The Four Philosophers. Four great philosophers Come every year ; Teach in the open air, Then disappuur. Winter' the Stoic, So chill and heroic i lie Bits in tho mountain breeze biting and Eure en, to bring fonr and doubt, Damp night and winds are out, Wraps an old cloak about he cun enduro. Spring, at dull hearts to mock, Comes io a farming frock, With garlands and ploughshare a lesson doth give ; ITe sings through the fiold awhile, Turns up the soaking soil, -All haste and laughing toil briskly can live. Summer, with niantlo free, V.nicnrprin he. Lolls in the cooling shade, like a tired-boy ; While blasting suns unKinn, Leave the stout mower blind, Whore faints the mountuin wind ho can enjoy. Antum, whon nil are done, lie's the eooil Christian one : Fills well the granaries where seods may lie .New, coming years to bless : Then in his russet dress, All hope and quietness sweetly con die. Jmiiur's jjpcpavtamit. A Good IIousr. Tho New-York Spirit of the Timtt gives the following characteristics of a eood horse : 1. His eyes when seen in the stable, are perfectly clear and transparent mid the pnpils or apple of tho eyes tiro alike in color and size. 2. On being nipped in the pullet, he will utter a sound like that from a b jIIows. If on the contrary ho should civs vent to a dry, husky, ebort cough, beware of him. llis wind is unsound. A. 11 is legs are smooth and "clean." If you find bunches or pulls, or a uiiittrcnce iu sizo though ho may not be lame, disease lurks there. 4. If broad nnd full between the eves, be is susceptible t) being trained to almost anything. 4. If some white or parti colored, he is docile and gentle. Impurk Seeds from Patknt Office. Mr Bronson Murray, of Ottawa, 111., sends the 2'rairic Farmer seven different varietiej of foul seeds taken from onepaukago of "Brent nta wheat."' They are chess, cockle, wild peas a bean a burr, oats and smut. In the package are also grown wheat and two Varie ties of weevil, while the uhoat itself is musty, and a spr'ng variety, though it is marked "sow in autumn." We agree with Mr M. in the opinion that the Patent Office Commis sioner must be mistaken ia tho qualiQcatioas of some of his employees. Such "choice seed can be t.o accquisition and its distribution must prove injurious rather than beneficial to agriculturists. Rennet. A poice the size of a dollar of strong rennet soaked 21 hours in tea cup of water will turn 10 gallons of milk. Grattan's Veneration for old Trees. Tie loved old trees, and usod to say; Never cut down a tree for fashion sake. The tree has its roots in the earth, which the fashion lias not." A favorite old tree stood near the house at Tiuehinch. A friend of (j rattan's thinking it obstructed tho view reccom mended him to cut it down. "Why so?" said Grattan. "Because it stands in tho way of tho house." Urattun. "You mistake ; it is the house that stands in the way of it and if either comes down lot it bo tho house." Cnrran's Sketches of the Irish Bar. A Mule in possession of a farmer near Bal lingloes Ireland, has been employed in tho transit ammunition, &c, to Viuegar 1 1 ill, since 1798. There is saying at the South that a white mule lives longer than any other mule. Some years ugo one of that color on Middlelon's estate, in South Carolina, was above 80 years old, and still at work. The Plowshare. Tho bark may rest upon the wave, tho spear may gather dusf, But never may the prow that cuts tho furrow lie and rust ; Its metal ia unsullied, no blood-stain lingers there, ' God speed it well, and let it thrive unshack led everywhere. Eliza Cook. The Wild Tino of the West Indies, which grows on tun branches of trees in hot climates where there is little ruin, has a mug which hold aquort; when the dew fulls it is received and a valvo closes at the top and prevents evaporation. Often birds insert their bcuks and procuro water therefrom. Intrkahk in onk Season. It is stated by Bussingault that a beet seed weighing but tno iractiou ol a grain, lias produced a beet a bcot in ono season woiuhing one hundred and sixty-two thousand grains or twenty-eight pounds. Buttermilk is bi?st. of cream soured and modorately thick. If water has bpen noured into the churning, it will riso to the top arier a few hours nnd cau be poured olf. Indeed au excelluut milk managing neighbor, who cannot churn often pours a pitcher of water into her buttermilk every morning, stirs it well and pours it off at dinner sho says it keeps it fresh all tho timo. Clabber, surnlus buttermilk or sour skim milk, heated until it curds, makes good chicken teed Butter. Numbers of reliublo experiments have proved that butter made from sour cream is eqtiul to any in flavor, and is the most economical use of the milk all in ull Sweet cream produces fine butter, but infer ior buttermilk. Milk will produce butter twwoui, io-separate the cream) in Rlllull rillimritv nnd nrtn. Lnl . I. ' ----- j . .... . Llvl 1K ncnidiucr thn nil If nftf.nriliiir a ...... . . F v........s u tiiiioni, ineory, with us made no perceptible increase of but ter and impaired the flavor of tho milk. The churn should be scalded tho milk poured in and il right (5. by the theifinometer.) Chun rapidly in cold weather and mn,i',.i.. : IS Il 11 en warm, butter. A fuw miuutes work will biintr the When tlm hnllor !gn...r..n ,i - . . .,7 : "I'J'Kninereddraw off tho milk, pour iu a bucket. nrr.i churn briskly, pour off the water and roneat m;li,' , '? ,re Tom unwashed butter and hund manipulation ) ?m,1 r?!"1.'?"11 10 t!' pound of butter. Work it with a naddl th,,ii j run a fork through it lest a hair should have strayed throngh tho seive. Set it away until it guts firm then repeat tho operation. Vhn jure the water is out sot on a perforated dish V ""''.". r yu "ave moulded it. Tho next day put it in your butter crock, in a cool dark : ..a,. wcium and put in pickle, beat it down into jour firkins, if for wj or winter M. V. ay quantity of butter in a preservinir kettle : boil it ; ii'ilcs ; set it off, and whon cold it will be a clear o ke. Cut it out, scrape off the caseous kouimcni, leturn it to lite kettle, and at boil iug hi at soul it np in kans as you would fruit, inferior but useless iu pcaisa timna Tlia recepts for restoring roue id butler bv l.L...i.... ..I... 1 ... ft. .. 1 . - V..1WH,,-, i.-utucum, c. ecu., wu IUV6 lOUDd failure. ItESOLUTION Proposing Amendments to thn Constitution of the Commonwealth. Rnl.Vt BY TH 4k1AT ARB 1 1 OCT 1 Ot RarasSS ATlVKa OS Tll i'OMMOMWBAI.Tn Of ranNSYLVAlllA 1(1 eiiiu Asskmm.v MET, Thut trie fiillowiun amendments reprorwiaerl to tha constitution of tha Commonwealth, In cvurdituca with Ilie provisions of the tenth articla laereof. FIRST AMKNDMKNT. There nhntl he an additional article to said eoaslltattoa to be designated aa article eleven, follow! i AKTICI.K XI. OF PUllblO UEBT8. Section 1. The itale may contract debt", to anppiy casual deficits or failures In revenms, or to moct expenses not otherwise provided f r j but the iiKrcnlc amount of inch dilita direct and coii'lneent, whether contracted liy virtue of one or more acts of the general aaacmbly, or nt diilercnt noriodol time, alinll never exceed teven hninlred and fifty tliounand dollnrn, and the mmvry arning Irom the crcnlion of inch dcM, ahnll lie applied to the purpoae for which it Will of)tnmfl,or to repay tneucuia ao coninicbvu, and t noolher ptirpow tvhutever. r?ectlon V. in tiuilllion ni'vo iiiiuiru pmci un atnto mny contmct ilelits to repel inviimon, suppren iinur rcciion, defend the anile in wnr, or to rcdee i. the preaent outininliiiirind-litediieof the lntc but the money aria- ingfrom the contrnctinir ol audi ueuta ahull be appiicu to no other purpoao wlmtever. Sectinn 3. Hxcept the dehta almve apecified, in arctlnn one nnd two of thia article, no debt whatever ahull be crented by, oi on belnilf of the stnle. rccllon4. la provuic lor ine payment fn mo prejieiifc debt, and any additional debt contracted ns uforeanid, the legiihitiire ahnll, nt in first acaaion, after the ndoplion of thin nincndment, crenlo a inking fund, which ahull le aiilHcient to pny the aeciucing inlercat on aiieh debt, and auuuully t reduce the principal thereof by a euin not lea than two hundred nnd fifty thousand dollnraj which ainka Iiil' fund ahull consul ol the net annum income oi mu nnlilie u-iiiLi. from time to time owned bv the etutft, or the proceeds of the aide of the anrnc, or nny part thereof and of the income ol proceeds of Kile of Blocks owned by the Blnte, together Wltn oilier lunos, or resources, iii.u may be desigimied by law. Theanid eiiikiug fund nitiy lie mcrenanl, from time to time, by arraigning to it any part of the luxes, or other revenues of the slnte, not re quired for the ordinary and current expenses of govern ment, nod unless in raise of war, intrusion or insurrection, no pint of the snid Bulking fund ahull be used or npplind otherwise thtni in extinguishment, of the nubile debt, un til Iheum "uut of such debt ia reduced below tho auin of five millions of flolhua. Sections. The credit of the mtnmnnnmilili alinll not In nny nmnner, or event, lie pledged, or loaned to, nny in dividual, company, corporation, or association ; nor shall the coinmonweulih herenftee become a joint owner, or stock holder in nny company, ossociulion, or corpornlior. Section fl. Tho commonwealth ahnll not iiRmnno the debt, or any pnrl thereof, of nny county, city, borough, or township; orofnny corporation, or association ; unless such debt slmll have been contracted to enable the state to renel invasion, sunnress domestiu tnsurrei tion, defend it' self iu time of wnr, or to assist the stale iu the dischurge of any portion ot its present inilelileonciis. Suction 7. The lecislntnre ahull lint authorize nny coun ty, ciiy, Isirough, township, or incorporated district, by virtue of a vote of its citizens, or otherwise, to Iweome a stockholder iu any company, association, or corporation; or to obtain money f r, or loan its credit to, any corpora tion, association, institution, or party. 8ECOND AMKNDMF.NT. There shall be an'nddllionnl article to snid constitution, to In designated as uvticlo XII, ns follows: ARTICI.R XII. OF NEW COUNTIES. No county shall lie divided hya line cutting off over on tenth of its populnliou, (either to form a new county or otherwise.) wilboul the express assent of such county, by a vote of the electors thereof ; nor ahnll any new county be established, containing less than four hundred aquuie miles. THIRD AMENDMENT From section two or the first article of the constitution, strike out the words, "of the city of Philadelphia, mid of each county respectively ;" from section five, sumeurtitle strike out Hie words, "of Philadelphia and of the several countica;" from section seven, snmo orlicle strikeout the wxrda, "neither the city ol l'liiknlelphin nor nny," and nsert in lieu thereof the words, "uud no ;" nnd slrikeout section four, suinu urlicle, and ill lieu thereof insert the following: I "Section 4. In the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, nnd in every seventh yenr thcreufter, rep resentatives to the number of one hundred, shall be appor tioned and distributer) enunlly, throughout the stute, by districts, in proportion to the number of taxable inhabi tants in the several purls 'hereof; except Hint any county containing at lenst three thousand five hundred Uixnbles, may be ullowed a semnite representation ; but no more than three comities ahull be joined, and no county shall be divided, in the formation of a district. Any city contain ing a sufficient number of bixablcs to entitle it to ut lenst two repieseiilutives, ahnll have n sepaiate representation assigned it, nud shall be divided into convenient districts of contiguous territory, of equal table population us near as may be, cucli of wliich districts shall elect one represen tative." At the end of section seven, same article insert these words, "the city of l'liitudclphm shall be divided into sin gle senatorial districts, of contiguous territory ns nearly equal in taxable population ns possible ; but no wnrd shall be divided in the formation thereof " Tho legislature, at its first session, after the ndoplion of this amendment, shall divide the city of l'liilndelphiu into aennlorialniid representative districts, iu the manner nbove provided; sncili districts to remain uiienangeu uuin ine BPppornonmeni in me year ouo luuuauuu ukiu'iiuiiuicu and sixty-four. FOURTH AMENDMENT. There shall be. mi udiliiional section to the first nrliele of snid constitution, which slmll be numbered und reud us luiiows: Section ao. The lc?ial.iture shall have the power to alter, revoke, or annul, any charter of incorporation hereiifter conferred by or under, uny special, or geuerui law, wnenever ill llieir opinion it may be injurious to the citizens of the common- Wenllll . Ill SUCH maimer, uowcvvr liiui no injustice siiuu be done to the corporators. In JESArB, Murth 27, IP5T. Resolved, That this resolution pass, tin the first amendment, yeas '21, nays 7. (In the second uineiidmeiit, eaa !E1, nuva a. un tne iiiiru umenniiient, yeas ai, nays Oil the fouitb uinendliienl, yeas ). Iiuys4. Kxtiuct from the Journal. UEO. W. IIAMERSLY, Clerk, IX T11B IIolTSK OF RkPRKSKNTATIVES, ) April ail, 1SJ7. J Resolved. Tlmt this resolution puss. On tlieiirstninend- meut,ye:i 7, linys 1J. On the second illileiiiliueut, yens 67. nuva :M. On Hie third uiiiendineiil, yeus uuya 'J'2. ami ou foul th niiieii'lineui, yeas bU, uuys 7. Kxlruct liom the Journal. JACOB ZILGLKIl, Clerk. SKcnKTABY's flVFICK, A. O Cl'IlTIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth Filed Muy 2, lbu7 J Skcbetary's Offick, Ilarrisburir, June ti'J, 1SS7. J Pennsylvania, ss : I do certify thin the above nnd forcgoine Is true nnd enr- rcil copy of the original oleaohition reliuiveto un niiK iid- uient of the Coiulitutioii" ua Hie same remuius on hie iu this olliee. In testimony whereof I have bereuiito Bet mv hand nnd cuised to be affixed the seal of Hie rVeretnry's Olhee, the duyuud year uUive written. A O. CURTIN, Secretary of Hie Uoiuuioiiweullh. 1 Ik Sh.vatk, April 27, 1Sj7. Resolution nronosinu' nineudinenls to the Constitution of Hie Commonwealth heinjr under com'idcrtttion. mi uie iiiesiloii, ill the Semite neree to the flrsl amendment ! The yeus und nnve were tiikeu nffreeahiy to the nrovi- ions of the ConMitiition, uud were us lollow. viz : Veils Messrs. Hrewer, llrowue. Colley, I'.ly, llvuns, Fetter, Klruiukeii, l-'razer, Iiigrrniii, Jordan, Killmeer, Knox. Iltllmell. I.I'VImm. Mer. Se.ifielil. 15,-11,-in mi rMeele, SSlrnulj, WcWi, W'llkins, Wiiuht und TuL-earl! Speaker l. rwys ntessrs. umiib, Cresswell, Finney, CreeR, Har ris, Penrose und Slrulher 7 bo the question was determined 111 the affirmative. On the tpjeslioll, Will the Venule iijrre to the aeennd amendment ? The yens nnys were taken nerecubly to thu nrovi- oiis of the Conslilution und were us follow, vi : VKAS Messrs. Hrewer. Ilr ivvo. I'reKKWi.ll. Kir. l-'tv.i, Keller, Kinney, Kleiinikeu, liiiiram, Jonlau, Knox, lm-b.-.ueh, Lewis, Myer, Kellers, Sll mill, S..iilher, Sleeh-, Jtruub, Welsh, Wilkius, Wright and Tiifijarl, SSpeuker 1yvs Messrs. Cnffny, Criibl., Frazer, Creeg, Harris, Kllllliuer, Penrose Ullil re,,(ieldtj. rx ine (juesiiou wus deterniiued in His afllnnutive. ( In the question, Will the Senate iiRiee to the third nirTmenduient ' The yeus und nays were tuken ueieeuhle i.. o. tut on, and were as follow, viz: cu Messrs. Hrewer, Urown, Cruhb, Cresswell l:le I'.vans, Flenioken, Vmxiv. Inenini. Jor,! it; ..' Knox, Luntiuch, liwis, Myor, 'Seofiekl, Seller , Miuiiinii' Souther, Steele. Si rimli, Welsh, Wilkius nud Wright i' oii-nHia. ouey, urepu, Jl.'liriS mill Penrose 1 So the question wus determined iu the unirniuiive fin the question, Will tho Seunl agree to the fomlli amendment ? The yens and nnys were taken ucreuu hi v toil, r,. tution, and were ns follow, viz : l ens- Messrs. Hrewer, llrowue. Co.Tey, Cresswell, Kly, "v.uiB, r iriniiKen, i-ruzer, iiiemiu, Kllllnger. Knox, Ijin Isieh, lwis, Mver, Seofield. S. lhrs, Sluiuiiili, Soullier, bleele, Slniuh, Welsh, Wilkius mid WiightVJ. ,,, :..., ri y. joru oi uiiil Penrose t. So the question wus determined iu the uiliruiutivo. Is tui Housi o Kai'EEiis.TirivKs, Aptil 29, 1M7. The resolution rrnnosinir amendin..,,!. ,,. .....:... ,. , , V H tllG ivtuiai I III tiunof the Coimnonweullli beins under oonsiderutma, Will the House n-;rue to the Brst amendment 1 he yeas nud uuya were Liken acrennhlv io il.-' ..,:. sionaol the Uoiistilulion. and un tha hr.i ,.v i..: '. ineni, were as loihiw, viz : 1 ItlSllOJi ver, C (iihbouey tllllegsSj j i miisou, Kuutl iiian, Kerr, Knight, Uia-aiing, IxNnjaker, Mimear, Mule ,M 'Caliuinit, M 'Ileum. Ivl f, t" VmZ' Pe;T.""p",.C"""a N" SNune-nX;; PL iK, i i i Vu' ''"I"". Fowilidl, Pureell, Itumsev Vn'oT,' Weatbruok, Whaito,,, VilH.u",'wZ-riw N T .' i G"lJ!' SP"ker7i. vzvr Ubo 8"uih"'' Snte'q,.!i:,:,,WU,,1""'n'"i "'mr,aa.iv.. .imis of the Constitution, .wUmIo pmU r ,",7 '" A,".lt'1."""' "k house, Hull, leek. How ar Culhoun. CinnpbcU, C.rly, Knt,' Fauaold, Fo."er tinn, (Uarkal Houikeer, In.h, ,.. g, Jenkins lob,! i Johnson, ha.ilTnian.Kniiai, !.,(,, iaeHk,1,.we';; ..iissis. Aiuieraou. Arthur. Hji.a hn,,.. n.n n-.i. ., Bower, Urowu.lJiilhoun.Cuiupi,..!! c,lm. :k 'ruwford. Dipkev. Km. Kx-mi...' l-1. " il ii i ' iioiui rosier. Oililea, li iniel, Harper. He ns. Iliei.l Si.n , Hollina,,, (lierksl I ml me, lunis. Jueol-. j,i,,.' Mnne.vr, Mangle, M'llralo. Moorehead, Muaselroan, Nl ehols, M icholson, Nunemneher, Pearson, Peters, IVtrikiu Powuall, Pureed ti .... r in l u . i O ........ .. (York) Hesmer, Roberts, Hupp, Phaw, tkn. 1'olnii, Vail, Vorghley, Walter, Westbiook, Wharton, Ziinmer ninn ami uelB, eipeaser oi. Naya Messrs. Aurthur, Angnstlne, Bnckna, Benson, Bishop Urown, Chase, Cleaver. Crnwford, Eyster, Oib. bonv. Hamilton. Hancock. Hill. Hnie, Hoffman, II tm- won, Jaeol, Kerr, I.flm, M'Calmont, Mummn, Reed, Pmiili. Cfimbrln, Pmith Centre, Stpvenwm, Wruthcrs, V.n.k a VLk.,. Wniuair Will. trMle. Wiiherow nnd Wricht f. So the (iiieitinn wni dvleimUted ia tht nffinnutife. ! On tho qtmion, AVill the HouMnvreeto the third amendment? The verti and nnve were tnkeii nt reeahly to the tm..?U ioite of the Cnnntittititm.niKl were follow, TiX: 1 enn Metwrt . Andert m, Bnrkhoone, Hntl, HeeK, Hen- pnn, nower. urown, i;Binnn, unmptwii. tnnw, vieiivrr, Crnwfdrd, l)ickoy, Knt, Kyutrr. Fntistiln, Ffrter, Oii'ho ney, Iltiinpt, Hntprr, Heine. Ilc;ifltniid. Hill, flillcgnri, llelT- mnn (Herns) tinnmiui riiconnoii,) nouwuteeprr, imnnr, I ii ne, Jacobe, Jtihitn, JohntKm, KonfTnmn. Krr, tebot IionenVer. Lovett, Mnnenr, Mntigle. M'Cnlmont, MiKtr heiiil, Mummn. MiiMt-lrnHii, INiihol. NtrhnlMtn, Nune mneher, renmin, Peture, Petrikin, Pownnll. l'urcell, Rnmiuy, (York,) Rfnmrr, Reed, Runp, Hhnw, Sktnn, Pmilh, (Cambria,) Hmilh, (Centjr,) rtLVeiwn, Tolnn, Vail, VrtnV(Htrhie( Virkeii, Vorfrhk-y, Wnjfnnerller, Wrat hrodk. Williflton, U'ithcrow, U'nlit, Ztuinietmau and Get?, Hpenkcr i i. Nnyn Mriwrn. Arthur, Anprualine, Unfkufl, liinhop, Cnrty, Uivk, tjildea, Hnmilton, Hunpm'k, Iline, JmikiiiR, Knight, ,etnrnnnpL M'llvnin, Itnmsey, (Philmlrlphm,) Rnltcrta. Strnlliura. Tlioin, Wultvr, Wurncr, Whurtuu and Wintrode 1M. Ho the qiiusthm was determined tntheoHirmntire. On the qtiPBtion, Will the Jlonac ugree to the fourth nmendmetitt The yens nntl nnya were tiiken npreetihly to the provi sion! of tho Constitution, nud were an follow, viz : Yens Mcesrs. Anderson, Arthur Brink hoi tie, Hnckua, Tlall, Iteck, llfimon, Ilishop, Uower, Hrnwn, Culhoun, Cnmpliell. Curly, Chase, Clrnver, Crnwford, IHckcy, Knl, Kyslcr, Fmisold, I-'ostur, Oilihoney, Oiklm. Ilnmot, War ner, Iluina, Hiestsiid, ililt, Hilleim, IIoiTnmn, (llerks) Hoffmnu, (l.thuiion) Itouw-kecpcr, Imhrie, limes, Jnenhs, Jenkins, Johns, .lohiwon, Knuflmnn. Kerr. Lebo, Leiseu- rintr, litniirnkpr, Iiovclt, Mnnmr, Mmifiie, nTCnlmont, M'llvnin. Nlununn. Munsclmnn, Nichols. Nieholaon, Nune- tnariicr, I'fn rffn, Peteis, Petrikin, Powunll, Pinrtll, Rnmncy, PhiliifleTphin Knuisey, (York.) Ht-nmer, Itrrd, Roberts, Hnpp, Slmw, Hloan, Piuith (Cnmhrin,) Hmilh (Ccntte,) Pir-veiisou, Tolun, Vml, Vunvotirhis. Vinkers, vopphley, WnROiiw:iler, Wniner, wrptnrooK, wnnrton, AViHiston, Wiiherow, 'imntennnu and (ieta tpcnker. M Nays Mcsnrs I)frk, llnmilton, ilui.cot'k, tStru there, Thirn, AVintrodenml Wright. 7. So the question was determined in lh efiiriimtive. pRrn KTAnv's OFnrR, ) Hmrifibur, June 23, lbS7. ) Pennsylvania s. I do hereby certify Hint the ntnvo nnd forrtfoin Is n true nnd curect copy of the "Yens" nnd Ntiys" lnkin on the Kosohition proposing Amendments to the Constit u tlon of Die Commonwrnlth, us the same uppenra on the Jourunlsof the two Hon Mrs of the HpnerAl Assembly of this Commonwealth for the session of IK)?. ) AVitnets my hund and seal of kiuI office, this L.9. S twenty-second fin y of June, one thousand eight ) huudrcl and fifty-seven. A.G.CUI1T1N, Secretary of the Commonwealth. July 4, 1637. SALAMANLES FIRE AND THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The largest assortment in the United States. Warranted In be cuual to any now mndo, and will be sold on as Good Verms, as can be obtain- ed from any other house in the Country, at EVANS & WATSON'S 26 South 4th Street, Philadelphia. Tmth is Mighty, and Must Prevail. Report of the Committee appointed to superin tend the Burning of the Iron Sufes, at Read ing, February 27, 1857. Reading, March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee, do respcctlully report, thut wo saw the two Safe originnlly agreed upon by Parrels & Herring and Evans & Watson, placed side by side in a fur nace, viz: The Safe inuso by the Paymaster of me rnilnuclphia ami Heading Kuilrond Compa ny, in his oltico at Heading, manufactured by Farrels & Herring, and tho 8nfe in use by H. A. I.antz, in his store, manufactured by Evans & Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. Thc'fire was started at 8J o'clock, A. M.,nnd kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and half chesnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole umlcr the suprnn tendenco of the subscribers, members of the Com mtttcc. The Safes were then cooled off with water, after which they were opened, and Ihc books and papers taken out by tho Committee and sent to 11. A. I.iinly. a store for public exam ined and marked by tho Committee. The books and papers taken from the Sale manufactured oy rarrels V Herring were in our iudunieut damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those taken Irom l.vuns it Watson s Safe. e believe the above to have been a fair ami impartial trial of tho rcspectivo qualities of both Sales. JACOU II. DYSH K7, DAN IE 1, S. HUNTEK. Having been absent during tho hunting, we fully coincide with tho above statement of the condition ol tho popers and books taken out of the respective Sulcs. (5. A. NKIOt.I.S, H. If. MI-HI.KNIiERG, JAMKS MIM10L1.ANU. March 21, 1R57 Fresh Arrieul of DRUGS, TAINTS, OILS, & c rjpHE undersigned daving tuken the store for JL mcrly kept by William A. Hruner, is now rendy to lill orders and prescriptions at a mo menta notice. Ho has a large and well selected stock ot Ireshuml pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS, oye-stulls, Oil, Paints, Class, Putty, and oil kinds ol l atent Medicines. FKL'IT AND CONFECTIONARY To! iaeco and Imported Spgars of tho choicest brontls. l-ancy ISolions' toilet articles, and Per fumcry of oil kinds. Tooth and Hair Urushcs of every variety. Camphine and Fluid always on hand. Customers will find his slock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible hero to unu morale, and all sold at moderate prices. Iieniember the place, next door to E. U right's. Mammoth Wore. A. W. FISHER Sunbury, March 14, 1857. THE DAUPHIN & SUSQUEHANNA U.AILRU&.D. rfONNECTtj the Heading nt Au bum, on the Wchiiylkill, (10 miles below Poltsville,) with tho Northern Central h,il,...l ot Dauphin, on thu .Susquehanna, und with the l'i nnsylvniiia iiutlroud ut liockville. (5 mil above HarrUhurg,) und runs one passenger iriiin in winier, ana two passenger trains in summer through between Auburn and Hurris burg, each way, daily, (Sundays excepted,) on times arranged U connect properly with these rouus; wuu tuo uumbcrliiml Valley and Harris uorg aim i.uncosicr Kailroads, at Hnrrisluirg and with tho Cuttuwistat Railroad, uud ils north. urn euiiiiucuoiis at foil tJllllton. EM, WOOD MOHItls), Eng. ic Supt. March 7, 157 fiiii.pd. BROADWAY FAMILY GROCERY! Flour, Feed and Provision toro. Broadway below Blackberry Street LEVI SEASHOLTZ,' RESPECTFULLY inform the citizen, of huubury and v.cinity tlut uo lus .lllovej to the store lately occupied by C. (iehringer in Broadway near the JJoad, and is receiving a choice supply of a FAIAILTZ" GROCERIES, consisting in prt of Hums, Shoulders, Mackorer, Herring, White Fish, Cod Fish, Suit Prcseived Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Kice, Sugar, Cofl'ce, (green, roasted and ground,) Im perial, Young Hyon, Cunpowder and Dlack Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, hrushea plow and wash lines, boot and shoes, tobacco, segars, &c.; together with every article usually found in first class Grocery Store, all of which will be sold at thejowest prices, either for cash or country produce. He has also prepared to sup ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretzels and cakes of every kind. N. 1). The highest cash prites will ba paid for butter and eggs, corn, oats, rye and wheat. Sunbury, April 11, 1857. IJOKTaud MADEJilA WINES, Schiedam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Ulackberry and Luvendct brandies for medicinal purposes at March IVS7. A. V. FISHEK. NEW ARRIVAL OF , FAIL AND WINtER GOODS f 1 Ira T. Clement iVO. 1, CORNER 0FMARKW1 SQUARE, A 8 juat received large supply of Tall and I Winter finmla. IU ill continue to sell t)rT Goods and Gro ceries CH EArER than ever, as his goods are botiRht cheap they will he sold clienp. He feels confident with Ills experience and ability, that he can compete with the World at large and Sunbury in particular. He would enumerate articles it tune and spaco would permit. It is enough to say that he ha everything in tue line of Dry Goods, Groceries, A In rjr.e Slock of rtcatly-Made OLOTHINO, BOOTS AND SirOES, frc, j c, that is kept in any other store in town, and His banner is on the breeze. And long may it wave O'er Innd of Uie free, , And the home of the brave While her Stars and her Stripe Shine out like the Sun, Telling all nations That Freedom's begun. This is a free country as was election of Uuc.hannn over the proved by the Wooly Horae, therefore it is free for all to do tlicir trading where they can UUY ho CHEATEST. All are invi ted to call and are. THE COUNTRY, as well ni the town are respectfully invited, and every person, rich or poor, high or low, bond or free are invited to cnll at No. 1 Mnrkknt Square, opposite the Court House. P, H. He is not to lio nnilersoltl 1Y any man or combination of men. No eliargo for shuwing cooils. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. Sunbury, Dec. 80,1856. Saddle and Harness Maker. IIENBT HAUPT, JR. Successor to A. J. Slroh, KESPECTFIj'I.LY informs the citizens of Sunbury and the pub lic generally, that he has taken the establishment lately occupied A. J Stroh and is prepared to turn out work in is line of business equal to any made iu 111 i s, section of the country, Orders promptly rxecu ted and all kinds of produce taken in Excliango Sunbury, May 9, Ih57. ly IT'ishinK Tackle. Fed Cork, Crass, Cot- - ton and I.incn I.iaes, Out Lines, Sea Crass by the yard, Snoods, Flics, Kirby, .imerick and Carlisle Hooks, UoUs, etc., lor salo ly March 41. 'hi. A.W.FISHER. ZDEISl TISTBY. GEOIiUE UKjNN, A NNOUNCE8 to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinty, that ho has opened on olficcin Sun- btirv, above II. J. Wulvertott's oliice opposite U. Wcovcr's Hotel, wiicro he is prepnrcd Io attend to all kinds of work belonging to Ihc profession, in the latest and most improved style. All work well done and warranted. , . December 13, 1R56. R. DECOU & CO. Clothiers, No. 141 Chistnut St., amove Fourth, 1 H1LADKLPHIA, Keep conflamry on hnd a fplcndij aflortmcnt ol Readj-madc Clothing CaUODa MADB TO OrDI'R AND WaP.RANTEU TO FIT. Nov. 29, 1856. y Citrate of Magnesia OR TASTELESS SALTS. "BHIIS prepariliim is recommended as an ex- - rellent laxative and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade lit flavor, prepared ami sold by A. Vv. USHEK. Sunbury, March H, 18.rG. Importer and Wholesale Dealer in SALT. 38 South Whnrvcs, Philadclphij. j-k ASHTON Fine, Liverpool (iround, t V. l urks Is hiiiI ami llmrv Sn t ( lT'tn ill lv on linml noil fur .uli. in lota t-' to suit the trade. April 4, 1857. 6m HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. Tli ik tiuir ilyc nerds only a trial tu BntiilV ull of its ntr- litiDii un Ha u Dye, odd ihe ftiltowiiiK lt'8tinimi;i (nun Hint eminent Analytic ClictiiiBt, rinruiitir Ji.tli, of Uie I1, n. Mint, will imly I'oiilirui wliul LlaiiKtmU Imvu pre- viuuwj inniic ii.-i.iiiii!1) n. 41i.AlIUHATUKV SOU VRKCTiVAU ChKMIHTRV, ) Ht. Stfnlieiri. I'lai-f. riuLADKUMiiA. rjlrunf y Ttht iftsf. utMiitf wen nriutitnu-(i with the miliKlaiii'tv naitHmiiiK Huovkk' I.uiui. Uaik Dvk, I am u-Hit-lit-d by fulluw- liiV thu simple tl.rrrthim. given tor its use, it will not injure tne Hair or Mvin, but will give u nnturul audtluru- uie coHr iu uie it.'tir. JA.MKS C. BOOTH, AimlMicCliemia." HOOVKR'S ViUTI.G INKS, immtlimr ll.Hr'i IMuitl, and IImvirr,i hulcllihle Inks, ure too well kimwn nml intitxlucni to require any utlditional tetttiniutiy of 1 1 urn cliaiitrlur. J lie ealei luive teeii iiH'rtufinK siitne their first iutnultiftion, givinir evidence that the iirtirlei truly fHisBcmj that intrinsic mciit tluiincd ut Jiisl fi.i them liy tht' Mntiuuictiiri'r. OhIith. 1itltlrfHM.f1 toTthe Manufactorv. Nit. 4lfi RAI & btruct uUive l-Ol li I'll, (..Id Wo. JU,) riiiladclphia, will receive hroiimt utiention Iy JOSKI'li F. HOOVKR, Mauutueturcr i-niiaiieiniiiu, April yj, ito. iy 2STE"W CONFECTIONARY WHOLESALE AND EETAIL, M. C. GEA1UIART, f AS just received a new and excellent assort a meiit of goods at his Confectionary and Fruit Store in MAHKKT STKISET, Suiiburv, where he manufactures and keeps on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, &c, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among his stock of Coufeclioiiaries, muy be Ion mi French Se'creUi, Gum Drnpa, all kinds of scent, 1 ...... 1 , ' Jiurneil Alinonils, Cream Wliita, JjCMllOll Rnsr, Vanilla, Common Secicta. Liquorice, jliiiian.ia, ll.iC-, l.l.B lll', Mint Dnips, red nnd white, Jrlly Cukes, Fiuit Omits, flick Can, lies, ii all scents idles cunay, Alui'iiid Ciuidv. FRUIT. Prunes, Fis, CllriihS. Currants drit'tl, AIIUUHUS, Ruisnns, Nuts of all LKM0N' SYKUr of a superior quality, by the singlo or dozen. A superior quality of IScgais and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectioneries, fruit, &c, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CRE-A-JVC. He has alsa opened an Fee Cream Saloon, and will ut all times bo roady to servo his customers with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May 21, 1856. ly New Drugs), Paiuts, &c. NEW supply of Hrugs, Paints. Oils, Fluid, 4.C, just received and for sale by A. W. f 1MHEK. Sunbury, May 2, 1857. FURNITURE POLISH. 8. RAE'S Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. This polish is highly valuable for restor, ing the polish on all kinds of Furniture, Class, Carriage bodies, Huir Cloth, 4c. Also, for re moving spots, hiding scratches, 4c, 4c. War ranted to dry immediately and retain its gloss. Price 50 cts. per bottle, bold by A. V FISHER. March 14, !8dr. LAYER'S ! Cathartic Pills, (SVOAR COATED.) sat MAUI T 0I.EAH8E THE BLOOD ARD CTTBII THE BICK. Invallda, Fathers, Molhcrs, Fhriictaai, Fhllmilhrnpiats, rl tnnr r.nccta, ana Jinle of their Virtues. FOH THE CURB OF Headache, Sick lIondnchp.Fonl Stomneh. ' . 1 1 wr.K T. Atm. Sir t have iwon rnwntMly enrei of tho wmut lm-l)i ho any Iwty cun rmvo by a d-wo r two of ymir ViWn. It Mim tonrlic funmaflttil ntnmiw:i, hvh Uiy riwvrirte iu imicr. ir nicy win cur oineni m nvj w Die. tlm fnt U wnrth IciHivrliiff. ' . . i.s . wrr fttivnt W Cttrk tf Staamer Vhtrion. Tj.Uonft Disorders end Liver Complaint. Drpaktmitt o to IirrRRioa, V ASHirtum, 1). C 7 iVoh.. 1B64. f PtR! I have nmd ronr I'llln In m emioral and luxtnltal nrartloe urrr ihitu vou mtnm tlipin. ami cau not htwltMo to tmy tliry are tit lntit. cdthnrtlr wa cmplny. Their ffljn- (HtHiff ncllnn nil IIH mfT wqiiH'n ami iH.'cition, cmiiwiiicni ly they art) mi ilniiirtlln mucfly for rlcranKcmonrdof tbnt oriati. Jnildcij, 1 Imvo rvidtm imum a emu oi vntout in cujjc no olmiiiiKti Hint it na not rrnntiy yifiu in mrm. t'ratcnmlly youin, aIsUI.u hai.i. m. u.. Phyiiciun of Ui4 Marine Hospital. Dynf-ntrry, Relax nnd Worms. TopT Orru-R, 1Iahti.akb,, Mich., Nov. 1, lBfti. Tin. Avp.n Yunr Pllln aro tho'iforfpction of uiedlcine. Tliy lur done my wife inor pHl titan I can loll yon. Tne imu liWH HirK nmi mim(J; hwj mr miuimiih. nt-m nIT In lm disrtnror. nt a rust exnutiito. hilt tmt lt( bftttcr. Ph thn romnnmrwi tuklnpc ymti' ruw.wnicn morx cnrwi nr, hy xM-HitiR Inrjro rimiitltWi of wofni (dfiid) front hr lirily. Thr-y iitWwrwh. cured hor and our two chlUliya nf hloodv dvwntiTV. Oiif uf our tieliflilKir lnd It Iwl.nnd my wife currd him witJi two km n of your TilU, wlilla otlmia ri rou nl imi paid fnm flvo to twenty Uullart doctorrj lii I In, nnd lott rnncli lime, without ogiiik cm en ennn-iy awn tlim. Hudt a nttHrlnu an join a, wliicli Is aotnalljf good and iioncflt, will w i ir.mi nora. IndiecRtion nnd Impurity oJ the lllood Yia Itev. J. V. Wmrt, Jitvr qf Alvnl C'Awrcft, limelm. Ira. Atr.R: t hnvo yvA your 1'illrt with cxtnionllimry BucrcMH in my rfimMynnd munnR thte I nm rnltod to visit In iHtrtst. 'To ri-mihitp tht oi ir:tn of illircfiliiin Rttd inn tfy tho Mood tlny aiv th very Inwt rcimily I Imvo evor known, and I can mnfldfullj toconuiinnd them tn my meuiu. kiiurn, ! v. iiinro. WxnsAW, IVvoMivn Crv, N. V.. Oct. 24, 165. DfARfia: 1 am ttfilntfyonrfiitlinitir Pilln in nMritc- tlcf, anil llnd tli"in tin excellent pttrgntlve to cleuiito tho fiyatein and jiurtly Uie fountnfiin of tit hiooil. rryipelns Scrofula, Kind's Kvil, Tetter, 1 n mors, an a mm liiiuuni From a Rtrwanlivy Mtnhitnt of 7-o;it, 4, ISfifl. 1r. Atfri Ynnr l'tlh nro t!io rwir.icfm of nil thrir n Rrent In ntfMHfino. Thy Imvo cured tny llttln diinphter of nlreroni wiren upon liur linntn nnd feet that had proved ineinnMe for yeRr. I1"t mother h leen hnij Kil-vui!-lv aftlirted with hlotelioH Hnd pimples on her Hkin nnd In her hair. After our eliiM wrw cured. pIi mm tried ywur PilU, ami they httvc rnnil her. ASA .MUJiiiitiiHiis. Hhciimntiin. Neurnluin, nnd Cout. the h'ev. lr. n-iwlrt, oUie MriluKiit Kin'n. tvn-h 1'UI.AfKl IIOl'PR, PAVANVAII, fi A., .full. . lPu". Honors i Sir : 1 uliould tre imKratiTnl for tho ndi'T your nkill htm hruuvrht me If I did not report my rive to yon. A enlil nidlled in my limlni nnd trnnr-nt on cxritKinTinn nuraliili: iNiitm, which emleit in elnonir rlMinintim. NotM ithstttiidiiitt 1 hnd I he host of pliy.icitina, the dijMo pr.rew wom und wtim. until, hy the advice of yunr excel h'lit aeent in liiiltinmie. Ii Makenio, I tried jour I'ilU. Tlirir ellix-tn were flow, hut mho. liy pcraoveriutj in tho uso of I hem 1 am now entirely well. Br nat Chamtjbh, Bato Kqi'qk, 5 Dec., T)n. Avkr : I hae l"'un entirely cured hy your Pills of RhctmmUc Ootit a painful dis ase tlmt hnd itflUctt-d mo br years. VIXt'l.NT ISI.l DKl,f. For Ilropny, rlrthorn, or UmiH'd i oin- Elnliits, ieiiiiiiiig nn acUvo purge, they aio an oxcuh ut remedy. For f ostivriirsa or Ccnstinntion. nnd ns Uiitiier 111, thy nro aienihlt' nnd elhrtiiftl. Fit, Suppression, PnrnlyM, Iiitlamnin tlou, and even I-nfncM. ami Pnrllnl Ulliiil- nens, have ucou ciuea oy the aittrauvc action oi ineeg Pilla. stoat of tho oIliN In market contain Mercury, which, al though a alunl le retneily In skilful hnndu, is duiierfnii In a puhlie pill, from th dreadful romtcquwnres that fro quently follow it incnutioiiK u. Theso contain uo mer cury or niiiierul uhoUnte whatever. AYER'S CHERRY TECTORAL iOn THE RAPID Ct!KK OP COTJGIIS,C01.Ir,110AnSKKiaS,IjPI.V- i:ZA, ItKONCIIITIJ, AVIIOOFIAU COl'UIl, (HOtT, ASTHMA, IA' CIPIICXT CONSriUPTIOiV. nd for the relief of coiuuunptlvu iUicuti iu alvanced ttitfCOfl of the diseiuto. We, need not uneak to tlm tmUic of Ita tlrtuti. Throiiphotil a very town, and ultuor-t every hnmlet W the Americiin rtntett. Ita wondctuil cured oi ntinif mary ci'ni phiint have nmdu it already known. Nay. few re tho fHUiilitu in any civilied cotiutiy on thtt continent without Mine perfonal" e.xpericnce ol eir'-ctts; mid fewer yet tho cominunitios any whr-re mIiIcIi hnvu not niuon them some living trophy of ito victory over tde MnMIe and tlan-tftfi-oiiti dNcieMis of the throat and lunprt. hile it it the mowt Hweiful antitlote yet knowu to man for the formi dalilu and dntitcvroiiN diKt'Hc of the puhnonaiy oiHiin, it Is altto the pli'iisiintcst nnd Purest rctueiiy ihiit run ik1 em ployel for infuntx nnd yonnn imtwid. Pnrent H ton Id liure it in store uaitiHt thu insidious enemy that n ton In uton them tuipupitred. Wc litwo nhtiudant t;roumtH t helicvrt t!iu CiiiKitv Pt:cTon a I. retve more livuH hy the con vuuiptious it prcs;tit thiin those it cures. Keep it hy yon. nnd ctm vonr ml da while they aro curuMe, nor neg lect them until no hurmui fkill can iiitiMicr the im-xotuhlu cnnlti'r tlmt. fastened on the vititltt. wttn yotir life nw:ty. All know the tlreu'lt'ut fitUliu of hitij: iliM.rd' in. and tia tle y know tio tho virtues of this remedy, we ncd not do more than totnettirw them (t ia still nimlo the l.ot it rnu tie. We r)uu'o no cont, no care, no toil to produce it tho most lierfect iMWisihle. mid thus n fluid those wln rel V irtl U tho Uist HKvnt which our skill can fnruudi for their cure. PRErARED BY DR. J. C. AVER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Xowell, Mass, AK1 SOLD BY A. V. Fisher. Sunbury ; Dird ft John, lbamiikin V Wicnici, Niirtliumberlaml ; J. K. Cusluw, Miltmii llnys tc McCoriuit'k, McKwuisville and liy all Druggists thriHiuhiiut lha cnuiity. August 111, Iboli ly BKUDIXU & 1'UItXlSMIXtsTruSIXKSS Cabinet Maker's Findings, 31ip snliscriliern resticctfully infiirm their frienil and tho public pr nerull y, tlmt llii'y huve rnnitec led Willi their ISuililinpr k ruriiihliiurr husiness a large anil well ossorttd stock uf Cabinet .Maker a Findings, at their old stand Ao. B'i South Second Street, beloto Chestnut, Philadelphia. They have associated with litem V. 8. Brown who li.ia been for many years nnrraged in the piineipnl establishment or the kind in this city. The stuck of (ionds now on hand comprises every description of innlcrKnla used by Cabinet Mukors, consisting in part of the following, viz; Hardware department. Locks, Hinges, Screws Castors, Vied Screws, Chair and Sofa Springs, Collin Handles, &c. Cahinet Maker's Materials, Hair Seating, Curled Hair, Looking Class 1' biles and Frames, Clue, Varnish, Sand I'aper, 7jurlnps, iiluck and Fancy Silk and Worsted Uimp, Sofa and Chair Webbing, Twine, Sacking bottoms, A'osewood, Mahogany, Wuinut anj Mania Knobs, Class Screws, &c. lledding Department, Hair, Husk, Moss, Wool and Cotton Mattresses, Feather i'eds, Holsters and Pillows ; I'lush, Damask and Moreen Cush ions ( Comfortables, Counterpanes, Linen and Cotton Sheets, Pillow Cases, Linen and Cotton Towels, Table Cloths, Table Linen, 7'uble Cov ers, Moreen, Deinusk and Plush by the piece, Moss and Husk hy the hale or pound. The Hair Stinting and Curled Hair is from the Philu. Manufactory of D. & J. Xoblit. N. II Hotels, Steam Duals and Ships fur nished at the shortest notice. NO; LIT. HKOWN & NOI1LIT, 83 South 'Ind St., below Chestnut. (Nearly opposite Bank of Pennsylvania.) Philadelphia, August 0, 185(i. ly. PHILIP H. FTODT. WIIOLKSALS lllll ItKTAl h Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut and Wuter Streets, rillLADKLriHA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4, 1850 tf ER0DHEAD & ROBERTS Nu. 135, A. 3d Street, riIXZ.ADBZ.rBIA, INVITE the attention of country merchants t and others, to their stock of BOOTS 5c SHOES, which they will dispose of on the most reason able terms. Nov. 9, 18f6.- ly BOAT AND MULES FOB S-AXiia. THE subscriber offers at private sale, PIV COOD MULES, and a good SHA W'NE K BOAT, with fixtures. Tho above will le sail cheap, and on reasonable terms. JACOU SEASHOLTZ, agent for JOHN BLACK. Bunbury, March 88, 1857. tf 1" AND WARRANTS. The highest prica -will be given for Land Warrants by thu sub- 1 vtibw. 11. B MAUSER. 4 THE subscriber respectfully informs the cttl Mns of Sunbury and th public generally, Minna ns Commenced ths manufacture oi an kinds f BAHTIIftNWARK, at his manufactory In Whortleberry Street, one square east ol the Hirer. II has engaged th services of Mr. lUsr. and you can therefor depend on having a good article. Th public are respectfully invited to call. ftl orders Irom a distance will b promptly attended t. P. M. SH INDEL. Bunbury, Feb. 8, 1856. If JOHN If. ALLEN &, CO. Moa. t and 4 Chestnut Street, (aoutli side, brlnw Wntcl,) (Tarn Olhrst Woo-wsaa Hovsa m ins Cut ) AN.UFACTllRKHS ami Wholesale dealers In Pntenl Wuro. wnrrented not to ilnink, VtH-d and Willow-Wars Cords, Brnahen. Ao .of all detcriutiom. fleasa cull and exumina our Muelr. Fohruary H3t 1857. ly w VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. fflHE subscribers, Execntors of the estate of JL Henry Masser, dee'd., oiler at private sale the following property ti : A large two story frame dwelling house, together with about 50 ACRES OP LAND, Situate tn Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupnncy of John It. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house is new and tho location a good one for buttie3. AlsoaTRACT OF I.IMESTONR LAND, In snid township nn the river about IS miles be low Sunbu, y, adjoining lands of . I. 1, M 1 'hereon and others, containing, about UU acres. The soil ia productive and contains limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of Lnnd, enntnining about 3S acres on the hill, about two milos below Sunbury, adjoining lands of the hciis of tho late John Conrad and others. There is, on this tract, a amall orchnrd of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscriber!-. H.H.MASSKU, ) P. U. MASSER, Kxccutor. FRANCIS BUCHER.i Bnnhury, January 19, 1850. tf MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, .MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. rnH IS largo and commodious Hotel is aitua- U. ted nearly hnlf way between fSuiibury and -Pottsvillo. Tho scenery tho salubrity of the atmosphere and tho cool mountain, make it ono of tho most delightful summer retreats in the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four stories high, fitted up with nil tho modern con vcnictices. Tho pure mountnin water is intro duced into every chamber. Tho place is easy of access, being but ono and a half hours ride from Hunbury, over llio Philadelphia and biun- bury Rail Road. From Pottsville, it is 17 miles. hvery attciuhinco will be paid by tho proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Charges mode rate. JESSE KICE. MU Carmel, May 24, lSBfi. tf b7newland"&co. Looking Glasses, Picture Frames, fcnuruvlngs anil Paintings, No. 12C Arch Street, above Sixth, (Late of 2 18 North Second Si.) PHILADELPHIA. GititniF.s ortw uailt tu visiTons. Merchants and others visiting the City who may want anything in our lino will do wull to give us a call. February 28,1807 8m M. ATISE. CHEAP WATCH AND JKWELUY STOKE No 72 North. Second Street, opposite ih iiiounl I')-non House.) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jewelod, 18 K, ca ses, !i(28 ; Silver Lever do,, do., $12; Sil ver Lepinc, do., $9! Ouartier. 5 to 7: Gold Spectacles, $4 50 to $10 ; Silver do., $1 fit) j Silver Jable Sjioons per selt, $14 to .18 Silver Desert do., do.,9 to SI 1 ; Silver Tea do., do., 4 75 tn $7 5(1 ; Gold Pens and Gold Ca ses, !J(3 25 to !-f5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do. . $ I ; together with a variety of fino Gold Jewelry, (Sold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All gtoils warranted to be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in tho best manner. Also, Ma sonic Murks, Pins, &c, made to order. N. B. All orders sent by mail or olherwuo. will bo punctually attended to. Phila., Oct. 4, lHrifi. lyw. PKTIill SI I) ICS, Latent Itie firm nf StcvcAS, jas.s. srovtcR. ljiti' nt the Union fluid. niiiiiiiftRiir.iti a lii. NATIONAL HOTEL, (llTl WHITS IW1X, Race Street, above Third, PIlII,A.Dlil.llllA. ffHE above well-known Establishment, have- 1. ing been entirely rcmoileld, introducing all uie modern improvements, and olso, newly fur nished throughout, will be opened for tho rccep tiou of Guests, on the FJRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER. The proprietors, from their determination to devote their attention to the comfort of theirguests Hatter themselves with the conviction that Ihoy will be able to give satisfaction to their patrons. Carriages will always be in readiness to con vey passengers to and from Steamboat Landings and uuilruad Depots. SIDES If STOVER, Race Street, above 'I bird, Philadelphia, August 30, 18i0. ly C. EElTZEPwT'S WMOLKSILK AMU Rt'.TAlL BOOT STOEE, 40 South Fourth S.t, above Chesnut, Phil'u. ST)OOTS, Shoes, Cuitets, Ac-, promptly made j? to order iu the very best style, and of tho oesi material. Philadelphio, May 9, 1857. Leather! Leather! Leather I IIKNUY . OVHHIIMN, IMPORTIUI of French Pull' rikhisiiml e,.iionil Leather il.'uier, No. ti Soiitli Third street, Pliiludrlphm. A swmral assortment of ull kinds uf LculUr Aloroeos, lied mid Onk Soln l.eiitlmr. February 114, ia.'a.y w L. O. IVES' Produce nud Fruit Store, No. 15 North Wharves, Philadelphia. Shipping and Country Oorders promptly filled on responsible orders. Farmera and Dealers' Produce Sold on Com mission. Apples, Bananas, Pine A pples, Diied Fruit, Onions, Oranges, Shell Burks, Raisins, Beans, Lemons, White fc Sweet Figs, Turnips, Cranberries, Potatoes, Poultry, 'caches, Ground Nunts, Chesnuts, Eggs, &c. Foreign .and Domestic Produce and Fruit gen erally, February 28, 18S7. Iy A SHANTY i on SAL13. rTUIE subscriber offers for sale his SHANTY, d. Cook-Stove, &.c, on the Kail-Road below Trevorton bridge. Apply soon la H. U. MASSER. 8unbury, April JS, 1857. FOR SALE. A Good second-band Cuugy. oftiea. Apply at this FOR ZREXsTT. deceased, January, IT, 18r7, PATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS ft bar bottles for tola by n. a maoontt. Sunbury, July 19, 185rj Shamokin White Ash Anthracite Coal omthe "OldJ'ein" in the GapColliery. T H. ZIMMERMAN A JNO. r. PL'KSEL, suceeasort to Kasc, Kocd ft Co., will con tittu mining, ahipping and selling coal from the above well known Colliery, under the firm of Zimmerman A Pursel. The point of shipment is nt the lower wharf in Sunbury , Northumber land county, Pa., where all orders for the various Kinus oi coal, tu t Lump, Broken, Egg, Stove, and Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully received nuu iiuuiii.ijT auviuicu 10. Bunbury, July 14, 185S, . fuisaunt, Jolt 5, 1853. The firm of Kaae, l!eed n Co. having snid their lease in the Gap Colliery and interest in tlm wharf at Bunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman tc Pursel, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and others to the new firm, as they will be able to sell them prepared coal f tho best ijualily, KAS13, UF.ED&. CO. HAYD0CK & FIDDLER, rXEALERS in Watches and Jewelry, will - continue the business at tho old stand of James B. Fidlcr, No. 12 South Second Street, riiiLAtiHi.riiiA, Where they aolicit an examination of their lame 1 ......I. f. ,; ..... " aim Ysiii-u suits, iceiing assureu tlmt tlio ex pc rience both of them have had iu tho business, nnd the facilities they possess for procuring goods on the most ndvantageons terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now on hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JKWEI.IlV, Silver, Plnted and Brittauia Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Oeods, &e., &c. N. II Repairing of Watches and nil kinds of Jewelry attended to with promptness and the greatest care. Philu., April 7, 1855. tf. a Mix. ii. iisiii-:r's6iv, NAUUFAi rUIIKRS or TRUNKS, VALISES, &C, 1 16 Chesnut Street, front of Jam s' Hotel, PHILADELPHIA ii HAS on hand the vlteapest, and best assortment of 1 'TI TRUNKS CARPET BAG'S, EVER OFFERED TO.THIi Pt DLIC. Solo Leather, Solid Riveted, Iron Finnic, Iron Uouinl Travcllidg Trunks ; Puckiug do, Valises ; Ladies' Bonnet Cases; Carpet Hags, Satchels, etc., by the quantity or single article, lower lhau can ue hoiight nt any other place in the cily. July fi, 18.10. WHITE HOUSE HOTEL. POTTSVILLE, PA. THE subscriber respectfully announces to hi, old friends and the public, that lie has tuken lhat old and well known establishment, iho Whits Horse Hotel. At (he corner of Centre und Mahiintogo sis., in the Dorough of Pottsville. The house has re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it ipiilo ns comfortable as any oilier Hotel in A'chuylkill cnimtj wbilo the slnblesnro large, in good condition and at Und by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and others who may stop at his house, ho promises every attention calculated Io render them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FECER. April 9, IBS'.- tf HENRY D0NKEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OJJice opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Frempt attention to business in adjoining Counties. OPI'OSITU WKST11HANCII IIA.NK, WILLIAMSPOBT, PA., WItUtM II. 13 IV. Pioprlt lo.-. C. A. Srnixs, Assistant. N. II. An Omnibus will rnn Io nnd from llie Depot and Packet Landings, to this Hotel, free of charge. Sop lumber 13. 18.11! tf ' DANVILLE HOTEL. JOHN DEEN, JXi., Murlxt Street, Danville, Pa, riTHI.S is one 01 the largest and most rmmmr A dieus holds in the interior of Pennsylvania it has been reeiiilly filled up, in cxcvllvnl style, with all the modern conveniences. Danvilled, Sept. 22, IKIifi. Choiip Wutclics fyJcwi'lr-. liyHOLKSALE and Retail, at tho "PhiUlel 1 ' phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 'JO North Second Street, corner nf Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Wuleliva, lull juwrlul, IK carat caries, JS CO Um, l.e,ine lsk. S-'l.(lli;i-'jnC Silver .nctn.-ks. KMI Silver l.cp. full jewlleil. Sfi. (il,l linieelels, 3.00 Silver Lover, lull jewl'd l-J I iidies' GoM I'eurila, I .no Superior i( Humeri, 7. Silver Tea smions, ml, S,no Gcilil Spe. tai'les, 7.mi Gold Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder, I ,nn Oold Finger Kings, 37$ cents to $30 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12$ cents; Patent, IHj ; Luuel, 25T; other articles iu proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. STA l.-FFEK & HAKLEV, On hand, soma Cold and Silver Levers auJ Lepines, still lower than the above prices. Oct. 4, IflMi. ly. A R.NOLD'S W IUTI XG FLni)Tn7 A dhe sive and legal envelopes, for sale by II. 1J. MASSER. 8unluiry. Jon 10. IHSfl. GEORGE SCHALL & CO. 1IA t FAl Tt lll.ll OF BX.A.STII3"C3- POWDER, Ml. Carmel, Northumberland County, Pa. May 10, 18fifi T)LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank, Mortgages, Uonds, Exerutioiik, Summons &c, for saleb II. il. MASSES Sunbury ,Apri 2(1,1856 STOVES- TjTOR SALE an excellent second hand Cook ing Stove, also several Cylinder CoaJ Slnves. Enquire at this oflieo. 1 OLD PEXS with and without cases, of very suiierior uualitv. inst received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for aalo bY H. II . MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 57. 1R56- GO.SU EX CHEESE. Jast received and for a'oby LEVI SEASHOLTZ April II, ISJ.7. OILVER WATCHES. A few double ca.-o- PnirllKb Kilir W..(t,., t... I prices liy Sunbury, April 12, 1RS(1. II. 11 MASSER. AMERICAN HOUSE, WILLIAMS TOUT, PA., J. II. liM.TO.V, l'i oprletor. Jas. T. Haix. Asa't. Sept. 13, 1856. tf JIJRE OLIVE OIL for table UFe, two she at 37$ and 02$ ccnU just received by t , A. W. FISHER, March 14, '67. ' Mirth 11, '57. A. W. FISHER'S. PuUl' MOX AIEs, Tooth and I all 'luuliiio, and any uuauti y, for sale by a. W. FISH IK. 1 Marc'u 11, 57.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers