q 9 K V 15 N Y K A 11 S ! Tin seven )irf antivurled success attemllne COPTTOPOLITAN AJRT ASSOCIATION.' ,ve Annie II ii hoa-selmiil word throughout every gunner "YildeV tl'e'nusidcrs if this pnptilhr Institution, over Cues handled llioiimad homes have learned I" appn-oinle by Icillitn'ul woiS nf ml on thru walls, nnd elsMce Lleialureniilheit Inhles, the Rirut hciuriis J' rued lnm la mint n sulna-rilier . tsiitisciir-tioiie lire now le-hic received in a tatm unparal leled ivilhthalolaiiy previous yrnt. TK It .M H O F PC BSC 1 1 1 I'TI U N . nv person tti i bc une ti member hy titlisrt singthre tl .:m, i''f which mih ih. y w.M reoviro 1st. The. large urn! supuitl tied enginvliig, 9) 1 3 inch's, entitled, FALiiTAl-'F NUr.STKKINO l!lv cite rid." S I (i cn).y, oil year, ol thai elegantly llluntrnli il rit:ijiur, -IIIK COSMOPOLITAN AKT JOI'lt.NAI.," 3d. lour admissions, il.irmg III.- season, M 1 1n- (Jul I try nl Puliitimis. 31" Brum! wny, N V In mMUHill t" the ul'Ve In nclils. I here will be fivilitn I il,cnhcis, slid gisluit. lis 'l -rnn.lhs. over Jrlve Hundred Beautiful Works of Art ! i-oin ieicg vtiloaMe 'ii..ilil:s, uwrl.lis, i-iimnl, outlincr, Ae .V-reiing ii truly ieiii"ii:n t.itilil frit-xiiiM i:i I-.iic'iiv.iil'. uh.eli every siil.scril.cr wilt re i lr el. illicit. "I'lllslntl ,llls;eluii hit ri'TUHV, II" IMH' , f I'n ne.st b'-aiitniil mi't popular cnjiti.v n its t ei n-su, d n tins C'-'liltcy. ll is l-mc on sn-t I. In L it- b..-ami ,i't.le i.n.l it piloted n:i heave plate pp.-r :tn lo im-hes. iii:tU lue ll most on-.ice orii:iitl-nl, Itul.'e lor the l :ills ! coin r the lit.r irv. nilor or ..ilc-iv Pe snl.tfct ta the ci lel.rni. il lii-lli 1 Sir John I'lllflllir leocieo:;'. Ill Justice Si .llli.w's i lli'-t-, ilii- recruits winch l.:i v lii-ru jr-it KiTf il ft -r Ins -nig-yeu r-g iii.cnl.' It cnu'.il m-t be liiii.'Shtdl.y iiie trutle l.,r Irrs thin lice d .liars. The Art Journal is Inu wrll know it to tle wtrnle cotialty t'i Hint ciniiiln-titltilt.iil It in H lnu:ilihi,riitlv ihiiKtriitnl r-Hk ixmr nf Alt. i-n tniiiiliir I-'.mir, htiiririi, I'lirulk, t--Bip,.' . hv tlirvel)' bfil wiiu-rn in Anirru-i. AiWrer, O. I. llCltll V, Aeiiinry C. A A. m ' teii Uiiiuihiy, l'WYtlk. N. If- ?-ilit-lilirnl tecen'od niirl fnrwunl.-d by il. H MASSKH, AUTit, For9unliury anil vicinity, where ipcciliiru Kngr-ivuigl ami Art Journal i-nu be cciu llecrniuer I, l?f)ll. 1IOO T A ) S HO K MANUFACTORY. Corner of Market .Siuare ami Hirer Street r J'll tiilmrrilicr respectfully informn the ciii zrn of Siintmry and iiin:ty, that lie Jikb ouinid a Boot anil iioo JShop on the corner of Market Square and Iiivcr atreet, ouponite the , Court House, where he can be found at all tiinen i ready to wait upon customer, Having considerable experience, he it prepared to make up cuntomer work of all kinds, at uliort notice.in tli latvat ntylc and wurkmanahip. He keepa constantly on hand a Inrgc art inint of Leather, of the beat quality, which en ables him to make upKoml and durable work. Call and examine fur yourselves before pur chasing elsewhere and you will save niunrv. JOHN VVILVEK. Kuiiliury, Nov. 10, 18G0. ly DEFOREST. ARMSTRONG & CO. D 11 Y GOODS ME 11U II ANTS , Xos. :.r), 77, 'J. fcl, t3 85 Ihiane Stretl Would notify the Trade that they are opening Weekly, in new and beautiful pattern, the WAMSUTTA lUIT!', also the A iu o a li c a g , A New Print, which excels every print in the Country for perfection of execution and design in full Madder Colors. Our Prints are cheuper than any in market, and meeting with extensive tale. Orders promptly attended to. February 4, 1830. ly pi FREKBCRtii ACAOK.11. rpilE FAIX TERM or the present year was opened on Tuesday, the lGlti of October, Bit. Hoard of Instructors. Rev. J. K. Millet, Principal, and Instructor in Anvioiil Languages and English. Literature. II. 8. Doyer, Associate, and Instructor in Math mattes, Natural Sciences, IJoi-k Keeping, dec Assisted by able and experienced teachers. The course of Instruction embraces all the branches usually taught in Primary, Academical and Classical Department". The government of this Institution is mild, but firm, and all aladents are required to be diligent and obedient. JUpentef. Itoarding, room with furniture, per week. 1, 50 lo 1.75 Tuition per Quarter, Sr'-i.OO " i7,JU Drawini.', Painting, Music, French, Practical (Surveying, Arc-, extra. Mi'iknia admitted at any time during the (Quarter. For lurtlier particulars, address, J K MILLET, Freebnrg, tinydcr county, Pa. Kreehurg, November U. IbtiU. IMUt'RED WOOI, DKIAIMvS. Auclion lots from 'Jb loT6 i-euts. V hiklreu's I'lanle and Ue-aines lv MidOets Lupin's Uuesl Freueh Meriiiueslruiii aurlinil '1 iircc vciy chuice h'ls ut M),ft7 and M cts. I lain all wool Cashmeres Irm auetioii, cheap at 3i and ti. rents. Fipurnl ChiiHZ oilnn. Cashmeres, 2, 39, SO and 60 ell. I luid, smpeUaml hg'il Vslencius, W lo IU cts. 1'ig'a Hisifiriped Fieneh Puiilliis. Ul.ACK DKhSi 0OOI)S. Cluinlulsliluck French Mrruimv. Ci to tlOU. tli'll lut uucic Wool UttullitB JO to AO cts. ii.ilntH- ijti.ilily 1 yunls wnte ut fr itcht iJS cent blues Wool Uekilncs 111 lowil. lilack Aiiielines andri'd Ahsicaa. CiMirKK (.'ON ARD, f K. cor. MM II and M AKKK I' mi eel., lober 27, letiil. I'hiladelihia. WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES. WINES, GINS, &C t J'HE subscriber having opened in Thompson's - ltnrk liuildiug, Mill street, Dauvillo, a large and complete stock of FOKKKJN AND DOM ESTIC LIQCOUS, rmnprisliig the best brands of Brandies, Gin. Old dye. (Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, B!ierry, Madcria, Chanipagiie and other Wine of all grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale at Hie lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us can save at least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors for F A M I I. V T 8 E. may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. I i'" Being determined to establish a reputation lor selling cheap he respectfully s.disits the pa tronage nf the public. All older promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH 8. HALL. Danville, Jui 16, IMbu. I.IUCHI V SK.VL MVOIIKS AM) HOLLO If. WARE I'OUXDR )', i-IIII.ADKI.PlllA. ABBOT Se NOBLE, 33 M lioi'setuiarsol lit,, tt,M b.....um.i . .... .., i-f cvei v d.-si-rlptiou. skou.i'a and Sale I'.. Mans I i ai ut,! Mlisel, .New Vmk. I 410 lliovvu Sl.eel, I'biladt lolua. Is. II. Se.id fi.r I aialosus. August , insO Sin w DRESS CO ATS OK the beat, quality and latest tje, jiikt received and fur sal at tiVVKITZKIi. HKILHUONNKUu. CO Suobury, August U, Ifa'liu. lRILINO rV GRANT have ni.l ri cived b railroad lbs largest assoiiment ol yl.'E KNft. WAUK and (iLAKSWARK ever I -.r.mgl.t lo Hunbury. Also, a fresh supply of DRV GOODS, consisting f 1Jril)g jj,eM tiuud, P,iu. Mua I ns and N..li..ns. ,,,, 7 gb0 COITAGE iilDLEtf. TOIt BALK, cheap, three copieg ef the Cottage liible, io two volume, with com nmniateg. II. 11. MASSEU. ( pound olVARPET It MiS waiaTdTl w the store of tilt lull T V bO N rVJWH A WATSON'S 1 flfPH !r I S a I n m a udc r Safe LilIAa. 30-4 Chant A7rf, 3 rillLADKLrili A. rpHK!K Saftf nre now in unesll over I he Viiitrri Plitlri, 1 tinil huve Inrn titwl in nuiiiy lirt( tlie fotUwi(K iIiuhm onuiiicf iiiBWiK-e ol Iheii rttwlil ty ih retiitmg -Hit: WlTMKH'l (iBIlKiE, 1tnriPlpr Tuwimhip, July UO, !Wn. J Mr.mh. Kvkhu A VTim, OnUlinpn i Ttie imll sixr N". I miliiowmlrr Snfe which I pim-huM-d froin your RiMit, Mr. A ilmn It. H;rr, in IjinniUrr Cily.oii J'ltv tfiith, Ir'if. tun hern iuhjn-w. Ion very nevtrrr trt, wmcli it wi(tift(Ht1 tn tt rrnml utuHnrlnry nmitmr. Thi !ufr, emv I tuning nil my b'kn, tDfirllinr with vnlunhl iwpera hfinr nit tn mvKlt oitd tome tn my nriffhboif nwl I r tends, ami rrpifnuting a vtiluc nf nver Tweuiy Thnumml D'ttiir (SJf.0K)) wnp in my Mill, which win ((r-lrtyrtl mi the ihkHi fu the 'i7.li of Jnlv, I '-tin, nit.1 prrmt'd ftr.-iiri thr I ry urtlciil utipfathnl, The uft wfmiit tlir ft'tuMJ fl"nr, nnl fell to the I'ti'i-rmrtt nl (lit Mill, mid wna nulijrcLefl for tix Imiiir t'nm ftdrfWe heit nniifii( 1 lie ruin, whicti wn prrutly incrfiiPt'Hy f lit Combustion "I n lnti,'e qnnutttv of pi'iin t'Mnfiii(-l wiiliin liie Itrick wilN. Aiin ihe h'e the Jnfo W t oniMir-il mill the tvmkt unit (inner tnkcit nut in n utiiln ' (irrffct iHcRerviitinti. the p;twt n-it even Ih-imr tticnlnr-r-1. ThiMiict wh, Imwevt r. t.n iimmv tyiliiiulen, n Iwtier ft'i't'Tntn ii -hitioH nf ymirHilca thitiicouiti Uv exprciacd in nny iillier wmhIh I mm int. Y.-ura. reaperiluily, SAMrKI- R VNCK. j Another 'ictry fur J'rttns utul W'uttonit I StiltwtfimUr Soft. I j O-WBin, S. YM March 47 IfO'i ! Uentleineu-. It nfTxn'a inr nim h pleiifure t-i inlorin yon tmt the Hiiie No 6, (iipnlit) wlncti I pnrii;itett ol M. I tr..uil, yum tr'ivelintt Heeut, hn p.ixvl thrtMirh on ex- I repiltiii-ly ht lire in o Ihree nr.ny hnck lMiiklnt, whi'-h J heiiled lite rnie l n white hiit. a t Ihut the crncit of it Hpp'-;ir ttielteit: tmt it prcvivnl my ti ok uml vnluuhle f-iTM tn ilie hiiv unit o ftcvi riil tlbiuvatiil lnll:ui, fnr winch ' in:l thimk'iil 1 Y.M.m, rcfpretfullv, J N Kl.tUlin"!-.. IF A 1 irer H-h inni-,t f ih-nl-.ve NI-'I-.M a'wma ' on iiuud. nl Hit Chcaiiut atrect, (late'Jl kouth Ftmrth st., ' 'ni nitit iiinri. tct-.lcr 0. It60. iy Madarao ScLw end's Infallible Powders. ,; TJ'" Ihe itpwtv nmt itTVctnnl cure of nil lnfl unmut ii'im, ' j J" revfra, HUeniiiHtiam, Uyipepma and l.iver dun- I , il:ttttt. IMt-a, t.rnvrl, ami ull Acute mul Chtonie Diacusv of u HiUh rutd children. Sernt 3 c-nt stamp to lu f acent. i 0. H JtNK, Ui'X 'nu I'hilmlflphin . O. IliindrcHa nf tealimoiihiia. Agency. H W Cor Thn J mul ' Aruh atretta. Oct 6, IrMiO lulw ! 6HAM0KIN VALLEY POTTERY, j 'IMiE sutist-rihrr rrspi ctfully iuforinn the iu!ilic j (hat he in now nianufur-turing at hi I'ottery, ' 4 milt-a cast or Suiiuury, all kintla ol Karihen are, mad out of Itcl Cement Clay. 'I'll in cliT produces the be-it and most detiiraule i kind uf ware, euual. in man renect. t atone wari aj j, r8 ia,le to crack bv audden hrat Bm coJ. The subscriber refers to Friling &. Grant, iunbury. Address, JOSEPH SAVIDGE, Oct. J3, If 60. ly Hunbury, Pa. SUNBUlt Y ii i'E A ii FLO U ULN G rIHHE subscribers having taken possession or A tbis first elm FLOURING MILL, are pro pared to receive grain of all kinds, and to do cus tom work at the Shortest Notice. Customers will have their grists ground immediately upon their being left at the Still. As it is thn inten. tion of the firm to stock the Mill a lurge Sup ply ot Grain, will be constantly kept on hand, and flour by the quantity can always be obtained. The greatest care will be taken to turn nut a su perior quality of Hour, for which the mill is ad mirably adapted. Strict attention will be paid to the wants of ciutomers, and the patronage of the public generally is icspectfulty requested. MORGAN Sl CO., Sunhury, June 23, 180. The Paris Mantilla Emporium, vo Ton cai:sM,Tsriti:i:T. I'hii.adki.piiia 11 Kstabtutied in IW3 for the exclusive display uud sale ot the Intest novelties in Paris, lAindon, und ttw finer pro duetiniii of Inline inaiinfactured CLOAKS Ac MANTILLAS, To which has been added a FIR DF.I'AHTMK.NT: wlncli embraces the lariftst assoituieiit of Fuis nf sll Nations, iiK-liidinir Heal liussian Cable. Fine Dark lladaoii Hay fahlc, Russian and Aiiieriiain Mink fable, Royal F.rmiiie, Chmcliir.n, Fine Dark fllierimi Siou rel. Ac, made up in the must fashionable styles Tor Indira W inter Costume. AH Goods warranted One Fiireil Price from which no deviation can be mnile. The I'ai is Mantilla, Cli.ak nnil Fur I'ni-xinum, No 70S Cursnut street, (alsive Seventh, south side ) J. W. PROCTOR tt CO. October tit 1 1, IMKJ 3ul T.-'AM. AND W INTF.R CLOAKS, V Ol all the new styles. Hed7 AIaile,or Made to order An eleuaiit slocks ol Clolhs from which lo select Fust class work ut ipulal puces, anil ull gar-iwiitsiiuaiaii-teed t,, hi and please. Uenteel, well niadu Cloaks at moderata prices for first class peipli. Cloths, of j list the right kinds for Indies, Misses and Hoy's wear. coorrrt a cox r ad. - , NIM H and M A RKKT Streets. October S7, I'HO. Phila.ielpliia. INGRAINED CARPETS, YTANLFACTl'RKDaiidferalrl.y M. IVirrr A Co: 1TJ. Iihraiult und McDowell's Huildliu.', North Eint eoiner, Second ami Race streets Philadelphia. GOO)i OUAliAXTELl). October 27, IHW. ii a n it i s H 1 1 o v n r j) MARK KT I A I . X K II , at 31 a U) , SQLTAltK, BTJ n B June 'ii, I860. XJ It F A. . DR. A. W. FISCHER, KKUKa his professional service to he cili-x-r lens of 8unbury and vicinity. OHii-e at the Drug Store. Sunbury, June Ho, !8o0. I'tTJHS !"j?URa fFUKsi LADIES' 1ASCY lilt EMRoRlLU. l.iAliKlllA 4 THOMSON, old stand No. M8 Matket X street, alsive Kighlli, south sole, Philadelphia. We lag leave to cull the attention i.f I lie UiJ,,., to , lurfe and varied stock of Indies' and Cliiklreus FAN'CV FIRS. Having had (iient experience, mid enj.-uiiL. pn-uliui facilitie. in the sell cliou ot Furs, we confidently olTcr our new stock lo Hie niSieelioii of the ladies, feelnii asbuted llial they will ilecnle unh us, in ilslvuut unnvullcil for bea ty and vunety, ci.nsistuif us it d s ol cveiy dtsi-riptii.iii.f Aiiuricaiiaiiil Fumpcuu Furs inuiiunictuied Ml the la I est uud most aoprovrd slvlcs. Caa:s, I'aliuas, Vlcli.riocs, Cl.aiks, Mulls ami Cuds, eluluaeiiiz Sable, Mink, Sunia Mortiu, (i-rinan Filch, Sllsrri.ni So,uiircl, French Sahle, French Ssiumel, Aimrieao Filch, and Silver Muilni. I s" 'Itianklul lor the very lila-ral patrouaga heretofore extended to us. we hope to merit a cotilinuaiii-e ot' the same, by furnishing a ao-sl article ut the f-.u-rst Cash pi'ces. FA It KIR A Ac THOMSON, No Slri .Market Street. Philadelphia. N II Old Fuis altered to fasliiouuble styles. October 6, KU.-3iiiw PHILADELPHIA. Paper Hanging Manufacturer., (FALL TRADE,) nOU'KI.I. A IJOl'RKF. havtne leinoved lothni New Suire, Corner Fourth and Market streets, are m.vv piepnieil lo oiler lo the trade u larue and elegant assort insiil ol Wa 1 l';ipcis, Honleis, File Screens, Window Curtain Gis-ds, it e, Ae, sll of the newest aisl la-st designs. Iioiii the kiwest piiced urllele lolhe rtnt-el Isold and Velvet Decoiutlous. 1'urchaM.TS Wlil do well U visit the establishment of IIOIVKI.1. V HOLKKF., N K Cor Fourth and Muikcl slrcc.s, Plnludelpina. Ort..5i 6, l-CU Umiy SAVE YOUR FRUIT I'MNG MASON'S Pat'i.t Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW 1'OP I AW that I necessary being to screw the Cap Jim n upon Ihe ituhtier Gasket, which i placed outside upon the shoulder of the Jar, 3 4 of an inch dis tant from the top; prevent the possibility of the lljvor nl the fruit laving injured by coming ill contact with the Rubber. Person. 'esiriug these Jars, ran be supplied by leaving their orders with H. 1$. MAssEK, Sunliury, June ll, 1800. Agent. i GENESEE SALT. VHOLESALB Se KETAIL, jA'lLINd A UK AN T (at the Mammoth riUire,) have just received 600 Ui. of Kolar llround, Solar and Fin Salt, 700 Sacks of GrouuJ Solar Salt every sack warranted to coiiiaiti US pounds of Salt and 200 bag of Salt I conuining one. Bushel each. 7'nia salt is the' beat and strongasi now msnufaclurcd and in i Uiaiaet. I. all and sea for youiselves. !,5ll!!,'Tl-ii, IboO. j HAH Iron, Steel, Nails, Picks, tirub-llocs"and n1sa.ni lla,ni,.v.d .1 I.... U I IO H P A SON. Suubuiy, June IU, let,u. rt f Vt l j HEAR WHAT THK FE0FLB SAT. Tlir im,rr.k-tir.l hnvlinr used Prufewr IIL'MI'IIRKVS' PPKC1H0 IIOi!lfATItt0 ItHMKIIIW III our famlllrs with tin- ino.l satlsfaelnry nuiills, nnd luirlng full ronll dniice In llw-lr iti-iiiiliieiii-", parity, and elllearjr, cbeerfnlly rec itiinictnl them tn sll uniis olio Wi to have safe, re liable, mi l ciliriicloiH remedies nt b and for private or do-inciti,- ii.e. . , The tt- v. Wm. Ilm. r, e Mtor nr " The Northern inile peli li-iil,-' Aiiliin-li, N. V.; the Her. K. II. Crfssry, 1)1)., Ilei-tiir nf !t. IVter's Cliiiri b, Auburn, N. V. the Iter. II. I. rnn, Chapliil'i of Un- Auburn St ile Pmoiij the Iter. Sn-iici-r M. Ili-e, Hi-elor, Ni-.l ltlfnr.l, Mass.; the Iter. .VIeu ttii-rle. New. York I'.iiierrncc ; the llev. Samuel Nielnils, KiMt fleiie-n-e r-uiieri'iier, N. V. -, the Iter. P. B. Pratt, ll.irwl, Vt. ; the llev. John K. l!"lilr, llufTiiln -, A. C. Mart, K., l:t'n i, N. V.; Ilia lion. Nesl Dnie, Portland, le. ; the Him. H.-lunli-r 0.,lf-ir, H nilli ll I, Ind. ; the Hon. di'i.rce liuiiitiris, N. V. i Henry II. I'.iok, Ksi Kdltor of The tlhlu Slate Jmiiiii:iI, t-'lnllibni, t Hilo ; Hie Hon. R. II. llrdei-ii, ..Uiie, III.: Ihe ll-m. Th'itiiiH .1. Chase, Monti n il.., Kki.-, the Hulk .l. eph ll.-ni-.llct, t'llea, N. V.! Wra. Il. cii.il. K.-i . I'tWa, N. V.; A. R l-.oul, Kj ., Ullca, N. V. j J. lines I'lioikell, H., Na4irille, Trim. I.ISI- UK r'PKt'U'ltJ ItKMKDU. V,,. 1 K-.r Hi-ver, (- .11 xe.ll'in. aiel lau-tiotMatlon. N i. il K ir W nil F.-r-r, Worm Clin, W.-ttln the Rnl. N.i. a. Kor C-ilie, Ciinft', T.i'thiiij.', and Wakefulness of Inf.Mi's. . , . 1 t. vr Diarrhea, ChuUra lufiuituin, ami sumiuer I CoriMilil'ils. ... , i (.i. .V F-ir C-'He. Iliiiane., Dr-ic'ilery, or Ittooily Plus. N.i ll K-.r ('lioh-ra, t"n-iU:i-a M irbus, Vulwlttuir. I No! 1 t'. r r.,i. .s, l'oW, liillnetisa. and Sore Throat, j N,, -..r T...'lb uelie. r'a.-c-ai-he, and Neuraltfla. ' No! . -For lle.elacle-, Vertl, Heat ami Fullness of lbs 1 'n-'i.' IH. tvi.-i ri 1 Po.i.s F..r W.-ik nhil Deranged : '-it . -i-i.i. l-on-ole-iil .0. an.l l.iver tnii.l-iilit. I ' x. 11 F -it I'm ii.k liiwitLiKimss tfcantjr, Painful, or i Siii.Mrt-.-.l IVrlod.. N.i. Ii For l,,.iK-orrl,ea, Profuse .Menses, ami Hearing I U..n n -f F-eivil". l.s F-,r (V ..i.. II ir. Toilli. Ita.) Brrmlil'ie. I No! li.-.silf It o:l I'M .1.1 For F.rjllpelas, Krnptlons. : P't.lip!v "ll tli F:-..'e. I , i.v H o i iu'ii- I'o i.v -For P .lis. Lameness, or Sors I w!m in the t'be t, IU -k. Loins, or l.in.li". A -For Fever .-' A.'iie, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Oil' , Mioii-inavet A.-.-. 1 Fr Pit.-, liiiel nr ll!.-.-liii-'. Inlta-mil or Ltl.fnnl. ! ' o For S ire, IV.-ni.. .ir hill;une.l Fyes and Kyeli-ls ; Fall W. Weak, or lllurrc I le.-M. C. For Catarrh, nf loie-' -tiiuliiiC or recent, eithtr ulth ! ebstruetiun i-r prolu.-e ili-cbar;-, . I W. C. For Wl piiii; C-iub, abating lis lnlence and j shortening Its course. In sll acute iltiM-.isrs, su-.-b as Fi-vers, luflnntntilloiff, Diarrhea, Dyseiiti-ry. l'i-.iij, Itlieumatl-ln, and such ernp- Cve diseases as Scarlet Fvter, I-h.Ii-s. and r.rjiupelas, the sslvatitaee of iclvine l?ie proper reiur.lie primiplly ts iU rhius. and in all such eases the stirellirs net like a charm. The entire disease is utten itrreli-l at once, tilnl in all eases the violence of the ai tack la ni.KU-raled, the disease sliort eued, and retnleretl lei-s ilaiiK'-rous. C'ouirlis and Colds, shi.-h .ireol mrli frnoirtit oeeurreliee, and which so oHen lay Hie louii.lali.ui nf iliseu-.l luncs, bronchitis and consumption, limy ull be ut once cured by the Fever and Cm'h I'ills. Ill all clirunlc diseases, so. h as i -fiei.ln, Weak Stomseli, Constipation, Liver Coinpluinls, I'ties, F.-nia!e liehilii.v, and Irregularities, eld llea-laeln-s, S..re i.r W'l- ii; Fyes, Caturrri, Salt Kheum, and ether ol.l eruptions, ll.e case lois speelties whose projier Application aill uili.l a cure iu alums! every instance. Often the cure nl a sii:i.-le ohn.tiic diltii-itlty, soeh as l)yilepsla. Piles or Cnlarrli, H.-ii'laclie i,r .-liiiile Weak avss, bus mure Ibuu paid for the ease leu limes over 1'P.ICK. Case of 40 vials complete hi oe,if.a-e. .,i.. II. ..1: ... . .... 4 4 .. I cents. Itse or in vials, ami u,,i;( piou. Case uf . liiiinlieied li'-Hfs, and Ibo k.. Case of ft buses, iiiunbered. at.,1 llook. . . Hiotde iiitnibereii boxes, tilth -til e lioim. . einttls letlis-eil liiixes, Willi iloe. ti.-lis. . .,-0 cents, Large cass of '2 or., vials, fur plnuler nn.l plsiclaiis....f l& Al.ll NPKCIFItr'. I'nntisic. (loin-.--i.-l Fo Asrnv or Pninisic. (lopi-.--.. -I, li.fli. iili, l.nl,.ns ttreutliim;, attended v,kh Cou-h an-l Kxpvet-.ralloii. Price, 50 cents pi-T b.n. For Kia Disch ISO..M avi. Ill traiss. lils.-l.nres from tlie Fir, the result of Senrlel Fever, M.-asiis, or Mereiirlnls. For Molses In the Ilea.!, Hardness .if hearing, :o.d Kuicing In tlie Furs, and Kor-uelie. I'nec, ,.n i i.-i.is or bus. Fut Si-hon-l.i. Knlari-'i- l lll.-onN, t::tl ir.e.l .mil Indurat ed 'IVlisUs, Ssellines and t'l-l I l.-ei,eri fill.. lis C'.ichevy of Chtslren, Price. Mi ecu's nr li-'s. POM tlKS-Ktllt. In HiJ.l IV.- PI- sienl r Ni-evous Weakue-S. i'lthsr the Bisnll of Si. l i. ess. l,-eslve M.-lli nlioii, ur tiss haiailttix Illselisi-.'-s. I'liee, .'0 eenls ..-r lo.. a'oa l)uoisT. Fluid Ai-i:ii'nul-itl...s, l'ueii.1 f ncHlli-s. with I Bounty Secretions. Prl.-e. ;-o eents per hov. fiia q:A.riesar.rs. n.-a'i.iv rmhiii-", ro..n, ...ms., Vomltlut. Sickness fimu ri.l'mti or ne.il m. Price, r.ll cents per boK. . For CatHARV Pisiasks. l-'-.r (iree.-l, llelml Caleull, tlifll cull, Painful I'rltuitioii, Diseases uf the sodnrs.. Price, Ml Sents per box. Foa 8iMlSAt, Fuisslovs. l-iv..lunlnry lis.liui-?es and Consequent Prostration an I lil,ilii. find Iti-snllsnl Fvil Habits. Tlie lil"t successful and elli.-i.-iil leiueil kiuorll, And limy be relle.1 upon as a cine. I'ri.-e, allh full dlrec llotis, $1 per hi.x. Persoiai alai wish tn place Ibeinselves uii!r the profes sional .-arc, or to seek advice of I'r.o. II I vi osevs, nan do an, at Ida oftlce Unanlaa.v, dolly In in A.M. In a P.M. ur by letter. OFIt RFMCIilia HV Mill.. I,ook ors-r the list: make op a case ..f wlmt kbit ynu choose, and Inclose ll-e ami. in. l In a eorri-ot note r stanii ty mall to our address, nl No. .'.Ill llmailwav, Nea-Voik, ati't ttie medlelns will be duly returned by mall ur express, free of chsree. AtlKNTsJ WANTFII. V desire an active, -lulctit AiteiH for the sale of our llouiedies in every to-wi i.r cTiiinutiity lu lbs Lulled States. Address in- F. HfMrilltFVS Co. No. .V. IthoinWAV, Nkw-Vosr. A. W FISHER, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. May SO, 1800 ly A N 0 T II E 11 A ll ll I V A L O F i E W GO 0 I) S, J. II- i:I.I I.. of Kiiubury. Pit , n AS just arrived with splendid H I'OCK of .SPRING AND .SlIMMKK GtlODS, from Philadelphia, to which ho respectfully invite hi friend and the Public to call and inspect, he will spare nn lime in showing thnti. Among his stuck of (nods will Isrfound, FINE ULL'E AND ULACK FREITCE CLCTH. Fine Black and Fancy Casiineres 'I wcnls, Sai inttls, JeaiiH, lilut-k linliaii t'lolli, I ashmetette, Cottouade, l.iut tis, Linen Diill, Linen Check, and Fa1 cy Vesting, also a lanre assiirtniciit of Rcaily-made CLO'l'lllNfJ for men and boys (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Ulack and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tit sue, Uercges, Chnli and Chali Robea, Ucrege Delnine, Ucrege Robes, Figitri-d lirilliant and a variety nf o ber Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of while goods. CnlUm, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, lirilliant Ac. A general assortment of domestic Dry Go da. Also a larifo stock of Hals auJ Caps, limits and shoes. Hardware, IJuecns and Glassware, Groceries, Cedar ware. Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, .Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar Ac. &e. N U. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Tuhle Oil Cloth, Carpels, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta en in exchange for Goods. J II. ENGEL. Sunbury, May. 19, I SCO. if. ALFRED D. BRICK'S UMTED STATES AM) El'Rof'EAX PATENT OFFICE, No. 114 bouth Fourth Street, Philadelphia. ,V B. Communications by mail promptly v ' altemled to. Sept 22, IHfiO. tyfi .Ip almer, & CO., Market Street Wharf, I'hilud'a, Dealers in ITnli, lierse mid I'l ovUlonsi, UAVK const-nitty oil lisnd an nssorttnent of Dried and 1'ickled Kish, c. viz : Mackerel, Hhad, sinlimai, lllue Kisli, llerrinits, Csslhsli, Heel', Pork, latri), siliouluers, Hams, sinles, Cheese, litaiui, Hief,&o. t)i fiber ti, IbOu. 3invy New Air Line Route TO NE"W YORK. MlOHTt'sST IS DISTANCi; AND Crjl'ICKKrT IN TIMK iKtweru the (wo Otic nf irEWYOHII AND HAEaiSBTjRG, VI 4 RI'.AIUNG, Alsl.KNTOW.N AND K.VSTON. Mrninic Kxpreas Wm! It-uvt-i New Ymk ui A a. m . anrt PUiUiil-l(liia at b a at , mrivt;n ut Hiirrntlmr ut U 45 l M. 0"tiaecliiif ut Huirmliuig wiVli irnm un Nttnlurn Cei.tiul UsftJ lif hunlmry, itiuiiwMirl, Uii iluvwi ami inter- 0. e liut atuti'siitt Mail Trum Weat leaves New Vurk at I j imnn, and PUiUtiielibui ut 3 Ull P. H., eiMiiiecUiia Willi timu oh Nurili arn Centitil Hnl (t aluliuia aa ulMive, ami aiau uu ail truinami tha VilliuMu(Hirl ami Khiuru. MtolTnim Kti leuvon llHrriiliuitt at , a M , and ar rivraat I'lnUwlilplna at 1 r. u , Mnil New Y-xlt at 9 JO t. at., iii time U liika but ivfiira fr llstaum, Ao. Ir'Qia Kapiefa Httat leu vet llMrrivl.ut ut 15, ihi ai rival of Northern Central Tiiiiii. ami aruvea at rhiiadelbia at 6 15 r H ami New Vilf atilr. m. Ni rhanua nf raranr battj.iig IrHween New York or lMiiiu(lt5iliiuaiid llarrintmif. KiK iM-uuiy i-f aceiiery ami eelt eon.fmt and areomrwv duii'n, Uiu r-uta .recuu aupertitx ladueciueula lo tla traveling puNie Odioe iu New York, fmtif Cttrtlatvl at reel, PUJUmIoI pKM, Utmd and l'U.wii.H airreia. l ure bclweca New Yufk aiti Uarnliurg FIVE DOL 1. AUfJ kit Tickcta, I'rciyht or other itif'VifwtM.a, aprly In J J CL VI-1 OvuulAitiit llarritftuig, Jaia UJ - l UROVE.IK A, IlAKEIl'i M)IKK18 FAMILY SEWINQ MACHINE. fl'HR andefsis-ned, Clergymen of various denominations, 1 havins. pnrehased and used In our families "Uaorxa Hsasa's Celebrated Family Pewiog Machine," take Eleasare In rreoitimenrllng It ss an instrument fully com mies, tit essentia Is of a good machine. Its beautiful simplicity, ease nf management, sod Ih strenith and elasticity of lis stitch, unite to render it a machine un surpassed bv any in the maiket, and on which wa feel ooiindeiit will give satisfaction to all who may purchase and use it. Rev. W P Strickland, I Rev N Vanzant, ( New Vork. llev K 1) Yard, f Rev C Larue, J Rev E P Rodgcra, D O. Mo W U Sprague, DI) Rev J N Campbell, DD Rev lharlea Anderson, I Rev Charles Hawley, Rev Daniel H . Temple, A uburn, N. V. Rev T M Hot kins, Rev Wm Hosmer. J Rev O H Tiffany, I) I) j C J .'owen, I " Jona Cross, " John McCrotin, 1)D Baltimore, Md, W T D t:iemm, I W II Chapman, . j " F. 8. Evans, J " R BGalbrailh, Covanstown, Md. " T Daughcrty, Waynesboro, Pa. " Thoa E Locke, W'eslir.oreland co, Va lley W A Crocker, i John Paris, S Norfolk, Va. J F Lknncan, Salem, Va. Ch. Haukel, 1)11,1 C A Loyal J Charleston, S. C. A A Porter, Selina, Ala. Joseph J Twisc, Speedwell, H C. 11 U Ross, Mobile, Ala. J. I. Michaux, Enlield.N C. A C Harris, J o F Harris, J Henderson, N C. iieury A Riley, ) A I. Post, S Montrose, Pa. W D Wilson. D D ) W F Curry. A M. Geneva, N. Y. Elbert Slitigcrlaud, Scotia. N. Y. Prof. John Foster, "j Rev. Francis G Grntz, i Si henecl'y.N Y. J lurnbull Llackus, 1)1). j Prof, llcnj. Stanton, J Rev P C Prugh, Xenia, Ohio, U W Chidlaw, AM.) W Perkins, ) Cincinnati, O. E Grand Girard, Ripley, O. A Ulake i E V Henson, A M. Gambier, O. J J M'Elheuny, D D. ) F Chester, Ironton, O. E F Hasly, Cambridge city, Ind. J C Armstiong. Saline, Mich. ArlhurVswaicy, 1 A Hunt, J Galena, III. Enstein Mnrhough, Cambrioge city, Ind. Richard White, Milton, Ind Culvin Vale, Martiuaburgh, N Y. Joseph Eldridge, No. folk, Conn John Jennings, 1 HI, Way laud. Worcester, Mass. Wm Phipps, J Osmond C liaktr. Uishop of) M E Church, I Thos liulliav, Concotd, Henry E I'arker, J N. H. G N Judd, Montgomery, N Y. A M Stowe, Canandaigtia, N Y. Wm Lung, Cliir.Mine, Mich. OHices of Exhibition and Sale : 49.ri Droid- way. iNew ork. 730 Chestnut Street, Phila delphia. 181 Uultimore Street, Ualtimore, SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. March 24. I8fiu. ly Wv . .4R0M1TIC ff A SUPERLATIVE TONIC, DIURETIC, -A) 1MYIC0RATIH& CORDIAL To the Citizens of New Jersey & Pennsyl vania. Apfrtliernriei, DrupgUts, Grocer and Private rainilict W.ilfe'i rureCdiiac Brandy, Wi'li'e'i I'ure .Mudern, Shi-rr and Port Wine. Wullc'a Pure Jninaica and St. Crmx Hum. Wullu'a I'ure tciUch and Iriau Whiaky. ALL l.N BOTTI.KS. I firp leave Ut cull the uttrntiuii o" the ritiz'i nf th 1'iiUcil Stutr t the above Winca und l.ii,unii, unptirted by L tLrun WoLrg t-i New York, wih-ms iwuie ta (uini l.r lit ass,-.,., nsa.t sal ll... vu f. s- .1. .sl l.i u ImitcU A-hietimii lclino;M'B. sMr. Wulle. in hia letter ti me, tH-ukmgol the pmity t lint uirf atid luijunra, wyi : l will atiike my reputation hb a mun. my UiiHlinff nm mercliuntul' thirty ycura'a reaidrnre hi ;hc City uf New i i'rK, tiuii nil the IJitiiuiy uih! inei winch I Ifltit; mo pure as imported, snd of thi best ipialily, aial can he relied uimmi hy every uuichaarr 1 Kveiv bottle hna the Dn-ornj. lor1! name on the wax, and a furainiite nf hii iiimturc on the retlihcate. Tliepuhlic are ropccllully luviied riill uml raamine fur iheniBelvea The public are ruipeetfully invitrO tucnll and euuime for tbemwlvea .For aitlb ut Ketuil by all Apotheci lea amiCroccn in 1'bila.lelphm. tiaoat.K 11. AfHTON, No. bj-i Maiket at , riiil'a. Jterid the following fruin the New Yoik Ctmriei : KMiKMoca Ui iniu voa m Nkw Yohk Mkkchaidt We are happy to inform our fellow-vitiena thut there iaoiiepluce iu our city where the phyaicmii.amMhi-rury, and cuulr nierciiunt, can go and purthu pure Wiuea and IsliUr, aa pure aa iinH.rted, and of the lieat quality. We do not iiitrud togive an eluhorale deaciipiim t' thia ineiclutiit'a ex ten live huinicaa, a!lhuh it will well repay nny Mruiiger or ciliicti to visit I'dolplio WuUc'eexienmve w-irehouee, Noa. Ih, ') and Iteuver atrcet, and N-a. 17, luud'21, .Murkrtfifki atreet. Hia atock of tfchuuppa on hwiid rendy for ahiputent could not have been leua than tinny thouauud cnara; the lliandy, aoine ten thout-aiiil i-i.Ht-i Vmliiffftn)! p3(J to ; and teu thousund cera of Mmleira, heiry nml Fort Wine, Scotch and Irish Whuky, Juiiuuea and St. Croix Hum, aome very old and equal lo any iuthiactuiitry. ileulau bud three (urge cel lar n. hi led with Brandy, Wine Ac, in caika, under Cua btiulloutrkey, natly for boltliia;. Mr. Wolfe aulea of ISthiMtpPi luat year amounted to one hundred and eiahty thmiwiud k-jteu.anii we uoae in Iras than iw rmrahe may beeqtiully auceeKal'ul with hiaBrandiea and Winea. ilia buaineaa inertia l lie patronne of every lover ot hit apct!ira. I'nvute luiHilie who wiib pure Winea and l.i qnort fti iiitlicul use ahoukl aeud their order a direct to Mr. Wolk, until every Apotheeury in Ihe laud make up their minds to discard ihe poiaouous stuff from their shelves and replure it with Woltk's pure Wines and Isiqu'wa We uiKlertUnd Mr. Woli'e, for tha ammut4Hlntion of mull dealers in the country, puis up asaorted ears uf Winrs and l.iqaors. fuck a man, and s.ich a merchant, should he austaiiied against km tens of thmisumls of oppo nciii iu lh I nilrd Malts, whosrltnoihiufi but lUiiUUons. rHimms alike to hunutn bmlth and happiness. For Nile by OEUKUK BK1U1IT, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. tpirinhertgJHjO 6m p. Ib60 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 18C0 NKW YOHK LINES. CA.MDKN a AMHOV AND I'll II.ADKI.IMII A AND TRKNTON HAI1.HOAD CO.'S UN KM, 7 Voin l'hiladelphia to Xtte Vurk and Way I'lacts. From Walnut Btreet Wharf and Kensington Depot, l'hilailel.hoi, will kttv as .'ealuvvs, u raas. At ( A M via Camdeu and Amuoy C A A Accoin- mislatioa, f -) 25 At A M, via Camdeu and Jersey City New Jer- sey Mcuiiiniaslalioii, S US AI A M, via Camdeu and Jersey eily Moriiin Mail, 3 oo At ll( A M, via Keusingtna and Jersey city, Wes tern Ksnress, 3 011 Al !'-'( I'M vu Camden and Amlaiy, acoounnialalioii -4 -ii At f M, via Camdeu and Auitsiy C ami A. Ki- press, 3 un At 4J I' ,M, via Kensington, and Jersey city, Kv. inn; K.spiess, 3 0C A14J 1 M, via Keiisingtoa and Jel ry city, thi l 'lass Ticket, j itf At II'M, vui Camdeu A Jersey city Kveniiif klsil 3 uu A I II P SI, via Canal en aial Jersey city Boutfi. Mail '4 & A I t V M. via Camden and Auitsiy Aeanuiisaui. lion. (Fieiabt and Passenger,) 1st eluss ticket, t J ' " I 40 The ( P. M. Mail l.ins run daily. The 11 Souilieni Mail Sal unlays excepted. For Heividers, l-jso.n, FleiunigUin, 4e , at A. M from Walnut street wluu-f and UP. M , from Ksnainsnm! For Maueli Chunk, Alleulowu and tieUikheui, al t. A M. via Uli is h Valley Hailnssd. ' Kor titer lisp, ekrouOslsjrs, rVrsuton, Wilkesharre, Miuiiroae, (ileal Beiul, e., at AM, via Delaware, laickawsuita and Western Kailnaul K.a Freehold, al A. M. and V. M. For Mount Holly, at and tl A U , and, and WAV IJNK8, For Bristol, Trenton, e., at 3 eud 4 P. from Keiiainstoii. For latiuyra, Delsneo, Beverly, Burlineton, Bordea lnu'il, Ae al l'J.a, and JI'. M. Kilty pounds ut' Bafaage wily, allowed each pasaaiger, Passengers are plohiluted fnan taking aoythiog as Uaj (sgs but their wearing; apparel. Ail Biujgays over tatty pounds Ui lis paid for una. The Cotnuuuy liunt lkc.11 resunusihilny f. Uaggsg to One Dollar per pound, and will is be hahls Iih anv atuouul bsytaui 100 DolUis, u cetit b sp-ialeaitrset M M II GATMER Agcal C. kill Co It hi us') 18. Icon HIGHLY IM FORT AN T NEWS M. C. GEAHlIAltT, Ha leturned with new fttock of Confectionarieg, Fruit and Toys. TT seerss as if a new age, a new life wa open Ing upon us, animating every heart to nobler deeds and higher aim I Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek to develop tub limer beautie and grander conception. JTie business world loo must feel the new in fluence and every part be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality , which shall urge us on with electric speed to the consummation of greater thing than wa ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevade II classes, and desirous of doing hi (hare to ward "The great event of the Age," the sub scribcr would respectfully inform the Food peo ple ol fUNbLHY and the public generally, that he ha just returned from the city of Philadel phia with the largest and choicest Hock of Con fectioneries, Fruit and Toy that ha ever been brought to thi section of rountry. He I also manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries, Ac, to All up order, wholesa'e or retail, at short no tice. Among hi stock of t'onfoctionnrie. may oe round 1 Freiwrh rteerets. i Gum Drops, allkuals nf scent, Burned Alinouds, Cream White, I .einnii ' Rose, " Vanilla, Caminon Seetets. Liuoiice, Love mops, Mint Drops, red snd while, Jelly Cskes, Flint Drops, Stick Candies, ol sll scents Ruck Csndy, Almond Can)', FRUIT. nniimini. DlltM, Curruiiti dried, Almwiidi, Kaitou, Prunes, Fies, Citions, Nuts of nil kinds l.KMON SYIIUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A auperior quality or Megara and Tobacco, and a variety or Conrectinuaries, fruit, Toys, Ac, all of which ia offered cheap at wholesale or retail. CP" Remember the name and place. M. C GEA KH AKT, Market st., 3 doors west of E. V. ISright 4 Son's toro. Sunburv, April 14, 1800 ly Ladies' One Price Fancy Fur Store ! Joint l'arclra, No. 718 ARCH trert, he tween ih, snd Hth, rtts. I'HII.ADKI.PIIIA. ale of SI!) Market ttr.,) "i Imwulpf. Miinufortiirer of "II .y md Uenlrr limit kintla ni FANCV FL KS. Hnviiia removed to my New 8tie, ?lf Arch ft.. and heinn nw rngajted rntirrly in the Munulnciure mid ! nf Fancy Fura, which, in acc.rihnce with th "One Price j Prineiple," I have innrknl nt the I writ p.imit.e pncia ; coimiitrnt with n rrotwmalile profit, I wolKI aolirit a vint fnun thoae in want nf Furafor either Isndira or Children -Wenr.nnd an iiiiectioti nl inv aclectinii nf ihuae ifwli. ntifffird. at I am. uf my ability to pleuae in every dtsiittl r? PeraiMia at a dimnnre, who miy find it inconvenient ' to mil perionnlly, nerd only tiiiMii the uiltcle, tliry vith togpther with the price, and matructi"na for aftidnifi:. and I fiirwnrd the nnle r to my addri-M monry iiccimpmiyiiit j to inture a aittifticMrv rompltinice with their wialica. PlnUdelphm AugnaiW. It-n iSmslJ w I HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. I .1 litnevolent Institution established by tjteciul ' Endowment, for the Relief of the Sick and J)istressed, articled with 'iruleut and Eii- deinie Disease, and especially fur the Cure j nf hit eases of the Sexual Oryans. I jllKDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by tl e j Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, ' with a description of their condition, (ago, occu pation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, Medicine furnished free of charge. VALUABLE PErORTS on Spermatorrho-a, and other Disease of Ihe Sexual Organs, and on the A E W REMED'ES employed iulheDispen sary, sent to Ihe afllicted in sealed letter enve lope, free or charge. Two or three stamp for postage will be ccepthle. Address. DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON. Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directora. EZRA 1). HEARTWELL, President. C!eo. Fiiaciiiiin, Secretary, January 14, 1RA9. ly " hegeman &. cos CORDIAL KL1XIU OK C A L I S A Y A B A II K Prepared only hy II KG F.MAX A CO., Wholesale sod Ketsil Chemists and Druggists, nil, 3-.IH, Sll and 0G Unasdwoy, New .'oik. ' rVl h virtuea if ri-.KtVIAN HA UK aa Tome have J. been I'si line kjown to need continent The CA1.ISAVA ("or Kind's Hark.") is ihe nesit valu able of Ihe itlimersusVHlietles of the 1'ernvi.m Hark, ami in Ihe Kl.lllt is ciiinlniied with other ingredients llml ! i""eas its i ctlieacy and at the same lime ovensnne the inleusitv ol its blttcl. rendering ll a most Aereeabla Cor dtul. l-'or persons liriog ill FKVF.lt and Atil'F. districts.il will lie fiiund invaluable ass preventive, llall'ol'a wine glass full luken night uud morning, rendering the system lunch less subject to the unhealthy inllueuce ol Ihe utinos- phere. 1)1 MIXTIONS Dose for an adult, half a wineglass full before breakfast and dinner ; children ftotii one 1st Iwo teaspoons full; it utay Le lukeu with or without a little water For sale at this ntlice. March 17, Icon LOOK HERE, 1 IF "JOU WANT Tt) BUY CHEAP FOH CASH. GO TO WM. H. MILLKR, he has received from Philadelphia a lurge atock of BOOTS & SHOES' Hia atock consists of (ien'ls Kipp Bool, Youths' Kipp Boots. Children's Calf Boots. Also variety of Women' Calf Lace Boots, Women' Morocco Lace Boot, Children' Morocco and Calf Lace Boot, all of which he will aell cheap for CASH. Call and ei amine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Taniiero Moroco for sale lor cash. WM. H. MILLKR. Sunbury, January 7, IR60. 1860. THE BEST E0UTE 1860 FROM Wyoming Valley to Philadelphia. Aleiir York, Ilalllmore, AND ALL VOIXTS XORTII, SOUTH A- WEST. LACKAWANNA & BL00MSBUKG RAILROAD. SUMMER ARIIAHOEHGNT, Two Daily Passenger Trains will he run between Scraubai aisi NoithutnbetiaiHi, as lollows: MOVINO BOl'TU; lMn Heruntoii, Ainveat 1'ittsUai, Kiiiftston, siliiikshnuiy, Berwick, bliaausbulg, Rupell, Danville, Norlhumberlaiid, I MVS NinU-uniberluud, Arrivs at Danville, Rupert, lls-aimsbuig, Bel wick, hhielisiiiiiuy, Kiusuai, Pitukui, Phil's Mail. 10 A. M. a 34 7 03 7 60 s ta so 9 no III Ml MOVING NORTH: N. V. Hi. f 30 A. M. M ii 46 7 Id T ti 30 57 N. V F.i. 4 a p. m. 4 M i to ti M 1 M 1 40 8 10 t 4a Phil's Mail. 43 P.M. t 60 t uu 31 V 03 7 41 II I i b li bcrailtiNl, as Ths laukswaana aad Bkaanaburc Itailriad minims witk Ih Delawaic, lckawaiuia and Western Railroad, al ttcrautou, I' New Vork and PhiUnielph.a, and lulerrue diale points Km ; al.i f-sr (ireat Bend, BuiKlmuUiai, sly recuse, Hu8uk, Nuujiara Falls, and all mipia-iaul points West. At Kuiei il eouueela wilk ta Callawissa Rail mud, for points both t'st and Wert. At Nuiiliuiiitaalaiid il e. allied e with th Huulairy sod Krie Hsilnanl. Iia lauuis West audMuuth. M. .V. JACKSON, sjuti t. Kingston, August 83, ItsiU. 1 ' STOVES 10 R MALE an iccllent second hand n.1. ing Slos, also severs I Cylmdei l-'oul 4toe. Ln iuiie at thi "llu. CENTPAL HOTEL, J U.IiURY, NoitUuii.builaud County, Fa rMlt.i large and rttniminlbiu Hotel, now managed by J. H. E C K D F, R T . It i ittuats at th Rsilroad Depot North East corner of Market Square, Sunbury, and at the terminus of the Sunbury 4- Erie anil North ern Central Railroad, and i open forth accom modation of Traveler and the public in general The proprietor will give hi exclusive atten lion, lotbe comfort and convenience of hi guest and is determined to make thi establishment rank among the first in the State. Hij table wilt be supplied with the best the market can produce having the idvantage of daily coqimuniiialion by car direct from Balti more, and also from those bringing produce from the surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with the purest liquor the market can produce Ca-eful and obliging servant always in at tendance. A shar ol Ih local and traveling communits- ta most respectfully iolicites.1. Sunbury, January 13, IRfiO. "KASSEPa'S P AT E IT T FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for 1 59 anil 60, By E. KETCH AM A CO., 28U Pearl-Street, New-York. THE only Freeier constructed on scientific principles, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. The one hasten the freezing of the cream the other remove it is fast a frozen. The most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity of ice. The most economical in eo,t, as it is the most simple and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal cities and lowi: in the I t. ion. Each Fieezcr accompanied with a book of re cipe and full direction. PRICES. 3 quarts, 4 quarts, 6 quarts, 8 quarts, 14 quarts, 20 quarts. $: no 4 (1(1 5 Oil (i 00 H 00 12 00 Apply to II. tt. M AS.SER, Sunbury. . June 2, 1X0(1. NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of 1UA T. CLEMENT, NO. I ,M ARKKT STRl.KT, SUMll'ltV, PA. '111 E subscriber has just opened at hi well a. known establishment in .Sunliurv, one of Ihe hcapest and most desirable stock of Fall and Winter Goods, that ha ever been offered in the place, and which ne will sell for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase goods will do well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK. in a. . i. i . . .... . . . . .-in v oot weiains, r igureti, stripetl anil riant. j French r rencn Ilerino, all colors. Itt-ulltlflll Dress Merino, all colors, Itt-uiitifiil Dress Robes, Cashmeres. Shaded. J'lain and Strined must nc ecn to lorm an nlca of Hie extent and variety. , 5a Q .ffiXaM-.9 Manlle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls Thibet and Broche Shawls. , Cloths Cassimeres and Satiuet For Men and Boys' Wear, Black Cassimeres, I Fancy Cassimerci, side stripe heavy, Uoe Skin (Cassimeres, Salineta all kinds. , . r"r,A.3srxsTEt,s, lute and Red Flannels, all grades nml prices, 1 Bay State Suck Flannels, colors tin est tmaltina. ; READY-MADE CLOTHING i Boots and Shoes, j Hats and Caps, Ac., 4c, f all of which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, as regard itiulity, style and price, with any in the country. II A UDWA UK, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, Qut-ensware, of all descriptions, 1 (irocerics, a full stink in store, Carpet Chains, Ac, Paints, Oils, lilues. Uve Stufl's. i Thankful for Ihe patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunburv.tlct. 82, 1859. ! THE PHILADELPHIA Cash Drug, Paint and Glass Store, t. W. COll. I'OI RTH A CAI.I,tmilll,l.sTi;KKTrS rilll.ADKM'IIIA. DltllililSTS, Merchants, Farmers, anil Ihe public everywhere 1 will sell ut wln.lesule sml reuul, to l a .".c.r. i.,,s neuvy st.a-a ol ui ues, Medi- , clues, Chemicals, Ac. Ac, Ac. JU.tssj Hones ol Window lilass, s.s,,rted sizes and qualities. j lu.OOO I'oilliilsof Pully, White, Ulaek. lid, Ac-., iu II. ilk j or llluiulers. , 40.00J (iu I. .ns Linseed Oil, Spoils Tuipemiiie, Cainnheiie 1 Alcohi.l, Ac. i ill Tons ol I'ure White Iud. iu bbls., i bbls., Il 50. as j aial IV iti kegs. " ' ' . 311 Tons of l ull Sv While Lead, III bbls, 1 bbls. 100, I 60, t and -.' lb krvs 1 I 40 Tons of New ork W lute Lead, in hl.ls . 1 bl.ls. li. 00,113 mul l-.'J lb. kecs. ' ! 33 Tons .a Puie French While Zinc, III bbls, i bbls, I HI SO, -Jjuild 14 lb keps 40 Tons of Americaii Sn.-W While inc. in bbls. t bl.ls IISI J SO, and IJj lb ketja I 40 Tons of Ix-losh A men,. 111 Zim-, Iu bbls, 1 bbls, loO il), I 23, nod l.'i lb. kegs . 43 Tims of Ztne I'm Is. i f didereut cut -is, in bl.ls. i lilils. 110, SO, -ii and l-J lb kents. ' ! I 30 Tons of Mioeial I'. nuts, of diAereul si.lors dry or i I firound III Oil. in.OuU pounds nf pure French (ireen. Chrome flreeu, Vel- ! t low. lime. UIim-k ami oilier cosas. diy ia 111 oil. ; 1,11110 poiuslsol Smalls' asaiitt-d Ulue,Hiaik, ltd. In ecu, NHi..n rsiii,, 100 Packs of Gold l.cnf, Glaziers' Diamonds, Glaziers' Putty, lluwk Knives. Ae. 2.010 Ualkais Isuled oil, varnishes. Japans, Zme Dlyer, Ae. Paint, Varnish und Is'alsoiiuue Brushes, li gnher with a complete assortiuent of class (ioods cud raced in Ilia Drug uud 1'aiut Business. ALSO, t.fstO Mils. Roman Cement 3.IMRI Koseialale and Hydraulic Cement. I.INIO " Calcmeil, liud. Deutistrv. Casltus; Plaster, Ae. - All nf which I will sell at Wholesale nod Hrtsil, at irom IU lo ) per cent less than other estuUtshinems. IIF.MIY II. U. HANKS, Proprietor of tli Philadelphui Cash Dru. I'amt ami Class ftme, rVaith.West corner of Fourtli and Calluwhnl Sis., Plnla. March 3,leo. 3rne SUNBURY ACADEMY. ri'HK Sunbury Acudemy will be re,eueil mi .Moislay 1 the 7th i.f August, IMil, under l.ic cans m S. P. WOi.VKHTON. The couise nf iisnructnai will emla-aea every deiarl. men! of educulton lauslit 111 our best Acssleunes, ireiariug studeuls ouc enhel fol a prolessionor lo culel any class 111 College. TKRMKPKR lL ARTKR: Cianrrvai 9chad liraiahes, t 00 llisher KliKllsh Braisrlies, 5 taj luliu sud lirerk laoujuuges. 7 tj All eiileiins; before the Imitldle of the (minef will l requited lo pay list Ihe how term ui tuition, unless sue- eialairangeiiieul is nuide Tuitinu lo be istid before the middle of the letin. Board can be hud in pmals lam. lies al liuin ft 73 In J 43 pel week. Sunbury, August 23, I."-6fl. atthe, Jeuelry & Miter Mare WK would respectfully inf. am inir friends, palrnns and the puMle generally, I hat we have now In Sua. ami offer SVIIOI.K8AI.I: AMI KKTAII., st the hi west Cash Prices, knie and vciy elmu-e slock id WATCH KO JKWKI.Ry.WI.VKll AND PLATKD XVAKH,!h "ef; variety and style. 1 Jh. K!.R, uusrie t.. oriler, al sh.nl ainici. Cf All I... sis W arruuted to be us represented wN. ' ? f a".""'1, 'ven to lb lepairin. uf M utches and Jewelry of every ib-sero,ii,. sj . HAlFFKIl A HAHI.FY. .L-A'-am' 8""' '"""."--. Tswrl-l SALE. rPW0 LOTS situate in Market atreel, in the town of 'J'revorlon, Noa. I and 1 3, in block No. 90. Apply to WM. (iAI UI.KIt, Selina. f H. IL MASSKR, Sunbury. rjSEFCL IN ALL KAMlLIES-HEli F.MAN & CO'H Hemiiit, which removes paint pot grease, Ac, 4 e, and clean gloves, ilks, rihlion. Ac., equal to new, without ih slightest injury to color or fabric Sold by all Druggists, also at thi oll'ice. SS cent per bottle. I JOY'S TlOOTS and 8H6"KsSreT.e".yf.Trh " WM. MILLKR 8. Punnry, August tT, I ana. 1M.ANK Parchment Paper Deed and blank ' Mortgage, Uouda, Cterution. Summons, ( sic, for eel b II. II. M AtssKfc j SILVER WATCH KS A few doubt rax; English Silver WaUbes. for sala al verv low pine by H. U MASS Elf. I NEW FLOUR, FEED, FRUIT AND PROVISION STOKE. rpHh subscriber mpectfully informs the eit A tens of Sunbury and th surrounding neigh borhood, that ha haa opened a Store at the north west corner of M.rketSqa.re, opposite Yke' Railroad Hotel, where h. la receiving, .ml will keep on hand, Flour, Feed, Trull and provision, of all kinds, soch as WHEAT, RYK (V BUCKWHEAT FLOL'R, Oats, Corn ind ill kinds of Feed, Crackers Oranges, Nuta Ac, Fresh Shad in sea- ' on, Early Vegetable Fruit Ac, from the South. He will'eonsUntly receive, by Kirnd, from Baltimore and Philadelphia, ill the deliraeir ol the season, they come into market, and trusts, by prompt attention and reasonable price to re ceive i ahare of the public patronage. WM. HOOVER. Sunbury, April 16, m&9e- ly. ii06l Domio,, COFFEE POT KD Tea Pot, Boing banod, as Dr. nail, of tha J ournal of Health, says., "on kaienoe and common sonae," are rapidly coming Into use, and destined soon to supercede all others. AKTIIl'R, BURXHAM.ft GII-Rfiy, 117 & 110 S. Tenth St, Philadelphia Sole Matiuhctiirera under the Patent r-Por sale hy rtralnrs In llnnsra ksrilni( Articles, mid St (keepers sxrnerally. December 4, 1819. J- STEWART DEPUY, A Ti:iRXKI.II ! M AII AN S, No v , i M.nth. a. fee..ml streets, (next il.n to f. II Mrm hi C l'loliiilelilna, w.-ulil invilethe nttniti..ni. .heir " V, friends and customers, and the piihlie in general. ! mu large nmi well selected ftt. ek r.f eZ CAHPETINOS, ' fs onsislmg nf velvets. I apestries, Thri-e-Plys. lin-raiiis. nnil Venitiana. Alan, WINLHtW r nllADKS.HII, rl.OTHfi.M A I' I INCiS. Dltlt.,. liK'l1., ItLUM, .MATS. MI'Allt IIOUM, c . which he sells very cheap for cash, n hoh-sale 'ami retail. (March HI, saa y c -3 DK. ESENWEINsS TAR AND WOOD NAVTIlA PECTORAL, IS the liest Medicine in the venrld for theC'ii'-e I. nks anil Uolils. Crouo, llronchitis. Asthma, lliir.i-nliv in Htetilliiiip, Paliltalli.il nt' the llenrf, liithrria. snil .-r the rehel of patients ill the aitvalleed staces ,-' rimsnmp lion, toffethur with all Diseases ol' the 't'iiroul iintl Chin, sml which iredisaisn 1 1 Consumption. ' It in peculiarly adajitetl to the radical cure Atthmn. lleinffnrennre.llivanr-jitin.il ni, iiiniii. n.i.t r,. .. snd one of ereni expeiienee in the cure , l ii. tlisensesto which the llmnaii traine is linM,- It is otleled in the alllli tnl will, llir greatest coiifiilniee Try il and la- cone eil that it is lucnliinh k iii the Cuie of Ur hmliill.t lions. Price Viceuta per Bottle. t7 I'suraRKD oniv by l)r. A. K8r.NV:iN ,v ro., DiuRcisisnnd Clieiiiisls. N. W . Corner Ninlh and Poplat Sis , Philadelphia Is?" SOI. II by eveiy r. sui table Urupgist and Dealer in Meilielne Ihroiihinit Ihe State. Philadelphia, .March HI, -or). lyw DP.UO- & CHEMICAL EMPORIUM. riHE nnilersitFitcil having received M. well selected atock of IIE nnilersitFitcil having received Is... 0 . i, . . . . I'nrc Oi iir! ami t hem lea In, Hyeetiitl, ()is, Points, Glass ami Putty, is now ready 10 (ill ordersut a moments notice. In conucclion witk the above ynu will find an assortment of Fnticy Notions, Toilet .-friicles ami Perfumery of all kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails ami Clothe Brushes of every variety. Customers will-find his stock complete, com prising many article it is impossible hero lo enumerate. REMEMBER the 'place, under the office of the "Sunbury American." Physicians' Preemptions compounded accurate Iv and carefully. t, , A. W. FISHER. Suubiiry, April 2d, 18.19. P. MELANCHT0N SHINDElT" J l STICK OP TIIK I I A CI, SUNBURY, FA. iijj'u e in Deer Street, immediately ajnuisite the 1'uhlic School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies ollecled and ull ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April 25. 1B,7 If T OlsU Ir. IIKATII n IIOOKOI'n i,- "J.' t-r,-""''--"Veries of Ih. Japanese Vi ami Iisl India .Meilielues, with lull diteetlo,,. ,r iheTet lam cure 01 Consumption, lironehilis, Bouehs Coif's I atar.h. Atih.ua, Fete... Ileurl D.se..(.rotula,'c.iice!' Dispepsia Liver Col.iplalut. ..r.vel and I ,,. . .,r, h ,, : '!' ''' llu''" '.ll. hilinlrell. ." cerliheates ol cure, ami rnsrai o.gs. For the purpose .. re-..,g a. many sufl.-r, leilow-ueing. . p,,..,,, , preiiMli.redei.il., n will larsvi.l m a.. ," ,e c ' ' ncnl, I.) scnon g cents 10 me Coin,. I'" "RATH. 01. Iliissdu-sv. New V..O i-.i.. f..d,.l. Ly A. W. Fisher. h.,l.Vv; LW, I Wenk Ni rthumlM-itiiHl ; T H. Caldwell, l.e.vi.hursr r 31 Via-genii,,.-, , H,..,,,..urg ; Cyrus Brown, Milto,,'; J' Hank A Co , Dnnv.ile. ' Febrnaiy in, Mio y. " HENRY DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT LA"V7 VJict opposite ths Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa Prompt attenHoH to tuiMNess in ndioiiiin,. counties. ' ROCKEFELLER & B0YER, Attorneys at Law SUNBURY, FA.. 4. Jordan Rockereller and Solomon 11. Iloycr. respectfully announce l.. they entered into Cop.rlner.hip iu lb prank,, 0f lhp;r profession, and will continue loallend to all bust r.e entrusted to ihei, charge i , ,olmlil.. , Northumberland. I nion, K,,yder ,nJ Montour, promptly, faithfully and carefully. Stt.ial !'""",I,"!l.l.ha Kive" lu ",e L'OLLKC'JiO.N'! rpwu a v .' ''on,u"l'"' he had iu Ihe CiKh.MAN languaKe. Ollice, Market Street, opposite Weaver's Holel. Sunbury, lebruary 4, s.tio. ;vnin0x,ra V O Is. . S A ECONOMY! V t oave me ricccs ! As uri'iUtriilt will happen, evm iu wrll-rr julatrd Umi lira, il ia very (Jr.iraMe ui Imvc aomc ctieitp aiulonvrnicnl way fur rr,MiiiH i- uriuiufr, Tt, Cruckcry, 4c. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE necls all suck emergencies, and U" household can al.fj lo be Wlllnait It. ll is nlwaysreaiH and up to the slicking point. There la mi kaiger a necessity for limping chairs, spinners veneers, headless dolls, and lirokru ciadU-s. it is just the aiiu-le lor csaie, shell, snd.uber tMiiameiital work, so sipular wnbhidies of leliuelnent aial taste. Tins adini ruble ptesirulioii is used is .Id, lie.ng ckenncally keld miutMm,aiMl iasu-ssiiig all ths valoalac iuali'.iesoi ths la-st cmuiuet. maker's Olue. ll may be used ill Ih plaes ut ordinal y iuacilae, being vastly mors adhcsiv. "t'SKFl'i. IN KVKRV HOl'HK" N . B A Brush aeoosnpauies eack bottl. Piuw 'J3 cents. Wkolrsul Denul, Nn 4" Cedar street. New York. Address, lll.NKV C. SI'AI.DINii A CO., H No. 3,DU, New Volt. Put up f Dealers ia eases containing Four Fight, and Twelve ts.aeu a heaunlul Uibogrsphic Show Card sc Oianratiiyuig each .ckuge. r A single bisuleuf ispulding's Prepared Glu Wlllssr ten nines us eos snnualle every housrh-ad. AM by all prounueul Swiiohms, Druggists, llardwar awl Furniture lleaksrs, (ia-ers, an Karn-y febues. C-Niuiry Moiclisnis slnaikl make a note .at SpalSiiig a prepared l.luc, whea they make up Um-ii list. It W.I land any eiuusts. For sala al this office. Murek 10, le0.-ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers