AYEIt'S CATHARTIC PILLS. in j on utt-lt, futMn, ntnl CH'ipl ilut nit? Aim tun out (.f tmli-r, witli J (iir )n!om ( ntup'il, nm. jour KelttiK nil- Collllul t.ll'll-f 'J'lt I'M) VIIp tiiiit hvv of ton Hii 1'iilml lo Miiiiiit-i Illness, hull io lit of aii'ktti'M 1 ni't'Lhii: niM.n von. te,,fv,-..j FX. r, r. r" j 1 ,,S "'Hfiy iimj ii urn rfhi rem- rV" ?i tliii. i Ml llu 'pOnlni wl lui- Crv3A -v' v-.M imtft pifiilv -Sj bluorf, fti.il ,'Fl'".;T.,"i ijN-.-'.J it.. r,ti ii... .it. rr,v t r ':nV.Jk !iwrfr.l H Itfiillli npnlii. j',,i l y''' 'V1? Tln-v fllimihilfl tl.a Aim U- li y? v i-: -vijft.i" ?" - -'-' '. llvitj. ptiuiy I ho v.U-iii from ()j sti iiciitiim wltiilt umk ritwnm. A coM wtllfw unttifwIn-M In lln Im'I.v, nn 1 i b wru'H l!n tmtuinl fti-Klmm, Timws IT nut riOtct'inl, nwt upon lli.'iiiKilv' mi l tliu sut-t-niMiilttit; oiK-inti, pro thrluR iimh! nruviitimi. Minting, iiml ili-fii--?. While In tliiN rn:i lllinii, nppivtisfil ! Urn biiiii!;tiniil, lko AvcrV I'llK nn.l .- Ii"r iliit"--l.y Uny restore Mm ii'itmnl H--LWU f Hit fljM.-m. nn.l Willi it tliu lmovunt fi.-liti ut Ii.mMIi :ii!n. Wli-il I truoiitnl ( upp m nl ll till- trivial iul (jiiiniriit riiiiiplniiit. In iiI-h till? hi many ot (hi) ;,. i-.l Mini ilniiuiuitK litittiiii h, Tim n:iinu IMitxAtii yif-ct expel-i lin-iiu (.Jjiih 1 lv ehulliir iic t mvri'i l'-r.tif;.-!iii jlfi nl (lie ii.tliir.il (uMdim1- of thu tmlv, ti)-y :tr i u Mil , mi'l tinny of tln-m Him ly, ruiv 1 ty Ktm-t nt 's-.n. N-iti i whu knnw Hi j Tu t Hi l iho 1'ilts. wili iuli-:t trt ciii'luy liiuui v, Ju'fi Mitloiiti tiuin till! (11-in Jtv'rt :iu' i:nri'i Mil.i'ltl tit (l nil li:l lilir 1 lilH 111 R1MI0 df llitt pt'hi -iiml cilibf aud fro.ii oilier null Uiiuwii publit- jti-r 2mn Ihinri'ii'ff Vfchtait f :t, T.'uth, P. i. 4,110, Ii. Ax :n: Xnr I'ilU mti IUj -' numi of nil Unit Is prnt in nn-I'iiii Tliy h.ivn f m-fl my litlk Vm-.lit--r of it it ci mh iuriM np 'tt It' i' lt:i'i'n ntt-l fuel licit fin.! pniToil lu.-nr.iVo r )-inri. Ilur innllior Ihm li-'tfii ltii w'laT otl v u!l!l "Hsl u i'.li 1 l itcinM mi l ;ilt(i;l.w i-n Imr in riTt-l I:i ii'-r I hit. Ai'titr tuir ill. 1 1 w.vt cured, iilia til ttird Jur i'tll, ami ill j v h.itu cutuJ li'-t. AV MOI'.Ur.lDUB. As ft rmully VMilc. Vn i-. r. IT. (UrlivnrU, ,ie Citrus. Tonr l'illn nm llirt pr!n--i of mr(;. Tlnlr rxri'llcol "ilini uipiv-i h:it rillintic wn fntH.i. H;py nro If!, J, but Vi'i v r.-i t.iiu :nnl lf-clu tl fn itmlr illii on Iho l ov.clit, wli tt-h n i.i !. titiMii luv.tlu.ibit) la in in llio ihtily tic:iliiiont of ili-ti.is.i. IZcat1cTic,lckIIrittn( lie, Paul tomaclt. Vj.d 'r. Jjiiv-nd Ih'H, H'tiiiiwrs. Iw.mi Him. A r.i! ; I r.vm.if. nnf;r i o-t trJmt comrilAlitli I litiv-t are I with yiti- I'l'lt l. t' -r ln;t 1 1 my ( nt rtf.' if .7 K'r'.'i 'I puffU-V-t wt-riht. I n:tr pii'ltt lltpflll- lii-n oi:i mi novlnnl i;iilriili. in my riil'v emiteit v. illi i!iei:oM. Nil I l-'lifviii ; ni I il i Ihit ynr I MU iifTktd US ill a I rrt w-) li.ivo, I of fi liihu Vitlnn Hn'i.i M.ly. rirrn-ro, I'.i., ?T:ir 1, 13.",5. Pn. .T- f. At ".it. fir! I Imv.i l..n rn r.-ilrtlly cuinl f t':t rt " : ft-iy l..nly run l.:ivt' lv n t) to ur two nl 'r l''IN. )t pioiiioi to nro fiuttt n f'.'ul fctcin.ii.li, w uicii i;ov rii-tii'" nt 'ti-e. f7.r'. ' Sfr.nuer Clm i ti, UAloxm DlffonTcri T.tvcr omiTaliit. ' ..- net-'ore l-.V. .Vf Jr.V C 'y. N- t only ant -wr PiTf-i mht'li I.I i tn'iipf t . lltelr pttr y is irii iit'ri'"t. 1 lit I fin I I !n ( I irtl riTi K rj-Pti I i l.ut-i (.v mitiK.'l I'M .1. 'i 1 1 Juivo in my j"" l.c ji'itfj tiit'io tlVi-t in. I fir Uio ruro of u Urns cm f tn'?. ill. in iiiiy on. rtun-.lv I cr.n nmiiti.-tt. I .i ik'oi t-iy j-;--!.'e tnut Mti ,-tt ;tf it-nu'ti fl JUI; ( it f 1' u I) ,n Uol T)"i r:irt; ?? cf tiir lNTr.r.i"n, ) Vs. it. 1. T.. Wli t 1S.T. : ! Inr" i i-'-i j t! ; ill .i i:tj OM-ml find li.isj if.il ti-.tr t Oi n vi ! 1..V.0 tin hi, hi, 'I c iMIi'U tu'St.ut Ul ft-iy ill. ) ;vt 'i III ! ii-si ( -m', u I .' t Mij ii'V. 'ilivir li ii i... nln u u tti- li 'T 'I'll 1; i..t.l tl.i'lril, i'ik.-'.v-iir.-iiu;. iiii'V am im ,fi.i;ii.i! ;.- i-.i.i:.;y I'n u"i;iiij;eiim:it ; :t i(viii. llrl'V'l. i lilio nv..: mi fiil.U II CUM' i f 1 . .. 4... ltiiiiU- 1 1. at K i ..!: t!y ji -iii Lo ti h.uj'i.; 'o.s . i l;Al.l.. M. i, U; 'tf ulr ry, IWnviIuro, Hr-lax, Woriut. .'V.-.i .'j. .'. I.. L..i, i.'t'i.i y Yriiv li i lir. 1 n I. n- iii.il in I'ty ira't!i( ami I l. i in -t. . :. ii.-. It.'t-t III. -llrlit 1 I. ill .'U li) nn tlio livoi nir.k.-i f;ifii in Mniil il'iacn lur i. "Ilnir M.f.iiciMiiiig d C'liiiciiivnt fur tliu lj t.i nit tvlii nt -I ... -r.S J7C'.(. r I tint I iil.i- tti 'iu : r-r-i-ji: n invti ami clni'ln ii. 5 vcrjit;t, Jir. i:itlty of tit P.lood. y-V-.t J. V. ti,mt.t J-ni 'i tj A-iftut Cl.uia, ?u I;:. Ay -r: I liaion..1 y-mr with pjitniMifiiury . i. hi iny f.tni.v w ! itin 'ii ; t'i t- 1 ant tn'lcil .t vivt lit r.i.ili-i.'.. 'in i-.-jMiMf i!ii u'ii'i nt (l:c'-(i 'ti mtd I'UliiV tl.'i liKm l. til- itr v. ; v l..-sl t'. iiii'.iy I lin tii-r ;nf it, xiiiii J c.u Cuiii 'iiilv n'Mtiiiint'tt.l tl'tin lo V'vn-w, VS.-mltij: i"rt , N". V.. O I. 'H, 1?'.". Irn Si': : t n'n iihiu; y.-ic '..l!i.t: li I liis in my pi.ic- U''1 .ti.'i fi i r I l!ii Mi nn i .' t.L j...i.uli.' In .'IjHii) tllO uvj:i. 0. M. ru AM, It. D. To 711 jtnl ',i , ('ot ! v-i f ti iirfiloii, T. " Piticii rnniTit l-rt i cf v.mr TiHw f-n- ibrt run of 1 1 it 'i-i '.ity limp f iiimI Itioni : ' : 1 j in vui hi I 'Oi-liiiin-n'llt il-t- Iin n .".-r f. on li Lri't mi nn, It in iit'lf, i'i i. - " ..!... I I-i: vo r-r-,l ut ) til il'Ait .mIccC th;.t m I li.ivc, tli v ! ii.M..-nt r til'.-1 ::t. v-!i ,-li. h!.!i h inr i-f ) i m 1 1 n ll.m ii.!iii tii in i!-. , no lliO ui-fC.;.0. y I ; t r!' : v.v l-il inT.'n fit tli (-..,(, , i. .ii.. in. I ls". v.-i v '(-,,. Ylt-V I 10-utimtCud .-. '.'nt p. .T-..-!;:4i ' t tr Blt i tilt -h t)i t I l. j tt:n r tu .ij i',,l,i,i i,;r.t V-r. r. r. ; ft ! li-H- Siin'l. M': : I cfi vi):r hi.!!' iiii l. ..ii;i.i j i.. A r .', i . tl...I i mti itif n.ii .''..r ; ii . j I''. f)!f. Church. V. l.i . fi. if-; !i.i ' f.r. : t in- t-ir Urn li-iiff : IT 1 ,: 1 . it r ji.it my (Hue tn vrl'l'Ii '1 in riynt,,,- ',:niii Mt I Ii.. ! i t-l i-f pl yM.i .tn it:t i.l uai-m i.jjiil l v lln- mlv;i-(i i.f wr li.m n-. Im ?-!!u&nr.V, I li!.'! Vunr lit-' w I n'ni'o. I'y j(ncitiii;g i.iii ii vtna'Piy ivtll. i- if .-'r M.-t-i. tt. y. iir I'i -f M..i;'ii il.v-.-Mi. ir f uil :tfi'it ri1 mc VINCKM fii.lUi.M.. i1i.'n i'i i't I-.:!.. '1! lT.: Cj: (.:: t: I Ii .vi a. I 1 --'u. t rf tli- :, I.. j.i l.-.ii.-.li t.i i1cfMV'n in it p'.:l. OtH ll 'i'H l',t llix.1t''!' Ti"t i-i c!to! rtit-ln 1 '" l.-i.iniy In fKiirul Iir.n lvij " r II I; -'in iin J.vi.l!'v.l mime- ' Ml i ' Ik inr.thti.MH u. 'iu0 C nr.il.i ii. luc-mtiy .r miiienl nntiM:nv v lt , rrioa, o conU per iZox, cr 5 Boxes fcr $1. rru-mea Ly Er. J. C. AYrit CO., Lowell, Mess. ..U by rrtlii-tt Grant, Ami A. W Fticlior, Ranbifv ; J T. C ivl 'W nnil C. Ilmwii. Mil'on; Vr lnric. Mr-J',vi-,ivil.p ; Kti,'fi.iytler tt i liriin:i, Turhntvi'ie ; it. li, Mt-L't'v, Nii.itlitmitn'iiaaJ fiaMl bj Dealers rverywiicio. Hew Killiaery Good3. Miss .fl. I.. C;iSSI.!.Ii, I'awn Sirett. two floors oul of the SJiUmokin VuUry l'tt,i ilU li.'iil .ooA ffi:tiPKi:'rFi;i.l.V inlWrni ilia citizen nf SI.'MlL'KV hikI ir.ir.ily. that '..e lios just rrreiviil from I'hiiuiltlphia a l:irgc uliJ i li-nilid u.s.iilii.riit uf Iho mutt (a.liiunuble nJ lalist bis lo of y- (j-) v '5? t?r civj t II A T S, S II A K K R , Ti:lV.MI.G s, c, uhit-h .he i. ti llini! ut the mot rttsoua'ile juirf. 'I o hic!i ho iliiccta the aiteiiliun uf the h.dh uml iinite. all ti) call anil ce them. Thankful for past patronage, h hopm by kcpiii? in let D8irtincnt tt rodsjnabie price lociritinuo the tame. Sunhury, April 13, 16G1. 8m Assignee Notice. TiJOTK'E is hereliy given, thst ell the properly -i-' both real and personal, of Oeorge Zimmer man of Upper Augusta township, Morthumber. land county, Pa., has heen assigned to the sub- scriber for the benefit rf hi creditor, by his L'ed of Assignment having Jate March i'Jlh, 186 1. Therefore, all j.eron having claim, will pre sent them duly uuthcnticaled, to Jeremiah Znn merman at Khamokiulown, or to Joint pawns north, Eq., i'i L'pper Augusta township, and all indebted will please come forward and settle without ih l.iy. JI'KKMIAH ZIMMERMAN, ) . . JOHN KAHNSWOUTH. Upper Augusta twp., April 13, 101. 4t State of the Bank of NorUiamberlaud, April 4th, 1861. ASSKTa. . Imiis niul niseouiits, ... S3IIS5Set I'riiiisyliania Sluts Usil, . . . . 31,710 14 NoriliuiiiUruiiiil Uaiik blocks, t.eio 00 illlief M"CL .... 4.0110 OU lJue lv illier Bsul'S, ... Sl.ltir.lJ N ..is uml i heiks of olhef Bank, . l-i.Sr-4 3i hio.-n- in Vsulls, .... 4,rtiiU7 lvtid tslule, ' . tlW.UtS 117 11(1,718 79 .7.7 74 ;i,v;e u LUBIUTiE. Notes ill circulation, Dm oiner iia.iss, - - -.. jey.'S.Uirs, f VJ-.'.I.VJ 31 I eertifv Hint ih above stsleaneot In U oorrtel aa4 - - U1 k,UT,H.rFi,lXV. C-liler. j ...iais-iikss tf lorm can. PW...n.- - roT., Notary fnWe. f;1Ulcei txt jns. mnz fs SPRING GOODS! AND GREAT VARIETY AT X.OW PRICES AT THE ONE PKICE STORE, OF S. S". BZIIGIIT & SON, WHO OFFER Splendid Inducements AND GREAT BARGALXS TO s tr ?. C S A Z Z E. s . fcuubury, April 13, ISCi. Northumberland Eridgo pany. i KLtC'IOi f r cfllfru i nd nianogci r.f iho iNuriliuinliiflainl Liiil(,c Cnmiiany will he held nt iho huute of Mrs. Anna Uurr, in iho I!urut(h of rorihumhtrluiul, on Monday the 6th ill) of May, lMii. 'I ho elctiiou will oi'cn at 2- o'clock, P. M., and clobe at ! o'clock, I'. M of r-M iIjv. JOil.N TAdCiAKT, l'rcnidftit, A.ri 6, ISO l. It. EERHYEETJP.G MALE AND Ft LI ALE tJKTKU S. llEUGSTIiU.ssLK. Principal ami Tcnci.rr of I.uliu, (ircck and Maliuniaticr. P15KSTO.N MII.I.KB, Tcac'aer of Practical Surring and Cn;li.h. Mi SOPHIA WILCOX, Teacher of Inslru mental !uic. SUMMKK TERM commence on Monday, April 8th, ln'61. Term y,cr Quarter rf 11 xceel s. Tuttiou in Primary l)omrt;iient, $3,00 " Aca.len.ic " S4.00 U fi.OO " " Clafrical " 7.UH Music on Piano with use of InMriiment, 8,1)0 flood Ii.'urninj. etc., ii. the Viligj, per week. Sl.RO to 2.00. Kit further paiticu'.ar. addres the rP.INCI PAL. Ucrrybur5. D.uphia county, Pa. April H, H-0 I. 4t$ COM-'JiC'l'lO ARIES, TOYS Lc. G. GEARHAT, ptONsTANTI.Y krepi cn liaiul all kind of Confri li.inirii. Fruit and Toy, which he ii aehinc; at wholca'.o and retail. Hmtiifi the necetn.iry inachinny he i manu!'tcluring ail kind of Toy, and keeps up hi H'xk, " that purchase! will not he at a Ijs for a supply of almost any ariicle they may desiro. APPLES! APPLES'! APPLES!!! Just received, larse lot of apple, which he is selling at whohsi'e and retail, at low prices liive u a call. M. C. UEAKlIAKr Siiiiburv, Msrch 8, 1 SOI. tf AUDITORS REPORT RECEIPTS .fc EXPENDITURES OF NOR- THUMUEKLAN l CO UN T V. ucv! " Roh bach, Esq-. Treasurer in account with the county of Northumberland, from the first day of January 18C0, to the last duy i i December rf the same year, both days inclusive. Tr" To amonnt in bands of Treasurer as per Inst Auditors' report, $ 23 18 ii amount of outstanding County Taxes for 1E59 and previous years, 1219 C2 To umoitnt of County duplicates assessed lor lbuO, llouJ 'JU To amount received on seated lands for 1853 '59. 306 12 To emouiil received on unseated lund book fur 1853 aoJ '59. S43 76 To cash refuuded by collectors which hnd been exhourated and ufterwards paid, 132 63 To oniouDt received from Francis Bucher, former Treasurer, 100 03 To amount received for rent of public buildioj;e, U 33 72 To cash received lor Huckster license, 150 00 To bulauca due, 7915 14 $21994 31 CR. Dy amonnt of outstanding taxes for lSCOand previous yeais, 3 6704 21 By amount of exonerations allow ed collectors, 337 73 By collectors commissions, 675 23 By errors in duplicates, 2 93 By amount paid on County order 12055 33 By Treasurers commiaaioo 00 $12055 33. 301 3S By depreciated money, 10 00 By 5 per cent fees on II m isters license, 7 50 21991 jf ' Jacob F. Rofirlack, Etq., TVtaturtr, in ee count tcith the county of KorthumberlanJ, from the Jirtt cav of January 18C0, lo the lat day of December, nf the tame year both dayt inclusive, respecting State tax. PR. To amount nf ontstandiDg State tax fur 18.VJDd prerioul years, $4894 45 To total amount of Slot tax du plicate forl8C0, 13C38 9C To onuiunt received on unseated lands. 83 85 To amount due Jacob P. Rohr bach Treasurer, from Common wealth 391 2 S:9708 33 CR. D.t amontit of rThtslanding taxes for 1SGU nnd prerions years, By amount of exonerations for I860 and previous years. By Collectors Commissions, liy abutpmrnts allowed by State Treasurer, By cash paid State Treasurer as per receipts, By County Tronsurpr's commie- slou on SHlbC 4717 07 820 03 13 85 477 38 111SG 28 111 EC $19703 3S Jacob F. Fohrbach, 2i.j., Treasurer, in ac count villi the Commtinxceahh of Ftnnsylva. nia,fur J.icemt from the first liy of Jan uary 18(i0. lo the last day of December of the same year, both anys inclusive. Dtt To amouct received for licenses for restaurants for I860, $340 00 To amnuut received for license for Taverns for 1SG0, 11 62 50 To amount rec'J for license for li quor stores for 18G0, 3.0 00 To amnnnt received for license for retailors of merchandize, brew eries, biiliard rooms, teu pin nl leys, patent medicines, coal & lumber yards for 18G0, as per mercanli'u appraisers report, 1240 4G To amount ree'd of Hawkers & Pedlars license for 18G0, SO 00 CM. By 5 per cent commission on 8340 $17 00 liy cash paid State Treasurer as per receipt, 323 00 $310 00 I By 5 per cent commission on SI 000 and I p.-r cent on S1G2 50, By cash paid Stute Treasurer as per receipt, 51 1110 62 67 11C2 50 17 50 332 50 By 5 per cent on $350, By each paid Slate 't reasurer per receipt, as $3.".0 00 33 50 52 07 By exonerations. By 5 per cent on $1000 & 1 per ct. on $2UG 9ti By L. II. Funk's receipt for puli- lUhini; mercantile appraisers lit ol 140 names. By John li i A. A. YouiiRmnn's receipt for publishing merenn- tile) appraisers list of 140 numes. By 5 per cent on $28 amount paid for printer's hill. By cash pjid Stale Treasurer as per receipt, Ey 5 per cent commission on S50 By cash paid Stale Treasurer us per rsceipt, 14 00 14 1 00 40 1125 49 $1240 46 2 50 47 50 $50 00 Jacob F. l'uhrbach, F.q., Treasurer, in ac count with the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, respecting Militia Jincs. DR. To amount due Commonwealth ns Auditor report of 1855 $147 42 Outstanding Taxes for 13C0 aif Previous Years. I8.r)3 Wm B Irwin, Delaware S'.'a fiG 6 57 lr.V James Linn, Mhamukin 1U0 79 1 8.' 5 A J Cenrad, Zerbe 1853 Jacob Bloom, Northumberland 62 01 03 22 I 57 An'.honv Oaia.py Zerbo 7 3S 1SCS Joseph ILiireiidoblor Milton fM 6S 1X.SS J H Wanner Mt. Carmel 114 S5 J73 17 lfiS Jacob Miller Point 32 88 Is.'iS Ceortfo Zimmeruim, irpper Augusta 123 93 9 77 I:.1 Elias Eisenhart, Coal 04 S3 l'-9 F.lias E.senbart, Coal l.-.a 03 103 09 l:-9 James Oikcsf Delaware 397 R3 81 04 18.19 Davi l Heiser Mount Carnio! 61 27 4 15 IK.'iO Abraham Eckman Rush 23141 43 4- l.'9 John (i Voung rSimhury 130 4 79 S9 I8.r)9 John Karnnorth l'pper Augusta 175 75 Si au 1 85'! J. lin Itsnf..rd Zerli 1 G7 I8' 9 Daniel V.'oif Jackson S7 7fl 1859 Jacob llui sicker" Lewi 7-t Gi l-.')9 Jacob 11 Clark I.ow.r Augusta Si 22 i8'-9 J V (.'oodlalder Milton 77 61 i 159 IIKCi.!p McEwenrvillo . Si 31 U0O Jacob Hishel Cliilinqiiaejua f.71 87 607 8.1 I8f.9 John H liaupt Cameron H0 7S 123 94 lsf,0 John I! 1 iuel arh Delaware 46 84 799 3d 1G(J Jacob D lioiToiau Jacks., n 10 lsc.3 Edward liamn Jordan 155 41 S?0 PT IR.tO Jacob Hunsicker Lewis "0 02 734 13 ISC0 Daniel I) Conrad Lower Aupj-jl' S3-4 19 2;!5 15 1 SCO d'eorce Harris Lower Mahonoy 1P3 75 S.IS (j 1SG0 Philip Kersteitnr Little Mahonoy 116 29 55 C2 IKIO Samuel Druckeniiller Miiton 14G K2 3.il lKiiO Jonas Sline Mount Carmel 72 HI 93 57 IfifiO II It f'ulp McKwcrsville 21 87 143 .ts 1 Pfio Joseph Johnson Northumberland 16 73 200 11 1860 Geergo P Mrrlz Point 351 19 315 CO lRfiO William Johnson Rush 61 61 71 47 1S60 Benjamin B ihner Bhamokin 373 81 55 01 IKijU Kiilomon Shindvl Suiihury 376 KA S90 61 iSdO John Lamphcr Tuibutvilla 40 R.i 6U 59 1KH0 JolinJ. R.lter' Turhut SS5 (13 fii'5 13 I860 John Farnsworth Upper .dujiuiu 3 ''7 10 4G3 53 18S0 Joseph Oreve Upper Mahonoy 130 21 14S 20 18G0 E T Drumheiler Washington 70 71 15 hit I SCO John Itanford Zerbe 45(1 31 3"2 hi ISC0 John Dunklebcrgrr Coal 833 59 90 77 $7 I7S 07 8S701 SI Thoso marked () have since piid. Marked Ffatcmcnt of Finances .of Northumberland County, January 1, V8G1. I Tin To amount of ontstuoding Com- misssioner's orders for louO s. previous year, 1711 42 To excess nf county funds above tbe indebtedness of the county .bOL 99 $3313 41 $7915 14 '100 00 1298 27 $9313 41 CR. By rilnnce due as per auditor's settlement wim Jacuu r. Rob rbacb, Treasurer. By amount due from Francis Bucher, former Treasurer. By amount due froij Jacob Youojf, former Treasutor, Northumberland County in account with the ComutonuerUh- of Pennsylvania re. peeling State Tax on Reai and Personal, from the first day of January 1859 to December ' the Slit of the same year, both days inclu sive. DR. T aerinnnt fixed by RefSDOS ' -sioners for 1860, li358 03 1 l,.Ml,sHlin by Couetj . CR. By exonerations, Collectors percenlope, By fines outstanding up to Janu ary 1, 18G1, Treasurer's comnilscion on 21 S3 By amount dae Commonwealth $S6 00 1 15 S3 42 22 21 03 $147 43 Expenditures J Receipts of yorthmnbcrland County, from the fist day of January 13G0, ti the ast day of December, of the sume year, botli days inclusive. mi. To 123 orders issued by Com missioner's for viewing ami surveying roads, bridges. &e. To 11 orders for prison expenses, To 79 order Commonwealth 220 00 103 04 853 92 151 CI 320 02 990 2d 72 00 15 no 59 ('0 IM f.ti 119 25 313 51) 70 00 333 05 3b'G 237 SG 225 OS :m f.s 230-1 2." Hi 110 8M 97 54 29 283 G-l 79 00 2-17 92 1375 43J 100 00 TOO 33 59 25 ! coals. To 10 orders for Coroner's in quests, To 50 orders for Constable's pay To 37 orders bridge building it repairs, To I order forconnly auditor's. To 1 order for S. I). J or duo au. ditinjr ('dice oeeoants, To 4 orders for I'efundinir, To 5 orders for Joseph Kverett, To 5 orders for iSutnuel Knt, To 4 orders lor Philip Clark, To 2 orders fur printing, To 45 orders for assessors, To 43 orders for public huildirijM, To 7 orders for prosecuting ut tornpy, To 37 orders for road dumnaes, To 5 orders for ott'y for county, To 14 orders for juror's py, To !3 orders for court crier, To 0 orders lor SheriQ's fees, To 49 orders for fox fculp. To 21 orders for ineideutuls To 10 orders for Fuel, To If) orders for clerk's pay, To G9 orders for election expen ses, To I order agricultural society, To 2 orders for renuylvjliia Lunatic Asylum To 1 order for stationary. To amount of outstitmliriiog coun ty orders, for 1359 and previ. ous years, To depreciated money, To Treasurer's commission cn $12055 33 orders paid, 179 1(1 00 301 $14073 CR. By halnnre dno cour.ty by Jacob F. Riilirbui'h. Treasurer, us per receipt. 1359. By cuh received from collectors for I8G0 t previous y".,m By cash fiom unseated land?, By Cash from tienled lands, By cash refund.'.! by cull.'i'lors which h id been exonerated and since paid. By cish ree'd from F. Bee her. I!y cash received for rent nf pub lic buildings 'i'. By amount ree'd from Hucksters, By amount o( excess of expendi ture ubovii receipts, S 25 1SJ IO.jj-3 95 548 70 130 50 132 80 100 0') 35 72 J 150 00 23C0 78 14073 77V Jacob F Rnhi bach, Etq , Treasurer, in tie cnunt with the Treasure f Sultull Hoard and Supervisors of Roads fur Taxes on Seated ami Limeutid Lands for the years 135S u'lj 1359. DR. To amount received for road tax 1544 42 To " " echuol " 1552 55 30'J0 S7 CR. By receipts from Sohool Trensa- rer's nnd Road Supervisor's. By balance m Treasury, 2950 G4 14G 33 S309G 97 19 43 19 00 5-33 ii (t) to be settled by sdminisir ito-, commissioners over thu iiui't fixed by revooue couimitsioDers, G3 66 $11122 81 CR. By amonnt of Stute tux kSfceffed forlSGO, 813C33 CG By amuunt afiessod on nr eeated lauds fur 1859 and 18G0, 783 S3 $11122 81 We the nnders!j-ned Auditors of Nor IhuinberUnd comily. Slate of l'eun)lvaniu do certify that in pursuance of the 4th sec tion ol an net regulation counties end town ships passed on the I3lti day of April 1834, we met ut Ihe l'nmiii.sioi'.eis' oftice, in Ihe borough of Sin, bury, oil thu 'Jl'l day of January 18GI, and udjoiirned from lime t time, and did audil and st'tllo Ihe several accounts required of us agreeable lo the said ucls nf Assembly and supplements thereto, according to the best of our judge ments and abilities. Aud ve do furlbi-r certify that upon due examination of the expense book of the counly. the indebtedness of tbe same yet unpaid in orders i$l7U 42. lo sitnesses whereof we have berninlo set our bands and seals, this 14tb day of February, one tbousaud (right huudree sixty ODS. O. F. MTTLK, L. 8 P. W. GRAY. L.8 JQIXU nOFFA, L.8. FILES & HASPS and made equal to NE"W, at the old'staml No. 211 NEW STKEET, (near the Barley Miraf Hotel, 3ml Street, below Vine, PHILADELPHIA. All work done nt this ctuhii.iimctit warranted good, at a saving uf Lilly per cckI. A large of.oiiineni tf New Kile, nn baud Wholesale e Kelail, at Mliufurturvr' Price. J. 1). SMITH. April C, lf-01. 3m w TilEE NOTICE. 'IMIE tree sold by J. IS. Junes, Acnt for the Clover fired ft' ur-fe'ie, lloch.ster, ft'. Y., well bo delivered an follows I Point towixhip, April I'Jih at Ihe bouse of Peter 1 1 u ns v 1 in a ii, in Northumberland. Upper and Lower August towimhip, April SO. at the hou?o of (,'hnilc Weaver, in Wunbniy. All east of Kline's Grove, nt the house of Wm. Farrow, Snyderiown, April S3. Knjilcr c. unity, April 20, in tbo afternoon, at tho bouse of Ceor,iO Keen, eshnmokin Dam. J. U.JUNES, Agent. April G, 1R01. xtct: li ERF.DV liiven to the i;..lhitors cf the dif fi rent Townships nnd UnrouRh of Northum berland coiinly, that it U utsolntelv tictesary that they should pay the ninuutit of their Dupli plieate lo the Tie aturer of s.iid conuiy, by tho April Court. Tho county lequirc lumU fund very n.ueh, and a longer indulgence rnnnnt be e,a'ted. JOcEl'lI EVEUETT. PHll.ir (.'LAI'.IC, ISAAC HAKEI1, Cnmmissionera' Office, 1 Coinmis.ioners, funbury, March 10, IHCI. J NOTICE. ES IIEUEDY Riven that an appeal will ho held by (ho ('ommisionT3 nf Norlhuu.bciiand county nl their ul'nce in b'unbury. on the lollow inf; il.iys, and for Ihe following townhipf. Kor le!awnre, MeEwens. ille, Lewid nnd Turhut ville, on Tuescny the S2d day i.f April, '.""il, C.ial. Mill. in. Tunlut, l.'lnii-ii::i'Hic nnd Lillte Mitloinoy, on Wcditesduv tho lih d.iv i.f Apiil, ISiil. Zerbe, Point, N'orlkiiiuhf r!and, .lordon nnd Ausbliniiiii, u 'i'l.urs.hiy the 5oih day of Ap.it. ium. JiiiUfoii, Lower Ma'ianor, Upper Mahunoy, Lower Ait:uUi ntul Cameron, on I'liduv die -OIU dav of April, 1K.1I. t-'uiihu.y. Upper 'AuriiiM, Shnmfl.in, Puth and Mount Crmd, on Saturday Ihe 27ih duy of April, ISb'l. JOSEI'U I" VEliET'!', PiiiLIP t'LA P.K. JsAAi; U ii A KEU, Comiiiissioi crs. Cep;nlisiller, ClTice, 8uuhinj, April G. Iisfil laUMD'JiUIv I p li I L I P ts II V. l.-rxjKro"-, rA. TN FORMS his fro nds end tlr- public in aei.c H nil. thiil be constantly l.ee a n Land. Ilunr.'p, Miinulcs, Lath, Joi.-'s ai.d all kinds of Lumber 'inl hml.liiiti iri.iUliali, ubi.li ho 1. lllsi'll at tho lowest prices. M in ii :;:. itjiu. ltnt ol' ti. J. WOa.ViiiiTOX, tie I ri-itxt'cr. I TO ITCE is I'.er, by given, lint letters of ndini ' nistraii 111 having I f. ti granted to Ihn under ! sirred, on 'he .-stale ol itoistio J N'i'olicrton, I lale ol the borough of M,obuiy. Northumberland couulv, l a., (lecaiisos. All peisons indebted .lo raid estate 11 nil lh-se ha.nii; claims iiL'ain-t tho sum:1, are uqncs'td to pret-enl iheui duly authell' Heated lor Keiliement to UEOIi'ilAN A WuLVERTON, Adm'trix. Or W. I. Oiii.sMitiiii, ber Atlotney. Sunbury, March tit), lS(il.- lit aJ E'liototr.ii frnEiScs. 1 VK desire to call the ailinti 01 of tho public ' touur l.llliocui:ii Oval i'lioicru; ii I lanies They pos.ess all the go?d qualities ol wood frames with (lit advantage, of greater tlurabihtt ai ihej never warp or crack, and me sold much cheapir. W e ulso haio on hand a large vniety of WOOD OVALS wbi.h wo offer twenty five per cent lon er than call be bought 1 hen I. tie. Also, 0 gonj assoriir.cnt ol i'asse ihiitouis. -.'quor.! Kranus at rojauiionally low pri.-cj. All Older bv mail promptly filled. All who come lo our great L'uiniui rcial Melrepoli v.e ll.v.ic lo call see U..J c. jn.lii.'. U. W. LAPD.V CO. 453 Lroudwav, New YuiL. March 30, ISCI. MiMS. Al.ll.EtSs, Attorney at L SUN BuRY, isortmiiaborlana Co., i'a. (Formerly Kreebuijj, finydiT county.) Oi'FICE. Market Street, a lew ih.ors c-.t of iho Nottb-'in Central Railroad Pep.it and two denr weM of tho Pool Oilice. All Profesi-iou.il l!osinc-s, Collections, &c. wilt receive prompt ulleiilioll. March HO, Hill. "sil?Ti;TJP.Y ACADi'iY. T ilKt?f MIKUT::iM : tli.j SuaLuiy AcaOeai) will eoil.aicllec iai tin. .1, ! Aail. i'lie ivntF-c oi n,-.;ii!"ii,.ii iiharacrs every lUnrrt-i mi al i.f iihK-alian l-iiiiii.: in !T her Acafinu-s, i-fi-parine. ti-icats ung cillier lot a irolc--.!"iior to enici uay u. oi j e,ola-kc. j rr.rtMs pr.n '.'t- AiiTr.it: C 'ir'Hon Sehonl I'rail'-la., t?l 00 Higher eaa:loh Ih.luclas, .0 liliacial ijicel; l,-it.;uaj;cJ. 7 I J 'ruitloll to Imp-ml lar.-re lite m.ih' of the I. Ha. II aul can he liuil in pncalc liilh.in.s itt II. ui t. . "j lo -?i Jj oci wicU. P P. WOIA'lttl 1 Cl, I'll tic. i-al. Sai.bar). March 3d, l.-li:i. 7 is iu a it; es t'&'s. o , XIANCt'ACTvi'.CllS VV F I X It S T (J L' A L 1 T V OP BOOTS BHOSS I CR UtNTLEMliM WHOLE S A L E A N D R E T ML No 4-S.iulli l'amili bUfft, ,'iiii itlt-!ph::i. t' 1 1 F K K rv T W. J. LSNUr. Miirch iJ, isiil lim. "ITM v-u..l fit !retUii!y i:;f. -Mil n;it fi iotuN, p:.!ri. V it ii I ihe puliiit -ni.-r:i!!v, tli.it wo lirtvu iwh it.Si-ie r.iuli.rt.r Wli(!.I.S.tl.K sNli UI TMI . p.: " li- I ..wt-m t dit.lt I'riifi-, a t:ti-.'i tuiil cf v tii 'ic- kt, t-i; "i V Vi'i I Ji , JKWIll.ltV.ilsVKU AM) ri,.Ti-:i V.'AUi:,i.f -.vet,-v.iiit-iy uml ki) le. i:v.'v lU-hui-ii'ii'in nf PI.VMOND WOHJi nml it JlW i:!.U , ili:iiu t( onlcr, nt eini't tioUco. t?" Ail CiifHU '..iia:;tfil l i tf i s t-j.r-r--.'ti!t J. N. II P.iiii'.'uiur Hit-tttiiii jitvi i t tlte ffjiiiiitig tf Waict.g anJ Jewi-Iry t i t-vorv w v.-i i;-rijt. KiAi ri Kii .v JiAiti.rv, N i. 0i M trket Strtet, SoutU Side, ritiUtit.iiUMft, Man.li 'J, OJ.-U.n Muttulr-ctuur ul uittt iJf-iM ui STRAW GOODS, Not. 103, IH-3 aid K-7 Nirt.i Fec.d Slreil, Villi U Iplna, Ill rI nru it'txv aro rrceivinpf iui tSl'Itl NO STOCK 1 1 wlneli wol nicnl of all kliuls of Miatv ami B.nro CJooiTa. Also, a large assorlincnt of l.auiffc' CloUlieis Hals. IliirstK-k of Floweis and Itu.-lies, will lu iniiisuuliy la'jsr lias heaM'li. o.ai ws would luvile your special s:i.-(. te.li lo Dial Ucis-irtiiieut. I'leus cull luiu is juaae tii.-ai oc lolo iuul.is )"Ur inoelinses. II. WA1UJ, N loj, IUj, A; 107 North Slitct, uuova Anli. Maieli-23, Inll 41 TO PAPJ-5ER3. EIGHTY THOl'SAN L) It ARUF.LS POUD I(E I I E. msJe by the l.odi Muuufjctuiiug Co.. for ale in lot to suit purchase!. 'Ibis is the. Cheaja'st Fertilizer in maiket. $3 uoiih will manure an acre of corn, .will increase the crop from oue-ihird to one half, and will tipen the crop two week earlier, and, unlike guano, neither injure the seed nor land. A pamphlet, will) sali.Uctory evidence and full particulars, will bo sent f-rali to any one sendinii addles lo LOU1 MA.NL'FACTCKINli (JO., 130 (Sou'li Wharves, 1'hiludelpiiia. Febuaiy, f 1-6. 101. DRIED PEACHES, pared aud ot pared, at t-he Mauamoth store of FR 11.1 NO t GRANT War! War! War! COME FROM TDK SOUTH, COME FROM THE SOUTH, COME FROM THE EAST, COME FROM 'IHE WEST, Save the country and build yourselves home, for now is tho time to get your Lumber chenp. Yes, I.UMBEK ! LUMBER ! ! LUMBER ! ! ! can he puichased at low rale at the bTEAM 8AW MILL of eUIJBUBY, 3? A., Such ns Panel Lumber, Krame Luuincr, Boards, Hiding, hhinglcs fioni $:l tn pi r thousand, Pla-ileiin? Lath, Pttlintr, Hooflig l.nlll, Ve., Aie. All bills ordered, for any kind of Lumber, will bo furnislifd bl the suorletl noiico IK A T. CLE MI SunhiTry, March 9, lKfil. XV. li I s V 8 1 V il A V A n t : S 1 V , FOR MALES AD FEMALES. Tev. J P. WAM POLE. A. M, PRINCI PAL, nnd Tencher of I. alio, Ureek and (ieruian Lanauaije'. Mr. HTEPHEX VJ . OWEN. Teai.l,er o Malhenmlics nnd I'neiisli lirnm-bi $. Miss CAROLINE KDl.-RKiL'E. Teacher of Music nn Pi mo nnd Meloileon. 'i'he Summer Kesdon vill commence on Mon day the. First of A piil, I I. (iocd hoarding can be h id in prii-nta fmnili' a in the iill.i':i', either by tho ek or by thu tu. ul at reasonable piires. Ter n3 per ipiarUT r.f e'evuji week. Common English lirnclus, ??.C0. Higher, " fi.OO. Lalin or (Jre.k. 1 OD. Mi!:c, (extra). 10 on, fjerrt.aii, (ex(rj, 1,00. ElysbiirR, i'a., March f, I8!U tf SUN T BY EXPRESS Ret datWaoiesal-3 Prices, rt lA if'.aissWWt Mado to IiTcarorj $18 per doz. CH BIX FOP. EIHE ICZ.IiAK3, lunilsu'. Collars ca, rii!i Collar ea V- Vf estra. ;:ads or srr-v-vorts mills ku:j, r7.'.'.in3 Llr.p-. Dirsr-x, n-.d Trnrrar.lt-1 as pooj a EUrl r.s coU Id the tttail Etcrcs at $ J,t.O cacti. .z.:o. Tn; vz?y best Eaiais ijus cxt es MAEt AS ti 1-ACiL p.'?. .Thiis vrbo Uitr.k I cacar-tmaksairo-l Slitrtfor C:' per C:zt : BiaiiM. Hire 3 the cest t ilosta i'.i Uu Eairts. Il rar.Is it N"cT-Vork ir.!!i cxta s1 i;'c- r" f !- v t f 1 V v'--ct ctCa'. L'.acn, a, lis:, or j-a.-J,. . 1 M It '-..V.r.r cultlrr 6 ii Li try, ti i b-f.oti u.d eo.-.en, Sue 1 t ) lut..:.. ..s to Mai $la M Self Heasvircraciit fc? Giiirt3. PriaieJ tiircctlans tcrt free evsrywlin., nr.d eo ess-r ti u-v'crstanl, li-.nt nr.y one enn ta':e their 01. n lr.er.juro ftfs'-irts. I t. ai-riit a gooi tit. The c.-.aU lg tf aidt the Lxprcis Coc.p'Uijr on rccslpl of gooJj. The i:ivrcu cl.arrc oca dosut llti frem feir t.rl: ( Ne'.T Orlsnsis 1. p. s, PAitTiru winniro FrmtTa in n.sTr,et lilTlr.-j thr.o to tcatl tor ltules of Mascren-.e!.!. n'aouM tor, 1 '.or kc'.I. rrii-ilJ, one cf the best Uttha: shins Uicy Lave tot, stating ary ottcratlcms that nay be rctitJi -id. S. W. K. WAuB, from LgnJon, SS7 Eroadway, up stairs, ' Ectiveca V.'Uta i TTal-ur EtrecU, N KTV-YOEH' Maah 10, 1131. tf DO Viii: W.IXT WCS&SSiEUS. D VOL WAN TWIIISKKI13 DOYUl WANT A MOLTSTAClin? d; you want a .mih staciif? S T I M V L A T lsG ON K N T. For the WhUlcrs and Hair. Th'fuVf Wilier l:ii. j pN.-:i.nirt- in muinuiM ii c to t!:f citi-t-:iL-ot t;.c t nite.l bidU tliiU t!.i Ii.ivij t;:il:i!i;i-(l lir A fiiL-y I -ir, tiiitl ;iii' n-.'W u:u!,!.,(l l ilji U li.e Aii.cnciii p.iUIit:, li.ii u; ive j.;s'.'. i-ii-.L-ia'.ce u;. t Jiv.-rt...'vii- J UlliClC. 77 c Stiiuutatinf; Onr;vciit. is roiviruir.iy Ir. C.P V Ihpl.-iin. ;u; ciiii'jt pliysician t-. Ij.-i.uv'tl, U.j., la V. Ut n.liLCti to Ll.l't; tl.tU til.Ca. kt'i ul U'fJsKc rs tr Moutt:cj.e. v fr.'in Miieet-i t'x vrc!v2. Tiio art :-tts is t!;e only omc t" lie l.i nU n in! 1'V 1 ri's.cti, ui.J i:i l.omi n ami Tu- ti' '.' lb l.l L.'li. 'i-IF.il It is a I'lM-jiii-il, rcni'-inlcnl, i'M I'sinp, ye tlnuu'i'titi-j cuiiip :uiii!, iiiMtitas ii" bv i!i;ii.if up n tin- r&A :iuin2a li'..liiiil lmcwiIi t t" luxiii Utnl luif 11 :iiinli?ii In :lic i-JU',), I 'i w ii' t-tirt 1. tMiit-bS. iii.-i ctuiis t. ppr:tii up in jiim-u ul" 1 !!.-. l::tl'l ,-;m!s ;l tii.: r.fuWl.i i'i l.:itr. A,ipuJ it -c 1nn I i ::vii"iiii it '1 if m teu or i"v,y n".'.t ti n t. n! rfirti'te IsTtay Imtf tu tu iitini.i! e.i..i. Ik-living it nU, Buniniii, uiut lli'iti-ie. 'I'lit nctn-nt'' ti tin imiispccEiMo mticle tu 4 vim ai-:it!-iiia:i' imU', and iti'tcr i;nc wt-els'a use they W'lui.l ii n tvir nu-co.i.1t-rti!ii'ii be wuliout tt. Tiie hu!iM-rt(n.-f$ :u j nnly Ait's f"r Oie article in tii t'i.;ti-i. Mutt's. I-i wlit His n,l iirMtr iMibt be aii.lri "r-td. t'lietiUiit l.'uliar it Uix I'. r sj.ii ly ait Lini a:I DtMl-Mi; ur n Inx ;f il.e Oiieut'iil twarmntfit t-t liav Ui-.- tltnittl tiirtt) Wi.l he fccut in any win ilutiiri- tt, hy ii.-iil. !ir -ct. -""iielv I'nciscf, i:i reccigH ui pi ice' uuJ p.t u tl,ls-. Apply I' nr mMiess noiiAci; i.. rr.orMAN k co., rinp-:i', c.t 'Ji WiJitaiu tt., New Voili. r"r.t'c at rhi uirwe, i!:tn!i Jv.', irrCl. T. A. Cr-sdLlTDALL'n PATENT SPRING HOUSE. 473EiioADV7ii."2-, nrw rcr.r:. lluu! be in cverv family. School, i'.i m.-.ai-ur.i. Af.bim. and 11 -sj ilal in lha l.nd. Aro im ll A.MJ !.' ttl H'S, like the common liorkiuc lioise. tan.la f'rm on lis Prdiul, will noi wear CAKl'U l's, and has no liocke.s to ii.jire the Fct. '-ITe-liU ar.J l.app'iies in lie tameiEdiile." N P. WilLs i vi - .-y, . , - v -k a v. - FROM THE "HOME JOURNAL." "Of all tho child furniture we have ever seen n-i erliJe combines so nun-h of thote tun iiopor laut I'.tii.ps health and hiippincis a iho Ad justable Patent Sr-teel Hpiing t-SaJille lli-rsc, in vented by lc;e A. Crandall, Il ii iiol dimmer, c.us, iiko a common rocking-horse, to children's feet, reiinot be Wp'et, dor not vviar rurpi u, but stands Cfin on Its base, uuJ lis actio. i is sj like loe (ullop of a live horse tint tho thiiJ neer v cariM of it. This .atest.-f c-hiid novehie is ex ceed.inily t'.egint mid artislic In de.iiiii ; aud o ai!J.irt;hle, substantial, nnd durable, tiittt it will la-t a lifetime. It is indispensable in every family wheie Ihcre are cbilorui. Il should be ia ery primary sihool and gymnasium in the country, as it can b inajo large and sironu jnough to sustain ijrowu persons A a pedestal for photographic picture, nothing is luuie beauti ful. Every Oiphan Asylum and Institution where children are roniiregated, should bo lunilfhed with a number uf these beautiful article Tbcy o.cTiitcd v-ilh wde-saddle when required." riUF.CTIONS KOK APJrsTlNG Open Ihe alter part of the base a.illiciently to allow (be aile to go in it place ; then raise or lower (he Ilorie to suit yoj, fwcw ths bolts :.i li.e side vcrv light. ty These Horse, are W A It RAFTED one year. Xsrch IS, 1etl.-t "-ir2.; mm i l". COMMERCIAL NURSERIES, K. X5 HOOKER, 6s OO.. ltllf LKsltn, X. V John w. nucnErt. Lor.i Agent. t-u..iu- Po. The u'.'.eribor, bavinir been nppninliid lo Arjent for the sain of Fruit tr.r, plsi vine, A c., of ..'tie ol the most reliable N..r , '. calls the attention of all who want choice I'.u-' this method, as more evi tain llun by nl.i Ihrtn thrnoi;h truvelin agontH. Aiikihb i' ih'.ici ihtd in Ihe (lioalngne nre, llwurf I I'rcis, of the ego fr lisnsplal.'ii g, icnm," line. Dwarf A pple Trees, on P.irndie Hih.k'. kintf heautilol In. I. trees for the uurdc-i, nn I luriin; remarkably line epeciinens of fruil . very tlioit time. i)'.vaif Cherry Tree. UidvVJ on M.L Stocks, lmjdoute Irei. tst indiV.d Apple. Per arid Chorry Trees, line, wilii n Inri;!.' Ii-t of niiiitm. Peach, I'.ln.i, Nectarine umI Apricot Tre. Cooiuberry, IlluckUrry ami felmnlerrj p all of the finext kindn. t'urian's, ninnv new and improved vmi.it. such us Cherry, W hile tir.ipe, W lu'e, fioi.J'' Red (.'rape, Victoria, Slr.ivrberry Plants, in great variety, i:;. lu '' Iho. Hooker, V. ilion' Albany, Triomj.l.ii (I.ii d, (l!,e ui'isl approved old Varieiiu,) ti as all the irivelties. (Liipe Vines, inilu.Iiuj.; those Gr.e, nc-.v, well lotted kinds, uhich no pljnltr heni ' without, eiich is Delaware, Cor'-L'rJ, and i' lord I'robsic. 'i InfC we have propagated ' tens'uly us lo I'l.lii t, oiler thtui at reduced :.ti -f iClnrv pliers. l'lants, li-)rtcj, !!i-ercrcrns nnl vrs 1 ai' urno'iteiit..) Uses nnd '-ioruhhery, securely pi JOHN V. El'CHER. Aiii-iit. Sui.l.Jry I fruuhury, lVbu.iti , 'J, li-bl. LET TnE 1'iiOILE st:z.s. ccr.iaxtc i tst. AND THLY WILL SOON ' LEARN THAT FRILIXG & GHAjXT, 'at tht: LIAISH0TH ST0E2, ARE SELLING GOODS CHEAPER than can Lo purchased c'sctvLere. A FEESH STDTIPX.'Sr tit received by Puiiroud this week. REML.MBEttTHIS. ANU PROFIT BY IT. Sunbury. December 15, IS!0. V fyl H .9. II. corner of Stventh and Chemut Sireets. T'm ! one IGUT CuhhLr.KS, CONSTITUTING THE '-NATION A I. CHAIN." LOCATED IX N-v York Cliy. A!l:my, PuJTn!.i. C!ev-- liiii'l, t't.ii'it' rtitil niifiH cuu te pur- fliUEed u'.iMth !')Utl lit 0)1 tilt C'lti-'uS. i m: COLLKOIATK covj.sk emrnct Pcublr imtl Siitc' Vntty 11 .'k-Kfi-piiiir, Com uivTct'tl Ciinput-iti'ius, Ci-iuiiittrci:'' l.uw, I't'iiiii-iiicinp, His. ut-Mi -Dtiiitep .iivlci i-c. l'ariiti.'tkhip Mtt t-inir.&, etc. T-i-T-. ii in I'm- I -!ik-Kvi.-T I'epaTtimnt iumorr !y lit. ;u wiiiitii t.::i, usenpt lurtM-s. vi:!i ctrtl not. ni'ii.n,- i'.jri'-. :r:-l li!::c1i-j. -nr.! t i'.iI f.'iikt : li: iKi.t'ii.ii t ..;!.. in ci.!f-r lu i::..'r..- ti l I" .1:- ji.it.' i.V ?rs nsti.flr, V ii ;. t'fet) (.; pi.o..;ij iuc Jy.iuvAiiiL; Texi-Ii.Jt.-3 havo Lc ii pu'i.iri:! : Iirj:.:i- . Sttit'trn's P i.'r.'-TCi'f ; I, , in T lr iI:tii'MF C'.-Ui ;tv;t ! 'Ii'i.-I. H:.'h SKoo'. K Un'in" ll.iu.-e ; !.':. Hl.t :-Lr lilch'si L T,.:,.:y.:i .i(,ii lii-; liuaut i S-iri.tii.n's C""!i.ii:-rj.i.; ijuv, ly .u.. h 1. !. IK SIT.NCVl'.lAN SVS Vl.M Oi PI'NM ANSIIU', itt ti l i-. s-ifiLiiL' !i j iks. lv r. 11 SITN Ci 'U. V It M'LC'i;n. Ji.. Ti-.iff of P-.i:!:..t.?;.tp. Int'i- VH-tl.t! irt.!rin-:i..it, : lui.l.U e:.:-.T ut. it;;V ti:i.k. Dlio- t:, "s r -.1. IV l'--r i-'iO il '-ra' s ical PirciiV'U!.. rail ai II- - cV!'.:o, oruliiiess III1S V Nl'. .-1'KA i' il '. 4 1' Al 11 liA.N KS I'tUriiary C I. Ifcfl. ly Paii-u'euiis. TO ALU. th-jsi: Il ATl.ri Farms, Parks cr Gardens. IN CENTRAT. PENNSYLVANIA. A rare cliance i1 n v ail-mlcil Ot Srletl aial or jcr FRUIT AND caSAMEKTAL TRET'S, Vines. Sar'jii'a-i , A ,. . ir.-m :ln.- cr 'c Liatcl C'l v..r Suect Nur.cnes ' LccaUil at Uoe!it!er, cv ViaV;. Jlcsmn. JIOIUIK, JttOTSEfc:Et-, PF.OrRIETOitS WVt-i ti.g lea-re lo :mai,ua-.- liial mcjr Lre :ie;a;ri4 tUrouii ll.i-ir ijaauuvJ ur-i II It 1' O N S I !! L E AIICNTS, To di.liit-a'.e lavir suci ir ttjvk on liie ini.t rc-tsjcal! ICM.IS. pnoi-i.i: of Tin: .Jj Igi wii JL'r ii C !.nv.-is o!' i'"-e a-ul it,? l-cau: :n'l 'ai csU'jrathJ t r lour !'!!; ..-(-lice, SOI la. lOa ry oy iojO Jau'D, liOW IS i;.1 lin e l- ln:'ku y. -n s.-!f.-ta.r.l If. a. air l-lt.H-lltl' TlN I-. C V l'AI.n.jl'K AM) I'l.AT!'. ri(H-K-, V lii.'a will h-furaisae.l -in, laroir.-., ,.i.r 1-ul i.:-.-i s; aial vnu ni .y it.t ofcoaud U.at y.'ur u..ltr ill bo t,cui.-ra-Uy l,:!;il. t'-tt tuiil.er rarlituUrs .i-!v io i ittuitnic:; a. wwe, IUV.IU. 1., Or JODN D JOVItrt, Aiicp.tior .Vr:lamtjerlainl county, BEFEBENCES-. n n. FRPM YA I; lir.ll-l'l.V, ticel.csier, N. V. I. a. JuliN ;Al.H!t VITII. It'"'. 'a. (.- I J. It Joll -sl'.S, AleaJvilte, fa. I'l 'iiiLay V.N'.I l':n ttrTjTc. m c c a at 'a i', DF.IVTISTl o;srv FKRJ t if prcft'-ic:il t' tvice la lite citUtiit of i it H f..-c , luarc, 3 doors v.-vs. of iho Tost o.f... Sa.ihurv. Ma-i'l-!, Icli j a m i : s a n b e r. ' b -tVllOLSSH-B !! r.KTAlt. ' CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT 3. E. Corner Second and Cleslnut ts., riill..lcl;ltl.K er.f v rr i'.. patent v.civ .u.iziNu Tnutrr i V DAY Ct-ln. K-v a viv .lesirakla arin-ie fir Cusicu-. CS, ll'ilcl.. it-'al.., Count!": lbl.tes, 1'uii.as. Au. Ai..,.Mai.ui-.rr-i' I'lvfc tsi-Ui rtv-. .'I. .-WS lp n.U ..a.l ivniraal.-il. m i. Ti .icaaajn. .0 L-vtre 0r.iripliou, 1 ao.uli-e.lpa, " -iry IV, l-lil :y LR NEW 1'I.OAK ROOMS CON", TAIN E!eKai.t Vlvh Cloaks. liv. ry uew tlylo Cintt and Cloak. Wuciet), Rroe-ha end Thibet hUanls. COO P Ell it CONRAD, S. E. earner N'iuth nod Market, I'Li!s. )-c. 8. 1 isiii) ltil.VL! WATCH Ec. A lew UouUio t..a ls-- Eio'Ii.h etilvor Wst.-h.-s. for snlrt ,1 ... I,.u. prices bv II It lUl-SKK. COTTAGE UlBLliS. 10 R BALE, cheap, tbreo copies ef Collars Elble, in two vcluoies, uilh r crin. rr.eDlar.es,, ii. U MASSFU. A I reah I(iilj of my itui!-i. OON-ilS i 1NO in part of Prints, Delaioes. blescbed and uuhleaibed Muslins, Checks. Slripa Denims. A: Drills. i;e,JviH receiTui Ll tt. li- at the iiammolh flora ot 1'RILLNG tiSAKT. c tha ,cV
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers