GiRinALDi'i Progress. The substance of the news from Italy by the last steamer is, that Garibaldi was making considerabl pro press in tha attempted revolution in Sicily. 'J lie Neapolitan Kingdom is divided into two portions, one Contineutil, the other the island of Sicily, situated southwest on tho Mediter ranean, and separated from the Continent by the Straits of Messina. It was in this island portion of the kingdom that the people rose npaiuat their tyrannical tulers, and Garibaldi, with about 2000 volunteers, started from Genoa to their assistance, against the profess ed wishes ef the Sardinian Government, which will be the Government most likely to be ben efitted by the successor the expedition, as the cry of the people of Palermo is "Italy and Victor Kmmonucl." Garibaldi succeeded in effecting a landing, and, according to the latest reports, had seized opon several impor tant places. The most significant fact is, that the people everywhere on the island hail his approach as a deliverer, and this will furnish him with the material aid required in a con test of this kind. The people of Naples had cuught the flame ol insurrection, aud the indi cations are, that the first intelligence of bis successes will be followed by a diversion in that qunrler, which will greatly strengthen his cause in l'ulermu, and may spread the revolution from the island to toe Continent The Governments of Fraoce and Kuglund, it is said, are disposed to let the biciliaus and Neapolitans tight it out, without any interven tiou from AuBlria, the I'upal hiatus, or any other European power sympathizing with the Kine of Naples. If this be so, there will be better hopes of the success of tho Sicilian rev olutiouists. The movement is a most impor tant oue, aud its progress will be watched nun interest. Tub Japanese Kmuassv. I lasitn May 28. la consequence of the accideut to tue Niagara, a new programs baste do maae resuectins the movements hence of the Japa nese. They are anxious to return to their country at the earliest practicablo period. To-day they are receiving the visits of the Army and Navy officers and their families and others. 1 heir stay in tbe cme9 norm of Washington will necessarily be limited to a few days, and they will not be able to re ceive visiters to the estont tnoy nave in mis city. Persons bive come hither a distanco of over five hundred miles, purposely to see them. The Japanese Ambassadors were busily engaged this morning in estimating the com parative vulue of the cionago of the two countries, with the view to a reciprocal cir culation. , .. The Commissioners are pressed with appli cations, by citizens, to exhibit the various appliances of mechanic arts and eciuntiuc illustrations. The principal attractions to the Japanc6o are, however, heavy mechanical operations, such as tlioy witnessed at the Navy Yard, the forging of hoavy masses oT iron, working or macbiuery, &c. 1 hey will probably visit the Naval School at Annapolis on Friday, or shortly afterwards, but no time lias been definitely fixed, as yet, for their finol departure from Washington. A Sap Actidk.vt. The drowning of Mrs. II. C. Neal and daughter, of Parkersburg, Yo., by the loss of tho steamer It. P. Sass, on the Mississippi, a fow days sinco, has been published, iler husband was the mate of tho steamer Homer, which bad sunk in Ked river a few days beforo, and they hod narrowly es caped drowuiug then. Tbu Memphis Bulletin toys : "lie then took passage in tho R. F. Suss, tho sinking or which we have lately recorded. When that boat struck the snug he was iu Lis room end rushed out into the ball to see what had occurred, followed by his wife and eldest child. On finding out the cause of the disaster, he left bis wife in the ball, and re-entered the room for the purpose of rescuing bis iufuut, which still reposed there in uncon scious iunocense of its impending fate, lie immediately returned aud taking in bis arms both children grasped bis supposed wife around the waist, remarking, "Come on, Mollie, we are safe." fie hurried them into the life-boat, happily congratulating himself upon this second escape from a watery grave oud the rescue from the same fate of bis dear wifo and children. What must have been bis agony of mind when he discovered, alas ! too late, thut Ibo woman be bad saved was not his wife, but a Mrs. Doncy, of New Orleans. He bad saved anothor, and not the own dear partner of his bosom and the child of bis love, had gone down with tho rest in the ill fated fctoamor, never more to greet him with the welcome suiilo and prattling tonguo. Poisoned by a Snake. The Abbville (3. C-) South, of tho lbtb iustaut, says that some three weeks ago a son of Peyton W. liailey, residing near Sylvan Grove post office, in Dale county, being iu the woods with his dog supposed by the barking of the animal that he had pursued a rabbit to a hole under a clay root. Putting in bis hand to feel for the rabbit, be was bitten by a snake, which had taking refuge tbero. The lad, reeling his danger, bound his arm tightly with one or bis suspenders above the wound, and run for borne, but fell from tho effects of the poison before be reached there. His cries, however, attracted the attention of the family, and be was borne home and whisky freely administered, until it produced its usual effect. His arm, bow ever, below the bauduge swelled turned black and burst, and after living two days be expired. The snake was dug out and dragged from its den, and found to be a very old rattlesnake, full or poison, large quantities being forced from its mouth by the pressure of the rope around bis neck, used to draw him out. A terrible tragedy was enactod in the California Assembly, a few days before its adjournment. A member of the House named John C. liell was shot and stabbed to death, almost, in his seat, by one Dr. Stone. Stone was a lobby member, attempting to procure the passage of a bill for the division of the county represented by Hell, and to which the latter was opposed. Mr. liell was iu the act of consultation with another mom ber beyond the bar of the Assembly, while it was in session, wbeu Stone cuuie up, denounc ed bell as a liar, and immediately began bUooliog aud stabbing him. The uuturtuuate man was carried away, aud died two days after, btoua was released on bail. As be is a nub man, the crime will go unpunished. The Assembly took no notice of Ibo murder. Hell was from Ohio, and was unarmed. Stone is from Kentucky. Several circuui stances show the act to have been prumedi luted. New Orleans to St'i'ri.T tuk Nortu with I'kaciies It is expected that the peach crop of Louisano, this year, will no so large, that the New Orleans market will be over ,n .nrt it ia proposed to ship, bv express t,aehaa from M issippi to Chicago, where they will arrive at least two months in advance or the season Nortb. Arrangeiueull are Demi muds bv Adam's Southern Express, forth transportation or the luscious fruit to Ciocin neti, Chicago, St. Louis, Louisville, Ac. An Attachment ron Content Issued. IlAtaisBLBu, Mat 29. In the Supreme Court, this afternoon, Mr. Harding askei n,t an attachment be issued acaiust lb majority of the common and the minority of tbe Select Councils of the city of Pittsburg. The writ was made returnable si Lancas ter, on June 27th, at 9 o'clock A.M. The Sheriff was directed to have tbe men there at tbat time. A passenger dog:ribos Aspiowull as a very lively place, the business being cock lighting Slid ti'ggft lamiangut. THE AMERICAN BTJNBURY, FA. SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1860. II. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor. To ABVKTURi.Th circulation of the Scsaeav Amkkica among the different towns on llif 3utquehnniin in not exceeded, if equalled by any paper published In Northern Pennsylvania. DEMOCRATIC STATU KOMIXATIOKS. FOR GOVERNOR, IIENBY D. FOSTER, Of Westmoreland. CP" IxnTALtATio. Rev. P. liur.B.fiud wil ling, will be I.isTii.LKn an Pnstorofthe Evan gelical Lutheran Church in thi .ln re, on to morrow (Sunday) evening next, at S o'clock. Kev. P. Born and Rev. S. Domer.of SclinsRrove, have been appointed by the President of Synod, to conduct the services. IKF New Counterfeit. A counterfeit fivo on the Philadelphia Hank 1ms bocn circulated. The note is a fae simile of tho genuiuo Cvo. but not bo well execnted. t3T Mr. Ira T. Clement, has again put his Steamboat in operation, for towing and ferry ing, at this place. tnr Tkoit Two gentlemen of this place, visited Hoar Cop, in this county, a few doys since, on a fishing excursion, and in a few hours took from their native element, aboat sovcuty of the specklod bean, ties. These " beauties of the brook" were served, for breakfast, at tbe " Washington House," on Tbursdoy rooming. rjy DAXOKRoi s.-Tho crossing of the street bridge at the corner of ltiver and Blackberry strocts, is in a shamefully dangerous condi tion. It is a miracle that horses have escaped without broken limbs thus far and tbe Borough from heavy damages. The Bakers'. We negloctcd last woek to mention tbat. the Bakers gavo their promised concert, at this place. We agree with our neighbor of tho Gazette, that tbe en tertainment was not what might bave been expected. The whole programme contaioed but little of what coustitntos the soul ol music. George nas an excellent bass voice with great scope, but the powers of the others bardly canio up to tho most ordinary standard. Ci'Tho consus takers commence opera tions on the first of the present month Judo. Tho Deputies nro J. 11. McCormick of Milton, who will toko the Forks, with the oxception of Northumberland and Point. Mr. Klliott, of Northumberland, and Perry Gearhattof Hush, will take this sido of tbe river. (3S" Park Benjamin, ICscj , wbo gave so much ploasuro to those wbo beard him in this place, a few weeks ago, will lectnre agaiu at the Court House, on Tuesday eve- ing next. Tbe subject upon which bo will lecture is "Amusing Traits of American 'haractcr." We congratulate our citizens upon having an opportunity of again bearing this eminent lecturer. Terrific Hail Storm. On Satnrdoy last, a terriCc hail storm passed through owcr Mabanoy township, extending across tbe river into Snyder county. Tho bail full thick and fast. In a ravine, in Lower Ma banoy, tbe bail bad been swept togother by the tornado to tho depth of three feet. Tbe torm teacbed about two miles in widtb, xlendine into Dauphin county. Soma of the farmers bad their entire crop of grain estroyed. f$ Chanok or Time. Tbe morning train South, leaves here at 9 45 A. M.,es usual. The night Express, South at 10.30 P. M. as usual. The afternoon train North, arrives now at 4.18 P. M. and the night train 12.5 fisr A railroad from Cbambersburg to Get tysburg is agitated by the people of Franklin and Adams county. A survey has been completed and Uie route found or easy grade and very practicable. It intersects the "Tape Worm" six miles from Gettysburg leaving only twenty miles or new road to construct. -t T- KS" PfINGBTEN OR WllITSlNTIPK MONPAV, This holidoy was duly celebrated as usual. by many of our citizens of German origin, at Georcetown. on Mondoy lost. 1 ne pouu cioos and office seekers were tbere, as nsnol, tteoding to their interests involved in tbe coming election. Pabapr. A porode of the Order of U. A. Mechanics came off at MUlersDurg, Dauphin county, on Monday last. Ihere was quite a respectable tnrnont of the orier. Tbey were addressed by the ue v. James Meredith, of Philadelphia. ry While rain bas fullen in this section of tbe country in great abundance, within the last few weeks, a distressing drought prevails in the Kast and West. In Kansas very little rain has Mien for nearly 90 days, and Tears are entertained of a total failure of the crops. tar Tbe laborers on tbe Sunbury and Erio lUilroad near Warren bave been discharged, and work aunnended. It is said work 00 the Middle Division will be continued with a de minished force during the Summer. (37 A barn belonging to Mr. Caldwell, near Torbutsville, Northumberland county( was struck by lightning pu Saturday morning and entirely consumed. C3T Plagiarism. Some graceless scamp bas been trying to impose upon our neighbor of tbe SelinBgrove Times by sending bim, for publication, an article from Murray's old "Euglish Header." Tbe editor says be is too well posted in tbat "famous old book" to be thus caught, and Terj properly concludes by sayiog'tbat "persoos that caouot write them selves should not vaioly imagine tbat tbey can with impunity palm off tbe waitings of other and better men than themselves." Tbe editor should advise this plagiarist to pattern after tbe style of his Middlebarg correspondent, wbicb, if not chaste tod ele gad is, at leant, sublimely anginal MAJOR DEWART'SCORRKSrOKinrjH K AM AIUl RATIO OF lit' llANANIAM. The Sunbnry Gazette of last week contalM a correspondence botwocn Msjor William I. Dewart and Hon. I.N.Morris, member rt Congress from Illinois, which require thing more than a mere passing otls In these days of extravagant peUuval UWt ture. In this epistle tho Major elves l Ms ad besion to the fortunes of .ludiin l'K'iea, abjures all further couuectiou with Mr. Bu chanan. The Major opens tho coirospondciiee by stating that bo had enclosed a copy or tho "organ of our parly in this vicinity," tho Sunbury Gazrllr, conlalnlni? a communica tion, which ho says he wrote in rvor of the Judge lor President. He remarks also that he bus sent a copy of the i"Ku t0 Jni,8 Douglas, aud asks M r. M orris to hand tho paper to Mr. Montgomery, bis lato collooguo, that he may know where bo (the Major) stands iu tho liKht. Thu Major also refers to Mr. llottcnstiiit'. our delegate, who, be argue, misrepiesents nine tenths or tho Do mocriuy in opi""'' JuJfc'e 1'ouglas, and thinks that Mr. II- will oilher resign or vote for the Judue. We doubt whether our dele gnte represented anybody in this county, except a few Post Mosters. Now we cer tainly shall not complain that the Major and the "organ" have beon converted, even at the eleventh hour, from the heretical doctrines, engendered by the leaven or Mr. Buchanan's ancient federalism, including Lecomptonism aud other fatal heresies of tbe present admin istration. But the cool assurance with which tbe Major disposes of the Democracy of this couuty and dispenses the honors thereto ap pertaining, is amusing if not surprising. For more than two years, or ever since the war of tbe administration against Judge Douglas, we bave defended bim against tbe attacks not only of Mr. Buchanan, but of tbe Major and the Gazette, and we trust that as thev bave now seen the error of their ways, and feel disposed to embrace tbe true doctrines of Democracy, for which we bave been con tending, they will make somo acknowledgment of their error, and liko truly penitent sinners, not thrust themselves forward until they have remained upon the anxious boncb in a proba tionary state, a suitable period. tv o do not wish to be dcomod officious, but while the Major bas bis band in forwarding copies of "the organ of our party" to Judge Douglas, would it not have been well to send to the Judgo tbat copy of tho Gazette pub lished a few months since, wbicb, at tbe time, somewhat startled the faithful, by coming out, flat footed, in favor of en old lino Whig, Edward Everett, for President. Besides, it was strongly suspected that the organ was somewhat out of tune last fall, when tbe editor undertook to 6how bis ntter disregard for tbat trite old maxim, "There is nothing like leather," although ho bad previously sung Pacns time and again to leather headed politicians and helped to elevate tbem too fCce. But organs, like other wind instruments, are liable to change, and it is a great mistake to suppose that they ero confined to certain set pieces of music. Political organs espe cially, when new hands work tbo bellows, often change, not only the stvlo of playing, bat the music itself, and when a staccato movemont is deemed necessary, even a medley is sooiotimcB introduced. Mr. Morris, in reply, congratulates the Major on being "right side up" again, and excuses his iiual vote in favor of Lecompton on tbe score of friendship fur tbe President This may be excusable in politics, but will not pass for good morals, in ethics. Mr. Morris very truly says that it is only by cheating tho people that Judge Douglas can bo defeated. We think wo shall also bave to send a copy of tbe American to Judge Douglas and Mr. Montgomery, to counteract tbe impres sion caused by the Major's letter, that the Democracy of this county was groping in darkness, until the light suddenly became upon himself and the "organ of our party." But laying badinage aside, we rejoice that our erring friends bave abjured Buchananism, Lecomptonism, and its concomitant evilst against wbicb we bave been contending for yeurs past. OI'EMMQ OF THIS LAC it AWANSA AMU ULOOMSUl'RG ItAIXKOAD. The first passenger train since the comple tion of tbe road to Northumberland, arrived at that place on Thursday morning, at 9.40, in time to connect with the trains of the Northern Central for Harrisburg and Balli. more. A number of tho friends of tbe enterprise from Luzerne, Columbia and Montour coun ties came on tbe train. Among tbem we observed Messrs. Wells, Pettibone, M'Kelvy( and Mr. Jackson, the Superintendent, not forgetting Mr. Hancock, wbo liberally took the bonds of the Company for $10,000 worth of iron to complete tbe extension. Tbe com, pletion of this road will be bailed with delight by tbe traveling community. We ere in dubted to Mr. Jackson for a copy of the lime table, from which we gather tbe lime of arrivals and departures from Northumberland Mail train, South, arrives at 9.40 A. M " " North, leaves " 4.50 P. M Ex. Freight, South, arrives " 9.00 " " " North, leaves " 5.20 A. M. A FEW FACTS FOR THE STANDING COM MITTtE. The Democratic Standing Committe is to meet at the Court House, in this place, on tbe 9lb inst. Tbe object, we presume, is to ascertain by what authority Gov. Bigler, carries the Presidential vote of this county in bis breeches pocket, aud when and bow our delegate to Charleston, Mr. Hottenstine, discovered that Mr. Gutbrie, was a good tariff man. And also, whether tbe Report of Mr. Gutbrie, when Secretary of the Treasa ry under Mr. Pierce, in wbicb be opposed a tariff protecting tbe interests of Pennsylva nia, was, or was not, a forgery, or whether it was tbe result of a miraculous conversion and if so, whether eleventh hour converts are more reliable than those of longer standing, sucb, for instance, as Mr. Buchanan, who while be recommends a tariff, permits his Secretary Mr. Cobb, to tell Congress tbat free trade is tbe right doctriue, and that the views of bis master are all moonshine and ought not to be regarded. If" Killed. On Saturday last, Josej Frederick, of Trevortou, was throwu from tbe lUilroad near the mines, aui! iuiluully killed tr 1l N onB erf USBI0Bt bU iwrWfoM.lcMl Journals in the Union, thtu M v kf Mr. Iluchanau'i recent y H. tttuVa.i i Ms. tiwaaoWs appointment of Calnoun khUiu, ttt viul . " a i Juilan Terry ia the o.ta H.dnv. to the omco of DiBinci Ai!,nv m h l ianeison, I a fresh illus tiAliKUof his eontonipt. we will not say lor mthlio opinion, but lor common decency. It ia a mm to tight a duel, even if it prove a hlitmllea iliwl. or to aaaist another in lighting one but when the conllicl eventuates in a very cool and doliberato murder, the offonce receives the last degree of aggravation. The guilt or causing Broderick's death rests, or course, in tho first instance on Terry, but in the second on Benham, who seems to have assisted in the matter with a hearty good will, and to bave bated Broderick with a hearty hatred. He stands at this moment, in the eye or the law at California, in tbe position or an accessory to a murder. "We do not care one straw for tbe politicul aspects or this affair, and we are fully aware that recent exposures prove our Chief Magis trate to be very much t)o old an oflender to make it worth tbe while of any journal to dwell auy longer on his misdeeds. There is no chance of bis reformation, and bis powers of mischief will soon expire. But it is due to tbe nation at large to protest against the latest attempt to vent petty spite by means of a gross insult to an orderly christian com munity. He began the practice of setting the opinions of the people, about the conduct of their representatives, at defiance a long time ago. There was an unmistakable em phasis as well as impudence in his giving Glancy Jones tbe Embassy at Vienna, after bis expulsion by bis constituency, but this performance in San Francisco is' something more than a violation of Democratic theories. It is a slap io the face, administered by tbo President of the United States, not to politi cal opponents, but to every man in the com munity wno respects either God s iaw or man's." 63T The Tariff While 33 votes are ne cessary to carry it in a full Senate, a less number will be sufficient, from tbe absentees. It is ascertained tbat a number of Senators are prepared for such an alternative, from a conviction that the present law is inadequate as a revenue meosore, and from a disposition to concede something. The following votes may bo regarded as certain for the bill : Foster, Dixon, Trumlull, Harlan, Grimes, Hamlin, Fessenilcn, Sumner, WihtnX'hauiller, Hintham, M'ikinsim, Clark; Hale, Heicunl, Kimj, Ten l'.yck; Wade, Camertn, Simmons, ntltony, Lullamcr, rout, Durkee, Dooltttle, , Kennedy, Crittenden, Bigler, Thomson, and Pearce. Ucjmblicans, 25 Americans, 2 Democrats, 3 30 Messrs. Suulsbnry end Bayard, of Dela ware ; Mr. Toombs and Mr. l.ainam, or California, are well disposed, and inclined to sustain tbe bill with some modifications. C3T We 'ettrD from tue Sexton of the Grave Yard, that persoos are in the habit plucking the flowers, aud destroying the mementoes which pious and lovely bonds have planted upon graves of departed friends and relatives. For the benefit of sucb indi. idoals, we publish Ibe following act of sscmbly, March 5th 1849 : "Any person who shall wilfully cut, break or remove any shrub or plant within sucb place ol intermeut, snail upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not less than one or more than fifty dollars, at tbo discre tion of tbo Magistrate." 53" New York and IlARRisin-no Tho Harrishurfj Telegraph says : Our quiet city was greeted yesterday with a passenger train r cars direct from the city of New York, through in Bix hour and forty minutes. his will make tbe time between New York and Sunbury only eight hours and forty minutes. Tbe New York morning papers can bo read here in tbe afternoon. A Second Tell, in the Siiootino Line Mr. Fred. Whitehead, of St. Louis, is aston ishing the sharp-shooters with bis marksman ship. A few days siuce, Mr. T. F. Lennox stationed himself off at the distance of ten paces, and placed a common sized lemon on tbe top of his head. Mr. Whitehead took a pistol and popped away av me lemon, i ue ball entered fairly Tn tbe centre aud cut tbe lemon in two. During tbe performance, Mr. Lennox, on whose bead the lemon was, stood with bis arms folded and coolly smoked bis pipe. Had be moved an inch, or bad tbe skill or Whitehead failed, his soul would bave been sent instantly to eternity. We scarcely know whom to admire the most, Lennox, for bis intrepidity, or tbe marksman for bis skill 65" There would be no difficulty in deci. ding wbicb was the biggest fool, tbe person shot at, or the shooter. Advance in Prices. The I'ottsrille Mi ners' Journal says : Tbe Delware, Lackawan na and Great Western Coal Company bave issued another circular, dated the 21st alt.. advancing the prices of prepared coal, and will receive orders for only a limited quantity at present. Since tbe above was written we r . . i . . . received the following despatch from Phila delphia : "The Delaware, J.acnawanna ana estern Railroad & Coal Company have advanced the prices fifteen cents on the Spring prices, on board vessels at l-.Uzarjetnport. bigned, John 1 ucker." The Fruit Crop Tbe season has reached the point, when we may predict, with tolera able certainty, the fruit crop for the year. 11.. I I m . ne nave examioeu a numoer 01 apple, pear and peach orchards, and bave to this conclu sion ; That tbe applo crop will be a fair one, tbe blossoms naving sutieied comparatively little from tbe late frosts, tbe heavy rains. and the severe blows. That tbe pear crop ill not be more than balf a yield, owing to these reasons. 1 bat peaches will be pretty abundant in old orchards, while in the young orchards tnere win oe almost a total lailure Tbe Reybold orchards of Delaware, we learn promise a lull crop. 1 bat tnere will be an abundance of cherries, while tbe strawberry beds affords uadoubted evidence of a bountiful yield. Aitogetner we regard tne iruu indications as bigbly promising, not even excepting tbe peacb vnich bas in various joornals been pro claimed to be utterly destroyed, (strawber ries, in tbe beigbtb of tbe season, will sell at six cents a quart. Germantown Telegraph, Oil News. Tbere is a well at Brookville, Jefferson county, which had reached a depth of 118 feet last week. In several instances, gas bas escapod with sucb violence as to tbrow tbe water twenty feet in tbe air above lbs mouth of the well, and the workmen bave to run to avoid a drenching. .Much confidence in tbe well bas been expressed by those who bave seen it, these gaseous explosions boing regarded as an unuiistekeable indication of tbe presence or on. A Ilk-Avr Sale or Oil. We lesrn tbat sale of eighteen hundred barrels of oil, from lbs recently discovered oil region, iu tbis State, was effected, yesterday, by a firm' In tms city, it brougbidij ceuls per gallon, and was sold to a western sealer for illumine ling purposes. This was a heavy transaction I ttlii'uryu ua:aie. CDUon'mcja (Ciiitoiial tint) fitWiWi!. A Great Aor. Manuel Pinto died flt San Benito, California, on tbe 1st of April, having just passed bis 120th birthday. Rather below Parr. The copyrights of Teter Parley's works are estimated to be worth $75,000. A Killino Frost In parts of Vermont on Sunday night, the 20th inst., the Wenther was so cold that the ground was frozen to tbt depth or over half an inch, and early vegeta bles were killed. A Heavy Load of Debt. Tbo Teters bnrg (Va.) Intelligencer says tbat the debt of Virginia amonnts to $18,000,000 with no prospect of diminution. A Litkv Justice Malcolm Murroy, a Jutice of the Peace in Iowa city, Iowa, has fullen heir to an estate in Ireland, valued at $80,000. Minio in Chili There are now in opera tion in Chili, South America, 10 gold, 12 silver, and about 300 copper mines. Col. Isaac Smith McMicken, United States Consul at Acapulco, Mexico, and formerly or Lycoming county, died or yellow fever, ou tbe 23 of April. An Expensive Item. The mere cost of laud on wbicb British railways are construc ted, bas averaged $43,000 per mile as much as the overage cost of making a railway in the United Status. Wentwortii, of the Chicago Democrat Bays Liocolu's name is Abram, not Abraham The Chicogo Herald says his name is Abra ham, not Abram, and so says the Congression al Directory. Steel Making in Hartford The Hart ford Times reports that Col. Colt, after making experiments two years, has succeedod in producing Silver Steel of a superior quality for gun metal. A Model of a Texas Divine. A Texas paper says that Rev. R. P. Thompson, a na tive missionary in tbat State, is "breaking himself of the habit of swearing, and reads tho Scriptures quite fluently." (5" "Billiards fob the Ladies." In Al leutown tho proprietor of the Continental Saloon, in tbat town, has set apart tbe use of his Saloon every Saturday, from two o'clock in the afternoon until nine in the evening, for the use of the ladies. 3" Tub Evan-helical Lutheran Synod of Pennsylvania and tbe adjacent States, will bo held in St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia, commencing on Triuity Suudayk tbe 3d of June, 18G0. Gurkitt Smith writes a loDg latter to prove that his recent aberration of mind wbb owing entirely to dyspepsia and tho New York De mocratic Vigilant Association 1 He does not veil hint that lie was alraid ot uovemor W ise. The seventeen year Locusts are now per forating tbe ground in tbe vicinity of Newark, N. J., in multitudes, tueir boles being gener- II y hall an inch in diameter, and from four to oight inches deep. They are found most nu merous around tne roots ot tbecuerry tree. Lamoriciere found tbe Pope's army in a curious state when be took charge of it ; 2527 officers and soldiers wbo figured on tbe army list had no existence, tuongn pay was regu larly drawn for them. Tbe helmets and ac coutrements bad been sold to the manager of theatre. Another Railroad Movement. Tbe citi zens of Mercer, Lawrence, Venango, and other counties of Western Pennsylvania, are moving earnestly in favor of constructing a railroad from Warren to Franklin, and from Franklin to New Castle, by way of Mercer, thus connecting the Sunbury and Erio Rail road with tbe Ohio river. A general conven- ion is to be held at Franklin on tbe 30tb inst., to advance tbe enterprise. Divorces in Indiana Indiana is reaping rich harvest in the divorce line, but can scarcely bo said to be adding to ber reputa tion. Divorces are grant jd on the most shallow and frivolous pretexts. Among other recent cases is that a woman in Clay county, who was married to a diflerent person fifteen minutes arter obtaining a divorce from ber husband. Compliment to Captain Turner. The citizens of era Cruz, feeling profoundly grateful to Capt. Turner, of the U. S. ship Saratoga, for his gallantry in arresting tho piratical expedition commanded by alarm, and thus rescuing much properly and many valuable lives from destruction, are about to present to bim a beautiful and valuable word. To Make Ginger Snaps. Take one table- spoonful of ginger, one of lard, oue teaspoen fu! of saleratus, half a pint of molasses, balf teacupful of water, witn a sutiiciency ot flour. Knead soft, roll tbin, and bake in a quick oven. Fiftv Dollars Faid for a Penny. One of tbe "II igley coppers" of 1737, struck by Hicley of Graoby (a blacksmith) out ot copper fiom the old Simsbury miue (New gate prison) US years ago, was to day pur chased by Alfred S. Robiusoo, Esq., of this city, of Mr. George Williston, of Suffield, for the Bum of $aU. One of the rare "Washington pennies" of 1791, the face of Washington being beatifully clear and distiuct ; and a Louisiana penny of 1757, coined for thai colony by 1- ranee, were also purchased of Mr. Williston by Mr. Rob inson. There is now living, in tbe vicinity of Mid- dletown, a lad nine years old, wbo weighs one hundred and sixty pounds ; be plows, barrows and can perlorm almost as hard labor as a grown person, tbe truth or wbicb can be es-1 tablished by tbe most reliable citizens of Middletown. He is a son of Mr. John Roop, residing about three miles from that place. llarrisburg Telegraph, Here is a chance for onr active fishermen. Barnum offers $100 for a live speckled brook trout, uninjured, weighing four pounds, and at the rate of $25 per pound for all that it weighs more than four pounds. Ibe trout to be warranted to live one week in a running stream of fresh water. A large price will also be paid for trout weighing three pounds each. Tub Coal Trade. Tbe oaantitv sent bv railroad tbis week is 38,526 04 by canal, 31,612 00 for lbs week 70,138 01 tons against 72,147 tons for tbe corresponding ween issi year. Tbe demand for coal is on tbe increase in tbis region, and we hope that ere long our operators will be enabled to obtain fair prices for their product. Coal will not be purchased cheaper than it now is. Vottsvillt Miners' Journal, 2GlAuf. A New and Dangerous Altered Note. Tbe editor of Peterson's Detector sends us tbe following description of an altered note on the Bank of Northumberland, Pa. It is altered from the bogus plate of tbe Farmers' and Drovers' Bank, Indiana : 5's, vignette a rarmer Kneeling ana binding sheaves, a fe male carrying a sheaf, men reaping, and bouse in distance j oval portrait of a girl on right ena ; aog s neaa on ie;i end. . Mail Contracts Maj. Jack Cummings, ofSelinsgrove, has been awarded tbe three daily routes from Duocannon to Port Tre vertoo, from Port Treverton to Northumber land, and from Port Trevertou to Shamokin Jack, if of oo very great service to the party, is at loasta very noisy member, and generally iuauua w tuiu lb iu igiaa goou BCCOUUl. Tall. Old Abe Lincoln, tha Black Tla. publican standard bearer, is six feet three mcbes in height, and his principal snpporter in lbs Chicago Convention was Mr. Buskirk, one oi iu Delegates from Indiana, wbo mea burea sis fett eleven inches in bis stockii gs, Tim Great Kahterh. The following an-nonnrf-menl oppears iu (lie London journals I "The Great rh;p Company Intend dispatch ing tbe steamship Great Kustern, J. Vine Hall, Comrrmnder, from Southampton forNew York, on Saturday, the 9!h or Jnne. 300 first-class passengers only will be taken, at a uniform rate of 2b each, including steward's fee, but witbont wines or liquors, which can be obtained on board Return tickets will be issned at the rate of jf 10. On last Monday nigL't, tbo Big Mountain Coat Breaker at KhamoBin, occupied by Joseph Bird, was burnt down. It ia suppos ed to have been tbe work of an incendiary The breaker wos Insured to its value, bnt the heavy loss is to lr. Bird, as all bis tool", together with aboot 500 tons of coal are de stroyed, in addition to the heoty expense be bas been at in tbe mines all last winter, pre paring to do a large Summer's work All bis miners end laborers are thrown ost of employ. Shamokin Register. A New Idea Mr. E. E. Builybroaghlnsf in a delicious apple the other day, a sample or a keg full which he caused to be securely headed up and sunk to tbe bottom or bis mill pond last November, where it had lain undisturbed through the winter and until about the 11th or this month. On bringing his cache of fruit to tho surface and opening it, every apple was found to bo free from speck or rot, and as fair and unwrinkled as on the day when taken from the tree. Vlarcmont, A. ., Kagle. Cmmimnicntcfc. Mil. JJniTon: I observed in the last "Gazette" a com munication recommending Col. James Cameron, for Congress. We, in this neighborhood, fully concur in the opinion, that Mr. Cnmcron would make a strong man, in this district, where he is well known for hia practical knowledge, and the deep interest he takes in the development of our agricultnral and mineral resources. Mr. Cameron is an old resident of this county, and his interests are necessarily the same as our own, and if nomi nated, his election is rendered almost certain. May Dili I SCO. SHAMOKIN. For Hie "Simlmry American." II. D. Masskr, Esq.., We desire to recommend J. J. REI MENSNYDKlf, Esq., as a suitable person for nomination for Congress, in this county. He will be an able stnndard-hearer, who can nnd will, eloquently defend Democratic principles Mr. lteimensnvdcr is also a practical farmer, and understands thoroughly the interests of la boring men, and if elected, will do all in his power to protect their interests. MANY DEMOCRATS. May 7lb, I MO. 3 M r Editor : Please annonnce to tho readers of your Journal, that while tbey are canvassing tbe merits or tbe various gentleman named for office of Sheriff, tbey should not forget that Lower Mabanoy presents her candidate, in the person of I. II. RESSLER, Esq, a gentleman whose integrity, ability and fitness for the office, none who know him will for a moment doubt. As our township is entitled to some consideration by the People's party, we hope that our claim for their votes in this campaign will be remembered. LOWER MOIIANOY. April, t)tb 18C0. Shamokin Coal Trade. Shamokin, May 20, 1SC0. tons. cwt. Sent Tor tho week ending May 20tb. '0,000 03 Per lust Report, i)0,D4 j 05 5,5551 08 4G.G43 18 8,905 10 Last year, Increase, The Northern Central Eailway. The arrival of Passenger Trains on the North ern Central Kail Road from Sunbury, is as fol lows : ARRIVAL. 4,1!" P.M. ti,5o a ;.i , 12,05 P. M., 1U.--M 1. M ., 0,13 P. M. PKPAItTt'lIK. 4,l. M. 0,W A.M. 14,10 P. M. 10,11' M. 0,tu A.M. Mali Train, North, " South, Nisht Exprem, Xmlh, " " South, Freight and Aeeom., North, " " " South, The Shamokin Valley and TotUvlllr Railroad. Passenger train leaves Suuhury at - GOUAM. " " " Mt. Cnriiiel. . . 4.30 I'M. The Orkunal Gift Clotiiino Store Messrs. Rockhill 6c Wilson bave frequently been asked why they do not start a Gift Cloth ing Store. They reply that they have built up their very large business by giving every customer the full value in fine clothing for his money, aud thus give satisfaction, without resorting to humbug. The motto of the Great Brown Stone Clothing Hall, Nos. C03 and C05 CbeBtnut Street, is "quick sales and small profits." Thk C now Mil) Heads of Ei-nnes are all in an uproar, and rumors of wars and warlike pieparations rebound. The Heads of our country content themselves with cultivating friendly re lations with the rest of mankind, and wearing. w hen bereft of their natural covering, the crace ful and elegant Ciossamer Wig or Toupee, made at Tburguland'a Wig and Toupee Manufactory, Io. 3D South Sixth Street, I'luladelpliia. The Mustang Liniment cures Rheumatism : The Mustang Liniment cures Stiff Joints ; The Mustang Liniment cures Burns an Wounds ; 7 he Mustang Liniment cures Sores, L'lcers, Caked Breasts and Sore Xijiples ; Xeuralgia Corns and Mar-fit, and is worth 1,000,000 DOLLARS PKR ANNUM To the United States, as the preserver and restorer of valuable Horses and Cattle. It cures all Sprains, Calds, Wounds, StiQ Joints &c. Did you ever bear of any ordinary Sore, Swelling, Sprain or Stiffness, either on man or beast, wbicb tbe Mustang Liniment would not cure? Did you ever visit any respecta ble Drnggist in any part of tbe world in Europe, Asia or America wbo did not say "it was tbe greatest discovery of the age r Sold every where. Every family should bave it ; three sizes. BARNES & PARK, Proprietors, New York. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES. Have new been before the public for five years, '-"J "" won gomen opinions from the many thousands who have used them. Simple, free from intricacy, technicality, or danger, they have become the ready resource and aid of the parent, traveller, nurse, or invalid, and have become the family physician and medical uvuei oi uiousamia ol laimliea. No where have iney ueen ineu without having been approved, aim uwir nignesi appreciation is among those wno nave known the in longest, and miwt inti uiaieiy. N. U A fullsetof HI MPHRPVef iinuv OPATHIC SPECIFICS, with Book of Birec lions, and twenty diflerent Remedies, in large viala, morocco case, $5 ditto, in plain case, ; ease of fifteen boxes, and Book, $3. Kingle boxes, ta cents and 60 cent. These Remedies, by the single box or case, are sent by mail or express, free of charge, Io any address, on reei4 of price. Addroaa Dr. F. H CM PHKEY8 & CO., No. ftfisi Broadway, New Voik. SolJ by A. V. FISH EH. Agent. rutituity, May V, 160. 'I'M dnneffoM (rt ft,. Uumin Family "Hut cihiw out of lht h',lt to die "cnKTAR1!"" R.I Roarh.Ae , Ktlrtml "COST All'" Hed-hnf, Kxtcrmmatof. CUSTAH'B" Electric jcr, tor Imeets, Ac. KMTS01I ISJIAHTLV, AllW-Mnlhi-Mmtncs- Kirali,fcs I.,,,," tn ynT rsMblmhrrf In rVc e York Cily-ncd tic !-e. CJ.,y ' I"' -"' CHy II,.,.0'A-uV"' Nicholas," Ac -mid by nn tint. !ue ,..,,,' families. ' ry Uriijrciat a-nrl rt'lmlrrs r;-rr? w, f-Whol-- m-td . !TPr Cllrrr'j.j y .. tV ! ! ! BAS !rr ,,f aiurii.i;m'ii,iiaiii-i,s CP-!. CO Sample Hox-m .i :,t Mini ff Aodftss orders- of f,r "Circular In t)e,clerf ' ir IIKNH V Ft. COMMR. Principal I)e,,' ,1rsW"'".,l;viy'"i,iv,,,l'''t NiiMin'tei.)v t Sold by KKII.INO A OKANT, Suidauv, Pa. April ai, IHIil, '' ICeligiotM JolUcs. fclnVie'sdrt'ic'e vfifl be l.tW every Sa(itt;i ;;, ;!, . , fnrreh as follows t nrf.fnVTi:nrAN Cl'l'Rrft.-..rth .,.rrr r WtwkWrrj mid Otei tre-nt, Rev. J. . RAft', !,, llr "ervico every fc.Hwth at 1 1 A . M . 1'iayer nieei nif oJ fWidWy rnrnr,ii. At .TrliHiK.luml in m,i School Pmfcyternm Chareh at 9 o'tkrk, P. M., ey-ri Salilmlil. 7 liF.HMAN Kr.J-MfffffTf) Cm-ftCtt.-ftorla earner nf Kivcr and HUirMierry streets. Itev. J. W Rtsix mktz, Pinlor. Divine srrvItT altermifelr. fvorv S..I.I.-..I. uny run i onrra-llie tttv rn .,.4 , it .. at 111 A. M. and 7 P. AI. 1'fottv 'rmilr on Kr-iliy evening. KVANGKI.ICAt, I.t'THKR AV fllf Crt fi..e street In-low 8 V.ft P. Rail Road, Rev. P. RtzitS, Pftrto. Uiviae service, alternately, every Salilmth at It) A. M. nu.f 7 P. M. Player meeting on Wednesday evening MKTIIODIST KrisroPAL CHI'Itf-It .-Dewberry streei west of . AK Hailltmid, Kev. P.. Hiiti.rr n,i J p. Sv.ioKa, Pastors. Divine service, alternately, evervSnb. Ijathat Hi A. Aland 7 P.M. Prayer meeting u TWir day evening. IIAPTIST CI11RCII -Fawn street, below 8. V & P" Railroad, Rev. A.J. Ilv, Preaching every al temateSaMiath at 3 o'clock, P M. During the present month as follows: !i, and 4th Sabbaths. Lecture every Thursday evening, at 7 o'clock DEATHS In Cattawissa. May, l.V.h, 1800, of scarlet rover, GKORUK, second son of Ceorgo and hmma Buldy oged C years and 7 months. In this place, on Tuesday morning, after a lingering illness, of pulmonnry consumption, Miss C ATI! Alt IN' O. FOLLM KU, daughter and only child of Charles and Elizabeth Full mer deceased, lato of tbis place, aged about 25 years. In Lewisl.urg morning of 24th inst., LEW IS PALM Kit, aged 40 years. The Court House Maine College Kdifice, nnd numerous private buildings, will perpetuate bis memory as on architect and builder. Itev. UKOItUK native of Austria, diod at his home in Chillis quaqne, 18th inst., oged about -12 years. lis had been fifteen years a Homau Catholic finished a chupel for his chureb io Trevortou, which was opened on Sunday Inst. On Mnn! day, be was buried near tbe It. C. Chapel iu Alillon. At Roa.j Hall. Lyc. Co., IStb inst., JO BRADY PIATT, aged about 44 years. UN Cfec lil'ar lifts, Philadelphia Market. PiiiLiDKLFiiiA, May 31. Cin.its Small sales of fair and mime .Son. them red Wheat at $1 :il a $1 40, ami white at 1 4S a 1 o7 nlloat. Hye is quiet, with sales of Pennsylvania at RP cents. Corn is extremolv dull, and has declined 5 cents per buthcl. Sales of 5f00 bushels yellow at f,7 a 68 cents, a choice l ul 1 rnnsylvauia at 70 cents, and 150(1 bushel. fair quality at 00 cents. Dais arc dull at 40 cents lor Delaware anJ 421 n 4 fi r-prils fur 'cnnsylvatiia. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. Wheat, g 2.1a 1 40 Butter, - . $ 20 75 Eggs ... 12 C2 'J'allow, ... 40 I.ard, ... i Ci I'ork, .... 8 40 Dceswax, - . 21 Kye, .... Corn, .... Oats, .... Kuckwheal, - -Potatoes, New Advertisements. A NEW LPT OK HARDWARE & HAD. DLEItY. Also, the best assortment of Iron Nails and Steel to be found in the tl.n Mammoth store of FRIMNU & (Jz 'WT. Sunbury, June 5, 1HC0. HO! YE I.OVERS OK SOUP ! Afresh fill tit if V s-il M iirirmi! an.) I is. 1 . . l I V " mm vmiict ill) i it-1 v 111 KHIUNU & U RANT'S. Sunbury, June 2, 1800. IT is important to tho LADIES to know that Kriling & Orant, have the best ami lamest assortment of Dress (iooils in the couutv. Sunbury, June 2, 18GO. 1ASSE?.'S F.TE1T? ' FIVE MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for 1859 and 00, Uy E. KETCH 1)14 CO., 281) IVarl Street, New-York. THE only Freexer constructed on seieiitilic. principles, with a revolving can and surinf hlmle scraper. The one hastens tho freeiini; of the cream the other removes it as fast as frozen. i be most rapid in freezing, with tho least quantity of ice. The most economical in cost, as it is the most simple and durable in structure. r or sale in all the principal cities and towns in the I'l.ion. Each Fieezer accompanied with a book of re cipes and full directions. TRICES. 3 quarts, $3 00 4 quarts, 4 no 6 quarts, 5 ml 8 quarts, 6 00 14 quarts, 8 OO 20 quarts, Apply tu H. B. MASSER, Sunbury. June 2, 18G0. WJAVIXG received extensive encouragement throughout the Couutv, I oiler myself as a candidate for CONGRESS; suljeot to the de cision of the Democratic Tarty, at its next pri mary election J.J. REIMEXSNYDER. June 3, IS GO. La lit Notice. .4 LL persons having any claims against tho estate of Jacob Raker, deceased, lale of Lit tle Mahonoy township, Northumberland county, Ta., are hereby notified to present them for sciilo ment Io the undersigned residing in the town of said county. Those knowing them selves indebted to the estate either by note or book account, are the last time notified to make immediate payment. All accounts remaining un settled afler the first day of August, 1800, will be placed in the handa of a proper oliicer for col lection. HENRY Z. RAKER, Adm'r. Trevorton, June S, I8G0. 4t SAVE YOUR FRUIT BY USING MASON'S Patent Sheet Motal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW 'UP! A that is neceacary being to screw the Capdowu upon the Rubber Gasket, which is placed outside upon the shoulder of the Jar, 3 4 of an inch dis tant from the lop ; prevent the possibility of the flavor of the fruit being injured by coming in contact with the Rubber. Tersona desiring these Jars, ran be supplied ly leaving their orders with H. II. MASSER, Huubury, June t, lUtiO. Agent. "Good Intent Fire Company." A Stated meeting of he "Good Intent Fire Company," will be held at the Court House, on Monday eveuing, June 4, ISUO, at 7 o'clock. Punctual attendance is require J. Jos. H. M l ARTY, Titsidilit. Sunbury, May 6, I860.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers