To The Feople Of Northumberland County. We are living amid rebellion! and rer. rdolioD, nod tbe Nation and titata hate bees, and are, shaker, from centre to circunv fereoce. Men of the most nnquestioned for' titude and patriotism Igok opoa tbe pad with astonishment, aod Upon the futre with deep anliely. A formidable conspiracy ulsts io one-third of tbe State of tbe Union, baving far its avowed purpose tbe destruction of tbe unit and Integtity of tbe best government tbe world bas ever seen. A self-constituted dictator chosen lo direct violation of the plain provisions of tbe Constitution of the United States leads the banded traitors aod cotopirators oo tbe field of battle, end is fust emerging into the military despot. Fowirful armies back the usurpations or this military leader, and threaten the Capture of your National Capl' tul I In tbe prosecution of bis designs tlicy bave stolen four forts aod arsenals pillaged jour national treasury robbed yoor mints captured your vessels on the biph seas flred upon your garrisons trampled yoor glorious flag under unboly feet defied your strength insulted your manhood, and murdered yuut brethren by tboosaudsl Virtue, liberty and patriotism the blood of your murdered brethren a Constitution violated, and laws set at defiance all appeal to you with trumpet tongued eloquence to rise io your majesty and strength aud by act and example to aid tbe government io crushing out tbis borrid rebolliun. Are you men? tben strike lot the unity and integrity of our blood bought coolederacy I Are you pat ri ots 7 tben fuller not iu the path of duty in this dread hour ol danger aud peril I Your government Deeds tbe earnest support of every loyal beart, and tbe hearty encourage' merit of every patriotic citizen. Conceiving it to be tbe impeative duty of every man to opbold tbe Government which defends bis rights, and shields bis person aud property ftom oppression and violence, we therefore invite tbe loyal people of Northum berland County to unite as one party io the approaching election, and choose good men and true without reference to former party names or organizations, who are willing to sustain tbe national Government, and strike for "the Union tbe Constitution and tbe laws I" In tbe armies of tbe Republic men of every political faitb stand upon tbe Geld of battle man to man, and shoulder to shoulder ! Is this tbe lime, tben, Tor their brothers and friends at home to separate, divide end quar rel about tbe distribution of a few pullry offices t It is said "that Nero fiddled while Koine was burning 1" Shall we the descend' auts of Revolutionary patriots, imitate bis bad example, fighting aod grumbling while, the Government which they lounded at the price of their lives, is tottering before tbe assaults of conspirators and traitors ? If not, tben let os throw oside party feel ing and prejudice, and rising to the Indignity of patriots, demonstrate to tbe world' that we bave a government fit to live for, and if necessary fit to die for I For, nulese the fact be established that we have a government capable of sustaining itself against enemies from without, and traitors from within, it will be of little use to quarrel about tbe spoils of uiueei r or, in a very snort time you will bare oo offices to fill by tbe suffrages of a free people. If you ooce divide Northern sentiment in this struogle, the death knell of liberty is tolled 1 t ratricidal war is inaugu rated at borne, aud tbe scene of tbe conflict is changed from the desolated plains of Vir ginia to the peaceful soil of your own beloved btate ! Tbe danger is imminent and threat ening Sympathizers with treason are crow ing bold aod insolent in tbe proclamation of sentiment laiui io toe tuiure existence ol tbe Republic. Pensioned presses labor with uuunug zeai io poison toe minus ol the peo ple against our civil and military officers, and to Induce a humiliating submission to tbe foulest oligarchy tbat ever plotted treason I J be trntb ol tbe matter is tbis, in tbe Ian gnage of tbat veteran democrat and stales' tn an, Lewis Cass, "be who is not for the country is against her. There is no neutral position to be occupied. It is the duly of all zealously to support the Government in all its efforts to bring this uubappy civil war io aspeeay conciusian." aii, luereiore, wno leei inclined to join in this movement for the solidarity of popular sentiment, to sustain tbe policy of the national government, support the Coostitu tioo, aud maintain the supremacy of tbe laws, will meet io their several places fnr holding elections in toe aitlereot Townships through out the county, oo Saturday, the Ttb day of September, and elect two delegates from each lownship, one a Democrat and tbe other Republican to meet in joint Convention at Sunbury oo the Olb day of September next, to nominate candidates for the several offices. Joseph Weaver, m. P. Witbiogton, A. R ribke, b, A. Clark, Geo. Schall. P. S Vanhorn, Jooas Strine, Abm. Lprch, Charles ti. Boyer, John lerr, .Solomon Weary, John rioyer, M ichael M. Sober, Jobo Gillinger, "Wen. H. Mueneh, Wm. Furrow, Benjamin Katerman, Joseph Hoover, Joseph Scott, add). LcKtrnm, Daniel Hi roe, Andrew Soy der, Joseph Groves, Win. Sherry, Daniel K Kebres, VVm. Kempbell, Geo. Sherdel, VVm W eist, Uenj. Strickler, S. U. Rotbermel, D. KaKer, i'uniel Keitz, f eler Horel, C. S Weiser, J. S. Stewart, Andrew Ditty, John Bingaman, Geo. tassold, Peter Snyder, Hen ry Reun, Uenj. Hoover, Jacob Seasholtz, Philip Renn, J. 11. Zimmerman, Charles Pleasants, w. I. Oreenougb, Geo. li. Young man. Geo. bright, Jobo Haas, John W. 1-riling, Benj. Hennricks, W. C. Lawson l rank iiound, 8. If. Clark. J. F. Caslow, W. Hull; W. r . Nag'., Win. McCleery, S. Cad waludef, Jolio AlcUormick, D. Ludwig. S. NcNiocb, V. 11. liogle, S. Carotrou, R. M ltuaaeii, v. it. tollBier, Fred. Piper, S. Shannon, D. Marr, A. 1. Disel. M. Chamber lio. Joseph Sharpies, f. II. lloflinuo, John Uerger, Josiah Reed, C. 15. Smith, Alfred l.yon, D. U. oris, David Taeart. John A Taylor, Henry WenckV Jameg McGregor, D M. uiautigam, John U. Hopewell, W. P oris, Peter Hanselman, Alexander Colt, John S. Snyder, Geo. Raruhart, David N. Vankirk, W. M. Lleghow, Geo. W Kiegbow. A. T. Goodman, aod many others C-3'Tue Atlantic Monthly, for Sentem- bur, is a remarkably good number, as will be een by the fallowing table of contents : "Ibe Shakespeare Mystery," by Richard wrani bile j "l bo Uatb," a poem, by Bayard Taylor; "tiaccbarisaa MeUssys," by J neodora V intbrop ; "My OJd Adventure wito Juntos Krstue Booth," anonymous "My Out-door Study," by T. W. llijigmson; -a oermoo io a oione, anonymous poem I he lento Chapter or Mrs. Htowe's "Aunes of Sorrento," "The Aquarium," anonymous - io i oung itepeaier, oy Harriet Jlarli- ueau ; "Uread and tbe Newspaper," by Oliver Wendell Holmes ; "Under lU Cloud and 1 brougb the Sea," an anonymous poem j ''Journal of a Privateersmao," anonymous j "Ibe Advantages of Defeat," by 0. U. Nanoo;"OJe to Happiness," by James Russell Lowellj "Ao Obituary to Elizabeth Barrett Urowoiog." aoooymous; aod tbe useal Review and Literary notices, including articles opoo Alexander Smith's new poem, "Kiiwio of Deira," and Dickens' "Great Expectations." During the last three months this Magazine bas published a series of the most brilliant paper that bare ever enriched the page of any periodical, British or Ame rican. Tbe ablest liviuic writers are enrolled in its corps of contributor. O Tbe Reading Gazette says : "Vt are authorized to say tbat the Hon. Warren J, Woodward will cooseut to be a candidate for President Jodge of tbis District, if nomina ted by tbe Democratic County Coovsttlou." THE AMERICAN. BTJNBTJRY, PA.. SATURDAY, AUGUST SI, 1861. n. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor. To AnvRTim. The circulation of the Surbost AxRRTCANamtmK the different towns on theSutfiaehanna is not exceeded, if equalled Iry auy paper palilished in Noitheni Pennsvlvanla. CP IVon-Paying Subscribers As we arc about tr prune our subscription list, we-shall be compelled lo strike off all subscribers of long standing who pay nothing and make no effort to do so. Those who can do a they please abont "paying the printer," will pleas take notice. To others we shall send bills. We are indebted to Hon. James If. Campbell for several public documents. Pkiches ami Mklohs are in tbe market. The former are srlling at prices lather high for ordinary purses, viz.- $'3. to $4. per bushel. Melons are abundant at fair'priees. TmrrfURrr Lr.cirRa Mr. Allen, of Ohio lectured on this subject in the Pryshyterian Church, on Sunduy evening last. Neither the lecturer's matter nor his eloquence made a very favorable impression. CjT Rain. We were blessed witb another fine rain oo Thursday last. Tbe good effects of the rain last week is everywhere apparent, in growing vegetation. C35" Circl's. Two companies of Equestri ans are to exhibit in this place, one oo Saturday, (to-day,) and tbe other oo the 10th of September. The concentration of so large a force at Washington as to place the safety of tbe capitol beyond any doubt, has been deter mined upon. Already troops are pouring in by thousands daily, and in a very short period asbington will be environed with an army of not less than 200,000 men. fjj" The church of tbe Evangelical Associ ation, in Jackson township, near Daniel Zartmon's, will be dedicated on Sunday, the lotb of September next. Services to com mence at 10 A. M. Tbe public are invited to attend. 1ST In Mourmno. -Tbe Episcopal Church, io tbis place, bas been appropriately draped in moorning for tbe death of Bishop Bow man. Tbe sudden death of this highly esteemed prelate aud worthy man bag cast a deep gloom over bis entire diocese. 83T Improvements. Notwithstanding tbe pressure of tbe times, our citizeos are not all deterred from improving. their property. Mr. Sebastian llaupt is putting op two handsome and convenient frame dwellings on his lot, on tbe eastern end of Market street. We are glad to soe this spirit of enterprise in our mechanics, and would like io see some of our capitalists imitate their example, as good tenant bouses are much needed. Mr. Thomas G. Cooper is also erecting neat dwelling bouse at the sooth west corner of River and Whortleberry streets. WHAT Id THtt GOVERNMENT I " The Government Is one thing tha administration of Lincoln another." Tbe above ba become attending text with most of the Breckinridge organs to preach from, lo order to escape tbe odium of oppo sition to the Government in prosecuting the war. These political Solomons, of doubtful patriotism, bave lately discovered that our Government is nothing but a machine, and all tbat is oecersaty is to wind it np every four years, like a clock, and let it run notil tbe next election, when the people are ex pected to find it up again. According to their new creed the President and Cabinet are useless appendage or mere play things, to be set op and knocked 'down for amuse ment. Jefferson, Madison, Jackson, Web ster, and other obsolete statesmen and patriots, used to labor under the impression tbat a Government was tbe administration or affairs according ti prescribed forms. Tbis was also the opinion of our great lexicogra pher, Webster, who was supposed to know something about tbe ose of words, lie define Government to be as follows: Government. TIij exercise of authority j direction and restraint ex-rcised over tbe actions of men in communities, societies, or Slates ; tbe administration of public affairs. according to established constitution, laws and usages, or by arbitrary edicts. But as we wish to treat our Breckinridge sympathisers fairly, we will quote a modern light of their own order. Col. Tate, in bis Inst Cvlumhla Democrat, has the following lucid definition : 'The Government is one thing the ad ministration of Lincoln another. The Gov ernment can prosecute the war the adminis (ration rnn repeal Tariff, suspend the Unheal Corixit, appoint corrupt officials, and decapitate Democrats." As the redoubtable Colonel is tbe semi-Se. cession candidate for Assembly in tbat county, be sbonld be good authority with Breckin ridgers, especially with our neishbor Tordy. of the Xorthumherland County Democrat, nnd we trust he will incorporate bis with the other great names in the next edition of bis famous Turbutville speech. The Colonel's definition makes the matter as clear as mud, especially tbat part which refers to the appointment of officials, a subject on which the Colonel can speak from experience, having himself been an official, and suffered decapitation by his own party. In regard to the snpension of tho Habeas Corpui there is some difference of opinion even amontr loyal citizens. Some think the President should have suspended the Corpui' only, or body of the traitors, without refer1 ence to the llabeai. The idea of a Government without execo tive power, is one of tbe absurdities of Feces. sioo and treason. The Constitution clearly recognizes tbis power. These men who are willing to support the Government, but not tbe administration which is tbe vital principle of Government are like the- Turk who was iu favor of tolera' ting the Christian religion, but was deter mined to bang ell the missionaries who attempted to preach the gospel. gT Brigadier General Oakes. Major James Oukes, son of Hon. Samuel Oakes, of Montour county, has been appointed by tbe President and confirmed by tbe Senate as a Brigadier General in the regular army. Major Oakes distinguished bimself as captain of Dragoons in the Mexicuo war, for which he was brevetted as Major. For a number of years, of late, he bas been actively engaged in Texas end the South-western Territories io keeping tbe Indians in order. tST John Macomb Wetherill, of Pottsvillei has beeu appointed Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, with tbe rank or CapUin. 3T Tbe Government authorities at Phila delphia have suppressed the circulation of the New York Day Book, New York Daily Aeios and Journal vf Commerce, as treason able publications, giving aid and comfort to the enemy. These papers are tbe text book of the Breckinridge semi-Secession papers in this neighborhood and throughout the State. What they will do when these sources of their inspiration is dried up, we can't well imagiue. But the question naturally arises, if tbe publication of these papers is treasona. ble, are not those who copy from them equally guilty. W bat is treason iu one most neces sarily be treason io tbe other, aud if tbe authorities are justified in suppressing one, are they not bound to suppress the other T GTTbe editor of the Reading Gazette gives notice that after the 1st of September be will discontinue the papers of all subscri bers . bo am over six mouths io arrears Ojr coteniporary states that the newspaper bosiuets is now suffering severely from loss of advertising aod jobbing patronage. Many of our readers may not be aware of the fact that without this pat-.onage there are but few papers worth publishing. Hence, editors will be compelled to adopt the cash system or cut off all doubtful, noo-payiug subscribers. CT Uuiou parties are orgauising all through the ftlute, in the strong Democratic a wel as Republican counties, 'i bey say very truly, in war tbere can be only tm parlies one fur tbe country aud one against it. When the war is over, let tbe Democrats take their stand a before, and they will be stronger aod brighter tbau ever. We ouderstand strong Union ticket will be organised io Ibis county. CiT Apprehended Riot at Ai.lkntowm. Tbe Sheriff of Lehigh county issued a pro. clamation last week to quell an anticipated riot. A poise or 200 men was called out upon notice given by tbe proprietors of tbe Alleotowo Democrat aod tbe Hepublikaner, (a German paper,) tbat their offices were io danger, lb posse were standing guard about tbe offices several days. Intense ex citement prevailed. CsTTbi attempt of offici bcktkrs and po. litical managers in this Btate to divide and distract tbe People with absolute party issues aod party name, will not prove successful. Tbe Breckinrklffers are making similar at tempts in the Slate of New York,' witb no better hopes of success. The Oswego Gazette, an able Democratic journal, boldly declares it to be a "duty to forget party for a time, and "unite for the common good of tbe Govern, "ment as it came to u from onr fathers, as of ' greater moment than any partisan success or partisan advantage." Io tbe same strain, the Binghamptoo Democrat pots forth its confession of faitb as follows : "'. W am fnr maintaining the Government of the Union and the Constitution, ao long aa there is a loyal ciliien IS' orb. or booth to battle with rebellion, or a dollar to furnish the sinews of war. 2. We are opposed to the war, and would therefore crush, tiy the whole power of the nation, its authors, who commenced it by rolilx-iy and treason, and by cannonading Fort Sumter. 3. We are in favor Of peace, and therefore seek it in the only direction which will give hon orable and enduring peace by cutting down armed rebellion, an that the Union loving citizen of the South can support the Constitution and the Union of their lathes, without a revolver to their ears or a bowie knife to their throats to drive them into rebellion. 4. We are opposed to taxation, and would, therefore, make ibe war aa short as possible, by exerting tbe whole force of the nation's energies, ao as at tbe earliest moment to quell rebellion ef- fectually, and avoid perpetual war and peipetual taxation hereafter. "5. We are opposed to all palliations mil pro positions of peace or compromise until reliellion is silenced, and its flag, steeped in Iheft, treason, piracy, arson, rebellion, and murder, is torn down and destroyed, and until the stars and stripes float over every State capitol and every fortress in the Luton. 6. When the roar of the rebel artillery is si lenced, and the supremacy of the Constitution is acknowledged, e arc, as we ever have been, for guarding with sedulous rare every right which it guarantees lo every section of Ibe Union, and fur strengthening the lies of brotherhood sundered by a aet nt graceless political robbers, acting acaiual the wirlies and tbe will ol the masses ol the Southern people." This is tbe true democratic doctrine. And it expresses the will of the great majority of the loyal people o? thn Union, of all parties. Opposition to this doctrine is simply diluted treason. jy UucgLrriKRRtHS. Few people have proper idea of the extsut of the huckleln-rrj crop, Tbere Is, too, marked difference in their quality. The blue Variety is not only tweeter but larger, more delicate and tender than the black. These generally grow on the mountains, and tbere is no place that produces them In greater perfection and abundance than the Mahanoy mountain, Ibis side of Trevorton, eight or nine miles from this place. These berries are brought to Snnbury and sold at prices ranging from four to six ceols per quart. We learn that fre. qnently from twenty to thirty wagons were in that neighborhood gathering the berries, some or them coming from tbe vicinity of Danville. Our informant thought tbe amount gathered would- average from one to two bushels to each, or about forty bushels per day. Tint Cry of Peach Tbe New York T.x pren tbns pointedly aod truthfully exposes tbe absurdity of the dvmaod made for peace in a very few uninfluential quarters io the North : The only form of "peace" now existing as possible is the hauling dowo of the United States flag, from Fortress Monroe, on to Texas, and the complete hearty recognition of the Secession flag. They who think of this sort of peace ought to muintain it by additional propositions Tor a standing army of at least three hundred thousand men to be stretched io eordoi.s from the linn of the Susquehanna river, along all the bluffs of tbe Ohio and Missouri rivers witb fortresses to be erected on these bluffs costing at least 8500,000,000 ror, unless tbis standing army follow, and stand in these fortresses, the peace would not last nay, not even long euougb to build thj fortresses I i t .red in tbe wagons, and nnnVr strong vtrd were conveyed to the encampment. k.n o us h barked want $50,000,000 of tnc LOAN. It is stated upon reliable authority that an offer waa lately made to Secretary Chase, on behair of foreign hankers, to take 50,000,000 of the loao, provided thn Government would promise to pay the Interest at Frankforfon the Main. The Secretary, however, declined the offer, as he ia confident in the ability of thn Government to maintain Itself without the aid of foreign capital. Tin crittf.ndrns. Altbonffh one of the sons of the veteran John J. Crittenden has accepted a brigadier's commission in tbn rebel army, greatly to his father s sorrow, his eldest son, 1 homus L. Crittenden, stands fnr tbe Government, and insists that it authority shall be maintained at every hazard. Washington, Angnst26. OKH. MCCLKI.lAN visits a rroimrnt incoo to CONSEQPENCie. General McClellan is In thn habit of ridins aroond occasionally in citifen's dress, accom panied by a few of bis staff. A few days ago he was walking through one of the encamp ments, across the Potomac, and pacing the rear of tbe tents hn saw a bucket of coffee standing near thn fire. He asked what it waa. and one nf thn soldiers said "cofioe." "It looks more like slops," hn repled. Oh,"said the soldier, "it is nnt fit to drink, but we bave to put np with it. and our other food is not a bit better." "Well, whose fault is it?" hn asked. ' Oh, our Quartermaster is drunk half the time, and when hn it pot he Is studying io cneat. olcCleiinn passed on, and Gotta Perch a Cement Roofino. V Invite thn attention of onr readers to the advnrtip'inenl of Messrs. JOANS A CROS LEY, New York, in another column. The numerous experiments mado for thn Inst few years, to proilui-n a substitute for I in, slate and shiniile ronfy, havn at lst led to a perfect triumph in the Uitta Prrciia Cement Roofing off-ied by these gentlemen. Possessing in a great degree, tbn features of elasticity, (which Is a qualification of a Cement liooinij actually necetsnry and long hhrT.) durahibty and cheapness, combined with lb fact that it is veal her and fire proof, it genern! adoption cannot lie too earnestly urged. Their Gulta Pfrcha Cement for coating and repairing Metal Rciof of all kinds aud for preserving all metals from rust and corrosion from its great durability and cheapness, is fast superceding points of every description heretofors used for such purposes. These materials (for which the First Pre miums have beeu awarded by the American Institute and many of the prinripal State Fairs throughout the country.) am reeemmed in thn highest terms by the New York & Erin R. R. Co , and many nf the principal Railroads North and South, and also by the officers of the leading Insurance Companies throughout the country. PLAIN FACTSt'OR DE.tlULK ATS). Every true Democrat will support tbe Government io tbe prosecution of the war, and it matters not who is President. W opposed the election of M r. Lincoln, but he was fairly elected, and we are as much bound to aid him in sustaining tbe Government as if Gen. Jackson was President. In times like these no true patriot will tulk of party and it is only some of the miserable office hunting tribe, who are trying to stir op these matters. Durlog the Revolution there were only two parties patriots ond tories and turn it or twist as you will, it ia much the same now. Tbis war is more dangerous aod threatening than that of thn Involution. Tbe Southern Presidetit and Vice President have both'declared io favor of an aristocratic Government, and Bay that the masses tbe laboring or working dulses ought not to vote or bold offices. They have stigmatised tbem on thn floor of Congress as the mud sills of society in the North, and place them on level wilh tbeir own slaves. These are facts not newspaper stories sentiments uttered not long since by Senutor Hammond of South Carolina, end Mi. Stephens, Vice President of the Rebel Government. And yet tbere are newspapers and politicians iu this county who ntsk good Democrats to support such villainous measures, and thus to put them, selves on a level with the negroes of the South. The surest, quickest and cheapest way to put down this wicked rebellion is to unite as one people against it Wr publish tbis week an address to the citizens of Northumberland county, on the subject of discarding, at the present time, all party issues, for the purpose of showing the enemies of the country a united front iu favor of tbe Union. Tbat.wbatever party predilections we may bave bad, now, v. ben the country is io dunger, we are but one party, aod that the Union party. This ad dress, which appeals to the patriotism of every true man, it will be seen, is signed by many of our most respectable and worthy citizens, men who are actuated by higher motives thun office men who do not believe in tbe doctrine that party must firut be cared for and tbe country afterwards. Should the rebels succeed iu their nefarious designs, property would hardly be wortb half its preseot value. Thk Sunbury American, this week, comes out pleading thn cause of inceniliar( ism aud utilising the Democrats of tbn ccunty in general, lie says there was peace until we i-iiifl to town, but forgets to say tbat we stood his scurrilous attacks lor weeks witbnnt replying His attempted reply to our article of last week is about as puerile and ful.-u as could be expected, and needs no answer. We copy the above from tbe Sorthumlcr- land Connty Democrat for the purpose or showing that our neighbor is not only a prophet, but tbat he hus a wonderful furulty for invention, which some might vulgarly call by a harder name. We will wager a dozen of old newspapers against a year's subscrip tion to the Kortloimberland County Democrat tbat no other man in this community, without j the use of Secession spectacles, is smart enough to find In our columns a single syllable abusing Democrats, or a word en couraging mobs or incendiarism. Oar neigh bor is, perhaps, more indebted to os for immunity from injury than to his own conduct. We confess to saying some bard things against Floyd and other rebel traitors and robbers, whom Mr. Pdy bas defended, bot we did not inteud to hurt tbe feelings of our neighbor in doing so, nor do we think we are obnoxious to the chaige of abusing Democrats on that arconnt. What he calls scurrillous attacks were simply in reply to his defence or traitors. Tbe Democrat never did and never will attempt to answer onr charges. Condition of Manassas. Manassas is, on the whole, at preseDt, one of thn most stink ing spots on the fare of the globe. The only wretched hotel which was there, has been closed. What is called thn guard house con sists or an open shed in tbn street, where the prisoners are compelled to remain, exposed to the elements, until ihey are removed to Richmond. With the exception or Jell. Davis, during his visit at Manassas, and a Tew of thn Generals, the officers all have to sleep on thn tlonr, nnd the headquarters nf Beauregard, recently removed to Mr. Ware's bouse, resemble a dilapidated pig stye ou a large scale Manassas, however, will continue to be tbe gieat focus of tbe Virgiu ian army. &clcgrapj)ic Tclus HEROIC STRUOGLE ON KANAWHA. TnE 900 Cnioniits against 3400 lieheh Battle of Cross Lanes. CQiTThe Reading Gazette having been classed by Forney's Press as one of the "Breckinridh'o pupers," sympathising with tbe Sontb, Mr. Getz, thn editor, in a letter to the Press, denies the charge. He wa9 once a Breckinridge man, but not now. lie favors compromise for peace with such men as Crittenden, Johnson and Holt, but witb tbe rebels "oo compromise but at the cannon's mouth." We bad too much respect for the patriotism aod intelligence offiieud Getz to place l im in the same category wilh the Breckinridge semi-Secession editor3 in this vicinity, one of whom, (Col. Tal-, of the Columbia Democrat,) wo understand, nVicly declared that tbe party must be first cared for, and tbe country afterwards. Cincinnati, August 58. Tee following are all the particulars we can learn of the battle which took place at Cross Lanes, near Summers villn. Vs., on Monday, tbe 26th inot. It appears to bave been a bloody affiir. 1 he t-e veiiih Ohio regiment, commanded by Col. Tyler, was surrounded while at breakfast, and attacked on both flank and in front simultaneously. Our men were immediately formed in line of battle and fought bravely, while they . saw but little chance of success, the enemy proving too powerful Col. Tyler sent a messenger forward to the baggage train, which was coming up, and turned it back, when three miles distant from the scene of conflict, towards Uauiey, which place it reached in aafetv. Companies U, C, and I, suffered most severely. They particularly were in the hottest of the fight, ami finally founht tbeir way through fearful odds, and making dreadful havoc in the enemy's ranks. The Rebel force consisted of 30(10 infantry 40O tavalry, and ten guna. Tbe Federal forces were scattered, after cutting their way through, but they soon formed again and fired, but received no reply. The enemy did not pursue. Our loss haa not yet I en definitely ascertained. Not over 20U are missing out of the 900 who were engaged. The rebel loss was fearful. Lieut. Col. Crrightnn captured the enemy's colore and two prisoners. boa seeing more evidence nf the dirty and sloven ly manner In which thn 0inrtermnter c n ducted his operations in his tent, hn accosted him with thn remark that the men were mm, plaining of bad treatment from bim. The Quartermaster Hew mto a passion, and sworn it was none or his business, and he bad better not come sneaking around, trying: to make mischief. McClellan answered him, telling him he had better be cautious how he talked. Quartermaster replied, "Who are yon, that yon assume so mnch apparent authority ?" "1 am George B. McClellan, and you can pack np your traps and leave I" Tim Quartermas ter whs struck flumn, and .tlcClellan turned and left him. That evening, the Quartermas ter loft to thn tune of "Rogue's March," play nd by snmn of tbe boys who Irnd got wind of it. They nnw have a Quartermaster who does not "get drunk and cheat." end that regiment would risk their lives at tbe cannon's month for the man who docs care how tbe men are provided for. Thn story bas been circulated around some of thn camps, and the officers are nnw always on tbn look nnt for the General, and or course do not have too much lying about loose. The moral effort of that act will be worth more to the men than tbe '-inspection" nf a dozen reg ular officers, who always let the men know when Ihey are coming, and are then surrounded by a clique who suppress the Until, and keep of those who have a right to have their complaints heard. JEFF. HAVII A N n 1118 THAITOn CHEW IN THKlR Dl'l'NKKN HKVELS, From a gentleman nhn has been in Richmond the last six months, and had a mom at the hotel over that of Jell". Davis, we learn that their army la rapidly becoming demoralized, tbat disease has taken a deep hold upon them, and the men are ea ger for an advance on Washington, a they were promised The delay has induced them to think that the leaders are afraid to attempt it, and that Lincoln is gathering an immense armv to give them battle against such fearful odila that resist ance will not only be useless, but certain death He says that Davis is daily told tbat he must make a strike or tbe army cannot lie kept together for thirty days; he hesitates, although Jonnston was for making one on bis own account on our lines a have Washington, but was expressly fur-bid. He rav that Duvis is under the influence of li quor all the time, though occasionally he will he calm and discuss the chance o defeat. In puhiic ho always assumes tbe braggadocio, and talks about taking Washington, "when he ia roady,' as though it would hn an easy matter. Their greatest wants now are clothe a and shoes the army is ragged and nearlv barefooted. Thev are depending on tbe breaking ot the blockade for upplka of both. Nearly all he uniform are made of very Ihin goods, and will not be tit for fall or winter, now rapidly approaching. They have but very few tenta or tbe proper material lor ma king them. Ileligioiisj IMolices Divine service wdl m held every Puhl ath in this Bo f onah ss fotlmvs ! I'HKPHYTKKIAN CHLRCH Nifh wrtl corner n. fllarkheiry anil Ueei streets. Hev J D. Hlultnoa, Pnsu.i Divine service every Sihimih at loj A.M. Prnyer meet ing on Thursihy evening. At Northuiiilwrtaml, in Old rV'hmil Htesliytenaii church, at 3 o'clock, l". At., every Bahlntli GKHM AN RKFOHMF.I) Cllt nCU -N..rlH west corner of River hihI Hlarklierry streets. Itev. J. V. fTKis MKTZ, Pnet'tr. Divine service, ntternsitelv. even- iiltlwitri at IO A. M. and ?J V. !. Piuyel wetting nil t'ridny evening KVANf5F.UCA, l.l'TMKRAN Oil fRCH Peer street lielovv S V. A P. Itni. Itoiul, Itev P Uizf.k, P:it..r Divine tervire, ollernntely, every Snhlmlh nt in A M. and P. M. Ptnver meeting "n We-lilettOHy evenlnif .MKTHODIM' KrucoPAI. ('Ill ItCII Dewlienr slree) west of S. fc K Rnil Riant. Rev. K. Huti.kb ruin J P. Swanoeb, PiiM-trs. Divine sei vice, rtltemm etv, even SO., huihat in) A . M.aud 1 P. M. Prayer meeting miThurs. day evening. Philadelphia Market. I'lIIl,ADKI.ri!IA. Atlg. 2S. Wheat Fluur, (extra.) Rye flour, i'mn Meal, Red Wheat, per bushel, W hile " " " Corn, " " Oata, " " Rye, " " ijil 25 a fS Si 2 fi2 a 3 1 lo a I 1 25 a 1 fsl a 2 a fii n SO !5 00 20 Sf St 30 60 SUNBUEY PRICE CURRENT. The Skcretarv ok War. In another column is an article beaded " Disguised Traitors," In relation to newspaper attarka on Geo. Cameron. These attacks, wn need only say, originate almost wholly witb disap pointed and unscrupulous men, who bavn failed to get what they wanted, and resort to detraction, in revenge for personal grievan. ces. afy Dkath ok Col. Paxtok. We regret to announce the-death of Col. Joseph Paxtoo who died at hi residence in Cattawissa, oo last Wedoesday morning, of dropsy of the beart. Ilia loss will be severely felt in that seclioo, having been identifled for nearly half a centoiy with all tbe public improvements and enterprises of tbe day. 7 Taa Washikoiu Map is an elegant new map of the L'aited States, for wliii-b suhecnbeis are uow received ia this vicinity. V will uotice iu pouiU iu aur next is- Refer to tbe-advertiemeot of IIoofland'i P.krman Bitters, io another column. These Bitter are the best remedy known for tbt cart of Liver Complaint and Billom disease. Fkuit Thikves. Fruit thieves should remember tbat by a late act passed by the Legislature, they are subject to a 6no not exceeding $50, and imprisonment io tbe county jail not exceeding sixty days. The loafing rascals who bave been in the habit of stripping fruit trees, grape vines, &c, will now pay dearly for their indulgence, when caught. (2T Thn Democrat or Montour county met io County Convention ot the Court House, in Danville, on Monday week last, and nominated the following ticket : Judge A lexatioeT Jordan. Asst. Judtfes-r Robert Moore, Jo. Deeo. Dist Attorney J. Harvey Campbell.. Auditor Gotelius Snyder. Their resolutions, we have heard, are diutnetncally opposed to the tesolutioui of the Breckiniidgers of Columbia. (3T Messrs. Bancroft, Lewis & Co., and Mr. C. A. Repplier, of Ashland, suspended business last week, on account of tbe low price of coal. A great number of men are thus thrown out or employment. Tbe re maining operatora intend suspending their work before long, uuless coal advances io price. f jr Godkv'v Lady' Book, for September, ia already out. Tbi long tried and faithful periodical keep step wilh the progress ef improvement, and is oow one of our most valuable publication. Tbe Lady' Book is perhaps the most extensively borrowed peri odical published, a certain lest of it popu (7 The ow movement of Geo. McClellan lo forming National Army ao army io each regiment of which every loyal Stale perbap may be represented, it step io advance io every respect, tending to make n less of a Confederation and more of Xution, Our Government ia a onioo, aud everything tbat teud to snake os aiora American, and les ciliseot of petty commonwealths, ia a itep ia the right direction. Wasiiixotos;, August 23. Mr. Gilmor,of tbe Oilioor Houe, Duliimore. left vesterdny for "Secvssla." He escaped, but his trunk was taken rear I'ort Tubacco, and in it were found five Rebel uniforms. A new rilled cannon, made at the Navy Yard here, thiew a 7 2-pound shot to-day two and-half miles. Washington, August 25. Mayor lierret f:sired General Scott to vough for his loyalty, but the General refused stating tbat he could say no more than tbat he bad always treated him like a geulle oiun. i ennsyivania contnhotion to tbe war within six months is shuwu to be 71, WO men. Tbe Administration have had the Question of the anomalous position of Kentucky under consideration Tor the last two days, and bave come to tbe conclusion tbat the State can no longer occupy a position or neutrality. 1'he recent elections in that State, showing majority of til, (100 io favor of the Uoion, bave had some etlect in inducing the Administra lion to tome to this decision. Tbe decision has not yet been made public, but enough is known to warrant me io saying that it has been decided that Kentucky must show her hand that she must now take a decided stand, either for the Union or against it. It is intended by the Administration to form the contemplated camps of instruction ic Kentucky immediately-one at Frankfort, one at Lexington, one at Louisville, one at or near Ashland, and perhaps one or two others. Qo arriving in Keotncky, General Anderson will issue an address to the people of the State, urging them to rally aroond tbe Bag of tne Luioo and to tbe support of Xpe Govern ment. The Administration count on twenty regiments from Kentucky ataoocn, aod more a thn war progresses. A summary course will be takeo witb Beriah Magoffin. Tb Administration is determined to tolerate oo more traitor in any of tbe Slate. Tbe officers of tbe New York 69th Regi ment have signed card, giving ao emphatic contradiction to tne statements or Mr. Uu sell, correspondent of the London Times, relative to tbe conduct or Captain Thomas rraocis Meagher during th Hull Run 6ght Dr. atanuiog, a resident of tbi city, was using very virulent and treasonable language to-day, aod was arrested aod takeo to prison Jobo Hodgson, the editor of the JerierioK ian, the sheet suppressed io West Chester a lew day ago, was arrested by the U. la Marshal, and bi office takeo possession of, but order were tent for bif release, oo conditioo tbat he made oo attempt to revive bi treasonable publication. Washington, August 24 ASSASSINATION OF OKN. MCCLELLAN CONTCMPLA' - TSD. General McClellan went out (even miles, late yesterday afternoon, to review Malor General Hooker' brigade, returoics to tbe city after dark. Dunug the review a number ol secessionists were discovered io ambusb and arrested near the road between the troop and tbe city. It it tbongbt tbat tbeir object wa to assassioal Uanaral McUlellao whan 00 bi way boait In the evening. They were Wheat, JI 10a I f!0 Dutter, - $ It Rye, .... 75 Kggs, ... K) Corn, 7 5 Tnllow, ... 12 Oata, .... S3 Lard, ... 12 Buckwheat, Bi Pork, .... g Potatoes, 87 Beeswax, - 21 New Advertisements. 'l - Fnu.M wtsrmiN VIKGIKIA. Grafton, Va., Aug. 2-1. Last evening, while Governor Thomas was addressing a crowd in front of the hotel at Cumberland, some Rebels raised a riietur Ounce, which resulted in tbeir being driven home, and the destruction of tbe J rlersouian olficn, a Rebel newspaper. 1 his morning, as the train bound west, which had Governor Thomas on board was about eight mile this side, of Cumberland, it came suddenly upon several cross ties thrown across tbe track, and at tbe same tune a large number of armed men were seen rapidly descending tbe neighboring hills. Tbe engineer increased I he speed of the locomo tive sod succeeded in throwing ilia tit ofj the track with but little damage to the engiue. Several shots were tired but without tiffed. 1 hn design evidently wa to take Governor Thomas prisoner. New York, Aug. 24 The Postmaster Generul bas directed that none of the New Yo'k papers pret-ented by the Grand Jury Tor disloyalty shull be carried in tbe mails. Clitklahd, Aug. 23 The office of theStmk County Democrat, a Secesoiun sheet, at Canton Ol io, was entirely destroyed last night b) the Volunteer ol that place. Shamokm Coal Trade. Suamokin, April 24, 1SC1. TONS, cwr Sent for the weekending Apiil 24. Per last Report, To same lime last year, Increase, 3.857 123.SC7 16 II 129.725 07 117,813 05 11,912 02 TurMilitart Clothino Dkpot Rock hill & Wilsou' Brown fc'toue Clutbiug Hall, appears to be tbe leading bouse for tbe uianu faetare of military clothing. Jo tbe upper stories thev eniDlov sonie twenty cutlers, and about seven buudred bands are constantly en aased in makiuff op tbe work. Over three thousand coat were made up by tbis linn in ten das, for tbe Slate, besides full suits for Several companies or Home Guards, and ror officer of tbe army and navy, loo location of this well-known establishment is No. 603 and 05 Chestnut street, above Sixth, Phila delpliia He remembered the Forgotten" wafc beauti fully (aid of Howard tbe philanthropist. It also applies lo every oiao who bring the ameliorations, comforts aud enjoyment of life within the reach of person and classe who are otbeiwise deprived or tbeir advanta ge Kspocially may it be (aid of biui who laboriously eek aod Suds new meana if preserving health, "the poor man's capital and tbe neb man' power." Wa think tbi eulogium properly applied to J. C. Ayer, of Lowell, tbe renowned chemist of New Fog land who, spurning tbe trodden path to fame, devote bi entire abilities aod acquire ment to tbe discovery of Nature uioit effectual remedie for disease. Wben the bidden blessiog ba been revealed, be pro ceed lo (apply it to all aiaokiud alike, tbroogb oar druggist at such low price tbat poor and rich may alike enjoy it ben. Journal and Enquirer, Portland, Me. August 3, 1861. SrALDIXG Si. IKtGERS' OKEAT RAILROAD CIRCUS I Look at the Array of Stars ! SENUlJl iW M A UILVri'A ZAM'HE I TA." The gteat Hope Uiinseuse of the Kevel Troupe; MADA.MK OK MOM), MA D AMU SI EG HIST, MISS KATE OIIMUNU. The Unequalled equestrienne ; Mademoiselle liosa, Mademoiselle Francis, Jean Johnson, SIEliltl.-ST DIM) TURKS, Fr-incois end August, Little August Sic grit, Master Charlie Kith, Jean Kuqua, Frank Barry, John Harry, Jos. H a.litt. Wm. Hill. 8. WilJcr, SAM LONG, the Great American Clown, Chaa Miiy, ing Matter. THE HORSE "HIRAM," The Wonder of the Age ! THAISED MUI.KS. POMES, HOUSE DOGS, Jc. Julian Wyelt's 1i ibd Uaud will nuike a Craii I'aradeou Hurncb.ick, each day ol Exhibition. Fa h Entertainment com nces with a (IK AND Al.l. LHjOKICAI, fc.VrULU:, enml.-d The Sons of Freedom and Daughters of Liocrty unfuiliiit? the " ST A It SPANUl.ED BANNER." Look out lor the Great L'liion Speech and National Songs ol Lee Powell. IT" Will exhibit at M.'NHUUY, on TI ES DAY Afternoon and I'veniii, September 10, 18K1. Adiuissiuu, 25 cents. C. WHITNEY, Agent. August 31, 161. Entirely Vegetable. No Alcoholic Prep a tation. CP. HCCFLi.lTS'S . CfcXhURATLD GERMAN lilTTEKS, I'rfpat'ttl I if I)R. JttKfcO & tU., i'ul.uuYlptiia, rnn'a. Will elU'ctutilU cure Liver Coinj'lttiiit, Dm sia, JaunUiJtf, I'hroinc or IWvuu Dehilit), Ditease ol ilit) K:Jnet, auJ ull dieu uiuiiij from a duorderfU Liwr jr Muiuich. Buchai Ciniitiult"ii, Inward 1'iU'it, Ku!iisr lilixxl m the UtiHtt, Aciuity Urn irt-'iiiiit'Ji, Nuur.i, Uriirihuni, Likubi Itij t'tfci, t'uliii'aa "r Weight lit Uic Moin.nn, h.ur Kim-iulii'iiM, Stinking tr I !utlciin(( at the Vtiui th-bt-iiuach, fewiiiiinii (' Hie Ut;u1, limned mid Uniu til lilt tlx i it;, )- lutterihg at me licutt, Ctn'knitf t,r tuii-tc-ttm kcttaMiiioi.K wtira in u Ivit'K if 'ttuie, Uifanr o Vimhii UoUj ol writ lUire the Sifiiit, fevn uitd Uu i I'mit lit tl Head, Lielifii-iicy u! i'er)i.iutiti, Ytrllwm-k i'l the Muu Hi id ke, I'u in in 1 1 it-Snl r, bittk, Clifkl, Liuihs, Jkr , !ui1 delt i-'til stilt ut Hcul, Ullinutg In the t'likh, I'luiaiUsnl l nm gliltllKJt.t CVll U-Uti tlU-ttl trptt-)t tt eiitlt, III id Villi iMtttliyely prevent i LU.U I'A i-U, lil UU L I I.- The triprielu in culling the ntlenlitni nf ilie pudiic llui iie aiHti'iii, d'H v with u feeling tl the uiuit i-.-ti-Udenee in tin f irlut't uud ttU;itutuu lo the utkeuvuH (.r Which it it rcxt'iiiiiiei.dtd. It is no uevv mikI imtiifd artit le, hut "'lie that tui the lent nl u twelve yeutV titul before the Auieruuit ru ple, arid iu rtiuuiiiii mid mteire uurivuilcd hy tiny iiu.t.(r .reuratiiiiit;xtHiil. 'i'he iruitiuiy in iu luur givm i y the in'U ii-iiiineitt mid wcli-knnwu i"licit'iunt mid uuii viduula in all juiis ui I lie count ly i iimuentae, mtd u isue ful nerutuil d the Aihihhuc', puliinuied nimuaily by tlut iui piielori, uitd t be h;id giain d uny of iheir Agents, C'Oi not but Mutiny the moil bkelul Unit this leiutdy ia rem.)' deceiving the great ceiebui) it h" oli'tu'iru KKAli TUti tVIUKNLE. From J. Newton Brown, O- 1 , KdOof if th Encyulope diaul Keligioua Kuow.e'lga. Although mi diipowd i favor or rewmiund Putet Medicine In generul. through ditiut ol their incrrdivui iidvdecis, I e4 know of 110 nuitu'icnt rraw'ii why n muii may iiuttefttiiv to the brnehl lie behevel In in tell ti have received fro, any imule pieparniiou. in I lie hope ibui ne may thus contribute lo the benefit ot others. do this the uioie ivudily in regnid to "Hoofltotd's Git niuu Billets," prepared by lr. C M Jueks-n.ol Ihneiiy, because i Mas ptt-juciced against tncin tor yen. und-r trie iuiiesiou lltMt Ihey weie rhuti) an skotvIir mixture. I iu indebted tomy friend Kobett Sii'-eiimtier. (or the reufival of this pie.iuduti iy proper kit, and (f rncour aeibenltti try Iheiu, when sutli ring Iroiu great and kmi coiituiuefi debility The use ot thiee Urtlletof ilnte Hit lers, at the ieituiiini of the present year, wns iiH"W4 by evident teiiei, aod rrsiofuUon to a degice of bodily niealMl vigor which I kad n fell for six mouths before and had amttwt d spa i ted of rtgaining. 1 Itteri'fore uumk; Gl and my friend for Uirectiua me lo the use i f thru r'mli.d'a, June., Irtkj. J.NfcWl'O.N BXOVYN. Autfuet 31, ly 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers