Congressional tt'eiui 1WEJITT-PIPTH COIORUh Opening efthe IhiIm. . Both Houses Fully Organised. Washington, Pee. The weather to-day i charming, and tbe opening of Congress baa attracted dense :rowds ia lbs galleries of both honsea and Jther parti of the Capitol. The 'greeting letwecn the member! and their friends served to render tbe scene pleasantly exciting. ' Sex. On the roll being, called fifty 3enators answered to their names. The Senate was called to order by the Secretary, bo read a letter from Mr. Breckinridge, Tico President, stating that he would not be tble to reach Washington at tbe commence Dent of the cession. :. '" On motion of Mr. Benjamin, a resolution ras adopted, that the oath required by tho Josntitution be administered by Mr. might, he oldest member preseut. Messrs. Andrew Johnson, or Tennessee, nd Mr. Clark, of New Hampshire, new lcmber", were sworn in and took their scats. The Senate proceeded to ballot for I resi ent ;-i o import of the Senate, when Hon. lenjamin Fitzpatrick. of Alabama, was cbo ia, and being conducted to his scat, returned is acknowledgements for tho honor con- Tho usual resolutions were adopted for the ppoiutment or committees to inform the ottso and the President or the United tetos that tbe Senate was organized and tndy for the transaction of business. ' The Senate then went into hxecutive wsion, and confirmed the nomination by the 'resident or Ueorge W. Bowman, editor or le Bedford Gazette, as Superintendent or 'ublic Printing. . . fter the Executive session the Senate 'j'.jrned without transacting any further u.ainoes. , Two hundred and twcnty-ODe embers answered to the cull of the House. A quorum of members being thus a.cer ined to be present, e Houbo proceeded to e election of the Speaker. Mr. Orr was nominated by mt. JO", -nnessoe, and Mr. Grow by Mr. Banks, of assuchnsetts. On the ballot, the tote stood as follows : Mr. Orr, Mr. Crow, f tjcattuiing, . The announcement of the result was greeted tli applause. , The Clerk appointed Messrs. htephonj d Banks as a committee to conduct Mr. r to the chair. The oath of office was ad nUtcred by Mr. Giddincs. On assuming the chair, Mr. Orr expressed , thanks for tho honor conferred upon him. delicalo and responsible duties of the ir he said, would be comparatively light, ia should be so fortunate as to secure the operation of the members in despatching liness, and in upholding the dignity of the use He promised to administer tbe rules iih may be adeptod with firmness aud im tiulity The great business confided to tm by the people admonished them to cul ate a patriotism as expansive as the Con eracy itself. He cherished the hope that . public business would be transacted so to promote tho interests and happiness or entire people, and tho constitution would maintained in its integrity, and that thoi isUtion would quicken the greatness and ry uf our common country. -iio members were then sworn in, atlvau- in delegations for that purpose. )n motion or Mr. Clinginau. the rules of lust House wote adopted, till otherwise A .;!, a nrnrmo lo IllB i U rum, avl.annrnr anv Uummiliuo auu have upied the morning hour for two days, it 11 not be in order for such Committee to ort further, until the other Committees IIpiI iii turn. Air. I, allu. to the fact that the Committee on Public ds hod, for several sessions, monopolized morning hour, compelling the other Com tees to rely on tbe courtesy or tbe House rke reports. . . Ir Allou, of Illinois, was elected Clerk of House, receiving the same number or is as Mr. Orr received for Speaker, lr Glosbrecner was elected Sergeanl-at-ns. and Mr. 'Hackney. Doorkeeper, tr. Cluskey was declared Postmaster by ilution. , . . lr. Florence; or Pennsylvania, gave notice his intention to introduce a bill for the re suppression of all bank notes, as cur y, or or batrk notes of n less denomination u on hundred dollar as a circulating me n in the District of Columbia. Tbe isa then adjourned. . Mo exits t'tACBovRKFLCE. It is stated . the Mormtfus among their other prepar ns, havo not forgotten to look out a 'oao or refuge in case the Uuited fctatcs aid disagree too severely with their patri jul institutions. The '.Saints" have, it r. nn pTccl'.ent open road from tbe hweslern rAlleys to a settlement of th?ir oc'the coufiucs of Lower California. i colony consists or between one and two isand picked settlers brave, prudeut, tstriaMs, and well instructed not to give ,e or offence to their Christian neighbors, colony keeps up a steady communica with Salt Lake, six hundred miles dis ; aod it'h scarcely to be doubted that have pUrtted other stations in tbe pleas and forlilo valleys scattered along thii e. The inference is obvious, from this ematic arrangemeut which opens the way Souora aod Lower California that the mous hove contemplated the possibility retreat beyon J the United Stales juris ion. They alliliate with the Indians, are na nnonirh to hold both Sonora and Lower iforoia against Mexico j and nothing but a e volunteer force and the establishment . cordon or military settlements can reduce Mormons to submission. a. Ox JN a Well. A bullock belorgiug to Mr. Clayton Phipps, iu East Whiteluud jTwosuip, Chester couoty, foil into cistern . xteen foet deep a fow dars ago. Tbe cis ters was surrounded by a fence and tbe ani mj Saving broken down a panel fell backward iot it. and soon laodod at the bottom. He commenced bellowing which attracted the gtber animals, who would bave probabie fol lowed bim bad they not been arrested and driven off by a woman who happened to be near. The alarm being given about forty of tbe neighbor soon gathered and tbe bullock tbe aid of a rope aod tackel, was hoisted aloft, after three or four hours labor, aod de livered from bis perilous situation He weigh .J about 1700 lbs., and did not appear to nifrr in consequence of tbe accident. To Pbevcnt Food Brasilia to theKktti.k. There i a difficulty in (tewing fruit, mak ing apple suace or sweetmeats, as well as cook Id j japplos, pumpkins, potatoes for starch, it its buruing and sticking to tbe kettle. ,reveut this difficulty, it is suggested by iter in "The Homestead" ti) place clean traw in tbe bottom of the kettle under fruit. That used fur domestic cooking id be whole atraw cut at tbe joiul aud ted of busks. It is easily separated B the fi ait after it U cooked, aod will save torn alt burned taste. It is a new, valua plau. "ioKvifTBD Mcrdrbkrs. The Ilarrisborg . Telegraph says, there ere now in tbe jail hat city two persons wbn have been con 4d el niorder io tbe first degree; Simon .a who has been respited bv the liover- ntkoat date, and William Williams, who j aiti etare. I THE COAL TRADE. The quantity gent by Railroad this week if 47.165 03 by Canal 28.011 06 for tha week 5,17G 10 tons. Tha trad has considerably increased by Rallrod,.and has of course fal len off by Canal. The few cold days deterred boatmen from loading and checked tha ship ments by Canal. The weather is now pleas ant, bnt the boatmon will not load for any point beyond I'biladelphia or vicinity. Boats are also scarce and unless tbe weather should prova more 'mild than we have any reason to suppose, tbe shipments by cauai will close this weak, -v 'The fiscal year of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad closed on tho 30tb. " Tbe quantity sent to market for the year was '. . - ; ' 1,709,651 18 tons. For 1856, - . 2,089,307 10 " Dec. in Coal tonnsgo in "57, 379,755 14 " T)ie Railroad encountesed onosual diOicul ties during the'year, owing in soma measure to the changed state of. tbe trade, the compe tition of other shipping porta, and tha great financial revulsion of the countiy. The changing of officers also led to changes in tbe niode of doing business, which necessarily led to some difference of views and interests, togotbor with the decreased demand for Coal, and the greater amount of money required to transact business at Port Richmond, than was required by those who used the Canal, all tended to lessen the trade by Railroad during the year. Some of these causes how ever tended to increase the trade by Canal, which shows an increased touDago or 68,570 tons over that or last year to same period. The fiscal year of the Lehigh Valley Rail road closed on the 30th of November. The quantity of Coal transported over the Road during the year auioontod to 4 13,23 j tons against 165,740 tons for 1846, giving the very handsome increase or 252,495 tons in 1857. This is a very satisfactory rosult con sidering tbe great sleclino in the demand for Coal during the year, caused by the prostra tion or all kinds or business- The Lohigb Canal has lost 289,850 tons compared with last year. There bus been a gain or about 7,500 tons this week compared with the corresponding week last jeer. The aggregolo trade from the different Regions soma up at follows : . . ISM. 157. I.PN. Gain. Schuylkill tl K. Cunal, Ulii'h It. II., Canal, Del. A Hud. Isnal, I'enna. Ciwl Co., Hciautoil, boutli, S,0W,:KI8 1,700.45. 379,736 I. 1,341 ..W . M.S7S HiS.TIU 4IS.1H4 C511,4U 1,IFV.SW W,?S9 4W,cStl SlO.llil 4-U.IW9 KM eisi.stii s.v,o"w ;o,iii3 iumi'O s;u,u;i 173.67S 8,St!,OU3 S,34S,il 7.Sl 814,749 S,a4e,V.l 614,749 Pte. IB 1K5T, Ions, 153,778 M,77i Wilkssbana .legion, down flvtr, about hi,ikhi 3i3,77tf lout. The gain from the Shamokin Region wii' about balance the loss North from Scntnton. The loss and gain from the di lit rent regions will sum up as follows: I.OU. Cain. S-liuylkill Region, ilkrlirrf Rircr about. I'cniiK) Ivamn Cuul Cu., iicluwute A lluilgn Co., ScrunUm, North utMHit, South, Sliuinokin about, SOI. Io0 ItOI.UtlU ;tM'.tl IRJ.OUV IK1,7S t.fln in IK57, 333.77J (on. The heaviest loss is from Schuylkill county. The only regions from which there is a gain is fioui bcruutou South und tbe Shamo kin Region. The trade from the Cumberland Coal Re giou this year will fall Bhort about 140,000 tons, and the increase from the Scmi-Anlhra-cite Regions of l.ykens Valley, Trevortoo, and iiroad Top, will reach about 60,000 tons, making the decrease io that species of Coul about 0,000 tons. J bid will suow a uvn- cie Ju t,l0 h M fo supply this year compared with follows ; Anthracite ki round numbrra, cuii- Aitiltruciif and Uitunuuoaa, Eeereate, Iinert' Journal. 43t,UVO A Deserved Compliment The members of the bar of the city of Reding, have tendered lo Hon. William Strong, receutly chosen one of ibe Judges of tbe Supreme Court of this State, a public dinner as a testimonial of their regard for bim as a lawyer and a man. Mr. Strong deserves all tbe honor that can be embraced in a delicate compliment like this, as no man stands higher either socially or professionally than be in theemmnnily whose coufideoco be has so frequently received. On the bench, also, no man will be looked up to with more unqualified reliance. We Icaru that Judge Strong will probably take up his resideuce in Philadelphia, and Gcrmantown may even be the selected place of bis future uuode. Uermaittotcn Jtlegrajm. Danvim.b Gas Co. This Company has received the Gasworks from the bands of tbe contractor, Dr. Dakowskt, on tbo 1st of last November. They are now extending tbe pipes over several additional streets, on both sides of the canal. Tbe President or the Company is T. O. Vast, Ksq., and Dr. C. 11. rick, Secretary, and E. W. Coonk- lino Esq., Treasurer. Dr. Fricr will here after act as generul Superintendent of the w orks. Danville JJtmocrat. BltOSJCIIITIS AND COUGH t'CREII. - Boston, August 15. M Edsits. S. W. Fowl & Co., Gentlemen Having been troubled for a considerable time with a bad Cough and Bronchial affection. 1 was induced to try a bottle of Lr. M'utar'i Balsam of W'ilJ Cherry, which 1 am happy to say entirely removed the difficulty. 1 deem it but justice to say thus much for the benefit ot tuose who may be similarly aftlicted. GLORGK II. DAVJS. Firm of Halukt & Davis, Piano-Forte Manure Boston. 1 hereby certify that I am personally ac quaiuted with Geo. II. Davis, Fstp, and bave the fullest confidence in the above statement. 11. G. BARROWS, Boston, Aug. 15. Lute ft acticiny Physi cian. None eenunine unless signed I BUTTS on tbe wrapper. A very severe case of Sore F.yes of 5 years standing was cured by the use of DC V A LL'S GALVANIC OIL. It icons or the most sooiffing and pain quieting agents that can be and. In Lrysipelas of tbe face, it . will often remove in 10 minutes. irtS!tTS Vol Da Vall's fjALVAmc Oil. Frilm A, A. W. Kisher, W. Wciuusr, C. Weak, U t. maize, Hergureaser A Hull. The Oxygenated Hitters are especially adap. to the delicate constitution or females sutler, ing from derangement of tbe natural func tions weakaess or inegularity, and nervous debility. Tbey are a powerful tonic yet free from alcohol. rrfl.OOO REWARD will b nnid for anv Mrdirlns tliulwiU ueel fUAITA BL'lt lll.H H MAUIU OIL (t ths ffllowmr UiseuKS: Klieuinatisni, Neuralgia, Suinal Affection, ConlraelMt Jilnl, Ch'4ic I'aiiis, I'miis in tli Puis ui Hues, HeailuUie, TittuieUe, Sjnaiiis, aVus .., u, ui ui a, jui it, aiiq uii aiseMses ul I no skui Muselcs slid 111 (ilmiUs. None snuiu. tvilluwil fl.. mtursuf Itt Si ilFTmsa auuerHxl u raeh I tel rruuuyui owes, auo Vukintuu susct, Urooklyu. New York. ld 'V Albeit W. Fishsr, DiUfgist, Market street, Saubury,'- tT This is to certify, that I hare mada but oue application of tbe Magio Oil on mv Ungera, which bave been drawo from contrac tion or tbe cords, brought on by rheumatism. It was or seventeen months standing, and I now entirely cored. I cheerfully recommend it w ui auiitmu uaawise, J. M. FINBROOK. ITarrisburg, 73 Leeeit street. July 2 157. !y. MARRIAGES.--: : On the 24th alt. bv the Rev. M. J. Stover Mr. Jakm I). Smith, or Northumberland Co., and M iss Kate Ann Heikiit, or Point Town ship. ' . : ' ' i In hemnkin,on the 86ih ult.,by D. N. Lake, Eq., Mr. Jena Yaasir to UmHaa Ren Kit., both of ttbamokin township. .,' DEATHS. In San Francisco, California, on th4 14th f October." Mr. Joiih S. Watsow, formerly of Jersey Shore; Pa., aged about 50 years. C'Ulitrlitts. Philadelpnia Martet. ; . v' Dec. 9, 1857. " ' Grain. The rcceipts'of Wheat continue qnile largo, though the market is inactive Good red is held at 81 12 a $1 14, and $1 18 a 81 22 for good white. Soles or choice Kentucky at $1 60. and very superior Roan oke at $1 25. Rye is steady at 75 ccuts. Corn is dull, and light sales are making at 75 a 78c. Oats are in demand at from 32 a 33 cents per bushel. Clovcrsccd Sales of prims at $ 5 per 64 lbs. Whiskey Sales at 21$ Ms. iu bbls.. and in hbds., at 21 cents. . ' ',. ", SX1NBURY PRICE CURRENT. Wheat, $1 40al 60 Butter, - $ 0 Kye, .... 75 Eggs - 18 Corn, ... B0 Tallow, ... 12 Oal.i 40 Lanl, IS Buckwheat, 62 Pork, ...... 8 Potatoca, ... 60 beeswax, 55 Ftaxceed, 1 S5 Dried Apples, 1 85 New Advertisements. AMBROTYPES I ' GEO. Y. WEISE has removed his Photo graphic Gallery to his revlilence in Market 8treet, tlirce doors east of Youngman'a Printing Office, where he will Uke Pictures at prices lo auit tlie times. , Ilia aasurlment of Plain and Fancv Casea are sufficiently large to suit all who mav favor him with a call. Sunbury, December 12, 1857. NOTICE. THE undersigned ha been appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Northumber land county, an Auditor to make diatriliulton of the fund in aaid Court arising from the sale of certain penonal property f Ammerman, Wcit zel it Co. lie will ail for that purpose, at bis office in the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock A. M., of Saturday, the 26lh day of Uecember, instant. HENKY PONNEL, Auditor. SunHuryPecember lSlh, I85T. 3t 1857. FALL & WINTER GOODS ! 1853. uft-T DP- "W. Q-IFlV'S FANCY DRY GOOD STOllK, Market Square, Sunbury. VOV received and will continue to receive JL' the largest and bct selected Slock of Llttck Cloths, Cantimercr, Cassinttts ani Vestings, 4 c. An ...nrtmrnt of Drcaa tioodn.vht: Fanry printed Calicoa,ChiHiea. printed Lawna, De I.aim Uareges, Merino, Cashmeres, Alapecas, Dree Silka, Uiii(,-hamH, &.C. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. IriaU Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, i'lllowcaaeing, Ac. Press Trimmings in Great Variety . Boon and Shoca Data and Lapa. Hardware, Cedarware, ' ...... , Uroceriea, ' (jueensware. s i I T n,t TISH . Cheese. Crackera, Sigara, Tebacro, Knuff, &c, an aaaoramei.t of other Goeila too tedioua to mention. Feeling grateful for psat favor we brg leave to assure our old friends and the public that no ellort on our part aitall tie wanting io rucm a continuance of our patronage. , Country produce taken in excusnge ai ua higheat market price. sv p. w. GRAY. Sunbury.Dec. 18 185T. Estate or nobcrt X. McWlHlieins, -deceased. ATOTICE i hereby given that letters of Ad i ndnialration on the e.tale of Bobert McWilliama, late of fhamokin tewn.hip, or thumberland county, deceaaid have teen grant ed to the aubacriber. All persona indebud to aaid estate will please moke immediate payment and those having claims lo pre.ent them properly approved for settlement to ; J.H. McWILLIAMS. Adm'r. Bhamokin twp-, Dec. U, 1857 Ct NOTICE. In the matter of the tettlement of the estate of Iloltrt -V. -Veil iianu, tale ofShamoLin township, deceased. aVTOTICE is hereby given that Margaret Mc iN Williams, widow and relict of the aaid deceased has made her selection of the personal proiwrty of the aaid deceased according to the Act of Assembly made and piovided for in such cases which will be presented to the Orphans Court fur approval en Tuesday, the lb day of January, next. J. S. McWILLIAMS, Adm r. Bhamokin twp., Dec. .?;t857.3t SHERIFF SALE. . Y virtue or a certain writol vsa. r.xr. io ma directed, will be exposed to public sale i il.e Court House in Sunbury, on Monday the 4tbdayof January, 1858, at I o'clock P.M., the following uescrioeu properly iu ni A certain Tract of piece or I.and,aituato in Shamokin township. Northumberland county, adjoining landaof Cbarlea Diminig, on the aouth, Jacob Moureron the west, John Fisher oa the north and Peter Persing on the east, containing 189 Acra iiijre or Icaa, whereon are (reeled a two story frime House a Urga bank Barn, wagon heuae and corn crib, out buildings, orchard, 4 c Seised taken into execution and to be sold as the Property 0r JcsaeSllensyl. . JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff.:' ShcrilTs oflice, Sunbury, - December l i, 1857. J BROADWAY FAMILY GROCERY ! Flour, Feed and Provision tore JlrtaJway lelow JSlaclberry Street. . LEVI SEAgHOLTZ, OESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity that he baa just re ceived a fresh and choice supply of - FAMILY- GB.OCERI3CS consisting in partef Hams, Shoulders, Mackerel, Herring, While Fish, Cod Fish, Salt Preserved Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Kice, Sugar, Coffee, (green, roasted and ground,) Im perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Black Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes plow and wash lines, booU and shoes, tobacco, aegsra, ie., together with every article usually r.mnd in a first class Urecerv Store, all of which will be sold a( the lowest prices, either for cash or country produce. ' He baa also prepared to sup ply the cilixcns with fresh bread, twist, roils, pies, pretsels and cake of every kind, . N. B. The highest cash prices will be paid for butter and eggs, corn, oate. rye and war at. Sunbury, Dee. 6, 1857. , ! TOB.N t 50 cr uU per bushel, rash, for rsls ir-y J. B. MAFR. Estate of TH0M AS.GEANT, deo'd. 1 TVOTICE Is hereby given to credltors'knd othrs intcrnted, that the Orphans' Court of Norih umberland county have appointed the subscriber Auditor to distribute the nioniee in the hands of J. II. Zimmerman, Ailminiatrator of. Thomas Grant, daceaaed, to and among those legally enti tled. He will attend for that purpoae at hia office in tha Uoreugh rjf Sunbury, on Monday, Decem ber SHth inst., at 10 o'clock A.M. Creditors are cautioned that it la not sufficient ta. have given their claims and account to the Administrator, but they must see that they are presented to the Auditor at the time appointed, and duly proved, otherwise they will not he included In", the distri bution. JNO.K. CLEMENT.Audltor. 8unhury. Dec. S, 1857. '- . V " " - .NOTICE.- 'Notice Is hereby given that tbe following, named persons have filed their . petitions in the Prothcnotary's ofEce and that they will apply to the next Court or Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Nortbnmbcrlond coualy for License for Taverns and Ruetaurauls, Ice. - John Leiser, petitions for tavern license in the borough of Sunbury, old stand. . - John eaver. petitions for tavern license in Trevorton, Zerbe township. ' ' . - Martiu K. Ducher, petitions for restaurant license, in the borough of Sunbury, an old stand. Jacob Devictor, petitions for restattralit license, in the town of Trevorton, Zerbe town ship, -y'- - . " ..' . . ' . Matthias D. Hohncr, petittnna for tavern li cense in Little Mahonoy township, new atand. George S. llurr, petitiona for tavern licenae in the town of Trcvnrtou, Zerbe township, an old atand. - . - Henry J. Streuse, petitions for the sale of spiritoua, vinous, brewrd end malt l.iuuera in quantities net Irsa than a gallon, in tha tuwn of J revorlon, rrlie township. DA N I EL BECK LEY, Proth'y. Protlionotary's Office, 1 Sunbury, Dec. 5, 1857, J 0RPHAN8 COURT SALE. 1 7i pursunnce of an order of the Orphan's Curt of Norlhuniterland county will be ex posed to public tale on SATURDAY, the 2Gth day or DECEMBER, 1857, on the premises, the following described real estate to wit A certain piece or Tract of Land, situate in Rush township, county aforesaid, adjoining lands of the heirs ot Spencer Metier, dee'd., lands of Abraham Campbell, Charles Metler.Gilbert Dietz, Philip Mctler's heirs and others, containing One Hundred Acres and fifty-four perches strict mea sure, more or less, about 20 acres of which are timber land, and the remainder cleared and in cul tivation. Whereon are erected a two story stone House, frame Barn, Wagon-House, a good stone spring bouse and other out-buildings. Also a good Orchard. ' Late the estate of William Carr, dre'd. Sale tocommence at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day when tho terms of sale will be mado known by rillLIP HUFF, Adinr. By order of the Court, irt, ) L. U. 1'IKSEI., Clk. O, Sunbury, Dec. 6, 1857, Estate of John Haughawout, deo'd. Joseph llnngliawout,") Writ of Partition and valuation issued out of the Orphans' Court of Northumber land county. vs. Tho Heirs of John 1 1 augbawout, deceas ed. NOTICE To the heirs and legal repre sentatives of John Hatighawout, deceased. Yon aie berby notified that, by virtue of the above writ to me directed, and inquest will be held at the lute rt-sidunce cf said John Haugbawout, deceased in Rush town ship, Northumberland county, on Saturday the 2Cth day or December next, at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose or making Partition or, or to value and nppraiso the Real Estate of said deceased, at which time and place you may attend ir von think proper. JAMKS VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Suuburv, 1 . November 25, 1857. " , PROCLAMATION- JMOT1CE is hereby given that the several ' Courts of Common Picas, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Onrhans' Court. Court of Oyer aiist Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court Htuse, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 1 tli day of JAMJAHY next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. ' The coroner. Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and thcVe in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several offices appertaining to lx done. Aud al witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Commonl wealth againat any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall be just and not to depart without leave al their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendants, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 1st day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred aud fifty-seven and the InJe - pendeuce of the United States of America the 82d. God save the Commonwealth. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff s Oflice, Sunbury, December I lfcf)7. LIST OF CAUSES. IOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas of - Northumberland County, lo be belj at Sun bury, on the first .Monday uf Jauaary, 1608. ' rLAtsTtrr. dkfssdanw. Geor pe Shilv, , ve A Drnkclberi'er'aadra'r J.B.rcilb's'exW vs C W Hegins same - a same. Peter Dickson - - va SlialTer &, Co. Harriet Jenkins etal vs North i. Imp. Co. Win K Marlx vs J D Master John Bon a vs same Leib for Jainruer vs Sun'jury Canal 4- V, P. Ce. Ira T Clement vs Wni McCarty Samuel Savidge vs John Smith Helfenatein for Patton va H. B. Weaver & wife Henry Weise, vs Thos. Baumgarduer, Joa. Trago, va Northern Central It. K. Co. James M alone vs Sunbury Canal sk W. P. Co Woolvcrton & Clement vs Francis Eckleman It Fagely & Co vs Wm Seasholtz Haag & Brown vs Wm L. Dev.O same vs same James M alone v Phlla & Sunbury R R Co E Helfenatein Jacob Gass O Ysrger vs Wm Sheaffcr, t Thadeus Morgan va E. dt D Cosier Catharine Slroh, va Cbaa 6troh, Sarah Swency, Adm'r., vs Samuel Teas Philip Sarviavs CommiasionersafNorlhuuib'dCe JehuYeung vs John W. Peale, Isaac Brown . vs Tbemas 8. Htaddcn Henry Latsba - vs Michael Hetrich Louarc In of Helfstein vsWra L Helfenatein Franklin Potts vs Beyd, Rosser ct Co Kleminiiiglii A.C., vs Wm L Hvlfenttsin Reiley In Slc -. vs - - same Ann M Sells , ys Henry Laht Jacob HilbUh ' vs John Weaver Giant for Wheeland vs P Montagus 'sadni'rs Mary Wilson ' vs R. M. Frick . ; same vs Win. M'C'leery Isaiah Wilkerson . vs Susquehanna Coal Co, &e William Krtegbanm - vs Samuel John, Samuel John vs D. Gibson and wile, James Rice vs Georga A Keeler Christian .Miller Ts Jacob Sasholts Geo C Welker vs Hugh Bellaa, die 8 Biltenbender ' vs Sunbury At Erie U H Co., VUaries riJlcr vs William Houpt Iaase Brown . , va Juho S Petrrman A Livsrmore vs Sunbury & Erie R R Co. onipman Aucbmuty vs Jesse Auchmuty Csorgs Burns vs Gso. C. Walker. DANIEL BERKLEY, ProtVyi Prnlhonotar's OtTi,-. i ftnary, P.. I, BY virtue ef sundry writs 'or VasetTiosi RxroitAs, and Levari Facias to me di rected, will be exposed to Public Sate at the public house or W. A. COVERT (Lawrence House.) IN SUNBURY. on nionclny tli SiHtti dny of December, next, at 10 o'clock A. M.) the following described property IO-Witl ' .j,. - i All that cer'alri piece or parcel rLAND, sit uate In, formerly Upper Augusta township, now the borough of Sunbury, adjoining the old bo rough line in the south, the river Susquehanna on the west, lands late of Susan H. Hcott and Charles Gobin and wife on the north and eaat. Containing 10 Acres more or less. ' ' Also, that certain Out-Lot in tbe borough of Sunbury aforesaid, numbered inibe general plan of the town No. 3, fthree), containing five Acraa or thereabouts, adjoining the - old borough line one tho north, out lot No. S on the west, jat-lnt No. 4 on 4hs south, and out-lot No. 6 on the east. Seized taken In execution and lo be sold as the properly of .VM, 1 HELFENSTEIN. ALSO l At the same time and place, the fol lowing Lots of Ground, situate in the borough of Sunbury aforesaid, and msrled irt the general plaii of said town Not. 841, tit, SJ. 244.237, )I3S, 29. 240, C5, SC7, 368 and , bounded by Goosel-crry alley, esit by Deer , street, south by Pokeberry street and west bv River alley, and slxo lots Nos.. . SfiS, S70, 871 and 272, bound ed by Pokeberry street on the east, and Rer alley. Soiled taken in execution and to 1 Bold aa 4l,e property of the PHILADELPHIA & SUNBURY RAIL ROAD COMPANY. - j ALSO i At the same time and place, Seven contiguous Lots of Ground, situate in the town of Shamokin in Coal township, Northumberland county, and numbered in the plan of said town Nos. I, 2. 3, 4, 0, 6 and 7, and in block No. HI, bounded on the south by Walnut street, on the west by Second street and on tbe east by Third street," whereon are erected a frame dwcllitig house, a btick house, a butcher shop, two stablrs out buildings, ic. Soized taken in execution and to be sold ss'the propertv of DANIEL P. HA.4S and RnsANNA HAAS. ALSO: At the same time and place, the fol lowing described Real Property to wit; All that certain FURNACE, Casting House, Dwelling Houses suppose J to be 20 tenements and Tract of Land, situate in Coal township, Northumberland County, beginning at a post in a line of land surveyed in the name cf William Green, thence south 89 degrees isst 700 feet and 6 inches to a port; thence narth I degree and as minutes east 2308 feet 6 inches to a post ( thence north 84 degrees and 80 minutes went, 14 feet to a pot thenee seuth 5 degrees and 30 minutes west, 1370i feet to a post ihence north 84 degrees and 30 minutes east 40 feet to a post; thenco north 84 degrees and 30 minutes west 213 feet lo a pofct ; thence south 1 degree and 40 minutes west 350 feet to a post ; thence south 9 degrees 30 minutes east C9G feet to the place of beginning, containing 19 Acres and CD perch es of strict measure. Also, all that certain Tract or parcel of lanJ, situate in Coal township, aforevaid, beginning at a post in a line of land surveyed in the name of Samuel Clark ; (hence south 89 degiecs east 103 fcet to a post ; thence south 1 degree and SS minutes west 120 feet to a stone by a fallen hemlock witness; thence south 89 degrees west 001 feet to a post ; thence north 19 degrees west 1413 feet to the place of beginning, containing 20 Acres U0J perches strict measure. Also, sll that crrtain tract or parcel of Land, situate in Coal township aforesaid, beginning at a post ia the centre lino of the Branch Rail Road tc Big Mountain, where the said centre line cros ses the eastern line of the tract ct land surveyed in tho name of Samuel Clark ; thence along the eastern lino of the said tract uf land in the name of Sain u' I Clark, south 1 degree 38 minutes west !H42 feet to a port; thence aouth 89 den. east 329 feot to a peg in the centre Una of aaid" Hail Kuad ; thence along tho cei tre Una ol aam Kail Road noitb 15 degrees 32 minutes west 73 feet; thance north 13 degrees and 30 minutes west 100 feet, north 1 1 degress BO minutes wrst 100 feel, north 10 degrees and 10 minutes west 101 feet, north R degreea and 30 miuulre west 100 feel and north 7 degrees and 40 miuutcss west 1 4 OA feet to the placa of beginning, con taining 0 Acres of land strict measure. AND Also, all that certain other tract cf Land situate in Coal township, aforesaid, beginning al a post on the eastern liiieof the tract pf land sur veyed in the name of Samuel Clark; thenca north 1 degree 36 minutes east 1052 feel to a post ' ou the south west corner of Pearl and iShakapear street? in the town of Shamokin, aforesaid, thence along the southern line of said Shakespeare street, south 84 degrees 35 minute. eaat 373 J feet to a post; thence south 5 degrees and 25 minutes west bO reel ; thence south so degrees 60 minutes est! 745 feet to a post ; thence south 70 deg'ees and 30 minute eaat 21 Ij feet to a post; thnnce acuth 1 degrsea 38 minutes, west 60'i feel to a post ; thence north 88 decrees 22 minutes west 1100 feet lo Te place of beginning, containing 20 acres and 18 perches strict measure, tjeized taken into exe cution end to be sold as the property of A. It. F1SKE and HENRY I.O.Mi EPi t.( KEIt, tra ding under the tirra of H enry Longenecker & Co ALSO : At the same time and place. Se ven contiguous Lots in tho town of Shamo kin in Coal township, Northumberland coun ty, and numbered in the generul plan or said town Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 aud 7, in block No. 15, being the whole said block, bounded ou the south by Waluut street, on the west by Second street and on tho east by Third street. hereon are erected a franio Uwelliu house. a brick house, a butcher shop, two stables, out-buildings, Jcc. Seized taken in execu tion aud to be sold as the property or DAN- lliL P. 11 A AS. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, Notember 28, 1H57. J ORPHANS' COURT SALE. tN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland totmty, will be eipoaed to public sale on SATURDAY, the 19th day of UHCEMBBK, IMS'. n the premises, me loi lowitig described real estate to wit t A certain Tract of Land. situate in Lower Augusta town ship, adjoining lands of Joseph Gass aud others, coiiiainitisr 40 acrea, more or less, alwut 8 acres of the said land is meadow. The improvements are a weatherboard dwelling House, a Log Bath an Orchard of good fruit, and there Is also a sood Spring at the bouse. Tbe premisea are in sood repair and the land iu a good stare of eulti valion. Late the estate of Henry Hanabach, dee'd, Salo to commence et 10 o'clock A.M., of aaid day when the terirsof sale win be made known by - JOEL V.'OLF, Adm'r. By order of the Court, ") C. B. PURXEL, Clk., O. C. ) Sunbury, 'Kov. 2?, 1857. J . Estate of Barbara! Bailie., Dee'd- John F. Dentler, vs. The heirs of Herbert llalliet, deceased. Writ or Partition nd valuation issued out of the Orphans' Court of Norlli'd, Co. NOTICE, To i Heirs and legal representative of Bar bara JSullut, dcceasid. Yon are hereby uotiGed, that by virtue of the above writ to mo directed, an inquest will be held at the Sheriffs Office in Sunbury, on Haturduy the 2nd duy of Jauuary next, be tween tbe boon of 6 and 10 o'clock, i. for tbe purpoae of nuking Partition of or valuing and appraising tbe Ileal Estate of said duceased, lo wit : of s-crtain. bounty Land Warrant, issued by tbe United fcHale of America, under tbe Act of March Gtb, 1.'6, dated July 17tb. 185G. No. 34,256 for 160 acres of Government Laud, onto the laid Barbara llalliet, widow or Jacob Ba'.'.iet Captain In tbe .(evolutionary War, with the appurtenance, Jtc. At which time end place you may attend if you see proper. , JAMKd VANHYKR, h'JF EherirT'a OfTire. ajanbury, Nevembsr 2,1.. f KLINE'S GROVE UP TO SATE I - NEW GOODS! KEW GOODS It J. r. & X. F. KLINE, Respectfully announce to their friends and the pnblio In general that they hsve received SI their Store in Upper Augusta township, Northumbtr land county Pa., at Klines Grove their FALL and WINTER GOODS, and opened to the pub lie a general assortment of merchandize Ac. Consisting in part of Cloths, black and hney Cass'mers, Sstinetts, Checks, Kentucky Jeans together -with, a general assortment of ' Fall and Winter Goods adapted lo all claaaas off ar sons. . : . ' Ready made Clothing, consisting ef Casta and A eats, Under Shirts and Drawe-a. ' l.i ,- Ladies Dress Goods, ' W inter Shawls, Ginghams, Cashn.ere, ' He laihee, Calicoes black Sil a, c, Also a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, Groceries AC. ' ' , . . A new suppl of Hardware.' Queensward, wooden Ware Brooms dc. ., ,..vy.,,.. . , , tl - A large assortment of flnnts and Shoes suite ole for ineii women and children. -f ' v - r V HATS AND CAPS.'"' ." ? School Books, Stationery, Envelopes, Ink,' Ac. : " ". Ctii a Hal.T. And all goods usually ketit in a Tounlnr store. The puhlio -are respectfully invited to call and examine our stock belorO purchasing elsewhere. As we are determined to sail at prices to suit the times for CASH or in Exchange for Country Pnxluro at the market price-' u ... .-l Thankful for past favors we hope by strict attention to business to merits continuant of he same. Kline's Grove, Pa., Nov. 81, 1"57 tf . EXECUTORS SALE. rTVHE subscribers, Executors of the estate of Geerge Derk, dee'd., late of Cameron tow n ship. Northumberland county, will expose to public sale on the nremises on SATURDAY. the 19th day of December, next, the FARM of said Geo. Derk, dec d., containing 150 Acres, One Hundred Acres of which is cleared and the remainder well timbered.,,. The improvements consist ot a LUU HOLSE and BARN, slid a number of Fruit Trees. The Mahonoy . Creek passes through the premises, and affords an ex cellent water power. The location is near the Coal Region, six miles from Shamokin and six from Trevorton. ' - ... Terms end conditions will be made known on the day of salo by the undersigned. - "" MICHAEL DERK. GEO. KEH8TETTER, Ex'rs. Cameron twp., Nov. 14, 1857. ts v rorivnrdlng and Trannportatlou. From Philadelphia,' and Trtvorton, Til ERCHANTS and businc men of Trcvor ton and vicinity, cah have their -Merchandise and other Geods shipped through from Philadelphia to Trevorton aud Port Trevorton, and all intermediate places on the Jline, by send ing to the Centrsl Depot House of FREED, WARD & FREED, No. 811 Market St., above Eighth Stre. t, Philadelphia. " Goods carefully attended ta and promptly de livered. " FREED, WARD A FREED.Agenta. November 7, 1857. 3mo3$ LARCE DRY GOODS feSTABUSOENT. HAMILTON EASTER & CO., New Marble. Ltuildlug-, : -A"o. 199, 201 and 203 Baltimore Street, 33ALTIMOHE. -Tf AYE now in store (mostly of their own lin- urtation) one of the largsst and most com plete Stocks in the United States, embracing - Silks and Silk goods of everp class ; Dress Goods a very large stock ; Irish Linens Lin en Goods and Housekeeping Articles of every de scrihtion; Meurning Goods; Cloaks, Mantillas and Shawls ;, Embroideries, Laces, Hosiery, Gloves, Blankets, Quills, Domestic Goads ; and every article generally rexuired by Farmers and Planters for servants use. ty Retail Rooms on first tic or the uric nftiic 1 to each article, from which no deviation i made. Cir Wholesale Rsoms on tbe second and ibird floors. OctJber, 11, 1857. 3m. SAMUEL II. tmWlO, ATTOBNEY A.T X,.A-"W OJjlce on South Second, near Marktt Street, LE WISBUItG , P A. Prarticea in the Counties of Union, Northum norland and Montour. All I'HorsssioNAt Bcsisivs entrusted to h's rare will receive prompt' and f tl ful atten lion. Octolwr 3, 1857. ly Mis A. M TO 11 Lift, Successor Mrs. M. Hill, , Fashionable Straw and Fancy Milliner No. 4G3 (old No. 321) North Second Street, be low Noble, opposite Red Lion Hotel, Philail'a lPr" Pattern Bonnets made to order. Milli nery in all its various branches. A call respevt fully solicited, October 3, ' 857. 3wr3m C-ILBZF.T BTJLSC1T, SCCCESSOB TO O. CAMPBELL di CO , AND L. C. IVES, (Formerly No. IS North Wharves.) UF.ALEK IN PRODUCE, FRUIT AND VE GETABLES, No. 4 North Wharves, 4lh ioM Market street, Philadelphia. Oranges, Apples, Dried Fruits " ' Butter; Lemons, Onions, Mercer Potatoes, Cheese Raisina, Tomatoes, tSweet Potatoes, Beans Pea Nuls, Pearlies, Cranberries KsJs, &c, . Orhers for Khipping put up wilb care and dis patch. t f (iOODS sold en eommisslan for Fatmera and Dealers. October S4. 1857. .etv riilladt?lilila Ir Goods!! SIIARPLLSS BKOTHER8, lira TowKsenu Sit .apL.a, cVSos, AVE removed to ,iie;r urw store, N. W. corner of Client tnd go, t-lrteiB, ,nd havo opened their ,sual full assorituent of Au tumn aud W;nter ijhv GOOD, which Ihsy ofier at ve;j low prices. Their slock includoa ShawU, Jiiack aud F ncy Cilks, Merino's and . other Dress Goods, Men's and Boy's . weir. Ulankeis, Housekeeping Goods, and Goads for 'Friends M'ear." Oct. 84, 1857 Cui2c STJKBTJEY STEAM FLOtJEIKG KILL. flHE subsrrilMra respectfully announce lo ths public, that their new Steam Flouring M ill in this place, has been completed, and will g into operation oo Monday the 3UI day of Au gus, inst. " . ' " Having engaged a competent careful Miller, tbey trust they will be able', with all the mod' rn improvements adopted in their mill, to give entire satisfaction to all w bo may favor tharn with their custom. ' H.NYDER, MXEHART & HARRISON. Bunbury, August 29, 1857. tl . aiVU-lDIT, VOTICE to all persons interested.' The sub- scritier, tbe Aadilor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, to distribute among the Lien creditors tbe money io Court raised by tha fcheritf's sale of the real estate of Dr. Jacob B. Maser, will att nd for that purpose at hia office in Hunbury, on Thurs day, tha 30lb day of Deeember, iiut., at 10 o'clock A.M.. - ' - W. I. CBEENOUGH. 1 Sunbury, Dee. 5, 1167., I Jt'KK CONCENTRATED LYB OK 8A 1 PONIF1ER. for sale al FI."HER 8 lm Store. Trice SO ets. October 31, " FANCY FURS FOR LADIES. JOHN FARK.IR A k CO., (Nsw No.) Wn Marts St. shore Eiiht, Philmtrlphis. Importers, Msnanswawe sm! dnalrrs hi Ladies, Gelitfemen Slid Childrsiis Pane? Fnrs. Wholesale Slid Relsil, J. P. Ac Co., wM ssst th sit- nlinn uf Dmlers and the PuWIf generally In thssv Irnmtnn S of Fanry Kars for J-aHies Ofnllsm am C: ililrni i their assrfrtinenl emh ares sverr arltftta and ' kind of Faney Furs, thst will be worn dordig this ssaarai such ss r un canes, llair csjms quarter ipst, innws, Virtnrinft lions, .ViiifTa h Multntees, firnn ths finest Hash Sinn ftnhle to the lowest price J)nmetie Fttrs. l ot liin0rnrii ths largest assortment of Far Cnnaaa, fi loves Usontlets Sir., twins the direcClraporlsisof altsssr Fars and Alainifsetiirsrs or them ander oar own snnsevt in w fret sntisfied wa enn 'fler better IndnremsnM as dsslrra and the pnblio senernlly than any other ho hsvlne an awwirtmeiit to selret from and at lbs Maoafaasar eis pnccs-Ve only ask a esMI , .. . , joti.N FAttrrnA co. ..' No BIlMsiksl treel tbnve Hijhlh, Fhsi ' riiibtdelplns. rVpt. 10, IS57 w4m, EAHLE! GALLERIES OF I AJNTINOS, A'o.' 616 Chesnul Street, opposite the Girerd ' .'. House, . I-HILAEELPHIA- fO K IN G"G lass. W s reroom s's nd Repoaihs. of Art. - Engravings, Painttnis. I orrraw and Picture Frames, in. every variety, of the late origlnnla and European 'Patten.. riar'Tsblee. Consols, Brackets and Cornices. The most ex-. tensive stud tUgxnt assortment of Locking Ulas- . res, of substantial workmanship, aud al Aestiee price. ' " Gold Medal awarded by the .Maryland Inert. 1e, 1850.' H ighest'Premium awarded by the Franklin Institute 1S55. .-. . ' -J JAMES S.EitRLB. September 19, 1858 c3m3 , MTAtil'jrK K UAItLtl, ' on rap Watches and jeyveuit. iriJpi.E8ALE AND RKTAIf,, st ths "l'hlMalpMa , . 2 ""hc" mn Jowel' Ktnra" Ns. 148 (Old No. as Morth Sticond iSireet, Comsr of Quarry, t'hiladelphia. Oolrl Urrr Watehes, fU Jewrllsd, 18 caret easss, fW.Bn tiolil I,epinc.4B esrei, tt CO ilverlver(fuiijrwelled, , , , . t un Silver lupins, jewels, , on lionrtiers, j on 0"ld fwtneles, T as Fine stover So., . sn fiold Itrncflrts, ' S 09 l.jdv's (iold PencKi. - loo tSilvrr Tea Sjmoes, st, " ' S 0 Cold Pens, wiih 1'eacil and Pilrer holder, I no loid Fnicer HIiiri 37 eta to en; Wstah ft.ssaes, plsia I VI uts , rwueni Ln.iel US ! other articles in nroportiiat All goods warranted to be what they ore sold for. STAliFFKK HARIJT. . rvT On. hand soms OoW aud Silvor Lavrs and 1jh tIM lower than the ahovs prices Philadelphia, Oi-lolier IP, Ie5. lyfiW - EBOORSt! rV " v tictloneers AND COMMISSION MF.RCHANT3, SCI, Xorth Third Street, 1 door beloit Finei ' PHILADELPHIA. SAI.F.9of Uoots and Shoes, Dry Goods, (June, Hart Ware, Watches, Fancy Gouds, Ac.( tVKKV EVB NINO. , ty Coantrr Ptnrtkeeperf anil o:!if r will alwars And a cur Evr-iiins; Pairs a hn?e and drsiralile assortment st Uts above coeds, to he sold in lots to suit buyers, Uods packed on the premises fur Country Trsxl Sept: SO, ls07. C 3m FEVER AND AGUE ! Qtl.NINE SUBSTITUTE OR NKRVE TONIC . Thii well known remody discovered br my Inte part her Uoctoi o. J. Leeds, is a sure cuie for the itliovs disor der, r-ick-llendnche, and ull other Neivnns arTeetiona. It eontaina no ((uiiiine, ArstuP-. or other injurious ineiedl silts. It strengthens the system, gives tone to the stom ach, and is iuvn'unlile. to Dyspeptics and those ftretnt with wenknei: in anv iiait of the system. It is especially recommended lo fcmslea troubled with Falling of tha Womb. One bottle is sufficient in moat cnaea, where tha Dirortions sie followed. Cei tiBcale can be furnished from all parts of tha Union. Sold by tho Drues:its Rnern!!y and ty J. II. TIazird, Wholeanla Druugist, and Sole, Proprietor t8l Maidea Lane. New York. . New York, Sept. 10, t7, v3m. TU Cm far mrrl fralla. TkUK P"'Wy rrnh auto. II KuMrM no Wat, SbMot , ui.i-n. , . a, h mar Many mi4 JM .y.t.i thu anj oUi-r Cm a-r IstaauJ. All Kind, or w M.i t 'eiiwHtt st suosUv dlMsraaaaU as wmUiUata Jli ' In jr.,.Unr Ux. ,u.l. lot),. f,V4 o, h,T.nW Jhalle. uu n-ld ia aa lof.llrhl stspU, Km, and I y,. al lt.nn.,1,,1 r r..h, laira., ,. , to.,Ur Oaaa vtmy try Sa,l,,MiMaUiL.aniatol. avka UKrwU; kM all ; -ra anaLabn, aawUMd a mj a la wlVaaat a fai.IL n anaaU4 u han all artlrtoa Sat wr w4m WSI'a'baa. Try It. aaj la all IUH h.r. a ll.r !al a taah aT taa Caa ta. taoo.y will b .taa44 I iiinoaa rara Ui,aasart.nil Tan,laai Oms, i7.r.l (mat ll,t aftW.a aaa uaad ly oUm. Tha SaaliDg ia aa an at.H,aly aaw alae.. tha OaaWt mr i"ni., UiJ, aad raanat Mtlrraar arai Para Uuot aa.a-b. m.A u uv uk..r.. Tbaepaouia b u, k -.11. . .1 1 aaata. Itt-ra ia aa la4 aent It W d.lartotala tba ttiaannlanai. I, i. n,.A- .l- Y, I Tata Mfiaatpi, at SaaliM kanatooS tlia laat fcrTaeaal -nr., ai,4 taa ba haaa triad tbaai U1 . ubsmaT'discocnt to thb taioR. LUDLOW CAW CO. aa Illae BU, N.Y. Bept. U,tBi7- RESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and the public generally, that he has just receiv. eu a 11 iMocs ot uuous, at ins new store, at David Miller's Mill, in Lower Augusta Town ship, and that lie ia prepared to sell goods at lh lowest prices. ' His Stock consists in part or STRING dc SUMMER GOODS, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, &e. and every .variety usually kept in a country Store. Trevertoit prires paid for all kinds of produca. Lower Augusta twp, Aug. &, 1807. if ' ELIAS EMEKIGH, ESPECTFn.LY iuforms the citizehs of of Lower AuausU townshin and the pub lic gei.erally. thrtt be bas purchased the Store lately kept by l.Me Marts, in Lower Augusta township ner Cmerich'a Tavern, aud has jitst opcuoj a splendid stock of VpJtl and AViiifcr GOODS. Hia stock consists of Cloths, Cassimeres, Casii jfttaof all kinds, linen, cotton and Worsted. ' Also, Calicoes, Ginghama, Lawns, Mouaselina De Laines and all kinds of Lsdics Dress Goods. GKOC'EHILis, Hardware, Queeusware of va tious stjles and patterns. Also, an assortment of Ready-MaJe Clolhine of all descriptions, Boots and tShoes, als snd Caps. AW FISH. &c, snd a variety of other articles auch as are suitable lo the tiatlo, all of which will be sold at tha lowest prices. Country produce taken in eichant at the highest market prices. Lower Augusta twp., October 10, 1857. tf. FLATFORM SCALES. OF everr description, suitable for railroad. Ac, tor weiuhing Hay. Coal, Ore, and Merchandise generally. Purchascra ruu u risk every scale is guaranteed correct, and if after trial, not found satisfactory can b leturued with out charge. Factory at ths Old 9tand, established for mora tttau twentv years corner of Ninth and Melon Streets, 'hi'adelpbia. ABBOTT & CO. tucceasers to Ellicotl ii Abbott. Philadelphia, Bept. 6. U57. e3vn. PENNSYLVANIA WIBK WORKS. Ko. J46 Irc St. bet. Second Third, V (dpposils Bread IkrMt, I'lillailtlpblu. SEIVE5. Riddles, Screeus, Woven Wire ot all meshes aud widths, with all kinds ef plain and fancy wire work. Weavy Twtllad Wire for Hpark Catchera; Coal, Band and Gra vel Screens t Paper Maker's Wire; Cyleider and Dandy Rolls, covered in the beal manner , Wire and Wire Fencing. , A very superior a1 tide or ffeevy Founder Selves. 4II kinds of Iron Ore Wire fivea B-4YLlsa. IMRBY dt LYNI. Philadelphia. Sept. 1. l7--c3m. THE Books of subscripttoa te Stock of the Kaaaeeie Baa,ill be opened al Wil liar Weavar'a Hotel kit the town of (Shamokin, n Monuay, the 80ihdey of Novml, I8S7. W I'.W.THlNUrON. Pocreiary ta Coipm'sMni hhnmoLia, Nov. 1, 17. A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers