n-iiu. oi n w.ij- lo prevent voters from approaching the same, and on neglect or refusal to do so on such requision, said olficei sliall be deemed e-ulied of unademcoiior in office and 011 .nuirtiou shall lie' fined in any simi tot less tlmu one linn- drnd nor more llmi one Uuiustuul d'lllara ; nnd it shall Le the dill)' ol the respective counuouu ,11 nun wuiu, uiviiici or township, of this coininouwenth to lie present in ierson or bv deputy, at the pluce ol holonig such elections in each wald, tlislnct or towiisiupi i iue-puiioBa ui picDcivmg the pence as nforesuid. . , , It shall be the duty of evecy fence officer, as aforesaid, wlm shall bs present at any such disturliaiiees at an elec. lion as is described in this act, in rcort the soma tn the next ciHitt of quarter sessions, und ulso the iiaiues nf tha witiiessta who eon prove the same. The Judges uie In make then returns few the county nf Northumberland, at the Conn House, in fcunuury, on Fri day, the lllh dov of October. A. I). IK1I. Given under my hand, at Hunliiiry, this i-th duy of Seplem her A U. Irsln, ami in lite bOlli year ot the independence uf V.M 8Ui.es. david WAl I)KONi aielj(r 6herilTs Oflica, Sunbury, I Vptji4, 1 eon. Aoilco lo fechool Teuclicra. a PPMUATIOiSS will be received by tlie i Boaril of School Directora. riunliory tSchool District, liy lha boarde of Uirealora for tliree Male Teachtra for Rooma No. . 9 and 4. aud one Female Teechr for Kootn No. I, on Wed nesday tba Slh day of Seleniter, wlien tlie allot men t of acUoola will take olace, in tba Pub lic School Mouse, et 10 o'clock A. M. All api'licaiioiia roust be acconiar.ied by na ceasary ceililicata. PETER VV. GRAY, fcec'y. Bnnbury. Bej t. 14. 1861. BOOTS k SHOES, csn be purchased at the Mammoth Store of Friling V Grant, eery cheap, aa we era determined not lo be undersold by anybody. Call end leant the list nf prices for youraefva... FHII.INQ V OR A. NT, . Punt'nry, Jsnuary II, Itffl To the EcTnocratio Voten of Korthnm berland County. 1HAVE bfeii iiiilucpJ to rm.l fny fnnm io bt n id in conticciidn wiih lli iiomumiion for the Lt:Ull.ATUHi;, lit the rosuing Uttiio ciaitc primnry eleiliim. The eoliriiaiiou of nmnv wnrm prnona. frlwiiU in ttoth PiuU of oor roirrity have prevailed wttb me In thia maltrr end ehonlil they -e proper to nominate end elect me, it will t my pleasure, ae well aa a duty, tn ptomota (ha iiitereete and prosperity of my own constituents, aa well aa of lha (Slate and countrv at large. J. WOODS BROWN. TurfMit tnwnMp, July B. 1861. h AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the Orphan' Covrt vf Northumberland 1 -County: ' n the 'matter of tlie final account nf William t. Hewarti GuarfJian nf Mary C Mfllirk t THE nndfrwgnrH Auditor,' appointed by eald Ootjrt to aftile and adjust Mid-account, will alLer d for that purpose a hie nrfire, in Sunbiiry, or.'Tuesday, tho 91 ih day of September. IH6I, when all perione rule rent ed may attend, if they think proper.- H ARIMH PAIjNTER, Auditor. ,; tjunhurv, Atipusti4, IPC!. AUDITOR'S NOTICE." Martin K. Itarhman. una In lha Court cl fur the use of Abraham i Cominnn Picas of Uuhncr V NorlhumlaTlaixl Co. s. Van. Kx. Ne 38- Henry Vris. ' J August Term, IH6I. Notice is lierrtir (tivsn that tha tinuVrsignnl Autlitor, ai pninlsil l-r ihe snid Conrt lo tlistritule the monies in Uutt. in thr shove rase, vill atlrnrt fur lhat miriinse at his ollirc. in Kunhurr. on Tuesday, Ihe Klh tlay ' October runt, when all (lersuns inleresieil may atierul. If lliry think proper. u lima rAi. i r-ii, Aimiior. Suiilmry, August 34 ISCl. The Great Cure for Consumption. If you have a rnld. use Wishs't's Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! If you hsve acooRh, use W Mian's Pine Tree Tar Cordial I If you have Asilmtn, ttsn Wishart'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial 1 If you have Sore Throat, use Wishnrl's Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! Ifyou have Iironcltiiis, use Wishart's Pmc Tree Tar Cordial ! Ifyou have Consumption, use Wishnrt'e Pine Tree Tar Cordial Wishart'a Pine Tree Tar Cnnlial is an tinfail ing remedy for tlisensc of llie Kidnrvs, Crinsry ( omilaiiits, Ulind and Dlcedins; Piles, Nervous Del'ility, and for Femule weakness aud Irregu laritiis. The well known efficacy of Tine Tree Tar in Ihe cure of external affections or Mores, pointed it out ns the Natural Kemetly for what Physicians call Tuliercijlnr 111eclioiis(thnt ia to say. Pores) upon the I. nuns. It irmaiited to discover the best means of application, which discovery has been made, ns a thousand testimonials prmo, by I he Proprietor of Wishnrl's Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! Ifyou have DVMPKPrjlA.'uae WUhan's (ireat American Dyspepsia rill! A sure etna Warranted fur one dollar, or the Money liefundud ! I! i.y a lnx and lake lliem acrordins tn dirrc lions, and if they do not cure you, the money will be returned. Agents Win. Wcimer, Northumberland A, W. Fischer, ftinbury. Call at either place, and get a do-ciij'tivo Cir cular. I.. (J. V,. Wishart, proprietor, No. 10, North second, rhtlnlelpliia August It), IHCI. Iv STJNBUilY STeXmItERRY" A N I) T n w I N (I 11 O A T C O M P A N V. flRAVKI I.EHS and others are respectfully inforincd thai the subscriber, in order to nc commodate the nublic and facilititle travel, has reduced the ralea of ferriage a' hi STIC AM PEKKY, over the Surquelianna, at SiihIuhv, nud will carrv Passengers, Horses, Catrincrs, and other vehicles, at the following rates, viz : Foot Passenger, each A cents, Horse snd Kulcr, IA " Horse and iucpy, S.S ' Two-Horse Conveyance, 49 " Farmers and others, wishing to transport Coal and Produce, can malic arrongenieiila at still lower rales. A large, rafe nnd commodious Slpamhoat will rnn regularly and promptly al all hours of ll.e dav, and lo accommodate those w iio desire to at tend Ihe Churches at ISunhury and Seliiiei;rovc the Uoat will run on Sunduy. The cttesmhoat will run from Market Slrjet Warf, and promptly convey Passengpra liom both sidea of the Itivcr, without delay. 'i'hc St.esm Ferry now stl'ords not only a safe and convenient transit over the unueueiilia, but also a pleasant anil agreeable rule. HA T. CLEM EN "P Lessee and Proprietor iSunbury, May S.r, iKfil, A Good Chance for an Enterprising Man r";PHE subscrilwr wauls a partner in the Msr 1 b!e businera. a enher uerserveriua man who can sneak both the English and (ierman lani.a gcg, to one that will suit, no cash capital reijuired. ror patticulara mnuire of JOHN A.TAYLOK. Norlbumlicrland. Aug. 3, l6l 3m BLACK SILK COATS. li ired Mantles, I'oplin Dusters, French Suqors, hilk Husqiiincs, Newest Designs. R eadv Made, or Made to Order. COOPER & CON AUD, N E. Corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia. Mav IM. IhUl. TO THE VOTER! t)K NOKTHl'MUEH- LAND COUNTY. Fellow Cilitons ! I offer myself lo you as an Independent Ciiion Candidate lor REC.1STER AND RECOROR. Should my ellow citiier.s see proper to ie me msi'iritv nf their voles. I iileilaa myself to a faithful ptrlormanre of Iheir duties ot the oll'ue. PETER W. GRAY. Sunhury, August 17, I 6 1 . S. L. 15ERGSTHESSEH, PHOTOGBAPIIIC ARTIST OHO'l'OfiUAPHS, AMUROTYPES. and all - Ihe modern at) le of Ptclurea, cieculod in a superior manner. T Rooma in bis CAR, Market Square, Sunhury, Pa. August 10, 1 8 1 . Assessors- r"II!' Assessors of Norlliiimberlanrl Conn. A t y. vbusa business ilia to n.ako tho tri eunial asesstneot, are. hereby notified that Ihe books for that purpose, are now ready for do- livety at thu Coiuunssiooers Litlica. a. ii. juuuaix. Commissioners' OHlce, 1 Kuobury, Ang. 24, 'Cl. To the Voters of Northumberland County. IELLOW CITIZENS i From Ihe encour - agetnent I received from different parts of the county, 1 offer myself as a candidate fur lha otiice of ASSOCIATE JUDGE, stitject to the ussges of Ihe democratic rarty, and if elected, will perform tha duties justly aud im partially to the beat of niy ahiliiy. ABRAHAM 8HIPMAN. Lower Augustk lewiMhtp, iune Vtb, !!. . "g"' g) " Taxes ! Taxes I Taxes U llnar.l of Hch.ml Direddra ad 8i,rvl - aora of fonds In townsliips where Unseated Lands are situated, ara ierety reiuealeil le fa nish tha Commissioners of Morltiaiaiberlanal county, with Ihe rat pet rent for Uia yeas IbOO l, on f chiKil and Kuad Tas 1. JORDAN. Clerk. Ccmmiasioner't olHre, i" Hunhury, July 7, '61 . . .'IHE LATEST 8TYLE OF SPRING AND SUMMER . GARMENTS, ARB CONSTANTLY IAE at the ." Fashionable . Tailoring' Es'tablishmeclj JACOB O. SEC ir MArket elirrt, Kl'KltUlt V, Va. THE subscriber lias just recoived and of snej rpe assortment tntlMl AND 8'M MBRCOODrt, suchss CLOTHS, OP EVERY DESCRIPTION A QUALITY. Plain and Fancy Caisimeres, Vesting. &c. uf the latest styles. In addition tn his stock he is constantly receiving new supplies from Ihe city keeping a full assortment of the most suhslsnlial and latest style of Goods In the rily markets. He is prepsred to mske to order all kinds of (rntlcmeii'a and A'oy 'swear, aiir.ti as UREHS COATS. t'ROCK-COATf. BUS! NESS.COATH. VESTS PANTA .I.OON. Ac. Ac. of the ver latest style, and in tha most subsist!- tial rmmner. at short notice. Any Goods not on hand, will he furnished from l'iiildelpliia,by giring two Jay's notice. I v i. all anil esainine niy stock, co charges made for showing. IACOB O. BECK. Snnhury, May It. IRlit JOHNS &.CR0SLEY, SOL': MAM'FACTl'RKRS OF THE IMPROVED GUTTA VECHA CEMENT UOOFINO, The chwipMt And mint dnrnMr Ritnfmg Iuum. IliiFlfC nnn nier r root. It enn tr dnniied tn tif.w and nld Roofg nf all ltindi. nd to Shingle Kim if without remuviu; tho thing in. The Cost is only abont One-Third that 01 lin, nnd it is twice as Durable. GUTTA PER Cll A CKMKNT, For nrfwvine and rent. mug Tin nnd other Metal Rcnfi of every deter i pi ion, frmn its great el.iMiciljr, ii imt htjured hv the citntniciion nnd rxpnuioii of mt'tuli, mid will not cinck in cold or run in wnrm wenther. I hete tnnteritim hnve men -thnrniishly tiMed in Sew York niul nil purl nl' the Southern unit Wmtern 8lnt', and we cmi give anuiniiint.piojfuf uli we cIhiui tn Uitir fa vi r. rhevnre rpinliir npiified bv or innrr laborers, at trr fling expviiM. IJ i Iff Ivr.t L I It r.U. ' .These mfilrrin)inTe put up rui for une. nl for thir' ping tnttll pnrtatjf the ounlry, with full printed dircvl ont for tippliration. l ull descriptive oirmnTi win inniniifi on uppnrn- tlnn by mnil r in person it .nr I'rincipHl Office mut Wart. honw 7H WUsl.sAM STREKT, (Curur uf Lilwtty Mreet,) New York. Anzxm Wasikd' TermiCnh: ! Jim 1,161 ly The Best Military Book ever Published NO'.V READY. BAXTER'S VOLUNTEER'S MANUAL Containing foil instructions for fh RECRUIT, in the Prhnola nf tha Soldier and Kqnad, given in the most Simple Stylo, and all the information necrssnry fo. tho forniinp ot CORPS OK HOMfi (iUMiltS. llli'siritted with over 1 00 en?mvini!, dtowing the Ljflerrnt Pos lions in the tarings and Manual ot Arms, anil complete dirertiona rrlalive to Loading and Firing. Arranged ac cording to SCOTT'S SYSTEM fF INFANTRY TAC TICS, And in conformation with the army require- menu for the present War, hy l.t. Col. V. XV. C. H A. I r.K, of thn National Guard. THIS TOOK 1 OFFICIALLY AI'PROVf:D OF. The instructions given are of the ereatest im portance to the rew volunteer, nnd should he thoroughly understood, being 'indispensable to Ihe instruction of a company. Dourtd in one volume. 12.no., fSS pages. Paper Cover, price 85 cents. Flexible Cloth, 38 cents. The Same Work Is also ptildhdicd in the Oetinan Language, at the same price, and is the only (ierman Hook of American Tactics pub' lulicj in tltt United Mates. Agents nr.it Cam-assert Wanted. To engage in the sale of this Work, in every City, Town and Village in the country. Prtie per Dozni Copies, . $.t-0 fifty .on ' Hundred" 15.U0 All orders accompanied with the Cash will he dispatched immediately, either by posr or express. If ordered by post, Stamps mast he enclosed lo pay postace. If by express, the freight can be paid on delivery. SONG FOR THE VOLUNTEER. The Citmp-Fire 'fompanion. A New and Original Collection of Military and Patriotic Kong; adopted especially f r Ihe present Campaign. One vol. 13m. W ita li lustrationa. Paper cover, 15 eta. Flexible Cloth, 55 els. ISingle Copies of ihe above Rooks MAILED FUEL OF POSTAGE. To any address in the United States, upon re ceipt uf the price, by KiNU & BAIKD, Printers and Pu1.lii.hers. 6U7 hsssoM 1ST., Philadelphia. To whom all Ordera should be addressed. May 1 8. I KM. tit A K E O E et. Rich Fisured Uaregea. 19, 25 and 31 cents. Barege Rooee. 9:) M), 4 tin aud $5 00, Mosambique Kohea at $8 On, Traveling Dres Goods, Bhephard'a Plaids, Mohair Plaids. Gingham's, Lawns. Prints, Chillies, Grey Figured Goods. COOPER A CONARI). 8 E corner Ninth and Ma. set, Philadelphia N D.-f-Uesl quality Hoop Kkirts, 84 cents U. 'lh. May 18. IKCI. JAMES JJAllBEH'B Vt llOl KSAI.K. ANU KETAIL CLOCK ES TA Ii L IS HMENT, S. E. Corner Secnnd and Chtstnul its , 1'lillmltlpltht. ACKNCY fur tl.K PATKXT LtjI'AI.IZIVtl THIRTY VAX CLOCK?, a rwy oi'souole arto ls for Cnurou es, Hotels, Uatlks, t.'uut.tlMR Houses, PuiIits. 4tu. l, Miimifii.tur.. FINK UOI.D I'KNS. . Cl.rks riHortHl sod wurrat.lrd. i'ssk i'iiii.ioiii:s ..I cv-ry dMHHi.ti-ai. Pl..lsilri?liiii, J.iiins.y 10, tHil..-ly MANHOOD. HOW LOST. HOW BKiiTOKKU, JL'fT PUaUSDED IN A SF.ALF.t) KNVKLOPK t A I .F.PTl' B B oil the Natare, treatment, ami Its.tieal Curs4" iHlilistorihirs. ol rVwii.al VaK..esul lie. I..IUV, Nrv.us.ies a.sl iuvi.iut.turr rn..l"..s. .r.sl.ui iiup.lrl. y, Ci.l.sulliplion and M.i.lola.id IMiyslciilUaWlity. Ily ROIiT. J. CTLVKHW KI.L, M I., Tha itop..rtatit fnrt that the awful c"i.sr.iuruca if slf. alius may I at ed'oelually relieved wiiliisu niiernal uikIi. cn.es or tha aanseioua app!i9ati.iM"i i-austiea, lustra i.iei.is. inedirated lus., u. d .'iLor ni.ititi.l dev.sts, ta hersclwrlydetinasliatl. and the entirely iifw a.id hl.ly sueccaslul truiliue.il, as ad..l.lrd l.y the eelcl.roled author lull' eaidaiimt, l.y iiwois .a whwh every a.s is e.iab ed toeurs hltusetl aerfeetlt . aud al lha teasl p.auibU Ihrrehy avtudnia all lh advertised alrama of las day. Tnis lerruts w.U proves h.i to tl...usBmlssMd lls'usi.iuls sinit a.tdei a. at. ia a plain rnv.'k'ps, a. any arfdiess. n.s rai.1 on lh imil ( two p.iaae slsmrs. t.y wMicasituj. M CH.J -.KliNr:, U7 ik-wery Mrth'lt.Wl A(..l Ml.-ts y' IMPORTANT TOI.OVER3 OF C3 (D CDtD 'O JJ3J fi BRIGHT A; SUN. Inrilc aUcntion to their Stock of rrlmyOrecn tnJ Black Tea. Jotia IK, litOI. SUMMER GOODS ! AT PRICE TO SUIT THE III If, E. V. BRIGHT St SON, HAVE RECKtVKO A LAPaGE STOCZ OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS. HANDSOME, DTJB A 13 Xj E A .V D GC2 H22C Ell .Sa,. ."EST GREAT BARGAINS AND Splendid Inducements TO AT THE ONE PRICE STORE, 0F . E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunhury, June IC, IS6L J . A . CRANDALL'S PATENT SPRING HORSES 473 3HOAJD WATT, NEW TTOIIK. Should be iu every family, School. Gyranasi- : nn, Asylinn. and Hospital in the land. Are not DANGEROUS, like the common Rocking Horse. . Stands firm nn its Pedestal, will not wear CARPETS, and has no Rotkers to injure ihe Feet. Health and happiness in the same saddle. " N. P. WUlis FROM THE "HOME JOI RN.4L." "Of all the child fuTinlure.we have ever sresi no arlir'e combines so much of those tuo iu.por taut ll.incs bealih and haiii.iiit'sa aa the Ail. ! justal'le i'alet.t Steel Spring Saddle Horse, In tel. ted hy lease A. Uraiidall, It ia not danger. (.us, like a n.iiimnn rorking-uurse, to cniliireii a feel, cannot l upset, does not wear carp- tt, hm stands firm on its hase, and ila action is ao like the gallop of a live horse that Ihe child never earn s of ii. This .ateat of child-novelties is ex eyediusly eh'gant and artistic iu design ; and so s'diiislal.le, sul.-isi.U.il, and durable, lhat il will 1 last a lifetime It ta iiid.spental.la in every family where there are children. II ahottld I,m in every primary ach'.id and gymnasium in lha country, as it ran be made large and sirui.g jnougb lo sustain grown persona. Aa a pedt sul for photographic pictures, nothing la more heauti ful.' "Every Oiphan Asylum snd Intitutian hrr children are congregated, should be furnisher with a number ut these beautiful arnica They are filled with side-saddlea when required.," riRHCTIONS FOR ADJUSTING. Opei the after part of the'baae auHi.'iaiilly ta allow lb axle lo go in ila pi ice ; theu raise or lower th llorie tu suit you. Screw the holts in the an1 vers light. Cy Tbea Horses, are W ARRAKTED cu year. ' March H, DC,.- If
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