New Arrival of Clothing.1 'piIF. h-gcst ml best Slock of KALI. AND WIVt'BR CLpTMNU rut l-t.w8l.t l. place, arrived at Ihn Mammoth I'loiliing' Ptore uf M'HWKIiZHR, I.ONNLK At t'O.. in Market sirMt, ntnilv ipioite Wm cia li.itt-1. ' Tin i Rt.vk comprises of CLOl'H COATS, I'lVSA CVi.t.8, Cv.r (Vats, H .:it:ci.e Cunli, A c. r:7.s ar aij, kinds. hats isrr CA.P3. Hi () r.t A ND MK'F.m, el i),c latest nvv- ! every demiptioii uml iji.a!iiv , cheaper limn -v, t. Thsir aw.rtincnt of iiillrmpn'i fiirnuhittg i. t int- if t!io nu'ol coinplt it ! Their variety ami styles inwst attractive. Ami ihe piict-s defy ml competition. I '9" ChII unit examine for joureelvts. 'inbiiry, (i-1. ri, Irj0. "CENTRAL HOTEL, HTNBURV. Northumberland County, Pf. ! ' t 'PHT." latgo (Mil ul commodious Hotel, now DYKE. It mnn.i.-i.l I.y JAMES VAN in siiuule n! the Railroad Depot rvuitli l.u-t s-n tier of Market Square, Suiinury. ami "l the terminus of the Sunhurv iV Erie and North ern Central Railroads, ami U open fur the nccuiii- ! inflation (if Tiftvelers anil tin- public in general I 'I lie r iprictnr will give hi cxciti-ive wltcn-j lion, tull e comfort nnd convenience of his guests j k u l is do' crittincd to make this establishment rank among the first in the ."state. 11;; luliio will be supplied wilh the lent tlie market fun produce having the advantage of ilnilv cn'iiniuniiiation by curs direct fruin Haiti mure, anil hIso from Unite bringing produce fium the surrounding country. His liar will he iiliel with the purest lii4n.irB the market can produce Oa-eful ami obliging r,-:rai'l.s always i" rit tendance. stabling has jnt been B'.'.b il to the. premises. A shaie ol llic Imal and traielinu eomrnunitv u niot r'i'iTtuil!y solicited. b'uiibury, January 12, IHiil. ". i?OWWITHIN REACH OF ALL G U O VEK"f5 li A K Kli'S I I i I t I i ' Ii H S C t 1. E n R A TU I) M) I S E I. Sewing Llachinesi 49& Bkoaiiwat, NiiwiuiiK. Th public attention U rcjiectfully Jt-quentej to the following cards of Klias Howe, Jb,ui:J the Grover i linker P. M. Co A Carl from the GROVER c LAKER S. II. Co. Ci-.r Pnttn'B leini; now eHubliflieJ by 1 Courts, wc iiro cuuhlej to furnish the tJrover it Daker Machine, with imjurlant i:nir jvcuioiil:. -j great !y Itftliicetl 8rie-N j The moderate i ri. e at which Maciiinet rnik in? tho flrover & Bukcr ttiicri. rm now be 1m l, j biiiK then within the reach of all, ami r-ndcri twha uc of .Machines making inferior tulcius us; tiiinecesary of it is imi;:. j IVrpciiS desi.-ing the best Ma.-bi':ci. an J tV.e ric.l.t to ui.e ihe.n, must not only be Hire I') buy Micl.'iiis nvikit.i; the liroier ot Uk'r slitch. j bjt a''ij such Machine" aro made and 1 feu.) rd iKi.ier jur ua'cnls and llod if Rlias Hawer, Jr. ! U.iiiVEI! fi HAKKR S. M. C" . I 1! rumiivQV, New York. A CARD rilOal l'.I.IAS HOWE, J It. Ail aro cautioned nut to make, deal in, r iiio any Sewing Machines which sew lioin two i.pool ami make the slitch known as the l.rover . Buker slitch, unless the same aie j urchiucd from lha Grover V linker sieiM04 Machine Company, or their Agtiit. or I.icei.scH, and i.uiiil'til under my patent of eptcn.bcr 10, HIS. taul Compoiiv, ami tiieir I.'ci iih, alone, art legally authorized under their own pnienu, am inv said patent, during the extended term there of, to make and sell this kind of hewing Machina and all o'.hcra lire piracies upon my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever lnuiid. Kl.IAS HOWE, JH. -New York, Dec. !9, lS'iO. tf WALL 3? rAiPjiRi FKIl.l.Nt; Sc GRAM', at the MAMMOTH MOKrJ, have this day (Jdiiuary 1 Vifi, loGl rectived CHOICE ASSORTMENT CF THE UEW23T STYLES AND PATTERNS OF ! r 1L T. r .A. T E R , j which they are selling at prices tlist defy cnmivtniuii. i unbury, January 19, lSfil- ! Iti: V JJil2J HOUSE, I (I.ATK KAOl.K UOTKL.) I THid Slrctt, ufi'ice .'(lev, J'hiUiddjhiaA iUIOAl) .V 1MILOK, 1'ropiietora 1 "I V'ItO L.M:NT! l.ave been IM.'e, und tU House has i t'Cen refitted thlol:teut ru.OHMAN V. ItllOAlJH, fonn-i!v i f the National II tl , t i:akl s.a Sailor, tollner y nl rsenu) iklil CO.. Ta : f:..iailc'paia, Jan. ID, Ir-'tl ly ( WHOLESALE z KETAIL, i 3,V,.'1L.1.U & till AN T (at tlie Maininolli Store,) l.ave just receiie.l 6U0 His. ofiolar li'io.ii.!. Solar and Fine Salt, lOil Sacks of tirouuJ S !ar Sait every sack wa ranted to , e.'iiiain 'i ib pounds nfSalt and StUI bags .,f Suit t ontau.iii one Bushel ea. ':. j' .... i... I; is the lost etroiija.i now inaiit.iaeiLrcd and in' I'ji.t. Call and see for J ourselies. "ei'lirv ept , . 1 f K4." II pi rsona knowing lio n seiies iioie'ite I lo -1 " tin I'l a....-.- subacribets, eii.iie.l ni the Foumlry , on tiott-s, boos acc nmis, iir othcrAiKe, : 8-e eipieted to setiie the ..'lis ttl'l.ol.l t. lay. 'I ii ov ' tins noli. lui ,i not toinploin i! costs ate ailct o to llieir accoi.i s c. I', .v J i;.i.h:.j e il . Ski. I urv. Ni v. 17, lMi i ,.i ' UMMas J.a,sO . a hw aupi .v it nn.illoUi', I.i.clIIoiis Warrants. Sri o nus. Ii... .! Morlgaiies, n .. i.. t i.ouut, i,tiiw, .-.aii.ralilHUuii p, snd Constables rre liills, ic, Jsi ai.J for sale at tlo tnln e. per, J i,.;i.,. I ., Ju-t pilnled Sunbury, April :tu, .'i9 pAckr.i:s! crac:u:i-:k. r....,.e.i VkJ 4nil for sale by tbe .i,iu-l , pmi the Confe. lior.ery stole ol M. t .'. , E Ai; II it T. .v Suribury, I telober 13, llin. Cll. V KK W ATCII LS..-A "i," dTulilo .ale - English Silver uhes. for aala at vnrv low I'l'0" W II II MASS Pit. COTTA OE5i JJ Lk7. I.OR SAl.V'.. ehetip, thrsa copiea f lie! t Ctlag HM, iu two volumes, with com- i ""'" II. H. M AfiSKT.. . THE LATEST BTYLE OP O ARMENTS, ABB CONST. HTLT MADE at ilia Fashionatlo Tailoring EstabliflhmenC JACOB O. BECK, Mm lift liirl,M lllilV. I'n. MIE stihecribir, in addition to his large stock CLOTHS, Plain nnd Fancy Cassimeres, Vesting, &c in constantly receiving iicw supplies from the city feei lni n lull as-nrlnicnl of the Imv.l substantial anil late.ttln of Onods in the city market, Hu ia prepared to make to order all kind of n'leineii'o ami Zi'ov'a w a', nurli m OVKU.COA IVS-, liitUSS COAT. rUO' K. t.OA'lX, HllMSfOATa. VDMlX j r.NTAI.OH..-. &r..&c, Ac, j vrry latest stylo, am in (ho most uhftan ni m.imur, nt short unlice. ' Any IiooiIk imt on liand, will bn furi.islird 'in l'liilailelibia, bv K''11? l' nolier. IV" Cull and exaininu my t'tui'k, no charges mai'.c for rhuwini;. 1 A CI III n. HECK. Sudbury i Novemter .1 l"0O ( art: f. yu'.vj, ( oul, ll-iarseitesf. J-ijIiimn.t, u.i;i rritnt'tn tr Nit in. '. i; l.'ie Throat, .V. ZiYrc tie llticktitij Cuiiijk it Cii'isuinjiti'in, Jtron- c'lUif, A.-lliniil, und Cutarrh, Clenr otid yuv slrt ixjih t tit voice of Public .tydn.ein ami Sinrers. j Ti-w iirenivrirenf llie ime'Htnnce of rackinir r.ijli m i-''ii.ui "a I't-la"' M heviii'iuiir W 'Uitl itlJ I'' its tost itiii'-; iii'O wiiu-li in ihe ariivU'il, H'n'ii iii'arl,s Hie l.unes 1:1:1 v.x's iii:imiiiaI. tiki- CUI.'i eoiitiiiiiuic itt'inuleeiit ingO Lliinfs, al.a) l u.!.e narv ami tiii'maiiil Iminlteii. I '-Tint troe'ite in my ttn 'at. (f'-r wl.;eli Jirotvn'a the I Hi H'll l" Hie a ipn-iti. ) Imvun; i made tiiet'llei! mere wati. -u-i-'' I U.-CItl M , N. I'. WILMS I "I ii'coinmetii ini'irumilo I'ublic pcaii ISiowii's 'urs.'' . Kiev . i:. ii. cii.ns. TRI H'II KS 'IIiii'! r'ovi'd cxireiiu ly scrcicrnlile for ; H.mrM'hivh i Uiowu's ' UI'.V IILNKV WARD Itl' j . o .vIuimsi 1 1 1 I . t Ii irl In lliti lliHtiessoig ; TiluCIll.f til'oi ol laealliiin peeiinur to Avrlun-i " i liKV A C KUul.l'.STON. j Hoavi! s -t'.onti'iii no 0,'iJin or inoitiinj n.j .n I i.u." UK. A A HAVLS, j TROrlllW. . Ciiemist. 11. .vl. in. "A intnpte aril pleiibiiut eoiiiluriatk'n fur i IlroWiTs t-ililis, ; '' i dr o r i;ioi:i,(iv, i TROCIIKr!.' Host i ,., llruneh:tiH " Brown's tilt J i' W LAN F.. It iso. n TllOCHI?! ; "j i,(lVi. provi-il them exeeliei.t O.r Whoop ice C luiih." U.owm s KLV II V WARIiKN, tl'jHion TltliCIIK. 4,j(Cnef(t.ln wtin cimpcUd to spuk, ulieliui! tnan Colli." Hniwii'a ItLV J F A.MiFnsoN. I Si. Louh. j l'UCCIILr.., 4-l:iT'-tuitl in removing il no Renins aiul j ! irtittiU'iti of iho 'I'i.riat. so coiniiloil Willi I Ur.'Wa's ?pesleri ami Seiirers M I I U'l .11 rial 1 Ji'll.rii.Ti, THOCI1LS. l a lirance, tin., 1 Tei'.i'h'T ol Musi'-.Si.utlicrn Urow-n'a Ti li:'i!e C.'llete. "ilreat tn'nrfil wlien 1 Ike I liel. le Si.J TitOCHr.S. i'ftel prcm-iina". lislliev preci-i.t tloaisein . ihi-.r p it . lleol. I lick int y wi.i ucit" Urowu'S perniuiieiit iuh iii:,-ie" ne M m:v i; itowi.i.y. A M . TltC'Cillitf. rrcudiht i-f Atlitrns Ciilli-ire, 'IVnn. . ryA'iolii sil Lli-uS's:' ul '.Jeuilsauox. Iicesmlirr !:, IMjIi. Kin; : EVANS & WATSON'S k7in' :-' I'hUadihJiia :t Maniidci'd 1 CSaU iiiaiidrr Sar"s. 3.2! Xo. oOV Chsnut S:rett. i ltr. rillLAPF.LPIIIA. f I UI'.Sn Pnfes are now in use mvr ilif L'nitii! Str.tpn, & unii ..eve hem. tPHic. i'l many hrn; the 'lltiviiiif shows a;ioilier iiiaiancc Hi''1 cupuWl ly nt rc& Uie : Ui rMi.r.f nitii'-.B, ) T.flnfiirtt r Towiiftinp, Jmy ;t0, 1-00 5 NfEnrRt. Kvmi ,V Watson, (i'-attemni : The unvili ft .No. I hii.iikUt S:ie which I pure liust'd Ifiu ycur .t Mr Atl:nn K, ii irr, in I. i'ic-ihut City, -n July vuth, I'-'..-, hurt oim'ii sult'"citi loavrTv p .vTf !"(. w huli it vniis;p 'i1 m ;i in -t s:irij.;".u-i'ry m:sii! -r. This Kitr, , tm itt:(i .VI inv Im tttriiipr Willi v;t .iiriM: pnprs !-tuTC 10 in fi'-lf ni:,! R,.irjf ii lay wi-iM-tap m.'l iu'i..!n. mA j ri;'itv i::iii? a v.i.uh of vcr Tv ;iiy iisii;tt tii li.iih, (-0,i(i w: - m my .Mill, v hi-'h van 1 siroyeil -n lite 0 t i:i h Hir B?th ! yy, 1-CI, :mh1 p:if.ffd thr (in- li-ry ' i -.V... tirtf. uIk'i', Tin Nit'.' wiiimi tin sc'-oii'i il(K)r, uoJ iVl! 1.1 tin l.iisi'inr'it ot" iIir .Mill, ui'd Kiiivii'd h-r six j lnurt ! ;im ii.'i'ii.' 1 fir fi'iitmtr t'u' rmrji. whi'-li v:n Tt-;itly 1 inr-r-'as il l-v tlit rtiinidistinn ol a liu-.if iu u i 1' v -'f pirun vilniit the orick v.ll!. .M't'T tlie tin- the Sub Win fi r::tii 'm l I in? lutoks ti n! :inn tn!i n (Hit in a k;.iU' 01 ;-fri- -t pr.'snv.ituMi, the jmner 11 't evil h.Mi:h cIim-, i!i j-- j r.t. 'I .iis-Ijt't was, htiW'.'s r, t- uruiv l.vtrtii'lci n, u hfiter rtfoi.inj iK.;ti -ii "I" vn;t Sn!M tUnu t'C t ijircstn-d m j H.iv nilnr Wtinl it 111 rve. Y mrs. r.-i.c.iiu.y, SAMI LI, RAN I' 11 t Antdtur xclftry Jor J.ratiS una 11 a (son s Salamander $f: nwK'in, V. Y., March 07 I c 0r OonileiT.i'n It nil'irilM uie mu'-h pU-aMirc t - ii.i'nnn yon that Hit; Sate N- i, (iij'rilit) hir'u I pure-han d n' I), Srii tul. vi.ur tnivclinjT nut-Mt, hits i;.rs-iu thi"Ui:li an ex- j eevdiittt'y li ( fire in u liiret' Krory lt a-k luiildintf, whu'ti l heatfii the Su:e (" a j,i!e h'.-:it, ttcit t.'tt' ffrinuM n" it j ; pp-ur inci'i".t; hut it (jrrnnvei m h "k and vahtahlt , r iit'is U 1 i.t auK'iiut ol t.evt,-isil tn"UMli iU-ILup, t r wIol.i ' I IlcI t'ltUIKfuI. Youm, rnpt-ctful r, J -V-I-.T.DRIDni:. HT A la 1 ahPirluarat (the nxnv k&VIS a!vaii mi iKtnd. at .if I ChenitUL street, (l.i'eOl .South I'our'.h tt . l'hil. in;.. tii-t-htr U, IrCu, ly SAVE YOUR FRUIT Y I'MNti MASON'S Patent Sheet Metal J Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. .MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP. AW that is necessary being to screw the Cepdown upon the Rubber Casket, which i.' placed outside upnn the shoulder ol the Jar, 3 4 of an inch dis tant from the top ; prevent the possibility of the flavor of the fruit being injured by coming in contact with the Rubber. Persoiisoesiring these Jars, can be supplied by leaving their orders with 11. B. M ASSER, Sunbury, June 'J, ISOO. Agent. no o r a x iT s u o k MAM "FACTORY. Corner r,f ifarlcrt S'unre aud Rierr Street 'IM! E subscriber respectfully informs the citi zei s nt Sunbury and vicinity, that ho has opened a Hoot and Mine Shop on the corner of Market Square aud River street, oppo-ite the Couit House, where he can be found at all times ready to wait upon customers. Having conaiJeral le experience, he is prepared 1 1 nake up customer work i f ail kinds, at short I. otic. ,iu 1 1 .ii lulest st) e aud workmanship. Ho keeps eoiistunllv on hand a large asort loent ol l.ihlher, of the lest quality, which en noli. 1 : i ii to uiuke up good and duialile work. Call and examine lor yonreelves beloie pur limning tl.culierc ai.d )ou villi save ntor.t v. JOHN ILVER. .Von'oirv, Nov. Hi, IStil). ly Hew Goods for the Ladies Jt HT IIIXCMVIVU AT r.aiaiiT Ac eoisT's i Plain, all .nil Dt hiines, Neat figured Di iaiin s, llami.oiiic Casbmeres, Hikh Coiored De laines, Striped Duelers, Nice Pop. Iiiia, Mil ed Mohair Dusters, Fr.-iith Merinos, Printed Flinch Merino.i, Persian 'I'.vill, Br.K'aibi No- vcau.l'luinCo. li.'iijs, Mark ii'ive.l l'i la's e, liauil.'e Ilia k Silks, New style Daik Prints, Cloves of all Kinds. Hosiery of all Kinds, New Style Nubias, Opera Caps, ( 'lii-mlle Scarf, Mohair Ilcud Diesies, Neeille Worked Collars, Ac., 4c, Ae. Hut il is useless lo attempt enumerating Ihe freal variety of (Joints wo have now in atoie, suituoli- lor Ladies' wear. We invite an inspec tion of our .tore. E. y. II Ki'LHT & SON. Sunbury, October 37. IShO. i M.OTHS. Cassimeres, SaMiiiete. Heuvj and light weight Heaver clotha. 1 ricota, ki'roaled beavura, I'laio BrouJ clotha. Puuoj aod IllaeU Cassinic rea. t tltO'F.U & t ONAUP. S. L cornnr Niulh Market streets. Dec , luCii. 1'hiladelpb.a. n and cxnniino the l I-J beautiful SHAW L S, enj ICiiTii LEESS GOODS liKiniiT 1 Son, opened fjl just r-1 THE CENTRE OK ATTRACTION: IIIC1I DISPLAY r.f IIANDSOJVTE ODODS AT X.OAA7" PRICES 1 combining K A I T V A N 1) II U II A II I L I r y now on I'REE EXHIBITION At the Teople's ONK riUCK STORE, OP ICtHT fit SON, Our extensive Stock of rOKKlGN AND DOMESTIC LJ Lii vi2 G CD 3D ZJD d-S3, .NOTIONS, HOSIERY, B00TS A X I) S II 0 E St IlIATS AND CAI'S, QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, II nrdware, (.'arpcts, and Oil Cloths, Ac, Ac Prcfents RAKE ATTRACTIONS, A X D Splendid Inducements TO Who wish to secure Gil EAT BARGAINS l'or tlio Stnaliest Quaotity of CAPTAIN CASH OH Country Produce. EEME lE BEE that all goods sold a', our enliiblinlinieiit WARRANTED to be as AND NO DEVI ATI OS IN PRICES In atl.liiion to our LI". fw X WW' We are constantly receiving New Goods, thus keeping i ;i our assortment at all seasons of the year We return our thanks lo the public foi ' tluir liberal patronage, und shall innhe (very' cH'ort on our part to render satisfaction, lie lieving that tht- niiuLilc iliine is l etter than the slow quarter, we shall adiuie to that old time honorid iiiollo : "Small profUs and quick sales." E. Y. BRIGHT & SON Sunhurv, Noveinlur 17. IfCO SUNBURY ACADEMY. rl'Iir. Sonhory Aemleiuy will he reopeiietl on Monday J the s:tli of August, IciM, under one ul S. V. W (M.Vl.ilTON. 'I he Conine nl malructioii will ernhracs even- drpart nienl i f tdaealloli taneiil Inour h-sl Aeailelilies, 'preparing e'uilents nun eilhei lor a prelcssiouor to eutei any cluss in College. TI'.n.MS I'KH lil'AP.Tl.H: Connil-.n 5 'h,, lirunrlns, ai on lln.l:el Kn riifcli liiani-ht-a. A 1 U lilln and Ote- k l,anguaa.-s. 7 00 Alt entering before the limiMIe "f the Qaartn will be re iuiieU lo pay for he whole term ol tuition, unless spe- elai .11 laii;eiiienl IS made Tuition to be pant hetore the nildille of the term. Hoard can be had in private lain.nes st liotn SI 75 to S'J M.i pel week. Suiil-jiy. AuguM '25, IWtO. "WIISTTJR GOODS, F 0 R M E N 1 S WE A R . Black and Blue Hair Cloth, Beuvtr Oven-oating, Blank Dot-skins, New Style Cassimeres, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, ' Keal 1 1 001! I ussiuetts, Silu Mixed Coalings, Super Velvet Cords, I Black lireiiailiiiu Vesting, j Black Satin Vesting, Fancy Silk Velvet Vestings, j Plum Silk Velvet Vestings, j Nice Cus-uneie N estings I In fact all kinds of goods for Men's and Boys' ! wear, can be found at the People's One Price 1 Store of E. Y. sViighl &. Son, who have just , eceived by Railroad a splendid stuck of all kinds ; i f goods, suitable for cold weather, i Pleisc cull and I e convinced. ; E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, October 27, S(iu. DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG & CO DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, V. 75. 77, 79. 81. S3 a- 85 j Would notify tho Trade that tliey are opening I Weekly, in new and beautiful patterns, the j W A.11SI TTA IMIIYT. ! also the A in o h li e a g , A New Piint, which excels every print in the Country for perlectiou of execution and design in full Mud. lor Colors. Our Prints are cheaper than any in market, and nieating with extensive sale. Orders promptly attended to. February 4, 18 10 ly pi I i LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank ' Morlgagss, Ronds. F.aes-utions. Riimm.m. 1 V-r , for ssls b H. B. MASSEK. 1 1 .x.x. t IU1T i'lcirici V4.-r'-JJ,.. . 1 KEMl WHAT THE PEOPLE BAT. TS ntr-lcHirnM IhtIiiR nn1 I'rnfrwor HUMPflRKYS SP'TIFIO IliiM'FnPATIIIO KI'.MKDira In our families Hh Hie most salltfaclnrjr rnulls, snJ hsvlni full eonjl. drnra In thfir tenulii. nrM, purlly, ami etrlcacy, slieertultr rrinnuen. 1lo-m to ll persons wlm wlih to hT ssfs, rs llnlile, ami eflleuciuui reaieiliej at haiet for prlTata of do mestic ue. . .. , , The Ri v Wn. IImstiit, e-lltir of " The Northern Inde nen.liail," Aul'iirti, N. T. , the lies. K. II. Criwey, D.I)., Ileitor ..I fX. Peler's Church, Auburn, N. Y. i the Ke. B. I. Iti's, fh-iiiliiln of the Anhurn Stale Prison; tlie Res. i UI..A n,..onr. NVw-ncilfnrd. Mass. : the Iter. Allrii ltc l ie, New Yiirk (loliferenee ; ths ReT. Samuel NirhnU, tt-diMieiew Cinferi-nee, N. Y. ; Uie Res. P. B. o ... ur..i vi . Hm lli John V.. R-ibte. BulTnln: A. C. Ilirt Ki, t'tira, N. Y.J the Hon. Nesl Do, Purttsml, ii.... a.i..,.-lr r.arnv K.nilh-Reiid. Inil. l the Hon. Ilaim,lir. v: S. Y. : Henry D. Cook. Ksn., Wltor of Tlie tl'-.lo HIji'c J.iiirnul, Cottinihtu, Otiio; Uie Hon. R. H. nPt..... u.atn 111 : ttie lion. Thomas J. Chase. Monti ! '. .!, ll., livuM.h Ih-nlvllrt. lilies. N. Y. Wn II i.Cil. i:-'i.. t'tti-a, N. Y. ; A. M. Pond, Esq., UUca, N. V. Jaoiiis PUukat, ts-i., Nashtille, lenn. LIST (IF SPEC'IPIC REMEDIES. 1 F ir Ki-v.-r, rtunircnlon, and tuflammstlon. v .. W V. r U'..r.ii Oitlo. We'llllS tllS Bsd. ti', 5 irt Colic, Crin, T-iellJas, snJ Wskefulnsss ol '4 For Diarrhea, Cholera lofsntam, and lamtast c.eiii.'iiiii'. . . jj.!. ..- vvr C t!'. flrlptncs, riisenterr, or Blood Itai. j' ,' fl v..,r niotera, t'Ji'lera Morbus, VomHIue. -.,' 7 p,.r Couiclis, Colli, Intluenia, snd Sore Throat j' s Kr To. ili -n !he, Kii'o ii 'he, and Nenraleta. No. .Fw Hoaduclie, Vertigo, Heat and Fullness of ths " no. lit. Orsrsrou I'll Li For tVeaV anil Derangsd ,sto-nltrh, Cmntlpitlon, and l.lrer Onmplulnt. .Kos Kmilk laiot,ui.AHiTi, Scsnty, Painful, of Sji.i.rce.l Perl-id. a , j; , pj .,r tz-ncorrlien, Profms Menses, and Bearlns ll-.wn of P-'mnln. No 1.1 Fur Cr urn. ir .nr.r- Cmsh, Psd Brehlnf. i ('(., i.t IIim.-s I'liL'-rn Kryjlpelss, Kraptlona, P!-io,li on the Fare. ... S v lo 11 a innii rn.i.s. K- r p on, ljimsnets, or gor aess in Hi' Olisst, Usck, l.iin, or Limbs, A. For Fever ni ' Aje, Cl.ill Fevur, Durah Agiie, Oli" JTS-aioi'ii-'-d Atf-e p i-,r Pit. . iiii; l or pi .ll:i?, Inlernal or external. 0 For .1 ire, W .ii:. .r liulaxwil Kya and Kyelhls; Fall ' Weak, or UlarroJ SUM. C fur Catarrh, of I to- ..iisiir -t nvsat, eltUr with ohtrui ti'iii or pu.w. n. '.ii .v. tv. I .Per Win e ; .g i'.ii.c.i, abatiui; la violence and ii.-irt. iiiuj: iw coia-.!-. In sil anile d..i-'i, kaih an F. ver, I-.(laninistlon, P.arrliea, Uvsei.i.-ri, l'n a;.. Hlniiniallio i, slid such erut lirr diseases' as Sk-arle: Pi vi r, Mi iies. and hryslpel", the ! .Tanlai of inline the proper remedies promptly Is ob Tious, and In all m:h e-i-es 11. e act like a charm. Tl.c enure di.eo- i ufii ti in rtsoed at om e, and in all esses I the vli.lince of the iilnu k in mud. ruttd, the disease shoit ! eiu-d. and retiilprcu hB Jaiiel onH. Couchs and C'ohlK, wlilch lire ol Midi freipient occurrence, and will, h so olten lay li.e fi.uiidullon of diseased lungs, bronchitis and consumption, inuj all be at once cured by the t'eser and C"U,"h Pills. In all chronic, diseases, sack, as Dvspepsia, w esk Stomach, Constipation, Llvt-r l oinpluints, I'.les, teraale lii-bilily, ami Irreeiilarities, (M ll- i.In. hrs. Srtr- or Weak Kj cs. Catarrh, Salt Hiicmn, and other old eriipti-lis, the case has speoilics whese proper api liirati.-n nili aiV-ril a cure in almost every lustaii. e. IMteii l!.e cue or a il::'.e uhroldc ditticulty, such as llihpepsln. l'lus or (slurih, lliaduche or female Weak ness, has mere ihau paid lor the caw leu turns over ritn'K. Owe of '20 vUl''1-"'. -n iTi 'r(H-o, an-1 IV Cf '.'f vliil anil IV. oU, ltjHt . I Chic of ? nun.htrr.t t.t-M, t-A llot-k I Cam- of 6 boxtj., uui.:tii-L"l, a-itl Uok i Ki'ilf nuni)--'H'.! b -M. ult iiii-rtiftiai 1 Rimlt Irtiert- 1 lioVM. v 11. (t:rt-.-tii4 ... .f5 .... 4 8 1 V" centi. CfliU. lu(aI....-I& i Lalge taic uf H yt. for plai.tiitl nu-l ALSO fPElIFKB. ! Fes Aamxioa f.iTai.ic. -ippr.-sr t, IVtii u'il, Labored Rrentiiiii. altemfed aitli C-uo and Kvprcloration. I'riie, I Ml rents per Lee. j Fes Kjk Hiss. si boss I'c ft-' scharses frem the I far ll." n-e.'.t of -.nt levr, Sl, or Mircurlals. For'No in the lleivl. llaidne-sof 11-arinsT, and Klofc-in I In tlie Kaii., and Ijii'-iirhe. l'i i,e. f.O rents per box. t f'oK lll"rll.l. f iilsi';:elsiinoiits, f.iils' te'l and Indurst- ed T..i.iw. Mi tiir, - uml old ri.-rs,lii-iotu:uus Cail.e.iy of Chhoien. Price. .'A l-ents -r b . F..B 10 sks.i. I'Liiu Hi.- P .i-i. hI or Nervous WeskntiS. ' 11 i- ill el Sl'H "". I V.-..U-S Me Ii alien, or Kx ! h:. tii.l Ids P.i-. , ; o . I r.i p, r h X. I Fell l't oe-v - fiu'i l Aceu-i ulatiei'S. Tumi 1 Spellings, !lh : C..,,. 0. ii.s Ii i...- .'.o c--nts lo r box. Fob Aa-S'iu I1- st' V KeneM, VeilIk-o, Nausea, Vorni'tng. Mcknt- from r; .ii S or mole.n. Pi Ice, Ml cent Pio i Bisiav Iin.-k.a P-.r Crasel, Rensl Calculi, OlfB eult. Painf ul I'llnatiirii, I'lseases of the fc'dnc;.s. I'rics, M cents per h.'i'. . foil Si mi-ii. Ksik-ioss. Involuntary PmcharRisj and i,i P. .,lii.i.. n and HtbP.iiy, Bl Hesnlta of Krll Tie in.! succnslul and elfteienl remedy known, at. I i ,r.v he rehsd upti as a cure. Prkc, willi full dlree- tiui:s. pT b I'e-soi o M. to place thcrr.elves un.Ier the ire, cr t" s. ? slvice of Pi of 111 l-llts, can do .., t: iiit- bti Uiuausajlalii fioui s A.M. to feP.M. ur Li ii.ur. OrR RIMfl'lES BY MAIL. Lnk orer the list ; mal e up a cats of nhsl kind you and Inelos- the sniour.l In a current note er -ani bvnii.ll to our aidless, at No., Near-York, snd the mdicii.s alii be duly returned by mall or expreo, ''"if'NTrjANTKn. Vt'e desire an active, efficient Agent for the sale of our HVm.-lie ill every town or cmominliy ta, the t'niled Slatw. AJdr- ss Dr. F. Ill'MPIJKr.YS t Co. No. BaosbwsT, Ns-)uas. A. W FISUKR. Agent, Sunbury, ra. May 50, txf.O. ly I SUNBURY STEAM FLOURING I c n: ol. n. I flIIE subscribers having taken possession of l 1 this first clats FLOCKING MILL, are pre j pared to receive grain of all kinds, and to do cus J I im work at the Shortest Notice. Customers I will have their grists ground immediately upon their being left atthe Mill. Aa it is the inlen. tioii of the firm to stock the Mill a large Sup ply ul Grain, will be constantly kept on hand, and flour by the quantity can always be obtained. The greatest cure will be taken to turn oul a su pi nor quality of flour, for which the mill is ad mirably adapted. Strict attention will be paid to the wants of customers, and the patronage of the public generally is respectfully requested. MORGAN &. CO., Sunbury. June S3, 18H0. rilEFFII'IM. AttDEJIY. f1HE FALL TERM of the present year waa opened on Tuesday, the 16th of October, ult. Hoard of Instructors. Rev. J. K. Millet, Piiiicipal, and Instructor in Ancient Languages and English. Literature. D. S. Poyer, Associate, and Instructor in Math malics, Natural Sciences, Bock Keeping, Ac. Assisted by able and experienced teachers. The course of Instruction embraces all the branches usually taught in Primary, Academical and Classical Departments. Tho government of this Institution ia mild but firm, and all stoJeins are required to be diligent and obedient. Expenses. Boarding, room with furniture, per week, 1,60 to $1,75 Tuition per Quarter, 82.00 7,10 Drawing, Painting, Music, French, Practical Suiveying, Ac., extra. Studenta admitted at any time during the Quarter. For further particulars, address, J. K MILLET, Freeburg, Snyder county, Pa. Frecburg, November 3. IH60. II A II It IS I'AI.Ti:it. 3 1 1 o r n r y at ?1 a U) MARKET SQUARE, BUNBURY, X A . June 23, i860. DR. A. W. FISCHER. "kFFEES his professional aervicea to the citi " lens of Sunbury and vicinity. mti.-e at the Drug Store. Sunbury, June 30, 1830. SHAMOKIN VALLEY POTTERY. r"MIE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he ia now manufacturing at hia Pottery, 4 mile east of Sunbury, all kinds of Earthen Ware, made out of ltcl Cement Clay. This clay produces lha bast and most desirable kind of ware, equal, in many respects, to atone ware, and ia lesa liable to crack by sudden teal and cold. The subscriber rafera to Friling & Grant, flunbury. Address, J08EPH 8AVI0GE. Oct. 13. Ii60. ly Sunbury. Pa. " STOVES- IT'OR SALE an excellent second hand Ceok- ilia Sles-a, also aes-exel Cylinder Coal Btoiee. Eni'tiie at thia oflira AROMATIC r- u i. an A SUPtRLATIVt TONIC, DIURETIC, DYSVtS lHYICORATINa CORDIAL To the Citizens of New Jersey & Fennsyl vania. Apotherarin, Drupgliti Grocer i and Private Familioa. Wolfe'a Prte Cdgnoc Hrnndy. Wdlfe'a PureMadrrm, Sherry and Port Wtna. Wolfe'i Pure Jamaica anil St. Croix Rum. Woiie'a Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky. ALL IN BOTTLKS. ! Ik-p leave to cull tht attention of the citizent of the United State t the above VViuea and Liquora, iinpuftcd by I'Ddi.rHO WoiTK. nf New York, whoN) name la I aim. har in every part of thia country nr the purity of hitceie brutrd SehiwUin Schnuppa. Mr. Wolfe, in hie letter to me, apeakmijofthepuiiiy of hia Wineaand Liquori, auya: "I will aiake my reputation aa a man, my Btanduifr aa a merchant of thirty yeara'e residence in the City of New V..rk. that nil Lha Urnmlv and Wines which I bottle re purees imported, and of the bealquulity, and en be rehed upon hy every purchaser 1 fcveiy buttle has the proprte tor'a name im the wax, and a fucaamle of his signature on the certificate. The public are rrspectfullv inviled ml and examine for themselves The public are respectfully invited to call and examine for theiuselvea Fr Kilb at Ketoil by all Apithecaties and Grocers in Philadelphia. OeoRi.k II. AmiTor, No. Murket st . I'll i Pa. Rend the following from the New York Courier : Knohmoi's Uust Nit"8 for one New Yokk Mkhciunt We ure huppy to inform otir ftlluw-uitizens tluit there il one place in our city where the physician, apothecary, and cuntrv merchant, can go nnd purrtiaie pure Wiiitu and Liquors, aa pure as imjairtcd, Hiid of the beht tpjality. We do not intend to Cive un elalxirate ilesciiptien of this meichani's extensive business, althouch it will well repin any stranger or citizen to visit L'dolptio Wolfe's extensive warehouse, Noa H, at I and "Zi, lieaver street, and Na 17, lllaitd'iLMarketfiL-ld street. II is stock of S-hunr-r8 on liHiul ready for shipment could nt hive been It a than thirty th aiKinil canes ; the lliandy, some ten tli"u.-and cases -V intakes of is.16 t iSSfi ; ai.d leu iIioummiI cases of .Madeira, Mieiry end Port Wine, Scotch und Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, nmevery-d and efjualtonny in this ct nntrv. Ilealso hnd three Ittfue eel lars, filled with Ilrandy, Vine Ac, tn casks, under Cm t'lm-MouFeltey, rtnily lor boitlinsf. Mr. Woliu' suits of Schnapps liict year ninuitited t" one hundred ni.d eic'nty tiionsand dozen, and we hope in lessthan iw Tears he may be e-jinlly successful with his Rraiuliea and Ilts buttnesa merits the pa'-numee nf evev l"V.r nf his species. Privaiefnmilies who wish pure m'S nnd Li quors for medical utm shon'd send their orders direct i Mr. WnLF, until every An"thecnrv in the tatul mukt; up their minds to discard the poin"US Fluff ironi tiieir slielvcs and replace it with's pure Wines und Liquors We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the nmiiiniod:itiin of smnll denlets in the country, puis up assorted cakes if Wmes nnd Liquors. Such a man, and such a merchant, should be sustained npninst his tens o thousnuds of oppi nents in the Tinted StHtrs, who sell nnthiMC hut inntntioiis, ruinous alike to human hcd!h and happiness. For Sale I17 GKuRtiK UKIGilT. Agent, Sunbury, Pu. September lfilt iiin p. ANOTHER, ARRIVAL OF N E W GOO D S, J. II. EMM i:i,. of Sunbury. I: . HAS jiint arrived with apleniliil STOCK of f PK I NO AND iVL'M M Kit (itXIDs, from riiilaileliliia, to which he rt-si-eclfully invites hia frienils and the i'ublir. to rail anil inspect, ho will spare no lime in showing thorn. Amonc his stock of poods will befuund, TINE Ul.L'K AND BLACK PPsElTCH CLCTZ. Fine 11 lack and Fancy Casimeres '1 weeds, Sat ini'tts, Jeans, Iilack Italian Cloth, (.'n.-linierettc, Cottonade, Linens, I, men Drill, I.inrn Check, and Farcy Veatinp;, also a large assortment nt Keady-madc CLO'l HINO fur men and boa (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, llereues, Chali and Chali KoUcs, DercRe Delnine, Iierege Itobes, Fij;iired Drilliaut and a variety of other Dress fioods, Spring and Sum mer Sliawla, Mantillas, l'arasols, a good assort ment of white goods. Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, llrilliant Ac. A general assortment of domestic Dry (io da. Also a large stock of Hats and Caps, Boots and shoca. Hardware, Queens and Ulasaware, (Jroceries, Cedarware. Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Uil, Tar &e. &c. N b. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloih, Carpels, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta en in exchange for Hoods. J. H. ENGEL. Stiiiburv, Mav. 19. Ifcfifl. tf. LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. GO TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received from Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES His stock consists of Oen'ts Kipp Hoots, Youths' Kipp Boots. Children's Culf Boots. Also a variety of Women's Calf Lace Boots, Women's Morocco Lace Boots, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace Boots, all of which he will sell cheap for CASH. Call and examine for y ourselves. ALSO, first quality of Taiupero Moroco for sale for cash. WM. II. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, IS60. New Air Line Eoute TONE "W "3fT O 3Et siiortTi:sr in distance and qi K KKsr in TI.MI". between the two Cities of NEW YORK ANDHAEHISBURG. vis RHADINfJ, AI.I.l NTDWN AND F.ASTON. Morning I'xpress West leaves .-w York at and Philadc Ipinu at H s M , arrives ut llairifetnirg at 1'J 4a p. 51. connecting al llairisinng with train ,.n Northern Cential Itussl lor Sunbury, iliiams.rt, liek liuccii and oiler llieoiate stations. Mail Tram West leaves New York at 12 noon, and Philadelphia at a Jn t M., i-ininecline with Haul on Nona, era Ceullal Itoad for stations as above, and aiso on ail trams on the Willianiroort and Mlmira. Mail Train Kasl leaves llarrikhutg ut fi, a M , ami ar rives at Philadelphia at I 1. M , aiid New Yoik at 3 30 p. M.. Ill time to take Unit or cars fur lloitmi, Ac. fait Kxpress Kaat leaves II irrisbtii.' at 1 la, on si rival of Northern Central Tiain, and uinvesal Philadelphia at 6 15 p at and New Yin k at II r ! No change of cursor haciruc.e b-rlween New York or Philadelphia and llamshaig. f'or beauty ot seeneryand speed, eomfoit and sccomino. dalion. this routs presents superior inducements to the truveling publie Ornce is New York, fool of Courtlund street, Philadel phia, liload snd Callowhill streets. Fare between New oik and llarnsbars FIVE POL LA lt. For Tickets i Freight or other information, spply to J J CLYDE, lii'iiciul Agent. HsrrUlrurg. June 3(1, 1 Ha ly WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES. WINES, GINS, &C. rilHE auhacrilier having opened in Thompson's Brick Building, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete atock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best brands of Brandies, Gin, Old Rye, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Madcria, Champagne and other Wines of all grades, all of which will he eold Wholesale al Ihe lowest city prices. Tavern-keepcra by buy ing of ua can save at least the freight. Persona dosirous of purchasing liquora for FAMILY USE, may rely upon being' furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. HT Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap ha respectfully aolicita the pa tronage of the public. All order promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH 8. HALL. Danville, Jura 16, 1660. INGRAINED CARPETS, MAN I'FACTl'PED snd fer tale hy M. I'sipsf k Co: librsmll snd McDowell's Uuildiiuj, Norlk aat coiner, becond and Kace sir ssls Philadelphia. GOODS GUARANTEED. October 87, IfcsW. ALFRED D. BRICK'S UNITED STATES AND EUROPEAN PATENT OrVFIOB, No. 144 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. NB. Communications by nail promptly ' attended to. ft 2J, 1009. I. class's, -s y si HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS. M. 0. Gt'AltllAUT, Has returned with new Stock of Confectionaries, Fruit and Toys- ITeem as If a new age, new tire wa open ing upon ua, animating every heart to nobler deeds and higher aima! Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and aeek to dovclojie eub liuier beauties and grander conception. The business world too must feel the new in fluence and every'part be quickened and strength ened by an increaaed yitality, which shall urge us on with electric speed lo the consummation of greater thinga than waa ever dreamed of In the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthuaiaam which prevadea all elassea, and deairotia of doing hia share to wards "The great events of the Age," the aub acriber would respectfully inform the pood peo pie of SUNBUUY and the public generally, that he haa just returned from the city ef Philadel phia with the largest and choicest atock of Con fectioneries. Fruit and Toya that haa ever been broneht to thia section of country. He ia also manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries, Ac, o Cll up ordera, wboleaa'e or retail, at short no tice. Among hia atock of Confoctionariea, may tie found : French Seersts, Onm Drops, all kinds of scent, Burned Almonds, I.ove limns, Cream White, Mint Drops, red and white, " Lemon Jelly Cakes, Bose, t iuil DropB, " Vanilla, Stick Candles, of all scents Common Secrets. Hock Candy, Liquorice, Almond Candy, riLTJIT. Finn inns, trs, Currants dried, Ahwmds, Prunes, I laTS, Citrons, Nuts of nil kinds Rhisoiii LKMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Segara and Tobacco, and a variety of Coufectionaries, fruit, Toya, 4c, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. Itmiiembcr the name and place. ,aj M. C.OEAKHAUT, Market sL, 3 doors west of E. V. Bright & Son's store. Sunluirv, April 14, IS'iO. ly FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER. As Improved for 1NS9 and 60, By E. K ETC II M A CO., iNU Pearl-Street, New-York. HjlIE only Freezer constructed on scientific principles, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. The one hastens the freezing of the cream the other removes it as fast as frozen. The most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity of ice. The most economical in cost, as it ia the most simple and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal cities and towr.a in tbe Union. Each Fitrzer accompanied with a book of ro ipes and full directions. PKICE8. 3 quarts, 4 quarts, 6 quarts, K quarts, 1 1 quarts, 20 quaits, Apply to II. Ii. June -', lMfiU. $3 4 6 Ii ri on on (10 on on 'i to MASSER, Sunbury. I860- THE BEST ROUTE 1560 V H (i M M'jominR Vallcj to I'lilladclphla. Scv lorla, I'.tllltiioii', AM) ALL rOIXTS NORTH, SOUTH WEST. LACKAWANNA k BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. STJIMMES ARH ANGEMENT. Two Dsfly Piencer Trsms wliltie run Iietwcen Si rsntou sail Norlluintildiid, si follows; MOVING fJOUTH: lyssira ctcrsntoii, Arrive at Pitt, loll, Kiapsion, Moi'Hiniiuiy, Uerwies, filooiii.baig, It ii pen, Dual il.e, NorihumlieTar.4, rhil'aMail. 6 10 A. M. 3S 7 04 7 50 8 SO a io 8 no s as 10 (SI MOVING NOR I'H : N Y T.x. 4 ii P .M 4 M i i9 a a 0 5i 7 JO 7 40 1 10 Uu-e V Y. Kl rhil'aMail N'.tll jmberiaia!, 3U A.M. 4 IS V. Al Arrive st Danvi.le, a c g 90 Knpert, a A5 SO lll'santhvifr, 6 16 f co Krlivlek, 7 i fj 30 Foiickshiiiny, 7 ).. ' rij Kinpst'in, s ;m 7 45. I'lttrton, (j 47 ft l.S Sciunton, it S5 8 45 The laickswaunu and It!-. miliars; Railroad connects with the ileiawire, Lackuwanns snd Western Kailroad, ' si Scrautoii, lor New York snd I'hilailrlph.u, nnd niteruia . iliale points Kuit ; slso for Great llentl, liiegliuiutuii, j r-1-racu.e, U'lltaln, Niagara Tails, and alt important points j West. At Itupeit it connects with tile t'littawiraa Kail road, for points h-i'.h Kusl and est. At Nwithumheiland ' it ciniects with the Sunbury arid line Kailroad. I'm points I West and South M. '.V. JACKSON, SupU I Kingston, Auguit IM, 1P6). I860 WINTER ARRANGEMENT- 1S0O NKW Y01MC LINKS- CAMIiKN S. AMUOY AXU nilLAr'KM'UU AND TKKNTON KA1I.ROAD CO.'tf UNI From I'hiladtlhia t Sew Voik und Way Place. Ytom Wu'.nut 8f i?l Wh.irf and hemmip ia Depot, Plulutirlphiu. will leave ua 'uiluws, ii rAka. At 6 A M ia Camden ami Anility C ,V A AcMin- intKl'itiori, f2 i5 At 6 A M, via Cmiiflen and Jersey City Nrw Jer- aty aixommiH.iHiMii, J 'J5 At li A M, via Cuiiiden ami Jersey cuy .Morning M;.l, 3 Of) At 1 II A M, Via Kensingion and Jersey city, Wca- trin l.Arrifc, 3 00 At I-i I'M vm t unidrn and Amhfy, nceomm.Hi'itioii -i At "i r M, via Cuindeii and AuiUy C and A. Kx pr-s, 3 oo At li I M, vin'Kfiuingtoa, and Jrsry city, mnt; Kspre-ia. 3 W, At 1 J 1 M, via Kensington and Jntey city, , fiass Ticket. 4 OA At 6 I .M . vm i-'uindeii A Jersey c ity Kveniiip Mail 3 i n i At II I M, via i'liiiiden nndJrisey city Suit 0. Mail 'i j At 5 V M. via Cuindrii and Amlmy AccommoiU. tu'ii. (rreigljt und Pi-nsenycr,) 1st emu ticket, t "ii I Jd " 1 5U j The 6 P. M- Mail I.ina runs daily. The tl 8mther:i I M u 1 1 arurd:iys excepted. For Heividere, Kjh-ii, Fleminpti'n, Ac, at 6 A .M , from Walnut street wimrf und 3 P M , from Kof Munch l.'hnnk. Ailf ntowii and 11 Uilrhem, at fl, A M. 1 via Lsphicli Vullty H:;i!n;id. For V';ilei tia:. SirouiJish'Jra?. Pcranton. Wilkpsttarrtr. MtJiLtros;, (tieut Hend, Ac, nt 6 A M, via Delaware, isBCKuwanna anq esttrn iiiinr-m.i Foi Freehold, at 6 A. M. und ii IV M. I 1 .Mount Holly, at 6 and U A M . and 9, and 4 P.M. 1 WAY mm:s( For nristftt, Trent ni, Ac, at 3 and 4 P. M.. from Krnsinttoii. For F.tljnvrit, Pelanco, Ileverly, Dtirlingtttn, BorHen town, Ac, at l.'1.3 and 4.F. M. Fil'ty pounds ol li.iKenge only, allowed each pasaeincer, i-usseiiKeia ore pioiuniieu from takinr anythimr as itine pHite but their wearing apparel. All Uaaeage over filly pounda tit te paid for extra. The ConiiMiiv limit then responsibility fur lltixgae to One Dollar per pound, and will not lie liable 1 01 ny amount beyond 100 DoUiis, ex cent by SjieciHleontnict WM.H GATMER Aprnt C. k A. R .It Co February fi IbfiU- HEGEIMAN & COS COItDlAL ELIXIR OF CAL1SAYA BARK Prepared oul) by HF.GKMAN k CO., Wholesale and Retail Cheninti and Prugists, Kl, 3H8, ill and 7M Broadway, New Yoik. rpllE virtues of PKRUVIAN UAIIK as a Tome have J. been too tons Known to need eoniment. Ths CAl.lSAY A (- or Kins', Bark,") is ihem st valu- alilsofthe uumer tus vsnetics of Uis Vsruvun Uurk, and 111 lbs bUXIH is combined with other ingredients that lucres as its citicscy and at ths same tims overcomt ths intensity ul iu lutiei, rendering ua most Agrtseabls Cor. disl. For persons Using in FEVER and AGl'E districts, it will he lound uivalusbls aa a pievenllvs, nail ot a wine glasa full ukeii ni(ht and m.iinuj, rendering the system much Iras subject io ths uuhealusy uifiusuce ot the auuoa phsrs. DIKF.CTION8 Dose for sa adult, half a wineglass full before breakfast snd dinner j children flora eais lo iwn taaspuons full j il may be taken wilii er without a hills water For ssls al this ofBcs. Msreh 17, Itstn FK1LINU GRANT have juat received by railroad Ihe largest assortment of Ql EEN VKE and ULAmH ARK ever l.rooght to hunloiry. Also, a fresh supply of URV GOODS, cmiAlsting of riprirg Uress Uuods, Prints, Mus Li. and Notions. apt T, iseo. NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MAIIKET BTRKET, 6UI.111111, i n. raillF. anWriber haa iust oiiened at hia ell L known establishment in Sunhurv, one of the hea pest and most desirable alocka of Fall and Winter Goods, that haa ever l-eeti offered in the place.nnd whtcti ne will acll for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase gowls ul do well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK. All Wool Delaina, Figured, Striped and Haiti, French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dreim Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded, 'lain and Striped must lie seen to form an idea of the citei.t anil variety. sii:sk-'TL7."ir--i 9 Mantle, 8te!la, Chenille, French Wool Shawls Thibet and Drnche Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet. For Men and Boya' Wear, Black tassimereo, Fancy Cassimeres, aide atripea heavy. Doe- Skin Cassimeres, Salinela all kinds. FT.A.lSrjMEr.S, . White and Ited Flannels, all grades and pricee, Bay State Sack Flannels, colors finest qtiallios. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ac, it., all of which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, as regarda quality, stjle and price, with any in the country. HA UI)V A UK. a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, ljueenswnre, of nil descriptions, Urnceries, a full atock in alorc, Carpet Chains, cVc, Paints, Oils, Olass, Dye ttntr Thankful for Ihe patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may lavor him with their custom in the future. Sunbury,! let. IVi. 1839. J- STEWART DEPUY, , T CORM'.IJI.'! MAHAVK, No lijj Si ouh, 1 i V bW-eoml streets, (neat iloni to C II, .Nictich'.)! Philadelphia, Wi iial invite the attenu.'ii of tneir; flienUB and customers, snd the puhtle in general. -, ,o a large and well selected link of CARPETINGS, Q iJ'n., ni V.tvrt.. Tm .estr lee. Three. P!p. lnsrains. nnd Veintinnl. Also, UIMilAV 7? SllAHKr.til. CI.OTIl-l.MA rt'i.NOrs. ' Oi:il5, Itt'tiS, MAIS, M'AIR HOliS, etc . Iwhlch ho sells Very chess for easa, wlioleftale 'and retail. March HI. P-fln ly V3 1)11. ESENWEIN'b TAR AND WOOD K APT II A PECTORAL, IS the best Medicine in the world for the Cure of Cotigtvi and Colds, Crimp, Bronchitis, Abthrna, Dnficuity .n Hteailiit.p, F;i1pititiii nt the llt-r:, D'pttitriu, and ! the rebel pntients in the advuiireri staees "f i.'nijiiip ton, t K-thcr with all Diseases of the Tiroat and Cnest, and which predispose t Consumption. ( t'si peculiarly adapted to ihe radical cure Aifhmn. neinjt prepared hy a praiiicnt Physei:n and Drnpfist, and otni'-t preat eipenenraj in the cure i-t Ijg viiii- i. riisf'tics f) whu h the Human trame is sinb'.r. t is ollVied to the ufliicted with te .rittti.t r. iiif imife Try it and b f-nvircetl tlmt it if iitv:itvi.i.. in tlie U''.:ii of Brorchialuir.LiioiMi. Price 5cen:s per HvU.c. ty PttkrAhtD onu bv It A KWtVK!N .V t , Ir i-ijijie'-e -to.1, t.'iennsis. N. W C'Mnci Ninth ami r-iplin f:s . l'iv,:vit i; run rT" ?Ol.D by cvtiy nspectuble Druvcisl u:id Dealer .tt , Meiticine throughout ihet?'ae.. rnikoteipitiii, ,iurrri -il, -ivw ROCKEFELLER Attorneys at Law .4. Jnrdaii ItocltrlVllor and Snlommi IS. Itojff. respeclfully announce tat. t!iev , enteicd into Copartnership in ths practice of their I profcsaioii, and will continue to attend to all bi.-i-i ncss entrusted to their charge in tlie counties ol ; Northtilnbi rlatnl, 1'iiion, boviier ami Montour, : promptly, faiihlully and cuclullv. .Speci:l at i tention will le given Io the COLLECTION'S : OK CLAIMS. Consultations can be had in loc IlrKliMAN language. Olfire, Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. SS..r.l..i.v f. i. A lCil I EMPORIUM. i 'IE untlersigned having rcceiied a mrgi. and , JL W'ell selected atock of j l'Kre Di-iin atc! ( lii'ittlcalsi. Djistnff., Oil-, Paint", (.lass at:tl Putty, i i,nw to tili ordersat u nionients nntue. In colir.LCilon w 1 1 Is the uoo.e you will liinl s i assorlnienl il Fancy Notions, Toilet .irlicics an l Perfumery cf all kinds, Toeuii, Hair, Nails an I Clothes U ru.hes of every variety. Custo- , ts will' find Ins stock complete, com prising loaliy arliclis it is llnpiiscllile hcie lo enumerate. REMEMBER the 'place, under the office t the "Sunbury American." Physicians' Precriptions compounded ac. ui ate U and carefully. A. V. Flail ER. Sunbtirv, April Id, lS.'u. P. MELANCHTON SIIIN DEL. nsTK i: of tiii: peici:, SXJlNXBXJi-lTrr, FA. OJice in Ietr trret,iwnedinu!i oji-tii, t' g rullic SeAwd Il.wse. All business promptly uttended to. M,,i,i-s nllected and nil ordinary writings dons. Sunhurv. Anril 2o. (nSV. tf IIENHY DOXM'L," ATTORNEY AT LAW. opposite ttte Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt alteeiion tu business in Ktljuinnig .out. lies. s t -v 'r economy: 3 Save tht' Pieces ! J Asaecidents will hspj en, even m we'.l-rsj-nls'ei' lain'. lies. It ts very de.irs'ile to liacs s me ciieap uti I c -iivi.-itul way for repuiiiiig t'uinituie, i'os, Lroc.ery, Ac. SPALDING S PREPARED GLUE mae'-s all such cnitfrgrnciLS, and no bcut-f!uid can a:! r to e without it. It is ni ways ready ami up t the i:it-ku. point. There is no longer a neeosiiy f. r hmpiuft cna.r, splinters veneers, henditfi d4;, and broken nu-Us D u jui-t the article for cone, aheit, and other tn.Mnru.) so with ladies ot it-fiiirnit-nt ai.d taste. Tins admirable piepaiaiion is uied nld. i.enit: cisenoca-J held in Ssilutiou,aud pocanMig ull tne valuab'r qutti tics -'i the best c-abinetmakrr's lilue. It mny to utro in the placa ot ordinary inuciUij;e, being vastly : more stitictivc TSF.Fl I. IN KVKKY IIOlK" N. B A Brush aecoinnames eucb bottie. Price 'ii (-ills. WhWeeala Dervt. N 4 Cedar strett, New York Addraas, Ht.NHV C WAl.DIV; A Cti, U.-Jl Nj. sflu, .New V-rK Put up for Dealers in aei rontainii-tr Four K-jfht, and Twelve zen a tetiutitul sUtbfijraitliic biu'W Card ao Ciunianying each pjit sAHBr. r? Asinale Umleoi imtdinr'a Prepared Glut will aava ten limes n coat aniiuaiU' lo every lit. until. -id. HL-ld by all proimiuiii Stahoners, Drupi', Hsidwara and Furniture Dealers, Ciroeers, and Kn'V ktoirs. Country Merchants shonld make a note oi SpuldiiiH' prepared t.lua, until they nuake up tiuu bst. It wl land any climate. For sale at this office. MHieh I A, 1KVI ly FUR SALE. TWO LOTH situate in Market street, in the town of Trevorton, Noa. II and 13, in block No. l). Apply to WM. tiAI I.LER. Seiins grove. or H. H- MASKER, Sunhurv. U8EFCL IN ALL FAMILIES-HElal MAN k CU'8 Kenxine, which removes psinl spots grease. Ac, 4c and cleans gloves, silks, ril bons, ice., equal to new, without lha slightest inji ry to color or fabric. Sold hy all Druggists, also at tin office. 8& cents per bonis-. BOY'S BOOTS and Mlf-K.N, cheap for rs-h WM. MILLER S Sun' urv, August 17, If Ml.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers