t THE TWO LOTS. If tby brother oo life's- highway Choni path apart from thine ; Thoo straight end he a by-way, Both may reach tb wished-for shrine. Thy work lies among the mountains, Hid may be in Tales below j Thou mayst drink at sparkling fountains, lie where gentle waters (low. Thnti mayst pass the lliinj unheeding Tnat to bim are treasures spread, Crushing, as tbou ail procet iinn. Flowers tbat fragrant odors bind ; Cods which bloom for him in be.in'y, Things lor which thou canst nut cue, Id thy rugged path of duly, Oo thy mountaios, bigb in uir. Neither, then, should scorn the oilier j There' duties railing each j Cherish tbinn, but 1st thy brother Keep bis vale, nor higher resell. Tbon msvat minister to natures, High, o'piripfr as thine own ; Ha to earth's more bumble creatine', Oo thy pathway rarely known. Wbila thou'rt weighing mighty catiEes, He may mark eucu grand elf.-ct, Yield his' faith without thy pauses, Njtnre love, bat not dissect. Thrni msyet prove the nigh Cr.-rttor Great, by earth, fan, moon, and star; He, an ontaoght, mute spectator, Only thank Him that they are I t- Janitors' gcparlmcnt. The Bust Brkkh or linos. A farmer who communicates h s riews through a New Eng land journal, after going over all the choice breed of hogs the Berkshire, the Leicester, the Suffolk, and Whito Chester, say?, the "White Chester ate a large, depp aided, small boned bread will weigh from 400 to 500 pounds at 12 months old, when properly fattened. I think them the most profitable swino for farmers. Of grades, there in the Leicester crossed with the Suffolk or Berk shire boar ; the progeny will be finer in the bone and mature earlier than the Leicester, and will weigh heavier and produce more side pork than the Berkshire. For a pure breed, 1 consider the White Chester superior to all others ; they combine, in a great degree, the large pork producing qualities of the Leices ter, with the fineness of bone and early ma turing of the Suffolk and others." Cos Cons. Many farmers are Romewhat sceptical in regard to the vulue ef this pro duct of the corn plant. Science, however. bit abuudantly demonstrated the fact, that the quantity oi alimentary matter contained in them is considerable. Experiments have been made which seem sit isfuctorily to prove that bread made from the Cue flour obtained from the )'i of cobs, is not only quite nutri tive, but salutary to health. That the cob is possessed of too much vulue to be regarded as mere rubbish, is ton obvious to be doubted, even for a moment. A series of very simple experiments might be easily instituted for the purpose of accurately determining this point, the nature ot which will readily occur to every mind. Jons Hamii.i.. Oermantoicn Telegraph J To Msek Coopkd Uf.ns Lay. It is pretty well known that bens will not lay, except occasionally, whea, "cooped tip." It should be extensively known that a small daily al lowance of raw meat of any kind will rosiore not only thu power to the hen, but the ne cessity to lay every day, supposing, of course, that tho other portion of the food in of the ordinary kind. No Cowl lives exclusively oo a Vegetable diet ; and ttbeo ruuuing at large, domestic fowls will be found seurehing for insects with great avidity. Those of your farmer readers who aro uu. uwure of this fact, may obtain a better supply of eggs by following this advice. 8o any u correspond ent of the Scientific' American. Wukn to Trunk ArrLETnrxs. A former io the Chcbter County Times bins : "Many farmers have, 1 think, a wrong idea as to the limn of pruning tbeirepplo tn;cs, say ing it is of consequence when thu tree is prun ed if it only needs pruning. This, 1 am rendy to (ay, is a Bad mistake; for all seutous whu the sap is down it is entirely wrong The first or second week in Juim is tho only Ct season for running tho rpple tree. Theu the sap is in full fluw, and the wound m.ide by cutting off a bough begius to heal and grow over immediately." VVu agree in this view and tuo system can bu upplird to pears cs well us apples. Wo pursue it in relation to ptars to some extent annually ; and we ure cognisant of the results upon the apple, io se veral instances, aud know it to have been iii vnry case a perfect success. Gamanluwn Telegraph Tbe Best Wiiitr Ysrh Wit Know of. The arrival of the house-cleaning and house repairing season, and several recent inquiries, remind us to again refer to that first-rate ill dour white-wash we described last June. Nearly ayeur's trial has confirmed all we said of it. Our bousa ceil i ngs, and the walls, were not papered, which received one coat lu.8t May, are now as white as after a usual fresh cout of of I. me, aud we buva not been troubled in ttio least with its "rubbing off." The numerous published receipts to the contrary nctwith btanding, we believe no preparutiou of lime or Dthur material will adhere well without the svHIitiou of glue, oil or varnish. The latter two articles are expensive, and caustic lime mixed with glue will soon change its color. White chalk is uncauitic lime, (carbunute of lime,) ana luu suhsUnce is tbe bett substi tute fur lima as a white ah. A very fins aud brilliant while wash preparation of chalk is called "Puris White." This we boy at the paint stores for 3 cents per pound, retail. For each sixteen bounds of l'aris White, we procure half a pound of tho white transparent glue, costing twenty live cents. The sixteen pounds of Pans White is about us much as a person will use in a day. It is prepared as follows : The glaeis cuverod with cilJ water at bight, aud in tbe morning is carefully heated, without scorching, until dissolved. Thu Tar is White is stirred with bot water enough to give it tbe proper milky cousibter.ee fur up. plying to tbe wulls, and the dissolved glue is the added and thorougly mixed. It is then npplied with a bruab. like the common lime whitewash. F.xcopt on very dark aud smoky walls uiid ceilings, a single coat is sufficient 1 1 is nearly equal in brilliuucy, to "zinc white," a far more expensive article. Li-t the readers of tbe Amiricun Ayricaltural, try this method the present Spring oo a room or two at least. ou we iiiiua iney win not me lane tueie alter, j t is, oi course, a little more expensive than common lime, but is cheaper in tbe end, co account of its better color, greater perms, nenee, and firm adherence to tbe plastering. At least, such is our experience American Agriculturist. How to KiiPB Eaisi.y Towators About the first of April, take a lew large turnips and cut out the hearts of them, to Turin a Wrt of cup. Pill the cavities wih earth, and plant two or three tomato seeds in each. When tbe seeds have well sprouted, pull up all but, tbe healthiest plant in each turnip, end let those that remain stand whero they' will have the beoutit of the sun ; the plunt will grow very thrifty the decaying turnip famishing it food. When tbe .eatber be comes sufficiently warm, set tbe turnips in well prepared soil, not less thau three feet apart, make latb frame to keep tbe vines from the ground, and keep the toil well billed op arouod tksnt, and you will have a crop that will astonish tbe uutivt-s Bargains ! Bargains I ! AT 1'. W. GRAY'S OLD STAND, Market Square, Bunbury, Pft,f THE subscriber having purchased of P. W. Gray his LARUE STOCK OF Fancy Dry Uooits, At. is determined to sell them off at tho lowest pos sible rates. Call soon if you wish to secure bargains and examine the stock of Ulack Cloths, Cessimcrea, oasainett, Vestings, Dress Oood, viz: Challira, Lawns, Delaina, Bareges, Meri noes, Csehmerc", Ahipacs, Silks, Ginghams, Linens end White Goods Drrss Trimmings an 1 Motions in great variety. ' Haidware. IV.l-.r, I CJufrnewsTe, Ti-biutn, fn'anM and a'vatiely of other goods too tedious t rnf-ntion. KHVWLG, EIIAWL8, a lurjre UKaoiuut n'., verj cii ap, Ac , Ar. T. v. cnorER. N. U I'erliiig 8"ntr.fid for pnl favors, f beg lfHe tH reco'iinit int In m-v old fiieml and the pul'Ur in neneril my .vIK'CKSOIt, wh.) I am iired will leave iii'lliinc undone to merit a continuance of vimr patronage. l V. CRAY. KunWy, TVrerr.brr If, s.t. XTK W GO OS S At the Ham moth Store of 8 ISA t t:.s,s:sT, NO. 1 MAltKF.T PTIlf.ET, t.'Mtl!HY, I'A. t BMin sulwcriher has jiiil opened at his well i known estnbliKhnieiit in ftanluirv, one ol Hie cheappstand most dexiriitle lo:ks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been nflered 111 the .nre,and which be will sell for CAfH or rxchamf'' for Country Preduce. Those desiring lo purchase goods viill do well to call and examine his stork. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. All Wool Detains, Figured, Striped and PUin., French Merino, all colors, llea'utiful Dress Robes, Canlitneres, Shaded, i'lain nnd Striped must be teen to form an idea of the extent and varielv. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls, Thibet and lirocba Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet For Men and Boys' Wear, Black Cassimercs, Fancy Cauomeree, side stripes heavy, Doe Skin Cflssimcres, Hotinels all kinds. FLANNELS, Whito and Red Flannels, all grades and price, Bay State Sack Flannels, colors finest qnalitios. READY-MADE CLOTHING. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ac, 4 c all of which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, as regards quality, ntyle ond price, with any in the country. HAKDWAltE, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, ljueensware, of all descriptions. Groceries, n full stock in store, Car)iet Chains, Ac, Paints, Oils. Class, Dye Stufls. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare 110 pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Kimbury,Nov. 6, I8&8. FALLAWD WINTER" JCST ARRIVED AT THE STORE OF J. II. EXCEL. Of Suubiil J , Pa , HAS jutt arrived w'th a splendid stack of Fall Goods from Philadelphia, to which he repiectlully invites his friends and the Public to call and inspect, he will spare no time in show ing them. Anions his stork of Roods will be found, FINE BLUE AND BLACK FEE ITCH CLCTH. Fine lilaik and Fancy Casimcres 'J weeds, Sat inelts, .lean ndd Fecy VeslinR. also a large as sortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for men and l.y (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, lilai k andfancv dress silk, (very chesp) bilk dial- li, French Merino, Printed French Merino, I'laiil ("ahmcre, all wool Delninr, all wool Dehage, Mohair l)cbe(;e, Printed Cashmere, Valenlia, Chalii 7iftbo a quilli, Delaine liohes, Persian De laino Robes, Toil do Chcrre Robes, Plain Del ate I.ovelbis and Delaine at all prices, and the Red stripe nl, iris. Fail ShawU and Mantillas, a ood aMortment of whito gouda. Collars, Sleeves, Iriflj Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. A general assjrtment of domestic Dry Go da. Also a large stock of Hals and Caps, Boot and i-hoes, Hardware, Ijuernu and Glassware, Groccrie.i, Cedarwarc. Stone nnd Earthenware, Drutrs and Paints, Sail, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar Ac. &r. N. B. Wall and Window Puper, Floor end Tabic Oil Cloth, Carpels, ull the above will he sold at low prices for rash Or country produce tu en in exchange for Good. J. If. ENUEL. Sunhury, Dec. II, 1858. if. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE fl'HE subscribers, Execntors of the estate o M. Henry Masscr, det'e., offer el private ssle the following proper! viz : A large two story frame dwelling house, together with about SO CURES OF LBXD, Situnle in Lower Augusta township adjoining lamls of Paiiii'l Kauf;nan and others now iu tbe occupancy of John K. Kaufman ss a store and dwelling. Tha houe is new and the location a good ore for hiuincss. Also TRACT OF LIMESTONE LAND, in nnl township on the river nbout 5 miles be low u!ibu.y,ailjoiiiiiiR lands of J. T. M'l'herson ami others, contaiiiini', about 90 acres. The soil is productive aud contains limealono ar.d other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing about 31 acre on the bill, about two miles below .Sunburc, adjoining lands of the hciis of the Isle John Conrad snJ others. There is, on this tract, small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. H.B. MAMtKR, ) P. It. MASSER. S Executors. FRANCIS Bl.'CHER. j Sunhury, January 19, ISSfl. if J.'Y.lHINDEjTGOBIjyr ft 1 1 o v n r ji at 3L a Ixj , STJJSTEXJ."5r, FA.. Uusini'is cntruxted to lii charge will be exedi tiously and faithfully attended to. Particular aitiutiou paid to the collection of claims. liF.FEUDNcr.S on A . Jordan. Huiilmry, I It -n 1 Tae-ait, Norlhh. r'd V I. Dcwurt, " I " J Wondel, Alleiilowu, W I tirecmueh,Kac, " OP Millar, l,ewihur(r. Ceil .1 k Uleweut, " Col H C Kyer, EelliiLgiuvc Hui.bury. Nov. C. 185B lv IMliS ! fLIW ! 'Just reeeivrd and fur aa'r l.v J. 11. LM..LI.. Huubury, January lf, IH69. JUfiT UKC'EIVED a lot of LaJi CI.OTH LI.OAKH.at I. II UNtJKLS Sioie. Sunhury, Vie. 1 1, 185H. tJAItKIiS' tootliing 8yru, I'm t'hililrwn U-i ilj. iiig. For sa!c at - FISH Kit's- OctoU r 10, '58. )UST KECEIVKD a Urjje lot uf ready mails CJ.UTH'MG, ClK-op at J. II. EXOEL'8. Hiinqury, IVc. 1 1, 1858 f! p LC'EI VEU a latgs assortment of ISatinatt, A, Casaiwrre and Cloth, at J. II. ENGEL'8. Sunhury, Dee. II, 1 8."8 l'ursj IV lues nud Llquora. JUS 7 received at FISHER'S Drug and Che mical Emporium. Buiitiury, Oct. 9 188. .3 L'HT KECEIVED a lot of (ienUemeua till AW L8 and ULANKEI, at i. H. EiVUKIS Store Sunbury D. II, lM. 16B9. TRAVELER I ROUTE TOR Northern Central IJrtihvny! .WINTER ARRANGEMENT. From n trrsn nevntv, nrr. inih, IKiS, the Trmiw rf the Northern Ventral Hallway Company will lenvt LHillr, (WutiitHyB r-scrit rtl) at ivllowa : ooino NonTif. BlfFAI.O AD M AGAR A tXI'RPkS TR AIX. rrorn liAI.Tl.MOKB lo Sl'NBl'RT 4 WII.'MSPORT, Calvert Slallon, York, Bridgeport, KhIiIhx, SI tllerttiarc, lleoiftnwii, Tre,,r,n Jun?li,.ti, 1B63. NEW s uo r.Ai. X 6 61 I r.fl e (I 37 ll 37 m e m 10 vo 10 so 10 l VI 3 i 10 4fl in 44 11 no 11 0.1 II 10 11 in 11 a-, 11 .- 11 ao 11 m Ull II II I.', It S5 I'.'U 14 01 ll II 14 II -i 1:1 vt in III IS 111 IS III 9:1 I') 119 1? 44 11 U II 55 tMins - Crove, SiJCS BI'KV, Norrhnmhrrianrl, CriiHukiiinqne, lawi1urg, Miit'n, U aisuntown, I'lllolitOWB, F.yeteri, ,M'nlcr"iiifry, LerKtT't MuiH-y, MtMitouriiViOr, Viilminet'il, coi.no fiiun n Krem Wiutn.n.m lo StNBl'RY Jt UALTIMORF. Arrive. t,enee " 3A. M. 8 10 8 40 8.64 8 M Ii I'D 9 OO ii 114 im DM V l I ID 11 til 1(1 II IS e !? n 5 e 83 ll :I3 ar 9 ot 9 47 47 ft!4 9 11) 10 f7 in 10 1(1 45 10 SS HI 37 10 37 Hi. II WS 11 21 11 W u n n 1.1 r.M I S3 11 W 6 10 V,l;in:n-pMl, iM'UU' Ui,vi;t,l Mi.ney, Itcrye -'9. Mo. !;. iiie:y. r.yii.'r'i t'litonti wo, ntHontown, Milt, 'ii, l.-wiflnr(T, rliilliKUi,'i'.iis, N'Tllnniihr-rla.,,!, mm; i iit. J-liariir,vr. 'frcvorl'Mi Juiu-tt-'li, l,e.,-c(-l",vn, MliiriSl'tlltJ, II ,:!.1X, InJreH,rt, York, Calvert Station, IVIA.IL TRAIN. HOINO NORTH From BALTIMtiHE to Fl'MlUltY . WIlMfTHRT. Aritve. I.eav. relvertPtalinn. 8 15 A. York 08 1111 Brittireoorl U 2-2 1 10 r. Clmk'a I'crry 1 M 1 6 Hnlfax IIS ') U f l.lleiFt.nra t H7 30 llurhaiian 9 36 2 Oo .MnhulUnnco a 41 9 41 fieorgetnwrt S -17 9 57 Trevorton Junelloa 0"l 3 10 Srlma-Urove 3 21 .1 27 Sl.NUI'UY, 3 37 3 43 N'irtliiimberlriml 'i 53 3 fi'l Chillisqiiaqua 4 U5 4 05 bewiauurg 4 10 4 10 Milton 4 SO A 92 Valmtow 4 M 4 35 Uniontown 4 42 4 42 Kyster's 4 47 4 47 Montgomery 4 40 4 52 Hrrer'a 4 55 4 55 M'li.i-y 5 00 S li-l Montouraville S IS 5 18 Villuiinl'ort 5 3l) GOIN'R SOUTH. Fioin WaLuwroKT loSl Nni'RY It llAl.TllWOt Arrive Tnive. Willinnnport. IS SO M-.-loinvl.k-, 111 43 10 4 1 Miiui-v, II l l 11 (12 Hoiger'i 11 ("J 1 I l:l M.ioldinery II II II I.I Kyeter'a 1 1 10 1 1 16 tliloiiK-wn 11 21 11 21 YatiitiW II 32 11 .'II Milton, 11 44 II 45 lwinhurf; It 55 II rS Chil:iiu,iue 12 01 12 Ul Nnrt:onnl rhoi.l 12 14 12 IS Pl.NUl RY, 12 2S 12 28 telmi Drove 12 41 12 44 Tievorton inaction 1 OS 1 81 A. Georgetown, 1 14 I 15 MuhiintollKJ 1 2f 19-1 UtK'liaiinii, 1 35 I 35 Millertlinrg 1 41 I 41 llalilax 2 00 J 01 Clnrk'i Feny S in s 10 Pniiphlil 2 37 2 37 lln.lgepnrt 3 l7 3 30 York 4 43 4 60 Calvert Station. 7 50 M lec. , !!; A Valuable Book for Invalids. rtNT BY MAIL, N1I SiOT TO BS TAIII FOS UNTIL RKCEIVEO SKAD AND A1THOVKD OF. ir NOT AI-l'KOVKO NO C1IABOR Pr. SAMI'Kb r. KITCIIM "SIX I.F.CTl'KrS" o the causes, I'revcnl ion ai.d Cure ol Un-euscs of the Liiinrjs, Throat, Htart. Slonmcli, llowel:, Liver. hiduK-s, tKic Ac , l-'enialc Complaints, and Cl.romu diseases :cai-iul!y on the latws ol l.ue, anil the true inelh.Hl ly wtoch tieallh and vipor muv he preserved to one huadied yeurs. A vol. nine of 3T5 jvics, huudsoinely hound in mcs'ia, with 2r iilunlralions In ttus volume Ur S. r l-'iu-h, (wh i is widely known us lue utithor f a new nnd eminently suc cessful method ol treatment for lite ahovr complaints, and especially coiisuliiptlou, and other disensea ol tlie I.iii.k and TliriKil.) explains the lending fentuies of his treatment aud pives plain directions hy winch llioiie Mi'.-lmrfl l ll, etc coinpitiuils may tliruoielvi'N picvt-iit tlicm or unesl their progress, fiver UOO.IHIO copies f tins laiok have hern sold, and there are rers'jis in ull pnitsoi onr lupd wiio :rnteft:l'y acliiiowl, d,' t.' it it has oceti the melius of prc scivi'ig then livt ui.d C. v.ny them uuiny years of good liea.ih. We present a iVv specimens of liie numerous ccni;uen- deriona tlie rseiK n:is receivtd i Tim New York Tiii-uuc tbui cle a lengthy wtire nf it "Tlie urf-nt iii.iruuue the mhjcft und mir riJi- driii v Jcivort t'rom jTi'n.tl kn"vl1ce an'.l tetoitiii hen elit in Ut. Vi.cti'h lUfctPii'iiiB linvt itnpi Ht-ii 111 1. re ronimeitd tliii vrlc. Wc tnul we li.iv n-iid tin.'n m iiulucr tlmc uiiiicir-tl or tiirciuiirl w rh cousnniiilit'ii, lo procure aiid rcal Pr 1 ' n ch:n l'k " Letter from itc Ifi'u Hamilton Finn, former Goveruur of New York ''Wuhhiittitoii, Fforuaiy lth, Ih.V"). Ur. S. S. I'm-li Dciir Hir : 1 hi n to rrturn my tl:unki for tl volume you have l.rrn vo kidd ns lo prtaenl to me. Tim very hurrm! tx;iii.iufitun wiiich ulouc I l.u.'c )r:i aMe us et lo give to n, Uu i-imitvi nitt-rcHt drctpcM thfl ron vftti'ti tluit tlie r-jt'ihmi wliifli tliru l.e lurr hare nrhifved it IxiDcd UK 11 intriitfic n;-rit. Kxtrart from a Mler from the Hon. S. II. Haven, Iht inriiitoi of Coi'-nre from Krie Co , N Y. ; ! havr ii douSr hut it in a pmrtiral aiid vrry itFful work. 1 hope it Wiilrmven kfnt-nii ciu-uinucn, aiiJ 11 Wni, i nave o. dotihl, do miH-li gowi.-' I.xinirt trimi a Itt'.rr tnun ilie lion, fi.i.x-rl limn ble nirmWr of CfiiirreM. ,ll rcjid y.ur h;x Lrctuff -m t;mi- niiijti e diitui8 three year ug , and nlvill uani peiuic tllOIII." Kxtint-t from a Mfrr from tee Hnu Jawim T.ockhnrt, f-nt e meuilvHr of Cti'KreM. ''I rom tfiniuii; U I have r- retved iiihuv v'jiuuMo ioiiU. 1 reurd il an a wmk (f grmt menl.'' fMiyii biilnt-v u nrner, i-.nn,.. 01 i .-.terioo, . : jr (rotlier r.ud mt f hii lauuiy uie dcaJ of cotiiumpltrm, hut 1 and mine are l.v .11 h.m! wr'.l ; onJ I think it i owing iiiitfb to the tnr-hini 1 I your book which 1 buve follow eJ car.-fully for 0-.v lrt tune yems." We r"uUI till (Htuuiiii wi'.li B.miiHT vtutmriitB CF WiihiiiK l" ti'ike tin j4-.ok ttn uetul i ponibl, we will forwnrda copy nf it bv mm I, jemt pud, to any uddreM thnt my be mil tit, hM ttit nrt ;'mi cntf, inny l rfimtUsil 111 posUi:c RU:iii ot otherwine to u after tlie book ii rtcvivcd niid nptovedof. It maybe applied tir pem.)h:.t!y or by letter, CotiBuliutimi byDr Kitch, nl hi offlr, 714 Brouiwuy, N. Y., oerauuully or by litter, fir. Ari lrr. 8. H FITCH At CO . Jim t&W. 3m. 7U Broudwny, N. Y. THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. DKOALWAY, CORNl.R OK FRANKLIN HTHtE'P, NEW YORK OITY, Una ben reci-iitly rclcu-d, 'Hie Itoiinis are nt-wly carM'tt-if , 't'he Furniturr ana Hrls ara superb, Anil ilia lluthsie unsurpassv.1. TAVl.ult'8 Cl.f.K.llltA'l'r.U SALOONS ASS C'JNNtCTKD WITH TIICHOTK!.. Hera is roncetiiiate,) ail Ilia comforts uf a home, with tlie luxuncs 01' a palace. THU Si'hKNDlD LADIES' PARLOR C'oininands aial aiiequnllrd V1SW or aBflbWAY, THE INTERNA IMONAL is tlie moat central of any uf theft at eluaa Hotels for husi ui-as.or plact s of aiiiuseitient, anil utfera unsuitasseil ud vaiitagea u families and t-mlrnit-n visiiing Nrw'orlr. Ai.fsku KaiKMA.i, l'roirirtur. New Yuik, Jul)- 3, la$6. ly -A- CARD. Pltiiatlt-lpliia, Fa. The uit.l'rAirnrfl, tlie Poiiiiittr and Pnblistirr nf V AM COCRT' coi : vrKhKKIT DK I'KCTOH. desirm s of retiring- from Una Uam-h ul" Uitmeas, liaa n trcnl il.al t.lil vsihi Ii.ijmI work in the ponalar UANk NOi'K. KK I'UK l Kit ul IMI.AV a, IIII KM. I l M...... ..i.i..l.i Van l o in's llrti-ctiv since IKtV. tli. nudersuiiril reluc- ' Untiy liana Willi Ins olil ii:e,iusai d sutsi-riliers ; Imt this rela.'lnnre is k-KSi-ned Lv llie cnnvieli.n. tlist lalMtAY A JlCKHKI.I.'r B.iMt NOTK HEMJH ILK they will leet-ive a wora Uiut oiatcaea tae tunes. . . . . J-VAN COt'KT. I'liilaJeloliia, Dee 90, 1P3. NOTICE. All buhaciitioas to IMLAY Sc BICKNELL'3 HANK .NOTE REPORT iOK ara Payable setapuloasly ia Advance. This ia the oldest liana Note Publication in tha world. For tinny lon yeara il has rnaiiilamed an unsullied reputation, and eon. Iiiiuea to be Ilia ueecaaury eoiriiatuiou .if all buauieaa people over tbe wltoia coutiueut of Amenoe. THE COINS OF THU WORLD I Now iu picas by luilay k ilickaell, w'll be given rrstui. tously to all out aad now eubscribeis. All Com Charts, and Manuals, as Bumpered wita Una, may be oouaidereii waste paper. TERMS. To the Bewl-Moiiialy, fl'SA per anauin. " MouUily, ou t Bingle Copies, at Die Counler, 10 Oenla. " Jilailcil, la Address lMI.AY k tRICKNF.LL, Bo llou, ijt crfica Ptiiladelukia, Pa. January IS, lain 3m j a. sILVEK WATCH E3 A few double case English Silver Watches, for sale at very low price by H. U MASbER. WIIKELKII & W1I.60N MANurAOTtmirra cos1 FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. Si? ril!K nnammnni ftvor which haa attentteil the tnlrclno. J lion of Whrklss Wii.aoa s Kumily Sewiar! chine, ia a,fr,eiet evle,-a of iia excellence. II is need. im iinur t., uv. il.nt thia uaelul inairument is becoming a donicilie inn'itullon l the fact ia recognised by its ",,'C'a lul line in thou anmla ol Fainlliea in every rank in life I those who have liilhertorefraincllroin availing Ihemwlvea ol in nilvaninrrea, it may not be amirs to lay, inai ritysnoia iirblem to be solved, but a rneceaa already lenlnx.1 Tli ),,ffl,..fll IpHimmv la eonltnntlv o8Mreil,coll- lirininii the venlict which has given this inlrocmciitons wine iiimi enviatile a repiiriuion. . Thu Machine, in conceived on a principle entirely oriel nnl. bf niff m.i-iiilU. mid adnnmblv adrnted lothe ni'a-l per- lect work on every kind of materia! i anil, having Iccm rmlijected to a tlirea years' tent of lb most tvni' hlng chnractei by Vamilica, and in various branahet of Manii- fnctilre. with tlialii.vntaheH micf-eaa. It ia believed Uint In ail the rrrent pomta rtciu isite Ui comp'ete and pnutical l....lii.,.t ,, .H..,!..it he nitnrnni'hol in excellellCS. Among the nmlouMcd adnoitatea it jwaactiea over all oriicru, mnv oe luiinen ice ioiioWuip, 1. It Biniplieity or conitrnction, anfl consen,uein iie dom from derH'-iri'tTirnt and need of repairs 2. It unexampled rnpiuily and enae oi opciat 3. Its noiselem movement. 4 Tlie great vuiiety of pnrpore to which It can l np pl.w., which can be achieved by ne other mechanical means. And, 5 "The pre-eminent bennty ami durability of the work "I find your Machine invalunbl I have used ll a year, and it ima never been out of order. The it itch ia veiy thi mble, am' can be adnpted to tine or coarse materials. It works wilh the inpidjiy of a dozen pair of hands; snves much tunc, fui.cne an. I expense. One of your Machines is nsril in my father's family ; another in It.e household of a sister; and others by vntious frieuis. The opinions of all accord with that I have just expressed." Mrs Anns Cora Ritchie. "There is but one Sewing Machine ; anil thnt is hce lei nnd Wilson's " Judge Mcifts, of the American Insti tute. "The Sewine. Machine purchased of y.n hat been whol ly servicenl.lc '' Itev l)r. Samuel Oqoil. Nolaimly can afiord todow.thout it. Omnions of the New Yoks The. '.Ve prefer tlicm for (amity uc Tribune They are the favorites for families Tunes, Are without a rival. Scientific American. Wort's mora nmfotntly than the hand Herald. Ho tlie work of tea ordinary sewers Jour Coin. F.runl to nine aatnitrcsseir. Home Jouriml Thk machine, for lannly use. Advocate & Journal. Most honorable lo Amerlcnii gcnuis Independent. We cannot imagine anything more perfect Kvungelial Will give entire satisfaction. Olwrver. The best ever invented. -Christian Inquirer. In looking for the best, eet these Kxiimurer. Admirnhlv ailai.tt-d f"r fatni'v use I'hrouirle. Indispeitnaljlc in everv tnniily. The I're-ichcr. Wc praise il with enthusiasm Chriftian Intelligencer. Worthv of the highest uwaol. Sahltnlh Recorder. A beneluctuai of li.r ape Piitnanrs M:ig:izine. Marrual in operation. Mrs. tepliens' Monthly, lleymid all question, the mar hme3. I.it'e lthistrated. The stitch cannot be unraveltd. Am Agriculturist They matuLiiiii the pre-f-tnint-'ice. Kxprcsa. Saves lite tone and healih of ten women. Water Cure. Our hons"hid is in ecstiiries with it. I'ortcr's !ii it. Supply the fashionable world. llaily News. ArcTe-cmiiic'itiy i-npcriin. Indies' Visitor, flue, of r,.ir hounihold g,.,!s i;. S. Journal, rnrieclhil in every q.ia'ily. Pay Hock. I'u'tty. useful, tn iprii' l-slle's Gaette. Ilave no ,-.i:ai f.:r firnilv use. Musical World A Triumph of mechnioi-ai g.-noii N. Y. Journal. Combine every rcii'iirein-ut. 1'ainilv Mucait.ne. Vastly superior In nil oihets (toKlcti T'rize. Ye cannot tire in its praise New Yorker. For fortlier parlirulara apply to u. 15. AUsscr, Suntiurv, Pa., sstiI of the manufacturer, who will KUT'ply mechinrs at the mauufactitrerH' iticea. Sunhury, May 15, 159 If . TUST RECT.IVED a general assortment of N ew Cood at the Store of ' J. H. E.N GEL. Sunbury, Pec. 1!, 1R5H. 4 LMONDS, RA1SON8, FIOS, I.KMO.NS. Ac, Ac, just rtc?iveJ a froah mipply and fur ale at the ConfectionHry ntnre of m. c. c;karhart. Hunbury, Mny lf, t.")?. riIZLADEX.rHTA AND SLlSAIrisrG KAXIeTtOAI?. CHANGE OF HOURS. -N AND AKTKIt MC-NUAY, July 3, l6f. thrU.iWB J n:mi.jtr riircitrcr ir;un will Iruve i'otuvilu l j A. M .. ptiy; inn Ucmiin aiD fil A. M., ujiJ Oiriviug ul I'liil.tdt liihm ul I'J.'i't, niK'ii. Tli; dtiwn Aiit-rtumn T;.nn will leave Pottsvillf at 3 SO V. M.t ra!W'',1g Hi udi:;e ul 5 oti, r utl an ivmg ut riutaucl- phin ai 7.4U, 1'. Ni. I Murium! inu) Aficrn'xm Pauirticer Tntinn Ir-.ive Vfii'.a kl (ia ut Kfriit )vmrw na hrrrtnt'.jre, 7 3i) A. M. inn) 3 30 I 1' M.. ji:!ht:iug Ktiiit;i! ut H).( A M- umi ti.U? I1. M. 1 , I.I'.BANON VAl.l.i'.V HHANCII P;ifi'ni:er Tram l9tvi-ti H.-mlnn; :n in.o A. M , (after j nrrrnl "I ;i L'i .MirnniT I'ussi-jittcr Train in-ni , I'.it:svi''e ni.it i'liiiui'tipti:i.) an ! un.'.ti ul I1;trnn;-urc ut ! Vi.'Vt ojn, m time l r'ii:itrr wifh Pu.wer.per Tiaii; ir S;iu!htv. iV.iir:iiiiri, -,iiiiiffi. Iitsliir(t, C.i.MihMr.hure, , Jliiltmi.-re mui liHattrr. Itetuni.nir, Ua t Huirnburff Bt a ia v M , tiller arrival ot i'ntstiiper J ruin (r un all a'wve icam, and tintves at Reating at 4..V1, in lime to coniu-ct wi'h I'pnij'i pwn puiibfmier Tiuiiis In IVlls Vi tit and i'titlatlflnhia. the sWiini evening G A.MCOI.I., Kr.ginccr and iriipeniiti juU'i.t. Ju! 17, 5P.lf lVliolaIc iiroctvy Opposite l!ic I'uunft) Ivauia Kail Road 0tjot H ARKISIt UKCr, I'A. CP a large block nf the foMowin? named articles, and will ell cheaper than any ot(ur hauM ,lli8 Me Qf Philadelphia. i.ail end ! ace out of CiiH'ee, I.ar.l oil, Fili oil, tittgar. Fish, Tar, 'lea. Salt, Ituain, Spires, Hams, l'iuh, Tobacco, fchoiildeis, Oakum L'ipara, Flour, Kuhrs, nirgar, Fluid, CKiiifd Plaster Chote, Soap, Caiulles Ac. S. 11. Molasses, Syrups, N. O. Molasses. Also, Cement, fcafety Ftif, Crow liar, riledges, Iron and ISuils, fur sa.e at vrry small profit". July 3, 'H58. ly 2iEW WOK IKClf A GENTS. y Life, Sjjetchet and 3einoriait f DAN1KL WEIJSTKll. Contniiiiitjf hii ni icicbrntod orntinns.n felfction from tlie eiitoj;iei dflivured ii the oct'oin f hi tltKtth, and Ina Inr a id Tinier, bv KA.Ml'KL SMLCKiilt, A. M I hi plenum work in jtut putii(ivj, mi'iie tmge vlunie of i00 pua. ll ii tmiieti on tint white t nT mid iKuntl in brauLtiul atylf ; coiilanit txci.lif:tt tint itUmruvioi'.a of liii tin L.ipUice urnl MuntMon ut Mnrsl'tield ; nvA a full length lite-like, Steel Portrait. The puhlilier uffrr it wttli euiiiulpUL to the Anierirun public, mid in cinivinced that it will imp ply un important tvtuit hi AmrrM'ini htcrnture. No work whs to lie oURHifd herrtotore, which pteweiiltd, Within h coniiMit't and ron vein rut cointtnn. the clnrf eventa r.f tlie lite of liuniet Wehater, lna moat reHiarkutda inteW rt.'tufi! rirotta. and thr moat vlualle and intt-rcHiuip enl aica which the great mm of tlie nation vtieied iu iwuor to n.a memory. We preaeiit all thac trejauret in thia v-.'ume volume, at a veiv nutUcralo price, and m a wry otmvenient form. Sultkciipiiou prict, in cloth, $1,15; tutniaooialy tiuUiaacd leutlicr,ed!,i0 'tra na dftiiroua of Wtfiiiiinf Airrnlaf ir thia vuluuble Wjrk, will addiwi, for full pHrtirnlHia, DL'ANK KI IJOV, Puhliaher, 33 outh Toiid trael, PtuJadelphia l a. Philudelrhta, February 'Jo, IfoU. Ot. N0BLIT, BROWN & N0BLIT, Cabinet Maker' rindlbg More AND BEDDINU WARE-ROOMS, Having REMOVED to the new Iron Front Waiehotiae, No. 22 South Secbnd Street, below Dock, West Side, PHILLDELPHIA. V OW offer to ther customers and the public 1 " generally, a new and lull assortment of CABINET HARDWARE & MATERIALS. They invite the attention of the trade to their slock of Hair Seating and Curled Hair, of their their own manufacture ; Also to a full aaaorl men! of BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERY. Philadelphia. July 3, 1858 ly S WAYNE'S CelebreteJ Vermifuge-or Worm Killer The best remedy known for expell ing "Worme. For sale at FISHER'S. October 16. '68. STOVES' FOR SUE 0 an excellent aocond-hand Ceek" ing fclovs, also several Cylinder CoaJ Moves. Enquire at this ofllce. IlORTand MADERIA WINES, Schiedam Schoappa, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry snd Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes et July I7,'6i. A. V. FISHER. r.-ri HIOHLTIM tORTANT NEW M. C. GEAIUIART, Has returnej with new Stock of Confectionariet, Fruit and Toys. -TT seems as If e new age, t new life was open - Inj npon ns, antmatirig every heart to nobler Jerda end higher aims I Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew anil seek to develope sub limer beauties and grander conception. Die business world too must feel the new in fluence and every part be quickened and strengtli cucillty an increased vitality , which shall urrfti us on with electric apecd to the consununatiun of ureater things than was ever dreamed of in the rhilosnpliy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevades all claaaea, and desirons of doing his share to wards "The great eventa of the Age," the sub scriber would respectfully inform the ood peo pie of 8UNBUHY and the public generally, that he has just returned from the city ef Philadel phia with the largest and choicest slock of Con fectionariet, Fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to this section of country. He is also manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries, Ac, to fill up orders, whuk'sa'e or retail, at ahort no tice. Among his stock of Confoctioiiaries, may be found l French Secrete, Cam Ttropi, all kinds of scent, Ilumed Alinoods, ltve Drops, Cream White, Mini Drops, red and white, I.cmn Jelly Cakea, ' Rose, Fruit Dropa, Vanilla, Stick Candtes, ef etl scents rsmmim Secrets. Reck Candy, Liquorice, Almond Candy, nnnaiun, Oatea, Currants dried, A Inlands, P. sunns, Primes, Citrons, Nuts of sll kinds LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by tho single or doie n. A superior quality of 8cgars and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectioneries, fruit. Toys, Ac, sll of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. E51 Remember the name and place, erj M. C.CEAKHART, Market St., 3 doors west of Fisher's Drug store. Sunhurv, October 30, 1858. ly BLAIR'S C01lEP.CXALi ECTJSS No. 20 Sixth Street, above Chemut, Philad'a. MERCHANTS, busiuess men, and persons generally will find this hotel one of the aioat convenient and pleasant in the cily. The proprietor will use his best efforts to accomino ilato his guests, and at reasonable prices. December 4, 1858. ly COAL TARD- IRA T. CLEMENT informs the public that ho will constantly keep on band, at bis wharf, a supply of nil sizes of coal, from the colliery of Tahnon & Clement, whicli they will deliver to customers in town. Bunbury, Dec. 9 'Sfl. NOTIOE. 4 T.I, persons inJchtcd to James TJearil, Ijte I'rolhonotary of Noilhiimberlanil county, for fees, cVc, sre requested to make immediate pay inent, and thus save coat and furlhsr trouble, as all accounts remaining unpaid will be placed in the hands of a Justice for collection. Payments can lie made either to the subscriber or to J. 8 Heard, at his office. JAMES 13EAKD. Sunbury, March 27, 188 tf (Fonnwrf KUtio' Hotel,) LKWl&m'RO, UNION COH PA. n.(i.IIETZ!X, Troprlelor. ri'HIS ttmieof tlie Inrnest at id bv tl lurmshed IlntP.s on 1 the Writ Uioitrh. It it locHtrtl in tlir buainrvt putt ifi the town, (tt being th only lintel in Market tquare ) The proprtHsrr is iVteimuinJ, to ue every exeriioti to m ake Im iititfM tine ut' the brut in tae Ptnte ; mid it lTt-n rure induci iimnti for persons vh vmt a nhort tune in fine of the mint pleamiit towtta m centrul renmylvau,a Chnrgrt very in.Klcrnle. l.ewitbuig, June V2, 1859. JltOWN'S and Hreinin' Esaonce of Gin get 9 and nuattand a Magnrata ftt .Inly 1T,'JS8. FrSHKTR'H m:i:kii i &. isali W7tolesate and Retail Dealer in FOEEIQN Sc DOMESTIC VI1TES jLITD LIQTJCP.S, . Mill street, (ius' side) AurtU Danville, i'a. rpHE undersigned would respectfully announce -S- to tliptr fripmla and the tiublie trenerallv. that they have purchased a very extensive stock of Wines snd Liquors direct from the Custom House, which they oiler to the trade at I htladrl phia prices thorehy saving freight cVc. JOHN V. SHEKIKF, J. H. HALL, Danville, June 19, 189. tf. STO E. I.Ol is. bhism.KK, respectlully in forms the citizens of Trevorton and sur rounding county, thnt site nas oprnril a new store nf Millinery and Fancy (iooils, at Trevor- ton in Shatnokin alreet, nearly opposite Knouse's Tavern, where all kinds of Ilomiets and fancy Goods csn he had at the lowest terms. ' Dress making also attended to IN (lie best manner and latest stvla. April 25, 18SS. tf MOORE & CAMPION, No, 2C1 Suutli Second Street, 6 doors above Spruce, PHILADELPHIA, HAVE now on nand the largest assortment of ri.cciiiiMrr firxitire Than they have ever had at any previous time, and they invite the public to call and examine their stock before purchasing, as they feej confi dent tbst their prices will be a sufficient induce ment tor all who want good furniture to buy at their estiihlishmeut. A large assortment of Pratt's Rack and Pinion Dining Extension Tables always on hand, Spring and hair Mattresses f'.rnished at lowest prices. Furniture carefully packed and on reasonable terms. Philadelphia, July ii, 1858. ly WAYNE'S BORREL CORDIAL, a speedy and eflectual remedy for Asiatic Cholera Dy sentery, Disrrtiov. No eure no pay. For sale at FISHER'S, n.t 1, '58. Iishing Tackle. Red Cork, Grass, Cut-- ton and Linen Lines, Out Lines, Sea Grass by the yard, Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooka, Roda, 4c, for asle by July 17.58. A. W. FISHER. Citrate of Magnesia TASTELE88 SALTS. preparation is recommended as an ex ceilent laxative and purgative. It operates mildly, iseuliroly free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold by A.W.FISHER. Sunbury, July 17, 1858. MOUNT VERNON HOTEL, Second strtet,mbelc Arch, PHILADELPHIA PA ri'THE above establishment having Been reno--A- valed and refurnished, the proprietor assures the public that a call is only needed, as be gusr entees full satisfaction in every case. Terms $ 1 ,25 per day. A. M. HOPKINS, Proprietor. September SS, 1858. 3m stationery.- Paoer and A large supply of fancy Hole Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pens, Ink, Sand, Ac, at July 17. '68. A. W. FISHER'S. J. T. BROWN, Manufacturing Jeweller, No 9s Mat dcu Lane, odera ni, slock, consisting ofa general aaata-t-maut of lckvls, Chains, o., which are otferad at the Inwyal esah friocs, Ureal suduoauwuls to ooonlry cask buyaia October , 1SS8. Sraos BU.S'HONG'S sir. BON 8 Superior Burr Ing Fluid, for sale at FISHER'S Drug srd Chemical Einpoiium. Sunbur July 17, I8S8. vrrcr FURNITURE ! TURMITURE I ! THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN BUNBURY. Fashionable, ( heap ana I'Mcful rrMI E subscriber, long established aa a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbnry, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 4 c, embraces KVt.RY VARIETY, t-'SKPlX AKO OliNA Jti KftTAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary lo enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can he had at modriate prices, Cheap for Cesh, or Country rroducetaken in exchange. Establishment SottfA Lutt Corner of Market Square. tT Those knowing themselves indebted lo the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Runburv, April 4, 1S57. If PHILIP E. PTOBT. wnoLRSAii aud ncTiiL Grocery, .Wine and Liquor Store, 5. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, rnil.ADELPHIA, DEALERS and familira will be Dromntlv suj'ioiru aims lowest prices. ucioner 4, ib&o. if A (SAIN THE OHAMPIO-NT I I The ony Sale which, in every Instance, preserved theiT en tire cot.irnta in the late ex tensive fire. At the burning of the Arti- lan Huiblings, April 10th, and in tho GREAT FIUK In Market street, May Ut, ,1856, the genuine HERRlXn SAFE Preserved the Jewelry of Geo. W. 8imons & Hro.; Books, Papers, Ac, of t laher Uro.,and Edward Heamans & Co., after remaining ex nosed in the burning ruins for netrly FORTY H"URS, and proving conclusivelv what we have alwavs claimed for them, THEIR GREAT SUPERIORITY over all securities now known. In these fires. THE HERRINGS SAFE, standing sido by side with those advertised as "warranted to stand 10 per rent, more lire man Herring's," came forth the ACKNOWLEDGED VICTOR, not only preserving their contents in EXCELLENT order, but being in themselves in a condition to go throngh another ordeal, while the boasted "Salamanders of other ma kers were badly used up in every instance, and in some cases their entire contents completely destroyed. To the public he would simply say, thnt. du ring the fonrteen years the HERRING'S SAFE has been before them, more than two hundred have passed through accidental fires without the occurrence of a single loss. We would, therefore, CAUTION purchasers sgainst the misreprsenlation of interested par ties. The HERRING'S PATENT is the only FIRE PROOF SAFE made in thia citv, which is protected by a PATENT RIGHT, and we will guarantee it lo rrsiat more then double the amount of heat of any other Safe now known. Fauci, Herring & Co., Sole Manufacturers !n this State of "Herring's Patent Champion Safes," 3-1 Walnut ft., rhilada. I f "Evans A Watson's Improved Salaman ders," "Oliver Evans'," "C. S. Gayler's," and Scott's A hsetos," Iron Cherts, (a iarge assort ment having been taken in part payment for "Herring',") will be sold at low prices. Philadelphia, July 10, 1858 ly Saddle and Harriets Maker IIEN-riTZ- HAUPT, JR. RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and the nub- l.jjKi lie generally, that he has taken the shop occnt'ieil by Uright nnd Beck, one door east ot tt Paupt's Cabinet Ma ker shop where he is prepaied to turn cut wotk in his line of busineaa rqir.il to any made in tliifc section of the country. Orders promptly execu ted and all kinds nf produce taken in Exchange Sunbury, March SO, 1853. ly CWAYNE'S COMP'D SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY, an esc.llent article for Coughs, Co ds, A. r. For sale only at Fl.-H ER'S. Sunbury, Oct. 8, lp."8. SADELRY AND HARNESS MAKING. rfHE sntucriliers respcctfull? inform the citi A tens of Sunbury and vicinity that they have conuneueed the above business a few iloomebovo the Poat Oflice, Market Squsre, Sunbury, Pa. Work of all kinds in their line of business v. ill be done promptly and neatlv on the most rea sonable terms. CLEMENT & OYSTER. February 13, 1858. Farmers Look to Tour liiter?st. LIME 1 1 1 rTIHE sudaeriber respectfully informs the far mers and the public generally, that he has leaaed the lime kilns of Ira T. Clement in Sun bury, and that he has tlways on hand, and ia ready to supply a good quality of lime to all who may want for building or farming purposes. He has also a kiln st Keefer's crossing 5 miles from Sunbury, or two from Snvdertown. OT All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange. GEO. W. 8TR0H. Sunbory, Dec. 28, 1887 GEORGE HILL, ATTOP.1TE7 AT LAV. SXJ3SrBXJR.-Z-, PA.. af RESPECTFULLY informs tbe public and his friends generally, that ha Las removed to bunbury, and has opened a law office at bis residence, in Market square. His acquaintance with the English and German enablea him to transact business iu both languages. April 10, 1858. ly rTPobaCCO and Segars 20,000 Imported Segars of various branda. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S. Sunbury, July 17, 18.18, SUNBURY FLOUR STORE FOR 1859 CO. HAVEN, is yet at his old stand, Seuth . aide of Market Square, riunbiry, end keeps constantly on hand a good stock of Flour, reed a no an luings in his line- He has now on hand a fresh supply of No. I. superfine FLOUR No. 1 Extia, and Eztra Family in barrels ; Williautsport double extra in uusrter barrel sacks. rfye flour, Buckwheat Flour, Corn meal and chop if all kinds for Sale cheap for CASH. He is always ready to supply the wants ef his customers, in small or large qantitiea. ALSO, Crackrrs of all kinds for sale at rem lar wholesale prices. He hopes by careful atten tion to business, to merit and continue to receive toe patrouage of bis customers. C 0. HAVEN. Sunbuty, Jan. 19, 1850. tf. 1JUKE CIDER VINEGAR, PURE CIDER VINEGAR, PURE CIDER VINEGAR, By the quart, gallon and barrel, for ssle by M. C. GEAKHART. Bunbury, July J, 18M. SMITH & CO., OYSTERPACKKRS. No. 9 Albemarle street and No. 10 S. Don! street, Baltimore, Md. Aiid Scorr'a Check, Portsmouth, Va. rE87AURANT8 supplied et all eeaaona of. ice year wim all the salt water delicacies round la the city markets. AU orders promptly and faithfully attended to. L -M.-f '-r-. i (?-rll sail Usigasaii -fyr Pepterotier 11, IB"? ly ISAAC 31 . WI LK KR SON, FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable 6tylJ. PoIh, IMvhiisj nnd I.onnareft Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BRKtKFAST hH9 111X1X0 TABLES j and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phi! a tlelphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and pris CITPHOAUDS, WORK AND CANDLK-. STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business 'TMIE subscriber respectfully calls tha sltentiei - of the public to his large and aplondid as sortment of every quality and price of CAIIIXET-WAIIE which cannot fail to recommend itself toeverr ene ho will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the ueai sanra io oe nan in ma city, no effort 1 spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up With tha many Improvements which are constantly b in a made. He a'.so manufacture all kinds andqualities CHAIRS, ncluding varieties never before to be had In Sunbury, such aa Manoositt, Black Wilvvt i.n ('il.t.n M....1 .... ... .".in. . A!,D wisnsnii CHAIRS, ixD vxycT Piaio Stoois, which are of the latest styles, and warronted to be excelled by none manufactured in Ihc Cilies or elsewhere, The subscriber is determined tbat tk.r. .i,.ii .be no excuse fur persons to purchase furniture in me ciucs, as every conhdrnce ran be entertained about tho quality and finish of his ware and v laua These articles will be disposed of on as ronrj term as they can be purchased elsewhere. Ceuiil try produce taken in payment for work. UNDERTAKING. -Having provided a handsome HsiHss, he ia now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi ctnity, or at any convenient dietance from thia place ... T,ltVare Korn is in Fawn Street, be low V favor's Hotel. He has also purchased the tight of manufac turing and selling in Northumberland rountv. Gould', patent Excel.oir Spring Ued, whi. h he will furniKh at rrasonatile rates. Suriuga put in old bedstead for three dollars. o lAV M. WILKEKSON. Sunhury, April 18,1857 tf. LANCASTER COLLIERY FOR SAL23 Important to c mil Operators. TBHE iimb rsipned Leasers of the "LanrasVr " Colliery," near Shamokin, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, wbhing to retire from lha business, oiler for sale tho Lease snd Fiiire of said Colliery, en saliBfacloiy terms. Thia Colliery has l-rrn in operation since lMj4, R,u has been smvesslul bevotiil expi ctati in. The Coal is a superior srtiole's for all ;ces to which Anthracite Uapplied. and a SoJ tnail:ct has been established, which ran be tr.urh suenjed. The Breaker and Fixtures are of tlie very l est char acter and will recommend themselves lo persons scejnaii.lrd iih ihe business. The Lease ruiia lo JatiLary 1, 18f.4, and is a favorable one for the operator. For further information apply ot t'.ip Collierv in person, or by letter to Mhnmokin, p. o., N..r. Ihiimlit rlund couutv. Per.nv I .-aiia. COCHRAN, PU.VLE Jt CO. Fcbrua'y fi, is;,a tf C'1 OLD PENS with aud without ca-es, of fi very superior iialilv. just received. Also a fresh siii.nly of VVritiite Fluid, for y II. II. MASSER. Sunbnrv. Dee. 57. lBf WIIOLtStl.r AS1I lil.TAIL BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, alinrt Clternr.t, I'!,i!'a. OOTK.Shr.eCaitera, Ac, Jiromptlv ma.lo j to on!er in llie very beat st le. and of the bet materia!. Philadelphia. Mil) ?, 1S.')7. DANVILLE HOTEL. JOKN DEEJJ. JR.. . Market Strrrt, DanrilU, Pa, f jV-113 is r.no of the lnrel ji:J m I ilious hotels in the in.'t r-or of I'e it has been rei entl fitted "p, in txci wii'.i all the modem cnnvi-i;i?'ira. f)inil.eJ, Sep!. 22, I t r. !!!.: 11. h ahi Innt Willi E HORSE IJOTliL. POTTS VILLS, PA. 'VIE subscriber respectfully announces to bis - old friends anil ll.e public, that he has taen that old and well known c-laMulmienl, tl.'e White .Ilcrso Hotel. At ihe corner of (.'en'ie and Mhsi.t"go sl., in the Ilorough of Potlsiille. The !."r.M- , , tr. rently been very Inucli eiilarte.liir.il r.t!ier; :.- improved, rendering it quite as coinfo; 1 1!.:,- va any oilier Hotel in Schuylkill rountv h:! the stables arc large, in (rood eoi.d iiuii. and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To traveller and others who may t.p 11! b s house, he promises everr attention calculated to render them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FKGER. April 5, 1S5- If EE PtATEB-WArtr.-MisrrtCTriiin ur .101; o . .ti 1: t r &. soys. r"IMl E oldest Electro Plater in the United ftaies. mauufaetures cf every variet of Gooiia plated with pure silver, Albatu, L'rittani.t at.J Steele Ten Setts, Urns, Waiters, Casters, Cake Ha kets, Pitchers, Goblets, Coiiiitiin.i Mi fervire, Fpo ins, Forks, Knives, ir. All good warrant ed as represented. North East comer flih and Cliesnut sfect. Philadelphia, Petins. May 8, 1S58. ly TJLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and black Mortgages, Bonds, Execations, Summ.u.s, etc., for sale b II. U. MASSE h. Sunhury, April SB, 18fi DORT MONAIE8. Tooth and Hair Urtishe all aualitiea. and any auaini vfor bale by A- VS . FlxHEK. July IT. 'SS. A TENT URITTANIA STOPPERS f B MANSER. bar bottles for sale by H. Hiinhury, Jul 18. I HSU. FOR PtEJSTT. fpiIK Store Room in Market street, lormerly 1 occupied by P. W. Gray. Apply to the ex ecutora of H. Masser, deceased. April IT I8S8. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, Jl'ITII'i: F Tilt I'KACT, STJIsriBTjrtY, VA.. OJJict in Deer Street, imtnediatcly opposite the Public Schoul House. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings done. Suubury, April 23. It57 tf PURE CONCENTRATED LYE OKSA A FONTFIER, for ssle at FISHER 8 Drug Store. Price SO els. TATCHOULY. JOCKEY CLUB. SPRING L FLOWERS, Ac, of the best quality; a, - iu veJ and for sale at Ihe rean ui'i'i; j w visHLU Drug Store of A. W. t IMii.lt. Suuburv. July '7 ,8S8" HENRY D0SNEL, attohneit at law. OJfUt Ofpositl th Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Ta. Prempt etlention to busmos in ijoini" Counties. V 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers