asjjington. I I 1 HUM WAMIIKOIOM. Wasiiinoton, March 23. TENKION UUMta". Mr. Frllheck Mason, of 1). (J., ( nephew ci betiatur M asun). Ibi been remuved from hit $12U0 per annum clerkship in the Pension Bureau, ud Mr. V. W. V bittltfey, of Ohio, tin bettn eppoiuted in his stead. CEN9CS Bl'REHC. Exertions are beini; mads to liava Dr. V.t, of Philadelphia, appointed Supnriu tendet.t iif Ilia CensuM, in place of Mr. Run i.tdy, bu l tho latter has strong friends. PATKNT omen. KHni Yulee, b brother of t lie Ex-Senator from Klon.iti, and Pror. 1). K.. Whittoker, a TVuII-knowu contributor to Southern perindi chI, tmve resitied places (181)1') as Assis taut Ex am in era in the Puteiil Odicn. IMPORTANT MIoMON TO VIRUtMA. The AdiiiiniHlriitiun I'ave despatched a t'-r.'.leiniin to Richmond, Virginia on un im ri.trtatit niiftsiuii. lie has gonu to cooler with Onl. Ueo. V. Hummers in runnl to the Mi pre in Court Judgi-filiip. If he mil accept il Im ciin have it. Tlii ia ree-nrdud as I euro offering. Mr. Su miners is one of tho i.Oiesl men in Virginia. It will doubtless have a salutary iillueuce upon ilia Couven t .uu now in se."sioii. i'.ii.NDi.v nauxn or tub southern nrrum-ic TuYVAIifi') 111H OnVF.IlNMhNT. CniiM-l M iiiii iMiiplinticiill.v contradicts the riptut in circulation that tin' Moiitizoniery V -v-Mi'iient en'.eil-iu an unfriendly or l.osi.le I urit I own i ilsl he (rover n merit ut Wut-li, lift tun. Un the coil'rary, lie "iivti. t liny entertain none i Hut than llit- 'most friendly fee-linn, uud are xir. niely il-sirim-i of cnil'Vatiiitf I lie kindest re!.iiiot.." I 'i riiul toariniiiif llicm-n-lves .) j,'.-i'i.' tl.eir C'liileilenicy on a war f.iotu'!.'. it it merely an net of self preservation. Lev il.i not only intend, t'lit will do nil in tlieii power !o prevent the r-lteildiiii' of blood. Tl.ey wiil not permit any invasion of their h n't or nn iiil. i lerenctt itli their riifl.t. and will' onlv deleiul them'elves when altuukeil, whether 'it he in reinforcing tlieir foils or the e illectioii of revenue, within the limits of their ciinfeileracv. A rumor it nfl.iat th-it Pr Wallace, of K'Mkil i ni; the hrolher in law of the President, will ho appointed Navy Officer of Philadel phia. i n r rof.KtitN rot.tcv or Tin: oovkrnmkst. Tho President an I Cabinet others were r-Xceedintily busy vetttcrdiiy. No business of any coiiM ipience was transacted at il. p..ilu.eiit liy the .Secretaries. Tin transacted 111" tli'iM b"s'nrs. After the lull Caliinet llieel i!,if. which lai.te.1 t:il about two ii'eb i k, the I'ic.-ileiit w is l.-.i-li-d with I'm.' .Si.cictiiiy of the Tr.uUy ! -r hull no hour, and lio-ii With the i---irt tut ol Slate lor nil hmir. The sutij-rt oiolei it's C'ISMIIll ill flill Cubillit ' the li. !.'.(; II p'o-CV ol the .Adiiniiietrntii'ii with reference, t,) the :.i-Iiui tutus to hu u i veil to the New Minis, l.-is. win) h.iv- urdem to pri Ceed, w.ti as ltlllw i-eloV as positde, to thciniutlcs abroad, in cider that the policy if the n- w Uuv.-in--tnei.t nn.) be ina.itfuruted abl'.iail hioore, the pulicv ol the Seci iled States Call liuti' time t-.i uiiH rout in liny foreign country. Anions I no MilijeClr debated 111 Cabinet were v.e present aiol future policy with Spam end Mexico, ispecully the latter, us Mr. Corwni w.ll proceed 1 lie i n es soon us possible, in i.nler to assure the Mexicun (inverntnent of the intei.Hon of this (iovernniint to discoun '. ii.ince any attempt that may lie made by l.'!ilni-lei.s'ii aeipiire lorcibly any portion t-f M v x can territory. I m Etl i: 1 1 Mi l lion nn; -nit iil. V AS!l.UTn.v, M artll 1!5. Pr.sKnilr.Sj AT IVAMIINGION. i There is a considerable ih-jilee of excite -n eiit here in ci.-ii'-eij'ii nee ol the desertion of j m i rul men f.oin too Federal force which , iwre drawn together ho- t!,e t.'efeiice of toe ci'tilal. 1 1 li i u inered that the deserters i iiiv.. eniie South, for the purpose of join.n i fie eiinv of the ii l'i-ls, and bui-picions ol foul 1 nv lietweia oincers aim men ure irei; I A OI e--ed. t'-, fli.'M ll-.XAS HOUSTON AWAKB. nilemeti direct from Texas represent t.i I.'m on li-elii'iT there us very stroiio, utid un n-' a round, nit hiiiieh the hl-ieler.ii .1, ,tn nre proletsedly carryitli nil to t tie in. i-r t . r r 1 1 1 ir new, may soon be 1 1: 1 i-t -d. S . m II mi-loll, h I ' hn'.ie,h ti.rmiiliy fr um the (jovi-nior-hip nl tile Stale 1' ' Itetiel-' I oiiventioti, does not intuni t o .. '. t.'p Ir.i pl .ee il bout iistrnyle. ' i .-. atchej from him, just teceiveil here, in rv .1 oioneiv petuie 1,! thn cfiudilum id , i il iii aiol di ei. lie I hat civil war is liii-Vitatile. I He ti ts the Convention und a bust ol the 1 r.n. is .11 rayed linn, but he is not the ! ' (.Jiil Sam ol limner nays il lie cannot III il I, .11 l.--is enough to show flu hi. The 1 ilest I'oiol'lllll'.lii ,n .ill 11. a H-c-'d ts. ol'-.-'Inite -eelns to t tl iioiie.ites in. 11 uu lias ir r uu it ci 1, in 1 d l-iketl a I'll Ul st ilid iiaiii-t Ihe lie eXprc-seS lot fear ol tile ie-ult t-l the contl il, which he . eald us v.-iy iiiur. KM.Isl.MK.M-t. i' nis.) openlv etilisteil here, and sent I t 1 tl.e ir.vous ol ll. e Si-oil hern Conlerera- ti at li illiiiiore, limn vvlience tiny are ,!t-1' . inlo Ihe ret'iiimut-i uf the uriny ol ne.-al UaVia. KKW MKSIi'D. I'll,, Will Tl. pirtmeiil is anttionsly await , 1,,-tts lioni ttie 111 ill -try post a It. New ' 1 . V" , 11- it 1- lo lje li-.n'ed thil toe idli-.-eis of toe Army t lie re have hi en Ilniuce,! to 1, ,u the Co.llederatlol) and to de.-erl t llei r c.ooi.-i. t lUll'if taith them Ihe inett, ariLS, und In ol ll.elr I .-Spi-Cl 1V1- I'.illllllulld-). I'U.-T AL Al t ai US. I Im new i'oslaiualer-tjenei al propose.", it : i- tir i, to have a tiioriiiiili examiinitiiiii made ! it, t.i liie ti ti 1 1 is of hi olliee, und tpefially I In llnl UCCoilllts of those whn hnVe held j (,i,,iuii--iioiis under the past I ,i A ,1 111 1 1 1 I r-i t n s. I'lietti ate rutnnrs III t'lrcululiioi Hi it : i, lucounia of a prouiiiieiit I'osl Ullice in ti.13 interior of I'vousylvutiu wiil out beur tcruliny. GUN. COtirKR U Adjiilant Uetierul Cooper lutet, of the U. rf- A., whose resi(nulion we announced I,,-,l lol-t since, is uiulerstood to have become the Adjutant tJeuttral of Ibe putative uruiy f the Oligarchy. Wiur lltmii Cut uu HniT Attt- ( . ( !,! e Accordioir lo itie report in the Ib-nton lire'iremeiil l'el'alu, vol. 10. pane fi'Jt, Hell jv I I iv thus smke, in IH-'O, rr-ecling a routb ( 'ani inl.ill- o n liit.niiou.-ly liolotlnus: Mr. 1'tei.ideiil : 1 mid iiuthinu -Aith respect tu the Lbaiacter of Mr. iihell, lo' f n.t-hl an well li um hnn. Hut if he prmionore.l a H-nliineiit, aitnliuli d to him, ol raiioK liie todtd ol dull 1,1. ,n and ieilanie lo the coinmun government, tvl.alrvrl he llu bet 11. if he folluwa Op Ihe dfe.hv raii. il hy correapondiug overt acu. he will he a tr iitnr, and I hope he will meet Ihe fate of a trai ,,,, " (iti-at .ipplausein the g illcric, With dilii t j.'iv 'i presied by ibe chair Mr l uy le.uuied 1 "l have hratd with pain and rt ijr. t a confirmation ol Ihe reuiaik I made, tint lot -a nlliuent of ib.unioii is becoming fundi- . I hope It i conlined 10 ruulli uaruiuia. 1 11 it r. -.irj a my duly whul the booor-hie Sen lu" j,- ,,"u a hi. II Keoiuik) lo-morrow un I r!.-, li'e Lianner ol re.n-lancc, 1 nevir will fiht . ', ,l. r thai ba..ner. I owe a paramount allegiance 1.,'lhe whola L'nion a auboruuiale one to my own f-.ate- bnut eichl inches ol snow lell on Wed nesday i.'lihl '' 'l t.rday. beicir the deepest r,,w of the teaton. iu thn locality. It atlor' rted ur.i-ther opportunity to (live alclft.a CD , r-n-before beTg fioil'7 f tkej aJ -,,'..iri' oum?'. roti-ox i- Hi'ictTi nrs I.tyroii Ju ii r-H.i. mnnication lo the Mtilirul nntl Surtifcul Jnr tin?, Dr. ll.iys, Suite AsBiiycr of Alassai hu si tls. states that he hos made a eMciided series of analytical observations on spirits, mid in no case hud he found that any ilelcli rious body had been added by manufac turers to distilled liqtiora. Cases of sudden poisoning by lofc priced common spirits fre quently occor, but these are caused by the lusel oil which is produced by the fermenta tion of mixed grains. American distilled liquors, when nllcwcd to become old, are less deleterious than tnojt of the foreign brandies. In newly distilled spirits, however, there is a source of great danger w hich should be gene rally known, ns il is of special Interest to the medical profession. Of these, Dr. Hayes says that the newly distilled spirits, of the most common kind, often contain salts of copper, of lead or til), derived from the condensers in which the vapors are reduced to a fluid form. The quantity of copper suits contained in the bulk usually taken as a draught is sufficient to pioduce the minor efferts of metalio poi soning, nnd the cumul.itiv character of these poisons may even lead to fattil consequences. In the "old spirits" examined by Dr. Mines, he found that those metulic salts had all depos iied to tlm bottom of the cask. New spiritu ous Inpiois and the dreus nt the bottom of the Cask may, therefore, be cos.di red Lijjly poi sonous The Ari Atn at Wispy IIariioi:. In our Wednesday edition gave the pir ticula s as f'lras we could glean them, of a shoot iii; ii flair at Wiiti'y Harbor, a few miles from this Horoui1!, en Sunday tnnrnin,? last. The v;(iin was Patrick Purrs, who was shot un I n'most instantly killed. On Wediipsdny : in .rning lust, three oflieers proceeded to the J place w here the shooting occurred, and arres' : tul John Slinsoii and Patrick Pun-ell, ! charged wth being principals in the affair. ! Tin licensed I, id n hearing before Sipure l!-ed, when evidence was ad inceil showing ; th:it ut the time l'urns was shot, he was ; siandiiur wi'li a parly n shoit distance from Siinsoti's honie, ami that the filing wh eh : proveii f.ital to ll'irns. came (torn that hiie. . The ucrnsed wn ror.nt.jtted lo prison to aaait their trial. There is nothing yet known I positively in regard t the causes which led i t o t he shout ing. ! Michael Purei'll. n brother of Patrick, is chari-ed with shooting Owen Dally, shortly after I'liirns was shot ; but has tint been ur rested yet. The officers however, lire lifter , him. Duly, it is thought, will recover. : .liicr.n' .tannin'. rcw Adveitiscmpnts. Cilice of the Clerk oftlio Orphans' Court cf lloithumberland County. 01'H'i; is hereby pivcn tint njipr-iisf inent o ' ' and prr-,ii-ii property ll ive tieen nniie I i the ii id. i. s, re-pe named ih c dents. tiLiiiT ttlcly, ot ll'.e liiil.liv-lli': hlv to the Acts of Asaun- Idv in Mic'i riiii'i m ole a:i 1 pr i v i le.J : 1 .- -.--1 ,i s I'ei, lii'iii .l-itd. t; iPi.-iin Uoiiin.'., 3 .Ijenh l-'rv. " J Jeremiiil) 1. ,i:i,J, " f. ,;,c-b I.ahr. C lip on Kreii'-anm " the 'an e will be presrnte.l t. the Oiihans' I'uiirt for approval on I'UE-SD.!V the Uiii d.iv of April I. ext. uniisn i-Xci' -tiutia theietu 1-e nii-d ho uio lhat tone. J H. M sstl!, Cik. O. C. fur.! -c.rv, M.irili 1G, Iful. PATHS' T sMii.vr; iii)ii.-n. 473Er.O."iDV;AV, ITEV7 Si-oid-i i n iii eerv family. tchno. liMuiijii um. Asiliun. and H isiuial in the land. Arc ' not ll XNliKIMUS, like the common Hoi-kin-; a lYdc-.Pi1, wii! not I Heme. St.iuds t'irin on i wear 1; MJI'ETS, and has no Kotkera tu iojute j ihe Feet. Health and tuij r i ncro ill tbe uan-.e riW-N I". Wilu i"j.L A.-.'tV 1 -- ?! l1 it rtTTi,, Fi'.i'iM Tin: -UtiMn .idcknii.." ef)f all ihe child furnitorn we have ever Rem n.) aitii-ie roinhines so luui-li of tiiose lit,) impor t nit lini .k health and hai-iiini'st cs Ihe Ad- : jiiNta'-ie l'atenl rsteel tr--i in Saddle Heii-e, in i vented by lea-e A. ( 'rand. ill, It in not d 11-uer- like a common ruek'ii'Hiorsc. to cni'dren .-1 feel, cannot he upset, dora not wear curpets, h.ii stands firm on ils base, und in nclion is o lil,e the Callop i f a live hore thttthc child inner tarii of it. ,;iie-t of , luld nnv, hit a is e-t rcedini-ly eieiant and arti-tir in iie?iii ; nnd so ai'iuslahle, ruiiT-tantial, und durahle, lhat it iviil l"l lileliuie It is l!i,iispe:,i.aliie 111 eterv faniilv where there are children. It sltoulj be in eterv primary school and t mtiai-.ini in the ' country, as 11 cm he made larpe im.l utr un; j .'luui-li to su-itain cr.o-ii pen-ieis As a pedesial for photographic picture, nothing is more 1-cauti- f;.l. I -Kvrry Oiphan Apylura and In-liliili 111 wlire ' children are c uvrr iied, t-hon 1,1 be furnisbed j nith a 111 1 111 liel of these ! e.iulifol niticle "l'iiey ! aiv tilted witii atdi-aai'die when rcipiired." p:ui:CTIONS KOI! AnJCSTlNG Oien tl e alter part of the ha.-e auliicieiuly to alhuv li e nxle to t-i in its plice ; then raise or lower the i Hor-e lo suit t uu. fsctew Ihe holt in the side t-rv tiiihl 11T These Horc are W A R U Ar" IT' D ono year. March Ifi. Il-Til tf FOR MALKS AND FEMALES. r.v. J F. WAMI'of.t:. A. M, IT.IXCT I' AI., und Teacher uf Latin, (iretk aud licrman l.:ini;uai;es. Mr. M KI'HKN W. OWTX, Teacher o Mathemr.tic and ISratichea. Mn, CAUOI.IM-: HOl.KltiL'K, Tcacherof Muic on Piano ami Mclndcun. The siuminer Seinn will commence on Mon day Ihe First of Apul, IK6I. timid bearding can he had in private families in the village, iiihi r by the xeek or by the meal I at reasonahle price. Tn in per quarter of eleven week. loimmoti Lngluii Uraches, Higher, !jS3,C0. fi-faj. 7.00. in.1,0. I. aim or Orrfk, M uric, (extra), fiennan, (exlrn, l.Utibur,;. I'a., March , iK tf I, CO. NOTICE. VOT1CE ia hereby Riven, that a lot of lumber waalakenup while ll latum in Ihe river 5tiiiuehiinita in Noribuinherland rounly by William Faulk, eonaialinu; of ibitly one l.ljlis, m.rkcd x. M. a II.. C. M. !., J. i;., J. N. H.,0 l(. Ai M..U. l. N..J J. U 1J.. I C, U. A E., H. K E., 5 with a Ilrrr head Maiup, and 13 not marked a tatemeiit and descriitiun wai filed in mv oliice on the 3tat ol Feliruary 1881, at hl'.N. UL'HY, Northumli rlaod rounly, I'a., lor the iosprc'ion of all cohcenied. 'J'ba owner or owner tnnciif are requested to prove property, pay all legal chart-r and take them awav I within hire months or oherMiiH the taina will loiieitrr. r !i ,rr. j. r. t ' "i . " r., - ' - a.1',.-- , SUE RIFF SALES. P.Y viitue ol sinnlry writs of Ven. Expnnnt At. Yin Kzpnnas, Al. J.cvmia J'ticiu and ' a' Facias, issued out of the Court ol Com mon Pleas of Northumberland county, Pa., to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in the Ilorrugh of bun bury, on Monday, A PHI L 1, lboT, at on o'clock, P. M., the following described real estate, to wit : All that certain tract or piece of land, sit uate in Jackson township, Northumberland county, bounded on the north by Christian Albeit, on the south by Henry Pe.fer, on the east by Adam Feast aud on the west by John Wenrick, containing 100 acres more or less, about fifty of which are clearod, whereon is erected, a one and a half story frame house and batik barn. Seized, taken in execution and to bu told as the property of John K linger. A L.SO, at the same time and place, a cor tain lot or piiice of ground situate in the tewn of Ml. Carmel, in Ml. Curinel townshi, Nor thumberland county, beiii); lot No. 1!) it) block No. 'i i. bounded w st by Market street north by lot 13 in sumo block, south by Sec ond street and ot) tho east by Lemon street, containing 'i feet in width mid liV) feet in depth, w hereon is erected a two story frame house and a liame hluclisiinii shop, now used as n stable. Seized, taken in execution and to tie sold ns the properly of .Joseph li. Wua ser, John W. Yui null and Henry Sharp. Ai.SO, nt the samo timo and place, all that certain tract or piece of I and siluale in Lower Augusta township, Norlliumbuiland county, hounded north by laud of John Fry, east by Fruiiklin Kluse anil John Smoltz, south bv Jacob l!ai thnhnnew and John Mii- lick, and on the west by Caleb Hal ret, con i t iinin;! uboul eighty-six ncn a more or less, ' GO acres of which ute cleared, whereon is j erected u two story Mono house, an old log I barn, a cider press, Jcc. Seized, taken m ex i ii'i, lion and to be sold us the property of John Smith. A LSO, at the same time and place, a cer I '.a in lot uud u hull' lot of ground, shunt in ; the ton of Truvorlon, Z-rbu township, Nor i lliumberlatid coititv, hounded and described ; us folh ivs : 0:i the north by Mirttnokiti stieet, i ! on tin) south by un alley, nn i hi ens! by (jeo. j i lvetser. ou the west by l'cnjamin Knouse in j ; block No. 117, No. , cuntiiiiing in width' i 37$ ft el und in depth lot) feet, w herein; i-t j j -reeled a one and a half story frame store i room. Also, two other I ds in s nne town, ; ! county, toivnslnd und e t .it -. bounded on the j north by Market street, on the south by an j uliey.on the west by Henry Shrader. on the ! ' east by Kighlh slrei-l, Nn. l'J und 13 in block r7, contaitiing to tipllh '2,') leet each, and in : ; depth Pi.") feet, whereon is erected u sniiill Irame Iioum. SeiK-d, taken in execution utid 1 ! to be Hold as the pioper'y of Isaac Keiic r. ALSO, at Hie same time and place, it cer t t 1 n lot of ground. b!IU ite Pi the town of M I- i I .iriiol,.iii Ml C.tnnel township, Northnm ! ' berbind county, being let No. Ill 111 block No. ! j 21, fronting on M at ki t r.treet on the west, and ' ; beutided tiy Second t-trct on tlie south. u;i I ul.ey on the eu.t ulol lot No 1 ti ill same I lock i on the ihm lb, cuuUiititig l!.i leet in front and j Jl.' .l feet in depth, w heron -is elected a two I hi ry fiaine duelling i:ou-o und asmaii trame j .s! .hie. -SeizeJ, taken in execution and to be : j st Id as tin; property ol James U.ce uud Jjb. ! I P.. Wafi-t-r. i A I. Si), nt the same time and place, nil that I certain double two story brick house, situate I i n the coruerol Fawn and lil.icklierry streets it, ihe ti iro.ioii ol S'lnlmrT, Pa , and half I 1. 1'..- ol ground on w h.c'.i s.iid bra-k buildings ate erected, bounded n.iilh by lot id' Mrs. M. Unas and an ul'ey, on the west by lot of Ja- cob Cable, sooth by I .i.ickbel ry ttreet um! ou the east by Fawn street. Seiif-il, taken in j execution und to be solJ as Ihe propcity of Jacob I A I, SO, ut t'.ie fame time r.n.l place, bli j I li :il rertain to story uweipng to use or hii;ld;ni. situate on loH Noa. ti and G 1 -1 block Mo 8, bouudod by b t No. :"i uu '.he west, by lot No- fij on liie east, uud on the , north and south by streets in tlm toan of i 1 Tri'Vot'ton, said house or buildini; contiiiiiin,' 1 111 trout Iwcritj'ioiir leet utul in depth twenty three f.-rt, and the Snnl lots No G and ti 1 2 wi-r. returned by the comiiiis-.intier) 'Up. , pointed by the courl" us curtilage, und dnef ; ,eil to be si-Id us such. Seized, luketi iti ' execution, ai d to be sold as the property of John Sunt. A l.t-'O, nt the name time and place, all th? deletol it.t's iiit.-rest in 11 certain tract of u:r . seat-d land, situate partly in Coal und purilv ' in tl.iun iiin ln'anhip, N 01 liiiimln-i l.m j , co'itity, reiinn , cti u 1 11 1 11 i five hundred uud ' finely oiie itreref", more or less, surveyed on n ' warrant (iranled to John Titsworlh in IT1.'!! it 17'.M, .iliiale on Little Mountain, und adj lining a survey 011 tho east in the name of U c.iard Lake. Sen-ed, talteti in execution, ami to be nod us the propcity ol James VuliO Ke. AI.?0, On Saturday, the 0O1I1 day of Mar.-h, 1 8C1 ! at the Court House, in the brirouch oT bun I l. iry, North'd. county, at 2 o'clock, a cor- tain toil lot .-itiinte in L per Augusta town I ship, N or t ho uil.i'i land county, I'etiii'n, bound I i d tin the South by Henry llaupt, on ihe easily iy del 'o 11 road, on the weft by ! Cnttaw i-su roud, 0:1 the north by Henry I eise, containing live ucies fjj perches mote j or b S3. Al-o, ntiot'iier (.i;l li t t-itiiatn in the fame 1 tn w 1;-1: i p . com ty end ftiite, bt'iindeil en the 1 north hy l't ter li Master, on the west by t iittan i-s 1 rii-ol. on loet-at t y rn deitov. 11 road, on the ."-outh I y llt-nry Weise, coiilain int; five ucies more or less. Seized, taken 111 e.. cut ion nnd to be 1-oM 119 the property of Henry Hse. IA V 1 1) W AlJ'ItUN, KherifJ. Kher iT Olliee, (; Phi btitv. March Ll. IFfil. btate oi' the tank of Northumbeilaadi March 7th. 1861. At IS. t-inn ami I-iiieounis, . I't- tin h!v;hh:i Mini- I r. ait. . Noitliniiii.tT.riiid lini. MocKs, Oii.i-r l-tiitiv-i ... line tiy lliniki, - Noif linn t'in-1-g nl other rtiitik, !Si.ti-,t- in Vau.m, Krai llblutc, ... Stint .91 1 i ai .-in ta . 6.1 711 IKI ' 4. tint) tsi I . 4'J 4 11 V ttl.i IHi I - VI ii-.'n H t.s-t- a Piaii aiu ja j isn.Vi. rwi ' il.tllt) 77 7n,(l"- t" I i'li'.l SI I.IAnil.lTIES N'olefl l rirruiNtien, line otlter Hank, . ' 111 tli'T-i, 11 Common vvruith, fae I, i i-t; su I certify tlirxt fie nMve atiitement in lie eorreul and true lo the btt ol my kaowlcot!-- m il ii'n-i . J R I'lill-i-sri.UV, Ca.hier. Sworn and ulifcrihrj belnremr, M.ich ti, isfij- (ii iiBu Munira, J ilr J. Ii. McwitlV,' DE-xi TIST. OFFF-lits Iii prnft iiitiial teivicea to tlic cittzt-n nf t-ii'ili-ity an-i vit-uiity. Olfu-r la Mil Kct -S.ia.ire, 3 itoon Wt'lt of the loI C'I!i'-t', src.-nil -.t.irv Sj.tlniry. M IK h 0. Icftl O n A ll'faii Mi)ly ol III)' liootli. rON's-IS ITNU in part r.f I'rinla, l)eliiiiiet bleached and unbleached M tislins, Checks Stripe Denims, i Drills, ie., juft received by U. H. al the Mammoth rtnre of FiMl.lMJ & d RANT. (UU N K W I'LOAK KUOMS COS ''A IN Kleg.nt Cloth Cloaks. Lvery new ityle Coat and Cloak. Woolen, Uroche nnd Thibet Sliaalg. COOPKK & CONJUD. b. 1.. corner Ninlh and Market. J'eila. Jlrc 8. lf-oO E"8hh Silver Wauhca, for .ale al vrrv low I"""" ,v U. li MASSfl;. COTTAGE BIBLES. POn SALK, cheap, three copies ef the i o' H ble, iu twoTolumea, taiiheoni M P. rj AKSF.R. r r! ft- i o Vt it COME VROM THli KOHTII, COME FROM run SOU I IT, COME FROM THE EAST, COME FROM 'I HE WEST, Save the country and build yourselves homes, for now is the lima ti get your Lumber cheap. Yea, LUMBER I LUMBER I ! LUMBER ! ! I can ho ptirchasej allow rates at the till; AM HAW-MILL of IRA T. CLjr3IIi:i'J"T, HUNBUKY, 1JV., Such as Panel Lumber, Prume Lumher, Uoards, Siding, tihingles I'tuiii In S8 pur thousand, I'lastcring Lull), I'aliug, llouling l.uth, c, Ac. All hill ordered, lor any kind of Lumber, wnl ha furnished al the shoiiest mitice 1KA T. CLBME.tiT. Suiihury, March V, I SSI. Kegistcr's Notice- VOTICr. il lu icl.y Riven tn oil 1,. rater. Creilit. tj, mi I a" other perfiuiti iateirntfi) in the toll iivna; e&l.iteii, Um hxei-uiura, Ai1iiiinii.trat.iii mill 11-j irili.oi ol tlm tu.unj li.ivc lllr.l tueir nee 'tint Willi llir lli-Bisiti of N ! tliu .-1',-rliiiiit tv unty, anil tint tlm nut; wm i,u prt-Aenl-il t i tlm Orjili.-ins t;. iiit uf pin! t-i.u.ily, en Tui-ntjiiy, the Ciy ol' April ni.xt, HI Uiu liilviiuea ol" tint U.iy, l,.r c.aili.ina II, in. In n il : 1 Siisiiiii.i K. Ainlers'in, dece-jfi-d, itcud hy hrr A.1 I niinistr.'itor, Jiii-nli Vorily. j llt-i.i.el il.-init-l, UuceaAi.-il, acttlrit Ly tll.1 lixee'il,,-, , I),.iii--I ll. Iii-iii, l ' I 3 Hlooiii .liii-oh. ili-r-fii-i-il, m ttlnt l, Jnnic Tnt-euo, ! AO null 'At rot. r .il .hnni-ft Vandyke, whi ttji l.xiiu.. nl t Kliin .OR-iiii li Hi, le-ren-atl. 4 li -iii-li .iji-oii, il.-i-r.ii.i-il, nenor clulJreii, nit!iil by tleor tp .lot' n Mi-Piiiailrk. it IJiiiinnl Sjiiiti, iliaensi'tt. s. ttluit J,y Aliniti.iin Stiii-iliiin runt l.-iint-l toitiiMit, In T C,ii:iotr.iii. It I) tiisiP-Ll.i iii-I. lU-i-i-aseil, fc.-llanl by Ins Adiiiiuis'.l tor, SvniiiiH I. Lioinuli!. 7 jK-rK (ji-oiire, ii :i-iil. tii-itioit tiy hia I'.xi-cutam Geo i:.- K.-rsn-ttrr ni-il .ln-ii:n-l Iieik. Ion l-ixet-ut-an. b IJtwiit l-.!ix il.i-ih, ilt-ei-.Beil, tinUieil lit licr Adiiiini toil or. Jolm (;. Hi-mi:) U Ur iy Win. At., decrasdl, i-ttlcil b) Peter V. tiuiy, li i k t-.nreutor. 10 ti.i-i-i M nt tlii-is, dt-oo-iseJ. -milieu by tn-i Admit.isira Inr. J ilia Kimkel 11 l-'.iriiR-.v-'iili M..ry, deeeased, 4eltleit by her Adminis trator. P.a.-r M.ilick. l'J tli iiii tleiuo, dt-ciMf-'-d, snttl-.d by liis Ailmiuiattiit ) Jolol lli-llll. lit U-nry Manna, drcraseu, artlie.l by Infl Admiui-iUMior .M;. N;ifl .ru..i.l. II 1.-!ir Li.uiie!, dece ised, si-lili-J b Ins Ailminislr-it a lsil.lf A In-! i. la M:i:is.r tle-iiy. lii-ftMred, si It led by rrmioi IJaciii.r. en.' of Inn li.o rut ns. 10 Milk-a 'I'lioinisJ., BL-ltlril uy li; Gaui'Iiiili, Fantx W'oltil iii-t-il. 17 M:imi il--r Ciu. rm. d-iet-ased. t-ltli-d by lo4 Adiniitis. trulor VV i Ilium 'I lanMie. I- I'eul.i Ihaae, dccejucd, fcclt'td by tna Adiienutititoi l ill. mil Yi-riti-T. it. III l'liiii'.s li.inUi-lh, deceased, Ei'Ultd by tier S, H liow.-i. Ma Winn mi Jolm, deceiisiit, Bt-tllt.d by In Kxenit-a, .M-'keE Cili:oii!a-rlni. lil Vasune W i. hum. deci-isi-.I. ietleit l. In Ad:nni:n. tr:ilr-i. Vui-lliit-, jr., JueoU 11. Vu.-.tiue mill 1 1 u i 1 It. :i-.tnie. iinn-ni .tom-iih, dectased, e;tled by Ins Adaiiiii--Itieor Ti-ler Writ. ll.-i!istei' (iii'n-e. ) J. It. .MASSIdt, ncjtisur. r-anbui y, Miin li !, 1-01 B.IS.T or '.4l ITtilt TI'.IAl. ni 1 1.0 c. uit of c lii'iimi Pieai cf Nr t.'iuin'.ii n.o:d l ounly, a: Api il '1 ti in. IM'l i I'LJIIN tl) F.-i. liilKMiA.M. I .film P. Siiuimern vs J 1I1 11 Mi-Ui'ino.d. U i.'lti It I-' 1; 1 1 John A! , ' el , aUeor-re vs l-'iureiy, Koei.m.'c Co., 4 J.'liu Vlm-t-nt, d.-c , Adill'r V v':,t8o:i, del 'd , Kxi-eolor, o I . :-. ..iiMIr-ii't uMeia vs W.-tt liiina-h Ins'lnl.'ic-; ., 0 IVli-r lli .nm.i-i vs li iliit ,c l.-nir. 7 J oh n i.ioint, dee , Aoiu'i-i vi- I 'avid Wulsjn, dt-e'd. , I' ii.i r t:.-n ti.t vs jn in. t; 0.1, tl t.-ir,- lio h -,. e.-e . A.lui'rs vs Ptt;r Bix't-r, In lliivi.t , i t I'll unit li it,-, II li1;n- K U(-p vsji-'iliv n i l .1 n t' Ue'il-Ci'll Pe,iily;iuet,-i l- Il:iv "il t.ewm Al itt-r v Dr. 1-i i- 1'r nu-i-i-t .1 . 1.1 s .irn vo, 1 1 11 A 1 nivo, ;ni I ,.e, I I l!iit,pllil--fr.l!.e.. A.huNa s Imvi-I 11. .en, l.'i r? i-iiii m ,i .n-r s V , 11 n l It nt-y JJ r-i : no l'3 J li M is.-rit It. .MuLini. ti loi,oi.Ven.tnt Co. t 7 I il , tt im.) Kiln', ie vs rn i,'"Ti 1, Is M. inlaw C l.i-ily vt Cm or,.i:i A.i,rt, I'.i ll II I), liV, ;n li iinil w le vs Inf.. in Hi n-nliiuri. V.'iJ tii-iinuii vs Joiiei ti drrrll linn I'li it 11 iteir.'ni III J lilli-S Maioiit- v Slljlll iklll Yuocy ,V i'olLVi.ii itj;l- 10 1.1 C,in,;inn; . .'; I'.llra-lt J t'ninii vs llt--iry K ilifiUl'lll. .' i C.iiiiul.iiivvea.iu lot J t-cl.iii.iikcy v JalliCS Van )ki and 1. .il. Jl .lei.-e C II rt. -ii vs Clt-mrnt mid Wi itzel, 1. f I .ll IVII'lli-e '1'iel n.-y vs ll nun II lnrr, Vi Niijt e. WinK.iit: Co. v J Im H .n-.l a leu t.7 Hnnt.V Uitt,.-iitll 1 1,'ti lull. I It Xi. t II Ms .Ma imi-i 1O.1t1.t111 ,t 1 i ... -.1, 11 (i.e. .'i . M, Kil'r, vet tiiin; V8 (toniliirin innl, till Gi-il(;e ti Mi-K-e v .nut-nil lli C. Ill tio T;i- K I'eesvf V i H.IV nnd lt, J! Iluiixi lt'ilnli-n-n v -I -Im I' llrlilca 11 1 .1 um We.lfr v Jolm l-!imil,-r Jl tiilniel Kllnt-vs Oi-oiL'rC Mi-Kte itt .lieoli l-'rrdi-liL-k vs llii!-!i 11 i;ie. iltr-'d ifl'i) ."Vi I'lu;ii r-lioip, il.e".l, Ai'.ni'r'. v.l'imi r- W II-! i.n, 117 ll-inv l' -In o-;t, tltr'.l. Adm'i.VJ Cl,irl'-S r lOv.i. :ii rin 'IVi'li"i'i, ili-i 'd A.lii'r it l.'ti.i- V llo,. ij!l snnh, ivnnla -Slitte l.l.iuitnr Abiluul vr. .Noiitiau.liel tnn.l r .nnlv fi J, tin Ki'er mi! tviff vi Ivi-i"Vr .V Si.i-.lrr, 'I' tii-t ti".-- il of tlie.i'iae t.; .ti-o ciit'-s will t-c f -r 11 nil ilit- to i-l w et U. mill I lie l.n .-on e I. T I (.,- s- f. n.l li t-.-li liXNili;. lil.iiivl.t.V, 1'iolii moijiy. P, -11 Ml 'I . 's I il.'-.'. ! , il iov. Match I', l-l"l i Tavern ami Liquor Stcre License. (il It'll is tn'T.-iiv mvi-ii ih it ll,- f..!l wme nn iv.' tiVit tli.-if iierin nei in llir l'r -I t . .-1 l:i liTn-r. fluil lli:il llii-y wi'l nppli I la- nxt C"tn t I 1 1 n n : Si-Ml inn i-l tlie l'i-;it-i' nl Nori linmliei l.ind t-i ni ly. I- r l.i i-i't,K,-(' r T.ivcni und l.iqnoi t-i, it n, undci tin- lute net i AfcSi -nljly : t-TouRt Not tiias a Qi itRr. reillii-i IlriirVi-llillli-r. Sunl mv, J -Ejjih Hill. Mnillli'ltlii, I nnl Inwi.fclili. t- i I'-s V r-'ll" III. 'I'lev-iltull. 11,-nrv In-i-t-i-rt, "Suiibiii y. lit-oiite ililtlllt, o Wiiiiimll t.ereh Muanl Carniel I'viu- l.rown. Milltai. Jolm Kol.r, Miiti n. T'vr.aNs. Oil'ii O Pmiih, old t.niil, .l ieksoti t,nvnhip. I .-.Ih. Tine CiarK, Jordan " J i- .li Mr.-uli, " ' " Will Slnrlrl, ' " r.i.,S.:,ir.r, ' " le.-i.t-i 11,-ini. " f.,er Mali ni -v. .1 ii in Sowem, llrw itmiil .Ini-hs-'n . .w ,i?lot. ti ,!oev H. It,-i.t.-k, tiM n.n.d. Vio,lo..i;l, ii lew lit!: . ii. IVli-r Wflkel, Ci'ini-P 'tl 1". iz li t tii linker, Ji)m 11,1-23,11 ill, It mil I ll.-ili. Al.oeni'ti Iti t'i. lirel, l.r-ir.-re ' . Arl.ognnt, K.niii Vii-i, Win K--'iieii, l-n-ie M:.!,-r, Win .1. M.nli, H-i.,,1 s,.,i , .l,.,n pimler. Ooo. M .McDowell, rr ttlienntnrv's 0f. I.illlt- M.iliriiny (ieorci-i"Wii t'l-ltei M-e il v I... wcr .Mi.i'.i.i y. o Wimti i iiirt. in t-ivnili p. o M nn! l'nriin-1. " M"iint l'.ini..-l. fiiint-ri-ii t-.Wnsli:!- pi'ttTCrove. - Clillllqi1i'l- DANIHL Bl-lctil.LY, rrotli'y. Suntniry. Maich 4, IrOt SENT BY EXPRESS BVERyWHERE. Retailed at Wholesale Prices, i Mado to Measure at $18 per doz. OR SIX FOll NIXG BOLLAttS, tVlthout Collar on, v.ltli t'ollara co ti lr iloj. extra. MADE Or M:V-Y0r.II MlhLS MfiLlS, 1 tV..'.i Cne I.inon r.eorai, r.-t ti trr-arted ns pood a V.'.rl as n,.i4 in the u-tail ut' rts ut I'-VOieth. ALro. mi: vtnv r.EfT Finr.rit tuat cak i'- MADK AT J t-lll P g Thoi ho think I cannot make a pood St.'-t ' r is' per d-n-n are uiistakco. llcre tlm cost nf ci.e I iluzeu llSliue Ehirt. f5-far.ll of New Ynrk MilUmur'.in nt 1 i V-r. fey!- ' ' v -.r.'s cf fine l.'-ifii, a. Wo. V r j-ard, . . i .' ' M-i'-lrijaDl cuti.r-.T l.-.'ii.-), Jl , bu.tur.a cua,t. Pratt 1 1 i f ti 1. 1 TMsl Cl Bclf Measurement for Shii-ts. Printed direction! ect fre eTerjrwhere, and o iiany to understand, that any one can la'.. tlie.r own dicikui o foriUrt. I v. arrant a pood lit. Ti.ecr.Ul bfadU tii tpr-M Conipny on receipt of guoUs. Th Expres eharce on ou doxea Ehlrt frora Hew Turk to New Orleans 1 (1. P. 8. -PARTIES WI9IITNO SIlinTS IX nAFTr,ni-t having timtoentl for Hule of Mew uremrnl. tiiieul-l end per muil, prepaid, one of tlie litslliiiin-tHi L is li.ty aav kOt, suiliiig auy aluu-atlun that luay tie rekuirtd. f S. W. II. WARD, from Lon lon, 387 Broadway, up stairs, ' . PdtwMU Mtiite Walker BuccU, N LlV-VOr.U.-March 16, IH61- tf DRIED PEACHES, pared and uopred, at th Mammoth ttoro of rpU-INd GRANT. War! War! Crpliaiio' Kale. X pnrsnatire of.m onier of the Orphniia' C'i'iirl ol NerlhlillilK nhioI ckhihv, will he i-trpesnd to public aale at thn touit Jlmi-'n in the bnrou11!) of Kun'.iuty, on Satiitilay, the UUili day nt Man h. Ili.-l., al one oVlock, I'. M,, of raid day. All that certain nos-niti('0 and lot of ground, ailualo in pc id borough, bounded not th hy t'rinberry alicet, ru-t by lot Mo SO, i.oulii by an alley and weal hy l)eer atreet, and tiuml ered in the ijciierul plan ol" fiaid buroiiiili aa number 100. It beiiiK the suuiii ern loilf ot raid lot, onliiinii K on the norlb on line nf lot l ehmcini- to ilbrni Voungman, al t HO tert ami in t1r;.t!i It U l et wherrnn i i iee'eil atwostoii, fiame ('vM-iiiu- hnii-e lroiitiiiBt mi Dier Htreel, lata liie estate ot Wiliiam (Jan, lirti ased, 'I'm ins und r ii.diiiiiiia nfale will bo oiadfi known by rilll.Ii' l.LTK, Adm'r. Hy order rf t!ie Cunt, i i. II. MAS.SI'.C, Clk.. tl. t.l. -Suohurj , March 1), IMji . ) ORPHANS' COURT SALE' J N porstiatire of an order of the Orpli ma' Cotut ol Aoith-.iuihi i l.i i t ountv, ui, I, i- r-xo.i-e ; In puhln' pale nn the ptet:il--i , day of Mini!', n.-t , itiliihi ,1 u-i Lot el tiro. no , ,t...,t , i;.,. (., in sold eoiinl v atot ti'iiidi.-red in t "r I1' i',, , n i I s.od town ii- i, t v o ih l.v I novalt I IT. 't. ri, t;. street, on lb- c.i-t l.y lot N il.l , v, ,l" J:tJ, nn I "-,"'t ' IWenlv - 'i lailitir.lli ll t, l oot ill-!- in I t and a hlt .-t no I j , ,:, , 1!, :. t -Ml I Won 11.111 'J'l 111. ill, d t. , t. 'I',, l-t S 0-1 11- I ..- ,.,! mi A . 1 1 irro-nn, a i-iioot c liild .,1' Alio .-ni. late of 010.!. in, d. 1 1 ,. !. e s::le to t I'li.nn n. 0 ut 10 o'chu-'v A. r.f : id ll . . I,, 11 He terms Hid (l.i 1 1 1 ill- nt r 1. I he uoi li- I n o. 11 i.y ai. i.n 11. uruiir 1' v er.l. r of ihe ( 'unit. ' 11. M A.W.II. Clk I) C -S ..tiloirv. '.I. 1 I . j ''' ' .:,- f .., - .. . . : ( I'. C", i.rrt ;' t ft nf it-rl C tiiiiii r 1, ol.!.!.'".?:". o--i .' 1 : li.'iN I, I l!.' t in !:..' ' '1 . N ' ' .. 1 ,i. . a Tin: -SA- r ul r-i . i 1. i il.. : . I'. -1 1: a 1 1 1 i.n r i 'ii O l,i r -i-i-st - IV. -i t Jt vi I iv i i:m ; ;. i::nn i v m . ! A r.' i- t h.i -.'- ... n 'li !.' ,1 to t a. il . iiRUIT AV.'j) QWUMlLlilAl 'li-. j Y.nt-B -ii'--eiv . .. i. 1- .n: Or .-'-' r.o ri ..- I r-itt !. oi ti''ii ', 5;i..j 1 ' I'j. :'. .'. I J.J.wOi3ltiIJT O 1 I V. . 1 i-,- ! -ive to -i,.'! ; , t!.l i,.; i'-;t ,n. i-l- :i I i: s I' ti n s 1 U !. I', a i; K T . . a i r.'- UN Ii ''A I s. ."X .1-' INT C 1:.'S i I'M 7i i; ! i. I.n , 1, .lull1,' l-lill PIN .Mill I I N. ... - 'oil It. , .. -r. N Y riUU.'LAM ATLOX V Oil'l'i i lieiei.y uiti i N t o 1't oj' t ',l, .loll I'll I'll- M , t.llM-1-ll l,'l... -V-Mfl.s til Ho I of l lyi l and 'I t i in ai, 1 I'm fie ,-.):: i ,t-: .t e .it l!.i -it.-.;., in . i t 1 1 ... 1 . -lil.i.'l ltpl.!' I ' I. I ' nillel -Hid I U'll.'i .l! .1:1,1 hi,,, I'liit lit l. e, l.i Tie 1 or.".. !,r-t ,l.,v -.t I WII WK I' ill I., next, and id co:.'. K- ' l .i ,- ii. ,-. .Ill-tu t s of 'he I'. ice nil I h s ir, n'ld f'l Tie emit;, of Niouin. ,..';-,! it on : -i I to he then and there in tl.eir pr -., ns. V. It'.l their lolls, lee.-rN, lni,r::M:i titiief leo ein'l ' .inee-. to .1 . ! 1. i se.eial tiiiit t s :i' i l ianun.i In he done. ' Mli,i-es prosecutin; '. l-eha!!' of li e ( wealth looiiri -t a'iv l ; iioi t r :n'e i .'i iista- 'I"' l'r li-. nl. I to tl.tlr And a'l 'oil lloiti- I nr. I . i' ii:la:. :e'i to he then i'.ml there .itit'O.i'. il. 1'.. il I 1" 1 he jn-isoi.:- to pr i icu e a-iiiiit' l.;i:i. as -l.aif and i t to tii ; .in v.,ti.-n,.t leave their i pen', Jiitois are re pi-'itt d lo he jiuiu lual in tin ir attendance, at tiui lioie uppointnl anneal le to . t'n-ir no'.'i es t i.f,.i, lil'der ll.v h.ll.,1 .'t S'tl.-.bti-; , iV.e ..-t .lay ol V. ir.h, lo lit' tear t-l our I ... -. I oi.e lion-.-and eili It ii .nt 1 1-,1 iii'.tl Mtv "tie- rind il.. Imle, i-tiil.iiiie ul i l.o Lulled -ii,i,il A mci i -a liie Midi. (io-I save the f. 'inn r.'.v.i-.i'.h, ID V. A 1. i Kl ). , r-hculT. l,e';l- I I'lici! Si-idmr. , M ,r, i 1 -o'. ( yXL'CUIOIvS SAL". Jl'i;l" NT M t'.f !tii':'' ! . c..' r ihv l.i-t wi'l n 1 :.ii.i..i i.t .1 Mll!-tli:H. tl.1' i it.I, t c 'i;i'!T-! fn il u : ii-,, -I liiiiiii , I I'll" a I'.iftur .Ml 1 ! : r n i ip i -t -s, ... I i'iil V. tlie t! i : .N! l'il, t! H it t t r im i r....; r l'uvf .'I I.iti.i, hj'ti i't- i.t I i.. f n t:u-ln l"Wii-.hii. N.trl!iiii:i,,i-f i"i.iiiv. I't in I'i'.iiuicx! iv ijii.l'i ol Kttt r, M ( ii' . r Li..l ci' il.t ..ill clf-i .i-ctl. uiiil .-I.t .- ..'I il, -tjuril ; (li'i.l nt .nt 1 i l' r i I f ('.-( i ii., l..t- v. . i ; ! i ml tit' .!!m nn.l .1 un-! 'nMr.-n, im t ; - n.'i ii ; tll.l u'.li. r 1 Itlit i'l lift! tit nt (.. H!;' y irl i l.:, frtHH' ll tf ) l' I'.'ti'. t Kl! .lit, ifi ,1 li'dlil . ' - Hill' ut riw, lib, ml litlv tu t'- "I I'U'ti ti r t !. ,r. , :tu llif I' tl 1 1 'i t- w 1 11 i tin iir-rt tl, tiii i t !iU' iit'in . -jii.mI ti r.t-.i' w 1 .i"t 'I l.i-it ! a mi."1 ;ij j nit .. nil ni ! !.' ;-i i.iir. .,it t.i ('.'hui.ri,r- hI ID iiM r A.M. i i , v I ifii t!ii' It i nm ;ini "!.! 4 ..1 1 1 it w i; i It iiui uuMwi by A in; 1! 1 s u, Vis, r if liie in-t v il! .in.. L ! i h ul 1 1 tiriluMI 'tiJ'iM:ill, im . li lillWlT AuiU--ll U l, I.-- il cuNrr.cTiuNAUir.s, 'kiy.s M.C.GKAllIXAT, . C1UV J I'm I' A.N l l.V I C.i. uli l.iii.1 nli tliiiii iiieti, aittl 1,,. ii ,e I t-i-i.inij ut wli ilc-a'c. ;inl ie! ill. ll m.i Ibe ln'i es..iij iiiai liiiti ry e., I.e i-i iituiuii ii-lnrin all Ittiiil el Tut u, an l Lecpi. ui tii-t t.tnck, u Iiiirctuiteia wiil .nut lio ul a liv a kiiiiiy of alino.-,l any artictti Itiev mav deiit.. APl'! Al'l'l.l'!! Allins!!! Juki rettitcil, a l.uiie lut of a tle, wl.itli lie ia aelluig at liulrmlt- aud ItUil, at lew ( rite Oiva u a call. M C. liliAKHAKr Ptir.l-urr, Marr),-, lNl..-f COMMKKCIAL NL'iiPEWIK.S, ii. ii. iiooKi.n, ft co,. I lllH III SI KH, X. V JO-IS W. DLCIILIJ, Local Agent, Snhu-y I'n. T Vitt (ojliacril't r, liavimj hren appointed I0-1I Aiii nt lur the S'llo of l'roit trei t. plants, vnica, A.e.., of one ofiho most reliable N urscnen, mils the nlletilinn of all nho waul clion e butt lo thia niethod, as moro cm tain than by iililainiti thrni Ihionnh truvelinir unr its. Amotirt ihuae derii!ied in Ihe Julnlo(iiit' nre, Jlvvaif Tear 'iV'c ', of tl.e aie f.r t ra : . - j . ' ..i ;.. . rt'oiiokei-'v fin. JJ.vptf A nple Trn-it, on I'uradi.-e Sun k-t. rra l.itil' heau'.iliil llltle. tleert t'T tee ptiiiiell, t'.lid ro d'li iui rei'ini l;ahly line bjn cimeiiH of fruit In u ri: slo it lime. I -f t'l .irv Tie.-H, luV.ei -ti MihuVh Sloi ,u, h lini-ioi.e tiei l. -;i.itidn I Apple. Tear and Cliiny Tree-) v-."i I'.i e. with n lur li t of atie'in. i', I'luin. ri." t'.rine n-ot .Vr.'-itiioM. I I ii. i.-el :i y , i. lac-Mn-ny and Stran berry i'.ani ail ol tlm tii.ij-i I : , t,uli:iii't.,--iii:inv r -w ti riil iioiit-ived vaiii ticii. no h n.s t .'1:1 rry, hiie t na, e, lute (foi-i-unii, ii.-d (it.i; e, tel..,; ,, iV iM..i 1 ; rrV I ',::,' ., Hi ;'i.-,t V.i o'ty , til.o'i- !l - 'i iNi n'a Ai m . '. (: ..1 t 1,, o.onoi old Variii;.:.-, 11-, V.1 il 11 toe ll A. 1.11 ... t; I e Yi:,i ... i;o !i- !ir, 1 th r- new, jet shmod le and Hart .-ii t 1 u 0 hiii-' v on it 111 1 1 - - f 1 - - 1. , 0! IV.I n im-; a. II li '. o, I. i, ! v. ..r. I, lo- I' 1 n-itro, H-i x -reduced and' to oili r thi'iu i,t ill- I :! 11 y j. n s. I'ianl-. 1.1 nnei.t Ji:ix uii!iij . I'. . 1 ri;rpt'ii-i 1 in. every variety ry. . 11 an iy p ..e ot, tr tinl.uie I'a. t.'l 1 s Ill 1 iu:i:. '.1. I .-o I. iOOE 2ry x-i-ju V.'cni.-a: iiionlJ E I r 1 t ii 1 1 if .- m: Ml! l.tlDIS AMI nil s .the ( in he ! -ill ul e ,-l I-...1; arour.l ni,,! . lie. ii.e. t, II.-, t i.n I ,-,,! ' ' wlie.c it a--oi'- n.i-i.l tt ... III i !.t . ' ' i ' mini to .0 )1 . t Ir :n, no in m !t.i ivd Ihi'it) ts roi h -:i-"l. I -.Ml! .s-.v th-, 1 d I one ;io l-j-i . . ; ,. io.-:,o-- lor uhoiit ii 'd tl it I Miri si i:. an, I uo-t'.n -. I 'enl to t 1 J 1 v i 1 . . 1, d 1 ;...-:... aiiil Mo y III Ihe f V -Old h-.l,'-.. 1. i 1 1 . 1 ! -an bi.v at 11 1,1 i.-e 1 :i v t. i.t '1 as liirn- B( un to the moile of ihiinrr I n i i ll is i In , i ,1 y I i S.1S a- vd i ni; 1 ii. .tv, on a lo i v ou all -if i . ,i do Im-oi, !il:-t ii t n:e no il oil to.y i n ll, il i. ci ereOi:, ill ll .-, n.r 11 iinil t.i ..ll .-ton I., nul.t 11 il e in hv t h 1 h, t 1- ijo- 1 I to iy :nl ti, , 1 ; i i r i.t r nl 1, l- I.., ti 4 iin.'s I .' CV - V 1 ir Il.i. its uio r 4't"i.4.v Vi v.'K-:,', i. v nn I i io,.! ,.'i:ii! irv., ' iio.s at a I.t 1 U' l'i;i(.T.. nt io ii1: t ' I e I' ..I I .r I ism ni id inter ft. t'li'-'i-li e to i',ie von a Il.t o I " s. .. I loive m- inaot' tfrrr ''. nt I of t; - i- H d s-i, L 11 Mino it inn: chll.'n'ii, ot -t .1 3 1' n.iie run! l'j t)Vl.l..-.ilUKs , lieivy and I i. lit, and u!jo t n;i kimis : and also (.. i i ;' BAGS. VA USES, N I) i 1.1 . ks ,,l nd kinds, nt ml ert-.-.t . nt oil erei ' t l l'. priLts. Mi ns' ti.tiii rs, Iro.-i ij I -l"i tj i:.i. t.i, t.: .iidie- ; uttTs. I, oil) lion) till 0:1 S, I In .1 in.l i t.i 1 I ret.cii II orocco, . :': nn 1 -lid I , I ill-1 :.' i i il ' hi -s in 'lei t, i, ni n n t ill .i. it. (.rci.i .:. il.i.r lo the lhat vi.-. r -'.ii..- l': :, IV ,'i.:l tl . :. oli'. i -f. 1 1 r toe I'l .ce, .M ;i . t f- I' -t Dl'iiee). I di ll I. lid , ne: y not not1 t i.i,.- urr to 1 e tin, i. .1. : .-ins to t,,- a r ; . it, 1 -It- lev it I till. Ill 1 lii .1 ml li..' 1. "it.' y . .,it J i,., fin. .- i-.. u ilhiu li 1 ry lines til li. .s o.o . t, inim-.l anil inl.-nd I,, ii u l, t! it..' their !:; i-l j .tr ..I ii.v i r , l.i i, i! , l tic t .t 1 1 :. - ii i e k in.l, i t. n' ot- i nd, lin-y aie ail t i I m ill t.i i f LtiJ, Mid not In !1,1 1 Ul Si::-1 i:ry. l-et ml- r K. l-'i .11 UI,V of till I.. As I am tie on up i'V t." t ;'.-..i-r. -n I e io t .1 mv l:...., a. ,. , le tor t... -i n: it'i. -t ,1. oi. Aii.r.Y. LSVU AMD LET THE SUM. C.lJ!i i'ii ni." TO .lC. A;r t;ii:y will soon ; LEA US' THAT ' I'mUXG GUAM- .rr n:r. ' HAHHOTE 3T0EI!, Ai;:: ... is; GOODS CHEAPE'R , tltuncnn ie purciiiistd ch.etti.i 10. .A. FISTI KL'PP IV n-t it ri iv, tl :. lini.i.-.ui ttnii, i;i:.Mi:.MiJ!.:: i nis. AM' i uon r M- r-'ti ;il-ti ry , I It ot tuV-.-r IT. l-i'1. ir. jiiiii'! v rii.M'sAMi i; i;i;i- i.s i rr n A ivlll'l I'. Ill .1 If I.V tilf I 1 M l..,,.;, I, n ., Co.. t i. llie t In l-.tit 111 h-1 -i IH Tt If, ..I -I t. tt 1.1 Will I I t-)l I er . III! ...1 1,1 III' il...'. , Iter, 1 ii. ir I.I. ,.d 1 1, 1 1.. I I r ii r ur t".t' t v ' ,! ( ' II! 'I Ut li I'll' ' li- 1' t .it tM I'M Ti ll f-i'iili Wli.ut,.,, t i . ; 1 1 1 !' J A M j: s; ji a u i: j: n ' li' I l-SAI.l AS 1. 1 t All. CLOC K ES TA .' L IS E ME. T, .S' 1'.. ( '-ri,.) -,- uil n i. ( V,i...iii,; ... , I'l;lliit! IfililK. i I . fii'v.'V I'nTtiii y ti'N i r:f.A.i:vc i iiui v ! ! j i I i V l 1 N I'll UK-., it u-.v , 11. ti ... I: i, (..!, -j i . )'..,.. A!s -. l. ii, ie. urn .1 . I St-: .U.W 11 1 I. t-l. ri-f- iiiril n,t, vt :n r ii 1,-it. 1 I ii-k I I , n. ti, 1 1 ie, ,.l ei il- ,-rij.l i n. I'll. 1., ti-e.liij, t;i,,u.i.y 111, l-tli.. 1- lyiN'l"11 KilAnr.. very fine and cliei.p aiiiirlnn lit, jui-l tect-IHr-il hv Kail read ft 11 1 11 .New Vmk, at Uie M S nl KnlniK .V (irani. I IMnam A- tV I'urUin Mi line. M e litva nlti f .r kale H.M i e!el riei) I'ale. I I'c-ndulaui GREATEST tXCITLMEKT OP Tii: riilLING & GRANT. 11 A 12 HOT II STORE, i-t r- cei .eu a iU .' A?U l)Lii(AiiLiJ St.i. It of FALL- WIN V ti rv extensiru seniin,fr.t of Cor.'i- ti'.'r; in art "( ery ci.oi' pat'.-' 10. ni uk and i'ar.ry ?lILs ol L 1 li L i 14 1' iieiiiio r-'-a. and JCr I laiii a,-.,l rirjijrr. Muahn Ilfiainea if ail st g.n-n .'leiinu. ol L't st) .r.i I'.r.d .r th, r...; r t. r..', 'J'ln!:e! ('! K v m'sr.J 1 .liir.v rur:r-. ur.nL'iii:. Wool MI AWLS of cvtry n' G oitlk-rneii's DlT Go.: 01 t. vi rr s .e, Coiuie U'.li. t'n, lvcntotke .l.-ar.a. TtACC-tlii. C-r Vein- ! rvi - V I .-..! ' . "t.r s. rami cf V. l'leiisu call ud Cer .esn '--t.t .-' tiiir-i-,,; f l.TAliV mam: ci.orrr. ti.i , in - :i rep;i-i.i?i,ed, and vvt- hat.' a toll ti-so iui ut id j ; t)Vi::tC0.T5 DREs'S COAT.?. i ! Pant arnl cits. Oveic Mts and Li ovs ul" a .1 a in. Al.t-'l, a v-"y hmJfinna aH-jr'ir.c.-it of HATS -A. 1ST ZD CAPi nf eve I ' o ? n ii varit-ty nt the I, w est prir-e- Pi: si i,- I d ill., I V e . vi-r i . f..i i- H H 1 W II PI' h 1 n reri.-w- e I i ' tv a l.i".;er a- -i.n n'er. t ' I. i n ic-l l i our t ii.-.. .inert c-ilis:.-tir. r tlol 'l Vi -Mr llir.. L'-'tts 'ut sia'As, iff . mil I': J I.t.t X I ' I il f, -cooo : iVc lufi'ii-i, are ;iu.l (i I as sit arc. ct v l ii v i, o w i: s r l" i; i c i: 3 Ot.r klic'i ct r-i La t-i I, We ter Ii lore oil', tt: li the tii i.oj i.t'.'.r. A.NiJ V. ihl.OW-'.VAr.t; of every vii.;:: l 'Or i. I', :v. r::- an: -I.t.' TJ iJIIl.'T Far CV ' ir c in lr been t.-.i. i 1 i roe. I. to c! it; tot l t, XV l.llil c I.i-'ltlit in I'll .it I Hi f,ir l -t f.v.-ir-. 'i.. I. .1 C- el Ilit: I .1. t lit -.1 t I ill ill i r. .u-iiii; t..-t i ii i. riiii.iL riiii.iMi a ni.w r., ...ry, ..; 1 J ia. IT .Vol .:.! V'Til- Si l tt -.!. ' I :. ..i . ' t i. .-. il tKlV'i I I.-: I'v l I I Hi .'-I u:: .'. lUitliiiUKE.'! ... is.iti.ibiit ( t-;J, IticJ " t .-i ri.-. III! iTill : t.i. , i i. ; . ii ' v , I in ii, I I t ;r ,:. I in I t-l i l.i 11 li1 el en., i . .-. V; it. l.i y H M TT. U-.VI llKI'itllKI. l. in. I. I' I ti V (iOOI)S. pillI.Ni; (111 . I", nt i ! l,uni.,,,ih S.'urt. I. in- t:. it . iv, l.m. int v - 1 tii. ii-'t.ved em 11, i.,r nLji'lt ft O.'.V U'i.llLl i.l N. iti.n Sin. I in j-111.31 v :s. i-r i. ; 5 0 I K tl --li KS. c ut I e al tl e i 1 Vliiimio'li -"t 'tc nl I 1.I11 u & .i'rii.t. vtiv ' c:,i 1 .1. an e are t'ett r.-nirrd l.o t' Ve nn letui .d l y aiMl ndv. Call ami I. art tlie li .tel .rice lor : jour-eitr'. Fun i.v. ; t iis.t.Nr, ; Sjhl iirt . J.inuary 13. 1S61 . rjHM W'AKK A verv rleap aid .V-iial le ttmiiiiltiient iui r.-ceitetl ttii atrk, at it tnr.tntttti l-iiire .if I niiKr; , J .i.u j Fun im; ItKA.NT. f.', 1--BI.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers