mtraiii NEW SERIES, VOL. 13, NO. 12. SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY, JUNE 1G, 1SG0. OLD SERIES, VOL. 20, NO 38. The Sunbury American. PUBLISHED EVERT SATURDAY BY H. B. MASSES, Market Souart, Sunbury, renna. T K RMS OF 9 V B8 CRIPTI'ON. TWO ItOLLAflS) per annum tot paid hniryenr ) in eilvance. Nor Aria discontinued until all arrearages tic punl. TO CLUBS: ri.rce Copies to on. address t S On rvrn do. do. 10 00 'iiieen dii. do. SO Ou Five dollnrs in advance will pay for three year's sulr ciiption to tlie Americnn. I o.t itiit.tera will please act as our Agente, and frank ttcr.cniitniniiir euhacription money. They are permit Ed to tlu thu under the Poat Office Law. I E II II I OF HVI RIIIMO. :iic9qnare of I'l Intra1 3 times, I 00 r'.vtiry mitiieqnent insertion, 25 , Mr. Square, 3 montlia, 3 00 ix nioiith., . . . . 6 00 Jne yi nr, . . . . . . 8 (HI liiinesi Cnnlt or Five linea, per annum, 3 00 MtTi'hunts and others, advertising liy the year, with llic privilege of inaei ting different advei- ltMntittfi werkly. 10 00 ty Larger AdvertiKmenta, aa per agreement. JOB PRINTING- Wo hive emnccted with our establishment a well se eclrd Jim OF KICK, which will cnnble ua to execute n tlm i.mtrat 4'le every variety of printing. 1Z. 2. 1EASSEP., TTORNEY AT LAW, A 6UNBTJRV, PA. Business attended to in the Counties of Nor itimbcrland, Union, Lycoming Montour ami 'olumbia. References in Philadelphia : (Ion. loli R.Traon, Chaa. Gibliona, Esq.. Woinera & Snndgrais, Linn, Smith & Co GEARLE S1AT 'THE vTs attorney a t a iu , !Vo. 14S Broadway. Sew York. Will carefully attend to Collecliona and all other mnttcra Mtinsteil lo hi. rare. May at. 1S5S. J. W. TKAI.. E. R. DODGE. Dr. J. W. PEAL AND DR. E. R. DODGE HAVE entered into copartnership in the practice of medicine and surgery. Although Dr. real will be absent a Dart of his time, he will aid hia partner in any and every ciBe in which it may be desired. Thankful for past patronage, he solicits n continuance of the same to the firm of Peal & Dodge, who will promptly and faithfully attend to all professional calls. He takes pleasure in recommending Dr. Dodge to his old friends as an .'xperienced physician, in whose hands they may feel safe. The firm may be consulted at the office of Dr. Teal, .n Sunbury. Sunbury, June 4, 1859. ly INDUSTRIAL STOVE WORKS. W. C. NEMAN, WHOLESALE 1RD RETAIL STOVE XDE.-IjEIR, onfvtiiU Christ Church, PHILAUKWHIA. PlllLtlW.LPH.A. Maimfncturer of all Hie ltn- riMVPil rV A. D 11 n A 1 I! r Hi V r.a. sunn wi .MK'iiin miideloorfler, Jvbbing promptly attended lo. FRANKLIN HOUSE, nnnuiu and refurnished, Cur. of Howard and Franklin Street, a few Squares IVcst of the X. C. R. R. Depot, BALTIMORE- fr.itMS, ?1 pr.n Dat O. LEISEXRIXO, Proprietor, July 10, 150 tf From Seliiu Grove, l"a. WILLIAM E. HOMERS CIIALKLET SOMERS' G. SOMERS & SON Importers and Dealers in Cicths, Cassimeres. Vestings, Taylors inmmings, xc, Xo 32 South Fourth Street, between Market and C'hesnut Streets, Philadelphia. Merchants others visiting the city would find it to On ir advantage to give them a call and ex amine their stock. March 10, 18li0 GREAT WESTERN, F1KKISUUAXCE & TRUST COMP'Y f Il AllTtll PERPETUAL CAPITAL (300,000 Conipauv's Office, N. W. corner Fourth and Walnu Streets, Philudelpbia. 1ISKStnkenon BuiUliiiirs, Stmes, Merchandize, Fur V, nituic, Jtc., on the mutt liberal term.. C l.ATHROP.Preaideiit. Jamei Wrioiit, Soc'y. d Treoauier, Appiicatinna and all neceuory information can be ob- niaeU tiy culling un J. P. SHINDEL GOBIN, Agent, Sunbury, Juno 18, 1850 ty HARDWIRE 1 HARDWARE ! 1 -ITUST rcceind by A. W. FISHER, at his IJf Drug Store, Sunbury, Pa., 8COOPS. 8HOVEI.8, FORK8, LOG CHAINS, MILL 8XWS, CROSS. CUT SAWS. Also, Screws, Butts, Door Knobs, Thumb Latches, and all hardware necessary for building. A splendid bt of pocket and table cutlery, Scis sors, Uerman Oliver fepoons. I,ooIilng Glasses, A large stock of Looking Glasses, received and f ir sale by A. W. r ISHEK. Sunbury, July 17,1858. DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG & CO. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 80 and 82 Chambers Street, Neu York Would notify the Trade that they are opening Weekly ,in new and Deautiiui patterns, me 1VAM8UTTA PIU.T, also the A m o s k e A g , A New Print, which excels every print in the Country for perfection of execution and design in full Madder Colors. Our Prints are cheaper than any in market, and meeting witu extensive taie. Orders promptly attended to. February 4, 1860 ly pi BLANKS! BLANKS!! A new supply of Summons', Executions, Warrants, Bupcenas, Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Leases, Naturalization papers, Justices (nd Constables Fee Bills, Sic, cic, just priuted MIIU iu( auiv m mil tJluce. Sunbury, April 30, 1859. SPALDING'S Prepared Glue, and glielievsMiuiln Price per bottle and hruiti M eenta. CorduU Elixir of Culuuya Uurk 4 li0,llmi fo, removing FOR 8 VLE AT THIS OFFICE. punnurr, marcn ir, i B J1UKLES of various kinds, Lobsters, Bar, J3 dines, &c, ate., just received and for sale altlie Drugstore of A. W.nsHEU Sunbury, August, 1867. ly CJILVER WATCHES. A few double e EugUsh Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices by Ji. II MA8SER. MY FATHER. BY HON. HENRY B. JACKSON, OF GEORGIA. As die the embers on the beartb, And o'er the floor the shadows fall, And creeps the chirping cricket forth, And ticks the death watch in the wall I see a form in yonder chair, That grows beneath the waning light There are the wan, sad features there, The pallid brow and locks of white ! My father I when they laid tbee down, And heaped the clay opon thy breast, And left tbee sleeping all alone, Upon tby narrow couch of rest, I know Dot why I could not weep The soothing drops refuse to roll ; And oh ! that grief is wild and deep Which settles tearless on the soul t But when I saw tby vacant chair Thine idle bat opon the wall Thy book the pencilled passage where Thine eye bad rested, last of all ; The tree beneath whose friendly shade Tby trembling feet had wandered fortb, Tbo very printftbose foot had made When last tbey feebly trod the earth ; And thooght, while countless ages fled, Tby vacant seat would vacant stand Unworn tby bat, tby book unread, Effaced thy footsteps from tbe sand And widowed, in this cheerless world, The heart that gave its love to tbee Torn, like a vine, whose tendrils curled More closely rouud the fulling tree I Ob ! Father, then, for her and thee, Uushed madly fortb tbo scorching tears, And oft, and long, and bitterly, Those tears have gushed in later years ; For, as the world grows cold around, And things take on their real hue, 'Tis sad to learn that love is found Alone above the stars with you. Tlio Susquehanna River. If there be a more beautiful snot on earth than that whore tbe men of Paxton settled, we bave never seen it. From its source in Otsego Lake, where the great AD.erican nov elist has described it in language that will never cease to be read ; along by its lovely windings, where the Chemung intersects the North branch, whose beauties bas been en bultned by one of our most graceful poets ; by tbe Valley of Wyoming, which lives for ever in the imagination of Campbell, but which is fairer even than the semitropical fancy of which be was enamored : on by the bold scenery of the meeting of its waters a mile above bunbory, to its broad glory, cele brated in the New Postorial, and its magnifi cent union with the Chesapeake, every mile ol the Busnaebanna is beautiiul. Ulner rivers have their points of loveliness or of grandeur, the ausquebanna bas every lorm ol beauty or sublimity that belongs to rivers. We have seen them all ; Connecticut, Hud son, Delaware, Unto, Mississippi, .Missouri here is nothing like tbe ausquebanna on this continent. Its peculiar character de pends upon its origin in the New York mea dows, its passage through the magniucent Pennsylvania highlands, and tbe richness of tbe valleys that lie between tbe mountains, Everywhere its course is deflected ; it begins in a wooded lake ; it winds a limped brook by meadows and over silver pebbles ; makes its way through mountains ; it lotters restingly by their bases ; it sweeps in oroaa courses by the valleys. Its vast width, in its mad Spring freshets, when swollen by tbe melted snows, it rushes Irom tbe bills witn irreslsii b'e force, sometimes causing frightful inunda tiona, leaves, with it fulls, island after island in its mid cbaonel, of tbe richest green, and most surpassing beauty : while those passages through tbe mountains afford points of scenery far finer" than any one would believe them to be Irom any description, li be bas not seen tbem. Tbe Susquehanna makes tbe grandest of those passages, just beiow tbe moutb ol tbe Juciata. Its course there is several miles long, before it entirely disengages itself from the rapids, called Hunter's Falls, wbicb are tbe remains of tbe rocky barrier wbicn once resisted its way. Entirely at pours its stream, a mile wide, alone a channel some fifty or sixty feet beneath its eastern bank. About seven miles below tbe mountains, at a point where tbey look blue in tbe distance, a sheltering wall from tbe northern blasts, flows lo a little stream which tbe Indians called Pexetang, Paixtang, or Paxton. This moon taiu range is tbe northern boundary of tbe great valley, wbicb, underlaid with blue lime stone, covered originally with the richest and noblost rorest-growtb, and including within it the garden of all the Atlantic slope, extends from Gaston, on tbe Delaware, by Heading, Lebanon and Lancaster, by Uarrisburg, York and Carlisle, by Cbambersborg, llagerstowo and Winchester, until it loses itself in tbe North Carolina bills, lpe point or greatest beauty in all that valley, is tbe spot where it is cloven by tbe cusquebabaa. A handred and forty years ago, an enter. prising young man, from Yorkshire in Kog land, by descent, probably, one of those Scandinavians who, under tbe great Canute held possession of the North of Lngland, and gave its main character to it, made bis way to Philadelphia. He married bere a lady wbocame over with a well known Yorkshire family of this city. Impelled by tbe same enterprising spirit tbat brought bim from tbe old world, and nsing the inevitable eye tbat was characteristic of mm, be went to tbe banks of tbe Susquehanna. lie settled for a brief period at a point above Columbia, where the village of Iiaiobridge now stands, a place much frequented by the Conoy or Uawaoese Indians. JJut be was not satisfied with this location. Exploring npwards along tbe Eas tern bank of tbe Susquehanna, be advanoed ootil, instead of the Cooewsga hills at bis back and on tbe opposite side of tbe river, ba found tbe entrance opposite to bim of tbat most beautiful valley, already described, with two fine streams flowing into tbe river about five miles apart, and on tbe eastern side an elevated plateau, unsurpassed in loveliness in tbe wide world, wltb tbe little raxton nowing at tbe base of aa elevated (lope or ridge of land. Here be settled, and tbe ferry across the river to tbe entrance of tbe Cumberland Valley, was called after bim. His sod, the first whits child born west of tbe Conewaga hills, subsequently laid out a town on toe spot, and with singular forethought let apart is ?res oa 9 noble bill wbicb nsea on tbe north-west, wbicb ba conveyed to the State or puoiio purposes. The Can tal of xenn sylvania is now built upon it, and tba city of Harrisborg bears bit namo. rruhyterian fiVVVW VV4(ltl VVV Strange and Unaccountable Antipa thies. Tbe following are a few of tbe more striking manifestations of that unaccountable feeling of antipathy to certain objects, to which so many persons are subject, and with instances of which, in a modified form, perhaps, most people are acquainted : Erasmus, though a Dative of Rotterdam, had such an aversion to fish tbat the smell of it threw bim into a fever. Ambrose Pare mentions a gentleman who never could see an eel without fainting. There is an account of another gentleman who would full into convulsions at the sight or a carp. A lady, a native or 1- ranee, always fainted on seeing boiled lobsters. Other porsons from tbe same country experienced the same inconvenience from the smell of roses, though they were particularly partial to tbe odor of ocquns or tuueroses. Joseph ScBi:gcr and Peter Abeno sever could drink milk. Cardan was particularly disgusted at the sight of Pgi;s. Uladislaus, King of Poland, could not bear to see apples. it an apple was shown to Cbesne, Secretary to Francis I, he bled at the nose. A gentleman in tbe court of the Emperor Ferdinand would bleed at tbe nose on bearing the mewing of a cot, however great tbe dis tance might be from bim. Henry in of France could never sit in a room with a cat. The Duke of Scbomberg bad tbe same aversion. M. de Lancre gives an account of a very sensible man who was so terrified at seeing a hedgehog that for two years be imagined bis bowels were gnawed by such an animal. I bo ft. me author was intimate witb a very brave officer, who wus so terrified at the sight of a mouse tbat be never dared to look at one unless be bad a sword in bis band. M. Vangheiin, a great huntsman in llano- ver, would luiut, or it be bad sullicient time, would run away, at tbe sight of a roasted P'ff- J obn Kol, a gentleman in A icantara, would swoon on bearing tbe word "lana (wool) pronounced, though bfei cloak was woolen. ibe pbilosonbical liovle could notcouquer an aversion to tbe sound of water running through a pipe. v La Alotbe lo ayer could not endure tbo sound of musical iustruments, though be ex perienced lively pleasure whenever it thun dered. The author of the "Turkish Spy" tells ns tbat be would rather encounter a lion in the deserts of Arabia, provided he had but a sword in bis band, than feel a spider crawling on bim in the dark. He observes tbat there no reason to be given for these secret dislikes. He humorously attributes them to tbe doctrine of the transmigration of tbe soul ; and, as regarded himself, be supposed that he bad been a fly before he came into bis body, and that having been frequently persecuted by spiders, be still retained the dread of bis old enemy. From "Ten 'Thou sand Wonderful Things." The Scriptures Memorizing Extra- ordinary. A gentleman in Massachusetts, who bad committed to memory large portions of the Bible in his youth, and who wished to induce tbe Sabbath School scholars in his own State to do the same, made an offer of a ten dollar Bible to tbe scholar in Massachusetts, "old or young, wbo during tbe year Irom April I, 1859, to April 1. ItiOO, should commit to memory and faithfully repeat to his or ber teacher, superintendent or pastor, tbo largest portioo of the Scriptures ; also, a ten dollar liible to ye one wbo should commit to mem ory the oext largest portion. I be following reports or passages commit ted have been received, certified by superin tendent or pastor : Mrs. Ketsey Uonant, wbo bas been residing in MelroBe, a lady sixty-eight years of ago, bas committed to memory tbe entire Bible, old and new Testament, reciting each day in tbe week. This is certified by ber daughter, and also by tbe superintendent of tbe Sab. batb School, and tbe lady is entitled to toe first Bible. Harriet Ellen Bollard, of West Medway, has recited 18. 209 verses, or nearly two thirds the entire Bible, and is entitled to tbe second prize. Charles N. Hoyes, a member of tbe State Reform School, bas committed to memory 18,13(5 verses, and will receive a beautiful Bible. Lucy M. tioodale, of North, bridge Centre, "recited perfectly" 15,425 verses, and will receive a beautiful Bible. This girl, according to the certificate, "learn ed ber Scripture by rising at 4 o'clock in the morning, and studying before commencing ber labors of the day." Twenty-seven others committed from 3,000 to 10,000 verses. We regard these facts as remarkable in stances of tbe power of application and memory, though we feel constrained to express our doubts of the wisdom and propriety of thus stimulating tba young (for most ol those wbo bave competed for tbe prize are proba bly young) to such inordinate tasks, Many of those who were competitors were probably school children who bad tbeir regular daily studies. Tbe strain upon tbe mind and body resulting from such intense application and so unreasonable an exercise of tbe memory. must bave beeo seriously injurious in many cases. A Domestic Scenb. "Uenry'dost thou love me, dearest r "Why asketb thou, Heleno- rai " "isottbatl fear tbe answer, dearest Henry, but because 1 love to hear the BDeak : say Henry dost thou love me t" "Ask tbe Btars ir tbey love to twinkle, or tbe flowers if tbey love smell, or the rose to bloom. Love yon I Aye, as tbe birds love to warble, or tbe breeze to waft its balmy influence why aBKeiu mou me, nannei oi my beart I "Be' cause my soul is grieved ; care bas overcast tbe joy wbicb once spread sunshine over tbv face ; anguish sits upon tby brow, and yet your llelenora knoweth not the cause. Tell me, my acbing beart, why droops my soul has mutton riit" "No, my llelenora thsok the godsl No! but my credit's fell. Watson from this day fortb sells meat for cash." llelenora faints, screeches and falls into ber linBrtarid'fl arms. who. in tha Anoniah nt l ha moment, seized, a kuife and stabs himself over the left. Correct Sentimint. At a public tea-cartv recently held in one of our country towns, where sentimenti were in order, a timid bach elor was bold enough to remind the ladies that loan vear was nnon them by the following t Thiee long weary years 1 have waited for this. Now if you'll pop tba question I'll sorely say yes To wbicb a lady promptly responded as follows ; The man without courage to do bis own wooing, May do his own washing, and baking and sewiog. fanners' ppdmcnt- Progressive Gardener's Society. Conclusion or Discussion or Mahcrrs. Official Report For the Oeimantown Telegraph Wai.tkr Elder. As this subject lies at tbe root of all good culture, you should bave it fully discussed ; every member should state tbe result of his practice aod observation, and bring all the virtues of the different fertilizing materials to light, I will contribute my mite with some data. We should cultivate en larged views ; look over the garden fence upon tbe farm, and consider the value of its prodocts. ily own soul was once so smau as to bury my brains in a flower pot, and to think tbat a garden with a few jilass struc tures was the universe ; bat now 1 see what a big place the world is. It is generally con ceded by cultivators, and barnyard manure is tbe best manure for common use ; and as it is the droppings of several specios of animals, together witb straw, I think it better than that of any one specios, whon applied to clayey soils aud heavy loams in its long fresh state. It warms tbem, renders them more porous and allows tbe roots of rapid-growing plants to enter tbem more freely. Indian corn, potatoes, melons, squashes, &c seem to do best upon heavy soils witb Iresb barn yard manure ; but lor sandy and light soils it is best when well rotted, and in that state has a more immediate effect on crops in general. For potting plants it should be almost a mould, and be mixed many months with tbe soil before being used. Ligneous manures I think must be most beneficial to trees and other woody plants, although seldom ever ap plied to them. Leaf mould is almost indis pensable in pot culture, and the mould at the bottom ol the wood pile is better ; wood asbes looched, are used extensively upon sandy soils, produce good crops and solidify such soils ; waste charcoal is valuable in pot culture but too expensive for general use : sawdust is all converted in manure around the city of Edinburg, Scotland, by bedding cows and horses with it. Tan-bark is also converted into manures by composing it with other ma terials, and nurserymen grow tbe bardier rhododendrons and azaleas in bods out doors, made up witb two thirds of decayed tan-bark and one-third garden loam. Salt as manure hastens vegotatiou, and gives earlier matu ration to plants than any other kind of manure. 1 have used night soil fresh fiom tbe wtlls of this city, npon acres ; and for onions, beets, radishes, turnips aod carrots, I have never found anything to equal it for early aod heavy crops. Poudrette bas a a similar effect, but these matters make cab bage "clubfooted." and do not suit potatoes. Tbe low meadows around Edinburg, into wbicb tbe sewers of the city empty, yield tbe greatest crops of grass to be found ; they are divided into lots of three and four acres by ditches which lead tbe liquid manure around tbem, and are flooded witb it at pleasure ; tbey are let yearly at auction to dairymen. Tbe grass is fit to cut by the time that grasses elsewhere begin to grow in the spring J Tbey give seven cuttings kneo bigb, and so heavy that the 6cytbe can hardly carry tbe swath through. Tbe market gaidoers of Leitb surpass all tbeir cotemporaries more inland in tbe production of early and fine vegetables by tbe ase of Bea-weed they gather of the beach after a high tide or storm. Upon tbo flat meadows of Long-Island Sound letweon llorlom and Thogg's Neck, the grass after being flooded by a "spring tido," grows op at a wonderful rate ; and asparagus of tbe Suest quality springs up spontaneously all over those. Country people empty the brine of tbeir meat and fish barrels in spring upon their asparagus beds, wbicb is tbe ouly ma nure tboy get, and they yield plentiful crops. i nave useu ootu suit, lime buu unue biuuuu tbe base of peach aud plum trees for the cut worm, which alwajs kept tbem ou and invigo rated the trees. Calcareous Manures. I think that lime IS best wbeu mixed witb other materials. Ibe farmers in the sandy districts of New-Jersey who use marl largely, think it best wben mix ed with lime or barnyard manure. Plaster of Paris is best for sandy soils, and beneuts an kinds of crops grown opon tbem ; it is tbe best tbing lor clover I ever used. Road-earth is best when composted with other materials, arter lying id a heap and being irequeniiy turned in a year. The same is true of coal asbes, stroet-sweepiogs are also best after lvine in a beaD twelve months and turned over twice. I have beard it often asserted tbat tbo asbes of tbe peat used in Ireland as fuel aod called turf, contains more fertilizing matter than any other thing six times us bulk. A relative fifteen miles from London derrv. informed me that tbe ashes of the "peat" was tbe best tbing be ever osod for bis venenes, puacb and nectarine doubcs, onu also for bis wall trees. He exchanged stable manure for it among the people. Now, we all know bow valuable peat is in pot culture and tbe older the belter so we may well pre sume that there must be a virtue in tbe asnes alan. -An K.nirlish friend of mine from W lit shire, used to tell me that straw was used for fire to cook witb, and tbe farmers mere manured their lands witb burned turf, (sod ;) they bad turf plows that turned up tlie turf and made it into rous inree yarus mug , iv was put into large heaps into a mould, it was snread tirmu thu lands and produced good crons. The moorland farmers ia Scotland do ... ... .11- .1 W.1 tbe same tbing, and luey luiua mm, uuuu tbe quantity of grass grows where tbe asbes of the beather falls, when tbey buro it opon tbeir pastures in spring I once top-dressed a lawn witb grains oi Jnim Tivut'a brewery at Albany, J. x and it produced a wouderful eflect opon tbe grass. At the same place I manured an acre with bops from tbe brewery, iuai usu mm m a large heap and was wen lermeuveu , uu envoil narsnina nnon it ! the leaves all Over .r ,- r-, ... .,i nram liva lot hum 1 08 late ilKSBS DU&unuu James Wilson, as well as other cultivators of oote, came to view them, aod said tuey never saw anything like them. A path adjoining was manured witn yeasi irom vuu i)iii and yielded a very heavy crop oi carrots. 1 will now tell bow I bsve seen manures enmnnatorl in Kdinhnrff. whe I was a lad. A man bad a large yard dsck oi iu cuim, with a canal through if: divided into Jbree compartments by sluices, tbe sides were stone I walled and flag bottomed : alongside tbe yard I were slaughterhouses, tanneries ana currier I shops : the offal and washings of these places 1 were thrown into tha canal and mixed witb stable manure bauled from tbe city, and after lying a fortnight, being flooded all that time, the liquid was let off into another compart ment, and tbe manure thrown out into a neap, well mixed, and after becoming well ferment ed it was made into heaDa a vard bigb. and as long and broad as was engaged for. It was always bespoke before it was made op, and sold by the square yard. Tbe great quantity of tan-bark among it neutralized tbe bad eflluvia ; it produced heavy crops of all I moos, ad after compost was made by larm era near to tbe city, wbo paid a bigb price (or tbe contenti of tbe water closets. Tbe night soil was collected and emptied nightly, kod baulfid out to the farms and put into large basins made with road earth ; a single horse load of coal ashes from the city was put above a double horse load of manure as a deodoriser. After the busins were full tbey stood so a month, iben the road earth form ing the sides, was cot op fine and thrown on top, and tbe whole turned over and mixed, and io a fortnight more it was applied to tbe land, and made early and heavy crops. Another compost was made with the roots of perennial weeds gathered off the field after being plowed and harrowed, and cleanings of ditches mixed witb stone lime ( the slaking of the lime burned the wholo into a mould, and after being turned and well mixed, it was bauled out and spread upon the lands and produced good crops. Sometimes a heap would have three hundred cart loads. Ano ther compost was made with road earth, lime and tan-bark, turned and well mixed twico, and Bevcr used uutil a year old ; it made good crops. I have used oearly all the modern fertilisers with success, and think all of them valuable ; any one who uses tbem once will do so again. I think that too much credit cannot be be stowed upon tbe efforts of thoir manufac turers. I have seen good effects produced ou fruit trees by burying dead animals at tbeir roots. I once made a border for a grapery and paved tbe bottom with cattkhcads, fresh from the slaughter-houses; tbey were laid as closo as tbey could lie, and compost put over tbem twenty inches thick, and 1 seldom ever saw vines grow so thrifty and yield such good fruit. J-iiuid Manures are the essence of tbe solid manures, generally speaking ; tbey give more immediate effect to plants and are well suited for pot culture, and 1 think that tbey are better for woody plants than solid manures, as they can only bo taken up by them io that form ; they incorporate at once with the soil. Fruit trees, gooseberries, currants and rasp berries, are particularly benefitted by tbem, but they should be applied immediately after rains during hot weather, or be veiy weak. I tbink that they do most good if applied in wiutoror spring. The liquid of the barnyard is perhaps tbe best. Soapsuds appear to be of a burning nature, as it hardens the soil very much in hot weather. Tbat made from gnnno appears to be most useful ia killing the worms in flower-pots. Tbe water of a muddy pond or ditcb, with the mud well stirred up among it, is one of tbe very best manures I ever applied to herbaceous plants growing in tbe open ground. I think tbat a liquid manure made of the ashes of fresh peat, would be an excellent thing for many kinds or pot plants. Bones are considered good food for graperies and drainage Tor their borders, and when ground tine make an ex cellent draining for flower-beds. I have seen beds for asparagus dog deep, and oyster-shells put in tbe bottom six inches thick, but never could see that tlio crop was any better tbau in beds made tbo usual way. xow, gentlemen, with all tbat bas been said, the subject is hardly begun. You will have observed tbat I bave not remained long in the garden and hardly touched on pot culture. I bave done so on purpose that others of you may dwell opon those depart ments. r r in p z & r V V -V J Vr Ginoer Pound Cake. Cut up in a pan i ft), of butter, aod a too cup of brown sugar, mix with a pint of West India molasses ; then stir tbom well together. Sift into a pao a pound or Hour ; in another pan beat bve eggs, add gradually tbe eggs and flour to the mix ture of batter, sugar and molasses, witb two large tablespoonfuls of ground ginger, and four of cinnamon. Iben stir in a class oi brandy, and a small teaspooofol of salaeratus melted in a very little milk, atir tbe wboie for some time. Then add a pound of raisins three dredged with witb flour. Transfer the mixture to a buttered tin pun aod bake from two to throe hours. Marino Cakr Without Butter. A New England lady, wbo is quite a famous house keeper, recommends an economical plan for makiug cake without butter, wbicn may be useful to our readers. Take a piece of salt pork, fat, and melt it down, and strain it through a piece of course, tbin muslin. Set Dugu a piece oi course, turn musun. oei side until cool It is then white and firm i may be used like butter in any kind of it asi and cake, in pound cake she assures ns it is delicious. She says that after one trial she never ased butter again, Soda Biscuits. I often seo receipts for Soda Biscuits, without giving tbe exact pro portion which is indispensuble for a nice cake. I supply tbe deficiency. One quart of Hour, one toaapoonful of Soda, two of cream tartar, a little salt and a small bit of lard : mix tbe cream tartar thoroughly with tbe flour, dis solve the soda iu sufliicient sweet milk to wet the flour, bake in rather quick oven. Tbe biscuit should be worked as soft as possible and also as nice as possible, and cut about an inch thick. Plain Ciieap Pudding. Take four eups of flour, one of molasses, one of chopped suet, ODe of milk, one of raisins, and a teaspoootul of soda sifted io the flour. Uoil three hours in a pudding cloth or tin-cbape. This makes a large pudding, and is much liked. Sauce to suit. Wbeu cold, slice and fry it in the remains or tbe sauce. Baked Quince. Wipe the quinces, and cut tbem in round slices, leaving tbe seeds and cores is tbey are sound : put in a deep dish with a narrow top tbe sliced quinces and sugar in alternate layers nntil tbe disn If full. Cover up close so tbat no steam hi ay escape, and cook in a slow oven tbree Hours, ex cellent for any purpose. Baked Pkabs. Fill a deep earthen dish witb whole pears. Put io a few cloves and bits of orange peel, a cup ef sugar, and a gill of molasses, and bake, closely covered, four hours. Or, bake them witb soger and a gill of claret. If cooked in a brick even, let tbem remain till night. An Economical Puddino. lake half a pound floor, balf a pound of raisius stoned, half a pound of fiue chopped suet, four ounces of molasses, aod milk sufficient to make a batter as boiled rice. Boil Qvs hours In a tin pudding shape. Sauce to taste. To Wasu Colors. To wash colors safely I ad ins are advised to boil some bran in rain- later and use tbe liquor cold, it is said, oy those who bave tried It, tbat notbiog can equal it for ease opon colors, and for clean' iog ciotn. Glui Use a piece of cine to stir your clue, or keep a small piece of lino in tbe bottom. It U ssid to prevent it irom ac ouiring tbat npleasant odor common glue. .. - Blacking Stoves. Pound and rub some good black lead into a powder ; then mix strong coffee with it till the mixture becomes as thick as cream. If tbe air is cold and damp, warm op the stave slightly. Rob it with tbe mixture, and polish oft with-a dry brush. This stove blacking makes a fine polish and prevents the stove from rusting wben put away for tbe sumim r. To Kekp Hams in Summkh Contributed tothe Agricttlturist. Cut in slices and trim off tbe outside ; fry it about half as much as you would for tbe table. Pack it tightly in lars ; pour over it the fat tbat fries oat, and enough lard to cover it ; close tbe jar light, set it io a cool place and it will keep fresh all Summer. Baked Indian rtnniNO Contributed to the Agriculturist by Mrs. L. Blight, Isabel Co., Mich. Scald ten tablespoonfuls of lo dion meal in three pints of sweet milk, and an oonco of butter, and sugar or molasses to sweeten to the taste. Bake two or three hours. ToSetti.r Coffee J. Armstrong, Colom- ItU f I ' : - j. i n uiu iuM rccuiiiiuenns tuu luiiowiug method : Brown the coffee io the osual manner, and when nearly cool, break an egg upon it, and stir it well, to bave each kernel coated. The coffeo should not be warm enough to cook tbe egg. Use one egg to a poond of coffee : lot it dry well before grind ing. When boiled for use, it will settle with out lurtber trouble. To Poi.isu Flat-Irons. If your fiat-irons ore rougb, rub tbem well witb flue salt, and it will make them smotb. To Wash Rirdons. Ribbons of any kind should be washed in cold soap suds, aud not ricsed. Old Crafe. A bit of glue, dissolved in skim-milk and water, will restore old crape. Grease Spots. A hot shovel held over varnished furniture, will take out grease spots. Beds. Oat Btraw Is the best for filling beds. It should be changed once a year. D u morons Lost His Boot?. There ero few persons in this moral com munity, who go about after nightfall, like bis Satanic majesty, "seeking whom he may devour." These "roaring-lions" are compris ed in two classes, male and female ditto but with tbe latter, at present, we have noth ing to do. Our recital relates to those young men of genteel exterior and address, who make it their business to insult evory unpro tected female tbey may chance to meet Id the street after dark, and especially if the lady should have any claim to be considered good looking. Occasionally these follows got their deserts. Here is en iustance. MissT happened to be detained a little after dark, and was hurrying home, when sue was accosted by a well cressed young man. "Miss" says he, "shall I have the pleasure oi seeing you noma I Sir." "x ou appear to bo olono, shall I see vou uome t "No, sir, I do not neod your services." "Come, come I've seen you before." "Very likely but I don't know you." "Well I'm bound to see you bonie." "I'll call the watch." "Thank you." "Impudeuco l" "You'd better take my arm." "No, Sir-c-e." "You can't bluff mo off iu this way." "You'll repent this." 'Common." Duriug this running fire, Miss T- rapidly bearing ber home, when reflecing tbat ber latber or brother were quite likely to be within, she suddenly changed ber tactics. "Keally, sir," said sue, "the oppressive heat aod the fright together, bave made me quite faint, and 1 shall be compelled to take your arm." 'AS i tbis is charming, remarked tbe lor ward but deceived gallant. "leu me " simpered Miss I with consumate tact, "is your name Uustavus ?" " Alas, no, dear miss, my name uulorluuato j jg Timothy "..Timotbyrimotby didyou ,tig oeaut7fuijetJbow ,, say t 'tis sweet yet bow unlike Uustavus?1 "There is a slight difference, I admit, be tweeo Timothy and Gustavus : but remember lair one, a rose by another name would smell as sweet, as tbe divine Fanny Kemble used io say." " 1 roe, true, but bore I am at borne 1 W ill yon walk in 1" "will 1 1 yon entrance me." "llush not a whisper walk in. Now take off your boots; the slightest noise will cause discovery, aod 1 shall be ruined. Have you taken off your boots t" 1 es." "Now follow me but if you value your life remain silent," Pve got an engagement at twelve," re marked ti youth sou.ewhat agitated. "1 will let you on in Beason lor tbat. "You won't disappoint me," said be as be cautiously followed ber op stairs in his stock log feet. Oo reaching the first landing a door was open, aud be stood m the presence or tbe father, mother and brothers of his fair charge, "My dear parent," said Miss 1 permit me to iutroduce you to Mr. Pick-Up, an impudont fellow, wbo bas aouoyed and in- soma potatoes ; but betore purchasing be de sulted me this eveuing on my way borne.- livered the following on the notore of the root : You will perceive tbat he is bootless." Mr. Pick-Up stood agbasl ; tbuuuer sirucK i Had tbe beuse fallen down upon bis bead, be could not have looked more terrified. "Oh, you scoundrel 1" shouted tbe old gen- tlemao, as be showered a dozen well aimed and effectual blows opon the unfortunate gallant, wbo turned and fled wildly down tbe stairs, Mr. T. kicking bim at every step. I The front door was opened in a twinkling, and without bis boots, the poor devil fled preci pitately down tbe street, and was soon lost in the darkues of tbe night. Those boots bave never been claimed. A witty young rascal, passing through the town of, in Alabama, not long since wanted some whiskey, aod knowing tbat it could ouly be obtained by a physician, wrote bimsei: an oruer, signiug it wuu ois own name presented it at the drug store cl a gentleman, woo mougu uorecoguizuu vj uiui, proveu io be ao old acquaintance. "Hello, t rank, said be wben did you get to be a oocior f "I'm not a doctor." "Why what's this M. D. attached to yoar name lor men i Frank saw be was caught, but, determining to make tbe best of it, put on a very innocent to look, aod meekly answered, "Ob I that's for r ,t ir - i. .i ,. I .'"y'y .-"y- vi course ut gut tut) Ulaney. Gaiter Boots. A little glove stirs op tbe heart As tides stir op the ocean, And snow-white muslin, wben it fits, Wakes many a curious notion ; All sorts of lady fixing thrill My feelings as they'd orter, ltut little female gaiter boots Are death and nothing shorter! And jast to put yoa on your guard. J II give you sbort and brief. A small hotel experience Wbicb filled my beart witb grief. Last summer, at tbe "Oliver," i stopped a week or more, And marked two "bootees" every morn Before my neighbors door. Two boots with patent leather tips Two boots which seemed to say, "An angel trots around in us" luey stolo my heart away. And of in my nightly dreams, 1 bey swopt before my face. A lady growing out of tbem As flowers Irom a vaso. But oh I one morn I saw a sight Which struck me like a stone Some other name was on the book 1 Ibose boots wore not alone I A great tall pair of other boots w ere standing by tbeir sido. And off they walked one afternoon, And with tbem walked a bride I "Don't Wear 'em." A Scene. Dry goods stores ore sometimes the scones of ludicrous conversation. Tbe other day a young lady stepped into a well known establishment io town, and inquired of a fine looking voun? clerk : "Sir, have yoa any mouse-colored ladies' gloves ?" "Moose colered ladies, miss ?" "Yes a sort of grey just the color of your drawers, bere," meaning the store drawers, of course, which were painted grey. "My draw ers, miss ! ejaculated the young man, glanc ing downward, to see if everything was right and tight. "My drawers, miss I why, I dou't wear any." Tbe young lady wos carried homo on a shutter. Couldn't Fool DTer. TbeLovfoTette Cou- ritr tells an amusing story of some young ladies and gents of that place, wbo were taking a social walk near the ceinotry. when a chost appeared. Tbey all ran but one sturdy woman ol tbe strong-minded class, wbo stood to ber post, wben sbe seized it, and tbiust out of his frightful disguise a mischievous fellow wbo had beard the project of walking near tbe grave yard discussed and hid himself tbere to give tbe party a fright. She led him back to the house, and in roply to the questions tbat now poured in npou hor, said : "Can't fool me I 1 have seen too mnnu men m sheets to get frightened at tbem !" The Rf.tokt by ueo. t. morris. Old Nick, who taught the villiage school. Wedded a maid of home-spun habit ; He was stubborn as a mule, Sbe was playful as a rabbit. Poor Jano had scarco become a wifo, Bofore ber husband sought to make her Tbe piuk of country polished lifo Aud prim and formal as a Quaker. One day tbe tutor went abroad, 'And simple Jenny sadly missed him ; When ho returned behind her lord Sbe silly stolo and fondly kissed him. Tbe husband's anger rose ! and red And white bis face alternate grew; "Leas freedom, ma'am 1" Jenny sighed and said, "Oh, dear ! I didn't know twas yoa 1" A Model Husband. HoarwhatSaxe savs of a model husband : 1 saw a model husband in a dream, Where things aro not exactly what they seem ; A moral man, to skeptics be it known , ibe who be loved and cherished was bi own ; And for tbe test I saw the husband wait With horso and chaise five minutes at the Rate, Whilo Jano puts on ber things; nor speak one sour Or bitter word, though waiting half an hour lor dinner ; and, like Patience on a tbrono, He didn t swear to find a button gone. Paris Gossip. The gay season at Paris bas just been concluded. At tbe masked balls a new feature bas been introduced, quadrilles composed of characters represent ing animals, tlowers and vegetables. At tbe ball of l.dgar .Nov, rrince oi Maskwa, tbe costumes of tho gentlemen re presented animals, and tboso of the ladies, flowers and vegetables. Tbe Princes of Metternich represented an artichoke. Ibis lady is a great lavorito witb the Kmpress. At tbe ball of Minister Gould, the cos tumes of all the different nations of tbe world, were represented. At tbe fete or Ueneral 1 loury, ibe rnncess Clotilde appeared as Ampbitrite, and tbe Princess Matilda as tbe wife ol an Indian nabob. A troupe representing tbe dramatist per- 8omv of Perauli's fables, attracted much at tention. Madame De Bee appeared as Puss iu Boot's wearing large boots, end having on her boad a diadem in tbe shape or a cute heed. Whisky is now tested by tbe distance a man can wain auer lasting it. ine new liauor called "Tangle-leg," is said to be mado of diluted alcohol, nitric acid, bootleg, and tobacco, aud will up?et a man at a distance of four hundred yards from the dimijobn. A dandy negro stepped Into a store lo buy later uo am wcwusuij gutrn or mewi- iuuij um -, um um uu uivuituuiuiniy iu uu combination ob toter. De exterior may ey pear remorkably exemplary, while de interior am toiauy negative ; but seiu' as dat yoa I wends tbe article on your own responsibly, why, widoutsuckumlocution, dis culled pussou lanes pei'K. A Skeptic thinks it very extraordinary that an ass once talked like a man. lsu't it still more extraordinary that thousands of men are continually talkiug like asses T Love letters occe caused a ladv to exclaim : "When tbe devil is desirous of deceiving man or a woman, be always puts a pen in their baud." Every husband thinks that ha can tame a sbrew, except the poor follow tbat bas ber. What kind of provisions should always be given to professional beggars T The oold shoulder, Quii.r savs there's many women strong enough to bold a fractious borse wbo cau't bold ber own tongue. Elopement Extraordinary. Mr. Jones dog eloped wilb Mr. Smith's dinner. Pooi y said be ouce worked for a maa who raised bis wages so bigh that be could only reach tbem once in two years. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers