SOW WITHIN BEACH OF ALL GHOVEll i5 llAK Ell'S C E L E II U A I E I) NOISELESS Sewing Machines) 4,.l! UntnwAT, Nt.w Yon.. Tin1 public attention is respectfully icqucstcd lo I lie billowing cards of Elias llowi, J it . , nut tlir. (irovcr A linker S. M. Cn.: A Card from the OROVER & BAKER S. M. Co. Our Patents twins How established by I ho t 'ourls, wc arc enabled lo furnish I tin (trover A Baker Machine, Willi impoilaiil improvements al greatly Itciluccri Prices The moderate price, at which Machines link' in,; I lie (imver A Baker stitch, ran now lie hud, brings them within I lie reach of nil, and. renders the use of Machines making inferior stilches as unnecessary ms it is unwiie. Persons desiring Ihe best Machines, ami tlia unlit to iimi lliem, must not only be sure t'i liny M-irliiiira making the (trover A Baker aiilrii, toil a'so tbal such Mtliiiie are made ami otitinpcil miller our patents and Ihosu of Elins I lower, Jr. clover A UAKER S. M.O, I'Jft Broadway, New York. A CARD I ROM KLIAS MOWER, JR. All persona aio caiitinnnl not to make, dual in, or use. any dewing Msi hitu a which cw from Iwo ,.i..Ik hihI make the tilch known as tl l.'nuer cV Maker alilcli.uuleea the aiiine are purchased Itoin the tiruver A Baker Sewing Machine ;niiiptiy, or their ArcM. or l.icenma, and blaiti4-d under my patent of September 10, IHIfi fai. t 'oinpany, and their Licenses, alone, am legally antlinrir.ed under tltcir "wn patents, and my said patent, during the eiten.led term therein-, lo make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine and nil others are piracies upon my said pntent. Mini will be dealt with accordingly, wherever f"""J' ELI AS MOWER, JR. .New York. Dec. 20. IMMK if LIST OF CAUSES Tor trial in the Court of Common 'le:is ol ".Wlliiitiil'crlanil county, January Term. I Mi I : 1 Lazarus, Bilinire A Co. va Correll A Vou cher 3 Win H Fry mire va John Miller ;t Ira T Clement va A K Wright. I licnige Lyons v Fagelv, Robins A Co. n Ut tinis O Caiil v Ann I livers Edward Heltensteiu vs W est Branch Insu lance Co 7 Marr A firitTiw vs Joseph Weitml H Mary Attn Miilmaii vs JinUival A wife U John Vincent's adut'ra v David W alson's Eiecutor. 10 Abraham S Bright vs David Waldron I I Ira T Clement vs James Beard U .lame Beard Ac va Mcnry Wise el al ;i William McWilliams vs tame I I An.lrew (iuteiluavs K M Orwiu 1 n .vi.l Sovderva Thuinna Uarr l (i Isaac Kupp va Jer A Jaut Prnnypacker I ; I'cicr U.11IV vs i-acaawana A BlooiUBUurg Railroad Co IK Jese C Morton vaWm L Dewart A Beacanm 111 Daniel 1. Miller va Edmund Fraiict.cus M Mma vs D E Arnwine and w.fe VI Philip Hilgert.decM.adm rva Duyi.l 1 LsUJ.ach SS John W Kriling va Cer. Reformed t-hureli &c l i Jacob Deal vs Clement. Hoover A Ca.set al F A Hughes va Henry Wetse s.,i.,. s,,vder vs W N A Riley Bostian -,i J 1) Mas,er va Dig Moun Improvement eo 1 M.ri 1 tiougcr vs Diert-ubather A Deuller Jn (iross A Kut.klc vs James Covert !i!l John Drehei va the tp. of Mt. Carinel ! :i(l same va same JJI Vkhael liraham vs Win M Marr :ii Matthew C Oitty s Chrislta.i Ahrt :t:l Win II Muench vs John Foy ill John Kissinger John F Woll.nger ;).. D M DreisbacH A wileva Julten Drtesbach :tii Sarah A Hoover vs H A tShissler and wile :I7 John Heilner va John Wentiel :i Vbrtham liarman v. Creen A B wiuaii 9 James Malone vs Shamokin alley A i'otts illc Huilro.iJ Lo. in Patrick J niu Henry Kaufuiaii. The 1'irst 1 5 of the above cases will he for tiial i.n r.r, k. ami tbe balance for the necond DANIEL MECKI.l'.Y, Proih'y. eek. THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE. E trust those w ho do not now receive THE T RIB UN E will suUcnlic lor il with- w out delav. The dub price 't me wt.blvi.1 i KIHI-XK and SBMI-W EEKLY TltlBLN'K is so low ilnl lliere arc hut lew ni any coiiimu. , unable to take it. Henceforth, TII E TUI-Bl'-NE as the principal paper aupKrling the ... .'l..,i,.i,iralion. will t peculiarly interest. jog. while mitstde ot polities, us reiisnie r oreign , mid Domeslic .ew, us .vo.....;. .......... cultural Intelligence, and il Literary, give to it interest and value which no other paper 011 this continent can boast of. How ablv and successfully The Tiibune has conducted I be campaign now so gloriously euoeo,.... rr.un , .New Vork fully attest., and to the untiring exertions, signal capacity and foresight of IU , ,.,cetirceley,isdue much of the glory of the 1 a nf H ream nn ia nnitf i victory, over wnicu a ' 1 rcjoicng. It l t 'et0W;'lZ - .til ! Kcpublican to aid ''PitTpIw ! , ,r,rrc... u!at.on. A-'." ' K am. we may 'JZ .,x U''J'7'e;h:;irol ". IX-fouardian ...d .. Pi TERMS. Daily Tribune (31 1 issue per annum Semi.Weeklv (.! " " Weekly (5a TO IJLI BS-Sen.i.Weekly, two copies i - c... r... i i ss ; ten conies to one add $11 for address i,,r and any larger "''t',' rain. 1 en comes or ovci, scriber, i 0. For r v will be sent. a CIUO Ol IWtlllJ, an Kor club ol forty, we send THE DAILY TRIBUNE gralis one year. sr. fur $8 ; Weekly: Three cop lor . -, j ... I.rirer number al the rale ad- len lor .i m j o , .fVi an aach per annum, tba paper o I ad lresscJ to each subscriber. To clubs of iwt lily, we send an estra copy. . Twenty copies to one address lor 0, w. h one emra 10 m. -".., n4Il.v 'I HIi . k m who senus u mo - - S ! taallA OUiniia rach club of one bunuraa. jl I N K will be sent gratia one year. Pavnient always in advance. Address 'PHE 1 KHiL'NE. N Nasaau at., N. ork. December l, 10. -3 , JJLACKSMrnilNH ! IlElsm" PETERS, I A VIN O taken the BUckniihshop II ,t Rohrhacb's Foundry. PVA . . .. -ii .....Uof blacksinilhmg If II roX.TncMUrg. n tCTUnk'ful for Ilia pa.ron.g. herelefor. eilend- j c,l I'rhopes byatrict ...nio lo business lo j Sunbury, avOI rr a . ......1 i u irk i'.i;s. i'i J ! afl 1 . . I ... I ml tliC 1 j ,a for saio by m. - ;MART. ! I oiitcciioiiery to' iiouery ' - 1 ..... 1:1. lain. 'PHE GREAT FAMILY PAPER. TllK CREAT FAMILY PAPER. THB GREAT FAMILY PAPER. THE ORKAT FAMILY PAPER. THEUREAT FAMILY PAPER. HIE GREAT FAMILY PAPER. rnosrctits OF THE NEW TOHK LEDOBR We intern) In imkr the NKW YORK I.KIMiKR for li-ul supeimr In Ihal of imki, oi of any other year in the pint. Anient, our cunitiuubin will lie Hie t'resnleiit ol ilia I nited Mate, rXwnrtl Kvcrctl, Ueorge Biicri.ft, Willium I.iiI.ii Hryaut, J dm u Ssxe eorru p Atorria, N P Willi. . Ow.rgt 1 1) Pteutien, '1'h.inim Lluim Knrliih, Sylva iiu.tot.b Jr , Kmcrsnii Itenuett, TSAnhur, Hamilton Myert, OolvXnttr P lunlPl N Coinptn,, rnitth, J.n j-.aien Looke, Mrs- Sianurner, Mr, taoulhworth, Fanny I cin, A111111 t.'niu Hitchie, AliceCary, Mory Ft.rieat, Ma rion, ,li K. A- Dupuy, .Viaiy ntunley (iilwm. 1 helm lury.iiud imny Clergymen, Prufrmira in Cidleirca, !tutcnicii, ami nthet eminent writera reaiding in different . Our corps o e.titii)nliira f.,r the coming year will tatao I I "Re, niul will tmlirair audi 11 variety o eminent tolent, ! J very dc,nrlineiit of literature will receive the put , lictilnr attention nf l ime one competent to do it ample and special justice Whether it lie popular romance, scientific enny, historical sketch. scrfUiatic disquiaiii epicv psra- rnipli. pathetic haliud, humorous poem, oldfiinhioiic'd love tory, timely editorial, or any other nifredieiil of popular tii .it cnrpa will be luincient lor Ihe link. In fuel, oui con- . .... C""inn" inni 1. m in inriiianen, me I.KV' .....u,..i. v in rnli u irom wee 1 to xeeck much more unit le. limn vc can .ixiiily ucc, m that we ehall alwmya hiu-c n fron t Hint tlu.itM.ihiiiirtMiit ihi,,k. rr..m ..i.k.1. ,.. 1 line vkh bi .t. Tiieee Ihc'i. lakeu in cuuiectinii with our luieely increimed imnne, liicilitieK. mid cxncrieme. ..OI'UIM u, t'. Ill, III, in iroiuntiiff our ri'iu'i-re u limnlv .pcr tor Hie year If-ttl. w It h willbenio.e luttrtai 1,... .....1 instrtt'tive. and in eveiy iot eet m. re vuluobk:, even tliun the l,Hll(,l:ri has be 11 Hie pnlt- An mi Itidtentl'iii of the pnpu arllv of the I.KDCil;!?, vvc liertl only slnto IhcMulpIc feci llm't its cirenliilioii ia litrtrer than lh;,l of liny other TK? li ernry papem 111 tlie country. Its stent Kiiicina iaovt-ug 10 the I act Ihnt we secure the liest wrile in the c.iiniti , , mid apnre no exncmie 111 pel ling up the skt i tvuLT I'APua a paper of hich uion.1 tone The exulted repunei ,11 ol Um cittribiiturH, ihepriie. lie, I and pure nnd lieeltby ciiaruetcr ul nil on nilie'ca. the cure which is tHk, 11 ihut not even oncntreueive word ehall appeio in its -oltiuiud. snd the upcrinrtiy ,a t's Talcs niul !k,-ti'hfii. Iii,vc traiueil l-n the M;V 'nltK I.KOl.l'.lt a P"iill'n that iiolitciury paper liua ever b-'Oirc reach, d. Anns Cum i7ili-liic,of Hicliinoud, Va ttaltir H huiil.ip. the nt llic popular "Pnreal ykctri.,.?' which were piililishcd m nMr rNiluniiu. potni lime ,n,IT wi.leach beL'in n st.'iv in the l.hH',KR cyrly in the new Mrs- ? 111'liWnrth i nl, enlaced iiwn n new Inlc In tlie next iiiiinl.r ol the I.CIH.CII, tve hull pnMiKh I a rcrt iiitcri Hliin.' arlicle, ,'iilten cxprs-1- fm i-nr t-nl. iiiiui. entiiieit, " liav with l.i nl llwoii," f'ron. tiic pi-u t' Ihe llmi lie.iii;c Itntn'rofl Il is Molli iiineli atotlnctii.n that we HMnniince tlmt Mr I'.verell v ill cotiiinne his elepanl tied intcretnnig cicitnliu I f 1 llic I.KIHiKIt ihironr the neM year. A" Ibis la the scna-m ol" the eal when I'oratnnMcis and oibcru aic in tbe hnbit of forimng clulis, wo ilincl Ibcir pnr'a-illar tltteiiliiiu to tH It TK.IIt-. Mnc'e c.piea, S'J pei ntuniui : two cop es. : f..iir c iu. a. cijthl C"pn . lv I'ii inaatera and olhera w ho Ret up clubtcnu nlterwnrd mid einalc copies ttt f I ;yi. Ttiv : parly who aeiula 11a 9fi t'rncluliol cnilit C".ita (all sent at one ton,.) will lie eiiinled to h copy ibkb lor luc trouble . TeiuiH iuvsritibly in advance. No tubsciiptioua taken for n lo k-iiis lhnuouc xcar. Caiindn aubiicrtucrs uiui'tSeMd twenty-mx cents in addition tn Ihe tilMcrip!ioii, tii uiyllic Ailieiican nostintc. which is half 11 cent a ci.pv on eveiy pa-r. The n..le"i nil me lalnka taken at par. 1 1 When a ilrul'tol clici-k can ciivciticntly las acnl, ae It will prcveul Ihe sisiibility 01 Ihe Iiim of iiioiic) by mail. ! reT Wc cinplny 110 irnvelliue npents. Addrcinl all C'minuniclions lo ' I KOBKKT IJil.N.NKIt. Publisher. 1 No. til Park How. .New York. , 1 December Si. Ifin It ; siieriffYTles' BY virtue of certain writs of f.exari ' ! ciiif issued out of the Court ol ComtnoD i I'lens, of Norttbnmherlutiri county, IV, to ' 1 me directed, will be exposed to public salu, at tho Court House, in the borough of1 .unhnry, on .ilonUay the vth day ol January, A. D.. IttCl. at one o'clock I. M ., the follow. . itiu .leflcrilied real C8(ule to wit : I ALL that certain lot or ground iu the' i borough of Northumberland, marked and ' , numbered in the general plan of said borough, ; I number two hundred and nine, situated and I fronting 011 northwuy, bounded on tha east I by lots number 'U7 and '.'Uti, on the south by I ! lot number two hundred and ten, extending ' j from nurthway to the Cuniil. I I Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold 88 the property of Kilwurd H. Anthony. ' I AL.SO: At the same time and place, all i that certain Iwo story fionio dwelling house ; or liuild:n, xitunte on lot No. 6 and b) in : 1 block number eight in Ihe town of Trevortoo, of said futility, containing in front twenty-fuur 1 feot and in depth twenty-three feet Seized, t.ikeu in execution, and to be Bold as the property of John Swill. ALSO; At the same time and olace. all that certain two story frame dwelling bouse, I or btlildinir situatH on the norlli suln nl , Muhanoy street on lot No. 2, iu block No. as uiimbered in the generul plan of the town of Trevorton, in the county aforesaid, centaiuing twenty two feet in front and four teen feet iu dep.h, and the lot or piece of ground and curtiligo appui tenant to said building. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold us the property or lieorgn Harvey. ALsO : At the euum time and place, by virtue of a certain writ of Al 'enltliititi lis ;uim issued otit of tho Court of Common I'lea', of Northumberland couuty, to me (iiriTleil, will be exposed to public sale, tint following described real estate lo wit : A cerlaiu out lot situate in I'pper Augusta township aforesaid, ami marked upon the aforesaid plun of out lot No. 30, bounded mi the West by the lint, 011 the east by lot No it.'i. on the north by a laue, which is a conl iiiiulion of Cranberry street, and on the souih by out lot No. !T, contaiuiug four acres more or less. Seized, taken in execution, and to In sold as Ihe properly nl John M . Thompson, Henry l(,irl-her niul William 1. 1'ewait A I. SO: At the same time and place lot of crouinl, situate, in town of Shaoio kin, in Coal township. Northumberland Co , ll(111(Hll ol, ,8 norlrj hy A vacant lot on the south by another vacant lot, on the east by : Hih branch lUllroai leading to I arhoo K1111, I and on the west by an alley; whereon ia 1 erected a two sloiy log aud frame house ! weather boarded. j Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Kdward. Derkeu. ALSO : My virtue of a certain writ of I'kri VacMs issued out of the Court ol Com- mon I'leas or Northnmberlaud county, lo me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the borough of Sunbury. on Saturday the oth day of January. A. D. 1M; atone o'clock P. M. (defendant havin waved tl-e right of inquisition,) the .following den- ,be d.M e stat, : ground situate in Snuff town, .Shamokiu township, Norlbumbeiland i county, l a , adjoimug deorga kreikbaum on the east, Leonard Kotbmel on tin north, Hugh Teats on the west, towoship road on the south, containing two and a half acres , more or less, whereon is erected a two story frauiH bouse, a ainall one and a half story frame bouse, a large Iruine barn, and a large Iraino stanlu aud shed, and a small orchard: Also tract or piece of land in same township, county and State, contain ing forty acres more or less adjoining lands I of Leonard Uothinel on tbe east, Peter '. Price on tba north, llogb Teats on tba j west, township road on tba south, wbereoo is a jonng orchard. .Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Michael Mobh. DAVID WALDUON, Sbetiff. KheriO'a Office. I Sunbury. Deo. Ti. 180. J " GltlST MILL TOR "It EXT. T' ME undersigned oiTers to let his Crist Mill tor the ensuing year to competent miller i either on share or rent. Tbe null contains three run ,.r knra with all necessary machinery, all in j good running order. For further particulars ' 1 .. . 1. .... L ..... ft l nl Ilia m.nii ihriMl appiy is to --." - 1 ' miles weal of belinsgrove. in Bnyder county, Pa. JOSEPH EYBTER. K suls. December 83, I860. OUK NEW CLOAK ROOMS CON TAIN Llegaot Cloth Cloaks, livery oew style Coat and Cloak. Wooleo, Mroche and Thibet Sbawla. COOP bis & CONIIAD, S. i:. corner Niulb aod Market, I'bila. Dec P. I800. - Kniivl lie I nllint VERY!- K ' rimeiit ei l . i ' ... I pee. IS U' .1; HERE 1 1 Ercry Man and Woman should Look to their own Interest 1 1 A WORD TO ;tott. WE mnat all wear aomc kinJ of BOOTS ANIr SHOES then you ahoulrl look around and nea wbcre Ihs Cheawat, Beat and 1, arrant aaaoit. nienl can he found to aalrct from, and whellier the peraon ho aelectad tham la fotnpplanl lo maae a goon aeieriton. 1 win aay that my atock has licen e. lecled by one who haa had practical Mptricnr In the buaineea for about tliirtr yeara. I will alo add that I can aell, and will aell, cheaper than you can Imy at retail in the city or Philadelphia boratiM my rent and living ia (lot one half aa much ait there am! I can buy aa cneap aa may con Aa (o the mode of doing htiaiiiem in the coun try, it ia only naeet.ary to aay, it it generally done, at you all know, on a lonr credit, and I aay to you all if you tie liutinem in this way you must let me aay if you buv your Boots and Hlmet at a credit etnre, you are hound to help to pay for Shoea la tiRht by those who do not pay The man who does not pay. mnat buy his Boott and ishoesat a credit counter, and if you bay at ! "ie 'xne counter vou tiuml help lo pay ! loFaea made at that ennnter. all the nun jiiu win m-r inni me. unoTs anu rthoes bought at my counter must be paiJ lor at tho lime they ate bought lii faali cr Country Produce. so llint every man, woman and child shall have their Bouts and Nlioes at a LOW PRICK, an there ia nothing to be paid for losses and interest. It is impossible to give you a list 11. 11 .u . .1.- r, .... of all my prices, as I have so many different kinds nf Boots and Shoes, lor men women and children, nf ALL SIZES & KINDS, Coarse and Kino, Heavy and Light, and also OVERSHOES nf all kinds; and also CARPET BAGS, VALISES, j AM) Til IN KS of all kinds, at different prici a Wens' linilcrs, from l SS to 4 DO. . " Bin ts. '2 V!.l to fi tit). " shora, " H7J to 2 25. Ladira' Oaiters. from CO to 3 N7. " rilippi rs, from lit) to I 2.'i. ' Kid French and Mens' Morocco, and gsin and rnlf skin at iblh rcnt pieces, from 'M) fit. b. l 87 1. Boy a Slnies. from !'3cts. to $3 87. . Mem.' Shoes from lit cla. to $ I .r0. Boys Shoes Irom 75 eta lo $1 fiO. Cluhlrciis' Slioen liotn 2U to H7J eeuta. j Ladles and Ceiiiiemen of Suuliury, not for . gelling to iiiclmlc with you a large ponioti nf I Nortliuinbcrlaud, Xnvder and I'iiiiiIi counties, I you all have my sincere thanks for the ;atronage I have received from you for the lew weeks that I have been doing business in Simbtirv, (remem ber the place. Market Slreet, neit doar to the ; Post Ollice). I describe it thus, that your j friends may not make a mistake, where those ; thing" are to be found. I will also say thai there j , seems to lie a trouble about the Bjnks. I aay 1 give yourself no trouble about any of them within fifly inilit of this place. Aa I uui do ' termiiied and intend to back them up by receiv ing their bills at par at niv Counter, so be not j trundled, the banks are goud, and my Moots and j Shoes are good, they are all made for tlie good ' of man lo be used, and not to be abused. ; WILLIAM M. APSl.EY. Stinbury, December H, IRCO. REGISTER'S NOTICE. 'V'OTICK is hereby given to all legatees, ' credilota. and oilier Persons interested in the following named estates, that the executors, administrators, and guardians of the same, have filed their accounts with tho Register of Nor thumberland couiitv, and that the same will be : presented lo the Orphuiis' Court of said county, 011 Tuesday, the 8th duy of January next, in the forenoon ul that day, for confirmation, to wit : 1 Buchanan Solomon, deceased, settled by i his Executor Marliti K. tachman. ' ! 2 Maupt Jacob, deceased, settled by his Ad- minis' raior, Daniel Heiin. I :l Heib Catharine (late Kline) deceased, i settled by her Administrators John and George Jviine. 1 Latslia Henry, ileceascJ, settled hy his 1 Administratrix Ann Latslia. ! A Matuer Daniel, deceased, settled hy his ' Cuardiaii Samuel Knorr. fi Mnurer John, deceased, settled hy hU ! (I'tiardiau Jacob ft. Mepler. 7 Montgomery David, deceased, set I led by ! his Executors William S. Montgomery and Joseph M . Nesliit. I H Mover Jacob, deceased, settlcJ by his Ad- liiinistralor Caleb I'. Persing. . 'J I'lleegcr Ludwig, deceased, setilcd 'iy UU I Administrator Joseph M. Nesbil, 111 waiter if j real esla'c. 10 Sba.lle J tliu (a uiiiioi) by his liuardibii Martin Markcl. 11 Shive Jieoh, deceased, settled by hit Cuar diaii Abraham Wolf. 12 .erlw Philii. deceased, settled !y his Ad-inini-tislor Philip Zerbe, Jr. J. B. MASSER, Register. L'egisler's Ollice, Siinbnrv, Dec 15th, 8(it. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of Ihe Orphans' Court ol NotthiiiiilK rland couiitv. will be enposcd to public sale, at the house of Robert Plemming, iu Lower Aujiusta township, on Wednesday, tlie 2nd of J inimrv nest, all that certain piece or tract ol Land, situate in Lower Augusta 'own ship, beginning al a stone corner, thence by land of Jacob Rhoadsaiid wife, south eleven degrees east Mi perches lo a po.t. thence hy mountain laud No. HO east 1 j perches to a post, thence by lohti I'leuiiniiii; in nyht of Philip Kennedy, north eleven decrees west AG perehe and by other land of aaid plcinniin, soulli r0 west It perches to the place of beginning, containing lour aciea and thirty-two perches. Lute the cniaie of Mary l'srnsworth, deceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of snid day, when the terms and conditions of sale will be made kuowu by PETER MALLICK. Ad.n'r. By order of tho Court, J. B. MASSER. Clk.. O. C. Sunbury, Dec IS, t Notice to Creditors. .L persons knowing ihemw-lves indebted to the subscribers for a period of over 6 months, will save costs by calling and settling before the : Ut of February next, as after that time the ac 1 counts will be placed in the hands of a Justice for ! collection. PRILINC A CHANT, j Sunbury, December IS, IBU0 FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! New and ranlilonable Cabinet Wore. f Itll E subscribers respectfully inform the L ciiixens of Sunbury and the public generally, that they have commenced the CABINET MAKINU business iu the shop lately occupied by William Snyder, in Pawn Street Sunbury, and are prepared to supply their customers promptly with every variety of articles in the line of their busii.ess, on reasonable terms. Their work will be made of the best materials, and in tbe beat aud latest style. Couatry produce taken in exchange. WILLIAM M.M.PT. BK.NJ. HECKERT. Sunbury, Dccemlier I, i860. Notice to Creditors. JKKsO.NS indebted to the sulsscriber on book sceount notes or otherwise, . . i . aceou.,1 notM or olherw.s. "1stol csll ai.d make settlement on or before the Isl of January, after which lime the books will be left with a Justice for collection. JOHN C. MORd'A.V Sunbury, December I, I J,0. COTT A 1 E BI B L ES. f VI. K. cheap, tbrea copies ef tha t .;t !,lile In I ei VnluniKM. ith coin .. . . s. H I' MA'i' TH look: Tavern and Liauor Store License TVTOriCKis lierebj given that tho follow- a in- namnit noranna la n led Ihe r PMU ins named persona have filed Ibcir pctl lions in tbe l'rotbonotary'i Olhce, and that they will sddIt to Hie next Court of Otmrter SesRioD of the Peace of Northumberland . county, for License for Taverns and 1iqtior I Stores, nnder the Isto set of Assembly : Hannah L. Vandyke, Sanburv, old etaorj. Tutrirk M then, Trevorton, old stand. j Hannah Downing, Trevorton, old ataod. , Joel V, Artinan, Delaware towoship, oldMJIMOTH STORE, tntid ' John 1', Met rich, Upper Augusta town- : suip, old stand. A. J. liinpeman, Lower Mulianny town ship, nld stand. 1'uvid fle.rr, ChilliFqtintpte township, new sUml. Jacob fharp. Mt. (,'armel, nld ptaml. IJftorKeO. a ren, Miaiiiokin, Oonl town ship, not lens than a quart. wniiam K. Kulzner, Shamnkin, Uoai town- ! gliin. not lefx than n. rinart HAM hi, HKCKLKY, l'rolh'y. Prolhonotnry'a Office. Nutibuty, !ec, 8, 1P00. I LIVE AND LEARN 1 ! LET THE rEOPLE 1 IST1M, tO.VriXl K TO MVI', i j AND TH KY WILL SOON I LEARN THAT ' iriULliNG sSt (jKAjNT, I at run lHAMMOTH STORE, ! Allli a ell is a GOODS CHEAPER than ciiiiJIic purchased elsewhere. A FKEBII XJ-FaVZiV just received by Railroad this week. REMEMBER THIS, AM) PRO FIT BY IT. Sunbury, December 15, I860. I f AUtiK MLANKKTS, FLANNKLS Linens. Med, Crib and Cradle Itlnnket". Marseilles and Dimity (.juilt s. 1'ino Table Linens. Napkinannd Towels. COOPKU A CONKAD. S. K. corner Ninth and Market, l'hila. Dec. 8. ISfiO. NOTICE. hereby given that Philip Hilgert. K-q.. nssienee of John M. Heller, has filed in the office of the I'rnthonotary of tho Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, his account ns essigneo of said John II. Heller, and that the sninc will presented to the said Court at January Term 1 tit". I , for conlirmntinn Ac. DANIK.L MK.CKLKY, Prothonotary. Prothnnolary'g Ollice. I Sunbury, Dec. 6th 1800. Curt! Couijh, Colli. IftiariciH'x.t, Influenza, any Irrilaliun nr Soreness of the Throat, He liece the Uncling Couijli in Consumption, llron chilis. Asthma, nnd 'ntarrh, Clrnr and yice strength to the voice of I'ulilic Speakers and Singers. Few nre aware of the importance of checking a Conyh or "Common Cold" in its firnt suite ; Ihal winch 111 1 lie bcuinsiitff would vichl 10 a mild remedy, il iieelected, a'sin iitmcka the Uilie'a "HHOWN'S HUtlM III Al. TltO CIIK.,f eonlaiiiiin; iletnnlceiil ingrcdicuta, allay Puliuo- 1 nury and llronciilul Irutulioii. ' I "Thai trouble in my ihionl, (for which Brown's TR()CIIK. lliuwu'i TKDCIIKS. Utowira TROl'IIKtf Itrnwn's rnociiES. Ilrowi.'s TIlOCIIKsi Drown's THDCHIM. lliowu's TIIOCIIKS.' Ilrown's Ihe "TKtlCJIKS" are a epeeihe) lwving made iiieolleii a mere whiarsrrrr N. H. Wll.l.l. i. tccoiumciuJ tliciruaeln Public Wpenk era.'1 Rl.V. V.. II. rllMMN. 'Have proved eMreincly aerviccuble lor lloMracncaa 11 KKV. I1KNRY WARD PKri'ltKR. "Alnsial iiistanl relief lu the diatrraaing labor of hrcolhini; peculiar to .Ull ma " KKV A C Klilil.KSroV Coiilaul no llpinm nr aiollnni; uimri oiis." 1'R. A a'IIA l, Chemist. Ilmiton. ''. iuilc ui'il plensunt eolnbinulion for Cuclia, Ac ." vn c r umn.nw, Uuai'Si. "IKiuliclal in llionch.lis " UK J f W I.AM'., II' ist.iu. tt have proved tlicin excellei.t for Whoop ing Lougli. i'.EV II W WARRRN, Hoar in. ' t-llencficiu) when compelled to SjMtk, : autlcrtng man t'' I RKVU J T AMil- liSoN. sl l.iut. I "Kircctusl in removing IIouienea ami ; inilNliou of the Tlo"al, ao comiuiui with , ripcukers and !iuircra." Prof M STACV JtiMrat), i ' TRUCIIO. Uruwu's I TIIDCIir.?. I i i Iji (irimire, lint.. ! Teacher of Muaic. Southern 1 Ilrown's i female c'llcge. ' ofirent Is-iiefit when tJike.i before aud TKOrilKia. after iireacliiiie, sa they I'revei.l Ibatisrueii Kroiil their uial edict. I think tney will teof Hrowu'a pcrluuneiit sdvuuiave to me " ; HKV K HOWI.KV. A M.. TROCHKS ' Prcai.leni .'f Athena Colletrr, Teun I 17" S.Ud hy nil Druggists ut i-i ccutsa lx. December's, lt6u Snip'. ' TROCLAMATION- JVOICK is herehy given ihal llm several ' Courts of Common PleasM tieneral Quarter Sessions of the peace, aii'1'Orphans' Conn. Court of Oyer and Terminer and Ceneral Jail Delivery, ill and for the county of Northumberland, to coinmenceat the Court Hi use, in the boroui(li ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the seventh day of J AN CAR Y, next, and will con- tinue TWO W r.EKS. '1'ha coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta- hies in and for the county of Norlhunila-rlaiid, are j rcqucs-lctl lo be then and there hi their proer cr ' sous, with their rolls, records, impositions, and ! other remenibrances, to do those things to their I several offices appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common- wealth against any prisoner are also requested aud ' commanded to I then and there attending iu their i proper persona to prosecuto against him, as shall j be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to lie punctual in tlieir attendance, al the lime appointed agreeable to iheir notices Civen under my hand al Sunbury, Ihe '.t day of Dec'r. in the year of our Lord one thous and eigh' hundred and sixty and Ihe Inde pendence of the L'niled Stale of America Ihe 5lh. Cod save the Commonwealth. DAVID WALDRON, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, ) Buuburv, Dec. 8, 8f,0. ) SOL YD A? TCYr AND CONFECTION ARIES. aVT. C- GEABHART, HAS just relumed from the city with Ilia lareest assortment of CONKECTIO.N'A R1ES, K I! LIT and TOVS, ever brought to this sectiou of country. Me is determined to supply all with llolyusy present, sellng them at whole sale and retail, at prices to suit purchasers. aiai.iiiiE ma. i , iiibb mil f, w , nr.. 1V IS manufacturing all kimU of Tovss and ke;p. up If u. .1.. ........ .. . k: . a.. his stock, so that purchasers will nut he at a loss for a supply of almost any ailicle lliey may desire. M. C. (if A I! II A RT. Sunbury, December I, IHG0. UVR Iron, Steel, Nails, Picks, (irub-Hoet and Mssou llaiiiuuia, at low price. Btiil.Hr A SON. '. inbury, I mi ? l0, OF THE SEASON 1 rivILING & GRANT. at tho have just received a NEW AM) DESIRABLE Mock of FA L I, $ W1NTNU (i ()() IKS! A very extensive assotlmciil of LADIES" D15ESS GOODS, ' in p(i it of Ulntk an J Vtucy NiILs ufrty ctiuicr juiKrrnft. DuftiU, Cahhinrrtn. French ami Englisli Mriino, J'laiii ami Figuri'il Wool Dvlninrs. Muslin Delaine of all nyWn ami pricm. FoulnrJs, Ththcl Cloth, Toil Ve Chi vrrs. uson ami Wool riaitts. 1 Kl BKOCHK. Bay Mote and nety, Ac, Ac. Wool SlIAV,s nf every va (.onllonicii's Jlirss (loods. of every style, coiisisiiti); of Cloths, l.'ftaimcrcs, Saltinetts. Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds. elvet Cord. ; Velvelecn, WsiiuH. of every variety. )ur slock of Silk and Silk Velvet Vesting, cannot be surpassed in the coutiirv. Please call and riaminc them. CLOTHING Our slock of READY MADE CLOTI'INC. has been repleiiislicd, und we have a full assort ment of OVERCOATS DRKss COATS. Pants ntul Vests, Overcoats and Dress Coats for Boys of all a'cs. ALSO, a very hriiulnome assortment of -EI-TJS -A.3NTT3 CAPS of every style and variety at the low.est prices Our stock of HARDWII RE has been renew ed and wn have mm a larger assortment than i ever before altered to our customers, consisting i in pan 01 Sausage Cullers. Pocket Cutlery. Butcher Knives Mayer Hinge. Bolls and Pad Locks, X Cut Saws, Mill Saws, Scoop Shovels. Ac. Ac, Ac, iVc.. See, Ac. 1?iucn.iTiuc ami i.lagmarr of ctory variety at the V E R Y I. O W EST PRICES, Our stock ol C- R O S 2S P. I 2C 3 is very fine. We have llic best ijualily of Sirup Molasses ever beforu otitic to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinily. CEDAR AND Y II.I.OW-WARE of every variety. Carpels, Notions, M osier) , Clove, SADI.ERY. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ac., &c. Alse a fresh supply of Drug, Oils, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Paints, Dye Stiffs (lass. Brushes, Ac. Particular care having been taki n in the se. I lection of our goods in regard lo quality, style I and price, we call Ihe aitrulion of Ihe public lo I our large stock to which constant additions will , he made. Thankful for past favors, we hope lo merit a I continuance of the patronage of ihe public by a i,liii vucbji. , man v-a... v i . i. u van m iwir purchasing elsewhere. KRILINO A (.RANT. Sunbury, Nolleinhcr 17, IHtiO. A ritOFITAULE liLaSlNHSst. Il'E wih to engage a numlier of good sub staulial business men. lo prosecute a busi I nets which is iwrinanent, and in the hands of active energetic persons can Is made very prolita. I ble, although we will not guarantee mat any man rail at lirst clear $100 or $IM) dollars per ! moiiih, vet we do not consider thai a man i i doing justice to the business who does not clear above all expenses over 3u uoiiars every inoulh. Any one nut of employment will tiudil to their interest lo rail on. or write to us. We have something new, and only ask to have tlioae who would like lo make mousy examine into this mailer. A branch office of the business haa been per manently located at Sunbury. For pellicular address, or c ill on WM. M. THAYER. Sunbury, Pa. Office opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, Dei-mlr I, IHtiO NOTICE VLL persons knowing themselves iii.ler.ted lo the subscTioers. eng.tjed in oo..Jry busi... on uou. book aecounU. tbw.. . .quested " ' '" ""Uoul de V Thoia oegleeltng this notice mutt net complain Wun'Miiy. N'. I tt) - 'm ! GREATEST EXCITEMENT AQBNTfS WANTED!! A ISuuk that crtrg Jurmer, Mcchumc and Dutinett Man Want. .1 WS.vrl jr" .T"5 . Township l,OCALl,AVKIH. TllK M T A'l'k'. t ti." i-i va?v." V ANIA,M mipilr4 from Ihe itfttof AprmWy hy Vviitm.n cut Cheater, Vm. ' Thn work cut a in t tttr 4)00 iwfi o clelr nrinli-d ftiHttrr, aiifl will he '! !t ii"rtiticn. It tnehri the dutita ol Jnatirmirf Ihe Frtce, with ftirm for tho trmitHclHitt nf thfir liunipn. It tmfihtt tlie flu 1 1 si of On fin b.- with all (he in-resumy fornii, ppcriHiiMMK ft the ttHtrc. h rofitniiii the riuitr nf rtiervin"ri nf erery Count) ami Tt)vtihip i,t the Mint. It rontrirnflthe nvHteoi pnH-ednre for the hiyiiis out nuA nprniiiff of pithlir Hn1 priv:itf r'HiilK, of t itciiUng mitl altfi injt rmnli, the huiltliuK of (trtilRcg, &., he- li cmtmii the ti,inni SMiiHtl leiiw, with rplnn itirMii. tkcittioMf and lireclioti. togrlhrr Willi I'tnti .-r ilfttl, Jlomli, t'tMMfHcfn, trtiri'1in, hv, Ac 'J'lii ilepiiriiiirtit l the UMtjk wiiafohipilrdiit llurrh'tiiirn hy Mr Niiimrl V ItnlrR, jlr,iily HiipiTiiilfiiHriit. null inifie worth th prire nl the vulititit to imr one infertitft in C"iimi'in Schufli It p?ihiItiiih the Hut i en "( rowiinltip AiMlitora It (Miitiiiim tit? Inwa Mtitivr to lloffmiMil thrp Il N'tiTJttn (he tliittrti of A wnn 11 I It THsnf isjina the Inwn In rcltitimi to ?trn w. Mulct ami Pwitiu. It foiitiiinn tha Iwr rtlntive tn Fenrea and Friit-e VtewciP. It coiituuii Hie Inwa re Iu jive ."Oniric limiting, Trotit mid j Deer. j It c nilniiit tlie Ftertii'it l.nw with nil the iiet't'UKiiry i I'oniis. Ii rfnlniiM the Nnturftliutioii tnwft, with nil the iiefra f anry 'nrinn of Apphcntton. It cuniiiiiii ii Inrto nunihet f lrtil 1'nrrnft, wJncli ate j HBctl in the eveiy ilny tnitiMHctDm ,t( Immurm. aueh tta i Arknowhilcnieiitit. Alhtlavita, Atticlpa of Agri-riTeiilf and t oiunirta, iMrrnertnipt Apprentices, Ami(tmnenl, Attes tnlt'Mi. UiIImoI Kxclmnne mid 1'iomnxiory ,ittt ?t Hill Stile, llomhi, (Jherka, diveiinitlii. Dee In, l)rpoitioii. Due inm nun iTisiurrj oien, .nti'lioni mid 1 1; (Htm, Irt'OM"! Dettera of Attorney, ,Mnrnpe, Moitffiiirea, Heieiita anrl I KHeaaea. The work it SmuiuI in l.w heep, and will he vim 10 mihiTio.TB ui ki v: per c.tpy, pnvntilu on iieiivery of the Work. The wmk h.ia mniNtnl tin. rnfim ion til lmie nf Ihe heal Ijlwyera in tlie Stale, end liaa received Ihcl'r I uiiiunldiilappioltiiin, nan reliable hand Ixsik of releieni e . upon ail anlijeela Ukii which it trcale. 'I he whole t tornniteii in such n inauucr ns to preach! n plnin, conci-e , umi rApiii-o siaieiucill o incilliueaol UU lowliahlu lltfi' . cers. tia mavhe reniiilv iniderRtciMt I,.. n,,v 1 Tins enmity will he csuvained for Ihe work, " i,B,i,s.ri,ii inn coizcua la reapectt iimv anlicilcl. H W. CONK 1. 1 NO ft CO . lieneral Agents lor Nor 1 thmtiherrand and Montour counties. i I". r. u.sat cmiviKacra are wanted tr all pstta nf thia county lor thr nlsive Work, tn whom a lllienil eonipeiiaa : lion will he iriven. Appliciitinna, which mnat he made ut in cariynaic, miilrcaaeil lo Ihe l.enciol Aienlaut Uauvlll', I rs , will receive promnt intention. December S, 16U It COMB ALL, fl t nnd examine the beautiful S II A V LS, .n j n auu J k 1 1 DRESS GOODS i: BRIlillT & ,So., tr 'Shuct just opened hvs CENTRE OF ATT R ACTION: KICIl DISPLAY of HANDSOME GOODS AT LOW PRICES 1 combining B K A U T Y A N D D V. 11 A It 1 I. I T Y now on FEE EXHIBITION At the People's OiNE P1UCE STORE, OP E. V. BRIGHT &. SON, Our extensive Stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LUHi CS3- CD CO LJ b3 NOTIONS, HOSIERY, B 0 0 T S A N D S H O E S, HATS AND CAPS, QUEENS WARE, G ROCEUIEi, Hardware, Carpets, and Oil Cloths, Ac, Ac Presents RARE ATTRACTIONS, A X D Splendid Inducements TO PTJP.dZASEP.G, Who wish to secure GltEAT BARGAINS For tbe Smallest Quantity of CAPTAIN CASH on Countpv I'potliKc. REMEMBER that all goods sold at our establishment WARRANTED to he aa r -p () "r T en . to r' r j,l h u.1 ji o ii is Sjy AND NO DEVIATION IX PRICES. In addition to our LAP.GE STCCS. Wc are constantly receiving New tiood, thus keeping up our assortment al all seasons ol the year We rtluru our thanks lo the public f llieir liberal palrouage, and shall make tvery I effort oil our pail lo render satisfaction lieMiig that tbe iiiuiblu dime is heller than the alow quarter, wa shall a.llur lo thai old time houoit d mollo : "Small pro Ills and quick sales." E. Y. BRIGHT k SON. Suuburv, November 17, ISI'.O. Buckwheat Huller. flHE sulascriber lespeellully iiiforn.a the A public thai they have addad lo Ihe machinery iu their Meaut Mill, in buubury, a new iniproveJ 0uchwheal Duller and wheal cleauri, which enables them to furnish whral, atld butkwheal flour of tha liursl quality. Custoniers piomplly alleitdcd to. MORUVN A CO. Suubuiy, December I. U0. m BUIIIOS Ol .Mil l. I It Mica saniru at 4 OL)v' .'or 's f B-RH'IIT A SON '3 THE LATEST STYLE OF AB CONSTANTLY MACE at the Fashionabls Ttiloring Establishment of JACOS O. BECK, Plallit Mlro.1 ai...... railll- ejai.ajaissi.jj, g-u, I b ...bscril.,,. , 1()i(;OTj t( fc(i U j() ntk Plmn and Fane, Ca,simere..Vr.sti,Jgs.&. ami stevt In . Tr""i ' suhM.Mi.l ami la est My le U dooda n, ihe cit ln.rke He .a prepared , make toonleal, ki its f ('eiitlrnieii a and ;iy a wear, micli as Ot ER.COA T.t, DRESS.COATs. FROCK. I COATS, BPslNESSCOATS, VEm'J k PANTALOONS. Ac. Ac, Ac., in the very latest style, aud in the most aubslati tiiil mnniier, at short notice, Any (iond not on hand, will he furnished from Philadelphia, liy giving two day 'a notice. f Xf (jail and cinmiiic my stock, no charge made lor snowing. JACOB O. BECK. Sunbury, Novemlier 3 I MRU. Notice to Heirs Estate of John Moors, deceased. Xnrtlumlirrland Count. ,SS. , 'I' an Orphans' Court for Ihe County of Nnr thunihrilaud, held at Sunbury, on the 14th day ol November, IKCO; in the matter of the estate of John Moore, deceased ; on motion nf Mr. Packer, Attorney, Ac. ihe court granted a rule, directed to the heirs and legal representa tives of aaid decedent to accept or refuse lo take the real estate of said decedent at the valuation, lo wit : Michnol Moore, of Winona, Winona County, iu tho Stalo of Minnesota ; Hannah, wife of James Merri!, and Sarah Fulkerson wife of William Fulkerson, residing at Liberty, Tioga county, Pennsylvania, Esther Moore, of N'or Ihumberland county Pa., Susannah wife of Joseph Haupt, nnd Klisha C. Moore, the Peti tioner, of Northumberland county, Pa., and Catharine wife of John Bostian, Harriet wife of William Nalicr Ann Elitalielh Moore, Charlee M. Moore, and Mary Alice Moore, (the aaid Charles M. and Mary Alice (being minors) children of Isaac Moore, deceased, who res'de at Jackson Lycoming county, Pa., to be and appear on the first MonJay of next Term nf said Court, viz: the first Monday of January next, to accept or refuse lo take the said real estate at the vslua lioh thereof, or show cause why the nine should not be sold according to the Act of the General Assembly in such cases made and provided. All of which the said heirs of the said John Moore, deceased, and all other persons interested, will please to tike notice. By the Court. J. B. MASSER, Clk., O. C. DAVID WALDRON", Sheriff. ShorifTs Office, Sunbury. Dec, 8, I8C0. 1 1 KRINOKS. DeluinTsTT'opTius. Fine stock Black Drrss (joods. Priated Cashmeres, yard wide, 31 and 37 cents. Some Dre?s Oonds. mnch reduced. COOPER A CON A KD. S. K corucr Niulb and Market at.. Dec 8, lhfJO. Philadelphia. LOTHS, Cassitneres. Ssttiuct. Heavy end light weight Beaver cloths. Tricots, Frosted Beavers, Plain Broad cloths. Fancy and Mlack Cnssimerps. COOPER A l.'ONARl), S. K. corner N inth at Market street. Dec. 8. 18110. Pbiladelph.a. n o o r a x j7s iTo k M AN (."FACTORY. Comer of Market Square and I'.ii tr Street STJTTBXJR-y, J?J 'I' HE subscriber respectfully informs the citi - ier s ol Sunbury aud vicinity, that ho ha opened a Bool and Shoe Shop on Ihe corner ol" Market Square and River street, opposite tho Court House, where he can be found at all timet ready to wait upon customers. Having considerable experience, he is prepared to make up customer work of all kinds, at short notice, in the latest style and workmanship. He keeps constantly on hand a large asnrl ment of Leather, of the best quality, which en ables him to make up good and durable work. Call and eiamine for yourselves before pur chasing elsewhere and you will save money. JOHN WILVEII. Sunbury, Nov. 10, IHtiO. ly 9 3 3 V S K Y K X Y E A 11 S ! The M-vm year nf uitrivalM turcrtw nttejuitnt lb COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION.' .mve iiimU- it a bouteliulil wold ihruughcDt evrijr quarter ol Ltie t.'oiinlry. l iititr nufptCfs i f thii ptpntr Init ilulw-n, over thjtf; hundred tlit.umiul huiun imvt Itwiued lo Hpcfrcinlr by lfuutuul wurk i utt on il(ir wll, atJ cbjv:n litrrulurefiutlK-u lattice, the gicut t4ift.U UcnvcU In in lrrniiitf m ul'-b?nler tntwaViiptioim are imw hemp receivcti in h iu;io oupmal ItrltrJ Willi that ni any yrar, TKIl.MS OF 5L BSCRirriON. Any porn can bre-xna a inrmiHii by tubci .nthrc' iMiHrs, lur wiiicbi'itu tti- will rm-ive l-l. The mid suerti tire, engmviiig, Ju i 3s itwlici, emit led, "FA Lb FAFF MUSTERING HIS 11 F CRUITS." 2d One copy, one year, uf that elegantly loutirtud miguzine, "TllK COSMOPOLITAN ART JOritN'AL," 3l l-'our adiniaaiiait, during the aessnn, In Tba Gallery ol Paintings, 519 Broadway, N' a In addition lo Ihe ataive benen-a, there W'aiJ be siveu lo subset itiera, at) pistaitous preitiiuius, over Five Hundred Beautiful Works of Art ! eoinprisin vtiluable paiiitiiiKt, marbles, rwnkjis, outlines, Jlc, foriuiun a truly niiiial lienrtil. '1'tie auteii. KiiK'avuif . valucli every auliacriln'r will re. eeive, entitled. "FalaUitl Miielerini; iua Heciuila, i one v 1 tlie rntml iHSiiitilul uud popular eugisviiifta ever laaurd HI Una cnuiilry. It ia done on atccl, in tnie line nnd sli'le aii'l ia printed t:i licuvv plate fi'iier. 30 !' Ui inches, inuk ms a moat choii; oruniuciila, a otalile for liie vn!i ol either llic litirurv, pairs or ntliee. lit suliject la the nlelirHIrd cciie ol fir John t-'alalalT nccn-iu, in Juslice bhailow'a I'llice, llie rccruiia ivhu-li hn ve hec n t illirrrd fur hit -ruc-aealra-xiinrnl ' 1' could 0"t be luruished ! Ihe trade l"r lean llciii live d'dlsra. I'he Art J.uirnul it t i well knowa to the whole country lo nrcd coiniuenitalioii. Il la a inajiiiificeiitl) llluatriiled iiMmanie Ait, c.. lau.niK Kssnxa, r?u.rie. I'oeina, lios auvaVe., hv llievei) lavai wnlera iu America. Adore". C. I. I'I'.KHV, AclusryC A A. Slu linw luii, New-1 oia V H SiltHjClioliona rccelVMl tlinl fiirwsiaU'il h- ' II. li MASWKH, Ag.PI. J or Sunlniry and vicinity, wbere no-nycu J-'.iis'sviiifa und Art Jiinriiiil chii Lie ru. il.cinliel I, IsSd. I t in: tiu in At iii:iiv. epHE F ALL TERM of the present year w i- opened o Tuesday, the 10th of October, Ull. I'.oard nf I istnictnrs. ' Rev. J. K. Millet. Piim-tpl. and Instructor in Ancielil Language ami Engliah. j l.i lew tart. I D. S. Buyer. Associate, and Instructor in Malh I malic. Nalrral Science, B.-k Keeping. Ae 1 Assteled by able and eieritnred teachers. I 'lii course tsf lostriiciioti rmlwace all ilia j branchea usually taughl iu Pinuaiy, Academical i and Claaical IVp.rlineiilt. I 'I'he government of lliis Institutiori ia mibl. j but firm, and all sta.lmi. e required lo be i dihtenl and otM-dienl. ' I'.j pones. ' Boarding, room with luiinluie, per I k le to l.? ! TuXmiV, Wuarler, .- j Drawina. Panning. Mu.ic. Irtnch. I factual ultvln. A -. esira- . . isi..dei.l. aJiuilW.1 at any t.n.a aiming "H Quarler. For lurlhef rr,"uU"'i'"t,", j; p Freehm. Knvlei iuu'11), Pa. Titehurg Ne-'mbe' 3- """ uii wj 1 ' 'v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers