lTOIJE5 TTOTTSE. Wl;i.I.s r&TSnLY, Proprietor. Cor. Armlet Street fr' Xldrkct Square, 11 A R It i B B U It 0 , PA. rrilllS NEW AND I'.LKO ANT HOTF.l, recently crre. jl teii i.y i lie Mimn ju,hS, m -tiartrsliurp, r., nnv, ii.g been lens' for term of yeois hjr the oudorsioH". ho tun at this method nf culling tin, attention uf hit former piirous, and Hit, tinvelliiigc.iniiiuuily, thereto. limine a front nf erne hundred Ami' furiv fret on tlid firincipil street ot the city, and Fifty-two ifput Front on Murkot Pqunre, it cannot Uii to prom attractive unwell as inviting to strntiperi. The 4 Jiituitiers are of fine size, well ventilated, roul lighted Willi Onu n number with cnuiecting ducrs inti kind them very dcsirulilv for l'smilics. The tlrdla are wnrined throughout 1-y Heater j ninl every modern improvement, hi liiet, hns le-'cn udded, that may ponduce to the- lately, comfort, and happiness of llie (IlieSt. ' ' : . . . . Visitors may, therefore, rest nrsmcd. that the t'nne. lionise'' has b;en uuid-j perfect in nil ill appointments Unit e-ieh dep-irtiuent hns been placed in chnt ire or )')pe riuieed nnd Competent Pel sous .(hut ilt every particular the. ImUlllI Vlul'il has nd'pteil by the Proprietor, will uil'urd 1 1 tli iee who ma intke it '.lieir home, ni n decree of ooiut'ori ne niny bcoIHnuttd nt any similar tslidilifcliiueiit in the rti'e. Tu secure thi. itttiiab'a renlt, lie h's fuinitlud Hie 1'nvHtn Private Parlors, rimmbcis, loiiinR l:ooin. Ac., with enliicly NK.YV KIIHM Tl'ltl'. ; nml also rtrmitired within the tmikting. n fine He.rliers Snlon, Oys ter I-..!, ion. Drestiiitir Kooin. lint himJ Old H'ltlis. .Vs. ThcCnliniiry Department mid ltintiiR Know, wi'.l receive timeoc'i:t S'tet.tionol the rrortrletor, wnicn lie vrm.ts. will he n ftiHlciAiit Tii.iriii.tef l.lnil all tastes III l'C ?tttltil After r, turning Inn hiuitlelt thanks to his ohl friends nml patrons, fur the itcncrniis pntrouiipe so long extended to him :t the -'Coverlv iloiire." nml also to liie friends ' mill patrons nt the 'Colninli.n Home," ("ape Island. ilurinR tl.d imxi. ..I 1.111 l, f.,rjn,tr.i'lt. aiilicilfl n 'onilnU'ilicu of it nt the "JONKS HOVSii." WELLS CUYIJIiLY January 30, If 58 Gmos. . VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE On'RKFD AT PHIVATIi SALE. fFTMl li anliscriber ollbre nt private fuIo, a cor J2. - lain lot or iece of Intiii, situate in l.mvcr Augusta towiiahtp, iNorllsuiiiUcrluuil couiuy, about 8 milts below Sunliury,' bounilcJ on tlin west'liy tiie river HiiSiidelianna, on tlio sontli by land ol (ieorge c-'eiler, on tha cant by luiid of M m, Kroh, and on tlio north by land of Wax, K. Jones, rontniuiiig Acres and 1H prrr.lics, ; nil ol wlikh U cleared and in a. very hinh stale of cultivation. The Northern Orttrnl Hail KoaJ jinsdca throtiRh the tract, and is nlso bound on tlio st by' tho.olitin b'oad leading ' from Sunbeiy to llatrisbur;', which, toftetbor, with tlio River upon the west, anil the fertility of the soil makes it a very pleasaut and desira ble situation. AI,!S0 another certain Triict of Land, tituatc ' in said township, atljniniiis lands of William Ktiili, on the south, the lu'irs of lio'urrt mid Ar. thur Auchmuty i on the east Wm.V. Silvor wood, and a public road on the uorthi and Win K. Jones on the wcst.outniiiinr; 03 Acres 121 paiclics strict measure. Ihoul iO acres of which a:e clearud. and in a high elate of cultivation and the residue most excellent land for cultiva tion, Ivit is now covered with excellent timber, and if purchased soon, the puriha&i-r can get a large quantity of Railroad Ties on the same. This trait is ulsn well rcd, having several fine spring upon it, and every field can be wa tered thereby. An indisputable title will bo given and terms of sale reasonable. wii.MAM.n. jo.xr.s. I.owct Augusta tp., January 2, 1?57. tf iANCA'rRLLiEaV"r6R sale. Iirsportixsit tu t eal Oi-oralors. rt'IK undersigned IiC3sees of the "Lancaster Cullkiry," near Khamokin, Northumberland courty, 1'etitisylvania, wbhing to retire from the business, nfler for salo the l.esso and iixtures uf suid t.'olliery, ou satisfactoiy terms. This Colliery has been in operation sinco 1154, and has been successful beyond expectation. The ' Coal is a stlporior articles for ull uses to which Anthracite is applied, and a good maiket has been established, which can be much extended. The Breaker and Futures are of thn very best char acter and will recommend themselves to persons acquainted with the business. ' Tho l.ense runs to January 1, 1864, and is a favorable one for the operator. Tor further information apply at thn Colliery in person, or by letter to bh.unokin, 1 . U., Por. thumberlalid county, Pennsylvania. . COOUUA-N, l'EALE &CO. February C, 1S58. tf , , EstatH of JACOB FRY, Deceased. jVOIlCE is hereby given to the heirs and 1c- gal representatiNCB of Jacob Fry, who for merly resiued in l-'pper Augusta township, 1 or thuuilicil.wd county, deceased, that by virtue of n Writ of Partition and valuation issued out of the t Ir.'.hau's Court of said county to me directed. Hti Inquest will be held at the late residence of said Jacob Fry, deceased, to wit : ut the residence of Jacob near the Phamokin Dam in ihe borough of Sunbury, on Satuiday the Gth day of March next, at 10 o clock A. M., for the purpose o( making Partition of, or to value and appraise the Iteal Estate of said deceased, to wit : A cer lain Lot of Ground, situate in the borough of tiunbury, near the tShatnoUin Dam, and bounded on the west by the imbue road lending from itn bitrv to llarrisburg, on tho south by a 21) feet alley : on Ike east and north by lamlol Ileuja miii Hendricks, containing ubout ono-fi)iuth of an Aero, whereon is erected a two story stone ilwcl. ling House, and Kitchen and a small log stable Ai which tioie and place you in iy attend if you think proper. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. SheriiFs OiTice, Sur.buiy, February 0th, loS. Estate of George Brosious, deceased TATOTICE is hereby given to the beiis or lejal l"l representatives of George Urosious, late of lcnrgelown, m Lower Mulionoy township, Nor thumberland county, Pennsylvania, deceased that by virtue of an alias writ of Partition and Valuation issued out of tho Orphans' Court of said county and to ine-l!reetrd, an inquest will he held at tne late resilience ol smu deceased, in Georgetown, on MONDAY, the 22nd day of March, next, at 10 o'clock A. M.,lor the purpose of making partition nf the Real Estate of said deceaded, tit wit : cf live certiin tracts of land, and four and half lots of ground in Georgetown, aforesaid, one Limestone lot, and five Islands, sitiiat3 in the river Husquehaiini in Lower Maho liny township, Northumberland county, aforesaid, between the heirs or legal representatives, mid the widow of suid deceased. At which time and placo you may ultend if vou think proper. JAMES VAN DYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, fc'utibury, J January 30, 1B58. ' HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. The lestiinor.y of Piof. Dot th mid Dr. Drinckle having previously heea putiliilied, the following is uuw ad.led : From Prof. MeCI.OSKKY, formeily Professor of Theory und rruetiee of .Mcticinc in the Female Moiii-nl College tf i'eoiilviiina, uml !uo Prufes ,t of btlrgery in liie American CoUi-geof Meilicnie. Arc. : l'llll.A2Ll'UIA, Nov. STih. 1f.4l. Mr. Jo5Brn K. Uovku K 1 1 i -al of yi-ui LIQUID Jl Vllt DV1'. wiil convince llie most kkeptii'itl, thnl it isa SA.U, EI.KGANT, IIIUl KKViCACIOCI iirtpamlion. Unlike ni.niy . titers, it in sevelal Installers proved factviceuhle u tliu cue of some cul..neoui erup:ious ou tic lieuil, t.nd 1 liiivc. no iieititti'n ia euiiiii'eiiciij it to thiisa rcpiirin sn-li an application. Very re-i-ecjiully, J. I'.X. McCr.OSKKY, M.D., , 4o) ilacc Sl.,nIioVe l.'Jttl. IIOVKR'iS WRlTINfJ INKS, inchi.lin? IIOVIT-S WIUTi.Mi l- I.l'ID, Hud llf FUl !l:l.llll.l: INKS, still luaiii'iiiti then liietiel.arscLer, which lias ulwaj s ilis luiuilil litem, u.itl the txlcnuve tltni.-iuU hi. I crtali-J, liseoiitiuta.l umiiteriuplcd uttlil the ic.ecnt, Orders uddiessed In the Manufactory, No. 410 RACE street, nbove veurlh, (old No. 141.) . Philadelphia, will rcooiveprompt attention, Ly JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer. December 25, ISftT.-r-April S5, 'f.7, ch. Estftte of STJSAJJHA BIRD, cte'd. OTICE is hereby given that Ullen. of ad 1 niinislration on the cstnle of Susanna Bird, late of the ttrwn of ShaiutiLinj Northumberland ' couiiiv, deceased have been exuntcd to Ihe sub scribcr. All per.ous indebted to said estate will J.leaso mako immediate payment and those, hav. ing cluitns to presetit thenj nropcily f pproved for . settlement to ' JOHN CALljWELL, Adui'r. , Shsmok'intown, Jan.v", laft .flt a sTK.iYtoir. "" CAME to th promise! of the Rubecriher about 80 dayewnce a BLACK COW, about ten yetir! old, U a white face, white belly, one bind foot white, white under the jaw, a bole bored in each born.. The ownci ia roqueeu-d to rum ,! lirove prbpeity pey chargca, otherwise uht will U Uiepobeu oi accorumg 10 law. 1ANIEI H0FFM-iN. Mt C aim el, January 30, lHSu.Sm 120NEY CAH BE SAVED BY PURCHASING AT THE 5?I'&liS'B 'Mil Wim Of W hv In.! rivlril nml are now oneoina a Urce GOOUS, continuing an niHcss variety, and will ' .nnie! rvtn rtt?ti Wo return our sincere thanks to the public for tnsrit a of tliu saws. . ,. v . .. ' tSTOUNTKY PRODUCE VVAPTED AT tfutii'U-y, t'ccemU-rlUi 18fiH. " WE S'illL SURVIVE THE CRISIS "XQ OT WITH S T A N 1 ) 1 N G l he astonis,! Ingqnan titv ol'liooiis that I broii;hl into lotn last spring, I sui ccciUil in selling them ull out ex ceiil what I cave awny, ninl bud to Lurry to tho city, for a new lot, In order that my customers nti-jhi not be put to tho incmivonieiiee of hnj nig nt oilier stores, where they would to rhaiged killing prices. J'n.litiiig by prut oipiiicnec, I hac just brought on Twice rs Ilarjjr G-oodi, and I have now the lnrccit and CHEAPEST ASSOKTMENT ever offered within heating ji this place. 1 am bound to Fell CUSAriia YKAN EVES, before, t need not say cheaper than my neigh bors; for that is no longer a disputitl fact. I ntu now reaily to deal out goods twenty hours cut of twenty-four- Sunday excepted at lower, prices than any pers m dare uk lor. Just t ull for uny thing j ou went. I am deter mined to RLTPI.Y A I.L DEMANDS that iney bo made, reasonable or unreasonable. tan soon, us the ruth is Tremendous. II! A T. CLEMENT. Sunhury, Dec 5(!, 1857. ly 1357. FALL & WINTER G0OD3! 1833. FANCY DllY GOOD STORE, , . Islarket Square, Sunbury. TflW r.mnivoil nml Uill 4n, (ItiiiA ir, Tdratfrt - the largest und best selected Stock of Uluclc Clutla, Cassiuxcres, Cossinett and , Ycttiiig.i, f, c. An assortment of Dress Goods, viz: Fancy printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, I)e Lain." Uaregos, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacas, Dress Silks, liinyhams, &c. . LIN EX AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, J'illowcaseing, &c. Drcso Trimmings in Groat Variety. Boots and Shoes Hats anil Cups, Hardware, Cedarwnre, Groceries, Queenswarc SALT ond FISH, Cheese, Craikcrs, Segars, Tobacco, S'nulf, ike, an assorsmcnt of other Goods too tedious to mention. Keeling gtatel't.l for past favor wo beg leave to r;-c our old friemlji and tho public that no ill i t Jti our part shall bo wanting to merit a cor.: nuance of our patronage. . country tiroiliics taken in exchange at the highest market price. P. W. GRAY. Sunbury, Dec. 12 1857. tf NEW ' Pcper, Printers' Card and Envelope' WAREHOUSE, , Au. dOo Commerce, Street, I'iiladdpJna. Cash buyers will find it for their interest to call. ' January 10, 1858 6mos. Sliraw-Culter. fEHE subscriber has been appointed Agent for SL Messrs Geddes & Marsh of Lcwisburg, for the sale, of iheirKltaw, Hay & Corn-Fodder Cut ter. Thin Cutter is the best in use. Farmers and others are respectfully requested to call and examine for themselves. P. B. MASSER. Sunbury December 2(1, 1$37. tf A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. TEHE subscriber will sell nt private salo a JL FARM, situate in Point township, Nor thumberland county, nbout 3 miles from the borough of. Northumberland, on the Danville road, adjoining lauds of J. C, Hortou, Jojucs Nesbit, Chas. Parks und tho north brunch ol the river Susquehanna containing 75 to 100 Acres, to suit purchasers. The laud is in a good state of cultivation. The improvement consist of a largo frame HOUSE, well finished ; a Spring House, built over a never-failing Skiing close to the house, u Dank liaru and other outbuild tugs. An Oichaid with young and choice fruit trees. The above tract will 're sold on reasonable terni3 and un indisputable tiilo given. Posses sion given on tho fust day of April next. For further particulars inquire of tho tubscri ler, rt siding on the adjoining faun. JAMES NESBIT. Point township, January 23, IS58, If "MOOTS & SHOES for Men, Women mid Children, a large stock, comprising Men's Water Proof Kipp and Calf skin Boots, Bro- gans, Moroeeo, Kid and Culf skin Shoes, Gaiters and Gum Shot, BRIGHT & e0. . Sunbury . Dec. 5fi, 1857. reSacLtTCj, Heriii.g and Shad, whoIesle l? ?! or retail. Now is the time to purchase Fiih, a.i we arc enabled to offer them ut a lower price than j on can purchase them in tho Spring. ounuury. jiec. sn, '.). UKlUli i' ,V SON. C- O- 3Il.V5IT. FLOUIt AND FEED STOKE, .hiild Square, SuuLury, Pa., f"J) Efii'EC'l'FI.'LLY informs the public that (fl he constaiilly keens en hand, .Eitra and double Extra I'lour, in ipiarter barrel tucks. A Isn superior Einkwhcut Flour, and Chop feed ol all kinds, which bo will warrant and sell at tho lowest piioe, FOU CASH ONLV. Call and see fr yourselves. Deeeinbcr 1!), ISS7 lv. A. J- kockefeli;kr Vttorncn rd i'tuxj, STJITBTJH'Sr, 1PJ.D Practices in Nor:huubcrlund and si)joii,ii:( Coni:ties," . i fcSunbnry, November 21, I S.17. - tf I'aitiuts Cook to Vour Ititereet. rIHE sudscriber r(fpectpu!!y informs the fur men and the public generally, th:tt he hns leased the lime kilns of Ira T. Clement in Sun bury, end that he hns ilways on hand, snd is ready to supply a good quality of lime to all who may want lor building or running purposes. . lie has also a kiln st heeler s crossings miles from Sunbury, or two from Snvdertown. O" Alliir.ds of Country Produce taken in exenange. , CEO. W. STKOH, Sunbury, Dec. 26, 18o7. ' 30,000 OROSa-TIES' iriVTVIim.:.i. nt i Y u" nIIy nousana ivrosS'i les, or ' Itailrosd Sills for the Northern" Cnir,.l Hull Load. I or further particulars ennlv in . IU T. CLEM E.YJ', Coi tractor - Banbury, December 8b, 1 et T, tf wyiJAHfc anfl Lous Uroche Khawl: also, J Walcrvlhtl, Bay 8tate. Waterloo, and B Inn. ket. Shawls, latest styles, all qualities and prices. ueo,iu,iBj. . DIuUMT w otlN UEEH.'.Cedsr, Hollow juid Ut,ivrel i"l ".miiih!; useiui and orua Bienui. BKlGIirdi SUN. Hunbury, December t, 1N57. and chnica selected tock of WINTER positively tU our tntira slock at ipht' Tifiv our incceasing patronnge, and elml! tndcaTor to K. Jl, iSIsBlisia 1 .V OA. THE 1IIUH EST l'UIUESi , . ' SALAMANDER FIRE AND THISF-HMOF SAFES. Thn largest ansortment in the United States. Warranted to be .equal to any now made, and will bo sold on as Good Terms, as can be obtain ed from any other house in the Country, nt EVANS rV WATSON'S SO .South 4 tli Street, Philadelphia. Tratli is Mighty, and Must Prevail. Report of the Committee appointed to tuperin ' tend the Duniini nf the Iron Safer, at Read of ing, J'tbruary 27, 1857. RitATnsn, March i, The undersigned, members of the committee, do resi'ccll'ully report, that we saw the two Sufes 'prigiunUy anrucd upon by Parrels Si Hcrtingnnd Evans & ntson, placed side by sido in a tur- nacc, viz: 1 lie Sale muse hy llie 1 aymaster ol tho Philadelphia 'iml Ucntlnig I'ailrond tompa- ny, in In olhce at Jieaiting, manulaetiircl liy Farrcls or. Herring, and tho Sale in use by II A. Lnntz, in his store, manufactured by Evans & Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. The fire was started at 8 J o'clock, A. M., nml kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry ak and half chesnut tup wood were entirely consumed, the whole under liie Dtiperiti lendence of llie subscribers, members of the Com mittec. 2'he Safes were then cooled otf with water, after which they were opened, and t'.ie books and papers taken out by tho Committee and sent to II. A. Lantz a storo for public exam inert and marked by the Committee. The books and papers taken from '.ho Safe manufactured oy I arrcls ir Herring were m our judgment; damaged fully fifteen per cent, moro than those taken from Evan & atsoii s Safe. . We believe the above to have been a fair and impartial trial of the respective qualities of both Sales, JACOH IT. DYSH J?7i, DAMEL S. HUNTER. : Having been absent during tho burning, nc fullv coincide with the above statement of tli' condition of the papers and books taken out ol the respective Sales. (f. A. NtCOLLS. H. H. MUHLKNUERG, JAMi;MILliOLLANI) 1 fl;7 inl.r f fP j.vvtvinr Knit. Vf(rlt.'. J. tn irTrntVy (vt It rvntiirea r.o Vn, ft.tMrr or (tit,. . etiJ IwtAritly.nrd U wsnn ra-II naM nnd uftne Utinr ary mhr Can v. r 'nv-nifl . At) lun lt of Waxnn.l fViimnt ar equally tlunk-fi)i.tle nr Wortitlrii in PrTiVn" niH.r.i.i in wnrni in fin Jr)M,hlf, MllH'le. fcsVJTsMltl Kuil I vraM of Ho-ti:f1irr.l Pr-nUng. PnHl.flS intrsj-W.l In t).. e e. nt ft, rl-,r Pn tnsi. e to tlr; rrinteUih(.rtf!t hy laUo tut r mint ; h a rtfl tc i'liU'ifi Nil's '.Tnfio-i ujh it Ln hvo ciuti.inaJ it mv it ! witctit it '.-lt. ii n nrT.irten Tf, KOP fill CJM p'll Hp ICPOrilfair to liiefflini. Try U. itifl in All ffce v If re m fiiUur U Ji TumW Pf llie (n tin' nmnfv will btt rt-tumlnj 'llin'"!iill lJ,tri I'lil.-lfaTfilM Tn-U-liei OllHl, difltr- nt frf.milip ftirciKivo or iwii by "tiit-n. Tlif tJu,tT irt rn mn wtitlrely new (.ln. ti e OiwkM Iftt-H iri li iii),aTtl rgunot swrit i' or rrruout, m Tut tiiv.i t-'mtltftsj would noin m.y o'lior C:n- Tnou 'rir U lr,..i r.,.m'h la nimft n fill.!,1 Vnitch. 'tfro U nn t.tfl f.b'Ul U to doUriotHt lu iLsfutit'-'ibi. . i inn 'r ir,nrv?v ' Tin. 1a K HO til' r ri.. jfl Ki'iHAW ui sil t IU ilia i Sept. I; , 1817. Do ynu wisli to find .n-d vmp!nym nf, uitfl mnkc mo Willi (ill In in no iitvubimcui", mid without nitert'crn wi h yniu regular butsiiu-tB Jl" you do, rcutllJiia Uiivtrtue mrnt. C. 1' TODD k CO., c f 103 Droome Plicf, pv York ttio nir,;ni urn:g nml selling uiiiEiivf goUi l'eucilg lor -.'i t-utb, (vvliirli lire i-l:enp nt price,) :nit iliey ihrow in a put or prii- with euch ncil, worth rrin S-'J up t 5, 10 .. VI, J., HO, 'i(t, 75, KW, ant), and tXUi. Don't en (ml, "iiuinl'UR ! Loltery !' IVb no bui'Ii lliin Tlie rciuils drc 8 )1(1 til tlitir cnsli value, mid till tlio profits nvt-r the first ciiht nre llirown info thu iril'tit w tneii actually C"t llie piuclifircr iiothum. Tlie prizes ni dif-lrtbulrd on ii ci!iilt' pl:iu of tlrawinp, wlitch won In take loo much room to fxnlaiu, but wlni Ii buj never failft! to nive complete snhxliictiou We Imve ilntv.'N ntu! sent to pttrch:is-m I si wnti'ltcs of Viiii'.us piict'8,71 purses of poM dttilnrs, gN! Iffki b, f"6i) cliiiins, Bint a crretpotaiing ulim lt.:r ul Uiliur pri,t;, wiLkiii two inoutlm. . TiiERK AUi; NO ULANKS, but every pitTcUnscr drnus a prize worth 52 eertiiin, nml ll rtmi'! ttiotiti-.MuU of cK.uitv'fc to be a bigSt r figure. We want a soo-l nhfftil in every neihb throiisrli out the country, to solicit purHiusem, nml any npeiit, to le BtiecfMiul, intiBt bnvo u l eneil Bitii piize to eilnbit. We nuy ai-iiU Si ruiilrfor each purehbiter beolit.iiiis.4ini tht fo nt perison in nny nribboihood who npp'ies for a i'ein-il and will icceive the nfrenry for that lonliiy Mioiild an n out ibt:un a vn!u;dte pne to rxhiliit with his IVm-il, be wmtM buv little diifirnlty in n'.tlnining ccoies ol piirciuisers, una miiKing ii a paying iiubineus. A New Idea! Head!! Head!!! We nek nolvuly to send tht-ir mony till thy know wh t piiue they draw. Any b:tly wnhii.;rt. try their hick, r:m first et-tut us tiu'ir nnue umi iMttrcsj, aim we win m:tsr Hair il raw oik i'd Uifoiiu limn iy return mad wliat prize tbty iti t'vi. Leu tin y ran ktJ on and take Ihe tVueil and prize, or n-t, whiflievt.'f tln'y clmose. e ptvc this prt- iirptt only ont o io u pun miser, aiut i;io .hi tirnwni every pureiiact-r . win ti Tc-jinren to urnn in nuvutice, ttir lull II. e aii!imri;:eii niu. newm feno writ vnvt Ini .vii.j he nimdier tukfii n with lull deuaiiition of the piun uf drawing. Aiirvss v.:. r.. 1 k vo , T,02 Broom Strut, Xtw Vorh Juimnry 0, 1P5S. .ioci. h. ke:acss, ATTOHNKV AT LAW, Ojjlce ii Muclel st., opposite the Court House, SONSUJIV, PA. Collections made and Professional Business generally attended to Promptly and Carefully. Pim.Anri.ruiA lUt-KiiEsc g : Ilullitt 4 Fairthorne, Diehl If Wcrti, Davis Si Ilirney, F. Tyloi Si Co. Kunhury, June 20, If 157. Tj'iEh.ins TaclllC Ked Cork, Grass. Cut- ton sua Liiieii 1, ikes. Out Lines. ca lirsss by the yard, fniiods, Flics, Kirby, LiineiUk ond Uuriisiu itooks, itods, cic., for sale by Mnreli 4I.'S7. A. tv. FISHEK. J i -C) ii - i 7.1 :1 Jjs jtrlii viiliilfi S STORE. TVflSS LOUISA B1IIS8LER, respectfully in-J-'- forms the citizens of Trevorton and sur- rounding county, that she has opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor ton in Shamokiir street, nearly omiosite Knnuse's Tavern, where all kinds of Donncts and Fancy Good can be had at the lowest terms. , Ureas makim; also attended to ia the lest manner and Intest style. April 23, lfci!)7.r-tr tyALL PAPEJt, indiiw Shades. FlouT, C'srriuRe, and Table Oil Cloths, Cocoa M ilts and s superior ailiclo Oct Drurrqest. Dec 20, 1857. BRIGHT 4. HON. ren("y.iatl Clolli In 7. Peter Sham, Whippoorwill Bansups, ilohair Kaglane, French Cloth and Htck. Union Coals, including a nice assortment for Itrys. Puns, Vesta and Monkey Jackets, all siiesand prices. Sunbuiy.Dee. SO, '57. UliHT& BON. OQQ'BACKa quality, best ual ity, lagaaacks, and for sale at tho lowest figure. blilGHT&BON. Sunbury , Dec, 88, 1857. 9 S 0 Y A R,)S C A B PUTIN G,embraein j Wool lugruiii, Cotton, isd superior slicle of lieg Caroct, Manufactured al home, for sale at prices to suit Uio limes. lire. S8, '67. liRIQHT &, 8 ON, M irch 21 ISAAC M. W1LKE11SON, MAWtTPAOTUP E OF" FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Cf tLe most FaEhionnHe Style. ..fnn, Dlvnus nail l.oungvs Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA. HRKAKFAXT AM) )lNliU lABLIllS and ulso VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia mmufacturo. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPROATtDS. WORK AM) CAinulh. STANDS, foil.KT TARLES AND EXTENSION TAULE3, In short, every article in this line ef his business. THE subscriber respectfully calls the attentioi J- nf thn niiMif. to his lame and splendid as sortment of every quality mil pnee ol UARIXEST-liMESIS which cannot foil to recommend itself toevnry ne who will examine it, on account of its durable worhmnnshin and splendid finish, made up of the beat stock to be had ill tho city. No effort Is snared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. He also manufacture all kinds and qualities . CIIAIUS, . ncluding varieties never before to bo had ir Sunbury, euch as Mauooast, Black Walsut ash t'uni.F.ii Mavlk Uiir.cnN i Aivn Wixnsnn CHAIRS, arii ianct Pi ami Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every continence can bo entertained bout tho quality and fin Ull of his waro and V "lairs. hose articles will be disposed of on as good ten. eas they con be purchased elsewhere. Ceun- trvp o iditec taken in payment lor work. "x UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome Heaiisk, ho is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient distance from this place 1 lie Were Koom Is in r awn street, be ow Weaver's Hotel. He has also purchased the right of manufac turing and selling in Northumberland county, Gould's patent Excclsoir Spring Bed, which he will furnish at reasonable rates. Springs put in old bedstead for three dollars. ISytAC M. WILKERSON. Sunbury, April 18, 1857 tf. T"K A('lvUWI,F,IlfiKI ffT,.;",1! CHAMPION 1 1 'V v '-r.'i' iSirf- l tub trials at HjkV ' I , have cmli.rscil the current l'.1' jAlt'?N' .i P,,:,IC opinion, and confirmed f. i'ti ' ' . ' r.'tl ine viTitict ot more limn wio aeei H i. ;; . il dentul firci 'On the 20th of Peliruarv nil the memttprs of the Com mltii-r ini't to wiln. Ki tin; Sid's nod Looks mid nnpt'rs, (phiccil in them) nud wire perfectly suttslu'd that all was The dtiv lollowtiiir, llt luiriinig looH plsce. undi-r liie s:!MriiitcinifiKe of tha Connnittee. After a fair nml impartial Imriiinat for li.-e hours, the S;il"s of Messrs. I.vans It was first i.h-hI, Ihe Sale '! fn inside, and the e intents punially columned, while Ihe eon tents in the Sifcof Messrs. l'urr. l. & Herring weie in iror.l and no lire inside." Keiiiii(t. March 2, 1K7. (Signed,) II. I'. FF.l.IX. ) v f.N Cdl.KMAN, Committee. A. II. ri-lACOCK. ) And fid irni-d l.'iirrr rul of Ihe l.enl men of Ttetldiliir. 'Ili. J.ivjSii;.;!, he i.isnectiil at 111 Walniit Street, Where tliupuhhc ran Kitisl'v I'helnsclves of the ureiil S'lpe rinrily of t'lu "lit rriiiu's I'nt.-nt Champion," over the defeated und used up ''inside Iron JJ.jor fa:ni.inucr." 31 Walnut Ft., l'hihida, Only mukeis in this State uf Herring's Patent Champion Sal", s. Theattemnt marie lr other pnrties to Uilster up the reput itioii ol a Sate which has failed so sitrimlly ii neei- dciltal tires ill Philadelphia, (HaiHlKad l'lnck,) hy taknn one out ol an a?enl s store, (11. A. lrfini.,; ntauo uouui tl.ii'knras, (Miferent fiom those tlicy sell) tc'liurn up' one of llerrtint's (huh'ns llock) ha, met with its true re ward. Ilerriuir's ftif- c .uld n n lie burnt, proving eonelu1 sivclv that Ihe inilv reliuhle !.ife now made is'-HerringV-of which over IS.issI lire now in ni'tual use, nml iilur' than atl have liecn tried hy fire without it single I.MS. l,liila.,June an, lf-57. H'. STAIFFEIS & HAIt LEY, CHKAP WATCIli;S AND JKWKI.IIY. TTriIOI.i:SAI.i: ANORKTAII., ntllie "l'hiladelphin V Winches and Jeweh y flore" Ho. MS (Old No. 1)6) North Second Street, Corner of IJuarry, Philadelphia. G. Id Lever Wntelii,, full Jewelled, IS card eases, Sif.OO tioltl I.epiue, 13 care!, SI 00 Sil er l.over, fall jewelleil, l'i 00 Silver l.epme. jewels, OO Superior Cjiiurticis, 7 SI liolil Spectacles, ' ll" Fine Silver do., I 0 Hold l;r.u..Ut, 9 00 l.ydy'i li il.l I'eneils, 1 Silver Tea Spooes. set, e On Uold l'eu, with I'eneil and Silver holder, 1 00 tiolj Finnor ltlli!:i?J rts to !; U ntrh Onsses. plain 121 i ts , patent 1--1, l.u let 25 ! othor articles in proportion All goods wurruiiled to be what they lire sold for. 8TAUFF11K 1IARI.FV. Ou hand some flold and Silver Levers and Lepincs still ..ver tlniM the uliove prices 1' h i hideji .loiijj leloher 1 (lj J -57 lvfW Tain Ekanitsiivtl : . E PROLONGED. 4 Jwmm&m HOLLOWAY'S TILLS To sulTer the iniui and penalties of sickness when the certain menus of cure ulo nei-essiljle to nil, is positive madness. The vegetable rcuiedy, neting powerfully upon the en uses of dispiise in all the tluiils, nerves, ond tissues of llie luslv, udelthe inorliid ond poimous insure from lis lurking places in the system, cleanse snd puiil'y eveiy seereli on, lelnoH the shnrterrd c institution, le.tors Ihe vigor und vnility of the cnfeeUcd friime, und tend to pro long life lui le.yoml its onlinaiy linns. MILLIONS IlELY ON TIIKM! In every quarter of the gluts), among nil nntions, civil ize.! and suvuge these I'lll. nre used with equal mid unv rvinc m.-eess. They ore odverliswl lu every pruned lan guage, und wherecver coinuieice hua peuelruted, they ore in couliuuul demuud. . ALL INTERNAL DISEASES Yield to their action, Dvspepsis, Liver Compluint, At feetioiis of (ha Howeis, tlm Kidneys, the Nerves, the Lungs, the Threat and the llruin, tliat have previously defied ull human skill und nil other remedies, uie espedl lioa.h andiufalililv cured l.y tins nll-e.nipiering uiedieius HOilll.V 1'UOsrHATION I'.veii when the pulients sie reduced to the last degree of ftehlriirsa, they nuiy be rccuwruted hy the resisUess tonic and ultemative properties of llolkiway's Pills. FKM.HX9 OF ALL AGLS, From whatever vmiety of Ihe ailments peculiar to their ei they may le suffering, may rely with entire oonGdeuce ou the. effect of this Slrcngtliiug, luviviug, Sufe and im mediate remedy. JIMitray's Pills are th best remedy Inoten, in the world for the following disease: Asthma, Fever and Ague Stone and Gravel U.,u'm I'oinnlalllls Female Couirduilits Secondaiv Pvlun- . I u lliJnf.he liiu'Hr.l IVmImu. CouHi Colds Chest Discuses Costiveness ly,;iepsia Jliarluea Dropsy liuliKraliou Liver Complaints lulluenza I s.wuess of Spirits liiiiHiuiiiii.i.'ii .lies Yenereul AlTeelionB Worms, of oil kiuds tir CAl'TION ! None ure genuine unless the words "Uulhwny, New York und Uuidon,' sre discernible us hih waier-iniok in every leaf of the rswik of directions nnmiid each pot or b x ; the suine may be plainly sees ly holding the leaf to the light A handsome reward will lie given to any one remising such informotiou as limy lend to the detection ot any purty ol twities counterfeiting Hi meilieiiies ol vending the same, kuowiug Uuuu to b ip'irious. . Sold at the Mnnufnctortes of Profensor Hollowat (Ml Muiden iJine, New York, and lill Straiid. London, by nil reSeetaole iiruggisis uuu ueuier. in nitxiiciiie uirougn. mil the United States, and the civilized wulld, iu buzes. u iit..ejl cents, snd ffl each. 17 There is a considerable suviug by taking tlie Isrter "n"b. Direelimis for the guidance of patients la every disorder ure slimed to eac poA October 17, Inu?. lyca t EL, II. OUWI, ATTORNEY -A.T LAW! OjJIce on South Second, near Market Street, LEWIBPURB, lA. Practices in the Counties of Union, Northum berluiid and Montour. . - All 1'aorissroMAi. Buaimsa entrusted to - i his rare wjit receive pompt and fa thful alien I tion. 1 October 3, 1857. I r i, provine conclusively ;iv i:v I Vi -B t mt "IIciriiiisV is the only AFB iL'. 'i I I aJ HIwi will not I'lirn. Wasi't'd r.xtni'-t fiom the Committee's I3Lli,a3ssr V' Ret,"'t 1111 llie rr';1' uf 'ru Safes Tun LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT T II B CITY OF BALTIMORE. IN TAT,,,OT'8 r,nV Street worrroonn ros x.i l I mnl 31 North Unv street, neur 1'nvctte, Baltimore t where is kept nlwuvs on limirt, or rrmitn u oriler, every style of French TETK-A-THTK3, in flush, Hair, Clolli or Uroentelle. , French full Ptnff and Medallion Tarlor Arm Choirs, in Plush, lime, Cloih or Hroealelle. 1'reinh Full ituffCm veil Turlor Chairs ill sets, Willi Plush, Hair, Cloth or llrncutellc. SOFAS Half French Perlne Mntiopniy and Wnlnnt rarlof in llnir. Pl.itli mill 1'lui.ll. Itix'kinu. t'liuirs various deiigus, in Hair, Cloth and Plush. fluff Sprfnt 1niinres a Isrce nsaortment a!wi)s en liniiil, or an) "pattern itinileor covered with uny goods to oruer. CHAMBER SUITS. ' In Muhocnnv or Wulnnt, complete, from P35 up. Cime Chairs ntut lttickinsr do. the Inrircst assortment reniiy nimle in uny one house in the United Suites from 9 1-2 a dozen up. Itnr ftooiii. Office and Diniiu Chairs, in Onk, Wnliiut or nfahofffiny, with Cnne, Wood or Stuffed Seats m assortment piuIii ttriiipr overfill dozen. Wood sent Chtiiii and Settees and Itoeking Chairs. over 100 dozen. Gilt mid Plum Frnme Ivikinr Glasses, of every variety. All kinds of llcds, ltair and Husk Muttinanes. A. MATIIIOT. Nos. SO nml 2.5 N. Gny st , near Fayette St., Baltimore. August 1, 1857. ly Jtm.v zt.7i.nt:u.njt.v, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and tho public generally, that he hns just receiv ed a New Stock of GOODS, ot his new stnro, at David Miller's Mill, in Lower Auaustu 'Town ship, and that lie is prepared to sell goods at ill lowest prices. - His Stock consists in part of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, &c. and every variety usually kept in a country Store. Trevorton prices paid for all kinds of produce. Lower Augusta twp, Aug. S, 1857. tf Ke-.v Gocds for the People ! BENJAMIN HEFFNKll RESrECTFri.LY" informs the public in een eral that he has just received and opened a splendid stock of SPRIKQ AND SUMMER GOODS at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassizaers, Cassincts. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: CaltcocN, Glngrliamfl, Iawim, aiousselluc Uc I.nliiCs) and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries, Also an assortment of Ilat'tKYRI'C. Irou ami Steel, Kails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of dtTEEHSWARE, of various styles and paiterns. Also an assortment or nOOTS Ji. SHOES. ' II ATS & CATS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, is-c. And a great variety of other articles such as arc suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. rz7 Country produce taken in exchange a the highest prices. I.vwer Augusta, June fi, 1857. A iiooli Cor Every Man I.ltrary. RARE INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS. CANVASSERS wanted to cbtain subscribers for the Comprehensive Geography and His tory, Ancient and Modern, ot the World ; liy S. G. Goodrich, (Peter Parley,) Handsomely bound in cloth gilt, and illustrated with 200 beautiful er.craxings and and 80 mnps. Price Sold only by agents, to each of whom special district will be given, applicants should slate what counties they would like to canvass. The book is now ready. Copies will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of tho price. Bills on all solvent banks taken at par. The "Home Journal," says of this work: "No family what ever should be without it." For full partirulars in regard to ait agency, addrees, UEUliUU V. El.LlUi J, Publisher and bookseller, No. 172 William Street, New York, Allhave kinds of School and Miscellaneous Books, Cheap Publications, Stationery and Maps, furnished at llie very lowed prices. Or dcrs solicited. Novemlier 81, 1857, FURNITUHE POLISH. S. RAlTis" Premium Tatent Knamel Furniture Polish. This polish is highly valuable for resto ring the polish on ell kinds m I tiruiture, Glass Carriage Uodies, lltur Cloth, Ac. Also, lor re moving spots, hiding scratches, &e., Ac. War ranted to dry immediately and retain its gloss, Price 50 cts. per bottle. Sold by A. V. I ISIIEK March M, 1657. LARGE PRY GOODS ESTABI.ISin.ENT. HAMILTON EASTER & CO., IV evv Marble ISuildlug, Not. 199, 201 and 203 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE. HAVE now in store (mostly of their own im portation) one of the largsst and in ut com plete Stocks in the United Stales, embracing iilks and bilk goods of everp class i Dress Goods a very large stock : Irish Linens : Lin. en Goods and Housekeeping Articles of every de scillition ; Alcurmng Goods; Cloaks, Munttll and Shawls; Kmbroideries, Laces, Hosiery, Gloves, Blankets, Quilts, Domestic Goods; and every article generally rexuired by Farmers and 1 tamers for servants use. Or Retail. Rooms on first At orthe price affixe 1 to each article, from which no deviation is made. t'i" Wholesale Rsoms on the second and third floo s. Octdber, 11. 1857. 3m. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORKS. No. 240 Arch St. bet. Second 27tV, (Opposite Bread, Street, lMillatlclplila. SEIVES, Riddles, Screens, Woven Wire of all meshes and widths, with all kinds of plain and fancy wire work. jYeovy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers ; Coal, Sand and Gra vcl Screens; Paper Maker' Wire; Cyleidcr and Dandy Rolls, covered in the best manner Wire and Wire Fencing. A very superior a1 tide of 7eavy Founders? Selves. AM kinds of Iron Ore Wire Selves. UiYLISS, DRBY & LYNN. Philadelphia, Sept. 19, 1857 c3m. ITVciiCli t lolll. Fancy and Plain Cassi ' mere, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeana, Silk, Sa tin' and Silk Velvet Vesting., Troy Satinet! and the very largest and cheapest assortment oi Men's Wear suitable for cold weather. . BRIGHT SON". Sunbnry, Dec. 26, '57. RlifOletteN, Victorious, Opera Caps, Wool Hoods, Comforts, Cashmere Scarfs, Lamb Gountletts, Ac. - BRIGHT 4- SON, 8unbiry, De, SO, '67. PURE CONCENTRATED LYE OR SA roNIFlEK. for tale at FISHER'S Pui Store. Prioe at) cts. FURNrrrjRE I FURNrTiTRE ! t THE LARGEST 8TOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. Fashionable, Cheap and I'scful TIIE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage His slock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 4 c., embraces BVEItY VAK1ETV, tSKFtL AND ORKA- ' RiEMTAf. : in housckeeuini. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can be had at moderate prices, Cheap for Cash, or Country Producetaken in exchange. Establishment - . South i'(f Corner of Market Square. . GT Those knowing themselves indebted to tho subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN UALTT. Kunburt, April 4, 1857. tf NEW OOJSrFEOTIONARY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEAR1IART, HAS just received t new and excellent assort ment of eoods at his Confectionary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunhurv, where he manufactures and keeps on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, &c, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among hie stock of Coiilcctionarics, may be c....i . French Peerets, Gnm Drops, an Kinds oi scent, live Props, Mint Drops, red and white, Jelly Cukes, Fiuit Drops, Stick Csndtes, ( all scents Rock Candy, Almond Candy, FRTJIT. Prnnes, . Figs, Citrons, Burned Almonds, Cream White, lmon i Rose, Vsnills, Common Scciets. Liquorice, Dnnsnns, llntes. Currants dried, Almonds, Rntsons, Nuts if stl kinds LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Segars and Tobacco, and e variety ef Confectionarics, fruit, Ac, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. IOE CBEAM. He has alo opened an Tee Cream Saloon, and will nt all times be eady to servo his customers with Ico Cream. ' Sunbury, May 21, 1857 ly Saddle and Harness Maker. HE3Sm-5fT HzVTJPT, JR. Successor to A. J. Strnh, RESPECTFULLY informs the -sjfswfa. citizens of SuntmrT ami tne pun , ... lie "cnerallv. that he has taken the establishment lately occupied J Stroh and is prepared to tutn cut work in is line of business equal to any made in this, suction of ihe country. Orders promptly exrcu tod and all kinds of produco taken in t-xcliange Sunbury, May 0, lnS7. Iy DBWTISTR'Sr. GEOUGK KENN, A NNOUNCES to the citizens orSimbury and vicinty, that he has opened an office in Sun bury, above 11. J. Wolvertou'a ollice opposite Weaver s Hotel, wJiere lie is prepared io auenu to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the latest and most improved style. All work well dur.e and warranted. December 13, 185G. Citrate of Magnesia on TASTELESS SALTS. THIS preparation is recommended as an ex cellent laxative ond purgative. It operates mildly, iscntircly free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared snd sold hy A.W.FISHER. Sunbury, March 14, IS.. IOUO IbsJ t)i CariK-t Etajis WANTED at Ihe store of E. Y. I3riht A Son. who are constantly receiving a fresh supply of Goods, thus offering to the public the la r "lint and most desirable assortment. July 1 1. 18'i7. IUATCHOULY, JOCKEY CLUB, SPRING IL FLOWERS, Ac., of the best quality : a fresh supply just received and for sale at the Drug Store of A. VV. 1' ISllttU. i'unbury, Aug. I, IS57., of all kinds and endless ,nri.iv. BRIGHT 4 SfN. Sunbnry, Dec. SB, 1857. C"!OVCSof all kinds, Stockings. Collars, Sits- renders, Buck Mitts. Handkerchiefs and on endless variety of Hosiery snd Notions. Sunbury, Dec. 26, '57. UiUGH 'tV BUN. EAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS, including Figured and Plain Merinos, Silks. Scotch Plaids, -Silk Striped Poplins, Cashmere, Trenton Plaid, Umber Shades, Fancy and Plain DcLuines Valencia, Paramclto Cloth, &c just received and for sale by B KIGllT 6t SON. Sunlnny, Do. 3f, 'S7. Leather ! Leather 1 Loathcr 1 ' IIKMtY W. OVERUAW, IMPOTtTF.n of French CuV Skins nud general Lenlher dealer, No. 6 South Third street, PhiluHelphia. A general nuorliucut of all kinds of Leather Morocos, ic, Ae. Ked and Oak Pole Leather. 1 elimury U8, IK17. ly w ALMONDS, RAISONS. FIGS, LEMONS. cVc, Ac, just received a fresh supply and for sale at the Confectionary store of M. C. GEAIUIART. unbury. May 16, 1R5T. FOR SALE. Good second-hand Buggy, office. Apply at this FOR RENT. riHH Store Room in Market street, occupied bv P. W. Gray and the dwelling house ad joining. A pply to the executors of H. Master, deceased. Jarifess-y 17 IR5T. New Wrtigrs, PalMts, &c. NEW supply of Drugs, Points. Oils, a Fluid, die., lust received and lor aaie ny A. V. l lllbn, Suiihury, May S, 1857. f AND WARRANTS. The highest price -'will be given for Land Warrants by the sub. crihei. I' - H MASSER. HH&ATENT BRITTANIA 6T0PPERS fo j5 bar bottles for sale by H. B MA8SER. Sunbnry, July 13. 1B5B. rpobUCCO aud Segars 50,000 Imported -I- Segars of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish sad fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S. - Sunbury, March H. 1857, P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, Jl'STHll. OF Y1IE PEiCE, SUNBURT, I-e.. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House, All business promptly attended to. Monie collected and all ordinary writings dons). Sunbury, April 85. I o 5 7 if IlORTand MADERIA WINES, 8chiedam - Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry and Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at March If, 07. A. V. COUNTVOKDF.RS.T-County orders taken as cash for foods, and on note or book ac count bv E. Y. UKIGUT SON Nov. 8, 1. 56. v ..."T"W BROWN'S and BreinigV aud Husband's Mogut, March 14, '67. mm- EARTHEKWAHB. rpHE subscriber respectfully inform's tha cili X tens of Sunbury and the public generally, that he hat commenced the manufacture of all kinds ef . EARTHENWARE, at his manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one qmtro east of the River. Ho Las engaged tha services of Mr. IlAar.and you can therefore depend en having a BOod article. The rubiie are respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distance will b promptly attended to. . i P. M. RITt-ytvft. Sunbury, Feb. J, 185C tf JOHN II. ALLEN & CO. Nos. I snd 4 Chestnut Street, (wuth side, below Ws 1 (Tea Ourssr Wora-wsiw Invest , , ClTT , MANUFACTttRF.RSnnit Vh0leie,lei,l,r. I. n Machine made IIHOOMS, Petei u it, vJ,"rUtnt Ware, warranted not to, vS.d wt h- w1"'" Cords, Bruges, A c ,of .11 deTiptlens ' P t exsmins our stock. ' " e,u snd Fubrunry 48, ln57. ly w VALUABLE PUGTEST Y FOR SALE rpHE siihscribers, Execntors of the estate '0 JL Henry Moeser. dee'd. nfr. . :." . the following property vil! A ,". ' .wTstor, frame dwclliiiE housn. ion,.. L. . . ' , .bwllcl nJUI Kuui m 50 ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoinir,, land, of Daniel Kuufmon and others now in ! occupancy of John R. Kaufman as a .tori ill dwe ling. The house is new and the location a good one for business. ' Also a TRACT OP LIMESTONE I AT) in said township on the river abnt B mile, be! low Sunbti.y, adjoining lands of J. T. in'"' and others, containing, ahnnt Co acres Tb other'minr Also a tract of Land. rn-itirin -v.... .cref on the hill, ahout two miles below Su.-burV adjoining land, of the h.i.s of the ,ate j.I" late John i-onrsu anil others. There is, on thi tract, a siiiini orcnaru oi clioice fruit For furthrrparticutaranpi.Iy to the subscriber,, xl. U. iilASSl',1!, j l U. MASSER, SExetutors FRANCIS IIUCHER.i Sunbury, January 13, 1856. tf NEW ARRANQEMENxi" J resh Arrival of DRUOS, PAINTS, OILS, to, ritHE undersigned Ziavin; t.ikcn the storo for A merly kept hy William A. Krnner, i3 nw rendy to 1.11 orders and prescriptions st n mo ments notice. Ho has a large and well sele.ted slock of fresh and ptira DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dye-stum., Oil, Painls, Glass, Putty, snd , li kinds of Patent Medicines. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Importrd Pepars of the ehoicft brands. Fancy Notions' toilet srlii lis, am fVr. ftime.ry ,,f all kinds. 'J'oolh ond Hair L'nish. s of every variety. Camphine and Fluid ahrayi on land. Customers will find his slock complete, c.-.-n-prising many articles-it is impossible hero to end mcrnle, and all sold nt moderate prices. icmemner tne place, next door to E. Y. Bright's Mammoth Store. e , , A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March 14, 1857. WHITE HOUSE HOTEL. POTTfiVILLE, PA. rlIIE subscriber respectftilly announces te h eld friends ond tho public, that he has taken that old and well known establishment, tho White ;Horso Hotel. At Ihe corner of Centre ond Mahontr.go t. i.t the Borough of Pottsvillo. The home h i. 're cently been very much enlarged and otfcerwhe improved, rendering it quite as cotnfortald. i.s any other Hotel in S.-huylkili count while the sti.bles are large, in good ccedttion, and at tend by cnrerul, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and others who house, he promises every attention calculated to render them coinfortablo and satisfied. JOS. M.FEGER. April 5, 1S5 tf HENRY DOJTNEL, ATTORNB1Z" AT LA v7. Ujice opposite the Court House, Suarjury, Northnmberland CouEtv Pa. Prempt attention to business in adjoining DSG 31,33 HOTEL, OITO1TT. WIST UHANCH DANK, "WILLIAMSPORT, MII.Ll iim IS. I3.iY. rrojHlclo'r. C. A. Struts, yissistant. N. i. An Omnibus will rnn to and from fir Depot and Packet Landings, totlii Hotel, fin of chnrge. September 13, 185B tf DANVILLE HOTEL. JOHN DEEN, JR., Marlct Street, Dancille, Pa, is one of the largest and most remmo ii tlinus hotels in the interior of Perms, Imni it l as bi en recently filled op, in excellent st 1, with all the modern conveniences. Dsiivilled, Sept. as, ie55 WHOLKSALO Ami RETAIL . Grocery, Wine and Liquor Etoip, S. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and familiea will be rrotrril oupplied at the lowest prices. uctober 4, Wbli. tf SET'S Wo AAIJ WII0LT.SALK ASU IUTAIL -BOOT STORE, SWA Fourth S.t, aboct Cheumt, Pl.i!' 10 OOTS, Shoes, Gaiters, A-c, promptly mi to order ilt the very best stvle. urn! f t best material. Philadelphia, May 9, 1857 T)LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and bhi Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Kunuiio Ac., for sale b 11. B. MASSUL, Sunbury, Apr! SB, IR5B STOVES' IOR SALE an excellent second-hand ',-. ing Stove, also several Cylinder C Stoves. Enquire at this office. pi OLD PENS wilh and without rn. es, o SJH very superior quulity, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for s by H. II. MASSER Sunbury, Dee. 27, 18?B' CJILVER WATCHES. A fcw doUl Io Etglish Silver Watchee, for sale at ver very prices by H Sunbury. April 13. IS5B. U MA SSL",. AMERICAN IIOUSK WILLIAMSPORT, PA., J. II. HELTO.Y, I'roprlcter J as. T. Hail. Asst. Kept. 13, 1856. tf PURE OLIVE OIL for table ue,two at 3il and C21 cenU just received by A. W. FIS11EF Merck 14, '57. stationery. A '"" PP,i' of fnc ? Pajier and F.uvelopco, Mourning. Le olid Can Paper, rcns.tlnk. Band, Ac, ot March 14. '67. A. W. FibHLiv )ORT MONAIE8. Tooth snd - all nueJities, and any Huouti-y, tot J k. ' ' vt. ' . ' 14, '6T.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers