aneotis , A MuRDRa m rm HtrkN or Kkw York . KwcMrB -or- tnn Mvrdkrer The - New York Courier of ths 1 Ol fa itmt. has the fol- lowing acconot of a murder in I list city ! . -About 10 o'clock on Saturday nig lit, an onprovoked and (Ji.ibolicul murder tti perpe trsted in Tenth avenue, near Twenty-first street, by one of gang of three miscreants, and unfortunately the murderer and hit party (wiped, and thus far have eluded the police: ' It appear that John Sweoson anil hii wife Margaret, who resided at No. 310 West 'Tsrenty-seventta street, were reluming home from market at the hour above named, and while passing through Tenth avenue, near ' Twenty-first street, were conversing together, when the gang referred to made their appear ance, and one of them, pretending that be thought Swctison's remarks were intended fur him, aeked him what he was saying. Mr. Swenson replied that he bod not spoken to him. The fellow then struck Mr. Swensnn, und knocked him into the gutter. M r. Swen son srose and started towards his assailant, but before reaching bitn.the ruffian, who wus about 19 years of uge, turned and plunged the blade of a dirk into his breast. Mr. Kwenson fell mortally wouuded, and died a few moments afterwards. As soon as the fatal wound wis inflicted, the three ruffians fled, and taking different directions, were soon out of sight. A bid, named David Scott, residing ut No. 137 West Twentieth street, was I ho only person, except those aluive named, who shw the blow struck. Dr. Kobe. lUe, of 109 Fourth uvonnp, saw the ruffians running away, and beurd Mrs. wen Son crying murder. The policeman on duty in the neighborhood was away, he having (cue to the station bouo with a prisoner. The ciiciiiustuiico wus, however, soon made known ut the Sixteenth Ward ftutioti house, unci Inspector Cnrpeuter despatched several men to convey the body of deceased to hi? lute residence, und to search fur the mur derers. Moi ASSKS FROM TUB ChIKF.SK Sl'GAK CaNE. Mr. J. K. Ilorlother, of the llaniUurg Truck Farm, has sent us n wimple of Syrup made by him from the Chinese Sugur Cuue raised ujiul, his premises during the last season. It i fully etpiul, in color, coin-ie'tefi-cy, und flavor, to the ordinary inolu.-ses Sold nt t Im stores. Mr. II. gives us un account of the process by which his experiment in the ititiHul.tctiire ol thisiSyrup us conducted. Ho suyg : '1 took 7U0 tine stulks, stripped ir 1 lit) leaves, and cut oil' about 10 inched ill the tuMtl or Seed end. I then took the stiilk.', thus trimmed, to Hi) olil-futfhinned Cider Mill, and crushed them tho suiiid us tipples. 1 ouuini't) uboiit iiu gallons of juic liut couhl not succeed in extracting ull the juico. 1 am satisfied that with a proper press, tho 7(10 stalks would huvu yielded ;")0 j!.illuin uf juice, liut still 1 was sulielit'd v 1 1 h I bi- iij gnlltins, and went to work, und tunli-d the juico five hours, adding 7 tea pounfi.lj of pulverized lime. The result was bt'tweeu U und 7 gallons of the Syrup ol which 1 send you a bain pie. I am coi.lident that the cniiu will pay here, not ulnne fur molasses, but for the leaven, which make viceUent fodder, und the seed, or which u larje (piaiitily can be obtained from the acre. There is no trouble in raising the cane, nor in iiiakiuir the juico into molasses. Liut there ell lie difficulty in extracting the juice from t'e rune until we have mills made expressly tjr the purpose." Jleuilimj (Jtizitte. Jons Miioiiei. Hv Ukownlow. Parson tovmlow is making urruiigeiiieiiU to come North und convert ull the utiti-elutery inlidels. In the ineuii tune he takes olfthe great Irish p. tilul, whose chateau tn Espuyneit u plan tatain well Mucked with greasy fat negroes M.lchell, jiu ritineniber would not tight tho I'euu.-ssce od.lor whom he hud insul ted. "We huve no nuarel with any gentlemen vtLoisfoiid of Julio M itchell or who admires' un) traits of character he may possess. We lire in a free count ly, and have u perfect right to do Willi M.tclu II we have no respect for ' him und e certainly huve nnVar of him. llm swaggenug up und down the street la3iii:i Iroin una side to lliu oilier, Willi ull air it 1 1 lu in Till , alter his cowardly assault u)ion Fleming only uilVirded us continuation of what vv l.ud pieiuiis!y settled down upon as true namely, the biuiid of scoundrels had cursed turough Ins veins, and the veins of his ances tors since the Hood, unnuully becoming more currupt us it approached the nineteenth cen tury ! And if Uod, in the lawful exercise of Ins prerogative, had tlt-cined it proper to im 4V5,i upoi. our face tho countenance he bus g vni tu J jIiii Mitchell, we should long since It ive joined our fortunes to those of an 'Al gvrine biiudllti,' us tho only way of answering tho vud ol uiir creation !' Tub Fosests or Ancient Davj. Iluah Miller hi a note appended to his lute work, "Tim Testimony of the Rucks," urgui s that tSe existing fioia oftho United Stales ut the llw present day is not compared to that of tho ohi ciui.oii.ri rous nges. iiesy, I be Amer can Coal fields huve been rai t fully ex pli red ; and what is the result? The geolo gist has coin to know, thai even the mighty forest of America are iucousiderable compar ed Willi lb ' deposits of Coal; uuy, that ull i'.i forest gathered into one heap would fail to furnish tho materials of a single coal seam equal to tliut of Pittsburgh; und ihut centur ies after all lis thick woods shall have disup. .mated before the axe, and it shall have come to present the comparatively bare uuwnoded jispecl oftho long civilized countries of South ern Europe; it will continue to derive the el menu ol us commercial greatness, and the cheerful blaze of its many millrous of domes tie hearths from tho uprecedenledly luxurious flora uf tho old carbnuiforou ages. Truly, Tory wrn lerfull are the coal Be ds of North America ! If geologists inferred as they well anight, that the extinct flora which had orgin--ated the European coal vastly outrivulled in Juxuruuce thul of the existing time what shall 4u said of that flora of the same age which nrjfitiuted the coul desposils of the Uuitrd islates ilespimti twenty time ut great at ill those of ull Europe pat together? Aci'lDE.NT ON THE ClCNTRK Tl'BNPIKR. Two in 'ii seated in it bugy, ou Mouduy last were rirecipaled over an eiibunkuient of from sixty to a hundred Teet in height midway betwoen this place und Schuylkill Haven in ruuse 4i'ieiict of their bore becoming fieiuhlened Ml a drove of cattle iiassiiii; nloii some of . wlneh had their eyes shielded by boards being suspended ucro their foreheads. Luckily, however they were prevented from going into lb- streum, ut the holtixu by coming in cou t.ict with a tree when at a diatuuee of about twentv feet, which in probability saved then lives. One of the nieu was quit serionly the other escaped unharmed. The hurao was uUo considerably injured and ths buygy much broken. Mining Keyuler. A Crop. Two brothets, named .Smith, moorietora of a suleudod peacb or i-burd near Sacramento. California, ure said to have realized between gGU.fOO aud gjO.OUO this year In uj the tule ol peaches. A Moxjtkr Establishment. Tho Facific v Mdls. at Lawreuco Muss., incorporated to I8 i3 have a capital ot (2.U0U.UUU, in shares 4i i l.OOU each. I lie laciory is ine largest extuut, buviug 1139 looms, aud 53,00 spin dies. The ara man? miners and laborers leavioir Pchuvlkill County for the West. A larue number passed over tbs Dsuphio- sud Sus 4ueiiaona Railroad ibis week, as we are io formed by a copductor of that rosd. IJintri' Juurnal. t - - c . 4 Tim Potsto Rot. Trenton N. pspi y that potato rot prevails extensively in tb southern part or that Slate. ; In Cnmberisnd balem aod Gloucester counties many of tbs runners will not realise snore than one-third ol an ordinary crop from fields that s few weeks ago gave overy evidence of extraordin ary yield. On the other hand, wi hear that in renusylv.inia whore tbs roV wis supposed to have committed great ravages, it bus been discovered not be Dear as bad as snpposed. New Advertisements. LIST OF JURORS- For Northumberland' County; for tbs No vember Term, A. D 1857. GRAND JURORS. 1 Geo Baker, Milton, 2 Samuel Uarier, Chilifquaque, 3 Daniel Dustiun. Lower Augusta, 4 John Eckman, Upper Augusts 5 Hilas 8. Fa now, iShamokiu, 6 Samuel Klar. Jordan, 7 Jacob Evert, Upper Augusta, . 8 Henry E. Martz, Shumnkin, 9 Henry Kline, Upper Anemia, 10 John Wynr, Lower Augusta, 11 Isaac Keiser, .eibp, 12 Daniel Reitz, Washington, 13 Wesley Ulurk, Lower Augusta. 14 Samuel Zilller, Northumberland, 15 Feter lieigler, Turbut, 16 Oeo. llensyl, Lower Mahaooy. 17 John Arnold, Sun bury, 18 Robert Ammermuti, Coal, 19 Benjamin Troxel, Cliilisqunrpie, 20 Suiiinel Bucliiier, Lower Muhunoy, 21 Samuel Folk, Upper Mahauoy, 22 David Slnill'er, Itelnwure, 23 Jacob Rhimel, Mt. Carmel, 21 Thomas Uearinger, Milton. TRAVERSE JURORS. 1 Win Long. Mt. Carnul, 2 John T McForsoti, Lower Augusts, 3 John Sinick, Lower Augusta. 4 Daniel Yost, Coul, 5 tieorge liustian, Sr. Suiilntry, C Daniel Kaulmiin, Lower Augusta, 7 George Emerich, Lower -Mutiuuoy, 8 Andiew Uucher Washinglou, 9 tieorge Apsley, Shumokin, 10 .Miehttol Lihr," Lower Mabnnoy, 11 John Cornell, Lower jiiigustu, 12 Isiinc Lilly, Delaware, 13 Oeorge lleiin, Siinliuiy, 14 Samuel Malick, Washington, 15 Samuel S Folliner. Tuibut, 10 Christian F.ister, Delaware, 17 Ueoige, Seller, Lower .-lugusta, Id John R-ply Sliumokin, 10 John W Mtillick, Lower -lugusta, 211 Caleb Harrett, Lower Augusta, 21 Win F Mendick, Chilisijiiaquo, 22 Feter Weaver. Lewis, 23 lesse llensyl, Shamokin, 24 I'hilip Mercer, Lower Malianoy, 2) Win Smith Jr.. Delaware, 20 Henry Ralin. Lower .-lugusta, 27 Charles llelf. Iistein, Coal, 2rt John Uuillett, Delaware. 20 Joseph .Shipe. Upper Augusta, 3(1 Daniel Hrown, Milton, 31 Win Hartholauiew, Lower .-Itigusla, 32 James K-ed, Chilisipiuijuc, 33 tiei rge Lahr, Jackson, 31 Joseph M. 1 1 u v, Nortliuniberlutid, 35 Wm Blair, Chilisquiicpie, 30 Junius Thomas, Mt Carinil, 37 Thomaa J Xesbil, Foint. 38 Feter Klock, Lower Mahanoy, 39 John Solkeu, Rush, 40 l'et-r Ferster Jr. Washington, 41 l)atiiel Fullmer, Turbut, 42 Sawuel 11 Walliser. L-wis, 43 Jacob M. Folliner, Tuibut, 44 Win Ciiul. l'idiit. 15 R. M Frick Milton, 4fi Jacob Slitzel, Delaware, 47 Christian Fagely. Upper ,4agut, 48 Dauiel lloLeubuch, Lower .-lugusta, PETIT JURORS. 1 Joseph Frederick, Zerhy, 2 Wm Stiino, Milton, 3 F.phraim Zimmerman. Shamokin, 4 tieorge Harrison, Suubury, 5 Daniel .-I mold. Upper Augusta. 0 A K ere her, Lewis, 7 Jocph Holla. Northnmlit Hand, 8 Robert Smith. Lower .-tngnsta, 9 Israel Witnier, Lower Mahauoy, 10 IVter Klock, Washington, II .Ihruhunt Howaiter, L pper Mahanoy, 12 Elins Emmerich. Lower -ugusti, 13.lohu M Smith, Delaware, . 14 Soloniaii Druckciniller Ir. Delawdrt, 15 Isaas R ShutVcr, ChiliFquaqut, I C Samirtil Eckman, Turbut, 17 t.-iijainiii Uoyer. Lower Mnhiioy, 18 Joseph 1 1 aye's Jr. Ueluwure, 19 Henry Wolf. Jordan, 20 Sebastian lliupt, Sunhury. 21 Feter Uorrest, Lliilisciniiono, 22 Samuel Shive, Lower .lugusta, 23 Jacob, 24 Nicolas Feil'er. Lower Mahanoy, 25 James Stimth, roint, 20 John Uolmer Shamokin, 27 Jacob Seibert, Delawurw. 28 Solomon Diefli nderfer, Milton, 29 James St reoii, ChilisquiKjui;, 3D Thomas Slicruer, Milton, 31 (ieorgo Huoy, Lower Wugusta, 32 (jideon Ream, Lewis, 33 iSnmuel Ressler, Upper Mahanoy, 31 Samuel lloffa, Tuibut, 35 Frederick Fox, Lewis, 30 Joliu lloffa, Turbut, IV virtue of a certain writ of Levari Fa. HP cias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleaa of Northumberland county and to me di rected will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in Sunbory, on MONDAY, tho 2nd day ol NOV KM I! Kit next, at one o'clock, P. M.. the Railroad of the Philadelphia and Sunhury Rail- roid Company, from its terminus at Sunhury to ita intersection with the extension of the Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad in the coun ty of Schuylkill, with its corporate franchises and appurtenances, together Willi all 1U Locomotive Encineaaud Cars. And aU, ull Ihoee seven several Tracts of Land, situate, lying and buing on the watera of Shamo kin Creek in the counties of Northumberland and Montour in the State of Pennsylvania, one of them called '-llatland," aurveved in the name of Win. Gilbert, containing 412 acres and al lowance of ix per cent lor road', c. llm other of them called 'Ureenheld. eurvevd in the name of Isaac Taylor, containing 422 acres and allowance of six per cent for road. A c. One oilier of them culled "Brook field," surveyed in the name of Jesse Brooks, containing 4 1 ;i acres and allowance of six pe' cent for roada. Ac. One olher of itiem culled " Walnut Bottom." sorveved in the nam of Jease Evans, containing 45.5 acres and allowance of six per cent for, ic Doe olher of them called "Oxford," auiveyed in the name of Sarah Lane, containing 422 j acres and allowance of six percent for roada. &c. One other of them called "Hartford," aurveyed in the uama of Mary Line, containing 4of acrea and allowance uf six per cent for roada, Ac, and the olher of them called "Pfainheld, surveyed ia the name ef William Lane, containing 351 acres and 10 perches and allowance of sis per cent for roads, i'c, being part of a larger body or land commonly called the "McCall Landa," and the same seven T.acla of Land which Win L. He. fensleiu, by deed dated the 12th day of August, A. U. t AVJ, grunted and conveyed to the said The Philadelphia St Sunbury Railroad Company, together wilb all and singular the buildings, im provements, ways, woods, watera, water-courses, rights, liberties, privileges hereditaments and ap purtenances whafaoever thereunto belonging or iu anvwiae aonertaiuing. Seised taken into execution and to bs sold as the property of ths said Tbs Philadelphia cfc Sunbury llailroad company. HENRY WEISE, 8beriff. Sheriff e Office, Sunbury, I - ... October 19, 1857. ) -r. BA'NK OT NORTnUMUKELXWD JVOTICE b)hertv tWen to the stork holders that an lK-tioa'wlll be btM at the Banking house, an Monday tho tSth day of Novembef tint, hetween tbs hours of 10 o'clock A. M., and 8 o'clock P. M., for ths purpose of electing 13 Directors to serve lor ths ensuing year. The annual meeting of Ihs stockholders will bs held at the Banking house on ths Drat Tuea day in Movember at 10 o'clock A.M. J. R. TRIE8TLEY Cashier, October 17, 1857 4U Estate of PETEE H. MOORETdee d. OTICE is hereby given, that letters of ad ll ministration on the estate of Petei H Moore, late of Lower Augusta township, Norlhumbeil'd county, deceased, have been granted to the sub scriber. All persona indebted will please maks immediate payment, and those having cluims present them duly authenticated for settlement. . MAUY ANN MOORE. Adiu'irix.c. a. I. October 17, 18R7. 6U J. WEICHSEIiBAUM, OPTICIAN AND OCULIST! FROM riltl.ADKLriMA, li' F.SrECTFULl.Y inlorms ih citizens of Sunliurv and viciniiv, 'hat he baa uorotd a Kuom at the Lawrence lieusc whets be oQ'ara for sals SPECTACLES 1 1 Ofevrry variety, sire and quality. A new In vention of Spectacles, f r distant or Hose reading wtlh gold, silver, steal, and tortoise-shell 'frames, and a new and improved assortment of perifocal ground flint Classes cf his own manufacture He would particularly call the attention of the public tn hia spectacles for Nearsighted Persons aad for prrsnns w ho have been operated upon for the cataract of the eye, and to hia new kind of glares and Con servers of the sight made of the bes flint and zure Classes. Coed Classes may be knuwn bv their shape, exact centre, sharp and highly polished surlnce. J he qualities are to l e luuud in a high degree in hia glaasea. Highly important : Tho vcty best Brazil ian Pebble! so universally proved to be far superior to any other g'an. ALSO: M icroncopcs, Spy and Quinine Glasura of every site and Quality ; Teletcopea. Manifving and Opera Ulasses, with ditforeiil powera. togrtber wi.h every variety of arliclea in the optical line aui nirntioned. CV Optical and oilier Ioatruinents and Glaa. srs carclully repaired at short notice. 11a csn always select Glasses to suit the vision of the person, as he scea them, upon llif Gmt tnal. He will remain in this plate during November Court and those in want ol the ubove articles wi.l please give birr a call. He will, if required, go to any retpoctabla houto where his services may be wanted. The very best Eye.Walir and tliu Ust Hunt ing Uluasrs aiwavn for mil). October 17, 18o7 LAKCE DRY GOODS EST.lSI.ISnjlET. HAMILTON EASTER i CO , Sew 3Iarbi Ualtttlns, Kot. 199, 201 ami 203 Dullimore Siritt, BAL1IMOBB. JAVE now in store (mostly of their own iru portaliun) one ot the larg-,t and m Cum plele Stocks in the United Stairs embrai'i' g ilka and ti!k gnuds of everp clus ; Urota Goods a very large stock j Irish Linens; Lin en Goods and Housekeeping Arlicies of ever iie serihtiun ; Meurniiij; Goods; Cluaks, Mantillas and Shawis; Eni!iroidriea, I.aees, llokiirv, (loves, blanket", tjuills. Domestic (ioed; and every article generally rcxuired by Parmars and Planter for aervanta ue. tjf Ketuil lioon.a on first fli or the piire atlixe I to each article, from which i. daviatinn ia made. ti" Wholesale Rsoins on ihe second and third floors. Octdbcr, 11, IR57. 3m. A WOXhERFCL COiyCWEXCE. All Xutluii of the Mtmo .Mlntll HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT. Tlie nniiivrBnry of the iiiiroducri'Hi of II 'Ilnwut T Ointment ought o ln jnlnKe tnirvi't. It lini uvrtl O'Utitl' M mutliiu'lm I'mm iltMigtirtfiih'iit, purnlj zritioit, niiifilutioii, aft ) df-ulli. tilurlinc from Ihe inrtnrt- ti whicli it i H)plit-il, ila lifiiltiiti Uil in fiucU in way through evcrv ctmliitir unci litfiimnti the b uiv, UMhe vriy uria unit Utiaia !' ull tTUi live, nicer, us. tnni-trtma. nntl runra- rout tiiieuifi. It livlinuixhei ihe ft ticilr niinriple thnt feeiii litem, himI the oiitwonl ivin. twin fnile, heul. imd niiH uwiiy wilh a nijudiiy incrulible tu tb"e who have intt w Untuned it. tHCiuKiui K.nurTioxfl and ri.cKns. The iv un m f crofnla Ima nrver teeii neulnilizeil or expelled by any of I lie remetir-a cf the p)inrtiuie"nriu' I he a le Hiiiitiie n t tits viruifiii ami tientriK'tive eUnieul ii Hill"vuy'a Omtint'iit. Mnj. ndie A Itntlie, the crrat K reach and Kiifthkh lurpeom, dti no Ut ny or iliapute Hut prrent met. 1 hrre 11 noform uf acrolula that nuiy uut be contrived and cuted by Ihta iwla-imir remedy. C.VNCKUS ANUTl'MOItS. The knife or caustic mav rem ve a ranc r rtr tumor. but the aeedi of tin) trrt ible exrrcacettce rat.iin in the lil"od,uiid it la a mmi rejir-Hlucrtl in a vrie form thau befure. llolluwii) ' Ointment, on tlie cotiiitrurv, pene tmteainto the etrfuhti n. a;nl rtervudea nvery infected Vesicle, and k i in ine niieme ny utrstitiyiiig the uoiruiive principle tlial genernled und auituini it INFLAMM ATIONS OF THE SKINS. All mibea ami ordnifiry erupti'mi. as well m Kryiinelaa, Aene, Kincwonn, CHrbum-lea. Haltl Head. Halt Itlienm. lprmv. I'rickly lleut. t., uie le moved ly a few Liiak upptiiat ioua of Ht Ointment. ACUIUKNTAls INJUniKS, WOCNPS, fpmiii, llruiaea, Hen Ms and Butna ure immetlmtely rebevetl by ia applimtiu. The iiitlumma tion quickly luta tka, fi ver arul ljt'Lj:iw me presented, and untlera pefieveniitf usu of the prepuralwu, ihe pro ceaa uf hualiny l hui ut coinpliihed. Both the Ointment and Pills should he uted in the following canes : n unions I,umlgo Wore Ieps Swelled Glatida Uuius Mercurial tore Hrenita Huff Joints t'hnpped Hands Kruptious Kre llenda 1 leers Chilblains I'ltes Sore Throats Ve-iiereal Sores Kistulna KWnmalism tSires of ull Wounds of ail Goat Suit H lieum kiiMls ki ids Skin Diseases Hp rams SaiUis ry CATTION 'None are genuine unless tlie words 4llolliivny. New York aud ludoii," are diw-ernible as as a water-iiiurk in every leaf of the hook of directions around each pot or box the some may le plainly seen by tinkling the leu i tu me lignc a nanus -ine reward will lie given to any one rendering such iuforiiiHiinii its may bd to the detection ol any purtyuf parties eunterfeitiiig the medicines or vending tbe surue, kuowmg ibciu tube spurious, ld al the Manttfartorles nf Professor Hollo way 10 Maiden lne, New York, and 44 cXruud. ltiuhm, by all respccuble Drumtists aud L)eaJersin Medirina llirnugh- mil the Luiiett mates, aud the nvuixed woiu( ia boxes, at f.5 eents.i'Jl cents, and l each. Tf? Tbercis a eousideiuble saving by Inking ihs larger sizes. N. B Dirertiotn for the guidance of pakiant in eTcry disorder are affixed U each box October 17, IM7. I yea NOTICE. Joseph Kesaler, 1 Nu. f8, August T. 137 va Al. Kuhprena in Uivoce i Elixalietb Kesslcr, J Ts Mrs. Elisabeth K easier You am hereby commanded to lie and appear before the Judgaa of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, to lie hold-el Sunbu ry, on Monday the 3d day of November, lHr7 to answer to the above sutiposiia in divorce or show cauae why s divorce should not lie obtain. sd against you from tlie bonds 01 matrimony. 11 r.. n 1 vv cioz., ouerui. Sasairr's Orrics, ) 8unbury, Oct. 10. 1857. ( TLPER HVDE'S Exposition of Mormon. li ism. Price, It 1 ti, lor sale by Sept. 19, 186T.-3U H. Y. FRIMNO. MAHE Olasgow Poisoning Case Particulars ia tbs National Police Catette, for sale b August I, '7. H. Y. r RILING. -yHE War Trail or tho Hunt of tho Wild -a- Hojiao by Capt. .MS J no new, lor sal oj August I, '57. JI. Y. FRH4XO, NEW STORE. ELIAS EMEMCIL, RESPECTrtJLLT Informs the citir.ehs of of Low' AugusU township rad the pub lie generally, that be baa purchased the More lately kept by Isaac Marts, in Lower Augusta township near Dmerieh'e Tavern, and has jn.t ojieuej a splendid stock of I nllniid Winter CJOOIiS. His stock conaists of Cloths, Cliaimerea, Caaal netUof all kinda, linen, colton and Wonted. Alao, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Mousaelin lie Lainea and ill kinds of Ladies UrUss Goods, GROCERIES, Hardwire, Queeosware of va tiouk styles and patterns. Alao, in aasortment of Resdy-Made Clothing of all descriptions. Boots and Shoes, 7ats and Caps. Sill.T KISH. &c, and a variety of other articles such as ire suitable to the trade, all of which will be aold at the lowest prices. Country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Lower Augusta twp., October 10, 1857. tf. PROCLAMATION- . JVOTICE is hereby given ihnt the aeveral ' Courts of Common Pleaa, General tjuarter Sessions of the peace, and Oprhan' Conrt. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in snd for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court He use, in the boi-ouirh ol Sunhury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on MondnV, the 2d day of NOVEMBER next, aud will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner, Justicea of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county uf Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, iniiiiiitiuns, and other remembrances, to do Uioxo things to their several offices appertaining to be done. And al w itnesses prosecuting lu behalf of the Common! wealth against any prisoner arc also requested and commanded to lie then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute airmnat him, as shall be just and not to depart without icave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agrceablo to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunhury, the I t .'av of Ocloler in the year of our Lord or e thonpiiiid eight hundred and fifty-seven and tint l.ute pendence of li.e United Stalea of America the bid. God save the Commonwealth. HENRY WEISE, SherifT. Sheriff's Office. Sunbury, Sept. If), 1$S7. LIST OF CAUSES. TOK trial in the Court of Common rjfas of -Norlhuinl.crlanil Counlv. to he hold al Sun bury, on the firl .Monday ol Noveiu'.M-r : rt.At.NTIFr. IlSFKNUAXTK. O. I.eisenring' s ft. Morris L. M action t H. gii.s A Dunnal. J. ll. s"n,iih'i ei'rs. tj same, same va same, same vs June. AhottTor Justice SK Woml Wm IIci!zni.iii, s Jvob Hilliih, Ah ahum Ilvner a J 'lin HarihjIoineKr, K. D Saxton t John Siippu Win K Marts t J II M i. r Eckel Itaigucl A Co ts II Mas'er's Ex'ra. John Bower ct al uS J Mct'oruiick I'hilip Faust vs Joseph Hufrendobirr M M Sober ts t' Muuhlcr same vs I) Stewart anil wife Rugurl&Co vs C'aiharine Poiljctt. John Hess va H li Mufcr K McifciisUin vs J iruli Ciin C Varger vs Win Kheaflrr, Ira T. t.'liinci.t vs Iicioy Vaognlin Fryer and wife vs 1' NuUhm k et al Ssrah Swencr, A Jm'r , v 8juiuct Tr.s John fry vs Coinuiisinrrs uf Korihuuili'ii Co., I'hilip Sarvis vs tunic (e. tslxill & Co vs C. Smith Henry I.atsha vs M. Kloclc liuorRe llaruer vs Mary Harner. A. Kisvingt-rs, Ex'r, vs J.ilni W tsiammo Ira 'V. C'lemci.t vs A C Moes, Helknstt'iu for Prothono- vs Henry Weaver tary Nicholas TliociniM vs Catharine ftrociuus l.cib for famnier vs Sun iurv Canal 4' Co. Samuel nviilyu va John Sioitti Mowrey I'etcr, va Belt, l.rvvie &: Co. Henry Weife, vs 'J'ho. liuumti inliicr, Jos. i'r 150, vs Northern Central li. It. C'o. Mrs Lvrr vs Fry mire and toi:t. Jahn Voung va John W. I'cule, Catharine Stroh, va Chas Mroh, Ann M Seilz vs Henry I.ahl Jacob Ililbj.-h vs John Wcivrr Henry Gluol vs l. Montague's uJm'r Kricghauui illium vs Samuel John, iSuiniiil John vs l. (Jilxuu and vtife, Franklin Putts vs Howl. I.'imwr A' Co. JAMES BEAR I), ProtlA Protlnmotar) s OiTicc, ice, ) 0, '.837. J Kunh.ry, Oct. 10, SUILIlli II. OKWiG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ojjlce un &uth Srcun'1, near Murltt Street, 1. E w 1 s u 1; it (1 , p a. Prarlices in the l.'oui tits if L'nion, Norlhuni berlund and Mniilour, All 1'uorsssioNAi Hiii!B. entroiiicl to Irs rare will receive prompt aud Uitl.ful attcu lion. OctoUr 3, 18i7. ly FLOTJR I FLOUR! FOR SA1.H B V M. C. GEAR II ART. Ruuburv, &'il.Sfi, 17. Dy virtue of a certain writ of J.tii. Fa. to mo tlirecleii. wilt ue expoeen 10 pnoiic sate at iiih Court House, in Sunbury. on S ATU ltl)A V, the 24tU of October, nt 10 o'clock, A. M . the following propeity to wit : All that certain lour story, null hueinciil Gvo stories, brich buililln, lor 11 hotel, messuage and toiiciiient, siliiato in thw town of Shamokin, county of Noithiimbcr Unu, renasylviiiiin, fii li et in rrmit and ivl fcot in depth : bounded on (In N'orth by the street or P price on tho bank of the .Sliumokin creek ; on the South by Arch street; on the East by Murket street on Muck No. 3i. as designated and niurked upon tlip enerul plun of said town of Hhuinokin, aud occuiiviiiif parts of lots Nos. 1, 2, und 3 upon said block No. 37, and the tots or pieces of t'roiiud aud ctirtiluee uppcrti nant tosuid builoin-'. seized, tuken into est-riiliiui, and tn he sold as the property of Thus. Huuiirardner, Joseph l.onj and Uuviii l.onpo. cKcr, aud Joseph L.onf, owners or reputed owners, and llciny Philippe, contractor. itr-.Mtx t tlSi, iAenir; Sheriff's Olllce. Suubury, ) Sept. 'Jb, 1KA7. I HY. FRII.INO. having odtained ths ajencv for PRKKA'S OIKT HOOK Enterprise is now prepared In furuih any Hook puhluhrd aa retail price with a gitt worth Iroui 'ia cents to ONE HUNDRED!5 Oodfreya Narivliveof the Kane Expedition bound in cloth, price ft 00 (witli Oifi J boaud III paper (Altheut gttl) Ml cceiU. lit. l.ivtngatone a In years r.xploratinna and Adventures in the Wilds of jtbica, V50, M vo., pages. One hundred splendid Engravings, bound in cloth ith gold, price if I 00 (with gift.) Paper edition 60 cents (without gift). Hspt 18, 1857. Ot. Mi A. 11. Ktlll lt, Successor to Mrs. M. Hill, Fashionable Straw and Fancy MilUaer, No. 463 (old No. 3.1) North Second Street, be. low Noble, opposite Red Lion Hotel, Philad'a. 7 Pattern Donnets made to order. Milli nery in all ita various bra il. bss. A cull respect fully solicited, October I, 8!i7. Iwr3m YDIItlLETlsTlPATNTe. These paints ere mixed wilb wstor, Insrsby savins; tbs aoat of oil, for sal by Msrcb M, 'IT. A. W. rrSHET. STAVFFEA A. II AH LET. CtlF.A' WAtcHES AND JEWKIJIT. Wnot.Wnt.K MIO RKTAII, at Hit "PhlMalita WatrhraendJevalivMnfe" rvn. Mt (W No. PS) North 8wiid Suart. C.mmv of Uaarrr, rinlwlrluhta. O 'ld Uver Watrheo, full iewallol, IS earit aasos, r,09 uow 1 .,lnr, 18 enrat. filvrr tver, full jf w.llod, 9itvor Lepii,e. jpwtls, Superior Cluarliera, , O ikl Hnrlnvlrs, Fine Silver ., Onld Uraerleta, l.vily's Gold 1'eneils. ailv.r Tea Bpnoea. art, Ti,M tHii M-iik Pmm.II atutflilm I,aM. si o IS iiu 00 too T o" t im s vn 1 isi s on I (O Oo,d Finger llln. 37) eis tn e0 Walti GliSS'S. plaia ll ettj patent I8J, l.o irt U.5 ! othw arlirl in proportion All food warianted to b whnt tlttry sr a 'Id Tor. . feTADKFKH HARt.tY. On hand krnnk (told and Silver Lover, and btpirnw still I wer thnn rhe ahnva prirlS . . Pbiladalphia, Uctotiar IU, 1006. !8V NOTICE. In the Matter of the Settlement of thl Ettate of Itlix Ltrch, of Mt. Ctrmel. JeJOTICK is hereby iriven that CsthsrinP A Lerch. widow of I'Vlix Lerch d. ceased has made her selection of the personal prop' erty of said drrensed, accordirir to the Act of Assunilily or 14th or April, 1857. which will he rn-esHiiti-d to the Ori4inns Court for on- proval mi- Thursday, the 5th day of Notsuj. ucr nexi. AMOS VASTINE, Admr's. Oclobcr 3, 1657. EnOOKER & MAKS II, iit'littucem AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 251, AoijA Thira Street, 1 tfaor below Vine, riiu.ADKi.rmA. SALES of ftoott und Shots, lirv OrnxK Cnna, Ttir re. Valchta. Fiiiicv Oo.idi. Aa . l-'Vi- nv 1.-VL-. NINO ' , t- C inntry 'otfkw-ptrs ami ollirt will ! flurl at cmr Kveiinil ftil.a a laipe and rinimMr in .rtuieut t the aluive K'"l". Io lii- aold 111 lota 111 anil Ihij fii. t.ii.i parkid mi iiu nrcinitca lor Country Tradr. He-pi. HO. 1H57.0. 3m X.ANDRETKS' AGRICULTUitAL WAREHOUSE, 21 ami South Sixth Street, ticar the A'oi. Suite ltuun, Pliitadeljhi. .Tra flonn nT this spacious luiMiia, eovtrd dpr!r fi.r His I'r .prietors' trad,., are siorul with Sei-ds aud 11,1. plcmtnU '.I inteicM to I'liriiKinui,,! Onrtrnris. SIXTY YKAIIft KMi'AljMsilKD. Tin- a-ibi-nl.-r iloFiie to mil the .it.-ntn.ii of every one li.tnr.le.1 in I'll ruling nil (,nrleniii!. to thrir will arlect- rd stma of Ai;'l:u!luinl im .lFmi-iils and MH'-hiio-fv ritrat variety . f II. To .In, w.irrn.itt-d G.rdeit and Flower Seeds, Grusa ami Field StnU f the 111. t rt-. liulilr qnt'lity The Aiir.rnllurnl ImplcmFnts Sold l.y u nre mosllf mnii'if.irliiriji!iiti.iir!t(-nm Worka. Uri-t. I, pa. liuvuifi tiio-d 11 1 . this FSlMl.liilnn.'iit wilhi.nt rFrird to exH-iise, uh the rn .t e .iiipleie m li,n-rv. f 1 tlie mm, "I iL-ture of vmi 'in kinds of A(ri,-iiliiiiiil li'ii. iMnnt, we aien ilv pr,.,r,.l l supply aJ artir-ks in this line fully e.j nl, il ifh eiipenor, to an? thing id' Ihe kind ever before oiu-rt-n to thF pttnliF. I AMlHKTHS' V.nnrKt) GARPKN SEI'DS. Huve Im-ii liefori, Ihe pul.lip f. r npwnrils ol rixty yenrs; tln-ir wiilr-spicnd potmlurity. and thp r inMiimiv iu'erens 11. K ileinnnd I r in ) iir to year, is t'le lu st evitlence of liieir superiority , vr nil othr-rs. IV Ciui.liy niFrrhniits Fnn he supplied with SFFds ill pnpi-rF. or Imlk. on the must liharnl iFrma H! inil.ilF, Ph.. l UrGnrdFii fed (rrnoh'ls F'inlnii s lltri-F hiimlrr-d Hiid VFVFiny nt-rt-s. and is tiie lar grt esnihlishmciiti.f its kind in the wrl) l. I.A RKTH A JIDN, N'w.SI end 91 S-nitii Siaih 8iret, i'h.ladelphia. pFptvmher l, Ii7 prSm. PENNSYLVANIA WIEE WOUKS. Ao '246 .-licA St b't. SkUhihI (r Third, (Oppot ita llr. ad Street, I'Lltitcitiptiia. jEIVrS, lliddlc. JJcrrena. Woven Wire of nil ini'slies and widil.s, with all kimla of plain ami fancy wire work, iiravy Twilled Wire for -"pull; Coal, hand and lira t !crei n- i I'jper Maket'a Uiiej Cylenler and D.itidv lois. coven d in the bet; W ire and. Wire Fencing. A try S'ljicrior a tide of 7ravy Foundor.' !fies. will kiiiiln of Iron Ore W ire rFiv.-., DlliiY A LV.NN. riiiluJtlphia, Sept. 19, lhb7. coin. STJESURY STEAH rL0UB.I17Q MILL r'I'MIE aulwrrilicra renpectfully announce to the public, tlut their new Mcam rioiiiiin; A si I in this ptacf, has been cnnipleieil. ami iil ro into operatiou oil Monday the 3: at day of Au gus", inst. Having cnpnRc a competent and careful tr:n .1. -.1 .... .Miner, mry trust iney will t'e a'lir, Willi all t' e nioih rn iinprovcnieiitii adopted in Ihcir mill, to give entire satisfaction to all ho may favor them lll (hi ir r'.stnm. KXYLiElt. KI.RHAT& HAKRO-N. Sunbury, Au;;ut 2f), IS57 tl OTICL. T'TK'E is hereby given that application hva been mude to the Court of Coiiimon Pleas of Nthniiilierlaod county, hv the members of the licrni 111 Reformed aud Evangelical Lutheran Chtirchea in Upjier Mahonoy towm-bip. for a Charter of Incorporation under the name and titlo of the Trustees and Chun h Council ml St. I. .Ihi's United (iennau Retoriord and Evangeli cal Lutheran Chinch, in Upper Mahonoy and lliat tlie same will tie pre-enlcd to Court for a hrBrinu, the Crt Monday ol November next. J AMES UliAliU, Pfotb'y. Prnthonntary'a tlflice. ) Sunhury. tfepl 19, Ieifi7, ' tc BXCELSOIK SPEIMQ BED. (Goulift l'u'tut, September 2l Iti.iC.) ITOR which a diploma waa awarded at the Eighth Exliil'iii'Hi of the Mass. Chaulable Mechanic's A sspciaiton. This is an eutiifly new application of spiral sprinits to beds, making u more coioloitaole, licit- 1 er, aud cheaper spline ned llun has been oit'oied . to the public, applicable tu old us well as new i Ihdstcada. The peculiar position ef ihe springs elevate ihe head slightly, aaviug Ihe tioiiUc ot building up the head with extra bolsters. . Tlie conslrucii. n ia so simple, and every p t so exposed, thut bugs have 110 biding laces, and the most iuexporienced can take out each for , waiihiiig, as they ere o dy Listened l u l.uU. n. The Mprillga used aie made exprvsnly tor there beds 011 a Patent ft,.irul Spnng Machine. Tie public need only we this bed lo appreciate it. Tho subscriber bss pn'chmed the right of niuuufacinriui,', and wiling, in Noribonihcrlao.l county, aod will furnish the ailicle at reasonable ratea. y" Sj. rings put in old bed. leads for three dol lars ISXAC M. Vt IlEKSt'N. Sunbury, Sept. la, 18.7 -tf PLATFORM SCALES. VP every description, suitable for railroad, " Ac., for weighing Hay. Coal, Ore, and Merchainlii-e generally. Purchasers run no rik every scale is guaranteed correct, and if after trial, not found satialaclory can !e leiurncj wttu out charge, Factory st ths Old "land, established for mors than twenty yeara comer of Ninth and Melon c-tTeete, eiiiiadclptus. AUUOTF & CO. Successors to Ellicott & Abbott. Philadelphia, Sept. 6, 1857 c3ui. RTIt.iY IIOItSE. CAME to the premises of the subscriber on Monday, the 7th of September, insl., a GRAY HORSE, about li. or 14 earsold. The ' owner is requested to come for vj aid, prove pro perly, pay charges, and take In Hi a, way. oilierwi.s be will be disposed ol according to law. ISAAC SAVIDGE Ru.U tp., fepl. U.1S57- Sm IIU4liI IIL.iK! BLANK Deeds, Mortgagee, bonds. Warrants A itachinente. Commit merits, Hummnna. Mil poetiss, Executions, Justices' and Co..slablea' Kes Hills, Ac, Ac, call It bad by sppl) ing st this olhce. PICKLES of various Kinds, Lobsters, Sar dines, Ac, Ac, just received and for sals al the Drug Star of A. W. FIHEK. Vunbary, August 1, 181T. Ihe" 110 'und $15 Sing!' and Doill Threaded Empire jTamflj Sewing , - Machines. - A N AGEfCCT for lbs sate of tbee dewing Machines can ha secured on liberal terms lr ths County of Nortbunilieriand. INo one need apply without eapital sufficient to conduct the business pr. perly and who vannot bring refer eitees as to reliability and capacity. A eeraonsl application will be tiecessary. . The peculiar adaptation of these Machine for all purposes of family Sewina;, will, where over they are ottered lor sale command a ready and unlimited demand. JOHNSON A ObODtl.T,. 8. E. Corner ofmh and Arch 8ts., Pliiladel's. Aagust 16, 1857. tf Benjamin Chandler un Chandler 1 vs. S ', Ayres, et al. ) No. 40. August Term, IS37, Auitust t'th, 1857. Uucher, On motion of William M. Rocltcfel'er. Esu.. attorney Tor pUlnltfTs rule on Ihe abeve defend enta to apiiearaed ptt-sd by the first day of next term Ihe abave action of rjeCtmenl for all that certain true or piece of land, aitnale in Mlianiokin (now partly in 'ol nd partly in Zerhe town ahipa.) in the coniiiy of Northumberland, con tniniiig two hundred an."1 seventy three acres, mnro or less, sdjuining lands in the name of Win. Wilaon, Peter Mowrcr, Michael K."oll, Frederick Kramer sud others. Surveyed on S warrant granted to Mathiaa Zimmerman, p, cur. Ettrnrled from record aud ccrtif.cJ bcotenibei 3d, 1857. JOHX 8. HEARD, Deputy Proth'ry. Prothorlotttry'a Oliice Sunhury, Sept. 4, U."7. J EAItLE'S GALLERIES OF FAtNTlAtSS, iVo. 816 .Chanut Street, opposite the Girat d Ilouxe, PHILADELPHIA. LOOrClNfrciass Warerootna and Repostfo of Art. Kngravings, Paiutingx, Portrait and Picture Frames, in every variety, of the late originals and Kuropeon Pattcrhs. i'ier Tahl-s. Consols, llracketa and Cornices. The most ex tensive and elegsnt aasortnient of Looking Glas ses, of substantial workmanship, a:.d at Auction rices. (old Medal awarded by the Maryland Insti lure, 18.r)B. Highest Premium awarded by the f'raiikliu Institute 1M55. JAMES S. ERLE. Peptemher 19, 18S0 c3m3 3VETJSIOI IsrlXTSIOI JV1R. O. KJMUAI.L, late of Elmira, having i"J- become a resident of Sunhury, re.pcctfully informs tho citizens and others, that he intends to form a Kinging Class, both secular and sacrrd and will iinpatt instruction to all who may desire to place lliniiiclves umler bis charge. JV. li Mra. O. Kimball ia prepared to give instructions to a few more pupils ou Ihs Piano Forte. bunbury, September 19, 18S7. tf FANCY FURS FOU LADIES. JOHN FAIIF.IRA CO., (New y.) eil. No Market Ft. nlmve i;iihl, PhiiuuVlpliiu. linporleis, Mmntfitrliiiets and dealers 111 Ladies, Gi-ntlellieu mid CioHlrtiia Kitnev Furs. h ileF.-ne mid Relnil, J F. .V Co., would rail the Btti-nti'in of lle.iltr mid the rnlil'c ffeit-ni!ly to then iMiiniuse S.oFk ol Fum-y Furs for Luilica Gentlemen and C ildrFn t their uKortuiFiit Finb aces every article and kind of Fimcy Furs, that wilt he wirn during this senson such us Full Cupe. Half Copes (imrter Oiprs. Talmas, Vinlorines Hons, ,,luloi A Mulf ilees, fiom the finest Rus sian Kaliie to the loweet price licmei.tic Fins. F01 Gentlemen the laruest nssjirtinent of Fur Collnrs, Glnvi-s Gnutitleis Acu., lieiug Ihe direct linporteisof all our Furs nod Manufacturers of tliein under our own supervi sion ye feel riKtisfii-d We can .fler hetter iiidiieemeuik to ilml rsnndthe public Reoernlly than atlv other house, having an assortment to select from andattbeMaiiuiactur eis laices. We only ask a colli joiin FAnr.iRA ft co. X i811 Matket Street alxivt Kigtnh. I'liilud'a. Pliil'dvlphiu.Scpt. 19, IB57. wtm. FEVER AND AGUE! QUININE SLDST1TUTF. OR NERVE TON10 This well known remedy discovered by mr l:e part lier O J. t.ecrls. is n sure cute f.n the nhovadtS'T. der, Sick-Ilendache, and all other Nrtvuns affections. It contains no Quinine, Arsenic. 01 other ii.jnri uis iiifetai.i en:s It streniilliens the system, fives tone to Ike st im u'jh, mid is iiivHIualdu to Dyspeptics aud these sflf-rled with weakness in a. iv pail of the s.-ilein It is especially ten. , 1, .nt t reinules troubled with Falllua of the W.anb. One b-.tlle is laffl -ieiit iu most eases, where D o Dirci tions sie f .11 .wed. Ceitihcale can be. furnished from all pans .if ll.e 1'iii.m. -Id hv the Drinreisls eeiiFraHv and liv J. 11 I w" lemt" Urucjist, and S .le, Proprietor 1S1 Maiden l.aie, ,evv rora. New York, Sept. !t, I8S7, v3 n. . Tl. C.s Is re vn-srvlne Tn-U. V.c-uiS'm t. las C.,rcll r..h t,.u.. It M.niiM nu Wi, l.!ri.. ' Cfin-nt, Mftll War!.., snS U irni'S .lujiy Msl-d 111 nd. Was aad r.m.ol art suuau dusirwalla .and watiSlr In Maline li nr.!.i, .t thl, a. til. In Ota rati'la, e-a atta UaM ih. wuri.l in an li.fa'ltn?., 8impl, Eay aad K-... . eo"-ar Ha..ll.a1 SValii;s Ta ;.. mo.,1.4 In tl. n' uiitrlar Cans si.. l. w uar-ra.lta tl.i. ani.l. k htlM o-.-n.nU , ah a, .Dtll. a,.d ..rnrtital aa arkaka.a aumiaW Uu, t. Il ia Faira.1,1 tn sacs all SHi.'M est s aranrttna to dl-..L;,M. T.v It. and ia all -aM wh-r. a faiJan. I. it.,. fa-i-lU tha Can Ih- nton.-y win faa rafund.a ITha ea'.rt u Pv. Taau-'aai Cb, Sura, al fma.h oirati.l. ana used by ..Ih.ra. Hi. i.itl.ns I. -a aa aaUralfraw plan. tlta Oa.VaS ,r-.., t ,111. ana . asnut aerinE. or i t.m . iu, aa rur. Ojia v.vk.ia w ild .'awn -or ninarCan- Tn. u'Kii.ina ia lan-n ni uirl. tn a I,, It a Bt'laiMl ta-ck. Tku ia a., Land .It l it daUriorala tka tao t 1- i.m. .....M',irT. t'feU . rii'CIf'. af Saaluxr bmH od tt.a la roffTsra i a-., ar .i u.m ab. ha.a triad Uwat am IM ... , au.. .a L1BCIC1L DISCOUNT TO TUB TDS. J i". . LUDL3W CAN CO. ..V HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. flZG suusciihrr oilers at private sale the house 1 and Let now occupied by himaelf, situated on the corner of River and Zi'Mfrberry streets, Hun bury The improvements are s two story FRAME IVELLlM(j nearly new, a Wash-bouse and Wood house and ( s good alnlile. AUo an excellent Well of Wa tt-r. Tiirre ia also on the lot a cboice vuiicly of good I'suit. jferms easy. For further parti culuss apply to . CHARLES C0BIN'. I eunlwry Pept. 12, 1857. if . riESPECTFL LLY informs his friends, and the public grnrrally, thul he has just rrceiv I cd a New Stock of fiOODS, at his new alius, at David Millei's Mill, in Lower Augusts Town ship, and that be is prepared to sell goods st ths lucent prices. His block consists in part of SPRINO cV SUMMER GOOD8, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, &c. and every variety usually kept in a country Ktore. Trevorton prices paid for all kinds of produce. Lower Augusts twp, Aug. 8, 1857. tf Pit'. KK UALLI HY. " G EO. Y. WEISE lias again commenced snd will continue lo lake AM U lit) IV PES, Ac, j his Room above the Post Otlice. Persona wtsliing to Uave good likenesses taken, will pleas call ana see us. e will lake icluro-al reOtKaJ pri es and take trade in payment lor ti, sa;ue. All kinds of pictures copied. Sunbury, August S2, 1M57 tf Dissolution of Paituership. NOTICE is hereby given that ths firm of Uird. Douly & John, of Big Mountain CuKh.ry, was this day (luly 1st, 1H57.) mutually dissol ved by iho withdrawal of J. J. John. JOSEPH dlRn. JOHN ft. DOL'TY. J. J.JOHN. The bufinesa of Mining and Shipping CoaJ Iroin the above named Colliery will hereafter Is carried on in Ihe name of Uird A Dooty, who will adjust all ths unsettled sccounts of tbk' a firm. JOKEPH HIKD. JOHN U. DOL'TY. Shamokin, July 1. 1857 tf l)OK I'Elt'a eipiril of the Tunc, i,,r sale by II V" FHIUNO. Aujost 1, 1R57. 1 7.;." 7 Sept. 14, IS57. I s isssm 1 un ,1 in in, ..t: ORPHAN'S COUJIT JUl "VOTICE ia kareby given that Joseph U'okrr A ton. Ksecutor of the Will of Iraae Wrdvrt ton, dec 'd., in puratisiico of s. order uf tbs f i plians' Court. of Norlhumbrrlalid cuiily. g'sotc.'. at August Term, 1867, ill ss pose to sale ly publia outcry, on TUESDAY, THE t7tb DAY r.p C( Tf 1 IT nest, st 10 o'clock, A. M., St tlie dwnllinu hntif on the rremisos, all t'.iSt cettain FARM OK TRACT OF LAND, situate in Hindi tonnshir, Norlhurubeilat d coun'y, siljoiiiiug Isrol. cf Abraham Hoffman, Kiumn Interline, J"b'i Ye per, Bamuel (Jillingar, Jacob Weaver r.,t a let if t"i) widow Wulverton, (cut off from the fnim.) containing 166 seres, on which sr erected a good FRAME DWELLIXQ IIOU8K, a Dam snd Outbuildings, and on nnich sic sn Apple C'rchsrd, a good Spring House, and about 100 acraj ff vvell rullitated lal.d, It ia uti ot four miles tiom Danville. TERMS OP SALE Tr er rent, down, one half the balance on the I at of April, Ifco", the other half on thV 1st of April, IK.'), with interest from 1st April, I"."t!, to 1-e secure! by UonJ and Mnrtgages on lli prcnii.-.cif. JUISPH WOLtJlTUA, Lk'i. Ry order ol ike Court I. C. U. 1'ursel, Clk. O. C. S'lnhury. August S. 1857 ' THO HAS BEEN CI.' RE I) OF GJtE Al ' NERVOEH DEUILITY. after msrv years o"niaery, desires to make knov.11 to ali feliuw-suflcrt.' the sure means of telief. Addiasa encloslnu; stamp til pay return postage. Mis. MARY E. DtVVlTT, Boston. Mass., and Ibo pn-fcriptian will bo sent free, L liest por, Augut S. 18.'i7. 3m Tl What au enormous Variety of Tcys re i Fancy Goods he has! Who? Our riic::d JOHN DOLL, At Xi. in Xurth 2nd St , above Arch, f'hila . XSK has just received direct from Eur. pe a very large assortment of Toys of all kin. In, fancy .Basket, Pipes, Unties, Sugar Cases, To hneco lloxes and an end less varb-ty of tancv ar ticles. I'i'l upon biiu before purchasing nue where. I'hdadotphia, August 33. 18' 7 3m?Jw HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. rPHE felbivVing, from that eminent Phvaician of Pliiladelphia, Dr. Hriuckle, added to tho teetimouy of Professor Unolh, only confirms what ia evidenced by thousands who have used Hover's Dye. "Giharu Row, CnrsTST Stiixst, Plliludrlphia, Decern licr S'2d. 1"53. rn regard to Hovsu'e Aia Urs, Iran state unhesitatingly, that it contains no deleterious in gredients, and may be need with entile safety, and with the utmost cuiS.lence and success." W. U. RRINCKI.E, M.D. Hover's Writing & Indelible Inks, Are so Well and widely known, as to require no eulogy of their merits, it is only necissary to ay, that tho steady and increasing demand, gives thn beat evidence that they maintain their character for superiority, which distinguished them when first iutreduced, vears ago. Orders addressed to the Manufactory, No. 4 1 et RACE street, abovo Fourth, (old No. 144 ) Philadelphia, will receive prompt a lention, Ly JOSEPH E. HOVER. Manufacturer. Sep. 12, 1857 ylpiil 35, '07, ch, r"pobacCO and Scgar3.-S0.000 Imported -S- Scirjra of various brands. Fldorfltl... Ftr. Csvrndull and fins cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'. Banbury, March 14.1857. j oil 76 7hkai:i, ATTORNEY AT Xi A'W, Office in Mucket st., opposite the Court Jioun, suNBuay, pa. Collections made and Professional Business generally attended ts Promptly snd Catafuiljr. PHiixnti.rsn Rctksexcss Rullitt 4- Feirthorne, Diehl 4- Werts. Davia 4 Birney, V. Tyloi dr, Co. funbury, June 20, 1HS7. Spring and Summoc Fashions for 183T FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, Market Square, Sunbury. VOW received and will continue to reseiva. the laigret and best selected Slock of Black Citllu, Can-imeres, Cassinettt etnd Vesting, f(C. An sssortment of Dress Goods, vis: Fancy printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, Do Laiua tUrees, Merinos, OasuuieriS, Alujiacas, Drass iailUs, liiiifhains, &c. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, i'tllowcaseing, Ac. Dress Trimmings in Great Variet. Doots and Sli.ics Hats and Caps, Hardware, Cedarware, Groceries,, (Queensware. SALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Segars, Tobacco, tsnutf, Ac, sn assorsmcnt of olher (io, d. too tedious to menlioh. Feeling gtaieful for past favor we beg leave ts assure our old friends and the public that no rllort on our part shall be wauling to nieut a continuance of our patronage. Country produce taken ill exchange at tha highest market price. T. W.GRAY, Sonbury.May 30 , 1857. If NEWS FOB, iHE 1IILLION ! E MERLONS United Stales Magszine, Sa 'urday Evening Poat, N- Y. Picayune. A: sgististe, Nick Naz snd Yai-Vce Notions tor silchy H. Y. f RILING. N. 1). Persons living a,t a distance can bavs a list of prices forwarded by sddrcssiug as shove. Magnzines, Papers and Cook not on band, constantly ordered. Sunbury, July IS, 1857. tf THE TRUTH ABOUT KANSAS GOV. GEARY'S ADMINISTRATION IN KANSAS Large l'iino. 3ti pagoa. HiA a compute History cf the Ten t.ory. I'.ntii Jisi, 1857. Embracing a full account of ita discovery. GF-v(irf Mr, S'll. L'llltutle, I'nslucla, tta nrgitota.iliull us a I t rulul), trioisurtl. ins and FVeula und. r tiuveiuois Kcdr sti-i ai:.aiiuoii. politicsl d.scuaai.sia. Persoimlltr.icouiiUjrt.Elcs li ..., butiles ami outruaea, vvnh I'. riraiu, ol tiuu. noil acivrstliereot, all fully wuihvuticuted Uy ions ll binuK, t. o. rrivaie Secretary tu (it, v. (Jeary. Carefully oniiilixl from the Ifficial rljcttwvFtca t.l iu ll tlei.jitiiieiil il Slate hi Vualoiiti, aK oir us. yen tu ti-e iswsi-asioii trf the Aullior, wilt liill sycouut of tlie liivu. s !' K tusrs uoin Vifjuii : ire i-..,,l.i. in. I u,i.t UeullUFotol lue r-re rH . i.r.a.., . la. tlis vlmiaeler I ami moveiueniani i .Missouri liv. If, j aaus, ti. uiur- 1 ' "ns 'l'lle Ciiiitr.- .,ty bcitvera Gi vrir Crsry and Jusfg IF,.n;it. Tha pin. -esilinaa of iha Ti4orial l.e(islut j't. of lha' pro-sl-o'ery e niveiili..a. ac.i llm ora:oiij.iiin of tlie Na tions' Oenns-ratie i'sriy. witk a sketch of Kniisna Juriui its tfnily tri.uraee Miitlcr, vovs Keeilerai.d huuuoa. Its lnv.isii.ioK lfctt.4-s, Ouirs&es ami .Vlurdtrs. A copy will he SFiit tu any runt of the l'rls.t. Stntea, by mull. fre ol ooaluae, ou ike reci,it oi reuJ price. A liberal discount to the Irads. r-lluU wsulsd. I'nce in v'ai tl. sl. Paper, no Cis til AUI. IS C. KlldHKR. Publisher. li;uuucr llUlldil. flsOudsIa1''' Jal II, 1847 lie. BTOB8. MISSLOCISA bHisSLER.rafjfcUony ii.. forms ths citirens of Trevorton and sur rounding county, that st has opened a new Store of Millinery an.. Fancy Goods, at Trevor ton in Shamokin siiaok nearly opposite Knouss'a. Tavern, where allk-jios of Uonnets and Fsiuy. Uooda ran be haj- sj, tbs lowest terms. Dress making ejk,i atisoded to ia ,!U tss uanner and lali-sl st. tpnl 1 e . V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers