0 i r jj (Tram the F.ven'nf. rt J MONEY. fiocceaa wP gild tha Mitrt pill, While failure sour luuiey The Burnt cure for every ill And every grief ie Money I you should wodnd cne'a firtet feeling, By being rude or rali. And can't succeed the hurt la healing By gentle meant, try Cash There' nothing like it 'liees aura as "Death, or qoarta-iUr i" A man is never put in dureee Whwli he's preps rvi to psy. The billions nnn will bsebis bile, The tiller mac to frown The iconsoll le will mile At a sight of m ine y dotcn. Business gone on hy era end lend Just m you "foot the hills." If any jb you have on hand (Sticks fast juet "great tht wheels." 60 in the tore! pinch in life, One fnnd will never f.il Barer tin 11 f.ithfr. cr -titer, wife That is, 'cash the rail." Jfanner's tj);utafnt. Profits of the Chines Sugar Can The senior publisher of thie paper hat cul tivated, during III preoenl year, tine-eighth of nil ncre of ground in Chinee cane. It was planted in drills, in the am enauiier you would plant a crop of com through which you ili'nirptl to plow outy oon wuy. here wan no extra attention gitea either to the cultivation, handling or saving ol the crop The fodder was first lakn, and .ftrwenl the se'd. The cane was then eel anil c r u 1 if fi by menus of nil i 111 perlcc t wooden mill, anil the juice manufactured into inol is.-n s in ahoiit tliH tame nunuvr you would make molasses from our common sugar tree, boili j and tkiiiiinin it until it at I allied a proper thickness and color. It umbos a very desus lilo Hrticlu ol molasses, and superior, in some respects, to the article we now purchase ut New Orleans. We h.iv a sample on hand, which we would he pleated to ahow to nil filch persons u may take an interest in the cultivation of the Chinese cane. The result of our observation of what has passed under our own eye, during the current year, enables 11 to aay thitt the yield of one year of thie cane, properly cultivated in drills, would be bout Hi 1'ollowa : YMd of One Acre of Chinese Cane. I'iO gallon! of molasses, average price, (for five yean,) 3.) cents, 100 bushel of sued, 1'odder from the same, $C2M 20.011 10,00 Exptnits. For cultivation, plowing, sesdiag, gathering, grinding caua aud barrel fur molasses, Profit of one acre, after deducting everything iu ibupe of charges rpainst crop, ... $55,00 In the above calculation we have made u Urge eslimute for expenses ; larger, we be lieve, than would necessarily occur. For instance, we charge ten dollars for getting out the seed, whereas a farmer would feed it in the tuuiu wuy he would feed bis clover. This item should, then, of coarse, be deducted at u charge, less the expense of cutting. We re fully impressed that the cultivation of the Chinese cane is a subject that interests our fanners greatly, and that they should take hold of the subject and investigate the whole matter fully for themselves. Loubtlei the Patent Oflice at Washingtou city will make full report oil the subject during the approaching winter, which will be of greet value to all interested in the importance and Talue of the growth and culture of the cane, and of not only rendering the greut West independent ol the South, so far us the articles of sugar and Eolitsses are concerned fr their own consumption, but for the pur pose of making a sufficiency for the supply or II foreigu demand. Shau-nettown LUnuisiun. Recipes, Cider and Champagne Wine. An inquirer in the Country Gentleman of Gept. 17 wishes information in regard to the production oft'b imp ige wine from cider. 1 en close the formula ol an old mauu acturerand dealer, (as may be found in the American IS. Dispensatory, by J. King, M. I).,) which has the reputation of being equal to the best for eign article : Take of good cider 28 gallons ; Fourth-proof braady, 1 gallon ; Uenunine Champagne wine, a gallons; New milk, 1 pint ; By-tnrtrate of potass. pound. These are mixed together, allowed to stand for u time aud bottled while fermenting. Wire down the corks. Cj.arififd Cipe Mix one qntrt each of lime and clean dry ashes, and two quarts new milk. Pour these into a hogshead of cider jnst from tht press. Id ten boars it it fit to rack. CiuRR Wiki aud CniaTfiflni. An eierl. lent article mny lie made by adding three pounds of sugar to each gallon by clarified ri der, letting? it stand three, month to ferment. l!y bottling the shove adding to each a small in nip of sugar n new fcriieiiUlion will be ex cited Wire down the coik and yon will oiq have fit for hup proper tparkliug cider Champagne. Country Gint. To Cl'RB A Cot'oit Tha follnwirg old preparation for a dry cough worth ' ry inty : Take of powdered gum ur.iliic half n ounee. Dissolve tha if nm first in water, si, uez in the juice of a lemon then add of paregnre. I we ar ichms, imp qiiill one drai h 11. Cork t in bottle and shake well. Take one teaspoon fat when the congh is troublesome. Tomato TxaT.CiTer plate with thin layer of dough 1 rut your lo-natoas (green) into thin slices and place them on the dough very evenly ; then add two tablespoonsful ' brown snirar and one of ground ciunsmoa ; spread them eaenly over the tomato and bake well. This makes a delieous tart. The to matoes used should be sound aud twset. UiNGERBitiD Sham. One pound of flour half pound of molaases, half pound of sugar quarter of pound of butter, half ud ounce ol best prepared giuger. sixteen drop of esteoce of lemon, potash the sire of nut dissolved in a tablespoonful of hot water. This has been died in Mrs. Jones' family for thirty years. Cent roa Potiow. If a person be stung by bee or any other insect rub spirits oftnr- fientine on the place aid the puio will ceate n a few mtnntes. It is said that the paiu rising from the bile of a rnppeil.ead n ak may be arretted in a few miimtrt ly tit con tinued eppliculioQ of th t article. Curb ron Black Lxi m Catti.r. Ttemov. the mortified flesh wilii some sharp inntrumen' end clesnse the sore wits tome healing wash ; UnoCllitsp witi powitrsi topysraj aaj tw t r A CALX, TO PAEMER8. fWinera, strop four 2'eWa, Paut m lint, JUatt tli$ mnd Reflect I ras t a k iitit'i ritoMo.TioN book. A nrwanderlaitite Maaeiine lreni, f"i te Calthw tkw ofsll kimla t ttraina, Otas PuiMer and Paxarc, pnn H ktwta of SV'ilt Provwl by aetual KaoeriiMitie ed knMtf tm evirtml Irallia lieaifneit 10 Impnive Ariirullutc Mi all 'la InanriHVM repren,e, hy apwaro ef on lini(tret ami trty eiiffrarinsa eff the m valaa. le Uraaraa mitt flaau eunuRtea wlia the ayalaot. I l)r. C U.:itl lMIWI.U BOAIJIBt-Re, CF.NTRK CO PA. TN this trctitire will a sena that Ihe otijeet ht " ti f(ive iba Farmer tliHt kind uf inforuuitton which eiialim liitn til m ika pinwieiil aplica'iin to ferulise hit hind and iiivrraav hia grain, fodder, and pialarnge. The d'lrineana unflil by this nvinaiine. and flakier and pna lureeuitivaiiai yalr'm are mU'iml, cleni atnl evident, and Btijrfrrtt a" aiirorement in the iiMHhpnf afrirullure hither, to unknown Ut oar fnrinera, atid which, If aifctplrd and eareftilty ptaelierJ, enitiait rail to artvtmee lite intervsia uf the fnrmlny rnniiniinily. fr'ui h a work hiia heen mnea wnnleil, a it Ella a void which liai i(T lieen felt, lint which there hna hithrrtn heil no allemt I" rur)r , and at fnrneraol Onlreanil Hnntiiatftt eountira, we recta meml Ihe work in every farmer, w wa fully hrlieva that tncy win rrp, iiiv grvawrai puminie miinii irt.ia n Puinrt nfneear, Puilip Moyer, cnriaiiim uuia, jnce mnver, llrnry Mnyer, PHinuel UillilauJ, Giorre Jnek, John Hnrmnn, Oenree Huclianan, rrimcit Alexnndar, John NcfT. eieu'r. John lltaTer, Chiieiinn llofler, Veoree B.l. Jueoii Moeiar, J .h 1 Unite)', SJiniuel Dunmii, i nm. McWillume, (Irnrge Uticri, Jr. John Carper, John lliiifn, eiiunue ,'ilm. Ocrae W. Mee, IT" The none work la tm ante hy Itev t O MrKKR IIAN. Milton, Nonhiimberland cuunty, Pa. Prie ' August I, IM7. Siiio jiweph H iker TIIU l.lt;iT ESTAbLISHMENT IN T II K CITY OF I! A L T 1 M O It E . MATHIitf" Mr. et AVnrrrnnms ftn V3 and IS Nmlh Uuy street, netii Fnvetle, Ihillinmre : wlietc ib kel alrnv ni liititfl. or iiunle 10 onler, every anient 1'r.ncli 'I'KTK-A-'rii'l'F.S, in I'lnrh, lluir, t'lnth 01 Hroinlelle. French Full PluflT and Medallion Tarlnr Arm Chairs, In Phinh, ll iir, tM.'lh or np"elelle. French Fulltiiirrnived lnrlor Chairs la acts, with Plush, ilair, CMIi or lirncutelle. at O J" Al- Hatf French Pprin(r Mnhininy aiat Walnut rarlor Chnirs. in lluir. Cloth ami I'luvli. ItiH'kiug Chairs various designs, in Hair, Cloth and Plunh. fiiifT)"pring Iinnpea a large assortment aluraa en hnnd, or an) pattern inudeor covered Willi any goods tw order. CRAHBBS 8TJITS. In tnh'ntnny or Wnlnut. complete, from 35 up Cune Chtiiri and ItiH-kinfT do the htrpeal afa.'rtment ready mtide in any one liouaa in the United SituteS'-rroni $14 a tlzen up. IMr Kooin, OiTice and Piniiir Chairs, in Onk, Widnul or Mnlicniiy. wilh Cane, Wood or Stufl'ctl Seats uu afninient eiiihincing ivcr AO dozen. Wotnl tent Cimiis and deuces and Rocking Chairs. over IIKI dozen. tiilt and Plnin Frnme ttokinf Glntscs, of evety variety. All kiinla of Beds, lluir and llutk Muuintitrs A. MATHIOT. Noa. 34 and if N. G.iy at , near Fayette at., lla'timore August l,ie7 ly H U S S Y ' S AMERICAN REAPER, FUR IT I IM BOTH GRAIN AND GRASS, GKKATimprovemetits for 18fi7. 'I hia Ma chine was put in sucrasful operation in IH33 and continued to he the only Zieupin? and Mow ing Machine in the World, of any practical value up to 1815 twelve years after iia introduction. Other Reopera are now offered with glowing ad vertisements. Certificates. Iliploinas, Gold and Silver Medals, &c. Hot the Farmer in search nf the lest Ilea per, and not posted in the matter, had heller see a little further. If there is sny value in 21 years ezpeiience in building Keaprs, and using them in the har vest field, and in the improvements made during thnt long period. OUKD HL'SEY.lhe Father ol Keapers, can claim it. All who are satjslieil with the Best fenper and Mower, mil he sup plied by spmliiift- their orders earlv in the season, a the rropa indicate a Urge demand, and we can not have over 200 Keitdv for the vast harvest of I8f7. We guarantee that this Reaner and Mower ran not he henten on fair trial lv auv other Reaper that may be brought into the harvest lieids in lKr7. and we also insure it to he the strongest and moat durable machine in use. We wuuld respectfully invite Farmers to examine the machine thoroughly before purchasing, anil tati-fy themselves of its supe'iority over all others. During the last four years, ihe suhsrrihera have aold between S00 aud 600 of these Machines, to the best ond most aiirceisfol Farmers in Montour. Union aud the neighboring counties, (whose names are toonuinerous to insert) to whom we respectfully refer. J he subscribers have :he exclusive liuhl the tallowing counties: Montour, Union, So) de, ontiumueriaiiu, lolumMa, Luzerne, 1'errv Mifflin, Centre, Clinton and l.cominir. All ordtis thankfully received and promptly attend- su to. otuuts, SlAKbll ,V Ct., I.ewishurg, L1.1011 county, IV July U. 1857. HERRING'S SAFAJ. TMK AL'K.NOWu:UUKU . OHAMPIOJM II TUB KKLKNT TlilAia si IteaUln hale einWsed Ihe eurienl ol puhhc oiiuitui, and conbrined 11. c veltlivl 01 more lliull tUI i c . leniHl liu-s, piovlig coMelusieei) ill 'lleirnigV Is I lie n, I) UAH. but will 1:01 hum. l-.&iruct I10111 iha C iiiiniiiie', .c,-Miit 011 Hie Inul ui Jrou tales ut tteuding : ''On the tMiili of Feltruarv all Ihe inemlera nf the Com mittee met to witness I lie eWes uud hoks and oHners. Ihbiced hi liiciiil ami were uerfeelly Kinalird that ull vn- nitht. Tiie d-iy lolloviiii, 1 lie liurioog ions puiee. under the UriiiieiileiwTe of tha tNsinutttce. Altera l.iir and liUKirnul Icirulitg fur live hours, lite P:ile el' Mt-tTw l-.vans at alson wns hint o,entil, the ruile beli.g 011 fii inside, and llie contents purtiully csiluined. while lite eon. tenls in Ihe rufe of Messrs. Furrelso; Herring wsia ill good condition, and 110 lire insiuc." Itendiug. March li, Ie57. (Signed,) H. F. FF.I.IX. ) P N C1 II. KM AN, JCommitUs. A. H. PF.COCK. And e-ldnraed Lyover AO of tha Itesl men "t Rending TlienlHiveSI'escuil Ite insiiecletl ut 34 Wulnut ?lreet. where the public eu sntitfy themselves nf ihe are.it sii-. ririly of tha "lleirina Patent Chionpi'iii,' ever the daieaied aud used-up "iusi le Irou D.r tsilin ndcr." Furrela it Herring, 34 Walnut St.. I'hilada. Only makeis ia this Sluts of Herring's Patent Champiou Tlientlemnt ninde hy other pnniea to Udster up Iha reputation ol a Sine which hus failed so siiruiillv 11 neci- ile.itul fires in Philndelpliiu, (Ksnsleiul Plnck,) hy tiikini 'ne out ol'sii sireul'a store, (H A. ttulz.) iiiude douUe IhickneM, (i ifT'reiit from tlne Ihey sell) la "bum un' on "I llcrriue's (hull' us thick) has met with its true re ward. Ilerriits'a Aife cou'd not hehuiut. nrovine eonrlu siyelv that the onlv reliable Aife tuiw innde lei'lJerriiigV. 01' which over I5.ISSI ura iinw in aclutil uae. and uior' thiol 110 have keen tried hy lire Without a Single loss. !'inla.,Juiieo, l57 ly. SMITH'S i:aciice of iuMialra (.lisger. THIS srticle is carefully piepared fmai the besi Jamaica (jinger. all tha valuabu) malicinul proieiliea ol winch it ia warranted to poaacae m a coucsutratrd aud sou fo ment f-trio. It is an exeelient remedv In dyapepai, HotaiMiee, ehn. lie and unpaired aiul feelile stale of tha dieeslira fuis-. tiona. Irom itarefieshine sntiiftth and ronlml ptopeilies s a gentle stim'jlnune tonic it is well adapted ro counter act the dehilituiing inOuenca 0 iha eitreine hauls of sum ncr. the effects uf suujea ehangea. Ac. Nufemilv should ua wuh.t it, as its timely use will as ve 1 hem froro many au serious aitaclr of illueaa Puce K4 eenui per bottle. Fee sale bv June til. IK1J. 4 in ajATCHOL'LV, JOCKEY CLUB. SPRING 1 n.OWF.R.S, &e..of the beat quality 5 a ti-esJi supply jual received and for s ,!e t the Un g hiore nl A. W. FIsllKK. "unliiiiv, Aug. 1. IPS7. fj "Ji 'M KitM.- Couni) ..nie.a t.ikon as caU lor gi cds, ,d on note or hooV ac eemt r e S. V. BRIGHT A HON. . M tSlit mm ED. 3T. ZSRIGUT & SON, BTJtTBTJBT, KORTHUMBSBLAMD OOtJtTXTr, 0P-V. HAVE JUST RKCEIVEU A l.AKliK SUPPLY OP Dry Good, IKcnilf mndeCletfliiiiK. Iloolii and Shot; Ilard wnrf, i.rorcririi UIaksj, tueiiwirct skc, A mong our present Stock may be found French Lawns, IVpline, Fancy f ilks. riold Dural, Tiasoea, Berrgea, Debegea, Cballl, Black Hilka, Alpacra, Ciinghame, kiwis Mall, 'I arlton, Cambria. Msirt sook, Btilliaiits, Dimity, Koek Mualin, Brbinett Collars, riwiaa Flouncing, Inserting, Lacee, riib hois, Hosiery, and a general assortment of FANCY UUOlHI. SHAVLSa-SSAWLaj-SHilWLO,-- Embracing the moel beautiful at) lea, all tualitiee anj price. Domestic Coeds, Windsor Bhadea. (Nl Cloth and CarjieAe, Summer Gtfod for genks wear nf every variety. - Hardware embracing all Linda of building ansterial, Carpenter Toole e( th bsat msnufactur. FiUa ef every deaerip- lion, Caitiary, Phoe I indinga, Lau, Vc Foruirr laturti aurpoaM4 In QnttsitK' Ratal ClunlKy. In addition to our farmer Mtore Roam, we have fitted up th cnd atiry ef ur etchlierateTit whiri ye'l will Grid well alecked with Ready MaJa Clothing. Boot end Shoe ctiuuiiiuug lavauty duralnliiy end cheapness. We ales 1 1 continue to receive (Jo.hIs Bemt-Moutlilv. the leudering ear assurtment at all times complete, eriolhcr inducement to all wh wish to purchase. NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES W return eur thank to Ihe public for their liberal patreitea, and respectfully invite aa iaspec tion of eur Unnda, ea we deem it e ptes'iire In wait on all wh may favor as with a call. CuUMTKY I'ltOUUCB TAKKN IN ECCIIANUK. . q S q q q q q q q q q q 1 Ear Iron, Steel. Nails, Picks. Grub Hott, Kaion Hammers, Hill Saws. Win 3 ow Sash. Grindstones, Glasa. Paints, 0il, Fish, Salt, Chette, Meat, &e., always on hand. Sunhurv, May n, 18.17. tf E. V. BRIGHT aV SON. New Oooda for the People ! BENJAMIN HEFFKKIt RESPECTFULLY informs the public in gen eral that he ha jual received and opened a plrr.did slink of SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. if all kinds, of linen, cotton and worated. A LSI): CallrocH. GinglsiitBie, ffiTt, 9lon.Hpliie lie I'Ulnea and all kinda of Ladiea Dress Good. - Gri-4rlett, Also an assortment of Ilittdwnre. Iroat ami Steel, Nails, &o. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENS WARE, of various style and pai terns. Also an assortment of IIXT Si. SflOCS. 1IAT8 & (;A I'S. a good selection. Salt, Fish, ttc. And a great variety of other article such as are tnitnlilc to the trade, all of which will be sold at he lowest prices. FT Country produce taken in eirbange a ihe hiirhest prices. Lwer Augusta, June 6, 1157. Wall Paper k Window Sliadca. A. IDA ACS, A'. 1C3 Korth Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. I T A VlXfi completed their large assortmenl of the above linods for Spring and Summer Trade; would rrspectlullv invite the attention of Purchasers to the same. Their stock for beauty, cheapness and variety cannot beaurpaa sed. Thee have constantly on hand every descrip tion of Gold and Painted Shades, Ruff Hollands, and Shade Fitture. Wall Papers, ('luteins, Fire Board Prints, Borders. Ac, all of which they oiler at lower rutis than ran he hat at any other establishment. Call and eiamine. A. I:M.CS. lf3 North Second Street. March 7, lfiflT. Cm w lOOOIb f Carpet ItHg lTANTED at the store of E. V. Brisht v Hon, who are constantly receiving a fresh supply of Gontls, thus ottering to the public the largrst and most desirable aasortiiient. July II. 1857. ISAAC 31. WJLKEltSON, MANUFACTURE OF FURNITURE ASD CHAIR Of the most Fashionable Style. is'.ia, lltansi mill l.outiitssi Eureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BKEAKFAST AMI DIMXU TABLES and also VENETIAN lll.INDS, equal to I'lii.a- delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of evcrv pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND C'ANDLK STANDS, TOILCT TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. rPHE suhscrilier respectfully calls the attentii 1 of the public to hi large and splemliJ as sortment nf every quality and price of . axu mi -w aici: which cannot fail to reiommend itself toevery enr who will examine it, on account of it durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to lie had in the city. No dibit is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the suhscrilier is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. He also manufacture all kinds and qualities CHAIRS. ncluding varielies never before l be had ii Sunliury, such aa Msuoossv, Ulick Wilxui sail Ct uttn MtrLi Ghsi iis ; tan Wianaoa CHAIRH, aa ra.ict Pusio Stool, which are if the htlrst stvles, and warranted to he needed by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. Th suhscrilier i determined that there ahull lis no eicuse for peraona to purchase furniture in the cities, aa every confidence can be entertained ahoul the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. These articles will lie disposed of on aa good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. CW UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome Hsshsk, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any coiiveuieut disluuc from this place. to" The War Room i in Fawn Street, he ew Weaver' Hotel. ISAC M. WILKERSON. Sunhury, April l, I8S7 tf. BALD EAGLE HOTEL. JVb. 234 ami 4 10 iV. 'J'tird St., I'hilniel,hie. JOHN CLTMEB, Proprietor. (Successor to Dii(L Daloet.) 'THE Proprietor returns his thanks for the I- lilerl patronage bestowed on tha well known house, and resiectfullv ask a continu ance of Ihe same, assuring hi many fiienda uf Nurthumlierlaiid and adjoining counties, that no paina ahull b spsrd to render comfort and plea aura to all who niay give him a call. TERMs' fri oo PER DA V. Philadelphia, July go, 1357 3ra FAPEBS ft MAGAZINES. rpHE New York Ledger, Parlor Ceekel, Flag I of our Union, Frank Leslie' Illustrated Newspaper, Hallou'e Pictorial, National Police ('azette, Weekly Nnvellette, Waverly MaRaiine, and Harper' Weekly Journal cf Civilixatimi Also, Harier'a Mnusiine, (iole)'a Lailv'a Book and Putnam's Magazine, just received and for sale by H. V. RILING. Sunburv, July 11, 1857. P. MELAKCHTON SHIKDEL, Jl'STM K OF THE PEACE, BUNBURY, FA. OJiee in Veer Street, immediately opposite the Public School Haute. All business promptly alii'iiuYd to. Monies csi'.icud snj all or.lni.i. v riinnis dune. Kuubury, April a 3, IB57. It' 'Pllli Clairow Poiaouing in th National Police (' Case railiculars szeite, for sal by Aogerst r't w. y. rum SALAMANDER EIRE THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The laigest assortment in the United Biaies. Warranted to be equal to any now made, and will be aold on aa Good Terms, ncin he obtain ed from any other house in Ihe Country, at . tiV.ArvStt WATSIl.t-g IS South 4th 8ireet, Philadelphia. Trr.th is Mighty, and Must PrevaiL Report of the Cummittee appointed to tuptrin. tend the Durning of ihe Iron Safti, at Read ing, February li, 13o7. Rsinixa, March 4. The andersimed, membrra of the committee. do respectiully report, fiat we saw the two bsfes originally agreed upon by fsrrels A Herriujsud Evana ti Watson, placed side by aide in a fur- i.ace, viz: The Sale inusebythe Paym.iaier of Hie I'lnlailelpliia and Heading Railroad Compa ny, in hia nlltce at Residing, manufactured by Farrela ii Herring, and the Xafo in use by II. A. i.anix. in in store, manutarturej l v r.van & Wataoii, and put in books and papers precisely alike. Thr'fire was atarted at 84 o'clock, A. M.. and kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords ilry oak and halt cbesnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under llio u;erin lendeuce of the subscribers, members of the Com mittee. The Pfe were then cooled, off with water, after w hich they were opened, and the bonk and paper taken out by llui Committee and sent to II. A. I.auti a store for puhlic exam ined and marked by the Committee. Th books and puwrs lakrn from th Sal manufactured nv rarrrls ir Herrmc were in our judgment. damaged lully lillcen per cent, more than thus taken from Evans & Watson's Safe. Ws believe the above to have been a fair and impartial trial of the respective qualities of bolh Sates. JACOB II. DYfHET. DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide vrith the above statement of the condition ol the papers and bosk taken out of ill respective nates. G. A. NICOI.LS. II. H. MUHLENDERfS, JAMES MILHOLLAND. Msrch SI, 1857 NEW ARUiYA'LOF FALL AND WINTER Q00SS I Ira T. f! 1 m ft n t. XO. I, COJlXKIi OF MA liKE'l SQUARE, STJNBTJRY, 3P.A.., Sff AiSjunt ret'eivett ltrgupily of fall an J Mat am ill ll Ts... CT I- 1 - " "hi iviiuii uv v anrii v 1 J .atMMl IJIO- eerie CHEAI'ER than ever, aa hi good are bought cheap they will be aold cheap. He feels confident with his cinerienc and i.:o... .i.t- . ..... aututv. iibk lie run comrieie Willi llie World at large and Sunbitry in particular. He would enumerate articlr if tim aud space would permit. It u enough to say that he ha everything in ihe line of Dry Goods. Groceries. A iarRe ntock ol ICeady-Med CLOTHING, BOOTS AX I) SHOES, Jc, J thst is kept in any other slors in Uwa, and Ui. bunner is on tlis breads. And long mav ii wsv O'er hhd of the fie. And thw inline of the brave While licr Stara and her tlrisas Sliineom like the Bun, Tellint ail nalinna Tlml Freedom's lief aa. This is a free country a waa proved hy the election of II uchnnan over the Woolv Hnree. therefore it is free f. r all to do their trading where they csn UUV he CHEAPEST. All ar invi. ted to call and see. TI IK COUNTRY, aa well at the town are respectfully invited, and every erson, rich or poor, hih or low, bond or free are invited to call at No. I Markket Square, opposite the Court House. P- 8 He is not to lie undersold by any man or combination of men. No eharge for showing goods. All kinds ef produce taken in eichang fur goods. Sunliury, Dec. SO, I8T.6. BROADWAY FAMILY GROCERY ! Flour, Feed and Provision tore. Drtadwey Mow Ulaclberry Street. LEVI SEASllOLTZ. loi r.iri i.. inlorm the citizen of n t, ,i,.-. .. - - . - tuiil.ury and vicinity that he has removed to the store lately occupied by C. Uehnnger in Uroadway near the Rail Road, and is receiving a choice supply of FAMILY G?eC SERIES, consisting in partrif llama, tShouMrra, Mackerel Herring. While Fish, (tod Fish, Mall Prtweived Fruit. Pickle, Cracker, Cheese, .Motaasea, Rice, Sugar. Collee. (ureeti, roasted and ground,) Im jierial. Young Hyson, (iunponder and Ulark Teas, Cedar-ware, Mtone-ware, Soaps, brushes plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco segars, Ac, togellref with every article usuallt found in a Grat class (irocery Store, all of which will b solJ at the lowest iiricea. either for rnh country j rodure. He haa a leo prepared to aup ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretzels and cakes nf every kind. N. B. The highest cash prices will I paid for buttor and egg, eorn, oala. rye and wheal, nuimury, April 11, 1857. pORTaud MADERIA WINE8, Schiedam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry and Lavender brandies for medicinal purpose at March 1457. A. V. FISHER. 'THE War Trail or th Hunt of th Wild Horse by Capt. Mayne Reid, for aala b Auguatl,'57. H. Y. F RILING. L'GAR CURED HAM A lot juat received and for mi, hy. LEVI HF.AMHDI.TV.. A pril n.st. 41. M ON US, KAltiN. rii.N, J.fc.iU.N.-,. c, A t., itisl received a besh supply SJJl fjr sal at the Confee'.ionarv alore of M.C.OKAFHART. ., Vfaw t. JfWT,- lUmU'llfJLgt ITJMnTTlTLEO THE LARUEsT BTOCK KVKR OfrBlOCP - IN BUNBUilT. ratiUnabl, Cbeai una ITaefal THE suUcriber. long eetabliabee) a a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer ia Hutibury, thank ful fot past favors, solicits a continuance f the public patronage. Hie etock of Cabinet-Ware, Chair, 4 embrace BVr.ftT raRiarr, raitrci. ar onita B.CKTAL la housekeeping. It is tinneeaeaary t ename rase, aa anything that may be required in bia line can lx had at moderate price. Cheap for Cash, or Country Preduce ..taken la eickange. Eslalilthmnt 6'atifA F.ail Cmrntr f Market Square. tJP These knowing themselvee indebted le the eucriker wuld oblige kin by Making pay meat. 8RBASTIAN HAUPT. untiurv, April 4, 157 tf Ciamato! CSnianoM Gatano!!! ALL KINDS. LKINAtT'S 8UPKR PHOSPHATE OF UUE 7000 T05S. IT FARMERS! Tor vour wheal erona. ase l.r.lNAUS Saner Phosphsta of l.line, at 9i rts.,a II). or Sill a Ton ; or Use I.KI NU'! AMKHIUAN KKHTI l.lr'R. at g.1,50 a M. or H2)atn. Una barrel of either ia aurncieni for an Aera of Wheat. THK!E AKF. PF.RMANF.NTM ANl'RRS, mnde of reliable Chemical Klemenla, and have liee hi successful use for ihe past Six Years, improving tli aod anil iiierensine the value of the bind Konr IMslomns from tha tmie Africollaral P,ie. iy of IVinisylvaiiin New Jersey; Delawsre and th Ciyatal I'uliiee AsaiM'intion "f ihe Cite of New York, have bcea received fo these Vtduslite Ferlilizera Pamphleta in th Enetish and German Languags a b had hv anplicslion at the Office. A lilieral dimouiit to Wholesnl Penlera. Thealsira Fertilisers, delivered FRF.K of Cartas t any wharf in tha old City Proper. Orders sent hy Mail accompanied With Cash or Drafts, Will be promptly fhippetl to any parrot me norm. OI'.onr.K A. LUNAl'.l'roprietne No. tfl South Frmit Street, Philadelphia City, title e On w lennalvnaia baddle nd; Harness Maker. HENRY HAUPT, JR. Succeitor to A. J. Stroh, RESPECTFULLY inform th citizens of Sunhurv and the pub- fi-'-"rjiV lie generally, that he has taken the estahlishmeat lately ocritpird K. J Ptroh si d is repsird to turn rnt work in is line of business eqnsl to any made In tin., section of the rounlry. Orders promptly eiecu ted and all kinds nf produce tskea in Exchange Bunbury. May 9. I57. ly DEls TISTRY. (1EORGK HENN, 4 NNOL'NCF.Sto the citizens oftJunburv and vieinty. that he haa opened an office in Sun bury, above II. .1. Wolverton's oltice opposite C. Weaver's Hotel, where he is prepared t sttend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession. in the latest and most improved styl. All wrk well dure nd warranted. Decemlier 13. I5fi. ii. decou & ca Clothiers, Ho. 141 Cmviikvt St., seovi fevarw, PniLAMI PMIA, Keep roatftar.tsy on kaay) a fplcattij aAortmem of Rendj-rrudc Clothing. Goom atAOt to Orrwit awo Warraxtso to rtT. Kv.S. 1856. y Citrate of Magnesia oa TA8TELE8S SALTS. T'HIS preparation ia recommended aa an ei cellcnl laxative and purgative. It operatea mildly, ia entirely free from anv unpleasant last resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and aold hy A. i Moil K.K. Sunhury, March M.18SI. ALEX4KDF.H KCRfl Importer and Wholesale Dealer t'sj SALT. 39 Huth Wharves, Philadelphia. ASH TON Fine, Liverpool Graund, JVi'S. 1 urk Island and Dairy bait, eon -CjIjJ instantly on hand and far sale in let rii hitaw t suit Ihe trad. April 4, 1057. Cm NEW CONFECTIONART. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GE A RII ART, AS jual received new and excellent assort ment of gomla at his ( onfectienary and Fruit tSlnr in MARKET STREET, unhurv, where he manufacture ard keeps on hand, al all timea, the meat clinic Confectionary, die., T liolesule and Kclatl, at I uiladeluliia prices. Among hia alack of Conleclionaries, Bay b foand : French Secrete. liurned Almonda, Crrain While, Isnno Rise, Vanilla. Cammiin Seeieas. Lisunrica, Gam Drops, all kind of scent, l.nvv l'roia, Mini Uropa. red aad whits, Jelly Cakes, Fioit Drops, Stick Cnndtea, at al Man at Ruck Candy, Alin-md Cajtay, FRUIT. Prunaa, Fics, Citrons, ras, Nuts f sK kfn4a Ransnaa, Dale. Currants dlie, Almonds, Rail LEMON HYUUP ef a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Scgar and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectioneries, fruit. Ac, all of which ia offered cheap al wholesale or retail. ICE C REAM. He ha also opened an 'ca Crrain Saleen, and will at all times be ready to serv his customers with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May SI, 1857. ly Iteir Drug, Pnlnts, &.?. A NEW supply of lrugs. Paint. Oils, 1. Fluid, Ac, just received and for sal by A. W. FISHER. Kunbury.May S, 1857.- FURNITURE POLISH. 8. RAE'8 Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. Thi polish ia highly valuable for rcslor, ing Ihe polish on all kinds of Furniture. Class, Carriage llodics. Hsir Cloth. Ac. Also, for re moving SKts. hiding acratchea, Ac. Ac. War ranted to dry imnredtately and retain its gloss I'ric 50 eta. per bottle, bold hy A. W. FISHER. March 14, )8fi1. BOAT AND MULES FOR fTWS snherriher oflera at private sale, PX A GOOD Ml LKS.snd a good SHAWNEfi BOAT, with fiitures. The ahovo will be ld cheap, and on reasonable term. JACOB ME A8H0LTZ, agent for JOHN BLACK. Sunhury, March 38, 1857. tf I AN Is WARRANT. The highest price -will be gives for Land Warrant by tha sun crihoi H. U MAKHER. PATENT BRITTANIA STOPFERS fo bar boltlss for aala by H. B MASSE R. Runbnrr. July It. IBM. KOWN'8 and Breinis's Essence of Ginger end Husband'a Magnesia at M.rrb IS riSHRRX fishing Tacklo. Red Cork, Graa. Cot. A ion and Line 11 Liaee, Out Line, He Gias by the yard. Snoods, Flies, Kirhy, Limerick aud Carlisle Hooka, Kada, Vt, for eale by Mareli 4X, V. U W. rWrTt &Ke& QAnTxmnjAiut- TRbT avNarrtber tsjjsetfully In'erma lie eid bcm of Punbare end th riubli aroneralltr. that he haa aoasaaeneed tke aaanafaeUire of all Jnd of KARTnENWARS, at fcts aaiafcctory In WhrtleWrry Street, one square eaa? M "' He aa engaged the rtrteee Or y1 siawr.anm jvai van inerarnra rletiend on havll td article. The pb.i are respectfully la.'1 wIL All oruara iron a sk"ne -r""r"; attended to. , . r.M.MINDEL. ejuakury, Feb. t, li."fl-tf Jlir II. ALLEN A i O. No, t and I Chaataat Street, (aiatk aide, beUw Vatt.) (Tea OLaaat Woos wsas Hoesa m ras Citt ) MANUFACTURERS snd Wholesale dsalera in Patent Maehiita niaila UROUMS, Patent Urved Cedar Ware, wnrrentad not In ehiine, Wond and Willow-Ware Corils, Rrnshes, Ae ,of alt dsaeripUaaa. i'leee sail aaat siamtne oar stock. February !, Ibi7 ty w VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. riMIE subscriber, Execnlors of the estate o JL Henry Maaser, dre'd., offer n private sale tae following properly via 1 A large two story frame dwelling house, together with about SO ACRES OF LAND. Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining lamia ol Us n lei Kaulman and others now in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman a a store and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONK LAND, in said township on the river about 6 miles be low Sunhu.y, adjoining lands ef J. T. M'Pherson and others, containing, about 88 acres. The soil is productive and contains limestone and other minerals. Alio a tract ef Laud, containing ehe.nl 3Jk acres on the hill, about two miles below Sunhury, adjoining lands of tha heiis of Ihe late John Conrad and others. There is, oa this tract, a mall orchard of choice fruit. For farther particular apply t the subscribers. II. II. M A93KR, ) P. B. MASKER, Rxesuter. FRANCIS RUCHER.) Banbury, January 19,156 tf NEW ARRANGEMENT I J resh Arrivul of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, Jtc. rivilE undersigned Laving taken the store for I. merly kept hy William A. Kruner. is now ready to fill order and prescriptions at a mo ments notice. He ha a large and wall (elected slock of fresh and pur DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dye-stuns. Oil, Paints, Class, Patty, aal all kinds nf Patent Madicine. FRL'IT AND CONFECTION A RT Tobacco and Imported 8e-ra of the 'choices! brands. Fancy Noliona toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Toetb and Hair Brashes fsrerv variety. Cumonine and Fluid altcntt en hand. Castomers will And his stork complete, com prising many articles it is impossible her to aa anerate. and all aold at m odera I price. Remember the p'acs, neit dor t B. T Bright' Maaimoth Star. a. vr. risnBR. 8unhary, March M, 17. MOUNT CARMEL IIOUSB, MOUNT CARMEL. Jforthumierland County, PenntyltanM. THIS large snd commodious Hotel ia situa ted nearly half way between Sunhury and Pottsville. The scenery the salubrity of the atmosphere and the cool mountain breeiea, make it one of the most delightful summer retreats ir the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four stories high, fitted up with all the majern rat., veniences Th pur m.iuntain water is intro duced into every chamber. The place is easv of access, being but one and a halt hours ride from Sunhury, over the Philadelphia and Sun bury Rail Road. From Pottsville, it is 17 miles. Every atteudanre will be paid by th proprie tor to make guest comfortable. I barge mode rate. JKSSE RICE. ML Carmel, May 14. 185. tf E. NEWLAND dte CO. aad Palntlage, !. ItS Arch Ctreet, above With, (Late ef2ls North Heond fet.) PHILADELPHIA. 6iisaaitseri tmi to riaiTaaa Merchant and other visiting th City who may want anything ia ear lias wiil do well to giv us a call. February St, 1R57 8m 1. .VISE, CHEAP WATCH AND JKWtf.RT STORE St 73 Ntrlk Second Street, (pposit th Mount Vernon House ) Philadelphia. rjOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K. ea- --- ses, silver l.ever do,, do., IS; Pil ver Lepine, do., $: (juartier. $5 to 97 : Oold ripectsclea. $4 SO to 10 ; Silver do., $ I 60 ; Silver Table Mpoons per sett, $14 to $18 Silver Desert do., do., $! lo 1 1 ; Silver Tea do., do., $4 7A to $7 60 ; Oold Pens and Cold Ca sea, $:t 55 to $5 ; Cold Pens and Silver do., St; together Willi a variety ef fine Gold Jewelry. Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chaina. All goods warranted to bo es represented. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the beat manner. A Ise, M s onic Marks, Pins, ic, mad to order. N. U. All orders sent hy mail or olkerwi. will Im punctually attended to. Phila., Oct. 4, 1856. I yw. PHILIP 2. PTJET. waoLsatta tin asrsii Grocery, Wino and Liquor Store, S. E. ear. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and faaiili will k prr"y supplied st the lowest prices. October 4, 1866. tf BR0DHEAD & ROBERTS, Nui 133, X. 3d Street, PIIII.ADZ:X.PHIJk, INVITE the attention of country merchants and others, to their slock of BOOTS 5c SHoES, which they will dispone ef en the moat raasoa abl terms. Nov. 9, 1856.. iy C. SElTKEP.T'a WHonaiLB sail RiiTaiL BOOT STORE, 40 5'ufA Fourth S.t, above C.'tesnnt, PhiVa. KOOTS, Khoes, Csiterie., promptly mad lo order ia the very best style, and of tha osi material. Philadelphia. May , IM7. Leather! Leather! Leather! IIIENHV W. OVCRNllt. 1..M wi, 1 1.11 in rrencn can Kkiiissnd (eneral IathM dealer, No. ( South Third street. I'hitaselnhi. A aeneral aswiftiiiant nf nil LnUia t ...J.. ki e..ie. " Ked and Osk Pol, Mihr. February s, 1857 ly w It. O. 1VES Produce and Frull Htetrn. Xo. 13 Xorth Woereet. Philadelphia. kSbipping and Country Oorders promptly filled ei responsible order. Farmer aad Dealera Produce 8old oa Com mission. Apple, Rananaa, Pin A pples, Dried Fruit, Onion. Orange. Rhell Bark. Ra isina. Beans, Lemons. While 4 Rweet Fig. I urnip. Craulierriea. Potato, Poultry, Reaches, Ground A'uni. Cheanuts, Egga, ore. Foreign and Domestic Produce fruit swo orally, " fihtnelria mitli, iatlracltsi Cteoj. oa M -OfaJ VeinT in M VfCollierm. J H. ZIMMERMAN V JfiO. P. PI IthEU enceaMor t. Rase, Rood Co., will . Httoo mining, ehipplog-amd eelling roel from the f Jlv vepM ktMwM f 11 : ... 1 .. . 7jf : oiHiev m arm or TrfitfaMsj rami. 1be-.iof.bipmm . ui. .ower wnarr in Bunbary, Northuaaaet. kiada of coal, via t Lump, Broken, Egg, Move, and t best n at Coal, will be thaakf.Uyywi. and promptly attended to. - ' Baobury, Jely 14, H66, TK. e w i",.rV- ,,1T ' .vT . '"! f. K"' Re"1 c b'"t eU their lease in the Gap Colliery and inters ia 4. wharf at Bunbury, lo Meosr. Zimmorsaai. ds Purael, would lake great pleasure in reroai meet ing our customers and others t the new (ras, ao ' they will be able lo sell them prepared real a' the best quality, KA8B, KKEDek CO. HATDOC'BT FIDDLER, EALERS h. Matches and Jewelry " continue the businta al Ihe old all Ml stand of Jama B. Fidler. A'. 12 South Secvnd Street, rilll.ALiKLHliU, Where they solicit sn eiamination of Ihesrlargo and varied atork, feeling aaaured that Iha loo rience both of them have had in the hueineW and Iha l' 1 1 1 1 ; . . .1 . .... ,rT poaaea lor procuring goods on the moat advantageoua term, wilt na me tnera to compete favorably with any ettiar establishment in the city. They have new e hand a fine aaaortment of WATCHES. CLOCKS, JKWEI.RT, Silver, Plated and Brittania Ware, I'aakw. Faney Geods, Ac., &e. N. B Repairing of Watcke and all kiad f Jewelry attended t with promplnos aad etc greatest care. Phila., April 7, 1 .,. rf. WHITE HORSE HOTEL. rOTTNTILLB. PA. rTPHEsBDserilier respectfully annouaroe U hai eld friend and Ihe public, thath hss Vabaw thai old and wall known establishment, Ike White :Horse Hotel. Al the eerner of Centre and Mahantoge k. th Betough of Pottaville. The hou. ka.'r-. cently been very much enlarged and lhrwis improv.d, rendering it quit a eeaJortaal a any ether 111.1 iu v,hL!ki couwiy L,iU th stables ar large, ia good cortfitian, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudeat hostlers. To travellers and others who is ay atop at kar hous. h promise every attention ralcaiale s rsndsr them coasUrtable and ssiisSsd A i. .... s JOS. M.FliOIt. -April I, 18g',. tf HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNBS AT Oics opposite tht Court House, 8nnbury, Kortkumberland County Pa. Prempi attention i buaiaess in ailisiaiar EAGLE HOTEL, OPPONTK WKHTBRAMCIt HANK WILLIAM8PORT, Tlll.l.l9fl ii. UkU. rrprlU. C. A. riTsiss. Assistant. N. Ja Omaibus will ran u aad sa aW DepM aad Packet Leadings, I ikia atlai, asr nfrkarg. werisasheT II. If 4 DANVILLE HOTEL. 'OHN DEHN, 3TK., Market Street, Daneillt, Pm, rirtlS ia en ef the largest snd most soaasw A dioa l.elels in th interior of PsiinsvUaaM It has bren recently fitted tip, j ,xu'i stykv with all the modern convenience. Danvilled, pi. gj, 1855. Chrap Watches Jewrlr II HOI.EBALE and Retail, at ik. Poilld. phia Wairh and Jewelry 8Hs,M Mo. Worth ftecond direct, earner of Quarry, rniX.ADEI.PHIA. ,.mrmr t, airaaa, tau jeweled, is aaral u'-ia i.etnne c. tt'iA 00 Silver l.ep. fall jewlled, SS Oliver l.rrer, fall jawl'd II upenor Qsarlieis, 7. fins iiilvw Saeahssie. ISO .(iaid Biscelsia, 1 ! adiea' li-ld Paaaita, I SO filvar Taa syooas, SM, 00 Oaid Pnaeuielea. T aa onl Pans, vrilk faseil anS silver Hnlder, Celd Tieger Rings, 37J sent, to a0; Classes, paia uj ,. p.t,,!, jaj. La 15 j other articles in proportion. All goods war rented t a what th.v ar eubi far. HTACFFER & IIARI.ET, Oa hand. Mm Gold and Miiver Lev eaad I .spins., an II lower than th above pnrw )rt. 4. la.Si. y. A KNOLD'B Wl aiv aad legal RITLNM TLI ID aad A4 al envelopes, fer sale by H. B. MA Mat NR. Kenbnry. Jan ie. ia..fl GEORGE SCHALL ft CO. atairacTi'Rcn or BLA8TTNO POWBM, Ml. Carmef, Xorlhumberland Comity, f. Msy 10, gS6. 1)1. ANK Parchment Paper 1J Mortgagee. Bonda, Eiec Deeda aad Weak eculioea, 9aaiM Ac., for sale n. B. M A Sag fc. IB. iasg 8unhury Arri STOVES' ItOR "ALE an eirellent second ksnd Coakf ing Mnv, also several Cylinder Caal slinrea Knipiire al this oflica. nflOLD PENS with and without sm, af o JI very (uperior qualiiv. jest received. A Ise a Crash supply of Writing Fluid, for oaie y H. U. MAH8ER. etunhury. Dee. 17. 1 . COSUEN CHEEWE. Jest received aud fr 'hy LIV1 HiCASUOl.TZ April 1 1. 117. SILVER W ATCHE8. A few double turn English 8ilver Watchea, for aal al very law prices by H. B MASSt'H. Knol.iirv. April 13. IS.'d. AM KIM CAN HOUSU, WILLI AM TOUT, TA., J. II. KaSXTO.t, l reprlelor. JaS. T. II Al l.. Ass't. Hept. 13, lei.56 tf JCRE OLIVE OIL for table ose.-iw,., at 7J aad 82J cent jual received by .... A- w- fwh'er, March M. '57. stationery .A large supply of 'fancy Mote Psr and Envelopes Alojifning, Lsller, aad Cap Paper, Po ink, Ksii, Ar.. at March 14, '67. A. KV, f JHI KR'8. IJORT MO.NAIES, T.oth oi.d Hair Drtake ail nualiliea, and any quauli y, for sale by A. W. F1H UK. March 14. 'AT. A MIA VI W rOK fii.4 LR, flIIE uh,rribr ofler for,ale hi (SIIANTT k Cook-Slov. sVc, on th Rail Road Wl Trevortoa Bridge. Ajiply aoon lo . M. B. MASSKR, Suahisyy. April S, 1867. FOR 8ALE. A Good aeeoad-kaad Baggy. AppW at thie oflice. FOB BENT. THR 8tore Room in Market street, oocupiod bt P. W. Cray and Iha dwellin bss d. Joininc. Apply to tU vmnnan ef H. Heaven dare ard.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers