P Stow. IMPORTANT FROM SUROPE. BIA AT HALIFAX. ifet. Jiach combatant to id i5nyer Hetties from the of Theodort Parktr. Pro. 'mtdi'a LVperfi'ftort. t'rtnck to tcttcunte Home. 88. The British govern t proclamation Bgaiost the ) for the 1'opo in Ireland ( re in the subscription for gents, the law officers of the ding il as illegal, indn Tre Very heavy under n Continental politics, but te&diness at the close. FltAXC-iS. inisler at Naples had asked there of four ships of war, sn despatched thither, t was about to tail Tor the guo and unauthentic rnmors loan for military purposes. ITALY, ker died at Florence on the id that Gen. Lamorieiere bad movement with the Papal t 5000 Tiedmontese troops om tionoa to check him. ety asserted that the French bad received orders to eva- .id that the Sardinian Gov lered the garrison of control rapid forward movement to ilicnl frontier. .VIS EXPEDITION, ico with regard to Garibaldi's cily, though meagre, is im reports are very conflicting, Ily concur in stating that be od progress. Some reports captured the most important ily, excepting Palermo and ' the landing ut Marsala was npolitan frigates bombarded .bont previous warning, but els interposed for the protec tion residents. I at Madrid that the King of lied for foreign intervention ted that o trpntv offensive! nnii )een concluded between Na itistriu, and ull the deposed gns. telligence from Naples repre it consternation as prevailing oplo weie making tuniultuons nud tbo troops were dispint- imily were said to be packing , and there are other stroug t tbo fear of a general insur uent. xus said to be moving on latest dates. THE LATEST, .urdny, Muy 10. "Bell's Lire," g announces that a meeting ween Sayors and lleeoun, at terd.iy to discuss the means of e dispute between them, as to of tlio champion's belt. It agreed that two new belts, jarts of the one so much covet node, the money for the pur ised by public subscription. indidates is to head the list for Id by his opponent. The old in in the possession of the p ro ll's Life," to be fought for by aspire to the honor of wearing i engaged to retire from tbo iKi.n of Oil Great Excitement --We are indebted to Dr. Kern, (who bus just returned from a ktin,) for a lew important items o tbe oil business in Uiut locnli e now about thirty wells in the 'ranklio, uud the uuuiber is rap-Sol Company" struck a rich vein iy lust, and tbo lirst day it yield rels ! klin Oil Company, whose well is feet from the celebrated Evans a rich vein on Friduy last, and is spirits. ay Messrs. Kerr, M'Cormick & truck a large veiu on French lile from Franklin. During the iou they pumped thirty two bar-A-ere shipped to this city on tbe lo, and landed on our wharf on euing. lay, the well belonging to the 1 Company commenced to flow p of the conductor, and a large i flowed into the Allegheny river! no pump in operation, and tubs, barrels were brought into requi vo the wasting treasure 11 on iople congregated about tha well, xitement was intense. This has i richest well yet discovered, and telling the extent of tbe yield. A ber ol Pittsburghers are at present and vicinity, and speculators are their chances with commendable Tbe international tight, and tbe mbject of President making have ost sight of, and the engrossing .t region is oil! oil! oil! n Machinery Levied On. The this county ycsteiday afternoon large number of Locomotives and binery owuod by the Pennsylvania ioinpany, on an execution issued by ley Genoraloftbe State of Penn jr tonnage tax due this State, it membored that last summer the ained a judgment for some three lousaud dollars against this compa nage due under their charter of in n, and the company made arrange- have tha question as to liability the Supremo Court of the United ut it remaius still undecided. Since more than three hundred thousand jcrued, for which another suit wag nd judgment obtained, on which this was issued. 1 lie omcars oi tne ; once gave the required security tyinent of the money, should the suit ad against them, and of course the levied on was immediately released, AS WOULD HAVE BEEN NOMINATED IN g Ballots. Gray, of Cleveland, who of tbe delegates to Charleston, that paper after the adjournment of iveation at Charleston : "Nobody our power to nominate Douglas at on, notwithstanding tbe infamous f our tire-eating Chairman, Caleb . Five more ballots would bave 'two-thirds of the whole number of ven" according to the Rule, when irk was pledged to go with us in re the fourffths rule which the Chair ped to fix upon ns, and then Douglas ave been declared the "regular oomi spite of Caleb." ?ruit. In most sections of Connec b promise for fruit was never more H. Tbe trees are laiden down with is, even the oldest and most churlish rees breaking oat into youthful bloom, pie orchards bave not for years past full of pink and white clouds of bios Tbe whole country presents an ex oarily beautiful sight. Tbis is said to equally true of the rest of New Kug New York, 1'tuusylvauia and Nuw I'ietic Abominations. A writer on hnil h says, and we enrlorso the remark, tii .i m other civilised people, probably, are ui-cun tomod to abuse their stomachs bo badly as we Americans of the United States. Our food is often badly chosen, still more fre quently spoilod in cooking, and almost always e Hen In utter disregard of dietio rule. We eat far too roach flesh meat (and especially fork, in its most objectionable form,) and too ittle bread, vegetables and fro its. Onr hot, Soda raised biscuits, hot griddle cakes, satu rated with butter, and the hot, black, intole rable Coffee, which form the staple of our breakfasts, ate, in the way In which they are taken, among the most deleterious ever put upon a table. Pies are another American abomination, and have no small share of our health to answer for. The mince pie, as it is generally made, is tbe abomination of abomi nations. Home one describes it as "very white and indigestible at the top, very moist and indigestible at the bottom, and with nntold horrors in the middle. Even our bread is unwholesome. Now add to our badly chosen dishes and our objectionable cookery, tbe rapid eating, imperfect mastication, and tbe continually interrupted digestion which onr intense and feverish life necessitates, and we have a complication of abuse which would, one must believe, have long Bince utterly destroyed tne vital stamina of any people not originally endowed with marvellous physical powers. A Japanese Speech. Toteish Tokojono one or the Japanese dignitaries, in reply to the Philadelpbiaa Committe of Invitation, is reported to have said : "I paid a visit the United States at first and very clad to see yon at Washington. You bave told mo that Philadelphi is very nice place. The women very pretty. I like them very much, every thing in America very good." IIkknan. Some of the English popcrs pro fess to doubt whether Ileenan is a hard hitter. There is a story current, that at tbe Boston gymnasium, where they bave a contrivance to test the weight of a blow, tbe best pupil struck 70 pounds. Altera few days' practice the teacher was able to strike 130 pounds. Heenan put himself in training there for a short period, and the weight of his blow was 620 pounds nearly a third of a ton I MUM EOPATIIV. Among the invcntion and improvements with which the day is so rife, that mady by Professor Humphreys is not among the least. With all the superiorly of tho Homeopathic System of Medi cine over that of the old school in its freedom from danger and the ease and pleasantness with which its medicines may be taken or given to children, it still remained an intricate system for the people to use. From the fact that a single medicine it given at a dose, and each applicable to only certain symptoms, a largo number of medicines and a large book of directions became necessary in order to their use. And what is worse, these directions arc of the most nice and discriminating character, so that often the longer one looked and studied, the more puzzelrd he became, nor could any amount of learned lumber in the way of Domcs'.ic Manuals, explain the matter. At this precise point the discovery of Prof. Humphreys comes in. He ascertained, from repeated experiments, what had been before de nied, that certain medicines in this system might might be harmoniously combined in a single remedy which possessed, in good part, the ad vantages of each of its ingredients, and upon this principle forms a scries of Specific Remedies for each of the more common diseases or ailments. With these all uncertainty and embarrassment in giving the remedies is avoided, and they may be properly administered by any person of ordi nary intelligence. His improvement is certainly valuable, and one which throws the benefits of this beautiful and eflicient system into the hands of tho people, and must prove a blessing to thou sands. His Specifics are spoken of in high terms by those who use them, and we can readily con ceive must prove a valuable addition to tbe com forts of a family. One of the humanitarian movements of the times although little known as such, can hard ly be over estimated in its importance upon the well being of our widely scattered com munities. Tbe population of tbe American Stutes is in many sections so sparse, that skillful Physicians are hardly available to them. Vast numbers of our people, are obliged to employ in sickness, medical relief as tbey can bear of from each other, or indeed any they can get from any quarter. Hence arises the great consumption of Patent Med icines among us, greater by far than in any of the countries, wlicre skilllul physicians are accessible to all classes. Unprincipled men have long availed themselves of this necessity to palm off their worthless nostrums, until tbe word bus become synonimous with imposition and cheat. One of our leading Chemists in tbe East, Dr. Ayer, is pursuing a course which defeats this iniquity. He brings not only bis own but tbe best skill of our times to bear, for tbe production of tbe best reme dies wbich cau be made. These are supplied to tbe world, in a converient form, at low prices, and tbe people will no more buy poor medicines instead of good, at tbe sume cost, than tbey will bran instead of floor. Tbe in evitable consequence of this is, that tbe vile compounds that flood our country are discard ed for tbose wbich honestly accomplish tbe end in view, which cure. Do we ever esti mate its importance, in believing that tbis prospect of supplanting tbo by-word medi cines, with those of actual worth and virtue, is frougbt with immense consequence for good to the masses of our peoplo. Oazelte and Chronicle, I'tru, la. The IIousEKKEi-Kii's Fkiend. Spaldino'i Pkki'akeu Gt.t'K. Small conveniences for general family use are often of more vulue than what are called "great inventions." It is estimated that in tbe United States there ore at least five millions of households, in all of which the annoyance of squeaking, rickety chairs, sofas, tables, etc., is constantly experi enced and so long as furniture is in tbis con dition there is always danger of a "smash-up." Tbe experience of tbe city housekeeper, with May-day before her eyes.'will readily suggest tbe value and convenience of a really trust worthy prepared glue, that can be instantly brought in requisition where repairs to furni ture and other household wares are needful. Tbe want of such an article is as constant and universal as tbe family, and hitherto it has been a want unsupplied. Tbis, however, can be truly said no longer. Spalding's Prepared uiue, seems to be all tbat has been desired in tbis direction. It is kept soluble by chemi cals, retains its strength and tenacity, is con- venient and always "up to the sticking point," is put in a bottle with a brush, and sold at twenty-five cents. No housekeeper in city or country can well afford to be without a bottle of Spalding's Prepared Glue. It is just tbe thing for tbe library and schools are constant ly in need or repair. Vom r7i Christian Ad vocate J- Journal, New-York, Aug. 4, '50. The following is a sample of the numerous letters constantly receiving for llostetter'i btotnacn timers : Canandaoca, July 15th. 1859. Messrs. Jlostetter Smith, Pittsburgh, Pa ; Gents : At we are strangers, 1 here with enclose you twenty-eight dollars for four dozen llostetter'i Stomach Bitters, which Dlease forward via Micbican Southern Bail road, Toledo, Ohio, and Clayton Station. I bave purchased sev.eral dozen bottles at Tol edo. this bummer, out tne saie is on me in crease so mucb that 1 wish to open a direct trade with yon. 1 was induced to try your itinera vj wy puyaiciau, lur iup wmi vuu- Dlaint. and received inch material aid that I bave recommended it to otberi and bave told annul two dozen per week for soma time. 1 bave all kinds of medicine in my store, but there is none tbat I can so cheertuiiy ana truthfully recommend as your Bitters, for 1 know tbey Dave Del pea ine ueyoua my expec tattoo. xours wr,"""Ti I'll il li WILSON I MEXICAN MUSTANG LIXIMET i Intrinsic virtue alone could insure tbe sue' ! cess which this article has attained. For Ubenmatism, Salt Rheum, Bnrns, Bruiser, etui Joints, or uaids, sprain, l'ole Evil, and Swellings npon Horses, it has no equal. No person will be without it who has onco tested its value. "And with reference to the general estimation of the Mustang Liniment, i can cueenuiiy say mat no article ever per formed so many cures in our neighborhood as this. L. T. Smith, Kdefteld. Conn," S. Leitcb, Esq., Hyde Park I t., writes, "that the horse was considered worthless, (bis case was spavin), but since tbe free nse of tbe Mustang Liniment I bave sold him for $150. Your Liniment is doing wonders up bore." Such testimony is reaching us every. The half is not told. Every family should bave it. Beware of imitations. The genuine -Mustang is sold by all respectable dealers throngbont the world. BARNES & PARK, Proprietors, New xoric. Hew Advertisements. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. W BHE subscriber will offer at public sale.on the Jfl premises, on SATURDAY, the 23d day of JUNE, next, at 10 o clock A. M., the follow ing valuable property to wit, vis: THE WELL KNOWN ST-A-ISTID, now kept as such by Michael Wilvert, situate on Fawn street, near ibo Shamokin Valley & Potts ville Railroad Depot, in the Borough of Sl'N BURY, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania. 1 ho buildings are a largo Frame HOIJISE, near ly new, a Frame Stable, Shed. Ice HoHse and other outbuildings. A Well of water with a pump, at the door, a good garden and very choice fruit on the lot. This stand is doing an excellent business, hav ing the safest and most reliable custom of any Tavern in the County. An indisputable title will be given. EMANUEL WILVERT. CONDITIONS OF SALE. Thrco hundred dollars to be paid as soon ns the property is struck down. Three hundred dollars in ninety days, when possession will he given to the purchaser. Five hundred dollars on tho first day of April, 1801, and tho ballance in four equal annual payments, with interest from sale. A discount of fi per cent will be allowed for whatever cash payment may be made over and above the sum of $i00, above mentioned. Sunbury, May 2fl, I860. ' i . i " . .m m m THE MAMMOTH STORE ! THE MAMMOTH STORE! Wh E8PECTFT7LLY beg leave to announce lo the citizens ol SUNBURY" and vicinity, thai AH their KATEiVSIVE el l) K IS KOOM has been tilled to a perfect jam With 1 he largest Stock ever brought to this part of tho country at one time. We have now, not only iiuiiusomrai, nui me LARGEST STORE IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA! and a stock of NEW GOODS which, in extent, variety, quality and lowness in price, ire UN RIVALLED! We need not partieularizo, for particularize V7 13 HAVE EVERYTHING!!' Yt e have constantly on hand all kinds of DRUGS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, WHY (jiOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING HOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, Ac, Ac which wo will dispose of at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Country Produce taken in eichange at the highest prices. Our stand ;s one of the oldest in this section of country, and has always been lavored by the LARGEST and BEST run of custom in the neighborhood. We are thankful for patronage we have received in the past, and hope that by a continual cfTiirt to accommodate our friends nnd customers, and in consequence of the largeness and variety of our stock, we will merit and receive a continuance of the support and good will of the people. A'e cordially invite you to give us a call ! COME ALL ! You will never regret a visit to the Very Largest nnd Cheapest more, In this section of the State ! 1 Remember the old stand, MARKET SQUARE, near the Cour House. Sunbury, May 1!), lfGO. ly m i i.i r; & RtT. J. P. SHINDEL G0BIN, Attorney Counsellor at Law BTJNBTJBY. FA.. WILL attend faithfully to the collection of claims and all professional business in the counties of Northumberland, Montour, Union and Snyder. Counsel given in tho German language. IV Ollice one door east of the Prothonotarv s office. Sunbury, May Sfi, lfifiO. ly 1 FKF.SH SUPPLY OF DKUliS at the Mammoth Store. Also, anew lot of per- fuuiery, Soaps and Fancy Article. Very cheap. FKILINU &. GRANT. Sunbury, May 26, 1860. rtoi HEAR WHAT THE PEOPLE BAY. LINCOLN, WOOD & NICHOLS, Manufacturers and Importers. STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS Silk Bonnets, French Flowers, Panama, palm leaf, lkoiiorn and straw li A I ?, No. 72Ii Chesnut Street, 2 doors ahovo Masonic Temple, PHILADELPHIA. May Sfi, '.800. 4m ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an ordrr of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will he exnowcJ to public sale on Tuesday, the 19th day of J U.N IS next, nn the premises, the following descrihed real ei-tale to wit: Tho one eual undivided halfpurt of all that certain TRACT OFI-AN1), situate in Delaware township, Northumherlnnd county, hounded and described aa follows : north by part of some tract of lands lying in Muncy creek township, Incoming counly ; enstby lands 'oelotiging to the heirs of George Maslollcr, dccd ; south by lands of lohn Eystcr, and on the west by lands of Elizabeth Eyster, containing NINE TY ACKKS, more or less, all clear, on which are erected a two story Dwelling House and bank Jiate the estate of Kdward Transue, dee'd. Sale lo commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day. when the terms and conditions of sale will be made known by JACOB TRANSUE, Adm'r. By order of the Court, ) J. B. MASSE R, Clk Q.cA Sunbury, Mav 2fl, 18G0. ) i rip mwennirnpa nnvinjj men i-rmror iiu .-urn ivr-1 a- i i. . i .u it -iv PPKCIKIC HOMEOPATHIC KKMKIHM In our families ! Uarn tt" Iher outbuildings, with the rnont tmttaftictory result, ami hftvmg full confl ttenct! In their gen til newts, purity, ami elUrnry, cheerfully rccotmucitil them to all persons who lsh to have itafe, r llahle, anl olliuuclous rtmieiUen at hand fur private or do unfile use. The Kfv. Wm, HoKiner, editor of "The Northern Inde pendent," Aulmrn, N. Y. ; the nv. K. H. Crewy, P.O., Iteetor of St. Peter't Cliurrh, Auburn, N. Y. ; the lie v. H. I. Ives, Chaplain of the Auburn State l'rinon; the He v. Saucer M. Hire, K'vtor, New-Pedford, Mats. ; the Her. Allen Steele, New-York Conference the Hev. Samuel Nichols, Kaftt-fleiieNec Conference, N. Y. ; the Hev. 1. 8. Pratt, ihu-et. Vt. ; the Itrv. John K. K"Me, llufTnlo; A. C. Hart, K., I'tlea, S. Y. ; the Hem. N.al Pow, Portland, Me. ; the Hon. Svhu.vler Colfa, South-Mend, Ind. ; the Hon. (ienrife Humphrey, X. Y. ; Henry P. Cook, Ks'., Kditor of The Ohio Slut; Journal, Columhu, Ohio; the Hon. It. 11. Oriham, Mollue, III.; the 1 1 n. ThomaM J. Chae, Monti eetlo, Kla.; the Hon. Jorph Hem-diet, t'tlea, N. Y. ; Win. Hrbu.il, K., l'iha, N. Y. ; A. S. Pund, K., L'tlca, N. Y. ; J aim Plunkett, Ks-j., Nashville, Tenn. LIST OK SPECIFIC KKMKOIK8. No. 1. For Fever, Connection, and Inflammation. No. 2. For Worm Fever, Worm Colic, Wetting the Ped. N. 3. For Colic, Crying, Teelhlug, and Wakefulness of Infant. No. 4. For Diarrhea, Cholera Infantum, And Summer Comphilnt. No. 5. Kor Colic, GrlplnM, Pynenlery, or Bloody Flux. No. fi. Fr Cholera, Cholera Slorhus, Vomiting. 7. For Couch, Cold, Intlneima, and Sore Throat. No. S. For Tooth-ache, F.tee-aehe, mid Neuralgia. No. 8. Fur Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Fullness of the lb-ao. N,,. 10. Pvspkpjia riM For Weak and Deranged Stomach, Coifiiptiiloti, and l.lver Complulnt, No. 11. Frn Kkmai.k litRKiiLi.AHiTir, Hcauty, Painful, or Supprewed Period. No. 12. For Leucnrrhea, Profuse Menses, and Hearing Down M Female. K. la For Croup. Hoare Cu'di. Bart Brealhlnff. No. 14. Sut HiiKt M Pilij For Kryrtipelii, Kruptloni. Pimple on the Face. i., nin-.i w vTK rn. i j. fr r.'iin. i.ameness, or ooro nes in the Che-u, Pick, li'm, or Limit. A For Fever am' Avne, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, OW Mijuiianacd A cue. p. Kor Pile, nini'l or inee'iuur, internal or r.Ternai. (Y For Sore. We-ik, or Inflamed F.e and Kvelidji: Fall big, Weak, or Hlurred hiht. C. For Catarrh, of Ion Mainline or recent, either lth ohxtruettoti or protiife iliarharce. W. C -For Wltoopiu touL'h, nh;itiiiif iu violence aim imrteiiinu It rotirte. In all ueule dl.r.is.-. mii'li a Fever. nU;innn;ni"n, Diarrhea, Pysenlerv, Croup, ItheuinnlHin, and cut h erup tive Umchhvs as tSeurlil Fe rr, Mm-orx, and Kfjt sdpelit, the advantiijje of friviutf the proper rented ie promptly in ! viou, and In all iu It oim ihe ecilir act like a ehiiriu. The entire ilUeae U often um-.-lcd ut once, and In ull euf-eit the violence of the attack U i h-ratcd, the tlieas short ened, and rendered lei dtiiif'i'ouK. Coutrli and Colj. which tireol Mich ireiieiit occurrence, and which ao ollen Iny the foutid.-.tlon of dtieaed luncs, bronchitis and coioumiptloit, may all he at once tmred hy Uit Fever and Couch Pill. In all chronic dieHvis. urh a IvpfiMia, w eak stomach, Constipation, Liver CoiuphiitiU, Pile, Knuiile IMiility, and Irrecularilie, eld lh il.ht. lif-, hore or Ve:tK rye, i itmrni. Salt Hhcum, and other old eruption, the cum- ha r-pecihe whoutt proper application will anVnl u cur. In aluioM every Institnce. Often the cure id a incte chronic tlillit lilt v, och Dvneie.la. Pile or Catarrh. Il.-jidarhe T Kiuale. V eak- Uuh, Ua$ mure Uiau paid for Ihe taf ten tinua uvtr PUICF Cnse of 20 vials complete, In morocco, and Hook Ciimt of W vial, and Hook, plai .... 4 Cane of l-" numbered hoxe, nnd Hook... K Cilc of ti tni.in, nuinhcred, itud H'k 1 Sinvle nundtere! hoe, with direclhuin 2? cents. Sincle hHerol ho-, with direction cent. La ice cuse uf ox. vtau, tor planter ami pti,tiiian....f ii A10 SI'FCIr'ICS. For Asthma ob Piitiiisk'. oppreed, Dlflieutt Lahor-d Hrcatliinc. attended with Couch and Kvpeeloratiou. Price, &0 cent per box. Fob Kik lif4'Hiniwiilt tnwiiarc- irmn iiie Far, the result nt S arli t Fever, M-.ih, or Mercurials. Kor Nole; In the Head, lhinhi. t tlearinc, ami Hinging lu the Kara, and Karachi. Price, .Stl n nlK per bo. F"H N Kiocn. KulurceU lilitinu, i.itiurv'eu ano lnourat ed TorwiU, Swellini.' ami old fleer, eScruluhani Caclux of Children. Price. Ml eeol per box. Foa (iKNKHJ.1. DMiil.iTV. Hiietil or crvou ninhiiidi. Flther the rentll of Hickue, Kreivu Mnlicatioti, or r.K hatwtiiM Dlscharccs. Price, tM cents per Imv. FiiH IlhuPiiV. rlulo Accnmuiaiion, i uuoo c iioob, nun Scanty Secretion. Price, .' rent per box. FOR PKA-rti'skN r.. ijeim nriiv's, ihi,, Vomiting. feilcknetiTi from riding or mlton. ri ice, ou cuius P"10?.- , n IM..H n.m. fllR I HIR.KT I'l" l.r, r . . ..- .. . -. cult, 1'illTiful Lrlimtioli, Ulara. nl Hit' hiih. rncf, . cent! Mr hux. Fuu Bksiisu. Fmissmin. Invnlnuhiry )l!niinrp nnn Ciinm iUf"' l'r.wlrulion ami Inl.llllv, HmI Htwilu "I Kvll MiiliiM. Tne ni" .ucrfp-siui mm rnirn-in i.-u.c.,. and mny lw r lll Un iu it lure. I'rlii-, kith full .lircc- ti"iif, ! Itr bdx. l'ir.oni wlio ninli In liliu e IhenuelVMi umU-r tl.e rol tlunnl orr, or In nrrk ailvkv of I'ri.f. IIi mhikiivs, hii ilo k, at lii "Bice !xij Uruiulwuy, ilally Iruiu A.M. Ui I'.M. or by k-lier. OIB IlK.Mr.lHrJJ BY MAIU IjnV over Ihf : make un a caw of lwf llml you chooiar, ami lncl"W Hie ainoulil in a rurrvnl li"le llatnia by mull to our ail'lrcM, at Ni, .''i llnunUHy, Nt'-Vi.W, anu lite mo"iu'ina m w ouij j ....... . free of rliariif. ...... AIIKM'd WASTKO. Weilinlre an arllve, efTnll'iit Api'nl for the ile of our Komi-llm In every town or ronimunlty In tlM United States. Aildri- Dr. V. lll.'MI'UIIKVH Co. No. Mi Bouw., Ni. V.l. A. W FI8HER, Agent, Sunbury, P. May 86, 18C0 ly PO TO FB1LING It GRANT'8 nd see the largest and cheapest assortraent of Dry Goods every brought lo Hunbury. B'jnbury, May 8, 18B8. TT ET everybody know that Friling k Grant. J have the best assortment of goods of all kinds and that they art aelling them cheaper than ever. Sunbury, May 6, I860. rVOW FOR MAMMOTH8TORE, ' Everybody buya Good there. Why 1 Because they can buy them cheaper than anywhere else. Bunbury, May 86, I860. 00T8 i SHOES are aold cheaper than ever at the Mammoth Store. Call and see our assortment and asceitaiu our pluck, and you will not tail to buy. FIUI.INU A GRAVI'. Kui.l my, May !, !('(. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS, J. II. rXGEI,, or Simliirj , Pa., HAS just arrived with splendid STOCK of SPRING AND SUMMKR GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which lie resjiectfully invites his friends and the Public to cull and inspect, he will spare no time in showing them. Among his stuck of goods will befound, FINE BLUE AND I) LACK FFJS1TCE CLOTE. Fine Bliuk and Fancy Casimcres Tweeds, Sat inutls, Jeans, ltlack Italian Cloth, (.'ashmerette, Cottonailc, Linens, I.inen Drill, Linen Check, and Farcy Vesting, oIhci a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for men and bays (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Uereges, Chali and Chali Rolies, Ucregc Delaine, licrege Robes, Figured lirillianl and a variety oi oilier uress Uootls, (Spring ami Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. A general axsjrtinent of domestic Dry (fo da. Also a largo stock of Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes. Hardware, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, (.'edarware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, .Suit, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, 1 ar &c. &c. JV. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta en in exchange for Goods. J. H. EN GEL. Sunbury, May. 19, 18fi0. tf. orpha'1;6urt"saleT IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale at the public house of M. M. WEAVE R, in the town of Shamoktn, on Saturday, thu iiUlh day of JUNE, I860 : The undivided half pait or moiety of a certain Tract of Laud, situate in Coal township, Northumber land, bounded on the north by lands of the Phil adelphia and Sunbury, (now Shumokin Valley & Pottsville) Rail Road Company, on the south by the Martin lands, and or. the east and west by luuds of Jeremiah Drown, containing two hundred acres, more or less, whereon are erected a dwelling House and Rarn, it being part of a larger tract originally surveyed in tho name of Daniel Kees. Also, The following described Lots of Ground situate in the town of Shainokin, of which he died solo seized, viz.: a triangular piece of ground bounded south by Wall street, west by lot of late 11. Yoxthetmer, and on the north by street along laid P. cVS. now S. V. & P. Railroad. 3. Another Lot of Ground bounded on the south by Wall street, on the west by the Carbon Run Railroad, on the north by street along the aid P. & S. now S. V. & P. Railroad, and on the cast by lot belonging to tho estate of the late H. YdXtheimcr. li. Also, another lot of ground containing tne eighth of an acres, more or less, adjoining lot of Dr. Robert Philips, Shainokin creek, a branch of Shamokin creek, and triangular lot No. 441 on the plot of town laid out by McCarty, Davis, Warner and Jordan Late tha estate of David Thompson, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day. CONDITION OF SALE. One half of the clear valuation money to re main charged on the land during life of tho wi dow, the interest to be paid to her annually to be secured by Bond and Mortgage. 10 per cent of ballance lo be paid as soon at the property is struck down and the remaining 90 percent on the first day of April, 1861, also be secured by Bond and Mortgage. H. J. WOLVERTON. Trustee. J To the Heirs of Qeorg-e Hall, Dcc'd. In the Court ot Common Pleas of Northumber land county. Samuel H. Zimmerman, nil- niinistrutor of Catharine I Tlu. Ven. Ex. Zimmerman, dee'd., j. No. 8, April Term, vs. 18(i0. Jacob U. Masser. The undersigned, appointed by the said Court auditor, to destribute the moneys raised on the above writ to and nmonir those entitled, will sit for that purpose at his ollice, in the borough of cunnury, on Saturday, tho lillh dav of Mav. A 1. i ...... . . T n. u. inuu, ai iu o clock A. M, t hose inter ested are notified to attend. HENRY DON N EL. Auditor. Sunbury, May fl, ItSOO. 1800. S1'RING k SUMiMElt 1SG0 FIULING & OH ANT'S MAMMOTH STORE- MARKET Slil.ARE, SLNBI RV, I'A. lRII.ING V GRANT, respectfully announce to their friends and the public, that they have just received tho Very Tni-got nnd Host Stock of SritlNG AND SUMMER GOODS ever brought to Sunbury, which will bo disposed of at tho verv LOWEST PRICES, for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Wo keep every thing ! Wc keep everything ! ! We keep everything ! ! ! Thankful to our friends for past favors, we soli cit a continunnco of the same, at tho Largest Store in Central Pennsylvania! Largest and Cheapest Store ! ! Largest and Cheapest ! ! ! GF Call, Sec, and be convinced ! FRILING & GRANT. Sunbury, May 19, 1800. Murillally. To the Voters of Xorthumlerland County. FuLiow-Crrr.ENs ; Encouraged by many friends, I am induced to oiler myself to the people as a candiduto for the ollice of SHEHIFF at the approaching election, and respectfully so licit your suffrages, pledging that in case I am elected, I will perforin tho duties incumbent on that oilice faithfully, impartially and lo tho best of my ubility, G. M. RENN. Sunbury, April 21, 1800. To the Democratic Voters of Northumber land County. FELLOW CITIZENS : I hereby oll'er myself as a Candidate for the ollice of SHERIFF, subject to tho rules of the Democratic Party. Should I be nominated and elected, I will perforin the duties of the ollice fuithfully and to the best of my ability. M. E. BL'CIIER. Sunbury, April 28, 18(10. To the Democrats of Northumberland County. FklLow-Dkmoi rats : I hereby offer myself s a Candidate lor the ollice of PROTHONOTARV, &c, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. Should I be nominated aud elected, I will fulfill the duties of the ollices to the best of my ability, and pledge myself not to a.-k for a re election to said ollices, believing tho one term principle to be the true democratic one. CHAS. J. BIU'NER. Sunbury, April 28, I860. irotiiootarV. To tho Democratic Voters of Northumberland County. "IjKLiow Democrats: I hereby oflcr myself as a candidate for re-election for the ollice of Prolhonotary, &c, subject to the rules of Ihe Democratic parly. Should I be nominated and elected, I will perform the duties of the office laithfully, and to the best of my ability. DANIEL BECK LEY. Sunbury, May 5, I Slid. To the Democratic Voters of Northumber land County. FELLOW CITIZKNS : Encouraged by muny of my friends, I here by oil. r myself as a candidate for the ollice of SHERIFF, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. Should you see proper to nominate and elect me, I shull endeavor to discharge the duties of the ollice faithfully and to tho best 'il my ability. JOHN U. HELLER. Chilisipjaque Iwp., May 12, I8U0. To the Democrats of Northumberland County. Tkilow Citizens: I hereby ofler mvself as - a candidate for the ollice of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, subject lo the rules of the Democratic party. Should I be nominated and elected, I will perform the duties nf the ollice faithfully, and to the best of my uhilitv. ISAAC I). RAKER. Little Mahanoy tp., May fi, I SliO. To the Democratic Voters of Northum berland County. Fti.low Citizens: I hereby offer myself as a candidate for the ollice of SHERIFF subject to the rules of the Democratic party. Should you ace proper to nominate and elect me, I shall dischargo the duties of the ollice faithfully and to the best of rry ability. MA Ul IN GASS. Shamokin Twp., May 19, 18C0. By order of Ihe Court. ) J. B. M ASSER, Clk..O. C. Sunbury. May 19, ) To lUe Voter or Kortbumberlaud County. ITUllow Citizens: Encouraged by many i friends, I am induced to oiler myself to the people as a candidate for the office of SH ERIFF, at tbe approaching election, and respectfully solicit your suffrages, pledging that, in case I am elected, 1 will perform the duties incumbent on that office faithfully, impartially, and to the best of my ability. M. K. DACltM N, Lower Mahanoy tp., May 5, ItSoO. crV pounds of CARPET RAGS wauled at XJ V J the more of UR1UHT oV fcON ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF Valuable Real Estate. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberlnnd county, will be e.v posed to public sale, at Ihe Court llmise, in the borough of Sunbury, on Saturday, the .')0lh day of June next, a certain tract of l.inJ, situate in the township of Upper Augusta, Northumberland county, adjoining land of Michael Shipe on tho north, land of John Farnsworth on the east, Shamnkin creek and land of John W. Fryling on the south, and land of Joseph Gass on the west, containing 88 acres, more or less, about 70 acres of which are cleared and in a high slate of cultivation, whoreon aro erected a two stwry log dwelling house, weotherboarded, a large bank bam, a two story frame tenant house with cellar anil ice liotisc under it, and other outbuildings j also, a good well of water, a good orchard, Slc. Also, a certain other messuage and tract of land situate iu said township of Upper Augusta, adjoining Shamokin creek and laud of Joseph fiais on tho north, other Inn J of said intestate nnd Joseph Novidgn on the east, land of John W. IValc nnd Samuel V. Sickle on the south, and laud of Philip Harvey on the west, containing l." acres, more or less about CO acres ol which arc cleared ond in a good state of cultivation whereon are erected a large two story log dwell ing house, rough cast, a large bunk barn, waaon shed, nnd numerous other out buildings, a good, never failing spring of water, a cood reach nnd apple orchard, Ac. The Shamokin Valley Rail road passes through both of tho abwve mentioned farms, about miles east uf Sunbury. Also, another certain messtiige and piece of land. situate in said township of Upper Augusta, adjoining Shamokin creek and land of Joseph wii on nio norm, ami adjoining the other land ol the said Silas Wolvcrton, deceased, last above mentioned and described on the east, south and west, containing threo and a half acres, more or less, nil ol which is cleared nnd in a good state of cultivation, whereon aro erected a one and a half story log house, a frame stable, a good spring of water, Vc. Also, a certain other messuage and piece of hind, situate in said township of Upper Augusta, adjoining Shamokin creek and land of the estate of said inlestate on the north, land of John W. Fryling on the east, land of Joseph SuviJge on tho south, nnd other land of said intestate on Ihe west; all of which is cleared anil iu a good state of cultivation, and containing six acres, more or less. Lute tho estate ol filas Wolvcrton, deceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, when tho terms and conditions of sale w ill be made known by WILLIAM REED. Administrator. liy order ol the Court J. II. MAS; Sunbury Oriliuii' Court Sale. IN pnintniieeiif nn order of the Orphans' Court of N.ir lliimilnTbiMil Coinil v, will Im cxposi-d to public mile on ! ATX' KIM V, lln-!ihy of .11 Ni:, ni'Xl, mil he preiumcs, nil lint certain LOT OK PIKCK OK (HufM), ammlu in Cameron township, Nun hninhei land counly, Pennsylva nia Ixiumlcd nndilt BciilK'il as follows, lo wit : R. cumins in Ihe mure of Male y creek soulh 18 j degrees welt, unto nnd live-tenth perches ton Moue heap ; thence eighteen nnd three-fourth desires west, tell uud t-inht-teulh perches to a chesnut oak on the Imnk of mud Miihouny creek Ivy ilriini ltornherf:er ; thence unilh eiuht nud one fourlh decrees WeMt.aixty-lourperehi'Stonstiinc heap; thence north ten decrees cat. lu'ciily two pelches to the creek; thence- up the miiidle ol"s;iid creek In (hp plnee of hcinulli". Collluill mc I'lVI-: Al'KKSi.f LAND more or ls. Also, All tluit other ceitain Tract or Piece of land, situ ate in raiueroa township. Nnrthutnherluud county, Penrt Kylvuniii. adtmiiinir lands of llenjiouin llaupt, David llill inan. .lacoh WiiL-uei anil others. Containing One Hundred nnd Thirteen ACKKand ine hundred nnd fil'ly-iiiae per ches in LAM), ni"reor less, nud on which uie erected a two story W-g llimse wenlheilsiarded, n une story frame sloichouse, a hunk ham nud oilier outhuikllugs. Late the erstiitrof Jucoh llaupt, deceased. dclocomnienrcnl lllo'elock, A. M.,f mid dav. when the terms and cuudiunusuf ule will he mailt- known hy 1IAX1HL li;;i.M, Adm'r. cr (if the Court ) iSsKIl.Clk., O. C.S y, Mny fi, 18G0. ) Ily order of Court. ) I . II. M Ar-KK.CIk.. 1 1. C. 5 Sunhuiy. May.'i, IMill. ) To the Voters of Northumberland County. Gkmtlxmkm i I offer myself aa au independent candidate for the Ollice of SHEKIFF of Northumberland county, at the neit general election. If you think proper to elect me, you shall have my thanks, and I pledge myself to execute the ollice faithfully. C. W. SN i Ur.lt. Shamokin Twp., May 19, 1800. 1T IS NOT NF.CES8ARY to Ull the people, that the Mammoth Store is a "one price store" as they always knew that, bul it is necessary lo let them know that we have replenished our stock aud will continue to receive new Goods every few days. e aie determined to supply the pto pie, with the most desirable good i ut Ihe Inwtat puces. lltlU.Mi & u It A N I Sunbury, May '.'ti, 18til). ESTATE OF GEO DKBIC, DECEASES. Gideon Deik, In tho Orphans' Court uf vs Northumberland county. The heirs of George Writ of partition of valu Herk, deceased. i ntion, returnable to A ugust j 7'erm, 1S60. To Samuel Perk, residing in tho State of Ohio, Catharine Derk intermarried with Adam Fees, Klizabcth lcrk intermarried with George Kcrs tetter, George Derk, Michael Derk, Daniel Deik, John Derk, Gideon Derk, Dcnjamin Derk, Peter Derk, Maria Derk intermarried with Philip Gra ber, Solony Derk intermarried with Andrew Klinger, till residing in Northumberland county, and Leah Derk intermarried with Solomon Dolig residing in Potter county. Pa., all heirs and legal representatives of George Derk, deceased. You and ench of you, aro hereby notified, that by virtue of the above writ, to mo directed, an in quest will bo held at tho late residence of said George Derk, deceased, in Cameron township, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, on Thursday, the 1 Ith day of Juno next, (Ib'iO.) at 10 o'clock A. M., for tho purpose of making partition of, oi lo value and npprnise the real estato of saiil decedent, (to w it : A certain tract of land, situate in Cameron township, Northum herlund county aforesaid, adjoining lands of Geo. Hornberger, F.lizuhelh Sleig, and others, con taining 140 acres, nioro or loss.) At which time and place you may attend, if you think proper. JAML'S VANDYKE, Sheriff. ShcrifTs Ollice, i Sunbury, May 12, 1800. ) Estate of Sarali Kerr, deceased. James Ft-iitcr, T In the Orphans' Court of vs j Northumberland county. The heirs of Sarah J- Writ of l'artiiion and Kerr, deceased. valuation, returnable to J August Term, lSliU. To Jane Peltier lute Jane Kerr, Sarah Lever ria, intermarried with Wallacu Kussell, Eliza intermarried with Uucialcw, William Kerr, and John II. WiUon guardian of James aud Richard Kerr, minor children of James Kerr and Thomas Kerr, deceased, heirs and legal re presentatives of Sarah Kerr, late of the Ilorough of Turbuuille, in Northumberland county, Penn sylvania, deceased. You axd each of you aro hereby notified, that by virtue of the above writ to mo directed, an iutuest will be helJ upon the real estate of said Sarah Kerr, deceased, to wit : Three certain lots or pieces of ground, situate in Lewis township, and the borough of Turbutville, Northumberland County, aforesaid, on Tuesday the iiiitli day uf June next, (IHliO,) at in o'clock A. M., for the. purpose of making partition uf, or to valuo aud appraise the said real estate, at which time and place y ou may attend if you think proper. J A M Ks VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriffs Ollice. $ Sunhurv, May 12, infill. FkvMIK il lli'HiC. VN election for t llicets of the Centre Turnpike II, md. leadinu from Heading to Suuburv. will be held at the house of C. Drown, iu the borough of Northumberland, on Monday, the 4ih day of June, between the hours of 10 o clock A. M., and a o'clock P. M. j. i:. i'i;n;srLi.v, rrcsidcnt. Northumberland, May fi, 18(10. :U Orphans' Court Sale. SHINGLES! SHINGLES ! ! rplIE subscriber lus just received the largest JL and best lot of Shingles ever brought to this place. Alan a large lot uf White Pine Siding. Juice, Studding, Failing and Suingliiig Lath, which ho oilers very cheap for cash. Yard in Market Street, Sunbury, Pa. A- A. slUSSLEK. Aptil 21, IHC'0. TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, &C, VLAKGE assortment, jusl received and for sale at the Clothing Stole of SCH WE1TZKU, HEILbUONNKR & CO. Sunbuiy, Ati 31, 1 S'i(). OVKIU'O ATS, DRESS-COATS, if., ju.l rereived and lor sals at reasonable firieea at the Mammoth Clothing Emporium of tsCHWKirZEH, HEILBIIONNER & CO. Sunbury. Jan. 11, iHtiO. 1AKK1S' Soothing Syrup, for Children teeth ling. For sale ut FISHEK'S October 10, 'fib. I,"M K Uarrela Poillaud Keioucie till, the bfU i maiket, at I lill.ING & GRANTS. Suul U'V, lanuaiv 8, IsCU.- q ti q q SPRING GOODS, 1 SCO. E. V. BRIGHT & SON, bunbtjry, ryv, IN VITE the public to call and examine their Stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC combining beauty aud durability. NOTI 0 N S AND II O S I E 1! Y a very lurge variety. BOOTS A1TD SHOES, all ipjalitiea anu prices. GKOCKB1KS, fresh and pure. HARDWARE, of every description. HATS AKTID CAPS, of the latest styles. ti I : E E N S W A I! E AND G L A SS WAR K. newest and best designs. WILLOW AND WOODWARE, a first rato assortment, &c, Ac, Ac. Our stock of trie above is very lnrgc. Purchasers will find it their interest to cull and examine our assortment before lu.ich.'i8iii elsewhere. tap" COUNTRY PRODUCE -fts Wanted in exchange, at the highest prices. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, April 21, 1SH0. C()OLEU & CONAJij). A", h. Comer Xinth and Muriel Streets. PHILADELPHIA. I XVI I K attention to the largest stock they have ever offered, comprising in part, LADIES CLOTH CLOAKS Of plain, striped and mixed Cloiha, of the newest shapes and material, got up in tho most ELEGANT AND ARTISriU manner, and to sell at very reasonable rates. LACE POINTES AND MANTLES, Dlack Silk Maxti.es, Grey Dress Goods, Chenc Mixtures, Barege Anglais, Poplincttcs, Trench Bareges, Barege Robes, Plai.l Goods, Bayadere Goods, Black Dress Good, Einbroderics. Also, M E.Ws' AND HOYS' WEAR. First rate Illack Cloths, for S3 25, S 50 and $3 Light Cloaking at $1 2.r, 1 60 and S2. Stock of Cloths is very large, select and cheap. CASSIMERES. Fancy, neat, plain, mixed and black. Goods especially for Hoys' wear. Fine Illack Casimeres, $1 to 2 25. Vesting of Silk, Valencia and Marseilles. COOPER ,y CONAIil), Ninth and Market .streets, Philadelphia. 4ril 81, 18C0. " CENTRAL IIOTEL Sale and Livery Stable. npiIF. subscriber respectfully announces to tho -"- public that he is prepared to accommodate them with Saddle-Horses, Horses and Duplies, Sulkies, Carriages, Rockaways aud Hacks, at the shortest notice. His stock of Horses ars admired for speed and gentleness. The vehicles arc neat and in good order. Cureful drivers will always be in readiness to curry passengers to any point desired. liT Ouinibu.ssc8 for parties and pic-nics tan bo had at all limes with or without driver. The patronage of the public is respectfully so licited. J. II. ECKUERT, Manager. Sunbury, April 21, IHlill. P A N E L D O O R S , ivi.ixm-.s 4SII AM) BLINDS, 6HUTTZK8, ScC, Fun Sale lir A. A. SIIISSLER. eiuiiliury, April 28, 1SS9 2m. FLOWER SEEDS! ! rf" ARDEN, Field and Flower Seeds, a choice 'q.H variety at the "People's One Price Utoro" of URlfJHT & SOX. Sunbury, April 7, :8C0. To Consumptive NERVOUS SUEFEHERS, flMIE subscriber, for several years a resident of I Asia, discovered while there, a simple vege table remedy a sure Cure for Consumption, Asthma, Uronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and Nervous Debility. For the benefit of Consumptives and Nervous Sufferers, he is willing to make the same public. To those who desire it, ho will send tho Pre. scription, with lull directions (free of charge) also a saniplu of the medicine, which they will find a beautiful combination of Nature's simple herln. Those desiring the remedy can oblaiu il by return mail, bv addressing J.E.CL'TIIUEi:'', Hntanic Physician, No. 42'J liroadway, New Vork. April 11, 1860.-:im rFl XIAYrFXM I LI ES- II ECi V. M A N & I'O'S Benzine, which removes paint spoU grenso, tc, c, and cleans gloves, silks, ribbons, &c, cijutt! lo nrw, without the slightest injury to color or fabric. Sold by all DruB!,''"1". also at this ollice. 25 cents per bottle. J. STEWAET LEPUY, T fllRNKI.IIS .M.MIAN'S, No VV) South V. tsreiuiil slrrt-la, (next il to O. H Mriicli'a) O I'liiliiiU-lniiiM. w-'iil.l invite Hie attention l lu, o UifoiU iin.t citM'iim-rs, ami t lie ,ul.lu: in genual, PL .o a tirite un.l well aelw-n-il it.n'k of i ZZ' OARPETIN08, r-T-1 onKH.IMR ol eivem. .int-riu ii-a, ihih-mi,, Ingrains, an.l Vrulliims. Ali, HI.NUUW w t? til.lii:K,lill.t'l.iTllS,V TIIMIS, OKI U-j H y lilVlts, Ul lif, MA I'S, SI'AIH ItdUS, c, 3 'wlneli he sella very Unas for rusii, wli.Hinnle fyj un.l relail. piarrh il, lel ly I.UILlXtS &. CRANT have jusl received bv ruilroad the largest assortment of I v'l'E ENS WAKE and tll.AWSVVARK ever brought to Sunbury. Also, a fresh supply of DRY COODS, coneisliug of Spiiug Dress Goods, Prints, Mus lins and Notions. apr 7, IRfJO. cottXce'iTTbles. 10 R SAI.V, cheap, throe copies ef tla CutUge Liilile, iu two volumes, with com- nietitures. II. li. MASSEU. i CM PIECES of Wall Paticr. just reeeiv VJUWt ed f(0l New yofki f,0 j,irerei styles very low at FlIII.INli i, ORANT'S. Sunbury, Januaiy , 1H60. Short Notice. r1lE subsciib.r having retired fiom husirteM - hereby untitles all persons indebted lo him j on Uook account ut olherise, to call aul settle the same without delay, otherwise thsy will be put into the hands f a Jiutica fw coilet-uuu liFORUU ROHRBACH. Sunbury, Nov. 6. lb5U- if STOVES- FOR tiAl.E anesctllent ic..nd-baud illg Stoe. also srveral C)llllJl Co. Hoiei.-E"4uiie at this "ili--
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers