m-iuuso or the steamship oat.br lUtmctiofa Thrilling Actmml by ont ofth Pauengefi. M r. Evert, one of the passenpera on board lh steamer Ualena, burnt at Und Wlup, M inni'suU, on the lot iu.t., gives tbo follow ing particulars of that occurrence i A bunt fine o'clock oine one canght my foot, mitt ehoutvii, "Thn bout is on lire." My tinto room floor wn. loft partly open for ven tilation. Fortunately, I hud not doffod ny fonts or vest, Leaping from the upper berth told Mitry, who was hIso oroufed, to be fill in, with undoubtedly some tremor in my uice. 1 seized my boot?, put them on put on my coot, nnd louked out. The nlarm hud Mt jet bi cimio very geoerul, nnd 1 hud hopes thiil the tiro might not prove disastrous.-? Tim Ural lock 1 pave toward the bow of the lumt was tuuidiMit. The red flame, made lu rid by the ttceompnimnfj nmoko, pierced through tho cubin like u iluvouiing tongue of nn insatiate demon at tho very instant. Oue look 1 You may have read descriptions of burning ships yon may have become in im njiinntinu a participant in the sublime honors of n scene which human ntlerunce can never portray ; but to stand, as 1 stood there, n living, present witness, and a pirt of the scene itself", is fearfully and wonderfully dil ferent. One look, us 1 suid, nt thut mud do vmiring, lu-llisb looking (lend tongue, lap ping w.lh hot greed the ceiling, doors, cur tains, glass, and stubbing through into tho opposite npurtments. produced a strange re nclinu in mv soul, n wring mo os it were into coolness unil deliberation. It was but for ou instant. Hurrying up und down the long sa loon were crazed women, and men almost ns iimlic. -Where shall 1 go ?" "Savo me, MVBme!" "O, my child, my child !" "Fire, tire P "We are till lost !" "This way !" "I'll save you all 1" mingled in one confused np- oi.r ; with piercing shrieks und lacerating cries high over all. If I spake, 1 raiiuot now recull more wolds than these : ''Quirk, Mary, f:ivi' me my boy !" And those litllo boy Lands are still clinging round my neck and the quick beat of tlmt buhy heart still meets the louder pulses of my own, around which new veins ol love have swollen tapidly, sof tening, melting. J u si ut this moment, when n master was so much needed, no one knowing just what to tl.t, Uuptuiu Laiightou (of heroic memory a braver man never trod a deck nor a more Immune) uppeared liko tin apparition in the millet ol us und sanl tirmly : "J li is way, and you will nil bo saved steady I this way ! ' The tide turned in cue lireition nt tho muster's command, und with a few exceptions followed steadily without crowding, through the side entrance next the shore down the giiiigWHV, somewhat obstructed by trunks which eager men were endeavoring lo get nshuro or off tho bout at least and to our j..y wo found the bow near the shore, and a plank launched. A group of ladies were in udvitneu of me, nnd 1 set up a six feet lloo t'wt barrier against the crowd behind, holding back with what ability wo given inc. In the confusion 1 missed Mary, but thought her in advance, nnd so wu satisfied so walked the plank, teetering nnii its excited burden, and struck foot on shoro with my jewel on uiy bnust. There was joy in that moments ex po! unco. A mnnieijt more nod Mary was by iy aud then our friends, oil safe and i "but half dressed, barefooted, with dishevel ed hair, morn beautiful iu this moment to my fjes than fabled princesses in all tho glory of their royal attire. We t'iriied to look upon tho scene before n. Already hud tho llamo extended to the extreme ends of tho long ship, reaching high o'-iove tiit pilots house still occupied by tho bruve man ut the wheel, holding his cliurgo hard on the shore, and the whole heavens seemed lighted by the continuation. SS till timid the flames could be seen u flitting form, and heard a wild shriek of despairing agony ; und now a man drops duwn the guard into the stream, and struggles for tho shore ; und now a boy brave, glorious boy ! loops from the cub. n" deck and swims with vigorous stroke Mown, down the stream j he cannot bnfl'et it ; und now the yawl has reached him saved ! hurrah ! The cry of "powder on board," startles with n no toar. a id tho crowd recedes far up tho bluff und down the shore. Down falls jV I; up shot the deck renewed with s'f 'iigth, vaulting high above iho tall, black chimnevs ; crash came the huge black mou rners themselves over tho duel;. The river S'.vlhs and hissei, as if wunndoi! and mud with piin ; ihe hit'h wheel house arches (l.ime ond tumbles into lue arg ; batur '. goes the cy. ind-r henl, and the liberated steam uulius-h-i :g. fr moment seems to red the mon.-ter's bowel, and lin n, subdued by il own energy, is. S M-n no more. Tin- hollers fall ; the flames begin t' droop ; the hull is burning low : the waleis edg" is reached ; in (lows the adverse idemei.t ; she lids slu sii.ks, and with ouc livid l.i-s of d. Dance, the flumes expire, and all is dark und silent. Among tho nmio notable incidents of the rceio , was th pilot standing lii.ioly, coolly nt ti e wheel, enveloped by Hume, until the lout was safe ngi ouiid. lie made his escape thence over tl.o decks nnd down the rigging. Capl. I.'.iughton we? twice knocked dowi by trunks thrown from the de'.ks, iu his passage op and down, i nde ivoring to save his pas. seiigers. He had several children on board himself, ail of whom were saved. A poor Norwegian emigrant woman, who had a cow t.ed on the lower deck, in attempting to libe ritu tho poor dumb unimul, lost her own child. There were several oxen and cows on board, most of which, after being badly Ii'irrn d. broke overboard and swum ashore, 'i'ne greatest distru-s und sympathy were felt fir a poor iiiil of fun teen years, whoso moth or, w.ih two yo'iuger sisters and it brolher, were nil lest, 'I hey were u plain, honest, earnest Linking family, going from Michigan to iin.'i't the husband und father et Munkato, in Minnesota. This poor girl goes ulono to convey the sad intelligence to her father. She sits near mo us 1 write, her heart too fearfully wriius for much external emotion. Perha s no individual mved suffered more in petting ashore than my friend, Win. llrudley. of Keokuk, I ite of Columbus, Ohio, lie was too late Tor the gangway nn1 plank, nnd after spending his best exertions to save Fome .children who clung to his limbs, ond some Avoiuen who persislly refused to b ap into the water. ullbouh small boats were wailing, us ti-nr us tho lljines would permit, he hi him self do n from the guard und fell exhausted into a skiff, then hulf full ol wuter. lie r.'uched the shore, and was saved but thai was nil. The tiny who leaped from the deck oud swam so finely, said ho never swum be fore ui his life but preferred drowning In burning, und so sprang overboard, lostmct taiuht liiia how to swim, and he was saved ! A bridegroom and bride, young nnd joyful, late from Orin.X. Y., got ushore ; he dressed in the unifpjo costume of a hat und shirt slu do., Ihss the h it. .Scarcely ony baggage was saved. 1 have ten checks ill my pocket, but not a trunk or carjiet bag. "Charlie" had on a nigll gown, und his mother was co.-tuniMd a It the bride above mentioned. Unfortunately for tiw 1 had deposited my money in tho'safo, ull but u few dollars, and the sain proved to be an iron box only; everything within it being utterly destroyed. Tim citizens f Ked Wing are a Immune l.eurted lien;. In. All our imineuiaie wauts are being relnved, and we shall luKeiueuexi bout up, ithtt money, add DO baggage to t oublu us. T;;k Wink it Cai.ifoiima. California, like Mis-oi.ri will soon rival Ohio iu the product ,.f native wine. There is one Crm in Sun Trail. ,i'o. which produced, last year, two hundred thousand bottles ol champagne, fri m their o'aii vim yun'. in Los Auseles. This is I. it .,nn of muiiT iu-tuticei of California niter. .-:( in wn.e rnwii (.-. AlmoH every State 10 the Union iior odd ill fiuota gnmll io in uiy caiei bt lways iorrfosing to tbeao. (From th Ixmdon Morning Jm 1 A FErlltFCK, SCENE tVltll A MAD SAlLOII. A most fearful scene wni witnessed in South Hhields Market 1'lnce, last night, by ery large crowd of people, sailor and others, nnd the horror and alarm that prevailed for s.me time cannot be well described. Thomui Cook, a sailor, bad returned from Hamburg thut morning, in a brig culled the Castle Kilcn. He hud been a little excited when he came home, but there bad been nothing in his manner very much to nlarm hi wife. After tea be bad dressed himself and gone out ) and it would seem that he was immedi ately after attacked with a sudden fit of mad ness, lie waa observed running about in an excited state, and then to clumber by the spouting to the roof of St. Hilda' Church. With such agility as only suilors display, he somehow or other attuuhed himself lo the east side of the church tower, by resting with his toe cuds upon a thin lodging sloping to the ground, aud not more than nu inch iu breadth, and striking his finger nails iuto the line between the stones, bo brought himself to the outside j but finding ho could not pas the other angles, he dropped with his bunds on the narrow ledge, and passed himself, hund over hand, completely round the tower a most miraculous performance as the oldest suilor in the largo crowd thut had gathered ifcpected every moment that ho would slip und be dashed to pieces ou tho pavement. Having cot bock to the roof of the church, the unfortunate man tore off his necktie, coat and linen shirt, and rendering them to shreds, lie threw the Irugmenls emoiiir the excMcd crowd below. He theu pulled out his watch, and dashing it to piece", pitched it nt them. ilo next emptied Ins trowsers pockets ol money and cigars und threw them away, and every one thought he was about to precipi tate himself hum the root, when the police and several young men burst open the belfry, aud buving found a door rushed through it to the root. W lieu Cook saw them coming lo bin) he ran towards them and attempted to drug one young man over the leads, but he was overpowered, and was tukcu oil to me police staliou by a strong force of policemen and civilians. He was put into a straight- waistcoat, and he will probably be removed this morning to a lunutic asylum, as he is fearfully excited. Cook was a remarkably steady und induitriuus man, aud it is thought that Ins madness lias been produced uy ilo extreme heat experienced at Hamburg. JIow Tim Ankiiican Sunday School Union Lost its Musky. A correspondent of the Uostou dournul who professes to be "booked up" ou the business of the Suuday School Union, gives the following testimony of Mr. F. W. J'orter's operations whereby hu swamp ed $80UU0 of the funds of that iuBlitutiou. Iu ii letter recently laid before tho lfourd of the Sunday School Union, be (I'orter) has uiude a complete confession. He begun bis wrong doing nineteen yeurs ago. '1 lie plan was the same that he pursued lo the last. His temptation began with the mullberry und sills-worm speculation nineteen years ago and under the garb of religion be bus for thai long time carried on his d'.hciust plans. lie ullows that at the start he knew it was wrong ; bat ho hoped so bo able to meet the notes us they matured. Uutashe wasuuuble to do so, he was compelled to renew his notes and pay a heavy bonus. Thus lor nineteen years, he has been treading the thcrny path lit' sin, praised for virtues that ho knew he did in t possess, and taking of tho sacrament, which, nc.ording to his own professed faith, was adding damnation to himself with eueh unworthy reception. He defrauded the So ciety out of over SSCOUl) ; but the Philadel phia broker who uided tliiu lo tbo dishonest gain, promptly p iid ull tho notes that his name was on, and the loss was lessoned near ly ? 10,000. Mr. Poitorcouresre ihutin the nineteen years of fraud, bo bus used the nume of tho Society to the large amount of C0O, OUt). by renewals aud re-isuos. No wouder he is a sick man oue whom, if tho law dues not reach, the gravo will soon cover up. Nineteen years of frond and crime, ond per petrated in the name of nligion with des pnir looking him iu tho face exposure wait ing tor Inm ut the corners oi eucn eireei with remorse gnawing nt his heart und the worm that dies uot hastening to his repast. A Pnv Joke on A AVr.T Scpjkct Near the mouth of the Ohio are two rival citie, which sometimes manage to keep thoir heads above the water. The editors of both towns have been telling fomo queer stories about the Into submerge. Tho Mound City Empor ium is responsible for the following: "The steamer Manchester lias been engaged inside tbo levees at Cario during a considerable portion of the past week towing houses from one point to another, and petting drift cut of the town. The report that she toro poit of her bottom off by running over the top of the Tuylor Hguso is without foundation, A Fatal Hoop. On the evening of the CSth nit., severul young Indies were bathing ir. tho .Mississippi, ncur Davenport, Iowa, when a yonng (Jerman girl,- who was a pood swimmer, ventured too far out, and, becoming entangled in a hooped skirt, was carried away by the current and drowned. Uev Advertisements. REGISTER'S KOTICE. TV) OTICE is hereby given ti all lcg,itre J ciediturs and other peinons interested in the pvtalcs of the following named prrsuiiR, thai the'Kxecutors, Adiuiniutrniors and liLaidians of the said estates have tilt J iheir arcounW with the iSiter of NoithumUrland county, and that the same will he prfsrnicd to the Orphans Court of said county on Tuesday, the 3J dy of August, A. I). 1H5S, in the forenoon of said day. 1. Entile John, deeeared, settled by hi admin istrator do Ionia noil I'lnlip Weiscr. S. Lore l reitu, deceased, settled by her ad. iiiiiiistrntor William Sterner. U. Hi'trirW Philip, decsaeed, settled by bit cx ecutoiM Michael ond IMicholit llrlrnk. 4. lieit?. I.ntluc, deceased, settled by her exec utor l'hilip liritc. 5. lluiikle t-iurah. defeated, settlrd by her ad ir inistrnt'ir Killi.in Dunklc. G. l'uiiiter Jacob, deceased, settled by hit ex- ffiilor tieo. A. Prick. 7. Mngiiiness John, deceased, fettled by one of his exrriiti)r. John F. Dentler. 6. lii hliiifk I'eter, deceased, settled by hit ex ecutor IVler Uofiner. !l. Metier VA illiam, deceased, settled by one of bin executor, Lorenzo Metier. 10. Tweed William, deceased, settled by bis ailmhii-tiulor John Tweed. 11. Montgomery Mary, settled by her guar dian John 1.. Wutson. Ii. Duiiklchcrger Catharine, Simon snd Isaac, settled by Ihrir guaidiun Felix Mnurer. 13. Konlt Harriet C. and Mary C, settled by their guardian William Seigfiied It. Miller David si tiled by his guardian William Kvrrrtte. I. Fox Emma, settled It ter guardian Ptter troue. 1C. Fox Anthony, settled by bis gutidisn Peter Sirouse. 17. Kull (ieorce R, Henrietta II. snd Celeste 8., settled by their guardiau John F. Wolflngcr, C. liUYU l'UKSEL, Register. Register's Oilier, f Suubury, July He )l J, To the Voter of Northumberland County, AVIXG been solicited by msny of my fel low allien to become candidate for the utiles of ItEGISTF.n A JlECORDEIl AND CI.EEK CF THE ORPHANS COURT. I hereby announce that I present myself to the liftnocracy of the county for nomination at the approacbil'g piitnary election. If nominated and elected I will use the best of my abilities to per form the duui-e of the olfice, GEORGE 0. WELXEIT. Ponbury, June d, 1858 4 lQOS. 18G8. WEW ROUTE fOIt TRAVELERS! Northern Central ltnilwny! I SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. THOM AMI AtTf.ll MOftlMV, JTI.T filh, A 1H'.-, Uie I raim ,f IrthCfn Cnlinl Knilnny Company will Inive Duily, (Sumln)t teei.ini) m fulluwt i GOlNl) NORTH. nitFALU AND M.IUAHA .rrtEK TRAI.H. from UALTtllonii to SUNBURY ft, KI.MIRA ArrivS LenVtf, S 30 i. M. la e -i 10 IU 0 10 IU M IU 31 10 6.1 U !ut 11 3 II UU It ii It II II MS II bo II ill II 34 II 41 II 43 II 4U U U II 67 II 57 1 IK IM l l U II I HO I'i vu l i U u i-J 14 114 IK IM Vt 3U l! OU li 41 li 43 l i 61 t IU 4 M Cnlvrrl Stalion, York, llrlil(ppart( ifnliiiii, Milkmliurp, lieoigt-lowii, Trevuitnn Junction HHlnft-Urova, SUSHI II V, NurlliuiritHTlaud, CliilltMuuijue, lawnburg, Mill, m, Wolaeiitown, t'lllnillllWU, r.yitrn, Alontgnincrf, berger'a Miuiey, Mnnloiirtvlllo, Wtlliiimaixirlj l-auura, flOINfl SOIITII From EL.M1RA Iu fel'Mil KY ft BALTIMORE. , Arrive. Invi. r.tmira. u oo A. M ilhunirprrt, p 00 0 10 Mniilourfevliltf, V '.U 0 VO Jluiiry 3 B Urtder'i, B 41 ) 41 Momgniiicry, e 43 v U lAMcr't V 46 W ii Utliitiitnwn, V 61 y 61 Wnlronluwil, 0 67 tt 5 Milton, IU 07 III IS l.twilmr)r, iu 0 iu 17 Clnloaritiiiiine, Iu ill lu SI Nnrtiiiiiiib.-rlaiit), 10 til IU MMII HV, 10 37 10 tO Mnu-CiiuV!-, U 6U IU fit Ti'evortt in J uiidiuB, 1103 It 01 limigetmvn, II It 11 13 Mlllcrlburg, II 35 1 1 US Ihilifux, II All II 6ll nriitjii-iK.rt, lit 43 1 U) .nt, II 00 Mi Culvert Station, 4 60 JVCAIt. TRAIN. liOJN'O NORTH From BALTIMORE to 81'NBURY ft KLMIRA. Ariive. I.rnve. Cn!rrrtStatiul. MHIA.M York 1t o 11 H niularp.Tt 1'i VI 1 10 P. M. t'l.uk'i Ferrj I 6(1 1 60 lhill.il 9 07 s bll Mil enKurg S 121 1) -J7 ltui'liniiiin J 3j -J :U Mull iiiloiirra 9 '! a ,l lii'iiretnwil t 61 f 61 Tri'V"! inn Jtuicllca 3 OJ 3 I1) ?.linii.liriiv .1 M 3 l MMIL ItY, 3 3U 3 31 Noil Imnih. i ianJ 3 .17 3 37 CliiliiKjuniiu 3 49 i i-i I .pvvirIiut 3 M 3 MilKm IN 4 (U iiinnl iwa 4 19 4 is t'liimitowii 4 2' 4 ' I'.vMfr'i 4 31 4 N M.inll' 'li.try I :i 4 ut ItiTpei't 4 :n 4 UI Mui.t-v 4 45 4 IS .MmiMurivi!! $ (J 6 I I NX'illiamspjrt 6 IS t 30 liliuim 0 fail GOING SOUTH. From LI.MIFtA la SIMlt llV ft BALTIMORE. Arrive. I.nvn I't'inra, i ilo A. M Williunippfirt, 3 50 4 10 Mniitnurtvll.e, 4 11 4 II Mu.icy, 4 !W 4 11 lli-fgci'l I SH 4 M .M"iitinii7 4 34 4 33 Kvxvr'i 4 11 4 41 I ni 'iit'uvn 4 43 4 43 V utkniiluWQ 4 66 4 55 Milton, & iii t UI l,wis!iurl 6 III 6 IS I IiiI!iiujii;i.U 6 10 6 Kl Nnriiiuniifriaiid 6 33 6 :15 SfMHHV, 6 41 6 45 Sulinl (iruv 65 6 6d Trevortnti Junclioe 6 10 6 11 (il-Ott'Cli'WIl, HI 0 11 Miili.iiilongo S 31 :ji DurL.n ,;, t .". 33 MiMrrsliurr; 41 0 4J II llilm 6 17 6 69 Clurk'a Ferry 7 13 7 1.3 liiiiitmi 7 24 7 S3 llinlh'rpurt 7 61 8 4U York t 54 tl 67 Calvert SlLti.m. 1 It JillV 10, !). HERRING S S AC1IV TUP nf,&(i"ll on ampion 1 1 if:'?' wiiitn, III every instill. if, iiretcrvtd tlirr en tire cor.ti-nu in lh lalo ex Icnuivc tiro. At the burning of the Arti zan UuildincK, April lOlli, Uiu in tho liKi;AT F1KK i-i Market itrcct, May 1st, IKSti, the genuipo HERRIXO SAFE Preserved the Jewelry of Cie.i. V. Siinont lire; Uooks, l'uiirri, rVc, of Finher & L)ro.,nd Kilward ISeamaue ii t'o-, aftor reinaiiiinc ex ioM-d in tbo burning ruin for nearly FOKTY lftl KS, and iirnviiig concliiKivcly whil we liavc always claimed forlhein, 'I'll KIR UltCAT St'I'KHItllfl'l'V over ail eruritie now knunn. In these firce, Tim IIERKIMl'S SAFE, funding tide by side tviln thoae advertiud as "warranted to etmid 10 er rent, inoru (iro limn H. rringV earoe forth the ACKNOWl.IODUEU YICI'Ui;, not only jircserving their e.intenu in EACEI.LENT order, but bring in Iheniwlvra in a condition to go thronqh nnollier ordeal, while the boasted ' Salamander" of other ma ker were badly ueed up in every instance, and in some cases their entire content couiplettly destroyed. To tho public bo would eimily ruy, (bat. du ring the Conneen year the II LKKlM.'d SAFE I Km been tf fire tliin. more than two hundred have passed through accidental Crcs without the occurrence of a single lo. W'e would, therefore, CAUTIOX punhaaers againat the nii"reprientation of inlen.-lrd pnr lien. The HEIiRlNti'.S I'ATE.NT is the only FIRE PROOF SAFE made in this itv, whi.li i protected by a PATENT KIU1IT, and we will guaruutee it to reiiat more then double the amount of heat of any other S.ife now known. rarrcl, Herring & Co., Rule Manufacturers n thia State of "Herring's Patent Champion Safes," 34 IIYinuf M., VliilaUa. X3T "Evans fi Wlion' Improved Salaman. der," "Oliver Evana'," -C. S. Gayler'a," and ' Scott's Ahsetss," Iron Chest, (a large assort ment having been taken in part payment for "Herring's,") will be told ot low prices. Philadelphia, JuyJ0, 1858. I y Register and Recorder, &c. Vt. J. D. MASSER, of Suubury, respectfully ' oilers himself to the electors of Nortlium- berlbnd county ns a candidate for ItECISTKK AND HECOliDEH AND CI.EKK OF THE OIIPHA.NS' fOI RT, at the ensuing election. Sunbury, July 10. 183.. 1 To the Voters of Northumberland County. IIAVING been solicited by my friends, I hereby offer myself aa the people' candi date for ASSEMBLY. Should I le elected by the suffrages of my fellow citizen pledge myrelf lo potform my dulie with the utmost of my ability and to the best lutercsta of my constituent and the public at lare. A. 11. BLAIR. Milton, July 10, 1851. te To the Electors of Northumberland County. Futow CiTiatKB .- We are authoiized to announce THOMAS D. GRANT, of the Bor ough of Suuhury, as an Ir.depchdeul candidate ror the office of 11EGISTER, RECORDER io. at tbe ensuinn election. Mr. Grant is too well known to the rruei.a of Northumberland county lo need any eoinmenda tiort at our hind. No one question In qualifi cation for the poat ; hi character for morality, ' : . 1 . . ... 1 . l.: - t - i i. I I ....i ii Iliuuniij mu uuiic.j tin )iuftviiai'ivuu uim popularity as a man and efficiency a an oflicer undoubted. For the la( six years he' ha been the principal clerk In tliii ollice, and hi un tiring induatry and ability, hi amiable manner and obliging dipoitiun have elicited the conn dene and esteem of all doing butine there. Ve confidently submit hi came, and earnestly ask our fellow citizens to KALLY TO M13 SCrrORT.. Respectfully, Many totew. Mnnbary, Jips ti, 166i mm State of the Sank of Northumberland July 1, 1858. LlAllll.niES. Cnpilii! Stuck, . Notes is rlipulntlon, Prnftl unit 1im, . Dividends niipnnl, IlitriMjiit, InterCTt and Kxclinnge, Due other Hunk, 4 " Depositors, 8(K),riO W) ll.-i,!1! 7t s,nt7 ill 1,1113 70 t.Ms hi ft.M5 07 ,wa M (113,373 70 JI9.9I9 ! ni.rni 18 4'JU IMI i.Vio ri . cum in 1.310 III .17.4--7 IU 1B.7I7 l lli,:l3 00 1i) 110 15,tl 14 AS3KTS. TlilU Dlc"nttd k bonus rei'iisvlvmiin Htnie ft ptt eent ltia- limiK ! ttlliuniuerlaiKl loc, Olhrr flock, ltefll K'lnle, Prntrst neeoniit nnd Current cspene, . Due tiv Cllv ItiiiikK, " " C'linnlry Uniki, . Notes nt other Unnk, ... Cnsh ltmM. Siecl in Vaults, 11:1573 70 I Certify that the slmve exhihit of the nll'.iiiif the Ilnnk uT NoillinnilM-rlniid is juftt and true lo the hesl ol' my know "lire and belief. J. It. PItir.STI.EY, Cashier. &worn snd sitt'tn-rihcd btfor n.e. (SiRned) JOHN CAKE J. P. Jut)- 10, SHERIFF'S SALE. Vy virtno of a writ f l'ieri I'ueius, Btind out of tbo Court of Common Plena of North umborliiud county und a Testutnin writ of Ytmliliimi l'rjmnnt. fo me directed will bo exposed to Public Sale nt the Court llon?o in Sunbnry on Saturday, the Blstdny nf July inst., (1808.) nt'2 o'clock P. M., tho following described Ueul property, lo wit : The ono equal undivided third part of a tract of bind, situ4 iu Cumernii township, Northumberland couuty, adjoining binds of l.ivid llillman on this west nnd laud of lluu ivl Long on Iho north, coiitniiiiiijx '2U acres moro or less, nbout onu half of which is clear ed. ALSO t tho nndividi'd moiety or hnlf part of a certain lot or piece of ground titunto in faaie township, ndjniiiin; the nbove dotrribed tract, and bind of tlm ejtato or John Venry deo'd, I'unicl 1 1 aupt nnil Mubanoy creek, contninii!'' about one acre and a hull', nil of which in clutired. Wlioreon are erected a Saw Mill und a pnmll llousa. Seized tuhcti in execution and lo bo sold as ! the property of Chnrles Hemiincer. j ames Vandyke, sheriff. Sheriff OHice, Sun'jury, ) July 10, 1838. s Py virluo of certaiu writs of Fieri Farias issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas nf Northumberland county, to mo directed, will bo exposed to Public Kale, at thn Court House, in Sunbury, on Sr.turdny, thn 2lth ihiy of July, inst., (18'8) ut 1 o'clock P. M., thu following described real eptuto, to wit: Two Certain Lots of (Jround, situate in the borough of Sunbury. Northumberland county, in that purl of suid town commonly called "Hendricks' and Clement's addition," con taining each 30 feet in front on Chestnut street, nnd about 130 feel in depth, adjoining lota of Ibiniel Ilcnningcr on the Knst, and Benjamin Hendricks on tho West, whereou ure creeled a two-stnry frame house and a frame stublu. Seized, tuken in cxecnlion, and to be sold us Ihu property of William Atkins. Al.iO, nt the samo linv nnd plum, a certain lot of ground, situate in tho liorouct) of Sun bury, uloresuid, und mniked on the pencrnl plan of suid town No. Slit, fronting on Whor tleberry flroet ou tho North, nnd bounded by Bilberry alley on the South, on the Kust by lot No. 318, now owned by William Hoover, ami cm the West by lot No. 3'.,0, owned by Margaret O. I.von; containing Gl) feet in front oud 230 feel in depth, whereon I ure erected a two-story frame lion so and I kitchen. Seized, taken in execution, and to 1 be sold as the properly ot Henry Petery. JAMES VANDYKE, SnorhT. Sheriffs Office, iSuuliury, July Ud, 1HM. ' J NOTICE. A T a meeting cf the Hoard of 8cbool Director of Sunbury, on the d of June iuat, a resolu tion was adapted, autlinri.iing the tbe Secretary to pulilisli a fist, of tbe exonerations on the tax duplirnto of Jared Broiotis for 1 130, in pursu ance ol which tbe following is published : Joseph Bower Duncan Mycru, P.'atiklin K. l'otts, fin mi r,o 43 mi 4!) on fit) no. r.o f.o r,o f.o so (ieoriic W. Kiehl, fiU I'red'k. Noaker, AO Jacob liuke, fill Win. II. Thompson fill Dilwoitli Dewees, Ml M)eaf& lllnik, 1 Dai.iel liriu'lit, A. V. It. Fisher, Dr. John Market, Weiser Zeigler, Win. Ilarllow, (ieo. Oliphutit, 'J'lios. S.tiuli, Charles II urns, Omar Kiehl, Ii-uac Verges, I'haile (Jeori.art, Washington Harli Jncob cjtrine, Walter Hell, Uco. Noaker, Moni Periiiug, DnviJ Stewart, Alex, liazeltc, Theo. lbibius. Win. Kielfir, Published by ord'-oftbe Hoard, P. W. CUAY, Secretary. Sunbury, July 3, 18'iH. 3t KOBLIT, B0WN & KCBLIT, Cabinet .1Jalc:rn' t'anilluK More AND HEDDINO W AKE-UOOMs, IlaviiiR 15 E M O V E I) to the new Iron Front Warehouse, No. 21! South Second Street, below Dock, West Side, PIHI.I.DEJ.PHIA. V (V offer to Iher cuktomer and the public ' " K "erally, a new n:;d lull assortment of CABINET IIAKDWAKE & MATEKIALS. They invite the attention of the trade to their stock of Hair Seating and Curled Hair, of their their own mamificturc ; Also to a full assort ment of UEDDIMi AND I'l'liOl.STEK Y. Philadelphia, July 3, I Mir. ly I.I, persons huvirig claims on Michael Cra bani, siio-coulructor on Section 51, North ern Central Kail lioad, for muteriut furnn-hed or labor which they may com-nlcr me in any way hoblins for, will please present them to Dr. W. If. Mnrr who has Iniund himself in an in atrument of writing with me In draw said Cru ham's esiimates and keep me I. armless egamst all claiuicd ngainnt eaid Urahani. II. lSOtH.E. Sunbury, July 3, lS.rW. ICE CEEAM1 ir.S. MAI(I WHAK'l'ON rr-pectfully in forms bcr friends n.d the fiitdic gentrally, that tbe will accommodate them with ice ciikam, at tier residence, on every evening (Sundays ex ceptcd) iIuiiiiK llie present summer. Sunliury, July 3, lH.'.R. THE IKTERNATIONAL HOTEL. nilOAUWAY, CORM'.R t)F FRANKLIN' STRLF.T, NEW YORK CITY, Hit bcr ii recully trUUe.1, The Rooms Hie uvwl) eurn-utl, Ttic Furniture aiul Itctls are tiiperti, Mint tli liiitlisnir imiiiini4 ,1. TAVI.UH'S l I.I.KKKA TKU H.U.OONS AHK COSNliC'ThD WITH 1UKHOTKI.. Here is eoiH-riiiinti!l all ttie eoniloris of a hume.with the luxurtee of a (islure THE tIU:XU1D l.ADIFS' FA It LOR Coiiiinuiiils and Unr'iualled VIKIV tif liMnAUWAV, THF. IMI nAllu.Al, is the rni et eeittmlnf eny ui ihr ti st duns llotls for busi nru.ur iilai- nf miiiisciiirnl, and ur uiisiiiiaai ed vaiiuifcs ui t'iiiuili and pvnticiiirii viiiiiiur .Nt ivtnrk. Atscu FsasadAM, Fnirickir. New Yoik, July 3, l5b ly 1IIU1, OIL.&. K4TlIi:U I UUIi. D. KIRKPATRICK k SOS, ' No. 31 Boulh Third Btieet, lie! wren Mnrtt and Cliewm' Btrevls, rillLAUl.l.r-lllA, IOR sals iiiiih llirirs, Urlrd ami salted ; Dry and ' Ureru llrd I'ntiui Kiops, TAN.VKHa' OIL, TAN M il1 AND i.'l'llltll'.tts' TlKll.s, nj teiKial assort ment of Leather, Finished and in the UoukIi. A1AO RED SOLE I, E ATI! til. All nf which will be sold low lor Cash, or the usual Crrdlt. JV All kinita of leather lu tlie Romh wanted, for which the hielirst nunket ir,oe will be iveu,m cah,or leketi in cXi'tiHtice for II irtva. l.Miuei Stoird f ree nf Clmige.and geld m Ceamlsslon. t alkeVtralo, Julf , llV Tliii IO.TIII'IO' COFFEE POT. Thouwinrte of this new CVfla Put have atrcedy tveri Sold, end the dr-mnnd Irom all ptiris of the Cmird Htalra is rnptilly on the titrrtfiae Wheiever Introducud, it has given lha ninit eumpli-iesa irtfiicilou. TIIK OLD DOMINION COrFF.K TOT. strikes hr-tter c(irTi.e ttmu It is posnili'e to nliistii In any otlii'l vrtv Ihi'iiiikp, liy mm lucent' me tint eimple nrrnnae iriifiit, the hout:kieper limy hull hir enll'i-e lor any length nl tone without Ikii nf nrolriti. time ei-ciirinv All the f Ir. memsof tho e'llue in theii natural and pmpoitiminl com hiuations. TI1F. OLD DOMINION rOFFF.K POT Givcsa hi-nlllty lieveinpe. Nervous, dnspepllp, and hit Ions pemoiis who hnd not d.irrd to uo enllne for is, have Iktii nhlr to drink thrir fnvorlln lu vtrnui) nxiiiii wlirn niinle in tins new Imiler, nml without mi nri-nrrenee ol ony of the old miplf iimiiI eonscqueiiccs. It is hnillhy, lii riniKi- hy they ui of a cnl.dcnsiir, eiRpnrnliou is prr eenliil, und llie eollfe enn lie Imiled I nm enmish to rvlmae all llie natural eleini-nls nf the lierry, and gel Ihein in just proportion in the bevrnine. TIIK OLD DOMINION COFFEK POT Istlie must erioiiornu iit. fur nothins In-infj lost ! eva porution in hotluifr, one lotolh lia colfie is requirhdj while the hevemne is sirnngiT, miin- drlii-ions. TIIK OLD DOMINION COFFF.K POT Never fiiiln to do lis wmk ri(ilit. Cook enniiet spr.il your eup of eolfea h nealf't or firreiliilunES, altnr the h is plural the boiler on ilie st ive or rmiso. TIM-. OLD DOMINION COFFEK. POT Is innniifncturcd under llie piitcnt for tho I'nitcd Stntr ' 7 ARTItt'R, Ut I'.NIt l.tf A "ILP.OY, Ml X 110 Souili Tenth flrect, Pliilsdilphu. FJ" Aho. niinmini'tur.MS t tlie I'nilrd rtnti-of Arilmr's Ci i.limiiil I'litmts Air-Tight fell-gculi! -J l":ois A; .lius. July :i, l-.,s. It Vliotenle Grocery. EBY Sc iXJjMI4C:, Opposite the 1'eiinnjlvnnia Kail lioad Depot HAKIilSUrWJ. FA. 727" EEF a laa-e alork of llie following nainod j articli a, and will sell ebeapef than any ollur hounc thia side of 1'hibidclphia. ('all and sec price of Toflce, I.ard oil, l'ih oil, Sugar, FWi, Tr Tea, Salt, Ibnin, S.ue, Ham, Filch, Tobacco, Shoulder, tliikmrt Cisara, Flour, Kill-en, YmcKsr, Fluid, Calfined Plaster t 'beese, Soap, t'undle Ac. P. II. Mol, Syrup, N. t). Molasses. Also, Cement, Snfrty Fuse, (.'row Hum. Slulyes, Iron and NaiU, for sale at very small prolita. July 3, ' 8C8. ly ro rentI rjHK Store Iloom in Market Mreet, formerly A occupied by F. W. Cray. Apply to the ex rcutors of II. Masser, deceased. April 17 lM, DZSPJFF "SALES. BY virtue of aundry writs of YaniTiosi F.troxAs and I.itaiii Facia issued out of tho Court of Common Fleas f Northurritierhind county to mc directed, will he epo;ed to Fublic Sale at the Court House in Sunliury, on MON DAY the 2d day ol AUGUST next, nt 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described Keal Property, to wit : A certain Lot of ground, situate in the town of Trevotton, in Zerhe township, Northumber land county, being lot No. G, in block no. 71, bounded on the north t y the Kailroad, on the. east hy vacant ground and tlie wi'ifih-scales, on the south by and on the went by other lot of the. defendants, whereon i erected a two aiorv frame house nnd kitchen. Also, another certain lot of ground, eitnato in the town of Ticvorton, nloretaid, '.icing Lot No. 3, in block MO, bounded on the nartti by an alley on the cat hv lot No. a, in said block. No. HO ; on the south by Coal street, nnd on the west by lot No. I. in said block, whereon is erected a two story frame House. Also, another certain lot of ground, situate in the town of Trcvorlon, aforesaid, being lot No. 3 in block No. fiO, bounded on the north by Malm- j noy street ; on the east by lot No. 4, in said: block on the south by the railroad ; on the west J by lot No. 2, in said block, whereon is erected a ' Slaughter-bounc. i AIho, Lota No. I &: 2 in Block No. 137 in aaid town, bounded on the west by 5th street ; on the aoiith by Cunl street ; on the north by an alley and on tbe east by lot No, ti.in same block. AUo, I.oU No. Ri.fi in block No. St. bound ed on the west b lot No. 4 ; east by lot No. 7 iu same block; north by Maiket street and south by an alley. Also, l.ota No. 4 & ft in block No. .16 bounded south by the Kailroad; north by Mohanoy street; east by lot No. 3, aud west by lot No. 6 in same hloik. Also,!. ota Nos. 8 A 0 in block No. SI. llso, Lots Nos. 12 V 13 in block No. S' Alni. Lots Nos. 1. 2, 3 and 4, in Mock No. 4. " AUo, l.otn Nos. 7 4 8 in block No. n7, bound ed on the west hy lot No. fi; east by lot No. U, in same block ; hy the railroad on the north and Market street on the smith. Also, Lot No. fl, in block No. Gt. Also, two out-lota in said town of Trevorlon, aud marked upon the general plan of aaid town Kos. 65 and till, containing one ucre each. Also a certain tract of unimproved laud, situ ate in b'usli township. Northumberland county, adjoining lands biteofKipp'a heirs, land of the heirs of John Filner, ib ceased ; bind of William Dcpuy. William licarhart and other, containing 35 Acrca more or less. Also, another certain trict or piece of hnd, situate in Hush township, aforesaid, tiound-d on the east hy land of Mrs. Itussel ; on llie north by I tie north east branch of tho river Suwpuchannn ; on t'ie west h ' land now or b.te of t!i heiri of Ja cob Kerr, deceased, and on the south by the road bailing from Sunbury to Danville and bind of Hubert Moore, containing f9 Acrca more or Icm, nearly nil nf w hich is cleared and whereon are ererted a two-story trnme bouse mid kitchen, a frame barn nnd waggon shed, well of water, nn orct.nrd, oi.t huililiiu, Ac Seized taken in eiecution and to I e sol 1 as the property t.f benjamin tiearhart and Emanuel Kaullinan, trading as Benjamin fiearhatt A Co. and II. B. Weaver. Also as the property of benjamin Uearhart 4 Co., endorsera of Meari & Davis. ALSO : At tbe same time and place, the fallowing pro pertv to wit : One full undivided third par', the whole into three equal part to be diiiJed, of and in nil that ' certain tract or piece of land situate iu ''oil town- i ship, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania,! I.oiin.li .l as follows, to ftii : ltrclnt.inir at a dies- ! nut oak on line of laud surveyed to Henry Antes. I hence by line of land surveyed In the name of Frederick Antes, north 21 west 5." perche to a chesnut oak; thence by land late of Jeremiah brown north rineteen and abilf degree west 19 H rrl:ea to a pine knot; ihinre by land of Alexander W. Jnhr.aton and ottiers otilh 78 degree wet 185, 2-10 perches lo stones; thenceliy bneof land sur veyed in the name of Hubert limy, south oue degree eaat one hundred and aixt)-live and nine leuih perche to stoma; and thence byline or land surveyed to Henry Ante aforesaid, r ort'i 89 degrees east 201 perebr to the place of begin ning, containing two hundred and twenty-eight acres and eleven perches strirt measure. Alao, one full equal undivided third part, the whole into three eipnal parts to be divided of and ill all that certain tract or piece of land, situate in the aaid township of Coal, and hounded and described as follotVt to wit : Drgiuninir at a pine at the corner of a tract surveyed iu the name of William (ireen ; tlunre by line of same land north I) degreea west 10 4-10 perchea to a post; thence, by land late or now of .1 ibnaton tiray ond others north 84 degrees csst 2.12 7-10 perches to a chesnut oak t thence by land aur. veyed to Samuel Welhcrill, north 3 drgrcea west 13 6-10 perches to a chesnut oak; tbente by llie same north 8tj degrees east 27 8.10 perch ea to a atone , thence by the same north 3 degices West perche to stones t thence north 89 degree east 94 perches to a past ; thence by line of land surveyed lo John Brady, south I degree east G2 6.10 perches to atone ; thence by line of land now or late of Alexander W. Johnston and other, south 81 degree west 138 perche to a white oak; thence by the ssme aouth 70 degrees west 71 perche to a poplar t thence by the same aouth 40 drgnes v.et62 5.10 perchea to a post; thence by the same south C!) degree west 27 4.10 perches loa poat; thence by the same south lf'4 degreea eaat 50 perchea south 17 J degreea east 15 perches and south 21 degreea east 13 perches to a poat iu t Una of land surveyed te IV. Baniasaia Yesn ; thence by line of the s.itd Young aouth B9 !eg west 133 S.IO perches to the place of beginning, containing two hundred and sixly-thrce atrcil and thirty-nno perches, strict mensure. , Rented taken in execution and to bo sold aa the property of Thomas Baumgardnor ALSO t At the same time and place, ahe. equnt undi ided third pari, the whole Into three equal parte to ho divided of in and all that certain tractor piece of land situated In Cent township. Nor thumbcrland county, Statn of Pcnnrylvania, bounded and described as follow to wit t be ginning at a white oak, aouth nno degree east forty six perchea to a stone t thence aouth twenty-eight degree east ninelv-eight perches to a pine, south sixly-two degreea west one hundred and forty-four perches to a stone, corner, south twenty-eight degrees east fiiiy perches to a pine, norm emy-ivm oegrees en.t twenty-right perches . - t . - i to a pine, snutli sixty ilegrees enst forty seven i per.he to a pine, north fiftv-five degree cast I Kvo I, ,1,.1 ..,.1 .!.:., i ... . .. thirty four drgrcea west, one hundred and eighty- ..u ...... u ,,,,, i.-tni urn- i s it, n iinr. iinrin five perrhea to a post, south seventy-five decree. westeighty-lwo perches to a white oak the plnco of beginning. Containing two hundred and tweu ty acre alrict measure, being part of a larger tract surveyed in tho name of Lawrence Lomison Ac. Seized taken in execution nml In l .nl.l the property of Thoma. Bau.n3ardcr, and terre I ALSO: Atthcsamo timo nnd ,'.f, nl! that certain two-story brick builiiiug, sitinto on t'ham okin street in the town of Sliam .kiii, and lot number twelve in block one bundled and ninetv-ono ac cording to plan of said town, eighteen feet front and twenty feet deep and lot or nii-en of ni oim.' nnd eurtiliigo npnurlenaiit to eaid buildimi. 1 Seized taken in execution aud to lie sold a the i property ut l.hr.jlietli liolbnan. ALSO t At the name timo nnd place, nil that certain two story frame nieMiagn and tenement, siluatc in the township of Zerbe, ill (tie county of Nor. thumbcrland, in the town of Trevorton,nnd i--.irs. 1 ered in the genernl h'n ui slid !cn, number Four, in block number one hundred and four, bounded on the north by an nllev. on t tic cm bv lot milliner five, now in the occupancy of Ait x ui iler Lieb, on the south by Sliamukiu siiect, and on the west by lot number three, containing in Iront on Shaiiiokiu Sireel, twenty-five feet, and in denlh thirty fed, mid the 1. Icr piece of ground and cur tilage appurtenant to said luiililin. Seized taken in execution and to ho sold ai l:i property of iM. K. Manly aiid.loliu Sechlcr. ALSO: i . .i . ii , . ,-1 At the same limn and place, a certain lot ot uiuiioo, fiioaiu in ine ion 11 oi leierion. 111 '.erbe townhhip, Northumberland ronntv, being Ol .TU,'I,1I1 IMI'LH IIOIIIIII Oil 11 .1 III OK 111 etreet and bounded on the west hv 'ot No. M and on the east bv lot No. fl, being 2.1 feet in width and 1.10 feet in depth, whereon is erected a two story frame house painted ! r -,wn. Seized taken in execution and to bo sold as tho property of Mali Ion K. Manly. ALSO: At the same lime and place, the following pro perty to wit : A certain tract of land, situate in Shamokin township, Northumberland county, bounded hy lands of the heir of John Smith, doe'd. and Daniel Smith on the west, landt of Cieorge Keller nnd the heirs nf Ueori-e Filler, dee'd. on tho east ; lands of John Mart?, Samuel lla'esand others, nn llie south, and a public lioad and lands late of Hugh Bellas, Esq.. on tile north, contain ing 230 Acres more or les, e.bout '.10 ttcroa of which aro cleared, whereon nre erected d two story frame House, a large Bunk Darn, Orchard, &c. Seized taken in execution and to lie suid as the properly of II. O. Taggert, J, H. Furman and E, C. Barton. ALSO: At the same lime and place, a certain lot of ground, situate in the town of Mount Cnrmi 1, in Mount Carmel township, Northumberland coun ty, being lot No. I, in block No. 40, iu the gene ral plan of said town, bounded on the north hy third street, on the south by lot No. 2, in said block, on the east by an alley and on the west by Oak street, containing 50 feet in front and 1.10 feel in depth, whereon is erected a two story frame bouse. Seized taken in execution and lo be sold as the property of David Llewellyn. ALSO i At the same time and place, a certain Int of ground situate in the borough of Sanburv, Northumber land county, fronting on Blackberry street, ad- j joining a lot of Jacob Cable on the east, a lot of j Edward Y. Blight On the West, and hounded by ! a twenty feet alley on llie north, whereon are erected a one and a half story Log llojse, also a one and a half story Iranio house, nut-building Ac. Seized taken in execution and to he sold as the property of Jacob B. Masser. ALSO; At thj some time on. I place, two certain lots of ground, situate in tho town of Trevorlon in Zeil e township, Northumberland county, being lots No. 3 and 4, in block No. 132, whereon is erected a two story frame House, said lot being bounded aouth by a street, north by on alley, souih-east by the old Branch Rail Koad, and west hy the Trevorlon Company' Lot. Seized taken in eiecution and to to sold as tho preperty of John (jrarlT. ALSO: At the aamelime and place, all the interest share or purpart of Daniel Layenck. supposed to be the undivided 12lh part, more or less, of and iu a cer. lain tract of Land, situate in Point township, Nor thumberland county, bounded by Ion. Is of the heirs nf E. (ireenoujjh, dee'd., and lauds of Pe ter baldy and .others, cciitair.ing Fourteen Acres, more or lesa. wherccn nre erected a two-story lump dwelling house, a frame barn, an apple or chard, Vc. Seized taken in execution aud to he sold us the property of illiam Housel and Dan iel Lavcock. ALSO: At tho same timo and place, nil thai cer- tain, two-stnry frame houio or building nnd basement, nituato in Shamokin itrei t. v k l'- j, Ijts Nos. 1 und 2 in tho town of Trevor ton, Northumberland cof.nty, contniiiinij in front h Faid Shumokin street 2f $ feet, and in dept 40 feet, and tb lot ct piece t f oruund. e.nd ciirti!(;es appurtenant to paid liuilil it: jr. .Seized taken in execution uud In Im told us the property of Christopher J. M. Nennun, J A M ES V A N ) Y K E. SherilT. hi'tilV'a Office, futiliuty, ) J ily :l. 1H.18. PUBLIC NOTICE. VOTICE is hereby that LAT10NS, beietolor: Ibe II I 'SI NESS Hi:- eubsisting between William Wtiner and the undetsigned, in the Drug Store at N.iiihniulierland, have, by mutual consent, this day (June Tth, lHirl.) ceased ta exist; an I the Books and accounts will remain fir settlement an t coll-c'ion in the bai.'s of the subscriber, w ho will continue to carry on the .t ti.-i I I'uaillt na nt mv u ciaimi t U0I1F.KT B. McCAY. Northuml'Prland. June 20, IH.Is). STRAY vL.HZ3 AMEtsthe premUes of tho subsciiber, ou tha 3.1th ull., a stray ma.c, or 10 year, old, about medium site. She u full footed, gal- led on each aide of the breast, and in coloradatk brown, legs, mane slid tail black. 'File owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay chance and take her awav. Wll.LtAM WEIIZEL. Lower Augusta, May testh, 1S.1B. J7L0TJR AND FEED. j Jl'ST received by the suliscriber a freah aup- ; ply of FLOCK AND FEED which will be 1 told at wholesale and retail Tt:r,t:.. n. n. v.;.. f hp p vnv r :ii nvi v Dsolutiou & Co Partnership. CHEAP lOH CASH ONLY. ' TIM1 E Arm of frdicpheid and Hewett, Coal Ope- Present price from 5,50 to 8,5l per hhl., A rMjr Jj0t u Summii Colliery, Vorthum A liberal discount to 111 trade. , riv. ii. . uinir li.i. rln i Inn. lt. Also Cracker of aU kinds, Candle., Soap, Itaisin, Cigar 4 c. A lew choice dneil apple, yet on haul, at vuvprr uu.iivi, uujr . -v., mu, u, ouug- "i uuug. trying lo please all, the .ulcrih.r hope. t the good will and Patronage of hi lii anu i to merit friend, and customer. C. O. HATEN. Market BIM, Buauutf, l, 1S- AltTHUR'S SKLF-REALINO CANS AND .fAU. Pinre tlie Introduction of these now celebrated Cans ana Jars, over IIAIT-A-MILLION tIAVF. UV.V.S SOLD, JtIli.II'T,!"i,,"",",,:,ie "" """"feoMtritan-f.rf the nt lltllelesa ll;,i.i frauds in. e ,rc nir.c cito-fi. meet ol w. ... i. ....... ed to the Kiiblir. tb . 1 . . ".T" ii inn Krkri-i em, tinvc I,cp:i oin-r- w'",':".."",y r """" "n'; ,T,Z7, and nSw in lhC "m""' C""" n'"1 J"" whw. TIIF. FOfHTI! Yr.ATt sinre their iiiltcsWilon. their repntntlnn rtnnds.l vcrnrrni ck,iole,l,niel.lar1,l.,Ve any other cm, r ',, I, rh "These eeh-hititnl Oiui mii .Inrs, Ue firs- iiilrednrrrt set by all ndr', the best, nre sniebly ,.im,N, ,i Bcnrml rrK I .'loiiwinils of houseki'i per-, l ; nil scii.,iif, tfliiiitnl In try olhlil enii nti.l art. nnil ..-I... w ., o."i mu m tuo. iii eoMs.-ijner.re. win i" L.ii,,' Lll Anion's never fiots. For tn-n urneons w have stud ";", nnd wet pent ibe ..ivice." Arthur's Ciius and Jars lire less of Ibelr fitllt ui cotiifijin-r.re. will I" L.;.,,' Lll .j ., ALL PKLPAtiKD TOIt ?t;At.ta. They Iinve n ebannet nronnd Ihe rn..ui;. , ,,, tbe roteij. til leu won cement when sold, and nil iiney for sunn V nil hnve, nfler bilnm your veisel Willi hot fruit, oirv t Ileal your lid, und press ll into llie fura-nl, v. lien llie w'nk is d' ue i ll diieclions are billowed carefully, sm-eesa it always certain. PATrNT PTAMP. fv rioA Noiice, that Aitlntr's Csns and Jam nil brer JSir.&a. V, I : i "1 it im nt r.n ov.il on ine inthoui; an. I in raisjil ltlcir? on lii-j U.'iifll Jars. subs of L:a PIZI-3 AMI MATF.rttAL. Tin rx Pint, quarl, Inii'-en!!.. nml K-i!:.,n ) Therans .V. Ilre prisif Stom ivineeiine-e..l ).! I'uil I lnr.f, x -I quart, and huh. .gull sr:m; rt OL.IVS- j....-o .... ,i,i, ipmri nun nau-cniinu. i n, s,-,ve i mi, qiiari uhu ha!f palioii. J ,. ,, y ie ARTIH'R'S H F.LF-SKAMNn CANS A- 'j Alts' icl.l. i . m1"u,,r-J:'"' "der li.e pnlrn-. for f.ic t'niu-d 8iatea AP.TIU'IT. LFRMIAM. & Cll.piiv 117 and 1 1 s inn T h tiee. I'i ;' '. I-!,-, Ats-1 mmilfiU-ltirers .1 , I li.e "lll.UDD.MINIo.N fonii; POT. I llile Jul) 3, I- 70U trial in the Court ol Common Picas of "- Northumberland Conp'v, t be bold nt L'un bury, on tbo first Monday of August. 1m5. Ft-AiTrfs. Ei.rr.T-' i nt1?. Elizabeth Seller' children vs. '!.'' !' KirM' 1,)h,i Peter D'u-kcsoa John Uowen Alexander Colt, ; Jain.a I.'e'-cr, ' llenrv Weise, i arcr ei ai, T Shriller rt al, vs .1. . Mfrfer, v John A blovd, ys James Yam'-i.e, vs Tims, IJamncirilner, I S. Wolvcrton cilT CUtCi v i r j .lames M alone ve Phila a Sunbiuv H I; Oo. V Alfred Kne.ire, va Win I. Helfenstein. c, vs Win I. Hcifuiihtjin vs same 1 nomas irerr .,-, . , . . pcm ! V. i. ,;i"'" tians ;c liicwn Edward tiros John If. Fox "'aruh Miller co. Ira T. f'lemer.'. Isaac Brown Dehoruh Hu7.iv Iliiz.rcr ! cV Sta'rick Feuben Tar-cly William VVolborn ti William I. Deworl, rs Filph bogle ct nl i William ;?' .iilre.'r. vs Henry M. Hubii., s Charles Hi Ifcnstcin, vs John S Peterman, ts Jos Holl'nnn's adm'r. v John P. P' rsel, vs W. ti. Knsc ct ai v John S Snvder, Carbon Kun Imp. Co. vs J. Furusivori'.i et ah Isaac Brown v. Abraham Slraub, HAX1F.T. BF.CKLKY, FrothV. I'rothonotaty's OPice, Snnbury, Jnuo 10, U'.'i.-J J V f)T!CE is hereby given that the sr ven! Courts cf Commo-i Pleas, (ieneral IJtie.rK'i Prsions of the peece. jnd Oprhans' Cnnrt. Cunt of Oyer and Terminer and (ietieral Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Nort!itimh"r!itnd. to commence at the Court II i use, i:i th - i jro jli ot Sunliury, tit 111 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the Snd dav of AL'UL'sT neit, and will continue ONE VVEEK. Tho coroner, Justice! of the Peace nnd consts. hies in nnd for tbe county of Nortluoi'tori.ipd, e-J requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those tilings to their several olliccs appertaining to be done. And al witnessea prosecuting in behalf of the Common! wealth agaiitflt any prisoner are elso requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persutia to prosecute nsainst him, ns shall he just and not to depart without leave at tm ir peril. Jurors are requested to bpptmctual in their attendance, at tho time appointed agreeable to tjlcir notices. Civnn under mv bnn.t nt Sontoirv l e ",1lh .la of June in tho year of our Lord one thouw and eigh'. hundred fcr.d fif'---eight nnd th Independence of the I'niled Slates of Atncrb the H2d. God save the Commonwealth. JAMES YANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff Office, Sunbury, Sunburv, ) f.S ' i Juno SB, IS EXPRESS AND TRANSPORTATION LINE. ,riOOI)S Shipprd f..ii the Warehouse of ViJJ" FltEED. WAIID cv FKEED, No. P 1 1 Market street, above Hth St., Philadelphia, to all intermediate points ulong the r.iiiro i I, to Sun bury and Nonhuml'erl;:i:J in pariiculur, witito-.it transhipment and at Iho lowest rates nf freight. All order thankfully received nn.l promptly nttc.,.h'd to, and lioods carefully delii end t j alt Merchants and others. FIIEEEPICK sf'l'LLY, June 20, 1913. 3m'j 'i'ransporter. 1ST few COirJFBCTIONAKY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIAIIT, JT AS just rereived a new and exc.-llPnl assert r.ient of goods at his Confectionary and Fruit Store inMARKE'I ferfiEE'F. Siinlnirv where bo manufacture ni:d teej . on hand, at all times, tlie most chilli n f ,nrc..t:, .- . i Wholesale am! K. tail, ni Philndeb hia prices ' Among his stock of Confectionaries, may b found : French ?e fiumlirors, altVindsa:"eei.b l.ove in-i.ii, Me l liror. ret and tvliira, Jlly t.jkis, ' t'lUlt IVl'l.!, ,.n-k riniittfs ni pa,t4 Ko.-!, ram'". Ibtnicit A laionds, t'rsaill W'lute, u Luio-i ' ll-nw, ' Ym. :.ta, Cornui.":: feerc. I.ni'iuiice, Aliriond faiidj, J.AUJJ. Itiinaiins, Prunes, Hat.., ki:, C-..rrtin!a drlrj, Citrons, Alir.jc.Jt, rsiaons. Nut p.;: kind I.KMON SYIU'P cf a superior quality, by the single or d.,Ten. A i upermr quunty of Srgnrs nml To! a.-eo, and a j variety of Confectioneries, fruit, c, all ofwhici ii ct'ticd cheap ot wholesale or retail. j ICE Cr.EAM. 1 Ho ha al opened an fee Cream Saloon, nnd I , "'"" "e renny io serve .:a cua:oer . w:.,i Ice Cream. Suubury, Juno 13, ItJ.IS. ly HUKSXirpcV HALL, DOMESTIC As FOREIGN j VfllTES TiTcT7"P.r.. I ,, ,, , , . , . , . ,. , .., ,, i '''. ("" "'') Aur.' lhun uh.l'a. : rJ" E uudcrxigned wauld respectfully anneurce , to their friends and the public gi.ier..l!y, thut thev have purchased a very extensive tUv of ine and Liquor direct bom the Cuntorn House, which they olfer to the trade at Philadel phia price thereby sating freight &e. JOHN W. SHERIFF, J. S. H ALL, Danville June 19, 1858. if. XHr,H, dijaolve'tf by intttual eoiwtnt. th huinea will be lieiirrlortb carried on bv Jumea M. M:fp- )Bl ,d Juhn McFarland, under the firm name ; uf w&epheril & McFarland, who will pay all ; o naepnerii & .Mcr arland, who will pay all ' cia asaH1 ,j ,ea,, M gwuullU lu, ,, a, Ut firm. I JAMES M. eilEPIIEnD. r?unbonr, Pfc, I II A KbtS II EH HIT, thsmokiu. P. JOHN M'FAKLAND, Fitra Urova, IV f unkir-y, Jir I, lies.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers