(Mifoniia life AEEiyAL OF THE DAKIEL WEBSTEE iFfom Havana, at Wew Orleans toiih - 9500,000. , The Northern Light for a New York, with $2,000,000 The Netes of the Loss of the Central America in California The Pa cific Mail Steamship Company Denounced Mormon Affairs llun on Vie San Fran cisco Banking Houses, '.-', ' " The Daniel WfebsUr brings hair ft million 'of dollar from Havnnn. 8h experienced heavy Roles on the pol lute from New York tdjl a vane. The Pncif.c Mail Steamship Company'a "ateamer Northern Light, from A spin wall, with a fortnight' later news from Cnlifbrnia, Lad arrived at Havana, nnrl enilod for New .York on the 25th int. Sbe has on board two millions of dollar, in treason. The news of the loss of the Central Ameri ca caused a genera) gloom in San Francisco. The Courts immediately afljonrned. Various mass meetings were held, at which ropotntions 1 wore adopted denouncing the Pacific Mail Steamship Company. It was generally supposed ihnt the accounts of Indian depredations in the vicinity of Carson Valley were exaggerated. Farther advices received from the Plains confirm the belief of the complicity of the Mormons in the lata massacre. The California papers express the opinion that an efficient armjj:oulJ fcer4is84 k- that Mr Harasthy, lute refiner in the Mint, had been indicted for euibezzlir.g $150,000. The news of the protest of Messrs. Sather & Church's drafts ut New York had caused a run, which compelled the firm to close. (Several attachments had been made. There was also a rin on Messrs. Tailnnt& Weld, and several others, but none of thorn tad closed at the sailing of the steamer. The accounts from the mining districts were good. The markets were inactive, lloiall flour quoted at $14. nntTHEP. FROM CALIFORNIA. ARRIVAL OF THE SOUTHERN LIGHT. $1,7.10,000 in Gold Arrived Murder of Cat. tfirnia Emigrants in Utah Important from Central America War Against Costa Pica Declared by Nicaragua. The steamship Northern Light, from As pinwall, via Havana, arrived at New York yesterday evening. She came up entirely unexpected, no announcement of ber being below having been given. Sbe brings gl,. 750,000 in treasure, six hundred passengers, and the California moils of the 5th inst. Samuel Brannon, of San Francisco, has deeded a truct of land, two uiiles square, located near Sacramculo, with other proper ty, to three trustees, as security for moneys depositud in the new bauks estublished by him. Funds have been provided to pny the interest of the San Francisco School bonds, payable in New York. An unsuccessful attempt was made by Joseph C. Palmer to compromise the suit brought against him by the Stute to recover the money paid him to forward to New York, to meet the California interest, by turning 'over property claimed by him as sufficient to covor his deiicit. A condition nf this com promise appettrs to havd been the liburatiuu of Dates, the defrauding ex-Treasurer, now in jail, awaiting bis trial. The whole thing fell through, however. The Indians in Carson and adjoining val leys have been reported as committing serious depredations upon tlia whito settlers. A delegation from that country came down to usk assistance from the Governor. They were furnished with arms. Subsequent news leads us to believo '.hut the hostility of the luiliaus has been greatly exaggerate.!, und to hope that no serious collision with them will occur. The istablishnteut of a Uuited (states military nost in that region, to hold the Indians iu check, is, however, much lueded. Further accounts from the Plains confirm the ucliuf that the recent massacre of emi grants from Missouri and Arkansas', was by the Mormons themselves, cr Indians at their instigation. In view of the difueully of np pr aching Salt Lake from tho cast, by reason of the many and easily defended mountain passes, it is supposad that if the Federal Government resolves on active hostilities, it will have to depend principally upon soldiers raised in California, to march upou tba Saints from the West. An eiiicient army for that purpose might easily bu raised in this State. Gov. Johnson has granted a full pardon to Joso T. Lufuonte, tha Suauish editor, sec. tencod to the penitentiary, two years ago, for killing his mistress in a lit of jealousy. The uewspapers contain reports of tho dis covery of a coal vein iu .Sonoma county, noar Petaiuma ; but we utlach uo iuipurlacce to the report. Another grove of ciaiiimotU trees fc'avo been discovered iu Mariposa county. The Ordinary size of these trees is 300 feet in height, and from 10 to 30 feet iu diameter. The discoverers of this last grove had no instrument for measuring the trees with them, tail tby thought some of the trees to be larger tliau the largest iu tho groves provi ouoly discovered, 'i his is the third mammoth prrovu in Mariposa ; that firet discovered has i'll trees, the second !5lf, and the last 86. The U. S. Grand Jury, on tho 31st ult., ignored the indictment for perjury against Johu Michael Eckfeldtuud Hiram T. Graves, comer and assistant coiner iu the U. S. Branch Miut. Late it from Utah BitiGOAM Yocno'i De claration OK In DEPENDENCE, Mr. Power, recently arrived ut Sau Fran cisco, from Utah, says ho had a conversation with one of tho Mormon soldiers, uu English man, lit referred in bitter terms to the treatment the Mormons had received iu Illi nois aud Missouri, reflected on tho injustice and tyranny of the people of the United States, and said that the time was como to get even. Ila said they were on their way to meet General Harney, to see what he was coming for. "If he was coming peaceably wd will let him come, but if not we will drive him back," were the words used. Another Mormon, named Killion, an old man who lives about seven miles I'rcni Salt Lake City, f puke bitterly against the Uuited States, de nounced Judge Drummond and ult the Fede ral oQicers, aud rejoiced that the time had come wheu the Saints would be aveuued on their euetnies that men were found who could face the enemv, and that llut uer, with bis 2500 men, never would enter Sail Lake City, lie also stated that Governor Brig' ham Youug had ordered the people to pre pare for war ; that they should nut Bell emi grants auytmng ; mat, luey must lay up provisions ; that the men aud women must cot dress up in store clothes any more, but that all must be saved to forward the cause of the Church agaiubl the common eueniy that the men must be content with buckskin instead of broadcloth, aud have plenty of guns gnd eminuuitioo. Ijf.clahation or independence. On the 17th of August, passed through the city of Salt Luke, llemuined only three or four hours. Uaa a conversation with merchant a Gentile who stated that on the previous Sunday, Brigham Young had declared, in the temple, that henceforth Utah was a separate and independent 'territory. aud owed no obedience or allegiance to any form or law but those of their own enact ment, aud called upon the people to stand to gvtber and support him in maintaining the csasa or God and the C buret). v as told tnat the heusa of Gilbert anj Garrison had orders from Brio ham to pick up and leave before the 1st of November. . From Cmtrai, Amkrica. Declaration of War fcjf Nicaragua Against Costa Hica, ' ', Tbe Panama papers contain the proclama tion of Martioes, General in Chief of the Ni cnrogntio Army, dated Oct., 22d, declaring war against Costa Hica. " Tbe General de O'aies that Nicaragua ail) preserve the whole line of transit from ocean to ocean, also tbe d str'ct or Goanaeosta. Tbe Costa Itican Ge ternl has made a formal demand for the Bartender of the fort of San Carlos. . Tbe lat ter is reported to be on the Lake in steam er, add bad toeti fired upon by the Nicaraguan troops, r ' - .- I Marline, in an address to the people of Nicaragua, says- "The government of Costa Hica, with the ostensible viow of Assisting Nicaragua In the defence of the independence ol the country, possessed .itself of Castillo Viejq ; it turned ont from tbot point tbe fiscal employee that the government had there ; It assumed the sovereignty of the waters of the river and tbe lake, under the trust of the Ivepoblic, for tbe purpose or blockading the fort of San Carlo! ) end, lastly, it captured the boats that con veyed Nicaraguan passengers to San Joan del Norte ; it placed forces in Tortuga and threatens to occupy tbe neighboring towns, to consummate the complete usurpation of the transit line, nnd hand it over to Webster, Harris & Morgan, the filibusters, who are the greatest friends of Walker. "The Governments of the other States, being made aware of these circumstances, that cf Salvador has offered its mediation, which that of Nicaragua accepts, with the hope of procuring a pacific termination te tbe present question ; and the Commissioner Is momentarily expected, who doubtless will bp, to a certain extent, listened to by the Gov ernment of Costa Hica, because all the States have an equal interest in preventing all dis turbances that might afford the filibustering party the desired opportunity to strike a decisive blow Bgaicst the independence of Central America. "But if Costa Hica dors not restrain her self at the imperious voieo of reasou and national policy, it is necessary that the Ni caraguans repress her audaciousness and arrogance, aud defend tbe dignity of the Kepulilic." Subsequently appears the following de cree : The Supreme Government of the Kepullic of Nicaragua to its Inhabitants. Considering that the deference of the Gov ernment of the Republic has not been suffi-. cient to restrain the intentions of that of Costa Hies, and tbe hostile operations under taken to seize the river San Juan, the Lake, and the entire Isthmus between San Juan del Sur and Virgin Bay, with the view of getting tho entire transit route into its power. Ia view of the despfttcht dated August the 5th, by the Minister of llelations of that Itepublic, refusing for its Government the cession made by Nicaragua of tho District of Guancasta, and the rijht batik of tbo River San Juun, from within two miles below Cas tillo Viejo to Point Castillo. The captain of the steamer San Carlos, Sr. G. Cauty, having annouueed the blockade of the Fort of San Carlos, and demanded the surrender cf the force that garrisoned it, all by tho order of the Captain General of the Republic of Costa Hica, as is shown by the note which the said Captaiu addressed to the commander of tho said fort, which is published herewith Decrees ; Art. 1. Nicaragua accepts the war which the government of Costa liica makes, and will vindicate its rights treacherously out raged by tbe conduct of that government. Art. 2. The Republic of Nicaragua will preserve intact its rights to all the line of transit, by the river ami lake, as far as Sau Juan del Sur, ns well as that which it bus on the District of Guauacastu, its lauds, woods and rivers. Art. 3. It will proceed to raise the neces sary force to carry into effect the dispositions 01 the present decree. Art. 4. Commuuicute it to whom it may concern. Givfctl iu Managua, Oct. 19, 1S57. Tuomas Martinez, Maximo J kkez. Panama. ' There had been a largo meeting held at I'unama by tho merchants aud business men, protesting against tbe proposed change in the curreucy by the railruud company. It was proposed to take the various -lasses of coin now current on the Isthmus only at their value iu the United S La tea. Chili. Mr. Bigler, U. S. Minister near this Gov ernment, was received in public audience bv tho Frcsidcut on the Cth inst., the customury speeches being exchanged iu the most friuudly terms. Hew Advertisements. ORPHANS COURT SALL N pursuance of an order of the Orphana' Court ol JNorthiiiiibtrlunil county, will he exposed to public sale on SATURDAY, the 10th day of UliUEMLEK, 1857, on the premises, the fol lowing described real estate to wit : A certain Tract of Land, situate ii Lower Augusta town ship, adjoining lands of Joseph Gaas and others containing 40 acres, moro or less, about 8 acres of tho said land is meadow. The improvements are a weatherboard dwelling iloose. a Lot; Darn an Orchard of good fruit, and there is also a good Spring at the house. The premises are in good repair and the land in a good stare of culir valion. l.nte the estate of Henry Hanabach, : d. Bale to commence at 10 o clock A. M of said day when the terirsof (ale will be made known by JOEL V.OLF, Adin'r, By order of the Court, "1 C. li. Fl'KSEL, Clk., O. O. i- Sunbury,-Nov. 2tf, 1S67. J Estate of Barbara Balliet, Dec'd. Joha F. Dentler, 1 Writ of Partition vs. I and valuation issued The heirs of Barbara I out of the Orphana' Balliet, deceased. J court or AortU U. Co NOTICE To the Heirs ami Ugul representatives of Bur' Lara Jlatlut, ueceama. You ore hereby notitied, that by virtue of tbe above writ to me directed, au inquest will be held at tbo Sheriffs OQice iu Sunbury, oh Saturday the 2nd day of January next, be tween the hours ol b ami to o ciocb, r. ai., for tbe purpose of making Partition of or vuluingand appraising the Ileal Estate of said deceased, to wit : oi a certain bounty Land Warrant, issued by the Uuited States ot America, under the Act or Alarcn btn 1856, dated July Hth. 1856. No. 34,256 for 1C0 acres of Govcrument Laud, unto the said Barbara Bulliet, widow of Jacob Balliet a Captain iu thti Revolutionary War, with the appurtenances, 'C At which time aud place you may ultend if you see proper. J A M US VAN DYlvli, 3rf. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, ) November 25, 1857. J AUDITOR NOTICE. 'IHK undersigned Auditor, appointed by tbo Court of Common Picas of Northuinber lard county to distribute the i roceeds arising from the sale of the personal property of Faocly, Seaskoltz Sl Co., to and among those legally entitled to reeeiva the same, will attend to tha duties of his appointment at the house of W. A. Covert, known aa tha "Lawrence House," in the borough of Sunbury, on Monday, December 7tb, 187, at Iu o'clock, A. M , at which lima aud place all parsons interested may attend. A.J. ROCKETELLtR, Auditor. unbury, Nov. II, 165T 9t Y virtue ef snndry write of VtnmTioi Eifokis, end LivaRI Facia to ma di rected, will be exposed to TuMic 8ale at the public houiw of W. A. COVERT (Lawrence Hauw.) IN 6UNBURY. on IIon:y the a sill day or December, next, at io o'clock A. M., the following described property lo wit I All tint cer'ain piece or parcel of LAND, sit uate In, formerly Upper Augusta township, now the borough of Sunbury, adjoining the old bo rough line in the south, the river Susquehanna on the west, lands late of Busan II. Scott and Charles Gobin and wife on the north and east, containing 10 Acres more or ks . Also, that certain Out-Lot in tbe borough of Sunbury aforesaid, numberttlin the grtirral plan of the town No. 3, (three), containing five Acres or thereabouts, adjoining tbe old borough line one ths north, out lot No. 2 on the WsY, .t-M No. 4 on the south, and out-lot No. 6 on the east. Seized taken in execution and to lx told as the property of WM. L. HELFEN STEIN. ALSO l At the same time and place, tbe fol lowing Lots of Ground, rituate in the borough of Sunbury aforesaid, and mrkfil in the general plan of raid town No. 941, 142, 24 J. 214, 337, 38, 239, 340, 2Gf, 507, 208 and 2(16, hounded by Gooseberry nllcy, east by Deer street, south by Pokeberry street and west bv River alley, and also lots Kos. 2ft9, 870,371 and 272, bound ed by Tokeberry street on the east, and River alley. Seized taken in execution and to be aold as the properly of the PHILADELPHIA & SUNBfJKY RAIL ROAD COMPANY. .. ALSO I At the same time and place, Seven contiguous Lots of Ground, situate in the town of Sbamokin in Coal township, Northumberland county, and numbered in the plan of Said town Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 7, and in block No. 1.1, bounded on the south by Walnut street, on the west by Second street and on the east by Third street, whereon are erected a frame dwelling house, a brick house, a butcher shop, two stables out buildings, &c. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as tbe property of DANIEL P. HA.A3 and ROSANNA HAAS. ALSO t Atlhe same time and place, the fol lowing described Rial Propctty to wit: All that certain FURNACE, Casting House, Dwelling Houses supposed lo be 20 tenements and Tract of Land, situate in Coal township, Northumberland County, beginning at a post in a line of land surveyed in the name cf William Green, thence south 89 degrees cast 700 foot and 6 inches to a post; thence north 1 degree and 38 minutes cast E30d fect 6 inches to A post; thence north 64 degrees ami 30 minutes wot, 14 feet to a post; thence south 6 degrees and 30 minutes west, 1370 feet to a post ; thence north 84 degrees and 30 minutes rust 40 feet to a post; thence north 64 degrees and 30 minutes west 213 feet to a post ; thence south 1 decree and 40 minutes west 350 feet to a post ; thence south 0 degrees 30 minutes easl 606 feet to the placo of beginning, containing 19 Acres and C9 J perch es of strict measure. A Iso, all that certain Tract or parcel of land, situate in Coal township, aforesaid, beginning at post in a line of land surveyed in the name of Samuel Clark; (hence south 80 degiecs east 465 feet to a post; thence south I degree and 38 minutes west 120 feet to a stone by a fallen hemlock witness; thence south 89 degrees west 1)01 feet to a post; thence north 19 degrees west 1413 feet to the place of beginning, containing 0 Acres yUj perches strict measure. Also, all that certain tract or parcel o' Land, situate in Coal township atorcsaid, beginning at post in the centre hue of the Branch Roil Road tc Gig Mountain, where the said centre line cros ses the eastern line of the tract ol Und surveyed in the name nf Samuel Clark; thence along; the eastern line of the said tract of land in the name f Samuel Clark, south 1 degreo 38 minutes west 1842 feet to a poet ; thence south 89 dec. east 320 feet to a peg in the centre line of said Kail Koad ; thence al'ng the cei Ire line of said Rail Road north lo degrees 32 minutes west 72 feet; thence north 13 degrees und 30 minutes west 100 feet, north 11 degrees (0 minutes wrst 100 lect, north 10 decrees and 10 minutes west 101 lect, north 8 decrees and 30 minutes west 100 feet and north 7 degiecs and 40 minutess west 140." feet to the place of beginning, con taining Acres of land strict nieioure. AND Also, all that certain other tract ef Land situate in Coal township, aforesaid, beginning at post on the eastern line of the tract of land sur veyed iu the name of Samuel ('lark; thence north 1 degree 36 minutes east 1052 feet to a post on the south west corner of Pearl and Shaksiicar streets in tho town of Sbamokin, aforesaid, thence along the southern line uf said Shakespeare street, south 84 degrees 35 minute. east 373 feet to a post; thence south 5 degrees and 25 minutes west CO feet ; thence south o5 degrees CO minutes cat,t 745 feet to a post; thence south 70 degrees and 30 minutes eat "11 feet to a post ; thence scutb 1 degrees 2 minutes, west )0.'i lect to a post ; thence north 88 degrees 22 minutes west 1100 fed to t' e place of beginning, containing 20 acres and 18 perches strict measure. Seized taken into exe cution and to be sold as the property of A. R. P1SKE anil HEMtY I.ONCENEt'KER, tia. ding under the firm of Henry Luiigcnetkcr & Co ALSO : At the same time and tilace. Se ven contiguous Lots in tho town of Shumn kiu iu Coal township, Northumberland coun ty, aud numbered iu the general plan of said town Jsos. 1, 2, .J, 4, . 0 and 7, in block fso. If), being tho whole said block, bounded on the south by Walnut street, on the west by Second street nnd on tho east by Third street, whereon are erected a frame dwelling house, a brick house, a butcher shop, two stables, out-buildings, &c. Seized taken in execu tion and to be sold as the property of DAN 1KL P. HAAS. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, ) November 28, 1857. j A. J- KOCKEFELLEK. ttovnen at aio, SXJISTBXJIRt", J?J..3 Practices in Nortliuinbirland and ai'ioiiunc Counties. Sunbury, November 81, 1857, If SPLENDID GIFTS. AT 1U9 CllESNUT STUliET, PlllLAUKI.PlilA. The Original Gift Bock Store. C. O. K VANS would inform hit friends mid tbe public thut lie bus removed his Slur tiiil Book btote aud Feb. hsliiili: House, to Ihe splendid store In Itrnwu Iron UuilJ. ln, 4: Chesi nt Sttcet, two duois below Fifth, where Ihe purehutier of eueh UmiU will receive one tf the Mh.w nig Kill", vulueit ut troni ao cents to gluo, eoiaisting of uoiu t utette, t c.t j , au. WORTII I00 CO eaeb. rt) Oil ' as no IU IS) 10 (10 " IU lit) S.,n Puteitt Knglish Lever Cold Wutc li-s fiViO Fatent Anchor t'o do 4no Iji,Iic' Cold Wulches ISk eases, CnOSilirer Lever Watches, warranted, 6U1 Furkil Timepieces, 600 Csmno Sets, Fur Drops and Pins M'U lAUies' Uold Jltueeleli So oo to 13 no " 10 DO " 5nti tieiits V ets Chums, I fiotl (iold ltekeu, lnri;e tire double ease,) 3 00 ,(HK1 fiold lK'kels, (aniull size.) U Ot) r.,ono tiokl Feueil ( usee, with (iold Pens, 6 00 " l.tioo Ktra Uold Fens with cases aud holders lu 50 !! ..';tl Cold t'eucili ( I Julie') 9 jo " t2,.rtOO (iold Fen, Willi Silver Pencils, 0 fto li 9.5ISI Ijtdie 1 Gold Feus, wilh cases, ISO " u.mmi tioiu nniES. (i.auitj'j j oo .IH) Ueul's Cold hind Kuics, 'i.VHI lollies' lioltl lirtt,stplus, 3.500 Miises' (iold Ilrc3-plin, 3,t tK) Pocket Knives, J.UHI bets Ueul's Gold r;im"n Studs, S.lKX) do do Cleeve Iluttons,' t,la Pairs toadies' Far Droits, 8,.MiO Ludics' Fearl Curd Casts iS.otnj Ladies' Crimen, Jet or Moanie Pins -iJiiQ lnhes: Cumeo tihawlrmd Ribtiou Pins, 5,0'KI Fetridge's lialm ofaTlnusand Floweis t-:VANS' new Cntale,ue eontauis all the uu Imoks of theduy, and the newest publications, ull of winch will-he Bold as low as can be obtained at other stores. A complete eautloaua of books sent tree, by application uiniiigu toe man, ny aunressintf a. u. kvainb, V)D Ches nut Klreet, Philadelphia. Aeenti wauled iu every town in ths t'nited Btntes. Those desiiiug so to set ckn oWniu lull particulars by adtlressiufr as aliove. N. n. Iu eonsenueneenf the money crisis, snd numer ous failures, the sultaerilair has been enabled lo purchase from wtiK lees ail imincme stosk of Uaiks, eiiiluaciiiir ...... u .l.n.,1, ...... t.t IO . ..,'1. ..... .... v .'.Li., m puces wuun win eno- lile hun to Rive 00U worth of ths above sifts on every 61000 worth oT books sold. An extra book, with s gift, will I ,eni to each pcrsns ordenn TK.N l'ks to be scut tocn ad-ittw. ty Li,.rta tV eud for a CetaJ-vu Noveanser 1, WVt. Th ii.:i.::.i!:j.C'.uj-'.C-..iL.i-i'.j KLINE'S GROVE VP TO LATE ! NEW HOODS I NEW GOODS 1 1 j. r. & i. r. iiline, Respectfully announce to their friends and the public in general that they have received at their Store in Upper Augusta township, Northamhert land county Pa., at Klines Grova their FALL and WINTER GOODS, and opened lo the pub lie a general assortment of merchandise Ac. Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fanny' Cass'mers, Satinetls, Checks, Kentucky Jeans together With a general assortment of Fall and Whiter Goods adapted to all classes of per son. Rrady made Clothing, consisting of Casts and Vests, Under Shirts and Drawers. Ladies Brers Goods, Winter Shawls, Ginghams, Cathrr.errs, De laihe, Calicoes black Sil a, AC- . Also a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, Groceries 4C A new supply of Hardware, Quccnswarc, wooden ware brooms c. . A large assortment of Root and Shoes suite ole for men women and children. ; ' HATS AND CAPS. : School Books, Stationery, Envelopes, Ink, &o. Chexfx asd 8I,t. And all goods usually kept in a country The public arc" roniirctl'ullv intitrd tocaltaiiif examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. As we are determined to sell at prices to uit tha times for CASH or in Eic bang for Country Produce at the market price. - ' Thankful for patt favors we hope by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of he same. ' ' '" - ' Kline's Grove, Pa., Nov. 21, 157. If A Book Tor i:vcr- Maun Library. RARE INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS. CANVASSERS wanted to cbtsin subscribers for the Comprehensive Geography and His tory, Ancient and Modern, of the World ;" by 8. O. Goodrich, (Peter Parley.) Handsomely bound in cloth gilt, and illustrated with 200 benutifulengraviugs.and and 80 maps. Price $3. Sold only by agents, to each of whom a sppcial district will be given, '.dpplicsnlsfhould state what counties they would like to canvass. The book is now ready. Copies will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of the price. U tils on all solvent banks taken at par. The "Home Journal," says of this work I "No family what ever should be without it." For full particulars in regard to an agency, address, GEORGE W. ELLIOTT, Publisher and Bookseller, No. 178 William Street, New York. t V" All kinds of School and Miscellaneous Books, Cheap Publications, Stationery and Maps, furnished at the very lowest prices. Or ders solicited; . November 21, 1857,-- EXECUTORS SALE. rXIHE subscribers, Executors of' the estate of A Geerge Derk, dec'd., lute of Cameron town ship, Northumberland county, will expose tn public sale on the premises on SATURDAY, the 19th day of December, next, tho FARM of said Geo. Derk, dec'd., containing 150 Acres, One Hundred Acres of which is cleared and the remainder well timbered. The improvements consist of a LOG HOUSE and BARN, nnd a number of Fruit Trees. The Mahonoy Creek passes through the premises, and affurdsan ex cellent water power. The location is near tbe Coal Region, six miles from Shamokio and six from Trevorton. Terms and conditions will l e made known On the day of salo by the undersigned. MICHAEL DERK. GKO. KERSTETTER, Ex'rs. Cameron twp., Nov. 14, 1857 ta NOTICE. fTMIE Bonks of subscription to Stock of the SiiAMoxiir Dank, will be opened at Wil liam Weaver's Hotel in the town of Sbamokin, on Monuay, the 30lhday of 'ovembr, 1857. W P.WITHINGTON, Secretary to Commissioners. Shamokin, Nov. 7, 1857 rorvvarrilatg nu4 TranKportatlou. Front Philadelphia and Trivorton. TVJ ERCII AN'I S and business men of Trevor-J-'-- ton and vicinity, can have their Merchan dise and other Geods shipped throuch from Philadelphia to Trevorton and Purt Trevorton, and all Intermediate places on the .line, by send ing to the Central Depot Douse of FREED, WARD & FREED, No. 811 Market St., above Eighth Stre. t, Philadelphia. Goods carefully attended to and promptly dc livcred. FREED, WARD & FREED.A gents. November 7, 1S57. 3mo35 AMEEICAN AGRICULTUrJST. SJAKEU'S HARtt TI.V1FK ! HAH O TI.11R9 I -il)OZEN I -iilargemeiit I'.iiluiseiuent. t i nu iti-ai in tne v one. The Cheapest in the World. .Premiums to each Subscriber. Every Farmer interested. Also, every Small Plot Owner. To meet the increased value ol KA.-KER'l'0'y consequent upon the "I'ard DOZEN i''"neM publisher of ti e AK- "HAS voiiieuLTviiisT is nappy lo announce Ihnt he has iuc 'used the pages of Ibis staunch old jeur , mil onc-tlnrd, and doubled tlia in trinsic value. Each uvilrt will hereafter contain 2'i duuiie quartu pages, u.lcd wilh plain, practical BAKER'S 1 cieeeuing I)0KN !va'ue to every one who cultivates a i arm, a uaruen ; or uui I c einai- lett plot of ground. La tcs, each volume of the Agri ulturist will contain lain tires ot excellent practirnl hints upon every nAKER'' l.lepartinrnt of In-Dour, or Houtie- S-dii:n liuhj Work. Ilcsidcs fur uif hi iter the largest amount of really useful information prepared by u great number of prac tical working men and women, the nculturiht is new tho largest Journal of its character in the world, hut owini; to the immense 1 A hit; frs J DOZEN. circulailon, it Can still he afforded at one dollar a year, or for eighty cants each to clubs often or more. A BAKKR'S DOZEN. or 14 months tail! be sent for tbe usual priie of 12. to all subscribers tor 1858, (Vol. AMO. that is, all single or club subscribers for lKi;l, who subscriber now, will receive the two very va'uablo numbers for B AKEK'S November aud December, of this DOZEN year, without extra charge, Valuub.e Seed Premiums To even Subscriber for lfc'38 A largo lisr of valuable Field. Garden and Flower Seeds will be orerentcd to tha subscii' eri for vol ume 17, from which every subacrp her will be allowed lo rhooeNa three kiuukngea without charge!' The Seeds will alone he worth tha sub scnption price to many persona. tend in vour name at once, and IJAKER'S the succeeding numbers promptly - DOZEN. upon the lirst aljy of each mouth, until tbe end of 1858. The heat remedy for the "Hard rimes" will be to learn from Agri culturist tha best modes of increas ing tba product of your Fields, Uardens, Orchards, &.C. Tkiiiis ia Arvinci-. 5 1 a year (or 11 months now), Six copies lor 5. 1 en copies lor 5h OUANtJK JL'DP, PuUnher. 16!) Wotar-kUect, N, York. P. 8. TO PENNSYLVANIANS. 7'he Pennsylvania Farm Journal has beri. marged into tba A merit au Agriculturist, tba Agriculturist ia now peculiarly tba paper for Pennsylvania Farmcra. November T, 18S'7. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WOIIK3. No. 240 Arch St. bet. Second ft- Third, ' (Oppotitt Mrrad Street, " ." , rhllnrtclphlw. CjF.IVErS, Riddles, Screens, Woven Wire of all meshes and widths, wilh all kinds of plain and fancy wire work, ieaty Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers ( Coal, Sand and Gra vel Screens i Paper M aker'a W ire Cyftt der and Dandy Rolls, covered in the best manner; Wire and Wire Fenjing. A very superior a-tide of feavy Founders' Selves. 4!1 kinds of Iron Ore Wire Srivrs. 1UYLISS, IMRBY A LYNN. Philadelphia, Sept. 19, 1657. cHra. LA RGB MY GdfiDS ESTABLISH MEM. : . HAMILTON EASTKB & CO., Sew fflnibis liiiitdUig, AW 1C9, 201 and 203 Baltimore Stmt, BALUMORH. HAVF, now in store (mostly of their own im portation) one ol the largest and ni ' com plete Stocks in the United States, embracing t' Silks and Sill: goods of cverp class 1 Dfcsa Goods a very Urge stork ; Irish Linens Lin en Goods and Housekeeping Articles of evipry de scrihtion ; Mourning Goods Cloaks, Mantillas and Shasris) Embroideries, Lam, HoMrry, Gloves, Blankets, ljuilts, Doniestio Goods; ami every articlo generally rexuired by Farmers and l lanlers tor servants use. tE Retell Roon.s on first fl. or (be prire afHxel to each article, from which no deviation is made. " , " f72" Wholesale Rsoms on the second ar.d third floors. Octdhcr, 11, 1857. 3m. sVsittr, ii. on n'ttt, ATTORNEY A.T LAW, Office on South Szcond, near Market Street, LE WISBURG, PA. Practices in the Counties of Union, Norlhum berlnnd and Montour. All PiioiisMoNAL Bust x ess entriiKted to Irs t are will receive prompt and faithful atten tion. October 3, 1857. ly Miss A. N. TOllEUi Successor to Mrs. M. Hill, FasMonaMe Straw and Fancy Milliner No. 463 (old No. 321) North Second Street, be. low Noble, opposite Red Lion Hotel, Philad'a. Ij?" Tattern Donncts made to order. 1M till ncrv in all its various branches. A call rcpett fully solicited, October 3, '657. 3wr3m GILBSP.T FffLSClT, Sccctssou TO J O. t'AWrilE-L. Sc CO., A.ND L. C. IVK1, (Formerly No. 15 North Wharves.) DEALER IN PRODUCE, FRUIT AND VE GETABLES, No. 4 North Wharves, 4th door Market street, Philadelphia. Oranges, Apples, Dried Fruils Duller, Lemons, Onion, Mercer Potatoes, Cheese Raisins, Tomatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Deans, Pea Nuts, Peaches, Cranberries Kggs, &c. Orhersfor Shipping put up with care and dis patch. W GOODS sold on commission for I'anncis ami Dealers. October 24. 1857. Jew Philadelphia Dry tiood!! SHAUPLESS BROTHERS, late Tow.Nstsn Sin ii eirss & Soy, V ff AVE removed to their new store, N. W. corner of Chesnut and 8lh Streets, and have opened their usual full assortment uf Au tumn and Winter DRY GOODS, which Ihry oiler at very low prices. Their stock include Shawls, Clack and Fancy Pilks, Merino'a and uthcr Dress Goods, Men's and Boy's Wear, Blankets, Housekeeping Goods, and Goods for "Friends Wear." Oct. 54, 1857. CmSc SUNLUEY STEAM FLOUHHTG MILL TBHE subscribers respectfully announce to tho public, that their new Steam Flouring Mill in this place, lias been completed, and will go into operation on Monday the 3ist day of Au gust, inst. Having engaged a competent and careful Miller, they trust they will he aide, with all the modern improvements adopted in their mill, to give entire satisfaction to all w ho may favor them with their c.strim. SNYDER, RINFIIART A HARRISON. Sunbury, August 2'J, 1857 tl Pain RaiMHlu'd: l ife p no i. on a i: HOLLO WAY'S PILLS To iiiiTr Ihe pjiin and peitnlties ikiiM when iH ceruint niemm uf cure cio accr-Mitiie to ill, it ptiliv iiTiuiurfi8. 'J'lita vt-gcttibie rtinuly, nctinc powerfully up.m I lie en ii res ofttinnsc in fill the tiimlit, nerveti, nnd tinstuti of itu- I't'tlyj txdet the imnbicl mid poiaonoui mutter from ii lurkiuir pliirt-H in i lie nvttem. cieumo itnd nuiifv eveiv cert-litin, rrluu! 1 tlin ti irttrrti c msJiution, uttoro the vigor iintl viiiiilyol iho e.ilnt.-iJ.ctl (ruine, ami teml tu pro long life liu beyond ita oidinaiy li?ms. Mil. LIONS HKLY O.N TIIK.M ! In every qunrtrr of ibe Rlohe, auimjf all ii.iijon, ciy;! izniliind sitvngo tneae i'it are usr-d with ertnnl hiu! iiuvk ryihR siucct.. Thsvaie adveitiKril ni everv pni'ted Ian (tittie, nml wh;r(iver coiiimeice liaa eueiiautl, ir.ey aia ut cmunu u aemuni. M L STFMSh 1.1SFASKS Yield ts tfu'ir action. Dvni i. Liver Coinnlnint. Af- fectioim cf -the Uovi-i, ibtv Ki.littyi, tl:e Nerve, the l.iiims, the I Iiidui umt the liram, that have prevail t-ly tlt-Tit-J ull huinnn vkill hiiI ull otlit-r rein iIh-k, hic txnili liuUvly ttiulmiuULily cured by Urn all-eoii(iiertng aietin'iuc. BODILY I'UOSTitATlO.N Kvrti when the patients Hie reduced to the !st of fjehlf nens, tint jf muy le recuprr;iteil by the rpjtgkBa luuic uml utternauv e piopcrtiev m lioiiuwuy a l i;.j, KUMALl.s Ot-' ALL AOKS, Krm whntever variety nf the ailments psenlinr t" their Bex they may be H'lH'erin;;, may rely wiih entire conftilen-e on Die eiVct't of ttiil Strf-j'g thing, ivivin?t bsfeandiiu- mtiliute m:ily. IfoUoway's Puts are th best vokcIj known, vi the world for ih$ following disease; Asthirn. Fever and Acne Feme and Gmvil U 'iwcl Cutup'uints Female Coinplt'nta Swondmy fcvmp- I'Otlt-llS llt-utluches Inward WvakneM Colds Chest DisRtBea Costtveneus Dyspepsia Dmr)iu'a Dnpsy liu! !tretfti;it Int'uenzit liiilaninmtion Venereul Atfreliont WvTBiij of ml kiudif Liver CiHiinUitn 1iWllt'slVl SitifiiS n.i.. 1 r?" CAUTION f None nre genuine u.iU's ic v ng ,lIiil Dwuv, New orlt and Unuioii." nre diM erinhlr uaa wuler-inurk in every leaf of the U)k of directin.ia u round eueh pot or Ij x j tlie uiiim muy bu plainly seen bv holdii'g the U-uf tn the iinht A hnnds-'ine rewind will Imj pi veu ti any one rendcriujr such uif Tinuti-Mi as m.tv lejid to the iletcetiou of any inrly or parties cun-ttTfeitiiitj the uiedk'iiiea ui vending the sutnc, kuowuig llietu lube sivm.uis. tSold at the ManuTwforlrt of ProfetwH IIoLir.AY SO Alitiden lJine, New York, and 52 H Strand. Ltnloiit by ull rtsiicetuhle Druuk-ists uml Deulers iu iMetlieine lhruiis,h out the United Stiites, and tha civilized world, iu utxes, at cpnts.62i cents, and 1 each. lT There ia a considerable saving by Uifrhig the larger N. R Dirertiopt for the ffutdiurciof patients lit svery disftrder arc amxefl to euen October 17, Jyc WHEATLEYS AECH ST. THEATRE. ARCH bT. ABOVE SIXTH, PUII.AD'A. rPHL r?tar Company, composed or the firut rlihtes in tha world, and exceeding in 8trengtli and Talent any Dramatic combination horstofore oiVered to tha 'J'teatrial Puhlic, will appear evavy nieUt ia Comedy, 'I'raRpdy, Serio comic Drama, Vauilwviiloa, .Musical Durlettua, tVe. Vha vimting the city, go the?e. Oct, Sil, 1857. ly I i'OliN St iOceu'.iper bushel, cash- iVr D. STA tFFER & II I R I EY. CHEAP WATCrlKS AND JEWELRY. Wlrtjl.KSAI.E AND RKTAtL, atlhe "lM-iMdrt" Waiolirs and JrwHiy Mors" rto.- M (OKI Mi. DA) North Second Mtreet, Coiner of ((uimjr, Philadelphia. O-Hd tvr Wstehes, fall JsweHed, 18 car si se, t,00 Hold lfln, l enrrt. t Ml Silver lver, full Jawcllerf, HW Hilvrlrfpii.o.Jrwel, t SUM Unperior taiirticrS) . " 9 'K Uokl Siwlaetaf, 1 CU rine rover u., w Wold UraclHf, 9 O0 l.vdy's OoM leril, . . 1 CO , Silvar Tea bpooes, -t, . , S is) Wold Puis, wiih Pencil and Silver holder, 1 60 Ooid Finger It lugs ;7 els lo 0 Wateli &itw-a. pin. a I2J ets , nntent ltJ, l.n lut !tf ! other srlielM In propurt'.on All foods Wantoned to be lull Uiev sr" sold for. fel'AlFFKK A HAItt.FY. , Oa ham! anme Odd nmt Silver Levers and Leplndh Still twer than the atK.we pfiefs Philadelphia, (Jctoher IU, 1S10. IjSW - BnboKrn&MAnEii, nclionccrH " AND COMMISSION A1F.R CHANTS, 261, iVoi'tA Third Street, 1 door belvm Vine, I'lIILADKLPIIIA SAM'S of Boots and Blinds, Drv Goods. Guns, Hint ivnre, Watches, Fmiey Good, Ac. LVtiKV KVK JM1NO. IV CoantTV eloukeeners and others will always find at rur Evening ulra a Unga and rirnirfihln apsurtji'tait el tha aliove poi.rls, to bn sold in lots lo soil tmyeia. i 'a,"ioiKis par-Ken on me pmnikca lor country, iracie. Bepl.VIfl, ISA? C 3m AQEICUL1U11AL WAREHOUSE, 21 and 23 South Sixth Street, near the Nos. Slate House, Philadelphia. T. ii fl.Hirs of this spacuiui biilldipp, rrtl expremly for the l'rinirii.rs' tr.uta, are stored with erla und liu plimcntB ot Intel ust to FHnneisaiid Gardeners. SIXTY VEAItSKSTAIil.lSIII-.IV The aiitismhrrs desire to cull the attention of every one inteitt:d in Knrmingan tintdmiiiiir. lo their wi ll ee'eel. ed stock of Acrieeltuial Implements and Maelnnvrv. O rent variety nf Horticultural Tinas, wiirniiitcd Uardcn snd Flower Seeds, Crass aud Field feeds of the most re. Imhle quality The Agricultural Implement sold, tiy ns sr'e mostly nnnufitcliirediitourtenni Wnrsa, lit-'.sto!, Pu. Having filled up this ettahlinhineiit Without regard to expense, wilh the most coniplete inneliinerv, for the m.-in-alueture of various kinds of Af rifulnniil Implement!., we ro now prepared lo snnnlv all nrlielea in this line liillv eq ml, ifnni Superior, to any thing ol the kind ever hefoie i-uereu in me pnLMH I.ANDRF.TilS' WAItrtANTnO OARDF. SW'PS. Ilm-e linen before the putilic for upwards of sixty yeiirs ; their wide-spread populurily, Dud the coufttnniiy inrrenf lug demand from year to ymr, is tie Lest evidence of llieir superiority over all othera. Country nierchtiuts enn he supplied with seeds in papers, or hulk, on tlieinnst liheml lernis. illoommlale, near Hristol. ra., our Harden Feed cronuds contains three hundred and seventy nrn a. mid is lite !i.r gest establishment of its kind iu the world , D. I.AM.KKTU SDN.. Nos. 81 siidSIS 'ittli fixlh Hreet, I'hiludilph.a. September iu, lSj,. prSin. FEVER AXD A CUE ! QUINI.NK SUBSTITUTE T!t KKR VK TONIC. This well knoH-n remedy dircovered by my late part ner D'K'tor t. .1. Leeds, in a sure euie for Ihe almvedis ir iler, Siek-Ilendnch;, and nil other Nervous iifletlmn. It eoiitnius iio-fjnliiiiie, Arseuie. or oilier injurious iuirie.ti ents. .It strv'litiieiia the ssteui, ivt-s tmie to the stout, sell, and is iiivnlniible tn'ltyspepties and those tuTi rtnl with wrukliess in nnv pint ! the svstetn. It is erpeeinllv reeinnieiirie,1 to lemalen tnuil.lid with Fallinir of the Womb. Cine bottle is sullteieiit in most e.-ies. where the DirertiiKisnre f. Ilowed. Ceitifiuuto enn be furnished from all itnna of the Uni tu. Sold by the Dru'isls penerally and bv J. It. Htr-trd, Whoh.nle Drtitrgiat, und Suit, Proprietor 121 Maiden lo'e, Niw York. New York, Sept. IP, 1657, vDm Tartrna Js for nwiw-lnr Pntita, Vectiib!i. A. mi rn.;iiT fmh f"tm. H rfrjuirn no Wm. Bol.)r t lmDU aeali tmtnntlv, nd U nw ( ieft!d nu opr1 Hi en nnv nih,.P rn v. r iavei,l(,.i. AM vi ".JD, t-fllllflit r UUIUT dilMipOMIifi Sttd worllilfn In miml,tiir . .. worm in in initii;r;, KimpJ, tiMTind Rft,l j.rrMi of Ha-m.Hffti S.-aliT.jj. PuJlies iatra'ji i.. ,wrt .. .. nt ii-Fl,n-rs, to dr-riciHUi Ui-ftrt fl! by fnl itnm-nto j bnt alt tf nttac .d1 raM-anl u.an who h&v s.ikaJ it u ii i w stiTHrii in Mp nn nrtfie put - boM1bi w 'uri,i,. at rv ii. mm in avn rftt"" wnir k i:ur frl't csf lh Tun u iil r,.f.I..A 'I Ita Kakt in ar9 Unri'ftjlWi.tB.l TustriMi Oun, Tbslin(;U ,-nan r.tlri.ly raw prun, -tho Ofwhst P.tr litim Ff.ket w..utd do on iiT otlierCftri- Th opt lnf b larr o'm'.'h to avtn it fc?l-tlfi pceh. Thmii 0r I.uaJ nt -t tl to tlttflrii-ri.lt (La Unicunivnio I i u in1 iitJfty or I in. 7 prinriii'a of ISoalia? hAial J tl a teit forThrt: r an i ivara.ftn.i tha whu hiiva Iricd lUm will asa IslUKKAI. UI&COL'NT TO Till. TRAUK LUDLOW CAW CO, Bqit. 12, 16"7. JOII.Y ZiMMERMJl.-V, ESrEC:TFl'I.I.Y informs Lis friends, and iho lmlilic Ei'nrrallv, that lie has just receiv ed h New Stock of GOODS, tit his unit i-iorc, ot Kavid Miller p Mil!, in Lower Aueuata 'J'own- s'.iip, end that lie is prepared to sell goods at the lowest prices. Ills block consists in part of SPUING &. SUMMER GOODS, Groceries, Cueerisware, IlardiTare, Lc. ami every variety usually kept in a country More. Trevorton prices paid for all kinds of produce. Lower Augusta twp, Aug. K, 1 357. .C ri??cluti.";:i of Fartncrshiji. NOTICE is hereby iiivpn that tho firm of Bird. Douty & J.ihn, of liijr Mountain Colliery, was this day (My 1st, 1S57,) mutually dissol ved hy the witliOri-wal cf J. J. Ji hn. JOSEPH BIH D, JOHN 15. IjOCTV. J. J. JOHN. Tlia business of Mining and Shlppir!;; CoeI trom the above named Colliery will hereafter lie carried on in the name of bird & Douty, v. ho will aiijust all tha unsettled accounts of the e firm. JOSEPH liI!U, JOHN B. LOL'TY. Sbamokin, July 13, ISC 7 If 2STEW OTOZEHE. " ELI AS EMElUCIf, T5 ESPECTFEM.Y informs the eitr t-hs cf i2 of Lver.Aucuti towD'hrp and lha pub lic pei.erally. tlitit he hns pur'tiRfeJ the blnre lately kept by lanc Mirli, in Loner Augusta township near Etnerk-h's Tavern, and hits jut "pcuej a splendid stock of Tats and Winter aJC)2.'s. Ilia stock consists of (Moths, Cairncea, Cnasi ncllsof all l.in.'a, linen, ration and Worsted1. Als , Calicofj, (iiuKhatos, I.awna. Mousscline De Lsines nnd ull kinds of Ladles Dicsa Goods. (il!0(5EI!lE!$, Hardware, Qucensware ofva lious ftylcsauj pi'.ttriiii. Also, nn assoitmrut of Rca'y-Maile Clt-lhino, of all iVsrriptions. lloiu und blioe, f.its aud Cap?. HALT FISH. &-, ai.J a variety rf oilier articles rveii as are MiituMr- to tho t.ai'c, all of nhiclt will he sold at the iowr.-t piiccs. t" Country produce tal.cu in us change tt the highest market piicti. Lower Augusta twp., Octolrr 10, 1557. tf. riiATForai ecalej. fP every description, 'suitable f r railioad. Ae., lor weighing 11 ay, Co, ttre, and Merchandise generally, l'lirchaxeri run no rUk e'vi ry ecule is guaranteed comet, r.u.l it after Iri.ii; not found satisfactory can bo icturiicd with out charge,' Factory at tho Old Stand, e-t.iblishej fur mure than twen'y yens corner cf Ninth i:uJ Melon Streets, Philudo!) hia. Acnorr & ro.. Successors to Kllinntt S: Al botl. rbilaJ.lphia, r-'. pt. 5. 1SD7 c ii.M. JICKLE3 of vaiimis Sit.dn, Lidi.ti rs, Kjr. dines, Ac, Ac, just iccrixrd and for rule al lha Drug i.tore of A. W. FISilEK. Sunbury, Aua'ust 1, IS.' 7. PUKE CONCENTKATED LYE )! SA- PO:IFIER, for .ale at FISllEifj Drug Store. Price 20 eta. October 31, lb.".6. HYDBOLEUM PAlN'J'f. These tnUaia mixed with waUr, tbemby saving tbe ca.t of oil, fur sule by JUrch 14 ''7, A. W. ribllER. I 'W -rfT. h i ; j,.jj:..ij.; MTJSIO I M.TJSIO 1 VTn.O. KIMBALL, lata nf Elmira, having becomo a resident cf Sunbury, rcjxctfaliy Iniorms the citizens and' other, that he intends to form a Kinging Class, both secular and ascred and will impart instruction to all who may detirt to place tin m. elves utn.'sr 1 is thsrne. N. B Mrs. O. Kimball ia prepared to gba 1 instructions to 'a few more po ils on the riaiu t orto. tunbury, Pef trtnb'or 19, IIS5T. tf , fancy runs ton LAWKS. . JOHN FAR. Kilt A CO , (New Un .) tn. n Market tt. l.vc Ktclil, I'hik.drlphiu . Jniporltrs, Maiiefai lieia aud dealers Hi lii', T.eirtletnen nnd C'htlttrnis Knuer Kins. Vli..!iia,e'ri!id Itetail, J K. .V O'., weUI rsll the at'iKitl m of Senilis and th I'nlitie genernlly to their tiTiuiense &.i.irk ol Panev I urn lor tjnlitia Oenthnien anH ! i'lirrn ; tiierr usaortihrut rnth nees every nrtirla smt kind of Fauey Furs, ti nt wnl lie w..ro Hurinir this sens.i r'leh ns Full tt en. Half Cnpea qnnrier I'pfts'laua", Vletirrines U'ni. At nil A Mi.Rnlren. fioin the fu.cat h.W siu Anble lo Ihe lowest priee I. nielie Fill. For ftenthiuen the Uoe.-t rmnnrlnieut of Fur Cnllsrs, Oloven (hiniitleis Ae teiie the illrel-t'luiportnisnf alt nut Furs and Mmiirfeetnrers i:f them wmlcr our own snianv,. mon we fi' I snlirfieil we imn flrr btller induermenln , diallers and the publie penerrillv 1 hint nnv oiher h"nre hnviiifr nu nnrortuieiit tn releet from and at lite Maituiuctur eis prieese tVs only usk a eniil 1 . J(M1V PARI'IRA A CO Ke-FltMliltlet Plretl above Krthlli, t h.'lLifa. Plithde!pliin, epl. II', IMT- w-trr. lEARLE'is GALI.i'H.'KS CT PAl.NrKNG!. No. BIG dhctnut Strut, opposite the Girard lluuxe, r-HILADELPIIIA. fOOKING'Gluss V,'nrrricnis"und Rcpi-sifd-jnfAit. I.ngravingM, pHintiii;s, Pintrfii and Picture Frnmia. in rty Variety, ef ihe. Ihu originils and European I'htien.s. 'it r Tablrav. Consols, Brnckc1 and Cornices. The most ex tensive nnd elrgjht assortment of Looking Gl ses, of substantial workmanship, a d at Auction pliers. Gold Medal awarded by the Mnnltmd Inr1 tute, IS'iU. Highefl Premium awutded by thti Franklin Institute 1R55. JAM:S i'i. EIRLE. feptcmber ID, 1850 t3m;i The $10 and $15 Single atid Dcnblti Threadtd Empirb xami'y Sewirg . Slacliiacs. N AGEN'C'Y" for the sale of thesn Sewing .Machines can be secured on liberal lernis for the County of Norbuinlicrland. No one neiei apply without capital Kufiicirnt to conduct tho busineas pr, pcrly and who cannot hritiji refer ences as to reliability and capacity. A personal application will be necessary. The peculiar adaptation ol thesu Maihines for all purposes of Family Sewing, will, wl.cro ever they arc ollercd lor ta!o coiiimand a ready and tmliniiled demand. . , JOHNSON i GOOD LL. S. E. Corner of nth and Arch Sts., Philadel'a. August 13, 16o7 tr . , .A. lL,J.lDr. WHO HAS BEEN CL'RED OF GREAT N::KV01;s DrBILITY, after mnnv ycara of misety, desirra to make known to nil fellotv-sullercrs the sure mean of relief, Addicsti enclosing stnmp tn pay return ptxtage, Mrs. MARY E. DEW ITT, Boston, .las., and tha prescription will lie sent free, hj next pot, August 8, !."?'. "m I'I What an enormous Vftrioty of Toys and Fancy Goods he hes! Who? Our Friend TOX-irDsT DOLL, At No. M l North 2nd St., aboce Arch, Phi'a., T.TK ha just rei'iivcil diicrt from Kun pe vrry luro assorlmcnt uf Tuva of ull kimls. fancy Jaskels, l'i'a, C'urits, Scuur Cusrs, To bacco lioe aiu! uu (M'llrs.-; vaiii I)' of fuiicv af ticles. Call upu lain 1'ifcre purtlm.ing Le tt here. HhilaJeliiUia, August 29. 1S5? 3m!jw EOVEE'S LiaUID HAIP. EYE. r"lAHE fcllowinir, from that eminent Physiciari - of Philadelphia, Dr. Itrinckle, added t'l tliss testimony of Professor Uooth, oiily eoniirms what is evidenced by (hou rinds v.ho hae used Hover's Dvc. "Cim.UlD I?llW, CilKS'r.MT &TREKT, i Philadelphia, December 2-'d, 153. 'In r'ard to lUvtii's JjAiii Dvk, Iran statu urhesitatinglv, that il contains no deleterious in giediei ts, and nir.y bo rscj with enliic safety, and nilh the utmost confidence end success." Y. D. 1HUNCKLE.M. D. Kover's Vvritir.fr -Ss Initclille Inks, Are so well ar.d v.klily Jtno-.vn, os io require ri eulogy of tlieir merits, it is only necosiary to tay. thatll'.e steady and increasinjr demnnd, gives tho best evidence lhat Ihey maintain their character fur superiority, which distinguished them when lirst introduced, ve.irs ao. Orders addressed lo the Mnnufaetory, No. 41 S UACE street, above Fourlli, (.dd No. 141) riiiladtlphia. will receiver, prompt a tcntion, by JOSEPH E. 110VEK. mrtnulaciurer. Sep. 12, 13:7. ipriUf., VJ.t'.i. SPRING Er. (Cou.V '!', Septanher Zd ISoC. i "jlTIOrt wh'.'h a diploma was awarded al thrr Eichth Exhibition of the Mass. Charitable Viech inic's A seoeiali'Hi. 7'his is an entirely new opplirntion of sp'ral rnrn to beds, mukinj a more ci'mfort.irlc, neat. er, an.l cheaper sp-inij neil tiun hr.s been ottered ta tho public, applicable to o!d us we'd as nc bedsteads. The prculiar position ef the springs elevato the head sii'-htiv, Sivini; the trouble uf building uf the head with extra boisters. Tne constructi""ii ia so siint 'c. and every p t so exposed, that bugs have no hiding places, and the. most inexperienced can tn!o out carfi tor wa-hing, as they aie only fastened bv a button'. The opting used are made expressly for thc.su brds on a PutT.t l-'piral iSprin Machine. 2ho j. 1 1 o i i o nteu only see mis oca io tj'proc.uio n. 1 ;jo s.:'.ircriDer lias pitrciiaacu tne r.;ni oi maiiufac'.iniii, snd sellit' in Nortiiuii.berlanJ county, end will furnish the art'cla at reasonable rates. , 17" Sp.-ings put In old VruVicads for three dot. lars I.5AA0 M. WILKERSON. Sunbury, Pe4;l. !2, 18.17.-if FTjuanTuns ronsn. S. RXe'S Prcn.ium relent l'miniel Film it or a' Pol:.-h. Tl.i polith is highly valuullu fur resto ii:g the polish on all kinds 1 1'i.l'aiturc, Glass, Cairii;o Liiulie.-. H-ir Cli.-th, A.e. A for re inovii g s (,1s, bidirg scratch.! s, cVe., A c. War rHiucil t. d. y iuii.'ici'utely :.nd retain ils ytoss. 1'riie .'.0 tl. re- lci;!e. ' .'-'o'di v A. 7. FIHEPV fiitrih '!, l.r.7. 'i-ii iTWiTwis:iiT:VV v.i ut. Bi .. s. Ar.-niri?. f JHIS is a 'urge l'Cron. volume, Piice $ 1 ,C0, tl wiih a f.r.j mezzotint engraving, nnd is one rf the moi-t thriiiii'i; taics ever written by tha author. It kh. iv l.nw a man mav seem to tl j world oil that U good and noble, aud jet be" a ?,s' rani in l'n 'i.it'y, and liua'.ly stud his wil to a inad-house. W e j.iii.ii-!i all Mr. Arthui'i V.evt bootie, ala works cf Ili-U'ry, yiograpt". e., fur which wo want A!;."u!s in ail part t'i liie I'nitid Mlis to whom the huge?,! commission will be raid, also auevtia coniu.iiuiou hi the v i-l'iiilts. J. Vv'. LU VUI.EV. North Fourth St., Philai! Iphia, J'a. N f!. Specimen copies ecut ly mail, free oa reel ijit of ihe mice of boi.k. October VI. I S5J". :ti c ni.wtts: isbtMisr LANK Peed, Mortgages, llondr, Yarraat ' Attn, hinrnts, Commitment, 3u.nmons.fu pojnas, Kxretiti'ir.s, Justices' and C i.stsblea Fie Eills, Ac.r&c ,can bt bad by appl)iig a this tifl-rp. PL.OTJB i FLOURI FOR SALli U " M. C. CEARHAr.U Sunbury, Sept-'. DM.-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers