pi1. n VMhllk VMM IIDDBN DMAPPKARArlre, KiHTOR Times : On lbs af ernooo of the 8th ult, just afut ihe lynching of the M ex . tan who brutally murdered n little girl the liljrht previous, (the particulars of which have already beou published,) Mr. Williim Oob n and sou were ia their garden, through wbh b passes a flame of a hydraulic mitiinjj claim. Hume cats were friskiog about the gardro, end little Willy undertook to stone I tie in out, anil stood near the precipitous bank overlook ing tbe flnme. His father called biuyond his reply was, "in a minute, father." Shortly a Tier, bis father culled again, and bearing no response, he proceeded to tbe spot whore be ad last SfPO him, nod fooud that be was Mussing. Mr. Gohin instituted an immediate search in the vicinity, and theit efforts were aoavail'nir, except tbe discovery of a breakage of tb dirt on the edge of tbe embankment above th; flume. It was first thought, that as tbe "Indian Ranchero" was iu close prox imity, tbe friends of tbe Mexican might hare tukeu the buy stealthily away out of revenue. Hut a morn propable conclusion is, that tbe drub breaking of tbe earth wln-re he was Inst pei-i, was canned by tbe bois efiotl to throw a Ktoue, and missing his balance, fell over into tbe tluuie, through which at tbe time, some Eeveuty-tive incline ot water was running ; and tlioupb tbe Uua,e is only fourteen inches wide being stuuned by tbe lull, be mupt have pusn ud through without any resistance From this point to Stanislaus river, it is several 100 feet, and tbe boxes empty the tailings just below the datn. Tho river baa been romim? Unite high most of the time since, and al though a daily search has been made, up and down the river, no clue to bi remains has as jet been fuouJ. "Little Willy" was a fine child, seven yeors of ago and was beloved by all who knew him. J. E. W. C. San Francitco California) Daily Timet. GT Mr. Gubiu, was formerly of Sunbury. Tn Cask or LI all. Sinou-ar Sce.vr i.i a Jiht Boom. Tbe Grand Jury of Lebanon county yesterday relumed a troe bill against Li. H. Hail, charged with forgery and attempt lug to pass a forged check on the Lebanon Bank. Tbe iudictmeul aguiust birn for boree stealing was ignored, A singular occurrence took place in tbe room while the Jurors were deliberating upon tbo latter bill. A gentle man appealed before them in regard to tho theft, stating that be would be able to recog nize, the tbief if be could see bim. Borne member of tbe Grand Jury then aled the witness to look around and state whether the truFprtted thief was present. He carefully examined every countenance iu the room, and swore positively that the Lor?e thief was sitting bebiud the tuble, pointing ta a respec table member of tho Jury. The Jurors, knowing tho high character lor iutegrily sua tained by tbe geutleman pointed out, who is a renpecluble and estimable citizen of Leba non, alter recovering from their tistoniabuieot ot once discharged ibo witness and ignored the bill against Hall. This singular affair mused considerable amusement uuiuug the people of Lebanon, at the expense of tbe very respectable gentleman who Was u.i. ta ken for a horse thief 1 irvin IMke'a Peak. St. Joseph-, Aug. 27. Pike's Peak dates to the 1 1th have been received by the urrivul of the Denver City Express. Sobscriptious'wer being raired for tbe ex tension ot the lice of telegraph to JJeuver city, and with good prospect of success. The excitement was increasing in regard to the new silver leads near Tarryall. Tbe ore found tbete is laid to assay from $200 to S 11 00 per tou. A thouiuud claims buvo been tukuu. Tbe other tnioea ore paying richly. The weather bus beeu cold, and '.Lure bus beeo a light fall of snow. From $40,UOO to 50,000 in dost whs lea ring Denver City per week lor tbe -States, mostly in private bauds. Dhow.ved Mr. Richard Caa.pLell, of Rueb towusbip, Norluumberlundcuuriiy, wus drown ed in ibo Susquehanna, oa Wedueaday moruilig last about 11 o'clock. je was nu bis way to Danville, crossing the mr on tne Ferry tl.t. w Ii.ju by the lulling of the fall board bis horse got frightened, and plunged purity overboard. Iu euduuvorieg to save the horse, Wr. Campbell being unable to awiui, was drowned. Ui body was recov red about half un hour after the uccident. The diseased Was about 39 yeBre ol age, in dustrious and a much respected farmer, not uiarrieJ, abd lived will! Ins mother aud Lis three sisters, whose main stay be was. We sincerely sympathise with their sudoeu and melancholy loss. A c.ironer's inqaeat Was held to the body of the deceased, aoJ a verdict rendered iu accordiiuce with the above facts. Much censure is hallowed upon tie men v ho wore ou tho flat at the tirnr, (aome C or K of them,) for uot evincing sufficient presence of mind ta assist tbe drowning ruau in his ;rng;les for life. Planks, bonrds, pik poles, r:pee, 1.'., were on band, and yet not an effort we ere told, was tneda to the right direction tii sate (tie life of the unfortunate victim. All their energies seem to have beeo concen trated upon rscuing the tuias. Djurille V leara that Mr. VV ilium flancock, tf this plnct, has purchased the (urcave near H ri;lbuig. lute the property cf Ex Governor l)vid R. i'oi ter, and that be is making active preparations for putting it iu blst in a short time. Tbe engine wants oveikaulicg, and the fire brick lining is to ba renewed. These am all the upniis to ba made. Dautillc DmfiOCTUt. No fiirifiioa in tax U'uki.i It is now fcBnerniiy conceded tbt tbe garments made hi the Drown etone Clothing Hall of Rock lull dr Vi'iI.od, Nos. Ctl3al.dCu5Cbe.luut Street, above Sixtb, ore not txmlled by any :u t'id world ; while thoy ore tqoaled by very If. The propriutois of this vast aud splea. l,d etuhl,pti(!.eiit spare neither pains nor ex yenne to secure excellence in their goods, and rtitletnen may bo asaurud of procuring cloth u:g there for themselves aud ilmir young suns nt.ati will bs ujiexceptioLabia iu respact to iuality, style aod price. C3T 1 ho ji,t,gryva Timet, referring to a Cftotrporary in that county, tulki about ' ineatiir.glffs nonsense." Did the Times n.un ever hear uf any "seDsible nonsense t" Perhaps bis correspondent, "let then bf f'y'.,'' mibt sxplnlo. as that i-ems to ba ia In line, and is a subject wah nhich. bs scetni to be familiar. PIT The following wss lauded to us for rublicatioo Ust week, but too late fr that 'irsue : Rcvhtd -J hat whereas the regular Demo cr.ey f Bchuykill county have stood so man fiil.y by the rights aud withes of Northum berland county, :o reoomnuting Woi. L I'ewart. our favorite candidate for t'onitesa, we promiae to reciprocate the favor in the fu ture and to stand Moulder to shoulder in f. vor of the idectioo of Schuylkill couutv J.la Biocrat to Congress. The above resolution was 8erc d by a Nor tbumberland couuty .onfere. at tbe uieelit. nt th conferees of this Congresaioual li. lucl m lbiH, and uuuiiimoutly adopted. 3 Tt;oiusitc.Va understand there is professor of the pugilistic art in this place, -u toai D, u clv,pg lt,MUU) tJ m M uf got or tea ambitioM young geotlemen. AitZZLl'inSl CVV" knd ,Ut" kava jual hoan diacovered whm m .,y of A,b, I nBsv THE AMERICAN. yiBTur. LirrnT; S aKiEfcNtiziicKjJ BTJTBTTR-g, FA. SATURDAY. SEFTEMBEIl 1, J860. II. D. MASSER, EditoTand Proprietor. To ADVEHTirtat The cTrculatinn of the Uuasiav Auntie among-the dilTtircnt towns on tlirPainuehnnna U int exceeded, If quailed by any paper pul'llthed in Notthnn rimvlvanln. DtMOlRATIC NOMIIXATIOKa. la the Rfjjolor Convention. FOR PRESIDENT, ETEPHEN A. DOUGLAS, of IUiaois. for vicn-rRKsiDENT, KEESCHEL V. JOHNSON, of Georgia. In th reedcra' and Ditunlnn Conventlnn. FOlt PRESIDENT, JOHN C BRECKINRIDGE, of Kentucky. TOR V1CK -PRESIDENT, . Gen JOSEPH LANE, of Oregon. DEMOCRATIC STATIC ROMliSATIONt. rOR aOYLIiSOR. HENRY D. FOSTEB, Ot Westiiorkland. Democratic County Ticket. for Vongrett. J. 3 nEIMESM'lltlt, or.Mear Mlll.n. to tba deciiion of the Dnocruc Couferees. h'or Senator, wyt. T. FORSTTH.ot Monhnmberland. futjct to tt drciaionof tha Democtauc Confricaa. Fur A.inemlly, AMt CL ENT, of homakln. For Sheriff, DATIO TVALDROI, of mill on. For CommUfiontr, IIAAC D. R)Ktn, of Lltlle Slohoiioy. For Prothonolarj, DANIEL BECKLEV, of Sanborr. For Auditor, JOII5I HOrr A,of Turbul. 1 i i V7" We observe, that Duvid Rockefeller, is highly recommended as the Opposition candidate for Sheriff. Mr. Rockefeller's cx pericoce aod excellent business qualifications, id this tOicfl, cannot be questioned. C3T John Walls, Kcq., of I,cwiburg, is a candidate for tbe oCice of Associate Judge for Lniou county. Our neighbors could not readily have selected a more unexceptionable man, and one better qualified, and ns tbe ofiice is not, and should not be made a politi. cal one, we can hardly doubt lis ruccees. CS" Csssra Ruir.ns. The following nro the correct returns of the population of tbe boroughs and townships iu this county: Sonbury, 1605 j Upper Aogustn, 910; Lower Augusta, 2019 j' Shamokin, 2155 Rush, 1220; Coal, 1809; Z-rbe, 14S6 ; Mt. Carroel, 1099 ; Lower Mahanny, 1CC6 ; Upper Mahaooy, C90; Cameron, 404 ; Washington, 870 ; Jackson, 717 ; Jordan, 9G0 ; Little Mabaocy, 320; Northumberland, 1103. Poiut, 1015; Cbilisquaque, 1342 ; Milton! 2143; Turbut, 937 ; Lewie, 1369; Turbut ville, 3e0: PaUware, 1903 ; McEwenoville, 391. Total, 2B.P2S. Tbe increase of Suobory since 1850 it about 50 per tent. Millou30aud Norlhum- beiland 10. The increase of fcuubury ha been within the Ust 5 years, fconbury in lSJt) HOT lc.';0 l'J!S 1800 ltUO ,i GT Ajibiiotifis, lie. Win. J. Welker ia 00 it taking Ambrotypcs, if,, above liaslur's s'.oie. Market atrctt, Suubury. Mr. Welker is a good artist and takes tine.toned life-like pictures. He has just receive J a Iut of new materials, which he thinks enables him to turn oul pictures equal to any taken in the cities. Everybody should have a picturs taken lor the use of posterity, and now is the time to get one cheap and durable. (2 It will be seen by tbe returns of the primary election that the returns of ilouut Carmel an oot iucludej, ou account of their uot having reached this place until evening. Aa tba matter stands, Mr. Reiiuensnyder has a majority cf 42. These returns, we under, stand, give Mr. Cameron 47 and Mr. Rei meiisajdir 3, which, added to tbe general result, would elect Mr. Cameron by several votes. Some of Mr. Camerou'a friends, we learn, think the will of tba people should not ba entirely disregarded, aud that ba will ba represented by conferees, but will not ask to be nominated, desiring only to have the facts properly represented. THE ACE OF III M1HO. Tba world is, undoubtedly, greaily given, at the present time, to humbugs. Almost every mail brings us a proposition from some would be philanthropist, offering to sell an article for one. fourth its value, or to cure the afU:ctbJ 1 1 nil motives of the purest charity and benevolence. There was a time when tbe marvellous Isles cf the "Arabian Nights" were concede J by all to ba puitly fictitious, aud wliea "&iubad tba Sailor" was looked upon as a nursery story. Cut soma of tha advertitemeuta and bills of the present day, InteudeJ for "children or larger growth," en. tirely overabadow the Cclions of former limes. When auy adventurer cud boldly aud suc cessfully p'l.rlaim before en intelligent com muuity, that he will sell gold and silver Watches, worth from 15 to 73, for twenty. tit cents, we should Do longer be surprised at tha credulity and superstitions of former ages. Theso gift operators go upon the principle that alt fouls are not only not dead, but that they constitute a pretty large portion of society, and alto thiy bud tbiir credulity beginning to Sag, tbey have ooly to offer a geuuius bait, in the shape or a watch, when hundreds of gudgeons will t e ready to bite at tba oaked hook. Perhaps Duller was not far wrong when be made lludibras say, that " IVultU-, iha ilwuii is as ftni Iu Iwinf i-healcd, loekul." Having some kuowledga of tha manufac ture aod value of this bogus "Gift Jewelry," which constitutes tha maio feature of tha busiuafis, we think propur to say that compe tent juJgea would not give one dollar a pack for oina-teclhs of tha articles disposed or, unlasa .o ba used fur tba purposes of ban- buiDg tha votsmuuity. If IK DEMOCRATIC TICKET. The Democratic Dominating convention met at tha Coort House, io this place, on Monday lost, aod as a necessary consequence, candidates and politicians were thick and plenty. That many were disappointed where ooly a few could be choseo, wag not unex pected, and we beard a number condemn the present system of conducting primary elec. lions. When we predicted this state of things, when this system was adopted, we received neither compliments nor thanks from many who have since full the truth of our predictions and the force of our argomonts. The convention was organized by calling John Farnswortb to tbe chair, assisted by Henry Reader and Daniel Wngner, as Vice Presidents, and Geo. Baker, W. P. Withing ton and Jacob Yordy, as Secretaries. Tbe return judges from all the election dis tricts, except Monnt Carmel, were present. There was somo difficulty in regard to tho Smibury district, Mr. Solomon Shindol and Edward Eisely both claiming seats. Edward being a stout six footer, took the responsi bility of constituting himse Ifthe judge, having pocketed the papers as soon as tbe polls were closed. 1 he convention, however, admitted Mr. Shindel. There was some little surprise manifested at the rapid increase of the Democracy io some of the districts io tbe folks. Milton, for instance, at the piimary election of 1859, polled only 101 votes, and in October 108, aod now 159, showing a gain of 50 per cent, in one year, while tbe census, tuken a few weeks siuce, shows a gain of only 30 per cent, iu ten years, or 3 percent, in one year. Chilisquaque, at the primary election of 1859, polled 79, end et tbe October election 100 Domocratie votes, and now 153. And yet, according to tha late census, the population of ChiliRqnaqne township has decreased from 134 1 to 1342, being a loss or 2 in the last ten years. Delaware Las also improved 42 votes nn the October election. Bat Ibis is a pro gressive age, and we like to see progress, nben founded on a permanent basis. Tbe votes having been counted, resulted as follows : For Congress, J. J. Reimeneny der, of Milton ; fcjenotor, Wm. T. Forsythe, of Northumberland ; Assembly, Samuel Ent, of Shamokiu ; Sheriff, David Waldroo, of Milton; Prothonatary, Daniel Beckley, late ofTrevorton; Commissioner, Iaac D. Ra ker, of Littlo Miriiauoy; and Auditor, J. Holla, of Turbut; The Democracy in the forks hove the lion'a share, and will have do reason to complain, while Sunbury is without a single candidate. CJT Woi. H. Armstrong, of W'illiamf port has been nominated for Assembly in Lycon ioif county, by tho opposition. Tbe Repub. licans an' witely selecting their Lest men for ofiice. There is policy in tliip, to say nothing of the wisdom end propriety of suck a course. Mr. Armstrong is a gentleman of superior abilitief, aud ibis will add greatly to his strength. i Tenth Annuut iihilillloa of Ihr Norlliuiubtr Und t'ouuly Agricultural BnJ llorllcaltural aoi'Wty. Tbe Northumberland Coaoty Agricultural and Horticultural Society will hold their tenib Annual Exmnmon on Thursday, rn day and Saturday, October llth, 12th aod 13th, 1800, at tbe Borough of Miltou : Catti.b Ji'diiks or Hui.i.s and Young Cattle John Klupp, Juo. M. Wagoner, Elida John, Jacob Stumm, Daniel P. Caul. Jl'DOF.s of Cows. Edward Urody, R. M. RuhbHI, Isaac Marsh, Sen., John Tagpart (Lewie) John 1J. Cottahall, Rob't McK.ee, Simoo Cameron. Ji'DGKsriK Fat Catti.b. Joseph Nicely, Joseph Tweed, Woi. Beard, Elijah Crawford, Henry Morgan. Yokr Catti.b JiriM J. P. Armstrong Samuel Russell, John Wolff, Jacob Craw ford, JOO. RllBM'll. HoRsr.t Jr piiKf. On. Wm. II. Kase. John Nicely, Wm. K. Marsh, Bartrim Gal bruilb, Johu Kutt, George Scl.ull, R. C. Ruckmau. 15 rood Marks Judoes. Col. Jes. Cam erou, Julias Wolf, Peter llaughawoul, Aarou lli'cktnnn, John Haag, Williuin Leighow, Gilbert Voris. Carkiaue Horxes Ji'Cces. Gen. D. C. Watson, John Vunilevauder, Dr. W, B. Schuyler, W. P. Dalesman Cyrus browo, Berij. Shafer, Miner G. Marsh. Trotting Hohskh, 1st Class Judges Geotge B. Cadweller, U. A. Moodie, R. II. McCormick, Dr. W. B. Schuyler, Peter Maaser, John Fordaman, Tbos. Search. Fast Walking Horskr Judpes Aaron B. Artman, JanieB Forester, Jacob Hunsick- or, Samuel T. Brown, Wilson Hutchison, John Beet, Charles Culick, Nathaniel Britain Peter Shafer. euEEr Judges. v m. t uiaerson, bimon i Laulz, Bonum R. Kate, John McCormick, j Johu B. Ueller. I Swine Judges. Col. Duoiel Derr, Philip Stinerueb, John Foglemuu, Cupt. J. M. Huff, Peter Oberdorf, Martin Burlier, Woi. Montgomery, ir., Philip Me Williams. Ornamental M a hulk Judges. Joseph Robins, K. H. Awl, Joseph Priestly, It. II. Wateon, P. B. Miah, 11. Uatley, C. F. Mc pherson, Johu Hunter. Miucn t.ANfcoi'g A mthm.f.s -Judges. Alex. Jordan, MrB. Jas. Watson, Mrs. R. E. Etzler, M its Margaret Kebback, Mrs. Col. Wright, Mrs. Jacob Albert. Fire F.wukks. (lest Fire F.ngiue Diploma and 5 00 2d do du Diploma Notk. Eugines to he handicaped accord ing to diaintter of cjlider, length of stroke, gallery pipe or length of hose. Trial of Engines to lake place ou Friday morning at half past 10 o'clock A. M. fudges. Johu A Taylor, A. R. Fiske, James Boyd, G. H. Herts, J. M. Sauseman, Poi'LTav yudges. J. F. Caslow, S. A Kavidge, Aaioo Wolf, tiimou Uubres, David Tag g art. Farm Implements, No. 1 Judges. Ste phen Glare, Jr., Isaac Vincent, Wm. Fullmer, O. P. Patten, as. II. Pollock. John Rousb. Farm Implkmknts, No. 2 Judges. Levi Glaze, Joho Loiter, Andrew Fetter, William Waldron, Johu Teats, Cuarlus Morgan. M ani-eactubrd A RTUiLES Judges. W m Forsyth, Jacob ISliuel, Amos E. Kapp, Wm, M. Weaver, Joseph Bird, Wm. 11. lollmer' Flock, Grain, and Root Crops 'udges' Price Hull, Robert Montgomery, Win B. Bryson, John O. Morgan, David B. Monti gouiery, Jesse 0. Horton, John McFarland. Gardkn Yeostadlks Judges. A. Glaze, Jas. Siuiiugton, J. D. Bair, John Uaujjba wout, Samuel Blaiu, lsaao llilliard. Fcdit Judges. George Scott, Henry Raup, i. F. Wolboger, Johu Boyer, Andrew Nye, John Youogmau. Flow i s. Not. All flowers must be grown by tba exhibitor, and professed gardeners are oat allowed to come into competition with ordi nary deposilora. Judges J. Woods Brown, Miss Sarah Tweed, Mrs. It- It. Walsou, Miea Tbodosia Kate, Mrs, Cyrus Uiowo, Miss F.liaebelu Hobart, Mrs. R. M. Russet, Mra. onus Woir. Home Department, 1st Division. Best 61Tjs butter &e. . Judgea. Dr. C. M. Hill, Mist Elienbelh Watts, Miss Kate Welse, Miss Lizie Swetik, Miss Ann McCormick, Miss Rebecca M. A sherman, 0. W. Tharp. 2d Division. . Best wheat bread c, Judges. Wm. Ravidge, Mrs. Gen. W, Hess, Mrs. Dr. 8cbnyler, Misa Dericksoo, Mrs. W. Hauler, Mra. Woi. P. Dalesman. Home Department, 3d Division. Best preserved peaches Ac. Judges Rev, W. T. Wylie Miss Jennie Uoodlander, Mrs. Rebecca Ahl, Mrs. D. Watson, Mrs. Paul Mastcller, Mrs. J. B. Packer, Mrs. Wm. L. Autriio, Mrs. Joseph Hayes. Home Dtpartment 4lh Division. Best 10 yds. woolen carpet diploma or 2 00 Judgea. K.nanbel Aartmau, Mrs. Amos Glaze, Mrs. J. F. Caslow, Mra. Wm. Bryson, Mrs. Simon Lantz, Mrs. Charles Fox, Mra Wilson Uutcbisoo. filb Division. Best chair or ottoman cover on cloth, Ac Judges. Lewis H. Fonk, Miss Lizzie Troxel, Miss J A Rutbrauff, Miss Mary June Montgomery, Mis Ann U. Shannon, Miss HeBtcr Ruckmau, Miss Mary Watson. Best display of coal aod mineral Dot less than 3 varieties, dip. and 5 00 Judges. John L. Watson, Henry Reader, James Boyd, E W Chapiu, Win Antrim, Woi Cooper, J J Zimmerman, Dr Wm Atwater, Dennis Buoy C E Kutz. Plowino Match. First premittut diploma or 4 00 2d " ' 2 00 Note. The furrow slice to be lapped and the test farrow to be tbe third cut and turned by the same phiw. The plow to be held by the competitor and the furrows oot to be lefs tbau eight Inches deep. Trial to come off oo Friday morning, at 10 o'clock A. M , ICth October. Judges. Join Duokle, Eli Shafer, An drew Kerchuer, Wm. Taylor, Fleming Nee bit, John W. Hoffman, John Eckman, Chas. Fox, D 11 Drieebacb. All Articles not ennmerated io the above list : Judges. Robt McCormick, Samuel John, Jacob Byerly John Faroswort. S E Reed, Samuel BergrVesser, Dr. Robt McCoy, J P llogue, Tho oils Sweuk, J P Beard. RULES AND REGULATION.. 1. Articles and stock will be received until tbe Ulh of OOober, at !2 o'clock A. M. for eutry, and at that hour the entry books will be closed. 2. All applications for entries must be made in writing or personally to the Secreta ry of the Society. 3. Previous to making an entry or entries, the applicant must purchase a membership ticket or tbe Treasurer, which will cost bim bim fifty cents. ORDER OF EXHIBITION. 1. The fair will continue three days, open ing on Thursday morning the Ulh, and clos ing Saturday evening the 13ih of October, IbtiO. 2. The grounds will be open for the re ception of slock and all articles intended for exhibition on Thursday morning, and depoa, tors are earnestly requested to make their entries wilh the Secretary before Thursday morning. The Secretary's Books will posi tively be closed by 12 M;. ou Thursday the 1 1th, and will Dot be opened after that time. Cmmmmicalious, A Car' to the Public WK, the undersigned, having entered security to the Commonwealth of Pennnylvatiix, upon the official Bond of Henry Weiae, Laj.. late Sheriff of Korthumhcrlaud County, lu rch) take this inethud to publicly announce to the people of said county, that a icport which haa been put in circulation by a few individuals of bunbury, to the effect that "Mr. Weiee, has allowed his hail to be sued, and we, the bail afore-aiil, had to pay for hill, Hie sum of two thouaiind dollar., haa no foundation in point of fact, and U utterly and unqualifiedly fab, we have not, nor do we expect, to pay one single cent, as everything con netted therewith ia settled to our entire satisfac tion, and the manner in which he haJ conducted himself in his ullicial capacity has given us no uneasiness whatever, we will add to this, that to long aa WE areaatislkd, an intelligent commu nity wiil pay no regard to reports of scandal uionijera, who sk to cast unjust redactions upon the established itputalion of a worthy citi.en. Attest, "I BENJ. IIENDKICKS, P. M. Siiiauit. J. P. VlKA T CLEMENT, Jos. Boa-Nnr J. f. J JACOB SEASHOLTZ, ' JOHN YOUVU, ! JACOaKENN, Hunbury, Atg. 87, 1S6U it Bail - For the Su.viuai Awiic Who will bo our next Sheriff? Ms. Eduo4: lo a very few more days tbe Democratic pl-ty will have completed their uoiniualion M Sheriff. We take it to be but right sn proper for the People'a party to follow the example thus set, aod place in opposition sorje one fully able and competent to enter tbe le Id, io order that the voters may determiui upon a choice at the election polls. We dll respectfully and earnestly recommend Hnry eiee, Esq., as a proper man for tbe ofasioo. la bim are fooud tbe necessary ele sprits which iuvariably lead to success, by rfclevsr aod sociable disposition, and an active) eoerjetic turn of mind, be bas secured the cfideoce aod respect of many personal frienji of all parties which make nitu a suitable jerson to do good service In the comiug ehjtion. Six years ago lie bum lily solicited Lis fellow citizens to vote for bun, and proi ied, if elected, to fill the office faithfully aoj impartially the people confi ded in what ti said, and elected him by the unpreccdente majority of Dearly one thou sand. Io orir to show bow completely be carried out ii wishes of bis frieuds, we will let the follow:; answers, from the two Dem ocratic papot of the county, suffice. The Sunbury Ciakte, of October 31st, Ic57, save : hL. CL-.:llL'.:.. , r .. - i. uuoriitieise uioveu iroin me Jan to make room fj his successor. Mr. Weise bas bad au activbusy, and we hope, a profitable term. He he made, in our opinion, a good Sheriff; tiasfaeo liked by a large portion of the people olhe county, and retires witb tbe good wishes r many friends. We bave rea son to belief that there was much business transacted driug bis term, aud tbe manner in which it w; performed has given general satisfaction Then agi) tba Sunbury American, of a prior date, tfter speaking of the pieoeot Sheriff, say! "In rega to Sheriff Weise, who retires from office, ia but just to say that be has been a popi r officer, at least witlr the peo pie, and if a fault be bad, it was leaning too strongly io or of the oufortuoate." These set menls published voluntarily by tbe leading uroals, were repeated from the lips of buu -ds of liberal men, who were united iu a, auding tbe magnanimity of tbe man. Beiu possessed of a heart entirely free from ispiog interests, or sordid mo tives iu bi; icial station, be bad ao oppor tunity to pi rm good oatuted acts of gene rosity aud I Jo ess, which still liogers upon the luemor if many, who will be glad to have one m t chance to express their appre ciation of t man, and help to return bim to the posilioi bare be bas beeo tried, aod Dot found war. if. Tbeu give us Mr. Weise aod we will Ilr to tbe standard ot tha farm. er's favoritixhe mechanic's patron, and the poor niau'steud, give us Henry Weise for Sheriff, enkoa will hearken to tha enira f the puopls the LOWR END, DEMOCRATIC NUMAKY Contre.s. Sermtiir. e Townships. o i J j ! 143! SuKni'Ri, Northumberland, ai 5S J30j 24 34; 140 J42 C5j 68i zoii 72: 73 35: 122!' 3:' 6j" l0;" 61" 104 -29'" 46i' 111 "16!" jir 9," i 1. 8: 12G) 922 101 2 "66 '29 M ILTOM, McEwENRVIl.t.F, Tl'RBPTVILLK, TfRWlT, i'klawark, Lewis, 2 l.r)5 4 ft Te 104 13 16 62 121 15 88, 128 ClIlLlSql'AQl'K, Point, Upper Auocrta, Lower Acgusta, Rush, Shamokin, 72 "22 82 ! 81 66 2 ob a 27 2 2! l07 23:" 1824 37i 1," j62i:" 64' 13" u;i3," rijZ3i" 6211 775! '"124! 1-55 C'OAt, Jackson, Cameron, Jordan, Upper Mahanov, Wariiinoton, Lower Mahanov, Little Mahanov, Zkiihe, " 'i'otai, .1 L52 j32 ' C.") 16 I. 21 2S 3 .1 J0427 liOC 1238 Shamokin Coal Trade. Suamokin, August 29, I860. tons. cwt. Sent for tbe week anding August 25, 4.589 05 Ter last Report, 113,221 00 117,913 05 96,682 06 21,130 19 To same time last fear, Increase, The Northern Central Railway. The arrival of Pacnger Trains on the North ern Central Kail KoaJ from Sunbury, is as fol ows: ASStVAf.. 4.1SP.M , t,&P A. M , 19 (l A. M., to, P. M., rim icas 4,WP. M. Mnil Train, Nor'h, " " fX'Uih, Night Expreu, N'irtti, " " mtb, IS. 10 A M 10,P M. Sunbury & Erio Railroad. The arrival and departure nf PatBthger Tiauw on Sunbary Jt Krie Kailioad atttiii ptore, nai fu!lwi : the Arrival. 4. IB P. M., 0,60 A. At , 1,S A. M., lu.SS p. M., ,IS P. M. Departure 4 US P. M MailTra'il, Norlli, ' " iiulh, Night I'lpieia, Norih, Bouih. Freight and Aci-oru., North, ' e-jiith, V,S1 AM 14.10 A M IU.4 J P. M 0 40 A. M. The Shamokin Valley and roltsTllle Railroad. Pasaenger train leavea ut.nury at 6 00AM. " " " Mt. (Jarmel, . . 4 30 PM. LACK AW A K.N A A Sin III.OUMSnt HG n.HL IIOAU The arrival and departure of Passenger Trains from iortbmberland : Mail train South, arjives at B.40 A. M " " North, leaves ' 4.fiO P. M Ex. Freight. South arrrivea " n.f0 " " " North, haves ' 6.20 A. M I "Not dancerons to the Unman Family." I "hata come uut uf their hole tu die." I "CrfTAR'f" Pat IWh.fte., Cxtermina'jr I "CUM AK S" beo-liin Kxteimu.ator 'COsl AK S ' tlectric Powder, lur loaecti, Ac. DEI 1 BOYS ISSTAh'TLV. BaU ftoarhea Mice Mnles Giound Mice DcfJ Bugs An'.f Moths Moiuitn.a Fleas InaX'ta on I'i,ti,ia. Fowls. Animals, fcc, Ac in short, every form and arte ties f VtKMIN. Hi yean ity P. eara ealablished iu New York City-usel bv the Cilices the Cily Prisons an nd r-'fition II- uses the City fieunters. : hips. Aa the Citv Hotels. "A .., "Ht Nicluilaa," 4c a..U by oioia than Su,OuO pnvala futnihts. t. Orugtistsand Retailers et-erynhere se!! them. I Wholesale Amenta in ail ihe lurge Citiea and Tuwua, lir" 1 1 ! llhWABS ! ! I of s,.uno,n iiiiltutions. raT'dl, Mi Simple Boxes sent hy Mail. 1ST Address orders-or for "Ciri uinr to Dealers" in HKNKY R. Of.iSTAIt, Principal Det. (13 Hr.,dav, (oppoane ft. Nicholas lluisi,) .1 . Srtld by ritll.ING k OKANT, Suiibuty, Pa. April SI, si0. From Vie Freeman' t Journal, New York, August 6, 18S9. SriLDiso's Pkeparf.d ii hv r is such a sim pla and cheap preparation that it is a pity any bouse should be withcot it. Even those who are in tbe enjoyment of perfect besltb frequently have need to have recourse to tonics as preventives- of disease. We are oever too woll armoured against the asBaulti of "tbe ills that flesh is heir to." Such an inviporator they may Cud io 1IOS TETTER'S BITTEHS a medicine that cannot be taken regularly without giving vitality and elasticity to the system. At this seasoo, particularly, tbe strongest man is not prool against tba malaria, iocertain sections of tba country. In all cases of fever and ague, tba Bitters is more potent than any amount of quinine, while the most dangerous cases of billious fevar yield to its wondorlul properties. Those who bave tried tbe medi cine will never use auother, for any of the ailmeots which the HoaTETTLR Kittkrs pro fesses to subdue. To tbnre who have not made the experiment, we cordially recommend an early application to tbe Uittrrh, whenever they are strickeo hy diseases of the digestive organs. Sold by druggists aud dealers generally, everywhere. CaTSee advertisement in another column. CATHKH! t ATAHHIl I CATAHRII! What it it t JIjw cured t Tbousauds of persous soffer all sorts of an noyance from Catarrh. Moel people know what its convenience aod results are, yet but few know bow it can he cured. It is simply a chronic irritation, aod often enlargemeot of follicles aod consequent thickening of tbe mucous tn em bra uce, lining tba aasal cavities, froutal sinuses, aud sometimes extending into tba throat and lungs. I'rcia this result tightoees aod often vertigo of tbe bead, obatructed oose, or protuae flow of irucua, loss of smell, nasal voice, uud ofiuu impaired hearing aod taste. The old-school remedies have never been able to do auylbiug for it. Nasal injections aud iubalatious are as painful aud expensive as they are generally worthless. Yet 11 cm piiRKVa' (Jatarkii Srgcine, a simple Suqar Fill, taken two or tbree times per day, promptly cures the milder cases ; cures at ouce all colds io tbe head, aud radically cures by preserving use, be moat obstinate cases, as it is proved by the experience of buudreda. Price, wilb full directions, FIFTY CENTS PER BOX. N. B. A full set of IlutiruHKYa' Homeo pathic Spkcipiis, with llook of Directions, and twenty d.durenl Remedies, io large vials, morocco case, $5 ; do. io plaiu case, i ; case of liflaen boxes, and book, $2. These remedial be tba siuela ho nr .a are sent by mail or express, five of charge, to 1 any address, on receipt of the price- Addreaa. fr. r , ii o n 1 11 nr. 1 a 1 1 u,, No. 662 Uroadwav. Npa.Voik Sold by A. W. HSCllfcH, Ageot. buubury, August 18, 1?00. ELECTION IlI-TUKNS OP NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. Asembl!) Sheriff. SI II i'l B !! I -w ? - k; b 'I 3- II R- I II ? I 'I I I! 92 40 2 U3 8 2! 2 25 i'6j 16 26 C2; 13i 15 29j 38 13l 32 11 L CO j33! jni42 L I 6! 20! "3; 35 i 64! ! ""9 3i'75' ? w ? 5 in ii 1 & 2o;"o, 2 43 15 14 1 Mj-U 35 4 il it 49 2 31 17 24 i 1 102. 1 L 35! 144 14 Toj 7' 15j 6 3i 12 " 5i;25 ' ",' !l ' " a; v 27; C ZZZ?'. I 9, "L "48! 26 40 "80 "l 12 27r 4 " .V 12 "yoi"7 " 4 3 35;' 7i ",. 6l Jil5 il 49!" 59, 3 4 -Jl 6! 44 "37: 9' 32 "2710 "65! "6; 4 40. 7 -40- ;i io ! 24! 17 !T H' 1 V 5' ;2oj ill2'- 29J' 32o! 1 32! 152 J ' ri2 2; I! "iji" ,;"ij J3tiir 259! 1469; lu62 ' 7L-': 41 2:i ;6o! 300 ' ' .MARRIAGES On Toesdny evening the 28th inst , by Hetr. P. Riner, Mr. Henry PoirtR, ofYoik, to Miss Sklinda Dkiuht, of Ibis place. DEATHS On the 4th tilt , In Shamokin township, I.AV1NA, daucliter of John and Mary Auu I Newmau, aged 1 year and 7 days. Oo the 10th inst., LEONARD, son ol Samuel ami Leah Adaina, aged 3 months and 28 days. On the IGtb int , in Irith Valley ISAAC PLltalNli, cgtid 34 years and 6 niootbs. C'-mtntinicatrd. Funeral of Rev. C C. Culler. On Tueiwltiv thettllt init., tlieniorlal retntiiiia i.( Rtv rllttlSTlAN C. CI LLLH, lute Puatiu nf the Kvuimeii nilCliuich of .lii.ii, 111 in. a cunty. v.vre cmsirjittl X'j the tuiiib. Alan early rmur l!ie people tirg.in to aurti Lie in Mil ton Irt'in ail quHrteia ; mid t.v lu o'clock. A. M .,an iin nienae poiicoiuee llirnupecl the atreet on which Hie deceaaed leiided and the Lutheran Church la lin-ateil. '1 he ai'leiuii itervict-a were tipcned at the tttiKlciice of Mr. CuliLr'a family hy Hev. r. Itiztr of tunl.ury, wnn anipnir a:l(l prayer. I r.e corpse waa itieu conveyed to the Church, hy a tunable nuniher nl clerical imll btuiera, wlien a very M-ntibl.. and inipretsive ducourt-c w.ia delivered, to ita ni:my ai could crowd into the ehurrh. by Itev. Prof. Born ol selinsi;rove. Ilia text wuaJolu xn 7, 4,W hut 1 do, thuu know.'ai not now; but thou atialt know hereaiier " r loin theae wordf, the apetiler. ali- wed, 1st Triat the im s terioua deaifrna of lj.t in hie dealunja with hla chikireu. are often uulutt'lligihie nt the tunc ol their occum-ncr. d l'hat tlieae dekiua will he matte eulTurieully clear in due tune, cilher iu tlna world, or in that which la to come ; and t.-iatly hy way of improvement, tin very appropriately ea hibited the etfecta which tiua roniioriiug ii 'crriiia aliuuld tnake all riur minde. Alter aeunoii, whu.h occupied in ila lelivery prcciaely r alf an hour. Kev. O. l'araon of Muio-v, .lelivered in hia ueual animated elyle. a very arTcting ex hortation. There were about IP cletcvinen present, ani.'iuj whom the f.'llowinjj participated iuthe aervicea, viz : Itev. trver of Danville; Rev Domei of 'rjehnPirriive ; Kev. Dole of the German Reformed Charch of Milton. All iinmeuae procesiioii wna now formed in front of the church, when the Clmrch Oi nncil, tiajk charpe of the eorpaa, ami all moved towarda the Ceinelery Filar., the clergy in cartiajrea, then the t'oipie; next, the mounting relativea of the deceaaat, and lastly the eittzetia g.'iieraily It ia impAMilile In any how many cnrrlngea and how many peonle were lu the pr'-ceiaion. but ona thing ia certain, sut-n a vabt coucoureaof people is ae demor never brougl.t r.'a,elhei except nnun f xtiaot'dinnry iH'ciiaiou. The num. era, the aolemitiry, the. teara, the repreaed a-bs, the deep iutereat, all combined to produce the imnreatinn, that l he deceaaed had a atroug h: Id Ut.tn the public esteem and iflerrion. At the arave. fli v. K A. Fink r.f Lewisbtire rea.-l the burial service, and the people were then dismissed "HI III, DUi.,u, UUI.UIbllUII .,. WAl'll MllirJII III Villi..,.. Itev. C C CTJLT.nrt was bPrn near JefTeraon. Frederick eouttte. Marvlantl ; entered the ministry al.ut It years go, aud t as Pastor of the l.nirteiatt Chuich at .Mtltou six war. He died on Sunav the IPth inH.uftera llncriiiz '"." of fever, in the44ihvar of hiaaire He has left a I WHI,1W aim iwo youne cnt-oirii, r8ernr Willi a lare number of relatives tmd friends to mourn his premature de parture iroin aueiuoi great uirlilineRa. 'Woe Gotl thut,d.ia ist wohl gethan, Eshlciht g'-rerht aei:i wii.'a." Sunbury, Ai'gnsl SS, lc60. fj. Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia, Aug. 30, I860. Oann. V'heat Sales eooj and prune South ern and Pennsylvania red at SI 3-al 37, and white $1 40a I ft7. llye is nelline; at 74 rents for old Prrtnaylvatiia, and at "i S a 80c lor new IVnr sylvaniaand Delaware. Torn IS very quiet j salei of 1000 hualiHa badly damaged at Sft ct. Oata are in fair request. Rood and prime Delaware at 35 cents. Pennsylvania, old crop, ia worth 40 cent. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. Wheat, $1 ldal 30 Duller, . $ SO Rye, . . . . 7,ri Euca, ... 12 Corn, C'i Tallow, ... l'i Oats 4(1 l.artl, ... IS Uuckwheal, ti" Fork, .... S Polatoea, t'! liteswai, . St New Advertisements. Orphans' Court Sale. IX pnrunnce of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale, at tho hoiiiie of Jacob lluiipt, ilec'd., in Carneroli townehin, on Saturday, Septemher 'J'Mb, ISfiO, all that certain tract or piece of land situute in Coal township, (now Cameron,) Northumberland county, Penna., adjoiniug lands of Elizabeth Sleicb andolbwis; conlaiuing ei'lny acres of land, more or less. Lata the estate of Jacob Haupt, deceased. Sale to commence at !0 o'clock A. M. of said day, when tbe terms and roudilioos of sale will be made krmwa hv DAN1KL 11E1M, Adrn'r. By order of the Court, ) Jacob B. Maer, Clk (). C. Sunbury, Sept. 1, 16G0. j AtitUtor'A otlco. Iu ihe Orphan.' Court of .Northumberland coyir ty,ealate of Isaac Ciller, deceased. f lHE uiideraicned auditor, appointed by said A. Couii, lo make distribution of the balance in the hands of Henry Iloupt, adminiatratur of said Ixaac (jilcr. deceaaed, to and ainug the credi' lora of aaid decedent, according to Ihe rates and proportion to which they are legally entitled, will allaitd for that purpose, at hia ofiice in Market Square, Sunbury, on Saturday, (September 29th, Ut0, at 10 o'clock, A. M, All parlies interested will lake uolice. HARRIS PAINTER, Auditor. Sunbury, September 1st, IHS0. BRIGADE OHDEES, NO- 2. 'HUE I'niformed Militia of Ihe fit at Brigade, 8th Diviaion, will hold an election in their respective Armories or usual place of meeting, on Tuesday tha lath day of (September, IHtiu, for Ihe puriNJM of electing ene iwrson for Brigadier Ueueral, to till the vacancy occaamued by Ihe resignation of JJrigadicr Ueneral i. H. Zimmer man. Tbe eoiuinaiiding otli.ers of each Com. ' nauv will bold the elecbop, aud fur thai purpoae will each select twe persona aa associates. WM. K. MAKTZ. Mrig. liupe.tor Drlgade luspectot'e Office. ) huuhuiy, ept. I, lMI. i II C'uiriini'ower. I'rfthy ju rittrr. a CD r 0 V. O 1 I a 3 1 a, a t I t I I I p W m 3 H W H' x" '-a II j? " ! F 4:: -4Y 7H "29 2i; 51 12 1W J3fi L3i. aui 9i'; i ii'2i4c!, 5U' j ai . 1 H-i I3' 'l39!J!;j44: I96ih2,l12i' j 1 1 8j ffi 1(IH !J.'59;27i:l(2 72'2(l'; iC8 24 39 177iC7: ' 1 80 26'' n 531 831 " 2 2!) T(IU 79 142 60 1 3 23' U 18 2' 36! "i"a!" 22' "79!" 43 27 "ioo! "19! 54 6S 10 181 7fJ 321!" 167! "48 102 10 "41 53' ! 13 9 4l' 1 80 47' "W1 30 3' 3t- 5 13 Hi 21 32: 4 50 11 "74;' "33 "lL "2! "37;' 34: 46 7 1 3 "15 57p31 ' - L6 1 33; 2r 16! 8, 60: 13 23 Lrl It- 64 ! 116 21. 18ll'240, 6y9i"26l'il788i'826ii 852,' 327 ORPHANS' COURT SALE. I K pursuance ol an order of the Orphans' iTourt - ol Northumbrrlatid county, will he exfosul to public sale, at the public hotae of James Van dyke, in the town of Sunbury, on Tucilnv tbe 35th day of SEl'TKM 15EK, 1H60, the unji virled half part or moiety ol a certain TKACT Of LAM), situate in Con! tnwnahip, iNorihum. Derianu county, tioundetl on the norlli by lunda of the rhihidelphia & Sunbury, (now Siiumokm Valley 4- l'otuvilli). Kailroail Coiiinitiy, on the south hy tho Martin latula, and on tlie caul and weal by londa of Jtrtmiali Drown, continu ing V00 ACUKrt, more or Iraj, whereon aro erected a dwelling; liouao and Uirn.it lniil( part of a larger tract originally aunty ei iu ij,e in the nunie uf Daniel Kna. Albo, The follow mi; described Lota of Uroun l, situate in Ihe town ol tSl.aniokin, ot whuh h,j dud sole eeiicd, u : a tiiaiiijular puve of roui.,1 houtiilid eoulh by all alrect, wet,Uy Jut ol laio 11. Voxtlieimer, and on the north by street aloi.g said Philadelphia aud ullbaty, now Shamokin Valley & Pultevjlle Itailroud. Alao, Another Lot ul (around, hounded on the south hy all street, mi the W'm hv ttm ( ar. bun Hun K lilroad. on the North hy alieet alotn: me aaiu J iiiiaueipnia oc ouunuiy, new bliainoliiu Valley l'ullaville Katiiov). anJ on the cut by lot belonging to the eatatc of the iaic 11. Vox. theimer. Also, Aiiulher Lot of Ground, containing one. eighth of an Acre, more ir lei, ailjoining lot of Dr. Hubert l'hilit s, fehamokin Creek, a Iram h el iihuiiiokin Creek, and triangular Lot ; j. 4 u on the Plot of town laid oul I MiA'arty, l'avia, Warnui and Jordan. Late the i.i.i e f laviJ 2'horui ton, ilect a.-id. bale to commence at lflo'djik, A .M., of said day. CONDITION" OF ff.W.V.. One hall ol the clear proceeds ot snle to re. main charged on the land during hie of tbe i. dow, the interest to he j.iJ to her annuiMv to beaecuied hy Dornl and .Moilgage. lu t r rent of balance to he paid as soon as the property ia atruck down aud the remaining 90 pi r cent on the first day of April, 1 SB I, also t, VPCured liy Untid and Mortgage. Immediately on ihaih of widow, the said one half on w hich she in to iu Ci ive interest, ia to ba paid U tha i iiajna h units- entitlrd to receive it. H. J. VVOLVERTtiX. Tr.i,teH. By order of t.'ie Uouit, ) J. M. .MASSE It. CU , U. C. ( Suiiburv, September I. imiO. ) DENTAL NOTICE. W. G. -WILLISTON, ol 1'hiladclp h:u j.M'On.MS hia triind and Iho jiultlic, lli it ho will be in Suiihiuy, upon proiea,ioni,l hiiaiuia on, -lid alter the 7lh inst., lor a lew eel,.- ; and will he happy to attend to all who may il. -iio to have their Teeth Eilrarted, Knied, Ac., A.c.; or may waul artificial work made ur repaiied, by apphing io htm at Auguat 2!, IMJO. tf Hatdii a, J tt li y , m.k i- , j,,-,.. W Would rrspeetfully inform our fil.-ntls. :,., a T and ihe publte upnenelv, that lutve u- w in "-- .1 and tTer WHul.HSAI.r. AND 1(1:111.. ntil,.l t' f't.Kh I'riera, a l:on- 10,0 Vr v Io n-e- ,t. k . i'c - 1 1 . JLlVKLItV.HLVClt A.ND I'LA I I Ll WAIili. ,.f .Vetv vanrty and style. Kverv dru-ripiioii of DlAMONIl WORK ami . t . r JEWKI.ltV, niaitu to ortler, ul u'u.ii u .t;te. $ GotHts Warranted to be ns repi.-eiiteil i. B Pailirular attention aiven to Ihe letiiriiiv' Watrlira and Jewelry i f rverv il. t. ri. ton tTAl r-Kl'.ll ft IIMil l.v, No. 6M Mnrlift Street, South .lle, Pln;j,.,ii;.,. rptrmtwl !, I -CO. -3iu "(iood Intent Fire Coiujkmiv A Stated moetiiiK of the "(jood Ii t- it ! Company," will be held at the Court Mouse, i e oi l .iionuay evening. Sept. 3, InCO, at 7 o'clock ruuctual alien. lance is required. JOS. jl. M'CAKT Y, Prci.le:it. flunliBry, Kept Jl litfiO. Notico to Tresspp.Ffiers. HE uiuleraigned, ritizenaol pp'ier Atipnata township, hereby notify all treMii.er upon our grounds for the pur.oee of hoiitinn wilb dogs and guns or who shall enter our liehU and end. wurea, throw down leucca and carry oil fruit, that they will he proaeiuteJ und the Leiial. ties of Ihe law visited upon offenders : niurna 1 . Junes, Martin (J, Joseph Arnold, John S lluaa, (ien. Conrad, tieorpe Until, David Pihel, I'pper Augusta, Philip Haul. Ii. W. j un. I'hilip IJer.ii, Peter U. .l.n. 0r, Joacph M.i;.!. August SS, Issfitl. 3t SUNBURY ACADEMY ri'HK fonbury Act.deniy will 1 'be a;ib of Auuuil, luoil, i e rei.oene.l on . ..l.i v under Uto fine il S I'. Tnecouia of but-itclion will cmbrnra everv dejiii'l. reenl l.f tUJi Mtlon tau.;lillnour best AMOtu.-r, i-i Ol: i; Coilfge "" f'" I""1""0" or to et.ter any c .1, TKRM9 Pt:R QPARTKK: CmiTiinn Mitkil Itrant'ltes, SI no ll.et.er Knabali Bianehas, .'. il Lanaand Uraeb l.a.iguajrs. 7 no All eoterine befola tlie(initld! of tbe f)nailef will hn required to pay for the whoa torin 01 tutnon, 1tnl.11. ae. luu Hiraiiarajiul la uiaila. Tuiti.-ii iu bapatd bnfora the middle of tint .-rm Hoard can Ita fad in private famine at iitn$L ti US not weak. anbury, Auguat S3, IAO. Ladies' Oue Tries Fancy Fur Store ! John l'ai t lra, N,i TI AltCIISIreet, l. tweeu 7th, a ul eih, Ma. PHILADI.I.PillA. (Uteof 6li .Mai let Sir.) ik.X lmn.MI.r. Vamliui'turer of tt iaiMl llealer in il knuia ol J tlavins removed lo rev New Hlore. TIB ArdiSI . a,.t beina now enuatal entiralv iu tha Mamttaelure and Kile of Fancy Fura. whieh. in aorwdaaee Willi tba "Dint Pnea Prmrie," I bava uasrke.1 al ll. lowest fatbie pi o -a eNiilit with a reasonable prodl. I w iid aohed a vio from ttioaa in want of Fura for either Iibrs' or Olnlitrana' Wear, and a-t inapeotliai ol nif aclw'liiai of lii-aw goai, sat, .Bed. as I ata, of tuy ability tu pmsuh; ui every deaittd eaaential. I r Parui al a dlstanre, who may find iiieonreuient loeall peiaiHiall) , nned only narua tint article, they Wlab tlher with tha prtca. and uiatruiHiona f son.linir. an t I. award tlie oidr u iij addreaa iaiey aMtutiamvinir; l i oiau.a a aatota. ' rv ,..mr. laltea wilh tiiair wl-b'.a I'liila.leljilua AuSoSI -i ' It'll ain't w mmA v . '" 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers