GREATEST EXCITEMENT OF THE SEASON I 1TJL1NG & GHANT.. at llio AMHQTH STORE, ive juat receive J a NEW AND DEisIKAnLK hi Di k uf ALL fj WINTEIl GOODS'. very extensive assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS,' ConfUting in part of .lack and Fancy Silks of very choice pntlcrns DEUEOUS, - Ducal, Cashmere French and English Merinos, riain and Figured Wool Delaines, i uslin Delaines of all stylea and prices. ' "Foulards, Thibet Cloth, Poil Da Cl.avres. Saxon'and Wool PIaiuV. I ..DIES' FUI13, BROCHE, Bay 8lato and Wool SHAWLS of every va" riety, 4c, &c. Gentlemen's Dress Goods, of every style, consisting of Clotha, Casimares, SaU'inetts, Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds, Velvet Cord, Velveteen, Vesting!". of every variety. ur stock of hilk and Pilk Velvet Venlings, cannot be surpassed in the untry. Please call, and examine them. CLOTHING I Our stock of READY MADE CLOTFINO. has been replenished, and wc have a full assort ment of OVERCOATS DRESS COATS. Panti and Vests, Overcoats and Dress Coals for Boys of all ages. ALSO, a very handsome assortment of HATS AND CAPS of every tyle and variety at tho lowest prices. Our atock of HARDWIIRE has been renew rd and we hnve now u larger assortment than ever before effered to our customers, consisting in pan 01 ' Sausage Cutters, Pocket Cutlery, Butcher Knives Mayer Hinge, ' Bolts and Pad I.orks X Cut fawn, Mill Saws, Scoop fthovels, &c, Ac, Ac, 4 c, ic, Ac llut'ciitivaie and f.'IasKware, of every variety at the VERY LOWEST TltlCES. Our stock of GROCERIES isvery Cue. We have (ho best ouality of fyruu Molasses ever before olfere to the citizens of ftunhury and vicinity. CEDAR AND WILLOW. WARE of every variety. Carpets, Notions, Hosiery, (iloVCS, SADLERY. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ac., &c Also a fresh supply of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Dye M ill, Perfumery, Glass, Fancy Soaps, Brushes, Sic. Particular rare having been taken initiate lection of our goods in regard to quality, style and price, we call tho iittcption of the public to our large stock to which constant aililitious will be mado. Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit a continuance of the patronage of the public l Gelling cheaper than ever, liive us a cali before purchasing elsewhere. FKILINfi &. GRANT. Huubury, Nollemlier 17, Infill. D O O T A N D S 1 1 O K MANUFACTORY. Corner of Marltt Square and River Street STTIsriBXTIV'Srr, PA. PI'llE suliseriber respectfully informs the citi M lei s ol Sunbury and vicinity, thut he has opened a Boot and IShou Shop on the corner ol Market Hipiaro and River street, opposite the Court Hou, where he can be found at all times ready to wait upon customers. Having considerable experience, he is prrpured to make up customer work uf all kin at short notice, in the latest style and wnrkmai aliip. He keeps constantly on hand a Urg ajort meut of Leather, of the best quality, which en ables him to make up good and durable work. Call and examine fur yourselves beloie pur chasing elsewhere and you will save money. JOHN VVILVEIt. Bunbury, Nov. 10, IKoO. ly SAVE YOUR FRUIT I'JY L'KINti MA. SON'S Patent Sheet Metal Hcrew Top I RrEUVK J A II MASON'S PATH NT SHEET METAL KCKEWruP! 'AW that is necessary Iwing to screw the Csp Jowr. upon die Rubber (Joskrt, which is placed upon the ahuuldnr of the Jar, 3 4 l an inch dis taut from lb top ; prevent the possibility or t!i. flavor el tba fruil being injured by coming it contact with tho Rubber. Person.. te.iring 11UM, J4rg rall ll4) ,u,, ij. J l,j (savin- their orders with 11, U. MAt-HIU Buubury , J un S, 1 101). A gtut. New Anival of Clothing rill IE largest and best Stock of FALL AND JL WINTEIl t i n l llixu ..... i.,,.ii t this plaeo, arrived st thn Mammoth ('loihing Sl.ire of HCHWFITZKR, CO.. in Market street, neaily opposite Wea ver's Hotel. Their Slork comprises of FINE CLOTH OOATB, Dress Coats, Over C rats. Business Coats, Ac. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. tTnderSIiirls, Drawers, Ac. HATS A3STJ3 CAPS. BOOTS AND KHOEm, of the latest styles of every description and quality, cheaper than ever. Tlisir assortment of gentlemen's futnishing Clothing is the most complete 1 Their variety and styles most attractive. And tho prices defy nil competition. tV Call and examine for yourselves. 8C WEITZER, HEILBKONNER 4- CO. Sunbury, Oct. 6, lffiO. CENTEAirHOTEL" SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Ta. THIS large and commodious Hotel, now managed by JAMES VAN DYKE. It is situ.tto at the Railroad Depot North East corner of Market Square, Sunbury, and at the terminus of the Sunbury AS- Erie and North ern Central Railroads, and is open forthe accom modation of Travelers and tho public in general Tho pnprictor will give his exclusive atten tion, totl c comfort and convenience of his guests and isde'ermined to make this establishment rank among the first in the Slate. Hi table will be supplied with the best the ma'ket can produce having tho advuntnrre of daily communination by ears direct from Balti more, nnd also from thure bringing produce from the surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market can product) Ca-oful and obliging servants always In at tendance. New and commodious stubling has just been added to the premises. A share ol the local and traveling communit a most respectfully solicited. .Sunbury, January IS, 18C1. now withFnreach of "all GllOVKll f$ UAKEll'S 'A'.- CELEBRATED NOISELESS Sewing Machines, 4!)5 Biioaiiwax, New Tohk. The public attention is respectfully jequostcd to tho following cards of Eli is Howe, Jr., and tho (trover & Baker S. M. Co A Card from tho C ROVER & BAKER S. K. Co. Our Patent being now established by t Court, wo arc enabled to furnish the Grovor Sr Baker Machine, with important improvements at gieatiy Seduced Prices. The moderate price at which Machines mnk ing the lirover & Baker atilch, can now lie had, hriiigs them w ithin the reach of all, and renders the use of Machines, making inferior stitches as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and thn right to use them, must not only be sure to buy .M idlines making the Orover & Bakr stitch, but u!so that such Machines are made end stamped under our patents and thodo of Elias tlower, Jr. OROVER cV BAKERS. M. CO., Broadway, New York. A CARD FROM ELIAS HOWE, JR. All persons ore, cautioned not to make, deal in or use ony Sewing Machines which sew from two spools and make the stitch known as the (i rover & Sliukor stitch, unless the sanio are purchased from tho Orover Sr, Baker Sewing Machino Company, or their Agents, or Licenses, and stainiej under my patentot Septeu.licr 10, 184G. Said Company, and their Licenses, alone, art legally authorised under their own patenU, am my suid pnlenf; during the extended term there of, to make and sell this kind uf Sewinir Machine and al others are piracies upon my said patent, aim win tie dealt with accordingly, wherever found. ELIAS HOWE, JH. New York, Dec. 5, ISfiO. tf WALL PAPER 1 FRILING & GRANT, at the M AMMOTH STOKE, have this day (January 17th, 1SCI received a CHOICE ASSORTMENT Of TUB NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS OK W ALL PAPEH. which ll.ey oro selling at prices that defy competition. Sunbury, January 10, IHfil- 1JOTIOH I.L persons knowing themselves indebted to tho subscribers, ensaccd in tho Foundry business, on notes, book accounts, or otherwise. are equested to seltlo the same without deluy. 'I'll ite ncilcctimr this nolir most n,.t r...n, .!..; il costs are added to their accounts. C. I). & J. ROHRBACH. Sunbury, Nov. 17, 18G0. 5m BLANKS! A new sunnly of Summons', Executions, - i - p nop, ii-i-u., mortgages, Rond-i, Lease's, Nuturaliiation apeis. Justices nd Constables Fee Hills, & c., ic, just printed and for sale at this Ollice. Sunbury, April 'JO, la.MI. Cifi ACKERS! CRACKERS, just received J and for sale by the barrel or pound, at the Confection! ly store of M. C. GCAK1I ART. Sunbury, (letuher I 'J, IHfiO. 1 LANK Parchmeiu Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Bonds, EoCuuons, Summons, ic, for sale u 11. U. MASSEK. lirDOW Sil PE..'.A very fine and 1 " ehean iiKortment. iost received bv Ki,il 4 a XV ftrrmtl. Ki,.n,n 11 K. l road frcm New York, ut the Mummoth store of r riling ) Grant. We have also lor sale S. 8. Putnam .V I'o's ctlcbruted Patent Pendulum Curtain Fix t dree. DRY GOODS- fltlL.Nti & GRANT, at the Mammoth Store - have this day, January Xlth, received and uiwucd another fresh supply of DUY GOODS ind ix on. ins. 8 Miliary , January SO, 1801. 5 BOOTH & SlMrES.eau bo purchased at the 11 Maiuumlh of Friling A Grant, very cheamas we are deU rmiiiid not to be undersold by anybody. Call an.l Ir arn the list of prices for yourselves. rllM.I.Mj A GRANT. Suubnry, January 12, I so I 'pi.V WARE. A very cheap end desirable - asHurtinvnt just reerived tliu week, at the Mauiuiutii More ol r HH.IAG 4 GRANT. Sunbury, liiiujiy I t, Irjul, TIIE LATEST STYLE OF O AKMEISTTS, ARB CONSTANTLY MADE et the Fashionable Tailoring Establishment! of JACOB O. BECK, market Mrect, M'Mtl'll V, la. rHf5 subscriber, in addition to his large stock CLOTHS, riain andjancy Cassimeres, Vostings, &c Is constantly receiving new supplies from the cltv keeping a full assortment of the most substantial and latest stylo of Goods in the city markets. He is prepared to make to order nil kinds of Gentlemen's and Boy' wear, such as OVER-COATS, DREsa-CO.VTS. FROCK COATS, BUSINES8.COATS, VESTS, PANTALOONS. Ac., ,tc, Ac, the very latest stylo, and in the most substern al manner, at short notice. ay Goods not on hand, will bo furnished Jm Philadelphia, by giving two day's notice, t!T Call ami examine my stock, no charges made for showing. JACOB O. BECK. Sunbury, November 3 ISfiO. Cnre Cough, CuliI, Iloarsenes; Jiijlucnzn, any Irritation or Soreness nf the Throat, lie Hi cc the Harking Cough in Ciin.mmiilitin, J iron chilis. Asthma, and Catarrh, Clear and glee strength to the voice of J uliltc tijieukert and singers. Few areawrrreef Hie importance of cheeking a Coirgh or "Common Cnlil" in us first stiifce ; llmt winch in llio bifrtmmiff wmiki yieiu to n mini reincov, n negncttii, soon annclcs the I.nncs HlioW N r' IHtD.NCIII At, Tl( t'lll,'' eontsiniiif. rlrrniilcent ulgretlicnts, ulluy l'ulmo- lurry anil uroneiuai irtiittnon. I "Thnt troulile in my thront, (for whieli Brown's the "TKOCHKS" ore a Sioeilii.) Imving irrmoe ire okl-ii a rnero whisperer-" TKOCHIiS. ,N. P. WILMS, "I recommend their use to PuMic rieak Brown's era." RKV. K. II. CHAI'IN. TROCHKS. I "Hnva proved extremely servieenblc for ttlonFnness.' Urown's I KI'.V. llKNIt Y WARD HKKCIIKR I oAlmor.t inxiHiit relii-f in liie itifireHsing i i.c- infirm iiimiiiini: 1'i-t -uniir in i sir, run " KKV A C KliBI.Kj'rON. Hrnwn's "Contnin no Opium or nnvildne injur! loin." UK. A A IIAVKS, TROCHKH. Chemist, Uosron. 1 "A stmide and pasnnl uoiniiinatioii for Jirowica (Uoui;hst lie." I) It G F UIGK.I.OW, TROCIIKS. Hostou. 'Iientfieml in Bronchitis." Brown's UK J K W LANK, HoRlun TROCHES. ''1 linve provd them rxeeller.t for Whoop ing CoukIi." Brown's LEV II W WARRKX. Hostou. TKOCHF.S. 'Ben. fieinl when compelled to Bpenk eiitlerlni; frtim Colli." Brown's KKV 9 J P ANDF.RSON, Ht. Iiuia. lKOLHI-,!. ; "I'.rTcetn il 111 removing llmisrnera nnd !init.ilion of the Thront, so common with urown's peiiKcrs ano ri inrerw " Prof M STACY JOIINSOX, TROCHI'3. Il Gnome, (In Toiieh.r ol Mutie, S luthcrn Brown's Fcm.ilf IVIN-ire. "Great tienelit when Vikr i Is-foie nnd TROCIIIvS. nfler preiiehinir, asthev rrevei.l MoiirK,.iii Fromlheir p:if 1 1 licet, I think llicy will l.cnf nniwii permuiieui noviini.-tc in trie " KKV K KOWI.KV, A M., TROCIIKS. i President ..f Athens C..lec, Tenn. I l?" Hold hy nil Druggists at S3 causa liox. DeeemticrP, It-flu. Ompl pr EVANS & WATSON'S - J Salamander SafrH. 'sSijiVrt. 3(14 Chtmul Street, ivr rillLADKLPIHA. rplIKPK Safes nre now in use nil over the United !tnt 1 and hove lie-n tested in innny tiri; tlie followim; hows another instance ot lliir ly mi resitting file : WlTMBll's Hridok, ) Iinenster 'rowur'hip, July 30, lw'rfl. f MK98HS. Kvani A: Watu)N, Gentlemen: The sm-ili size No. 1 ftihuinndcr Hnl'e whieh I purr-luiscd from ymir Stirent,Mr. Ailnm K. Burr, in Ijiueasttv City. on Jnly Voth, ip-jT, nn neen suejerieo uiu very severe rem, wntell it wunslooil in a mou ftitistm-tory ninnner. 1 Ins niIp, vm talnlnir all my lnNika, t.ether with nnners Mtisr. nrr to inysolf and some to my neighl-or hii.I Iriendir, and represeutiuK a viilue of over I'weuty Tln.uKind Dollurs, (tr'je,(Hto) win. in my Mi!l. wirich wns detiroytt on tho uiKiit n rue V7in oi July, i.-un, nnu pnwreii turoinrh tiiehery ordeal uuscnllicil, The Safe wna on ihe seeond door, and fell to the lianement of the Mill, nnd w:is suloccted for six homs fran lnteuj heat among the ruins, wlueh wns unfitly inerensed hy the eoiiiliimtioii of a luiee r;tmuritv of pmin conrine,! wiLhiu the tiriek wills. After thctire UieVnle wna opened nnd the l.kM nud (viiiers ttken out in a sralo ot perleet prt-serv-iilion, the paper not even Iretnir diaeoli ed. Thisfiict wna. however, to many Lyatsnders, letter reeomiuendnlion of your Safes thnu could he expressed in uuy Oliier worua iroin me. Youra, reapcetmlly, SAMIT.L RANCH. Another Victory fur Erans and Watton'i Saliimander Stie. f'Fi;o, N. Y., Mareh87, ITiO. .leiiiieinen it ouoroa me mueli plenaure to ii.lorin you thut the Kite No 0, (upri'-hl) wlueh I pureliaacd of B. irond, ynur truvehnir iiKeut. luia twisatHl through un ex eeeilini;ly hot lire in a lliren ari.ry hrirk huildinir, which henteil the Siife to a while iient, so Unit tho eorueia of it nppetir melted: nut It urea. rvml niv l"i'k nnd vn l.i'i tile impera to llie uiuounl of aovend tliouaand dollars, for wlueh iet:i imiiiikiui. Yours, respectfully, J. X. F.l.nRIDGt:. rr" A Innre nM-rrlment f the nliove A t.S alwavs "ii iiiiuii. at mi cuesnul aircet, (liitelil South Fourtli at I'hiUldrlphin. October G, lfO0.y WINTER GOODS, V UK MISS'S W E A It . Black and Blue Hair Cloth, Beaver I Ivcreoating, Blank Doeskins, New tsiyle Cassimeres, All Wool Tweeds. Heavy Kentucky Jeans, mm 'UfMllI'lirj, SilS Mixed Cou'.iiH;a, Super Velvet ConN, Black Grenadine Vesting, Black Sutin Vesting, Fancy Silk Velvet Vesting. Plain Silk Velvet Vestincs. Nice ('assimere Vestings In rnctall kinds of goods for Men's and Boys' wear, can be found at tho People's One Price Store of E. Y. bright & Son, who have just eccived by Railroad a splendid slock of all kinds u, -tm-ua, siuiaoie ior coiu weaincr. Please call and be convinced. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, Oetolier S7, IMfill. REVERB iifSrCJQE, (LA'f i: KAGLK HOTK1.,) Ilmd Street, ubm-e Race, Vhilwhluhia, KIKlADS A SAIIJill l... 1 MritOVEMKNTi imve been iniido, and the Hoiiae lius Tiunnux V. Khoaus, forrneilyof the National Htel i,!,,!:.,1L"H' '"""erly oi riihuylkill co.,l'a. 1'hlhulelphla, Jhii. 1U, IKil. ly "genegek salt. WHOLESALE 3o HETAIL, Jy.'lLlNU ic GRANT (at tho Mummoth - Storo.) have just received 600 His. of olar Ground, rolar and Fine Salt, 700 Sucks of Ground OaJar halt every sack warranted to contaiu 2'J5 pounds of Salt and 200 bags of Suit containing; one, Uushel en Hi '1.:a i. ; best and atrongaat now manufactured aud in maraet. i an sua aee tor yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, 1800. DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG 6c CO. D It Y GOODS MKnniriVTa AW. 7B, 77, 79, 81,3 J- 65 Duune Street W ould notify tho Trade that they aro opening rii iii urn auu ueautnui f-atterns, ths WA5ISITT4 l'UIT, also tha A m o h k e a g , A New Print, which excels every print in the Country for perfection of execution and desigo in full Mudder Colors. Our Prints ara cheaper thou any in market, and meeting with extensive ile. Orders promptly attended to. February 4. lNVjQ ly p LOTHS, Caasimereg, Sattiueti. Heavy and light weight Heaver clothg. Trir-ota. V rdllilHil Ttnii vara l'luin lt,. ,1 clotha. ' ' I'aucy acd Dlack CnfaimerM. COOJ'Ktt rONARD, 8. K. corner Niutli Maik.t mreets, Dec. 8, im. l'UilJctjLia. HtAR V?XK1 THE FE0FLE BAT. Tit nn'.T".imi"! mvlnr nwl Prr-fl-wr tllTMPHREVW BPK0IFIO lH).MKiHATIIIO KKMKINKH in our fumlllrti with Hie most pntlnfuetnry renultn, ami Imvlnn full confi dence In hr petiiilneiiM, purity, ml vAlearf, rliccrfull rpconmioii'l ihrm In all pewms who wtrti to lmT gafe, r llnltlo, and em -ftci-ma retneditn at linnd tt privaU or do tiit!iir! w Tlir Rt-r. Wm. Tlofrnir-r, frHtor nf "Tlie northern Imle pen lPiit," Auburn. N. Y. ; Hie R' T. R II. Crtsacy. P.O., Itf.-for of Ht. Pilrr'a Churcli, sAnhurn. N. Y. ; tha Ri-t. B. I. hrex, Chapl;iln of Ui Atiliuni fal" Prlnon; the Rev. ?Mnfler M, W'-c, RtTtor, New Po-lf'-nl, Mrm ; the RrT. All. n Si.H'lf, Now-York Cinfrrence ; the Her. Bamnel NWiola, KhhI frPiiCTec Onttfcrrnce, N. Y. ; the RfT. P. 8. Prntt, Ihtwl, Vt. ; the Hcv. J thn E. R"M, lluffulo; A. 0. Hart, Ki'i., Utlca, N. Y. ; the linn, Ncal Uow, pnrtlanrl, le ; th Hon. 8'lni Vf Crtlf tx, amiti-ltcni!, Ind. ; the lion. Ofrrre llnmphr.-v N. Y. ; Ih nry I. C-mk, Ktq., lilltor ol The Ohio Stntc Jnurnnl, Ctluinhn, Hito ; the Hon. It It. (rnhm, Mttllne, lit.; the Hon. Thnmaa J. Cliane, Monti cello, Ftn. ; the lln. J-wcph HencUet, Uttca, N. Y. Wra. llrWi.d, F-.., rtUa, N. Y. ; A. 8. Pndt K., UUca, N. T. J nines Pliiiikvtt, Kn.., NisriTille, Tnn. LIST OP SPKCIPI0 RKMFDIE9. ' No. 1. F ir FfVpf, C tinfffntlnn, and tnltammatlnn. Nn. V .r Worm K-ver. Worm Colic. Wcttlnir the Red. ft For Colic, Crying, Trcttil:(f, and WakefulueM of Infint. Ko. 4 Fr Pliirrliea. Cholera Infinitum, and Summer C'impliInK Nn. 5. Ko Oolk, (Irlpintrs, tvien1cry, or Itloodj Flu. N.t. B. Ptr Chnk-rm Chnlrn Mnrhtis. Vnraltin. So. T. v-'"T Couirhn, C il 1. Intl ietita, nnd Sore Throat No. S. Vtr T-M'th arlie,"b, and Neuralpla. N.t. 9. For Headache, Vertlcn, Heat and FulliiaM of tht Ht-a.i, Nn. t liYsmpMA Pii.t.a For Weak and Deranged SlwuHi, C"H!ilpfithni, add I .Ivor Complaint. No. 1 1. For FrMii.1 Iitrticut'Hiiniivd, Scanty, Painful, or Sstpprp""! Pcrlo l. No. 12. For luoorrheii, Profuse Menses, and Bearing Down nf Kt'iniili'S. N.. H, For ('roup, H-tfirM Cuich, Pnd RreMhlnff. No. H. 9i.r IIhkch PiLiJr -For Krysipelao, Eruptions. PVmpl'.' in the Vu'f. No. tii. liiifirMmrr Pii.i.. Fir Pat n, Lameness, or Sor ne in the Chest, Ku''c, Loins, or Limbs. A For Ktvr an1 Aue, Chill Fever, Dunih Ague, OK' M'imnrwrd Aih-i. P y ,r Pik Utir nr iPofillno, Tn'rn'il nr FTtprnnt. O, for 8or Wi-nk, or lnilnjned Eyes and Kyetids; Fall hV. Weak, or lllnrred Si.t. C For CiUiirrfi, of hiim Mainlliiu rr recent, eithtr with oh.Hlnit tii-ti nr pri-l'ii-i' (liscliiuvt. W. C K..r Wh.topitiy t;ou:-.h, ahathi Its violence and h or U-ni h: hi course. In till nctin? tliscii.iM, such ns Fevers, IntlnHmatlons, Diarrhea, l.-enUTy, Croup, Ith.-upialtem, and such eru)) tive disease! as Stiirkt Fever, Mciisl.-, :iml Kr.vsipela!, the sHvanUfre of Kivinir the prj-t-r r 'iiflit-s prompily is d Thmf, nnd in all eurti Cfii-s tht! (;- i.irs a-i hke a rharni. The entire dlwise is often arrested nt once, nnd in all cnjs the Tlok-nee or the attack ii mttiU rated, tlte UimiM shirt wifd, and rend t red lew Ci'Uirlm nnd Culd., which are of such fre'mciit occurrence, and nhi h so often lav tl.e foundatU'ii ot ditenneil limes, bronchitis and cm. sanction, n.ny all he al enee cured hy the Ktvrr nnd C ui,h In all chronic iliHtiif-s, such ns Pysppiislft, Ptnmnch, CoiifMlpalion, Liver CoiiipiiMiitJ, Piics, Kf in tile Pt-I'iiity, anl lrreftulaiitles, old He:il.u-he, tjre or Wrak HyirJ, Catarrh, SvM Kheu'.n, and nther old erttptimn, the eime h:ts specifics whoso prt'piT api'licittitui v. ill nth in I a cure in nlniot every Instance. Often the cure of n jthirh' ohrttnle d'nlicutty, such as D.vfpfpHln, I'ih'S or Catarrh, Headache or Female Weak neu, has more than ialtl for the case ten thuts over PRICE. C'ise of 2n vWN rompht, In niornceo, nnd Ilo. k ..f?i Cac of 2 vial, and Hook, pltitn .... 4 Case of In nunilu-rt'd hxc, and Ho k 3 Cast' nf G h.i.tsi, tmiuhercd, and It-mk 1 Hi n trie nn':derwl boxes, ttith ilh ctioiis ii." cents. hini:l? h-lt.'ittl h..Xft, ftire-tii.r .' cent. Lju'e case uf 2 ox. viaN, for puller an ) phyicl :iis....f 15 AUO FriCIKK'S, Fi' Astiim or pHTtiictc Opiiri'.-icd, !!oVnH, L-ihored Hreathinjr, attenih-.! uMh CjivU and Kpeci..rati..n. Price, N een! per In it. H y.H IhM.'if AMiir'.- ani llPAtNi:. t'iseharci-s from the fiar, the n-fuilt of S-nrlft F- ver, M.-n.-'.o. or Mer'Miriils. For Ni!hh in the lnt -f Ih-ir'i.r, Hin:-'ii'g In tlie Ktirs. and F-ir-acoi. I'.if, .VI n : t- ier h'-. K H JV'koI ''i. .Ki.!a ' ! Cl-.oos (:oar..". i ir.d Ii durnt cd T'iii'K pHt Hinr" and (i l I l. ( r tVi (..'ul.'Ua CiclitAy d Chihlren. I'ricf, M cel.l.- p.-r h' x. tit (Junkkv. Pln-.h-tl -fr Nervous Weakness. Fither tl.e r, suit of kn.-i, h n-'.-ivw Mooinnion, or Kt liaiptlii.2 --. Pi ire, cci.ti tt-rhot. F'h lP:ui-V. r iu'd A iit ! l Tiliuhl tfrt elUn'S, with Scaf.ty Fccretl .n. Pr1c. M' cent per bo. Foh ,-"ka-Sim; ;s ht-.ttiily :-ickt, !., Verli-ro, Naii?en, Yoii'iti:iir. Sicklies from ridiii,; or motU-n. Price, ftO cenls per ho. F'Ci Chixjky Pi-h.-e. For (irnvl, R. 'ial Calculi, Diffi cult, Painful rriiiaiit n, l'Ue.isc of the hi. Inc.. s. Price, 10 ecu's p'r h' x. Fon iri Miv.Ui Fm!s-!os,j. Tuvolnniarv bis'-hirpea nnd C.i.seipii'ft Prfstrnth-n and ppbility. It id Rcsidin nf Fvll llHl.ilrJ. Ti:e itii-Ht Micco-ful iiml elti. dent rc civ known, sid ui: he n lie 1 upxii ;u a cure. Pi ice, with full direc tioi, 1 p'r ttox. por-ifirf who to plrit-e thems-'lvf? un !-T the proh-s-shnal care, or to st ek nlvlce uf Pmf. lit trnni- Vi, can dn sr., at hs HI e M'i Unlay, dally frt in s A.M. to b P.M. or hy letter. OH! RIMK0I13 l:Y MAIU Look over th IM ; tn:ik up a ease of what kind yon choo. and hi'-l ic the noiwiint in n current note or itamps h nu to our .iddrr., at Nn. fcj'i liiontlway, New-York, nn l the medicine uiii he duly returned hy mail or express, fn-e f char -. A.I NT.S WANTFH. Wed'ire nn n.-tive,rfnclc!it Acrpfd for the sale of our Ruined ic hi every tnwn or community Ui the United Btutea. Addrcn Dr. F. IICMIMIRKV. x Cn. No. Rhoauwav, Ntw-Voh. A. W FISHER, Agoiit, Kunlmry, )h. May lr.().y SUXLUliY STEAM FLOUjiliNG '"fllE sul'srrihers linvinB; taken pos: cstinn of -- llirs first tlas Fl.()i:i(I.M Mll,l aro pro pared t. rcrolvc prain of hit kimls, rtml to !o cur linn work at the Shortest JVolico. ( utoinrrs will Imve thi-ir grists urnunJ iiiimt-tliaU-l y upon thrir lrinp; li-ft ut the Mill. As it is Ihe inu n. tion of the linn to stock the Mill a larjrc Sup" ply ot llrain, will he couslaiilly kept o'i hond, unci (lour ly the quanlity ran always he ulitaimil. Tho isreatest caro will lie taken to turn out a wr periT ipiulily of il.iur, lor whii h the mill is ad adapted. Strict ull. rilion will he paid to the wants ol customers, and the palroiiae of Ihe puhlic ijeiicrully is rt-speclfiilly n .ui-sicd. MulidAN & CO., rSunlniry, June S3, 180, Flirtlll Il AC.lDKSfiV. fpHK FALL TKKM of Ihe present year was -St- (iiit.ripil mi 'I'nnrfilt.u ilm Willi ,.r f i..i..t...v ult. Hoard of Jnstructnrt. Kcv. J. K. Millet, Principal, and Instructor in Ancient Languages and English. Literature. P. 8. Boyrr, Associate, and Instructor in Math- nir.tii-s, Nuii'ral iScieiirrs, Hook Keeping, Ac. Assisted hy able and experienced teachers. course of Instruction eniliraees all tho liranehes usually taught in Primary, Arademical and ('lassieul Dcpartitienta, 'l lio C'lverrnnent of this Institution i mil, I but lirm, and all students are reguiied to bo diligent and obedient. Expense. Uoarding, room wilh fumilure, per week. i.1 All tr, Ci ?k Tuition er Quarter, 82,00 " $l',m JJrawiiifi, rainniig. Music, Froneli, Practical Survevinir. Ac. enlra. Students adiiiitud at any time during the ijuaner. For further particulars, address, J. K MILLET, Freeburu, Mnyder county, Ta. Freeburri, November a, IHfjU. II A 11 It IS P4I. Ti:, Zl 1 1 o v n r y at Jl a to , MARK KT SfiUAUE, SUNB U R Y, X A. June ti;l, IHfiO. DB. A. W. riSCHEE, rfFFERS hi, profcskional services to tlie citi. lens of (Sunbury and vicinity. OiTirsj at the Drug Slum. Huubury, June 30, sj:i0. SHAHOKIN VALLEY POTTERY. 'pilE aubscrilier rwctfully Informs the public tbat be is now manufsriuriny at bi Pottery, 4 miles east of Kunbury, all kinds of Earthen ware, maue out oi Itcd Cement Clay. Thisrlsr produce the best and ni.i.1,1., kind uf wure, eijual, in mauy rtapecls, to sioue want, anu is lesa liable to crack by suJJeu Leal and 43I J. The subcrilr refers to Frilinn X- r:,...i Huubury. Address, JOSEPH SAVIDOE, Oct )3. IHfiO. lr huubury. Pa. STOVES- lOh SALE an excellent ncond harid Cm.k- ing rtoe, alo arveral t'vlmder CmJ Hunt, Euuiii at this ollne. rs re - A lUrtRlATIVt TONIC, DIURETIC, UWECORAtlKa eORDlAL To the Citizens of New Jersey & Funnayl vania. Apnthecaiio, Drapf;i, liroceriand Private Fiiniliei. Wntfr't lot CoLMise Brnndj. Wnlfe'd Tnre Alndrrin. fhriy mid Tort Wine. Wolir'il'urc .lnnuurn nnd it. Cmix Hum, Widlc'i 1'ute rVotdi nnd Innli Whmky. a li. i.n norn.Ks. I Ijrelrnvrti mil the nttrutmii f the citizen of the United State t the atwivr Wuirs nnd l.iijnom. imiTritl iy l ttt-rHn Wni.fFK.nt ?iw iork, wlmmj name la Jaim hir iti every iviit id this cunitry fnr the purity fff hineele- hrnted iSfdiiitlmn Sdiimppt. Mr, W olfe, iii Ina It-tier li me, fteukin of the (unity nf hia Wmra him! Isiii'rp, ana : "I will atnke my repntiitinii na nuin, my t.indinir nn h inerelmntof thirty yenm'a renidf-nee in the City !' ,w York, that nil the Itmndy nnd Wimpp whieh I htlle tiro ptirrna imixirled, hihI of tlu 1m at (jttriiity, and fin he relied 11 pi m hy rvery pn ret infer Kveiy lmtl(' hnathi" prirptir titr'aiiHiiteon the wax, and n faefimilr of Iiih airnniirre on tho certifieate. The nnhhe urn rrineett'nllv invited hnull and examine fur theinaelvea The puhlic nre rer.pcrifu.liy invited to mil oiid examine fur themw lvea Ft riIU ut Retail by nil AMheeat ira atiiHirivrrra in I'lnlndeiphin tiaon&a II. A-htoi, N' Kltf Mnrket at , Phd'a. Rend the fnllinvinij from the New York Ctmrirr : ICNOHMot'a III MNKM FOR ONK NKW YoHK MkRMIAXT We nre happy to inOirm our feilow-citizena thut thire ia nrie lii-e iiiourrttv where the phyairinn,apotli(e:iry, nnd cNiniry mrrhfiiit, run jti nnd piirrhftre pure Wiii'-a nnd Llfjuora, Ha pure na imj'ttrd, and of tlie Imu qtianty. We do not iitteniHogivr nil elntfrnte dvtu-t iptieu tf Una tncrcharu'a extensive huninena, althmich it will well tepny any stranger or eitizcn to v mil Lilolpho Wnlie'sextenrnve wart h -ua Noa H, 'tnm tW, Heaver atrect, nnd N" I?, IWnnd'il, Miirketfiekl atreet. Iii at'k of Selnuippa on hand ready a aliipmeiit cnld n t have heeii lesf tlinu thirty th'tunand en Pea ; the Miandy, mu ten thi'tortod canea vmtageant iplii m.u h hI (en thfUKind una i if iMmlcirn, Slieiry mill Port Wine, Pcotrh nml riah,J.iinrocHnndSi Croix Hum, s..rne vciy.,1.1 .. U equaltoimy iuthifcdtntrv- llealao had three large ei-.- lurw, lined wna Jfrumty, me Ac , tit ctik, mnlt-r I n Ir'in-IInusekey, nady lor lioitlin?. Mr. Wtdte'a .ilca of Helmappa laut year nmountttl to one hundred and eiulity thotisnnd J-2on, and we hone in IcKwthau tv vmra he mny heftjualiy Fiteerfmful with hia Unm liea mid Wmra. Ilia hunineas merlla the paironinre 'd every nvr of hia apeeiea. I'rivnte t'amiliea who wiah purr Winea nnd IA (jiiitrafiii niedifiil use srumtd aeud their nrdeia dm-et ( Mi. W"I,f, until every Aputheeary iu the land make up their rninda tn dinenrri the pois-iimn Ftnff fnmi iln-ir alielve and replace it with Wm.FE'a pure Winea nnd l.iqmra We underniiintl .Mr. Wnhe, hir the aeeommod.iti'iii rf aina'l denlera in thJ c nntry, pufa up na.rted ram a d W i lies and Lifprnra. Such n m;in. and a tie It n iiierehuut, should l aiiftHMitl ncainft hia tena of tiittiifcmda of ipp nenta in the I,' nihil Htntva. who f-II nnthiec hut imitationt. rtiiiiona alike to human litvdMi and happmeaa. For Sale hy (iKOKOK HUHJUT, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. SfptptTiherH. 1-rVt f,m p. ANOTIIEIt A It RIVAL OF NEW GOO DS, J. II- i:Ol I,. of Siutluu ) . Ia., I JAS jnsf arrived with splendid HTOCK of IM!INfJ AM) Sl'MMKR (iODUH, from Philadelphia, to which ho respectfully invites Ins Iriends ami the Puhlic to call and inspect he will sprue no lime in showing them. Amouc his st.icli of ii.iods will befound, PINE LiU L AAU II LACK riiic 1SI.1CK and r nncy I asimeres I n-ieds, ,vat- inelU, Jeans, Illnck Pnlian t'loth, eashmereite. 1. of.onaile, I, mens, l.iuen I trill. Linen t.:heck nndrarry Vesttne. also a larrre assortnieut of Keady-inado (M.DTfllMj f,,r men and boy (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Illnck and Dress Ktlk very chenii, Silk i, . ,.t , ... .. ;. . '.. i ibf.ui.,, v nnu anu i nan Kones, llcrege lli'lamc, Uerrue Hobes, figured llrilhant and a variety of oilier Ureas (oods. Spring and iuin mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a pood apart ment of white goods. Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Urillianl Ac. A general ass.irtmeut of domestic Dry Co ds. Also a large stock of Hats nnd Caps, Hoots and shoes. Hardware, liueens and Ulacsware, (iroeeries, Cedarware. Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Hani, Oil, 1 ur Ac. Mc. IV H. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Pnble Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the nbovo will be sold at low prices for ensli or eounlry produce ta eu in cxcliango for (ioods. J. II. KNtJF.L. Sunbury, May. 10, HCO. tf. LOOK HERE, 10U WANT TO III V CHEAP FOl! CASH. IF n TO W'M. H. .MILLER, ho has received from Philadelphia a large slock of EOOTS &. SHOHS. His stock consists ol (rcn'ts Kipp Hoots, Youths' Kipp Doots. Children s Call Hoots, Also a variety of Women's Calf Lnco Hoots, Women's Morocco Lnco Hoots, Children's Morocco and Cull" Ls.ce Hoola. all of which he will sell cheap for CAM!. Call and examine f.r yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tsnipcro Moroco for sale lor cash. W'M. II. MILLEK. Sunbury, January 7, I Still. New Air Line Route T O 3NT IB "W YOEZ. WlfiKTEST IN DISTAXCK AM) t'IfKHST IN TI.MK lielwcen the two Cities of NEWVOE2 ANDHAKHISBTJE.G. vu READING, AI.I.KNTOW N AM) F.ASTON. M.irnuig KxpreasU'eslU-avrsN'ewVorkiita. M . sml I in A urrivea nl Harrislmrg at li ti e M eiilieeliii( at llarriel.iirg wllh trtiln i.u N'.irllwrii Cei.Uai K.d lur Moiliury, U lliuniia.rl, Uvk llaveil and Inlrr nietliale atnliona. Mini Tram Wert leaves New York al -J h,.,,,. Uml I hiliHlelphin at 3 ;i r. m., comiii-ciiih. wuh tlinu nn orlh erti Ccntlal ll'iad hir alutions tia nlM ve, aiu! ula.i on nil tra.naiMi llic 'illiutn.Mirr uimI K-inirs. .M nl Toon I'ji.i Iwn-L-a HurinJani; ul ?, a m , uml ar rives ul fhilHilrlphia at I e. m , ami N,w Ymk in 3M r. M., in lone u luke IkuiI ur rara ('. r ll.,si Ac. l-jist Kxercss Kusl leaves IHrri.l iii nt I 5, nn nirmil of Nortlwrii Central T , nn.l arrivrs at Plniailil,,l1iu ul a Ij r m . and New Yoik ai Ur m No elinKc.f LyBuo Mwara Nw Yurk or rinlaitelplimanil Ilarrl.l.uiir. For bniuly of acrm rysiiU Sel, ennifoit iu wcniin.w, tins route prc.cuu au.crir usluevincals to the Iruvrluia- nulilic IMIice'ia Nt-w York.f.Kit.s'tViurtlaiid street, Phlkulel plou, Hr..i.l ami l'all,,wh,ll atr'et-la. j P'e between New ..rk sud Ibirii.l.urg FIYKDOL K"t Tickets ( Freight or olher inf..rmnti..i, apply to Ilnrrial.urj, June 311. nmiy h WHOLESALE DEALEIt IX BItANDIJSS. WINES, GINS.&C f IMIE subscrilwr having opened in Thompson's f" k UuUding, Mill street, Danville, a large FURKIUX AND DO.ME8TICLIQroia comprising the best brands of Brandies, Uiu, Old Ke, Scutch and Irish Whiskey, Port. S'n-rrv i. ..i ., ... ' .iiau, iia, i.uaiiipsgae anu oiner tv inea of all grades, all of which will be sold W hob-sale at Iho lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us can save at least the freight. Persona desirous of purchasing liquors for FAMILY i; 8 U, may rely upon being' furnished with pure and unadulterated article. I7l)eitig determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap ha respectfully solicits the pa. tronage of the public. All aider, promptly at. tended to, JEREMIAH 8. HALL. Danville, Jut a 18, 181X1. 1NG 'RAINED CARPETS7 MAN I'F ACTI'RKD snd fer ft.l by M. rlxir r. IjmUsjkU ami IUcl..wcll'a tluiidins. N.aih K.i cn ur, coik1 and Mao. aticcla 1'IiiIm.'iI f. Ol)S GL'ARASTEED. OetolnM J7, I o. ALFKF.J) D. BRICK'3 L'XJTEl) STATES AXO EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, No, 144 Mouth Fourth Street, Philadelphia. IV U. Coinmunicttliotis by nuil promi tly A attmded to. . 1 ' .d n, i-iio i-A .IRQMATiC II I J I. 7 I JO OUT ANT NEWS. M. ('. Kll.MtT, llsa rctoitii'l tui'Ji a liift Hlwk "f ConfentionfAii Frcit ftrd Toyi. ITsrrss a. If a rrw a , a nr ITe u o.wfv iif upon nt, ai ini-iti id, evey lirrt ! I rvdi-r lU-r-ila and h'lrhrr nuns! Art, 1,1 rritti" and ti rnee will glut snesr and sr. k I" develop sub lirnrr lar aulies arid grander rom-eplioii. The tuisinrs world too must irrl lb new In fluence and every. part lw quia ker r i and atrrnnlh rued by an increased vit.ilny, tin Ii shnll urge us on with electric speed to the rnnauniinntion of rreater thinirs than was ever ilrcained of in the Plilloanphy of the past. Aliiinntedby the enthuniasm wbir h rev.idca oil rlassos and desirous of doiiiK hii share to wards "The Rreut events uf the A Re," tilt sob. srriUr would resiecltiilly inlnrin li e rxnl pi ' pie oflslMM KV lir has jiint n lurtK'd front H e city nf riiiluM 'liia with Ihe I urn cut tin) clriircal utork ol 'n feclionnnra, Fruit an l Toya tli;it ha cwr hern lirounht to thii artitm of rotintrv. Il.i in 0U0 iDRnufacturing all kimU ol I 'mfr tinnarie, Ac. o fill up ordem, whli Hit'e or relu.l, at rh rt m tirr. Amorux u stork of Confrctionarirfl, may foutnl : Frrneh ff-reta, hurned .Miihtitdn, rrT.m Whi'r, " l.emi'it H.rar, " Vanilla, Onrn Drnpt, nil kinds ..f arid, l.ive lo:ta. Mini lir-pi. ml and whitf, Jelly f.tli'-, Fliiil I'fi'l . tiiek i'amiiia, nf ull went a KiMk I'andv, Alirfnio Candy, rmmon Secieu. IsiljllOI K ', FRUIT. nnntinnn, l'r,itf, I'ntea, Fii,rK, CiirrHnta diied, CtiroTin, AlnhMida, R nnu ma, Nuta f n'l LKMON SYllUI' of a superior iiuulitv, by the sinule or down. A superior quality of Sctrar and Tobacco, and a variety ol ( 'oiili-i tiontirtcs, fruit, Toys, &c. all ol which isolfered cheap at wholesale or retail. liemcniber tin: name and place. Ji M. i'.tiV. Ai;H VH T. I Mirket t 3 ilrinwp nf F. V llriirbt A Smi'a "' Unorsnest nl 1.. . uriB!U A noli ft Hiinbur. April M, Ignn. ly FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for Irtfi!) j i;ot Hy E. KETCH M& CO., 2 U Pearl-Street, New-York. 'IIIE only Freezer constructed on scientific -"- principles, with a revolving can and spring blade semper. The one hastens the freirinof the cream the olher rcmnvs it as fist as frozen. The most rapid in freezing, with the least iiuantity of ice. The most economical in cost, as it is the most simple and durable i.i structure. For sale in all tliu principal cities nnd towr.s in the Coion. Each Fieezer ncccmpanied with a book of re-cip.-s and lull dirvetim-s. PUICES. 3 quarts, fin 4 quarts, 4 III) 6 quarts, f IK) K quarts, Ii 00 14 quarts, H II I 211 quarfs. i nil Apply to II. I!. MASsER, Sunbury. June 2, iHlill. I860. IKE BEST LOUIE 1LC0 FROM Ujomlis;' Valtt-y i I'ltllnilr I;:hla, AND ALL I'OXTS XORTU, SOUTH A- i;7-7; LACKAWANNA BL00MSUUIK. RAILROAD. survii.Tnn AHiJTiNOEraBrjT.- Two Daily r.'iM-pi:'-r Tr-nna will l.c ran hcrwecn cthiiIuii niui ..itiiiiniis-tlniiil. na r.llowa .MDVINi; Sill III; I-ave Scrunt. si, Ail 1 vent I'lttal. n, Kniiiaton, Hhn-kahi.iny, Uriwn-k. l,lHiii.h,o?, Ra)icit, lliiuv lilc, Ni)r.'hiiiiit,ertu,d Phd'a M-iil. N. 4 i f' 10 A.M. 1. .M ns 7 II) 7 ill b vi f. .ill II in V li In ihi .MOVING MiKI N. V 5 :io 4 '.1 a -jo fi - .H 7 ;i 7 4" 10 t- t II : . K. i. ,M. I.eve I'lol'a M:ul 4 1.5 I'.JI N-'rll'ninhcrljtl.;!, Arrive at Dnnvilh-, KlIjHlt, HlKiini-tiuli;. Ilinvii-k, r-hickrui,ny, KlUL'Kl '11, I'IIUI',11, ?rniitoi!, Tub liekawnima n wilii Ihe l)rl:n-,rt., ,r nl Sciit'il.iii, li r New Y (1 115 11 H Ii I.J 7 I 'l 7 l.i :in b .17 !i a', ild III x nisStuir Hndr. S 00 f 50 f ell li :i.-, ' US 7 n b r, t" 4 5 ml 'iiiifisa .i-kawiiimn hihI W calcrn Itm'rii t, -rk nnd I'liilmh aiii.ti, inul iiiu-rnie iliale ninids l.nat : nl.i ,t lirrnl II I. K ,.,.., 1 Svr!-.i i'.s,..1-lluirilii. Xiiijun K.illa. mid nil liiivr:M:il p,,i n. eat At llnj tit II c n'lPi-ta Willi llic I mniviSM ll.ul rt,d, f'ir .liils U'lli l-jiai a. id Wi ll. At N'.l IiiiiiiU'I ImhiI il ci'iinirla witn Ihe fuiilsir)- and Knr Kuiiriw.l. I.. p. 1 il West!mti. ,M. .V. JACKSON, Su-'t. Kii'ir.t'iii, Aufrntr -i,, I-f,n. 160 WINTER ARRANGEMENT, l-f.o NKW YOKK Lirs'KS- CAMi)K .V AMIIOV AM I'HILADKl.l'HlA ANU TUi:. l UAH.UuAU I'Ci.'rf LINKS, From i'hiUuUliJ.ia t, XKw 'otk unU W'vy I 'tact. Frm WhIimiI Si v i Wiuirl hi id Keui uittt m iVa, 1'lJil.uUloillU, Ulil Uavc . lIl,VV4, lat AU At ti A M vih Ctiniilin uml AinU.y C A. A Ar.-'i::-in-nl'im-n, At ti A M, vii Ciiiintr 1 Hilt) Jertt ) City New Jcr- Sfy lief oiniiifsiinlii li, .j At ! AM, vi;i Cunidtu un.l Ji'im y c.iy Mihiimik .M til, i iji At 1 1 J A M. vm Kr-'imincttm uml Jt-riwy cn v. - tt'i.i r.xTv, j (m At l.M vi:i . ainylen unit AtnUty, rnii'inniH);ih..n i At t V t vi. C imtltrii uinj Anil- ) U miiJ A. K. At 1 r M, vU'Knuiiijttoii, nud Jviwy cily. Ki 11 ink; 1 .XrrM, 3 AHJ V M; vm Ktnimton aid Jmcy til ,'.! I'liim Tnt't, oj At I .M ut i tumicn A JtTn.'y c it llvt irnn Mini 3 fii At H I M, Vitl ruiittlm itmi Jt fc 't-iw lutU. M:til -J.', At 3 V M . v 111 4':;tni!rt hihI AmU.y At ctiiiin. U. Itviil. ll'ifinLai and lVeiiia-rt) iM num in Wet, $ US " l jo Thcfll' M Mml nun. da..y. T:.c II S. U;i.trn iMjiI ;tHiic.i rrpiitit. I iT .ielvtiltTf. liMotl. rit lilinffti n. Ar . n A A M fmm WuNiitt rUrrt winrt ;tnl ;l I M , in mi lie iisnuMim l-tir .Miiurii lunik. A Ir nt- wn atul liftiilt ikiii. nt d. a i Vi lt"et Vi!!fv ll-iiir. I'tn Wmrr i'ij. StiKii.iM.tirif. Scmntnti, itkltrr, .M.inr. si', ijicNt Uti.ii. Aiv, nl ti A Iti-iitwuirj IsHi'kit wnnnii tin. I i-.;i rti J;ii!r,iai K'i rrwlmltl. nt A M iu .l il'M 1 Mt um lloliy, ut mid MAM, tnd , and II P.M. WAY I.tXK, ..r llrivtol, Trtiit'm, At , at 3 nml 41 F..r llrmtol, Trtnt-m, At t at 3 nml 41 P. M.. from trVt'ilfctllU'iiii. l-'or I'iiihi, no. It, Itr-vcrly. Hurlu.uLni. Ii..nk-ii. twn, At-., nt .''. ami l.t' M. I' ft V uunltf nl tiiftftifi- initv. lriWsl mrh KiMitu'r-r Pni.'ii)iri arr pioliil iii-d t'im isikniir un tlinic u Ri. rim hut Uifir winrmK ujuviftl. All lUiitfto vcr Uity (VHindfl tn I rvii l fur rxlr.i Tlir i'.' limit tlu it rtiutittiility iir U 'J,r"ir tn One Ih'lUr -wr pnuml. mwl win nt nc liable kh mn atmiunl beyond IviU lAduiA, rx cvit by jt5i'iitl (ttnlriii't V H uaTMKK Ajcrut C. U K K ( Ffhruary H. hU. IIEGEMAN & COS I'OIUUAL KI.IXIU OF C A L I S A Y A li A R K I'r.imrcd uuiy,y I IK. UK. MAN A Co., NYli.ifraHkt and K0U1I Chciuials and Plucniala, 161, 3VU, ill and 13 troadwa, New Y.nk. rpilK virtues m-'r.H I VIAN II.VKK as a Toaw ksvs , well .. alis k.s.wn 1.1 iie.,1 im,m,-i,. i'Us I'AI.IMA V A (-. kins 'a ana.") is inennvl vahi aldv ul the nuiuel nn vuilrllvs t.l llic friuvuil IWlk, aud IU lh KI.IXIK IS atiuihuird Wllta .HlM-r lilrdirnla llwl llu-rma 11. rtluacy sihI mi tha ajiiutf mar iivhiip ihs inlrnaiiy u 1 ia Untaa, imkIciui( 11 a nkal Aareoiuai Cur. dial. For persons bv iiiar mPKVKH and AGI V. dutru u, n Will be ..uml uivitluuhlc saa nsvul,v, l)i , m vuw Staaa fall takea 11,(1,1 aial m.1,,1. rr.', rin Ih. aalHl li.urh lwaal.jet lo ll.s aulnallky u.ausms U Ihe siniua lJIKK0TI(iMk ad., k.lf a .uel. full b. I..10 Uahkual sisl dni.HM ; rl...llru li,.t nntunwa lma.vlts lull j u luay la Ukva ua kiUkiiUl liuW WulvM t-'. SKHF SI iblS I','. MSII'II 17, -0 m llilllNtl V l!KNT b.v. jiMi , railroad ilia Urges! a.irinn 11 1 of yl'KK.N'K. WAIIK sml liLAlMSW ;-: rver l.ri,Si U' rv. Also, a flr.tlal.yl Iv .1 i HlHID.S, 1 m-i 1 1 1 - at of r-priu IiUm ti.i..., Pin,i, Mu In., at, .1 ..,ti .a. n , , (Hfu NEW GOODS Atthe M a m n o t h Store ( T. CLEMENT, ,n i mhki t tTt't r. t mh'h v. r flllin sulwnUr liss j'lt i p I. c I at Ilia Well 1 known r.talilishnient in .'nburv, one ol the ties pi at slid mill dr-iiral l stor ks of Fall and Winter Goods, that ha .ir km ol!, red in Ihe place, nnd mlnili ne will lor CAMI i eirhsntje for IMiuiirf I'rudiice. . V'boee ileairin to purrliaae goods will do Wrl' to 4 . II ami rvamtne bis stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK. All Wool IMuitis, D'lKurrrl, Mrid ami Plain. Frenili Merino, all rolors, lleautiliil l)ieu j liolirs, Cashiinrrs, Miadcrl. 'lain and Htriied ! in unt be seen to lorm an idea of the eiteiil and I vsrietr. ; m n u r-f&s ! Mintle, Hlclln, t biiill", I reiah V id Mihwik ! I'hilx't and llrorhe hhuwls, ' Cloths CaMmerei snd Satinet. For Men and ilojs' Wear. Illnck C'ssirner..i, T'aney l)simerea, side stripes heavy, lm Mi in I 'a-irnere. f nliio-ls all kinds. KLANNELH, While and lied I I inncK all Krsilea and prici f, I! iv Mile.i.K I'hiiHM Is, cobiis lincM ) n h It i " . KEAIA'-MADK CLOTlllNU HoutM S'io4 iit II.iIh nmM'npri. Ac, all of whii h wcrp wlrrtrij with groat rnrp, nml will rnnipitr' fav.trfitdv, ai rrganl ijij.ility, at) Ic and prim, willi ai,y in the count ry. II A 1U V AUK, a lullarisoriim nt. Wuml and Willow Ware. Ci ieem-w .re, of ail iUncritioint (rorerieit. n full alork in lr, Crjrt ;iiaina, Ac, iNiihtK, OiIh. filrtax, I've tii(T-. Think fnl lor the p-ttroridt'c hvrrfoforr rrcrivr.5 j lie will rjiarr no rairn to plcaiM: all n ho may favor inn won incir i iirtiorri in inc future. Sunlmrv.Uct. 22, IKM. J. STEWAHT DEPUY, VTt!M .'.ll.N S, No v.,:i .,i,. J,-i'"iut Klri-fta, (acal l. t h. t'. II .M--ii,-1i's; r I'll 1 lit.l,,.l, h. w nlit invite Ihr nllciiiMH ,. thir' mid rcM'-rncra. hii.I ili (.ui..i,: in in,.rMl. ' 11 iiiree and well a,-!-i,,l ,. , a ..f P. CARPETINOS, JT- "nliafiim n( ',.vrla. T:ip, aire a, Trir-,.!M a. l.iiuin.K. nnd Vriiit'ina A!.-., W'IMmiW' rr- Sll.vlll..011. (.I.lil lls. MA I I il,, .(l I,. i.KTS. Kl (-i. .MAT-. M AIK R11I1S, Ac. Jwhu-ll h a l!a Vcr ch.-.-l f. r iti.Ii, VMinl,,.:ilr :,illd riSltll. Muri-ll -Jl. IMio ly o 0 H DR. ESUNWEIN S AND WOOD N APT II A PECTORAL. TAP, r Ihe !sat Mcth'-me tilths w.rl.t ..1 11,. rnr ..I r',.,,.,l nnd l'..ld.. ('(..lip, llr,,iii ini ...,., Iii-l.,.,,!, .. ... liii'iilhiin;. I'alpitnlii.ii . I l:,r ,ri. 1 1,,, , r,, ,, r the ri'lll'l i.i' .;ii.'tlls lit tlir ii.v:tl,rl ,!:.,;,',.) ,.,,,,. . ti..n. I. .a. Hi. i Willi a'l In....-..,-. ,.l 11,,: 1 i,,.,:lt :lhd Cbrat. nnd whim pri:,!i..)..s' I 1 4.'.iiaiiintn ji. It is peculiarly adnpted to the riuieul cure f Atilwa. n'i I'tT ptrpnn it liy fl pMln-:il M mid out 't irr;it r;i-' irvrr tn t tllSfJlft-S l-l W!i.i lli H.ljfKiii t'-fii Il in '.Iii(tt tn t 1- , -ti-.t vvi'li 1 'Il V it Mild If ( VlM'f( f I, it ,1 u, 1 .I Dr.. jfu'ev.! rni,i,l... t lCili'f 111 u,c ', nt Hrfii i-iiinl i-I i rtf. IV 1'RtrAiiKii citlv lv i-s per Ii Ii:e. It a i?:.vr.i rn . lMi'.;ci:a! :itt 4 " ii-id iti. V . 0nt.-T i-ifi -I.,-! P"p:ui . I'i.i;;..i. i-j..-t rr Mi 1. 1) r,-i r.t. i-.inl.t,. iHttvcint mid Dr.nirr 1.1 .Mftt'i-;ni' f IiT' Htk. "it f'l- S:it. I i tun. l tr. i. ;;. iMinivw EOCKEFELLER & BOYER. Attorneys at Law rSTJ-JNTUTJltY, PA.. 4. .fin .1;iti r.ot In IVIlt r ami Suluilion It. Iliijt-r, respectfully announce t;li. thee enteieJ 11, 1.1 t'op irtoeliip in tlie practice of their protefi-ioii. anil ill coiitjnne lo atteml tn all Imn '" enlrosic.l to tb.-r cbarKe in the rouuties ,. .Northnmlii Intnl. 1'i.ioii. Snv.ler anil Mnnim, priiinptty, I'uilblulJy anil carefullv. ."Sirrinl t t. iili.-ii ill be iiivrn lo the t tll.I.l ( "I'll l. f'f'CI.AIMS. t'oiisuilations can be had in t'i I.I'UMA.N lsiiuuaSp. Illi. e. Market Mrert, opposite Weaver'.- II.,t. I. tsutibiirv. pebronrv Iii0. & ens lczzj-L "pill". iiinlersifcMie,l haiii g receivrj a lar'e an I A well M-li i t, il fctiu k i, I't:rc )i usss:til iK iatlcalN, I'yestiuVs. litis. Paints. I, lass ami Putty, is r. ,w reaily lo fill onlersat a niomeuts m.lice. In rouneciioii unit il.e jlmtr ),,u will fin.l assortmciit of Taney .Vdious, 'i uilel Articles ami Perfumery f all kimls, Toolli. Hair, Xails an I C'loilo II. ulics of evcrv variety. I 'list. liners y. ill- I'ti.J t ia toi k comj lete, coin-pri-iui! u.-ny urlnbs it is iinposrihie here t i enumerate i;i:.n:Miii:it t. umll.r llu. lliru.v t,. the '.sini.iiry A rne-n mi." Pbyi.ii' Pii ciiplion coinp junji J acrurate Iv ami taietully. a. v. risiiru. ruiibnrv. April 2,1. IS."!). T. MELANClITOJf SIIINEEL, Ji si it i: oi- i m: vi:avi:, tH:tJisri3TriY, pa. Ojlce in l,er Strnt.immeiltat.lj ;.;i.v Scho.,1 H.,it.e. All promptly alt. n,le, to. Mnic nllccoii a 11 J a'l onlina: n. iiiiiia Ji.. Ouiiburv. Anril 'i;t. l 't-!i, t HENRY JJ0N.NEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ( upnustte the Court H .use, Suutury, Northumberland County Pa. n Prompt iilteulioii lo buainoM in ,lioii,i,,. vUlllltU'H. 'P , N 'r N v. , ECONOMY! cf ------ - Save I be Pi ('CCS Aiitfcdt ni wil! IlIi -h, evfii mi tie, 11 i vt-rv ilf,irM,i. tn tH. ttumr Wi'U-r.cul.itrd fati.i Iwmp nud Hivrattt.l wj li it puiititit 1 uruiti.ii , L rit fttTyAo. SPALDING 8 PREPARED GLUE tllcta ull ui-h cmrrvcH it-a. ail lai b..urAi.ld can a i .r.t I.' I wuh. ui it. hi. sml up lo ih, rt .nv poim. I'lierr is n. a n.-r-,i f. um.,f ,,,,,, S,iiulrra Vriirria, brillras ,1. Ila, hikI hrokru ri.ili, , . jaal lur arli. h l..r issv, alirll, and .nhrr i.iiiniucntal ..I . ai t.,ul.r ith l,i.hra ,. ithnelnriil and Ualu. Tina iii iti..i n uanln.kl. Iwnu; rkrn.i i. ' hcUl in a. luii.m.aiKl ..arwi, ail il,. valuaLlr quah-.r- i in .u:..iii in..a.i a blue Ii ,luay ba- uw.l u, n. ptiecw orJ.r uiueilaar, temg vaalij i,. adarsiva l Kr.Kl I. IN K.VKHV IIIHHK'1 N. 0 A lliaah aa-r-.niaiuirs ca, U,ni. I'l tec isi rnita. W'kilrula IVfiul. Vi 4- t'ldii sirew. NrW y,.,, Ad.lrra., IU.NK V I' M'AI.IHVi t n.. ! Nu. a.adu, Nlw ,.,a Put ai. ru IVIvn ,a Four K.aai a ,1 TwrHr U-ariH-si IjUKmuUic likw t ,,d . . U'liiplnyn wra parka. wa.iaa. ! A.n,1(lrlail,.aS(J,ut'iprr(J,,;M1tll,Mk ' " S unliu.ll. I r.rry k.niarii.1 ...i i-"' 1" ""-"" M.u.a, Ilia,,., ,dv.-r.i aisl lu-n.lurt I .mla, l.r.ra. aod K.m limnlly Mnrknnla should uuak a ! ,iJli.s- pr.rrd t. ur. ucau,y suaks wa iiihi Lai. Il I aUml any rnuwal. Paw sal at Ihisotric. !iea Iii, f-ao , PUR SALE. Tw' I 1TS situata In ll.rk.l atrst, in ll.e town of Ticvorton, No. H and 1 3, iu bJuxk No. WU. Apply o VVM. IMKil.KH. IMiiis " nr H. H. MAN Lit, Huubury. I Jut PI I. IX AI.LrAMII IK5-HK.KMA. -J ii t'll'H lirmiii. h. h iroiovr psial spot r'i . Ac. 4 c, auJ rlralta gloves, silks, nbbutis, Ac. tijbal lo new, milbout lb aligblral injury lo color w (aliiir. Hold by all Uiuiks, ' ollie. tA rnU frf botlln l) 'ri Iiimi'I'm auJ HIOKH, cs,ap " I MM Huu'nry, Aiai t7, uan. M II, 1-Lit a. 7
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