DEMOCRATIC STATE COSVENTIOM. The Democratic State Convention met at 1 armburg on Wednesday, iu tbe ball of tbe House of Representatives, at ten Diinotes past ten o'clock. From an early hour It was evident there would be full delegations from all portions of tbe State. The respectability influence, and Democracy of these who were present were undoubted, and called even for an approving remark from the representatives of those they met to condemn. It was by far tbe Guest representation of the Democra cy gathered ia tbe State Capitol for many jeari. We compile tbe proceedings from the 1'ress ofThursduy and Friday. Mr. T. 1". Campbell, of Huntingdon, called tho Convention to order, and moved that Dr. George McCook, of AIlegbaDy, act as chair man, which motion was agreed to. Upon taking the Chair, Dr. McCook de livered an eloquent address, thaukiug tbe as sumbled democracy for coufiding tbe tempo rary organization to bis charge. Mr. Forney moved that M r. (Jeo. Northrop of l'biladelpbia, aud Mr. S. 11. Deale, of Clin tou, net as secretaries.. The motion was agreed to, and the geutle men mentioned took their seats at tbe dusk. Mr. Sullude, of lierks, moved tbut a com mute be raised of one from each Senatorial district to nomioute permanent officers for llm Convention. The motion was adopted, aud it was agreed that tbe committee should be appointed by tbe chair. A short recess wus tsker, and alter ti e Ct nvet lion n a?6t n bled, '.be following committee was announced by Mr. Northrop : I)c Ooorge W Nehinjrer, George Northrop, Jiime Sheri dan, Win Hopkins, Joseph lhiwdall, Charles Kueter. I)r I", t. Greiscemer, l)r O J llifgini, David Keller, A N Mey lert, J W Hynn Jamel Uillilliuntl, lapluln Harvey Wulter J It Dunbar, Dr E 1. Onh, John S Dougherty, Henry itci uiiier, Dr Henry Drlialy, Thonia MiFarlumt, Henry F, I'hclps, JM (aiinl, Dr. tieorga F Hays, Suniuel Harper, John Maitiii, Henry lunrich and Juntas Sweeney. During the absence of the committee, lion. Jobu Hickman, of Chester, delivered one of the most eloquent and thrilling addresses we over heard. At its conclusion, the Commit tee on Organization announced the following Kt'ntlemvu as permanent officer' of tbe meet ing ; 1'RF.SIDKNT : ALEXANDKl. MK1NNEY or West niorelund county. VICE I'BESIDKNTS : M A Harrington, Y tn 12 Lehman, Dr Wm Squires, Adam Warlhuian, David Webster, John llollowiiy, K N Meylfrt, Dr J C Caulield, Potter Withington, Dr Levi Hull. ThoiiiHa Bin sham, Dr John Calehan, John H Negly, J W Douglas, Mr (Jihson, J T Worthingtuu, John Swnrtz, Kdwurd Keros, Henry Sherwood, Wni F Ueynolds, James Hums, Col U F liazlett, Thou MeCouncll, tino F Udmurt!, Kdward (irant, .1 1'scph Morris, J 11 Nicholsou, Dr lloliurt lirowu, Adam Schooner. shchi'taries : S 11 Ftalr, James IS Sheriilau, Archibald McBriile, Wut 1 Wilsou, (I m W IVueo, Dr 11 vViulswuitu, Joseph Hunter, L S Catttwull, Win 11 I'iper, A Salinger, J J McF.lbone, John O' Bruin, Albert U Creene, Oeo W Sbeafer, John Harlan, John C West, J T M'Gonegul, Dr It B McCoy, J ituius M Led lv, Win Sargeant. L'i'.oi) taking the chair. Mr. MjKinuey, tiiadu a Tew Bpprupriulo toinarks, upou the conclusion of which, on motion of John W. Forney, a committee of twenty live was up poiuted to prepare an bdilre-in mid resolu'ions lor tbe consideration of the Convention. The following is tbe committee : Colonel J ilm V Forney, Fhtliili-:.hi.i : K N Wiliaiil J.ucriie: Colonel gattiuul J Young, lierks ; Hon. J.iliu C h.lux, t'lii'uilelpiiiu ; Thomas 1' Cititiplitril. Uiinliiiii.loii ; J V tj Wicriiiau, Dauphin ; S C Wininl, Allegheny ; J U Neglj. Duller; Samuel F Keller, l.uu.:.iltr ; Dr Ueumt! J II lisin, Schuylkill ; A C Noyw, C linloli i J W D')U;lns Kne ; J ft UrilcuUicli, Montgomery ; Daniel 1 utler, Jr., M'esimoi eland ; It I'J Nicholson, Jctt'criU'ii ; V Wiliitoii, Fayette; l"i.tiiiiirl Hamuli. Chester ; J W Drown, Dutiiitiin ; James lillllliaiul. Ceulre ; Bally 'i'll.aims, IMiila itHpiiiu: John liituut-ilan, C'auil.ilu : Dr tieoliie W eliin- :t, liiiliitr-titiiH ; W liilaiii l'a llurloek, l.eika; lliurlcs iinutl, Alio'tlul'y : I. Cuitl-.fe!!, Annslionir. Mr. Campbell, of Huntingdon, oll'. red the following resolution, which was u!'erred to Ih'i Couiuiittee on llesolutitnis : U(JiIvil, That a S;-ilo C?nlral O-'iftiiiittee lle Hiipointc.!, and liistrncleil to call u eneia tlale C'onveii non, to noiinuale .1 Male ticket foi our itupiorl at the en a-Uiia (L'tot,tr tleclioii, mt-t to periortn kuch other func tioim ae pel ton to the dj:ie of tlic DeiuaciuUC Stale Ceil Tiul Coimiiittce. Mr. SalUJj, of UetliJ, movej lb it the Con vention aJjouru until two o'clock 1'. M. f.'liich innlioii was agreed to, and a quarter ifler twi'lve o'clock llio Convention adjourn tJ. The Convention assembled at two o'cl ck 1'. M., and wus addressed by several eloqueul epoukera. At three o'clock the Committee on Kcso lutious annotiucMtl themselves ready to report, wbeu Colonel Forney read the address aud resolutions as follows : K'-Holved, That regarding this ('"iivci.tioii at to all in leiua and puipe a Ooiivenlloli rcpit-cutng the patriotic M-tilitiienl of the DemH-ralie purtv, and a.-owiugourselve nieiiiiiem ol tlmt Mirly, Umu those well-known principles w.iicli liave constituted its creed since the teiiiuiuguf Ihe Government, we ale here to-day to resiH every utleuipt to weaken ol lo ovrtlirow that cieed, wud to unite, lur the purpose ui restoring, ia all their vigoi and pur.ty, the great tiuths winch have heretotore made llie Deinvcrary a eon pterins; oiganiatloit, and Ciiultibuled u the enduring wcl-. I, lie of Ihe Stales ol the Union. Kesilved, That this Ctniventiou moKt Solemnly declares its warm uttaclunei.t 1 1 the t'lllou of the States, lo main tain wltirh It pledges all its powers ; and that lor this end, it is out duty, mid the duly of the De uocrntic party every wheie, to watch over und uprise everv infraction itf those ptincipies which eoaslitula the only hasis of tliut I'nion, b'U-uae u faithful oltservunce of them iu only secure its existence uad the puhlie happiness. K;solvcd, That holding the Dcaerai Administration re sponsible foi cert-tin giav-' depart me from puhlie daly und Dula:rutic principles, we are bound to regurd the Admin istiutiou as having foileiled the cnitiileuce of the people, nd to denounce it as unworthy of the supputt of the Dtia cratie party. Keso ved, That when the Demucfntio party, ill wasilaniiy uniiuitted. iu Naiioual, altate, and County Conventions, to the lunduineuta! principle, that the people of the Territories, like those of the States, were to be left perfectly free to decide for theun-elvea whether slavery hould oi shoeld not exist within their limits, suhiect only to the Constitution of the U'nhed Stales, we entered into a solemn covennut, which, Notwilhstandiag the eonduct of faithless public servunts, we hold ourselves bourn! lo niam tuiu at all huzaul, aud lo curry out iu letter und spirit. Kesflvatl, That the attempt of tlie tieneral Administra tion to disregard this covenant, und !u its steud to erect a dcs,otic teat to compel obedience to disunites subversive of Itepuhlieau liberty, wua not the work ol the represen tatives uf the Democratic party, but of men who had re aolved upou the destruction of thai organization for theii own ambitious pufposes ; and that this repudiation uf Tight and endoiseiin'iit of wrong was tilly followed by remorseless war of Federal power upon Stale sovereign ty, and by an airoguut proscription of all Democratic or g iiiiiuiioue and DcunK;rutiu chumoions whu would not follow the shameless example. Kuaolved, Tlwt wd deliberately and heartily re-assert and i-eudors the great principle of Popular Sovereignty and noii-uilerveiition, us well iu the Territories as iu Hie Htaica, noii-inteivention l.y Congress with slavery iu Ihe Territories, and ituil-iuleretittioii by the Federal Execu tive With the franchises of tin. ieoile of the dates, and that every elTott to force the Deinocmlic party of this country uptaiauy other platform s'.rnuld barebukedas a preiutratioii for huuiusr disgrace in the first place, and for lasting and deserving defeat in the second. Kesolved, That this principle of poprlur sovereignty and lion-inter vcnlion, lying, as it does at the basis of our free institutions, enunciated and accepted, Nona and South, by Lcgislatuiua and courts, by Congreasca and candidates, auusliluted ia IboU for an absclete Congressional rule ami re-asserted iu I Sot. afler the repeal ot the Missouri Com promise, is the oulv priucinle that will foievar icinovelha qucstiou ol slavery from the Italia of the Nalioual Legisla ture, and prevent Uic triumph of the entinies uf the Amaru-mi I'mvii. Kesolved, That we regard with uudissemhled indigna tion alarm ihe attempt ol ins Federal Adiumisirulion, back ed by lis dcpaudauis m the north, and Hie disuuiouisis of b null, eoniinit the Democratic organization lo the eeuu dulous doclrlne tlmt, in defiance of Ihe pledges of Ihe Ueiu .KTulic party in tool), and ul disregard of tlie legislation of and laM, tha people ( the 1'oiritones snah hova no i uilrol over the question of slavery, but thai slavery must he protected against the popular will, not merely by the courts, but by Cougreai, end, pel consequence, b tlieariny and the navy ; aud that, regarding the resolutions of the Convention wkicu assembled at llarrisbuig, oa the 16lh of M.uch,, as having accepted I Ins monstrous heresy, we hereby, repudaite the pUilform and caudididatee ofthut Couvenliun. . . B "solved, Tlmt long and consistently ae we have advo caied the rights of tlie boulh iu Ike North, aud wlictuua atweaielo preserve amicable relation with the people of that portion of the Union, candor eouipel u lo auy lliat we can never co-operate upon the detlaiaiion'of purpose to ignore and insult the populur voice in the Territories af ter all the obligations of the past ; and Dial we a peal to our fellow-eounirymcu, in quarter T ihe Union, oa in lend laeir ccwuionance lo policy, Ihe rocl of whieH I f e n-lioat fanalicuua here, and lo tlu.e iheut Ulrica bif ia the wrong Feeuives). That we ai uiccoucilably opntwed to any nSeviy atleuij-t to ifmuib lliat a Ijiistiueut, "i lero-opeu the alnve affitation .eilhsr l.v n..nMtitio it. a iiM., trade, or by the adoption of a slave code lor the Tcrritorie by the action of CongveM, when Ihe people fail to do it ' i or in any oilier torm WhntsiKVur. Kesolved, That the welfare of the country imperatively demands a jealous resisumce by the people ef the corrupt ing innu-wces of Federal power, whenever they are un warrantably, exercised : thai wearekeenlv alive in tha V"!"C vt ''""B"1 which all the gieat slatesinrn of n.vuc party nre preaicted Horn the piostltutlna of the vast pnliuuage of the Uenernl Government to the ac complishment of partisan purposes; that under the present Niilional Ailinniiairnton, the worst fear of the patriot talesmen of the earliest day of the Republic, on tin sub ject, have been realised ; and thai the evenie ol Ihe last two years buve sadly illustrated the truth of the remark of James Bechanaii iu lt-27, in his speech against Ihe prosti tution of Federal patronage to political ends hy the admin istration of John q. Adams, that "the nature f man ia the same under republics and under monarchie. The history of the human race proves Hint liberty can never long be preserved wilhoul popular Jealousy. It is the condition of us enjoyment. Our ruler must be narrowly watched." Kesolved, That we are alike opposed lo the Northern and Southern disuiiinnista, regnrdiug them as nntutal allies, one to the other, each appealing to the passion Bud prejudice V. - ow" ec,'"'i "gainst the peace and harmony f the I uion, and demanding Congressional intervention for it section alone, contrary to the right of the people or the Territories lo govern t icinrelves. Kesolved, In the language ol Stephen A. Douglas, "It matter not what way the Supreme Court may hereafter decide as to the abstract question whether Slavery may or limy not go into a Territory tiudei the Constita linn ; Ihe people have the luwful meune to iutnaluce it or exclude it, as they plunsc, for the reason that slaveiy cannot en 1st a day or an hour anywhere unless it i supported by local police regulations. Those police rrgulntions can only be established by local legislation ; Bild if the people ate opio cd to slavery, they will elect representatives' to that body Who will, by unfneiidly legislation, effectually prevent the introduction of it into their midst. Jl, op the contrary, they ute fur it, their legislation will fuvor its extension. Hence no matter what the decision of the Supreme Court may be on the abstract question, still the right of the peo ple to make a slave Tcrntoiy or a free Teruitory is perfect aud complete under the Nebraska bill." Jiesotved. That representing, as we believe, a large majority of the Democratic party of this State, do hereby most solemnly protest against the betrayal, abridgment or mutilation of this great principle of tbe "majority ru ling," applicable alike "to the Territories tbe same as tbe States ;" and we therefore reject, as an innovation and unsound, the resolution of tbe late Convention that abridges and li mits tbo right tfftliB people of a Territory to act in reference to the institution of slavery to the one particular time when they come "to organize their State governments;" that we coulinue to hold to tbe fullest application of the principle to tbe Territories, and cannot but express our alarm and astonishment at its threatened entire destruction, as disclosed by lendinp; southern Senators in tbe recent d bate in tbe Senate of the Uuited States. llesotvcd. That we are atterly opfeed to the acquisition of Cuba, unless it cau be ob tained by sucb fair and bouorable means as will bo consistent with tbe dignity and fume of the Republic. licsnli-nl, That adhering to the theory of a frugal and economical administration of tbe General Government as taught by tbo fathers of tbe Democratic party, yet tbo necessary expenditures of that Government imperative ly demand a revision of the present revenue laws ; and that in such revision we are in fa vor of such a distinct recognition of our man ufacturing, agricultural und mechanical inter ests us will rescue the Government from a re sort to direct taxation, uud permanently pro tect the lalmr and industry of tbe couutry. llcsalced, That thd administration of Win. F. Fucker, Governor of 1'eiinsylvania, meets with our entire and cordial approvul, cbaiac terized, us it has tiecu, by an honest aud care ful guardianship of the interests of tbe peo ple of our Commonwealth ; and that we com mend him, not only for bis opposition to cor rupt legislation, but, also, because be was unionist the Grst to endorse tbe great princi ple of popular sovereignty, which lies at the very heart ot our tree luslitutious, and be cause be has been most fearless iu maintain ing it ; aud that the attempt of the Federal administration to defame the private and pub lic character of Governor Fucker meets with our most uuquulilied and iudimnt condem nation. A'tWm, That the Convention entertain the highest admiration for tbe Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, tbu heroic stutesmun, Senator ol Illinois ; that bis great ability, bis bold, man ly and decided character, his Bteadfust ad herence to tbe principles and pledges of the party, particularly iu reference to the govern ment of territories ; all deuiaud for biin the thanks and continued confidence of the whole Democracy, and ot all true nun. licsnh-td. That we earnestly invoke the co operation of Democrats of ail the Slates of the L'uion in the great organized movement inaugurated at the State capital of Feuutjl vania this day. Jiesolved, That we recommend the ap poiutmeutby the 'resident of this coim-u-of a Democratic State Commitee, to consist of fifty sis members ; and tbut the question of fjiiiti i ii ut in e a. Democratic Stute ticket, and the call of another Democratic State Con vention at tliu earliei-t possible day, be refer red to that committee ; and that a meeting of said Central Committee may be called by the chairman or uuy live members thereof. Tbe report of tbe committee was accepted with great enthusiasm,, when the Convention was addressed hy Attorney General Knox, T. 1'. Cunipbell, of Huntingdon, W. W. Heading, of F.avetlu, L. It. Canlwell.of Arm strong, I). S. Wiuttard, of Alleghany, aud Messrs, Northrop, Xebiuger, aud Lehmau, of l'biladelpbia. Tbe Convention adjourned at six o'clock GT'l'lio following Is an extract of the speech delivered by the Hon Johu Hickman, of Chester County at tbe lute Democratic convention : Mr. Fkksidekt: 1 am glad to meet you to join you upon au occasion so interesting aud important as the present oue. 1 hearti ly endorse tbe propriety of ibis convention. i us uasv ouiruge recently aivumpiea nere oy tbe minions of despotic federal authority merits a stern rebuke, but not more than tbe weakness aud heurtletsuekt which Conceived and commanded it. 1 love aud adriiiro the honesty aud courage with wbicb Gov. Fucker has appreciated aud discharged all bis public duties. To him and bis able and accomplish ed A ttoruey Geueral and Secretary of the Commonwealth, are our thank eminently due fur a manifestation of that devoted patriotism which impelled them to consider their country tirst, and Consequences afterwards. Jl is uot surprisiug that political prostitution should condemn it. Tho popular affection, however will be to them a shield more protective than fortresses of grauite and of iron. But 1 de sire to speuk of other matters. At this day, resolutions complimentary t the present uational administration may be pardoned, when proceeding from official syco phauts, but they can do neither good nor barm. The history of Mr. Buchanan' exe cutive life has already beeu writtea, and too plainly, to Le obliterated by brited eulogy, or to be misunderstood by tbe people ol this State aud nation. Neither politieal conjura tion nor party magic can make them forget the wicked violation of pledges, the arrogance of bloated power, tbe prostitution of Con gress, tbe profligacy of department, or tha rapid and marked encroachment upon popu lar constitutional right. Judgment, bnal judjmeut, ha been camly and deliberately r.uua...! ........ . I. : . . .. . - i"' uyuu lui treason to me democracy, this assassination of common honesty, and it is as irreversible a the decree or God. It ia wie, therefore, in this convention, to speak the truth plaiuly, and to avoid tbe folly of an attempt to cover op an audacious criminality we must all condemn. By tbe action of the 3Mh Congres. tbe complaints made by tha resident of Kansas were ascertained to be true. Although tb South, by tba legislation or 1824, was pledged to maintain tba domestic sovereignly or tba territories, a portion or their people from Missouri entered oppn the toil or Kansas, and by fore and fraud, seized tb law making power, stilled tba voice of tha majority, and enacted statutes disgraceful to tba aga and nation. This fact, when legally revealed, made a deep impression opon tb peblio mind, and Mr. Buchanan found it necessary, in order to carry tha election io bia own (State, to pledg himself distinctly to tb maintenanea nf I ha rtne.lrina nf nnnuiav mvsr. igoty, and to defend tb rights ol those wbo baa beno thus rntblessly despoiled. I will not pretend to indicate the particular weak ness in bia nature that induced him to turn the hand of tbe suicide against bis own fame, as it matter little whether it arose from timidity, a fear of bis enemiea outweighing a love of bi friends, a careless disregard of fair dealing, or a weak aud puerile vauity. It is enough to know that he deceived all our hope, turned with tbe blackBt ingratitude upon that self tacridcing friendship by which be reached tbe goal of bis feverish ambition, and sought by all the means wiibio the reach of drunken and staggering authority, to dis grace every man whom he could uot debauch. Suddenly, and as by tbe touch of the wand of the magician, he became transformed from the sympathiser with down-trodden freedom, to tbe open and shameless de leader of aggres sive and law-derying slavery. The halls of the legislature were turned yito marts for conscience ; be publish ed his interpretations of party principles and platforms with the arrogance of a dictator; and commanded his subordinates iu office, und bis coward elates, the reiterate and ) rocluim bis bulls of parly excommunicatiuu against all who were rash enough to follow fin iude pendeut judgment. These acts of themselves ure enough lo sever ullegiunre. It would be an ill-shupeu mauhood which could tolerate them iu silence. Bulbtcuuse we denonuce tbem, we are anathematised ns rebellious. Sir, we will see where the rebellion will eud. It will eud iu tbe supremacy of tbe laws ; in the integrity ol the constitution ; in the puri fication of parties ; in tho sworn loyalty of executives ; and tbe vigorous growth, materi al greutness, aud eterual dominnnco or the North. That is where it will end. l'opular sovereignty, iuvoked by tho South, will be defended by u., and it shall unfold tbe veiled, yet dimly discovered J stiny of this great re public. We are buttlling for tba rip: bt, for tbe spirit of tbe institutions our fathers es tablished ; let us feci that we are doing this, and we wili accomplish the victpry of our cen tury. Not a mere nuked triumph at the polls but the greut success afterwards tbe un trammelled self govei nment of uiun ; the dedi cation of a continent to consistent libeity. More recently, however, when the recom mendations of the 1'resideLt were thoughts to favor the manufacturing and aggricultural Stales wbeu the propriety of a new turiu law was suggested and when tbe so-called 1'emocrntic members ol the senate auu House of Representatives, and even the Cabi net officers, raised tbe voice of denunciatory opposition, it was all riiihl, and rebellion be came loyalty. And yet l'etiusylvauians see nothing wrong iu this ; nay, they commend it. Chains never clanked upon the limbs of beings more servile and debased. We might pei buna, be ublu to oiieu their eyes to the truth, uud loosen their totiRiies to utter it, by continuing them in office uuder a new ad in i u- istration, govei ued uy a mora bomgu pi-licy. II parlies with such iilastic notious. shall be able to grusp the control of our government. then must the stront; empire ol the .Noilti be dwurfud to barrenness, and eighteen millions of white slaves here, be added to the four millions of black slaves yonder. Tbut is in deed a strunge illustration of the advantages ol Iree government which proclaims a necessi ty for crushing out the inherent power of a I eo j by fashioning their ii stitutiotis fcr them, requiring it to be sanctioned, aud yit allows and encourages a denial of law by which hIoiih a bankrupt treasury cau La re plenished, and bocest debts pu.d. But, sir, we cburge fulher upon the admin istration of Mr. Buchanan oue of tho main cuuses by which we have reached the point of ualiouul insolvency, a reckless prodigality in the expenditures of the public money, and a prevailing vice io the departments of tbe government. It is a gross mistake to sup pose that out increased expenses are owing lo an expansion of territory and thu removul of our frontier. Thu administration of Mr. Van Bureti. wild an annual outlay of thirty seven millions of dollars, was pronounced ex travagant ; now our expenses are closo upon one hundred millions a year. But we buve got used to talking of millious without stop ping to consider the magnitude of the figures. Why, sir, all the horses and mules iu this country, numbering over six thousand, would scarcely draw, in silver, the money required to foot our government bills for a single year. Do you enquire why this is soT 1 will tell you Wo havo abuudoued our former und better practice. When Mr. Jefferson was 1'reeident, be required honesty and cupubility in bis appointees j now, subordinates are se lected for their knowinn lack of independence, conscience and will. There was a time, which our fathers remember, when to be the head of a department, u Secretary of tbe Treasury, or of Wur, or of tbe Navy, required greatness and inspired confidence ; now a man of very moderate dimensions will suffice for either place. Au ex Governor or effete Senator will al ays answer for the position, provided he has the marks ol gyves upon hi legs, and does not know too much. 1 think we will be able to furnish one hereafter who limy claim by a double title. 1 hazard little in saying there is now more money squandered and stolen yeurly, than it required during the ad ministrations of Mudisou, Monroe, and the younger Adams, to support the government. I.VTERKST'NO F.XPKRliitfU'a OS TDK FliNNtiTL- vama Kaii.uoau. A series of experiment are uuw being made on tbe l'euusylvania ltuilroad at Altoolia, on the mouutain grade under the supet visiou of W. J. l'almer, Ksq., of Fbiludelphia. '1 he object is to lest the capacity of engines of different built to gener ate thu greatest amount of sleum from tbe least amount of Coai, and to consume smoke. rive engines are beentested, namely, a "Win- an Camel Back, one Built by Norris, aud rebuilt by Baldwin, with DempGelds boiler; one rebuilt at Altoona, with smoke consum er ; one built by Norris, with l'bleger' boil er and oue equipped with'Gill & Co's smoke consumer, by Mr. Graer, master of machinery at Altoona. A train ol nine cars loaded, are being hauled by each engine from Altoona to the top of tho grade, twelve miles. Tbe amount or coal is accurately measured that each engine requires to make the trip. So far, the Winans engine bas used tbe least coal, by about fifteen bushels. Last week a tram ol cars was tried on h mouuiaiu grade, with Lougbridje' car brake. The train was bandied very satisfactorily by tbe engineer; a number of stops were made in very short distances, on tbe heaviest grades. The Com. pany are equipping their fast Line eociue and cars with Ibis safeguard lo their trains. Tba result of the trials above noted will be made public in a few days, and will be looked for with no little interest. l'ittburg l'ont. A Sk-ki.ks Tbagkdv in Indiana. It ap pears that for some time past a citizen or Madison, Jouiunu, engaged in tbe sadelry bu siness, bas entertained suspicion or tbe virtue or bis wire, and resolved to satisfy bimcelf io regard to tbe matter. Accordingly, on Sat urday be informed bis family that be should leave in tbe evening for Cincinnati. Abont 9 o'clock, however, be returned unexpectedly to bis borne, and found bis worst tears reali zed. A neighbor of bis wbo was possessed or considerable means was tba intruder. Tbe injured husband round the guilty couple in bed, and without an instant's delay, be drew a revolver and sbot the seducer dead. He tben left tbe bous and gave himself up totbe authorities. Cincinnati Times. ArraAV oka RailroakTbain. Webetrd yesterday, a rumor of ao affray on a traiu or tb Cleveland and Fittsburg lUilroaJ, at Wellsville, between two meo, io which one drew a revolver and fired two abot at tb other, la ear full or passengers, wounding bias in the leg. W'a did not ascertain tbe name or tha parties, or tb cause. Tbe ru mor further Says that tba passengers on toe train, iudignsBt at sucb recklessness or boman lire, seized tb fire eating ludividual and cave him a sound tbrabbiug - I'iiuburg 7Vi. New Advertisements. LOOK TO YOUR OWN INTERESTS ! ! II O () T $ AND -J J 1- V- Xi o . q IJEMOVAL. The subscriber respectfully In forms Ihe citizen of Nun burr and vicinity that he has removed his establishment from his old stand to the office formerly occupied hy Dr. Awl, in Market Square, Sunliury, near the Nor thorn Central liailraad. Having on baud a well selected stock of good material, he is ready to supply hi customers and others promptly with work renily made or made up to order, in the latest and best style and on Ihe most reasonable terms. Believing Ihe cash j lrm is the best for both the customer arid himself, he will endeavor to oiler such intluremrnt a will give satisfaction to all who may favor hint w ith their custom. I. 8 Those indebted) are requested to call and nettle tlicit account without delay. WM. II. MILLER, Sunhury, April 16, 1853 ly NOTICE. IYT'IE,JEAS letters trslimcntary to the Es ' tale of Nanry Hunter, lute of fcuuhurv, Northumberland ruutily, I'ennsy Ivania dec ased, have been granted to the subscriber. All per sona indebted to the said estate are reijurslrd lo make immediate payment, and tlttisn hnvinK claims or demands against the Batata cf the tnid (Weaned will muke nown the same without de lay to HEiNKY It. TA 'I'll AM, Ex'tor. No. CCS, South U hurvca, I'hilada. rhiludclphia, April I, INfi'J. Ol NEW FLOUR, FEED, FRUIT AND PROVISION STORE ! flMlE eul'Si riLcr respectfully inform tho cili M. zons of Hunhurv ami the aiiiroiiinliii.r ...;ni.. borhood, that be ha opened a Store at the north- weai corner oi m aihet oquare, npponiv Vandyke KuilroaJ Hotel, where he ia receiving, and will keep on bund, Flour, Feed, Fruit aud protUion of all kinds, such a WHEAT, It YE lr LICKWIIEAT FLOUR, Oats, Corn and all kind of Feed, Crackers, Oranges, Nuts Ac., Froli Hhnd in sea on, Early Yeirriahles Fruit ic., fraiti the South, lie will ronMnntlv receive, liv l;nilr..,l f, m Baltimore and ITiiladeliihiu. nil the,.i-. ..i the reason, as they come into market, and trust, by prompt attention and reasonable price to re ccive a share of the public patrnuago. at. xuuv Ell 4 LO. Sunbury, April 16, 1H50.- ly. Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor, lleing in the circulation, it pervades tho wholo body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. JCo organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one w hich it may not destroy. Jhe scrofulous taint is vuriously caused by nv.Tcitriul dtscnFc, low- living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the dcprcsiiii vices, und, above all, by the venereal infection. "What ever he its ori;in, it is hereditary in tho eon stitution, descendinR " from parents to children unto the third und fourth generation j" indeed, it seems to bo the rod of Him who suy., " I will visit tho iniquities of the father upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lunfrs, liver, mid internal organs, is termed tubercles ; in tho glands swellings; and on tho surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only sttlfer from scrofulous com plaints, hut they have far Jess power to with stand the attucks of other diseases ; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disordcrj -w hich, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Must of tho consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of ull tho organs, arise ' from or arc aggravated by tho same cause. One quarter of ull our people are scrofulous ; their persons are invuded hy this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must rcuovuto the blood by an alterative medicine, and iu vigorato it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply m AVER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy w hich tho medical skill of our times can devise fur this every w-hcre prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active renieiiials that have been discovered for the cxpurgntion of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed tor tho cure of not only scrofulu, hut ulso those other ulfec tions which arifc from it, such as Eiuttivb and Skim T)iskases, St. Anthony' Finn, Hose, or Kiiysii', 1'imi'I.f.s, 1'istulm, Ulotches, IIi.mns and Itoii.s, Tumoiui, Tetteh and Salt Hiieim. Scai.d Head, ltixowonv. I Uiir.t MATiH.M, SnuiiMTicand Mkuccuiax Dis eases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Deiiility, and, indeed, all Complaints akisino mom Vitia ted or Impure Bloud. The popular belief in impurity of the blood " is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. Tho pnTtleular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purity and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible m contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, are so composed that disci sc witlun the rane of their action can rarely uithstnnd or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, eorrecting its diseased action, and restoring it healthy vitalities. As a couacquenco of thr-so properties, tho invalid who is bowed down with mm or pnysicul Ueuility is astoiuslieu to nnu lit icalth or energy restored by a remedy at once to simple and inviting. Not onlv du they cure the every-tlny complaints of every body, but also many' formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis niy American Almanac, containing certificates of their cure and directions for their use iu the following complaints : t'usliit jieu, lleuttburn, Jleatiacie umt'iii t orn tuoi uYri d Stotnach, Kaustti, Indigestion, Vain in and Morbid Inaction of tin Hutrel; Fiutulency, Lou cf Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred cunipluiiit, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its fuuctiun. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE UAPIU CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumpa tion, aud for tbo relief of Consumptive Patient in advunccd stages of tho diseases So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous are tlie rase of it cures, that almost every section of country abounds in person pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming ana even desperate disease of the lung by its use. When once tried, it superiority over every other medicine of it kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its vii tue are known, the publio no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dungcrou affection of the pulmonary organ that are incident to our climate. V'hile many inferior remcdie thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the alnicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too' reiuarkuble to be furgutteu. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Friling A Grant and A. V. Tisher, Sunbury, R. It. McCoy, Northumberland, A.T. Bisel, Turbutville, F. Blots, Wind Uap, j. Y. Cariow, Milton, G. II. Cadwalder, Hhaiuokia, P. I'hler, L'hleraville, And by all Druggist and Merchant. April (6, 186Wly 8-.40.00 Pays for a full Bourse in Ida Iron City Cullnr, the ar (rust, must MtetisivHy patronized antl Ileal oiganiaml Com mercial !chool in tho United rtlutes. K7 TUI)KNTS ATTKNUlNa DAILY, Msrrh, C5. L'stisl time o eou plele a full course, from 0 to III wreelc Kvcrjr student, Uioii alailiiatiua:, is iisrniilerj to lie num. pttent to mnnne the Hooks 01 uuy Husinoss, ami quali fied lo earn a aulury of from f.'iuu to aiono. Student (liter at any lime No Vaeiiliott Review at pleiiflute. 81 I'reminma for heal Penmanship awsr.led In s."9. IV Ministers' Sons received at half nrii:c. For Ciir.l fni-ilir Hiiriiiuiiof ll irinets mid Orna meiltul Willing inclose lv slumps, ami aiMreM. . .. . F W JI'KIN", 1'iltsl.Migh, Pj AptilS, i limp -Ji, -o- ly W 1 1 0 1 . E 8 A I. E I) E A I . E K L BRANDIES. WINES, GlUS. &C fjMIE stibscribera Imve opened in Tlioinpion'ii Hriek l)uildin. Mill street, Danville, a large and complete stuck of FOREIGN AND DOMES'! K; MtiKoitii, ctinipri-ing the beat brands of Brandies, Gin, Old Uye, Pcot. h and Irish Whiskey, I'ort, Mlierrv, Mailer!, Champagne nml other Wines of all grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale at Ihe lowest tily Tuvcrn-kccpcis by buy ing of ns can save ul lt-ait the freight. 1'crsons desirous of purchasing liipiors for F A M I I. V T E. may rely upon Iwing furnishrJ with a pure au) iiniiiliiltiTHlc.l ariicle. tST lieing determined lo rsla'nlii.h a reputation for selling cheap they respectfully a..lieil Ihe pu iroimge of the pubic. All orders promptly ut tended to. MIEKIIT A. H A I.I,. Danville, April 9, I S3!. NOTICE l THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO.," Give nulirc tli lit they have concluded arrange ment wuh the Noitheru Central Kail liuad 1 Company, to run trains from 1J jllimore for York, Hairisburg, Dnuphin, Halifax, Tremrton, tSun burv. Northumberland, I.ewi.burg, Milton. Mini- cy, Williamsport, and all intermediate Stations, funnelling at Harrisburgh with the GK EAT WESTEKN KXI'HEss for lMUu.rg, Cincin nati. S'. I.ouis and the West. Also with Howard A Co's Express at Milton or Danville, III lomsburg. Wilkealurre, Pituton, Sc'runton, and intermedials solutions on the Cut tawissa, I.ackawana and lllooiustiurg liail Koails. At Williumsport, by Howard & Co's Express to Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by How ard ct Co., and their connections, for ('anion. Troy. Elmirn, Kochester, Ilull'.ilo, Niagara, and to all uoci-niMo points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward -Merchandise, Specie, Bank Notes, .le.welrv, and Valuable I'uckages of every description. Also, Notes, Drafts and ills for Collection. Experienced and efficient messengers employed and et cry 'ell'jrt will be made to render satisfac tion. JOHN I1INGMAM. Superintendent Fenn'a Division, I'hil'a. A. W. FISHER, Agent Tor tiuiitury. April 9, ISi'J. Dissolution of Partnership. VOTICK is hereby given that the t'artnership heretofore existing, between the subscribers, a Fahrijn A Clement, miner ami shippers of Coal at the dial Mountain Colliery, w as dis solved by mutual consent, oil thu 1st' of March, IX.MI. The business of llio lute firm, will be settled by Frederick Fahriou, who has in possession the books and papers, at Mt. Cairnel. FKED'K. FAHKION, 1UA T. CLEMENT. Ml. Cartuel, April 'J, 1850. 4 1 NOTICE. Nsw Yoiik, April 10th, 1653. MEETING ol the stockholders of the Tievorton Coal and ltuilroad Company will be held al the Girard House, ill Philadel phia, on Tuesday, the Kith of May, at elevun o'clock, A. M. Hy order, F. I.. JOHNSON, Secretary. April IClh, 1HS0. NOTICE. 'IMIE annual election for a I'resident aud Di rectors uf 'I be Trevortou i 'ol and Kailroad Company will be belJ at llio Girard House, in Philadelphia, on Tuesday, the lllili of May. Foil open from IS lo 1 o'clock, I. M. Uy order, F. I.. JOHNSON'. Secietarv, April IClh, I8.1D. Northumberland Bridge Company. ; ELEGTION for ollicer aud manager of the Northumberland Uridgo Company, to serve for one year, will be held at the house of Mrs. liutr, in Northumberland, on Monday, tho id day of May next. The election will be opened at 1 o'clock, P. M ., and close at 4 o'clock. I. M M. TAGGAKT. President. Northumberland, April Itilli, I85D. SIII.I STO.VE JliMl'lCTORV. rflllK umlcrsiiiiivil l;ri-n constantly nn hmiil A KI!i:.N(;ll lli;KKSurIUizp.aiid furnUhe every article required by Ihe milling tiaili. C'oitiult'lv satisfaction RUiiniiiteciJ Ibr rvery article sold. Miller who prrler tha nlid llurr, ly r'iv. ing 4 tn G iiioiitlm notice, can hiive their onlcrn execu'.eJ at the ijuarrie in France. Aildreus, WM. II. KljPNFK, April 2, I8i'. Cm llarri.hurg I'. II., Pa. Market Street, Sunbury Pa. IHIO auhstril'tr resiirctrtilly informa the citi--'- zen ol" 8uiiht!ry , and the puhlie item-rally, that he has taken iiositeaaiiiii of llie ahuve well known aland, formerly kepi by John l.eiscr. lie is determined to ute erery etertiou to make hi houso on of tha hesl in the Ktute, and oilers r re iiid'jcrinents for persona who ajiend a short time in one of the in out pleasant to'.'vii in central Pennsylvania. Hi table will he supplied with the heat the market can produce. Hi bar will be supplied with the purest liquor. C'arelul and obliging aervant silwav in atten dance. A share of the local and traveling com munity U most respectl'ullv solicited. blMO.N S.NVDEIt, Apiil 2d, I8A9. 6iu Proprietor. 1' PnP.u'l.'l.MT T 1,M v aiwvvj JOlilU -Aitorncn at taw, RESPECTFULLY inform hi friend and tha public that be haaltEMDVEUbiaolluo to one door east of Matars, Filling Si (irant1 store near the C'outl House. All professional bi'.muci entrusted lo hi charge, in llir and (.djoining counties, will la prompllv, faithfully and carefully alkujed tu. butibury, April 2d, 1W&U. 4t SWAVNE'H BITTKR CATHOI.1CON, a valuable Hitter may be taken with great ef fect in constipation f.alulency, acidity of lt. tu mach. For sale al FISllKK S. Oct. It), '18. S WAYNE'S Sugar CoateJ. Haraaparilla and Tar l'llU, mild and gentle Purgative, un surpassed by any medicine for removing tlile, cleansing 8loiuch and purifying the blood. For .ale al FISHEU'd. October 16, 'St). ' SYMPHOMANS, graud musical instrument jual received from fcuow Hill, London, and forwleby T. (j. C'UOl'EH. funlitiy, Frbiuary 13, 1 S."9. THE GREAT AMERICAN & FOREIGN PATENT AGENCY OFFICES. Inventors, Seouro your Rights! HOW TO 013TAIN J.KTTERS PAT K NT? Mrtexiu. Mdn X Co., f-sililom nml PmpriiMiHi of t fie Scieulttia Ameircnn, nro eondiuiiiiig the ni-t iu ret win I Axmry fr ncvmrimi: Ihe Kighti f Invenlnri, to iu lont.d Iu the Cnited tttnl. They hiive l.en perttoiuillv laiinl linr with the prgrertor Invent tot. nnrf htwvciy lur the pnit fifteen ytiHrs, iiikI hnvc prepared nml cnn'tuctcd u iih in thit perhH,, more I'MimiI c:iee than mt)- ollinr Atttwy in the World. Ai an evittciice of the confidrirce it-p' t in their ability and inUrity. they inny with propriety fcr to the t-xtrnimliwiry Curt, thai nearly iwd tliniiwuid pnlenti liuve been iteued to iheii clu-nln. duriiii the hnel price of two ynira; and during tht knoir ntti' d, tliey hiive examined through their, elliricnt lirnncli 0;ha m Vnhiii!toii, Into the tmvelty of hLpmH t-iree tln-uftnul In vt'iitioni, tbu ft ftHorflinp to thrin a knowledge of llie t"ii tenlaof the rient tlhrp(nnrivHittd hy any fxmttne ajrnt Vf. Not only Ihia, hnl moie linn oiteyttli i.l nil tUr I'n tenla ti-cured hy America i citiatcns in lte l.tirm-ritn imuii-tin-a, nrelaken thiotiti Mann Vo$ Ajtencirg in London, Putts, Brussels, lirrfin arnl Yimua. t Irrnlnraiif Advlrr flaw tolt-rure Aiiierii-nn and roreicti I'u tents, will I went, freu "I i h'trpi?, to nil who nitty wish for thein Mifiiji. .Mm tin .V .'n prineipul nf. hees m New Votk are in lite new I'nrk H.iloini;t, No. 37 Turk Kow, ejisteni aide nf the C'nv Hull l':iik, wheie nil troniinmiiontiona ttiinli he i;,i. ei.ui. itnd whtre lnvrn tr aie cordiailv invitrd to rail w Ir.ntv r Hit y ie;t llie city. .Slenra. Mnnn .V Co. refer hy permitton to -.t( n.nn. -Mim'!!, Ks-l'niniiii)tioner uf I'.itct't. ir-u. J. ki-i-Ii lli-lt. IV'itliKJer to n-rHl )1im) i:iisiiii"-loiiej of I'.ite'ttr, nud a (no In mil acvrti thiiK-inr titveiitnia in the Lintrd utfii, whose piiprtK Imvc hteii preptireJ yi.J pn tute-.i their A gem y. A.l.lris MINN i O .No. 37 P.irk lto'.v, .New York M-ireh - flalt: DlDuii'l ; nsiiplH II, st, tii i'd, TO'I'ICE is hereby given lhat lelters Testa menliiry on Ihe estme of Ibtniel (.'ampin II, en., lute ol Shamokin township, "Votthuiii'jcr lulid county, dee'd., have been granlul to the subscriber. All persons indebted to anil those bnvini; cliiiins Oftninsl enid r tn'e, vt ill im et the subscriber nt the bile re.-iden. e of snid d.ic.iseii on Monday Ihe Uolh ol ylpri! next, lor si ulcim-nt. JACOII K. MUi.NCH, Kxeciilnr. Slininokin twp., Murcli 19. 1S.'!. (it r?sTJG & GSaJJZICJAL"" fj'MIE undersigned having received s Inrgr und J. well selected stock of I'tn c Unit; nsu! f t-ci:Ir:N, DyestnlTs, Oil. I'aints, (ilass und I'uiiv, i nnv ready to fillordcrsat a moment notice. In connection with the above you will find an assortment of Knnry Notions, Toilet Articles and I'erfoniery of all kinds. Tooth, Hair, Nails and Clothes 1J rushes of every variety. Customer! will' find his tock complete, coin prising many article U is impossible beio to enumerate. H10.M HMD KR the place, unJir the office of the "Sunbury Anicricnii." Physicians' I'recripliotis compounded accurate ly and carefully. A. V,'. r.r5?HER. Sunbury, April id, 18'i'J. Peipher's line, Kailroad Freight Cars Philadelphia & 'I'lll-: fulneriltn i rir.ii.iti2 n line of ringht ours to ami 1 from I'liilailrlpliin vvillioul re-.tnpinuiit, si.i.l i-i esmlilnh a g ioil Limiu-ss l.y iitinl uclivuiiL'H ut rivisoun- uir riiii'n XX ai.'lionse i.i!(ilii!i with i-Vicl, VVoril ,V frt-i-d, i 'laihel slrei t, wlieir so.kIs ,Ve. lor Sunbury and inter- i llltdlulc puluts ShoilUI I..- , THOMAS Pl:!PI!i:U, Ilarrisbure March 1:1, IS'il :ni SPICES ! SPICES ! ! SPICES ! ! ! I'ure uml Nn. 1 Ground Proper. tiini;er, Ciiiiiuiiton, Al.5ti.icc, i Itvet. American mut Ktifflish .Muelnt. t:pyttiue Pepper, Nutmci. .M:ice. Siif. Cnib lS"lu. Sdlijictre, Sa!vralu. ISil. IShIj, Indigo, Cupivi'hv und Catmndor 9rl. Allium Diiiry rui) limiintj Suit. Ae, For ule nt the tuple Mill No. all nnd 'Jl!i .Norlb Fntiil mrcct curuer vi .ew, Pltil-ide Ij.lun. iunvAiti) wciRitt'.i.r. Piiicli.-iRri will fim it t" tlifii inteit'nt U'th n qu.-iliiy iintl price lo Imy Hne ginnlf, wii.clt nri Wur Hiit:d as rc(rt-8riitHi, fr f.TiVttcd. A Irml it u 'litilcd. Ptitludrlphia, March IK, l5K 1 -i. WJGT CASH DRV GOODS HOUSE. EYKE & LANDI-LL, rol'RTIl Jc ARCH SueeUj Pdll.ADF.LPIIlA, VliK rv opffniiiR ii full tit-Mfuifi't ol'.NEW (JODJ), rou THKpiuNo df Spriiin Silki ol New Vivien. Fufliiuuiblr I"oiil.!c Mint R- !et, Mrnwl of tlie New Spring Stylfii. Ut llMhfSHIt(l 1'uiicy lUCalB It'V tlf, iS.iiiimer Poplin ;nid Yiilen'in. Tnivcllins Drt-w Cn.nt, full vnriftv, Uluhkcl-i.Siicciiii iind ll'ittfhccjxtik' tinodi. X. I! Storelswpot ure resHini' liv Ttiif-i!td i t t. nhkiiM our .f LLACK &l'LK, ui.-i frllAWi.S. lore puri'lnisin-sr. P. S. New tittds irci'iv'fit rf.-uly, nnd cnl Ilnrpftim from the Aucii'-ns of New York a.Vl City, TfiHM Neti Cami AND I'RIlEa UuW. Murirtt lJtti, 3 tuWa Notice of Limited Partnership. ITTU'ltllAS vs Al i:ili.irii T. Goodnrm, ns ?vu?v y fwirtiift, if he viii,.;.' nf VatiiuloM it. in lii.-i.t ware township, in tlio counl of Noiihiiii.tit-riuiKt. und M;itr- - f I cnni Ivuiiui, uid Ari-' Pnriict; ui a(i."r.! Ilu ; Zlelnn. m llie county of rut and S?l!ite iu" j t-Kiid, !i;iv I ciitercU into liniittxl piiriiirr.liip, under tin: provuii mi i t thu Act id liencrul Asscudily. of llie Comuiiaiwi-ulih of i rciinyivmu, riiuiicd "un -ct rcrttivo ro I. nmtcd IVo-i-iifi)tipa approvul March -M , lvo'', nnd nii uitdur tlie pr'ovirioiig t uuy other law nf tuul C mimioii wa:niti r-iu. tiiiK t limited pnrti.cUhip, uuu llie m- t-atMr ccrtiticnic mid nitidu vit liaviinr liceu hied and recorded in t he otTwr of tlie Ufcortler of Ucudg Ihe coiin'y i f N-Tihiinith-tiaitd : ! Ttiure:itr in coinptitince with the provii iit of .nd Act, , wo pubhttli the leiui of tvitd limited i-urliiersliiji. ai M luws :. ! Firfct, The ui.l prirliiersltip is lo be CMiductcd ur.der the name of Ahratrtni T tiot.dnuni. Second, The jrettKnil i;uture of the butinesa to In; traim ncieil ly tlie und firm or jmrtncridiip, ifj Hint of gfiwul Marchiiiidizni, and tmyitur nnd dcnlii. in piain. 'I'lmd, The fTt-neial (luttner in Brnd purtneiXiip n Abra Imtn T. Ciootlinmi. rcBiilin in lli vill us of Waik'ntuwii, in the county of Nortltnuidt rbnd nnd State of PcmiijivIv.i niii. And thu special piittin r m Ario Pn!et. rihinnnt in Jlijlelon, in the county of Lucn e nnd State al- rt sat-1. Fourth, Tlie said vpecuil pm titer Ji m eoninUutcd t- tin common uto, k of laid puttnerh!:ip thu Mini of un tit uswti I Collar in chkIi. Fifth, The mid (iirlji'rl,'p ! to ron:nrurr on tl.c first i.ay tif March A 1). mid n, to tet'tuinate o.i tt.c u;t day uf .Mart h A 1-m A Hit A H A M T (i M H)T V, ct n rul j imi er AKUi PAUUKK, n VniB"nii.wii, Martii l-i'.i- tit 1 J chrap rem OASIT. H. J. WU.falAMS. No. It) Noith Sixth tf'tcl. Ph.U.lcl phiH, ia the lairiit Munulm tutcr of A' D f'EAI.KK IN WINDOW GliADEB, OF FAI'UV VAKI1.IY. j lis i. the oiiginator i.i nil NVw Sn-u- I Ima n Sue stutk i.i iiu s-iui at it i i .i rii it 't BITF, AM) Al.l. nrili:i! I'lii.cus df l.lKN HI AUKS. I'ltlMMINl.S, HTI l!l.r..Ae. KHlKh r-IIAUKS .1 In ,ii,l, r. I'V li. J. W. invites eilieus i.l ilim c-nmiv .. i-Hil h.. f"io iiiii'hiisliii, anil ui-iurrs tiu-in I. r,m :l Mm nrln-le f.irtlio money lluu un' 'l!it-l rsl:,l..;.''.n.i. il m rim liillral J-liilel. '.M:,ii-li-A I-l i - I.. -J-c- VACANT LOTS OF THE EsTA'PK OF JnllX l.t kliN, bECEASEU, SllT'.VI F-I) IX MMIl liV, FOR SLK, "FFEKS at priva e sale nf the .i vn.,1 l..u i.l criuinj, .o. 14, Ji'l. I:.r un-i 1;, u miilv 1 rd iulhe genernl plauof ihe l..if..ui,-!i ol .Su.i'.iuiv. belonging lo !h eM.ite of Jolm iisuh-im anl, will le received by 8. L. KEEXE. A.liiiini.trjtriv wilh t lie will um.i nl m s i;.l etate. I (Mil and Clieiint Street , f Ititudelphia. 1nd by her Aceul. HKXKV I'l).N.i:i March 12, 18.',9. 4'. SS ti nHti i v . PLATIOKM SCALES, ,.- fV K.VK.UV DI'.Sl" If W FOU KAII.IlliAH e-sil, oie ami nu i.-tiiiiuli: iii:si'KirTit. ii'iT tiu.i: Ae , lur vii-ik'.uic li-), I m- iit-ne.iil.v t'.-ii l.tti-ris i run no risk", eveiy s.-iile is liiMrniitecl i--irri-i l, anil ll, alli-r I tnul. nut louiul Suliftlu.-U'ry, e:lil I'll rrluil.eil vvilliul rli.i.ue. 1 I f Kart.ry ut Die old sluml, eU.l.lii.t J l'-r lia-ia Hint Ikiflv-liee vaurs. . 111)' I I I' A t'.inter nf Nhtlli mill Mfl-.u Slneis March JOlli, IS3II ain-ie. t'liiluavVtua. 1JCRE OLIVE OIL for lull use,-two - at 37 J and C2) renu July 17, '8H. jut recvivej by A. W. FISHEK. llt-ic. "HARD TIME 3 NO M0UB. NV I'KKMiN (lanlyor lii-iitlcniiui.) in the I'uilid -IHtea, Boaaratlnft a snaill oaiiltal of In. ill -1 1' i,i enter inui an easv reex lal.U; I'Usiuisk, l.v w lilrli I rmil tfa to IU per Uuy cau be itnl-iul Kit iMtliei.iMis, a-1-ilicss, (Willi slump ) W. It. At TON . , II N..iih fl I'll tillrtl I'l.iUu.l.iii a Maub I'Mi, lv..3,u-i. SUNBURY TDUHBRY t , rjIlK siibi-rrilier respectfully inform the riti. a. tent of Sunbury and the public grni rsllr, that Ihey l).v(i Irascd the (suiibuty foundry oc cupied by (Jeoru Ridtrhairli, andllial they will Inka possession on the first dny of April, next, when they will be enablod to fu rn:Ji ell kind of Cast it'Rs, ut h a l'lons, Stoves, & c.,Ae., al a low rates as they run lie had any where else. They are also mntiufdcturinn thrashing machines, and do rupuiriiig nt short notice. All order addressed to thcui n ill be promptly sttrmled to. Country produce tukeii in exchange fr Cut ines at all time. , . fi.iAry.v nonnn f ii. JACOII noIIRHACfl, Jr. Hunbt.ry. h B, IBS?. !!m CANCEIt CuilED.' WitiioL'T fti ii'iirjiL ( li-KHATio.Mt uu l.uss or lil.OOII. I'anrers, 'i'limnr. Wens, Kcrulula, l iters, Ac., cured in a short time, wilhoul the knife, hy Dr. Mi.NIUHOI,. (Coif siTiie of lli.t lain )r, l.ouiisberr) , luu'd..) No. Mi Notih I M"l II Mieel, bel n icli. 'IiiU. V'lic reniniliiilile success which allendeil tlie tiesiiiient of Gancers, 'I'limors, ije., by lr. i .MiioAi. hoi, lor a number of years past, lis nt j liin li d the utlention, ami in in inv iusriiues lis,, I secured the hearty npprovul of in any eminent j I'l.yicii! a in I hihiilelpliiu, nho ary iio lunar; I Mi.itiii; to ti. k tl.c daneers und tuiecrlaltititt of CUltilig. , t 'niio r can l.e Cured .' if property licnted and promptly. A gnat iii.ijuiiiy of Hie esses ul I'jiuer, is n be f flertunliy cnied, Tbe dIiihu riius pHiieuls, fioin every i ei lion of Ihe couuirv, nho have l et ll cuied ui.iicr Ibis method ol nei.t nieiit is a iuaraiilee of Us sujieriority overtuciy ol!,t ; bnowii sysieut. 'J'lioe e; ho may be alilii lei with these disease, ami ili-r-i i turther inloriiiatioii or ad:i.'.i will please address t. MiiuiXtehol, l.en tlily will rei ei.e proni,!1 ntti ntioii mi l a copy of I'aniphlet on llie tjeatniciit of (lancers Tree of chitie. White dwelling. Hip Disease, tSirofnlous and Mnlisuiiiii I'ii-M, Llieaies of the Mouth at.d I liroat, tlceiuiioiia ol the Honvs, Teller, sScal.l lletd, und nil di-eases of tbu Skin, pefmaneiiily Hired, and proper remedies sent curefully paek ed by 1'xpiess to any part of the country. In every case a plain denrription of the diseuso is reipiiinl. .Iddress, Dr. AiacNiehol, No. 60 NorUi ih St., riiiladtlphia. Proprietor and Manul'acturor of Dr. I.ounsberry & Co's Celebrated- Imperial Depurative. tho hint and most relia ble Family Medicine of the ."Vincteetith Century, for the cure of all disease origin ailni; In Impu rities of the Mood. January P, ISa'J. 3in w VAX lIAACaHV & 3!cIii:oXJ?Ts oniE.xr.ii. DETERSIVE BOAP, rillliADELPIIIA. llrIiRA'I'KL) to give pi-rltet aalilfnetioii. oi o I umii-.- -. ll te rt-fimite-.l. and our HL-rnts ure iieteiiy aullhii izi .l i make tr-nni any lailure of it "at our e.vpsnar VAX llAAu'i;. Im-iuc a practK-nl 'ap .tinker, aue havuiit for tbe lusl twelve xcais (at dtlft-rt-iil tuim.) vxjv ritniMiti-tl ujMin siul Ifsli-il tins iiotu-ioiii- .Suitp, in ik ul wats. ii.-w Oi r. it lo ti...- u!-'n;iii a ..,. v lncii will s-u I'ltli:, f.AllllR n .MU.NKY. tVi. air wiltinir it jIk-uhI i-i iivn iis own mrrns. All wu lihK IS lo Kit e It ll (sir tiial, and ioe it Hceonlihir to our ilirt-rtr.ii i.mimiI m tuwu bx.l uml il it it i in! yive full i-utislaeii n, ll.a moc ! will be reliiiul. .1 Anions tl,c many iulv!lil(ii;tseVLr tli. r Wuhliiiiy aju, the ii'llxwiiii; may he ll.llln d I - lolln s iietd i olilll: uud very Ii'.llc ruMiujr. (m tt articles iii nc.) tf. 4ni pound will po an lur. f -r nny i)e, ns tlo-fM posiiiUii ai t;.;i::m.;u rui..j a. t;t, t,i i: M.'iii.Jf. iiUl,y ."Tip. 3. It rerpiir lew Una oiic-hji!! the lime end lalmr to d , the wit'liintr of u fiiuuly, tlmt it reiinieii wuh tite hent fnmilv eoap, and m wammted n t to injtiie the labric. 4. For cleaning Paint aiid removing tn-np, Tnr m.'l Piinter't Ink, il i u.i8iirpant'd M icho iftt, I'nulers tin Pauitcri will find it un invuluubie articiu fr uaftliiu lutnlH, an it docs iiiit ch'ip. but fatly a funft tl.c km 5. The vuperroiity of the matur.: lined, and the ? tip Nor TONTAIMXJ ANV HXCPS V ATKALIK, 11 llloreuill'l than nny other known W aftiiiiii S 'ttp, nnd nmlouhtediv ihe best nti.ipiKl f.r white and eolurcd eloih nar, h wrll nt i'.tiid.rifainid iMf't, und t W'AltltAVi'KD NOT l UOTTHK ' l.OTIIF.S. For wile Mt all rtje.wc table fltft-ery loruB in tho city uv. neiglihuring towua, m.d wbolcume only hv TftAl.N McKFONFm fl'J Aiuth Wlmrven, netwrctt Market ami Cliefftut t?ts , Philadelphia. Fcbiu try l'Jih, lo5i 3iu Select Winter Goods ! A YE II Y LARGE STOCK!! TAVIST? Just received ut the ! People's One. Price Store Of E. Y. BRIGHT & SOX, sl'xbl'h v, r i, Ol'R present stock include a choice n;lcti..u of Llry (iuod, l!eaiiy MuJe Clothing, llo.n-i and Shoes, llatdvviire, (troceries, Ijiieeua and lildi-swaro, Ac., '.. Uur Orens d'oods f.-r ti. uU' n 1 1 J I.adieK, cutniii all the new and desiiutii iles, which lor liueiiess of texture, hean'y, du niliilily aiuUhenpnes cannot be surprn?d. tlurKeady A' u.!o Clothintr was belcrted vvi:h lreat care, and nil Oods win ranted to lo what they are represented. Hoots ni.d of ul! kinds. Hats uiid Cap of every tjlound piice, und w e. solicit a careful iii.xpecli.iii of our larao assorlineiitol IIOSIKKY, FA'X'Y X()7'It)XS. &c. (Irocerieii freh and pur.. Hnr.l-.vsr'-embrace the lurgent etock c:f any otlicr establib''. ment in thin uecti.m of country. Please call iin.l examine. Wt .Srt'UTTo I'l.i vni;. Ii. Y. Ulilliii'l' i 50X. Sunbury, November 7, IHjii. CENTRAL HOTEL, SUKEURY, NorthumLerland County, Ta. njIIlS lurpo and cninmudi.ius llo'el, now fio-- ished and couiplelcly furnished wilh etiiiio new l'uiniture, utu lurge cipensu y MitriiT Van dyke, und Mlu t'e at the M Depot nortli east cuiner of Al-aikel !?'ipjure. Suiiiiuiy, and at the ti riutuua of the 8unliurv .V Eiieuud Xoiili erti I ' it.iilioad-, will he open for the aceom Hi jJallon t.f Tiuveler uud the public in m on ihe F1!!ST DAY OF J.V Nl.'AKY. IM.v.i. Tho pr tprietor will give his alien tion, totl v comfort and convi uiem e ol hii uuu.-it; and ii i!e i inline. I to m.u.e tl.u estalliltiiieii'. rank unions the tiisl in ihe .tnt;-. llir tjl.le will be -upplicd vvi'h the l.l ti e inu'ket can )ro.'uce having llie ailvur.ti'e ol duilv cixniiiuiiiiitili.".! ty far dir. ct from Italli iiioie, and also from lliooc br::iiu; produce lioni llie urr,uai:ling Siunlry. " ills lur uitl be supplied wilh the purest luiu.i.a the market call produce t'a-el'iil and 6lii(jini efrvnuU alivav in at trmlaiice. A f)ixre of tlif local an I iravrling cominuiiii : most tc etlfullv anliciii d. jusEPIl MOIST, Lessee. S'ui.l ury, I'ec. 18, IS.'.t. t.ti.llui: I'. AlBfcV. J.'ON A. Nn ABBEY &c NEFFJ N.l N.ftll TtltUO flierl, (tin nc ...l Vin.) ruiLAUi:i nn . TK3 OIO JIATIDW AtlB STATTD. l!M-il L.ISUCU '1 .VlMl-l iU H N'tAHfe.) ;vi:ii ,!.-. I i ti. ui ii'.u-rii i II -1.1.1I. !itIi.iiiii 111. 1141 lui'.e .1 HAKIv AUK, l nt.vv ui fl.-n , vvi I l i .n-UHl a' lh lowest eitiilnl r.rieis. hi I'asli i.:i l .l,.!t f.S lll.M.llia Ii'1)C1S ul .'-titiiul.ictuieis' pi. eis l-.r Ciikl.. t iii!-r tr.Mii new custimuTs vvl' rrr. ive siriel and hci u rale iittt, una all aooiift st-iil iiuiii tins Uouse vvitl lie 11.1 lrii-iul.,l. t f C ! mbi .Mrai ilM.. .mi their urn visit to . iir i-iii- in iiiaku llicu t-riiKr aie eoiiliuliy inviii t t viol auu vJiaiiiuu; our iMlcS l'i ices 1m loir iiuri-l a-- InS- AlureU I, Is. p UliiW I. U S E 1' II FUSSEIiL, -V). 2, Xorth I'vurth Streti, t PIMI.AUKI.l'lll.l, AXLTACTI'IIEK of lt Quality f i;.f . bU'Kl.l.As und PAKASOl.S iuviu ultei lion of huvci lo hi .i,,.!.. rinbracrVii; many t)le not herelofoie ttitrJUucfd. Philadelphia, March 12, Vj4YX E'S FEVElt & AfJL'E I'll. Lb Tho i n.ot apeedy and cur for Fevir A' Ague and Keiniiliut Fever, will, nut ..... -'fcup alio iieiiitiieiiv -cvera, wtlliout anir liuiiiin or t'alomel. For aula at FISH EK's. October lli, '5S. (y V.-Viw.l, Croirf Cut and Mill , Si.prii. i article at FISH BH'.' ' i ISun'miv, July lilh, I6J';,--" , "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers