uscellancflns THK UlSnoH MAR. I)FFB t GOV RsMt.RT AMAISr AIIAlK or THK M.M.OS TIMI A. The Lottdoo Star oflbo 8th lustanf b tliii sharp reply to tba Time ! , i ' "'Til in the New Wnr't) a, in thfl ' Old treason never prospers 1 for If it prospers, once dare ell it tr-ason.' All the waiters or tventi, nil t lo idolaters of success, a. I the secret smjpstlrterS with despotism, "r" ol' the blett tn.-atch tho first leam if pood fortnne tbal light, on the dark banners or wickr-Jcanse. The rebellion that aims to ful.ime and perpetuate slavery Is the only rebellion to which the 7W and its tributary streamlets of on English opinion ever wafted eocoaraueitKipt. A oft a an oppressed people snst.jr'd at the sword in the desperate bopaor colftig its way to freedom, they ponred derision and censure on the gallaot effort. If Frenchmen essayed to establish a French Government if Hermans passed In moment of energetic inspiration from dreaming to working ir Hungarian ronoun ced ao allegiance tbut had become a national death if Poles or Italians wreathed from prostrate subjection into erect and sublime resistance the Timet and its emulative followers hissed forth their scorn of such romantic courage, their hatred of such irreverent boldness. But what can we expect from the Ameri can press when it Buds, leading English journal deliberately and recklessly pouring vinegar and vitriol into the wounds or the national pride and sensibility T How can we expect our kinsmen of the North to believe in onr friendship and good wishes when our n.wepnpers go out laden wilh columns or scornful commeut upon a disaster thai might prove fatal l o people less high spirited and resolute ? Why cuu they think or our anti slavery sentiment, or even of our international neutrality, when they see tbe slaveholding tuhullin tri-ated with far greater respect iimn ihu f, I, vrn me n L elected bv millions of freedom loving freemen, and the slrocious rhapsodies of tbe New York Herald quoted as the utterance of a settled transatlantic policy T If there were no sin or shame in exagger ating and ridiculing an event fraught with po.g.inl Buffering to a friendly and consan guineous nation if decency did oot restraiu us from lauitliing aloua bi mo lenrs ui u.r r.rave and the errors of the great-Burely prudence should tench us not to provoke tbe bitter resentment of a people of eighteen millions by seofliiiir at their momentary hnmiliHtinn. Mast we make enemies on both sides the Atlantic, io both hemispheres ol the glnhe. un'l ol government? Are we to provoke beyond heuring Imperial Frunce and K-puhlican" A tneriea t Ought we not rather to guide our speech by the fiiendly wisdom that errs, if at all on I he side of friendliness ? I r it were true that the Americans of the North are braggart cowards, they would still he our nearest of kin and their cause would still be that of solid Government and of universal liberty. Hut we trust that the press o England, as a whole, will make it to tm felt wherever the just authority or Presi dent Lincoln is recognized that we grieve when they are humbled that we confide in the strength of their resources and purposes as io the goodness of tbeir cause and that while we heartily desired them to avert civil war by peaceful separation, we now as heart ily pr.iy God to give thaui a bufpy issue out Of their Gery trial." SnlTHRRS IXTKM-lfiKSCK. I Porlltmoutli correspond Richmond Examiner, Mb hurt., Yesterday the Portsmouth Transcript, edited by two of the staunchesl friends of M r. Secretary Mallory, of the Navy Department declared that ir the Government "liuds its workshops deserted in a short time we shall Dot be overclaimed with surprise," od "that not a day passes that the new Govern ment in not losing ooouUr confidence here." 1 am sorry to confirm the fidility of this statement ; indeed, the. editors have stated the disease, in moderate- style. They could not have been far wrong bad it been declared Ibat we wero on the verge of local revolution. As evidence on this score, the mechunics io the blacksmiths' department threw down their implemenie this morning, because of the arbitrary Government and insulting txuetions of naval officers.. They retired in a body to City Hall, and will unquestionably despatch a committee to Richmond to obtain redress for tbeir insufferable grievances. It your correspondent with true regard for Mr. Mrtllnry. und an eye single to excellence of governmental arrangement, may advise, he would couusel it restoration of civiliun to their superintendent positions, with judicious Safeguards against the outrageous infractions of civilian rights which the military authority rarely (ails to essay where there is a sign of p wer to warrant? arbitrariness. If you could bed these tyrauuies in operation then your coin 'lis would teem wilh indignant articles. The weather for the past four days has been intensely hot. I fear we may have much sickness in September if great attention is not paid to ton preservation of health. The. atmosphere is impregnated with all kinds of impurities, arising from the buttle field and the camp. The fiotid odors pro. tending from the decaying bodies of men and l,Hft,la and the. offal and Dllb t'f callio. are mount) to produce fever oud epidemics. II wlio has never visited a fresh battle field and a camp on a grat-d scale can never imagine the immense umonut ol decaying matter cttered about. This putrid mass, exposed tu Ihu burning beats of August and Seplem tier, must have a very deleterious effect upon th- h-alih of the soldier. The filth at Ma liastus is beyond conception. No on seems tu consid-r what will Iih the results from its Bccuuiulitii'n and decomposition. Tbe sol uVr talks over his battles aud looks forward for other victories peulh is disregarded, and a human corpse is regarded scarcely more than that of u dumb beaut. The Gene ral is actively engaged in planning other campaigns, or preparing for defence, and all seem to forget aud overloi k the sanitary law which must be obeutved to preserve health. 1 hop Or. Stone and other eminent medi cal gentlemen here will take i his subject io band, und cause every known means, to pro duce aud preserve, health, to be used. If something of the kind is not soon done, we will lose more from sickness than in battle. The vigorous, st mil (?, active and healthy can i nly wiu victories. Tu Annate t'nx Cori. We are glad to obsetve lhat a company ia actually organized, under the ahuve title, for the manufac ture of a flax sahatifute for cotton. Thev are bout to establish their fust factory at Lock port. New York under theauepice ol Governor Hunt, Mr. e- B. Il'iagle. and others. The prepared flax fibre is estimated to be Itirnuhed at a price rtrlainly not eicceding ten, and probably below eight c-n a pound. As irom one and a half to two tons or flax can be produced to the acre, the liold ia eiliinated to be very profitable. This iiw branch of industry baa our very tt winhe, and we hone it will be generally encouraged .by tbe people of the Norlh. The fact lhat the common cotton will probably be for some time acarce and dfar, is a point greatly ia favor of the flax aubalilula. General Anderson, though advised by his uhvsiclans to lelratn from active duty, has neveithi'leaa determined at mice take the field When warned that he might break down, he anawered lhat the 1,'uioii uiru of Kmlui ky were calling him to lead them, and Ibat be must and would uiuke the attempt, and, if be failed; be would fail in mol glurioua raua. Mr. Isaac Newton, of Delaware eoiinty, P., baa been appointed Kuperiutnid'nt of the Ari cultural Ptvwion of the Patent Otne, vice Or, l.ot ke, of Indiana, resigned, having been appoint id PsynissUtr in the army. , DMODIIEB in AITORS. A discoursing feature in the war Is, that, In tbe North, we are corsed with two classes of men who give "aid and comfort" to the ene my. Tbe one, in full sympathy with the re bels, denounces the war as unnecessary, un jnat and unholy, and asks for peace at any and lcost, even at tbe cost of the beat govern ment Und ever made man. The other Is as sisting no less in the demnralixetion of the public sentiment by decrying those in author ity. Tbe latter elass, though propably not traitors at heart, are as mischelvous and dan gerous as t,he former, for the reason that dis trust and less confidence in our rulers, thus created, is great damage to tbe cause in which we are engaited a ranse that should enlist the sympathy and support of every pa ttiot in the land. Both classes should be si lenced. There should be do toleration for traitors in disguise, nor any countenance gi ven tn tbe selflxh, mercenary villiGers of those who, at the head of government, are doing all that men can do to sustain end perpetuate the Uoioo es it was banded down to ol by our forefathers. The War Department seems to come in for the largest abate of detraction, t is oo more than right that the people should be made ac quainted with the fact that the complaints and unjust attacks upon this Department have been originated by bold, bad men, whose de siens upon the Tteasury of the Government were no doubt frustrated. Oissppolnted con tractors, like disappointed placemen, because of tbeir Tailure to secure tbat which they sought, have made aud circulated charges which only had existence in their imagina tions. Let the people, when tbey hear de nunciations from this class, scrutinize tbe mo tive.nd they will find selfishness or the most discreditable character, at the bottom. The Chief of the War Department iB bound conform strictly to tbe laws of Congress iu the disposition of all contracts, and io the dis bursement of money under bis control; and we venture to say there has never been a Se cretary of War more scrupulously careful aod honest, in this respect, than Secretary Came rou. Time will demonstrate tbe frutb of what we here utter, and put to shame the base cal umniators, who always prefer "pilfer" to "pa iriotism," no matter what may be the coudi tion of the countrv. There bas never been, since the existence of this covernment there bas never been propably in the history of any Datioo a great er amount os patriotic labor performed, to tbe same length of time, by the head ol any gov eminent or department, than has been per formed by Secret ry Cameron since the present war wus inaugurated. He has been equal to the emergency, and will meet, from a grateful people, the reward be is entitled to. The time will come, when, after all is known con cerning the details of bis administration, it will be acknowledged by tbe whole people that he has served his country faithfully, labo riously, wisely and huuestly. Skcejsionirt Kiu.kd iiv a Lady. A Union mau by the name ol Glover, residing in oue of the counties west of ibis city, owning a nil in, ber ol valuable burses, and having reason to fear tbeir appropriation I J rebel uses, conclu ded tu place tbeui in tbe hands of a company ol home guards in the neighborhood for safe keeping. A day or two afterwards, while Glover was absent from borne, a rebel called to iuqniru for him. Mrs. G. was io the gar den adjoining a cornfield, some distance trout tbe house, when the rebel approached ber and made several inquiries, to which she gave no very satisfactory answers. He then insist ed on being informed where Glover was, and, with revolver in hand, threatened instant death if not told, lie also at tbe same lime demanded of ber to deliver up a valuable gun owned by Glover. The two started for the bouse through tbe cornfield, and on tbe way Mrs. Glover succeeded, without beiug observ ed, in getting possession of a large corn knife tbal had beeu left in the Geld, aud watching her opportunity, took a fuvurable moment for sirikiug a blow, which she did most effectually, the koile severing tbe skull and Killiug the re- bet lustantly. Mrs. Glover bad a small child with her in the garden, which she left when starting for tbe house, intending to return fur it immediately. Having despatched, the re bel. she returned to tbe garden, when she discovered several other rebels in ambush short distance from ber. She took ber child, aud being yet unperceivf d by them, sought a place for conceuliueot until they should retire. 'I bey 8uou emerged from tbeir biding place, uud, searching fur tbeir companion, Ibey four.d Ins lifeless body where he bad been stricken down, and bore it off, greatly to the relief of Mrs. Glover. Mr. Glover immediately made arrangements to leave M issouri, und arrived io Stuue's Prairie, in the southeast part of tins county, where Mrs. G bas ao unci- living by tbe Uame of Julia W. Larnmore, a respecta ble and reliable citizen Quincy Herald. ANOTHER FLOWING OIE, WELL New developements on Oil creek, and through out the entire oil region, are being mad almnet d sily. but the very low pric of crude oil has ratiaed a leneral stagnation of huainesa, and comparatively few welle are pumping. Flowing wella are now regarded as the only one worth ripe rating, and this clans ia gradually increasing in number, A flowing well wsa opened by Kir' A lioniii'lt, on G., W. M'Clintnck'a plaoe, on Friday last When the vein was opened it flowed wiih immense force, throwing a stieain of nil, the full size of the pipe, sixty or seventy feet into the air. Large quantities pnurrd down into the creek. At various plarea below, Indit id-ii-Ik threw out booms into the creek, and so atop ping the oil, collected it in Various amount of from five to sixty barrel. As anon as practice, hie, tubbing wilh a seed bag was inserted into tbe pipe ofthe well to conduct the oil Into a tank by the old pumping well, Tbe upward preasure wn so great as to render It difficult to eet the lubbina; down to its place. Here weie secured about two hundred and ninety five barrel of oil from between five and six o'clock p. m., to seven o'clock the next morning, contiderahle quantiliee floving away at the eama time. Un Saturday laal the oil was flowing from th well faiter than two men could barrel it. To th 'stern nf Aor(Jtumb:rland Cltnnty: IELl.OW. CITIZENS :- Having been urard bv many citixens nf both end of our county, I offer myeelf ia a candidate for . ASSOCIATE JlilHlE, Subject to the rules and Baagea of the democratic party, and if nominated and elected, I will fulfill the duties of the dike impartially and to the best of my ability. CASPER 8CH0M.. Hhamnkiii, July S7, 1WBI. Division or Virginia The Convention DOW in session at Wheeling ia agaitating the object of dividind Virginia into two States. An ordnance on tbe subject has been report ed and is beiog discussed. Tbe question most likely tn embarrass the Convention is the matter of boondary. "Some members," tbe Intelligencer says, "are disposed to get as much territory es possible a fow, we believe, prefer the whole State." Tbe ordi nance proposes to form a new Slate out of portion of Virginia lying north and west of the Alleghany mountains, the lino of division beginning on the top of the Clinch moun tain, on tbe line dividing Tennessee and Virginia, and running thence with the top of said mountain, Hich Mountain, ic. to end on the county line dividing Fairfax and Prince William county to the Potomac river. It also proposes to submit the question of division tu the vote of the people of all the counties included in the new Stale. It is evident that tbe proposition to erect a new Stale now finds favor with nearly all the members of the Convention, and the bouodary proposed by tbe ordinance is the natural one of dividing mouutuin line. It takes in tbe counties contiguous to the Capi tal oi the country, and includes tbe crave o! aslungton. Tuk Rfiiki.s m a Bam.ooh. We find the following io a Fortress Monroe letter : A negro, who escaped from bewail 8 Point, give ao amusing account of things thero at the recent bailouu ascension by I. a Moun lain, when be bung io air directly over the rebel bnlter'ea and camps. I bey looked op to it with a profuse use of profanity, if Sambo is to be believed, and tbeir rage amounted to a perfect frenzy. Tbey thought seriously for a time or trying some of tbeir longest range rifles upon it, but finally concluded lhat his altitude was so great that the attempt would only result id a lailore. .Nothing else bas occurred during the whole campaign which bas so mtiCh euraged them. The balloon was let up, attached to a loDg rope from a steam tug io toe river. TraOKDV ON THK NlTTANV MofNTAIN. A young man named Huston Poorman, residing in Spring township, Centre county, was bru tally murdered on the Niltany mountain Centre Co., last week. The alleged murder era are F.dwurd Lipton and VVm. II. Hays both of M ilesburg, who have been arrested and beld to answer. All tbe parties are respectably couoected. California and Australia yield nearly $100,000 01)0 of gold annually, the latter leading tbe former about 810.OUO.000. For Associate Judge. Subject to th Rule and Uaagee of the Demo e ratio Party. JL,SU, tj. nun iu,t. Point townahip, July 13, 161. For Associate Jndgo. WE earneally recommend THOMAS ft. MACKKV, Em., of Milton, as a suitable person for ASSOCIATE JUDGE, at the ensuing election. Mr. Mackev is a good scholar in both English and German. He is also an CRroMPnoniaisa Union man, and as such we preaenl him to the voter of the county, f Aug. Sd. 1881. ' run Tllli u.n:'. Taxes ! Taxes! Taxes! "IU E Hoard of rtchool Director and Hnpervt aor of liotid in lommhiii where miMsted Land are ituaied. are herehy rriut-sted to fur nih the Commisalnner of Northumberland county, with the rate per cent for the year IHRU 61, on &cboul and lioad Tax H. V. JORDAN, Clrtk. Commissioner' office, Sunbury, July S7, f. I J IMPORTANT TOLOVER3 OF 33 CD CJD LO P 13iJ UK (GUT A SON, Invite attention to their Steele of l'riine Green and Black Tea. June I A, 1S61. S. L. BERGSTBESSEIl, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBR0TYPE8. and all the modern styles of Pictures, eiecuted in a superior manner. Konms In bis OAK, Alarsei nqusre, Sunbury, Pa. A n post 10, I8B1. Assessors. rMlR Assessors of Northumberland C oon ty, whose business it ia to make tbe tri ennial asessment, are hereby notified that the hooks lor that purpose, are now ready lor ue liveiy at the Commissioners' Office. Commissioners' Offiee, ) Sunbury, Aug. 24, 'CI. ) AUDITORS NOTICE. 7t the Orphang' Court of Northumberland County. In the matter of the final account of William L. Dewart, Guardian of Mary C. Malick : THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by said Court tu settle and adjust said account, will alter d for that purpose at hi office, in Sunbury, on Tuesday, the 24 th day of September, 1H6I, when all persons interested may attend, if they think proper. HARRIS PAINTER, Auditor. Sunbury, August S4, lt6l. auditor s" notice. Martin K. Ilachman, now 1 In the Court of fur the use of Abravaro Common J'leae of Bohner f Northumberland co. vs. I ven. ex. no J" Henry Veie. J August Term, 1801. Notice i hereby given that the undersigned Auditor, appointed by the said Conrl to diatritute the monies in Court, in the above case, will attend for tbat purpose at his oftice, in Sunbury, on Tuesday, the Hth day of October next, when all persons interested may attend, it they think proper. HAIiltIS PAI TEH, Auditor. Munhury, A usual 84, 1861. State of the Bank of Northumberland, August 1st, 1861. ASSETS. Loam and Bills discounted. Do. to Suite Pennsylvania, Nirihumlerlatid Baulc Stock, Oilier Blocks, Ileal KstHte, Due bv oiher Bank. Notes und Chet-ka of other Duks, Specie tu Vuult, '1J.1L LATEST STYLE OF SPIilbG AND SUMMER G AEMENT9, ARB CONSTANTLY XrXASS et the Fashionable Tailoring; Establishment JACOBO. BECK, Mai ket street, St'MII'ltV. Fti. riHE subscriber lis just received and opened -I- i.rce assortment 8PRIM1 AND f'M- MI' II GOOD", such sa CLOTHS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION A QUALITY. Flain and Fancy Cassimeres, Vesthigs, &c. of the latest st le. In addition to his stock he is constantly receiving new supplies from the city keeping a full assortment ofthe most subslaiitiul and latest style of Good in the cily market-. Me is prepared tn make to order all kinds of Gentlemen's and 7ov's wear, such as DRESS COATS. FROCK.COATS. BCSI- KESS-COATS. VE.ST8 PASTA LOONi. Ac. Ac onite very latest style, and in the moat substan tial manner, at sl.ort notice. Any Goods Dot on hand, will be furnished from Philadelphia, ly Riving two dav' notice. Itr (Jail ami e mi mi no my stock, no charges made fur showing. j JAC'JU O. LliUK. Buniinry, May 1 1, t 6I . JOHNS & CR0SLEY, SULK MAM FACTIRKRS OF THK IMPROVED GUTTA VERCHA C E M E N T 11 U O F I N G , The elicit pest find niont durable Homing in use. Uii Fire It mil i Applied to new nntl old Koofs of nil kinds, and to Shingle Rtw. without removing the thniKie. The Cost is only about One-Thinlthat of J in, and it is twice os Durable. GUTTA PERCH A CKMKNT, For nr:t!vitnr snd reimirtiia Tin niul othr Metnl Rnoft of every dtctiiiiont from it tent rliiFiieiiv, is not injured iy t In eomrtJ'Uloit mm ex pun i ion "I nicittic, imu win not ciiirk in cold or tn n in wmin wctithet. ruese iiiMieriM.s iinvc thonmi'hly ifKtetl in Iew York and ml purls nf the fcotjthetn und Western Plates, niiri we wn give flbmidnntjiiuof ot b.I we cImiid in luvir ItlV'T. Thevaro-rciKiiiy applied by or inory mliurcri, ui a tri fling exilian. '.Ml Mliri t 1 I 1.1(1 llvl.U. There tnaterintinre put. up reiidy for use, and for ship pi:.g to till purtsot the country, wilh full pi luted direct uns for npp'.icitti'in. Full descriptive rireutoia will I furnished on applica tion by inntl -r in person nt ur FrincipHl Oir.ce mnt Wiirt, house, 7m WIUdAM STUEKT, (Cur tier of Liberty Street,) New York. j t M i . r (X ivnusbci. Agkst Wasiko ! Ternii Cash : ! J'n-e 1, 1G1 ly . .. . . i . SUMMER GOODS ! AT PKICES TO SUIT -'71'. THE Til UABIUHES. New Advertisements. TO THE VOTEK8 OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. Fellow Citizens : I offur myself to you as an Independent Union Candidate tor REGISTER AND RECORnPR. Should my ellow citizer.a see proper to. give me a majority of their votes, I pledge myself to a faithful performance of their dutie of the office. PETER W.GRAY. Sunbury, August 17, 1661. Tkiai. ok tub Ukiok Gun at Fvrtrrsb Monhok At two o'clock this afternoon the tw. Ive-incli Union puo was tried under the su pervasion of Lieut. Baylor, of the ordinance de partment, and the tiring was witnessed by Gftierals Wool and liutler, Capt. Heynolds, and a number of army and naval rflicers. As it had never been tirrd before, the best results could oot be obtained, but enough was asrer tamed to satisfy all that the gun was not ca pable of performing what its inventor expect ed of it. With lorty five pounds of powder the gun at its greatest elevation, taentyeight degrees, threw a solid shot about four miles aud a half, which was the greatest range at tained to-day. James' projectiles were used, but were hardly such as are best suited for tbe gun. However, future experiments uiay be more successful. With a I'ltle larger charge of powder, a shell weighing three hundred and forly one pounds, or a solid shot weighing four hundred and twenty three pounds, can be ea sily thrown into the enemy's camp or battery at Sewall's Point, and, if tbe shell should ex' plode in the right place, it would take but one or two of them to utterly destroy tbeir batte' ry. In a little while we shall rest the I oion s range towards that point Cor.N. Y. Herald. Blm.l Run. Tbo New York Tribune, in speaking of the silence of tbe Hebel command ers in regard to tbeir loss at tbe late battle, says : I he UonfHrierate enters, though tbe have had General McDowell's report in their hands fur more than a fortnight, Iiuvh oot yet ven tured to tell their own story. Iu vain do the Charleston Mercury and other prominent re bel joiiruuls exclaim, "Give us tbe truth we cm bear it" they do not venture to comply. I bey dare not set forth, to plain words, tbe strength of their array nor the extent of their losses. I bey dare not say why they did not pursue our pauic-stricken irnop in their hel ter.Fkelter race to tbe Potomac. Tbey dare not say why, even after being informed by their W asliinuton spies nf the utter demorali zation of the lugitives, they did out venture to pursue them into Washington. In short, do vanquished cliieftaio ever 'concealed the circumstance and extent of his defeat more studiously thau the Confederates, aside from their brief and vague yet scandalously false despatches, have concealed the ciicnmstaat-ea of the Hull Run combat. W bo believes thev would bave done ao had tbey not realized tbat the trutb would not'serve them as well as the fulsebooda wherewith tbey bave concealed itt To "the Voters of Northumberland County. FELLOW CITIZENS: From the encour agement I received from diluent parts of the county, I otfur myself as a candidate for the olFica of ASSOCIATE JUDGE. subject to the usages of the democratic party, and if elected, wfll perform the duties justly and im partially to the beat of my ability. AURAHAM SHIPMAN. Lower Augusta township. June 29th. 1861. FOR REGISTER & RECORDER Subject to the Rules and Usage of the Demo cratic Party. J. U.MASSER. To the Voters of Northumberland County, ELLOW Citizen: Prom the encourage ment I have already received from both end of our county, I oiler mvsclf for Ihe LEGISLATURE. Suhiect to the usage of the democratic parlv and if nominated and elected, promise my beat etiort for her interests, as well a lhat of our good old Common wealth. WM. H.KA8E Kushtown. July 37, 1S6I. E.11II.0M W 41,7111 lv! 5 .in (i on 4.rKni no H .V-8 Si ao.tiiD it 110,3'JI it tf 111,100 11 tfloO.i-J jjs S id I 05 4. til 4 I'D 6 1. 21)1 30 T TEInTT 1 0 1ST The Dest Military Dock ever Published NOW READY, BAXTER'S 13. V. BRIGHT & SON, UAVi: RECEIVED Ol!4 ALL KINDS OF GOODS. HANDSOME, DURABLE AND GZ3 3332: ! T3 , LIVE AND LEARN 1 LET TUE PEOPLE STILL COZtlTIXtTE TO LIVE, AND THEY "WILL SOON 'LEARN THAT FIULI1S G & Gil ANT. AT TUB MAMMOTH STORE. ARE SELLING GOODS CHEAPEN than can ba purchased elsewhere. - -A. FHEGH BUPPL V Just received by ftailroad this week. KE. MEM HE It THIH, AND ' PROFIT UY II Sunbury, December 15, l.60. J . A . C 11 A D A L L ' 3 PATENT SPUING HOUSES 478 BROADWAY, N rW TTOllK. fehnuM he iu every family. School, (ivmnas urn, Asvlom, ami Hospital in the lain). At not DANtiB ROUS, like the common Rockin Horse. rMntiit firm on it Pedestal, will n wear CMiPETS, and ha no Rockers to injur the Feet. Health and happiness in tl. samesaitJIs.'N. P. WU Nmet in Circulation, lue nthr nunki, Due Commnnweuiuit )ueleptsiiori, I rcriirv the alove Btntfmfnt to be just and true to the beat ot my knowledge nU iifiiei. Sworn nnd ubri1-j! tjacftue nw. ( ((rTOBOK MXK-1CK, J. P. ' August '21, lt-61. GREAT BARGAINS AND FROM THE "HOME -10UKN4L." "Of all the cbild-furnituroiwe have ever set no article combines so much of those two iinpc tant things health and happiness aa the A ' justable Patent Steel Spring Saddle Horse, i vented by Jesse A. Uranilull, it la not imnnf ous, like a common rocking-horse, to childrrt feet, cannot be upset, doea not wear carp'ta, I, stands firm on its base, and it action ia sp lit the gallop of a live horse that the child nci wearies of it. This ititest of child-novelties ia c ceedinely elcgnnt and artistic in design ; and adjustable, substantial, and durable, that it tv Inst a' lifetime. It is indispensable in eve family where there are children. It should in every primary school and gymnasium in t country, as it can he made lurfe and slro .Miouch to sustain grown persons. As a pedes for photographic pictures, nothing is more beau "Every Oiphan Asylum and Institution wh children are congregated, should be furnish with a riumMcr of these beautiful articles. Til are tilted with side-saddles when required." The Great Cure for Consumption. To the Democratic Voters of Northum berland County. 11IAYE been induced to permit my name to he used in connection wilh Ihe nomination for the LEGISLATURE, at the ensuing Demo' cratic primary election. I'he solicitation ol many warm personal Irienit in both end of our county have prevailed with me in thi matter and should they see proper to nominate and elect me, it will I mv pleasure, ss well a a duly, to piomote the interests and proserity nf my own constituent, aa well aa of the elate and countrv al large. j. worms brown. Turbnl township, July B, IS6L Th DtazaTSR' Roll Governor a General Order, publishes the names, occupation and residence of one Lieutenant and three bun' died and eighty aii non commissioned officer and private of Ihe Second Infantry Iti giiiient. Pennsylvania Rearrve corys, who refused to lake their oth preparatory to entering lha acmes of the United State. I he order dismisses them from Ui service ofthe Hiate, end brand them will) the charge of partaking ber bounty, and in tbe nmmenl ol ber peril deserting her. Muster ing officer arc cautioned against teenliaiing tnein Th deserter are from W U. Manna negtniri nil ar nearly all rtsidenU of Philadelphia, To ihe Yotert of bdrthumberland County Feliow ClTIZSrl I I offer mvself a a Union Candidate fot the office of ASSOCIATE JUDGE, at the next election. Should I be elected, I pledge myself Io perform tbe duties of Ihe office In ihe best of my ability. ji in ui u am. Northumberland, May 4, lbl. la COI K1Y TUEiSlRER, riHE il'srrioer offers himself tn the If mo 1 cratic Voter of Northumberland ronnlv. a candidate for Ihe office of COL N I ILL A- SURER, at the next primary election. Subject to the decision ol the Conntv Convention. JOSEPH EVERETT. Delaware twp, June 8, 16I. If you bave a cold, use Wisha't' Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! If you have a cough, use Wishart' Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! If you have Asthma, use Wisharl' Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! If you have Sure Throat, use Wisharl' Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! Ifyou have Bronchitis, use Wisharl' Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! Ifyou have Consumption, use Wisharl' Pine Tree Tar Cordial Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial is an unfail ing remedy for disease of the Kidneva, Urinary I omplainla, Blind and Bleeding Pile, Nervous Debility, and for female weakness and Irregu' larniea. I he well known rrticacy of 1 tne 1 ree 1 ar in the cure of external allVclions or Sores, pointed it oot as the Natural Remedy for what Physicians call Tubercular flections (lhat ia Io say, bores.) upon the Lungs. It remained to discover the best mean of application, which discovery has been made, a a thousand testimonials prove, ly Ihe Proprietor of Wishart' Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! If you have DYSPEPSIA, use Wisharl' Great American Dyspepsia Pill! A sore cure Warranted fur one dollar, or the Money Refunded : Boy a bix and take them according to direc tion, and if they do not cure you, the money will be returned. Act.vr Wm. Weimer, Northumberland. A. W. Fischer, Hunburv. Call at either place, and get a descriptive Cir cular. I.. Q. C. Wishart, proprietor, No. 10, North Second, Philadelphia August 10, 1H6I. I y SUNBURY STEAM FERRY AND T n WINGBO A T COMFAN Y. rRAVKI.LERS and other are respectfully inlorined that the suhscriher, in order to ac commodate the public and facilitate travel, hi reduced the rate of ferriage at hie STEAM PERKY, over Ihe SuMiuelianna, at Sunbury, and will carrv Passenger. Horse, Carnage, and other vehicle, at the follow ing rate, viz i Fool Passenger, each ft cents. Horse and Rider, 15 Horse and ucgy, 25 Two-Horse Conveyance, 40 Farmer and others, wishing to transport Coal and I'roduce, can make arrangements at still lower ralea. A large, safe and rnmmodiou Steamboat will rnn regularly and promptly at all hours of the day. and to accommodate those who desire to al- VOLUNTEER'S MANUAL Containing full instruction for the RECRUIT, in the Schools of the Soldier and Sqnud, given in the most Simple Style, and all the infortunium necessary foi the forming of CORPS OF HOME G LRD.S. Illtsrati-d with over 1 00 engravings. showing the DiRermt Poslioniii the Facings and M ..imul ol Arms, and comp'.cte directions relative to Loading and Firing. Arranged ac cording ti SCOTT'S SYSTEM OP INFANTRY TAC TICS, And in conformation with the army require ments for the present War, by Li. Col. U. W. O. I5A.VI Lit, of the National Guard. THIS BOOK IS OFFICIALLY API'IIOVF.D OF. The instructions given are of the ereatest im portance to Ihe rew vuluntccr. and should be thoroughly understood, bi iti in Jisj.en.-al.le to Ihe instruction of a company. Hoiind in one volume. l"imo.,i2 piges. Paper Cover, price 2." cents. Flexible Cloth, ii cent. I lie silnie tlui li Is also published in tlin tinman Language, at Ihe snme price, and is the only Ucruiaii Book of American Tactic pub lished in tbe United Slate. Ajnta and Cancaisert H'orirW. T engage in the sale of this Work, in every Cily, Town and Village in the country. Splendid Inducements DIRECTIONS FOR ADJUSTING. On the after part of Ihe base sufficiently to allow t axle to go in its place ; then raise or lower t Horse to suit you. Screw the bolls in the (i very tight. W 'These Horsea are WAKRAFTED o year. March 10, 1H6L tf TO AT THE Price per Down Copies, $".'10 Filiy H.Oti ' Hundred" 15 00 All orders ocenmpauied with the Cash will be dispatched immediately, either by pnsr or express. It ordered by post. Stamps nihsttie enciose.-l to pay postage. If by express, lite Ireiglil can be paid on delivery. SONG FOR THE VOLUNTEER. The f.'i(i;;-n 7oiit"ii. A New bin! Original Collection of Military and Patriotic Song; adapted es i cia'.lv f r the present Campaign, line vol Umo. Willi it lustrations. Paper cover, 15 cts. Flexii.le Cloth, 25 cia. Single Copies ol tiie above Il. MAILED l UF.i: OF I'OSTAGli. To any address in the United States, upon re ceipt of the price, by EINU A; UAl II D, Printer and Publisher. 6H7 Ssssom Sr., Pi'iladi Iplna. To whom all Orders should Pe addressed. May 18. I Hi. I. (it ONE 1TJCE STORE, OP E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Hunburv, June 15, lSGi. T BJj A R E G E A. J? Rich Figured liareiies. I!t, 25and 31 cents, IUrege S3 51). irl 1.0 and 55 b(l, Mozambique l!,.lifs st .r DO, Traveling Dress Goods. Sliepliard' Plaids. Mohair Plaid. Gingham', Lawns. Prints, Chuilif , Grey Figured (i.h..ii, CGOPER A. CON A HI). S E corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia N II Best quality Hoop flirts, 'J4 otiila tu 3 25. May l. lUfil. u a n ii J A Legislature. barrio. ntTi-r mvself a a Union Candidate for Ihe Onica of Legislature for INrinumtM-rlanurj ie (Jhurrhe at nunbury and eeluisgrove, County, eliciting the vole of all person favor gt.le to enforcing the l.awa and the Constitution, and sustaining the present General Administra tion so long a it action are in accord: ance therewith t pledging mvelf if elected to perforin every duty incumbent upon the position to th best of my ability, discarding all party dif ferences. JESSE YOCUM. NvihumberUnd. Aug. 3. l6l. To the Democratic Yotert of Northumberland County. fllH ROUGH the encouragement of my 1 friends, I have been induced again to offer myself a a candidate for the LEGISLATURE, ubject to the rule of the democratic party. JOHN B. NEWBAKER. Trtvarton, July 13, 1801. E S V HOI KS AI.K AS'D KKTAIIi CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. 1-. Corner Second und Chestnut ., riiilatU'lplilsi. CKXCY forth.- PATF.N T K((i: A 1.IZINU Till RTV 1AV ri.OCKS, a veiv a.:icle lor Clum-ii-rs, II. .Iris, banks. H.'USr-s, Tailors. Au. Also, Ma.iiil'aelurer of H.K t.OI.U ri... t'l.M-ks n-)..iir:(l hiiO vvuiruiilftt. 1't.s-k Tiininiii.a of rvt-ry il.-tM-rilion, riiiis.lrlliin, January 10, lroi..-;Jy the Boat will run on Sunday The Steamboat will run from Market Street Warf, and promptly onvey Passenger from both sides of th River, without delay. 'I'he Stesm Ferry now aflurd n.H only a safe and convenient transit over the Husquehanna, but also a pleasant and agreeable ride. IRA T. CLEM EN T, Lessee and Proprietor. Sunbury, May 5, 1861, MAiJHOOD. how lost, how kf.stohi:d, jist puaus-HKO IN A pKALFD F.NVl.LOI'K t A l.KCTl'H K on the Nature, tr.Mt.nent, ai.J Pulienl Cure .a" S.r.iiii.Uinl.O', of W'nWiiess.Stxual lie. tul.ty, Ncri-oustieB anil iliv l.tarv sruiisa.-.os. (r.'.li g iinp.4eiicy, and riiysic-ul Dtbiluy. UyKOl.T. 1. CTI.VKUWELL, M !., The iinporlant fart that the awful cnsequenees of self. Uum may Iw elleelU'.lly removed without inieriuil nnili. cincs .a the .taoaeious a)lications of esuslu-s, i.istru irn-.ii. an rti Uiusirs, uisl e...i. leal dcvisrs, is beraclrarlv drilHiiistrulrd. and I he riilirrly .lew ami ilily sueeesslul lie.onin.i, as ad..leil by the celel.ralrd aull.or fully apla.iual, l.y means ol wlncr. every on is riw... COMMERCIAL NURSERIES, H.E- HOOKER Xc CO., Knc'llhsTbK, N. Y JOHN W. DUCIIER, Local Agent, Sunbury Pa. he su'.iscriber, having lwen oppoinled local Agent f.r the sale ol 1 ruit trees, plants, vines, tVc, of one ol the most reliable .Nurseries, calls the attention nf all who want choice fruit to this in. Iliod, as more cei tain than by ol.tdiuiug them through traveling agents. Among tliose described in Ihe Catalogue are. Dwarf Pear Trees, of the age for transplanting, remarkably line. Ilvvaif A pplrt Trees, on Paradise Storks, ma king bratititul little tree lor the garden, an. I pro ducing remarkably tine specimens of Iruil iu a verv short time. Ilvvaif Cberrv Tree, budded on Mahsleb Stocks, handsome trees. I Standard Apple. I'eBr and Cherry Tree, very fine, wilh a lurje list of varieties. I Peach, Plum, Ne. larine aud Apricot Tree. Gooseberry, U link berry and Mranberrj I'lunl I all of the finest kinds. Currants, many new and improved varieties, such as Cherry, t lule Grap.t, lute Couduuiu, Red Gripe, n'loria, itc. MrawL-iry in preat variety, including t tie Hooker. Wilson's Albany, Trioiiinbie de I tiand, (the most approved old vaiieiies,) as well as all Die novelties. Grape Viura. including tliose line, new, yet ll t-r'td kinds which no planter should be without, such is IVlnware, Concord, and Hart ford Prolific. These we have propagated ao ex tensively aa In able to oiler them at reduced and sallff iclory prices. Plants, Koses, Evergreens and every variety of ornamental trees and Shrubbery. securely packed- JOHN W. Ill CHER. Agent, Sunbury Pu. Sunbury, Fcbuary, t, IStil. New T3illinery Gccds. MINI H. 1 all-KM. I'awil Streft. tiro dimrt fiilh nt the Shaiiflm Yallty A- PMnrVle .W i:nd. STJNBUBY, PEN I-J'A... UKc'PECTFI. ELY informs the ciluen nf SUNUUKY and vicinity, lhat she has just received Irom I'lnls.!. Iphi a lurge aiorlinciit of style nf r ct srr Sf a S3 . HATS, 811 A V ' MINCs. Ac. which ' Pliable -- SUNETJRY ACADEMY. rpllF. SL'MMr.R TF.RM of Hie Sunbury Academy eotniiiciK-e ..n Ihe-lh of April. Tlie c.uise of iiistruclion embraces every dep: meat of rdueiitioi. timglil in our best Acarlemies, prepm stmle-iia onu uiiher for a profession or to enter any t-Hi . Coi.eg9. TERMS TKR QUARTER: C'.m-nnn Si l .s.l llranehe, 81 09 liit' Knu'lili llninclies, !i l 1-iilill ui:ii liteek Mllguuc. ? OU Tuitioi. t. .be pant liefore the middle of the leim. K...irdcau Iw Imd in private fumiiies at flow el Ti pel wees. St P. WOLVEIITOX, Prmcip.i. Sunbury, March 30, lyiil. do voir wtx r MIIISHERS. DO YOU WANT WIIIMCF.HS ! DO YOU WANT A MOUSTACHF. DO YOU WANT A MOUSTACHE? ISelliat&huiiVs Celebrated 3 T I M U L A T I N G OXOUK N For the W'l.iikert and Hair. Tiie su1iscnlrs take pleasure in announcing to the c Z.-l.s ..I tiie L iltted Malts, tliul thev have nutaiiletj : A.em-y ..r, ai.du.c n-'W eiutl.ied tooffi'i to the Ameru pat'lir, Ui aisjva justly crlel.ratte uud wurld-renuw article. The Stimulating Or.gvent. is prepared by Dr. C. F. lleiiniRHni, un eminent phjsu. of Luiidolt, ami is warronted to brn.g outalh.l-k set uf Vhiske rs or Moustache. in from threelo six weeks. The arucle ia the only i oi the kind used l.y the Kreuuli, and in London and I ns It is in lotivertal use li is a heuiiiiiiil. reoiioimcnl. soothing, yet stimutut compound, sn.u a rs if 1'V mimic upon Hie roots, ctiusn I t.c-uM'ul iimwlii of luxuriiiiu hair 11 upplit-d to the sri i will t-i.rc lo.'.itrs. lin.l cause IO up III place j the tsil.l spots a line ert.vetn of hair. Appli'-d ai-uoitl j todirrellons It Wl.i turn r.-d or n.wy lislr ilitrk, and rest hair to iisoliiuni color, leavnn: it S"l't, siii.m.iIi, i J il.-Kil.le. The ' i'luno'iil'' is an iiulispeusihle Hiliel l every ui-nllriiiiiii's t.-iit. ui.d ..Her one wi-ek's use I: I WMil.l ii'.i f-.r nny co.ivi.lerulioil he vvlLhout It. The tire ihe only Acenls for the article ! the l.'.ilted Males, to vv hotn all ordeis Irilisl le snores- I'riee One tn.lliir a Ih.x .r suV l.y ull Druggists i Oenlers; or a In.x ..f the .-Oiisiient" (warranted to I.; Ihe .Irsiri-d ellrcl) will he sent to any who desire it. ni.ol, tlirei-l, s-eiii.'lv piickee, on receipt of price and,l9. Ariiv t.. or a.i.lress Htlll .tl'l: I.. HK(-f MAX ft CO., llruL'ists, Ac., -Jl Wiliiuiu ft., New York F -rsale al i'. oiiice. March ao, lwl. OI-OMOV MiliUK, Attorney af Lav SUNBURY. Ifort-ua b d Co.. 7 (Formerly Freeburg, S er county.) I OFFICU, Market Street, a few door easl uf I Northern Cer.tral Railroad Ilepnt aud two doors west ofthe Post IHtieo. All Professional llusiness, Collections, ol will receive prompt attention. March 30. 1HI. nd si leoilid tbe most fashionable and latest DKl'liS AND MEDICINES, RICHARD A. riSCHER'S AVING purchased the store formerly ! by A. W. FlM'll, be would respeclle call the attention uf the public to bi well el. cd stuck of r IK L US. W-Ull l.vts, Clli-.: rWPX t'ALS. u PAINTS iSr.t Oils, Uvt tufli, Vari.isbes. Per'umery, Fai Aitiib, tine Hitr mil 'J'o.ilh, Fam V Soaps. Trusses, &c. 7'hystrian Pfwrip'ion and Family Rec , accurnt.-iy compoun.led al ull hours, by au rienced 1 . ujra i"t and A ( i tliexary. RUMUMUCR the ,.iue, under tbe "Sun'.tiry Anierii Kii." Hunburv, June 9" A Good Chance for an Enterprising; Man ritHr. Bkitiserilier want a nartner in the Mar 1 bl. busines. a obr perrverin, who j y TLlZSTv Call .eft VU.U l J . ft - IMMII (MI.UM gra, to one that will (uit, no cash capital required. Fur patticulara inquire of JOHN A. TAYLOR. Northumberland, A u. 3, 1 88 1. 8m Tins leclui will prove Issai to thousands si.d It telll UIMler Seal. It. a Pttt.l. ruv.m..e, v sJ mini pant, on th iceeir two pisilage sun.M, l.y a Or Cll 1 0.b,UNE, UI bows.y, New V Offios box t,.. April so, tsei.-lypl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers