Tftti OVER THE WAY, When cold hearted poverty knocks at my door, And rolof-me of blowing! I gathered before, Tabes glass from my table, a coal from my fir. - And rob my dear NeMy in meaner attire, 1 envy eomatiines in the heat of the day My very good friend who Hvee over the way. Put when I (it down It my pleasant fireside. And count o'er the love I at never denied A ., My awect little tviln end the bal es at her knee, My health and my conecienco unsullied and tuie rree- No longer I suffer my wishes to atsy, Or envy my friend w bo Uvea over the way. He'e wealthy, but fertile t he'a I 'tied, hut olJ , . Ilia eon in a apemlthrtft, hi wile is a scold i ' Ituspicinus of oilier-", ill pleased with himaelf, , Hia only delight ia to reckon hie pelf. Were be aa ten liinea aa rich I'd refuse,- night anil day. To chtn; witti my friend who Uvea over the way. Though poverty frowning, peers Ir to my door. I'll neither I beaten ncr vsinly deplore I'll scare him away hy hard work if I can, And look in hie lace with the heart of a man; And hiving at home ail the joja that t may, forget my pool friend that lives over the way Ijiunorous. A Nosro Mock Auction. If Malt Pec! (uyc the X. 0. 7'rri DeUo.) lull) been upou the luvee ycfcturiltiy, be iiiif;bt have pot a hiippy wrinkle in his line from tho perfuriiiunce vf Utn pniiiiii' colored pt tilry. The carte fur fni fiitvrt.! .ni Dt wns a bur Ks'.ije nuctirn ?:!i!. One of the durkvy men, sclci tf ii for his toi''joy (jnulltii', mounted a box, mil in g.trd set nufi'tieer ''Urate nn tiouncot! to u l;irge a.,fernblagc of bHo negro 1 iborors, that he was now obotil to oflVr them, for Chs'i. -to d ' liijjbia bidd t in Ci crowd, n fas rutu boy, A 1, sotin an liea'ly, nn' war runted not'to cut in de ey, balk in the atop, nor Fteal ciiifkono thot'tlcu't 'ln to liim ; ttlso, Milional, dis boy wars only ono par shoe n yiar, on' doys gooJ nt do cpd of it j tnlcrs ki'er on his clu'se partickl'-r, an' nebir .-ncs courtin' ; don't go to ep obcr liis wurk, is ppnctfal an' bidipnt ; is six foot tr. e inches high, weighs Uo hundred and twenty ponus, on' can do mora work in house or Ikl' dan nny oder one nissch Step up hyar, Sinn, ae' show yourself to dt'se gnmnicn ! I.ibely now! Dare lie U, gBtnincn 1 'Miro Lim for yoursr-lvvs ; ' f And tho fu'ile anclioneer p;inteil 'tth tri umphatit picture to the snbj-Tt of tliis cxtra vjgant euloojiiiii a ceruhhy. UnntU'd, rallied gray-headed epociinvn of u Held lrii..i, ubtiut lour feet and n half likrh. who monrUd the box beside him, amid vast roars of laughter from llit crowd. ' Le if, emmen ! 'xamine him an' t-tai t him nl sullin. for ha must b. sole '. What doua yon s.iy?'' Severn! colored gonnnen mountoil the stand and proceeded to 'xamine" him. Ono violently pulled his mouth open end re- ort 'tl ' dis nijijrer not sound nno jaw toof lOai." Anniher tried to Plraijihten out a lucr: of his wool, with "don't (lis h'r kink too miich niftier lazy !" Another pretended to discover something besides ideas running thrniih liid woul, nml concluded "nigger'a head too poplar" (populous.) Another said "nigger's foot too lont; r.nd tlini long toot nik'cer will steal an' run nwny ; long foot nip-g.-r uin't worth j.iil fees." Another"nipsrr'8 toe-nails too loiig scratch paint off' r my p it lor (lo'tr. No wants dis nigger! Yah ! liv-iih! Yah! Yah!" "Well, geminen ! is you done looking nt that Hinder? la you aatisfyf lie's u prime lot ! Wlnit do vou s.iy for do boy? Start him nt F'ltTiti ! lie's got to bo sole pruniptory f ale ! ' "Ten cent '." came from the laughing crowd. "Ten cent ten ceut! Going ut teu cnut t .r -ten ten." " Jn dime" from the crowd. "Thank yn, ear! One dime, one dime, one dime go-in' lit ono dime d-i-ine! Too bad, gemiiitli, nmko me eacriiize dis arlikv! dat way ! Say leben !" "One bit." from the crowd. "Much 'bliged, enr ! ono - bit one bit bit goiu' 'goiu' wont nobody s.iy 'leoou for di3 A 1, warrant t i.". ite., bov poin' nt one bit coin' coin' pone at ten cent L Yours, sar. and a dug eight more dan he's worf !" And he 'knocked down" the property to the unsi purchaser with n treweinlirus blow on the heud with the barrel stave hu used as o "hammer," which hulie it in the middle, and "knocked down the sold party off the box without apparently feeling the blow, po niassivo was the coufor malign of his cranium. That wus the great est auction ulo thul ever we taw. Tub .Irishman and t!TB Wachns. Mr. Gr'ives employsur, fii'liman on his farm, who is ono of the tnr'.t stupid fellows that ever bothered a good nat tired employer. Mr. .(irares owns two wagons, ono is un old and the oilier . a vnlnable lew one. A few days since he directed tho Irishman to take the new wagon tn pieces and load it on the old one and bring it down to the city. 1'nt went to work iiudul'ter taking oil' tho wheels found h could not get the body of the wagon ibto the old box, without rawing oil the ends of tho axletrees ! Afler a great deal of hard labor and utterly spoiling u valuable Faw, the axles were cut off, and tho amputated and nearly worthless body was finally got into the I ".' r.' idy fur a trirt, when M r. t.'ravis arri-v e l at homo ami put a stop to the Irish- mail's proceeding. Mr. 4 raves is a very 111,11 urn! a goo j L'hrisliun. C use .cutilly lie didti'l break the commandments or the Irishuiau's hwad ..! we imagine Tut rick teeeivrfd :i lesson ihut will prevent hirn fiotn Fawiug off any nioru. axles while lie lives HirucujC Journal. C'i)xiD!:f:Tf. A hntlt-r in i-n's of the hirje cities presented a c'o gymau with a hat of the Ciiest rj'iiility What is the value of this hut" he Drlnd. "Ten tiolldrs." "That is hijz'n price." "It is is a present, mid I never nia'.e a poor cne." "Won't you ma'.;e an eschanje !" ' I miu'ht." "Well I wou' J not care te mu'.o one if you agreo." What d t yon propore." "Well t L.3 is too good and high-pr. ed u hat for me and I prnpos that yon tike it back and give me a Cve'doilar hat auJ five .oollavs ia canh.".' 'TliU rather staggered tiiu halter, but Le 'f.greed. "Billy, lioiv did yot lose your finirer; Ea-ily t-nouth,' suid Hilly.- "I suppose: you did, but Low !" "J fiiurs you'd lst johr'n if ' it, bd been where mine wan." ." don't iiwiiawer my qn.liori."' "Well if' you must knu, iui'r Hilly, "1 bid to cut it ut! or cl:e st'eul the trap.''. Vest I.IKKI.T. We have heard it rcmnik' ed that when David hurled th' ftoue ut (Joli - etli the latter mutt have been very much cur prised ai such a tiling hud never entered .his bead before. Dulcb procer lo a little girl, who objects to s Spauit-h quarter : Dat ynst as goot as rmy one yo-i ynst take It to Cons, C3 0y tt givsj ynn vi i,--fye ciots for it." A CALL TO FARMERS Farmer; drop your Toole, Pcute a little, Head thin and Reflect I FARMER'S PROMOTION BOOK. new and Scientific M.iimt-is: Slystem, for Ihe Cnltiva. tion 01 11 it minis K rains, Wrm--., 1- ofliier aim rumors, upon all kind! of r?.l ; Proved hy annul Ksneritnems awl bused m evident truths le.i neil to iiopnv Astieuitnre in all'ta liianehen represented hy upwards uf one hnmlreri unit fifty enfrraviiifS of tlia mutt vwliiit bk Ur nod I'lants connected with tha system. itjr Dr. v. o. ieiiioi.u, BOAI JBl'ItQ, CKNTRK CO., PA. t N thin treatise tt will be seen feint the object hue been I ... ..I..-. ,1... Punnnt Hint ItlM.I l'f information Whit'S. Dona, ,.HhMhini,i milfM nrvctieril unnlicnl inn to fertilise his inin. fiMiiirr. nml rmlnreire. The ..i..Mu. i...hi hv iht. irbimiilier. mill f,.lil-r ml,! tin.. Oil all cultivation i-ysitm arcrilimimi, ricm nt ruir-, mm,m . mnnivi'nwii n me Inofieni uaricniiiirr. miner- ,....... u,ti- u, Onr farmer.. Slid Which, if Ditontnl end tion, carefully prnclii-cd, ennool fail to advance llit intervals of Ilia rnrmins; community, riiere-n win-., hit nern iu. n fnii'd, it litis a v-nd which has l-n? been tVl, but which tnete hue tutlierio Ivym no attempt, to supply , end a inrtnranf r-ir, mill Hiiitt'iicdim connlies. we recnm- mend the work to every inrmrr. n mm inny imirv mai tliey will renp tna greatest possn'iu nencu. ur.m Daniel M , Philip Moysr, Ciirif'i3il laltff licurire lion!, Jn(nb Mrwcr, b J.'hn l)iil.y, v tjmnlrl llniicfto. J'tari. MfWiiliiona, irniiver, It. J..h,i C'Hrpi r, J-.tin llarih.n, fViinnn. Viis-tn, J-iC'h Moyer, Hfiiry Mnyer, Sniodel ltilhlgiH!l Cosinre Jnck, r j .hn lliirrnnn, tleorfre Hii'-haiwrl, rrnn.'ifl Alrxn'trkr, J.ihn NrO". fJun'r. John lloffer, C'lifi-ihiH llolTer, O.-orqe W. Xlevk, J eeph linker rr Titeutvive w.wk n for tnle by Rev. J w. BIcKKr. Mill, m. Noiil.iimtwrluiid ciuiily. Po. Price ?'" Aneiitt I, H. w - . 'I III. fjAKWUST T,W H H n id PI JLTe tmi Sp if .Mi . ESTABLISHMENT 1 X T II t: CITY OF BALTIMORE I ATlt'OT ATll'OT'S 'ny Str- el Wnrernonia aio W3 it I iMid ft NotiIi Crj f.lrr"t. jieur b'nvelte, Hiilliuiore Wieip i. kept nlvii'" .ii liuinl. ir ni nt lo tmler, every iiyim.f I'rt ni !. IK ! U-A-'l KTI".r!, in 1', tluir, Cloth or Ifrnrnti-'e. l'ft'iifli full ?:uT and Meilnllinn Tnrlot Arm Cliain, 111 Pli'!h. Il:lir. Cii'lll or i:rp.1telle. Kreifti Kid1 rViuf Cuved P:irlur Cli:iira in acts, with Pluili, tluir, Ckita or llnxMtvile. s o.r as If.-ilf FreMfh Piirinir fttr,h.jr'uiy nml Walnut Parlor Cii iin. in 11 'ir. Cloth nml I'Hisli. Hoi'king Clmirr vurioiii di.iijnF, in Ilnir, Cloili and Pll:li. rt-'irSpvini; f.oinipr' n Inrpp nssnrtment nKvn) s en lini"t, or at ) putterii uuidror covered with any goodt, to oilier. CHAHDIinstTITS.' 1.1 M;d!"Z:!iil or :,tril'.t, cn'lli)!fte, from op. t'll'ie C'i:i."li':ol.l IJ.'-kln it i. ti e l;ir.ei usorlnirnt f.Tit'y iii'id,- ,n ii:'y one ii iuse in the L'mte.l S-inti-a I'roui tta a '''' ' " . . t-,r u. "!, i.' !."-t .... i uiiii" i.inir. in ' ik. .ihni ir .Mn ir :io. v nil Ouie, WmkI or r?tii.ld I'utu nn ;i?f'iMtieMt i r I'itu inir ovi r.VI dozen. Wood .e:it (.'iMii. and Settee, mid llui'liing Cltnir.. nvT prti do.--eri. ii!t :ind Plain Framr Ttokini (j;-es. of every variety. Ait klihla of Urdu. Ilnir and Husk Mitiiiii!ie.. A. .M.lTHlOT. X"". S3 ml -" N. G:iy ft , near rnyclle at., lkiltiinnre. Anirust I, IK. ly II U S S E Y ' S AMERICAN HEATER, roti ittixg Bum GRAIN AND GRASS?, ("KE.T improvemetite for 18"7. '1 hia jMn- chine wns put in tucfrsfnl operation in IH.13 and continued to he the only Kc.iipinj and Mow. ing Machine in the World, of nny practical viilue up to la IS twelve ycara nfter its introduction. Other Reapers me now otl'ercd wilh cl iwiiig ad vertisement, Certificates. Iliplomas, (Jold nml Silver Mcilnls, Ac. But the Farmer in search of the bekt Ilea per, and not potted in the nialer, bn,l better ee a ljltlc further. If there is nny value in 2t years expeiieticc in liuililing lenpT, nnd uning them in the har vest field, and in the improvement,; made during that long period. ODED HL'fcSEY.the Father ol Reapers, can claim it. All who are falisticd wilh the Best y.'cnpcr and Mower, ann lie sup plied by aending their orders. early in the season, us the crops indicate a large demand, and wo can not have over 200 Ready for the vnst harvest ofl8.r7. We guarantee that this Reaper u ml Mower can not be beaten on fair trial by any other Reaper that may he brought into the harvest fields in 1H."7. and we aho insure it to he the strongest and moat durable machine in uee. We would respectfully iijvilc Farmers to ex.T.'nine the machine lliorousnly lfuro piircli?ir. and satisfy themaelvea of its supcioiity ver all others. , Uuringtho hist fouryenrs.the suhfeyocra have sold between f'Ud and but) of theneichiues, to die hestand most sticci tsful Farmers in Montour, l.'nioii and the neighboring counties, (wliouc names are too numerous to inner!) to whom we respectfully refer. The subscribers have '.he exclusive tight the following counties: Montunr, Union, Snjde, .Northumberland, Columbia, Luzerne, l'erry M i Hi ill . Ontre, Clinton and Lycoming. All orders thankfully received and promptly utlciid ed to. UEUUi;t, MaKMI A CO., J.ewishurg, l iiioii count, l'a. July 11, 1S.-.7. "HESiiUiNGS S iirj3." lrfT m , TlIK ACK.l)Wl.l.ll(ii:U - a ,.. 1-iU Till: IIKCKNT TRIALS ut lii "jij J V!n It Itailinu have elnl'iifced !!' i-Liieiil 'VirlUlli r".j the venlirt nl iii'.ic lll.lll SHU eel- "-'i;-- ( h' il denltii lire., piovnif! c M.elilhii e'v . ;( ; ,( t'Ij l .at '-IliiriegV ia Uieuly tJAr'l': . ttllil Will ili'l 101 11- J. xi ne t ll-tiii the Coniiii:H-i pi'iti'ii ttie Ti::l! ui Iron r-bie at Iveadinj' t On the JO.Ii of February all Ihe meniliera of Hie Coin mittee s.i t to wiIih'k. Hie Site, ami book, and pii..r, ! ';i''i-d i'l ti.ein) and were peilielly uli.S.-d all w:i nS:!. Tilt- ihv toil ovo.'t. biininiB t'mk place under tlie .ipe.liiteti.l.-nee -t llo-i'"' ntee. Altel 'I LOT and im.roii-il,.inr f-.r hve hours, 'lie. iib ol iM.'HSru. Kv'.llS & Wnt.i.11 U:IS ti.St irieji', lue .ite liiMi'H 011 toe .111.1 ti.e e. it narlr.itli i-utiniiiie-l, while ll'c eon. lentil in It.e Mi"e ir-w nl I'liiiititein. r. I Meai-is. I- iirrels llerriiit' Welti 01 1 no lire" II-V7. II l FELIX. 1 P.N ( (H.K.MAV, Coiniiiitlee. 1 Ki-i'hni!. Maiia (Si; i.e.!,) A. tl. I'KACOI K. ) Anil e'ld -rf d lyover il of the Ik-.i men --f Kradiiii;. Loeii'ivei-.O'Si-aii he iu-etrd at 111 W.iunil lireil, l.-i'-ir loe p.Oiii'' i !,n eat sl'v tiieiiiw li e. of the anvil .iiie. r-T.i'.' i t -a,- "Il.iio.u'. I'al-'i'l I'tn.neiion,'' oi'-r l!ie dufuitcu ami l.ed up " Iron Di Salllulildel.o fi'arrvltt ft tlerrlny, 31 Walnut ft., I'hiUida. f'nty ma'.eis i.i iriis r;ae of Il. rrifte's I'uUni llwini.ion Mil'- .. Tt.e!ltt-'in;.t made by ntVr parties 11 b..ln- r up the r--;,nliit! f a S..le wiiteli h;tS fnllt'tt fo miriitiliy il (leei- it.,itnl Kim ill t'lir.aileli.'iui, il( oileiol Pluek.) by tnkin? .MO 1. at nl '.111 !Iu"1j." V"e, ill I Jlirt .) I. until double tloeke . ,',-iif-r"il from ll,-w II. ey eh) lo-'t'iun np1 .etc 'f IL-rri-ij'. (luol'iin lioe) lia. met wilti il. true re. vy.O'l. lli-iniK's SMH't-e m'd n -t t e linliil. provoip roni-ln' si.vtv Itirit lo only relial'l- IMfi w made I. -1 1 en Inu '. of vvi.i- Ii iv lililHi are li 'W in n-en-il Uf'. linn1 ttiioi o-jO iiuvt beciLtrieiUiy !ne wittioiit a single i..u. I'tiir-,., aoiie vu. I-.'.? Iv. ; "ri 'rr? o ','-.'- '("'i'-"r''r y's? 'Iflf-'S LOUISA fell ISSLKII, respectfully in forms the citizens of 'I'rcvortnn and sur roundiiin eoimty, that she has opened a new store. 01 Miliinery and Fancy at Trevor ton in .Sl.amokin street, nearly opposite lvnouse'a Tavern, whrre sill kinds of llonnets and Fancy (foods can be had at the I ovesl ttrniv ' Dress mtUiu.1 alsi ut'.endei to M the best inaimrr and tateM style. Aptll SS, IH.'j7. tf HEW FOR 111E MILLIOiN I MEUSOX8 United Slates Msgazme, Sa turday Evening Post, N. 1'.-PioAVune Ms.ti.trs'.e, Nk Nat and Yankee Notions for silely II. Y. FliH.IMJ N. B Peisona living nt a distance can have a lit of t rices forwarded by addressing aa above. Magniiies, Papers and Book slot 00 hsnd, eonstontly oi.lered- - "smTQ'oua Mass a'QiiS,- : Z3D. IT 33UIGHT 6c SON. . HAVB JUST KrXEIVKL) A l.AKCiU SUTl'LY OK . IryOood, Itcndy made Clothing. ware, rocerie lalaii Among ottr preaent Stock may be found French l.awn, rojilinx, Fnncy .cilk, riaiil Dufal.TUenee, Bcregea, Uenegea, Challi. Black tilka, Alpnrra, Oinghania, Hwiaa MjII, Tarlton, t'ambiia. Nain ook, Mrilliante, Ilimily, Book.Mu.lin, Bchinett C'ollnre, fcw ie t'louticing, Inrtrting, l.acea, Itrb- noaiery.anu a general aaaonmrni oi r Embracing the moat beautiful atylea, all qualitiei and Clothe and Carpet. Bummer Uuoda for gente kiiula of buililine; material, Carpentorl Toola of Cutlery, Blioe I indulge, U"U,c. Former Uorts BiirpaMCd In In addition to our former 8tore Room, we have fitted up the accond at jry of our eMahlinhment wbich trou will And well alocked with Heady Made Clothino. Bool and Hhoea combining beauty durability and nlienpnc. He ahnll continue to assortment at all timea complete, another inducement to nil who wind to purt haae. . NEW GOODS AT LOW P11I0K8 We reinm our thanks ta the public for their liberal tion if our Uood. aa we derm it a plenanre to wmt on nil who may lavor ua with a roll. CJUM'KV i'KODUCt! TAKEIN IN EXCHANOE. ; .' Bar Iron, Steel. Nails, Picki, Grub Hoes, Mason Hammers, Mill Saws, "Window Cash, Grindstones, uiass, jraints, uus, run, isblo, Sunbury, May 8, 1857. tf New Goods for the People I BENJAMIN llEFFNElt . tESPECTFlI.I.Vitirorms the public in gen era I that he has ji)l received and opened a splendid atock of SriUNG AND SUMMER GOODS at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consista in part of Cloths,- Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinda, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO : CnllroPN. Glugliamfl, Lnwus, ItloiiNnclInc e l.alsicg and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Croccrlca, Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron ml Steel, Nails, &o. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENS WARE, "f various styles and patterns. Atao an assortment of IIOOT & SHOES. HATS & CAPS, fc good selection. Suit, Fish, Nc. And a great variety of olher article such aa are emtuble to the trade, all of which will be aold at the lowest prices. IV Country produce tnken in exchange a the highest prices. Lwwcr Augustn, June B, 1857. Wall Taper & Window Shades. A ISAACS, Ar. 103 Xorth Secnntl Street, ! PHILADELPHIA. OAVINfi completed their large assortment of the above (ioods for Spring and Summer Trade; would respectfully invite the attention of Purchasers to the sumc. Their stock for beauty, cheapness- and variety cannot be surpas sed. They have consinn-'ly on hand every descrip tion nf (.old and l'niuled Shades, Buff Holland, and Shade Fixtures. Wall Papers, Cnitains. Fire Hoard Prints, Uorders. ic , all of which they oiler at lower rates than can be ha 1 at ony other establishment. Call am! examine. A. IS-rMCS. lfi.l North Second Street. .March 7, 18.'7. (im w 1O0O tbs of ':irtvt Ita4 VVWNTEl) at the etore of E. Y. Bii-ht ti foil, who are constantly receiving a fresh supply of (iuods, thus offering to the public the largest and most desirable as"ort.r,ent. July II. 18r;7. ISAAC M. WILKKIISON, MANUFACTURE O ."P FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Sfitait, livivuiiM aixl Ijimi.Kt'H Eureaus, Secretaries, Sidebcards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND l)IMQ TABLES and also VENETIAN ULlNHiS, equal to Pliila delphia manufactur,t. uEDS ILA 1J. 01 every pnttern and price CUPKOAKDS, WOiUv AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND F.XTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of bis business. rTHn subscriber respectfully cnlls the sttetitioi of the public to bis large and splendid as sortment uf every Uality and price of c sfja;T-vA.!.r, which cannot fail to rciomineud itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, mado up of the best stock to he' had in the city. No rll'irt is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being 1 made. He also manufacture all kinds and qnalities CHAIRS. ncluding varieties never before to be had ir Hunbury, siteh as M e.-uiii y, IIlack W'jlxut AMI f'uULKII MaI'LK OlIKI'IA I ANII Wl.MISOS CHAIK8, ami riser Piano Stools, which are uf tho latest ttyles, and warutnted to l-o excelled by none inanul'actured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall no excuse fur persons to pu'rchacS furniture in I .. I ' al the cities, as every confidence can be entertained -out f lie quality and fioii li of lus ware and Cinirs. These articles will he disposed of on as good terms ns they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. IV UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome IIkaiisk, he is now prepared fur Undertaking, nnd attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at uny convenient distance from this plac. 17" The Ware 1'oum is in Faw n ew Weaver's Hotel. H.-t tO V. WILKERSON. Sunbury, April IH. 1857 tf. BALD EAGLE HOTEL. Xo. 234 and 410 X. Third St., Philadelphia. JOHN CLY1MER, Proprietor. (Successor to DaIiel Dalukt.) "TUIE Proprietor returns his thanks for the liberil pslroiiHge bestoued nn th-a well known house, and. respectfully asks a continu ance of Ihe same, assuring his many fiiends of N orlhtiinU'rlaiul and adjoining counties, that no pains shall be spared to render comfort and plea sure lo nil who inav eive him a call.- TEl.Mf 81 OO PKIt DAY. Philadelphia. July 8-1, 17. 3m BMITII'B r.Mcnce ol Jamii tea (.Itiprrr. THIS article is t-arcfuliy piivirrrl frotn'the b-t J.-nnnioa Uiner. nil tue vabinlile tneilii'iiml proprilies ol vvtiicli it 1. Wiiniinii-g tn posst us in a conreiitratiii miii eonva liieiilfornl. Il 1. mi t'S-'cltcnl reireili-In rlysp-'ri.w, fl iliitcnee, clew lie und iininirt-il aii.1 felile state ,,f Hie tlivi'stiva I'nii,--pons. Kroin its ri-fie.liniv i:riri,;lli nail rurilial piojirrlii as a ffeiitlc Fiiiii'jfirioif toaie ill. wMI tul.iptiil tocoilnter-n-'t tiie it, I. o.j: iniliiem-e u ilia c xtmne limits uf sum-hi--r. lite c'l-rts ol siet.l.iii elian'. Ac. N 1 riit.ilv .hoi.lil lie vrittioui-it, as OS tlmelv us will snve triein 110m iirmy an -eMotis altm-s o( iltnras. I-! h-i- -i rrni. i..-r bottle. !or sale b Juiie-l, lej;.-irr OATCHOULV, JOCKEV CLI.'U, bl'RIXO . rl.'t W KKa, 6c, of ths he.t quality 1 f.t.h supply ju.l received snd for sale at the Drug Siore of A. W. l lSlitK, ' &'unburv. Aug. I, IS57. fPOI NTV ORDEUS.County ordcra taken w sa cash for foods, an cash for iuods, and on note or book ae ejiulit hw E- V ERlHHT BON. j Nw. 'tm. IS.Vi THE Hoots nnil Miocm, Hard it iivtire iVc, uuuira, , . In prirea. Uomentlc (iooile, VVindaor Shadea, rate, wear of every variety. Hardware embracing thebsal manufacture, Fill a of every dewnp- Quantity and Quatlfr receive liooda Bemi-Moiithlv. thua rendering our patronage, and rrapeetfulW Invite an Innpec vnetse, meat, &c. always on iianri. E. Y. BRIUHT ft SOS. SALAMANDER FIRE ' ' ASD THIEF-PEOOF SAFES. The latgtst assortment in the I 'oiled States. Warranted to be eon a I tn am now made, and will be aold on as (iood Tetms, as can be obtain ed from any olher bou.o in the Country, nt , EVANS & WATSON'S 23 South 4 th Street, Philadelphia. 'Trnth is Mighty, and Must Travail J'iporl of the Committee appainted tn tuptrin lend the Durninr nf the Iron Snfet, ut Hcod to7, February 27, 1357. Rkadixs, March 4. The undersigned, memlirs of the committee, do respectfully report, that we saw the two Safe oiijinally agreed upon by Farrels & Herring and Evans &i Wataou, placed side by side in a fur nace, vis: The Sale inus by the Paymaster of tho riiilauelplua nnd heading Kmlruad Compa ny, in hia ollice at Peiding, manufactured by harreU& Herring, and the Sale in use by H. A. Lantz. in hia store, manufactured by L'vnns & Watson, and put in bookaand papers precisely alike. The'fire w.s started at Sj o'clock, A. M.,and kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry ouk and halt chesnut top wood weie entirel-tasinieu, the whole under the aoperin lend.'nie nt the subscribers, members of the Coin mittee. '1 he Safes wero then cooled off with water, after which they wero opened, and the hooks and papers taken out hy the Committee and sent to H. . l.vnlx store lor public exam ined and marked by the Committee. The books and papers taken from '.he Snle manufactured ny rnrre!s a- Herring were in our ludgment. da mailed fully fifteen per cerl. more than loon taken from Lvsns & ntti.n s S.ile. We believe the above to linvn been a fair and impartial trial of the respective qualities of both Safes. JAC'OU II. DYSH ER, UANIEI. S. HUNTER. Having been absent during the hurniuc;, we fully coincide with tho above statement of the condition of the papers and hooks taken out of the respective Sales. Ii. A. Nrroi.T.s. H. II. YiniLKNHERO. J A M hS M 1 1 . H l ) L L N D. March 21. 1857 jN i FALL . ,UUil t ALU i-' AND "WINTER GOODS! Ira T. Clement Aro. 1, cojixfrofmaukki square, fW AS jwseeeaeived a large supply of Fall and ft Winter Goods. lie will continue to eoll Dry Goods end Gro ceries CH E A PER th 111 ever, as his goods are bought cheap t'rey will be sold cheap. He feels confident w'uh his experience and ability, that he can compete) with the World at large and Sunbury in particular. He would enumerate articles if time and space would permit. It is enough to say that he haa everything in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries, A Urjie Stork of l'cid -Made CLOTHINO, noors axd shoes, w.t scf ihnt is kopt in nny other store in town, and II it hnniiCT ii on the breeze. And long nmy it wave OYr tinid if the free, And tti.ii'.iiie of the lituve Whil her Stun nml her Snipe Sl.iueout tike ttiuSur., Telling Mil u;tti"itt Tuat Frei'iiont'a l-guii. Tin U a five country ns wai proved Woolv by Ihe Horse, election of V uchnnnn over tbe therefore It is free fur all lo do their trading ivoere they can Uf Y he CHEAPEST. Al aie invi ted to call and see. TltC COUNTRY, as well si the town arc respectfully invited, and every person, rich or poor, hiu or low. bund ort free are invited to call si No. 1 Markket ISquan opposite the Court House. 1. S. He in nut to Le undersold by any man or combinslioii of men. No charge for showing goods. All ki.-.ds of produce taken in cichunge for goods. Huiibury, Dec. 10, I&56. BROADWAY FAMILY GROCERY ! Flour, ToeS nnd Provision tore. Jlre-ultrui Itluiv Ulackhcrry Street. LEVI SEASJIOLTZ, IJESPECTFl'l.LY inform the citizena of ciiiubury and vicinity ihnt he bus removed lo the store lately occopied by C. tiehrinuer in liroadway near the Hail Road, and is receiving a chuice suuply of consisting in part uf Hums, Shoulder.'!, M irkcrcl, llerrini;, hue IihIi, ( oI I ish. Halt I ,-cscived Fruit, Pickles, ('rackers, Cheese, Molasses, Kite, .Sugar, Coll'ee, (ureen, roasted and ground,) Im perial. oung 11 y .on, Gunpowder and Black Teas, Cedar-ware, citone-ware, Hunps, brushea plow and wa.h lines, hoots ami shoes, tobacco, segars, Ve., together with every article usually louutl 111 a first class t.rocery btore, all ol which will be sold al the utvest prices, either for ca.hor country pr-sluce. He has also pictured to sup ply ilneV itizens with Ireah bread, twist, rolls, pie., pretzels and cukes of every kind. i. 11. 1 he highest CUM! prices w ill l e paid for butter an. I eggs, con), oats, rye and w heal. biuiiburv, April II, IS57 . P. MELANCHTON SHIN DEL, J18TH 1; or im: im:ck, SXTlMB'tTIl'V, 2FJV. OJpce i.i JJmr Street, iuimtiluittlf opjiutite the Public School llouie. All to aires promptly atteii-hul to. Munii collected end all ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April S3. I&57. if IJORT and MATERIA WINES, fVhiedaiii Kchnanps, ltd Cherry uramtv, Ulacaherrv Slid Lavender brandies for incdic.iiml purpom-s at ' March 14. '.V,. A V. FISH Ell. - 1 tslJUAC CUREU HAM. A lot iu.t rereived ' I and for asle by. LEVI SEASHOLrZ. ApH t.T. mnKiTLTRE i nxRirmniEii LARUKUl" MTDCK CV tK OFFERED IN SU.NBCnY. that raNhlonableV kinda THE atiWribet. long eatabllnhed Cabinet i In n,,nlinr. tliank. at nno imir nnnwim ......... .- fid Tor n-l favnre, aoliclta continuance ni uie pnblie patronajrn. Hia ttock of Cabinet W are, Chntra, 8c, einltrarea RVF.RV VARIETY, t'UKPtt. UK- ftlltftTAt, houaekreplng. It ia unnecr aaary te ennme. aa anything that may be requtreu m nm line can be bad at moderate prlcee, ineap mr Caah, or Country Producetakon in exchange. Eatnhli-hment Sonfft Kant Corner of Muriel Square. tV Thee knowing themaelvea Indehted to the aubaenber would oblige him by making pay ment. ' PEBA8TIA?! IIAUI'T. Sunbur. April K, 1857. tf Guano 1 Uunnolt Cnanol!l ALL KINDS. LEIN AU'S BUPKR PIIWPIIATK Of LIME. 7000 TONS. . iy F A R M E R S 1 JO For ymir wheat crops, l.FINAf'f Super Ptinenlinta of l.ime, si 0.., ll. or StO n Ton ; or i.ra i.r.i- NAt PSAMK C.m ilillhl.r.ll.l'l M.Hill 11,1. ... Sif n ton. Una bmtvl of citber is ufTicieui for an Acre of SV ''i jIiigK ARK PERMANENTMAXCREfi, mnde nf rrlinble Chernicnl Ktemenrs, anrl hnva tieen in utTeiMiil du for the ril ' Years, improving the soil gild inerrn.tnsthe value of the land Font l)iilnin. fom tiie ftnte Asrleultnrnl "oel-ty nf Peiinsylvonin i New Jernev ; Uelnwnre nnd the CrvMnl Pnlnee A.M.'iiilioii of Hie t itv of Nmy York, have bceu received fm ibrre Vn'imble reriitiiers Hnmnhlet. in tlie snd German Loi-eanae can be hnd t,v nnplii-ntion nl lite OTirc. - A lilienil diKf'Hiiil to wn-neenia iFi-niers. Thenli-iva Ferlitizer., delivered FllKl-: of Cartage trt nny whnrf in the old O.ty Proper. t Irdcrs sent by Mull IM-cnmrmi'ie" won -nn "r uraiia, wi II be prompily iiiirr'l '" ' Y P"" "f '''f World. Kn to -Vinlh Kr-ml Slreet. I'liilodHehis City. iir.oriir. . j.r i.oo o '"i "'-". Jntr 8.. IS17 4m ve I'uni.) Ivanin. Badclle .and; Harness Maker. HENRY HATJPT, JR. Sttccessor tn A. J. Stroh, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and the pub- he cenr-rnllv. thnt he has tnken the establishment lately occupied A. J Stroh and is prc nred to lutn cut work in is line of business equal to any made in this, section of the country. Orders promptly execu ted and all kinds nf produce t?.ken in Exchange Sunbury. May 9, 1H57. ty DElVTISTRir- . GEOllGE IIENN, ANNOUNCES to the,citixena of Sunbury and vicinty, that be haa opened an office in Sun bury, above II. J. Wolverton'a olice opposite C. Weaver' Hotel, where he is prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the latest and most improved style. All work well done and warraittl. - Decemlier 13. 1856. R. DECOU & CO. Clothiers, No. 14.1 CHrcrst-T St., acovs Foihth, PlULADEI.rKIA, Keep corulamiy on h:;nJ a fplendiJ ifTr,rt:ncnt of Readj-made Clothing. Goods made to OnDr.a and Warranteu to KIT. Nov. 29, lSJf! y Citrate of Magnesia OR TASTELESS SALTS, THIS preparation is recommended as nn ey cellcrit laxative and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from nny unpleasant taste resembling kmouade in flavor, prepared and sold by A. W. FISH EK. Sunhurv. March 14. isr6. ALi:t.i)i.u HEitn Importer a,id Whultnale Denier in SALT. 38 Seuth Wharves, Philadelphia. ASH TON Fine, Liverpool (.round, Turks I land and Dairy .Salt, con stantly on hand and for tale in lots to suit the ttade. April 4, 1657. Cm NEW CONFECTIOMAHY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. CEAliHART, JT AS just received a new nnd cncellent assert- ment of (,oods el !' ('otili rtienary and Fruit Store in MAPiKET tS'ITEET, ui-:.,-rv, where ha nr.inuf.ictured pud keeps 011 hand, at nil limes, the most chore Conl'cctinnarv, ir, W hulesale and Uetail, at Philadelphia prices. Among his slock of C'oiTlccticiiuries, maybe found : Fri'iich Serr.ts, Itnrni-il Alinonus, t'rinin White, I.rmoii Kiae, " Vnnilla. rnmm -n reerels. Litiuotice, O am Ri-nps. al! kind of scent, l.ove I irons, Mn-i llririj. ri-i sail white, I'i lot Tli'opr, r-i-cli t'u..t.:e.-i, el all scents I',- CaoO;,-, .A.'ipo,nl Caady, 1RUIT. nansnnt, r 1 unej, Currmili diied, Ciinis, Almotidi, Rumoua, .uti mf all kiiiili LEMON HYltUP of s superior quality, by the sitisle or dozen. A superior quality of tSeg.irs and Tobacco, nnd a vain ly of Conleciionanes, fruit. Ac, all of which is offered cheap at w holesale or retail. ICE CRBAM. He has ale opened an 'ce Cream Saloon, and will nt all times be ready to serve his customers with Ice (.'renin. Sunbury, May 81, 1857 ly New Unigs, Paints, &c. NEW sujiply of nnir;s, Paints, Oils, Fluid, &c, just received and for sale by A A. W. USHER. Sunbury, May 5, 1857. r AND WARRANTS. The highest price -'will be aivn for Land Warranta by the sub- cribei. H. U MASSER. arfcATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS fo J bar bottles for sale by H. B MASSER. Bnnhuey. July 19. IH5S. OHOW.VS and Breinic's Essence of (i in grr " and Husband'a Magnesia al March. 14. '57. FISHER'S. Fishing; Tackle. Red Cork, Crass, Cot ton and Linen Lives, (Jul Lines, Sea Grass by ihe yard, -Snoods, fUu, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, (Cods, 4c, for sale by March 41. '57. . A. W. FISHEK. 'pobaCQO and Ecgara- 20.00U Imported JT- Si'frars of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'. Runbury, March 14, 1857, . jou m. in: a it i), ATTORNEY A.T X.A.W, Office ii Muclet tt., otpotin the Court Home, . ' SONBUBT, PA. : Collections made snd Provisional Dusiitsse generally attended Is Prompily and Carefully. raiiAatLraiA Rtrtasscai Bullitt 4 Fairthorne, Diehl 4r Werts, Davie & Dirney, F. Tylas V Co. (VjetjsjT, a-jca Ss), lyr. BAiUTHUKWAXia. ' ' t l.t I i THE nWrlbaf re.reetf..l1y l"'rm. j.,aofnburyandlh. pub ". J . hi haa eommented the manufaature of all liuua ef . EARTHENWARE, hia manufactory In Whortleberry "treat, one la eqoare ea.t of the River. Ha feaa engagen too aarvicea Of ltr. II. ae. and you can mereinrv depend oil having good article. The public are reapreifully invited to (all. nd end All orilerc Iron) Oliiance win oe prompuj attended to. P. M.8HINDEL. Banbery, Feb. S, tS!S6. tf joii;v ir. Ai.M.n v co. Noa.S and 4 Cheatinit Ptre-t, (ninth aide, brlow Water,) rTna ULtixt Wono-w.aa llotna i tin City ) H ami Wholeiwiedenirn In 1'iiieiit Maehlue maibi llltOOMi, Umnyed f'ednr. iv.. imii in .to ink. Woivl aiid Willow-V ire Cord., UrualKK, Aa ,f all d-grl,illii. i'leata call and eanmnie our sipf-ii, Kebraarysa, lfS7-iy w VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE, nMfE euhscribers. Execntora of the estate e JL Henry Msswir, dee'd., ofl'er nt private sale tha following property vis t A large two atory frame dwelling house, together wun auoui 50 ACRES OF LAND, Situate In Lower Augusts township adjoining lands of Daniel Knufmnn and others new in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman sa atore and dwelling. The hour ia new snd the location a eoml one for business. Aleo a TRACT OF LIMESTONF. LAND, In said on the river about 6 miles 1. low .Sunhu.y, adjoining lamia ol J- 1 . M mrreon and others, containing, about 80 acrea. Tl e soil is productive and contains limestone and other minerals. Also a trsct of Laud, containing about 35 acrea on the bill, a'oeut two miles below Sunbury, adioininn Isnda of the heiia of the late John Conrad snd ethers. There is, on this tract, s small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. II.B. MASSKK, ) r. E. MA8SCR, Executors. FRANCIS BUCITER.) Sunbury, January 19, 18.'0 if NEW AKBANOEMENT 1 Fi e.ih Arrival of DRUGS, TAINTS, OILS, &c. FIHE undersigned finving taken the store for- X mcrly kept by William A. Hruner, ia now rendy to till orders and prescriptions at a mo ments notice. He has a large and well selected atock of fresh end pure DRITGS, CHEMICALS, Dye-stuffs, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco nnd Imported Sejara of the choicest brands. Fancy Notions toilet articles, ond fer fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair Brushes of every variety. Camphine and Fluid a!tray$ on hand. Customers will find his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enu merate, and all sold at moderate prices. Remember the plsce, next door to E. Y D right's Mammoth Store. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March 14, 1857. MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, KOTJNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennttlvania. rCPUIIS Urge nd commodious Hotel is situa ft. ted nearly lialf way between Sunbury iud Potuville. The sct-ncty the stdooiity of the atmosphere and the cool niorn' l-r"e?es, it one of the most I'eliihtful summer retreats in the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four stories high, fitted up with aM the mode-ti cot., veniences. The pure moiintiiii water is intro duced into every chamber. 'J'he place is easy of access, being but one nnd it he't boms ride from Sunbury, over the Phi'edclp'iia and Sun bury Rail Road. From Pottsville, it is IV miles. Every attendance will 'ce paid by the irop.-ic-tor to make guests comfortable. 1 . 0 irrres mode rate. Ji.bMJ H1CL.. Mt. Carmcl.May 24, IS.V,. if E. NEWLAND Se CO. Looking i; Plciiirt l-'saiues, SJnrav in. ami Paiolings, No. 128 Arch Street, ahove Sixth. (Lute of 2 18 North Second St.) PHILADELPHIA. GALLr.nir.s ottx daiut to risi-rons. Merchants and others visiting the City who may want anything in our line will do well to give us a cnll- Fckruary 29, 1857 Sm CHEAP WATCH AND JKWFi.RY STORE No 72 A'ori Second S'rcet, (opposite th Mount Ffmon IioiiTt ) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 15 K, ca ses, !i8; Silver Lever do., do., l' Sil ver Lepine, do., !r-n : Qnorticr. $3 to ir: Oold Speet scles. $4 0 to 10 ; Silver do., S-l 50; Silver Isble .-"por.tis per set', 4-14 o 18 Silver D-erl do., dp.,li a 'o 1 1 ; trilvcr Tes d.i., du., 4 75 lo 7 00 f G -'d Pr-i. and Uo'J :a ses, ii-:l 2 ) to "eb ; (jo'J Pens and Silver do. . $-1; together tt.-h a variety of fine (ioM Jewelry dold L uio , lii'a 'u suit i ou I. .::uil. AM poou. warranted to i'e s represented. Watches and Jewelry, reppind in the beet manne. AI-o, Ma sonic .Marks, Phis, Ac, to a. Jjr. N. 15. AM odr scut by nail or otherwise, will be prnetuclly sttended 10. Phila., Oct. 4, lS.-fi. lyw. philip h. rTOy. WnOl.KSALK AMD TIl.Till. Grocery, Wine and Liquor Stcra, S. E. cor. ir?ir and Water Street), PHILADELPHIA. DEALERS and families wilt he promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4, 1856. tf BR0DHEAD & ROBERTsT Xo. 13.i, X. 21 Street, riIILADEX.rHIA, INVITE the atteption of country merchants and others, to llteir stock of BOOTS & SHJES, which they will dispose of on the most reason able terms. , . Nov. U, 1855.- ly C. EElTKEPaT'S . . WHOLISALS ASH Rr.TAIL BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S t, ubore Chetnnt, Phil'a. OOTS. fchoes, (,'aiters, 4c , proihptly mads to order in Ihe very bent style, and of the b.l material. Philadelphia. May 9. 1857. Leather! Xicather! Leather I Ilt-MtY W. OVtKUlA'., 1MPORTi:t of Krein h Cllf SSlns ami eeneral l.falhrl ileulrr. .No B Snulil 'S'ut.U street, l''lii. A Ke-nerat ttsaoiiiuciil uf all kiuia uf l.iwtiier ainrocoj, c , A I-. . Kril and Oak SV. l.niher. Kelililhry , IS ,7 Iv PAPER3 & MAGAZINES. rilll E New York Ledger, Parlor Ca.kel, Flag 1 of our I'niun, Fiank Leslie's lllusiraird ' Newsoatier, Ballou'a Piiloiial, National Police i,' ... , ii.... ii- i i nassita, i ecsiy ..uwuviiv, wiariij .iiaajiiir, aud Harper's Weekly Journal cf Civiliuiiou. Also, Harir'a Magsiue, (iodey'a I sdv's Book am Putnam's Muguiine, ju.l is. eiirdand for ..Is by. H.V.FK1LINU. Sunbury, July 1 1, 1857. ALMONDS, FAISONf. FU", I.EMO.M Ac, A just received s fresh supply snd for sals at His Cotifeetionsry store of M,Q. OEARHAITP WsTvsttry.Mey 1. flrV- htmokln Whit Aih Anthracitu CaJ. fl .1. iiiIIJ Ilm f2- Vl rvn Ifll ' ll ? r,.i i". w.. . wiir, . H. '.IMMEHMAN eV JNO. P. Pmnfl.' iU(. ftMart , Ka. Heed Co., will..,. mining, ehlpping and eelling roal rtom4hfi above well known Colliery, under the Irnt Zimmerman tic 1'ureel. 1 he point of ahlpmept at the lower wharf in Punbury, Mertkaaiber land county, I'a., where ell otdera fr the vari) jr klnde nf roal, via i Lump, Broken, Egg, tMoi, L be.tnot Uoal, will be tbankfwlly reeelvetl' promptly attended to. Sunbury, July 14, 183 Prnevar, ,7etr lt lft$. The firm nf Ka.e, Reed o C'e. having-' aolj their leaae In the Gap Colliery an Inlereet'lrt the wharf at Putihnry, to Meaara. imaiyiman it rurael, would take grrat plraeure tn recommend' Ing our enatomera and oihera tn the Mew ftrrn, ee they will be able to aell them prepared eotl ef the beat (jualily, KASit, Hr.bD t- J. HAYDOCK & FIDDLER, TkEALERS In Watches and Jewelry, yt continue the business at tha nbt .t.,d A Jamee U. Fhller, - sYo. 12 fimtth fecund Street, PHILADELPHIA, Whero they solicit an examination of their large and atied atock, feeling assured that the est. -: , ,u r . i i . . . . ' .icm-o uuui oi mem nave iisu in the business, and the facilities they possess for procuring goods on tbs most advantageous terms, will ena ble them to cosipe.ta favorably with any other establishment in the city. Tbey have now en hand fine assortment sf TiJafcflES, ClrUavJCJi'n hy, Silver, Plated and Urittania Wire, Cutlury Fancy Goods, Arc, Ac. ' IN. D. -Repairing of Watches and all kinds of Jewelry attended to with promptness and the greatest care. rinla., April 7, 18SS. tf. WHITE HOUSE hotel" POTTRVILI.E, PA. pHE sulwcriber re.pectfully announces Is hie it . ,1 T u".J U,e pul'lic' ,h,t '' h that old and well known establishment, the wftun:Hor89 Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mshantogo ate.. In the Uorough of Pottsville. 'J'he houne li.s re- cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite as comfortable ns any other Hotel in Schuylkill county-while the alables are larje, in good cordition. snd at- tend by careful, atlen'ive, prudent hellers. To travellers and others whj may .lop nt hia bouse, he promises rvt-rj attention calculated lo render them ornfortabla and SKtislVd . ..J ,a - JOS. M. 1MGEK, April 6, 185'.- tf HENRY DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office opposite tin Court Uousr, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. . imn..i ttiieiition to Dusniess in adioininir EAGLE HOTEL, UITOS1TE WKSTBRAXCII BANK, V7ILLIAMSPORT, I'A. WILLIAM II. Hi. 1'ioiuUtoJ. C. A. Srniiy, ssistsnt. N. I). An Omnibus will rnn to ami from the Depot and Paekel Landings, to tfits Hotel, Ires of charge. September 13. lS(i. if EANVILLS HOTEL. JOHN JDEKT, .7 a., Marltl SlriU, i'unriiU; Pa, rf HIS is one of the lariest and most com mo. A d'o-: hotels in the interior of fi rms nnia it h-iji been recently fitted up. in ecelleiit stjle, with nil lbs modern conveniences. Danxiiied, Sept. S, 1855. Clionp W hIcIich ?jJcwnli-' ITtn'OI ESALF. ami Ketail, at the "I'hilad-l. phia Watch and Jewelry Store." No. n! North Se - ' Street, corner uf Unnrrv. XLADEX.jTXXX.4s.' f!W l ever Watches, full ;c,vlel, In rami rare., t-i l',I l fin l.epme a. f-'t nn '.- Silver ,xticle. I .."IT f!it-,-r larn. fn'l leirtti-il. sin 'o;.,!,!,i. -1 im Uver, mil jevi a 1-1 M nil.,-.' Iial VHei1a, l."0 i.ien,ir IJiiarlina, 7 Silver Tea sinluu, set, S,W liwiii S1vriiii-,.--i, not Gout IViu. wun Silv-r !fold-r, ,no Gold Fir-c-r Rir-gs, 37J cents to 0 ; VVuich Ulnsses, plain, 12J cents; Patent, l vj; Ltinet, 25; olher articles in proportion. Ail goods war ranted to be what ihev are so'.d for. S'I'A iJPFEIl & dlAKI.EV, On hand, some (.old and Silver Levers and Lepinns, still lower than tilt above prices. Oct. 4. IS'ifi y. A PNOLD S WRITIXi FLUID at sive und leg-tl envelopes, for sale b; and Adlio i by H. 1 kf.ll MASTER. Ptinbnrv. fan 10. GEORGE SCHALL & CO. ."M AM f ACTt'K til or BLASTING POWDER, A7f. Cn;.e', Xorthumberland Cuuntg, fa. May 10, lS'.S T1LAI li M 'aijirneni. Pauer Deeds and blank engages, Uonds, El ecu Hon., Summons Ac, fr sale U H. ii. M AsaKK. Sunbury A pri 2fi. IS'ifi STOVES 0R SALE an excellent second-hand Cook' - ing Stove, aiso several Cylinder Coal' Stoves. Einj. :ir at ibis ollice. rIOLD PENS with and without cases, ,f tjn very su)erior quality. jut receurJ. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, lor s&ic by II. 11. MASSER. Sunbury. Pee. 27. I .(! CtlSJJEN CHEESE. Jast received and for sale by LEVI sKASHOl.TZ April II. 1857. " SjJII.VER J tnu'lish WATCHES A few double case English Silver Watches, for sale al very luvy pricea by . H. U MA SSL' It. Smil'iiry. April H. lar-B. AMKRICAX HUUSjVY W.l LI.IAMSl'OUT, JA.. J. ll. Kl l.TUN, I's oprlcUr. . Jas. T. Ham.. Ass t. Kept. 13,.Hrjt sf J, IJI'RE OLIVE Oils? for laid, use,- iwo site at 37 J and 02 J cents just received by A. W. FISHER. March 14. '57. liaJtatiOECry. A large aupply of fancy Note p. Paper 'and Envelopes, --louming, Letter, and Cap Paper. Pens. Ink, Sand, Ac.'oJ March 14, '57. A. W. Flr-iHER'S. ' nUKT MONAIES, Tooth ard Hair Biushs all qualities, and any qiMiiii v, fur auk by A. W. FIVIIFU. March 14. '57. A MIVVI'Y Mill Bil.t:. "lHE auWcntu r orfers fur sale his SlIANTV, Jl Cook-Sto.s, cVc , on lb Iwil-Kuad Iwlaw T. a vol ton lindge. Apply sunn lo H.U. MASEEH. Sunbury. A prif 2S, 1S57. FOR SALE. VCood second-baud Buggy, iiflice. Apply at this ron riiiisrT. CIHF. Store Room in Maikel street, oeenpiej I hy P. W. Cray and the duelling house aJ jmniiia;. A pyly lo liur eiecuUns ef H. M uWca.rd. atraaey ty I SIT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers