TOIIl V A L IDS. i i: . u a7T? m A N , of :hc Lut im. hiU if the fut In- I'f JiC J.t'-f Jf.'i'rui1 Sci(ttf of Olenu r ur't.ittcrf to .rui.rV' Ac, M'V l! Ci-iv::tfl n f'.l Ml? LlAnM-UK 1'. I'll . tl'tiL ratu:..i . Jul aHI. 1', i;U, " . tllll " l.vh imh. i c :t -tiAvr.N, H'MII l!Y, ll AUl.--!U UO, 1U tl AIMV.IAN (r..ri.s rie 1 litt'iit unit L.tuit-t V Vtt .! Ml t,l!t;i..Ul.-ll. 1)1. ll:t..:1i;li,i' ' 'liil.'." tO I'llWlC Cbfi'l'-llt't 'Ue f 'HI! di v.- n !iv U.. ivm Lifts : I Ilm ili.-i 'iili :uM ri'tn.iit urinM;cifiic? i'httr t r.ri H.v' I V.:v iu A i-.-'tl'i!(ltAl (-'iJSIVMu t,1 I .UfVJ't; lift i-;; -p AMn-ri,n. ft 1 -l.i I : ill fi. t l V I'l.'iiT t'v'tT ct ilJiit-il-- tl. 8 Hki t linnet I Mi I' 1 t:..v v, U -t not tt.ti i .., ii t I'm 'it u ; "iMhi Uw- ! ti .... ; O-Ut ni'H'i!" ilrii'f :r .1 im-,,!' 'Vs muit-niia. ilia a:ipr (U-Xi'fin in f in ll.:sj.;::.i i iTtc'irt 1 v. l.i. (. . iy tii.m '!:ff-i:.i' w:i j':".'uttl I 't trat- I i.; -:u -Pid i:i mvh drji'ti. ;n :'ii :n t f '.u iiu'l ' L !y r: iV, ! I t.o : -h :h;.i;C m . f t'.c :u:.rif.t iit.Mit! ' I i ; 'liluvii l-y hi- u it f..,,!il f .'t i'n! u ii n r rti.' c 'J ' ! u s n J ct'-yi v:'l!"r ti iu n.ii. a v. h u riuiij It xvtll ' 1 , . Hi V- ' liliir . I f.tfV fr..i.i(.:(J j t;u h. Mil ti hv p-u-ii-lu .1 t!.i- l.rt!i"; i't I'.i. Kt;u-Jl rt'lW.'-ii!t. 1 1. l-i -uVUi-mi l i in. s. In, vnt r i'L . i-ik' fi-iinirnM'V J f ' r. c' 'fitiy lr cum. tu-ii!ih tlnnuuii.' iiMinii', ! .M"l ;':nt n.iri.'uici (or r1,ni v. .ft u m .J If if H'r.vly i all difo ivr.i incident tl.f (h.iikmi tuii;ilv. la this I j i h.M i '.im l.t h:f iiavdcd iti.t:inv: i.milj' i"itnl M i vV vu'.::: fiK-ili! of tt.-.' rl 'l e, r.: l 1,:ib (fen. j.r.-M-n! cJ j AM. IMSF.AFS TKKATKP ! In Tf ' ii"n t' t!..; i.-n wm.; 'tiii-m'S. cu'i'T witi c m- ! f lu-Mill will! Afii.cli'r., ir cMt-'n: ni it. 1 n'sn t li itvd I'oiisuitrtti'Hi 'i6i:n!ii Ir it llitril i-i .'iij.'.i) .111..II0. I'r.'ii'-'Up r n.l t.riiiRit l'cwiIs t . .i!a hi:f4 In -g-j. i li.titt.K inn! Vc'ik:f!t. j l'.il-.-t iti mi runt vUtt f-riM cf ITt'irt iVf!,,. l.ivcr I ui' tiiii.t, Uvii'"'.'i, aiui u.l uii.ti Utrt!iP'i-i t'n....f i.:. I How"', i'ii- s. A v. All ilnr:ii ill tne rind 1'Iht ; Nnimyia, K- i it; i..'t'.Ju!l l''i:tn ' I Ncrv.-us liiSca'c. . P. HAHDMAN. M D. ' Or LANOASTKit Ci:y. hro rf rt.ilmtilp.'iin, nlictc ! hfi I. ah t.ct-ii im h'ifv. - nil r..;rti-c 1 :r n uu :i'".'i ( Vt-arn, roc-i cili-.M l i -ii -tt tl.rt'i ;-t M:'u-al Cu:io j J.i ll'i! it Mr.'M. fiii't )i;i'l ttu' 1 a viu'i.t'c pr.;jtil-L '1: ttic i;:i!i iciit H s;i;t).: li f ( ii t p. ri inci'i'.vr f 1 t!it Anull:i::ii Mruic! Ils'.iuiu 11 iv Y01 h. ami Lite j ii.ii;ul iiH'tM if ttr I i:i!ft rt itfH Navy, ii'u i-ii-if i liuiiii-ll to tie p'.iMK- U u'ia 'UiV protpfsu'inil en'. j ihupiiH'ft' liJi'Jiciiic 3 ni',;iM on 1;:m;J J rt-it lr-in l!.e K-.t (...t'inu ru' i-i 1 ;ir c r.M'iy.itnil Jl -tfi l'-.-.l Gai- 1 (.'ii 1 i f he !vl V pt'.trit ih--.icitH ; rcs'-ri!'i it oi le- H.'mu icct ivO'.v't:. iic-!ii., i.iofi w iii tr't t-mtc : f n lt-. c Mir.tltti'.u :i. l-ut will t iu :itf l! n kiI'-hi tiom i n.i -.iuii i'-s it ii. is tfLtst.ii i.t t ifi 'in ifii item 1 nu'i'ii'Liti. C hri' in. : i .t -l.ilxu'.t il;r:isi" I" I ri.-;it'.-t Uj t'ii...-i:'.t. v. liii h n 10 tnul asi-citiiia en anil. lie d i dM.,-, ; H l' li ' irj C:H.i'HT ItOtiTt II Ii in ' wli-' ll tllC ' c-l.iMiiuvI ('i,'r;;iui';d3 every f. tn I iV.iid - f the htmum . S .'y : v.i'i cl-.'i 'J; io Ri l;! m u liu.ili nro ca;uil)ie ( I tiii.Kiitii;. 'jitiiiiHw v.:i:i! iii'.'uu. v to ('Kii'i.'V 1 1 (tne Us -ix-'j r-. i'liri f ;i 1 . :,-dc cf tic i i t 'itifiu f'H'.stittii nti (fail a,i-:it . iini.t .! in i:.-. - .1 v umi it- pnjt. 11 ri i!:in l.ii - v.!..' '):' n 1: ;.-':! t-iC'iic :niy ifii use : ii'. ntat:ir-f i.nv I i r 'Uiint .!.; ruui h-nv c t!;u p tticiit ; n twftii'iy nj.( pci'ifctiy t.ii'-d t.',:;'.:i 11. ?!.! u'v'Il 1 ' v. A Ici 1 ;'t 1 . 'fi, ' f.v.w ''I n'.ir:'l!ion nnr ! Vi' .I.!;"" 'I I'.f Tinmt vJ 11 Ii ruiii't'it i'CrOt:s ncrnlli1 cf ;ij. ; :'t-' tt'f pit. l iir'-B iT pi rf.ii mi:' : '.: c '''i'.i-fli i ,n-. L!- j pci'-i.,; !'.'. distrc-:!; i:ir ilioat--' mul iilli'-f c ytn f l.-'infli j rt'i t tiMfi'in- sc, in. drnu liiu,.' 1 ' l' t''u; jv 'y Cirr;:' .' ! irvr-'Hni.' t' il'iiiur-iy ir.ivs. (mh i'i,-.-! i-m r:i :. 1 .'t.t.l. lm ni;;.!; -r:i,' iii f 11 111 cr V -i!.'" d I'.. c',-. :,( .ir ru'-if. varrn;!i'-,t c;-:'1 ! : Li; i.-,'V m f':.r fit! i- .i. 't ic ai'il r; ;Mi"-n c.-t-'-i rtTCi f 1 "nrs . Ii'HmW.!; S.:l U'm'iiJ, iu: t . Vt ! i'i 1 : ; j t.. :i ( :v i.t;t"ti1. K. a...: Sc f-ii -u PiHii.ij. i.u-li ! l.iiV t ii.'i . .! ...I 1 r t .'i n- i r-.I cul rrn cut ' I-y li.v ti. it;i-i;t. w tri c .ii:-:ifi. tit-n i? 11 t vxtniu'tnl. l it.i 1,11 !i-v-ae! . l.i':i.tiitp:i-'ii) tun DC f.CcJ. L tf t:(KCT t'.lu.l .vi:ti nt If rt 1 ". ift 1 cri :iu in ti.. ii.' O n:i v i-i'NR.rVi p-I SxTcn lV- ft in i- ir! ilt'.V ,M , U 3 1 M , to rre. uinn t!- tc puiii -ri'.g jui n t'. iRtnct-t. ,iijd coiiKplt in Lfie Iji'jltili an. I;i. .r bi;K'ii!'t. W j!. 111:. Vt visit to imv d.-tmre if !' ,; y, .- . n'-Mus-i Ly kttir, rnll'Mi S;un:r. Lx.i-:tr c.tvj I'a. . II M IJl l.Mt "U, 31 1. Jl! (I niii.t'i! Kiii.c'? llott-l.) ' LKWlrCriiti, I'M ON CO.. I'A. ft. G.tUVtyAX,, rioprictur. fl'lll? jf our. i-f the I-.uj7t.fl! nt il hft furnif-hctl Ileitis ni J fit; Wv4l liiai.cti. It is iu. u'iil in l liMi.e-.S J at i t the low 11. vi 1 It f o:.:y Hotel in M:.rki-t S'ipiau- ) J h pr .p i-i r 13 ci-tct to ii evtry cxtiii.-n to nin'n- d a .-i- us tl.t ! , t 11 '. ttr ; .in t ii if. id rtiU' ii:'t(ic,',int::- ior pi.'!- mis vh bpt-nii n tli. it tm.e in i f ti,.j utt'st p.t-aci. tuwnt in n.:iliul l'tnu ivama Cf : 'a rry i:t l i.ii. l.i-w.- i i1:!. J line 1 J, l-1;" COME OWE! CO TIE ALL!! LEA K.N Tin: LIST OF FlilCEct AT THE People's Cne Price Store.:; j:. y. ruic.iiT ic so.n, tr.xurny, vi., "RiJAVr. rcciived their large and choiro srlect- cd j-'i of A. Ji xi c U ) Cuinpo'cd of an endless vcriejy, anj to which t'.iy nvpectfully invite tho attention of the pub lic feeling as.-i.rcd that their lare aisortiui nt ol fjreat vaiicty of all kinds i f Co.nls couit ined titli tho excccdin?ly low p-icea whi.h Ihey are .lctcrioini d to bell at, will render entire alir!c- ''"rF COl'NTilY rr.ODCCn wanted in ex-chati.-e at thevery l i-herl matket puct. Juno 5, IS.. ri. SUNEURY SIEAM FEKRY AND, TOWINC BOAT COlirAKT. j r!iIJA VEI.l.Ull.i and olhcis are respectfully I A infifimd that the subscriber b.:ia established ' a filt-JAM IT.nilV mi the Si:nu. banna, at i fuiibnry. Tlt..t a lue, sale and coininooiocs j stciiidiuat will ri n re;,larly and ( romptly i,t I nil horns duiinj! the d,.y, to Cirry foot passenger, ai will as l ils.cles, &c., bttween tSuubury and1 tl.o hiui'.ing on the opposite side of tho rher, h.ith 1 ways, or to and liom Sunbiirv. Tlie s'.eni.V i at 1 will run from Market Street Wharf, ar.d will ; cairy pussenjcis to'indfiom the 1'ucUet moiniui: and evening. The Steam Ferry now aii'.rds lo t rnly a safe and convenient tranjit over the Sus. (;ut'li.ilitiu, but a pleasant and areesble ride. IK A '1'. CI.KMKNT, I'ropri.tor. Asimr.w H 101 : n, C ' ciun' ury, May 1, lui'tj. "w a s ii i n g "t oTrn "(J UVK T. A. I'UVEiST, trsivit'li.., j "HE prop.iitor resprcttulK ii.fornm I. is f.i, inK ar.J the public ip ueiullj. that he is rep -linii," and lei.ov.itin the Vushinton !l-.,us ," so as to eir...rt.iin both truii-,ieitt and pi t ni.ti.tnl .teitois in a suitable and comfoitabie mautu-r. Thankful lor the ;iatroiiaj.-4 iMeudid tj his fith.-r, ho ref.cctlully solicits ihe coioiiiuain e ui thesjtne. He will take charge ot the UiStim Hou-c" on the t'nst day ol April, next. Ho will h ive nil Ou,iiii)ii runnu.K to the difli-r.-ut I'ailiojil Ucpots for the accoinuiojali-m cf I'aticngeu, lac ut charge. W. A. COVERT. funbury, March 20, I S.r,S, . in Hie out t t ID.iittioM I'li ;.s ol .".oi ll.itltjt'j lii;l 'oii:;I.V. Martin Weaver, r, l No nil Aouust Term A. V. U.'.s. iml i- William McCaitv William S-liauni-ii i Ho- Erc e de I irmi-.-iie hel lutwii'e. J tVcivuda. NOTICE. To William McCarty, und William Shann n and Kai l-.l-l his wife. You are hero! y in.inie.l, thnl in pursuaiice of l!ie ul jve writ, to oi IfeteJ, ar; Iuo,'. union will be be'.l ;n the ,c-tni-il-s dsscribcd iu said wiil, to wil : A cut iin tricl i r piree ol lund, sitnii'..." in i - i 1 . , ; . . rontaiuiiit; 70 acres, or iheieab ,,,:s. hounded l.v hind, now or lute, of Ludcij 'jajs, ,..,ii;i, ti;,-s, ! ,ot!ii llra.'y and u'.hcrs, i u i'ue.djy ii,u -.I'tli i tlsy of July next, at 10 o'clock A. M. of .aid day j lor the purpose of makii.g partition of or I ..aloe ' and appraise, the mine. At whi.h iiino t,d ..ltt you insy altenJ if vmi paper. 1 Jam lis VANbvirr. f b.,itr I t henll s olpce, funbury. 1 aisy, isi.d NOTIGU AIL prrsons indebted to James Hesid, late ProthonoUry of Noiiliuinbcrlandcountv, lor fees, etc., are requested lo make immediate' pay Went, and thus save cost and further IrouLle, as II accounts remaining unpaid will U placed in tho hands of a Jusiire for collection. Payments can bs made t lU aubscuber or to J. S. L'oarJ, at lus cillice. , JAMES FEAIO. Puuluij, Mauls i'i, - if SELECT SUMMER GOODS. LA11CE ASSOH TMKNT ! 1 7 K hnvo rirpiveJ our NEW GOODS for the ' Hiuiiiirr lrgd. nml tr rctftill.v invito all the wutld nnilllio ml lf limnkinJ to CitL MI fit I Ht.H. l'ru'lo ho tvoiihl rronfitnitp nnil iav (heir j Jinir-i will tin veil to call nml cc linw very cheap j good run be hail, nml alioulil Ihry not eonchulc to pisrluito ftoin n, tliry will he more eonver I mul n to th.' aitunl valuo of all kind of liooils. j 7'lnrn ai a gtcnt ninny renaonii why people 1 ilioulj clou ly erainine our flock, and while it is J clatty il I hat the "ohvinu mraninsr I anil importii' of thU multituite of reason refers i directly to the IlH.UTY OF TKVITKE, ami , ihraptie.a in price of f.iods, it will at tho anuie ' strike the n.ind of the nhscrviiie ECONOMIST, i iii-.u u siaiu 01 uiiiigg conioiniofr a great anu ill j vcri;itd mpply, with low price, must hiinjr 1 nhout a 'coiisomrniiticn ih-vi ully to he wished" ; in mnkintt the TOOK M.I.N lilC'lI.anJ the ikIi ! nun opoli tit. I And although we mny illtreis, yet permit ;n to nitd that IiliI lill.g would aflonl a tetter grouml work for a summer evening' enteitniiniient, than f.r the kind mother who prcaumcd to have ex iiiuitii'il oor Hi.i-k, to unlhet her little f?i-k uronnd her, and n il them cl UlMliHT e fc-O.N'S licau- li'ul eoods.t'ne handsome fcwlks from Franco and liiily. the Kihl.omi nml I.acc from I yon, the Meriiu.a from France, the prints from Manrhrsti r, the Linens and l,:in-n from (ilaiovr anJ Dull lin, r.nd a thousand thinpn of beauty and utility. Hut to W n little more pruclicnl, we will F'iitp lor the pood of the, the iii i t-t..t:n'.i.n, and the dill prown, more in detail. t!io good-, we retail, in very large or unullir flu-en, at very prruily r.-dneed price" ! air.l tliiiupli VP may rcgut we mid it, we'll nil nor go.'d on hi. inoiitlih credit, r.t ll;c end of which the people "llu! h." w ill come m.d pay tiswiiha rush, for none can fii 1 so ntict'i ct rned nhout a dcht so fully earned, n to 'or guilty of procrastination, to the h7, ird i f tin ir r: potation. fair, henrken, if you'vu the tioic to spare, i.uJ hear of New (ioods rich and r-irc, received and being opened. OP CLOTHS, There 's Irown, ami black ruJ blr.e, Yea C.o'hsi ultnost tvi-rv lue. Vi e've pot just what ni need if mix.d and s'lipul "llist ra'e'' 'l'v.ced, for tlince expus'-d or named nH- icli. we've C'nimorrs t-oth ilii-i i un.l thick! for those who by fashion think to win, we have the beautiful French Doeskin an ar- tide, we do expect, eir, can't be excelled in point r Testturo. or vsstiwgs, Silks and good black S-ntum, of every mi-ty ol patterns, for weddings, paities, or the stieel, for gentlenicn niarrie I. or I.-sj discreet, w-hom we will furnish f: m Hat to Hoot, with a cheap and charndn wcddiue. suit. JL- lit I.udii s ! pardon this diTelli lion, and dot Hot deem this nil a fiction, lor surely we arc bound to s.iy. we love to turn fiom grave to gay, I ' i oui dull old bachelors, ilieadlnl dioncs, whom j f.v-l.h nr.! !o eti.; i- t!c !is -wr.', tvlio, in n Word, i r.:c !,,.(;:;. w iehts, iu bcnian lnippir.e ss. neo- !:vt-s. nilemen. ,.- bid you nil adieu the )..iu.. ate waiting for something NEW; Cashuures Dthtines Si.l.s Tlercgi Dcbet'es I.obci - liingliaii.s I.uwns Challcj 'J issues l'!.iiii7ca riaids of every pattern, and latest styles, so rich that1 that Ihey c.i ite a smile su'tcd for Ladi.s oil Dorinv. t ace, as well for III. e wluwould IO.n oaoe pretty f.r the maid becoming for ttie ma- i ther, n nil olUrcd clie .p to the one or the oil., r. j Ribbon eiobracin; one bundled pieces, bcatiti '.il belts suited lor "Melees, (iinghams. soiid, plaid BiidcliiptJ assorted, and "Aquilla luibca" just imp Tied. And the undersigned wit'i modeaty reterts, to corded flounced and steel hooped !-'kirts and well reconciled we tru.-t the ladies faces, will yaze with fond delight upon our hand sumo Duces Inserting-!, Kdings. of Jaeonetl an 1 fv.-irfB. alVording beauty to thoso who oiler bliss three hundred pieces of good pattern Prints, and vciy handsome fctvles of new French Chi.ilz, white, mixed, nnd brown Cotioii Hose, much cheaper than noun- people would sunpose. pool V-.oiloi,, i lines, nil-, Unltons, an t .Neciiics in inofinion : Dubbin, ('ord, IJonnet lie, und blond Illusion, 'i hen come one, eooie nil, you'll I find us very handy, in showing each the ''modus ; opeiuiMi ol buy n g and selling cheap. K. V. liUKiHT A .SOX. i-'unbury, June 12, I A NDHETriS' As.'kiiliiu'ril r.rchousc nnd Seed ore, -V'i. 21 em-. 211 .S'o-ai Mfi-f..J-i'i-jiri Mur- I: t'l u;i'l Ciiisnut ttrcits, I'lahidilj hut. Jj S ul'.vavs p en lo the ills) celion i f e erv one intires'.cd in Farniiiiu or Caideninir, 'I he subscribers theri-rore invito t'.ie public ;ciierally i to call mi l examine the larj;e and will selected ' i-toi k of A ;:icul'urul Iuiplcuu nts and Machinery, ' iriit vaiioy Cif Hoiticull-rl tool. Warrant. d j liu'.i'cn and Flower lceds (irus. and Field i ."seeds e-t the mint llelial-le (Jiialitv, which they 1 olVcr for tale tt the Ion est cash prices, wliolesah or retail. Tins oeiicii'.tural implement J sold by us are mc :!y iiiampac'.jrtd ul our htcain work'-, I'.ristid, l'a. lia' ii g i'ltt- d up this estat I's'iinenl without ri cat d to expense, with the most (omphte in a chinery f..r Ike manufacture of various kind.-, ol I'S.i: uliural iinplcineuts, we are prepared tosnp- ly nil nrliclis in this line of tlie very het quality. Lmidreth'ii Warranted Caideii Seeds b. eii It-furo the public for upwards of sixty years ; their v. lopularitv and ihe increiisin-; demand fr.-m year to car nie the best evidences of their su-eriorit) over all others, tri?' Countiy mercbaiits can be supplied with seeds in pa; cis, or iu bulk, on luu uio.t liberal terms. bloom dale, near Uiistol, Pa., our cnfVensecd tjr.iuudd, contain thie-e buinlicd and seventy ace., and is I lie laii-c.-t establisbuient ol' its iud m the iv ild. 1). LANHIUITII .V M)N. Nus. il nnd '.3 loulh Sixth St , Philadelphia.'s liuial llccister und Almanac for l".fis, coot linioj? a monthly Calender tor the Faun, l.'.ndci and lircciihousc, c.s r.t uiu r.iiii-s upon jcrsotial cr p-epnid a', pli.-u'.iou. riulddciptita, May 2'id, lsorl. j J'nsh An lcal i-' ! I) HUG ?, V A 1 X T , 0 1 L S, .1 c. i 'IIIll und. r-,iirned unini; taken l!:e s'ore. M kcjit by William A. Uruuer, in i.o-.v j ready lo lilt ord.r.-i and prescription!, at a nio- I iticiits not'ee. lie has a larc. und w oil selected ; ftoik if l.isha:id pure DI1UGS, CIILKICAL, ! l'ye-.tuir.. Oil, Faints, C!as, l'utty, and all , kiiiu'-i i f j'at-.-nl Medicines. j 1'F.I IT AN1J CONITICTIONAIIY r Tobacco nnd Impoited IMcara of the choices' j biauds. I'ancy Notions' toilet article., and i'er i fumery of all lt.nU. 'I'ooth and Hair lirushes j of evrrr variety. ( in:, j ( Fluid nhi'injt OH lumd, lrioi:iPi will find his block complete, coin I p. isilt;' l-i-it.y ar'iclcr, it i-. inipn.iMi lu io to e-nu ; un'i-.le, , nd all sold ut moderate pine... I.'i m-'tiil cr Ihe t-ii.T, next doer lo T. V. Uriuht's AiamuiolU fslorc. a. w. iTsm:n. Sunhuiy, Marrli 14, IS."7. . J. JIOCKKFKLLKR Vttovncn nt t'aiu, Practices in Norlhuiiil. rland anj aojoinin Counties. fcuiibuiy, November SI, 1 8.77. . tf Rt HU OL1VU OIL lor table use, two size - at il.J and C'ii cents just received by A. W. rISHLR, March n, OKOWN'S and Iiiriuiu'a Ussenca of Gingei and Husband's Magnesia si March 11, '67. FISHER'S. FOIt SALE Oil T.ENT. "II1F. larire douhlt frame liouae in the Borough of iV'ortlnimberlniid, lielonging to ths estate of C. II. Kay, dBceated. This in a V-ry de"irahlo residence, beautifully aituated oh thri North ISrancli of tho Sus.pii hanna, with a largn tarden, f'nrriage Itotise, Utable Ae., belonging to it. Terms moderate Knipiirn of C W. Scatca, Willinmspoit, or I. Iiiautiam, Eq., Norllmm licrland. March 57. 1S.18. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! Hll R subscribers respectfully announce to theii friends nut) the public in general that they have received ut their florc, in Upper Augusts township. Northumberland county, I'a., at Kline's lirove, their fliing nitd smititirr C.ootts, and opened to the puhlir a full assortment of Mcrch ndire, &e , consisting in part ol Cloths, black and fancv Cassimcres, IMieeks, Kentucky Joans, together with a general vaiicty of fprtnir und Sumniir lioodd, adapted to all Erot't's f persons. Kr.iiiv Maiit. Ci.otiiiso very ctieflp. Ladies' Dress Hoods, Summer Shawls, (iiughnms Chnlli l'eliins, Docals, Uobes A"yuil les, Calieuea, Ulaek tilks, Ac. Also, a fresh supply of Drug, and Medicines, (irocei ics, A e. A new supply of Hardwaic, Ijuccnsware, Wooden ware, Ac. A large BS.ortir.enl of DrO'l'S and MIOF.S, Miit.ilde for Men, Women and Children. 1Its and Cms. Kisit and Salt. And all goods usually kept in n country store. ( )tir dis l.iv i unsurpassed. The above named slock of g-Hid will be sold atpriies to suit the linns fir CASH -r in exchange for country pro duce at the market price. Ain shall be hani'V to n-.eet our friends and the T itrons of our esiublislimrnt, and tall them I . , . e .i . . , : . ' gooos in sucu piiccit u cannot tan to gi.e i-iiiiil1 satislai tiin. Thankful for pat laVors We hope by strict at tention to merit a continuance ol the snme. J. F. A I. I'. KI.lNi:. Kline's drove. Fa., May IMh, 1m:i8 W ii KKl7i.U "-V i.tON I2ATTTjr.1CTTJRINO CO S FAMILY Jf KWJNG MACHINES. '! Ill" m i;vm 1 li ii tM i tn-Min favor wit ch ha Mu-nuYit il;c in' r. iiv;i.t.i:u W'iM' N's I'miMiv iSct .Mi i1.; u' , i'i fi)!ii'' leu t t v nli-tire i II H i l t-A .i.v l iy. l.r;: in t u si- ti i m il ii. t . tic iiisL iiui i n : Hi- i ict is i ci n-.lni.t-. I ii. M. li t i- l ( i-'H.' .! !y i ' mi:'.: .1 liil :i . in t!i u B-Mi'ts t'l I'.iiiiI.;f., pm civ r ink i;i lilf 'i III i-c U 1...VC h'li.i 1 1 i r iK.itn-.l iciii a; .nli ti: t!;nii-t-li "( its ;i I; a;.:.i;( M n. ,v 1 1 I l-t- it.t t 1 H y .i i. -i a -r li 'l.i t i lv rch'f.1. l-u! n:ini .1 'Ii.c liif !i- h (; ; in my is ci'ii liri.:ii:c (lie Citlitl Juts- "iVt.l t sa, . !l,:0 IIS nlil I S.i. ri-.l .-i'reinly j Hilly o-Ii r- il,e ii- -is lil-!lllillei;t S- W. e am. ci.'. i ii. c :i r' i'it il t h. '1 Iih M. t !-u' w cur.-, iv '1 tm n principle rnitn ly fripi i::it, I t i"i; n -v.u li . un.l ai'imra- iy i i v 1 I" llic tn-l per- Ii'rl v 'll id ii hi I an 1. having I. ini.jft u! t ii I!. I fir in M ic.ii cliiii In.iin lii ii of .Manu IX bin. ", .d tint in i;rr;e ant iae!ici! l:r'' r. i mi !iein".i it p'-.'-y'.MtB ovct all 1 1 i'i i a i l i.. I mi i'i' I ill 'if i . . ,t(i di'-'li'i; nti ti c rii:;t i - i,tH n.piLeif t a c i ? l n't; M.ii li'i.f. II i it i M -t he :i;.j-.?'i''t! Allien;: tl " ii..-'- .I'lt .( tvatii 121 5 nt!?. t . Itl.n' bt' ll-l in- M t IK' f llo (, j 1. It. mirpla ny cf c iis'ru. titHi. i-.nd c nifcqMcitt ficc 1I1 in Ip'iu di'ian 1 11 1 nt und ni-cd . f rf'i'a 11 J. Iln mu'Xniii;.!iil lapnlii y and er e t f i pcl at in. !1 lin iioiM'ln in 'Vcinriit 4. The unat vi.neiy ol purpose t 1 whii-h ll cm be np p'lt'U, winch vmi be uciiu vcU by 11. h!.it lin eliiuucal tU'MI.N. And, ft. Tin pre-fiiiinent Itcai'ty iittd durability of (lt work 'I Ibid 01ir M n-liiue in.aliit.le I !iuv tlril ll 11 yt'ar. an 1 it ha nt- ci bt ii tut ot ui.b-r. Th fi itch i vci y dn iab!f, nn-1 can be ad i.t-d to f,:.e or c ari-e inaifiuiin. It worUs with llr.' lapnbiy cf 11 11 iur 4.f liantU ; h:vv ItitM'h tune, fntipiit-nnd ('Xiii'iiH'. ihivf your Mafhin ih iiisi-d in mv i.tlli"tu f;irn lv ; a-'nthcr in t!' li.'iiK ii- 'd nl i' w'.''.; i".! ,i j.1:"""'", "'J'1 ' .lo'".','1""';"".1 1,1:1 lli'i-iae. Tl,, rt- is lin til nml IVl lull-. ' Tlie Sow n-, ty r--r le- u!.:-- - No! . en ' SrtVI Ma '-lee r.nd 1 int ig WW-rn-au lio-li- -.III. Ye Me t the Am M-i. !iin. t--'!,-j i-i -I .-f y n lias hel'.'l w le I - I;, v In- s.mi-i, I .'. ...,. i ml id i d w nti. in it. iicrii i c t 1 1 k N r w Vi-i.ii Tnes. . 'A'e pi efsr lliem for latioly- loe 'i'i ihiinp Tlii y ate I lie I. a- -i ru-s .-r l.onili. Tone., Are willl'-nt nrilat. S.-o ii'.lii- A ill. ri.-an. W'.aks mole mi t-'lu.iy tliaii tl-e li.ill-l lleia'-l. ll.' the Work el leu i ri!!llin n-lli'll J ui I'i 111 I ..pjal lo aloe sennit i fis.--i. II- I, " J 111 ,i .1 Tin; ii.-.-l.i e, l -r l.iiiiny use A-lco-a'e ,V Ji-i-iii-d. Met in a r..'.,ti. t-i Aiuerli-ioi i:eniiiri I .i.t.-pciiilnit. e e;n.: r :-i::i ill.- aiiyunn in- re pi l-l i:i i;ni- eiilne sallsl.i eli.-n - i -i... a-er. Tile p. i liie;:trd - Hi I l-.iau I iifji'r.-r. Ki-e lli.-se h x-lll.liter. mil y us.- I lir-aiiele. 111 l.-il.n-" to! tie I-,.1- ml. o t. lu-l.s al-le in even (".nailv I lie I'r-ai'io r . 0 ivi! h en! hie .'O in I'fn im i.m 1 i-t ell mincer it Ilo- l -.-h.- t awaol. si.C-'oilli He -.-i.ter. e ;.lai ' . -1 1 1: A I. I'lilnain-a M.-i-'niMie .M iciiiil iu i'1-. Mrs i:.-;on I all ipi-sti "i. t!:e a: Tl.e Mi'-.-ll ei-; , it t-e iianv So ( I. i-ii' Xn.ntley. hoi..- Lite Illustrated, led Am A-jiieulluinil. I 1 V III IK. I n. i II. e r 1. 1 l.xpu- S i t'li the- He, j I I n h lo - lion j S.ip;-:j the Ar. ple-eiui.e. ! Cue l oin Ii. I I'liu,.,' -! il, I'ictty o.-.fal I Mac- n ii.l I.. t on c- lion U'aler Cure. I is u-i, s Willi it l'-.i, i '.Spirit. ,voi.,l Hail) -New, im . l.n.oe..' u.t -r. i-h li -1 c 'ils r S. .1 in ual. i e rj -i i itc 1 i-iy Ilo- k. i-.'ie il - l.esile s l,:.i.-tle t- I noi.iv ikc Mnsifvil W,-;!-! 1 A liliilni.l, i-i nieel.. ,1 ..i.t -X. V. .1 il enl. . him- t -i : i e.j-.i r -im ul. I'; M:,l-.-i u.e. X. !y : np.-i i--i I . ;, :' is (i l.t, u I'i ize. We eaine't tire in its pr u;r New- 'oi i r. For further pailict.lais apply to 11. Tt. M asscr, Siitibniv, l'a., ;ic nt of Ihe manufacturer, wl i-i will supply luaeiniies at the m unufaoturera' prices. Saiili-jrv, May t.1, t'.'. tf A VALUAELE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. rilll I" fubfi ri'.cr will n il nt private i-ate a 6 FA KM , h mate in l'oit.t tow nship. Nor Ihuiiibeiliiiid, iib.o.t :t miles Item the boionch ot Noril.iiiiibcrlniid, on the llauville road, ai'ioii.iiiiv land, of J. I', llorlon. Janirn N.sbit, ('ha-. 1'nks i.n.l Ihe i.erih braru li of l!ic river Susii:ebani.a foiil.iiu'uu; l.i In 100 Acres, to Mill purchaser. The land is iu a good Hate of cultivaiii.ii. 'J be improvement!, eonsi.t of a Urue flame HOI's'l', well liiii-bed;a Kiriii!r llou.ic, built over a iicver-fuilinjr Siiinir close to the house, a Hank Barn and other outbuild Intja. An Outlaid with young und choice fruit tree ... 'I'he ubovi" tract will be sold on reasonable terms and an indisputable liile oi-.en. l'oises siou yiven on the first day of April next. For further patlioulai inquire of the luViHcii her, residitig on the udj.iiciiii; faun. JAMES NKSUIT. Point tow n.hip, .liinuary V.'!, 1 sir. if EH.VEH r-LATED-WAKS. m.v i n ji in n nt j o ii o . .ti r. id & s o , 'I'liU oldest Klrelro Plater iu Ihe I'nited Slates, 1 inaiiiil.o tine, of i-very vuiietv of Goods plalcd wilh pure silver, Albata, llrittania and ftcele Tea Setts, I'i ns, Waiters, Casters, Cake Has- kits, i', (i, diets, lomiiiuiiion f ervice. S'pootis, Forks, Knjvci, eVr. id us reprt-.eiitcd. All goods Wariulit- Nor ill Last corner i;h and f'hesuut flreet. Philadelphia, 1'. una May P, s.-slv P. MELANC'IITON SIIINDEL. JiSTii i: ir tiii: i'i;4CE. SXJIs-rXlUJHY, PA. OJlce in lhcr Street, iinui-,!ititi:li ojyiotite On PuUic Schmil lfoute. All business promptly attended to. .Monies collected and all ntdinary writings done. Sunbury, April 'ia. I8i7. if IJShing TacklO. lied Cork, Grass. Cot. - ton and Linen Lines, Out Lines, Sou Grass hy the yard. Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Itods, eke, for sale by March 41.'. S7. A. W. FISHER. J TKNT BUITTANIA 8T0PPEK8 fo rar Dottles lor sale by II. D MABbEK- Sunbury, July 19, 1866. -r-Oiji. SI'ItlNO A II It A N 0 13 M E N T. LACK AWAN NA & BLOOMSBURO R. R. VtTortlHVl sipfrior furilitlei f.r truvel to New Vmk, Clnlnilrtph n, nml the North ami Wrsl.hy con npelions lit Scranl 'll wilh tlie tliiins of the Urlawata 1 jiokaivantin ami Wrst'-in Unilrimrt Onipoiiv i nlw f.. trnv. l SinKh nml Wpsi over Ihe Catinw is;i, Williainiperl aiidLne ltuiltoad and cotinpcliiig trains GOING NOHTH. N. Y. Accommo- fliilnd'a Mail. dulion. Mail 6 Oil A.M. StnPM- 8 I ft ilo 3 till do 6 8.1 do 3 do II Id i l.j S .15 do 7 to do 3 do 7 ,1.1 do 4 IU do 7 611 do 4 l.i do b III d i 4 ,10 do e 40 do 4 do H 511 d.t fi (10 do V 15 do S 'JO do p 30 do fi 30 do 0 .tr, d . I 4.1 V. M. S !W sio I) nil ilo ;. I" do ,. r, do 0 as do !! '.'li do ,', M do 10 im i'o 'i MO (In (1 llll do III III do S 4 A do (I 10 do IU in do tl UO do U M do to .TO do 3 IS do A 30 do tyCnva n apcrt, II loom, I .in ics Ridge, llerwirk, lleacli llnvrn, Hcnch (itove, Hhicksliinny, lliuil' ick'stju'tk, West Nanlieokc, ltjin..iiili. Arrive nl Kincston, l,Mive Kinf.on, West 1'iitston, I'iltsl. II. l.tu-iHu'iiniia, Taylorvriic, AinVe ut Pl-raiilon. 'I'lic V-w Votk Mail "rraiii coaiivels with the i'.xpress pooiff l-'.asl, on II t.. W. Itnllrcad. AtliVe in N-v Voik 7 I'i 1'. M. do rioljil.-tpliin, l.y C'uiiiJpii A Atut'oy ttidlrooil, r sn 1' M. t are from Hubert to New Voik S'l 00. H iffeiigpelieck- p.t iiironirh. 'I'lie nrc..iiiniod.ittoil Tiain Nortb. eniaic-tr ro .-rmitoa Willi tlie Ivxprcss Tntiii cst, on tlie U. 1.. A: W. Hail road. 0OIN0 SOCTII. 1'riMa. Midi H Ul A. M. Ari"lll!li datlon II 3n A M 11 4f, do 1-J ml M. 12 11 1' M. N Y Mall. Hrlltlltc'lt, 1 .iickfiwiui,n, l'lttRt .11. 'P8t lltf !ltfJlt Wy.-mtup, 4 no I" At. fi 111 do 4 Hi 4 20 4 .'.0 t a.s 4 40 do B i'U t SO H 3.'. e jo do do do do do ilo do do 12 3'J do U 40 1 00 do do Arnv t- ul fc'pl. I ' a. t.ti. t tu do S W do Kindlon, I'! vmnith, N.p'Iic l.f, IliiiiUick Vk, Mml;f limnv, . :it ll Cr iVf, lleach Unveil Itcrwick, UuI. lV.r, ill. ' an, Ainccd at II ii, ert, in to 00 a is a to 6 Mi 7 U 7 in 7 5.1 t 13 H 4.'. P i 0 (l 15 10 .'ill 11 iss do d. do II lo it l.i d. do ii ii to do I'i III P. M. l-i :io d li in do li M do 1 CO do 9 15 d) Tlii" rbi'M- 'plna Mail Tiair. e-'lcrr o'l''!. e ainrcls eit!i tlir Mail Tr iin in Knpi-it, p- irirr I .asl nt I ln'. M.for e'atlaw-KS.i. Toil (-liii!"ii, 1'iUlsviilf Keii'tui::. Ac .ntnv in al l'in:a,1i-l(.l.ei, nt ? 'jri IV M. Also w ltd Mail Tram p. am? Went m :l o'clock I. .M. lor Danville, Miltai, Man c , WiMiainspiirt nnd r.lmiia. i'.imrlif;CTS l.y l lie 1 o'clock P. M. Tram roipp S intll ciin lake Hit II o'rlock 1'. M F.xprcrs train loi Llciira nnd tho West, or lodge nt llloniusl.iirp nml lake llie I o1 ptiwk A. M. Train (ruing Ma.l, arriving at rinla.telpeia or Ilarii&btirg at 12 no,m. F. J. l.l-IAVr.NWdltTII March 13, l?or Oni t'uperiai. ii.lent. gIeorge iiilt ATrCPslTST AT i:si nCT TtM.V informs the public and Bj ft his frietiils generally, thnt he has removed lo fMinbury, and has npetied a law Plih c lit his residence, iu Market sipiare. ilis ucipiaintaiice with the Fnglisli and (irruian inaldes him to transact bu-incss in botli languages. Apiil 10, IS.iS. ly j WIIIII.I SA I.T. .ISO Itl.TAIL I -BOOT STORE, j -10 Smith 'mirth S.t, abiivc Cfidnxt, l'hil'n. ' P Poo l's, Shoes, 1,'aitera, Ac., promptly ninde ! to order in the very Lest style, and of the best material. l'hilai!el.hia. May !), 1Po7. KncUUo nnd Harness Mnkcr. HENI1Y IyVTJlrT, J R. KESi'KC I FL 1,1. informs the citi.ens of Suuhuiv and the pub lic generally, that he has taken the shop ocrupicd by Dright and lieck, ene door east ol S. l'aupl's Cabinet Ma ker shop where he is prepared to turn cut work in his hue of business equal to any made in this section nf the ecuntrv. Orders i romntlv execu- tL'J ' all kinds of produce taken in Kxchange t'unbtiiy, March 20, lS.r3. ly SADEHY AKD HARNESS HAKIUQ. rJ11UI cub.crib.-rs respectfully inform the citi zens of Sun'oury and vicinity that they have commenced the above bu.-i. a few door-ebove the Post Office, Market Ctpiare, 8uiibury, Pa. Work of all kinds in their line of business will be done promptly and neatly on the most rea sonable term.. ' OI.L.MIINT . OVsTLH. y Id, lSrw. " .5 oil 7 "ijjut ii, ATTORNEY AT LAW, "Jlcc in Miwiet ft., o'pofite f.e l.'fiirt oii,-e, SUNBUIIY, TA. Collections made and Professional Pusinesp generally attended to Promptly and Carefully. Pitii.inEirttn Puriirxct! Ilullitl .V Fuinhorne, Di.1,1 .V Wertz, Davis & ltlrncv, F. T loi & Cu. Sunbiny, June CO, lP.r,7. f n r r'T,"'''.'-'i T r)' n T , t-t-i Karket Street, Sunbury Ta. rIlIIJ'. subscriber respectfully informs the citi -- zens of Sun! ury, and the ublic cenrrally. that he ha. p'.u chased, and will tike possession ill tlie above well known stand on the 1st of April next, formerly krpt l-v Mm. Thompson. That be will p'lt the fame in complete repair. In additnn he will provide u conveyance to carry passengers to nnd from the different Kailioad de pots, and will leave no ell'.rts nr. tried to render Ids hotel a doiiable stoppiitg pi ice for eucsts and travelers. JOHN I.LIsEK, Februaiv 20, 1SS. VALUAELE REAL ESTATE oi riiiiKn at rKIVATE SALE. rHIIIK sitbsciiber oilers at private sale, a eer Jj tain lot or piece of hind, situate ill Lower Augusts township, Noithumbeiluud county, about 8 miles below Sunbury, bounded on the west by tho river Susquehanna, on Ihe south by land ot George seller, on the east by land ol Win. Kroli, and on the noith hy land of Win. 11. Junes, containing l! Acres and 13 perches, all ol which is cleared and iu a very high stute of cultivation. 'i'he Northern Central Kail lioad passes through the tract, and is also bound on the east by the Main 'oad leading fiom Sunlu'ry to HairUhurg, which together, with the Hiver upon the west, and the fertility of the soil makes it a very pleasant and desira ble situation. A I.sO; another certain Tract of Land, situate in said township, adjoining lauds of William Kroh, on the south, the heirs of Hubert and Ar thur A uchuiuty ; on tho east Wm. V. Silver wood, and a public road on the north, and Win I!. Jones on the west, containing 93 Acres 121 perches si i ict measure. Ibout oO acres of which aie cleared, and in a hieli state of cultivation and ihe residue most excellent land for eultiva- j ,,ul ia ,,,,w eovercd with excellent limber, ' a"J f pmclus. d soon, the pur ihascr can get a y1.' quaintly ol Kailroad lies on the same. I nis tract is also well watered, liaviug several fine spriiiirs upon it, anj every field can be wa lend thereby. An indisputable title will be given und terms of sale reasonable. WILLIAM K. JONES. Lower Augusta tp., January 2, I H57. tf iLVJxJ '.'..l.JjJJJ.J.i-liJ-tlvJ. BTOKli. MISS LOITS A IsHlS-t'LER, respectfully in forms the citizens of Tievorton and sur. rounding county, that she has opened a new store ol Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor. Ion in Shamokin street, nearly opposite Knouse Tavern, where all kinds of llonnets and Fancy Goods can be had at the lowest leims. Ureas making also attended to in (ha beat manner and latest style. April 85, v VLMOND3, ItAISONS, FIGS, LEMONS. Ac., Ac., just received a fresh supply and for sale at the Cofcli"nary store of M. C. CEARHART. Sunhury, May 18, 1857. FLOUR REDUCED Td 10 Per ftnrrel fT HE subscriber respectfully informs the eitl JL r.ens of Sunbury and vicinity that he lias just received tl at'pply of KI.OUH, which he is offering at wholesale or retail from $3 410, $G 37 to 87 J per Dnrrcl. He also sells some as low as 70 cts. per quarter, all of which he VAIl HANTS to he Hood. CANDI.KH for Hall', wholesale or retail. Thankful for part patronage be hopes to com tinun to merit the same. GIVE HtM A CAM.! M. CUE All HART, Market t., Suuhury, Pa. February 27, lSftR. lTncastei Important to Coal Orcrsitors. fl'llE undersigned Lessees of the "Lancaster Colliery," near Shamokin, Northuniherland county, l'eiinsylv.inia, wb hing to retire from the business, oiler for sale the Lease und Fixtures of said Colliery, on salisl'acloiv terms. This Colliery has been in operation since 1Ho4, and has been successlul beyond expectation. The Coal is a superior arlich-s for all uses to which Anthracite isapplied, and a good market has hern established, which can be much extended. The lircnkcr and Fixtures arc of Ihe very best char acter and will recommend themselves to persons with Ihe business. '1 he Lease runs to January 1, 1 S f 1 , and is a favorable one for Ihe operator. For further information apply at the) Colliery in person, or by letter to Hiainnkin, 1. O., Nor thumberland county, l'ennsilvani.i. COCHKAN, I'EAI.E & CO. February fi, IH.IH. tf JO 1ST ESHOXJ SB.' IT l-I.I.S (OIX'll.Y, Tioiuictor. Cor. of Mitrki t Strut ,y Murltt Square, u a it n i s ii v rt g , r a . rem? Nf.W ANtl F.I.K.OAN rilO'l'ltl., rcrcr'ty erra- X l.-il iiy hip .Mi-Ffis JUAl-.r. in unrro-l-nr,;, ra., liav-in-, li.-en leasci' l-.r n term ol' yeil'f! by tlie nndersiirneil, In! tnie., litis nii-tle-il ol -a!lini tlie til'.-n."t of to. former patrons, und t'le ln'.'.--lliii-.'coni:nunity, t::ea'o. Ilavmc a Irent of one liniiJred nml I'oity fi rt r-n tlir pruieipal sirt-et i-l itiecity, nnd I'll'ty.two I'ei t Front on .Maiket square, u cniin-it fail to prove uitraclive as well invilinc In sikiiic.-is. TIip. Cli.on,i--'S are of fine si.', Well ventilated, nn-1 liiitil.-.l Willi etas a nmiitir with c-mnvcting doors luu kme ilifin v.-ry ilcMral.le for f-ini'iits. The Malls arc wanned tlironrli-oit l-y Heati-rs; nnd pvery liiodi-rn iiii;novi-tn.-nt, in liu-l, lias liS"ll nd'.lid, that may conduce to the lately, cornier, and Iiappi'icss ol the ion-Ms. 'iMlora ni.ty, thcuT-irpi reM nrr.! r,l. il.:,t the '-.Iohps Ilousi-'' lias lii-eti ir.a-ie p.-lf'.-et la all Hs :ipp-O.iilrro'uls thai inch ilepartmi nt has t.i-cn pl.ifi -l In cliaige of I'xpe-ri.'ia-i-d and roiiii.i teiit rcis-ai lliat in every narlienlai the se-n.-t'i K-lneli h i- ad .p'ed hy t!,.- rr-'pru-tui , will all rd to Ihi'fe who may it tin ir ln-nie, as great n d.-pree ol c--ml- I ns in iy he obtaintd ut any similar cstaliliEhiiu-iit In tin: Slate. To secure tins d.-siiahte rrsalt, he Nts furnished le . l'nblic nnd I'u-.-ate I'nvate rarl-.r;. Clennlieis, lllnlng j Uo.nn. Ac., with entirely NICW !' I H NITt HI-'. 1 and alio niral-xed e. ithai tiie l-niidn . n fine liarliei s Sal sn, Oyi- ter Satooti. llre.sinlr Itooic 1 1--t n n.l ("- Id Hat h. -Ji s. ! Tim-Culinary l)e;iartin-it ap-1 lliinnp K-i-im will receive j the esjit-eial alti-nlt -li ol tl.e I'r-ipi iet. -r, which ll-j trusts, I will l.e a sinilc.enl wiuiraiOt-e th-it nil tastes will t-c snilcd. ( After retilrninir Ins hcnrtftll th inks to his old friends nnd patrons, l-ir the C'-n.T'.ns pitr-'nagp so lone extended i t -linn at the -H'oct-ilv 1I"U1P." and .'oo lo his fi tend. end patron, at trie -('..latnl,.a 11 misc." C:i;-e Island, during the season i f Is-, respccifiillj B.-lii. Ka Q coiitinaaiiee cf I'.atUie'-JONKSIIOb'ei:.-' Wtl.LS COVEULY. January 30, I'vS Cinos 1857. FALL & WINTER GOODS! 1858 FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, Market Square, Sunbury. 'OW received and will continue to receive the largest and best selected i!lock of Black Cloths, Cassimcref, Cassinetts and ViStimjs, Ac An assortment of Press Goods, vit: Fancy printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, De Lain lJareges. Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacas, Dress Silks, liinthams, etc. UN UN AND WHITE GOODS. I.iish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ingi'illowcascing, &c. Drcsa Trimminga in Great Variety. IJoots rfind f-'hoes Hats and Caps, Hardware, Ccdarwsr, Croccries, Qiieensware SALT and FIPH, Cheese, Crackers, rt'epars, Tobacco, Snuff, Ac , an aisorsmeiit nf other tioor.s too tedious lo menlioli. Feeling crateful for past favor we beg leave to a: -c our old friends and the public that no e h i. -an our part shall be wanting to limit a col nuance of our patronage. laiiiiitry produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. r. w.crtAY. funbury, Dec. IS 1P.7. tf " DEIN1TISTIIY (1KOIJOF. HKNX, t NNOl'NCKS to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinly, th. t he hasnpened an office in Snn bury, above H. J. Widvertoii's ol'ticC opposite C. Weaver's Hotel, where lie is prepared to attend to nil kinds of work hftlonging to the profession, in the latest and most improved et) le. All work well d ore and warranted. December 13, lr?50. rias: ii:(si;m mill OlbitP ft smiit'tiJ ESTABLISHMENT I N T II K C I T V OK UAL T I M O It E . MAI HIOT'S Gny Street Wnrrrnnm. Kos i!3 und w North Guy street, near Fayette, II diimore : w lu-iel. kefit always on li ual. or made I . older eveiy sijleof l-'reueri I KTK-A-TliTliS, in I'lutli, Hair, Cloth in l.;roeulelle Fieneli Full SluiT snd Medallion Tailor Arm Chain, in Plush, lluir. I'lolh or HrecntcHe. Fiem-li l- ullSiuil Caivtd I'arlor Chairs in sets, w ith Plush, ijuir, Cloth ur Urocatille. SOFAS Half French fi'ring Maliopiiny and Walnut Parlor Cbotrs. in li or, Cloih and I'lush. Koeking Chairs various designs, in Hair, Cloth and Plllsh. StiirrSpiinir !Hinpp.--a largo assort mrnt ulvaa en linnet, ur an) pattern inudeur covered with any goods to order. C II A I'I D B R SUITS.' IiiMlih"2.-iny or tVuhuit, i-oiiiilele, fiom up. lane Chairs and Uoekm? do His lariiesi uu..rliueil rendy made in any one house in the I'niled lylules Irotn Slv! u d-'Zell up. liar H.kiiii, Orli'.e and Dininir Clmir.. in O.ili, ulnut or Malioginn-, Willi Coue, W .ssl r (slullVd Seats an uss nlnieiit eii.l'inelli( over.lOdoieil. W.s-d sent Chairs aud Settees and Itocliing Chairs. over 100 dozen. toll nnd I'lnin Frame lvikine Olaes, of every variety. All k uds of ileda, Hair und I tusk A. MATI1IOT. N"S 3.1 nnd 91 N Gay sl , near Fayette at , lluituuors. August I,lba7. iy I'nriiicisj Look lo Vour Interest. I.IJVEE 1 IjMIEII THE sudscrilier respectfully informs the far iners and the public generally, thai he has leased the lime kilns of Ira T Clement in tun bury, and that he lias always on hand, and is ready lo supply a good quality of lime to all who may w unt for building or farming purposes. Hehas also a kiln at Keefer'a crossing 6 miles from Kunbury, or two from Snvdertown. LV All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange. GEO. W. STK0II. Sunbury, Pec. 29, 1857. Qtationory. A large supply of fincy Not J Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pens, Ink, 8aud, Ac, at March 1 4, '67. A. W. Fi8HER'8. rrriT.'.",'-i.i'fli ki 'i.r :. l ' . . , . r . 1 1 1 .Ji a sl a. t -ay . t tMlii llaiiUlird I Life prolonged, 1 i i T r HOLVAY'S PILLS T i milT;T tl't pains nml pfnnltioa of FirkncM vrhn tbs certain mtwtn of frurtj oie ucccssiMe lo all, i mtiitive rnntliieM. Th vcpclnbtc irmefly, nctinpt pnwpri'iitly upon the cnu!! of dinnme in nil the Huid, iiervo, oiwl ltPue of the hoiy, ekdelthe nmrhitl und pinioii mutlr irnn it lurking plHCn in the ftjKtcm. Heonnf! nntl purify every rrrvllon, lelniiH the harteml cnnntiitilioit, tt't're the vip'tr ami virilty of the enffehlcd frnnie. and tend to pro long life lat hey t mil Its oidinnry linn. MILUON3 REl.Y ON THEM! in fvorv ouorter of the cluhe. nmonir oil tuition!. civ;I ii'dnnd mu-agsi llicae lill nre uncd with equal nrl Hnvi ryinp u.ce5fi. Tliy nre advertised in every printrd Inn (tuiiire, mid wherecver comiTi?!i'c Im penetrated, tlity re in conii until doinund. ALL INTKHNAL DIStrASr.S Yield to their ncliiin. Pyrpftpfi Liver Cmip-nint, Af ffctioun of the Hnvei, the Kidnry, the Nerves, the I.tin-z.. the Thmnt nnd the Urntn, (hut hnve pr"vioiifly di-fifd all humnn skill nnd nil other remedies, nre elprdi- liouily andinl:ilil'v en ml bv thin n!.CMnqnnitg uicdicinB UuiJILY PIK-i I'M A'l'itiN Kven when the pntirnm ore reiUireil to the Inrt deire of feIlinfr'"i they mny be reruprrntrd by the Tr illicit tonic and alternative properties ol lloltowny't Pills. TEMALLS OF ALL AGK3, From v-Mntfyrr rntiety of the nitniHtt peculiar to their ex ihey may hp .iflrriiii, trny rely with enure confidence on the fiUet of this Sstrengtlimg, itviving, fc-jfc and im nicditite remedy. liotlotcafs V ill it are tk lest remedy known in the tvorUlfor the following disease: Afthmn, Fi vcr nnd Aptu- Ftnne nnd Grnvel It hvi;1 Comp!jiiat I'cmnle Coinpl'iintt Secondaiy Symp iVMi'.'ht Hi-ndarhes Inward Wcfiltncn C'!ds luilitji-ntioti Liver Complaint a Chcut Disemet lufinciiZa I.wntstot Spuit CotiivcnrBt IntHnnnntinn Filet l)yiifp5ia Venerr-nl Aflccliont tiinrhu'a Worms, vi nli Hi nut Uropsy rtr" CAUTION T None nre jynume Unlc.M the wndt 'Ilollowny, Nt-w York ond London,'' urr dir:rniljle nt nun water-murk in every leaf ol" the Kok o( nroutul titch pot or b -x ; the poni may he plainly men hv holding th' lnf t thf Itcht A lianitfj-ime rrward will Im given to any one remlt-riii'i tuch inforiiiittioii us may lend to the tlrtt-ctioii o( any party r rartitr' coilntrfcitii'R thp meilii'incs ur veniliiHj the same, knowing them to be tptiriiit. Sold nt the Mnnnf'iclorlr Prof.tor IToi.t.oway ii Mai.'-'t Uimp, New Yurk. nnd an Siniud. IjOiidn, by n't reniKVtnWt' Dniiipisis and lleal.-rs in Medicine t'irnnfrli. cut the Unit nl State, and ihe civihicd world, in boxe?, at '2ft rrn!.GjJ reiitB. nnd $M eac h. 17" There is a considerable tavitig by inking the larger N. n. Direcfinn for the f'iidanre of paiientt in every disorder nrr aihxrd to eich t'oi. October 17, ISS tyca FURNITURE! TURNITURE!! THE LARGEST STOCK EVEK CKFEPUD IN SUNUL'KY. rnshlouablc, houp uit:i I kiTuI "jHE subscriber, Inng e.-.l aid i shed as a Cabinet -- and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits t continuance of the public patronatre. His stock of Cabinet-Waie, Chairs, ic., embraces KVf llY VAIIILTV, ISTFtL AMI OHNA-Ail-MAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may bo required in hi line can be had at moderate prices, Cheap f.r Cush, or Country Producetaken iu exchange. Establishment South Last Corner nf Miirlet Spuire. I'r" Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber woulJ oblige him by making pay ment. KKBASTIAN HAUPT. fninh-jrv, April 4, IKn7 tf vf i. ,' i" r"i r. v.i.t,i.,. , i.m mu immi, , i L, ,,,,, ,.,! , llJ -im I t'.iri any otfc.J (-fin alT. ins.u, . n il of VU, C-0,at m uaaUv dJii.6 ri.L' J -.I wotlH..- n f,2 1 I'M 1.-. r It-'. firlis.Mr. -Sb'i-. I1 If-Mt-f rSll Vv 'b - wctM in ufi I-, f 1 i .:. K.r.l. H... 1 R..I.U .rnr... . lif.M.r,,:r.t H,..- r Ta-lt:- i. frfi. i.. "if -s, ,.. ,n'rT Cm Ut tn ri, iL'tj t n ..ri c ; Lx ata V - oi ti'ir Ht.-i rr.J fl o n a. Lo :. Mt.i,i I it s ,(.n. - r- ii , It II tltf ml...; f.. LMp :, BTtl-Is). ..t fl- r.-te!'3! f lilf I (in Ul' tll V 1 l.: le.,) I I Thai li.-i t is V i Ur-.a-l.. itin.f-! Ti.ilr!t.l (ati!. ' ! dor. nt rtc-ivi tt. i,i)uai il :.jr - tl. r. i l Il a?...!.,! t -r SL IM.I'-tlT I f w t, i i-H'lr.'lT.'i -rvj r-nnM ffrln.-'' ol - in i.e. vi' i ct, ra i I at fu'l-s- lr.l j fa.Ti.'ra.Is t.So. i 1 v. 1 .' w old . otj -t-J ih-.' 'fi-if U lure.- n'-imti tj. ! ! t .ufi.. Titir- i in ifi t t Tlw e-ir .I-'., .1 I t .t,i -rTl r . 1 -sr.. fca , flV ,t.e t,,., lum i,l UM I 0 nt-r i'rt, , V A UUi.C.aI. MsCOl-NI- TO THE Tit K ,Xv LCIiLOW CAN CO. -J, VK-. , 8 i:in St.. . V. -f, - -. 15, 1?" HOVER'S LiaTJLD HAIR DYE. The testonoi y of 1'iof. II loth a id llr liriueklc havinp prev' been pulilislied, the lollnivuig is ii.-w- a-IJed : From Prof. Mel I.OSKUV, formerly IVi-fesr-or of 1 heory a. i.l Practice of M, iliein.' in the F.iual.- M- dicut i-ol'.-te i f P. iinsi Ivanni and late Pr-iles.. t ,f Siligery in li e Aiuericau Cotliesof A c. : PiiiLDei.rii'A, Nov- 2tli, l'H. Mr. .Io.epii K. IIovrr- A oi vt'iit 1. 11(1 ID II A1K l'i'K will eonvniee the next ske rll-d, tl,ui u ihU ssru, ri.vtl...NT, ui:d SiCAi-locs pieparalion. l'i,lil.e many otiieis, il has III several Instant!. 3 proved setvie.-al.le in ihe cure ..f . .tne emaiipoii? eruplioes on tlie i.ea.l. and 1 liave no ne.-.!l.ili-.u in cuinnicucaiig it to Ue-se reqaiiine s n h an Uiplieatioil. Very rcs.ieeuully, J. F.X McCT.OSKtlY, II P , 4; i Itaee St., ahove lUtri. IIllVFIfs WnlTIN'G INKS, iiicliHins IInVI H s WHITING FI.IMI. nnd ll(l T.K S IMil' INKS, still in.-iiiitiilii then Iniili character, which has r.lvenv s il Iluirillshed ttiein, nnd the extensive delll.nui tilfct cr..'iited, hus continued uinliteriupled until Ihe present. Orders addressed to the Manufactory, No. 4 Hi RACE street, above Fourth, (old No. 111.) Philadelphia, will receiveprnmpt a'tentinn, bv JOSEPH E. HOVER. Manuf.ctuier.' December a", 18-"7. April sr., '.',7, e-li. Citrate of Magnesia (IH TASTELESS S A L T 3 . IIIIS preparation is recommended us an ex eellcnt laxative and purgulive. It operates mildly, is entirely lice from nnv unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold by A. W. FISH EH- Sunbury, March 4 lS.'ifi. WltOI-KSilt AMI llll 111 Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut and Huffr Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALrUS and families will be promptly supplied al the lowest prices. October 4. IS-r1. tf CIOLD PENS with and without cases, of a very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale by 11. II. M ASSEIi. ftunhury. Dec. 27. I8MV pOUT MONAIES.Toolh and Hair Brushe A all qualities, and any quanli v, for sale by A.W. KISHEU. March 14. '57. iC'lV IllllK'S, l'tlllltif, &.C. NEW supply of Drues, Paints. Oils. Fluid, ic., just received and for sale by A. W. FISHER. Bunbury.May S, 1857. rpobac0O and Scgars SO.OlKl Imported Sears of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISIIER'8. Sunbury, March 14. IR.'.T. tATCHOULV, JOCKEY CI.l.'B, SPIiING FLOWERS, Ac, of the lest quality a fresh supply just lecciwd and for nulo at the Drug Btore of A. W. FISHER. Sunhurr. Aug. 1, 1857 I JURE CONCENTRATED LYE OH SA. PONIFIER, for aale l risHUB'-J Drue. Store MANTXPAOTtJHER oi? FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashlotiablo Style Sofa, nivntm unci l.oimRcii Bureaus, Secretarifi., SidnbOarrl 'Sfit'A, HRIiAKFAST AND DlMMJ TABlh and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Php, dclphia manufacture. UEDSTEADS, of every pattern and rri(.g CUPB0AUD3; WOKK AND CANDl f STANDS, TOlLKT TAHI.KS ANn" EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every artinlo in this line of his I'.tsinrst, HHE subscriber respectfully calls the attentiot -- of the public to his large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of . CAIlI.UT-WAm; which cannot fail to rciommcnd itself toevciy st.f who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of ti e best stock tube had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and ti e subscriber is iletermined to keep up with the many improvement which are constantly being rr.adei He also maliukttuits all klf.-ls art quahtir CIIAIKS, ncluding varieties never before to be had if Sunbury, such as Maiiooa t, DlacK Wn.jri-- Ann fi Hiiai Miru (jki.ciu i imi Wimisoi' CHAIKSJ, fancy Piano Stoois, which ar of the latest styles, pvl warranted to l e eeellel by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere The subscrilier is determined that there sha'' be no excuse for pernoni to purelrare furniture i'i the cities, as everj confidence can he entertained about the quality and finish of his ware ant! C inirs. These articles will be disposed cf on as goo - term as they can he purcl asid clsrWhtfe. Coun try produce !.".ken in payment for work. L'NDEKTAKING. Having provided a handsome Hue use, he is now prepsrrd fol Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient distance from thi.t place , Kiium is in Fawn Street, 1 law Weaver's Hotel. He has also purchased the iir'ht of manufac turing and selling in Northumberland county, Gould's patent Excoh-oir Spring Bed, which ho will furnish at reasonable rates. Springs put n; old bedstead for three dollars. I-MAC M. WILKF.KSON. Sunhury, April 10,18.77 tf. WE STILL SURVIVElrHE CRISlF "V'OTWM'HoTANDING the astonishing qunn titv of Goods that I brcuitht Into town I;-! Spring. I succeeded in eelling them all out ex cept what 1 give away, and had lo hurry to the city, for a new lot, in order that my customers might not be put to the inconvenience of bu; jur at other stores, where they would be eha't;..! killing prices. Profiting by past experience, I have just brought on I Twice as Many Gcod-s, I audi have now the large..', and CHEATEST - AsSOKTMEN'T ever offered within hcaiii g A j this place. lam hound to sell I CIISAPEIl THAN EVER, I before. I need no! siy cheaper than my luic.h- j bora; for that is ho Ionrer a disputed fart. I I am now ready to drat 6ut goods twent j hours out of twenty-four Sundays excepted j ut lower prices than any person dare ask lor. I .1 ust call for any thing you want, t tin dtiet i mined to s'T.'PPLy ALL DTLMANDS that may be made, ra.i-nab'e or mirra.-ofah!e. Call a-jon, as tho rush is tremendous. ! I It A T. CI. EMI NT. ) Sunbury, Dec Hi, 18i7. ly 'I'lIK subsnibcr vespectl'ully in'ot nis the e 1. xens of Sunbury und the public genrr. that he has commenced the manufacture .'I kinds f EAirniKNWAui:, at his manufactory in Wlior'.h. berry Street, i sqnnre ea-t of the River. Ho ha; e r.i irrc I services of Mr. IIaki'. und you can ther. 1 depend on having a good article. The pul respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distance will be prnmi -'lv attended id. P. M.hlM.MiUL. Sunhurv, Feb. t. lS.'ifi. tf -. S. LllHIUM li's NEW Paper. Trinters' Card and Envelope WAREHOUSE, .Yo. -100 Cti.nin, rce Strut, Philudt' O.sli buyers will find it for their int --rest to call. Janurrrv I'I, H""1 'linos, .Mratt-t'iiSJt-r. jII E tut sciioer has 1-eeM up) uinted A;i ;-,t I' : l Messrs f;. d.l..a .. 1 ir.l. ..c l i .7. . .- tliesaie ol their Straw, ilay A Corn-Fodder Cut ler. This Culler is the bert in ti-.-. Fa i- . i -and others arc respectfully requested lo Call a. . I examine for themselves. P. I). MAfs'K!!. Sunl ttry December Si, 1 str.y. :f FURNITURE POLISH. S. HAiV Premium Patent l'.ic.m.el Furni-t:-.-Polish This polih is hichly alitu! Ic !. t i. - ring Ihe polish on all kinds of 1'i.rm'uic. Gla... Carriage PSodiis, H-ir Cloth, Ac. AN.., I i ,, moving sjiots, hiding scratches. A-e , ,vi- n. ranted to dry inimedintrly and r.tuin its i;:,,. Price 50 cts. per bottle. ' Sold bv A. v. FisHi:;:. March !4, 1.',7. Mill t I. II. IIHMk;," " ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ojllre on Suth S, ennJ, nt-nr M,irl.t L E WISH I'll G , I .. Practices in ti e Counties of Li.i.'ii, Nuiilm n beiland ami Montour. All PnottssioNei HisiNrss etitrn!e. t, - - i . , i i.e.. i iiii r. i , ; h's care will rcctiie prompt ai.d la lldul alter lion. October 3, 18.17.--ly AVlTlTiT TToliSE J 10 TEL. " POi "is villi:, p.;. rpi!Esuhsciiber respectfully announces to h s oh! fnenJs and the public, that he has taker that old and well known I'sl.tbli.-hiuent, tha White norso Hotel. At the corner of Centre ami Mahanto -n t, ; the Hnrough of IVttsville. 'J he l,,,,,. cently been very much ciil.uMJ und otheiu; , improved, rendering it quite us eou.f,,, table -any other Hotel in 5,-hnylkill county nl,, the stables ere largo, in goJd condition", and -u-tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To traveller and others who may stop 'at 1.1 house, he promises every attention e'alculated ti render iheni comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. Fl'.GER April fi, 185 if T 4 1 i'l'KU Tll t HI HI . " CHIIAP WATllILS AM) JKUHIiv -lT-t,.Li:s4I.K NDRKTAI..a, '-VM,',: - v .i a"";''' ',V.'" '" iso jt .( ,. . , -, ,. .North Second sue-I. CiLr ui l.ii,.,,,,, ',,,i,,i,. , 0"ld lver, full J i.L,, " '' ' l. .Id la-pine, H enrei, ' ' " u"e' ''. f Silver Level, luil Jewelled, '- '. ' "'in jejune, jtivels, Siip.-n- i l;ualtieis, ' O-'kl Speeluelea, I I' J l.e- Silver d-e, ' 0 .d liiacelet., I l.vd' (ii.lil Pencils, " :' 1V K. ........ .'. I ' Gold Pens, wuh p'cei'l snd, leer hoiVr Ooi.t F.-.fer b'lee.xj eiatMi; U .', !, (, I" el. .patent l-j. I.nael ! o,!, ,ele. V, , Ail t.ssls warranted lo be what n-v ,, . ,'r ,.. .m.fiolds,!,e.Vt,.1uVi; Sll I I wv. r Ihiui ihe ,t,r,ve ,.,.. ' "vera an., 1 i i f Y ,rp.- , . ...eiinii, vren ner IU, lr."7 ; f.y JILVER W ATCH ES.-AJyTXuTIe";. tugluh Stiver Wakhes, fo, sale at P"1 H B M Krr uubury, April , IP'S. "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers