K N Y K A R S ! p.g firvfn yeartof anriralre.. tHcceae attriid.nt the 'JOa.WOPOLITAN AKT ASSOCIATION,' c t, e it a household word Ihnuighunt every qnartcr ' 'l .'.."Or Tht'suspicet ef Uii por"'"' Institution, nvei I, ned thousand homes havt learned lo appreciate .-..utM-.il wo.k .rf l on their walls and choice hierimreniitheii luhlea, the g'ral benefite J' rived Horn b- c "i-m 3 tnbscriber . . , ..ic.'iptions lire u v being received in laliu unpnral ir'tu t.iiliihntoianv previous yem. TERMS OF StBSCKirTION. Any pert.il em beeoma. mcmbri by lubsei ilugthree rl ...art, lot which sum they will receive Kt. The targe and siiuetu eleel engraving, 3u J I leiius, entitled, I ALSTAFF MUSTKRINO 1US llK muiis." ft One copy, one ymr, of Hint eVgnnUv illuttraMl :-. .vszine, -TUB COSMOPOLITAN AKT JlUiiNAL," - ! Fcur aJrnttsi na, doing the "" 11. 1 1 1 ,a Waller ol l'niiiiit.. r in Ur.M.uway. SJ.V .'n aiMilionto the ah-ve lw-mfi! tliete will be given to -o-sclihutr, ai d giidi ui ; .i-tiiiiumt. ' W l ive Hundred Beautiful Works of Art ! lomprising valuable ci.intii.ts. minuter- r"wi. ot!'et, -r. oruilt.g a iruo u ' i . , nil iiin . . TheMipil" Kng-.-lvli g. wl.tch i r ....,ol...l Knlpti.ir Mneu'ninr tut i t'Ttlr w tl re Hw'uiii. m one of the most bennliful u,.d p-iuiur cnginvii.gs ever issued , in thisc ntilrv. It i flioie m eie-rl. In tl'' line nml siipp mill is printd on henry plate imper.uu h .Is mchra. n nor a m-iet choice oratim-ntt, ii'ililc for the winla "I riilnr I Die Ij'irnrv. parlor tir olhoe Itt aunjei-t n Ihe releli.au .1 I scene ol Sir Jin FalstafT leoeiving, in Justice shallow's i (iihi'i-. the recruits wnn-ii nave ifen ciinu-rru or m. -mr-pril regiment.' It could not le fiiiuiihedby the trade l.r icsa than five dollars. The Art Journal la too well known to the whole ciaintry to need c.nniiicmlaiion. it ia n mugiiificentlv illustrated magnzine of Art, coi mining Kame, Si iron, Poems, Uia li n, Ac. !v tlieveiy beat wrilem m America. AJdreie, C. I.. Dl.Kr.V. Actuary C. A A. 518 Utouitway, .New-York N 9'jlaicripiiima riceived end forwardrd lv II. H. MASSKK, Acent, For rliinhrjry anil vicinity, where apiciioeu Kngiavinia and Art Journal an be seen. IW-Hiitier 1, lr6o. WINTER GOODS, "F OR MEN'S AV EAR. Black and Blue HairClolh, Deavcr Overcoating, lilnok Doenkina, New Style Cassimerea, All Wool Tweeila, Heavy Kentucky Jems, Real GooJ Caasinctift, Sill Mixed Con'.in;s. Super Velvet Conla. Black Urenadine Vcstinfr. Black Satin Vesting, Fancy Silk Velvet Veatinga, I'lain Silk Velvet VeatinR. Nice Caesiincre Ve8tingi In fact nil kinds of goods for Men 'a and Boya' wear, can he found st the Peorilt'a fine Price Store of E. Y. J7riglit & Son, who have just eccived l y Ruilmad a aplciulid stock of all kinds of goods, suitable for cold weather. Please call and be convinced. K. Y. BRIGHT & RON. 8utihury, October 27, 1S60. BLACiMlTili HE1TR"Y" PETERS, 1 B A VINO taken the Blacksmilhshop at Rohrbach's Foundry, is pre- pared to do all kinds of bUckemitmn; to ordf r, including horseshoeing in -the beat style, Thankful for the patronage heretefore extend ed, he hopes by strict attention to business to continue the same. Country produce taken in exchontje. Sunbury, November 3, lfUO. 3iu BOOT A N 1) H II O E MANUFACTORY. Corner of Market Square and fiiver Strtit TMi E suliscriber renpertfully infurms the citi-7.CJ-S ol tiunbury and -icinity, that he has opened a Boot and Shoe Shop on the corner of Market ftquare and River ttroet, opposite the Court House, where he can be found at oil times roodv to watt upon customers. Having considerable experience, he is prepared to make up customer work of all kinds, at abort notice, in the latest style and workmanship. Ho keeps constantly on hand a large asorf ment of Leather, of the best quality, which en ables him to make up good and durable work. Call und examine for yourselves before pur chuiitig elsewhere end you will save money. JOHN WILVER. f anbury, Nov. 10, 18B0. lj THE LATESTsfYLEOF GARMENTS, ABB CONSTANTLY MADE ut the Fashionable Tailoring Establishment of T -A. o o b o. beck:, IJarktl Mrect, KUSllX'RY. Ia. 3HU subscriber, in addition to his large stuck a. ol CLOTHS, lain antl Fancy Cassimeres. Vestings, &c riinstantly receiving new supplies from the ritv r-iiig a full assortment of the most substantial id latest style of Goods in the city maiket. He is prepared to make to order all kinds of mlfnu'ii's and JSoy't wear, sucb as VEU-CO ATS, DRESS COATS, ' FROCK COATS, nUSINESS.COATfi, VESTS, PANTALOONS, Ac. &c, &c, ihe very latest style, and in the moat subatan manner, at short notice. Vny Goods not ou hand, will be furnished n Philadelphia, hv giving two day's notice, y Call ond examine my stock, no charges le for showing. JACOB O. BECK, unhury, November 3 lHfiO l PROFITABLE BUSINESS. J E wish to engage a number of g tod sub stantial businoss men. to prosecute a bum- which is iiermanent, and in the hands of i eucrgc-lic persons can be made very proflta. iiinougn we win not guarantee that ni.v cau at first clear 100 or $)r0 dollars per n, yet we no not conanicr mat a man is jualice to the buainesa wlm does not clear all expense over $50 dollars every I. y one oat of employment will find it to their it to call on. or write to us. Wc have hing new, and only ask to have those who like to make money examine into this ancri oince ol tne business lias lieen per tly located at tSunbury. For pailiculais , or fill on WM. M. THAYEI5. Runbury, Pa. s opposite Weaver's Hotel, uirv, Deoenibcr 1, IM'iO OX-liHyLirj Sc HHTAIL, JMi Si (JHA.NT (at the Maininulfi if,) have jutt received COO the. ol Volar . colar at,d Fine Salt, 7(0 backs of Solar fall every suck warranted lo pouiuU of Salt and 200 bags of Walt it; one lius.vt eaih. Tuis sail is the 1 stronga.i now uianulurtuied and in Cull and see for )oura Ives, ry repl., 8, b0. INOE.S, Delainea. i'oplini. je stock Black Dress Goods. d Cashmeres, jmd wide, 31 and 37 Drea Goods, much reduce-l COOP EH ic CON A l: It, corner Niulb and Market su , lO- Philadelphia. In, Cassinieret, tealtiuijU. yand light weight Heaver cloths. i rosted Beavers, 1'laiu Broad. Of) Hlack Csssiuieres. COOPER A CON A UD. irner Ninth & Market Streets, cb). Fbiladslphia. S R V A.i. . 1m V and examine r-J r .?r..t bcAUtiful S n A W LS. nd Rich DEES3 GOODS Bright 3l Son, 4' . 1 i 5 A jut opened THE CENTRE OF ATTRACTION! RICH DISPLAY of XIAKD2CriE OOOES AT x.o"W ppiiapja l combining EAUTY AND D I" R A B I I. I T Y now on FBEE EXHIBITION At the Pcoiilu's ONt: 1TJCE ST011E, OF E. 1?. BRIGHT & SON, Our extensive Stock of TOREIGN AND DOMESTIC IS QS CD CD QD NOTIONS, HOSIERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, QUEENSWARE, GROCERIEy, Hardware, Curpeta, and Oil Cloths, Ac, Ac' Preeente HARE ATTRACTION?, A A 1) Splendid Inducements TO Who wish to secure GREAT BARGAINS For the Smallest Quantity of CAPTAIN CASH OR Country Produce. REM S IsL E E R that all goods solJ at our establishment - WARRANTED to be as AND NO DEVIATION IN PRICES. III addition to our L.?a It) si Wvestl We are constantly receiving New Coods, thus keeping up our assortment at all seasons of the year. We return our thanks to tho public foi their liberal patronage, and shall make (very ellurt on our part to render satisfaction. 13e licvino that the nimble dime is better than the slow quarter, wc shall uJlure to that old time honored inullo : "Small profits and quick sales." E. Y. BRIGHT & SON Sunburv, November 17, 1600. , EVAII3 & WATSON S lannfact'd 'lilft'fj I. . i -iwstsssaassaasasvs aaiVS. J'llJiafAi.. 301 Chesnut Street, PHILADKLPIIIA. ri 'HK.SK Safet are now in use all over Ihe United States, 1 and Imve been tested in nuitiy fires; the following shows aaouier instance oi ineii eiijiaou i- m resisting in Witmkr's Hhidos, ) Ijineaster Too nthin. July .ifl. lHI t MEtRs. Kvsns A Watsos, tieiiticineii : The sinuli size No. I Snldtii.indcr ate winch 1 purchased fnun v c-seut, Mr. Adam K. Irarr, in Jincaster City, on J -j I y tjiiih, H.y-, nut been suojei-teo to a very severe lest, wioi-a a withstniHl in a ue-..t siitr&l ictory inamier. 'i'ni Sule, eon tinning all my bo.-k", 1031 thcr witii vuluahle papers belong ng t-i myscit und suae 10 my neighbois and mends, and rejtreteiiting a value of over Twenty Thousand Dollars, ($oj,0iu)) was in my Mid, which was destroyed oil the night fu the tfilli ul July, IMi'j, and passed thioueh the fieiy oiduul unscalhed, The Sufe was on the second rlnor, uod fell to the luiscnient of the .Mill, and was subjected for six Isiuis to 1111 intense hcut among the ruins, which was greatly inercciM d hy llie combustion of a laiga quuiititv of giaui Confined witliin the brick wails. After thrfise the .ife was opened sud the books and impers taken out In a stain of perfect nreservatiisi, the paper not even beuig discolor ed. This met was. however, lo many bystanders, a better reeomineiidiiliou of your Sales titan shiu1 u expressed in any other wools Ironi me. Yours, respectfully, SAMUEL RANCK. J . .1 - 1 ' . S- . ... . t -xi oiii tr 1 icnry iar j.iaiu ana Italians Salamander Safe. O.wgoo, N.Y., March ?T 10. Geollemen It afTorils sm imirh pleasure ti, inform iou that Ihe Hute No a, (nnighl) which I purchased of U. Siroud. your Iravcluig ment, has pnssed through au ex ceedingly b-4 lire in a three arory brick building, which healed tiie hufe to a while heat, ao tmit Iha tsimeie of it appear melted; lull it (ireteivrd mv fssiks and valuable ivir in Hie amount of several thousand dwllun, for winch I led thaukiul. Youis, resoeetfully, J N. KI.DfllDr.K. fP" A l.iri-e assoriuieot 1 f the nlove k4r'l'.li alw-'t on 1. 10 id. tl :ml Chesoul sued, (Ule it koulli Fourth St., I'aiisil. I)iliiti. October 0, lt60 ly SAVE YOUR FRUIT LYlING MASON'S Patent Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP ! II that is accessary being to screw the Cap down upon the Rubber Gasket, which is placed outside upon the shoulder of the Jar, 3-4 of an inch dis tant from ihe top ; prevent the possibility ef the flavor ef th fruit being injurej by coming in contact with Ihe Rubber. Paraousi'esiring these Jars, esn be supplied by leating their ordrra wilh II. B. MASSER, Sunbury, June 2, I860. Agent. SILVER WATCHES A few double case Knulih Sillu.. VV'.lk. f. ..I. .... I.. price by II. I) MASSfi. KJ ZS 1 met HSAR WHAT THK PEOPL SAT. Tt, nfi.1eralmeo tmrlnir uaed Profwiw tlllMPnRlCTS' PFRIKIO HOMiKOf ATIIIO R KM Kill K In our rnmillrs with Ui mo.1 satl.fnriry r.n.ilta, ai..l harlns fiill eon". denee In tli'lr irmilneiH'M, pnrll.v, nd etttoacy, cneeifuHS rernmmend them li all terniu who Ml to hlire safe, re Mnhie, and efflcaclous renwlies at hand for private or do- " The Her. Wm. II -amer, e lltor of "The Northern tnde pen.lenl," Anhnni, N. V. s the Rrr. K II. Oreaaey, V V , lienor of , Peter's tlmreh. Auburn, N. V. i th Iter. B. I. tv. Chaplain of the Anl.nrn ?tnte Prla.m; Uie Rev. Spencer M. lli-e, R.Ttor, Neir-neilfortl, Mim. i the ner. Allen Steele, Ne V irk Coitferenrs t the Rer. Samuel Nh hi-le. K-nl-'leiieaee Conrerence, N. Y. ; the UeV. P. 8. u... i. ...... v, . ii.. Il.-r Jhn K. R.,bie. ttiUTnlo: A. C. a..-.' c i't.iI m V . tl. llrtn. Nenl Dnir. Portland. Me. ; the Hon. fc-tmvl'er t''.lfn. S outh H-nd, Iml. ; the lion. (le.,ri;e ltui'iphrcya, N. Y.) Henry I). Conk, Ken,, tditor of Th Ohio Slate Journal, C"hmihu9. iniln; me non. iv.ii. Hraham, M l'iie, III.; Hie Hon. Thnmna J. Chaw, Monti-eell- Fln.l the lloiv .l.,vph lteiellct, fllea, N. . .Ha Ili-Utol. Ksq., l tk"i, N. V. ; A. 8. I'.'Tid, Vi., I'Uca, N. T. 1 Jitniv Pomlelt, t., Nsslirlll-, Tenn. LIST OP SPFCmC ItKMEPlES. yin 1 fvf Forr, C inBitlon, and Inllammatlon. n' 9r ,r Worm Fever, Worm Colic, Wetlliur U, Bed. N 3yr follr, Crying, Teething, und Wakefulness of lnf:,lita. , No. 4, For Oiirrlic.i, Cholera Infintuin, and Summer CompMliita. . U,!. h F..r folic. Ortplnra. Pyaentery, or tltoody Flu. No' a.' Fr tTholnra. fiolerti Sloibtia, Voritltie. ti' 7 F.,r ChcIii, Cold. Iiilliiensa, ami Sore Throat. K S For To..i n 'he. K.u e a 'he, nod Nettraliria. 54,,; 9. For Hen luetic, Vertigo, Hciit and Fullnsss of lh "o. . . ... , a. 1(1. tvrrpn I'll.i ror ,im hiiu Btoinnch, C, mtipilioii. nod l.lvr Coinplslnt No. 11. F on Ki.vi i.s liiKKurLiairiKS, Scanty, Painful, of iip.rw'edlTlo.la. .,.,. fi. ror i."ucurruc.i, rroiusc .,ivii?r, ...a Down of Keinnlo. No VI For (V..il'. lloane Cueh, T!nd RroMhltiB. II. Ski.T Itiim s I'lLijf erysipelas, Kruutlona. Pimplei on the F-o No. l. IIhxum vtic Pi i.i For Pain, Lameness, or Sore neaa in Hie Cl.ied, In - i. l."in, or t.lmh. A Fir F.-ver e-.a,' A rue, Cldll Fever, Dumb Ague, 01 Mviwroi.-cd ... .. . , p p.,r purs, Ihoid or It'celmr, tnternnl or Fxlernal. I)' Por S no. w or l iU.uncd Kes and Kyelids; Fall hu:, Weak, or ll'.urif.l S!e!it. C For Catikrrh, t 1. 1 .- amliiiv cr recent, rkhtr with ot-Snuiion or pro.n.e ri-, 'n.n W. C For Wn-e.i-!i.g f.un, ahufu.g In violence lu-d sliorui.ln,' it coune. In all acute uiftvifia, -h as Fi-vere, Innanin-.attons, pinrrli'-a, Ovaenterv, t'loup, It'ii-unoitiiii. und unfh eni liverKseaMsaa rWaVlet evr, M.-utea, and Kryidtielas, the advantiit'e "I v-iviin th" proper rvincjlhn prompt ly is ob vioua, mid In il kii.1i ci- the spcclilcs ael like a charm. The entire ile.-:i- in oltcn arrvste i at "lit, and in all ciwes the violence or the ntuck U I elated, the disease sliort- tried, and rendered leu .Inn'. roun, C icsl s nod Cohla, 1,1 h iin -r nwli frequent occurrence, and hl.;h so nflen In.v t' e rouini.ilion i f ilineused lunjrs, bronchitis and coiniiu jiton, may nil be at once cured by the Fever and Couh Put. ... In all chronic disease, such a fl pcpjla,WeakFtomcri, CunMipiitlon, Liver Complaints. Pile, Ferenle Debility, and Irregularities, old lleaaehes, rinre or Weak F.yes, Cstnrrh, nit Rlicura, and otl.ei-Ti l eruption", the case ha." speclhes whose proper applicatleii "x ill iill'ord a cure in almost every luitauce. Often Ihe cure nl n sincle ohronle dIUicillty. such as llvspe."l, Pliiii rr Ciitnrrh, llviula "he or Female Writ. Bess, has moieitlmn paid kr the ease teu tilnej over PRICE. Case of SO vial" eomnlete. In in. r i and llnoL .S Case of 20 vi:iK and luok, phitu Case of V) nuiiihei ed ii-ixe, aii.l ltn- k Case of 6 boxes, ii'ilotn-H'1, anil Itm K Single numl'lled bn!-?. n'th tiire.-tieni. SltiKU leltore.l b-.es, iiilh dii eeti-.nr- Large cass of 2 i.e. tiios, f-i pu.: lio anJ ph. 4 . .. C'?i rents. .V) cent". 'sieiaus....tlo AIJ-O SPKCIKHS. Fob Asthmj oa Phthisic ii.nrr-el, I'iiTe-ull, I.ilmred nrsatltiog, slteii'led shh Couh and hpeel,.ralion. Price, bO eei.ts frr b"E. Fok Kas Disouanes xn Dsirosw. P-pil-arccs from the Bar, the result of t.-.nrl.j Fever, Measles, or Mereiii ials. Fur Nolsi-s In the Head, ff.irdne-j ..t HeariiiA and ltuiting. In ie Kars, and K ir n.-he. IMce, to cents per box. Foil S-KOIVI.A. K.olari,ed (llsn.ls, Fnlnri:al and Indurat ed Tonsils, SneUlii" and Hid f leers, S-rofuh -us Cuchexy of Chlklr.n. Price, f.u eiitK (s-r . For (!kkkri. lll nu.nv.- Plonh-nl nr Srviis Weakness. Either the acsull of eskms. tt'niin Mudicatloli, or hx- baint'.ng Dlsoliai-ces. Price, Ml , e,,t. -r u-x For lUiorsr. Fluid .ccir.i.i!i"i.J. I unnd is elllngs, Mill Snnlity IVcrellona 1'i l- e, !m i con per box. aVia HT.i-SirKsrss. In-ntiiy Mciines", ertieo, nusea, Yonililug. Bicknesi Iroui riduiK or nioiiiui. Price, t ceuta TolrfniSiaT PlsrikKS F.r flravel, Itenal Cslcnll, Plfll cult, Painful rriiialion, llimruiis uf the hidings. Price, B0 tents per box. ... . For Seuisil. FatHeRWa. InvolnMiiry Ih.eliarges aofl Consequent Prostl iilhui and llelnloy. Had llesults ul VII Habili. Tlie most SUCve.smi lino eon. , and may be rslied upon at a cure. Prkc, altli Tull dlree Unis, t l per box. Per:uisi who WISH to plane ineio-en" mo.i.-i o shjnal ,-nr. or t sei-k advlca or I'rol. linrmitrinm so, at Ida oince Urooduuy, dal.y fioiu e A.M. to P.M. tr by letter. OCR ukmkiiiis n si.itu Look over the list; make up a ruse of nhnt kind yoo choose and inclose Ihe simoon in a current note or stamps by mail to our address, at No. Mi llroadivav, Sc-Yoik, sud the medleint will be duly returned by lusil or express, free of casrtre. AOKST8 tVANTI'H. We desire an active, efficlef.t Agent for the sale of our Kea.e.iiee In every t oo ii r eoiimuinity k, u.e United States. AJJn-s Iir. F. HOIl'llllKY!" A Co. No. f.02 tUuiAOWAV, KW-10l.K. A. W FISHER, Agent, Suiibury, Pa. May 9fi, I860. I y SUNBURY STEAM FLOURING THE subscribers having taken possession of this first claas FLOL'KINU MILL, are pre- pared to receive grain of ull kinds, and to do cua- torn work at tne cuortesi notice. v.usioincis will have their grists ground immediately upon their being left at the Mill. As it is the inl.-n. lion of the firm to slock the Mill a large Sup ply nt Grain, will be constantly kept on hand, und flour by I ho quantity can always be obtained. The greatest caie will be taken to turn nut a su' peri.r quality of flour, for which tho mill is nil' mirably adapted. Strict attention will be paid to the wants of customers, unci the patronage ol the public generally is respectfully requested. MO KUAN 5t CO., Sunbury, June S3. 18M). ntixm iui ACiuov. THE FALL TEUM of the present year was opened on Tuesday, the loth of OctoSier, ult. Hoard of Instructor. Rev. 1. K. Millet. Principal, and Instructor in Ancient Languages und Englith. Literature. D. K. Bnyer, Associate, and Instructor in Math- matics, Natural Sciences, U00U Keeping, ic. Assisted by able and experienced teachers. The course of Instiuctinu ciuliaces all the branches usually taught in Primary, Academical and Classical Departments. The government of this Institution is mild, but firm, and all stadcnia are required to be diligent and obedient. 1'xjifnse. Boardinir. room with fumituie, per week, 1, 00 to $1,75 Tuition per Quarter, 1S,00 " 7,')0 Drawing, Painting, Music, French, Practical SurvevitiL', &c, exlta. Students ajiniiud at any time during the Quarter. For further particulars, address, J K MILLET, Freeburg, Snyder county, Pa. Freehurg, November 3. lUtiO. DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG & CO. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, Xv. 75, 77, 79, 81, 83 j- 85 Duaiif Street Would notify tho Trade that they are opening Vt eckly, ui new and beuutilul patterns, the WAMSITTA I'UIXTS, also the A ui o h fa e a g t A New Print, which excel every print in the Cotiutiy for perfection of execution and deaiin in full Madder Color. Our Print sre cheaper than any in market, and meeting with extensive tale. Ordera promptly attended to. February 4, I JO ly pi FIGl'RF.D WOOL DI'.I.AINF.a. Auctlou lots from lft U?5fciitf. Children's Plaids and lirlulnet Is) luSOetl. laipm't huest French Meiinoealroiu tuclasa Three vol v choice lolttl eo,h7 and 14 eta. Flam all w sil Cashmere lisia aucliou, cheap ai IS and oa eenla. Figured Chun eolrae. Cashmeres, w), 38,59 and SO eta. Plaid, airipedaud hg d Valencia, ga Ui 40 at. Fig'dndstiiMal Freuch Fiiptma. BLACK DKKtW GOODS, etion lota black Freuch Merinuea, Sa to SI 00. Huh tots Usek Wool Deiallte 40 lo 60 CU. aolimaquahty U yarda wnla at ! A. Hest do (rut black Wool Uelamea ui town. tttick Aiutiiuua sud td'4 Alpacas. COOFF.K A CONARD, S F e M.N I'll snl AlAKitl T blicsia. Oelohw tr. 1-00. Philsdulidu. Vv. AROMATIC J? A (UPCftLATIVt TONIC, DIURETIC, DYSPt -r awd IHYIMRATIHa CORDIAL To the Citizensof Kew Jersey & Pennsyl vania. Apothecaiies, Dropf lata, Grocers and Private Families. Willi's Pure rhiiriifl Brnndv. Wolfe's Pure Mndena, Sherry surl Port V int. Wolfe's Pine Jamaica and rlt. Croix Rum. Wolle't Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky. it 1.1. IN BOTT1.K. 1 beelenveto call the attention of the eitiscna of the triited f-tate tn the above Winea and Litiume, iin(nted by Udoli mo WoLra.iil'New York, whose name is laim hur in evrty wtt of Hut country for the purity of histele brHieil Schleiluin rchiiappa. Mr. Wolle, m Ina letter to lie, speaking id theputuy of his Wines and Liquors, auyt: twill ttuke my reputation at man, my suinding nsa men-hunt ol thirty yenrs's resilience in he City of iSew York, mat nil the Ilmndy ami Wmet which I bottle aie pure us imported, and of the best quality, and rail be relied upon by every purchaser ' Kveiy UdUa has the proprie tor's nuiiic on the wax. and a facsimile of his tieiiuiure on the een ihcato The public aro respeclltillv invited Meall and examine for themselves The public sra respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves For audi at Keuiilhy nil Aisithecaiietaiidtiioceri in Philadelphia. UnonK It. Aihton No. M-i Msiketat , flnl'a. Rend the lollowing from the New Yoik Couriel i Kmirmocs Hiisiksss o uns New oRa Mhscbskt We are happy to inform our fellow-eitixens that theie is one place in oar city where the physician, apothecary, and c uiutrv merchant, can o and puirhaaa pure Wines and l.lipjnis,as pure as imjKirted, and of the liest quality. We do not intend togive an elaborate desciiptien of tins ineichanl's extensive business, although it will well reimy any stranger or citizen to visit I 'dolpno Wolfe's extensive wareh luse, Nos IS, SO rind a. Heaver street, and Noa. 17, lt)andt!l,.Iarketneld Street. His stock of Schnapps on hand ready f ir shipment could not have been leas Hum thiriv lie u old cases: the llinndv. some ten thousand cases Vintages ol IMO to 1M6 ; and ten thousand enact of Mndeirn, Sheiry and Port Wine, feoU'h and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Hum, some veiy old and equal toany in tint etuntry. lie also nau lores itige eei Inrs. filled wilh llniudv. Wine Ac. In Clinks, Slider Cut lorn-House key, n ady for boitlin-r. Mr. Wolfe's sulee of Schnapps lust year amounted to one hundred and eighty tlioosHutJ lozell, anil we nope 111 less man two Tenrsue may he eroi-ihv stieeessfiil with his Hrnntlica and Winea. His busiueas merits the patronage of ever y lover nt ss species. Private families who wish purr W iocs and Li quors foi medical use should souu their ordeta direct to Mr. Wolv, until every Apothecary in the land make np their mindt to discard the poisonous ttufl'froin then shelves nml tenliiee if u-oh tViii.it'i mire Wines and l.iouors We uudorstniid .Mr, Wolfe, for the aocommodution of small dealisra in the country, puts up assorted cases ol Wines imti Liquors. Such s' man, and tach a merchant, sholi'd he annfiiii.eil aeaiust his tens ofthousands of oppo- iicnti ill Ihe I'nited Statts, wlio sell nolhing hut imiuitlout, ruitit.us alike to human health and happiness. Km Sule bv GIOOKGK I1K1GHT, Agent, Sunbury, Ta. Sentember 8, tftfio tlm p. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS, J. II. rGEL.. pfSHitbury, Pa., HAS just arrived with splendid STOCK of Si' KING AND SUMM Kit GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which he reifectfiilly invites his friends and the Public to call and inspect, he will spare no lime in showing them. Among Linstock of goods will befbund, FINE BLUE AND BLACK FF.EITCE CLCTH. Fine Black and Fancy Casimeres 'I weeds, Sat- inetts, Jeans, Black Italian ('loth, Caahmerette, Cottunade, Linens, Linen Brill, Linen Check and Fa'cv Vestine, alao a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for men and boys (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Bilk Tissue, Ueregrs, t.'hali and Chuli Robes, Uerege Delaine, Berege Robes, Figured Brilliant and a variety of oiher Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen. Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Vo. A general assortment of domestic Dry Go ds. Also a large stock of Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes. Hardware, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware, Druga and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar Ac. Sec. N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce la en in exchange for Goods. J. II. ENGEL. Sunhury, May. 19, I860. tf. WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, GINS.&C rpHE subscrilier having opened in Thompson's -- Brick Building, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best brands of Brandies, Gin, Old Rye. Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Madcria, Champagne and other Wine of all grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale at Ihe lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us can save at least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing Iniuors for FAMILY USE, may rely upon U'ing' furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. tar Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap he respertfully solicits the pa tronage uf ihe public. All orders promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH S.HALL. Danvilie, Jute IC, I860. 11 A It It IS l.4ITKnr & 1 1 0 r 1 1 r g at 31 a to , MARKET SQUARE, S TJ Ixt'b TJRY, 1? -A- . June 33, I860. DR. A. W. FISCHER, kFFERS his professional service to the citi " ten of Sunbury and vicinity. Office at the Drug Store. Sunbury, June 30, 1830. SHAM0KIN VALLEY POTTERY. riMIE subrriler respectfully informs th public that he is now manufacturing at hit" Pottery. 4 mile east of Sunbury, all kinds of Earthen Ware, mad out of Ited Cement Clay. This clsy produce the best and most desirable kind uf ware, equal, in many respects, to stone were, and is less liable to crack by sudden beat and sxild. The subscriber refer to Friling &. Grant, Sunbury. Address, JOSEPH SAVIUUE, Oct 13. I860. ly Sunbury, Pa, INGRAINED CARPETS, H TANfFACTLREDandferSalerfW. Peiper A Co: 1M Leibrandt and McDowell'a Building, Nona East cam tier, Second and llac etreett Philadelphia.. GOODS GUARANTEED. October 87, t40. ALFRED D- BRICK'S UNITED STATES AND EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, No. 144 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia T B. Communications by mail promptly ' ' attended lo. Sept 22, 1800 lyft J. PALMER & CO. Market Street Wharf, PUilad'a, Dealer m risli, Cheese and rrovUlonst, TTAVF. enasUutly oa hand a asaortrotnl ef Driest aad 11 Pickled r ISM, C , VI IUc.i, mm, oaiasuu, Blut Fish, Herrings, Codhsh, BeeJ, Pork, lard, Snousitrt, Hanit, Sides, Cheese, Beans, Kic,e. OeioberS, laOO 3mw I3KILIXO tV GRANT hsv jort received by - railroad the larneat aasorlmeut of QUEENS- WARE and GLASSWARE ever brought to Sunburv. Also, a fresh supply of DRY GOODS, consisting of Spring Dresa Goods, Print. Mus lim and Notions. apr i, mou. 1JLANK Parchment Paper Deed and blank Mortgagee, Bonds, Ecutioni, Summons, 4c-, for saleb II. B. MAbbLK. HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEW 8 M. C. GEAUllAliT, . Hat returned with new tiiM-k r Confectionariet, Fruit and Toys. Tseemi as If a new age, t new life waa open. Ing upon as, animating every heart to nobler deeds and higher aims! Art, Literature and Kci ence will glow anew and seek to develop sub timer beauties and grander conception. The business world too must feel the new In fluence and everypart be quickened and etrenglh ened by an increased vitality, which ahall urge us on with electric speed to the consummation of greater things than was aver dreamed of in tha Philosophy of tha past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevades all classes, and desirous of doing his share to wards "The great events of the Age," the sub scriber wrfuld respectfully inform the f.ood peo ple of SLNbCKV and the public generally, Hint he has just returned from the city af Philadel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con fectionsries. Fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to this section of country. He ia also manufacturing all kinds ol Uohtectinnaries, etc., o fill up oiders. w holesa'e or retail, at short no tice. Among his stock of Confectioneries, may be found French Secrets, Gum Drops, sll kinds of scent, Burned Almonds, Isive Dions, Cream White, Mud Drops, red and white, ' Irfinoa Jelly Cakes, Rote, Flint Drops, " Vanilla, Stick Candles, of all scents Common Secrete. Hnrk Candy, Liquorice, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Itnnanas, Prunes, Dales, Fus, Currants dried, Citioiit, Almonds, Raiwma, Nuts of til kinds LEMON SYKUr of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior Quality ol de gars and i onacco, aim a variety of Confectioneries, Iruit, 1 oys, occ, an oi which laollered cheap at wholesale or retail. fjr Remember tha name and place. Jfj M. C. GEARHART, Market st., 3 door west of E. Y. Bright A Son's store. r Sunburv, April 14, 1800 ly ladies' One Price Fancy Fur Store Jtiliti Farclra, No. 7H AIICII Street, Ihi- twiren th, ami eih, l'HILADF.Ll'HIA. y?- (Ute of 618 Market Sir.,) Importer, Manufacturer of 9aud Dealer in nil Rnnla ol FANCY KLUS. Hating removed to my New Stoie, 7IP Arch St.. and being iniw engaged entirely in the Manufacture and Sale nf Funev Furs, which, in accordance with the "One Price Prinrinle ." I have marked at the lowest possible piici consistent with a rentonahle prohl. I would tolicit a visit from thote in want or Furs lor either unties- or iniiurcus IV Mir nml n, insoectioii of mv eclecliou of those gods, tatisfieil, ns 1 am, of my ability to please ill every ilctiml essentiai. ry Persons nla distance, who nny find it inconvenient to call personally, need only name the article, they wi.h tovether with the price, and iiistiuclious for tending, mid forward the orilei to my address money nccompioiyiog lo insuie ii satofaclorv coiniitiance wnn ttieir wisaes. Phil.nlclphll Aliens. tiS. Irllfh Smfljw 1800 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1 SCO- NEW YORK LINKS CAMDKN A AMUOY AND PHILADKLPIIIA AND TUEN FON KAlLItOAD CO.'S LINKS, From Philadelphia to Aew York und 1 1 "try l'laee. From VVahiut Sl-eet Whurf and Kensington Depot, Philadelphia, will leave at oSlows, is I'ahs At 0 A M via Camden and Ainboy C tl A Accotn- mislution, f'J 93 At 6 A M. via Camden and Jersey City New Jer- tey Bccommeslnlii'ii, . S3) At tl A Af. via Camden and Jersey eitv Mornln Mail, 3 00 At lit A M. via Kensimlon and Jersey city. Wes tern Kxpress, 3 00 At l--'t P M via Camden and Amboy, aceominodation tl 'ii At 4 P M, via Cumdcii and Amboy t; and A. r.- prcss, 3 On At 4j I' V, via Kensington, and Jersey city, Eve ning Kxpress, 3 0C At 41 P M, via Kensington and Jer ey city, 4.1 Class Ticket, 3 i'l At 6 P M, viu Camden A Jersey city Kvening Mail 3 in At 11 P M, via Camden andJcrsey city South. Mail -i 26 At 5 P M. via Camden and Amboy Accommoda tion. (Freight and Passenger.) 1st class ticket, 5 SS id " I so The 6 P. M. Moil Line runt daily. Tha 11 Southern Mull Saturdays excepted. F'or Itelvidere, l-sion, Fleinington, &e., nl S A.M., from Wiilnul street wharf and 3 P. M , from Keiisineton For Munch Chunk, Allenlowil and Delhlehcm, at U, A M. Via Lehigh Valley Railroad, For Water bun, Htroudshiirg, Seranton, Wilkesliarre, Montrose, lilrut Ilcnd, Ac, ut 0 A M, Via Delaware, lan-kawunna and Western Itailroad Km Freehold, at 6 A M. and i P. M Foi Mount Holly, at 0 and SAM, and 5, and P. M. WAV LINKS, For Uristol, Trenton, Ar., at 3 and itj P. M., Jam Kciisnieton. F'or I'aUnyra. Delanrn, Beverly, llurlingloil, Uorden- tou-n, Ac, al lij,.l, omNJl'. M. - my KIUIIUS ol llareage ou:y. anoweu eirn paseiiL-ei, issenueia are piohilnted from luking nnvthing at llnir- uue but their wearmg aonaret. All llngguire over nily pouuda to he paid for extra. The Coinisiny limit then resoiisihility for Haggnge to Due Dollar per pound, and wilt not he liable foi any 'amount beyond IOU Doltuil, ex cept by tpecinl contract vt VI ll. lAAl-lr.lt Agrill l, a A. i. n vo Fehrunry l4. IHIu. HEGEB1AIJ 8c COS CCItDlAL KL1XIR OF C A L I S A Y A DARK Prepared only by II KG KM AX k CO., Whik-an!e ami RcUil C hernial and DruggiaU, 1(1), 3V0, 511 auJ TOO Uroadvvny, New Vuik. THE virtue! of 1'KltL VlAN BAKK a a Tome lave been Uxi Isuik k.mwn to nrrtl cirintnfnt. The CAUSAE A f or Kins,a MnrK ') it ihemngt ra! li able ol'tht nunieriua vaiieli of tha Peruvian Murk und iiiUivKLlXIK u ctmtiutctl wilh oihrr ingredieula iriut increasi iu clfirary uii) ui the ftame lime (verciine the intengity ui it Ullei, rendennc it a moat Agreeable CT- dial. For peraona livinit in FKVKR aitd AGl'K iiiBLricia.it Will be found invaluable as a nirveiiuve. Ilnli' uf a wine UluM full taken night ajid moinuifF, rendering trw tteni murn leguLijert to lh unhealthy iiifluenca ul the atmua phere. DIRKCTION'S Ii.e for an adult, half a winrfflaai 'il before breakiaat and dinner ; chiHren fiom one to two icMapooua iuu; it uuiy i tuktui with x without a mtie water For tale at thii office. March 17, ltu LOOK HERE, IF VOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. X1 O TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received from Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES Hi stock consist ot Gen'ta Kipp Hoots, Youths' Kipp Bout. isUUurcn uall uoot. Also a variety of Women's Clf Lace Boots, Women's Morocco Lace Boots, Children' Morocco and Calf Lace Boot, all of which he will tell cheap for CASH. Call and examine (br yourselves. ALSO, oral quality of Tampero Moroco for aie tor cast. WM.H. MILLER. Sunbury, January?, 18C0. New Air Line Route SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QL1CS:ST IN TIME between the two CiUe of NEW YOBtt AND UAB&XSBUAO. via READING, AI.I.tNTOWM AND EASTOM. Morning Ki press West leave New York at a. at . and Philadeliihia at 8 a. at., arrivet at Harriabuur at IS 4S r eonnecuiig at Hainsbuig with tram on Noriheru Central msMj io ounuury, sv luiarusouil, vsju isavtsi aula sua1 Boediale atalioiia. Mail Traia Weat leave Ntw York at IS Boot, and FhiauMhHi at 3 JO r. at., eoniMcttng with Osia on Nona tr u CeuUal Road fur stations sa a Govs, and alau oat all stbiihi on in. ,v mtarntpun ana r.imira. Mail Titin Katt leave Hafriahui at S. l at . aasl rivatal FhiladeJphia at 1 . a., aud New Ycsk It) 9. at., la tiuse lo tak boat or eara fur Boston, Ae. Faat Kjipress Ksst leaves Harrisbug ai I IS, oa ai rival of Nor Ultra Central Tiaiu, and arrivet at Philadelphia at a.i r at . jmi new iwi atve. ai. No change ccareof baggag Mweca New York PhiladelnhiaHMl Haniatang. Tur beauty of scenery ami treed esatfor t aad aeeotanm. dslton, Una rout prescuU aupeiiur ludueeiuesu le in traveling pulaie OftW ia New York, fool of Coartlaad street, rhUadet- pnm, diihiu aiui i.siHiwn in aireaie. Fare between Ntw York and Harriabarg FIVE DO I For Ticket i Freight or othtv Infnrmatioa.aprv lo i 1 CLYDE, Oeasial ,u llarrul u'f , Jus Jl, ISt - ly 9M' f.-B- t-r NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of 111 A 'I'. CLEMENT, NO. I MAIIKKT STHLtr. BLNBtRY. PA. 11H E ubscriber ha just opened al his well . known establishment In Sunlmrv. ona of ll.a hea pest and most desirable stock of Fall and Winter Goods. mat naa ever Men ottered In tlie place.and which ne will sell for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase good will uo wen io call anil examine his stock. SLACK AND FANCY SILK. All Wool Delains, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dress Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded, Jlain and Striped must be seen to form an idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawl l nibel and Broche Shawl, Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet for Men and Boy' Wear. Black Cassimeres. f ancy Cassimeres, side stripe heavy, Doe Skin Cassimeres, Satinets all kinds. W bite and Red Flannels, all srades and tvricet. Hay Slate Sack t lanncls, colors finest qnaltio. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boot and Shoes, - Hat and Cans, Ac. 4c. all of which were selected with irrent ear, and will compare iavorably, aa regards quality, style and price, witn any in tne country. II A IIDYY AUK, a lull assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, Qucensware, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full slock in store, Cnrpet Chains, Ac, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dve Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with the custom in the future. Sunbury, Oct. 22, 1839. FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for 1859 and CO, By E. KETCH AM & CO., 29 Pearl-BUeet, New-York. jHE only Freezer constructed on srientifi principles, with a revolving roti and snriti blade scroper. The one hastens the freezing of the cream the other remove it as fast as frozen. The most rapid in fret-zing, wilh the least quantity of ice. The most economical in cost, as it is the most simple and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal cities and towns in the Union. Each Fieezer accompanied with a book of re cipes and full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, $3 00 4 qusrts, 4 00 6 quarts, 5 00 8 quarts, 6 00 14 quarts, 8 0U . 20 quarts, 17, 00 Apply to H. B. MASSER, Sunbury. June 2, 1800. 18G0. THE BEST ROUTE icgo FRO M nyomliiir Valley lo l't.llaclttil.ln. i"cv York, llulliiiioie, AND ALL POINTS NORTH, SOUTH WEST. lacka wanna ccbloomsburg DITTlinin ltAIlROAD. Two Daily Panaerigf r Train, will be run between Scrautun ihj iMJiiniimKiUiiids at rnlluwt; AlUVlNO POUTI! : lve Sc run ton, Airiwat 'ittnt.ui, KnifEnton, lhick nhiiuiy, iJrrwirk, itltHmiaUuig, UupciT, D.KiviUe, NoftltuiiitserLflnit. rhil'aMad. N. V Fx 6 10 A.M. 4 ti P. M M 4 S3 7 05 3 gn 7 SO t ti 8 U0 Q 45 S SO 7 .,0 9 no 7 in u as a io til oo 4 NOHTH ; N. V. Kx. Phil's Mill. A 3u A. M. 4 46 P. M S OS t 00 U ft 60 s 4& f no 7 IS 3S 7 IS 7 US 30 7 45 b 57 6 IS V 25 4S Iwva Northumberland, Arrive at Duuvtlle, Hupert, Hloonishuig, llerwlck, Miicksiiiimy, Kingston, Plttstou, Scraulou, ihe ucknwnnna and Ill-s.nisburg rtnilroud connects with the Delaware, liickuV4nnn and Western Kuilroad. at Sciautoii. for New York and Philadelphia, andinlerme- late points Last: also for flreat llend. Uinehamton. Syracuse, lliitTulo, Niagain Falls, and ull linrsrtuut points v est. At rtutiert ii coimeets wilh the t sttawissa Kail- road, for points both Kasl and West. At Norlhumiieilaiid tr comiects with the ruuuury and l-.rle Knilroad. fin points West andSoulh. M. V. JACKSON, Sup'L reuigsioii, Auguri so, itqi. SUNBURY ACADEMY. 'Hf! Sunbury Acmlemy will be ren'M.ed n M'nr.ay me vtiii ir AuLUat. lbbiJ. under tne car nib. fr OLVKUTO.N. J he com ot initructi.n wilt embrace ererv depart- meut of eilucntion tatiuht in our heat ActKierniet, nrepurinii atudeuia one either fur a pruleasnuiior U enter any cktaa in tuoiife. rrtmmon Sch'ol Hrauchea. 94 00 Higher Knluh Uram:hea, a (Hi 1ji.ii and Greek Isfciguaca. . 7 UU ll eiiieniitf before the rmiddle of the Quarter will he reiimred lt pay for the whole term of titJii'iji, unlcsv ijie- ci.iiairuMeinriii ia mhne I uitinn to beimid Itefore the middle uf the term. Hoard tun In hud iu unvuto faui.Ua at ltsu l 75 to i iS per week. puntury, Augtiai va, lf-on. IVjUcIioh, Jewelry Sliver Ware "XT7K would reaprrtfull inf.nn our frieiida, palrona f i ml the pu'i.h' penerally. tiiai we huvc now intttnie ami 1 li'"r IIUIsKIA .ri AiU K K 1 A 1 1 hUlislnwrsi Citfh Pricea, a hope and vetrchfi.ee atotk if WATCH KS. JKW KLRV.S1LVKU AXli PLATtil) WAKK.if eTec vurieiv aim ame. Fverv iteacnptinn of P!AMOI WORK and other J KNVKT.lt V, made to order, at ahrf notice. IVtf AH G(hU Warranted to be aa rcnrcfenied. N. II Particular utteutinii siveu to the renauit-ff tat vvaicuca auu aicweuy 01 every uevcripnoii. r Airrtn ft, jiAHi,r.y. No. 0i Market Street, Suulh PbiladeJpkia! ieteinrei i, imki. -jin HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PIIILADZLPIIIA. A Benevolent Institution eatuUisJud hi tpecial r.ntlou-ment, Jur the llehef of the fu-k and J iti rsteil, anlicted with I irufcuf anu Epi demic Diseases, and especially fur tlte Cur kj Ihteusei of the txxual tJryant. ( njEDlCAL ADVICE gei, gratis, by tb 'A Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, oceav pation, nabit of lile, &cMJ ap in cases of extreme poverty, Medicine famished free ef charge. VALUA BLE DEPORTS on Spermatorrbca, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, aad on the iV'EVV REMED'ES employed in th Dispen. sary, sent to th afflicted iu sealed UlUr enve lopes, free of charge. Two or ihrm stamp for postage will be acceptable. Address. DR. J. SKILLI.N HOUGHTON. Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. '9 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia,; Pa. By order ol in inreciors. EZRA D. HE ART WELL, rresiJenU tixo. raiacHiPD, secretary. .-r January it, iboj. ly , "POR SALE. TWO LOTS situtt in Market .treet, in th (own of Trevorton, No. I and 1 3. in Meek No. DO. Apply lo WM. (JAITOLER. eJelln. grov. r tl. rl. MAoSEIt, Banburv, TT8EFUI. IN ALL FAMILlES-HEtsKM AN dr. CO'S J3nune, which reaioves wiul spot grease, 4e, 4-e, and clean glove, ailka, ribbona, Ac, equal to new, without the light! injury to color or fabric Sold by all Drufgiats, j, M ,uu( oince. u cent par oottiei oy. STOVES- T?0n 8 ALE M siotlUnl aecoad-hand Caotv tng Move, Jo sevarml Cylinder Coal tsiovtuv enquire ai im ortire. j I W0' OOT and SHOES cheap for caa . , . ' . VM. MILLER'S. Sun uiy. August ti, isft. NEW FLOUR, FEED, FRUIT AND PROVISION STORE. F11HE subscrilier respectfully inform the citi 1- ten of Hunbnry and the surrounding neigh- ".raooo, mat n Da ripened s Store at the north west corner of Matket Square, apposite Vndyk' ...niuaii noiei, wnera he it receiving, and will keep on hand, Flour, Feed, Fruit and provtaion "it ainus, socn WHEAT, RYE BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. Oats. Corn and all kind of Feed, Cracker, Orange, Nut 4c, Freth Shd In tea son, Early Vegetable Fruit Ae., from the South. He will'consttniW receive, bv P. til rnad. trnm Baltimore and Philadelphia, all tha delicaeie of the season, as they come into market, and trust by prompt attention and reasonable pricea to re ceive a share of the public patronage. WM. HOOVER. Sunhury, April 16, lR.ri9.- ly. TZStM tt06L Doming , COFFEE POT ARB Pot, Being based, as Dr. nail, cf tho J ournal of Health, says, "on fcaienca and common sense," are rapidly coming into use, and destined Boon to supercode all others. ARTHUR, BURNHAM, & GILROY, 117 & 119 S. Tonth St, Philadelphia Sole Manufactnrers under th Patent iP or salt by Dasltri In llonaes hrepiuar Articles, aud fctorrkcentis (r iicrally, December 4, 18.19. J. STEWART DEPUY, ATCOrtNKI.ll'SMAHAN'S, No K.,3 South. Second streets, (next dom to C. D. .Menrh'sl, Ci Philadelphia, would invite the attention.! theiri ' Inends and customers, and the public in general, Mi a kirge and well selected tt-ick of . , f CARPETINQS, ffr onsisting nf Velvets, Tapestries, Three-riyt,' 2 Ingrains, and Veuitians. Alto, WINUtj'W. Velvets, C rr !llAU-.?,tUI. CI.O I A ITINHS. llllli;. OKI'S, KlliS, MAT.-, STAIR f.OLS, Ac., which he sells vers t-hear for cash, wholsulr 'und retnil Vlareli til, ISftll ly ' rfl DR. ESEMVEIN'S TAR AND WOOD N APT II A PECTORAL. IS the liest Medicine in the world for the Cure of Coughs and Colds, Croup, tlroiichltis, Asthma. DnTi uliv m HieHlhiuK. Pulpttatloil of Ihe Heart. Dintheris. a..H r..r the rebel of patients in the advanced stages of Comotuip tion, together wilh all Diseases of tha 't hroat and Chest, and which predispose 1 1 Consumption. It it peculiarly adapted to the radical cure nf Afthma. Being prepared hy a prariical Physician anil rir.,. ., nud one of great expeiieura In Ihe cure of ihe vui,i,ni diseases to which Ihe Human frame it Inthle. It is offeiecl lo Hie ntfiioted with life s.'estelt c.nifi,!ee. Tiy it nod be convinced that it IS iiiraludhle in th. of llroi elunl nrT.-.elloiis. I'nce SOceilts per Bottle. IV" i'au-ARso only by ur a. rsi-;.NwriiV . CO, ... Druggists and Chemists, N. W. Corner Ninth and Poplar Sis.. Ph.knlslnh;. W SOLD bv aveiv nsoertable Drueeisi soil liui..':n Medicine throuehoul ihe State. Philadelphia, March SI, l-0. lyw ROCKEFELLER & B0YER. Attorneys at Law " A. Jordan Rockefeller and Solomon II, Royer, respectfully announce tan thev entered iuto Copartnership in the practice of their profession, and will continue to attend to all busi ness entrusted to their charge in the counliei of Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at- tention will lie given to the COLLECTION" .s OK CLAIMS. Consultation can be had in tli GERMAN language. Office, Market Street, onnotite Weaver's !f,u..l Sunbury, February 4, ldfio. EIIVLORIUIIVL". 'pHE undersigned having received a laro and A well selected stock of Pure Drugs and Chemicals-, Dyestnffs, Oil, Paints, Glass and Puttv. is now ready to fill onleraat a moment notice. In connection with th above you will find an assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet Articles and Perfumery of all kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails and Clothes Brushes of evary variety. i ustomers will' find In itock complete, com prising many article it ia impossible here to enumerate. REMEMBER ihe 'place, under the offic rf Ihe "Sunbury American." - J kysicians 1 recaptions compounded accurate ly and carefully. A. W. FISHER. Sunhurv, April 2d, 18S9. P. MELANCHT0N SHIN DEL. JU8TI4 K. OF TUK Pr.iflP OJfict 111 Deer Street, immediately opposite tht l utilie School Houte. Allliusiiieaa promptly attended to. Mm,;.. ollected and all ordinary writing dona. sui.ourr. Auril 23. ito7. tl OiM Dr..lIE4TII's UOUK OFn Vi- Travele and treat disenveriM r k. i. V-f and Fst India Mediciuea, wilh full directions tor iha err. ..o.u..,r...,, uiuiicniui, iMaight, Cokla. Caiarrh, Alh Feveit, Heart Ditenee.Seroluai, Cance? Dvaueiitiu.-Liver Comniaim. Gruvi .ui u... ' jAaaaa. Coinplamta. Ae. lllusnaled Willi hindreils iif ertihe-ates ol cures and engravings. For the purpose ,, Vcscuuig ht many sullen, u lellow-Lamss a. n..i..i. ... ' i.rernataie death, it wiU Uteul lo any pa.tol tua eouli- ' 7 aatwun aw autkei w .,. A DR. HEATH, 047 Rirsitiv.. s;..u v..... . , Sold, avi. by A. W. Fisher, Sunbury: t;oncsd Weak Northumberland ; T 8 Caldwell, lwisliurg ; G M lis' te'cLd:.;!.' C"U U,0"B '"'"u ' N L. and . B..M -U. s w i...i . ' '"seur. Felirearv IB. Ibuu ly. HENRY DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ujit vpposut in court House, Suobury, Northumberland Connr p Prompt mention to buiiues in ajioiniilji ouiilie. As accidents will hannaa. mm fcn Jl r.. be, H i very d,irabla us hart tutu cheap sod ounvtuieK way lor repaiiiag i- aruilute, Toys. Crockery, Ae. SPALDWO'S PREPARED GLUE- aaeets all tack vutereeuciet. ail i hun.aold u siTonl to be wiOiotat M. It lwayrady and ap lo iha tucking r--..... . .n. m w eaer a iset-caaiiy lor limping cissirt, tplliltert veneers, heaslteaa dolla, and broken eradlea. ll ta last Ui article h onr, atiell, ami other ornamental work. 3 jjopulas. with asjiea of lekuaiueut aud taste. This admirable nisnsfslniu is o..l .hi 1-o.a r-hetniMllv held iu auuitlo,ai4 eoasi asma all tat valuable qualities nf U asaaventituai-aauktf 'a Isla. It ausy b used in th paw ul" pidaavry aaucilag, heinf vast!) mot adhesiv. . I-VSEFIX IM kVKHY HOUSE" N. 9 A Qruth ceompaiila eh kotlhs. Prie SJ eeut. Whnleslt Dooot, No' 4N Cedar atreet. New York. Ailayesa, UENEY C. SHAI.DINO A CO., . s-fio Na-ajSoo, Ntw York. ' ' - 4 Put i fW Dealer I eMescoutaining Four Eight, and Twalv Doaen bcaatilul Lttkugrapkic Show Card e dnietanjritit each packag. IV A Singh, botti ul rsiUing' Prepared II wil! sav lea lime ns oust siinoallv lo every hoaachold. f.4d by all promiueut Slsiinasis, Druggitt, Hardware ksvd S'urasearc Dcasara, Onasara, aud Fancy Suae. Cwuiiry MwaAtM awsaid luak aou w ppuaiing a fZ , FeTsalea l tbi office, Mtk is, lesou UHtg aaaas ma ia... mh ,. 1 . M J7q ECONOMY! V U Save the Pieces! ?C
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers