Miscellaneous. MESSAGE OP 1KB PRSSI0KRT. To A " n'' rf R,PeOTUUT xh United 8u t r deem it my doty to submit to Centres series of resolutions adopted by the Legis latere of VirRiol oo the 19th Instant, having io vis peaceful settlement of the f listing questions which now threaten the Union. They were delivered to me on Thursday, the 24th Inst., by K President Tyler, who has left his dignified and honored retirement in the hope that he muy render service to his country in tbis its hour of peril. These reso lutions, it will be perceived, extend en Invite, tion to all each States, whether elaveholdinff or non slaveholdiog, as we are willing to unite with Virginia in an enrnest effort to ndjnst the present unhappy controvereaties in the spirit in which the Constitution was orin'inilly formed, and consistently with its principles, so as to afford to the people of the slaveholdicfl States adequate guarantees for the security of thi-ir rights, to appoint commissioners, to meet on the 4th rloy of lVhnsry next, io the eity of Washington, similar commissioners eppoioted by Virginia, tu consider, and, if practible, agree upon some suitable adjustment. 1 confess 1 hafl this tbis movement on the part of Virginia with Kret satisfaction. From the past history of this ancient and renowned commonwealth we have the fullest assurance that wbtt she has undertaken she will accomtnplish, if it can be done by able, enlightened and persevering ilTurts. It is highly gratifying to know that other patriotic States have appointed, snd lire appointing commissioners, to meet those or Virginia in council. When assembled, they will ennstitutu a body entitled, in nn eminent clearee. to the confidence of the country. The (Jeneral Assembly of Virginia have iilsn resolved that ex-President J orbit Tyler is hereby appointed, by the concurrent vote of each branch of the General Assem bly, a commissioner to the President of the l.'nited States, and Judge John Ilohison is lierebv appointed by a like vote, a commis tvoncr to the State of South Carolina and the other States that have seceeded, or shall secede, with instructions respectfully to re. quest the President of the United States and the authorities of such States to agree to abstain, pending the proceedings contempla ted by the action of this General Assembly, from uny nnd all acts calculated to produce n collision of urms between the Stales ami the government of the United Stales. However strong may be my desire to' enter into such an agreement, I am convinced that ! do not possess the power. Congress, and Congress olone, under the war making p.iwer, can exercise the discretion of enree me to abstain from any and all acts calcula ted to produce a collision of arms between this or any other government. It would therefore, he a nrsurpation for the executive to attempt to restrain their hands by an agreement ituejsard to 'matter over which I. e has no constitutional control. If he were thus to net they might pass laws which he should be bound to obey, though in conflict with bis agreement. Under existing circumstances, my present actual power is confined within narrow limits. It is my doty at all times to defend nnd protect the public property within the seceding States, so far 09 this may bo practi cable, and especially to employ the constitu tional means to protect the property or the l.'uited States, and to preserve the public pease at this the seat of the Federal govern ment. If the secedng States abstain from ny all acts calculated to produce a colli sion of arms, then the danger so much to be ileprecnted will no longer exiBt. Defence, nnd not airgression has been the policy of the Administration from the beginning Hut whilst I can enter into no engogement Fiich as that proposed. I cordially commend to Congress, with much confidence that it will meet their approbation, to abstain from pasting any Ibw calculated to produce a col lis'n.n of arms, pending the proceedings con tenplated by the action of the (Jenprul Assembly of Virginia, I am one of those who will never despair or the Kepublie. 1 yet ch-rish the belief that the American people wi:l perpetuate tho Union of the States on some terms just and honorable for all sections i.f the country. I trust tbot the mediation of Virginia may be the destined means under Providence of accomplishing thin iiiestima bin benefit. Glorious as are the memories of her past history, such an achievement, both in relation to her own fate and the welfare of thu whale conntry. w-mld surpass them all. JAMKS BUCHANAN. A Man Kim.kd by a I-io.n at Asti.ky's 'I iikatrk. A Thrilling Scene. On the 7th inst.. all the lionj at Astley's Koyal Amphi theater, in l.tindon, and owned by Mr. Crock en. escaped from their den. The London 'Aries says : Several men who were at work in the build ing were stat tied by the loud roaring of the lions, and in a few minutes they were horror struck at beholding one of the lions strut? tiling with a man named Jarvey, a yard helper in the establishment. Oo the arrival hs Mr. Crockett he rushed on the stage, lier th lion waa running about with the iiiifurtoDale man Jarvey io his mouth, to H uppoarance quite dead. Mr. Crockett in stantly seized a stable fork add dealt the lion h heavy blow on the side of the head, which caused it to lt the man go ; but instead of running away, be tornod rouud, uud seemed inclined to spring upon his master. Another powerful blow, however made the enraged animal luru, and run away. Medieal aid was immediately brought for poor Jarvey, but on the arrival of the surgeou, life was found to bo extinct. After the body of Jarvey had been removed Mr. Crockett went in search of the lions, who were now roaming about the theatre. One was seen running at a re mote corner of the alage, another was in the urena, and the other could not be seen. The lioness was the. first that was attempt ed to be secuted, hut this was a work of ex treme danger and difficulty, os the assistants were all afraid of even approaching the beast. OnseeiugMr. Crockett, the lioness made a dash through the pit saloon, whence she rushed up tbn box stair case and entered one of the private boxes, and took op a most threatening attitude. Nothing daunted, Mr. Crockett entered the box, placed a leathern collar around her neck and having secured her head, she was hauled out of the place by ropes, and finally placed in security. From tbe private box Mr. Crockett saw another of the animals playing on the stage with quantity of rib bons and stage properties, and, with compa ratively littla difficulty, it was placed again in tbe cage and, after a few minutes search, the third was recaptured. At half past seven yesterday morning, tbe watchman of tbe theatre, wbo la oo doty all night, left, at which boor, be ssyr, ell waa perfectly quiet ud safe. In consequence of tbe large lion being onwell, it had been parted from its companions, and, it is supposed, that in en deavoring to join it, one of tbe three lions in the other compartment of tbe cage must bave broken down the partitioo and thus displaced iba iron ban. The greatest excitement and consternation prevailed for some time In the theatre, and it required Mr. Corkett'a ut most perstiation to convince the attendants that no further danger need be apprehended. Dki-iuudlt KxrBKssivc. A correspondent eodiug os marriage notice, says t "SieWi may go out of the Union, bat men and woman will go io. Tbe Lord bate mercy on both parties." Punch of Wai.u Queen Victoria has just purchased e tine little piece of Highland property io Gletigary es a summer residence ( tbe J'rince of Wales. aK ETCH OF MR. KTIICRtDOE't REMARK. Mr. EllirrMge. of Tennessee, laid if a jury of twelve honest men could be' sworn to try tbe issue joined between the two contending factions, and bi longing to no political party, with nn motive bat to subserve the country, he conld submit the case to them without argument, and have a unanimous verdict. But anfortunately a disinterested jury cannot be procured, and tbe people are silly ennogh to appeal to this tribunal for peace. There are two hundred end thirty-six members of the House, but an eqisl number of es wise men can bo found in any Congressional district in the country, and yet w are told that because this Congress, elected wllhnnt reference to the present issues, will not Instantly stoy the tide of revolotion, therefore there is no nope for a free people. He proceeded to show the the madness and folly of subverting the government to secure any right without, that may not be enjoyed in the Union. Tbe personal liberty bills are not without excuse, hut it was due to the truth to express his belief that they would bn soon swept from the statute books, and, if unconstitutional, they are already null and void. If constitutional, there is no right to complain. As to the fugitive slave law, from the commencement or the present century till now not one dozen slaves nave been rescued from the State authorities. Why, Mr. Orr himseir.of l he kingdom of Carolina f laughter said it was strong ns anybody wished to make it. and would the I ugitive (Slave law be any more stringent, and the people more willing to execute it out of than the Union? The northern people have always, and will ever bn opposed to slavery, and you can mailt- no man in the north n pro slaverv man. The strougest slavery men in the south are Yan kees, and they no sooner go south than they marry a negro. I Laughter.) He begged pardon, they marry a woman with negroes, and then they commence to talk about the rights or slaveholders. There wos not a man iu this body who claims to bo an abolitionist. As on evulenco of his disposition Tor peace he would submit eight veurs longer to the Administration of President lluchanan. I Laiightrr.l He would assent to anything to the Crittenden, or the Horder States' Compromise, or the resolutions which he had himself sought to introduce here. He would go for the recommendation of the Select Committee of Thirty-three, before he wonld go nut of the Union. Failing in this, he would meet the disunion!! with a torch in one hand and sword in tho other: nnd so long as the stars nnd stripes wove over Ten. nessee, he wonld never snbmit to disunion. ApplnnseJ He proceeded to show that everv sluve act or Congress which has excited public notice and discussion has been dictated hy Southern statemen, or advocated by them. In every instance whore southern statesmen demanded concession and guarantees, the north has been yielding everything that was demanded, though it might be reluctantly. He referred to tho acquisition or Louisiana nnd Florida a Tew years ago. In 1819 before ha lived even the clamor was so great thut tho Federal Government had to purchase that territory, because the peninsula must not bn in tho hands of a foreign power. I cost five millions originally, and fifty millions mora werespenltn suppress I hostilities and millions more to build fortifications guard our commerce. After all, Florida, with not half ns many people therein as were in his district which can't master enough men to destroy her alligators assume to separnte from ber sisters. She walks out ef the Union not only with our fortifications and public lands. That is not the worst. She leaves nn prestige of the nnity of the States. Why Florida cannot protect herself from alligators without tho Federal government. Laughter Mr. Ktheridgn said it was known that the peopltt of the South are liko a tempest. Tney were insane, and in the language of Scripture be would answer them as he would a fool, "according to their folly." If the people or one section are misled, in the name of Heaven would it bo just to any that those of the other section should not do what is right to disabuse their minds. In the course of his remarks, he read en article from the Mont gomery Mail, in which tho editor says that the policy of tho Republicans is to turn the negroes loose and compel them to inter-marry with the poor whites, etc. Was it not true that Riteit had alleged that Mr. Hamlin was a mulatto? And did not Memininger an nounce on the Pine hills, to persons high and low degree, including "philosophers" end "short boys," that Mr. Hamlin was really a mulatto ? It is well known that throughout tbe South where the disunion sentiment predominates, there exists a reign of terror. While tbe conventions are in session in Charleston, Montgomery and elsewhere; while men are deliberrting on the fate of an empire, the military are being drilled. Mr. Leake, of Virginia wanted to know where the gentleman stood, by tbe nortb or south T Mr. Ftheridge I speak on the side which has but few representatives am tpealing fur my country. Applause A flor alluding to the tearrul condition or alTairs in the Sooth and the alarm which tbe military movements occasion, ne sain nn would vote Tor any pro' position that could for a moment relieve (tie public mind. I will, he added, return to Tennessee to resist the wave of disunion. If tbn worst ciroes to tbe worst, and I sbonld be dragged th the fearful precipice and made on unwilling observer of my country's. ruin, I will wash my bands of the same and crime which will attach to those who would over throw the public liberty and make our coun try a despotism. 1 will cling to the flag of my country in tbis darkesr hour of her peril, and cling to it as tbe saint would cling to bis Ged. Applanso.J Dr. Winsihp Outdone Dr. Winship, the celebrated Massachusetts uthlele, who' was asserted to be the "strongest man in the world," has met a superior in the person of William Thompson, wbo is connected with the Chicago Gymnasium. Tbe test of strength occurred iu tbat city one duy last week, at a gymnastic tonrnamuut, at which Dr. W inship performed his great muscular teat of lifting uine kegs of nails, weighing 1000 pounds, and raising, with tbe aid of barnets ou his shoulders, 1517 pounds. He was succeeded by Thompson, wbo commenc ing with tbe last lift of the Doctor, then went on adding weights aud lifting, with harness on shoulders sr.d hips, until the number stood successively 1536, 1G3G, 175G, 183C, 1036, 2036, '2136 pouuds very remarkable lift the latter, to be sore. lie also experiment ed with dumb-bells weighing 100 and 165 pounds. Another competiog gymnastic, named Cnrtis, "pushed" first 130 pounds, and then 150 ponnds in each baud wilb tbe pulley, and lying down upon his back, put op 110 pounds in each band. Hut tbe feat of the evening was tbe great lift of Thompson, and tbe judges so considered it in tbe award of tbe '.'00 prize to bitn. Orders from tuk South. Tbe Boston Journal states that orders continue to be re ceived in Lyon from prominent merchants of uoarieston, a. u aud Augusta, Ga., for goods upon tbe old terms, six months' credit. Last week a prominent dealer received orders for aboea from a Cbarlrsloo firm, wbo, like bit brother merchants io Georgia, said not a word aboot secession, tbe dissolution of the Union and civil war- Tbe manufacturer very naturally returned no answer to the effect that ir tbe cash, or its equivalent in a reepon sible draft was lent, tbe goods would be ship ped, and not witbont. Cess roa Fbostkd Ftttr. It is said that froxeo feet can be speedily and certainlv eared by being bathed end rubbed with kero sene or coal eft, tor a lew limes at nigbt before retiring to bed. The feet should be well 1 warmed by a hot st. ve iirne after the application of ' i ' tu mtai' ly effect a rpet.i cli . I NATtnATioH of thr Mtssisstrrt. Tbe New York Timet says : "There is great excite ment at the West consequent on the ereo tion at Vicksbarg, by the Governor of Mis sissippi, of batteries commanding tbe pas sage of the Mississippi river at tbat point, wan orners lor the detention end examine' tion of aft Northern vessels. This hich band ed proceeding is an outrage oo Western rights wnicn win arouse universal indignation np me river, and be likely to provoke a signal chastisement. Tbe Western people regard the free navigation of the Mississippi as an indefeasible right bestowed on them by the God of nature, and they will never brook its Interruption. If the federal government will protect them in this right, the? wonld doubt less prefer protection by its authority ; but if me government should rail to act, they would wrest tne mouths or that noble river rrom hostile occupation by their own valor, and on tneir own responsibility. "If the South provokes a contest of this kind, it will have its hands full. Our West. em popolation, originally like all emigrants of an aaventuroos spirit, nnd nurtured by fron tier life, are the hardiest and bravest in the world. The boatmen on the Mississippi, in particular, srn the most daring navigators inai ever trod the deck o; a steamer, as Is attested by their racing on that snag beset stream, by the frequent boiler explosions, collisions, sinking of vessels and the whole sale destruction of lite and property which make river steamboats a terror to under writers. An army of Western pioneers, with a strong infusion of those dare-devils and the Mississippi boatmen are themselves an army would be, by all odds, the uglist customer the Southern rebels could deal with. And the upper valley of the Mississippi is as formidable by its numbers as hy tbe charac ter on its population. It could pour soldiers down the river like en inundation, which would sweep and lay waste all before it. New Advertisements. "WJL paper!" FKII.LNU & tiRANT, at the MAMMOTH STOlli;, have this duy (January 17th, 1861), received a CII01CK ASSORTMENT OF TDK NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS OF "W A. X, 3j I A. F E Jl , which they are selling at prices that defy competition. Sunbury, January 19, 1801- , " J AM 1!S " BAR BE If s" WHOl.KSAt.K AND DETAIL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. Corner Second and Chestnut sis , IMillailHpliia. AGENCY for the PATENT EQUALIZING THIRTY DAY CLOCKS, a very desirable article lor Church es, Motrin, llmik. lotlutine llnuxr, Pnrlnrn, Ac. .Miihulncmrrr of FINK UULU PENS. Chirk n-pnirtd and wurnuitcd. CI'Tk Trinimii p "f evrry dencriptinn. rtiilaitelphin, January 111, lhOI. 3y REVERE HOUSE, (LATK K4UI.B HOTKL,) Third Strtet, above lUtce, Philadelphia, RHOAPi? ft SAILOIt, Propiirtcra. IMPBOVKMKNTS nave hern made, and the Houtc hna leeii rrfittifd tliruuprinut IHOHMAS . Kilo a in, formcily or the National Hotel ( IMRl.Ka Silo, I'c.imiTly l Schuylkill Co., Pa I'hiladi-lphia, Jul. 19, IMJI Iv DKY GOODS. IKH.NO A ft KANT, at the Mammoth Store have this dav, January S4ih, received and opened another frcih supply of DUY tiOOUS and ISotioiK. Sunbury, Januaiy 26, 18C1. New York and Middle Coal Field Rail Road and Coal Company. rTMIE annual meeting of tho atockbolders of - the Company will he held at their uflice. No. 204 Kouth Fourth Street, n MONDAY, the 4th day of Kcbiuarv next, at II o'clock. M., for the purpose of electing K1VK Directors of said Company for the ensuing year. HE.MIY KOBl.NbON, Secretary. Philadelphia, Jan 19, INC!. 3t Estate of JACOB FRY, Deceased. TaO'l'lCE ia hereby given that letter of Ad- miniiitratinn havn tinpn irranle.l tn tti subscriber, on the estate or Jacob Fry, late of the Uorouh of Sunbury, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate, er having claims against the same, are requested to present- them for settlement. The Administrator will attend at the late residence of said deceased, on the22dof February, for that purpose. WILLIAM FRY, Administrator. Sunbury, January 19, 1HCI. tit Oi pliausi' Court Sale. W N pursuance of nn order of the Orphans Court ef NorthuralerUnd county, will he exposed to Fublic Sale, at the late residence or said decedent. In Lower Mahanny township, Northumberland county, on Saturday, the 16lii day or February next, all that certain Tract or pieco of Land, situate in Lower Mahanoy town ship, aforesaid, adjoining lands of UenneviKe Y itmer, Joseph Mialier, Jacob Witmrr, Vi illiam Kiebacb and Catharine W itmer, containing 79 actes and 1 1 6 perches, neat measure, on which are erected a good two atory Log Dwelling House, a new Hank Barn, anil other outbuildings. There is also on the premises a good well of water, and an oichurd of excellent fruit, and the land is in a good state of cultivation returned by the Inquest as tract number on. Also, all that other certain tract or piece of land, situate in Upper t'axton township, Dauphin county, "a , adjoining lands of Jonathan Deibler, John Schroyer, John A. Snyder, Denneville Koiifonhell'er and Catharine V itmer, containing 34 acres and 56 perches, neat measure returned in the Inquest aturesaiJ a number two. Late the estate of John 1 schnpp, deceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said dT when the terms ot sale will be made known by I. H. KESSLKH, Adm'r. Ily order or the Court, 1 J U MASSKR, Clk. O. C. S Sunbury, Jan. 19, 18CI. ) SHERIFF SALES. virtue of sundry writs of VsaoiTioai Ex ro is, issued out of the Court of Common Pleaa of Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, tp me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in tbe borough of Sunbury, on Monday, the 4lh day of February, A. I). 1801, at I o clock, P. M , the following described real estate, to wit: A certain lot of ground, situate in the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, on the south eastern corner of Pokeherry and Fawn streets, and numbered in the general plan of said borough as number 189, and bounded on the west by Fawn street, oil the nortb by Pokeberry street, on live eaat by an alley, and on Ihe south by lot number li0, being about sixty feet in front on Fawn stieet, and two hundred and thirty feet in depth te an alley, whereon are erected large two story (house) frame tavern house and kitchen, a frame stable, and other out buildings. Seized, taken in execution, and lo be sold as the property of Emanuel Wilvert. ALSO, At the same time and place, a certain tract or piece of land, situate to Washington townslnp, Northumberland county, adjoining lands ol oaiu uel M slick, Wm Heilxman, Isaac Reiti, Isaac Kabock and others, containing one hundred and twenty-three seres, more or less, about seventy five teres of which are cleared, and the balance well timbered. Soiled, taken iu execution, snd to be sold as ths property of Perry Snyder. DAVID WALDRON, Sheriff, Sheriff's Office. ) 8onbory, Jsn. 19, 1861. ) GROCERIES. i'" Eel II SUPPLY just received al ths Miinoih Store of i ll, ICrtl. i niLlNG A. (iRANT. Orphani' Court Salo OF Valuable Real Estate. I N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court ol Northumberland county, will he exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Uorough of Borough, on SATURDAY, the 9th of FEB RUARY next, all that certain messuage, tene ment and Tract of Land, situate in the township of Upper Augusta, Northumberland county, ad joining land of Michael Shipe on the north, land of John Farnsworth on the east, the whamokin cieek and land of John W. Friling on the south and land of Joseph Uosa on the west, containing eighty-eight acres more or lean, about soveuty acres of which are rleared and In a high state of cultivation, whereon are erected a two atory log dwelling House (weatherboarded) a large hank Uarn, two atory Tenant House with cel. lar and ire house tinder it, and other outbuildings also a good well of water, a good orchard, etc. Also a certain other tract of Land, situate in said lownship of Upper Augusta, adjoining the fhamokln creek and land of Joseph tiass on the north, other land of said intestate and Joseph Savidge oh the east, land or J. W 1'eale and Samuel V. Sickleon the south, and land or Philip Sarvey on the west, containing nine-five acres more or leas, about sixty acres of which are cleared and under a good stain or cultivation ( whereon are erected a large two story log dwel ling House, rough cast, a large bank Uarn, wa,im ahed and numerous othei outbuildings, a good ni-vAr.r.ilin .rint nf water, a good pcarli and - i a - apple orchard, 4c. Also a certain other tract or piece of Land, situate in said township of Ut'per Augusta, ad joining Shamokin creek and land of Joseph Uasa on the north and adjoining the other land of said iulostate last above mentioned and described on the east, south and west, containing throe and half acres more or less, all of which is cleared and in a ood state of cultivation, whereon are erected a one and a hair story log house, a Traine stable, and a good spring ( water, dC Also a certain other nicssungo and piece or Land, situate in aaid township of Upper Augusta, adjoining Shamokin creek and land of said in testate on the north, land or John W. Friling on the east, land of Joseph Savidge on the south and other land or aaid intestate on the west, contain ing six acres more or less, all of which i cleared and in a good tale or cultivation, l.ate the estate of Silas Wolverlon, deceased. f ale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M, of said day, when the tuinis and conditions or a ilu will be inado known by VV .M. iib&u, A dm r, By order of the Court, J.B.MASSER. Clk., O. C. Sunbury, Jan- 12, 1H6I. CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa. TMIIS large and commodious Hotel, now managed by JAMES VAN DYKE. It is situate at the Railroad Depot North East corner of Market Square. Sunbury, and at the terminus of the Sunbury 4 Erie and North cm Central Railroads, and is open for the accom modation of Travelers and the public in general The proprietor will give his exclusive atten tion, toire comfort and convenience ol his guests and is de' crinined to make this establishment rank among the first in the State. lli-3 table will be supplied with the best the market can produce having the advantnee of daily couimunination by curs direct from Haiti more, and also from thuio bringing produce from the surrounding country. liis bar will be supplied with tho purest liquors the market can produce Ca-eful and obliging servants always in nt tendance. Ntw and commodious stuMing has just been added to the premises. A share ot the local and traveling community ia most respectfully solicited. Snnhurv. January 12, 1861. ORPHANS COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court or Northumberland county, will lie exposed to public sale on Saturday the IBth day or Feb ruary next, on the premises, all that certain messuage and tract of land, situate in Shamokin township, Northumberland county, Pcnnsylta nia, adjoining land of the heirs or Daniel Camp' bell, heirs or Silas Farrow, deceased, Samuel Enter and others, containing one hundred and sixty six acres and H8 perches or I.iiiJ. more or less, with Ihe appurtenances, on which tire erected a frame dwelling hoiue, a log tenant house, frame wagon housr, frame barn, a wheel wright shop, a'd other otitbuihling-i, several never falling springs, a largo apple orchard, dec. Late the otate of John Moore, deceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A.M., of said day, when the terms aud conditions of aula will be made known by WILLIAM AMMERMAN, Adm'r. By order of the Court, of the Court, ) !R. Clk.. O. C. S in. 12, IB6I. ) 6t J. B. MASSE Snnhurv, Jan Stat of the Bank of Northumberland, January 3th, 18(31. ASSKTd. fana snrl Tuscnums, ... &3O3.370 41 NoiUiuinrMTiunti Muiilf Stocks, - - A t 70 Is) iither Sutks .... iijse uo Due by oihsr Banks, - ... J .,',,-, m) Notes nl other Hanks, - - - SH.17:i 00 Specie iu Vaults, .... irt.M7 V ileal r.iwic, .... r.ora y tti,US 64 l.lAlill.ll'IM Notes ia cirrulauoa, ... 171.371 W Due othsi Hanks, .... 6 t 4 1 liepoaitiirs, .... OT.na vt " Coiumuu wealth, ... 6, '.to 31 SM73.445 BI I certify that the above statement lo be coneci aiui true to the best of my knowledi; nid tw-tirf . J II. ricn-JM LI.) , cashier. Sworn and subscribed before me. Juuuary 5, It-Mi. Ceokqb MxKairl, i . P. Administrator's Notice. V OTICE hereby given, that letters or admin ' ' istration having been granted to the aubscri ber, on the estute of Absolein Conrad, lute or Lower Augusta township, Northumberland coun ty. Pa , deceased. All persons indebted to said estate, are requested to meet the subscriber al tho late residence of the dee'd., on .Saturday the 9th of February, IHtil, and make payment, and those having claims to present them for settle ment. HENRY SIIIPK. Adm'r. Lower Augusta twp., January 8, 1 86 1 Ailmlulxtrsttor's No Wee OTICE is hereby given that letters of admin ' ietraiion having been granted on the estate of Peter Bixler, late of Northumberland county, deceased. All persons indebted are requenleJ to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement. ABRAHAM BLASSER, AAm'i. Lower Mahonoy, January 12, 1861 3t F ALL CLOAKS IN PREPRA T.ON. Some opening every day. Stock will be complete. Orders taken and executed with despatch. Children's and M isses' Shawls. COOPER At COVARD 8. E. corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia. September 22, 1860. TIN WARE A very cheap and desirable assortment just received this week, at the Mammoth Store of FRILING 6l GRANT. Sunbury, January 12, 1861. BOOTS & SHOES, can be purchased at the Mammoth Store of Friling 6c. Grant, very cheap, as we are determined not to be underaold by anybody. Call snd learn the list of prices for yourselves. FRILING 6x tiRANT. Sonbnry, January 12, 1861. WINDOW SHADES A very fine and cheap assortment, just received by Rail road from New York, at the Mammoth store of Friling 4 Grant. We bave also for sale S.8. Pntnam dc Co's celebrated Patent Pendulum Curtain Fixtures. S JLAS1 ER, 10U tons prime Nova Scotia Pisa. 1. trr, for sale at the lowest prices at the Mam moth Sims of FRILING 4 tiRANT. Sunbury, January 12, Ie61. LOOK HERE 1 1 Erery Kan and Woman should Look to their own Interests ! t A WO?D TO .70TT. tf" wef "on" kind of f TT BOOTS AND SHOES then VI you should look around and aee where Jfcsklhe Cheapest, Best and Largest assort ment can be found to select from, and whether the person who selected thera is cometeni to make a good selection. I will say that my stock tins been selected hy one whs) has had practical experience in the business for about thirty years. I will also add that I can sell, and will sell, cheaper than you can buy at retail in the city of Philadelphia because my rent and living is not one half as much as there and I can buy as cheap as they can. As to the mode or doing business in the coun try, it is only necessary tossy, it i. generally KALL & WINTKII CsOODS' done, as you all know, on a long credit, and I " VAI,) A J.il i ttJMin. srv to you all it yon tie business in this way you must let me say ir you huv your Boots and j Shoes at a credit store, you are hound to help to pay for Shoes Iv light by those who do not pay The man who does not pay, must buy his Boots and Shoes at a credit counter, aud if you bay at ' the same counter von must help to pay all tho ' losses ninue al that counter. Thus you will see that the Hoots and Shoes ' bought at my counter must be paid for at the time they are bought , In t'asb tr Country Produce, ' o that every mnn, woman and child shall hove ' their Boots and Mhoes at a LOW PRICE, as there is nothing to be paid f.ir losses and interest. . It is impossible to gie you a list 1 of all my prices, as I have so innny different kind of Hoots and Shoca, for men women and children, of ALIi SIZES 8t KINDS, Coarse and Pine, Heavy and Light, and also OVERSHOES of all kinds; and also CARPET BAGS, VALISES, AND TRUNKS of all kinds. at different prices. Mens' Caitcra, from $1 2' to $4 00. " Boots, " 8 23 to G 0'.). " Shoes, " B7J lo 1 25. Ladies' (Juiters, from 61) to 2 H?j. " Slippers, from (it) to 1 2&. " Kid French and Mens' Morocco, and gain and calf skin at ditVcrcul pieces, from UU cts. to $1 h'lj. Boys Shoes, from 95 cts. to $2 87 j. Mens' Mioes from fiH cts. to $ 1 fit). Boys Shoes Ironi 75 cts to !jil SO. Childreiia' Shoes from 20 to H7 J cents. Ladles n lid Uenllenieii of Sbtibiiry, not for- ! getting to include with you a largo portion of , Northumberland, Snyder and Union counties, ' yon all have my sincere thanks for tho patronagu I have received from you for the few weeks (hat ! I have been doing business in Sunbury, (rcniem- i ber the pUce, .Maikct Stteet, nrxt dour to the Tost t'liiie). I describe it thus, that your; friends may not make a mistake, where those ; thing" arc to be found. I will also say that there ! seems to be a trouble Bi'Out the U.uiks. I say ' give yotirxtlt no trouble about any of them I country, rlvasc call am examine tticm. within tilty miles of this place. As I am do- i tcrmined and intend lo buck them up by receiv ing their bills at par at mv counter, so be n"t . tr.iunlcd, the banks arc gocil, ami my Hoots and i Cl072&JLl? Wr Shoes aro good, they are ail made for the gooJ of man to ut used, and not lo be abused. ' WILLIAM M. Al'SLEY Sunhurv, December S, iaf0. LIVE AND LET THE LEARN 1 1 PEOPLE STILL. CO.VTIME TO LITE, AND Til KY WILL SOON LEARN THAT FRILING & GRANT, AT THE MAMMOTH STOEE, ARE SELL ISO' j OOODS CHEAPER than can" be purchafed elsewhere. j i .A. FHESH SUPPLY ust received by Railroad this week. REMEMBER THIS, AND PROFIT BY IT Sunbury, December 15, 1800. TOYS AND CONFECTIONAPJES. 3VT. O. OEAHHART, HAS jnat returned fiom the lily with the largest assortment of CONFECTION A RIES, FRlTTend TOYS, ever brought lo Ibis section of country. He is determined to supply all with Holvday prewnts, seling iheru at whole sale and retail, at prices lo suit purchasers. Having ibe necessary machinery, & c, ho is nisnufaciuiiiig all hinds of Toys, and keeps up his stock, so that purchasers will not l al ulo.sa fir a supply or almost any article they may desire. M. C.GEARHART. Sunhiirv, December 1. 1800. Buckwheat Hullcr. npiIE subscribers respectfully informs the Jt public that they have added lo the machinery in their fitt-am Mill, in Sunbury, a new improved Ziuihwlieat Duller and wheat cleaner, which enables theiu to furnish wheat, and buckwheat flour of the lints! quality. Customers promptly attendvd to. MORON & CO. SunliUJy, December 1, lB00. Notice to Creditors. I PERSONS indebted to the uWrilr on book account notes or otherwise, ate rt quested to call ai d make settlement 011 or before the 1st of Januaty, after which time the bonks will be left with a Justice fur collection. JOHN C. MORGAN. Sunbury, December I, lsi l). GRIST MILL roil ItENT. HE undersigned offers to lot his Grist Mill for the ensuing year to a competent miller either on share or rent. 1 he null contains three run of burs with all necessary machinery, all in good running order. For further pjrliculurs apply lo Ilia subscriber at the premises, three miles west of Seliusguive. in Snvdcr county. Pa. JOSEPH EVSTER. Hants. December 22. 1800. I A KG K DLANKKTri, FLANNKI.S 14 Linens. lied, Crib and Cradle Blankets. Marseilles and Diunly (guilts, l'ma Table Linens, Napktnsand TowvIb. COOl'Llt A CONKAD, S. K. rorner Nulh ud Market, t'bila. Dec. 8, 1860. OUR NEW CLOAK ROOMS (!OS. TAIN Llegaiil Cloth Cloaks. Kvory new style Coat and Cloak. Woolen, Hroche snd Thibet St.awls. COOPKU 4 CONRAD, S. K. corner Ninth snd Market, I'liils. Dec. 8. I860. kcruirue Ltupa. VVEHY LARGE and cheap assortment will be found al the Mammoth Store of Dec. 15, I860. FHIMNG dt GRANT. GREATEST EXCITEMENT OF . THE SEASON I F1ULING k Git A NT. at tho MAMMOTH STORE, have just received nCW AND DESIRABLE Slock or A very eitrnsive assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consisting iu part of Black and Fancy Silks of vcty choice patterns. DEBEOEf, Ducats, Cashmeres. French and English Merinos, riain and Figured Wool Delaines. Muslin Delaines of all styles and prices. Foulards, Thibet Cloth, Foil De Chovres. Saxon and Wool Tlaids. I DIES' FURS, BROUHK, Bay State and nety, &c., Ac. Wool SHAWLS of every va- (icntlenien's Dress Goods, of every style, consisting of Cloths, Casimeres, SattinetU, Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds, Velvet Cord, Velveteen, Vestings. of every variety. Our stork of Nik and Silk cannot be surpassed in the Velvet tsting: Our stock i f READY MADE CLOTHING, has been replenished, and we have a full assort ment of OVERCOATS DRESS COATS P a nts and Vests, Overcoats and Dress Coats for Boys or all ages. ALSO, a very handsome assortment or HATS -A.1STT3 CAPS of every style and variety at the lowest prices Our stock of HARDWHRE has been renew" ed and we have now a larger assortment thnn ever before effcred to our customers, consisting in par: of Sausage Cntters, : Pocket Cutlery, Butcher Knives j Mayer Hinges, I Bolls and Pad Locks, i X Cut Saws, I Mill Saws, j Scoop Shovels. I &c, &c, Ac , 4c, kc, die guccimirnrc and Glassware, of every variety at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Our stuck ot GROCERIES is very fine. We have the best quality of Syrup Molasses ever before ofl'ere to the cltuens of Sunbury and vicinity. CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE of every variety. Carpets, Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, SADLERY. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ac, kc Also a fresh supply of Drugs, Oils, Perfumery, Fai.cy Soaps, Paints, Dye Sufis, Glass, Brushes Particular care having been taken in the se lection of our goods in regard to quality, ttyle and 1 rice, we call the attention of the public to our large stock to which constant additions will be made. Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit a continuance of Ihe patronage or the public bv selling cheaper than ever. Give us a cali beloie purchasing elsewhere. FRILING ic GRANT. Sunbury, Nollember 17, lti0. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! ! New nnd FaNltlonablo Cabinet Mure. flHE subscribers respectfully infirm ihe JL citizens of Suubuiy and tho public generally, that they have commenced the CABINET M A KING business in the shop lately occupiid by William Snyder, in Fawn Street BunLury, and are prepared to anpply their cuslnnurs promptly with every variety ofaitieles iu Uie line of I heir Lusii.ess,.on reasonable terms. Their I woik will he made of the best materials, and ui ' the best and latest styles. Couatiy produee i.ikrn 111 exchange. WILLIAM H Al'PT. BKNJ. HECKERT. Siiiibury, December I, ls-00. Notice to Creditors!. 4 M persons knowing themselte indebted to the subscribers for a period of over 0 months, will save costs by calling nj settling before the 1st of February not, as after thai tune ihe ac counts will he placed iu the hands i f a Justice fur collection. KKll I.Vi A UK ANT. Sunbury, December !, IStiO COTTAGE 15IHLES. IO R SAI.K, cheap, three eopies of the Cottage liiblo, 111 It two volumes, with rom ii.cutar.es. II. U. MAbSlK. NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL C. It O VEIllflJAKKll'S C EL K B R A TE D NOISELESS Sewing Machines) 4'J.'i Broadwat, Ntw-Ynaai. The public attention is respectfully jequested to the following cards of Elis llowr., Jr., and the ; rover ek. Baker S. M. Co.! A Card from the G E0VER & BAKER 8. M. Co. Ottf Paten's being now established by IJ Courts, Wo are enabled to furnish the Orover & Baker Machine, with important improvements al greatly Ketiiiced Price. The moderate price at which Machines mak log the (trover V Baker stitch, can now be had, brings them within the reach of all, and renders the use of Machines making inferior stitches as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and the right to use them, must not only he sure to buy Midlines making Ihe (trover & Baker stitch, hut a'so Unit sur.h Machines aro made and stamped under our patents and those of Ellas llower, Jr. (J ROVER & BAKER S. M. CO., 4'J.'i Broadway, New York. A CARD r ROM KLIAS HOWE, JR. All persons aro cautioned not to make, deal in, or use any Sewing Mschines which sew from two spools and make the stitch known as thfc Orover & S linker stitch, unless the same aro purchased from the Orover (St. Baker Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Licenses, and staniiicd under my pntentof Septen.lier 10, 140. Said Company, and their Licenses, aloud, aro legally authorized under their own patents, and my said patent, during the extended term there of, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine and nil others are piracies upon my said patvnt, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found. ELI AS HOWE, JR. New York. Dec. 29. I860. tr New Arrival of Clothing. THE largest and best Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING ever brought to this place, arrived at tho Mamnio'.h Clo hirii; Store or SCHWEITZER, II E1LU RON N ER it CO.. in Market street, nearly opposite Wea ver's Hotel. Their Stork comprises nf FINE CLOTH COATS, Dress ('oats, Over Coats, BoNiucss Coats, iVc. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. l"ii(lcrShirt, Drawers, &c. HATS A 1ST 13 O-AJPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, of the latest styles or every dcsciiptiou and ipjulity, cheaper than ever. Their assortment or gentlemen's furnishing Clothing is the mom complete ! Their variety and styles must attractive. And the prices defy uil competition. X3T Call anu examine for yourselves. , SC WEITZER, HEIL HKONNER (, CO. Sunbury, Oct. f, 1 600. Cure Couijh, Cold, Hoarseness' Lnjlucnza, any Irritation or Sarentm of the Throat, Re lieve the Hading ('ougk in Consumption, liron. chili. Asthma, aud Catarrh, Clear and give strtngth to the voice of Public Spcuktrt and Singi.rt. Few are aware of the iinrorlunce ol" c.'iwkiiitr a Cotgn or "Coinm-m CotU" in ill first hiuf ; Hint wh.eh in v. 4 bccilinuia wvuni yieiil t n milr! i-n.:1v, it neali-deO1, htinei,B the i.un: BKUWVS i.UONCUIAI. THO- CHKS,' coiiuiuine demulcent luureUieiiU, uiiay 1'il.ui nury anil Urimchial irntation. I "Thni triwl.'e in my tlnnat, (f(.r whici Crown's lll.o "'I'ltOClllln" am a sjirolie) liavi. ; 'made nieiilUn u liicie wins: tier-" TROCHKS. I Brown's TROt'llLS. Brown's TROCHES Brown's VP. Win.! "1 tccinir.leiu their use to Pul.ie Spnk era.11 FF.V. F.. It. CIIAri.V ''Have prol'id e.Mrcuiely serviceable 1. tlottrsfiirsK " hkv. henry ward nr.r.c!!i:n. "Almost iuslaitt leltiM' 111 tiie diitressii labur ot tiieulbuir; peculiar to Art. ma '' II KV A U Kl.lit.KSTON "Contain no Of-iuni or aiivimni imju oui." UK. A A 11 A 1 r:, Chemist, lioKt.'il. "A simple ap.A plcutuut ci'mtjinu'.i.'u Coughs, c " DltGF HIGICI.OW, liolloll "Beneficial ill Qionch-.tir. " UK t F XV LANK, It ito "1 have proved them exccilei.t fir Whi TROCHES Brown's TROCHES Brown's TROCHES Brown's leg Cough. " KEV II XV WARRF.N, lloste 'Renefieinl when comDcllcd to s. TROCHE!.! :sulIeruiK Hum Cold." Brown's j ItKV S J P AMU'RSON, Pt 1,"U TRCCIIKH, : ''KfT'-ctU'il in removing Hoaiaenr iriitmioii of 1 1 te Tnr ui, so common Brown's 'Speakers auJ Hincem " i Prof 1 STACY JOHNSON TRocitr.s. , liiinige, ,i I Teacher ol Mumc. Sou Browil's I'enih'e College. j "Creal Leiu-ul when t).ke:i lei, 1 e TROCHK3. after preachnnl, nsil,e prevei.t llcai. il'ri'iu their utt tiiect. 1 llin.k ttiey wi. Brown's 'oerinoueut nth anirtee to me " I ItKV K HdWl.KY.A M.. TROCHES. Premdei.t i f Alliens College, Ten ' riTSold hv all frufgit'.s at SicenUi, December ItBO. Ompl New Goods for the Lad JIST HttriVI-U AT BRIGHT Sc SON'S I Plain, alt Wool Delaines, Neat figured De Handsome Cashmeres, High Colored Ibiiiim, Mriped Dusters, Nice Silk Po; litis, Mined Mohair Dusters, Plain pftiuh Merinos, Piintid French Merinos, Persian Twill, brocade No- V eau.l'iain Co burgs, Dark limed Dchege, Hanils'e ll'ark Silks, New style Dork I'm. Is, Cloves of all Kinds. Hosiery of ail Kinds, New !lls Nubias, Opera Cs Chenille r-curf, Mohair Head Di Needle Worked Collars, Ac, Ac, Put it is unties to attempt euuniera great variety of (foods wo have now i suitable fur LaJiiV wour. We invite at lion of our store. II. V. HKKiHT & Sunbury. IK tuber 27. l' 0. NOTICE Vl.l. perrons knowing themselves in Ihe subscribers, eugscd ui the business, on Holes, b.iok acc units, 01 1 are ecjuestc.l to aettb the same withi Thjte nci;livling this notice munt not if cots are added to their accounts C. D. A J. ROHB' Sunlmrv. Nov. 17, IKBO ?m BLANKS! BLAN. Vlisw supply of Summon', r Warrants, Supo?naa, l'eedo, Bonds, Leasts, Naturalisation papei md Constables Pee lltils, 4c, &c, ; and for sale al this OuVe. Sunbury. April So, lxM. m aKAC KtK.S ! CKACKLKS. ji and for sals by ilia barrel or p Cuiifeciloner store of M. (' f I' A runbury, O.U'brr irt, If SO. V, t: '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers